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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Lots of threads about different TITANS members, but none about the book itself?

I was thrilled by the spread concluding #22... can't wait to see some of these folks in action! I hope there's room for updates... what has Red Star been up to, for instance?

What do you think about Dr. Light's usage?

I guess the current issue is a bit overshadowed by the BIG news about a certain former Titan's return (which I'm *really* looking forward to...), as well as cover solicits revealing some interesting developments concerning a current Titan and former YJer.

But I think this is a storyline to which much of the book has been building. Much like the ROGUES WAR over in FLASH.

I just realized... the most recent issues of JSA, FLASH and TEEN TITANS... all written by Geoff Johns... all featuring story-ending a splash page/pages featuring lineups of really great characters.

For that, I can *almost* forgive what happened in COUNTDOWN.

[ May 18, 2005, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Me, too, ML. It was one of the things that makes the Titans different than other groups. For the most part, the idea is "once a Titan, always a Titan" (though this rule mostly only applies to those who worked with Dick - Roy's team didn't hold up so well on that front). Note that these former Titans *still* think of themselves as Titans, and Wally has always sided with them when it came down to making choices.

As for Doctor Light, I think I like the idea of him being ruthless. But that's only as good as a writer's willingness to show him do some truly terrible things (before being caught).
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, Todd, you can be quite certain I was thrilled with this issue.

Any comic featuring The Hornblower, Bumblebee and Duela Dent (lookin' WAY hot!!) is jake in my book, ESPECIALLY if said comic features them as it should-- AS CARD-CARRYING MEMBERS of the Titans! Bless you, Geoff Johns!

ps/ Todd, if you aren't reading HAWKMAN you're totally missing out on Titans-related grooviness there.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Well, I was mildly disappointed in #23. We didn't really learn anything about any of the long-unseen characters... though there were a couple of decent fight scenes-- and a nice narration scene regarding Nightwing.

I imagine a newer Titans reader might've been completely lost-- as there was never any explanation of who some of the characters were or of the nature of their superpowers.

I thought the end of the fight was somewhat anticlimactic-- though I enjoyed seeing the character who 'took point' doing so.

Still, I wanted to know just a bit about the *lives* of characters like Duela Dent, Red Star, Bumblebee, Flamebird, Tempest etc. etc. etc.

Kudos for using them, but boo to the extent of their usage.

There really needs to be a SECRET FILES updating these characters.

And, considering the time-travel story, wouldn't Superboy and co. *want* to keep Duela (and others) in the fold?

Tempest, especially, needs some 'onscreen time' somewhere or another.

Is Starfire now considered an OUTSIDER rather than a TITAN? That surprised me a bit.

So, Doc Light's now headed over to the Gail Simone VILLAINS (Unlimited? Inc.? I forget--) book. Hmmm. I was never really clear on exactly what those bursts of light were doing to the Titans that incapacitated them so... you'd think they would have passed around some protective eyewear of some kind.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Well, Todd, you can be quite certain I was thrilled with this issue.

Any comic featuring The Hornblower, Bumblebee and Duela Dent (lookin' WAY hot!!) is jake in my book, ESPECIALLY if said comic features them as it should-- AS CARD-CARRYING MEMBERS of the Titans! Bless you, Geoff Johns!

ps/ Todd, if you aren't reading HAWKMAN you're totally missing out on Titans-related grooviness there.

Johns waffled a bit about the extent of Duela's role with the TITANS in #23-- or at least had one character speak for Titans readers who might have doubts about her.

Hornblower had a pretty good scene...

I *am* reading HAWKMAN, Lash-- and I still don't know what to make of GOLDEN EAGLE. He seems too good to be true. How nice it'd be if that meant there were only minor cracks in his persona. However, I'm expecting the revelation that he's a major creep up to no good to come down the pike anytime now.

I kind of like the weird collection of villains that are appearing. Though I want a little background. Has HUMMINGBIRD appeared before? I've never heard of her. FADEAWAY MAN and LIONMANE are good villains... I hope they aren't forgotten when this storyline concludes.

Have you read this week's issue? Now *that* one had a major jawdropper of a last page! I won't spoil it if you hadn't-- but wowzer! Didn't see that one comin'...
Posted by ferroboy on :
Didn't one character say that Duela was a member "for like two seconds" (paraphrased)? I'm not sure that's different from the pre-Crisis version.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I was very excited about that ending. All those former Titans. Cool! Titans is one of my fave titles right behind JSA. Geoff Johns is a master.

