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Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Chapter One

Faraway lad was sitting in a small pool of light in a comfortable leather Queen Anne chair in his study reading a book, at his side, on a small walnut table, stood a decanter of fine vintage port with a single glass. Around the darkened room stood numerous bookcases filled with books covering a wide rang of subjects but mainly History. The room was silent except for the heavy solid ticking of a grandfather clock. In a corner is an oak doorway, the door is almost impossibly far away for being in a room so cosy and comfortable, a curious side effect of the trans dimensional warping abilities of the rooms location.

Faraway turns a page then slowly raises a glass of port and takes a sip. He treasures these moments of peace away from the excitement of his adventures with the LMBP. After a few moments he turns another page and reaches his hand for the glass. However the hand stops in mid air as he receives a telegraphic message.

“Of course old friend” he says out loud, “we must go at once”

Standing, Faraway walks across the room to a mahogany roll top desk, drawing his dark green velvet smoking jacket a little closer around him (which is a pure affectation on his part as he does not smoke at all) he reaches over to his LMBP communicator and asks his wife to join him. After a few seconds, during which he adjusts the tassel on his gold embroidered cap, the oak door opens and a tiny figure as if being seen from an incredible distance away appears in the open doorway. After just one step (a disorienting experience Faraway never quiet got used to and one which had been known to incapacitate visiting friends for hours) Gigglebot Girl was next to him.

“What’s up lover?” she asks with a broad and infectious grin.

“It’s Horace Jen, he’s asked me to accompany him to a meeting, but he wants this to be just me”


“Its complicated but he wants to show me something and he’s worried about danger especially given the history of humans towards his species. To be honest I think he’s worried about your safety. Whatever the reason he is pretty insistent that it is just me that goes.”

“OK husband, I need to check in with HQ anyway and to see if the back room boys have come up with those improvements I asked for in my battle armour, you boys go and have your fun, just let me know when you are on the way back”

Faraway reaches into a drawer in the desk and removes a long gold plated metal rod with a huge red crystal gem set in one end. Activating a hidden switch a control consul appears in the wall above the desk. Glowing transistors and copper wires lead to a socket. Faraway takes the rod and inserts it into the socket then pulls it slowly down. A bookcase spins around to reveal an opening into the legion world tesseract system.

“OK love, have fun with those Brainiacs in research and I’ll see you in a few days, I think the freezer is full in our rooms in Levitz Plaza but let me know if there are any problems”

With a quick kiss Gigi walks through into the tesseract system and is gone.

Faraway turns and walks over to a Chippendale cupboard, removing his jacket and cap he puts them in a drawer and replaces them with his cape and face mask. He then stands and makes telepathic contact with Horace, “OK my friend lets do it”

In deep space the huge majestic creature known as Dragonus Galaxian Supremisis turns lazily towards a distant nebula and with powerful swimming motions starts to move forward, as it gathers speed the special trans dimensional gland buried deep in the creatures third stomach starts to work, the beast glows with ethereal energy, there is a strange stretching effect then a flash of light and Horace is gone.

[ November 04, 2007, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Faraway Lad ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Chapter Two

A similar flash of light accompanies Horace’s return to normal space. He has travelled 1000 light years in as many seconds, faster than almost any space craft in the galaxy.
Unfortunately the secret of this speed is known to many space fairing races and it was for this speed that these glands could give to deep space vessels that these majestic creatures were for generations hunted by deep space ‘whalers’. For these people the “ambergris” they sought was this trans dimensional gland and it had made many hunters extremely rich. The hunting of these creatures had however taken them to the brink of extinction and it was only a concentrated effort by various organizations that had gradually stopped the hunting of these shy creatures. The turning point had been a number of papers by scientists that had established a high level of intelligence (though not true sentience) amongst the remaining creatures and later observations of social behaviour had confirmed this. Yet poaching had continued to meet a demand for the ambergris from the Khunds and others. Recently there had been rumours of poachers being deliberately killed by the space whales though no real evidence had been found.

“Watch Friend….learn….be friend” came Horace’s thoughts echoing across Faraway’s mind like an ice giants words echoing glacially across high mountain passes. Faraway activated a viewing panel and saw the events unfolding outside in deep space.

From far and wide flashes indicated many other Dragonus arriving. As they did so they started a complicated swimming movement, passing backwards and forwards, crossing over and under in greeting. Occasionally two large specimens would meet and, it seemed to Far, recognize each other. Then there would be much shaking, preening and touching. More and more of the creatures arrived until it seemed as if the entire viewscreen was filled with Dragonus bodies. Horace felt happy yet Faraway had felt a sense of edginess as if Horace was waiting for someone or something to happen.

