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Author Topic: The "Earth-2" Legion
Portfolio Boy

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Hey gang, I must say, I was mightily phyched to find EDE so accepting of my thoughts of an Earth-2 Legion over on another thread that I abandoned all work for the last day or so to devote myself to fleshing out the entire team.

Misogynist that I am, I'm certain that I have something in here for almost everyone to hate. =)

As noted on the other thread, this version of the Legion is set in a 31st century in which we have yet to develop faster-than-light travel. Unable to venture out to the stars, humans have instead colonized virtually every planet, moon and asteroid of the Sol system.

In this setting, many of the traditional Legion powers are the result of bio-engineering meant to help humans adapt to life on other worlds.

Besides solving the problem of having so few alien Legionnaires, the setting also serves as an allegory of our own world, in which humans are rapidly outpacing the systems ability to sustain its ever-growing population and cultures are beginning to clash over resources and region.

Below is a typo laden list of my team, in the order they joined, subject to future revision based on my whim and/or your input:

Cosmic Boy [founder]
(Rokk Krinn, 19, of Rhea)
Rokk is a descendant of asteroid belt minors who developed an innate sense of magnetic fields following centuries of exposure to asteroid iron ore, cosmic rays, and radioactive isotopes from improperly shielded power cells at camp shelters. This group and their descendants are often called Braalians, after Braal Biosphere, LLC, the company which made the defective power cells.

Early in the 25th century, it was thought that Braailians sense of magnetic forces might make them ideal explorers of the outer worlds, since it is virtually impossible for them to become lost. By the 31st century, there are Braalian populations on most worlds. However, with no worlds left to explore, many have returned to mining, for which their powers are ideally suited.

Rokk is among a few thousand individuals able to actually control magnetic fields and manipulate objects as large as a softball. A few hundred of these “magnetic kids” are players in the popular 31st century sport, magno ball. Rokk was a star player in the game before joining the Legion. Today, his younger brother, Pol, is a standout in the youth league version, which uses a hollow, lighter object called a “moopsball.” Many non-Braalians play the game using special magnetic gloves, but few advance beyond the moospball level, even given one telling advantage they have over Braalians. Since Braailians manifest their magnetic control through their eyes, they must have a direct line-of-sight to the object they would hope to attract, or repel.

Since joining the Legion, Rokk has begun taking a special serum co-invented by Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid which allows him to control object many thousands of times larger than a mango ball.

Saturn Girl [founder]
(Imra Ardeen, 18, of Saturn)
A resident of one of the many cloud cities of Saturn, Imra was cordoned off from her peers at an early age and subjected to intense mental training by research scientists from the Universo Project.

Although nominally a UP agency set up to study the many mysteries of the brain still uncracked 1,000 years from now, the Project was, until shut down by the Legion, a secret psy-ops center designed to create the ultimate in Science Police officers whose word would be law. One of the few so-called success stories of the Project, Imra is able to elicit absolute obedience via her “mental commands.” Whether this mind control is the result of genuine telepathic powers or merely a form of “super-hypnosis” remains unclear. Imra claims a limited ability to read minds, although Brainiac 5 maintains that this presumed power is merely a result of Imra’s keen observational skills and her deductive ability, allowing her to quickly assess known probabilities.

Imra is one of the less-popular members of the Legion, and has even been called the “ice queen” by her peers. This is due partly to a certain lack of social skills, owing to a childhood spent isolated from children her age, and partly to her refusal to enter into a relationship while searching for a way to revive Power Boy. However, she has begun to open up recently, under the realization that even if Kent can be revived, he would now be much younger than she is.

Power Boy [founder, in stasis]
(Kent Shakespeare, eternally 15, of Venus)
Like all descendants of Power Girl, Kent lives on Venus, where his Kryptonian physiology enables him to withstand the intense heat and pressure of that world’s atmosphere. Although most of Kara Zor-L’s descendants possessed greatly reduced versions of her powers by the time they emigrated to Venus and began interbreeding, centuries of adaptation to that world gives them a level of invulnerability and super-strength when visiting other planets of the sol system. On most of the moons, and even on the smaller planets, their conditioning gives them a measure of super-speed and an ability to leap great distances. Unlike most native Venusians, Kent also was born with some of his ancestors sensory powers, including x-ray vision and super-hearing.

Venusians are one of the more xenophobic races in the Sol system, resisting to a great degree all efforts to Terraform Venus to make it more hospitable to off-worlders. This aversion to change also makes them especially suspicious of the Tromitte Cult from the Alchemists World of Ganymede.

One of the four official Legion founders, Kent was nearly killed in an early adventure against Zaryan the Conqueror. Having fallen for his fellow founder, Saturn Girl, Kent led a team against Zaryan that she tried to face alone. During the resultant battle, Kid Quantum was killed and the explosion of his stasis belt put Kent, who was in close proximity to the blast, in a death-like state of suspended animation. Currently locked at 15 years of age, Kent's body is kept at the Time Institute where scientists hope to one day revive him.

