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Author Topic: CALLING THE ROLL of LSH #9... spoilers
Mystery Lad

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CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at the latest issue of the 31st century team supreme.






Let the roll be called!

SUN BOY: Merited inclusion in the roll call, how? For that matter, why include Projectra on the cover? Comics in general aren't necessarily featuring characters or situations or even moods from the cover in the story anymore, I suppose. Dumb move, I think. So, I'll reluctantly concede the cover-- which I liked, anyway.

Even the 'face-dots' can be random. But, dang it, if every character appearing in the story isn't to be listed in the roll call, then the ones who are listed should at least have a line or two. Otherwise, what's the point? Especially since attributing information correctly in the roll call is apparently so difficult.

"If you're going to use SHADOW LASS, always team her with SUN BOY..." Hmmmm.
Why, d'you think? Throwaway line? Procedure to ensure civilian safety? Then the order of names would be reversed, I'd have thought. Inherent strategic risk in darkness engulfing Legionnaires as well as opponents? Dirk's light would be a good counter, there... though 'heat generation' is the only power with which he's as yet credited. Or are there personality reasons to team these two together?

[Lightning Lad - Re-Imagined] LIGHTNING LAD: Impressive visual of a thoughtful Garth against the compuprojected background of an Alpha Centauri spacescape. The lightning detail in Garth's costume is a bit wonky, I suppose. Everything else 'sang', here, IMO.

Unfortunately, the scene following the confab-in-pseudo-space between Imra, Garth, Triplicate Girl and Lyle was equally unimpressive. The dialogue was OK... the art was fine... but there was a real problem telling who was who in a couple of places. Not good when the scene in question is built around identity fakery. Misattribution of lines between Garth and Jo, who really don't look much alike except for hair length, really had a negative impact. Too bad.

I think the colorist got it wrong in one place. The "I'm outta here" line had to be Jo's, didn't it? It's Garth in the panel, but that makes no sense.

Did Brainy want Lightning Lad anywhere but Helegyn because Garth and Dirk (also absent) are effective mission leaders? Or just because they're 'Cos Squad'?

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC 5: Hope we don't have to judge Brainy by the quality of his little 'l'egionnaire backers, as his primary defender outside the HQ was a supercilious little jerk.

I don't know what ol' Querl is up to on Helegyn... but it has me eager for next issue. I liked the visuals on Helegyn. The colors are quite evocative, making the stark-looking world have a feeling of 'place'. Which I always appreciate. Something about this sequence made me think of FARSCAPE-- for me, a compliment.

Again, it'll be worth watching to see why Brainy particularly called for Shadow Lass, Ultra Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Star Boy and Colossol Boy. But not Lightning Lad. His supporters only? What?

[Cosmic Boy - Re-Imagined] COSMIC BOY: Brown. Haired. Rokk. Is. A. Mistake. Period.

I'm a bit suprised that the instant teleport tech is so commonly used. Metropolis Central Port featured a nice design, with the open(?) ceiling and the tall light sources. Still a bit on the utilitarian side, though.

I liked seeing Pol (MORE brown hair!!?? WHY!!!???) again. Wonder how long before the Krinn family will be reunited?

I really appreciate the panel where Rokk has taken off his flight ring and is gazing distractedly at it. Nice art- evoking a quiet, but real, mood. More provocative are the following panels. I'm guessing they're flashbacks. The first image could be of a moment in the Legion's early history. One shared by just the founders. It could also be a manifestation of Rokk's fears of what his friends might face without him. Brainy as monster?

The second image is tantalizing. Ferro (Lad?)... Catspaw?... Blok?... reboot Lyle?!... Imra and Triplicate Girl are fairly recognizeable flying above the scene. Is that Rokk bearing the tattered flag? Memory or apprehension for the future? Both? I suppose most of the faces in this panel are meant to be little 'l'egionnaires. But I wonder...

It's a bit grandiose of him to picture himself bearing the standard, isn't it?

Good-- I like that Rokk retains the magnoball circuit past from previous boots.

Cos's 'telescreen coaching' bit fit the moment. Though I wonder why Element Lad wouldn't be used 'hand-to-hand'. Perhaps some one-on-one with Karate Kid is in order.

Cos among the little 'l'egionnaires-- deluded ranting or inspired leadership with retention of the 'common touch'?

The Gerda/Za Roe/ Peir bits go straight back to Alexander the Great. Who has quite a bit in common with both Rokk and Brainy, as depicted in this boot. Wouldn't *that* be a time-travel treat? Though most writers would use the drunken, broken-hearted half-mad Alexander as he was at the end of his life rather than the inspiring young soldier and then general who really *would've* fit in among the ranks of the Legionnaires... if he had a super-power. Ah, well...

Nice page with Cos reacting to and finally embracing the choice that Lyle essentially foists upon him. I hope Rokk Krinn can live with the regret he's bound to feel eventually.

[Invisible Kid - Re-Imagined] INVISIBLE KID: Was hiding among the encamped little 'l'egionnaires how Lyle first came to Brainy's attention?

I read this scene as Lyle never having considered that anyone had thought of him as the one who told Brainy about the lab break-in.

The scene in which Lightning Lad says "you just missed him" is incomplete. How did Lyle respond to Garth's glare? Where was he between that moment and his abrupt entrance into the computer-projection of Alpha Centauri?

Did he arrive with the 'suggestion' in mind, or was it an epiphany?

'Brainiac 6' (Ha!) What would Brainy say to that? I liked Lyle's actions in this issue. He soldiered on in the face of Triplicate Girl's bitchery and Ultra Boob's jerkdom.

His sneakiness is well-used. He and his are power are well-integrated. I liked how Lyle's smile mimicked that of the gatekeeper/stewardess (teleportation attendant? was she a computer projection?) as she went through the motions of her spiel while he reprogrammed the coordinates.

Note the parallel of Jo the Jerk strong-arming Lyle into his 'place', while Lyle finesses Rokk into his just as inevitably, though a world more adroitly.

It's been hard for me to get used to Lyle as the younger, junior outcast Legionnaire. I am beginning to see why he was conceived as such, for this Legion. If Lyle had been a peer from early in this team's history, it wouldn't be in the position in which it presently is. He's too smart. With too much heart. And too much instinct compelling him to act. I'm warming to this Lyle-- but boy, do I miss reboot Invisible Kid.

