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» Legion World » LEGION CLUBHOUSE » Long Live the Legion! » Your Legion dream team! (Page 1)

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Author Topic: Your Legion dream team!
Brother of Dawnstar

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What would be your Legion "dream team"? With the best characters as pulled from any era, in any number? And with the changes to their qualities, powers, or situations as you deem necessary? Want to give it a try?

This has been a perennial topic, especially with setting a limit as to number. Let's try it without one ... "Legion" means "many," I contend, and a place such as Legion WORLD calls for a multitude.

I'm re-posting my own latest contribution (from late 2001) to get started. You don't have to be as detailed as I've been! A simple roster is just fine.

If you've ended up reworking character qualities or names, though, as I have, it would be fascinating to know just what thoughts you had to flesh out such variations.

Oh, and welcome to visitors from the Legion board at the new DCMBs -- and you're encouraged to register your own favorite user name and stay awhile! (I linked to this topic from a similar one on that board.)

From: Starhaven Consulate, City of Angels | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Brother of Dawnstar

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The LSH, if I wrote it, would continue with a largely rebuilt, chastened, still threatened by renegades, but notably less statist United Planets, about three years after the Magic Wars. No dark dystopia, very little murky noir, they'd know their nemeses and would rarely turn on each other.

I'll note the one obvious character choice (for me) first, and in detail.

Dawnstar would be there, with her classic tracking powers. Her yellow outfit with headband would be as shown by Sherman and (early) Giffen, but with fringed bracelets and sleeveless. Also a longer (15-foot) feathered wingspan, some shading to her wings, a limited telekinetic and space-manipulating power, more consistent strength level, and more training to avoid injuries. We'd know she could do 16 light years per hour in warp, though she could exceed it when traveling along with others, such as her frequent mission partners Valor or Shikari.

Dawny would have a greater regard for her own value, without needing constant reassurance. She'd have two deep female friends in the Legion. Tasmia (here, Umbra) befriended her from their early days as members, and knows the strain of expectations from being champion of one's home planet. And Shikari is her close partner on many detached missions, from having similar scope in investigative talents -- she with people and objects, Shikari with -words- and persuasion.

Also, Dawnstar has a clear tribal heritage -- say, from the northwest American coast, thus less stereotypical for our era. She should have and often use the (later) Giffen buckskin for ceremony and nightlife, but not in combat. She would wear unwrapped braids or a hair ornament more often. She'll eat cookies <g>. We would meet her two winged brothers, both Academy students.

Finally, she wouldn't try to take up that less-impossible romantic link with Wildfire, though it'd be offered and welcomed, and they'd be warm friends ... (Timber) Wolf would encourage Ayla to go to the woman that she really loves ... and Dawny and Brin would have a grand, enduring, very much sexual passion, though no marriage or kids for now.

Along with Dawnstar, I'd have these 36 members, none of whom I'd want to do without, although some could be rotated into the reserves, especially when raising their kids. All would be initially between human ages 14 (Kinetix) and 23 (Valor), and they'd age about one year for every three to four issue years.

In mulling their names and situations, I do think it's time for them to grow up a bit. And as others have said, it's a big galaxy out there ...

~ Alchemist: Jan Arrah, v2 black/green outfit; one of only 10 Trom survivors, but most -adept- for now at the same v2/v3 powers; can also generate some matter from ambient energy; not quite so naive; loves Sol Sector Police's LSH liaison Shvaughn Erin, very much and always a redheaded and fervently Irish woman.

~ Andromeda: Laurel KENT, a true Supes descendant, but line goes through Daxam, and cousin of Valor; reboot Laurel Gand's starburst outfit, powers, weaknesses (though cured by Brainy as in postboot); blond, a bit aloof, but fierce crusader against home planet's racism; unrequited crush on Brainy -- reversed for once!

~ Blok: His near-earliest look in v2, with nose and stone "ring" around neck; can shape and animate silicon at his touch, down to microchips; solid-wall invulnerability; knows of a handful of fellow Dryad silicon-life survivors, but is slow finding them; otherwise similar in plodding perseverance and generosity of spirit.

