This is topic The "Know Your Legion Worlders!" Game! in forum Spaceopoly at Legion World.

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Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
This is a game all about us Legion Worlders.

First, I post a question ABOUT MYSELF, and give four choices. Then, whomever gets it right gets to ask the next question. Example:

Who is my favorite Legionnaire?

a. Invisible Kid

b. Kinetix

c. Brainiac 5

d. Kid Quantum I (James) (as if! [Smile] )

Then, the first poster to guess the correct answer gets to ask the next question, about HIMSELF OR HERSELF. It can be about anything under the sun, from where you live or what your height is or which was your first Legion issue. I'll leave this as the first question then, since it's pretty easy... [Smile]

[ January 23, 2004, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Greybird on :
(b) Kinetix, clearly ... Was her symbol meant to represent an eclipse?

Which of these Legion issues have I bought six copies of, throwing four of them away over the years until I wised up? (I've told this story several times.)

(a) "Adventure" 368
(b) "Superboy" 226
(c) "Superboy" 240
(d) "LSH" v2 n311
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Hm... never heard this story before, so I'll guess... (d)?
Posted by Juan on :
It´s one of the two Superboy ones... Seeing that Dawnstar features so prominently I´m going to say Superboy 226
Posted by Varalent on :
Yeah, I think Juan is right
Posted by Greybird on :
Juan has it, take it away!
Posted by Juan on :
Let's see... Where was I born?

A) Spain
B) Germany
C) Colombia
D) Canada
E) Chile
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'll guess you were born in Chile.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess Columbia
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Posted by Juan on :
Colombia it is. Quis, you're up!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

My Question:

When I was younger which Superhero's power did I most want?

a) Green Lantern
b) Aquaman
c) Atom
d) Elongated Man
e) Flash
Posted by Impulse I on :
hmmm.. shot in the dark but I guess (d)
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Not Elongated Man
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
(a) Green Lantern?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Nope, down to three choices
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Green Lantern?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Already guessed S or M.

it is down to Aquaman, Atom, or Flash
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
In that case, I'll say you wanted to talk with the fishies [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Not nearly as much as I wanted to....

Down to Two: Flash or Atom - Atom or Flash
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Okay then, I'll say you wished to Flash [Smile]

*knows it will be Atom since he picked Flash*
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Ding Ding Ding Ding

I actually wanted all those powers, but Flash's superspeed always topped the list.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
I always wanted GL's ring most of all myself [Smile]

Sticking with GL, which one was the first I ever saw in a comic?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I'll take the safe guess and say Hal Jordan??
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
And you'd get anviled for that. [Smile]

'Twas not Jordan
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess Guy Gardner
Posted by Impulse I on :
hmm I think it was Alan Scott
Posted by MLLASH on :
That red chick!
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Impulse I:
hmm I think it was Alan Scott

And you'd be right, in the 1992 JSA mini I got as a kid from a 10p box (a few weeks later I got a Hal issue, was confused, and have never liked Hal)

[ January 23, 2004, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Impulse I on :
What is my oldest comic book?

A) Spectactular Spider-Man #1
B) Batman #11
C) Dell/Golden Key "Last of the Mohicans" TV comic
D) Some Archie Issue
E) Atomic Mouse #2
Posted by Comet King on :
Errr. Batman 11?
Posted by Impulse I on :
Nope, one down, 4 to choose from
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Fun game! I'm going to say "Last of the Mohicans," just because it's so random.
Posted by Impulse I on :
Nope, I actually have that Last of the Mohican's issue but it is not my oldest.

Down to 3 choices now!

[ January 24, 2004, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Impulse I ]
Posted by STU on :
Some Archie Issue!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Spectacular Spider-Man #1?
Posted by Impulse I on :
Geez... that only leaves one choice to be the right one!
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I guess it's gotta be Atomic Mouse #2!
Posted by Impulse I on :
your turn Kid Prime!
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Which do I like the LEAST?

A. Birmingham, Alabama
B. Saturn Girl
C. Justin Timberlake
D. Gobots
E. Bill O'Reilly
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Gotta Be D (But E may be a tie)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Saturn Girl! Why? Cuz Abin already said Gobots and Imra is a shameless hussy! [Wink]
Posted by Impulse I on :
I gotta say C... but I admit I might be projecting
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
How about a write-in for "all of the above"?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'll just guess E then, and hope I get it right. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
And I'll say A) Birmingham, AL just to cover all bases
Posted by Kid Prime on :
It speaks volumes about my contempt for Bill O'Reilly that he bumps the awful Gobots from the top spot. I actually don't dislike Saturn Girl all that much, I just like calling her a shameless hussy. [Smile]

At any rate, you're up, Brainy!

Posted by Bevis on :
Who's Bill O'Reilly?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
Who's Bill O'Reilly?

He is a conservative Columnist/TV Commentator here in the US. He advertises his show as being a "No Spin Zone" all the while offering his own opinion as fact. He shouts down his "guests" if he doesn't agree with them and occassionally cuts them off.

I think he and Al Franken are secret lovers though [Wink]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Hm... That guy sure sounds familiar. I think I watched his show once. Got so annoyed I turned the TV off immediately.

Of course, it may not have been the same guy, but I'd rather not belive there's another guy just like that whom I can watch here in the Philipppines. [Big Grin]


Which of these is my worst subject?

a. English
b. Chinese Literature
c. Chinese History
d. Chemistry
e. Physical Education
f. Computer
g. World History
h. Filipino
i. Biology
j. Geometry
k. Art
l. Statistics

Complaints and/or banning threats for the very long list may be PMed to me. No foul language, please. [Big Grin]
Posted by Greybird on :
I was always lousy at Phys "Ed." The butt of jokes, and not without reason, I suppose, as I wasn't very well-coordinated. It didn't help that the football coach / teacher whom I was usually saddled with kept exhorting us to jog more while he wolfed down more t-bone steaks and Pepsi. Bad example to us kids.

I rejoiced after being valedictorian at my high-school graduation ceremony: After 13 years of compulsion, NO MORE PHYS ED! To my detriment, actually, as I've rarely systematically exercised since, except for some bike riding.

So knowing other Legion fans have also had better things to do, like finding good comics reading, I'll guess Phys "Ed."
Posted by Bevis on :
I'm gonna guess Computers, just coz, you know, being on the internet and stuff.
Posted by Juan on :
Lets see... I won't say Phys Ed or Computers, because they've been taken. It can't possibly be English, you write flawlessly here. I think you've said that you have Chinese ancestry somewhere or other, and so that takes out Chinese Literature and Chinese History. Living in the Philippines, I suspect that your Filipino must be flawless, too, so that's out. And you strike me as having an artistic vein somewhere in you, so I'll eliminate Art, too. That leaves me with Chemistry, World History, Biology, Geometry and Stats.

I think I'll go for Statistics. It's an extremely useful subject, especially in the sciences. But my, is it ever a pain to learn...
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
I'll say Chinese history - having ancestry doesn't automatically equivcate to interest [Smile]
Posted by Juan on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
I'll say Chinese history - having ancestry doesn't automatically equivcate to interest [Smile]

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Interesting guesses here. Unfortunately, none of them are right yet. Your report cards are being withheld. Please ask your parents to see me tomorrow. [Big Grin]

Kidding aside, Greybird's guess was the closest. I have had some VERY bad experiences in Phys "Ed" too, and unsurprisingly every "class" was a total waste of my time. Well, except for the dance classes. [Smile] But it's not the class I'm doing the worst in. There are many organizations you can join here to escape from Phys "Ed", and I certainly didn;t pass up the opportunity. So I get a good grade there without having to suffer any physical damage or damage to my pride. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Well the remaining choices are:

a. English
b. Chinese Literature
d. Chemistry
g. World History
h. Filipino
i. Biology
j. Geometry
k. Art

Given that you said Greybird was the closest with Physical Ed. I am torn between Biology (also dealing with physical stuff) and Art (one of those subjects that seem separate from "real" School subjects)

I'll guess Biology (Changed after I re-read IB's response on how he liked dance in Physical Ed,)

[ January 27, 2004, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by Bevis on :
OK, just because I like Quis's reasoning I'll guess Art now as well. Unless I'm not allowed a second guess.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Might as well go (d), Chemistry.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I have no idea but I'm going to say (h)filipino.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I'm not left with much, so I'll say Geometry!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Some nice reasoning here, and Art was a good guess, since it's another subject I'm less than stellar at. But reasoning isn't always the path to the right answer. Sometimes a lucky guess is enough... and Kid Prime got it!

Yup, even though I live in the Philippines and am a Filipino citizen, I am at my worst when it comes to Filipino. Heck, it's the one bloody subject that constantly keeps me from joining the elite ranks of the honor roll. Talk about being a fish out of water... or being a fish drowning in water.

But then, can you really blame me, when our final exam had 30 points devoted to identifying the chapter where a particular quote was uttered? Memorable Legion quotes are one thing, but pulling boring quotes out of a 60 chapter novel is quite another... Sorry, just venting... But it sure is frustrating! Ah well, it's not like I'm alone in my school anyway...

KP, you're up!
Posted by STU on :
I am pre-answering this one, to get my guess in early: I guess "C"!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And what if KP uses numbers, hm? [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
In that case, I guess "3"! [Razz] [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if KP doesn't use either numbers or letters?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Mac&Cheese! (maybe we can just give the answers first and let people make up the questions accordingly -- that way nobody will be wrong [Smile] )
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
What, and rob KP of his chance to totally stump us? [Smile]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Oh, I'm up. [Smile]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Okay... who is my favorite actress? (To avoid Stu's pre-answer, I will use neither letters or numbers. And she's NOT Mac $ Cheese.

Bernadette Peters
Halle Berry
Nicole Kidman
Julianne Moore
Zooey Deschanel
Jennifer Garner
Parker Posey

[ January 29, 2004, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Kid Prime ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Guessing: Julianne Moore
Posted by Bevis on :
Ooh, now hoping it's gonna be one of my favourites I'd either say Bernie or Nicole. Hmm. Both faaaabulous redheads and great singing voices and both very funny. Errmmmm...

Bernadette Peters (and I so know it'll be Nicole Kidman now).
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Zooey Deschanel

is it Zooey ??? she just seems to stand out from the others, as not being so well known ....

