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» Legion World » LEGION CLUBHOUSE » Long Live the Legion! » Musings on Dream Crime-the entire arc (SPOILERS) (Page 1)

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Author Topic: Musings on Dream Crime-the entire arc (SPOILERS)
Kid Prime

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There was a lot of potential with this story. I think some of it was lived up to, some... not so much.

Dream Crime was billed as a good starting point for new readers. To an extent, that was true, as the story was fairly basic super-heroic fare, beautiful and strong heroes fighting against a mentally-powered bald big-headed megalomaniac. (Reference the movie Unbreakable here.) [Smile] So in that way, it was fairly easy to get into. And Batista's detailed yet unique art was also very easy to get into. I think the Legion actually will pick up new readership because of this arc, which is a good thing.

Still, a superhero story is generally only as good as the threat the bad guy poses, and in this case, while the threat was certainly cosmic in proportion, it seemed... warmed over. We've all seen the hive-mind takeover before. It was done better when Darkseid took over Daxam in the Great Darkness. It was even done better in DnA's very own Legion of the Damned. In Dream Crime... the blank stares, the slack jaws, the poor fighting reflexes... we've ALL seen it before, and done better.

Now, it IS quite possible that a lot of what we saw in the dream sequences (grown up Cub, black hole Thom, and the reemergence of Darkseid) is foreshadowing for the Legion's future, which I applaud, but it didn't really help this story, did it?

Now, lest anyone think I hated this story, I DIDN'T. I enjoyed seeing the alien beauty of planet Titan in the first issue. I enjoyed Imra's dreams in the second issue THOROUGHLY. As a matter of fact, Legion #20 just might be my very favorite single issue of the new series thus far. Both the art and the story were very emotional and evocative, and the last-page cliffhanger was very nice. Part 3 was also very well-handled. The battle royale with Darkseid's troops was great to see! I'd like to see more intense fight scenes like that, even if it wasn't real. I liked Shikari's moment of seeing through to the truth. And the interplay between she and Sensor was thoroughly enjoyable.

I enjoyed seeing KK and Ferro's return in part 4. The little touches, like Shikari's embrace of sensor and Ferro's hand on KK's shoulder, were especially well-done. I enjoyed hearing Val and Andy speak in their own voices, Val terse and direct, but with volumes beneath the surface, and Andy his honest, simple, and loyal self.

However, nothing in issue 5 was at all original. How many times have we seen Sensor pull the rug out from beneath someone's perceptions? How many times have we seen Nura get a last-minute flash that ultimately saves the day, but causes teammates to disbelieve her? How many times have we seen Imra engage in psi-war to finish someone off? And don't EVEN get me started on Cub's deus ex machina. All of this was as basic as could be. Remedial Comics Writing 101. And STRONGLY remniscent of the way the Legion beat Mordru in Legionnaires #50.

Still, it didn't surprise me, because by the 4'th part ended, I could see where the story was going. Dream Crime was not about extravagant plotting, intensity, and action, which is exactly why the climax of the story was so cardboard to me. This arc was designed to get the Legion from point A to point B to point C. The battle with Universo was secondary to showing us Titan, reintroducing the new sassy, salty, hominid Sensor (who I find jarring in the wake of the previous demure Jeka, but I like), rescuing Ferro and Karate Kid, and introducing Nura to the team once and for all. Universo was merely a means to these ends.

Perhaps this is why I liked part 2 so much... it came out of nowhere and really connected me emotionally with Imra for the first time since Legion Lost. Also, Batsita's creativity in drawing the Legionnaires in a civilian setting was just darned beautiful! More of that, please!!!

A note about the art. I think Batista is right for this book. I would like to see him pour a bit more emotion into the characters, but I think that'll come in an arc where the conflict isn't as cookie-cutter and basic as this one was. Batista's detail is AMAZING. Also, I've forgiven Jason Wright for that yellow issue a while back. His colors are beautiful.

In closing...

My favorite issue of the arc: #20 with a bullet.

My least favorite: #23 with a bigger bullet.

Positives: seeing Val and Andy, new Sensor, the glimpse into Imra's mind, Titan, the dream battle with Darkseid, all of Shikari's scenes.

One BIG negative: Ultimately (dream battle with Darkseid aside) the most boring and by-the-books conflict we've seen in a good LONG while. Maybe since the Archie Legion. Even though the conflict with Universo was secondary to the character development in this arc, I expect better from the talented and creative minds of Abnett and Lanning.

I give the entire arc a C+ for writing, B+ for art.

[ August 27, 2003, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Kid Prime ]

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.

From: Birmingham, AL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Super Lad Kid
part-time lurker

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Wow, Kp. You've pretty much put my own thoughts in print before I could think 'em. My biggest problem with the whole arc was its length. Stretching a story to 5 issues is automatically going to draw comparisons to other epics of the same length, or at least it does in my mind. I'm not really sure we saw much progress as a whole in these 5 issues than say the Great Darkness Saga or even the Fatal Five story in early Legionnaires. It just seemed drawn out. I really wouldn't have minded this in three issues.
From: Michigan | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I agree it was much too long. I also agree Part 2 was superb, and part 1 (highlighting Titan) almost as good. Dream Crime succeeded best in advancing the characterizations of Jeka, Nura and Imra, and also served to reunite and strengthen the team in preparation for the greater threat to come. Because I never saw Universo as anything other than a mustache-twirling villain, I thought the ending was fitting. Plus, I'm probably one of the few people here who thought Cub's inadvertent intervention was an amusing touch.

