This is topic You, Legion World, the LMBP and the old DCMBs in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
We've all come a long way to where we are now, which is a major point in my 'Written History of the LMBP' project. And undoubtedly, these last two years on Legion World are a culmination of the growth of a genuine community on the internet of Legion fans that enjoy conversing with one another about a variety of different things.

So, how did you end up getting to this point? When did you start posting, and where? Give me the long version, I'm interested!

I'll start:

It was the fall of 1999, and I first went to college, and thus, had access to the internet for the first time. The Legion being my favorite comic, I went to the DCMBs and found the Legion board there. At that point, very few of the current posters were posting, and the only ones I can think of were: Dev-Em, Sketch Lad, Greybird, Matlock, and possibly two or three more. The Nature Boyz, before they were the Nature Boyz, were all there, and they would argue continually with Sk8 Maven and Greybird over the nature of the reboot. Jim Jackson posted continually on TMK, and the same arguements of TMK, the Reboot and the future of the Legion raged on then the same way they rage on today.

A few more posters joined the DCMBs over the next few months, as I specifically remember Newcru (aka Spellbinder to those who don't know [Wink] ) posting a topic on Wildfire that I was interested in. I also remember MLLASH and LardLad joining about two months after me, after they came from the Wizard World boards together. A series of topics developed that caused Greybird and LardLad to argue a few points, with MLLASH joining in, and although they were pitted against one another, I specifically remember Lardy and Lash becoming friendly with Grey through this.

Then Lardy posted the "Who Are You?" thread, and the idea of putting aside internet annoynmity came about, and really friendships seemed to develop. At the same time, a handful of us went to the Legionnaires board to start posting, and saw that a poster named Engine Joe had been trying to keep that forum alive for literal months, until abandoning his attempt a week earlier. MLLASH, LardLad, a new poster named Shadowplay in Candlelight, myself and Tsarin (now known as Mystery Lad) starting posting there to ressurect the forum. It was then that MLLASH christened us the LMBP. A few other posters joined us immediately, such as Newcru, bellbookcandle (our beloved Seahorse, who I hope we'll one day see again), Beagle Boy, Rhino, Greybrid and others. And thus the LMBP began their long history.

Over the the next four years, the LMBP would truly grow as a community, as would the posters on the DCMBs, and the two would overlap continually. I stayed on posting, left for the summer of 2000, came back in the fall and then got a girlfriend and left all together in the early months of 2001. Then I came back again in early 2002 and stayed active for about ten months, becoming LMBP leader finally, after being the first LMBP deputy leader in the opening months of the group. We lost our first home and journeyed around the internet from time to time.

During my term as LMBP leader and lot of LMBers were spending time on the DCMBs more often, and I specifically remember seeing posters like Eryk Davis Ester and Nightcrawler being prominent there, even though I didn't go over much. This amuses me a little, as I consider them great friends now!

Then I left again in the summer of 2002 and became consumed with my social life, until I finally bought my own laptop that year and visited the LMBP Yahoo Group in the summer of 2003, which caused Pov to tell me to 'get my ass over here'.

Despite all this, my first night on Legion World, I was a little nervous. And then Icefire, Semi, Vee and Abin (as Space Ranger) made me feel very welcome, and I knew this was the place for me [Smile] .
Posted by Stargazer on :
I found LegionWorld in April 2004. I was actually looking up sites on the internet and was in a chat room about comicbooks. I started chatting to a guy named Mon-El. He asked if I had ever visited Legionworld and he sent me the link.
I was very impressed and signed up right away.

Since my sign up I have chatted with some folks and then the day came for WizardWorld Dallas. I spent the weekend with the best guys in the world. I was a bit nervous at first to meet these folks who you have seen post but never met> It was the most fun I have had in a long time.
From walking the convention floor, eating at Sonic, to seeing how many Legionworlders I could fit into my was the best. ( I even got to dance with MLASH !!)

So in conclusion.. I am a member of LegionWorld. A place where friends are made, comics are read and laughter can be found.

Long Live LegionWorld!
Posted by dedman on :
I had been posting to the DC boards and a couple of Legionart Groups for a while. Mostly manips of course. Then i recieved an email from either Tsarin or Therod (i can't remember which) inviting me to a group i hadn't heard of before....a group called LMBP!!!
I dropped out of the scene after we lost the L* and Phineous(sp?) boards (one-vision there i think) until last Nov when Grey found me and brought me back
Posted by Vee on :
Late fall of '02 or very early in the spring of '03 I was bored & feeling nostalgic one day and, on a lark, did a search on the web for the Legion of Super Heroes (don't know why [Big Grin] ) Came up with a bunch of links and the first led me to the DC website. I tooled around it getting up to date on a number of comics and eventually discovered the message boards there.