Posted by Kid Prime on :
No, no, and no. [Smile] (Though I DID pick many of my very favorite actresses, so as to make it more difficult. And one or two ringers. Those 3 are right up there on the list, though.)
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
My other guess was Jennifer Garner
Posted by Varalent on :
I believe I've seen you mention her at least once so I'll select Parker Posey.
Posted by STU on :
I'll guess Nicole Kidman! (Parker Posey is one of Lash's favorites too, IIRC.)

(Either that, or it's a trick question, and the answer is... Arcee. [Big Grin] )
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Ding ding ding!

Nicole Kidman it is! I just LOVE her!
Posted by STU on :
Cool -- I'm up!

Give me a little time to come up with a question. There's so little about me that isn't widely known already... [Wink]
Posted by Bevis on :
See, see. I said if I went for one of those two the other one would be the answer and I was right, dammit. [Razz]
Posted by STU on :
As a kid, which of the following did I aspire to be as an adult?

Newspaper reporter
Professional athlete
Rock star
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Newspaper reporter?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll say Oceanographer.

(I wanted to be either a history teacher or a historian)
Posted by Juan on :
Paleontologist! All kids love dinosaurs and want to be Paleontologists!
Posted by Bevis on :
Newspaper reporter, just like Lois Lane.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
Newspaper reporter, just like Lois Lane.

Already guessed by Invisible Brainiac
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm going to say pilot, because all the good ones are already taken and I know about your love for rollercoasters.
Posted by STU on :
Hmm... interesting guesses... [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
So can we assume nobody's gotten it right yet?

Do we get another go? [Smile]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Ack, Rock Star...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm going to say dentist for the sheer bizarreness factor.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
professional athlete...
Posted by STU on :
Actually, Quislet was correct! [Big Grin] [Wink] I wanted to be an oceanographer. Other things I wanted to be (which I didn't list) were an astronomer (which, like an oceanographer, probably entails a lot of solitary time spent poring over charts and graphs) and a detective (I read a lot of Hardy Boys, Three Investigators, and Encyclopedia Brown as a kid).

I did like dinosaurs (in particular, drawing them), but it never occurred to me to study them.

I'll bump this up again on Monday morning for Quis!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Cool career choices there, STU. So did you also want to be an astronaut, as well as being an astronomer?
Posted by STU on :
Briefly, but I think I lost interest in the whole endeavor when I failed to win a coveted spot at Space Camp that one summer. Kids can be so fickle. [Roll Eyes]

Where's Quis? [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I am here. Hmmm a questin about me again.

How old was I when I first became an uncle?

7 years old
15 years old
18 years old
23 years old
31 years old

[ February 02, 2004, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by Juan on :
You were...7
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
DING DING DING DING DING We have a winner.

I was indeed 7 when my sister (17 years older than me) had her first child.

I currently have 7 nieces and nephews and my oldest niece has 5 kids of her own. Making me a great uncle.

The first time I felt "old" was when my oldest niece learned to drive.
Posted by Juan on :
All right then. I'm going to be a bit nationalistic now.

One of the following is NOT true:

1. Colombia is, by population, the third largest country in Latin America.

2. Salsa, although now very popular in Latin America, actually originated in New York City.

3. The love of spices in Colombia reaches Indian levels, Colombians generally use more spices than Mexicans.

4. The tallest mountain in Colombia is not in the Andes.

5. The Colombian islands of San Andres and Providencia lie off the coast of Nicaragua
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I say number 4 is not true.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
On the basis that 2 is completely counter-intuitive,... I say 3 [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
2. Salsa, although now very popular in Latin America, actually originated in New York City.
Posted by Impulse I on :
I will say # 1, I think it is not the 3rd largest by population
Posted by Abin Quank on :
#5, Just because...
Posted by Juan on :
We have a winner!!! (not difficult when there are five possibilities and five different answers...)

1. Colombia IS the third most populous country in Latin America. First Brazil, then Mexico, then Colombia. There are more Colombians than for example Argentinians or Peruvians (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Peru, are larger in area, though).

2. Salsa was invented in the 1930's (or so, I'm not that sure on the date) in New York City, by Puerto Rican and Cuban immigrants. It is certainly a Latin rhythm in the sense that it's (obviously) based on Latin traditions, but it really was invented in New York City.

3. There are very few regions of the world that use LESS spices in their food than South America. It's a common misconception, usually people think that 'southern' countries generally eat spicier foods. In the case of South America, that is not true at all. Mexicans do like spice in their food (tabasco, habanero chilies), but South Americans certainly don't, South American food tends to be on the bland side (it's delicious, though).

4. The tallest mountain in Colombia (almost 5000 m high) is about 50 km inland from the Caribbean Coast, in an isolated mountain range called the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. That mountain range, the Sierra Nevada, is not connected at all to the Andes (it is geologically different, too).

5. San Andres and Providencia are two wonderful Caribbean islands, quite tiny, actually, that because of a historical accident ended up belonging to Colombia (it is easier to see why when you consider that Panama used to be part of Colombia). They both lie just off the coast of Nicaragua.

So, there you have it. SorM, you're next!
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Hokay then...

Which of the following Sci-Fi-related TV shows have I never watched:

  1. Farscape
  2. Star Trek: TNG
  3. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  4. Stargate SG-1
  5. Red Dwarf

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
b. Star Trek TNG
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Oh, I 'll say Stargate!
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Oh, I 'll say Stargate!

*ding-ding* We have a "winner".

Indeed, I have never watched an episode of SG1, nor do I have any pressing desire to.

KP's up
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Even though I'm still missing at the moment, here's one...

Which is my favorite amusement park?

1. Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio
2. Six Flags over Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia
3. Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida
4. King's Island, Cincinatti, Ohio
5. Universal's Islands of Adventure, Orlando, Florida
6. Disney's EPCOT, Orlando, Florida
7. Universal Studios, Hollywood, CA
8. Disneyland, Anaheim, CA
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well maybe I need to step in here and play the game.

I'm going to guess #5: Universal's Islands of Adventure, Orlando, Florida.
Posted by Bevis on :
Cedar Point. Don't have a clue really, but that's as good a guess as any...
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I guess King's Island, Cincinatti, Ohio
Posted by His imperial majesty, STU on :
I know the answer.

(He voluntarily told me... in a moment of weakness. [devil] )
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Scott, you got it!

IoA is, in short, the most incredible, completely immersive park I have ever experienced (and no, it's not because of Marvel Super Hero Island... but it helps.) [Smile]

Each of the 5 islands is a masterpiece of theming. It truly makes you feel transported to the world of Dr. Seuss, Marvel, Popeye, Jurassic Park (just walking through those arches like in the movie...)

The food is the best I have ever had at a park, and don't even get me started on the rides... Dueling Dragons, a double coaster which comes to within 3 feet of each other... and the Sipderman ride, which is like nothing else in the world. Great place (though I do love Cedar Point too, and Busch Gardens...)

Anyway, you're up, Scott!

Oh, and HELP! [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
And it was my guess because that's where you and Lee got to go for your belated honeymoon. [Big Grin]

Okay here's an easy one about me.

Who is my second favorite Legionnaire, behind Garth:

A. Element Lad
B. Saturn Girl
C. Chemical King
D. Invisible Kid I
E. Dawnstar
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I know! I know! But I'll let someone else guess!
Posted by Varalent on :
Chemical King
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I knew that would be an easy one. You're up Vee!
Posted by Varalent on :
Over the course of many years I've done (or been) a number of things. Which of the following have I NEVER been:

1) A High School Teacher
2) A Fratboy
3) A Mortgage Banker
4) An Elected Official
5) Gloria Estefan's dinner date
6) A High School Baseball Player
7) None of the above
Posted by Juan on :
You've never been an elected official. (I really want to hear the Gloria Estefan story, if it turns out to be true)

Posted by Impulse I on :
hmmm.. I will guess Fratboy [Smile] just because Juan took my first choice!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going to guess 7: None of the above. Vee gets around, don't you know. [Big Grin]
Posted by Bevis on :
I guess a Basketball player (and I so hope it's not the Gloria Estafan one coz I wanna hera that story too).
Posted by Varalent on :
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Not only wasn't I a Basketball player, I wasn't a Baseball player either! All of the others are true.

As for Gloria...I knew her in college. We took French classes together and she and I became part of a small group that hung out together and use to go to a French restaurant to "practice" French.

This was just as Miami Sound Machine was beginning to become popular at the local clubs and we would go watch her perform on Friday or Saturday nights just about every weekend.

Sorry to say we drifted apart. I haven't had any contact with her for about 20 years. (Guess I should have stayed in touch! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Bevis on :
Cool, claim to fame time. Heh.

Righty-ho then. Which of these parts *haven't* I played on stage? (There's only one I haven't played).

a) Robin Goodfellow in A Midsummer Night's Dream
b) Flute in A Midsummer's Night Dream.
c) Hamm in Endgame
d) Plague Victim in Red Noses
e) Romeo in Romeo and Juliet
f) Guildenstern in Rosencrantz And Guildenstren Are Dead
g) The Doctor in Woyzeck
h) Les in Zigger Zagger
Posted by Juan on :
Let's see...

I say you have never played Les in Zigger Zagger (not that I have any clue whatsoever of what I'm talking about...)
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, I was Les. About the only role I've played where I wasn't insane and/or dead at the end of the play. Course that doesn't help much with the rest of the roles...
Posted by His imperial majesty, STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
As for Gloria...I knew her in college. We took French classes together and she and I became part of a small group that hung out together and use to go to a French restaurant to "practice" French.

"Practicing" French with Gloria... [love] [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess Romeo in Romeo & Juliet

(You weren't Juliet, were you? [Wink] )
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, I was Romeo too. Possibly my least convincing role. Everyone said afterwards that they'd have believed it if I had run off with Mercutio but not Juliet. Heh heh. I'm really not suited to playing the romantic lead it has to be said.
Posted by Varalent on :
How about

f) Guildenstern in Rosencrantz And Guildenstren Are Dead
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm going to say the Doctor in Woyzeck.

Is that the opera by Berg, or something else?
Posted by Impulse I on :
I will say Flute
Posted by Bevis on :
V has it, the only one I've not played is Guildenstern. I did however direct a hlf hour excerpt from R&G Are Dead.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll send a private message to Varalant as it is his question next
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks to Quis & Juan for prompting me that I was up & sorry for holding up the game. I thought for sure my guess was wrong.