Few nit pick probs I have. As much as I love the former Titans I like the new ones as well. I hope we don't stray much into classic Titans history. Much like the X-Universe stay with the classics and the new classics don't bring back Maggot. [Wink]

In other words Johns better have a good story for bringing back what I always considered a lame character (even as a kid) Duela Dent. (No offense to DD fans sorry)

Trust me I love my old Titans. Grew up with them. But after Cyborg, Changeling, Raven, Starefire and Give me the new blood. [Wink]

Nit pick over. TITANS ROCK! Loved last issue. Dr. Light is gonna get whupped.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I liked it, though I wanted to see more of the old gang.

Duela was one of the first to attack!! Heh heh! She should have zapped him with her lipstick gun or assauted him with her sleeping powder puff!

And here's some info for STUPORboy-- even a "two seconds" membership is STILL a membership, Clone-El!

Yeah, Geoff could have made the B-Bee, Mal and Duela more effective, but at least he IS using them, and they fared no worse than anyone else other than Cyborg. Cyborg's line about the others "softening Dr. Light up" for him was classy and kind.

Duela Dent on a TEEN TITANS cover.... been a LOOOOOONG while since I've seen that...
Posted by ferroboy on :
Lash, my point about saying that she was a member for "two seconds" is to say that she WAS a member. Previously, Duela was just a loony who thought she was a member. Now it's actually true.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Right! So Superboy can take his smartass comment and ram it!
Posted by MLLASH on :
(Superboy's "two seconds" comment was intended as a put-down to Duela, though it does serve the purpose of letting her fans know she has indeed been unretconned back into Teen Titans continuity as a member, so I guess I'll let ol' Clone-El by this time).

Interesting DUELA DENT Fun-Fact:

At one point, Duela Dent (then known as HARLEQUIN) was semi-popular enough to be considered for and granted her own 8-PAGE BACKUP series back in the day when all DC titles were expanding in page count!

Now, I may have the time-frame wrong in my memory, but it seems it could have been the DC "Implosion" that ended it before it began. If memory serves, her backup was going to run in the aborted VIXEN series that was advertised but never saw the light of day. What's for sure is for SOME reason the stories never saw print, but scripts for those tales have floated around the 'net before.

Duela never had her backup tales and wasn't used again in the batbooks. Then Marv Wolfman came along and made TEEN TITANS an undeniable hit.

Unfortuantely for Duela Dent, he HATED her character, and TEEN TITANS was a huge enough hit that DC pretty much gave Wolfman power supreme over Titans history.

So it came to pass that Duela (along with unfrozen caveman mechanic Gnarrk) was removed from Teen Titans continuity!

Hooray Geoff Johns for restoring Duela!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I liked the latest issue a lot. I think this is the first time besides #1-25 of New Teen Titans by Perez and Wolfman that I've actually been a big fan of Cyborg.

And they've certainly made Dr. Light as unlikeable as possible. By merely helping him, Deathstroke is that much more of a bastard.

Oh, and I'm really digging Mia as Speedy!
Posted by Pov on :
Looks like the long-simmering Superboy DNA subplot is coming to a head in #24. Who's yer Daddy?! [Superboy - Kon-El]
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Ugh! Buy why the name Speedy? Couldn't they have come up with something more...contemporary?

What was the rationale for this codename choice, anyway? I don't follow Green Arrow.
Posted by Vee on :
Like "Robin" for Batman, Speedy is THE name of the Green Arrow's sidekick.

Background: Speedy was the original sidekick for Green Arrow. Roy Harper (now Arsenal of the Outsiders) was an orphan raised by a native american shaman. When he first came in contact with GA, he wowed Ollie with the speed of his arrow work. Hence the codename Speedy.
Posted by matlock on :
I'll add that the name "Speedy" goes back to the Golden Age incarnations of the characters, so it is truly from a different time.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#24's here...






... and it seemed to go by in a kid-flash. I think I read this in 3 minutes. I'm assuming Superboy's under some sort of mind-control/clone programming or something. I also assume it won't last, since he's on the cover of other comics in a couple of months (hair and all). Then again, maybe this story'll take place *after* the future ones. You never know in comics...

I think it'd be interesting if the character could somehow be split- one with the Kon-el/Connor personality and one with the villainous Luther Jr. persona. (Red and blue?)