Having never been a poster on the internet, I just lurked for a bit, reading many of the threads and enjoying myself to no end. In doing so I discovered that there were plenty of "adult" fans of the Legion who were still actively collecting and reading the new series. (I had stopped buying comics years before because "you didn't read comics once you weren't a kid anymore.")

After a little bit, I began responding on some of the threads and interacting with some of the regular posters.

Then I came across one of the tag team threads (I think it was "Doom of the Super Heroes" but I can't be certain of the title.) As Quislet would say "What fun!" [Big Grin] I was a little leary of contributing at first because I didn't want to ruin someone's story or divert it from it's intended direction (I actualy though it was all planned out at first [Smile] ) Finally I screwed up my courage and posted to the tag team thread. Everyone took this in stride and continued merrily along as if no one had messed up so I began contributing more posts to the tag team and had a blast.

That's when Varalent (Vee) first appeared and became an ally and eventually a member of the LMBP.

After a few months however, some family issues came up that pulled me away from the boards and kept me away for months. When I verntured I immediately found the latest tag team thread (this was Super Jailhouse of Space) and posted Varalent's mysterious but timely return to tag team continuity. Then I waited and waited and waited and no one posted in response. Searching the DC boards, I quickly discovered that the LMBP was no where to be found!

It took me a while but I finally found a post on one of the threads that referenced the Legion Boards at Ships & Giggles (?). When I found my where there however I was also too late. The LMBP was gone [Frown]

Finally I came across a post pointing me to Legion World and I made my way here on July 25, 2003. It was great to finally be "home"!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Okay, but remember, you said you wanted the long version... [Big Grin]

Hmm, lets see. I got my computer in late February or early March, 2000. Before that I had WebTV at home, but almost never used it. It just took waaay too long to do anything, so I never really bothered to do much online. The computer, of course, was much faster and therefore much more bearable for an impatient bastard like me, so I started spending more time online.

A week or two after I got the computer I found myself with a week off from work. As it happened I was kind of laying low at the time trying to avoid a girl who was kind of stalking me a bit (long story short, the kid doesn't even LOOK like me... *bullet=dodged!*) so I had a lot of time to kill playing around on the 'net.

One day while looking for a few good Legion-related sites to check out I came across the message board at Comic Book Resources. At the time they had a Legion forum, and I registered there as Brainiac69. I posted there a few times, but never really got into it.

Then, still looking for a good Legion site I came across the DC Comic site and found that they too had a message board, one which looked mych more lively than the CBR boards. And at the time the DC Boards had not one but TWO Legion-related forums! I lurked around a bit and decided I liked the feel of the place better than I did on CBR (it looked like some of these people actually had a sense of humor!) so I figured I'd register there as well.

I really wasn't too happy with the B69 name I came up with over at CBR, so I wanted to come up with something better (and still Legion-related, of course, since that was why I was there in the first place) to use for my DC Boards ID. I've always had a pretty self-deprecating sense of humor, so of course I had to come up with something along those lines. And so it was that on March 12, 2000 (while sitting home alone on my vacation from work like some kind of a loser...) Loser Lad was born!

As luck would have it, on the same day that I made my first tentative posts on the DCMBs (which included more than one post on the Titans board coming out strongly in favor of the then-newly revamped Flamebird) at 9:47pm, a guy posting under the handle MLLASH unleashed the greatest weapon of mass distraction the DCMB's had ever knowm over on the Legionnaires board, a little thread called "The Legion of Message Board Posters".

The next day I got up the nerve to ask if a complete and utter noob could join the cool kids' new club. They said yes, and that was it. Over the next year I became one of the most consistently active members of the LMB. In October, 2000 I was honored to be elected the 3rd Leader in LMB history. I became active on a few other sites at the time, including the LegionPics Yahoo Group, the since demolished Athanon boards, the old Superhero Chat boards and (very) occasionally back on the CBR Legion board.

At some point during my term as Leader Greybird learned that CBR had threatened to shut down their Legion board due to lack of activity. After hearing this I decided to make it the mission of the LMB to save the CBR Legion board. I rallied athe troops, and several members of the LMB joined me over there to flood the board with posts over the course of a few weeks. Eventually the influx of new blood did the trick, and the CBR Legion board got a stay of execution.

By May of 2001 I had thouroughly and completely overextended myself in my 'net activities. I was posting regularly on several boards besides the DCMB's, working on crappy photomanips and crappier websites (one of which later became my long-since abandoned Buffalo Sabres history site) and going through some personal problems, and I pretty much burned out. I decided to cut myself off completely from all online activities, and took a leave of absence from the LMB. As sort of a going away present, I launched another of the web projects I was working on at the time, The LMB Archives, which was a collection of some of the LMB's best early threads, saved from the old DCMB's.