Before Christmas, someone I'm close to was involved in a very serious accident. Was it:

1) Brother
2) Nephew
3) Cousin
4) Godson
5) Friend
Posted by Abin Quank on :
2) Your Nephew

PS How is he doing? He hasn't been around lately to keep us updated.
Posted by STU on :
I'll pass on guessing this one, but echo Chuck's sentiment -- how's Tommy doing? I hope we see him posting on LW again soon! [Smile]
Posted by Juan on :
Yeah, ask him to visit us again!
Posted by Varalent on :
I'll let him know you were all asking about him. He's been kept very busy (and tired) with therapy sessions but I'm sure he'll stop by when he gets a moment.

PS: Sorry, he's not my nephew though I do refer to him as such. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Well, then I would say he is your godson
Posted by Varalent on :
And we have a winner! Tommy is in fact my godson. You're up Quis.
Posted by Giant Cobalt Amoeba on :
Just to cover the bases, I'll say friend, in that he's your [very good] friend's son.

(And yeah, tell him we were asking for him Vee!)

[ February 11, 2004, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Giant Cobalt Amoeba ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which of the following is NOT the name of my family dog while I was growing up:

a) Pete
b) Hobo
c) Pooch
d) Jojo
e) Rocky
f) Gretchen

PS: I am glad Tommy is on the mend.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Gretchen really leaps out at me, so I think that's a red herring.

I'll go with Rocky.
Posted by Giant Cobalt Amoeba on :
How about Pete?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Rocky was a family dog. a mutt. He loved to play fetch. I mean really loved it. He was also deathly afraid of thunder. We could tell when a storm was coming because he would start to get antsy.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Giant Cobalt Amoeba:
How about Pete?

Pete was a Spaniel. The first family dog. I can remember going under the kitchen table to pet him.
Posted by minesurfer on :
You sure he just didn't have a trick knee? [Smile]
Posted by STU on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Erm.... Pooch.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by STU:

Hobo was an all tan German Shepard mutt who would leap into the ice cream truck so he could get an ice cream too.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
Erm.... Pooch.

Pooch was a beagle mutt that wandered into an air force base in North Carolina. My brother stationed there at the time shipped her up. She was my favorite and a great watch dog too.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'll go with my gut and say Gretchen then.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

Gretchen had a pure bred Irish Setter for a mother and a Lab Mutt for a father (oops) and looked like a Golden Retriever. Prior to Gretchen, we kept all dogs in the Kitchen, not in the carpeted rooms. But Gretchen would not stay away. Eventually we gave in and let her come in. Pooch, who we also had at the time, decided that she should be able to come in too and we agreed with Pooch. But initially Gretchen would drag Pooch by the collar back to the kitchen as if to say "That's where dogs belong".

So that means the next person to post will have the right answer.
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Bevis on :
I dunno why I didn't just post an question then, since I know I'm right (I'm psychic see. Nothing to do with the fact that it's the only answer left).

Hmm. Ok, which of these *isn't* going to be a villain in the Queen of Diamonds at some point in the near future?

a) Dawn
b) Daylight
c) Dusk
d) Dark
e) Robin
f) Peaseblossom
g) Moth
h) The Queen of Diamonds
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I have no idea what the Queen of Diamonds is (or how it is related to Bevis), but I'll guess f) Peaseblossom (because I like that name)
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'll go with Dawn. Because nothing bad happens at Dawn.
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, all three of those are making appearances.

By the way (and as a piece of shameless self-promotion) the Queen of Diamonds is my comic, which is at
The first issue and a half are up and the second half of #2 should be up... ermm, either this week before I go on my hols or the week after when i get back.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The Queen of Diamonds?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope and nope, they're both going to be villains.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, Dark is a baddie too.
Posted by STU on :
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Dusk. Gotta be [Smile]
Posted by Bevis on :
Stu has it, Daylight is the only one that's not going to put in an appearance.
Posted by STU on :
Cool! I'll have something up later today or tomorrow morning...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[bump] to make it easier for STU to find this thread.
Posted by STU on :
How many message board posters have I met in person? (This includes people who may or may not post at Legion World.)

Posted by Juan on :
Let's see, I'll say...5
Posted by Abin Quank on :
How about... 7
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'll take 11!
Posted by STU on :
It's 9! Though I hope to make that number 12 (or more) by the end of the year...

Cobie, you're up next!
Posted by Juan on :
Wait! So, who are those nine people? You do realize that you will have to provide us with names, so that we can verify your claims, right?
Posted by STU on :
What, don't you trust your beloved Leader? [Wink]

The 9 are:

Lost In Lust Lad (Terence)
Looks That Kill Lad
Beagle Boy
Mystery Lad
the boy with UltraPowers
Poverty Lad
Posted by Juan on :
We trust you... most of the time... [Smile]

Actually, I just wanted to know who those lucky people were...

[ February 16, 2004, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Juan ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Alright, here's a not-so easy one to some and possibly an easy one to others:

I've had the same girlfriend for how long?

a. 6 months
b. 1 Year
c. 2 Years
d. 3 Years
e. Ha! I've fooled you all along, I'm gay!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'll take d!
Posted by LARDLAD on :
If it's the same gal you fell for a while back, I'll guess b), IIRC
Posted by Varalent on :
e. Ha! I've fooled you all along, I'm gay!

(A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Juan on :
2 years!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
6 months!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
EDE got it right on the first try! I've been with my girlfriend for three years ( [Eek!] !). Some LMBers might remember when I first told them about year, way back in year two of the LMB, when I realized that I had a girlfriend that I was actually really into for the first time! So nice memory Lardster, but it's from even farther back! (Oh, how the time flies...)

Alright, EDE is up next!
Posted by STU on :
I hope we get to guess what his favorite type of hat is!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
No, no hat questions this time.

Let's stick with girlfriend questions, though:

Which of the following is true of my "high school sweetheart"?

a. She dumped me for a rich jerk.
b. She is gay.
c. We're still together.
d. Her name is Jennifer.
e. She is registered at Legion World, but has never posted.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
a. She dumped me for a rich jerk.

Named Lester! [LesterSpiffany]

Actually, I guess... d!

[ February 18, 2004, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Juan on :
She's registered here, but has never posted
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
c. You're still together! What a beautiful romantic story!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess b) she's gay (although lesbian is the preferred term I believe)
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Is A left or D? I'll take whatever is left.

Boy, talk about sloppy seconds. [lol] Or in this case fifths [lol]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Quislet is correct.

And "gay" can be used for both genders; she describes herself that way, which is why I used it. Some lesbians disown the use of the term, I believe, out of desire to create a distinctive identity from gay males, but others are fine with using it.

And Cobie, it's still a beautiful story even though we're not still together. The two of us have actually been through a lot together, and stuff I would never have expected back in high school.

Your question, Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I've already asked about my favorite super-power and about the family dogs.

Which place have I not visited:

a) London, England
b) Tijuana, Mexico
c) Los Angeles, California, US
d) Paris, France
e) Aberdeen, Scotland
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Aberdeen Scotland (Hey, I've got to be right someday!)
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
But not today. I visited my friend Scott (Scott from Scotland) in Aberdeen. I especially enjoyed the ruined castle at Dunnottar. Dunnottar Castle
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Los Angeles

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Nope, I've been to LA twice
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :


Posted by Juan on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
That is the correct answer. I have never been to Paris.

I was in London for four days and Tijuana for one day.
Posted by Juan on :
All right, then.

I'll ask the same question as Quis. Where have I never been?

a) New York City
b) Paris
c) Sumatra, Indonesia
d) The monastic community of Mount Athos, Greece
e) Machu Pichu, Peru
f) Lake Baikal, Russia
g) Toronto
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'll guess Toronto!
Posted by minesurfer on :
Too many details for it to be "d", so I'll guess Toronto.


Well looks like ede beat me to toronto, so I'll change my answer to Paris.

[ February 19, 2004, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by Varalent on :
I'm going with the most unlikely answer...

e) Machu Pichu, Peru
Posted by STU on :
I guess...

a) New York City!
Posted by Juan on :
And we have a winner!

I only went last year to Toronto, for the first time. Quite a cool city, actually. And yes, I've been to Paris, Sumatra, Mount Athos and Machu Pichu. But not to New York City. I really hope to go there some day...

Stu, you're up!
Posted by STU on :
I've only been to one place on the following list. Which one is it?

a) The Panama Canal

b) The Sphinx in Egypt

c) A former leper colony on Kauai

d) The monastic community of Mount Athos, Greece

e) The Mall of America

f) The main airport in the United Arab Emirates

g) The Great Barrier Reef off the Australian coast
Posted by Juan on :
You've been to the Great Barrier Reef.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
The Mall of America
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll say a) the Pananma Canal
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I'll guess c

A former leper colony on Kauai
Posted by STU on :

(OK, I just realized something embarrassing. Technically, *none* of the answers were correct. The leper colony was on Molokai! I'm not sure why I typed Kauai. [Embarrassed] I hope no one refrained from choosing "C" because they knew that there are no former leper colonies on Kauai... [Frown] )

I've ridden a mule down the highest sea cliffs in the world to visit a former leper colony on Molokai. Let me tell you, that was one white-knuckle ride down (and back up) -- the path was made up of slippery, uneven rocks, and was about five feet wide, with a sheer drop-off on one side. I clung to that mule like you wouldn't believe! [Eek!]

Darden, the next one is yours. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
[Bump] for Faraway Lad
Posted by Varalent on :
[Bump] Guess he's really faraway!
Posted by STU on :
Hey hey!

If Darden's not back online by this time tonight, I'll let Juan have it, as the person who first responded to the question!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[Bump] again!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[Bump] ing yet again!

[ March 07, 2004, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Juan on :
All right, I'll take over.

