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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
CALLING THE ROLL is a Legionnaire-by-Legionnaire look at the latest adventure of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Let the Roll be Called!

[Mon-El] MON-EL
I think I'll call him 'Mood-el', as he goes from a mild defense of Brainiac 5's bossiness to whiny to horny. I wonder if his friendship with Jo will survive the break-up with Tasmia... he seemed ready to take things out on Ultra Boy, but luckily had the remains of Titan to punch instead. I'm not sure if his comment about Tyroc was an awkward introduction or foreshadowing of Mon-el leaving the team. Self-pity or hope underlying it? He seems eager to get away and to Tharr... possibly because there'd be little reminder of what he's lost in the company of Polar Boy. It'd be a good thing if he hung out with Brek on Tharr for awhile. Maybe he could give Brek and Dirk a run for their 'flirting' title, for a little while.

I liked the 'likeable morons' comment to the extent that it's nice to know that he at least finds his teammates 'likeable'. I think his dismissal of them as 'morons' out of character. For Vril, it wouldn't be-- For Querl, I think it is. "What a peculiar place. Oh..." Saturn Queen thinks as she clutches Brainy's skull between her hands. Is what caused her to hesitate something we'll read about later? Or is that just awe at submerging herself in his superior mind? Will we ever know?

I liked the revelation that it was Brainy who taught Brek to grow his ice arm. The specific of an ice replacement-limb might be a turn-off for some, but the fact that Brainy's helping other Legionnaires with their powers shouldn't be. Then again, earlier instances of that kind of help have had mixed results, haven't they? I hope he continues to help some Legionnaires expand the uses of their abilities, if not their actual powers.

[Ultra Boy] ULTRA BOY
I liked Levitz's glimpse of how Jo's power worked last issue. Unfortunately, what we see of him this issue doesn't put him in the best light. Brainy's dismissal of him is universal, really, so that judgment doesn't sting. Shadow Lass's 'Jo's not the sharpest Legionnaire but he's never this glass-eyed'-- well, that's disappointing. I know the 5YL stories that depicted Jo as smart and cunning and willing to put on an act as 'dumb jock' for years to accomplish a goal are not a part of *this* Ultra Boy's history. New Wanderer UB and Prime UB prove that 5YL is the exception, I guess. They both read as 'young' and therefore free of the expectation that was built in the 5YL reality. This Ultra Boy's 'full-growed', however, and really suffers in the comparison.

I would have liked to see him face more Legionnaires- perhaps one-on-one, before succumbing to his 'love takedown'. That would have been a good way to showcase a handful of Legionnaires and how their powers work. I suppose the way he handled Tyroc and Wildfire does prove that he's got battle savvy, at the least.

It's rare for this character to appear in an issue and make no real impact, but that's the case here. We're told he's a heavy-hitter, at any rate.

[Tyroc] TYROC
The prodigal returns. Yeah, he looks more like a demechanized Gear from the New Wanderers than what I would've imagined for Tyroc... bald is somewhat surprising. The costume does have silver discs and a disco belt to tie into his former look. I wonder if the chest and shoulder discs are some sort of homage to Cosmic Boy? Is that a reach? It's not an inspiring look, will it grow on us?

We get a bit of a glimpse into his thinking- which is appreciated. We learn he's been in one of Earth-man's 'power sucking tubes' for some undefined period of time. He's still a bit angry. I'm not sure if what he mentions disliking about being a Legionnaire goes beyond obeying Brainy's particular 'orders'. Would Cosmic Boy or Saturn Girl have the same priorities? We don't know enough about how Tyroc's career as a Legionnaire has progressed. How long was he back before Earth-man stuck him in a tube. Was he even an active Legionnaire at the time?

Should we take his thoughts here as attitude or as actual background for future characterization? Which is being established?

In any case, I'm glad to see him-- though I'll put myself in the minority by stating that I miss the funky syllables, if not the 'pull a power out his disco jumpsuit' nature of their usage.

I wonder what's up with the starship full of Durlans? That flew by, but was interesting. 'In Brande's name...' Has R.J. replaced Mon-el as the Legion related quasi-religious figure?

[Dream Girl] DREAM GIRL
The page with Dreamy, Dawnstar and Gates made me grin from ear to ear. I hope the trio gets more of an extended scene on Naltor in the coming months, as that particular Legion World is one that I've never gotten a real sense of place from (though Naltor Prime *did* have a sense of place, I can't say any other boot succeeded in giving the world one). I liked the 'lavendar scent of Naltor in the springtime' line, as it gave me a sensory detail to attach to the place, and it was a nice turn of phrase. Perhaps it's a song lyric popular on Naltor-- or maybe Nura's developed a poetic side. Which would be great. I was a little surprised that she's stuck with her costume. It came as a bit of shock to me that I found I was looking forward to seeing a new uniform for her, after seeing her in her old one. I wouldn't have thought that I felt that way. And it's not because I don't like the look. I do. In one panel, her gloves match her suit, in another they're a different purply/gray color. Which do I want them to be? We've seen the light blonde look for her hair before, as opposed to pure platinum. I prefer the platinum- particularly if Jeckie's going to stick with blonde instead of white. At first, I thought her haire boringly styled (which it is), but the flat, straight look does appear to be one women are using currently. I know it's the 31st century, but Dreamy's hair has often echoed what was in style at 'our' time.

Dawnstar disoriented by instantaneous transportation? Kind of funny, but a nice addition to her. I wonder if she is similarly, but to a lesser extent, uncomfortable on starships? I vaguely remember that she's one of the better pilots-- or did I make that up?