That said, I understand why others might be disappointed, especially if their favorite characters spent most of the arc as mindless zombies.

I give it a B overall for writing and a B+ for art.

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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Imra's dream was my favourite of the series as well. It developed the character quite a bit, and gave her aspects we hadn't really seen before (the fears, the inferiority, self-doubt) and made her a lot more interesting.

And we certainly do have an inkling that we haven't seen the last of the "Black Hole".

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I liked this issue, although I was wondering why it had to be Cub that distracted Universo. Surely there was some infant on Titan with strong telepathic powers who would have done the same.

For me, part four was the weak point of the arc, but I'm not exactly sure why right now.

Current Obsession: Birds of Prey/Secret Six

From: Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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Bump*** [Cool]
From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Blockade Boy

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I'd like to see what this boards creative minds could do with that last issue, picking up from the fourth book. I know we'd get something much better than what DnA offered.

For me, the arc wasn't too long, IF the ending battle with Universo had held up. For me, I am happy, even prefer, a panel or two of extra art to show me something new about the setting even if it doesn't seem to advance the main plot. Of course I am happier if that panel accomplishes both without additional dialog or words even.

Maybe because I did not enjoy the writing on #23, the art also seemed rushed. My perspective could be off, but the diner scene in #23 doesn't seem to make near the impression as it did in the earlier issue.

All in all, KP hit most of the positives I found in this arc, but I still prefer to call them side stories to the main battle.

What is it about DnA that they seem to build a great story but their endings do not seem to make the grade with many on the boards? Can it be quantified?

From: East Toledo | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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DnA endings - Legion Lost had a great ending. And I liked the ending of the Computo saga, with that unresolved disappearance of nutsy Sharn Nux. Ra's accepting to stay imprisoned was a nice touch, subtle - but some of the others have been *thud* or everything wrapped up in one panel (like the Fatal Five story).

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Even sacks of anti-energy need lovin'

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The Fatal Five ending I culd take since it was a Timberwolf story more than anything and I have no problem skipping over the Legion stomping the FF condiering how outnumbered they were in that case.

Regarding "Dream Crime" I agree with those who felt this dragged on for too many issues and could have been told in three (if not two). If you're going to make it five issues, I felt that more should have happened. The arc of the story was basically: 1)what's going on? Oh, it's Universo 2) Universo attacks 3) The team fights back and wins.

It seemed like a pretty straightforward arc with little development or even real dramatic payoff for me. The red herrings and misdirection at the beginning were kinda fun, but took up too much space in the overall story and once we knew it was Universo it seemed there wasn't much else to do but defeat him in a fairly predictable way.

From: New York, NY | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Kid Prime

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Self-indulgent bump.

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.

From: Birmingham, AL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sketch Lad

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I'm seriously going to have to re-read the whole thing now. The beginning feels like it was forever ago to me!

[ August 30, 2003, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: deanlegion ]


Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Just had a chance to read part 5. Overall, I loved the whole arc. While the finale may have been predictable to a degree, I still think it was creative. I loved the conflict between the 3 mind queens and the irony of putting Universo into
one of his own scenerios.

DnA could have easily made Imra the hero, but they showed how it was a combination of powers, guts and intelligence that saved the day. LLL!

Thanks DnA for bringing a non-fainting Dreamer

From: durham, nc | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Owl Lad

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I just finished pt.5 and I didn't mind the dream crime story. I thought Cub was a little deus ex machina and would have liked to see a more revealed about his mysterious growth spurt and powers.

I can't help but draw comparisons to the other Universo story line back in the Baxter days. Remember those covers spotlighting 4 of the most powerful legionnaires to defeat Universo? Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Dream Girl and Chameleon Boy. This time out we still have Saturn Girl and Dreamer, but Sensor takes out Chameleon and Brainiac 5 is rendered useless during this arc. At least Dream Crime brought back Ferro and Karate Kid.

From: Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Can't wait to read it. LEGION was 1 of the LAST books I read (I read my faves last) but because I want to participate I have to read it FIRST now!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Awkward Pause Boy

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This arc held me through part 3. In fact, had I not been so eager as to hunt out opinions before part 3, it would have had even greater impact. As it was I was still intrigued by the Darkseid illusion, and then further intrigued by Sensor's activity and teaming with Shikari.

Parts 4 & 5, however, just flattened out. I really wish that they had been combined, or, at least had more to them than the underdeveloped plot they presented.

All in all, I'll appreciate the arc for the build-up rather than the finale. And also for the important roles that Kid Prime mentioned--along with the role it served to keep the happenings of the Legion Lost run current. (It's good to include that for any new readers, because they'll need the background information when Element Lad is brought back in spectacular fashion--which I'm sure is right around the corner.)

[ August 30, 2003, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Awkward Pause Boy ]

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