I thought that the depiction of Pol Krinn looked more like Lyle than Lyle did. It'd be interesting if Rokk thought so...

TRIPLICATE GIRL: OK- what's the deal with the eyes? Doesn't work for this version. Unless they're a fashion statement of some sort.

Ugh- was she snippy to Lyle, or what? I wonder if she was meant to come across as unlikeably as she did? Can't have a team rift without some bitchery, I suppose. It's a point in her favor that she supports Lyle's theory while apparently disdaining its originator.

By the way, have we seen her addressed as Luornu or Lu?

[Ultra Boy - Re-Imagined] ULTRA BOY: Has this Jo gone through being kidnapped and impersonated by a Durlan or something? The Jo/Cham scene reminded me of Violet/Yera in eras gone by. I liked the 'flashing eyes' in that scene, but that's about all of Jo I liked here. Between his treatment of Cham and Lyle and his outburst last issue, I'm about Ultra Boyed out.

Is that what we would've experienced if there'd been no super-cousins or Mon-el in other boots? Thank God for the Kryptonion/Daxamite/Legion connections of the past, if so. Bring on Andromeda, Lar Gand, Dev-em, etc! This punk needs to be taken down a few rows of pegs.

And to think I was looking forward to his stint as the 'strong arm' of the team in the absence of super-lads and lasses...

[Chameleon - Re-Imagined] CHAMELEON: Poor Cham. "I just wanted to help!" I don't see 'poisonously bitter' from last issue's description. That still has me scratching my head.

I've gotta admit, usurping a teammate's ID to make overtures that teammate might be opposed to is inadviseable... no matter how well intentioned. Cham didn't deserve that attack, though.

Is it an accident that once again Cham, Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl disappear halfway through the issue?

Methinks the Espionage Squad might be going strong.

For a minute, I thought the monster from Cos's flashback and the creature that Cham becomes while confronting Lightning Lad might be meant to connect in the reader's minds-- but maybe not. Likely not. Still, it's fun to imagine the founders facing Cham before the Durlan's joining the Legion... at a tryout?

STAR BOY: What, no 'if you use Star Boy, always team him with Light Lass?'

ELEMENT LAD: First page: He looks like he'd like to rip Triplicate Girl limb from limb from limb three times over. Apparently, Cos thinks Jan is Ele-moot Lad, too. Sigh.

SATURN GIRL: Hmmm. Looks like Imra should be palling around with Projectra.

Maybe I'm crazy... but Imra's mother seemed to make sense to me. Though it was all rhetoric preventing Imra's message to get through. Wouldn't a less conversational thought-message have sidestepped the no-doubt perpetual mother/daughter dynamic? Or do these Titanians only 'path in complete sentences? No mental info-dumping? I like the parent/child dynamic here. It rang true, for me. But wouldn't telepaths be able to get beyond this more effectively? Particularly skilled telepaths?

Does Saturn Girl's presence on Helegyn mean she's on Brainy's 'side'? Or is a 'neutral'?

SHADOW LASS: Questioning authority even in a scant handful of lines. Oh, I like this girl.

PHANTOM GIRL: Man, I want to see more of this Tinya. She's so-- intangible.

I wish she'd followed or accompanied Lyle. I'd like to hear *her* voice in the 'conversation'.

THE KRINNS: Sad last page. I have a feeling Mama Krinn ain't too happy with her firstborn. The colors seemed off on this page.

little 'l'egionnaires: The weepy, headbanded green energy fisted... the fishy sentient with worry-beads... the cheetah-tattooed forehead boy... Gerda "he knew my name!"... Peir (poor guy-- looks like they'd be working on a way to alleviate his condition, doesn't it?-- Bah-- off to the slave mines with his useless self!)... These are all worth revisiting, IMO. Not so much smarmy Toboggan head.

I liked the goat-head 'legionnaire- or is he a Legionnaire?- in Cos's flashback.

ELYSION: Who continues to be creepy. He could and should break out and become a recurring villain, no matter what happens with Praetor Lemnos and Terror Firma.

That 'terraforming' comment had better be followed up upon with some exploration/explanation. Or should it have read 'terrorformed'?

LIGHT LASS/STAR BOY/ EDITOR-IN-THE-SKY: Cute. How could Thom and Ayla be anything but? The ask-Dream-Girl bit should be elevated into a recurring column.

Though Ayla's speech about the Legion was instructive, it would've been nice to know if the Legionnaires acquired their rings through tryouts or by some other means... regardless of whether there'll be future tryouts or not.

I echoed Jeff M.s thoughts regarding the three boys fleeing form Triplicate Girl's room in a previous CTR... It's easy to say "the Legion wrote the book on group tolerance." Prove it IN THE STORIES, please.

Though the column crisis was comedic and fun, it made me wonder-- would you as a reader prefer an editorial 'we goofed' or in-story 'lemonade'? In this instance, would you have preferred the admission of error or a story aside about misinformation-- or even a plot springing from the mistake?

I enjoy these illustrated letter columns, but I'm glad they don't appear every issue. I do wish a more substantive letter column did get a page or two every issue, though. With the illustrated version subbing in every few months.

And I'm *all* for occassional text pages featuring info about the team or its members... or featuring in-story storytelling.

SUMMING UP: Helegyn's going to make or break this team. And perhaps this title. It's time for fight scenes, team integration and realization of purpose.

Though this issue humanized Cosmic Boy quite a bit, he's still got some things to answer for. I love Rokk and always have, but even I think some other folk deserve their share of the spotlight.

I liked the art-- I also liked last issue's guest art, too. Guess I'm easy to please. There was something about Thibert's Lyle I didn't like, though. Not sure what. I *am* looking forward to Barry's 'return' next issue.

From: Knoxville, TN | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Tamper Lad
With the Scarlett Faction

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Cosmic Boy - My vitriolic rants may have been premature. Until this issue he's been portrayed as a detached General Manager type. The fact that he understands the nature of the team's powers and the way his team uses them plus the fact he remembers a lot of details about the little "l" kids made him a much more sympathetic character.