Kid Flash
(Garth Ranzz, 17, of Mars)
A farm boy from the Ognats region of Mars, Garth gained his powers following an ill-advised joy ride into the meteor belt with his twin sister, Ayla, and his older brother, Mekt.

After crash landing on the Korbal planetoid, the trio had to fight off the mutant beasts of that world. For centuries, Terrain scientists tried to develop a way to manufacture water, and when those results produced only non-potable “hard water,” tried to bioengineer animals that could survive on it, thus preserving drinking water for humans. Those efforts also failed, since the mutant beasts were good for neither consumption nor labor, and most of them, along with all traced of hard water were dumped on a few bodies of the asteroid belt.

For reasons unknown, exposure to the hard water has revived in the Ranzz siblings latent powers apparently inherited from their distant ancestor, Jay Garrick, the 20th century hero known as the Flash.

Following the Legion’s first official mission on Jupiter, Garth resigned from the team to return to the family farm, where he felt he could do the most good for society be helping the maintain the “breadbasket of the solar system.” However, more recently, he has rejoined the Legion, bringing Ayla along with him. The pair, popularly known as the Tornado Twins, hopes to use the Legion’s resources to locate their missing brother, who now goes by the name Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Lightning Boy
(Dirk Morgna, 18, of Jupiter)
Trapped in an atomic reactor while attempting to foil Dr. Regulus’ attempt to ignite Jupiter into a second sun, Dirk became a living dynamo of electro-magnetic force. By slapping his hands together, Dirk can create bio-electric flashes resembling lightning bolts. Because his hands are charged like opposing poles, he is often considered the best non-Braalian player of mango ball.

Despite his great power, and the fame he has gained as a Legionnaire, Dirk would trade it all in a moment to rekindle a relationship with his father. The two became estranged following the Regulus Incident, when the older Morgna blamed his son for the resultant collapse of his business empire.

However, Dirk has little time for personal issues. Much of his time these days is spent in the lab as Invisible Kid and Brainic 5 try to understand the scientifically improbable ways Dirk can manipulate his lightning. Cei-U should see some of the things he can do.
Dirk was the first non-founder to join the Legion, following the team’s first official mission. He replaced Kid Flash.

Colossal Boy
(Gim Allon, 19, of Luna)
When Gim was exposed to the vapors of a recently crashed white dwarf meteorite, he gained the ability to increase his size and mass. Allon quickly abandoned a promising career in the Science Police to join the Legion. It was a decision that did not go down at all well with his parents. After all, despite the spelling change which crept in over the past millennia, the Allon’s are direct descendants of the Barry Allen of Earth-2, considered to be the founder of the SP’s.

Invisible Kid
(Lyle Foccart, 17, of Earth)
A descendant of the second Mr. Terrific, Lyle has inherited his ancestor’s invisibility to all forms of mechanical detection. The acorn also did not fall far from the family tree in the brains department. A biochemistry prodigy, Lyle invented a special serum which also makes him invisible to all visible and audible means of physical detection.

Kid Quantum [deceased]
(James Cullen, of Eris)
A student physicist from the largest of the frontier worlds, Eris, James had the natural ability to suspend time in a limited area, about 247 millimeters square. The origins of this power are unknown. However, a special belt of his own design enabled him to extend his stasis field to an area of about three square meters. Gung-ho for adventure and glory, James was among the first to wade into battle with the forces of Zaryan the Conqueror. Although his bravery is unquestioned, his zealousness cost him his life. His remains are interred on Shanghalla.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Phantom Girl
(Tinya Wazzo, 18, of unknown alternate Earth)
With the admission of Invisible Kid, Colossal Boy and Kid Quantum during the Legion’s first membership drive, the roster stood at six boys and one girl. For that reason, the second drive six months later was limited to girls, leading to the admission of Phantom Girl, Miss Infinity and Dyna-Mite.

A dark and secretive personality, Tinya is able to become immaterial by phasing part-way between parallel Earths of the multi-verse. She claims to be stuck on Earth-2, incapable of phasing completely back to her native Earth, which she refuses to identify. A few knowledgeable members of the Legion recognize that if she is from Earth-3, or a similar world, the Legion could well have a traitor in its midst. This same clique tends to believe that her devotion to Ultra Boy is insincere, designed solely toward winning some “muscle” to whatever her true motives may be.

Miss Infinity
(Lournu Durgo, 17, of “Santa”)
From the outer triple world of “Santa” (so-called because, in 2007, it has yet to be named) Lournu is a member of a race bio-engineered to reproduce asexually in hopes of creating humans capable to traveling to the nearest stars. The spontaneous generation gives the creations of Dr. Thaddius Cargg, or Carggittess, as they are called, the ability to create up to three duplicates, each, with all memories and abilities of the original. By recalling these duplicates, the Carggittes can “travel light” to preserve resources for long travel times, during the times when only routine work is called for on long spaceflights.

Most Cargittes live in and beyond the Oort cloud. Lu is one of the few who has chosen to remain behind in the Sol system.

