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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Portfolio Boy and a few others have mentioned that the villains lately have just wanted to conquer the galaxy and enslave everyone in a hive-mind. Too true, too true.

The Fatal Five made a return, looking for something, unknown to us ... so count on a reappearance from them. We hope they are not looking for a universal mind-control jewel.

If the LSV - or some other baddie - comes back, what could their crime(s) be? Knock over a space-bank? Revenge for past perceived injustices? Kidnapping/hostage-taking?
Posted by deanlegion on :
I always figured the LSV's reason for existing was to take out the LSH. Each had their own reasons, either because the Legion defeated them when they worked alone or in a smaller group, or for something more personal like Lightning Lord. Right now, it seems like the LSV would want to control the space doors that the Kwai control, so they'd want to overrun Legion World. By controlling LW, they control trading amongst planets, meaning wealth and power. The problem with the LSV, though, is that there is always too much greed and in-fighting, and they weaken themselves, creating a way for the real Legion to take them out.
Posted by Mekt Ranzz on :
get on my nerves, i'm sure.

Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I like the "seige on Legion World" kinda story.
Posted by Looks That Kill Lad on :
What would they be called? The Villains?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We should perhaps have a moment of silence for the late Tarik the Mute.
Certainly, the name should be updated; Legion of Super-Villains is so silver age. Fatal Five has a timelessness to it, but I can't think of a new name. Tarik's Terrors? The Minions of Mekt?(too subservient to the zapper) I guess it could depend on who was on the team and what they were up to.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Certainly, the name should be updated; Legion of Super-Villains is so silver age. Fatal Five has a timelessness to it, but I can't think of a new name. Tarik's Terrors? The Minions of Mekt?

How about "The Devil's Dozel?"

[ August 04, 2003, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

If the LSV - or some other baddie - comes back, what could their crime(s) be? Knock over a space-bank? Revenge for past perceived injustices? Kidnapping/hostage-taking?

I think that the LSV would be motivated merely by revenge against the Legion. Their goal, pure and simple, is to counter and destroy the Legion in any way possible.

Back when Nira Minsork made her 1st (and to date only appearance) I began screaming for a new LSV with her as the postboot Saturn Queen. I wanted to see he joined with Lightning Lord and Cosmic Boy's former coach as a reboot Cosmic King. Mr. Cuspin (I think I recall that was his name) did eventually return, but not as the King, so there is still room for that.

I'd join these three with the Composite Man from Durla that the Legion battled early in the reboot as Chameleon Chief. Toss in a couple of rejects, or others who have a reason to feel slighted by the Legion (Lori as Princess, or Lady, Glorith?) and there you go.

Have them brought together by Prince Evillo (notice a trend of regal, or titled names?) and we can call them the new DEVIL'S DOZEN instead of the LSV.

And, even if we toss the silver age sounding LSV, we can still retain a measure of the old silver age feel by having the Devil's Dozen be something other than 12 members. [Laugh Out Loud]

[ August 04, 2003, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
If the LSV returns it should be as the LSV. The name is a response to the name of the heroes they are trying to take out. If "Legion of Super-Heroes" is still a worthwhile name, then "Legion of Super-Villains" should be as well.

There should be a mastermind behind the group, someone with a large grudge against the Legion. Dr. Regulus would be an excellent choice, imo. Brainiac Four might be another possibility.

They should assemble a collection of cutthroats and assorted persons with a grudge against the Legion in an attempt to destroy the team. No bigger goal, just revenge and destruction of the Legion. The actual plan should be somewhat irrational, almost crazy, but because of that fact, and because of the maniacal devotion of the members, should nearly suceed.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
If the LSV returns it should be as the LSV. The name is a response to the name of the heroes they are trying to take out. If "Legion of Super-Heroes" is still a worthwhile name, then "Legion of Super-Villains" should be as well.

But would they percieve themselves as villains? Certainly, in their own minds, they are perfectly justified, perhaps even heroic.

Now, perhaps the 30th century media might refer to them as the LSV, even making the name stick n the public conciousness, but I contend they would call themselves something else.

Actually, this could be played for a bit of humer, as the group can't stand that the media refering to them as the LSV and not using their proper name.

"NO! We're GUMBY damnit!"

Might even be an excuse to bring back a certain reporter. Do we even know if Condo has any powers postboot?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I'd also add to the lineup Radion, who's maybe bitter about having half his face blown off after helping the Legion against Mordru, and Repulse and that girl with the whips from "Pres McCauley's" superteam.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Early LSV never worked for me, as a bunch that got together because of the hate of individual LSHers. It seemed their sole purpose of forming a team was because the "good guys" had one.

