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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Click Here For A Spoiler In the DC Nation or whatever it's called* advert page in the back of this week's DC stash, a handful of new Teen Titans members are alluded to... one of them's a blondish Kid Eternity! Blue Beetle, Miss Martian and a couple of silhouettes (sigh- that old game again?) are also shown.

*(you know- the crappy page that's taken over the space that *should* be a letter page)

Gotta say- this has me jazzed about this title more than anything in *months*.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I like this character, hope they don't eff it up!
Posted by Vee on :
I agree with you about how great it is to see Kid Eternity again. I hope it's Kip though and not a new version.

Click Here For A SpoilerAs for the two silhouettes. The caped one immediately made me think it was Capt. Marvel Jr (Freddie Freeman) because of the look of the cape over his right shoulder (Reminds me of Marvel collar with cord) though the figure seems a bit small.

Number two can only be Bart. I've heard from good sources that he will be coming back along with Barry during Final Crisis.

Neither figure looks like Tim to me but I suspect that this is just grist for the "Batman R.I.P." rumor mill and that he'll be in the final version of the team picture.

Posted by Pov on :
What the florg, does Eddy Devil think he's Nightcrawler now? [Confused]

And Vee-- Click Here For A SpoilerFreddie's supposed to be joining the Justice League, from what I've seen on several comic sites...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I bought the SECRET ORIGINS issue from the 1970's that reprinted Kid E's origin story with my batch of new comics the other day.

I liked it- a lot. (Though Keeper's even creepier than I remembered him- I can't decide if the creators meant him to be, or really thought he was a convincing humorous angel-type).

Kid E's powers are presented differently than I ever read them, something acknowledged on the letter page. Here, it's stated that KE would *inhabit* the body of those he summoned. Instead, he always interacted with them, didn't he?

And he's supposed to have the ability to shift from 'dead-like' (invisible and able to walk on water, through walls, etc.) to living boy.

I'm not enough of a KE scholar to know if that was in his usual bag of tricks.

His sash-belt and clothing come from his early life as a 'ship's boy'/ cabin boy on a vessel during WWII- dunno if that's accurate, seems a little old-fashioned even for then.

I've decided to track down as many Kid Eternity stories have been reprinted, since I doubt DC will ever release a KE Archives or even TPB.

GA issues are way, way, way out of my price range- so I'll pick up the reprints when I can. It looks like there's around ten or so.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
The original Kid Eternity was always one of my favorite characters. I have most of the DC reprints as well as several Golden Age issues and loved it when he became Freddy Freeman's lost brother. That was a stroke of genius and well played!

I always wanted him to join the Legion either "existing" that long or some sort of time adventure (he could travel through time as well, btw) and while in the 30th [now 31st] Century, he could "Eternity!" Robin (or Captain Marvel Junior, Mary Marvel, Wonder Girl (Diana and Donna), Kid Flash (in his Flash duds!), Aqualad (with straight brown hair!), Speedy (both versions), Star-Spangled Kid, Bat-Girl (Bette Kane), Wing, Dolphin, China-Town Kid, Air Wave II, Firestorm (Ronnie), Pinky, Sandy, Dan the Dyna-Mite, Wonder Boy, etc.) for an adventure or two! It would have been the perfect way to bridge the gap from modern to future DCU with honorary Legionnaires galore.

But, Vertigo ruined him by making Mr. Keeper and all of his "conjures" demons working for the Lords of Chaos. Crap! Utter crap!

[ September 06, 2008, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Can't we ignore the Vertigo stuff?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Johns acknowledges that version and that's who appeared both in JSA (killed!) and in TEEN TITANS (keeping the doorway to hell open for Brother Blood and Lilith, etc. to escape).

It's also who appears in the DC NATION teaser.


[ October 28, 2008, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Over at Geoff Johns' Comicbloc forum for TEEN TITANS, writer Sean McKeever answers someone's question about when KID E will turn up, and McKeever answers 'January'.

So at least that vagueness that followed KE's appearance in that advance image has some resolution.

Unfortunately, in the same thread McKeever reveals that the reason Black Orchid hasn't popped up, despite more than one creator wanting to use her, is the same VERTIGO crap that cost JSA/INFINITY INC fans Fury and the previous Dr. Fate, Hector Hall.