~ Brainiac Five: Querl Dox, about the same as in v2-to-v3, but ditches that jumpsuit sometimes; more content with his lot, but more ties to Colu; aware on other mind-tracks when one of them is unstable; blows up lab regularly, oldest running LSH joke; deeply loves Dr. Chaseer, colleague at the Time Institute.

~ Chameleon: Reep Daggle, with only the "boy" dropped from how he was portrayed in v3, but more impetuous; has abilities of his shapeshifted forms, but only for about 10 minutes at most before having to change; father is not R.J. Brande (who is otherwise the same); very close friends with Vapor.

~ Dreamer: Nura Nal, v2/v3 classic white garb a must; same precognitive powers, but induced usually at will; rejected High Seer position but is Naltor's power behind the "throne"; published scientist, only a few steps below Brainy in ability and with more real-world practical sense; only a touch of the vamp, but unmistakable when she uses it; loves Starman.

~ Empath: Imra Ardeen, in her fuchsia '70s look; massive telepathic ability, with a small bit of telekinetic power added; also has Mentalla's mind-changing ability, fiercely resists using it, submits easily to Brainy's pragmatism; less of "ice princess" cliche, present at times; married to Live Wire quite early.

~ Ferro: Andrew Nolan, the Adventure-era original in abilities and personality, but not disfigured or masked; can "weld" self to metallic objects; barely survived the Sun-Eater; Koko, the intelligent monkey from the reboot, stays with him and speaks with translator.

~ Flash: Jenni Ognats, just as she's shown in v4, along with having the name she always deserved; broad intellect from constant reading -- her eyes move fast, as well; friends with Brainy; unrequited crush on Valor.

~ Gossamer: Ayla Ranzz, v2 outfit; can shift mass, as with v4 Kono, as well as decrease it, and antigravity powers came from how Korbal's beasts uniquely affected her; inspired and attracted (Timber) Wolf to LSH, but is now only his fast friend; loves and lives with Micron quite openly.

~ Iceman: Brek Bannin, still short and punchy, ready for action; nearly same as original outfit, but loses the Michelin Man touch; same cold-making powers; consulting HVAC engineer on side; Inferno is best friend.

~ Inferno: Dirk Morgna, same heat-making powers and genially obtuse Casanova as in v3; as with all member outfits, slicker one-piece, no-outside-trunks look; consulting nuclear physicist on side; Iceman is best friend.

~ Kinetix: Zoe Saugin, close to v4 original, but a tad more mature and a -real- fashion sense; animation (like Life Lass) and matter-rearranging (not transmuting) powers rooted in mutagens, not magic; youngest Legionnaire; prone to pulling them into embarrassing situations.

~ Lamprey: Tayla Skorr, as in the v2/v3 Academy; patterned-skin look; Aquaman-type control of waterflow and sea life, as well as eel-like shock (but far stronger); clearly visible Asian heritage; can also swim in methane-mix or almost any water-containing fluid; Tellus and Quislet are best friends.

~ Leviathan: Gim Allon, in every way other than Legion name identical to v2/v3; practicing Jew; married Gigi Cusimano when they were both in Sol Sector Police, as she still is (Mars Chief of Station).

~ Live Wire: Garth Ranzz, v3 outfit, same electrical ability; married Empath quite early, stays at home for only a few years with the kids; just as ambitious but more realistic, less self-pity; makes fortune for family investing in Winath gen-mod agriculture.

~ Magno: Rokk Krinn, late-v2 outfit (yes, showing shoulders and legs); same powers, though can stir up nonferrous metals a bit as well; absentee sponsor and manager of magnoball pro players; loves White Witch.

~ Mano: Val(erio) Armorr, dojo v2 outfit with collar half as high; hands can move at super-speed, result of mutagenic change from father when injured on Lythyl; uses those hands to carry out same every-known-world martial arts, thus his name; Hispanic heritage; married to Sensor.