[Gates] GATES
Levitz said he was challenged by the inclusion of Gates and XS. You can't tell that here, as I think he nailed Gates. A little caustic humor, a big political chip on his shoulder... if he gets Gates huge ol' compassionate heart and delight in first being listened to, and then becoming a loyal friend... that's all a Gates fan could ask for. Well, except for explaining the power-up. Gates was a line-of-sight teleporter... I suspect Brainy's been at work. I remember he was used in LOTW, and that the Brainies were involved. Did his power change there? I don't remember...

Anyway, I'm beyond glad to see Gates and Dreamy!!! I think they, along with Dawnstar, could produce some terrific conversation, not to mention amusingly bitchy asides. Will they get them on Naltor?

[Cosmic Boy] COSMIC BOY
Politcally astute, not sending Cham to the Painted Desert Camp, I guess. Though I'd rather see the 'xenos' stupidity rubbed in their face, though not at the cost of seeing the refugees hurt. I suppose his decision was the right one. I wonder if Cham agrees? His closed eyes don't tell us. Did Shadow Lass really need to be reminded that Ultra Boy could switch to super-speed?

I guess if you're going to be knocked out in a fight, being knocked out by a scantily clad Talokian wouldn't be the worst choice...

He's feeling sorry for himself, too, isn't he? And cloaking it in doing his duty to Earthgov. Ugh. What a piece of work. He *is* effective on a mission, at least. 'If you can stand to touch me' ... does he still want the Legionnaires approval? Or is that a 'take that' kind of comment to show up the team's 'hypocrisy'? The 'alien face' comment when Shady showed up was ugly. I'm not yet sure what we as readers are supposed to feel about EM. I think I do, but then some comment or situation arises that makes me unsure. Which I kind of enjoy, for the moment. 'In Brightest Day'.. just how will completing that oath change Earth-man?

As he passes the hologram of the founders plus Brande, the eyes of the portraited follow him. Cham? Chameleon Girl? Ghost of Brande? LSV espionage squad (Ron Karr?)? Flight-ring triggered tech?

I like the blue and white, and I think I like the high collar but I'm not sure about it yet. It looks great in profile, a little strange in other views. His closed eyes at Cos's comments about not sending Cham to Painted Desert Camp-- grief for Titan? Disagreement with Cos? Political acquiesance? I'm left curious. What is this character thinking beneath those shut eyes?

His may be the best of the new costumes. "You're the boss, but sounds dumb to me." My, Gim has a way with words, doesn't he? I like the fact that he and Sun Boy taunt Earth-man a bit. As Earth native, they *should* take him and his presence there personally. It's a little more raw than we're used to seeing Legionnaires. At least in a public mission.

Now that was an interesting little sidetrip, wasn't it? Unexpected, but eminently logical. That's Saturn Girl on a mission, right there. Where will the 'image' lead her? Will she pursue it alone? That's characteristic of her, as well. Though less logical.

I'm a little disappointed we're not seeing more of Garth's quest. Of course, his wife's homeworld's fate and the threat to his children take precedent, but it's a tad anticlimactic. At least there's some evidence of nature around the more techie-than-we're-used-to-seeing Winath, but I don't think I would've identified the world by the visuals we're shown. I like it when we can, but I realize that limited story-space makes that a rarity.

I like her hair, and that she's supporting Garth. Her kiss was sweet and sisterly. I'd rather see this pair get along than bicker. If the quest for Mekt's twin continues, I hope she accompanies Garth.

Dirk looks great when he's powered-up, doesn't he? His costume appears solid red with vertical black lines down each side when he's standing with Earth-man and Colossal Boy, but when he 'flares', the outsides of his torso and legs are yellow. Which is correct? At least his hair appears more strawberry blond this issue. That's closer to tradtional, though I prefer the rarer bright red. I'm looking forward to seeing different sides to Dirk than angry former captive.

OK... I like what I see of his costume. This is different than what he wore in LOTW etc., isn't it? I like the different hair and don't really miss the white stripe. It might be nice if we saw the psychology of his hair change... did it start to grow back black after a particularly confidence/faith building episode? Or did he decide to make the cosmetic change? I like the facial hair more on him than I did on Element Lad Prime...

The blaster really should've been rendered in the same 'ghost effect' that IK is when he grabs it and flies away. Unless he wanted the blaster to be seen shooting into the sky?

I think the French should be at a minimum. An occasional surprised word or so, but no more. Drura's presence and a beginning to their romance would be most welcome, too.

OK, turning her back on an angry, weapon-bearing mob was more than stupid, which Tinya *isn't* or shouldn't be, but it did allow for that goofy visual of her sprawled in Gim's giant hand. "Now that's my boy", well, that was a little silly, wasn't it? A love takedown. At least it wasn't the climax of the issue or anything. Uh- er, well at least it didn't involve the holding of hands or focusing of several characters' thoughts of love towards Jo.

Not every character can or should have a 'kick butt' moment in every issue. I hope Tinya gets one next month, to make up for her woozy 'ohhhhs' and rookie against the mob move. Maybe she'll take down Saturn Queen on her own? That'd be cool.
That end was the weakest thing about the issue, which I otherwise thoroughly enjoyed.

