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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well I had a fun weekend, and after taking some time to sort things out I thought I would take the time to inflict some ramblings about my other hobby on you.

March 18th in England is not the warmest time of the year so it was with some trepidation that I agreed to attend a training weekend with my re enactment group at a Boy Scout camp in the midlands. The thought of sleeping in unheated huts with snow on the ground outside, especially to a home comfort loving lad like me, was not filling me with joy. Still it was going to be my first real time in uniform and in the line and as there were going to be two other regiments there, it was going to be a good chance to get to know people prior to the seasons started.

The training weekend also coincided with a large re enactors fair being so it was decided that I would drive down on the Friday do some shopping and then after a cheap hotel overnighter, head up the road to the camp. I took Gigi’s car which was older than mine and left her the larger family car for the weekend and set off on my great adventure driving the 200 miles to Coventry. The journey was fine, no traffic problems and a nice straight road so I did not get lost. I was about quarter of an hour away from my destination when disaster struck, the engine boiled dry and the temperature shot through the roof. I pulled over to the hard shoulder and rang for the AA who were great. They turned up very quickly, took one look at the car and declared it unfixable. So I was told I needed to be towed all the way back home. I had a very long and enjoyable day driving up and down the motorway. Once home I needed to get the car fixed, and that set me back an arm and a leg as the cylinder head gasket had gone.

Jen and her son decided they would come with me so we decided to go back down to the fair and the training on the Saturday morning. This meant a 6.00am start and, somewhat bleary eyed, we set off on the journey again. Once again the journey down was fine with little traffic problems. We found the fair pretty easily and parked up ready to start rummaging. This was my first time at a fair and I was like the proverbial pig in s*%t although Jen and Liam were a bit more wary. We bought some odds and sods and bumped into Dorothy and Joe and then headed off to try to find the camp. And lo and behold we ended up in roadwork’s and a traffic jam and heading the wrong way around the Coventry ring road.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
After some fancy map reading and a little bit of back country road racing we ended up back on the right road and heading towards the rendezvous when we noticed the fuel gauge sitting on empty. Quick find a filling station!

Full of petrol and running about an hour late we eventually arrive at the camp and start to unpack all the sleeping equipment we had brought. I got into uniform and set off to meet the lads (and lasses) from the 33rd foot and Coldstream Guards.

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The idea of the day was to have three training sessions, each led by one of the groups to try to shake the rust out of the group and work together as one larger unit. We had a great deal of fun trying to wheel and counter march, form column and form line. And there was me trying to keep my shako on, not drop the musket, and stay blocked up to the man in front, all the while trying to listen to the orders figure out what was happening and stay in step over uneven ground. Many thanks to the poor lads on either side of me who kept me right and offered lots of helpful advice.

It was bitterly cold but thanks to the modern miracle that is thermal underwear I was pretty comfortable. So it was with a little bit of sorrow that the day came to an end and we retired to our various huts to get ready for the evening meal and trip to the local hostelry. Just picture it for a moment, 30 odd men all in various stages of undress, all laughing and joking on and all complaining about the cold. We arrived some 30 to 40 strong at the pub where the staff, bless, had not cottoned on to the fact that we who we were and to be honest they were a little overwhelmed with demands for beer and food. Then it was onto the pubs pool table where our very own Corporal Walsh took on all comers. Even at one stage handicapping himself by partnering with me. Finally came the match all had wanted to see, Corporal Walsh of the 68th took on the mighty Sergeant Love of the 33rd, alas and alack the 68th went down fighting but were ultimately undone by Private Daisy’s (me) total lack of skill with a pool cue.
All too soon it was time to leave, taxis arrived to carry back some of the troops. Once ensconced in the halls the wine and port and gin was opened and the fire banked up and we started to sing songs. Some were simple folk songs and some were army songs, some were down right rude and some were simple soft and moving. Sergeant Love knowing the words and tunes to many old traditional songs. Eventually people started drifting off to their beds and the singing died down to be replaced by the snores of some. Lights out and I passed happy but tired into the land of nod.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
The next day dawned dull and damp but it was warmer. We breakfasted on tin plates full of bacon egg beans and bread and dress for the second days training. This time we were going to experiment. Again each regiment wanted to try something out whilst it had a larger number of soldiers available to it. So once again we spent a very enjoyable morning marching, running and laughing. We were able to act as light infantry as a screen for the heavies and see how such units would be able to fire and move through the light screen. We did Bayonet charges up hill to clear the French followed by forming square to hold off cavalry. The day ended with the 68th leading the others in Indian file through the woods, trying to hold off enemy light infantry.

And then it was time for home. It was fun to meet up with the others and to start to practice together with the squads and feel like I was just about getting the hang of the basics when it was time to go home. So now I cant wait to repeat the experience at Stratfield Saye.

(more photos to follow once i compress them enough to up load them to image shack)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
More, more, more!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Yeah! I want to see more of this too.

I find it fascinating, especially since I don't think I have it in me to try something this disciplined on weekends.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
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Me (at the back) trying to keep up with the lads
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Loading and firing in line as the light infantry (with green hackles my lot) march past to take up a skirmish line.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I sense a semblance to the old grizzled veterans that had seen more than their share of glory and victorious celebrating (if you get my drift [Wink] )!

Darden, as always, this is just so cool!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Forming Square to repel French cavalry

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Through the grass.

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
And the woods and flowers

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
A chance to relax and chat before yet more practise.

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Listening to the officer.

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Forming colums and chains to advance on the enemy

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
OK guys, enough is enough, follow me to the pub its this way.

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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
And at the end of the day I needed a drink before we head out to the pub. [LOL]

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Posted by Gigglebot Girl on :
i can,t believe i spent the weekend with this lot of vagabonds.

And yes everyone we did drink the rest of the bottle. (to keep warm).

I must be mad.
Posted by Gigglebot Girl on :
edited because i made a boo boo [Frown]

[ March 28, 2006, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Gigglebot Girl ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Gigglebot, we think you're a dear but honestly your sanity was NEVER in question.
You live with Darden, we KNOW there's something not-quite-right.

it's ok though, with this lot you fit right in...or in other words, you don't HAVE to be crazy to post here but it helps.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well I must be doing something right!

Last night was the AGM and Party. AS is the way of these things I ate and drank too much.

But we have a number of awards and stuff handed out during the AGM, Solider of the year and stuff.

So I was gob smacked to receive the Commanding Officers award for Meritorious Service this year. Some very nice things said etc, and I am now at home nursing a hangover and a Silver Bugle award.

Nice to be appreciated isn’t it
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

So I was gob smacked to receive the Commanding Officers award for Meritorious Service this year. Some very nice things said etc, and I am now at home nursing a hangover and a Silver Bugle award.

no wonder the revolutionists won. The best of the redcoats were plastered.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
So true, so true.

Given that we got an offical ration of 6 pints of beer a day, or a pint of wine or two thirds of a pint of rum, and we would nick any extras we could find, I'm surprised we could stand up straight enough to fire our muskets.

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Or, when in doubt, mix it all together, as demonstrated here:

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
that, dear boy, is Sloe Gin a rather delightful drink that warms the cockels, so to speak.

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