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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
CALLING THE ROLL is a character by character look at the latest issue of LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES.







Let the roll be called!

LSH#40 ENEMY RISING Part 1: Headlong Into Darkness

[Shadow Lass - Re-Imagined] SHADOW LASS: How cool is it see Shady and Brainy together in that opening scene? It hearkens back to Shady's earliest days as a Legionnaire in the original ADVENTURE run. Loved that. She acquits herself well against the monstrous looking attacker, though the coup de grace panel is a bit much in the blood and gore department. The question of the sentience of these critters looms large. One thing's for sure, no other LSH has been shown to handle attacks with this kind of dispatch.

"Talokians are barbarians..." Do barbarians ever call themselves barbaric? I didn't think so. I'd thought Talok VIII was more complex than this, but this Shady, like Umbra before her, has a tendency to see things in dark and light.

Hmmm. If I'd seen what post-teleport Tasmia "More than my body weight" Mallor had puked up the way we did with Brainy after *his* jaunt, I might've thought the blood scene was a paragon of restraint. I think Shirley the robot has her work cut out for her.

It makes sense that Shady would be one of the Legionnaires most against mind-tampering.

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] BRAINIAC 5 : First of all, it's a very welcome sight to be seeing and reading a Brainiac 5 much closer in tone to Querl Dox than to Vril Dox. Thank you Shooter and Manapul.

But about the force shield-- if Brainy can think of a hundred ways to defeat one, wouldn't he have programmed to counter those ways? The seeing in the dark bit; is he wearing contact lenses? External sensors? I took it that Shady's comment didn't mean that she couldn't see, but was surprised that Brainy could.

I notice that sub-Lieutenant Norg reports to Commander Brainy as soon as he arrives.

Single-minded, isn't he? I'd have thought that Brainy would be dead-set against mental invasion. Of course, it wasn't *his* mind in question, was it? He'd have been singing a different tune if it were...

It was cute when the Legionnaires virtually ignored him, leaving him to wave his arms and yell "the alien destroyers". He regains his equanimy a couple of pages later... "now that our little drama is over can we please get back to the matter of the alien destroyers?"

This is a Brainy I like. Superior, but not completely autocratic.

The Legionnaires he sends out to look for alien destroyer residue all return to the same sites where they first faced the critters. Efficient? They'd be familiar with the sites and remember roughly where the destroyers were. Short-sighted? Fresh eyes or powers might've detected something otherwise overlooked. Which is the correct path?

[Lightning Lad - Re-Imagined] LIGHTNING LAD: I wish that panel where we first see Garth's dorm room were larger. No, not for *that*. Well, not entirely for that. I'd like to read the print on those posters. I make out 'magno ball' on the center one. Obviously the one on the right is boxing or 'mixed martial arts' of some kind. The one on the left I can't make out. A jockey of some sort? Underneath it, there's a bathing-suit clad girl with what might be a bat and ball. Scattered around the room are a cricket bat (on a pile of pillows?), a soccer ball, a futuristic looking field hockey or lacrosse stick. Or could that be some sort of Winathian musical instrument? Garth *could* be well-rounded. Or it could be Imra's. I wonder what was in that case beside the surprisingly large alarm clock? It reminds me of the cases that held the flight rings awarded to the Legionnaires from the cartoon.

Anyway, I love the detail in that panel. The shape of the bed is very interesting and the way it frames the window is quite nice. Is that golden shade natural light? Or is Garth's room programmed to tint to that shade? Other rooms in the HQ have different colored views...

Is it even an exterior window?

"Legionnaires have been expelled for less." Wow. This scene was dramatic and interesting even without that comment. How long will it be before we have follow-up?

I think Garth's an excellent mission leader (remember the 10th issue or so?)... and a fine people-leader, when rested at least. Is all the bureaucracy-stuff meant to be comic relief (Deputy Health Minister Bootweeze?! Ha!) ? Is it leading somewhere? Somewhere other than the obvious step of placing an administrative staff in charge of dealing with all the governmental details?