[Shadow Lass] SHADOW LASS Now why would Shady break up with Mon-el out of the blue? Jealousy over his romance when he was a kid in the 21st century? His siring a child then? (Assuming the Legionnaires know about that.) I don't think so. Mon-el wasn't the first man in her life, after all. Budding interest in Phantom Girl? I hope not. Here's my guess. Talok needs an heir to their Shadow Champion line. Shady and Mon have been together for years with no children. Technology? Maybe there's a superstition for Planetary Champions. Maybe she's tried. It doesn't seem like she gave Mon-el much of a reason, but we haven't read the actual break-up scene. I wonder if we will?

If that guess turns out correct, I wonder who she'll set her sights on next? Seems a bit cold, doesn't it? Especially if she still loves Mon-el.

What reason do you think Shady might have for breaking up with her Daxamite beau? Who would you like to see her make a play for if my guess was correct?

[Saturn Queen] Saturn Queen
OK, her motives are a bit all over the place... even a villianess might've been expected to pitch in and help when her world explodes. Just how vile is she? This ain't the Eve Aries of 5YL, who was sort of nice- if amoral. This is a sadistic bitch. An out and out evil woman intent on causing mischief for her own amusement and, possibly, carrying out plans within plans. In short, just what comics need more of-- irredeemable villainesses that the reader doesn't feel an ounce of sympathy for.

I've always thought SQ and Cosmic King were due big story pushes. She now seems fairly age-equivalent to the Legionnaires, rather than years and years older. I'm not sure how that is or isn't significant, but it is noticeable. It seems she's beginning to blame the LSH for the destruction of Titan. Her thoughts here indicate that the facts don't really support the theory, but I'll bet it's one that she'll run with, using it as fuel to propel her hate. I'm curious about what she might've seen when peering into Brainy's mind... and about where she was during Ultra Boy's attack on the LSH HQ. Diversion? Entertainment?

I hope next issue or whenever she fights the team again, solidifies her as a LSH biggie villainess. I think she should be able to wipe the floor with the other Titanian villainess, Esper Lass, but the facts don't seem to support this, as yet.

Remember the LSV espionage squad and the story in which it appeared, which also hinted at tryouts for the LSV? It's clear the evil team is modeling itself after the good in structure and detail, down to time-traveling to the 21st century. I wonder if they've also duplicated the means by which Karate Kid was returned to life before the JLA/JSA/LSH story a couple of years ago? Might they have used this method (whatever it was- we're in the dark as readers) to bring Nemesis Kid back to life? This would be in keeping with the LSV espionage squad, tryouts and who know what else?

That would explain the NK comment that SQ makes, as the two haven't met in a story we've seen to date.
Posted by cleome on :

What is this character thinking beneath those shut eyes?

Possibly: "Dad, you were kind of a jerk, but I'm still pissed off that you're dead."

I actually think that's one of the better costume designs he's ever had, personally-- even with the high collar. In most cases those bother me, because they limit the character's sight. But maybe that doesn't matter so much to a shape-shifter.

...I'm looking forward to seeing different sides to Dirk than angry former captive.

He was abused pretty badly while he was Earth Man's captive, yes? I could see that affecting him for quite some time. I pretty much feel the same way about Brainy and several other characters who don't seem to be quite what I remembered.

They saved Earth from being attacked-- in some cases going against their own people to do so. But they still have to deal on a daily basis with the locus of all their troubles with Earth. It would feel much stranger to me if they were all behaving as if nothing of consequence had happened.

[ June 27, 2010, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Candle on :
I hypothosize a little about Shady and her possible children's father's hook ups in the Museum Childr3en of the Legion thread and possibly expound on those match-ups in the Book of Talok thread in the future. Both are on Bits.

Shady should have had children by now to fulfill her Champion responsabilites.
That she hasn't may reflect the depth of her feelings for Lar up to this point.

If she hasn't given over her Championship status to Grev and Lady Memory, that is.
I hope not, for Grev's sake.

I, personally found a startling amount of energy and passion in the Jan/Tasmia pairing when I wrote it.
Surprised me.
So, I'd place her with him, Shauvghn or not.
I always found that pairing lack luster and 'convenitent'.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Candle:

Shady should have had children by now to fulfill her Champion responsabilites.
That she hasn't may reflect the depth of her feelings for Lar up to this point.

That could be an interesting potential cause for their break-up (though unlikely what Paul has in mind, I think). Maybe they found out they couldn't procreate?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I think it's perfectly logical that alien races would have trouble cross-breeding. It seems to happen constantly across fiction and is made more plausible by how aliens constantly are shown as humanoid and presumably have the same sexual organs.

We've already had a Winathian and a Titanian produce offspring. I can see, however, how Daxamite genetics may produce more problems into the equation. Obviously, DC has shied away from answering definitively whether Supes can have a child with Lois.

And where did this idea that Lar had a child with that girl in the 21st century? Has she been shown to be pregnant? Did I miss something?

[ June 27, 2010, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Chief Taylor ]
Posted by Colossal Boy on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:

And where did this idea that Lar had a child with that girl in the 21st century? Has she been shown to be pregnant? Did I miss something?

In War of the Superman #4, Billi is shown leaving Metropolis in a truck with her uncle Jim (Guardian). They briefly discuss Lar, and Billi says she is pregnant.

Even if Billi does come to term and has Lar's child, this is all in the ancient past of the Legion's time. So Lar having a kid in Superman's time shouldn't suddenly be a big deal for the time traveling Legion.

During the Earth-Man Action storyline, Mon-El was thrown into the Phantom Zone (briefly) yet again. However that surely had to have had a mental affect on Lar. Perhaps Shady has gotten to the point after helping him deal with the trauma of his recent Phantom Zone experience that she can't take his moodiness any longer?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Ah. Haven't read WotS # 4, yet. Ironically, it's the very next comic in my stack! It's kinda funny because I'd read complaints somewhere that the Billi thing was wrapped up too quickly with that note Mon left her in that last Adventure appearance that wrapped up "Man od Valor". I guess Robinson had something left to say, eh?