I think all the DCU heroes who've appeared in books preceding VERTIGO should be reclassified as DCU. Will Vertigo really be using Fury or Black Orchid anytime soon? I somehow don't think so. (In Orchid's case, there's no reason there couldn't be a floaty-haired little purple girl named Suzy existing at the same time as a masked, winged/cloaked mystery woman called Black Orchid.)

Their stable of books has moved beyond the darker interpretation of DCU characters. They don't need 'em any more.

I think some DC editors need to be physically spanked.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
The original Kid Eternity was always one of my favorite characters. I have most of the DC reprints as well as several Golden Age issues and loved it when he became Freddy Freeman's lost brother. That was a stroke of genius and well played!

Hey, Nightcrawler-- this is the list of Kid E reprints I found somewhere online. Do any omissions leap out at you?

Which stories do you think are the best?

Secret Origins #4 reprinted "The Origin of Kid Eternity"

Men of Mystery Comics reprinted #66 "City of Silence"

Superboy #185 reprinted "Kid Eternity Hoax"

both Superman #245 and Greatest Golden Age Stories Ever Told reprinted "The Count"

Detective Comics #439 reprinted "The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them"

100 Page Super Spectacular #21(?) reprinted "The Beagle"

Detective Comics #444 reprinted "The Beagle"

Adventure Comics #491/492 and Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains reprinted "The Master Man"
Posted by rouge on :
I *Loved* the Morrison mini series. The follow-up Vertigo series - not so much. But I thought it was fun to have a hero (sort of) that better represented the idea of Chaos than Hawk ever did. Those three issues still rank as some of my favorite to pull out and re-read. Unfortunately I don't think the interpretation is one that many writers could pull off.

BTW, the DC/Vertigo walls are softening up. Look at Madame Xanadu: it not only has Etrigan and the Phantom Stranger, but the Golden Age Green Lantern's Starheart plays a big part as well.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
On another back-issue scrounge, I picked up DETECTIVE 444, which contained "The Unknown", a Kid Eternity tale.

The premise was a pretty nifty one, with a murderer making his victim seem to be him, throwing off Kid E's efforts to solve the mystery. Sherlock Holmes is one of the summonees, but he isn't used to much effect, really. Odd, that a fictional character could be considered to be 'dead' and available for summoning.

The twist is great, but it's surrounded by really implausible coincidences. Even for a comic book. Those weakened the story considerably. Still, the main character is great fun.
Posted by rouge on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
On another back-issue scrounge, I picked up DETECTIVE 444, which contained "The Unknown", a Kid Eternity tale.

The premise was a pretty nifty one, with a murderer making his victim seem to be him, throwing off Kid E's efforts to solve the mystery. Sherlock Holmes is one of the summonees, but he isn't used to much effect, really. Odd, that a fictional character could be considered to be 'dead' and available for summoning.

The twist is great, but it's surrounded by really implausible coincidences. Even for a comic book. Those weakened the story considerably. Still, the main character is great fun.

Sherlock Holmes is real in the DCU (he's even teamed up with Batman). Of course it's also revealed that he lives to an extremely old age, making Kid E. summoning him impossible because he wasn't dead yet.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Good to know, but Kid E. was a Quality character at the time (the 1940's), so DC's use of Sherlock Holmes wouldn't really count.

Unless Kid E can summon the dead from any reality?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
IIRC, Golden Age Kid Eternity could also summon fictional characters
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
The original Kid Eternity was always one of my favorite characters. I have most of the DC reprints as well as several Golden Age issues and loved it when he became Freddy Freeman's lost brother. That was a stroke of genius and well played!

I always wanted him to join the Legion either "existing" that long or some sort of time adventure (he could travel through time as well, btw) and while in the 30th [now 31st] Century, he could "Eternity!" Robin (or Captain Marvel Junior, Mary Marvel, Wonder Girl (Diana and Donna), Kid Flash (in his Flash duds!), Aqualad (with straight brown hair!), Speedy (both versions), Star-Spangled Kid, Bat-Girl (Bette Kane), Wing, Dolphin, China-Town Kid, Air Wave II, Firestorm (Ronnie), Pinky, Sandy, Dan the Dyna-Mite, Wonder Boy, etc.) for an adventure or two! It would have been the perfect way to bridge the gap from modern to future DCU with honorary Legionnaires galore.

Simply wonderful!

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