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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The current series, that is.

(I never have, so I shouldn't be posting.)
Posted by Caliente on :
Hahaha. I do. It's really quite good. <.< >.> No, I didn't just say that because Geoff writes it!! What are these accusations!?!

Okay, but seriously. I loved Young Justice, so I wanted to see the young'ins again. And Titans series are usually fun, so... yeah. I likes it. It's good times.

No, seriously, I didn't just say that 'cause of Geoff. Really. (Or 'cause McKone is one of the best artists in the biz.) Really. I swear. [Good]
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
I do. The last few issues haven't been that great...infact since about Conner went all Lex Luthor I've been kind of lost.

But this Titans rock. An example of what the Legion should be. The most popular elements (Wolfman's/Perez's Cyborg, Raven, Deathstroke, Beast Boy) with the new cool versions of some old original Titans...Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash. And a new element Superboy. I like the new versions of Hawk and Dove. Suprised they didn't off the latest Dove for the older version. [Wink]

I am worried about OYL. I think this lineup is great. Maybe even perfect. Shouldn't mess with it too much.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Why Yes, yes I do. Even the two issues drawn (and I use that term loosely) by the artist who shall not be named.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Why, yes I do read the current series, thank you for asking.

And even tough you didn't ask this, sit back a spell and let an old fogey ramble on for a bit about his status as a Teen Titan fan.

So the year would have been about 19-ought-76. I'd usually walk barefoot through 5 miles of ice and snow-- even in July-- to the local drug store-- or get Granny to take me, 'cause she was always up for a brief road-trip. Still is, actually.

Back in those days, they had these weird contraptions called "spinner racks", which were kind of sad because all the less-respectful-of-comics kids would come by and pull the issues in front down, bending them forever out of mint condition, to see what mystery issues were behind them.

In was on one of these ancient "spinner racks" that I discovered TEEN TITANS # 44, the first issue of the relaunched title.

My previous experience with TEEN TITANS was limited to 1-- possibly 2-- reprints in old reprint books like SUPER-TEAM FAMILY, but I didn't really remember much about them.

So I bought this, or more specifically, Granny bought it for me and I was instantly hooked.

See, there was this black dude named Mal-- which was nucking futs 'cause only The Avengers had a black dude member, and he was rarely seen, but this guy had apparently been a member for a long time. And he totally had a "Swordsman" complex going on, 'cause just like Kang had ingored the Swordsman back in the "Celestial Madonna" arc of AVENGERS, only to later be thwarted by him, Mal was also ignored by Dr. Light-- and then gave a big, honkin' ass-whuppin' to him later. 'Cept unlike the Swordsman, Mal didn't end up dead in the end.

So I instantly liked Mal.

But one thing that really captured my attention is a single panel featuring teeny tiny li'l pics of OTHER members of the TEEN TITANS-- members who had not answered the call placed out that brought Robin, Speedy, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash to the cave-HQ.

There was some chick in a miniskirt named "Lilith". Who was she? What the crap is a "Gnarrk"? He sure looked big, from the teeny li'l drawing. "Hawk"? "Dove"? Who were they? Why didn't they answer the call?

Anyhoo, Bob Rozakis proceeded to warp my mind with all kinds of freaky stuff, like bomb-shooting mailboxes, poor street gangs who come up with all kinds of million-dollar weapons, Angels of Death having wrestling matches, Great Frog, a Disco headquarters, a chick from the ghetto who somehow comes up with bee-based weapons which also enable her to fly, and a chick with father issues who fights crime with lipstick and powder puffs. Aaaah, it was good times!

And then, TEEN TITANS 50-52...

Lilith! Gnarrk! Hawk! Dove! Golden Eagle, who I remembered from an earlier issue of Justice League! So THAT'S who they all were!

And then, with # 53, it was over-- all too soon.

But my yearning for TEEN TITANS had not ended.

Fortunately, not too long after TEEN TITANS was cancelled, I disovered... the COMIC BOOK SHOP! Where new comics were placed on free-range shelves, and were never bent by careless children's smudgy clutches!

And... BACK ISSUES. Oh my word.