In any case I don't see how that could've nroken up him and Shady anyway. It's implied in that Adventure issue that he'd forget a lot of what happened during his thousand-year exile. (Of course it's still possible he could be let out a few times during the modern era. provided they had a serum to prevent him from dying.) It's a convenient way to have him join the Legion and fit in more with the Silver Agey feel of the early Legion.

That still doesn't mean Mon's able to make children with a Talokian, but again, I doubt that's the impetus for the two breaking up. Last we saw of them in the Baxter era, Mon was dying after his confrontation with the Time Trapper and Shady's cut her finger off to symbolize their being married. Paul has impled that V3 still happened as we remembered it, so maybe they broke up during/after his convalescence?

Hard to say. Either things happened that way, or they didn't. I'm not totally sure, but it didn't look like Shady's missing a finger. Could be, though, that she did but had it reattached, regrown or replaced with a prosthetic after her and Mon broke up.

Did someone say they were shown as being together during Lightning Saga, Superman/LSH and/or Legion of Three Worlds? If they were or weren't, maybe that could narrow down the timeline of when the break-up happened.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
In Lo3W, Lar & Shady went to Oa together to get Sodam Yat. They seemed tight.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Didn't Earth Man have Sun Boy attached to that thingie making the sun red for over a YEAR??
If so, he's showing much restraint, IMO!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:

That still doesn't mean Mon's able to make children with a Talokian, but again, I doubt that's the impetus for the two breaking up. Last we saw of them in the Baxter era, Mon was dying after his confrontation with the Time Trapper and Shady's cut her finger off to symbolize their being married. Paul has impled that V3 still happened as we remembered it, so maybe they broke up during/after his convalescence?

Maybe the fact that she married him while in a coma might've had something to do with it?

"Oh, by the way dear, while you were unconcious I cut off my finger, so that means we have to spend the rest of our lives together! Hope you're okay with that!"
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
*gasp* "Shady? Y-you mutilated yourself to show your devotion to me? I-I don't know if I can handle this...."

Yeah, but according to Rhino, they were still together in L3W, so he must've gotten over the shock at some point! [Smile]

(People must think I haven't read all this stuff--I have, but a lot of the little details seep outta the memory after awhile...old age and what-not! [Razz] )
Posted by Blacula on :
Maybe Billi's child grew up and moved to Talok, fell in love with a Mallor, and centuries later their descendant was Shadow Lass.

So all this time Shadow Lass has been doing it with her great-great-great... grandfather! [Eek!]

That might be enough to end a relationship. [LOL]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Yer a sick dude, kinda dude! [Big Grin]
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
*gasp* "Shady? Y-you mutilated yourself to show your devotion to me? I-I don't know if I can handle this...."

Yeah, but according to Rhino, they were still together in L3W, so he must've gotten over the shock at some point!

Things couldn't have happened exactly the way they did before since there was no pocketuniverse Superboy to die this time.
The Time Trapper deally might have happened but not for the same reason and without the same consequences.
Lar didn't die, for one thing and he wasn't buried on Vallhalla and Shady didn't cut off her finger to encourage him to heal and she didn't go into a 'nunnery'.

Lar wasn't shown to be injured when he came out of the Zone and one doesn't 'heal' physically in the Zone, or at least, it's never been shown to heal Lar from lead poisoning before.
Levitz just wants to screw with their lives, that's all.

(People must think I haven't read all this stuff--I have, but a lot of the little details seep outta the memory after awhile...old age and what-not! [Razz] )

'Old age and what-not' is MY line!
Posted by Titan Lad on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
Maybe Billi's child grew up and moved to Talok, fell in love with a Mallor, and centuries later their descendant was Shadow Lass.

So all this time Shadow Lass has been doing it with her great-great-great... grandfather! [Eek!]

That might be enough to end a relationship. [LOL]

I don't think I could like Shadow Lass if that couldn't couldn't end a relationship.
Posted by Korbal on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
CALLING THE ROLL is a Legionnaire-by-Legionnaire look at the latest adventure of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Let the Roll be Called!

[Ultra Boy] ULTRA BOY

I would have liked to see him face more Legionnaires- perhaps one-on-one, before succumbing to his 'love takedown'. That would have been a good way to showcase a handful of Legionnaires and how their powers work. I suppose the way he handled Tyroc and Wildfire does prove that he's got battle savvy, at the least..

Too bad Val isn't around anymore he was the one Legionnaire who could always wipe the floor with Ultra Boy...

[Shadow Lass] SHADOW LASS
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Now why would Shady break up with Mon-el out of the blue? Jealousy over his romance when he was a kid in the 21st century? His siring a child then? (Assuming the Legionnaires know about that.) I don't think so. Mon-el wasn't the first man in her life, after all. Budding interest in Phantom Girl? I hope not. Here's my guess. Talok needs an heir to their Shadow Champion line. Shady and Mon have been together for years with no children. Technology? Maybe there's a superstition for Planetary Champions. Maybe she's tried. It doesn't seem like she gave Mon-el much of a reason, but we haven't read the actual break-up scene. I wonder if we will?

If that guess turns out correct, I wonder who she'll set her sights on next? Seems a bit cold, doesn't it? Especially if she still loves Mon-el.