I'd like to witness Garth and Imra's *next* conversation.

[Phantom Girl - Re-Imagined] PHANTOM GIRL: Whoa, Tinya and Brin were going for each others' throats! Guess this pair hates each other every other boot. Tinya's a bit all over the place. She whispers and gossips with Ayla before and after that uglyish confrontation. I like that she has heroic standards, but a prison for the criminally insane? A tad exteme...

"I rest my case." Maybe she's been watching LAW AND ORDER 3008, as in the three-thousandth+ version, not the year.

"You heard him threaten me...!" We've seen that she and Element Lad are friendly (though this was back when Karate Kid had a crush on Tinya, so that could be ancient history now...); here it appears that she's addressing him with this line. Her posture and the raised fist make it seem that *his* defense of Timber Wolf surprises and hurts her.

A few panels later, she runs into Projectra and Brin. She congratulates Jeckie on her 'brilliant' work at the luxury goods warehouse, ignores Brin (actually, it's as if she doesn't see him- not in the bitchy-ignoring-way- but like she really doesn't see him-- is Jeckie hiding him?). That UP doesn't recognize you as royalty remark-- a dig? Or exposition?

She notices the bracelet. Will she be suspicious after she has time to think about it? That is, after she does her number on Brainy's shoes?

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to see Tinya, at this point.

COLOSSAL BOY: I hope his crush on Salu isn't repeated in this boot. Atom Girl and Colossal Boy just *don't* seem like a pair. Panels where Gim stands around scratching his head while everyone else argues show that he's not comfortable in emotionally charged scenes. Physical stuff, we know he can handle.

ATOM GIRL: Ah, Vi. Still trying to puff herself up. Or is she actually concerned about mind invasion? Somehow, it doesn't ring true. I do like that she moves to stand by Shady, with whom we've seen her be friendly.

ULTRA BOY: Pulling Cham's antennae (a welcome sight- the antennae, not so much the pulling, which looks painful), and putting Reep in a chokehold... Jo's always one of 'the boys'. "Down boy! Stay!" Now, *that* made me giggle.

TRIPLICATE GIRL: I said earlier that I'd like to read the next conversation between Garth and Imra. I'd also like to read Lu and Jan's next meeting. Not that I buy them as a couple the way I do Garth and Imra.

Guess she's not a Brainy supporter, huh?

I think Trips needs a new costume more than any Legionnaire. At the least, she should lose that scarf/cape combo.

[Element Lad - Re-Imagined] ELEMENT LAD: Jan as the PDA guy? Kissing in the ruins a while ago, cuddling Trips who's sitting on his lap? (I wonder- did she plant herself there, or did he pull her to his lap?) I just do not get this version of the character. I wish he wouldn't use words like 'sacrosanct', too. Anything to make him more well-rounded and less the one-note 'spiritual' guy. It's a little uncomfortable for me to see him against Imra, too. We haven't seen how he joined the LSH, but I guess we can now infer that the old loyalty (old as in ADVENTURE old) Jan used to proffer Imra doesn't exist in this boot. A pity.

I like his stance, here, on its own terms, though. It's consistent.

I think he's crumbling in the face of Tinya's anger, though. He really wouldn't want to see her threatened, I don't think.

CHAMELEON: "If you speak to him softly, in short sentences, he's calmer--" Hee-hee! Best line of the issue! I think Cham and Jo should go on a mission together- it'd be fun!

I still wonder about the 'bitter', a word that was used to describe Cham in the first handful of issues. It doesn't seem to connect to anything I've seen regarding the character. Which isn't much. He's one of the least developed Legionnaires.

STAR BOY: Cham and Star Boy seem to be the natural conciliators. I just noticed- the characters who speak up for Saturn Girl, or more to the point against Brin, (Trips, Tinya and Star Boy), are all wearing white. Hmmm. White hats?

Anyway, I like that he calls Jan 'El'. Have we seen that before?

INVISIBLE KID: Notice that Lyle disappeared during the family 'discussion'? Bet he was still there listening, though.