~ Micron: Violet (one name), v2 "arrow"/purple outfit and Imsk shrinking powers; some but not all of the abrasive-but-logical v3 attitude; can miniaturize tools she uses as well; loves and lives with Gossamer quite openly.

~ Nightwind: Berta Harris (two Rs), as in the v2/v3 Academy; not shawl-covered, but dramatic cape as shown in v2; full powers over planetary weather, similar to Storm over at Marvel; weather-sensing antennae; loves Refracto.

~ Phase: Tinya Wazzo, late v3 outfit; both parents from a Bgztl that's a cosmic anomaly in -this- universe, thus phase-into-tesseract powers; can ghost small amounts of other matter; gunsmith, Legion armorer, and galaxy-ranging weapons expert; loves Ultra.

~ Quislet: Back from Teall but being pursued occasionally; power of mechanical morphing and control, but not -necessarily- destroying whatever it touches; sassy and cheerfully cynical as ever; Tellus and Lamprey are close friends.

~ Rebound: Chuck Taine, v2 getup; same bounce powers, also can multiply inertia back to toss away anyone who strikes him, and can increase inertia enough to move a planet; osteopath and Legion's physician; married to Triad.

~ Refracto: Jacques Foccart, same v2/v3 outfit and invisibility, but loses that white hair streak; can also fade matter of himself, outfit, and tools into mirrored surfaces; philosopher, yet also practicing Christian; still French and is gourmand; loves Nightwind.

~ Sensor: Projectra, humanoid, close to v3 Sensor Girl powers, but with ability to materialize illusions for up to a minute; masked outfit, but closer to later v3 redesign; renounced Orando throne and "illusions of power" long ago, but still has regal bearing; married to Mano.

~ Shikari: Same appearance, dragonflyish wings, and space armor as in "Lost," but can create spacetime warps; highly intelligent, verbally adept to the point of oiliness, and the most talented -natural- translator in the galaxy; friend to Dawnstar, and partner with her on intricate semi-detached Legion investigations.

~ Starman: Thom Kallor, v3 starfield outfit, thick beard a must; can shift mass as with v4 Kono as well as increase it; batball team absentee part-owner and occasional player (think Michael Jordan); loves Dreamer.

~ Tellus: Ganglios, but with truly massive telekinetic powers and only a few telepathic, thus reverse of Empath; otherwise as depicted in v3, including life-support helmet; Lamprey and Quislet are close friends.

~ Triad: Luornu Durgo, v4 outfit, v3 hair; triple bodies are decidedly different personalities (contrasting espionage talents) and spend time each day on their own; martial-arts junior adept, studies with Mano; married to Rebound.

~ Ultra: Jo Nah, late v3 outfit with leather jacket; same powers, but from mutagens awakened by defending a defenseless family on Rimbor from marauders; more than a bit of punk menace, but soft heart; can use any one of previous powers -with- invulnerability; absentee owner of Silverale distributorships, filthy rich; loves Phase.

~ Umbra: Tasmia Mallor, v2's warmer personality, postboot off-shoulders outfit; can dampen or hide any other electromag radiation along with but not apart from light; best friend to Dawnstar; cousin Grev rules Talok VIII, and this drags her into planetary politics; married to Valor, but keeps all her fingers, has forehead wedding-mark instead.

~ Valor: Lar Gand, as in preboot original, but met SuperMAN way back when and was comatose in medical stasis in abandoned Fortress of Solitude, not "phantom zone," until Brainy's serum in 30th; v2/v3 outfit without cape; cousin to Andromeda; married to Umbra; oldest Legionnaire, prone to conservative outlook and avoiding conflicts.

~ Vapor: Tal Nahil, powers as in Gas Girl of Lallor; keeps wispy white hair most of time; humorous streak, constant practical joker, but does her job with tenacity; head of Espionage Squad; very attracted to Chameleon.