(Salu Digby, 17, of Pallus)
During the early years of interplanetary colonization, Terrain scientists were able to bio-engineered certain individuals, giving them the ability to compact their size and mass. This allowed the colonists to live on the smaller moons and planetoids of the system. However, the gene alterations proved unstable and most of the first wave colonists, and their children, were susceptible to spontaneous combustion.

Those who survived eventually developed a fiercely independent culture, suspicious of the Earth-centric goals and policies of the UP. This has led to repeated conflicts with the UP, resulting in the creation of the nature Webber’s World, and with the UP-friendly Braalians, who inhabit many of the larger bodies of the asteroid belt.

The Pallusians power their worlds by harvesting scales from the Imskian space rocs which migrate through the asteroid belt. The natural ultra-energy which allows these “space dragons” to live in the vacuum of space imbibes their scales with potent, and nearly limitless power. The Pallusians are unyielding in protecting their sole and exclusive rights to the Imskian dragons and all members of their society must attend compulsory military training, susceptible to a lifetime draft eligibility, should a need arise to defend those rights.

(Clark Kent/Kal-L, 20, of 20th century Earth)
A native of Krypton who arrived on Earth in the early 20th century, Clark Kent was visited early in the Legion’s history by a trio of members who invited him to join their “super-hero club,” because it was his example which inspired the heroic ideal, leading directly to the founding of the Legion in the wake of the Brande Incident.

Later, the time bubble invented by Brainiac 5 was improved upon by using technology created by Rond Vidar for his own “time cube.” Although time travel remains difficult, a once-per-customer trip, to avoid the risk of Tachyon poisoning, this new device allowed for more than the brief time jumps available when ‘Superboy” joined.

Kal-L was thus invited to join the Legion on an extended basis, an offer he accepted shortly after graduating from Smallville High. Now, 20, and having spent nearly two years in the future, he has taken to calling himself Superman. It is worth noting that when Clark Kent reappeared in the 20th century and joined the staff of the Daily Star, he gave his age as 24.

Although Kal-L was never able to return to the 30th century, it’s possible that no hero ever had better training during his college years.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Star Boy [missing]
(Thom Kallor, 18, of Eris)
From the same frontier world as Eris, Thom gained a variety of powers following exposure to a passing comet. How this was possible remains unknown, but Thom soon became a planetary champion on Eris, with Kryptonian level powers. He even has one unique power, electrical vision, although copper was the bain of his existence.

Shortly after Superman joined the Legion on a permanent basis, Thom went missing while on a solo-mission. He has not been heard from since and is thought to have been killed in action. Memorial statues have been erected in his honor on Shanghalla, Eris, Earth and on the Legion Outpost.

(Laural Gand, 18, of Venus)
Like her cousin Kent, Laurel has many Kryptonian-like powers when not on Venus. She joined at the same time as Brainiac 5 as Kent’s replacement. With Star Boy missing, she is considered to be the most powerful Legionnaire after Superman.

Brainiac 5
(n/a, 57, of Webber’s World)
Part of C.A.I.N. the Computronic Artificial Intelligence Network that runs Webber’s World, the artificial planet with serves as diplomatic base of the United Planes, Brainiac 5 is an android devoid of human emotion.

Due to some flaw in his cybernetic cortex, Brainic 5 has none of the diplomacy skills of his fellow Brainiacs (97, as of the most recent inventory), who serve as advisors to and representatives of UP member worlds. Rather, “Brainy,” as his teammates call him, seems incapable not only of displaying emotions on his own, but of recognizing their presence in others. He is literal to a fault, with his bluntness often serving to hurt the feelings of his teammates. However, despite this design flaw, or perhaps because of it, Brainy is the most advanced of all C.A.I.N. units, capable of performing 12 bazillion calculations per nanosecond.

In addition to his 12th level intelligence, Brainiac possesses limited super-strength, enhances “senses” and reflexes, and a personal force-field to protect him from harm.

Beauty Blaze
(Zoe Saugin, 17, of Tethys)
An inquisitive soul with a generous heart and a gregarious nature, Zoe made friends easily at Captain Nardo’s Whiz-Bang, a sort of summer space-camp for the children of the AP’s more influential families. Among the friends she made at camp were Rond Vidar, Jekkie Orando, Chuck Taine and the Naltor sisters, Nura and Mysa, all of whom she eventually enlisted on her “missions of discovery.”

When not at camp, Zoe enlisted her friends as interns on her mother’s archeological digs. Few believe Zoe that many of the digs are evidence of extra-terrestrial civilizations. Most assume them to be the remains of early, undocumented attempts to colonize the planets.

During these digs, Zoe’s fascination with all this occult and mystical led her to unearth the Green Lantern rung used by Rond and the Helmet of Nabu, used by Mysa. She also appears to have played some part in Nura’s development of precognitive powers.

Frustrated by the fact that all of her friends were getting super-powers while she remained just a regular girl, Zoe launched an all-out effort to uncover some item that she could use to mankind’s benefit. Eventually, she unearthed an amulet that allows her to control heat and fire. She also is able to generate a mystical flame capable of burning away all deception.

It is indicative of Zoe’s nature that, although the last among her circle of friends to gain super-powers, she was the first to seek fame by joining the Legion.