I think Lyle really was fascinated by Brainy's mini-lecture. Tinya thought it ironic, though. I hope Lyle looks around that little meeting room. Looks like the perfect beginning for a new Espionage Squad. Val isn't a historic member, but he'd be a good replacement for Cham, who isn't sneaky enough this boot. And Vi (never Atom Girl, to me)? She'd actually be his first recruit, wouldn't she?

The chalets in the Hill District of Cryogeyser City were pretty. And fitting. I'm surprised they still have school year*books*, though. A nostalgic craze?

Lyle's got it bad, doesn't he? I don't like that potential pairing much, either. Giselle's 'assignment' is quite interesting, though. I wonder what the president or the chief of staff has planned. I'm assuming that's president of the UP, though it could be president of Triton or Earth, for that matter.

"There's a sneaky way in..." Yay!

Karate Kid: Ah, the walk of shame. Or is that fame, in K-Kid's case? "Total control over every part of the body." Ayla and Lu seem impressed.

So, was the "Brainy wouldn't" bit a joke or not?

Where would Val stand in the debate of this issue?

There's more swagger in Shooter's Kid than in Waid's, that's for sure.

Light Lass: Zeta-Awesome! Like, you know? Hee-hee-hee-! Guess she and Val were still feeling the 'glow' too much to take part in internecine battle.

Thank God we see more to Ayla than this little whispered confab.

"That was masterful!" She's just full of compliments, isn't she? "I have a feeling there are difficult times ahead. We need a strong leader. We need you."

On what are Ayla's feelings based? She and Tinya have been rumbling about things. Does anyone else share their POV?

I like the sisterly support.

[Saturn Girl - Re-Imagined] SATURN GIRL: I think that girl's exhausted. I believe it when she says so. How else to explain the total lack of self-defense? I have a feeling we're going to be seeing quite a bit more shifting between the weights on this particular scale of justice.

I felt sorry for her. Saturn Girl's not a character that I've felt such a feeling for very often. Again, it's not something I enjoy reading Element Lad as her primary accuser.

It's almost lost that it's Timber Wolf(!) begging for her help in that last panel, rousing her from her healing tank, probably before she's sufficently rested. Will she be pulled together enough to act wisely? Brin's seemingly contradictory attitude towards her pretty much encapsulates the feelings of the LSH towards its Saturn Girl, doesn't it? To an overdramatic degree, I admit. But beneath the snarls and high-mindedness, there's fear and absolute respect, isn't there?

TIMBER WOLF: There's not so much a character here as there is a walking wound. His continued verbal abuse towards the more subtly powered is disturbing to read. Particularly in a LSH comic. Plainly, he's got lessons to learn. But can he learn until whatever it is that's causing this feralization is addressed? No. He can't. "I'll ram my fist down your throat before you can do your little phantom trick." Lyle and Tinya. One disappears and the other can't be touched when she doesn't want to be. Does Brin want to disappear? Does he want to evade touch?

Or is he only the animal? Is there no psychological underpinning to his attacks? Is it the purely bestial response of the strong putting the weak in their place?

"All right. I understand." Does he?

[Princess Projectra - Re-Imagined] PRINCESS PROJECTRA: Jeckie's financial plight continues. We saw last issue what she'd do after bad news about her situation. Then, she stole a bracelet. Now, with more complex information clawing at her, what will she do when intruded upon? Is Timber Wolf telling us in that last panel?

Looks like this boot's hard-luck couple are facing attack from a number of fronts... the most deadly of which are within them.

[ April 06, 2008, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Set on :
Random observations of my own that I'm not sure what to think of;

When Saturn Girl say 'Keep him away from me,' it isn't just Garth that stands interference, but also Val and Gim moving in to cover her. That's pretty neat.

I'm not thrilled that Val took out eleven alien killbots and Trip, with guns, only downed two. He may be all that and a wedge of cheese, but there were three of her, armed. Timber Wolf's opinion of people with 'useless powers' isn't well-served by having the story validate his views.