Some of you know that I got my degree at UBC last November. But what do I do now?

a. Absolutely nothing, I just sit in front of the computer, looking for a job.
b. I am a sessional lecturer at the University of British Columbia
c. I work at a Canadian Government Agency monitoring phytoplankton in the Strait of Georgia.
d. I am an associate professor at UBC, with my own lab
e. I have gotten a post-doc position in the US, and am packing my bags to leave Vancouver
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Juan on :
I wish!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Juan on :
Nope, not yet, anyway
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess a)Absolutely nothing, I just sit in front of the computer, looking for a job.
Posted by Juan on :
No. I did get a job, surprisingly soon after finishing, actually.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Well I had my guess, so I'll let someone else pick between b and c. I hope it is c because that sounds kind of cool albeit probably more boring in apllication.
Posted by Proty II on :
I'll guess C because it doesn't sound like something you'd make up.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
And then I'll guess B. Juan!
Posted by Juan on :
And we (obviously) have a winner. Monitoring phytoplankton would be just about the last thing I'd ever do, I can't think of many things I'd find more boring. No, I've agreed to teach a course in Protistology this term, and I might do it again next year. I'm actually having a lot of fun, I find that one of the best ways to learn new material is to have to teach it.

Cobie, you're up!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, and thanks for letting me know IB!

I plan to dedicate my academic life to history, as many of you know. Which period of history is my favorite and my main focus? (I've mentioned this a few times here and there...)

A. the Habsburg Empire
B. Medieval Russian history
C. Byzantine History
D. Roman History
E. The Mongolian Empire

All of them are favorites of mine, but one in particulur I just can't get enough of!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I think you've talked about having to learn Latin, so I'll say D. Roman History
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Argh! I would have chosen that! Oh well, I'll go with C then.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I guess that was too easy [Big Grin]

Quis got it! You're up!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Hmm what haven't I asked yet???

OK When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up:

1) Soldier
2) Lawyer
3) History Teacher
4) Miss America
5) Bus Driver

[ March 11, 2004, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I have to do it!

Miss America!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
There she is... but not me [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'll say Bus Driver.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Va-room that answer drives off into the sunset, while I remain behind
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
History Teacher! What's more fun than history?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
That is it, Cobie.

I loved History (still do) I was going to be a history teacher or a historian (before I even knew exactly what a historian was)

My first favorite book was about Francis Marion the Swamp Fox as a boy.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Va-room that answer drives off into the sunset, while I remain behind

A "Short Bus" joke came to mind...but I'll refrain. [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
My pre-answer to Cobie's question is:

C: Five times.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

How many times is too many for, never mind. I'll just do a new question Stu... [Wink]

Here is my real question [Big Grin] -

In my opinion, what is the greatest drink/food combination to eat when hungover?

A. Diet Coke with McDonald's
B. Gatorade with Chinese Food
C. Coffee with Cold Pizza
D. Water with Bacon, Egg and Cheese sandwiches
E. Milk with Salad
Posted by Varalent on :
C- Coffee with Cold Pizza (use to work for me! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Bevis on :
Diet Coke and Maccy-Ds. I usually hate fast food, MacDonald's being the worst offender, but there's nothing more effective as a hang over cure than going to Maccy-Ds and having a good helping of fat and grease. I have a milkshake though rather than Coke since Coke is spit of the devil. [Wink]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
B, because of the sugar content in Gatorade?
Posted by Juan on :
I'll go with D. It's the 'lots-of-fat' principle.
Posted by StuRat on :
And I'll guess E!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I go d as well.

Although the best hangover cure is a full "english" breakfast (bacon, sausages, fried eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, black pudding, with loads of toast and strong cofee)
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'll say C.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The answer is Gatorade and Chinese Food! There is nothing quite like a bottle of gatorade when you're hungover--it makes you feel good and gets rid of the headache, even if only briefly. And Chinese Food is absolutely delicious for lunch, especially if you get a greasy dish with lots of meat! It works well for getting the whiskey and gin out of you're system!

I think IB was the first to answer correctly, so he's up!

And it's good to see so many playing the game!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I've been a member of my school paper (called the Judenites) for two years now. But which of these other organizations am I also currently a member of?

a) Drama Guild
b) Student Council
c) Young Homemakers' Club
d) Science and Math Society
e) Drum, Bugle and Marimba Choir
f) Dance Troupe
g) Guiseppe Chorale
h) Young Recyclers' Club
i) Internet Club
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Internet Club?

<I wonder who he uses it on?>

Posted by Juan on :
The Drum, Bugle and Marimba Choir!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope, and nope. Actually, our school doesn't have an Internet club. Heck, we can't even use the Internet in our computer class becase we don't have any connection.
Posted by Bevis on :
Young Homemaker's Club, just because it sounds like the gayest club ever (gay as in, you know, actually gay not as in the gay meaning bad sense).
Posted by Varalent on :
I suspect that IB is a MUCH better student than he let's on here, so I'll say d) Math & Science Club
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And Vee is right! Not that really do much for that club, but this is my third year as a member. You're up!

I wouldn't mind joining some of the others, though... Especialy that Young Homemakers' Thing, if only for the almost all-girl membership. [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
At one point, as I've mentioned before here on LW, I was a high school teacher. I taught two different disciplines. They were:

A) Spanish & Latin
B) Spanish & English
C) English & History
D) History & Latin
E) History & Spanish
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Well that was fast! Congrats IB. You're up again. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No fair, I knew that one!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Yikes, sorry about that!

The last time I went to THE amusement park to go to, I went with...

a) my best friend, his girlfriend, my little sister and her annoying pals
b) two teachers and some pals, mostly girls
c) an all girl group
d) an all guy group
e) a mixture of guys and gals, mostly fellow newspaper staffers and "nerds"
f) the kids, who if we studied in the US, would be considered the popular crowd
g) my parents and cousins
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess B) two teachers and some pals, mostly girls
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I'll choose, umm...

a) my best friend, his girlfriend, my little sister and her annoying pals

Sounds like a nightmare in hell to me.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Quis is right!

I went there with our two favorite guidance counselors and a bunch of friends, and we hooked up with the rest there. There were at least thirty of us altogether, although there were only five of us guys in the group. Last time it was the other way around, and there were only five girls. Next year we're planning on renting a few bus and having all 200 of us go there together. If you think the LSV is big and wild...! [Big Grin]

Although I've been there with A before, and it was one heck of a nightmare. No way am I gonna babysit them again!

Anyway, Quis is up!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
OK I am a fussy eater.

Which food do I NOT like?

a) Peanut Butter Sandwiches
b) Raw Carrots
c) Pizza
d) Jell-o
Posted by Bevis on :
Ermm... c) pizza, just because it seems the most unlikely for some reason.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
That's correct Bevis.

I don't like tomatoes in any form, so no pizza, spaghetti sauce, etc. (pretty much all Italian food)
Posted by Bevis on :
Heh, whoda thunk it? My logic actually paid off for once. [Big Grin]

Hmm. OK, which of these conditions don't I have/suffer from?

a) Hayfever
b) astigmatism
c) colour blindness
d) myatonia congenita (a muscle disorder)
e) dyslexia
Posted by minesurfer on :
From your typing, I'll guess e.
Posted by Varalent on :
I'll guess c: colour blindness since it would make it SO much more difficult to be the fashion whiz that Bevis is if he has this!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
d sounds too rare and unknown, and astigmatism sounds too common... I'll go with a) Hayfever
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Posted by minesurfer on :
I don't think "bump" was a choice. a yuk yuk:)
Posted by Bevis on :
No-one has it right yet (I also suffer from forgetfulness. he he). I am dyslexic, but not too badly. Just enough for me to have trouble making sense of things if I read them too quickly and for me to miss things out when I'm writing sometimes. I'm also crap at typing, but that's nowt to do with the dyslexia. [Wink]

Hayfever I have really badly, especially living in a big city, and it's gotten worse as time goes on.

And I'm colour blind too. Not majorly, in fact not really enough to make any difference to me. But it does mean that I can see some of the colour blindness tests that i'm not supposed to be able to see as well as all the ones I can. I also tend to use much brighter shades of green and red than most people since they can look a bit muted to me. And because I'm classed as colour blind I'm not allowed to do some jobs. Like being a fighter pilot or an electrician. Good thing I didn't want to do either. [Big Grin]

So the next person to guess has a fifty/fifty chance of getting it right.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
My fifty-fifty guess is:

d) myatonia congenita (a muscle disorder)
Posted by Bevis on :

you're right. It's my hubby who has myatonia congenita. It's a muscle disorder which means his muscles don't relax properly. Not a major condition, but it does mean that he walks upstairs really slowly and looks a lot more muscular than he actually is since his muscles don't relax completely (possibly most superheroes suffer from the same condition, hence their constantly taught muscles). It only affects about 1 in every 10,000 people (it's a congenital condition) but spookily enough my sister's girlfriend's aunt and uncle both also suffer from it. How's that for a coincidence?

I do, on the other hand, have astigmatism. My eyes are slightly different shapes so don't focus properly, which is why i wear glasses. Only a minor thing and *very* common (I bet most people who wear glasses also have it), but it sounds quite posh when you give it it's technical name. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which of the following was my first niece:

a) Emily Rose
b) Grace
c) Elissa
d) Becky
e) Mariana
f) Jennifer
g) Kara
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Emily Rose?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Not Emily Rose or Mariana (she's actually the latest). And both Emily Rose and Mariana and one of the others are the daughter's of my first niece. My first niece also has two sons, Alex and David. When they told me I was a great uncle, I said "I've always been a great uncle!" [Wink]
Posted by Bevis on :
Because of the comic book link (and so probably a complete red herring), Kara.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Nope, not Kara although she is my niece (the second niece in fact) My brother and sister-in-law aren't into comics, so her name has nothing to do with Supergirl
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Grace is Emily Rose's and Mariana's sister. And they are all cuties. I also have to give my niece credit on how she is raising them.

Back before Grace & Mariana were born, we were at our annual family cookout (aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, fourth cousins, etc.) It had been a long day and I was walking back with them to their car. Emily (I think about 4-5) was tired/cranky and fell and popped the balloon she was carrying. So she started crying. My niece put David (he being about 2-3) in his car seat and then sat down to calm Emily down. I know my niece was tired herself.

That just impressed me because how many times have you heard some parents just tell their child "Stop crying" and leave it at that.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Becky? (A name I've always liked!)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Jennifer? (If she is, I hope she won't fall in love with anyone named Ben [Smile] )
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
And we have a winner. My first niece was named Rebecca (which is a name I liked and was glad she was a girl because of it) which was shortened to Becky.

Jennifer (or Jen) is my adopted niece and adopted sister to Becky.

And poor Elissa, whom no one picked, is Kara's sister.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Alright! I guess that makes it my question again.