The Telepathic communication went dead but not before Faraway had received an overwhelming sense of joy from Horace. The Dragonus moved off a little way and across to a smaller Dragonus with two very small creatures.

“OF course” said Faraway, “his mate and children. How stupid of me”

Deciding that in this case discretion was called for, Faraway located a small asteroid a few scant miles away and donning breathing gear said “time for a little walk outside I think”

As he arrived at the asteroid he received a message from Horace telling him “Thank you friend, Horace go wife now. Back soon”

Smiling Faraway settled down to wait whilst Horace flew off. “I wish I’d brought my book” thought Faraway, “I could be here for a while”
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Chapter Three

As he did not have a book Faraway decided to explore. Unfortunately the asteroid was as bare and uninteresting as it had originally looked. After a couple of hours Faraway had found nothing of interest. However, he had kicked up a fair amount of dust and this had attracted the attention of one of the large Dragonus males. As Faraway stood on the crest of a small ridge and looked out at the bright stars lighting up the heavens against the inky blackness of deep space, this male had started to hunt him. It rose majestically behind Faraway who was entranced by a passing comet, and paused for a moment, its huge form blanking out a large swathe of stars. Then it struck, darting forward it lunged at Faraway who turned just in time to see the creature attack, acting on instinct Faraway sent himself far enough away to avoid the attack. Enraged the creature turned and emitted a huge telepathic roar. Nearby other Dragonus heard the call and turned to see what was happening. Six of them, all large males, swam over to get a closer look.

“Now this is not good” thought Faraway as he stood on an airless rock with no place to hide, facing seven of the largest creatures to inhabit the space lanes.

The creatures attacked. Tails thrashed and thudded down on the asteroid. Faraway leap and rolled keeping ahead of the attacks by a few scant seconds. Yet he knew that he could not avoid the attacks for ever, he would tire soon and then one those creatures would catch him and squash him flatter than a pancake. Standing he made a decision, “sorry boys but I’ve got to do this” and he activated the faraway power. It hit the nearest Dragonus full on it making it vanish “good” thought Faraway, “now I can get rid of these others”

But it was not going to be that easy. Another telepathic call went out and this time 10 more males were attracted. Faraway acted quickly focusing his attention and energy he swiftly, one after the other, sent another 6 Dragonus far away. Yet he was not winning, more and more of the creatures were coming over to the asteroid attracted by the commotion and they were arriving faster than he could send them away. Then there was a flash of light and a Dragonus arrived. Faraway groaned as he recognized the markings on its flanks; it was the first creature he had sent away. That meant they would all be coming back soon.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Chapter Four

Faraway Lad was exhausted. He had been battling these Dragonus for hours and they were wearing him down. No matter how many he sent faraway the Trans Dimensional Gland they all possess enabled them to return in minutes Added to that, his oxygen supply was running low.

A tail slammed down into the rock beside Faraway causing him to stumble and fall. He struggled to raise himself again. “Come on you old bugger” he said to himself “get up and if you get out of this alive your going to spend more time in the gym and less on the port”

The original attacking male somehow sensed its victory was near, it rose high above the kneeling Faraway preparing to splash down on him and squash him like a bug.

Then there was a flash of light and a new Dragonus arrived “Great” thought Faraway “just what I need: another one”

But the newcomer did not attack Faraway, rather it tore into the attacking male.

“Horace” gasped Faraway as his friend attacked the large male. Struggling to his feet Faraway gained a second wind and launched his own attack sending many of the Dragonus away.

Faraway risked a glance over to see how Horace was doing and was shocked to see the ferocity of the battle going on between these two behemoths of space. Blood was bubbling from an open wound on Horace’s side and yet the two fought on. Finally Horace broke free and turning quickly struck a telling blow. The large males head snapped back at an impossible angle, and then hung limp and still. Horace had broken its neck and killed it.

Horace had swum back to the asteroid and prepared to face the swarm of Dragonus still facing the two. Before another attack could come there was a huge vivid blue flash of light and the largest and possibly oldest Dragonus Galaxian Supremisis anyone had ever seen swam majestically into view. It approached the asteroid and to Faraway’s surprise all the Dragonus moved apart and formed an avenue for the old one to move through. As it passed, each Dragonus bowed in submission.

Eventually it arrived at the asteroid and held there motionless in space and Faraway could see even at this distance its eyes regarding him. Next to him Horace made a bowing movement.