Although not a founder, Zoe tends to view herself as the heart and soul of the Legion thanks to the role she played in the origins of so many members.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Ultra Boy
(Jo Nah, 18, of Ceres)
A native to one of the oldest and rowdiest of the colonized worlds, Jo was, in his youth, a drug runner for Marla Latham’s Green Dragon gang. Like many gang members, including his younger brothers Janjor and Devem, Jo became addicted to the Ceric drug of choice, Miraclo, which gives its users Krpytonian level powers for one hour per dose.

Jo gained permanent powers during the annual “running of the dragons,” in which gang members prove their machismo by piloting small, personal space cruisers in-between migrating herds of Imskian dragons. Jo’s cruiser was swallowed whole by one of the larger dragons and it is thought that a combination of the miracle in Jo’s system and the beast’s internal ultra-energies allowed him to retain his powers, even after kicking the miraclo habit. Unfortunately, Jo has discovered that while has Kryptonian level powers, he can only use one at a time.

Jo’s brothers are still members of the Green Dragons, and miracle addicts. Because the drug eventually burns out most human systems, leading to early death, Jo hopes his service in the Legion will inspire his bothers and other Ceric youth to get clean. His loyalty to the Dragons, and his love of his brothers, is second only to his absolute devotion to Tinya.

(Halk Kar, Jr., 21, allegedly of Thoron)
No one knows what to make of the hero egotistical enough to name himself “Valor.” He simply crashed his rocket into Pluto one day and, emerging unscathed, declared that he was Superman’s older brother. He also professes to be from an extra-solar world, a claim which almost no one takes seriously.

Halk does possess all of Superman’s powers, although they tend to fluctuate widely, with little or no warning. One moment he might be capable to moving planetoids and withstanding the vacuum of space, the next, he can be knocked off his feet by something as simple as a bursting shell. However, even at his least powerful, he remains disdainful of Laurel’s abilities.

The cause of Halk’s power fluctuations has yet to be identified. He also has a tendency to be extremely forgetful, although Dirk has discovered that a vigorous application of electrical stimulant can zap Halk to his senses.

(Tenzil Kem, 17, of Ariel)
With resources limited on newly colonized worlds in the early days of teraforming, Earth scientists worked to bio-engineer a race capable of digesting and living on any available matter. Unlike the Pallusions, these efforts met with spectacular success and tens of thousands of matter-eaters spread out across the Sol system, establishing in almost every case the first beachhead of human civilization on every world. These explorers secreted an enzyme capable of breaking down matter to its molecular level and absorbing those elements needed for nourishment. The fastest and most efficient way of breaking down the matter is to literally eat it, but the race secretes the “Bismoll Enzyme” through all pours, meaning they actually can dissolve matter simply by touching it.

Note: There is speculation that the Trommitte transmuters may be mutated matter-eaters, capable of not only breaking down matter to its elemental building blocks, but also rearranging and rebuilding those atoms.

By the mid-27th century, with almost all worlds colonized, and their works as explorers no longer needed, the matter-eaters began to fade into society, interbreeding with other humans. Because the matter-eating trait breed true, only passed on when both parents possess the ability, the number of matter eaters by the late 30th century is estimated at only a few hundred.

“Chameleon Boy”
(n/a, indeterminate, of unknown)

Found in the Oort cloud by the Carggittes, the entity known as “Chameleon Boy” is the only one known of its kind, and many authorities believe it to be extra-solar in origin. Although its natural state seems to be a sort of protoplasmic blob, the entity is able to alter its form and pigmentation to mimic any conceivable object.

However, unlike the Pallusians, and the physics-bending powers of Colossal Boy, the Chameleon cannot alter its mass. Thus, as a tiny object, such as a house fly, it is too heavy to fly, with in a giant form, its cellular structure is spread to such an extent that it is actually quite weak.

Although incapable of speech, the Chameleon is clearly sentient, able to communicate though mime. It also possesses a limited range of what appears to be genuine empathic telepathy. Naturally, it has developed a genuine attachment to Saturn Girl.

Being with the Legion seems to be the only place Chameleon Boy is happy. Having escaped from Science Police research facilities so many times, it was eventually entrusted to the Legion’s care. It periodically submits to SP examinations, with coaxing from Saturn Girl, but for now scientists appear to have learned all they can from the creature.

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Portfolio Boy

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(Chuck Taine, 18, of Earth)
During a break from his engineering studies, Chuck was helping his pal Zoe Saugin on a Martian dig when he inadvertently drank a super-plastic fluid. This derivative of the ultra-rate gingold plant is normally used to create a rubber foam, on contact with air, around fragile artifacts, allowing for their safe transport. For reasons unknown, the fluid had a strange affect on Chuck.

At first, the only side-effect was an inexplicable weight gain. Then, while attending a robot gladiator tournament some months later, Chuck discovered that, in moments of stress, he could expand his body to a near invulnerable vulcanized state and, well, bounce. In tame, with help from Zoe, Chuck was able to learn how to control his power at will, leading to his becoming a Legion member on his fourth attempt.