I've mentioned this in passing only a few times over the years. Since I was about eleven, I've had the biggest crush on a major movie actress, and totally love her. I collect lots of books and memorabilia on her, and very few people know about this 'secret crush', including my Mom, my girlfriend and one or two of my friends.

She is...

A) Julia Roberts
B) Jennifer Anniston
C) Ingrid Bergman
D) Audrey Hepburn
E) Nicole Kidman
Posted by Varalent on :
Audrey Hepburn
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nicole Kidman?
Posted by Juan on :
I suspect we already have a winner...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wow, Vee got it on the first try! And Juan knew too [Smile] ! I guess I've mentioned more than a few times [Smile] !

As you can guess, I love Audrey Hepburn! In fact, more poor thirteen year old heart never recovered after learning that she was fifty years older to me and had just passed away [Frown] . However, she is the standard I set when I consider dating girls!

You're up Vee!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
[Bump] for Varalent
Posted by Varalent on :
Okay, which of the following have I never met:

1) Brooke Shields
2) Alan Alda
3) Tom Cruise
4) John Travolta
5) Eddie Murphy
6) Gloria Estefan
7) Sarah Jessica Parker
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Total Guess

6) Gloria Estefan
Posted by Juan on :
I'll say 7, Sarah Jessica Parker
Posted by Varalent on :
Very good Juan! I thought this would take longer!

Many of you know that I knew Gloria back in my college days. Brooke, Alan, Eddie, & Travolta I've met because they all lived at one time or another in my hometown. And I met Tom at a political function back 1988.

Juan, you're up!
Posted by Juan on :

now what do I ask....

Where was I born (city)?

a) Bogotá
b) Vancouver
c) Cologne
d) Cali
e) Miami
f) Medellín
Posted by Blacula on :
I just discovered this thread and I gotta say - IT TOTALLY ROCKS!

What a fun game and its so cool finding out all this interesting stuff about you all!

Hope you don't mind me joining in.

Hi Juan. I'm going to guess f) Medellin.
Posted by Juan on :
And you got it right!

You're up, Blacula!
Posted by Blacula on :
Beginner's luck!

OK, keeping with your theme Juan, which of these countries was I born in?

1. Nigeria
2. Zambia
3. Zimbabwe
4. Kenya
5. Djibouti
6. Mozambique
7. Senegal
8. Uganda
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

5. Djibouti (because I like that name, just don't ask me to pronounce it)
Posted by Juan on :
Posted by Blacula on :
Wrong & Wrong.
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Blacula on :
Sorry Varalent - wrong as well.

Here's a clue - I was pleasantly surprised by this weeks issue of Planetary.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Don't read Planetary, but Zimbabwe?
Posted by Blacula on :
Sorry, not Zimbabwe either Cobalt Kid.

4 down, 4 choices left.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Blacula on :
Sorry IB, not Uganda either. Man, I thought more people around here read Planetary.

If no one else gets it I'll give it to Cobalt Kid as he was closest.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Didn't get my copy of Planetary this month so I'm not sure. So I'm going to guess Zambia as it borders Zimbabwe.
Posted by Blacula on :
Whoops - thanks for the bump IB, forgot about this thread.

Well done, LL, it was Zambia. You're up.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
To keep the questioning in the same line, where was I born?

A: Salt Lake City, Utah
B: Portland, Oregon
C: Ely, Nevada
D: Phoenix, Arizona
E: Birmingham, Alabama
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I say b) Portland, Oregon
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Nope, not Portland. That's where Caroline was born.
Posted by Juan on :
Ummm...Ely, Nevada
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not Ely either. Ely is where my Mom was born and I lived there for awhile after my father passed away.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Birmingham, Alabama?
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
My guess would be Salt Lake City, Utah.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not Birmingham, that's where my father and little brother were born.

And not Salt Lake either. That's were I moved to a little over 12 years ago after marrying Caroline.

Seems to me to be only one choice left. So the next guess gets it.
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Ummm....Phoenix, Arizona
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Yep. Phoenix, Arizona is where I was born. Lived there, on and off, until my father died in 1975.

So your up Andrew.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
To keep the questioning in the same line, where was I born?

A. Hanover, Pennsylvania, USA
B. Ludwigshafen, Germany
C. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
D. Lyon, Rhone-Alps, France
E. Herkimer, New York, USA
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
B ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll go with the obvious D. Lyon, Rhone-Alps, France
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Then I'll go with a far-fetched one, A. Hanover, PA, USA.
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
B. Ludwigshafen, Germany is where I almost ended by mistake recently.
C. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India is where my wife was born.
D. Lyon, Rhone-Alps, France is where we live now.
E. Herkimer, New York, USA is where I lived twenty years ago.

That makes Cobalt Kid the winner with the far-fetched choice!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Off the top of my head, here's a question:

Out of the following, which comic series don't I own the ENTIRE run of with my father and uncle?

A. Journey into Mystery (featuring Thor)/The Mighty Thor
B. Amazing Spider-Man
C. Fantastic Four
D. Iron Man
E. Green Lantern/Green Lanter Corps
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
E Green Lantern/Green Lantern Corps?
Posted by Juan on :
Fantastic Four
Posted by Bevis on :
Journey into Mystery/Thor
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll go with Amazing Spider-man
Posted by Varalent on :
Well that leaves Iron Man which is a good guess anyway.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Well, I'll pick NONE OF THE ABOVE, on the off chance that you have completed your run since making the post.... :/
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Nice guess Vee!

Iron Man is the answer, we're still missing two issues from completing the entire run of every Iron Man comic every made! (I've been little help though, I've only starting helping out in the last ten years--my Dad and Uncle were buying Tales of Suspense off the newstands in 1963).

We have the entire runs of FF, Spidey, Thor (and Journey into Mystery's Thor stories) and Green Lantern, which is pretty nice when I'm in the mood to read the entire runs uninterupted [Wink] . I used to read all the Spider-man's (we also have Spectaculur and all the others) when I was in my pre-teens at least twice a year!

You're up Vee!
Posted by Varalent on :
Keeping in the same vein, I have a complete run of all the Legion appearances in Adventure. The final piece to my collection, a copy of Adventure #247 in what was described as "Good (2.5)" condition, came into my possesion through an auction win on eBay. How much did this copy cost me:

A) $247
B) $175
C) $550
D) $329
E) $855
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
D $329?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll say B) $175.

And you know how they say you should stick with your first choice? I was going to say Iron Man (no really I was)
Posted by Bevis on :
Ah hell, $247 just coz that'd be so damn *cool*
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Finding a copy of this issue in good condition is not that easy. My guess would be C) $550.
Posted by Varalent on :
Good guesses all, but I got VERY lucky in that auction and managed to win it for only $175. (Bevis~ I had set my maximum bid at $247 so you were close!) Hnoestly I was floored to win for such a small amount but it was right around the holidays and I suspect most people were tapped out of spending money or just not paying attention.

In any case, Quis...You Win!!! and you're up next. [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Ok Ok I'm here.

Which of these really happened to me:

A) On a flight I got bumped up to first class and sat next to Brad Pitt.

B) I won $25,000.00 on a scratch lottery ticket.

C) When I worked for my bank, I was in two bank robberies.

D) When I was 14, I got caught driving my mother's car down the highway.
Posted by Varalent on :
For your sake I hope it was A or B but I'm going to guess...

C) When I worked for my bank, I was in two bank robberies.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going for the naughty youth scenario:

D) When I was 14, I got caught driving my mother's car down the highway.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

You are correct. The first robbery happened to one teller and no one knew it was happening. The Robber had passed a note saying he had a bomb in a paper bag. The teller gave him her money as directed. They actually caught him within an hour.

The second was much more exciting. I was in the vault room counting the shipment with a teller. We heard a noise (It was the robbers leaping over the counter. The teller said "We're being robbed!" So I scooped up the 100s, 50s, 20s, & 10s and shovewd them in the timed side of the vault and spun the dial (this part of the vault can't be opened until 15 minutes after you do the combination). The teller threw the 5s & 1s behind the vault door. I had left them out because I wanted there to be something for the robber to take. So I opened the untimed side, which had about $8-10 thousand. By this time the manager had open the door to the vault room. The robber (and he had a gun) said "where's the bag? I want the bag!" Meaning the shipment bag. I held up the shredded plastic bag that the shipment had been in and said "Here is the bag."

He saw the money in the untime side and scooped it up. As he pulled it out he dropped the 100s and 50s. His Partner yelled in "The time! The time! We've got to go!" I could see the robber debating whether to take the time to pick up the money he dropped or not. He didn't. He did scoop up a dye pack though.

I don't think they ever found these guys. They did find the getaway car nearby (with dye all over the dashboard). It was a stolen car with plates stolen from another car.

And those are my two bank robberies.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I only ever went through one when I was working at a bank (not a one all the years I spent in a casino). This guy walked in in gloves and a long coat in the middle of winter and I looked over at the CS manager (I was the assistant and ran new accounts at the time) and we both hit our panic buttons at the same time. They even registered the two alarms as simultaneous.

The guy approached our only male teller and demanded money be handed to him. He was in such shock that he couldn't even tell us he'd been robbed after the guy left. Supposedly the robber had a gun but he never made a move for it. But the kid did good and made sure the dye pack went with the cash.

They did catch the guy down the street after the dye pack exploded. Trailing red smoke and dye out of his jacket. Turned out to be a crack addict in need of money for a fix.
Posted by Varalent on :
Wow & Double Wow! Glad it wasn't any worse (for either of you!)

Since we're talking about dangerous situations, here's the next question:

Which of the following actually happened to me:

1)I was mugged in NYC while on my way to Madison Square Garden to an Eagles concert;
2)I was a victim of a car jacking when I was a college student in Miami;
3)I was threatened with a gun while on an emergency call as a volunteer EMT;
4)I lived through a home invasion while visiting a friend in LA;
5)I was a victim of an attempted kidnapping at gun point while visiting relatives in Costa Rica
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
1)I was mugged in NYC while on my way to Madison Square Garden to an Eagles concert
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Dang, you people lead exciting lives, lol.

Nothing exciting ever happens like that to me. And i'm kinda glad.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess 3) Threatened with a gun while on an emergency call as an EMT
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
In another robbery at the bank I worked for (but not the branch I was in at the time) The robber pointed to the dye pack and said "I want those bills too".