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] - He's up to something. I have no idea what. Why did he select who he did. Good to see him get a little real world comeuppance. Like the kid fresh outta college with the administration degree who learns it's not like it is in the classroom.

This guy is a crazy man of action. Look at how the way his first mission as leader unfolded versus the way Rokk's missions have. Rokk seems to be cautious, hanging back at HQ managing the situation. He's on the ground scouting a planet that's already been attacked. Wreckless, just like Brainiac 5's of old.

[Triplicate Girl - Re-Imagined] - Well she's different than previous versions, ain't she? I don't know what to think not being too attached to the other versions.

[Invisible Kid - Re-Imagined] - I believe him. He didn't realize they'd blame him. I think he was outside attempting to hide from Brainy since he got back, which would only have been several hours previous.

Brainy figured it out on his own. But it looks bad on his skills as a leader if he didn't make that clear to his team. I really like Lyle as of this issue, its clear to me that we're supposed to be seeing this story unfold more or less through his eyes.

[Chameleon] - So alien, won't repeat my theory from the other thread but How long has he been on earth. How common is Durlan humanoid interaction if he's so unfamiliar with our attachement to our forms.

Doesn't seem bitter to me, just misunderstood by all.

[Saturn Girl - Re-Imagined] and Saturn mom - Wonder what her Mom's job is? I think she was posturing her entire conversation with her mother. She's a Legion idealist more than Cos yes, but she's more pragmatic than the Brainy.

I'll say that Brainy seems to like/respect her. She is also coming off as very mature looking past the events and by at least trying to work under his command.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] - No hand-to-hand, eh? I don't think KK can help him here Mystery Lad. Remember KK specifically admonished my favorite pseudointellectual for not liking to get his hands dirty. Cos has him pegged right.

[Shadow Lass - Re-Imagined] - How appropriate that she seems to be Brainy's version of Sunboy. His field officer, at HQ as it were, as opposed to the way Cos ran things back in issue 1.

[Phantom Girl - Re-Imagined] - She does get her hands dirty, why is she friends with element lad? Given KK's unrequited affection for her is this more reason for KK's snarkiness towards EL.

Lightning Lad and Sunboy - Obviously the staunchest Cos loyalists along with TripGirl. Wonder why Brainy left them out.

Ultraboy - What a jerk. Shadow Lass better whip him into shape because I can't stand him.

[ August 27, 2005, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]

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Once a Legionnaire...always a Legionnaire

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What is Popa Krinn being treated for? Pol mentioned that he was glad that Rokk would be there in case the treatments didn't take this time. I can't imagine that he is affected by any 21st century affliction...cause if anything like that still existed 1000 years from now, that would truly be a sad state of affairs!

[ August 28, 2005, 04:54 AM: Message edited by: MYG ]

Long Live the Legion!!!

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Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

"If you're going to use SHADOW LASS, always team her with SUN BOY..." Hmmmm.

It may make sense to use light and dark together - but "always team her with Sun Boy"? Hasn't been the case - we've seen her fight with Karate Kid, patrol with Ultra Boy and working directly with Sun Boy once, on Lallor - although they were both fighting the SPs, they didn't seem to be using their powers together.

Did Brainy want Lightning Lad anywhere but Helegyn because Garth and Dirk (also absent) are effective mission leaders? Or just because they're 'Cos Squad'?

Maybe we'll get some snarky response from him next issue that lightning blasts would have ignited the liquid inertron or something. I'd like to think he has a logical - as opposed to an emotional - reason for excluding Garth.

BRAINIAC 5: I don't know what ol' Querl is up to on Helegyn... but it has me eager for next issue. I liked the visuals on Helegyn. The colors are quite evocative, making the stark-looking world have a feeling of 'place'.

Again, it'll be worth watching to see why Brainy particularly called for Shadow Lass, Ultra Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Star Boy and Colossol Boy. But not Lightning Lad. His supporters only? What?

The visuals on Helegyn were very good! They really screamed heat. Local SPs? They all had the same type of face.

It was an odd choice of team members - and what's more, none of them seemed to be using their powers (except Colossal Boy, by not using his power). We know Dream Girl and Shadow Lass can fight; Shady isn't casting any shadows. Why is Jo taking punches from clay face? Element Lad isn't turning the dirt or flame blasts to air, Star Boy is just floating there or hanging onto an arm... curious.

The second image is tantalizing. Ferro (Lad?)... Catspaw?... Blok?... reboot Lyle?!... Imra and Triplicate Girl are fairly recognizeable flying above the scene. Is that Rokk bearing the tattered flag? Memory or apprehension for the future? Both? I suppose most of the faces in this panel are meant to be little 'l'egionnaires. But I wonder...

Its a bit grandiose of him to picture himself bearing the standard, isn't it?

Tantalizing indeed - lots of room for speculation there. I'm betting it's a flashback - maybe how he was chosen for or claimed the leadership, so he gets the flag.

Good-- I like that Rokk retains the magnoball circuit past from previous boots.

Cos's 'telescreen coaching' bit fit the moment. Though I wonder why Element Lad wouldn't be used 'hand-to-hand'. Perhaps some one-on-one with Karate Kid is in order.

Cos among the little 'l'egionnaires-- deluded ranting or inspired leadership with retention of the 'common touch'?

The Gerda/Za Roe/ Peir bits go straight back to Alexander the Great. Who has quite a bit in common with both Rokk and Brainy, as depicted in this boot. Wouldn't *that* be a time-travel treat?

Yes! Was that Alexander on the first page of the first issue? Did Alexander wander among the troops & inspire them?

Nice page with Cos reacting to and finally embracing the choice that Lyle essentially foists upon him. I hope Rokk Krinn can live with the regret he's bound to feel eventually.

It's a good bet that if the Legion succeeds in averting/ending this war, Braal will open it's borders, the hero son can return - and maybe Brainy even comes up with a cure for dad as a way to mend fences.

INVISIBLE KID: Was hiding among the encamped little 'l'egionnaires how Lyle first came to Brainy's attention?

I think Lyle explained in one scene that he first approached Brainy to confirm his results on the invisibility serum... which doesn't exclude him having been initially encountered among the crowd, although I don't see Brainy as mixing with the people too much.