What reason do you think Shady might have for breaking up with her Daxamite beau? Who would you like to see her make a play for if my guess was correct?.

Would not be too surprised, considering their prior close realtionship, if it ended up being Tyroc...

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
[Saturn Queen] Saturn Queen
Remember the LSV espionage squad and the story in which it appeared, which also hinted at tryouts for the LSV? It's clear the evil team is modeling itself after the good in structure and detail, down to time-traveling to the 21st century. I wonder if they've also duplicated the means by which Karate Kid was returned to life before the JLA/JSA/LSH story a couple of years ago? Might they have used this method (whatever it was- we're in the dark as readers) to bring Nemesis Kid back to life? This would be in keeping with the LSV espionage squad, tryouts and who know what else?
That would explain the NK comment that SQ makes, as the two haven't met in a story we've seen to date.

She did at least visit the 21st Century once, tangling with Kara and Power Girl (as Nightwing and Flamebird) in Kandor during "One Year Later." And may be the "scariest Legion villain" set to battle Kara and Brainy (during Halloween no less) in Supergirl's upcoming Annual, having caught a glimpse oh herself in Brainy's memories...

[ June 28, 2010, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Korbal ]
Posted by razsolo on :
I am not OVER THE MOON about Shady and Mon breaking up, but on the other hand they were awfully joined at the hip towards Levitz's last run (even before Mon was injured by the Time Trapper) so it might be interesting to see how they both develop outside of one another.

Normally I find heroes doing the big emo WOE IS ME to be intolerable, but Mon-El has more reason than most...1000 years in the Phantom Zone forced to watch the world go on without him, surrounded with nothing but horrible criminals (and Chris Kent I guess), then when he finally gets out he finds someone who makes him feel whole, and now even that's gone. Mon-El is a lot more mature than most of the other Legionnaires, but he is still a pretty young guy who hasn't actually had a chance to live a big chunk of his life. I find him more interesting when he's carrying the world on his shoulders for a bit..

I'm surprised that it seems Shady dumped him; especially after LO3W saw them still together. I like the theory that it's somehow related to her duties as planetary champion. Maybe she's had to marry someone back home for political reasons (like Grev married Lady Memory 5YL)...that would kind of echo the Starfire/Nightwing storyline from the Teen Titans in the 80's, but I still prefer something like that to "they just fell out of love". If they aren't going to be together, I think Shady and Tyroc might make an interesting match-up...
Posted by future king on :
[Dream Girl - Re-Imagined] DREAM GIRL:

I agree that the colorist slipped a bit with her costume colours, especially her wrist bands and her blonde hair (which looks better either all white/platinum or mostly platinum with some blonde highlights in it).

I would also like to see her undergo a costume change too, in keeping with the changes seen by her teammates' new designs. Her old/classic one looks corny now by comparison.

Hey, maybe WE should design something new for her and send it off to Paul Levitz for approval. That would be so old-school-cool and a nod to previous generations of fandom.
I wonder if DC would go for it.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by future king:
[Dream Girl - Re-Imagined] DREAM GIRL:

I would also like to see her undergo a costume change too, in keeping with the changes seen by her teammates' new designs. Her old/classic one looks corny now by comparison.

NOOOOOOOO! I LOVE that costume and always thought the reboot and threeboot versions were inferior/not sexy enough! Let her tramp it up a bit, dammit!

The only acceptable alternative I've seen is the version that she wore when she popped up during the SW6 version of Legionnaires.... [Drool]
Posted by Candle on :
Sorry, Taylor, that costume - SW6, was the worst costume ever designed for someone who wasn't a hooker.

Low in front, no back and G string rear.
Worst taste in the world.

I could take any ONE of the 3 in a costume, if I had to, but ALL of them?!

Enough said or we'll be put on the 'rant' thread again.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Honestly, Shady, you are definitely correct that the SW6 costume went too far. I think it would work on a younger Nura as shown there, but our Nura looks just fine the way she is.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

OK... I like what I see of his costume. This is different than what he wore in LOTW etc., isn't it? I like the different hair and don't really miss the white stripe. It might be nice if we saw the psychology of his hair change... did it start to grow back black after a particularly confidence/faith building episode? Or did he decide to make the cosmetic change? I like the facial hair more on him than I did on Element Lad Prime...

The blaster really should've been rendered in the same 'ghost effect' that IK is when he grabs it and flies away. Unless he wanted the blaster to be seen shooting into the sky?

I think the French should be at a minimum. An occasional surprised word or so, but no more. Drura's presence and a beginning to their romance would be most welcome, too.

I've always had a soft spot for Jacques as he was the first Legionnaire to join when I started reading. For me, he kinda came out of nowhere because I missed the Annual amid all the regular issues (and never read it 'til MUCH later).

So here was this newbie seemingly coming out of the blue who kinda mirrored by own newbieness to the Legion. And Jacques showed me a few things about the group very quickly: 1) The Legion was constantly adding new members. 2) They didn't necessarily come into the Legion confident, experienced and ready to handle anything. 3) Some of them could speak French. [Smile] 4) He was the second to be called "Invisible Kid", and the white guy with the headband I'd been reading about in those digest reprints had died somehow. And therefore...5) Legionnaires die sometimes.

That's a LOT to get from the intro of one character! I think Paul was very smart to introduce a new Legionnaire so early into his run with Keith. He got a lot of exposure in his first handful of issues and brought a fresh perspective among characters who constantly felt like they'd been there forever and were all old hats st the job.