Though I think Luther Jr. and Brainiac 8 (!!!???) as a team is kind of cool, it doesn't seem like something that'll persist past INSIDERS. Maybe Indigo will now permanently be Brainiac 8, maybe not. It was a surprising 'reveal' and was pretty effective, though it should've taken place in OUTSIDERS, shouldn't it? I'd be pretty teed off if I was an OUTSIDERS reader who didn't also follow TEEN TITANS.

Is there a biological component to Indigo? Is she a part of *the* bloodline? I wonder if a Talokian mated with Brainiacs 5, 6 or 7...

Speaking of 'our' own Brainiac, I'm kind of annoyed by all these Brainy's past 5... it makes his moral choices (at least those of most Brainy 5's-- the jury is still out on the Vrilified Brainy of the 'eat it, grandpa' Legion) seem... negligible. It's sad that the line returns to 'evil' after him. More than sad-- it seems to me as if DC writers want to negate ol' Brainiac 5. 'Future' Brainiacs all have snazzier powers(though ultimately more boring), and all seem fixated on returning to the 21st century and wreaking as much havoc as possible.

Since INSIDERS is apparently going to link up with the return of Donna Troy, it'll be a crossover to keep an eye on...
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
So it came to pass that Duela (along with unfrozen caveman mechanic Gnarrk) was removed from Teen Titans continuity!

Hooray Geoff Johns for restoring Duela!

Now we just need Gnarrk back, and not the one who was around for a few minutes before dying - but who Lilith managed to fall in love with anyway.
Posted by SiliconDream on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Speaking of 'our' own Brainiac, I'm kind of annoyed by all these Brainy's past 5... it makes his moral choices (at least those of most Brainy 5's-- the jury is still out on the Vrilified Brainy of the 'eat it, grandpa' Legion) seem... negligible. It's sad that the line returns to 'evil' after him. More than sad-- it seems to me as if DC writers want to negate ol' Brainiac 5. 'Future' Brainiacs all have snazzier powers(though ultimately more boring), and all seem fixated on returning to the 21st century and wreaking as much havoc as possible.

Well, Brainy isn't really part of the "true" Brainiac line at all anymore, no? Post-L.E.G.I.O.N, the Dox lineage--which only connects to Brainiac via the founder's personal relationship with him--has been eclipsed in the mainstream DCU by the succession of updates/copies of the original Brainiac program such as Brainiacs 2.5, 8 and 13.

They really should change the naming convention to make it clear that those two lineages have nothing to do with each other. I wouldn't mind Querl dropping the Brainiac title entirely--Vril Dox 2 didn't use it, after all, and it's unclear why Coluans in the current continuity would consider it anything other than an insult.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Like "Robin" for Batman, Speedy is THE name of the Green Arrow's sidekick.

Background: Speedy was the original sidekick for Green Arrow. Roy Harper (now Arsenal of the Outsiders) was an orphan raised by a native american shaman. When he first came in contact with GA, he wowed Ollie with the speed of his arrow work. Hence the codename Speedy.

So is this "speed of his arrow work" applying to Mia too? - Or is she just trying to honour Roy or the whole sidekick tradition?
Posted by Vee on :
My guess is that it's honoring the tradition
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I'd agree with "tradition".

Besides, DC wants to keep the whole trademark thingie in place...

[ May 25, 2005, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: Omni Craig ]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
And on the naming of Speedy, it's a darn good thing Ollie didn't say how quick Roy was with an arrow, or his code name would have been


Not a good name for a teen sidekick...
Posted by Vee on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Now we just need Gnarrk back, and not the one who was around for a few minutes before dying - but who Lilith managed to fall in love with anyway.

I agree 100%!

re: # 24... pretty scary seeing Superboy go on that rampage.

I don't follow the Super-titles, but I assume Luthor's taken a ful-blown return to pre-crisis super-villainy. Or is he still putting on the facade?

Nice art & colors, too.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lash, actually I don't think Luthor has been around in the Superman titles at all. I get them all, but to be honest, I only breeze through them since I feel the Superman titles haven't been good since the mid-90's, when they were the BEST thing DC had going. Maybe with Gail Simone coming on, I'll enjoy them, but I have to put up with Byrne's art, in the aftermath of Byrne really getting on my nerves these days.

The latest Titans was great, and Superboy going nuts was kinda scary indeed. I can't help but feel that Connor's days might be numbered, with this new crisis coming and Supergirl back, and the possibility existing of the Legion being connected to Superboy, Supergirl and Power Girl (meaning, the really Superboy might return).