~ White Witch: Mysa Nal, same look as v3, but with at least a dozen kick-ass spells -always- at hand along with those researched for special jobs; works with Brainy on finding scientific roots of magic, from being skeptic and having gone to Teachers' Isle only in late teens; LSH protocol officer; loves Magno.

~ Wildfire: Drake Burroughs, same origins, powers, and streetwise personality as in v2 and v3; anti-energy constantly replenished by positrons coming from any star; no suit needed, and could always form a pseudo-body as Quislet did for him in v3, one that doesn't burn a prospective lover ... and has many and varied lovers, for that matter.

~ Wolf: Brin Londo, with v3 powers, near-Valor strength, and LaRocque's only-a-bit-feral features and outfit; wit strongly emphasized; engineering talents, from personal fascination and studying, but no degree, and is on call for maintaining/upgrading the headquarters; loves Dawnstar.

You'll notice many of them are wealthy. That was deliberate. Ten more centuries of accumulated scientific progress should have made many more entrepreneurial possibilities apparent, and this U.P. would be FAR less of a welfare state.

No Super(whoevers), by the way. The 21st and 31st Centuries should each stand on its own, with the only links being through Andromeda, Valor, and (indirectly) Brainy. Time travel is the EXTREMELY rare exception.

And would we need two books for all these talented people? I'd prefer one longer one, 40 pages (main story and profile/origin/affair feature) each month, somewhat in the -form- of Legion Worlds.

From: Starhaven Consulate, City of Angels | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Even sacks of anti-energy need lovin'

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wow Grey, you certainly put a lot of thought into it -- no wonder you saved it. I'll give it a shot:

-- WILDFIRE!!!! preboot version
-- Dawnstar -- cuz she and Wildfire were such a great tragic couple.
-- Rokk Krinn -- TMK non-powered, but experienced heart of the Legion
-- Saturn Girl -- "Iron Butt" Imra. Seems cold and all about business, but really breaks just like a little girl
-- Timberwolf -- Cockrum's costume, lone wolf attitude and appearance. The "all action, little talk" kinda guy.
-- Laurel Gand -- TMK's kick-nass superheroine of the 31st century married to a Green Lantern.
-- Mon-El (preboot) with (postboot) Shady (yeah, that's right, I said "Shady"). It'd be a much more equal relationship than the one preboot. They'd be "one of those couples that fights" but loves that make-up sex.
-- Ferro (SW6 version) - loved Sprouse's costume and loved that (self-destructive?) daredevil attitude.
-- Ultra Boy -- pretty much as he is now, but as clever as he was during TMK's retcon.
-- Apparition -- she's ok as she is, just not saddled with Cub.
-- Sensor Girl (Levitz)
-- Vi (butch Levitz version)

The rest of the team can be current DnA versions I guess.

From: New York, NY | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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This was a lot of fun. Great topic Greybird. Especially since it's all talk and no walk - i.e. I don't have to sit down, actually write the stories and get them by editors and picky Legion fans!

A large dream team for the Cramerverse:

The Founders: Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy - long live the Legion tradition. Some things shouldn't be messed with.

The Power & the Muscle: M'onel, Ultra Boy, Wildfire, Andromeda, Kid Quantum - the first line of defense or attack in any physical battle.

The Fighters: Timber Wolf, Karate Kid, Umbra - three very different personalites but all warriors.

The Espionage Squad: Invisible Kid (Lyle), Chameleon, Shrinking Violet (shrinks only), Apparition, Sensor

The Mystics: Element Lad (meditative, not mentally unstable), White Witch (pre-boot), Dawnstar, Shikari. I would have Shikari join after Dawnstar, be younger and see Dawny as a mentor, maybe even idolize her. Dawnstar would be a bit irked by this sort of attention. I class them as mystics for personality more than for power - although the three women would have powers that "defy scientific explanation". Superstitious magic, Brainy would say. Keep him humble, I say.

The Aliens: Gates, Quislet, Tellus - because it is a big universe and they're fun.

The Guys Who Blow Things Up: Brainiac 5, Calamity King - of course they'd do a lot more than that. Touston is definitely in the Cramerverse.