I also remember enjoying how they used the lines on his costume to illustrate his invisibility effect. As a kid I didn't particularly appreciate very many artistic choices, but that one was definitely among the few I did. It was and is a cool effect, and I'll miss that when I see the new costume.

As for the white streak, I said it one the LSH 2 thread, and I'll say it here: I hope it was just a coloring mistake. To me, it's much more than some silly fashion statement (like Rogue), it's Jacques's badge of courage from the Great Darkness saga! I feel that if exposure to Darkseid made the streak appear, then no hair coloring or whatever should be able to cover it up. Bring it back!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Candle:
Sorry, Taylor, that costume - SW6, was the worst costume ever designed for someone who wasn't a hooker.

I'd hate to think Nura is setting a bad rep for the space hookers.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And um, technically, the Saturn Queen who tangled with Supergirl and Power Girl is a completely different character from the one currently in Legion.

That Saturn Queen's a survivor of the Old Multiverse in the same way as Power Girl, Prime, Lady Quark, Kal-L, Dark Angel, Psycho Pirate, Alex Luthor, and Lois Lane of Earth-2. Her world was recreated during Infinite Crisis when all those earths were cluttering up the sky, and when they all got destroyed again she wound up in the Phantom Zone.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I didn't like Brainy's disdain for his comrades, or Ultra Boy's telling him to go annoy somebody else and calling him an overgrown data monger. These guys are supposed to be old friends by this point.

I'm reminded of a TMK story, where Brainy is already overworked trying to find a cure for Garridan/Validus's disease etc., and Saturn Girl asks him to help the traumatized White Witch who's just been rescued from Mordru. He accepts the added burden without question in order to help a fellow Legionnaire. I like that Brainy better than this one.
Posted by the Hermit on :
Let's not forget that Brainy once framed Jo for murder.
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
yeah but that was brainy being crazy because of depending on original or glorithverse...Pulsar Stargrave/Brainiac or Glorith influencing him.
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Honestly, Shady, you are definitely correct that the SW6 costume went too far. I think it would work on a younger Nura as shown there, but our Nura looks just fine the way she is.

That costume wouldn't work on anyone who wasn't going to take it off or push it to one side, repeatedly in a short time.
That's blunt, I think, but true and not something that I want to see ANYONE in, much less the beautiful Nura, of any age.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I didn't like Brainy's disdain for his comrades, or Ultra Boy's telling him to go annoy somebody else and calling him an overgrown data monger. These guys are supposed to be old friends by this point.

I'm reminded of a TMK story, where Brainy is already overworked trying to find a cure for Garridan/Validus's disease etc., and Saturn Girl asks him to help the traumatized White Witch who's just been rescued from Mordru. He accepts the added burden without question in order to help a fellow Legionnaire. I like that Brainy better than this one.

Lovely example and why I regret that Vril Dox is such a strong presonality.
He, and his attitude, has really affected the DC writers take on the whole line.

They've begun imitating his personality for ALL of the Brainys, the reboot Brainy when Waid had him and then Prime.
Prime Querl was the worst, with Waid AND Kitson
working on him, since Kitson, at least, helped create Vril.

I don't know where the idea came from that being intellectual or 'smart' = cold detachment.
Most of our examples: Einstein, Da Vinci, the Buddha, Jefferson, Madame Curie, Moses, Ghandi, Chief Joesph to name a few that come to mind quickly, weren't particularly cold individuals at all.
Sometimes they made decisions that had cold results and they were 'human' and flawed but NOT cold to others.

Anyway, I'd love it if Levitz went back to Querl being more loving, warm and connected to those around him.

Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
And um, technically, the Saturn Queen who tangled with Supergirl and Power Girl is a completely different character from the one currently in Legion.

That Saturn Queen's a survivor of the Old Multiverse in the same way as Power Girl, Prime, Lady Quark, Kal-L, Dark Angel, Psycho Pirate, Alex Luthor, and Lois Lane of Earth-2. Her world was recreated during Infinite Crisis when all those earths were cluttering up the sky, and when they all got destroyed again she wound up in the Phantom Zone.

The Phantom Zone?
So, what happens?
Is she locked in now with Lar and Chris and gang?
Will she interact with them?
Are you sure she ISN'T the same one we see now?
THAT would certainly be interesting!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Actually, with that Saturn Queen, it went like this...

After Infinite Crisis, Saturn Queen wound up in the Phantom Zone, where she also discovered an amnesiac Ultraman from the Antimatter Earth. The two took over that fake Kandor that used to be in Superman. The two were brought down by Supergirl and Power Girl, and then left for the Kandorian Resistance. It's recounted in Supergirl: Candor.

This isn't the same Saturn Queen as the one currently in Legion. She wears a different costume with no black, and has straight, long hair.

This Saturn Queen had originally appeared in Superman/Batman: Absolute Power, where she, Lightning Lord, and Cosmic King went back in time and raised Batman and Superman as their own to take over the 21st Century, also in an attempt to make sure their future, which is possibly the Adult Legion future, would exist. Saturn Queen considered Bruce and Clark her sons, and afterwards her maternal feelings remained. She referred to Ultraman as her son while he was in her control.
Posted by Candle on :
I wonder if Levitz knows about this version and will connect them?

We certainly don't know much about the original.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
This is what she looks like.
Posted by Rusty Shackleford on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:


I liked the revelation that it was Brainy who taught Brek to grow his ice arm. The specific of an ice replacement-limb might be a turn-off for some, but the fact that Brainy's helping other Legionnaires with their powers shouldn't be. Then again, earlier instances of that kind of help have had mixed results, haven't they? I hope he continues to help some Legionnaires expand the uses of their abilities, if not their actual powers.