Whodda thunk Cos would be in this issue? He makes a cameo on Garth's wall. Aw. Garth has a poster of Cos on his wall!

The team reports in. Imra moves to Garth, natch. Lyle reports to Brainy, no shocker there. Thom goes to chat up Gim and ask about his day? Huh. I could read something into that, but I think I'll just leave it at 'huh.'

But about the force shield-- if Brainy can think of a hundred ways to defeat one, wouldn't he have programmed to counter those ways? The seeing in the dark bit; is he wearing contact lenses? External sensors? I took it that Shady's comment didn't mean that she couldn't see, but was surprised that Brainy could.
Yeah, the emphasis seemed to make that clear, that Shady could see in the dark, but was surprised that Brainy could.

On the one hand, I'd prefer if Brainy had said something about remembering seeing it there with his photographic memory, even if he couldn't see it at the moment. On the other hand, this version of Brainy has supposedly prepared defenses against the other Legionnaires powers (as he told Element Lad during their dust-up), so the obvious 'defense' against Shady's power is some way to see in the dark...

His continued verbal abuse towards the more subtly powered is disturbing to read. Particularly in a LSH comic. Plainly, he's got lessons to learn. But can he learn until whatever it is that's causing this feralization is addressed? No. He can't. "I'll ram my fist down your throat before you can do your little phantom trick." Lyle and Tinya. One disappears and the other can't be touched when she doesn't want to be. Does Brin want to disappear? Does he want to evade touch?

Or is he only the animal? Is there no psychological underpinning to his attacks? Is it the purely bestial response of the strong putting the weak in their place?
Interesting insight. I wonder if this is where Shooter might be leading up to a reimagining of the Val / Brin friendship. Val, being powerless, and therefore, by animal kingdom standards, 'weak,' and yet also being a fiercely competent combatant, would be the perfect person to both teach Brin self-control, and also teach him that it isn't just physical power that deserves respect.

Waid's 'Val edumacates Jo' storyline went freaking nowhere, so it could be neat if Shooter picked up where that concept was abandoned, only using Brin as the 'outsider looking in' and learning a lesson in how even the 'weak' heroes can still be heroes, while the 'strong' might be nothing more than bullies.

Jan as the PDA guy? Kissing in the ruins a while ago, cuddling Trips who's sitting on his lap?
Fits with the threeboot imagining of a Jan who 'likes to be naked' and tells Tinya that he doesn't really get the earther fascination with clothing anyway (suggesting that we won't be seeing Trom anytime soon, if it's a planet full of naturists!).

[ April 06, 2008, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Jackalyn on :
Someones mentioned that Giselle might have been recruited as a member of a 31st century Suicide Squad, the Peril men maybe? I think that the plotline involving Giselle is part of the introduction of the Legion Academy. That said it probaly won't work out between Lyle and Giselle.
Posted by stephbarton on :
As for the Brainy comment, after Shady expresses surprise at his seeing in the dark Brainy says something about being good with technology?

Is this supposed to infer that he has infrared contacts OR that the attackers are tech based and thus he can 'sense' them? Tech based attackers clears up the sentinece issue, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of Brainy with "computer force sensing powers". However, it also seems like a really round about way to say "infrared contacts."

Don't know, but I'm waiting and seeing on how that develops.
Posted by Future on :
Great review as always, Mystery Lad!

Shadow Lass. Nice to see her in action again, although after the postboot I did feel a little 'blah' about jumping right back into a more 'barbaric' Talok set-up. I found the same oddness in Tasmia labelling her people as such. Perhaps she's simply trying to intimidate Brainy about her and her people.

Hear, hear on Chameleon. I feel like there's still a lot more to learn about him, and I'd like to see him get some play soon.

Invisible Kid does seem to be really hooked on Giselle. This just reminds me of his shrine to Supergirl. When Lyle Norg crushes on someone, he crushes hard. Perhaps after Kara, and the general lukewarm reception he's gotten from most of the Legion, he's just desperate for anyone to give his invisible heart love. Sap like that.

