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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
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CALLING THE ROLL is a character by character look at the latest issue of SUPERGIRL AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.

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Let the roll be called!

[Colossal Boy - Re-Imagined] COLOSSAL BOY That one-panel glimpse of Big City, Antarctica's skyline made me want to see more of this setting. Outdoors. Poor Gim is getting beat up a lot lately, isn't he? At least he didn't let the 'transfer' occur without challenging it. Though I'm not really sure how he judged the ages of the phoney SPs when they had their helmets on. By their size? There must be lots of races-- not to mention individuals-- who'd be a bit shorter than the average adult. Their voices? Again, I wouldn't think that'd be a qualifier. Maybe the faceplates of the helmets are more opague than they look and Gim could see their faces. He must have superior eyesight.

LIGHT LASS Being cold must make Winathians extend their 'n's. It was nice to see her leaping to E-Lad's rescue... and spurring Atom Girl into action with the 'don't care that he saved your planet' bit. Ayla also got the summation line about Brainy's finally running into a problem he couldn't compute his way out of.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] ELEMENT LAD Top panel of page 5-- Jan(n)'s face and a shrunken Atom Girl... he looks *very* familiar to me, but I can't place it. Does this pic remind anyone of someone famous? An actor or singer or something?

Way too much preachiness on that page. It really was, as Atom Girl put it, "noise".

I would've liked to see Jan(n) express his reservations, but also demonstrate some trust for his teammate. And curiosity-- what if Brainy's plan had *worked*? We all know it still might've, but Jan(n), Salu and Ayla now are convinced that it didn't. And what about compassion? "If you have any true regard"... who does Jan(n) think he is?

But I'm being an old fogey. After all, this is the Legion of Super-Delinquents. Teamwork, trust and compassion are 'oldster' traits. Bickering, posturing and in-fighting are this team's modus operandi. With healthy dollops of sneakiness and deception (see the girls' scene this month).

It's a good thing Mordru, Darkseid, Universo, etc. *haven't* been used this boot. They'd wipe the floor with this team. Deservedly.

Maybe Jan(n)'s trouncing will spark him to seek out Karate Kid and get some sparring in. That'd be a positive. I'd like to see more dialogue between that pair. Remember #2? They had a challenging vibe between them, then.

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC 5 They're going to revisit the insane-Brainy thing again, aren't they? That's one old pattern I could've done without for, like, ever. Hard to see a raging Brainy choking a teammate as a result of his genius plan going up in smoke as anything else but that. This was a strong, dramatic scene-- leading up to the very effective 'cloud' pattern dialogue box commanding Brainy to let Jan(n) go. I liked the flow of the scene. The characters were well chosen. I even sympathize with Brainy... I wanted Jan(n) to shut up, too (and, remember, he's my favorite character in comics of all time). But, dang it, I want to see Brainy embrace his team...not retreat further.

There's hope in the concluding scene. If what *we* see there is 'real', then Dream Girl could lead Brainy into a healthier, for lack of a better word, place.

If she's a creation of his mind, then what he's telling himself in this scene is indicative of a Brainy I want to read about. One that recognizes the value of his Legionnaire teammates.

"I'll never leave you".

Unlike his mother in this boot. Unlike Supergirl of the original LSH. How vulnerable Querl Dox is. These concluding pages redeem this segment of the issue for me.

ATOM GIRL So, do you think that Salu knew about the immunity thing? I do. How deep does her gratitude run?

[Dream Girl - Re-Imagined] DREAM GIRL Real or memorex? What do you think? Is Dream Girl sharing Brainy's mind? Will she appear to others, in *their* dreams? Will she still have and use her power? I'm surprised at how similar this is to Apparition's story in the previous reboot. Will it reach a similar conclusion? Just where *did* Nura's body *go*?

I wonder if Brainy'll avoid Saturn Girl or if he'll make a beeline to her. What of Dream Boy? I wonder if he'll be able to sense Nura...

TRIPLICATE GIRL I think if I were a Legionnaire, I'd *never* sit at a table and talk with Luornu. Unless, of course, I wanted to communicate something to Cosmic Boy without actually talking to him.