The Khundish/A.P. Legionnaires: Nightcrawler, Storm, Veilmist - C'mon, the wall has been down for years! The A.P. and the U.P. are going to work together in the Cramerverse. They will have plenty of common enemies as the galaxies open up.

The Twin Thing: Spark - didn't know where else to classify her but like the brother/sister thing.

THERE'S MORE. I'M VERY INCLUSIVE. Characters from the categories below could be used on special missions, as needed, but would usually serve on Legion World.

Administration: RJ Brande, Marla Latham, Triad, Lester Spiffany (RJ owed his dad a favor), Ferro, XS - Ferro returns from Steeple healed but powerless, XS only ever seems to deliver communications or fetch things anyways, Triad is the administrator extraordinaire and I like Lester. You always have some rich guy's son with a window-dressing job in a big corporation - but Lester will try really, really hard.

U.P. Liason: Ambassador Relnic, Jacques Foccart (Jacques recovered but no invisiblity; still Lyle's pal)

S.P. Liason: Shvaughn Erin, Gigi Cusimano, Gim Allon, Dirk Morgna - reporting to Commander Circe

The Geeks (term used with love and respect) Who Keep Legion World Running: Gear, Chuck Taine, Condo Arlik, Lydda Jath - serving under Chief Engineer Sharn Nux. Forget this Heuristic Academy nonsense, she's an engineer and a good one, if a bit frosty. I would have liked to take Bard Brunel, but what sort of chief engineer doesn't know what's in his engine room?

The Hospital: Dr. Gym'll, Kent Shakespeare, Drura Sehpt, a psychologist - can't think of one. I didn't like Dr. Ryk'rr, if that was her name.

The Food: Tenzil Kem, Ral Benem (Chlorophyll Kid -could he grow some veggies!), Athramite sous-chefs

The Time Institute: Rond Vidar, Dr. Chaseer, Arkadia Senius (the cricket guy, I forget his exact name), serving under Glorith of Baaldur - she's a working aristocrat, she's not evil - or is she?

Last, but not least - The Pets: a cat, a dog, a mongoose, a white rat - no capes, no powers - just really cool pets. Sensor and the mongoose would not get on.

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Brother of Dawnstar

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Thanks to DrakeB and Fat Cramer, so far! (and a bump ...)

I especially like seeing FC's category of Support Geeks. They're sorely needed, especially in a planet-sized headquarters. And I've enjoyed seeing how Chuck Taine ended up in such a role in post-reboot, pre-DnA.

I know I included Chuck in my roster because, well, the big guys needed someone who would be in the thick of heroic things. As Chuck ended up doing on a surprising number of occasions in the pre-Crisis era.

From: Starhaven Consulate, City of Angels | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
May be Lethbridge's #1 Legion Fan...

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Since I like the current line up I'll add who I want to see added to their already impressive roster.

Live Wire has to return. In many ways he is part of the heart and soul of the Legion along with Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy. The experience of death was very sobering to Garth but he’s still the hothead and sometimes jerk he always was. Married to Saturn Girl now.

Element Lad comes back too, some how the crystals he gave Kid Quantum transmuted into Jan Arrah with his memories with the Legion intact. Changes his name to Alchemist.

A new Leviathan is in order but not the dearly departed Gim Allon. Wears the SW6 costume with some v3 elements and he can also grow to more than 30 feet tall.

I love Greybird’s idea for Andromeda but I’d prefer have Laurel Kent as Supergirl with Kingdom Come costume with a darker blue starfield instead of the bright blue. She has a crush of Brainiac 5 but Querl Dox has no idea how she feels about him.

The clone Superboy would definitely be a member. With the Teen Titans as his weekend activity the Legion would be his part-time job complete with the Kingdom Come duds.

We finally see Dirk Morgana come into action as Inferno with the “solar plasma”-based powers Chris Baptisa promised us and Inferno wears the SW6 costume.