What will be heartbreaking is the reactions of Wonder Girl and especially Robin if this comes to pass.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :






Did Wonder Girl suddenly grow leaps and bounds in this issue or what? I'm not quite sure how, but her 'anger lightning' power snapped Superboy back to himself for awhile, until Lexy uttered his Latin code words again. Where's Zatanna when you need her? A little lobotomy would've hit the spot right about then.

Enjoyable issue-- the kids who used to be YOUNG JUSTICE showed that they care about each other just the way other groupings of TEEN TITANS have. I liked the Tim/Nightwing dialogue about the Teen Titans fighting for each other till the fight's won. (Unless your last name is Wilson, apparently...)

Wasn't OUTSIDERS supposed to come out this week as well? I didn't get a copy-- did anyone else?
Posted by ActorLad on :
"Anger-Lightning"? Is Cass turning into Lady Palpatine or something now? [Razz]
Posted by ferroboy on :
If Zeus = Emperor, then I guess so. It seems as though the lightning is an attribute of her father that Cassie has inherited. (At least if you assume the lasso's powers are merely a reflection of her inherent powers like with Diana's "truth" powers.)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This issue rocked! Cassie did indeed grow tremendously this issue, and her story remains very interesting. Non-readers of Wonder Woman should check it out to see even more b/t her and Ares--including him revealing who her father is in coming months.

I still can't help but feel Conners days are numbered, although probably not in 'Insiders' (sicne apparently he's in future covers). But with the Legion being connected to the DCU again, the upcoming crisis, etc., I think we might see the end of Kon-El and see Superman when he was a boy again.

That being said, I think the idea of Luthor creating Superboy to give Superman something he loves and take it away is genius! A very heart-wrenching twist for both Kal-El and Kon-El. Add in the two Brainiacs, and the idea that Indigo has been playing the Outsiders with Luthor since Graduation Day, and this is one major twist indeed!

And now I'm curious to see how Donna fits into it all. At least they gave a reason why she died in Graduation Day (Brainiac 8 looking to kill her).

Love seeing the robot early 80's Brainiac body!

Robin and Cassie's scene was very good, and their reactions to this are the most touching of all. Same with Raven's, given her history of betraying the Titans.

Even though Gar doesn't get major scenes, just having him there with the team is reassuring. With Cyborg on the shelf, he definately seems like the bridge b/t the current Titans and current Outsiders.

Maybe a Titans/Legion crossover is in the works, especially after the Titans just saw a different Legion? I think we all have to face the fact that DC wants this Legion interacting with the post-Crisis DCU now, so this isn't that far-fetched.

Oh, and the art was astoundingly beautiful this issue.
Posted by Stargazer on :
This issue rocked.
I was really pleased with the art in this issue.
I do wonder if the Crisis will see a change in the current team. Interesting thought on Conners days being numbered. I get the feeling that something is gonna happen.
I am intriqued about Donna and how the future seems to be in her hands.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
[Mad] "TEEN TITANS" 25 is sold out at my CBS !!

would have got it last week, but i was away on holiday, all the other comics that i get were all still available !! with MANY issues still on the shelves !!

i never thought of asking for a pull list [Frown] ,the guy at the till said it sold out straight away !!

hopefully they may get some more .....

Posted by MLLASH on :
GREAT issue! DC needs to lock Matt Clark/Art Thibert in as McKone's replacements!

Where all this is going I can only imagine, though things are SOOOO good with both TT and OUTSIDERS, I *hate* to see some massive change coming...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I was actually unimpressed by this issue. It felt disjointed and incomplete in a number of places. What happened to all the Superman robots? Are we to believe that Cassie took them all out with her ricochet? I didn't read Graduation Day but if one of these things killed two Titans then how did they handle at least 35 (what I counted) if not more?

And how come Speedy (is that the name she's using?} didn't use a gag arrow like Oliver has used in the past? I thought they had brought down Luthor's defenses and when he said he took control of Connor by saying the magic words (did anyone else get what he said?) they should have tried to gag the SOB.

Finally the art, to me, left a bit to be desired. It felt too much like someone trying to outright copy Copiel and not come up with his own style. Very inconsistent to me. At least he didn't draw Donna Troy looking more like Zatanna than herself like D'Anada did in The Outsiders. Not that Clark drew her this issue, just saying the last page of The Outsiders left me wondering why Zatanna was racing home to the Titans.

I guess I'm going to have to say this book is on the bubble for me now. Art and story-wise.