As it turned out my "leave of absence" from the LMB lasted a lot longer than I intended it to. Eventually I came back to work on my Sabres site, and get involved with a couple of other online groups, only very occasionally checking in on the LMBP Yahoo Group during my absence.

Finally in the spring of 2003, a full two years after I took my leave from the LMB I happened to lurk by Rob Kamphausen's personal message board. I'd been lurking there occasionally since my days on Athanon in 2001, never registering or posting. Well one day I happened upon the link in my AOL bookmarks and decided to see what was going on there. Much to my surprise I noticed a forum on Rob's Boards titled "Legion HQ". Intrigued, I clicked on the forum only to find that the entire LMB was there posting away like mad. The LMB on Gob's own message boards?!? Madness I say! So, of course I had to register there and start posting.

Of course the stay on Rob's Boards was a short one. I won't get into it all here, most of you know the story of the Legion HQ meltdown and what followed. After that I bounced over to The Ships and Giggles board, where the LMB took over the Legion board for a few weeks. Then one day in July, 2003 I got an email inviting me to check out a new Legion message board on a site called Legion World. The LMB finally had a stable, friendly board to call home.

Unfortunately less than two weeks after the launch of Legion World my home computer, which had served me faithfully for more than 3 years, finally decided it had had enough of my idiotic behavior and promptly blew up.

Without a computer I was once again forced to take my leave of the LMB. This time my leave lasted a little more than a year. Finally in August, 2004 not having a computer drove me so batshit crazy that I was forced to go out and buy a new one. With my (so far) trusty new computer up and running I made my less-than-triumphant return to Legion World on August 10th, 2004, much to the dismay of all of those who remembered me from my first two stints in the LMB.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
Posted by MLLASH on :
"The internet? BAH! It's nothing more than a giant dating service and porno theatre!"

--MLLASH, the late 90s.

But then my ex got a computer and told me how much fun it was. Angered at the very notion that he was having ANY fun that didn't involve me, I started dating a guy who had a computer. I found more than just dating services and porno... I found the DC site and the Wizard site!

Then me and that guy broke up, as relationships based on using someone for their computer are wont to do.

Desperate to have internet access like my stupid "the 'net is so much fun!" ex (the original one, not the other one) but not knowing a blessed thing about it, I sat up late one night utterly stewing in my own juices and an infomercial came on. The product being advertised: web TV. "This webTV seems really easy", thought I. "And cheap!"

So I went out the NEXT DAY and bought it. Buying it unexpectedly made me late for rent, but I didn't care because I didn't even like that apartment. Plus now I could e-mail my stupid ex-- the original one, of course-- and tell him, "HA HA! I have e-mail too!" Jillikers, I sure was immature.

Anyhoo, I began posting on the WIZARD board because the DC board looked too dull. But then I switched and you know the rest.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I had been floating around the internet for a few years before finally coming upon the DCMB. A longtime comic fan, I found my time spent at comic shops dwindling over the years, and wanted some new venue in which to talk shop, so to speak. Nervous at first (I had had bad message board/chat room experiences in the past), I lurked for a month or so before ever registering. One day I finally took the plunge and signed up, just prior to the launch of the infamous Legion of Message Board Posters thread.

As Newcru King, I began posting often, although certainly never as much as many of my fellow LMBPers. When rumor struck that the two Legion Boards were going to merge, I set up the LMBP Yahoo!Group so that no matter what happened, we would have a place to fall back on that was all ours.

It was at that time that the LMBP did their own version of a reboot, and the Newcru King character was rebooted as a female called Princess Crujectra. She was fun to post, so after the LMBP unbooted, Crujectra was retconned into continuity as Newcru's twin sister.

As DCMB posting was becoming troublesome in the newly merged board, we began seeking other posting venues. I created two short-lived message board for us, but they never really took off because, quite frankly, they never had the functionability of the DCMB. I also created the LMBP Outpost, which is a LMBP historical site. A handful of OneVisions are there, as well as several galleries of LMBP created artwork.

I followed the LMBP to Rob's boards, and then to Ships and Giggles, but once we landed at Legion World, I began posting almost exclusively as Princess Crujectra (mostly because I'm too lazy to log in and out to change characters). It is here that the Crujectra character really became fleshed out. She even became the board's first elected Ambassador (a position that would later be referred to as leader).
Posted by MLLASH on :
I cannot beLIEVE I told that story! I just friended that ex on Facebook! [Big Grin]

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