I read this scene as Lyle never having considered that anyone had thought of him as the one who told Brainy about the lab break-in.

Me too. It seems to be a revelation he's having, some insight into a problem facing the Legion.

The scene in which Lightning Lad says "you just missed him" is incomplete. How did Lyle respond to Garth's glare? Where was he between that moment and his abrupt entrance into the computer-projection of Alpha Centauri?

Did he arrive with the 'suggestion' in mind, or was it an epiphany?

And where did Sun Boy go? Did Lyle just tag along to a pre-arranged meeting between Garth, Lu and telepathing Imra? Lyle himself doesn't seem to know exactly what happened regarding the lab break-in... stay tuned for further explanations, I guess.

It's been hard for me to get used to Lyle as the younger, junior outcast Legionnaire. I am beginning to see why he was conceived as such, for this Legion. If Lyle had been a peer from early in this team's history, it wouldn't be in the position in which it presently is. He's too smart. With too much heart. And too much instinct compelling him to act. I'm warming to this Lyle-- but boy, do I miss reboot Invisible Kid.

You've got the right word there - heart. He just won't be knocked down - he may well grow into the reboot Invisible Kid. He certainly takes initiative - preventing Rokk from going home, infecting the SP computer systems - and he's everywhere - breaking into labs, sniffing out the crowd. As for the "Brainiac 6" label - could we have a replay of the old reboot competition between the two?

I thought that the depiction of Pol Krinn looked more like Lyle than Lyle did. It'd be interesting if Rokk thought so...

Hadn't caught this, but maybe there is some little brother syndrome going on....

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Ugh- was she snippy to Lyle, or what? I wonder if she was meant to come across as unlikeably as she did? Can't have a team rift without some bitchery, I suppose. It's a point in her favor that she supports Lyle's theory while apparently disdaining its originator.

She's really not very likeable yet! Especially in those scenes. I suppose if you just live with your other selves for years, nobody calls you on bitchy behaviour.

ULTRA BOY: Is that what we would've experienced if there'd been no super-cousins or Mon-el in other boots? Thank God for the Kryptonion/Daxamite/Legion connections of the past, if so. Bring on Andromeda, Lar Gand, Dev-em, etc! This punk needs to be taken down a few rows of pegs.

And to think I was looking forward to his stint as the 'strong arm' of the team in the absence of super-lads and lasses...

Perhaps it will take an Andromeda, Lar or Dev to give Jo some perspective. He and Triplicate Girl deserve each other....

CHAMELEON: Poor Cham. "I just wanted to help!" I don't see 'poisonously bitter' from last issue's description. That still has me scratching my head.

Is it an accident that once again Cham, Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl disappear halfway through the issue?

Methinks the Espionage Squad might be going strong.

Good point on the Espionage Squad - it would explain those characters' absence.

I'm thinking Cham might be poisonously bitter about his homeworld, or something we haven't seen yet. He certainly seems affable enough so far - although there was that comment about him and Sun Boy coming to blows over religion.

SATURN GIRL: Wouldn't a less conversational thought-message have sidestepped the no-doubt perpetual mother/daughter dynamic? Or do these Titanians only 'path in complete sentences? No mental info-dumping? I like the parent/child dynamic here. It rang true, for me. But wouldn't telepaths be able to get beyond this more effectively? Particularly skilled telepaths?

Perhaps this conversation was for our benefit - we couldn't follow the info-dump. Saturn Girl could be a superior telepath to her mother - and other Titanians - and able to use her greater skill to deceive her parent about the telpathing. Do you get the impression that little Imra might have been a challenging childl on occasion?

Does Saturn Girl's presence on Helegyn mean she's on Brainy's 'side'? Or is a 'neutral'?

Actually, I find it a bit odd that Brainy just automatically became the default leader. Nobody else wanted the job? Of course, he asked for her to join the Helegyn team - but I'm surprised that she and Garth wouldn't have exercised some founder clout and taken over when Cos left.

SHADOW LASS: Questioning authority even in a scant handful of lines. Oh, I like this girl.

Shadow Lass for Leader!

little 'l'egionnaires: These are all worth revisiting, IMO.

Lots of stories to be told there - don't know if Gary can do all the smileys, though. This is one nice aspect of the WaK Legion - we're developing a large cast of secondary characters who have a presence and their own history, even if little is known about them - they're not just figures/workers populating the background of Legion World.

ELYSION: Who continues to be creepy. He could and should break out and become a recurring villain, no matter what happens with Praetor Lemnos and Terror Firma.

Alas, the only team member who seems to have a voice and some direction. He's a bit sucky with Lemnos, though. Hopefully, he'll hang around and develop his villainhood - maybe even backstab Lemnos and go on to be a true scumbag. The others, I haven't developed any feeling for.

Though the column crisis was comedic and fun, it made me wonder-- would you as a reader prefer an editorial 'we goofed' or in-story 'lemonade'?

I enjoy these illustrated letter columns, but I'm glad they don't appear every issue. I do wish a more substantive letter column did get a page or two every issue, though. With the illustrated version subbing in every few months.

I would have preferred them to have concocted some story about how Garth was from Trom but really from Winath. Something. It wouldn't be hard to come up with an explanation. This seemed to be the quick and dirty solution. Maybe they had an idea that got discarded in mid-stream.

It is entertaining, and it's part of the fun of the Legion book. Alternating this with the more substantive letter column would be ideal.

SUMMING UP: Helegyn's going to make or break this team. And perhaps this title. It's time for fight scenes, team integration and realization of purpose.

Though this issue humanized Cosmic Boy quite a bit, he's still got some things to answer for. I love Rokk and always have, but even I think some other folk deserve their share of the spotlight.

Rokk, Rokk - you've broken your mother's heart. Yet another crime of Cosmic Boy.

There is certainly a sense of fan impatience with the series at this point. However, we are promised by Mr. Kitson some intense action & developments in the next few issues. Personally, I like the pace - they are building a complex and detailed universe for the Legion. Fight scenes... I just flip the page.

We have seen a good mix of legionnaires, although certainly Cos and Brainy have dominated the story so far. The story of their struggle with each other has been one of the two main currents running through the past 9 issues, with Lemnos' story being the other. Perhaps the next "arc" will put more focus on other characters, and these two will fade into regular membership for a while.