The organized crime stories, leading to Val's death, gave the LSV a common goal. Some of the gangland type stories from Legion World's were typical of what I think I would enjoy. They were perfect for an Espionage Squad story, showing the Legion in more of a protect and serve role than last line of defense.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Certainly, the name should be updated; Legion of Super-Villains is so silver age.

How about "Legion of Doom"?? [Smile]
Posted by braalian on :
I think the LSV should be made up of demented/jealous siblings of the LSH.

Saturn Queen: Jancel Ardeen. Already shown to hate Imra and resent her Legion membership.

Lightning Lord: Obviously Mekt, he's already unstable.

Cosmic King: Pol Krinn. I dont think we've seen much of him postboot, so maybe hes not as noble as he was before. I bet he's jealous of Rokk's Magno-ball career. Maybe he's become addicted to some braalian power-inducing drug. Lots of opportunnities for him to turn bad.

Ohter potential members:

- dosen't Reep have a brother named Ligt?
given Durla's barbaric/isolationist culture
it's possible Reep's family hates him for
leaving Durla and betraying his heritage.

- IIRC, kinetix had a brother named Thanot
(or Thanos?) who was jealous of Zoe's
relationship with their mother. Also I believe
he was seeking a 'relic of power' too.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I think it would be a bit strained to have an LSV consisting entirely of demented/evil siblings, but it's an interesting idea, nonetheless.

Other possibilities:

Jacques Foccart as Lyle's "brother", perhaps driven crazy by his own invsibile nature.

Tinya's third body.

A member of Sensor's family who wants to eliminate her as she's now an aberration to the bloodline.

And, of course, who would assemble an organization of twisted family members of the Legion? None other than Brainiac Four!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
If the LSV returns it should be as the LSV. The name is a response to the name of the heroes they are trying to take out. If "Legion of Super-Heroes" is still a worthwhile name, then "Legion of Super-Villains" should be as well.

But would they percieve themselves as villains? Certainly, in their own minds, they are perfectly justified, perhaps even heroic.

They could use the name to be ironic (which itself would be ironic, since it would in fact be accurate). Or maybe they're so demented (at least the leaders) that they recognize themselves as villains and as pursuing the cause of villainy.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I like the idea that the media label them Legion of Super-Villains, especially if they're going for destruction of the Super-Heroes. (But are we just calling them The Legion these days?)

Also, if you bring in the media, you could have ***CONDO*** doing the coverage. And if the Espionage Squad is tracking the Villains, well...need I say more?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I like the idea that the media label them Legion of Super-Villains, especially if they're going for destruction of the Super-Heroes. (But are we just calling them The Legion these days?)

Also, if you bring in the media, you could have ***CONDO*** doing the coverage. And if the Espionage Squad is tracking the Villains, well...need I say more?

(This should get Lash's gaydar popping.)
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
they should be the Legion of Super-Terrorists or Legion of Terror. and they should be out to subvert and overthrow the United Planets as well as those goody-2shoes symbols of the UP, the Legion. [Eek!]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
what I would like to see things happen in the Legion first before any siblings join - I would like to see any pre-ZH villains to form first:

Zymyr, Terraz, Tyr, Micro, Sun Emperor, Flare, Echo (to be reformed), Brain Globes of Rambat, Esper Lass, Phantom Lad, Density, Ze Tongue, Domain....secretly founded by Brainiac 4....once they are out in mass media then Jancel or Mekt can join them later...Ol-Vir (White Triangle), hmmm I think that they have the potential.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Add more female members - Quicksand, name it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
they should be the Legion of Super-Terrorists or Legion of Terror. and they should be out to subvert and overthrow the United Planets as well as those goody-2shoes symbols of the UP, the Legion. [Eek!]

Yeah, but calling themselves "terrorists" is just as unrealistic as calling themselves "villains". Maybe something like the People's Revolutionary Legion would work for what you're suggesting. Of course, then Gates might join up with them too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Was Tarik the Mute's last name ever revealed? Maybe it's Roman? Then they could be The Roman Legion.
Posted by Varalent on :
Don't forget to include Nemesis Kid.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
Do we even know if Condo has any powers postboot?

He hasn't shown any in his few appearances.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
they should be the Legion of Super-Terrorists or Legion of Terror. and they should be out to subvert and overthrow the United Planets as well as those goody-2shoes symbols of the UP, the Legion. [Eek!]

Yeah, but calling themselves "terrorists" is just as unrealistic as calling themselves "villains".
Bin Laden and other sickos seem proud of being terrorists, so I can imagine others willingly adopting that word, or even "villains."

Legion of Terror and Legion of Doom are both excellent names (the latter having a historical
LSH connection, as well), but for the sake of tradition, I'd rather the LSV be the LSV.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The only time the LSV concept really worked for me was in their origin story in ADVENTURE # 372. They were presented as a School for Super-Villains, consisting of Legion rejects and others.