They saw him escaping on a motorcycle. The bank was in a bad location, right by the on-ramp to the highway.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I guess 2

Talk about exciting! Glad all three of you made it through safe.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I'll guess 3) Threatened with a gun while on an emergency call as an EMT

Quis has got it.

It was a dark and rainy Tuesday night (yeah, I know it sounds like the Great American Novel but it's not! [Big Grin] ) My crew got called out on a "man down" call. (It really was a "domestic dispute" ~ we would have been more careful had we kown that but you'll see how we found out.)

When we arrived, Joanne, one of my crewmates, and I entered the apartment through the half open front door. We could see the victim lying on the floor at the far end of the Living Room, in front of the hallway. As I stepped through the door with Joanne close behind, another man quietly but clearly said "If you try to help him, I'll shoot you!"

He was off to the right side of the Living Room, pointing a handgun right at me. I stopped in my tracks and bumped Joanne back out the doorway before he could see her. Putting my hands out where he could see them, I tried to talk him into putting the gun down and letting me help the victim (who was moaning & writhing in pain on the floor ~ I assumed he had been shot but I was wrong.)

Joanne quietly went back down the stairs and used the portable radio to contact the police, who had yet to arrive, and reported the situation to them.

I could see an woman sitting on the sofa awash in tears, trembling in fear. She didn't appear to be hurt but was petrified. She was so scared that she didn't even attempt to cover herself up (She had NOTHING on at that point) just sat there crying and begging him to let them go.

A few minutes later, hearing a noise behind me, I realized that the police had arrived and were carefully coming up the stairs. At that point I "gave in" to his demand that I leave or get shot and backed out of the room onto the landing. One of the officers hustled me down the stairs while the other three swarmed into the room and he immediately gave up.

As soon as they had the guy with the gun in custody, Joanne and I went back in to take care of the victim. Like the woman, he was completely naked, and I immediately realized that he seriously burned and was covered from head to toe in tiny white blisters. We quicky got him stabilized and transported him to the hospital along with the woman. She was in severe shock but had no injuries other than a swollen lip.

We found out later from the police what had happened...

The gunman was the woman's husband. He suspected that she was fooling around with a friend of theirs. He was a cook at a local restaurant and usually worked dinner to closing so they knew he wouldn't be home until three or four in the morning.

That night, however, he had arranged to be off but left for "work" at the usual time. He waited until he saw the other man go into the apartment and the light in his bedroom get turned on. He then quietly went back in, went into the kitchen and turned on the burner under the pot of rice he had "left soaking overnight." He then sat and waited for the water to boil, listening at the bedroom door ever few minutes.

When his wife and her partner "finished" she got up and went into the bathroom. At this point, he picked up the pot of boiling rice, carried it into the bedroom and poured it all over the dozing man that had slept with his wife, covering him with hundreds and hundreds of boiling hot grains of rice & water.

The victim instinctively tried to run and made it as far as the living room before collapsing in pain. The husband then pulled out his gun and kept his wife from doing anything for him. After waiting a few minutes, he finally called the police and reported that a man was lying on the floor in pain.

He later told the police that he didn't want to kill anyone, just wanted the other man to remember what happens to you when you have an affair with another man's wife.

Without a doubt, this was the most bizarre call I was ever sent out on.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wow! I hope the jail time he got was worth it.

Let's see what question about myself haven't I asked.....

Which movie have I seen:

a) Jurassic Park
b) Terminator
c) Batman & Robin
d) the Hulk
e) Superman IV - the Quest for Peace
Posted by Varalent on :
c) Batman & Robin
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
c) Batman & Robin

Nope. I've seen bits and pieces of it, but never sat through the whole thing. And I feel might lucky at that [Big Grin]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Um e)Superman IV-The Quest for peace
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll go for the obvious and say Terminator!

Vee- holy moley, that's one hell of a story! I'm glad you came out alright, that's a scary situation (lucky for us [Smile] )!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
A ?

And jeepers, Vee, glad you're all right!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I have not seen Jurasic Park, Terminator, or Superman IV Quest for Peace. I have seen bits of the Terminator though. And Like my comment for Batman & Robin, i feel lucky to have never seen Superman IV.

So thjat must mean that out of all those movies, I've only seen ....

The next person should get it.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
The Big Green Guy™ movie [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
there you go. The Hulk was the one movie I saw out of that list. I did like the Hulk. I liked how Ang Lee used split screens to make it look like a comic book. The story wasn't bad either, but I am sure that it bombed because there wasn't as much action as most people were expecting.

Are people shocked that I haven't seen Jurassic Park or the Terminator?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
[Bump] for Sanity or Madness' question
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :

Sticking with a similar theme, which of these did I not see in the cinema?

LotR: Return of the King
The Little Mermaid
Chicken Run
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll go with my first guess: Chicken Run
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
LoTR: Return of the King?
Posted by Juan on :
The Little Mermaid
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Bevis gets it. I have Spidey on DVD, but I never saw it in the cinema.

And as for the mermaid - hey - it was 10+ years ago, and I was 7 or 8 @ the time, getting dragged along cause my wee sisters wanted to see it [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Bevis gets it. I have Spidey on DVD, but I never saw it in the cinema.

And as for the mermaid - hey - it was 10+ years ago, and I was 7 or 8 @ the time, getting dragged along cause my wee sisters wanted to see it [Smile]

But that doesn't explain the 5 times you went back to see it without your sisters [Wink]
Posted by Bevis on :
Ooh, I was right? Cool.


OK, who do i want to win Eurovision tommorrow night?

Cryprus with 'Stronger Every Minute'
the UK with 'Hold On To Our Love'
Bosnia-Herzegovina with 'In The Disco'
Albania with 'Imazhi Yi'
Malta with 'On Again... Off Again'
Ukraine with 'Wild Dances'
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which one has the cutest singer?

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bosnia-Herzegovina! Why? B/c I like reading about their history!

And "In the Disco" seems like a Bevis-type song to me... [Smile]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Ukraine with 'Wild Dances'
Posted by Bevis on :
Obadiah gets it. Ukraine's song is fabulous. Second favourite to win as well.

Malta, Cyprus and Albania all are damn good songs, and could win, but the Ukraine just beats them out because the singer is dressed kind of like Xena and has lots of leather clad dancers with her.

Bisnoa is... well, it's the kind of Eurovision song that is so godsawful that it's brilliant. It's gonna do well just because of that.

And the UK song... bleh. Doesn't go anywhere, tedious, complete lack of a cathcy tune and James Fox (who was fourth on the last series of Fame Academy) only got picked because he's already sorta-kinda-maybe famous despite the fact that he's arrogant, smug and genearally intensly annoying.

So I want the Ukraine to win. [Big Grin]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Um I have something:What comic am I currently not collecting?
d)Ultimate Fantastic Four
e)Justice League Adventures
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm guessing it's Justice League Adventures...
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Valor the M'Onel,

Generally in these type of threads, you don't ask a question until you correctly answer the last question. Otherwise things can get real confusing with multiple questions.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Oh, it's my question then is it? Sorry about that, and thanks to IB for the PM head's up. Okay, here goes:


a) waiter
b) chef
c) bartender
d) newspaper reporter
e) firefighter
f) telemarketer
g) internet tech support specialist
h) customer service representative
i) convienience store manager
j) cartoonist
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
c) bartender?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going to guess cartoonist.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
And you win.

I worked in the restaurant industry for 12 years, so that accounts for A, B, & C.

I currently work as a stringer for the Advertiser-Democrat in Norway, Maine, so there's D

I recently got done, but did serve as a volunteer firefighter for three years in Sumner, Maine. That's E.

I had a brief go at F while I was floundering around for work after deciding to get out of food service.

I do, or have done, both G & H for my current company Oxford Networks.

The now defunct Lisbon lunch & Seafood was my stint as I.

But cartoonist, nope never been paid to do it anyway. I did do work for a small vanity press publisher here in Maine that went by several different names: Hammoc Publ. & Alpha Comics, among others. I bailed when they only wanted to pay $10 per page. I thought that was too low. Later I went crawling back after deciding that maybe I'd go ahead and take the offered rate just to get some work out there. You know, use 'em as a stepping stone. Competed a few more pages, but never got paid so I bailed again. So, while I have done some comic book work, I;ve just never been paid for it. Havn;t drawn in years now. I really should get back to it and post a few things here.....
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'd like to see some of your work, OO.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'd like to see some too, when you get the chance.

I'll post something in a bit when I can think clearer.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Still feeling muddled....?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Damn allergies are affecting my memory, I swear.

Okay, who is my favorite, non-Legion, comic character?

A: Black Canary

B: Superman

C: Batman

D: Changling/Beast Boy

E: Gambit

F: Jack of Hearts

G: Captain America
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Guessing F) Jack of Hearts
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Close. Jack is close to my heart but he would probably come in second to this other character.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Changeling/ Beast Boy
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

I do love that Rajun' Cajun but he's not my favorite. Once upon a time he may have been but, as with most of Marvel's characters, he's been made confusing to follow or even care about anymore.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Obadiah Oldbuck:
Changeling/ Beast Boy

Spot on Duke! Gar is my fav outside the Legion. Don't know why. Maybe its the combination of his attitude and his powers but he just clicked with me. I even created a character for a role playing game that was his and Terra's son. Then again maybe I just have a think for characters whose names begin GAR. [Big Grin]

Over to you Obadiah.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
All of the following comic book publishing disasters have left my poor fragile psyce scarred in some way, but which one left me the most devestated emotionally?

(For bonus "know your legion worlder" points, put the following in order from only mildly irretating to utter and complete metephysical annihilation)

A) The collapse of CrossGen comics
B) The failure of Atlas Comics/ Seaboard Publ.
C) The "DC Implosion"
D) The failure to print ALL Legion appearances in the Archive series
E) The direct sales/ newsstand division of the Legion & the New Teen Titans.
F) Crisis on Infinate Earths, and the end of the multiverse.
G) The transfer of Marvel's Micronauts and Moon Knight to direct sales only distribution.
H) The failure of the Impact! Comics line
I) The rise of the direct distribution system
J) The cancellation of The Legion

[ May 24, 2004, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
E ?
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :

"E" ranks 2nd most devestating publishing event.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
J ?
Posted by Juan on :
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I'm going to guess "G". If you were upset about the mid-80s Baxter launch of Titans and LSH, I'm guessing it's because you weren't close to a comic book store, so "G" would mean that you had no way to obtain those titles.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Nopers on all guesses this far. "J" is 10th, the least of my worries. "I" is near the top, coming in at 4th. The rationale on the "G" guess is sound, altough I rang "G" as 5th.