Light Lass is someone I'm loving to see in these pages. She's far more 'on the ball' then her flirty side would lead you to believe. Perhaps she's the new age Levitz Dream Girl. She seems well aware of the roles she needs to play and where to play them. I love that it's been Ayla and not Imra for once who has been trying to help Garth out. Maybe she was waiting for a sign that Garth really did have some leadership potential to rally behind before offering her plea.

Saturn Girl is a mixed case for me. I'm not sure if I sympathize for her. I'm glad Garth wasn't out to give her any special treatment, though I'm not crying foul with how easy she got off either. I'm curious to see more of her and Garth, too. I'd love to know her thoughts on how he's handling leadership.

Triplicate Girl. I wouldn't be surprised that she's against Brainy, after being Cos' right-hand woman. Now that Cos is gone, it'd be interesting to see how Lu feels adrift with the other Legionnaires. Perhaps she's clinging to Element Lad more than ever because she needs another person, another personality, to feel attached to after coming from a world of like-minded ...well, yourselves. Jan definitely has some unique views on things to keep her engaged.

Timber Wolf has been an interesting case. I'm starting to think (and am delighted) that Shooter is giving us a look at how Brin is feeling about being a Legionnaire and his teammates. The team was something he was originally against joining, and when he did we saw little reaction from him. Take away his Projectra security blanket, and it looks like he might feel a little out of place. Or rather, take away Projectra and maybe he's letting the other Legionnaires see a hint of his true self. A feral side he may be trying to hide from the former Princess, heightened as a reflex from Imra's invasion. I wonder how a guy like Brin ends up with lofty Jeckie anyway, as well as who persued that relationship. The Princess looking for a knight? Is there more to it than physical attraction?

Projectra is another interesting case. I'm not sure if we're meant to completely sympathize with her plight the more I look back on her various actions (scaring off guards, stealing the bracelet, and now something to elicit Brin's comment at the end). Perhaps it's good to show that not all heroes are fueled by 100% altruism.

It was great seeing these Legionnaires together again. I'm curious for an update on Sun Boy and Dream Boy though. Likewise, I'm starting to feel ready for Cos to come back. I'd love to see how he answers to certain Legionnaires for his actions. Wanting to learn more about his new 41st century teammates probably helps increase my desire to see him back, and explaining himself, someday.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I really enjoyed the use of "barbarian," and I think it well describes what we have learned about Talokian society. We know they eat a lot, like to hunt their food, prefer to eat their food uncooked, have some nomadic qualities (the tent scene with Tasmia and Salu). "Barbarian" here seems to connote a society that differs substantially from the norm, the norm being the UP, where the norm is to be a big prissypants. Sociologists and historians have moved to this more value neutral, non-prejorative use of barbarian in the last few decades, and that's how I think Shady means it. "We're barbarians -- we hack our foes defeated in combat into tiny pieces, and then eat them." That doesn't mean that in other ways Talok isn't a "modern" 31st century world -- obviously they have links to the rest of the galaxy. It just means that UP norms of behavior may not apply there.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Future:
[QB] Shadow Lass. I found the same oddness in Tasmia labelling her people as such. Perhaps she's simply trying to intimidate Brainy about her and her people.

I wonder if the Talokkians are referred to as barbarians by other UP cultures, and that wasn't a bit of bitter sarcasm coming out.

It didn't carry well in text, if so.

When Lyle Norg crushes on someone, he crushes hard. Perhaps after Kara, and the general lukewarm reception he's gotten from most of the Legion, he's just desperate for anyone to give his invisible heart love. Sap like that.
Hopefully this isn't another of the Waid-era 'Legion personality defined by powers' holdovers, with the 'Invisible Kid' just 'wanting to be seen.' 'Cause that's kinda treacly.

I wonder how a guy like Brin ends up with lofty Jeckie anyway, as well as who persued that relationship. The Princess looking for a knight? Is there more to it than physical attraction?
The two of them seemed to be the most 'outsiders' of the team (other than Lyle). Maybe they hooked up through a common trait of snarking on the team, which they were only provisionally a part of (in Jeckies case), and both of which thought they were 'too good for.'