SUPERGIRL I'm surprised Supergirl didn't mention or think about the Amazons here. How long till she 'wakes' up? Will it be when she returns to her own time? What if she periodically journeyed to the 31st century, but always thought she was dreaming?

PHANTOM GIRL Whoever has decided to adopt this golden hue for Tinya's skin has made a miscalculation. Unless she's trying out some new tanning program, it should just be stopped. It doesn't work for this character.

PRINCESS PROJECTRA The knives come out. She's good at being a bitch. What a surprise. Are Jeckie fans enjoying this version?

LIGHTNING LAD / COSMIC BOY Enough about the coming election-- let's have it already!

DeKraker makes Garth and Ayla look more like twins than any other artist I can remember. I could believe that *this* Ayla impersonated *this* Garth and got away with it (for awhile). That's something I can't even say about the original story in which it happened.

KID QUAKE Cool use of his power. Maybe he'll 'turn coats' and rejoin the legion or the Legion.

NEMESIS KID I complained about an orange Phantom Girl, but I don't mind at all that NK has a different skin tone than the original. You know why? Because it's different from the beginning! He seems to be in charge of this squad, but subservient to Tarik. He's also not as arrogant as Hart Druiter, the original NK, was.

GREENFREEZE(?) I *ain't* calling this guy Polar Boy till I see it in the comic. I prefer to think of PB as operating in the shadows, creating his sub team as we read.

BIG 8: Why are they so angry at Gim? Were they as upset with him before the 'sellout'? What is a team going to do with so many giants? The girl (need a name, people!) has the makings of a prime villainess, don't you think?

Or else, she'll be Gim's love interest. Or both. That'd be fun. The rest of them are cyphers. Might as well go ahead and put red shirts on them, 'cause I foresee some jumbo-sized cannon fodder denting the 31st century pavement in the near future.

[ August 26, 2006, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
Thanks for the summary. It was as enjoyable as always.

I think you're confusing Hunt Drouin with Hart Druiter. And in my opinion, Jann deserved it. [Smile]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
You are right, Sir Tim. I've edited the initial post to reflect the correct info.

Jan(n) deserved a 'shut up'-- probably not a throttling.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
[Shrinking Violet - Re-Imagined] She seemed as surprised as Ayla, I don't think she knew. Though she's Brainy's servant, i'm sure he doesn't trust her as much as she worships him.

I want to see Imsk. Imagine a civilization saved from slavery by a green man who literally fills the sky above you. The Imskian notion God might be a crazy green teenager with a big ego and an incorporeal girlfriend.

I wanna know what Salu's relationship with the rest of her race is. She is literally the only Imskian that can speak to 'God' directly. Though Brainy may use electronic devices to tell Imsk what to do, to them Salu must be in a special relationship with him. I'd imagine many requests for intercession go her way.

[Light Lass - Re-Imagined] She knows what needs to be and takes action, yet she's not quite as rash as her brother. I'm beginning to really like her, and she's swayed my vote in the upcoming election. I volunteer to be the 'enlightened liberal' that chairs her campaign. I think the rest of them don't take her seriously but in time she's got lots of leadership potential.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] I actually felt bad for him, he comes across as somewhat useless. He does seem like a philosophy major come to think of it. Man I'd hate to see him talk philosophy after partaking in some mind altering chemicals.

:ColassalBoy: Just a likeable all round nice guy, that gets used as a punching bag. He seems to be so passive.

[Dream Girl - Re-Imagined] / [Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] She calls him by name which she never did before. IIRC Cos is the only one to do that before this issue.

Could she just be the manifestation of his conscience? If it's her, it'll be neat because they have completely opposite personality traits. Between the two of them they'll have a what those psychological tests call a 'complete brain'.

Of course legionnaires might think his new kindness, social grace, creativeness, and ignorance of time management is a sign of mental illness.

LOoking forward to the Rainbow LSV and their boss Tarik.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I dunno...

I really like B-5 when he's a raving lunatic. Now that he's got an "imaginary girlfriend" he's even more likely to be considered a candidate for the rubber room by his team mates than usual. Could be some interesting plot twists in his immediate future.