Chuck is an expert pilot, as well as an able engineer. At one time or another, he has harbored passionate albeit unrequited crushes on nearly all of the girl Legionnaires.

Element Lad
(Jan Arrah, 17, of Ganymede)
Although he is quite and unassuming, many of Jan’s teammates ascribe ulterior motives to his zen-like personality. A disciple of the Trommitte cult of change, often tries to proselytize his fellow Legion members. However, his refuses to say how or where he obtained his alchemic ability to transmute elements via touch.

In all his life, the only constant Jan seems to relish is the inevitability of daily conflict with Andromeda.

Dream Girl
(Nura Naltor, 17, of Titan)
Exposed to subterranean vapors with on an archeological dig in Greece with Zoe, Nura gained the ability to see the future. Interpreting these visions, however, remains a problem. Initially, she joined the Legion in an attempt to protect Zoe and others from certain death, but then realized she had seen the death of disguised Brainiac’s. She quit the team, but not before predicting that it would be infiltrated five times by members with traitorous intents.

She later rejoined the team, this time under the guise of Miss Terious so that her teammates would not immediately discount her assertions of imminent danger. That vision turned out to be correct, and preventable, although Miss Terious was for a time suspected of treachery. In the end, Nura earned her a spot on the team.

Phantom Girl is among the Legionnaires who insist that Miss Terious was the fifth Legion “traitor,” and even Nura herself isn’t so sure they’re not correct.

Brainwave [expelled, whereabouts unknown]
(Preator Lemnos, 20, of Oberon)
Nothing can be remembered about Brainwave other than that he joined under false pretenses and was later expelled. Only that, and the barest demographics about Brainwave, can be held in the Legion’s holographic files, and then only because of a program written by Brainiac 5 that continually loops and regenerates the information.

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Portfolio Boy

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Command Kid [expelled]
(Jeem Rehtu, 16, of Iapetus)
Jeem infiltrated the Legion under the possession of a demon which gave him hallucinatory powers. The demon hoped to prepare the other Legionnaires for possession by its fellow spirits. Once the demon was exorcised, with the help of Jekkie and Mysa Nal, the powerless Jeem returned to his world.

Command Kid [expelled]
(Vorm Frakes, 16, of Varuna)
Born to a family of space pirates, Vorm used a belt which made him appear to have natural energy powers to join the Legion. His attempts to pave the way for plunder by his tribe was uncovered and, as a price for is failure, Vorm earned exile from the prate community to go with his being expelled from the Legion.

Karate Kid [on leave]
(Val Armorr, 18, of Earth)
Trained in all forms of physical combat, Val is both the fiercest and most level-headed Legionnaire. In many ways, he strives to atone for the villainy of his natural father, a Khundish warlord named Garlak who, from the tiny moon of Mimas, has nearly toppled the UP on several occasions.

In opposing his father, Val leans heavily on the teaching of the man who raised him, the mysterious bodyguard and companion of RJ Brande known only as Max. It was at Max’s urging that Val left on an extended leave to study the heroic ideals of the 21st century in person.

Sensor Girl
(Jekkie Orando, 17, of Io)
Born of Io’s ruling family, Jekkie is often referred to as a “princess” by her teammates. In many ways, it’s nearly true. Volcanic storms isolated Io from interplanetary communication for many centuries, during which time the colonists “devolved” into a near medieval state. That society remained even after contact with the other worlds was restored. Today, preferring its ways, Io permits only limited contact with the UP.

However, it did once allow in an archeological team, at Jekkie’s insistence, which nearly resulted in her death when an object later dubbed the “Soul of Antares” was unearthed. Exposure to the soul appears to have left Jekkie with the ability to control the senses of those around her, allowing her to cast powerful, convincing illusions.

Despite her haughty nature, Jekkie is one of the most respected members of the Legion.

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Portfolio Boy

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Ferro Lad [deceased]
(Andrew Nolan, of Earth)
A mutant with the ability to turn his body into living metal, Andrew died only months after joining the Legion. His heroic sacrifice saved the entire system the cosmic, extra-solar entity known as the Sun-Eater.

Nemesis Kid [expelled]
(Hart Druiter, 18, of Ganymede)
Like Element Lad, Hart is an alchemist and Trommitte. He has the ability to spontaneously generate whatever ability is needed to counter forces applied against him. However, Jan denies all associations with Hart, stating that the latter’s vision of anarchy is in conflict with the true nature of the Trommitte religion of change.

Hart has been on the run since it was discovered that he planned to pave the way for a Khundish invasion of Earth.

Kid Eternity
(Rond Vidar, 17, of Titan)
A brilliant cosmologist, Rond wields an ancient ring carved in the shape of a green lantern. It was unearthed while Rond was on an archeological dig with Zoe and, when he picked it up, it came alive, announcing that it flames three times in rotation, for life, death and power.

Because the ring appears to be on the “life” end of the cycle, Rond cannot be killed while he wears it. To be certain, he can be incapacitated, but his regenerative powers soon restore him to the land of the living.