I'm curious for an update on Sun Boy and Dream Boy though.
Definitely. Both have sub-plots swirling around them (Dream Girl's return and / or the whole Terror Firma aftermath), so Shooter might be waiting until the book isn't quite so 'busy' wrapping up other stuff.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I really enjoyed the use of "barbarian," and I think it well describes what we have learned about Talokian society. We know they eat a lot, like to hunt their food, prefer to eat their food uncooked, have some nomadic qualities (the tent scene with Tasmia and Salu). "Barbarian" here seems to connote a society that differs substantially from the norm, the norm being the UP, where the norm is to be a big prissypants. Sociologists and historians have moved to this more value neutral, non-prejorative use of barbarian in the last few decades, and that's how I think Shady means it. "We're barbarians -- we hack our foes defeated in combat into tiny pieces, and then eat them." That doesn't mean that in other ways Talok isn't a "modern" 31st century world -- obviously they have links to the rest of the galaxy. It just means that UP norms of behavior may not apply there.

Also, Shady has seen more of the galaxy than other Talokians, maybe it is her own commentary on her people ("I know we are barbarians, but I woudln't change it for the world") or it could be her tongue and cheek way to point out how others would see her culture. I've never read Shady as a Barbarian Princess Lost in Modern Society type of girl (that was more Projectra really). She never seemed to have these feudal attitudes or other 'barbarian' qualities. Maybe I've just read the wrong Shady stories, but I always saw her as someone who adapted and fit with the UP world really easily, but also appreciated and loved her homeworld very much, even if she would now view things differently than other Talokians.

Just my take.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Maybe it was an ironic statemate, but I think she was trying to impress Brainy by saying what she thought he must have been thinking when he sees the butcher knives. Try to imagine a girl from an different ethnic background inviting her oh-so-WASPy and square boyfriend to the family holiday banquet for the first time.

Let's face it friends don't come more square than B5. She was different when Vi came to dinner because Vi seems to have a bit of screaming barbarian in her. Brainiac 5 is the kind of guy who's never seen a farm let alone the production of meat.

Actually since it's JS writing, Shadow lass has been trying to impress that green boy since he created her. Wouldn't surprise me if it could be a nod to that meeting since its the first time in this run that JS has used these two characters.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Set:

I'm not thrilled that Val took out eleven alien killbots and Trip, with guns, only downed two. He may be all that and a wedge of cheese, but there were three of her, armed. Timber Wolf's opinion of people with 'useless powers' isn't well-served by having the story validate his views.

*Very* good point. The scene works against the story, here. Intentionally?

The expectation seems to be that Brin's going to learn the 'Legion' lesson of teamwork and utility regardless of power. What if it's something else entirely? What if a round of power-ups is ahead?

Originally posted by Set:

Whodda thunk Cos would be in this issue? He makes a cameo on Garth's wall. Aw. Garth has a poster of Cos on his wall!

*Is* that Cos, do you think? I wondered...

Originally posted by Set:

...this version of Brainy has supposedly prepared defenses against the other Legionnaires powers (as he told Element Lad during their dust-up), so the obvious 'defense' against Shady's power is some way to see in the dark...

You're right again. Cagey of him not to tell Shady just what tech he was using to see in her dark...

Originally posted by Set:

...Fits with the threeboot imagining of a Jan who 'likes to be naked' and tells Tinya that he doesn't really get the earther fascination with clothing anyway (suggesting that we won't be seeing Trom anytime soon, if it's a planet full of naturists!).

Further proof that I just don't get this Jan at all.

Are you sure that a planet full of naturists is something we wouldn't see? I'd think it might be a reason *to* see a story set on Trom.

Though I'd rather it be a flashback, if you catch my drift.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Jackalyn:
Someones mentioned that Giselle might have been recruited as a member of a 31st century Suicide Squad, the Peril men maybe? I think that the plotline involving Giselle is part of the introduction of the Legion Academy. That said it probaly won't work out between Lyle and Giselle.