[ July 04, 2005, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by icefire on :
Hey guys just found this on the DC boards!

GEOFF JOHNS is becoming notorious for teasing his fans with irresistable little bits of info that more often than not, have them racing to pick up more and more comics. Here are some random teases that bring out the inner geek in all of us wondering what'll happen in the DCU:

· (In reference to the Teen Titans series) "Coming up you'll see... Red Hood, Brother Blood, (Blood's new "mother"...heh, heh), an A-list DC bad guy, a new villain (and new team) and a team of villains mentioned here with a huge twist. Some of it pre-crisis-2, some post-crisis-2."

· "Major Duela Dent plans post-crisis-2."

· "Black Adam has an interesting role in Crisis...Not all is as it seems."

· "And we've got some kick ass plans for him Post-Crisis."

If you're not on Geoff's forum over at you're truly missing out on some good conversation and great "inside" info!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by icefire:
Hey guys just found this on the DC boards!

· "Major Duela Dent plans post-crisis-2."

Bless that man!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Might he be referring to *this*...

Written by Geoff Johns, Marc Andreyko, Greg Rucka, and others
Art by Phil Jimenez, Kevin Nowlan, Ian Churchill and others
Cover by Tony Daniel
DC's hottest new teams collide in an explosive one-shot! Following the events of "The Insiders"crossover, a villain from the Titans' past returns with a plan for revenge on former Titans! Plus, what's the deal with the crazy Titan who calls herself the Joker's Daughter?
On sale August 31 o 64 pg, FC, $4.99 US

For more goodies that month, click the below...;f=8;t=001119#000000
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

... a villain from the Titans' past returns with a plan for revenge on former Titans!

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
If you follow the animated TITANS as well as the comic, follow this link:

...and you'll see some of the characters scheduled to appear in the series' next season.

LOTS of surprises... good ones!

As for the comic... #26 apparently contains something that will make lots of us *very* happy... it's been spoiled on a couple of the comics news sites.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
As for the comic... #26 apparently contains something that will make lots of us *very* happy... it's been spoiled on a couple of the comics news sites.

Would that be the news regarding Omen?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :






Posted by Blacula on :





I just read the news at Newsarama too! Omen/Lilith is coming back in issue #26?!? WOO-HOO! I can't beleive it! I never thought they'd undo the travesty that was her death in Degradation Day! So happy! So shocked! I take back all the bad things I said about your Titans Geoff Johns!

And I just saw your link re: the new characters in next season's 'Teen Titans Go' Mystery Lad. MAL!!! [Band] And Red Star! And Kole! And Bushido! And Killowat! And Gnnark! And Jericho!

WOW! So many good stories came out of DC today!

[ July 16, 2005, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Blacula ]
Posted by Pov on :

"You like me! You really, really LIKE me!!!"
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Didn't they though? Here's what I remember as good n' juicy:

-a new BRAVE AND THE BOLD, written by Waid

-LEGION OF DOOM/VILLAINS UNLIMITED appearing on JLU cartoon next season

-LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES on JLU (I hope not as descendants of the previous grouping)

-TEEN TITANS cartoon guest-roster (though it seems odd having Gnaark without Lilith...)

-Red Hood in Teen Titans comic (could be good)


-JSA, BOOSTER GOLD, HUNTRESS OF EARTH II action figures in 2006

-Mattel figures for VIXEN, etc

Hmmm... seems like I'm forgetting something...

Marvel's only annoucements that interested me were the scheduling of a new X-FACTOR growing out of Peter David's MADROX miniseries and the FANTASTIC FOUR CLASSIC action figure wave (possibly the place for CRYSTAL, MEDUSA, BLACK BOLT and the other INHUMANS as action figs??)

I'm halfway waiting for a 'July Fools' disclaimer...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Lilith coming back?! (jumps for joy) YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And Kole appearing on the show? Yes!!! I [Love] Kole!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Kole?? She died during CRISIS, didnt she?
Posted by Pov on :
The first one, yes. [Wink]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
What??? When did the other Kole first appear?
Posted by Blacula on :
There was a mysterious girl who looked exactly like Kole floating around in the background of the 'Team Titans' series for a short while before it was cancelled.

She was actually revealed to be a construct/pawn of Monarch (of Armageddon 2001) in the final issue but some fans cling to the hope that she may have been the real deal and may even still be out there. Their hopes were further spurred by a recent Titans Secret Files issue which listed Kole's status as Unknown instead of Deceased.