[ August 28, 2005, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Originally posted by MYG:
What is Popa Krinn being treated for? Pol mentioned that he was glad that Rokk would be there in case the treatments didn't take this time. I can't imagine that he is affected by any 21st century affliction...cause if anything like that still existed 1000 years from now, that would truly be a sad state of affairs!

Hm, a later issue where Rokk's father dies and Cos can't go to his homeworld to see him might be something on the horizon. Loads of potential for characterization for Cos and other Legionnaires there.

I also think Lightning Lad really shined this issue. I see him very much a leader figure in this Legion, despite not being the top leader. And he appears to definately be a force to be reckoned with. In a way, the Garth of old.

[ August 28, 2005, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Why didn't Cosmic Boy's costume revert to civvies when he took off his flight ring this issue, as Element Lad's and Star Boy's were shown to do in this past? Some consistency is needed here. Also, if the costumes are just holograms projected over their street clothes, we should never see a costume get torn or damaged in battle. I don't know if we have so far, but it's something to watch out for.

Why is Triplicate Girl harping on Invisible Kid's presumed dishonesty, when she herself has been shown spying on and deceiving her teammates and was called to task on it by Sun Boy just last issue.

I don't see Cham as poisonously bitter either and didn't get that comment at all. He seems like an innocent kid trying his best to help and fit in to me.

Was Cosmic Boy the ONLY Braalian transporting back to Braal? If so, why didn't he just use the Legion's own transporter? And if not, wouldn't Lyle be teleporting civilians into danger along with Rokk when he switched the controls?

Everybody's negative attitude towards Lyle seems unwarranted and over dramatized to me. Judging by next issue's cover that's going to get worse before it gets better. Why is everyone choosing sides with either Brainy or Cos, despite their blatant manipulations, while casting stones at Lyle based on mere supposition?

Buy my new graphic novel!

From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Why is Triplicate Girl harping on Invisible Kid's presumed dishonesty, when she herself has been shown spying on and deceiving her teammates and was called to task on it by Sun Boy just last issue.

Don't know about the other good questions you raise, but thinking about how unpleasant Triplicate Girl was in this issue - maybe she has the three personality thing again, and this one was Snarky Lu.

Holy Cats of Egypt!

From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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SUN BOY: "If you're going to use SHADOW LASS, always team her with SUN BOY..." Hmmmm.

Perplexing, but maybe Cos was referring to the fact that Shady and Sun Boy look soooo good together, villains swoon at the very sight of them. [Big Grin]

LIGHTING LAD: Did Brainy want Lightning Lad anywhere but Helegyn because Garth and Dirk (also absent) are effective mission leaders? Or just because they're 'Cos Squad'?

Both, probably. Let's try to think like a Machiavellian for a moment. It can't be a coincidence that Lightning Lad, his fellow plumbers AND Cos's deputy leader, Sun Boy, were all excluded from the mission. (Plus Garth's sister, too.) They were Cos's inner circle, loyal only to him and pose a real threat of mutiny. I imagine that Brainy intends to sack them, demote them, subvert them, or otherwise make their lives miserable until they pledge their loyalty or ship out. Remember his words last issue, "I'd rather some of us succeed .. than all of us fail."

If Brainy had sent Garth and/or Dirk to Helegyn, the possibility existed they would rally others around them, undermining B5's authority. Unfortunately for Brainy, the absence of their combat leadership skills turned the strike into a melee.

BRAINY: Again, it'll be worth watching to see why Brainy particularly called for Shadow Lass, Ultra Boy, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Star Boy and Colossol Boy.

Perhaps Brainy thought he could easily lord it over the weaker "Coslings" Star Boy and Colossal Boy, i.e., the slow one and the gullible one. The others (except Imra) are obvious choices as his political supporters. The biggest head-scratcher is the absence of staunch B5 supporter and butt-kicker, Karate Kid.

The larger question is how Brainy could assume leadership when only half the team wants him. I going to assume that Cos formally relinquished leadership before he departed and asked his supporters to work with Brainy for the good of the universe. That sounds like something Cos would do.

COSMIC BOY: The first image could be of a moment in the Legion's early history. One shared by just the founders. It could also be a manifestation of Rokk's fears of what his friends might face without him. Brainy as monster?

It looked to me like Cos was smiling and having a grand old time. I'd love to see other flashbacks of more innocent adventures like this before the s**t hit the fan.

Cos among the little 'l'egionnaires-- deluded ranting or inspired leadership with retention of the 'common touch'?

A bit of both. The "Whatever" response was not completely uncalled for. Cos really *was* being a tad hypocritical, though I can't really blame him for wanting to be with his family.

Nice page with Cos reacting to and finally embracing the choice that Lyle essentially foists upon him.

And in the last panel he looked just like Clark Kent changing into Superman. Now, THAT was grandiose. LOL!

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Ugh- was she snippy to Lyle, or what? I wonder if she was meant to come across as unlikeably as she did?

She's painted as a rat, a hypocrite AND a bitch. I wonder if Waid is preparing her to go the way of Kid (James) Quantum.

ULTRA BOY: This punk needs to be taken down a few rows of pegs.

Jo has now attacked two teammates two issues in a row and there's bound to be another incident, but I don't consider him a hopeless cause. This is Ultra Boy in the raw, a thug, but he's not a complete stranger. We *have* seen glimpses of this Jo before, particularly in Legion Lost, so I figure he has the potential to become the old Jo some day. Besides, Shady obviously sees something salvagable and I trust her instincts.

CHAMELEON: I've gotta admit, usurping a teammate's ID to make overtures that teammate might be opposed to is inadvisable... no matter how well intentioned. Cham didn't deserve that attack, though.

Not to defend Jo too much, but the Durlan *is* creepy. He's a kind of sad, too. I'm not sure Cham really understood a word Garth was saying to him. Turning into a monster and crying "I only wanted to help!" reminded me of a small child throwing a temper tantrum because he feels unjustly chastised by a grownup. In fact, Cham's actions were very childlike in their naivete, but nonetheless disturbing.