(Devlin O’Ryan, 16, of Ceres)
A shy and unassuming lad from Ceres, Devlin has a natural ability to repel any force applied against him in an equal and opposite direction. Although highly introverted, he is a keen observer of human nature and a gifted writer. He dreams of one day working for the Daily Star.

It is worth noting that Devlin was never involved with any Cerran gangs, a fact which fascinates Ultra Boy even though he makes a point of tormenting the younger Legionnaire for no discernable reason.

[ July 15, 2007, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]

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Portfolio Boy

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Shadow Lass
(Tasmia Mallor, 17, of Umrbiel)
The “planetary champion” of her world, Tasmia controls the Obsidian force, allowing her to cast impenetrable shadows.

Umbriel is an odd world, which suffered many setbacks over the years. Terraforming never quite took root there, leaving the moon with a natural alien, desert-like landscape. Because it was barren and unproductive, the UP all but abandoned the moon and the colonists who settled there. The Bismolloans, needed elsewhere, abandoned Umbriel after only a decade or so. Most of the inhabitants there today are descended from criminals sent to Umbriel during the 125 years when it was used as a prison planet.

Eventually, the UP gave up on using Umbriel at all, even as a place to dump it’s most aggressive and unrehabilitable. In time, the stalags there — called Taloks, after SP Chief Commander Horatio Talok, who began the prisoner relocation program — became autonomous city-states, with Talok VIII growing to become the world’s largest.

Of note is the fact that the UP never bothered to appropriate the funds needs to maintain Umbriel’s solar collector. These orbiting satellites collect and amplify sunlight, making most worlds temperate and habitable. However, Umbriel’s collector works overtime and, over the centuries, the inhabitants evolved one of two skin pigmentations to compensate – dark blue for the population that lives in the Taloks out on the desert plains and pale yellow for the groups that chose to retreat into the caves.

Like Io, civilization regressed on Unbriel once it was cut off from the UP. Today, it has a tribal, warrior culture, of which Tasmia is a typical example. Her natural inclination to value power and strength and draws her to the boastful Valor.

Ferro Lad
(Douglas Nolan, 16, of Earth)
Twin brother to the first Ferro Lad, Douglas has the same power to turn his body into living metal. Also, like his brother, he keeps his face masked to hide his physical deformities. Genetic research has determined that the Nolan bothers are descended from Nate Heywood, the 21st century Justice Society member known as Citizen Steel.

Unlike his brother, Dougie is a sensitive, artistic soul, who prefers to avoid confrontation whenever possible.

Timber Wolf [medical leave]
(Brin Londo, 18, of Vesta)
Brin was born on Ceres, where he was a member of the wolfpack, a rival gang to the Green Dragons. At 15, he emigrated to Vesta with his father, who bought interest in a Zuunium mine there in hopes removing his son from Ceres criminal element while also striking it rich. Until the theory was disproved by Brainiac 5, it was hoped that Zuunium crystals might power ships capable of interstellar travel.

Exposure to Zuunium radiation appears to have allowed Brin to retain super-reflexes and super-senses even after the miraclo he was on eventually worked its way out of his system.

Brin declined Legion membership during an early adventure when his abilities proved useful in defeating a rogue army of android miners. When he did eventually accept membership, he did so only on the condition that he would never have to work with Brainiac 5, whom he blames for ruining his father’s fortunes. Because of the android revolt on Vesta, Brin also has an extreme distrust of artificial life.

Currently, Brin is on medical leave, inexplicably weakened after being bitten by Catspaw during her death thows.

Kid Catylist
(Condo Arlik, 13, of Callisto)
A mutant with the power to speed up and slow down chemical reactions, Condo is both the youngest and most eager Legionnaire. However, because he has yet to master control his power, and is thus considered a danger to society, he is kept in quarantine. His membership, largely ceremonial, was a gift from Invisible Kid, who leads the SP team studying Condo. With Lyle’s nomination, the Legion agreed to make Condo a member of their team. The membership appears to have brightened Condo’s outlook, giving him something to look forward to when he is eventually able to leave quarantine. Since being made a member, Condo has become almost obsessively cooperative with the scientists examining him. Although Lyle is the only Legion member to visit Condo, he is equally obsessed with the lives, loves and doings of his “teammates,” fancying them to be the friends he’s never known. His most fervent wish is to one day leave his confinement and live as a hero to the people at the side of his Legion teammates.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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(Ayla Ranzz, 17, of Mars)
Like her twin bother, Ayla is a super-speedster. She is sprightly and flirtatious in nature, and has been linked romantically to a number of her teammates.

(Drake Burroughs, 19, of Starhaven)
Born with crippled wings that were eventually amputated, Drake turned instead to the study of physics in hopes of developing the means to travel through space. Sadly, the explosion of the anti-matter propulsion device he was working on turned him into a formless being made of pure energy. He lives inside the containment suit that he once hoped would take him to the stars and though it is able to channel his anti-energy to a variety of uses.

Drake has recently learned that he is the reincarnation of Carter Hall, known as Hawkman during his 20th century life. His love and yearning for Dawnstar is made the more painful with the realization that she is the reincarnation of his eternal love, Kendra Sunders, the 21st century Hawkgirl.