Now, the first few issues of the TEEN TITANS relaunch had a handy-dandy "Issue guide" for all the TT issues published so far, and even better-- had a list of WHICH Titans members appeared in each issue!

So I was able to know *exactly* which issues of TT to get for more Gnarrk, Lilith, etc. That was a good idea. DC knew subtle little ways to hook young fans back then.

And then, of course, came the Wolfman/Perez TEEN TITANS... and even though I don't think the stories hold up as well today, they surrrrrre were exciting back then!

So I haven't missed a TITANS issue since the 70s relaunch, which will always hold the # 1 place in my Titans-fanboyism, and have back-collected some of the earlier run (those Cardy covers should be in a hall of fame somewhere).

Though there's been plenty of good suff (plus some monumentally BAD stuff) since in Titans-land.

The current series? I'm liking it. Just keep the fill-ins to a MINIMUM, please.

[ November 29, 2005, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I do, in a half-assed way. I've bought a few random issues, borrowed the first year, and skimmed through others at the CBS. Eh. When this forum started up I figured I should check in again to see what was going on, but I decided that could wait until after the Liefield issues.

I prefer Outsiders, although I skipped that title's 2-issue fill-in thing too. And I don't think I care for the new art style.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Posted by Vee on :
I do. Yes, I really do. [Big Grin]

Inrersting mix of the old and new. Great dynamic. Well worth a read.
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
LASH, I didn't know you were so old. It explains alot! In your pics you look so much younger. [Razz]
Posted by MLLASH on :
That's why I'm not ashamed of my age.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
lash --
You're 29, too?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jillikers! Lash has been reading Teen Titans since before I was born!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Like Lashie Poo, I too have been reading Titans since issue #44 of the original series... waaaaaaaay back in the 70's.

I am still reading Titans today, but I will be absolutely honest with you: In my mind it is the New Young Justice series. And don't get me wrong... I like it well enough (although it's not a MUST READ FIRST book like it was in the 80s). For me, though, it lacks the necessary elements for a Titans book: it lacks, well, the Titans [Smile]

See, for me (most likely because I've been reading it so long) the Titans isn't about having "young Bat, Amazonian and Flash characters"... it's about having Dick Grayson, Donna Troy and Wally West (although I'm willing to admit that I like Bart better). It's about having a group mostly made up of previous Titans, like Changeling and Raven (preferably versions that sound like they used to, rather than de-aged versions of the original characters), with maybe some aspects of different Titans eras and a couple of new characters thrown into the mix. And really, that's not what this book is.

Titans today has become the main teenage sidekick book in the DCU, which certainly is what the title originally was back in the 60s... but it's not what the book became in the 80s. The Titans grew from being a group of sidekicks to being a group of Big Guns under the watchful eye of Marv and George. The team evolved and was no longer looked at as being the sidekick group by either the rest of the DCU or the fans of the series.

Then came Graduation Day. The Titans as I knew them were destroyed. The book was forced back to the 60s concept, replacing Young Justice (which had already adopted that concept). For the most part, the characters I knew as Titans were either killed off, revamped behind the scenes, or forced into lesser titles (like Outsiders, which I can't stand).

So, yeah... I still read Titans and still enjoy it to an extent, but in my mind it is just Young Justice with new mentors.

[ November 29, 2005, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Spellbinder ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
lash --
You're 29, too?

Plus a few; but the parts all work if you ever want to take a test drive. [Love]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Jillikers! Lash has been reading Teen Titans since before I was born!

Someone's about to get a nelly cap wedgie.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I read the series myself, and enjoy it regularly, although I've been left high and dry since just before the Liefield issues. I'm hoping it'll pick up steam again.

My history of reading the Titans is spotty--I've never read the much-loved by Lash issues of the 70's, but I was once able to sit down and read the Wolfman/Perez run in one large sitting and absolutely loved it. The 90's Titans were largely one big load of crap after another, which made me take years to even warm up to the Titans (since that's when I started reading comics in general). In wasn't until I reread Crisis for the billionth time that I reliazed I wanted to learn more about how Robin became Nightwing, Starfire and this Jericho character.

I did love Young Justice, and I have to say that the whole run so far as surprised me by making me like it so much (until said last few issues).

One of these days I'll read the Swingin 70's run... [Big Grin] .

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