I didn't care for this on a continuity level. I guess there's some wiggle room in "Superman and the Legion" to make this fit. But IIRC, we know a) Polar Boy was maimed by Tusker, b) he was captured by the JLE, and c) Brainiac left for Colu for some period of time. For Brainy to have helped Brek with his arm, the sequence would had to have been a-c-b. It just seems more likely that A happened back-to-back with B and Polar Boy figured out on his own how to grow the ice limb. It's something he should have seen done on his homeworld anyhow.

[ June 30, 2010, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Shackleford ]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I thought the timing of that was off too, Rusty. Didn't he grow the ice arm as soon as he escaped the hot box?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I liked the 'likeable morons' comment to the extent that it's nice to know that he at least finds his teammates 'likeable'. I think his dismissal of them as 'morons' out of character. For Vril, it wouldn't be-- For Querl, I think it is.

That "likeable morons" was a great Brainy moment. I'd like to think that he even uses the term moron with affection. His Vril moments continue to disappoint me. However, we did see a very different Brainy in the Adventure story, when he returned from the 21st century, smiling and greeted by all his likeable moron team mates. I suppose even a 12th level genius can go through distant, distracted or grumpy periods.

I wonder what's up with the starship full of Durlans? That flew by, but was interesting. 'In Brande's name...' Has R.J. replaced Mon-el as the Legion related quasi-religious figure?
I wonder if Cham changed the timeline/history of Durla by speaking to someone back in the 21st century. Maybe Durla isn't so isolated and paranoid now. Or could Brande refer to some other, historical figure of importance to Durlans, and R.J. just assumed that name when he took on
his non-Durlan look.

Now that was an interesting little sidetrip, wasn't it? Unexpected, but eminently logical. That's Saturn Girl on a mission, right there. Where will the 'image' lead her? Will she pursue it alone? That's characteristic of her, as well. Though less logical.

A great portrayal of Saturn Girl. It surprised me too, which is what made it so enjoyable. And no other legionnaire could have done this, even if they'd thought of it.

[Shadow Lass] SHADOW LASS Here's my guess. Talok needs an heir to their Shadow Champion line. Shady and Mon have been together for years with no children. Technology? Maybe there's a superstition for Planetary Champions. Maybe she's tried. It doesn't seem like she gave Mon-el much of a reason, but we haven't read the actual break-up scene. I wonder if we will?

If that guess turns out correct, I wonder who she'll set her sights on next? Seems a bit cold, doesn't it? Especially if she still loves Mon-el.

That seems like a good reason, if she's thinking long-term. (I'd hate to see her go on maternity leave so soon in any event.)

It was suggested in the other thread on this issue that the cloth sling on her arm was an echo from her first Legion story - so maybe she's set her sights on Brainiac 5. But it could be that Talok demands a pure blood Shadow Champion and she'll be heading home for a mate.

[Saturn Queen] Saturn Queen
In short, just what comics need more of-- irredeemable villainesses that the reader doesn't feel an ounce of sympathy for.

Yeah, she's a cold, nasty one. And what is it with Buddhists in the future? Gym'll wasn't evil but wasn't exactly at peace with the universe - or maybe they all just refer to Buddha as an expression, without any spiritual affiliation.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Rusty Shackleford:
]I didn't care for this on a continuity level. I guess there's some wiggle room in "Superman and the Legion" to make this fit. But IIRC, we know a) Polar Boy was maimed by Tusker, b) he was captured by the JLE, and c) Brainiac left for Colu for some period of time. For Brainy to have helped Brek with his arm, the sequence would had to have been a-c-b. It just seems more likely that A happened back-to-back with B and Polar Boy figured out on his own how to grow the ice limb. It's something he should have seen done on his homeworld anyhow.

Wasn't Brainy also imprisoned with Polar Boy and the others at one point? Or was that just some speculation by other Legionnaires because he was missing? If he had been in prison, he could have worked with Brek there - or possibly even before everything happened, Brainy was helping others amp up their powers.

But I agree, it should have been something Brek figured out or learned on Tharr.
Posted by future king on :
Maybe Brainy was just taking credit for what he THOUGHT he trained Brek to do ... but actually was the idea of Brek himself all along.

I can't wait to hear the real explanation.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by future king:
Maybe Brainy was just taking credit for what he THOUGHT he trained Brek to do ... but actually was the idea of Brek himself all along.

I can't wait to hear the real explanation.

Does anyone really think a further explanation is forthcoming? I seriously doubt it and wouldn't exactly lose sleep if it's not.
Posted by Set on :
That line, to me, felt like an 'explanation' to the readers as to why Brek still had an ice arm, in a 31st century where he could theoretically have a replacement any time he wanted.