You think the Legion Academy will be started without the LSH's participation?

I know why I don't think Lyle and Giselle should/would work out, but why don't you think they will?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by stephbarton:
Is this supposed to infer that he has infrared contacts OR that the attackers are tech based and thus he can 'sense' them? Tech based attackers clears up the sentinece issue, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of Brainy with "computer force sensing powers". However, it also seems like a really round about way to say "infrared contacts."

I'm going to stick with Set's suggestion that Brainy had come up with ways to counter *all* the Legion's powers, and that he was being secretive when telling Shady it was a tech solution, but not just *what* tech solution.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Future:
Great review as always, Mystery Lad!

Thank you very much!

Originally posted by Future:

Shadow Lass. Nice to see her in action again, although after the postboot I did feel a little 'blah' about jumping right back into a more 'barbaric' Talok set-up. I found the same oddness in Tasmia labelling her people as such. Perhaps she's simply trying to intimidate Brainy about her and her people.

Or maybe 'barbarism' is a part of her people's history that she's embraced? The way the whole LSH is embracing superheroism from history?

The fact that Shooter was the first writer to use Talok VIII counts for a lot. With me, anyway. That '60's version of the planet seemed more complex than what we've seen in this boot, so far. Surprisingly.

Originally posted by Future:

Invisible Kid does seem to be really hooked on Giselle. This just reminds me of his shrine to Supergirl. When Lyle Norg crushes on someone, he crushes hard. Perhaps after Kara, and the general lukewarm reception he's gotten from most of the Legion, he's just desperate for anyone to give his invisible heart love. Sap like that.

I'm not liking this aspect of the Kid much. At least investigating a real life being is a step up on hidden shrines to legendary historical figures.

Originally posted by Future:

Light Lass is someone I'm loving to see in these pages. She's far more 'on the ball' then her flirty side would lead you to believe. Perhaps she's the new age Levitz Dream Girl. She seems well aware of the roles she needs to play and where to play them. I love that it's been Ayla and not Imra for once who has been trying to help Garth out.

Ayla is *the* star of this boot, for me. I can't say she reminds me much of Levitz's Dream Girl, though. But you mean in the fact that she's seeing a roll that needs to be played and casting herself in it?

Saturn Girl sort of did the same thing eons ago.

Originally posted by Future:

Triplicate Girl. I wouldn't be surprised that she's against Brainy, after being Cos' right-hand woman. Now that Cos is gone, it'd be interesting to see how Lu feels adrift with the other Legionnaires. Perhaps she's clinging to Element Lad more than ever because she needs another person, another personality, to feel attached to after coming from a world of like-minded ...well, yourselves. Jan definitely has some unique views on things to keep her engaged.

The Cos thing leaves me ever suspicious of this Lu. Would she need to cling to someone as result of her origins? If so, why would she pick someone so different from her?

I wonder- what would happen if she ran into some random citizen on the street who happened to look like her?

Fact is- I just don't like Lu and Jan as a couple. At all.

Originally posted by Future:

Or rather, take away Projectra and maybe he's letting the other Legionnaires see a hint of his true self. A feral side he may be trying to hide from the former Princess, heightened as a reflex from Imra's invasion. I wonder how a guy like Brin ends up with lofty Jeckie anyway, as well as who persued that relationship. The Princess looking for a knight? Is there more to it than physical attraction?

We do need some idea of how these two got together, don't we? I bet she likes his feral side. Maybe that's why she chose him?

Originally posted by Future:

Projectra is another interesting case. I'm not sure if we're meant to completely sympathize with her plight the more I look back on her various actions (scaring off guards, stealing the bracelet, and now something to elicit Brin's comment at the end). Perhaps it's good to show that not all heroes are fueled by 100% altruism.

Have we seen this Projectra act with altruism at all?