Personally, I really liked Kole, but her death was soooooo long ago and quite well done in a tragic sort of way that I kinda think they should let her stay dead. But I'd be a hypocrite to push that opinon anywhere after all my clamouring for the returns of Gim Allon in the reboot and Lilith here in the Titans.

Its amazing how many dead Titans have returned to life recently though - Lilith, Troia, Jericho, Golden Eagle, Dove II (ally), Jason Todd... I hope they're not just doing it to create more canon fodder in Infinite Crisis! [Frown]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Now that you have my attention, Blacula, could you fill me in on what happened to Lilith, Troia, Golden Eagle, Gnarrk, and Jericho?

I remember there being a disturbing story of how Jericho had been possessed by an evil entity which gave him his voice back, but am a little vague as to how Arella and that freckle-faced kid with the glasses (Danny Chase?) were involved.

Thanks in advance, mate,


Were these two characters the focus from which Phantasm was created
Posted by Blacula on :
OK I'll start with the easy ones -

Lilith - adopted the new name Omen (and became half the character she used to be - basically a poor imitation of Raven instead of the happy hippy chick she once was) in Jurgens' 'Teen Titans' series. Left the team but then for no reason came back during Degradation Day to hang around in the background of panels and not say anything until suddenly getting her neck snapped by a Superman robot. Her body is probably still lying there for all the attention any of the characters paid to this.

Troia - was also killed by a Superman robot in Degradation Day but in the final pages it was revealed that she had somehow been transported to another planet where a battle was raging. It turns out that it all has something to do with her Titans of Myth origin and is currently being played out in 'The Return of Donna Troy' series.

Golden Eagle - was strangled to death by a Wildebeest in the 'Titans Hunt' storyline of the mid-90s. Has recently popped up again in the pages of Hawkman claiming that he didn't die after all but I don't think much more than that has been revealed. The next issue spotlights him though so some answers should be given there. Personally, I smell a rat but we'll see.

Gnarrk - was never a member post-Crisis but did appear in a one-shot story that featured Titans East and West trying to save him from some evil government types. Lilith and he formed some type of immediate close bond but he was hospitalised during the adventure and later died of his wounds.

Jericho - was infected and slowly corrupted by the souls of Azareth and took over the Wildebeest Society in order to capture all the metahuman Titans and allies. He was finally killed by his Dad, Deathstroke, and thought to be gone. In the early issues of the current Titans series however it transpired that he had in fact possessed his Dad at the point of his death and had been lying dormant in him all this time. He then took control of him for a while and used him to kill Wintergreen and attack the Titans. The Titans were somehow able to free Deathstroke though and trap Jericho on a computer disk (don't ask) where he remains to this day.

Phantasm - was originally a creation of Danny Chase's who was using this new disguise to hide the fact that the Wildebeest's had failed in their mission to kill him earlier. Danny, along with Arella, were later both killed however during the final fight with the evil souls of Azareth. Now things get confusing - I think Danny and Arella's souls then merged to create a new Phantasm and then were later joined by some other souls of Azareth but my memory is very hazy of this period. Phantasm hasn't been seen in years though so who knows what his status is.

Hope that helps. There's a great site called that has all the Titans information you could ever want.

[ July 17, 2005, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Blacula ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Thanks, Blacula,

Then you dont mind me asking whether Raven still exists in the current DC universe. I vaguely recall her being purged of Trigon's influence to the extent that she wore an angelic white version of her costume and that she was more "emotionally" stable from that point on.

After that point, i havent a clue as to whether she was involved with the corrupt souls of Azarath during the "Titans Hunt" storyline, as well as Jericho.
Posted by Blacula on :
You have been out of the Titans loop for a while legionadventureman! [Wink]

Raven was cleansed of Trigon's evil for a time (hence the white costume) but during the Titans Hunt storyline she was re-infected, turning her into 'Evil Lesbian Raven'. She then took to wearing big boots with little black leather straps around her breasts and crotch and little else and made-out with Starfire on her wedding day (this was an extremely painful period to be a Titans fan but looking back now it does have great comedy value!). After an endless storyline her body was finally destroyed releasing her good soul which floated around as a golden spirit for a while. In the early issues of the current series though she was reborn with a new, slightly younger body and now has the ability to fly. I haven't been very happy with Johns' portrayal of Raven here actually but she hasn't done much either so the next issue (which spotlights her and Superboy) should be interesting.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Something tells me i should take a couple of headache tablets and go lie down somewhere...*groan*

Thanks, Blacula...but i hope you were making up that "lesbian dominatrix" hooey - coz i dont see Starfire ever being intimate with anyone but Nightwing - even Changeling couldn't turn her head...
Posted by Blacula on :
Sadly I wasn't. But in Starfire's defense she didn't have much choice in the make-out session.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Oh golly, Raven mind-controlled her!!!!