So we have

2. E
4. I
5. G
10. J
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Alright, my final guess is "D" because....

I got a 1 in 6 chance. [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'll guess... F.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
2. E
3. F
4. I
5. G
6. D
10. J
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess A) the Cross Gen collapse
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The failiure of the Impact Comics line!

As a long time fan of the Fly, the Comet, and the Shield, you were DEVASTATED to see it done in a shabby way that ultimately resulted in the kinda weird Crucible story and the subsequent cancellation of the line!

Tell me I'm right [Smile] !
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Then I guess that leaves B for me.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
I'll just go with um D
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:


The full list:

10: J) The cancellation of The Legion
Knowing that the Legion will be coming back within a couple of months, and in a form I suspect I am likely to enjoy even more, this cancellation really bothers me the least of anyting on the list.

9: A) The collapse of CrossGen comics
I am sorry to see El Cazador put on hiatus, but that is the only CG title I have ever purchased. So, apart from feeling bad for all the talent hat went unpaid, I could more or less care less.

8: B) The failure of Atlas Comics/ Seaboard Publ.
This is something that bothers me, but only in an after-the-fact manner. As a kid, I had picked up Hands of the Dragon #1, and really liked it. Marvel & DC was all I bought at the time. The only other publisher who put out books at the time that I might have liked was Charlton, but their books just looks so cheap. Atlas, howeve, has an anomoly. For the longest time I scoured every newsstand I could find for another issue of HotD, or even another Atlas Comics. I never found one. Years later I learned the true story. I have always sort of wished the publisher had laster, but there is one think to be tankful for. Today, I hgave managed to accumlates almost all of the 70-some odd issues published.

7: H) The failure of the Impact! Comics line
This is another one that more bothers me after-the-fact. At a time when comics where all grim 'n gritty, I had opes that the Impact line would take off. Still, apart from The Fly, I did not love most of the book. I had always thought that the books would have been more successful on the newsstand to bring young, casual readers into the fanbase. It was only later, after the line had been dead a few years, when I learned that a newsstand focus had been the original intent, but that TPTB at DC had nixed that idea. By following the normal direct market distribution system, the Impact! line was really DOA from teh outset.

6: D) The failure to print ALL Legion appearances in the Archive series
Now we are genuinely getting into areas that trylu bothered me. I have always been incensed that some fairly significant Legaion appearances were left out of the Archive series, simply overlooked. It also amazes me that ADV 371 made the cut, being an earlier Superboy reprint with the Legion pasted into 2 panels. That's one reason I stopped buying the Legion Archives (with #5) and now concentrate my Archive buying dollars on The Spirit.

5: G) The transfer of Marvel's Micronauts and Moon Knight to direct sales only distribution.
VERY dissapointing to me at the time. I was a pretty big fan of both books, but at the time the nearest comcis shop to me was more than 75 miles away, and I did not yet have my drover's license. For Marvel, taking this books to direct sales simply meant losing me as a reader. Can it come as a surprise that neither book laster long thereafter?

4: I) The rise of the direct distribution system
Devestating for the reasons mentioned above. Even today, the nearest comics shop is some 30 miles away from my home. I think there are only a half dozen or so shops in my entire State. I have always lamented the end result of the concentration on the direct market, to loss of the casual reader and the self contained story to fixate on agin fanboys and convuluted continuity.

3: F) Crisis on Infinate Earths, and the end of the multiverse.
Loved the series, hated the result. I have alwasy felt that DC was right to update the characters, nd jettison some of the baggage, but rather than shoehorning all of the multiverse into one universe, they should have just left everything as was an moved their foucs to a new Earth. That way, E-1 would still be there, to be visited once and awhile, and we would have avoided much of the later continuity messes.

2: E) The direct sales/ newsstand division of the Legion & the New Teen Titans.
As with #5 above, except that instead of liking these two books, I LOVED them!! Also, at the time I felt slapped in the face by the whole transition from newsstand to direct sales. Even though I was grateful that I was still getting something, instead of losing my books entirely as with #5, I was aware enough of the fan press at that time to know that I was missing the "real" series.

1. C) The "DC Implosion"
I can't even begin to explain how much this efected me. I was HUGH into DC in 1978. I think I was around 10 or eleven at the time, the real GOLDEN AGE of comics readership. I saw the ads for the ADC Explosion and MAN, was I EXCITED! But then... nothing. Moreever, some of my favorite books began disapearing, righ in mid-story. I was used to the vageries of newsstand disrtubution, but usually by riding my bike around to enough stores, I could find al the books I wanted. But here, nothing, and I had no real way to know that the boks never came out, I had thought that probably other kids were as excited about the new books as me and were getting to the newsstands ahead of me. I spent an entire summer searching in vain for the concluding chapters to the JSA/Freedom Fighters/Secret Society cross-over. I did get Black Lightning #11, with the Ray back-up, and since it alluded to that story I naturally assumed it came out. Even years of lurking around flea markets and used books stores that sold old comics never turned up the books I was searching for. All I knew was that my DC books and suddenly, at the very zenith of my young comics collecting enthusiasm, become smaller and somehow less exciting. Only later did I learn of the infamous DC implosion. Had things happened differently, if the explosion had come, I might enjoy comics just a bit more than I do today. Sadly, since 1978 there has always been just a touch of cynisism tucked away in the back of my collecting soul.

[ May 27, 2004, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
So, next question to you EDE.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Melting Meteorites! I'll have to come up with a question.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Oh... okay.

I share something in common with two of these posters that I don't share with the third. Which one doesn't belong?

b. CJ
c. Obadiah Oldbuck
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess c. Obadiah Oldbuck
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
I'll guess me too... I've never belonged anywhere. [Mad]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I'll guess "B"
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Quis and Obadiah are right!

And what do we have in common?

The same last name!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Dammit, I knew that one! I should have checked [Smile] !

I once thought EDE and Lardy were brothers! EDE kept telling me they were the same guy, until I finally bothered him so much, he revealed the truth! The moral? Pestering EDE always produces benefits!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
MLLASH once spent months thinking I was an alt-ID of LARDLAD!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
<runs screaming across the galaxy, til his head explodes somwhere around Pluto>
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Quis and Obadiah are right!

And what do we have in common?

The same last name!

Seeing as Obidah Oldbuck and I both got the question correct, we collaborated on this next question.

Both Quislet and Obadiah Oldbuck like which Legionnaire:

d)Princess Projectra
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Princess Projectra!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Posted by capt._dallas on :

Now that covers all choices. [Big Grin]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Cobie wins! Princess Projectra is the only real Legionnaire. The other three are mere hypertime anomoloes better left forgotten.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
All it took was reading Duke's new profile in "Who's Who on Legion World" to know I had that one in the bag!

Since I'm trying to think of a question off the top of my mind, I'll go with:

Five out of these Six are some of my favorite Spider-man villians of all time. Which one do I really not care for?:

A. Hobgoblin
B. Tombstone
C. Scorpion
D. Vulture
E. Venom
F. Tarrantula

Here's a small hint that may eliminate a choice or two for people who know Spidey: I love Doc Ock, Kraven, Sandman, Lizard, Chameleon, Mysterio and the Molten Man too.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Let's say then that you like the more classic villains, and not hte grim n gritty '80s era stuff.

I vote: E. Venom
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'll guess E.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
No, you can't guess E. I already picked E. Go get yourself another letter, hat boy [Razz]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ack! I guess the hint made it too easy!

As many of you know, I am a huge Spider-Man fan, equal to my love for the Legion. Spidey was my Dad's favorite, so by the time I was born, he owned every Spider-man story ever written, and has bought them all to this day. My first adventure into the comics world was when I was eleven and decided to read every Spider-Man story ever written from Amazing Fantasy #15 up through the current issue in chronilogical order.

Thus, my hint was meant to eliminate Scorpion and Vulture, since all Ditko era villians are the best for me. Same goes for the Romita villians, and even the ones up until the 70's, so I have a fondness for Tarantuala too (from ASM #134).

Up next is the Hobgoblin, who might be my favorite Spidey villian of all-time. The Hob mystery from ASM #238 to #278 is my all-time favorite mystery villian story, and all his appearances were done amazingly well. The 2nd Hobgoblin sucked when compared to the first, but they finally fixed it in the Hobgoblin Lives series! IMO, Norman Osborn being still alive is a totally stupid move, and someone should re-kill him ASAP. The once great mystique of the Green Goblin has now turned into another Lex Luthor/Red Skull arch-nemesis, when Spidey already had that with Doc Ock and others.

Tombstone is another one that I'm strangely fond of, even though he's a bit more grim and gritty. Something about the way he was drawn early on, and how menacing he was to both Spidey and Joe Robertson scared me enough to make me like him.

And that of course leaves Venom, who I guess I obviously don't care for [Smile] . It has a lot to do with my Dad not liking him: he marked a turn to the 90's grim and gritty, Image artists not drawing correctly era. The fact that he appeared every ten issues, and then Larson adding in the teeth and toungue really turned me off. I don't hate the character, but I could do without him.

Carnage, however, I hate [Big Grin] .

OO, you had it first, although by mere seconds it appears!

(And I really hope someone read through this whole post, I get very enthuasiastic about Spider-man [Smile] )
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Obadiah Oldbuck:
Cobie wins! Princess Projectra is the only real Legionnaire. The other three are mere hypertime anomoloes better left forgotten.

I beg to differ about Quislet and Monstress. I'll withhold comment on Gear until he gets developed
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Well, we agreed on which of the four we like best any way [Good]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Since EDE & I both answered correctly, and only seconds apart, we have also collaborated on a questions.

Of the following Jummy Stewart movies, which one do both EDE & OO cite as their all-time favorite?

A) Anatomy of a Murder
B) Destry Rides Again
C) Harvey
D) It's a Wonderful Life
E) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
F) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
G) The Philadelphia Story
H) Rear Window
I) Rope
J) The Shop Around the Corner
K) You Can't Take it With You
L) Vertigo
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Obadiah Oldbuck:
Since EDE & I both answered correctly, and only seconds apart, we have also collaborated on a questions.

Of the following Jummy Stewart movies, which one do both EDE & OO cite as their all-time favorite?