I wonder if this new "Nemisis Kid" is our old friend? He didn't show off any power in this issue ... but what could he have done in the scene we saw anyway?..could this mean Ferro Lad is going to show up soon? We saw a figure in one of those early flashbacks that looked a heck of a lot like Douglas so maybe he's slated for an appearance.

I sure hope so. Mark ought to "make up" to us the wimpy FL we saw in the reboot and bring back the confident power house we mourned for so long. I'd like that.
Posted by Set on :
Everyone was staring at Dream Girl's empty tube.

The artist worked pretty hard to make sure we couldn't see what was in Lemnos' stasis tube, didn't he?

I think Salu *didn't* know about Brainy's defense, and was quite possibly 'put out' that he had taken steps to protect himself from *her,* too... She's all about the 'not being taken for granted' and doing stuff that makes people talk about her or think of her as 'larger than life,' so I could see her turning on Brainy (and quite possibly earning the ire of her people, who don't actually have to work with the man, and likely have an inflated view of his infallibility).
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

[Colossal Boy - Re-Imagined] COLOSSAL BOY That one-panel glimpse of Big City, Antarctica's skyline made me want to see more of this setting. Outdoors.

Legion Worlds! Legion Worlds! Legion Worlds!

LIGHT LASS Being cold must make Winathians extend their 'n's. It was nice to see her leaping to E-Lad's rescue... and spurring Atom Girl into action with the 'don't care that he saved your planet' bit. Ayla also got the summation line about Brainy's finally running into a problem he couldn't compute his way out of.

Why was she staying cold anyways? Don't they have transuits - or couldn't that flight ring whip her up a wool sweater? I'd agree with Tamper Lad that Ayla is really showing leadership potential and she's becoming a favourite of mine as well. She gets things done.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] ELEMENT LAD
Way too much preachiness on that page. It really was, as Atom Girl put it, "noise".

I would've liked to see Jan(n) express his reservations, but also demonstrate some trust for his teammate.

It didn't strike me as too preachy, because he gave up. But it was noise in that it had no effect. Interesting that Brainy insults Jan, calling him an ape but Jan doesn't turn the tables and call Brainy devoid of spirituality - whatever the insult would be for that - philistine?

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC 5 They're going to revisit the insane-Brainy thing again, aren't they?

There's hope in the concluding scene. If what *we* see there is 'real', then Dream Girl could lead Brainy into a healthier, for lack of a better word, place.

If she's a creation of his mind, then what he's telling himself in this scene is indicative of a Brainy I want to read about. One that recognizes the value of his Legionnaire teammates.

He's been such a detestable jerk for 21 issues, even I was getting fed up with him - but there is hope in that last scene. Hopefully, Waid won't do the insane trip or overshoot into super-niceness like after the space anomaly.

[Dream Girl - Re-Imagined] DREAM GIRL Real or memorex? What do you think? Is Dream Girl sharing Brainy's mind? Will she appear to others, in *their* dreams? Will she still have and use her power? I'm surprised at how similar this is to Apparition's story in the previous reboot. Will it reach a similar conclusion? Just where *did* Nura's body *go*?

I wonder if Brainy'll avoid Saturn Girl or if he'll make a beeline to her. What of Dream Boy? I wonder if he'll be able to sense Nura...

This is so unresolved it's maddening. Please don't drag it out for another 10 issues! She's certainly in his head, but is it really her or his own fabrication? Space fatigue? As Set pointed out, something must be up with the absence of bodies, though. I thought the Tinya in Jo think was creepy, as was the Garth in Jan deal - even if a Nura presence did make Brainy a better person, it would be like invasion of the body snatchers to me.

What if she really comes back, physically? Jan in particular would have some heavy thinking to do about how he would relate to her.

SUPERGIRL I'm surprised Supergirl didn't mention or think about the Amazons here. How long till she 'wakes' up? Will it be when she returns to her own time? What if she periodically journeyed to the 31st century, but always thought she was dreaming?

That's an idea. Maybe she's sleepwalking or lucid dreaming. I can't see that it would make her too popular with some members, "here I am back with all my dream buddies" could be a tad wearing.