Poor Koriand'r....
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
And #26 is out.... SPOILER










...featuring a spotlight on Superboy in which Raven helps him 'find his soul'. Ma and Pa Kent appear for a couple of panels, and Krypto gets a lick in, as well (a nice moment, actually).

For me, there were two highlights. For all Raven's empathic 'magic' (for want of a better word), I found the most effective panels were those of a simple conversation between one character who recognized her own pain in the experiences of another, evoking the considerable history of one and moving the story forward for the other.

AND then there's Omen-- even though this seems a pretty prickly fate, I'm glad there's at least the potential for her to be around once she's shed her 'offspring'.

Considering the returns of Hermes, Donna Troy, Golden Eagle, Lilith (sort of), Jason Todd (though I don't read BATMAN, so I'm not clear on the details), and a couple of villains here and there, I'm wondering if INFINITE CRISIS has to do with a disintegration of the line between life and death... maybe there'll be a team of the 'formerly dead'.

If Hippolyta and Maxima waltz into an issue of JLA, I'm sure of it.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Actually, there *was* a good reason Lilith was in GRADUATION DAY... she had rejoined the TITANS during the last year or so of their last series; the final Jay Faerber issues with Barry Kitson art. Barry drew her as the hep-dressed chick she is, with no sign of the OMEN costume (he pleased many TT fans on he old DC board at a time when there was very little that was pleasing TT fans).

So while Lilith being in GD fit, I didn't understand why she was in her OMEN outfit.

I'm so glad I read this spoiler.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
Personally, I really liked Kole, but her death was soooooo long ago and quite well done in a tragic sort of way that I kinda think they should let her stay dead. But I'd be a hypocrite to push that opinon anywhere after all my clamouring for the returns of Gim Allon in the reboot and Lilith here in the Titans.

Wasn't Kole originally tied to Lilith's first origin (where she was the daughter of Thia of the Titans of Myth)? I can't remember the details but I seem to remember thinking that her origin no longer made sense when Lilith's origin was wiped out.
Posted by MLLASH on :
# 26 actually got me all teary-eyed for a minute. I'm glad Connor learned he had a soul.

re: Lilith. Ummmm... maybe her return isn't such a good thing after all, considering that final page.

re: the art; it was nice. Wasnt Tony Daniel one of those IMAGE-exclusive artists back when Image was the shiznit and stuff?
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
re: Lilith. Ummmm... maybe her return isn't such a good thing after all, considering that final page.

Tell me about it! Talk about "Be careful what you wish for"!

Ditch the sheet Lilith! Bring back the Go-Go outfit!
Posted by Vee on :
I'm glad someone else recognized that image! I thought I was misreading/misinterpreting it at first. But dear God! Can we make Lilith's story any weirder than it already was? And someone please tell me: Why is it that all the Titan females have such screwed up origins/life stories?
Posted by MLLASH on :
I guess I'm going to put my faith in Geoff Johns and pray he doesn't abuse it. If he has some love for the so often looked-down-upon likes of third-tier Titans like Mal, Karen and Duela, then I will trust he will do right by Lilith. She has a LOT of fans. Possibly more than DC suspected.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 27.

Well, the art was everything one would expect. I got a few giggles out of it.

What was REALLY disappointing to me was the story. I didn't care for it at all, which surprised me.

At least the colors were nice and vibrant.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Now that I think about it, I wonder if that image was meant to be Omen. Omen and the disciples of Blood do wear similar outfits. I think perhaps it was just a coincidence (crosses fingers).

As for the latest issue.... blah. The story didn't much grab me, and the art was mediocre at best. It amazes me how little research Liefeld must have done before drawing it. I mean, didn't he know that Raven has very short hair now? He drew her like she was 20 years ago. And I was beginning to get tired of seeing all of these breasts that looked like fluid water balloons that weren't filled enough.

I'll pick up the next issue, only because it's what I do, but here's hoping that the main creative team doesn't take any more breaks for awhile.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Now that I think about it, I wonder if that image was meant to be Omen. Omen and the disciples of Blood do wear similar outfits. I think perhaps it was just a coincidence (crosses fingers).