(Granted, on Earth, in hiding, it's plausible that he couldn't get access to the necessary medical treatment, during Lightning Saga. But for him to still have the ice-arm during Lo3W begins to poke at credulity, and perhaps Paul felt the urge to explain that away. It's not like he can't get the surgery / replacement at any time, and right now, there might be a little bit of stubborn pride in the ice-arm as a badge, to remind the people of Earth what they took from him, and, now that Earth-Man is on the team, to flaunt in his face.)
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Maybe it also helps him get chicks! (remember that panel from issue one!)
Posted by SharkLad on :
Yeah, but what woman is really going to want a hand made of ice touching her?
Posted by razsolo on :
I am remembering the time I made a friend of mine lick the ice in the freezer when we were kids, and *shudder* yeahhh somehow I think an ice arm would have the opposite effect to getting chicks, lol.. [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
In the future, everything will be a kink. Especially in the vicinity of Tharr.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
Polar Boy couldn't go home then because his arm would constantly be melting. That would be sad and could add substance to his character. Come to think of it, it makes you wonder why Polar Boy choses such warm-looking costumes.
Posted by future king on :
If Polar Boy gives himself a new look then he should definately change his hair style as well.
The current one makes him look like the villian The Icicle, and makes Brek look evil in general.
Maybe he should go back to wearing a hat .... or how about even a touqe! Touques are all the fashion craze these days and Brek would be setting a trend in the super-hero world if he sported one in this new series.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I'd suggest a do-rag, but that would make Brek look too much like Ultimate Ice Man. [shrug]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Red Arrow:
Polar Boy couldn't go home then because his arm would constantly be melting. That would be sad and could add substance to his character. Come to think of it, it makes you wonder why Polar Boy choses such warm-looking costumes.

I think the general idea is that Brek's power naturally lowers the temperature surrounding him significantly. On Tharr this basically brings him to a comfortable temperature (especially when combined with the cumulative effects of all the Tharrians), but this means that he'd be freezing at average Earth temperatures, hence the need to wear warm outfits. He actually has to concentrate to not cool things off in his vicinity.
Posted by razsolo on :
Yeah, I am pretty sure it has been stated on occasion that he wears the fleecy costume because anywhere which isn't Tharr is really cold...

I think it's a cool twist that a character with ice powers is more naturally at home in a hellishly hot environment.. [Smile]
Posted by doublechinner on :
Mon-El -- Well, he's back to be being a moody sap. I'd really hoped that the whole Robinson-arc would have more impact on his characterization. And why would he spend any time on Daxam? Has the place perked up?

Brainiac 5 -- I'm glad Levitz feels liberated enough to use the Vril Dox/3Boot Brainy as a model for this character. Although it would be nice to see SOME more breadth of character.

Ultra Boy -- I saw his characterization here as somewhat more nuanced, I guess, which may turn out to be nothing. His interraction with Brainy and his "datamonger" comment suggest some insecurity or chauvinism or something. But it's more than just dumb jock, I thought.

Wildfire -- LOOOVVVEEDD how Yildiray drew his damaged suit!

Tyroc -- his internal monologue was GREAT! I'll be delighted if he is a Legionnaire more concerned with helping than smashing, as long as it isn't some stereotypical portrayal of 1970s naive do-gooder. I like his new costume, but would really like to see it in black and white. I thought 3Boot Star Boy's costume was awesome, too good a combo to go unused, and it would be a nice nod to Tyroc's original Elvis attire.

Dreamy, Dawnstar and Gates -- I was SO tired when I read the issue last night that I completely missed the issues about Dreamy's look. I will have to re-read. But this was a great, brief bit of character introduction and exposition, as successful as some of the other dialogue in the issue was klunky. More like this, please, Mr. Levitz!

Cosmic Boy -- so he is clearly the leader? Is this Mr. Levitz stealing what worked from the 2Boot and 3Boot, so that fans of those iterations feel more at home? Is there a larger story/character reason behind Cos's assumption of the role? And I really like Yildiray's portral of Cos SOMETIMES. In some panels he has a rounder, boyish face that is cute and distinctive, but it doesn't always seem to be there.

Earth Man -- I like the interpretation of Earth Man feeling sorry for himself, but I wondered on another thread if his "What Earthgov says, goes" attitude doesn't suggest some larger political/villainous actor in Earthgov who helped kick off the events back in Action comics. It's hard to reconcile Johns's Earth Man and this one. Unless, one imagines that his steady siphoning of powers drove him to more megalomaniacal extremes?

Chameleon Boy -- another really great intro/walk on here by Levitz. You learn a lot about the character in a handful of panels.

Saturn Girl -- Levitz has found his voice for this character more than any other.

Lightning Lad and Lightning Lass -- great to see them together. I was REALLY intrigued by Ayla saying Garth was "the best of them all." THAT'S a REALLY interesting comment! After all, in the past Garth has been hard luck, no luck, screw up kinda guy. Is he now more purely heroic than before? That would be fine with me! Bedard made that a feature of his 3Boot arc, and I like it. I like that it makes Garth something other than a hard-luck loser. If one thinks of the 3 founders' dynamic, then Saturn Girl is super-ego (perfection), Lightning Lad is id (drive, passion), and Cosmic Boy is ego (reality, executive). Also, I can't BELIEVE it, but I'm beginning to like how Yildiray draws the costume, mainly because the white section looks less like a diaper or boxer-briefs. Ayla was wonderful here. These two are twins, after all, but I think of positive fraternal moments like this as relatively rare in Legion history.

Sun Boy -- I will say it. Yildiray's drawing of powered-up Sun Boy are some of the BEST EVER! I wish they had been large rather than small panels.

Invisible Kid -- I'm just happy to see him, and his look is cool and suits him well. And having him work with Phantom Girl reminds me of that wonderful first issue of the Great Darkness Saga.

Phantom Girl -- doesn't seem terribly bright here, does she? Maybe she's a better match for Ultra Boy that way? As I wrote on the issue thread, I found her conversation with Shadow Lass a real missed opportunity.

Shadow Lass -- speaking of, no words to PG about dumping Mon-El? Bad ass! And why is she greenish?

Saturn Queen -- WHAT is her agenda here, Paul? Just mischief?

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