I've often wondered why kids would join an organization like the LSV and more, why would they stay? The Fatal Five, at least, exists purely for greed and power. But the LSV was different. It consisted of doppelgangers of LSH members. Why would someone call themselves Chameleon Chief or Sun Emperor or even Lightning Lord, when the world would automatically view them as lesser or evil versions of the LSH?

The answer, I think, is that that LSV represented a gang in the same sense that the LSH originally represented a club. The LSH was for kids who "fit in" and were accepted by their peers, families and society at large. The members of the LSV, on the other hand, were failures. Some had quite literally failed -- Spider Girl and Radiation Roy had tried out for the LSH and been rejected. Others had simply failed to fit into their society's norm. Mekt, for example, had no twin, which made him a freak on his native Winath. (Whether or not this was the cause of his insanity is another concern entirely.)

If the LSV is viewed in that context -- as disaffected kids who are envious of the Legion's power and prestige -- they make sense to me in a sad sort of way. They would be the kids who fall through the cracks. The kids who shoot up high schools. The kids who run away to join cults (represented, chillingly, by Tarik the Mute). In their warped logic, the LSV needs to show the world just how pathetic and phony the Legion is. They do this by becoming the opposite of the Legion.

Hey, I never said it made sense, but then the minds of serial killers and depraved lunatics never do. But at least such an irrational jealousy of the Legion would give the LSV a plausible reason for being, whoever ends up joining it.

[ August 04, 2003, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: He Who Wanders ]
Posted by Arachne on :
Micro seems like the type that would join up. I would think he'd want revenge for being robbed of the glory he thought was rightfuly his.

It would be a good excuse for bringing back Caress, too (since superboymddjr wants more females. [Smile] ) She and the other prisoners on Hellworld* couldn't have been pleased about having their escape plans foiled.

*That would make a good counterpart to Legion World...

[ August 05, 2003, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: Arachne ]
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
how about the "Anti-Legion"? and their logo would be the legion "L" with a red slash thru it. members:
-Lightning Lord; Nemesis; Charma; Spider Girl; Micro; Kono; Catspaw; Radion; Quicksand; Holdur; Kid Psycho; Molecule Master... [Mad]
Posted by Future on :
It would be interesting to get some villains we haven't seen in awhile, specifically Tangleweb and Mantis Morlo, to join a new LSV just to see how they'd work (if at all) with the other villains and how they'd handle a Legion that has grown considerably in size and support since they fought the team. Not to mention, just like the Legion, it would be good to get some non-humanoids in the group.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
How about Magno as a new Cosmic King? He could get his powers back and have a grudge against the Legion for abandoning him on Braal.

Either Dirk Morgna or Inferno could be the new Sun Emperor with a new name of course. They could both have grudges too.

Maybe Andromeda could be duped into joining? She's been sucked in by the White Triangle and that Space Nun Cult. Maybe some disgruntled would be Planetary Champions could suck her in too.

Lady Memory as a nemesis for Umbra?

I want their goal to be to send Orando to another dimension and/or destroy it. And I want them to succeed of course. Maybe one giant snake could survive and come after Sensor?
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Come to think of it, Andromeda was a Valor worshipper and she kind of worshipped that cosmic whirligig thingy that altered everyone's powers too. This woman is definitely looking for a cause to give her life meaning. I could see her being seduced by a bunch of anti-Legionnaires who felt they had a righteous cause.

Maybe White Witch or Dragonmage could be involved too.

Maybe Progenitor could be pulling their strings from the other galaxy? I wouldn't want him directly involved. He's powerful enough on his own to challenge the Legion without any underlings, but if he's stuck in that galaxy, maybe he could find some way to influence people who already have disgruntled feelings towards the Legion from where he is.

And I definitely vote for a new name for the LSV.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
A new name for the LSV - we already have the White Triangle and the Dark Circle, so why not go with the theme and name them the Red Square! And they could be communists!

As fir new members - why not Magno's older brother, the one who was a success while Dirk was a faliure. He seemed like a big enough jerk.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:
A new name for the LSV - we already have the White Triangle and the Dark Circle, so why not go with the theme and name them the Red Square! And they could be communists!

And Gates could join them! but he would see the error of their evil ways, relent and become a moderate socialist.

Andromeda would be a good candidate too - she does seem pretty taken with joining groups.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
The idea of Magno being leader of the "LSV" would be interesting if there was a well written explanation for it. Maybe they could mirror the preboot when Rokk got his powers back but it drove him mad (I don't remember why though). That way Magno would be a tragic villain that the Legion wants to help even though he's out to kill them.

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