Originally posted by Future:

It was great seeing these Legionnaires together again. I'm curious for an update on Sun Boy and Dream Boy though. Likewise, I'm starting to feel ready for Cos to come back. I'd love to see how he answers to certain Legionnaires for his actions. Wanting to learn more about his new 41st century teammates probably helps increase my desire to see him back, and explaining himself, someday.

I, too, and anxious to see Sun Boy and Dream Boy. I'm curious as to how Shooter will portray them.

I'm even more curious to see how Cos has been changed- or hasn't been changed- by his sojourn in the 41st century. Will we get to 'see' that future? Or only read Cos's accounts of it?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I really enjoyed the use of "barbarian," and I think it well describes what we have learned about Talokian society. We know they eat a lot, like to hunt their food, prefer to eat their food uncooked, have some nomadic qualities (the tent scene with Tasmia and Salu). "Barbarian" here seems to connote a society that differs substantially from the norm, the norm being the UP, where the norm is to be a big prissypants. Sociologists and historians have moved to this more value neutral, non-prejorative use of barbarian in the last few decades, and that's how I think Shady means it. "We're barbarians -- we hack our foes defeated in combat into tiny pieces, and then eat them." That doesn't mean that in other ways Talok isn't a "modern" 31st century world -- obviously they have links to the rest of the galaxy. It just means that UP norms of behavior may not apply there.

Brainy calling Talokians barbaric makes sense. Shady calling herself this is more problematic. At least to me.

Your point about current sociological uses of the word is interesting though. That could even make for a good story-point some time or other.

I've always thought of Talok VIII as a study in great contrasts. Shooter himself introduced the highly technological city surrounded by tribes of non-tech savvy tribes. Reboot, we saw the tribe structure expanded- with Umbra a figurehead kept somewhat 'in the dark'.

This Talok VII hasn't been presented with nearly the complexity of either of the previous versions. So far.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by stephbarton:
Also, Shady has seen more of the galaxy than other Talokians, maybe it is her own commentary on her people ("I know we are barbarians, but I woudln't change it for the world")

A plausible extrapolation.

Originally posted by stephbarton:

I've never read Shady as a Barbarian Princess Lost in Modern Society type of girl (that was more Projectra really). She never seemed to have these feudal attitudes or other 'barbarian' qualities.

Thank you!!! I've *never* perceived Shady (or Umbra, for that matter) as Barbarian Princess Run Amok in Modern Society either! I've sort of smiled ruefully at the recent descriptions of her alluding to this. Projectra is by far the better candidate for this sort of characterization. Particularly now that the ethereal beauty down from her ivory tower take is so outdated even now.

Originally posted by stephbarton:

Maybe I've just read the wrong Shady stories, but I always saw her as someone who adapted and fit with the UP world really easily, but also appreciated and loved her homeworld very much, even if she would now view things differently than other Talokians.

Exactly. Though I would add 'some Talokians', rather than just 'Talokians'.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

Actually since it's JS writing, Shadow lass has been trying to impress that green boy since he created her. Wouldn't surprise me if it could be a nod to that meeting since its the first time in this run that JS has used these two characters.

Oh, I think so.

As for Shady trying to impress Brainy (I'd argue she was trying to make a good impression on Vi, too-- she also perceived the inner screaming barbarian in Vi), I think she's like a Southerner playing host to an untraveled Northener. She's laying on the equivalent of 'Southern charm'. Instead of iced tea, mint juleps and grits- she's proffering rioutous banquets and bloody battle. Though that doesn't explain away the behavior of her fellow Talokians.

Maybe she just doesn't visit the more serene tribes? At least with impressionable Legionnaires in tow?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
A simple enough explanation is possible. Every time Tas visits Talok its for some sort of quasi-religious cultural festival in which traditional aspects of the culture are celebrated. Like going home to Japan for the spring sumo tournament.

Other Legionnaires don't seem to go home quite as much. Brainy is estranged from his planet, Saturn Girl's mother is on Earth, Phantom Girl dumped her boyfriend and seems to be paying more attention to her Earthly duties, Projectra didn't seem to call home much before the destruction of her planet.

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