I'm not sure where his political loyalties lie, or if he has any at all, but he hasn't been embraced by either faction. Brainy didn't call him to Helegyn and it's obvious Cos and Dirk don't like him. But in the end, I believe Cham's impersonation skills will prove critical in the coming battle.

Is it an accident that once again Cham, Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl disappear halfway through the issue?

I'd love to see them team up with Lyle and throw Terror Firma for a loop. It would also be a GREAT opportunity to introduce Violet.

ELEMENT LAD: First page: He looks like he'd like to rip Triplicate Girl limb from limb from limb three times over.

Jan should have made Triplicate Girl's hair fall out by its roots.

Regarding his battle worthiness, he got his hands plenty dirty on Lallor and with the pirate last issue. All he needs is adequate coverage to enable him to move close enough to cut off the target's oxygen supply. He wouldn't even have to make physical contact.

SATURN GIRL: Does Saturn Girl's presence on Helegyn mean she's on Brainy's 'side'? Or is a 'neutral'?

Now that Cos is back, she'll probably be forced to take sides. I think it'll be well-nigh impossible to remain neutral. The fact she hasn't openly aligned herself politically suggests her choice may come as a surprise.

Reason vs. passion - that's always been the paradox of Saturn Girl. It's most interesting to see its origin in the form of "Mother".

ELYSION: That 'terraforming' comment had better be followed up upon with some exploration/explanation. Or should it have read 'terrorformed'?

Brainy used the two words interchangably in issue #6, but if you wanted to be precise, I guess terrorforming is actually terraDEforming.

The liquid intertron reserves are presumably a highly valuable U.P. resource, and destroying them would weaken the government even further. Some people complain that Terror Firma isn't scary enough, but they certainly know how to go about the business of terrorism.

I didn't notice that Elysion was wearing Brin's trenchcoat at first, but once I did, it weirded me out a bit.

LIGHT LASS/STAR BOY/ EDITOR-IN-THE-SKY: In this instance, would you have preferred the admission of error or a story aside about misinformation-- or even a plot springing from the mistake?

Since the goof wasn't in-story it was probably best handled here, though I wish it had been corrected months ago. I'm tempted to think it was a joke that didn't go over as intended, except the Jo/Garth mixup in this issue proved the editors are really NOT paying attention.

SUMMING UP: It's time for fight scenes, team integration and realization of purpose.

It's been an exasperatingly long journey, but I'm finally psyched for the more epic stuff that'll happen next. However, the possibility exists that unity and purpose won't be achieved by defeating Lemnos, but by being defeated. Wak's 'Empire' comes to mind.

[ August 30, 2005, 04:40 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Man, are you folks hard on Triplicate Girl. Can't you see she is being mean to Invisible Kid because she feels guilty at her own subterfuge and espionage? Plus, she is genuinely loyal to Cos, and thinks (incorrectly?) that Lyle betrayed Cos to Brainy. Just because TG was given the role of displaying the bad feelings caused by last issue's crack-up DOESN'T mean that other Legionnaires aren't similarly defensive, snarky and mistrustful in the aftermath of the split. Jeez.

My take on the Element Lad/hand-to-hand comment is this. Most of Terror Firma seem to have powers that act at a distance--power projecting that is sort of super-hero hand-to-hand. If E-Lad can't get close to them, his effectiveness in battle IS limited. I will be interested to see if Mark and Barry follow-up on Jan learning to use his powers for effectively in combat.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"

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Mystery Lad

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Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Cosmic Boy - My vitriolic rants may have been premature. Until this issue he's been portrayed as a detached General Manager type. The fact that he understands the nature of the team's powers and the way his team uses them plus the fact he remembers a lot of details about the little "l" kids made him a much more sympathetic character.

Is anyone watching ROME on HBO this summer? The relationship between Cos and Brainy reminds me of Pompeii and Julius Caesar, in a way. Cos and Pompeii are the 'old soldiers' who seemingly want to maintain order... Brainy and JC are the brilliant visionaries who want their due.

Beware the Ides of the 31st Century?

The goat scene from earlier in the series keeps coming to my mind, for some reason.

I agree that Cos' speech to the little 'l's and his TelePort Quarterbacking gave the character a bit of much-needed sympathy.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] - He's up to something. I have no idea what. Why did he select who he did. Good to see him get a little real world comeuppance. Like the kid fresh outta college with the administration degree who learns it's not like it is in the classroom.

This guy is a crazy man of action. Look at how the way his first mission as leader unfolded versus the way Rokk's missions have. Rokk seems to be cautious, hanging back at HQ managing the situation. He's on the ground scouting a planet that's already been attacked. Wreckless, just like Brainiac 5's of old.

All true... but Brainy hasn't had to juggle political balls in the air as yet. More of that 'kid fresh out of college'... he may think he can remake the galaxy as he sees fit, but real life and those political juggling balls are bound to intrude.

'Crazy man of action'-- hee-hee. That's an ominous description for Brainy, considering past versions and craziness and actions...

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

[Triplicate Girl - Re-Imagined] - Well she's different than previous versions, ain't she? I don't know what to think not being too attached to the other versions.

She seems pretty much a cypher with a bit of a bitchy streak, to me. I don't have a clear image of how she thinks or feels about anything. Apparently, she's a stauch supporter of Cos-- doing his 'dirty work'. But is she really? And is she even Luornu?

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

[Invisible Kid - Re-Imagined] - I believe him. He didn't realize they'd blame him. I think he was outside attempting to hide from Brainy since he got back, which would only have been several hours previous.

Brainy figured it out on his own. But it looks bad on his skills as a leader if he didn't make that clear to his team. I really like Lyle as of this issue, its clear to me that we're supposed to be seeing this story unfold more or less through his eyes.

Praetor Lemnos pointed Brainy in the right direction, didn't he? Then he extrapolated...

Lyle hiding among the crowd? Hmmm. Or was he snooping?

I agree that Lyle's the 'entry-level' character-- sort of like Superboy was in ADVENTURE and earlier. I am warming to this Lyle... but he ain't a patch on the most recent version, to me.