Good point, Cru. You're right. Brother Blood's "mother" always has worn a similar outfit. Maybe Lilith will be spared and will reappear in a more normal fashion that as one of Brother Blood's cohorts.

Originally posted by Spellbinder:
As for the latest issue.... blah. The story didn't much grab me, and the art was mediocre at best. It amazes me how little research Liefeld must have done before drawing it. I mean, didn't he know that Raven has very short hair now? He drew her like she was 20 years ago. And I was beginning to get tired of seeing all of these breasts that looked like fluid water balloons that weren't filled enough.

I'll pick up the next issue, only because it's what I do, but here's hoping that the main creative team doesn't take any more breaks for awhile.

The art really was awful. One good thing about that though. Next issue will look that much better! [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 28.

The art was actually less hysterical this issue; it's the story I still can't get over.

The whole 2 issues kind-of smacks of FILLINITIS using big names like Simone and Liefeld to keep sales up, like that recent, dreadful OUTSIDERS 2-issue fill-in-- but without the star power. And the star power (Simone, mainly-- Liefeld was all I expected) just phoned it in.

Note to self: save money next time a fave book does a 2-issue fill-in, and skip 'em.

I'll be expecting Johns to write someting amazing for # 29 to make up for this.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
For half a second, I thought Christina Cross (lamenameitis to go with fillinitis?) had a smidgeon of potential. But now I hope she's consigned to the dustbins of limbo.

New recurring villainesses for the Titans would be welcome. Let's not start with this one.

I'm also less than impressed with this new HAWK AND DOVE. I've read rumblings about a TITANS EAST miniseries or story set within the current title. I suppose the sister act's inclusion is inevitable. But I'd really rather see the new AQUAGIRL, Duela, FLAMEBIRD, heck even DOLL GIRL over this pair. They do rate over PANTHA, at least. Maybe. Unless she's now irrevocably paired with RED STAR. Then I'd rather see them.

I kind of liked the panel where the Titans where walking along the bones of some decomposing beast (I hope it was a beast...), though it turned out to only be window dressing.
Posted by MLLASH on :
That was a cool panel, I remember looking at it more than once, and not because it was amusing to me.

Maybe Hawk and Dove will fare better as written by Geoff.

Titans EAST? I guess that rules out Flamebird. [Frown] Although, I'd bet Bette (tee hee!) would hightail it out East in a "New York" minute if she were asked.

I'll also be expecting Duela (Geoff obviously wants her around), Karen and Mal to be there.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I like this Hawk & Dove. [Smile] But I need more of them. And I agree the last few issues of Titans I really haven't paid attention to what is happening...cause it read like a fill-in. I expect it will be like that until OYL.
Posted by thor2168 on :
I really thought issues 27 and 28 were a Crisis unto themselves...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :


Why *didn't* they erect a statue for Jason Todd? I'm surprised they didn't.

I haven't been following BATMAN books. I knew about the RED HOOD, but hadn't read him. I liked the psychological struggle between the two Robins-- as well as the fight scene. It was, perhaps, a bit of Robin overkill after the Robin/Kestrel fight last issue. Worthwhile, though.

I sympathized with Jason Todd, in a way- though I don't understand exactly what he was trying to accomplish. What would he have done if there'd been a statue of him with the other fallen Titans? Would he still have challenged Tim Drake?

I would've liked to have seen the Donna Troy scenes wherein she 'collected' Mal (Herald?) and Bumblebee. Raven has the interesting 'death's doors' speech-- followed by the unhooding of another Red Hood, this one poor zombified Lilith (how come death's other 'clawing' returnees aren't gray-skinned with splotchy spots?).
Posted by MLLASH on :

the Red Hood really kicked Tim's ass. Didn't expect that.

Am worried about Lilith's appearance here-- figuartively AND literally. [choke]
Posted by Caliente on :
Dude, anyone else notice that justabout every arc Tim gets his ass beat. Or, at the very least, his face messed up.

1st arc: Deathstroke.
Raven arc: Brother Blood.
Future arc: future!Tim.
Identity Crisis tie-in: Cyborg elbowed his face.
Into the Light: Dr. Light.
Insiders arc: Kon.
#29: Jason.

I think the only reason he didn't get his butt kicked in the Beast Boy arc was that it took place while he quit being Robin. Seriously, for a kid whose supposed to be "that good" he gets owned a lot.

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