Mysa Nal makes her debut in the Legion as the post-boot White Witch with a variant of Kinetix’s costume (from before the Legion broke up post v4)

With Live Wire back, Ayla’s body goes though another change and she gravity-nulling powers are back while her lightning powers go into remission so she takes the name Gossamer and uses the SW6 Costume.

And because I’m lazy let’s add in Tellus, Polar Boy (as Coldsnap),and Silicate (the Stone Boy/Blok creature) and maybe a new Monstress from Gorilla City (with amazing mental and physical prowess from Gorilla City Technology)

A Chaotic Neutral stuck in a Lawful Good world

From: Alberta, Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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All interesting teams.

M'onel, your addition of Polar Boy as "Coldsnap" makes me ask if you would keep his boy scout character? Just that the "snap" made me think he could return with a little more edginess... I'm not the greatest fan of the gosh-golly-gee-whiz Brek but admit he could make for good stories.

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
May be Lethbridge's #1 Legion Fan...

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Well I think during the Blight invasion maybe something trumatic happened to him that forced him to grow up and change his name to Coldsnap. He's a pretty serious character that's still in awe of the Legion but he keeps it to himself and does what needs to be done.

A Chaotic Neutral stuck in a Lawful Good world

From: Alberta, Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
the boy with UltraPowers

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Great in list GREY !!!

it would be like an 'AVENGERS FOREVER' version of 'The Legion' !!!

i'm gonna have to have a think over my selection, and reply later .....


From: Manchester United Kingdom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Doctor One

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Me, too. I'm already working on it, but it's going to take a while.


From: Vancouver, BC, Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mystery Lad

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This list will be working from the current line-up forward. I think I'll do another list of pulled-from-different-timelines later.

SHRINKING VIOLET: Stressing the shrinking, curious, detective Violet-- though she'd still have the growing power, too. She'd experiment with the possibilities inherent in super-growing combined with the Imskian field (allowing handheld objects and clothing to grow/shrink with the holder/wearer).

Vi would also be a bit more 'Salu Bond'-- using shrinking gadgets and gizmos. There would be compartments built into all the flight rings for Vi to rest in comfort on extended missions-- as well as miniature armories/hangar decks/labs.

I think she'd be able to pick up a fellow Legionnaire while 'grown', and shrink them down to any size needed.

And there'd be no green streak in her hair.

WHITE WITCH: Drura Sepht, known as INFECTIOUS LASS in other realities. A runaway from the highly restricted Somathur (a division of TYLER CHEMICALS, maybe?), she's found employment in the Black Hole. Her name was given to her from one of the criminal groups she helped bring down.

She leaves the Black Hole (and her lover, Jacques) to join the Legion so that she can further her dream of becoming a physician and 'above ground' heroine.

CHLOR: a young emissary sent from the Cosmic Plant thingie from LEGION OF THE DAMNED. He's modeled after M'onel's and Saturn Girl's DNA-- but doesn't have any of their superpowers. He's a humanoid plant with varied plant-based powers and Blok-like curiousity about his teammates.

VEILMIST: Lallorian heroine (perhaps half-khundian?) with the unfortunate nickname 'Gas Girl' given by Gates. She initially works closely with Element Lad and Brainy.

SUN BOY: I'm intrigued by the hints I've seen online. I'd like Dirk to be much more stable than recent incarnations; in fact, I'd like to see the gung-ho ADVENTURE Dirk who's a bit of a martinet when on a mission brought back.

Off-duty, I'd like to see the flirtatious Dirk 'rise'. He could be mainstream comics' first bisexual.

ELEMENT LAD: Heroic, spiritual, but no-longer 'spacey'. His return is a mystery-- as is the truth behind/around the PROGENITOR. No more shape-shifting, unless there's extreme cause. I think his power should be limited (possibly by a mental block imposed by Imra?) to transmutating simple elements.

He needs a new costume-- possibly light blue and green?

KINETIX: regains her original human form and super-power (a la the rebooted Life Lass).