I'd like to see a Legionnaire that starts at an even earlier 'entry point'. One that first joins the movement and then accomplishes the feat of joining the superhero team, however that is done.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

[Chameleon] - So alien, won't repeat my theory from the other thread but How long has he been on earth. How common is Durlan humanoid interaction if he's so unfamiliar with our attachement to our forms.

Doesn't seem bitter to me, just misunderstood by all.

I still think 'poisonously bitter' might be a code word of some sort. 'Operation Poison' or something. Calling the espionage squad into action...

... though that doesn't seem to jibe with the Ultra Boy impersonation. Ah, well.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[Saturn Girl - Re-Imagined] and Saturn mom - Wonder what her Mom's job is? I think she was posturing her entire conversation with her mother. She's a Legion idealist more than Cos yes, but she's more pragmatic than the Brainy.

I'll say that Brainy seems to like/respect her. She is also coming off as very mature looking past the events and by at least trying to work under his command.

I wonder if this Imra wanted to be a Science Police officer? That might've caused a little angst for the seemingly-powerful mama Ardeen.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] - No hand-to-hand, eh? I don't think KK can help him here Mystery Lad. Remember KK specifically admonished my favorite pseudointellectual for not liking to get his hands dirty. Cos has him pegged right.

Oh, he'd never be a Dream Girl, Timber Wolf or Shadow Lass. But still I'd think that Jan himself would see the value in at least learning to be a competent 'hand-to'hand'. Not liking something doesn't mean he'd not learn to do it-- when lives would be at risk.

Literal fight-avoidance makes that earlier scene between KKid and Jan sharper and less playful than as I originally read it. Frankly, I prefer the playful, here.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[Shadow Lass - Re-Imagined] - How appropriate that she seems to be Brainy's version of Sunboy. His field officer, at HQ as it were, as opposed to the way Cos ran things back in issue 1.

Hah! Will *he* be in for a surprise! If Sun Boy was likely to go his own way a bit, Shady'll make Dirk look like a perfectly tractable little soldier.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
[Phantom Girl - Re-Imagined] - She does get her hands dirty, why is she friends with element lad? Given KK's unrequited affection for her is this more reason for KK's snarkiness towards EL.

Again, I thought the KKid/ELad thing was playful banter between friends. Maybe Val is a bit jealous, though. Too bad, 'cause a Tinya/Jan friendship would be a fun, new thing. Especially if it didn't and wouldn't ripen into romance.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Lightning Lad and Sunboy - Obviously the staunchest Cos loyalists along with TripGirl. Wonder why Brainy left them out.

The composition of that mission team seems to be a significant part of the plot.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
b]Ultraboy [/b] - What a jerk. Shadow Lass better whip him into shape because I can't stand him.

Yeah- we need to see *his* 'TelePort' scene...
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Mystery Lad

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Originally posted by MYG:
What is Popa Krinn being treated for? Pol mentioned that he was glad that Rokk would be there in case the treatments didn't take this time. I can't imagine that he is affected by any 21st century affliction...cause if anything like that still existed 1000 years from now, that would truly be a sad state of affairs!

Hmmm. Pain Plague, Rigellian Fever, Space Fatigue, that disease that made the Legion girls weak with red faces (name?), what other afflictions have we seen?
From: Knoxville, TN | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Mystery Lad

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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
It may make sense to use light and dark together - but "always team her with Sun Boy"? Hasn't been the case - we've seen her fight with Karate Kid, patrol with Ultra Boy and working directly with Sun Boy once, on Lallor - although they were both fighting the SPs, they didn't seem to be using their powers together.

Curious, isn't it? If the order of the names were reversed, it might make more sense- as Dirk's heat could be seen as more of a threat to bystanders or Legionnaires than Shady's darkness. Or is his light meant to counter her dark for Legionnaire eyes?

Or do powers have nothing to do with Cos' reasons?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Maybe we'll get some snarky response from him [Brainy] next issue that lightning blasts would have ignited the liquid inertron or something. I'd like to think he has a logical - as opposed to an emotional - reason for excluding Garth.

More likely a political one-- though Dirk's powers wouldn't be extremely useful on Helegyn, would they?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

The visuals on Helegyn were very good! They really screamed heat. Local SPs? They all had the same type of face.

It was an odd choice of team members - and what's more, none of them seemed to be using their powers (except Colossal Boy, by not using his power). We know Dream Girl and Shadow Lass can fight; Shady isn't casting any shadows. Why is Jo taking punches from clay face? Element Lad isn't turning the dirt or flame blasts to air, Star Boy is just floating there or hanging onto an arm... curious.

I think we just saw a few seconds of the fight, after all... the opening engagement.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Yes! Was that Alexander on the first page of the first issue? Did Alexander wander among the troops & inspire them?

Yes, at least in the early years. It could be Alexander in the first issue-- or Pericles-- or Achilles-- etc...

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

It's a good bet that if the Legion succeeds in averting/ending this war, Braal will open it's borders, the hero son can return - and maybe Brainy even comes up with a cure for dad as a way to mend fences.

That'd be a happy ending. It's hard at this point to imagine both Cos and Brainy reconciled...

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I think Lyle explained in one scene that he first approached Brainy to confirm his results on the invisibility serum... which doesn't exclude him having been initially encountered among the crowd, although I don't see Brainy as mixing with the people too much.

Was Lyle a little 'l' at that point, I wonder? I imagine Brainy'd take a few fact-finding journeys into the crowd... if only to reinforce his own superiority in his mind. Maybe in disguise? A new use for the handy-dandy utility ring... though one that sort of cuts into Cham's territory.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

And where did Sun Boy go? Did Lyle just tag along to a pre-arranged meeting between Garth, Lu and telepathing Imra? Lyle himself doesn't seem to know exactly what happened regarding the lab break-in... stay tuned for further explanations, I guess.

Sun Boy, Triplicate Girl and Chameleon to the rescue!

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

You've got the right word there - heart. He just won't be knocked down - he may well grow into the reboot Invisible Kid. He certainly takes initiative - preventing Rokk from going home, infecting the SP computer systems - and he's everywhere - breaking into labs, sniffing out the crowd. As for the "Brainiac 6" label - could we have a replay of the old reboot competition between the two?