PRINCESS PROJECTRA The knives come out. She's good at being a bitch. What a surprise. Are Jeckie fans enjoying this version?

I like this Projectra. She's a bundle of different emotions and seems all the more real for it. And if anyone can play a bitch, it's a princess.

LIGHTNING LAD / COSMIC BOY Enough about the coming election-- let's have it already!

I wonder if Cos is making a mistake taking the election to the entire legion. What's the purpose of a leader for this team? If it's someone who directs the work of the core members, it seems the leader should be chosen by the people who are actually going on missions and who know what's needed, what's at stake. It would be like all the fans of a band voting on who should be the manager.

On the new LSV: school's out. I had high hopes for Terror Firma and was disappointed, so I'll wait and see on this group.

[ September 01, 2006, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Tromium on :
ELEMENT LAD: Way too much preachiness on that page. It really was, as Atom Girl put it, "noise".

The mere presence of the once-deceased Element Lad, whose corpse was hijacked a few years ago and who did his own share of god-playing before that, spoke louder than any of his words against Brainy's lunatic resurrection plot.

And in the other corner we have Light Lass subbing for her twin brother, the Legion authority on the pitfalls of life after death, who was referred to obliquely in the "statue" line. All things considered, maybe Nura's better off being non-corporeal.

BRAINIAC 5: They're going to revisit the insane-Brainy thing again, aren't they?

I think he's been to the very edge and back again. The fact his brain(iac)-sickness reaches its height on the ancestral ship adds another layer of meaning. Perhaps that's why dream-Nura kept calling him "Querl" instead of Brainy. To remind him who he really is, or ought to be - "idealistic" - unlike his ancestors.

DREAM GIRL: Real or memorex? What do you think? Is Dream Girl sharing Brainy's mind? Will she appear to others, in *their* dreams? Will she still have and use her power?

While we wait for answers (if any) to our questions, I'm content to view the whole thing as a macabre love story. I kind of like the ambiguity surrounding their symbiosis, maybe more than I'll like the real answers.

I'm surprised at how similar this is to Apparition's story in the previous reboot. Will it reach a similar conclusion?

Yuck. Being half-Carggite is thankfully no longer an option, and it seems unlikely an alternate-universe Nura doppelganger is running around after the cosmic clean-up called Infinite Crisis. I'd be surprised as well if The White Witch took her place (the classic sibling swap) since the Legion already has its quota of sorcery and mystical types in Jeckie and Jannn.

Still, Waid's the same guy who had a god-like Jack Kirby draw dead Ben Grimm's body back to life, so anything can happen. Just as long as it doesn't involve dream girls in robot bodies.

Just where *did* Nura's body *go*?

Perhaps a plausible explanation will be forthcoming, but the corpse's dissolution might just be a way of saying, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Brainy, than are dreamt of in your science."

Now it's a case of non-habeus corpus, and the Legion is stuck with booby prize Dream Boy. I don't know how they'll ever rid of him unless he's LSV cannon fodder, resigns out of fear, or quits to join the "other" team.


BAH! Bring on Mekt, and let the nightmare begin.

SUPERGIRL: How long till she 'wakes' up? Will it be when she returns to her own time?

Another "dream girl". The 'Supergirl on Krypton' thing coming up in a couple of months sounds like it's either a real dream she's going to have or, if she actually confronts the reality of her dead homeworld, the end of her dream.

PRINCESS PROJECTRA: The knives come out. She's good at being a bitch. What a surprise. Are Jeckie fans enjoying this version?

Ironic that the mistress of illusions would be so hard on someone suffering from a delusion. I actually like her a bit better now that the gloves have come off.
Posted by Nick Vinson on :
The Supergirl talk with Projectra/Triplicate Girl/Phantom Girl reminded me of the "Supergirl's Three Super-Girl Friends" from back in the Silver Age (which you can read in Legion Archives vol 1. Its goof-tastic). Only this was um... just awesome. Jeckie's blunt treatment of SG reminds me of one of the girls in my youth group. Knives out. All the time. Which usually brings the Ha-Ha.

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