SPARK: would campaign heavily during the next leadership election and would make finding the missing LIVEWIRE a priority. After a period of hating/suspecting ELEMENT LAD, she'd finally except his return.

Leaning heavily on COSMIC BOY, they slowly fall in love.

SHIKARI: leads the Legion to the one source able to help them bring Garth home--

DAWNSTAR: who seldom leaves STARHAVEN, a Thanagaran/Terran colony.

SATURN GIRL: gets a haircut and is a bit more 'iron butt' than recently.

DREAMER: hones her abilities on Titan, Xerox and Naltor.

M'ONEL: takes more 'detached duty' missions (possibly befriends Dev-em?)

XS takes a sabbatical in the 21st century and returns as the RED TORNADO (after stopping off for a couple of missions with her mother and uncle...)

APPARITION and ULTRA BOY: take an overdue homeymoon to 'rekindle' their marriage. He returns with a secret that she's in on (harkening to the Glorith days...)

The rest of the membership remains as it currently is with more emphasis on INVISIBLE KID, Vi, AYLA, etc.

INFERNO returns from the 21st century MAD-- she becomes a major opponent (but not quite a villainess).

SPIDER GIRL also becomes a shades-of-grey character, helming a black market ring and an information brokerage... but often helping Lyle and his increasingly important espionage squad.

TN [Invisible Kid]

[ July 12, 2003, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]

From: Knoxville, TN | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
The Guys Who Blow Things Up: Brainiac 5, Calamity King - of course they'd do a lot more than that. Touston is definitely in the Cramerverse.

You are cool, FC!
From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Working with the theory that I have to use the LEGION cast as it now stands, I would make the following changes:

1) No immediete subtractions from the team. Got a whole WORLD to fill up, ya know!

2) Tenzil Kem would be back, without a doubt, as a full-fledged member and pal of Chuck Taine. Not sure -what- his code-name would be, but I'm leaning toward MATTER-EATER LAD.

3) Chuck Taine would somehow get powers and join as REBOUND or RICOCHET. I believe Jim Gallagher posted a scenario on another board that I -loved- and would use, giving him full credit.

4) LAUREL GAND would kick the habit, don her early SW6 "Valor-Girl" costume complete with pleated skirt and begin a long ass-kicking LEGION stint.

5) Dirk INFERNO Morgna would finally join as he should have years ago. I -love- Todd's bisexulaity idea for Dirk and think it would work for the character. In fact, he might be a bit trisexual ("try anything").

6) Using hypertime (and I don't care HOW cheesey Hypertime is!), the ELEMENT LAD of the pre-boot Cockrum/Grell era (complete with blue/green "arrow-UP" outfit and long feathered hair) would join the team, causing consternation between many members who fear another PROGENITOR scenario.

7) The preboot INFECTIOUS LASS would join the medical staff of Legion World, quickly joining the team proper as it becomes evident she is a tremendous asset in battles with humanoid foes. Possibly taking the code-name MALADY.

Those would be the changes I would want ASAP. I would certainly like to get around to showing other long-lost LEGION fan-faves as the storyline dictated while throwing in a character or 3 of my own.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Arachne   Author's Homepage           Edit/Delete Post     
This is fun, I'm going to have to come up with my own team. [Smile]
(Although I really like Mystery Lad's version.)

Current Obsession: Birds of Prey/Secret Six

From: Canada | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Mattropolis   Author's Homepage   Email Mattropolis         Edit/Delete Post     
Assuming that we are going from where the Legion is RIGHT now.


Sensor fades out of existance and in her place is Projectra. End of story. NO further explanation given. No one notices...


Star Boy - Gets back his starfield costume.
LeVIanthan becomes Shrinking Violet again.

Andromeda rejoins.
Quislet and Tellus show up.
Tyroc joins.
Blok joins.
Jacque Foccart and Kent Shakespear arrive and quickly join the Team as Refracto and Impulse (looks like the name may be free again).
White WItch joins


[ July 13, 2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Danny Blaine ]

Touch the magic...

From: Morganfield, KY | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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