It'll be interesting to see what Lyle's position on the team will be once this storyline's over (assuming he survives). Will his teammates trust him?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

She's really not very likeable yet! Especially in those scenes. I suppose if you just live with your other selves for years, nobody calls you on bitchy behaviour.

Ha! Or they just absorb you! 'Glurp.'

It's a good point, though. Self-editing might be a problem for Trips. One she'd have to have learned to become a spy, though.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Perhaps it will take an Andromeda, Lar or Dev to give Jo some perspective. He and Triplicate Girl deserve each other....

Hmmm. Wonder what his reception would be like on Caarg?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I'm thinking Cham might be poisonously bitter about his homeworld, or something we haven't seen yet. He certainly seems affable enough so far - although there was that comment about him and Sun Boy coming to blows over religion.

Yeah- I wonder what that was all about.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Perhaps this conversation was for our benefit - we couldn't follow the info-dump. Saturn Girl could be a superior telepath to her mother - and other Titanians - and able to use her greater skill to deceive her parent about the telpathing. Do you get the impression that little Imra might have been a challenging childl on occasion?

Oh, no-- if there was a telepathic info-dump, I don't think Mama Ardeen would still disbelieve in the existence of Lemnos.

I'd say 'challenging child' would be likely to be an understatement.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Actually, I find it a bit odd that Brainy just automatically became the default leader. Nobody else wanted the job? Of course, he asked for her to join the Helegyn team - but I'm surprised that she and Garth wouldn't have exercised some founder clout and taken over when Cos left.

Brainy and Cos being the only choices is a bit unbelievable.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Shadow Lass for Leader!

That'd be fun. Wonder who'd vote for her? Ultra Boy... Karate Kid... maybe Sun Boy?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Lots of stories to be told there - don't know if Gary can do all the smileys, though. This is one nice aspect of the WaK Legion - we're developing a large cast of secondary characters who have a presence and their own history, even if little is known about them - they're not just figures/workers populating the background of Legion World.

We're getting a few names-- but I'd like more!

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Alas, the only team member who seems to have a voice and some direction. He's a bit sucky with Lemnos, though. Hopefully, he'll hang around and develop his villainhood - maybe even backstab Lemnos and go on to be a true scumbag. The others, I haven't developed any feeling for.

Me either-- again the namelessness doesn't help.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I would have preferred them to have concocted some story about how Garth was from Trom but really from Winath. Something. It wouldn't be hard to come up with an explanation. This seemed to be the quick and dirty solution. Maybe they had an idea that got discarded in mid-stream.

It is entertaining, and it's part of the fun of the Legion book. Alternating this with the more substantive letter column would be ideal.

Well, we agree-- so it should be so!
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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Hmmm. Pain Plague, Rigellian Fever, Space Fatigue, that disease that made the Legion girls weak with red faces (name?), what other afflictions have we seen?

The disease that made the Legion girls weak with red faces was actually Satan Girl's attempt at siphoning away the Red K from her and into others. I have a hard time believing that's going to crop up again. [Smile]

Still, it could be a current disease that's mutated out of control. Who's to say? And do we know for a fact that Braalians are of Earth descent?


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Mystery Lad

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Hm, a later issue where Rokk's father dies and Cos can't go to his homeworld to see him might be something on the horizon. Loads of potential for characterization for Cos and other Legionnaires there.

That'd be sad-- but it would put that 'responsible for his family' load right on his shoulders.

Realistically, if his father died, I think he should be 'offscreen' for at least six months or so.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

I also think Lightning Lad really shined this issue. I see him very much a leader figure in this Legion, despite not being the top leader. And he appears to definately be a force to be reckoned with. In a way, the Garth of old.

It's great seeing Garth written this way again. There was a brief period of time when he was this confident and heroic towards the end of LEGION LOST, but that didn't return with him when he came back as Garth-in-Jan.

However, I wouldn't be too surprised if there's some brand new flaws waiting to be exposed.

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Mystery Lad

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Why didn't Cosmic Boy's costume revert to civvies when he took off his flight ring this issue, as Element Lad's and Star Boy's were shown to do in this past? Some consistency is needed here. Also, if the costumes are just holograms projected over their street clothes, we should never see a costume get torn or damaged in battle. I don't know if we have so far, but it's something to watch out for.

Has it actually been stated that the costumes are holograms projected over street clothes (or whatever)? Or is that an assumption?

It's an interesting idea. Imagine if Marvel's Wasp got hold of this technology...

As for Rokk... maybe he's actually wearing his uniform beneath the ring's 'projection' (or whatever).

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

Why is Triplicate Girl harping on Invisible Kid's presumed dishonesty, when she herself has been shown spying on and deceiving her teammates and was called to task on it by Sun Boy just last issue.

Maybe she's projecting her own guilt, or at the least discomfort, over her recent actions onto Lyle. Or else needling the new guy is a Legionnaire tradtion. Or maybe she'd just 'passing along' the Sun Boy confrontation.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

I don't see Cham as poisonously bitter either and didn't get that comment at all. He seems like an innocent kid trying his best to help and fit in to me.

There's gotta be follow-up coming on this point. It's *so* different than what we've seen from Cham that there simply must be story ahead that addresses it.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

Was Cosmic Boy the ONLY Braalian transporting back to Braal? If so, why didn't he just use the Legion's own transporter? And if not, wouldn't Lyle be teleporting civilians into danger along with Rokk when he switched the controls?

Yeah- if the teams's coffers are so overflowing, I don't see why Rokk was using public transport. A directive from Brainy (god- what a jerk, if so)? Conscientiousness over mission availability for the HQ transport tech? Maybe there's a standing limitation on private travel if teams are in the field?

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

Everybody's negative attitude towards Lyle seems unwarranted and over dramatized to me. Judging by next issue's cover that's going to get worse before it gets better. Why is everyone choosing sides with either Brainy or Cos, despite their blatant manipulations, while casting stones at Lyle based on mere supposition?

If Lemnos isn't manipulating things, I don't quite buy the 'two camp' split. Even with Cos and Brainy's hands muddying the pool, I think there'd be more clusters of opinion than two.

Lyle makes a convenient scapegoat. 'Blame the new guy.' Not very Legion-like, historically. Belittling a bit, yes, but not outright hostility.

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