Then Faraway heard the voice. Ancient and beautiful, noble and terrible it sounded in his mind.

“Why is this Human here against our laws” it intoned.

There was a sudden rush of replies, most of it too fast or too alien for Faraway to understand although he recognized Horace’s voice in the maelstrom of thoughts.

The leader silenced the noise and moved closer to Faraway. Its voice boomed inside Far’s head. “I know you human and you know me, though not perhaps in this form”

Faraway said nothing he knew well enough the value of silence

“You fought alongside me at the battle of Tel eid Kltch and then convinced the Voiviod of Desnoth to let our people roam the stars unhindered, a fine piece of diplomacy I think”

“But that was when I was stuck in the past, over a thousand years ago” said Faraway

“True, I was but a hatchling then, but my memory of that moment remains undimmed. Then later when we first met your LMBP I remembered you and as a small repayment of that debt I sent you my son to be your companion”

“Wait Horace is your son” said Faraway who felt that this whole conversation was getting away from him “and how come you are so…well articulate”

“When you get as old as me in the fifth and final transition many things are possible. Now you must leave this place for no outsiders are permitted to see this gathering”

As the old one’s words echoed across Far’s mind other more strident voices also assailed him.

“Seen secret place”
Kill human, humans kill us”
It killed one of us kill it.

Horace moved to place himself between the crowd of Dragonus and Faraway.

“Our one killed our one” came the voices in Far’s head, “Our one must be killed”.

“STOP” boomed the voice of the old one. “This human is a friend, without him our species may not even be here today”

But still the voices still called for death and revenge.

“Stay here human” called the old one “I will talk to them, they are simple youngsters not yet fully aware, but mostly they are not evil, just angry”
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Chapter Five

The old one moved away calling for the others to follow him. And a strange meeting took place. After an hour the old one came back.

“I have persuaded them you are a friend and have done great service to our people in the past” He said “we grant you your life”

“No” came a voice in their minds, it was a female, “It killed mate. I must have its life”

The old one shivered and looked uncomfortable. “The law is clear” he said sadly, if one of the whole kills one of the whole then he can no longer be part of the whole. Horace’s life is forfeit”

“But he is your son” said Faraway, how can you condemn him like that.

The old one looked at Faraway with pleading in his eyes that said help me help my son, but all Far heard in his mind was the calm sonorous voice saying. “The law is clear if one of the whole kills one of the whole then he and his children can no longer be part of the whole.

Horace quivered. Faraway stood and tensed; if it came to it he would have to fight again this time for his friend. Then a thought came to him. He turned back to the old one “You say the law of your species is very clear on this, that he can no longer be part of the whole?”

“Yes” said the old one sadly “so we must remove him and his children from the whole he must be made to pass on”

Faraway smiled “I think I can see a way out of this but it’s going to take you and I working together on this to get it through. Now I need to speak to the whole”
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Back home in their rooms in Levitz Plaza Faraway is listening to Mozart and sipping a fine vintage burgundy.

“It was the best option love” said Gigglebot rubbing his neck and shoulders. “At least they are all alive”

“I hope so love, I hope so” replied Faraway touching her hand, “but Horace is now permanently in exile from his people, he can never return, in fact to them he is dead. He’s lost contact with his father, his wife and children. He can never see them again and never join in again with the ceremonies of his species”

“But child’s now live” rumbled Horace’s voice “thanks to friend”

Faraway looks up “Yes old friend at least they are safe and secure in the body of the whole. …At least THEY are with the whole” he adds to himself.

Faraway thought back to that final parting. They had been able to convince the Dragonus that exile, to live with the humans and never again be part of the whole, was a worse punishment than death. The old one had formally banished Horace and then led his people out into deep space leaving Horace to return to Legionworld with Faraway. As the old one left Far received a final message, “Thank you human you have saved the life of my son and grandchildren for that you have mine and Horace’s eternal thanks. But be wary, Horace is now banished and an outcast, any Dragonus meeting him will challenge him and the fight will be long and hard. So Horace will serve you now and he is your responsibility, please take care of him” and with that the Dragonus were gone.

“I will old one, I promise” replied Faraway to the empty stars.

And now here on Legionworld Faraway made another promise “I will find a way to return him to you old one, to you, his family and his children. It was my error, me being on that asteroid where I had no right to be, that led to his banishment; it is my task to somehow find a way to return him to the whole”

High above Legionworld in space Horace swam amongst the stars and he sang. It was a song of loss and love and longing, a song of loneliness and isolation that would melt the heart of a planet if only someone could hear it.

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