(Troy Stewart, 18, of Marzal)
By the 22nd century, the legendary Blackhawk squadron had won additional renown as an interplanetary paramilitary force, based on Marzel, the asteroid more popularly known as “Blackhawk Island.” However, the entire force was lost in 2376 when Marzel faded from reality. It was later discovered that the asteroid exists at a mutiversal nexus which shuts it at regular intervals into parallel dimensions.

The Blackhawks have since confined themselves to Marzel, for fear of altering other realities with the presence. On Marzel, they have since developed a nearly Utopian society, without the fears and foibles of society at large.

Born at the precise moment when Marzel was in transit between dimensions, Troy appears able to draw upon the energy which links dimensions to alter reality at will with the sound of his voice, using different tones and notes to create a variety of effects.

However, Troy tries to limit the use of his power given that each is thought to weaken the limbo field which separates the worlds of the multiverse. The most immediate affect of using his power should be to accelerate Marzel’s jump into the next reality, but there is speculation that prolonged use might actually cause world’s to collide, bringing about a new Crisis. Thankfully, limbo seems able to regenerate itself when Troy refrains from using his power.

Ironically, because he comes from a Utopian society, Troy appears to be particularly intolerant of the depravities, class conflict and cultural weaknesses of the UP. He also is known to by highly suspicious of Phantom Girl, although she likewise likes to cast aspersions on his own motives.

(Shikari Saunders, 17, of Starhaven)
When the UP first began bio-engineering humans for survival on alien worlds, it drew upon the Kryptonian physiology of the Venusians, the magnetic sensory perception of the Braalians and the avian biology of the ancient Feitheran race of Infinity Inc. member Northwind to create a winged race able to both survive the vacuum of space and navigate the planets. The last intact tribe or Amerindian Indians volunteered for the program in return for a UP guarantee of an indigenous Terrain homeland.

Once it was determined that the subject’s wings, which expand to harness the solar winds, were inadequate to travel beyond the solar system, the UP abandoned the program and reneged on its deal. It took the tribes land on Earth and dumped them on a small cluster of asteroid belt bodies known collectively as Starhaven.

Although Dawnstar is drawn to Wildfire, she is troubles by the fact that he cannot offer her physical comfort. Unable to touch her true love, Dawnstar sometimes looks to form other relationships, leading to frequent conflict between the two reincarnated lovers.

Stone Boy
(Henry Hawkins, 326, of Titania)
Like many descendent of Sand Hawkins, Hank is from a small group of silicon-based creatures, the result of UP attempts to bio-engineer a race capable of interstellar flight. Because his people are extremely long-lived (Henry is actually an adolescent), can go centuries on minimal nourishment, and can survive the rigors of space unaided, it was hoped that they would be able prove useful as interstellar explorers.

Unfortunately, the UP was never able to build an engine capable to accelerating the rock creatures at anything approaching light speed. Most were sent anyway, in hopes that they might eventually make contact with other civilizations.

Henry is one of only a dozen or so of his kind to remain in the Sol system. Because the program was discontinued, and the "Bloks," as they are called, are sterile, Henry is fated to be the last of his kind.

Because of his millennial lifespan, Henry has become a student of history and current events, so that he might pass on knowledge if there is ever another Great Disaster such as the one in the late 21st century that nearly destroyed mankind.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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White Witch
(Mysa Naltor, 16, of Titan)
While on an archeological dig with Zoe Saugin, Mysa became posses by the Helmet of Nabu. As such, she played in integral part in the Legion’s early battle against Mordru. She chose not to join at that time, preferring to keep her own counsel. However, sensing a second mystical battle brewing, she has chosen to walk among the Legion for a time.

(Tellus Ganglios, 7, of Europa)
Born of an attempt to splice human DNA onto the indigenous Gil’Dishpan life forms found in the oceans of Europa, Tellus’ people are considered an abject failure by the UP because of their extreme physical deformities. Even the attempt to merely accelerate the evolution of the Gil’Dishpan was deemed a failure and both alien races were left to develop naturally on their own world. However, the UP has recently begun to build both floating and underwater cities on Europa, much to the consternation of both the planets indigenous races and the Atlateans who emigrated there.

Although only seven, Tellus is eligible for Legion membership because of the short lifespan of his people. Like all members of his race, he possesses telekinetic abilities. Because his people lived until recently in isolation from humans for dozens of generations, Tellus is fascinated by what he considers to be strange and unusual creatures. His natural curiosity and inquisitiveness is both an asset to the Legion and a source of frustration for his teammates.

Polar Boy
(Brek Bannin, 18, of Mercury)
Like all residents of Mercury, Brek was bred with the ability to regulate his internal temperature and immediate tactile zone to survive the great heat of his planet. Unlike others, he can extend this cold field, which gives him the ability on other worlds to generate zones of great cold.

Because technology is the only thing keeping most UP worlds from being frozen, barren wastelands, Brek is terribly unpopular on most worlds beyond Mars, where people fear, perhaps unrealistically, that he might trigger global collapse of terraforming effects.
A long-time Legion reject, in part because on fear of his abilities, Brek works almost too hard to try and prove himself now that he has finally made the team.

Kono [resigned, whereabouts unknown]
(Lori Morning, 14, of Triton)
Little is known about the young girl who appeared with no documented history, used her gravity powers for a time alongside the Legion, and then quit the team in a huff months later.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Dragonmage [resigned, whereabouts unknown]
(Xao Jin Zatara, 16, of Charon)
A young magician of incalculable power, Xao was an oddity, aggressive and cocksure one moment, almost apologetically meek the next. He quit the team citing persecution by Mysa Nal, and left alongside Kono.

Catspaw [deceased]
(April Dumaka of Sedna)
The only known direct descendent of Tom Bronson, the 21st century Justice Society member able to transform into a catlike form, April was a member only for short time when she died in Battle with the Fatal Five. She bit Brin Londo while he was trying to remove here from the field of battle, and it is speculated that she may have passed on some aspect of her powers to him.

(Danielle Foccart, 15, of Earth)
The younger sister of Invisible Kid, Danielle gained the ability to “talk” to machines following her possession by the artificial life form, Computo, while the Legion was attempting to cure her of a debilitating illness.

Danielle chose her codename with deliberate irony, and her dry sense of humor often leaves her teammates nonplussed. She takes great delight in teasing Brainiac, often matching her “genius” against his in tests of mechanical skill, such as when she rigged the portal to his quarters to refuse admittance unless he acknowledged her mental superiority. Unable to reprogram the door, Brainy now “sleeps” in his lab.

Kid Psycho
(Ti’julk Mr’asz, 12, of Venus)
Following the failure to blend the DNA of humans with Europan life forms, the UP took a different approach with the indigenous life found on Venus, choosing instead to accelerate its natural evolution, splicing in only such human RNA needed to create a sentience.

Like all members of his race, Ti’julk has evolved the ability to withstand the great surface pressures of Venus, making him nearly invulnerable and super-strong on other worlds. His teleportation ability is unexplained and, being a great denouncer of “the man” he refused to submit to testing.

Because he people retain hive-like traits, their culture is very communistic, an ideal Ti’Julk tries to promote whenever possible.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Portfolio Boy

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Monstress [deceased]
(Candi Pyponte-LeParc III of Quaoar)
A member of the Khunds, bred to survive on worlds where terraforming was slow to take hold, Candi was subjected to additional bio-engineering by her warlord masters, who hoped to great warrior race.

A gentle and loving person, who valued etiquette and refinement perhaps as a passive-aggressive response to her society’s warlike ways, Candi finally gave in to her baser emotions beating back the most recent Khundish invasion of the inner planets. Although her body was never recovered, she is believed to have perished while single-handedly taking down the flagship of the Khundish armada.

Kid Quantum
(Sarah Cullen, 15, of Eris)
Younger sister to the original Kid Quantum, Sarah shares similar time stasis powers augmented by a special belt of her brother’s design. Although the Legion has no specific ban on device-assisted abilities, the team has shied away from them since James’ death with the notable exception of Rond Vidar.

Many on the Legion feel that Sarah was allowed to join only because of the insistence of Saturn Girl, who seems to feel that the younger Cullen may eventually be able to revive Kent Shakespear.

A gifted physicist, Sarah prefers to spend time on research and is rarely found in social situations with her teammates. Be best friend, such as it is, is Brainiac 5.

(Theena Hyrakius, 16 of Umbriel)
The newest member of the Legion, Theena rarely sees action, places instead on permanent monitor duty due to her particular abilities.

A natural adventurer, Theena left the memory caves of Umbriel to “backpack” across the Sol system. While on Europa, she became attached in a symbiotic relationship with a previously unknown life form there. Together, the pair is able to capture and display memories, even across vast interplanetary distances.

Theena is deeply resentful of here status and “Legion secretary” and longs to get into the action. However, the symbiotic, which appears to be in no hurry to leave her, limits her physical capabilities to some extent. Doctors have decided that the symbiot is not parasitic and have given up trying to separate it from Theena, a fact she seems oddly accepting of given her conflicting desires.

It is worth noting that there is little good will between Theena and Tasmia, due in part to their coming from differing Umbriel tribes and partly to the fact that Theena was once linked romantically to Tasmia’s cousin, Grev.

From: Sumner, ME | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
Hey gang, I must say, I was mightily phyched to find EDE so accepting of my thoughts of an Earth-2 Legion over on another thread that I abandoned all work for the last day or so to devote myself to fleshing out the entire team.

Yay! This means I've succeeded in my weekly mission of derailing the productivity of the American workforce! My lizard overseers will be proud!

Lots of interesting ideas here, PB.

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Quislet, Esq
Great Calamity Kittens!

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Seeing as we are all alts of EDE, I echo his sentiment that these are some very interesting ideas, PB.

Five billion years from now the Sun will go nova and obliterate the Earth. Don't sweat the small stuff!

From: Boston | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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