A) Anatomy of a Murder
B) Destry Rides Again
C) Harvey
D) It's a Wonderful Life
E) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
F) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
G) The Philadelphia Story
H) Rear Window
I) Rope
J) The Shop Around the Corner
K) You Can't Take it With You
L) Vertigo

I'll go with F) Mr. Smith goes to Washington

(Although "It's a Wonderful Life" always makes me cry)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It's a Wonderful LIfe is also the only movie that *always* makes me cry ever time I watch it, Quis.

So I guess I'll go with that!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Sorry. While Obie counts "Mr. Smith" among his favorites, and IAWL is one of mine, neither of them is our absolute favorite!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
The Shop Around the Corner is a wonderful early Jimmy, but even still not the best.

Guess again.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Harbinger on :
Vertigo must be your favourite, if only for the clever use of red and green throughout it denote the emotion that was being conveyed.

The psychadelic poster was a winner too!
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

Ah, of hearthfires and holocausts....

The Philadelphia Story is probably my favorite Kate, but not my favorite Jimmy.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Vertigo must be your favourite, if only for the clever use of red and green throughout it denote the emotion that was being conveyed.

The psychadelic poster was a winner too!

Everyone says Vertigo was a masterpiece of melodrama, Not sure how EDE feels, but Vertigo always seemed a tad to peased with its own cleverness for me.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Obadiah Oldbuck:
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Vertigo must be your favourite, if only for the clever use of red and green throughout it denote the emotion that was being conveyed.

The psychadelic poster was a winner too!

Everyone says Vertigo was a masterpiece of melodrama, Not sure how EDE feels, but Vertigo always seemed a tad to peased with its own cleverness for me.
I love nearly everything Hitchcock did, especially his collaborations with Jimmy. The ending more than anything makes Vertigo a classic.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:

While The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is the favorite Jimmy Western of both OO and myself, it's not our favorite movie of his.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I will guess A, simply because I can.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I will guess A, simply because I can.

And yet, you would be wrong.

Golly, what's left for choices?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Well with all the choices I'm taking a second guess. I'll say C) Harvey
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
And that would be correct, Quis!

You're up!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

How about: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and infinity.... Nah!

When I was a kid my favorite type of dynosaur was:

A) Stegasaurus
B) Bronotosaurus(Yes I know they don't call them that anymore)
C) Triceratops
D) T. Rex
E) Pterodactyl
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by capt._dallas on :

Because they're so damn cute.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Nope, Triceratops was my number 3 Dinosaur though
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:

Because they're so damn cute.

Don't you just know it!

That is the correct answer.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:

Sorry, CJ, but unless Quis has changed his mind, I've posted the correct answer.

Okay, which of the following is NOT true of Capt._dallas:

1. His name (REAL name, not username) appeared in an issue of Legion of Super-Heroes.
2. His uncle was a roommate of Roger Staubach’s at the Naval Academy.
3. His bachelor party was a Red Sox-Angels game at Fenway Park.
4. Received credit as a “scripter” for an independent comic book in the mid-1990s.
5. At the age of 12 was told by a professional psychologist that comic book reading was the cause of his insomnia.
6. As a college freshman he opted to read the conclusion to Alan Moore’s “Watchmen” instead of having sex with his girlfriend.
7. Still has all the vintage Star Wars figures that he bought as a child in the late 1970s.
8. Spent a day in a medium security prison in Smyrna, Delaware
9. Until his senior year in high school he misspelled his middle name of “Matthew” as “Matheau”
10. When he was 15 he was caught by the police drinking alcohol in a public park after sundown..., but was told he wouldn’t receive a ticket (and wouldn’t be arrested) because he was “too young.”

Bon appetite!

Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
I'll guess 6. I mean, Watchmen was good, but....
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Obadiah Oldbuck:
I'll guess 6. I mean, Watchmen was good, but....

I can understand your reasoning, but no, it's true, in Fall 1987 as a college freshman, I was TOTALLY hooked into Watchmen, so much so that I declined sex with my girlfriend in order to finish the story.

Amazingly, she was still my girlfriend for a few months after that (maybe she just wanted the chance to get even [Big Grin] ).
Posted by Library Lad on :
Hmm. Wouldn't have been a choice with my college freshman sweetheart. We used to read comics aloud to each other and compete for the most impressive sound effect reading. The, um, sound effects would then be used later during...well.
I guess you had to be there. It was a heckuva lot of fun, though!
Still miss that gal. She got married twice and had a kid, but not with me.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I think they are all true.

But I'll guess that:
8. Spent a day in a medium security prison in Smyrna, Delaware

is not true
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I think they are all true.

Well, they're all true except one. [Big Grin]

But I'll guess that: 8. Spent a day in a medium security prison in Smyrna, Delaware
is not true

No, it's true, I did spend a day in prison... as a visitor. As a junior at the University of Delaware, I took a Criminal Justice course, and one day we all went to the prison and interviewed some inmates.

Without a doubt, the prison was the scariest place I've ever been to in my life. I thanked God that we were separated from the inmates by thick metal bars because these guys acted like they wanted to rip off our arms at the shoulder!

I was pretty much a law-abiding person before the trip, and afterwards, even more so. [Good]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I think they are all true.

Well, they're all true except one. [Big Grin]

But I'll guess that: 8. Spent a day in a medium security prison in Smyrna, Delaware
is not true

No, it's true, I did spend a day in prison... as a visitor. As a junior at the University of Delaware, I took a Criminal Justice course, and one day we all went to the prison and interviewed some inmates.

Without a doubt, the prison was the scariest place I've ever been to in my life. I thanked God that we were separated from the inmates by thick metal bars because these guys acted like they wanted to rip off our arms at the shoulder!

I was pretty much a law-abiding person before the trip, and afterwards, even more so. [Good]

I assumed that it was for a visit and not as a requirement.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I don't think you had your bachelor party at Fenway, Cap. I mean, c'mon, you're a New Yorker [Big Grin] !

[ June 09, 2004, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I don't think you had your bachelor party at Fenway, Cap. I mean, c'mon, you're a New Yorker [Big Grin] !

Your reasoning is sound, C.K. I was born and raised in Long Island, NY, but believe it or not, I don't root for ANY of local pro sports teams. Check my profile: I'm a Boston Red Sox, Dallas Cowboys, and Dallas Mavericks fan.

So, my bachelor party in August 1999 was indeed a trip with three of my buddies to Fenway Park to watch my Red Sox take on the Anahiem Angels. Tim Wakefield started, got rocked (he had a tough year in 1999), but the Red Sox offense bailed him out. Jose Offerman hit an 2 RBI ground-rule double for the winning run.

My fiance (now wife) was very happy with this bachelor party as it did not involve ANY strippers. [Good]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'd guess 7, that you still have all the Star Wars figures that you bought as a kid. I mean, if you lost just one figure then that'd make it false, after all.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
I was born and raised in Long Island, NY, but believe it or not, I don't root for ANY of local pro sports teams. Check my profile: I'm a Boston Red Sox, Dallas Cowboys, and Dallas Mavericks fan.


Dude, the Mets rule, and the Islanders are one of hockey's greatest legacies.

okay, maybe not so much these days, but still

[ June 10, 2004, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
And for the record, I'm going to guess your real name made print.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Dude, the Mets rule...

They certainly ruled over my Red Sox in 1986.
[Frown] Poor Bill Buckner. It's a shame he got painted as the goat when the blame really falls on Bob Stanley's shoulders (or pitching arm).
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
And for the record, I'm going to guess your real name made print.

My real name appeared in "Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes" #330 (published in December 1985 and reprinting the issue where Jeckie kills Nemesis Kid) in the letter column. [Big Grin]

My letter hypothesized that Daxamites had colonized Krypton.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
I'd guess 7, that you still have all the Star Wars figures that you bought as a kid.

BINGO! I mean, who the heck has kept all their 1970s Star Wars figures that they ORIGINALLY bought as a kid? Why do you think they're worth so much? [Big Grin]

Okay, I.B., your turn again!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
BINGO! I mean, who the heck has kept all their 1970s Star Wars figures that they ORIGINALLY bought as a kid? Why do you think they're worth so much? [Big Grin]

Hmm... I think I still have all mine. I'm missing accessories to almost all of them, and a number of them had their heads or limbs or something glued back on at some point, but I believe I have every figure released up through the first year of Return of the Jedi figures in some form or another. They're all buried in boxes at the parents, though.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Okay, let's see...

Anime is pretty popular in this part of the world, and while I'm not as addicted as some kids I know, I still watch it a lot. Which of these is my favorite?

a) Ruruoni Kenshin Samurai X)- about a samurai who became notorious as a killer; he becomes horrified at all the killing that he's caused and decides to lead a peaceful life
b) Fushigi Yugi (Curious Play) - two schoolgirls get sucked into a book where they meet up with a bunch of special warriors and have to help stop a war between two countries
c) El Hazard - The Alternative World - again, a bunch of kids get transported into a beautiful alternate world, where they quickly get swept up into a war between the Kingodm of Roshtaraia and the Bugrom Empire
d) Getbackers - two guys, one who has lightning powers and another who can create illusions, try to get rich quick by specializing in recovering lost items/people, hence the name
e) Gensomaden Saiyuki (Journey to the West) - a violent, "corrupt" monk, a monkey prince, a horny water demon and a guy with a pet dragon who can turn into a jeep go west to stop a powerful demon from getting revived
f) Ayashi No Ceres ( I have no idea what this is in English [Razz] )- a mysterious power is awakened inside a young girl, who must escape from her uncle and grandfather who want to exploit said power for their own uses
g) Gatekeepers - a bunch of kids use their extra-dimensional powers to repel a bunch of invaders
h) Ranma 1/2 - Ranma is a boy who turns into a girl everytime he comes into contact with cold water. For added laughs, he has a violent fiancee, a dad who turns into a panda, an Amazon girl who keeps trying to marry him and a lot of other kooky characters who would fit right into Matter-Eater Lad: The Series.
i) Ghost in the Shell - haven't watched it much, but it's kinda about a futuristic world where cyborgs abound and people regularly get their brains transplanted into machine bodies
j) Pokemon - duh. [Wink]

(edited to include brief descriptions)

[ June 11, 2004, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I say Ranma 1/2

(I particularly love the conceopt of Ryoga the Lost Boy)

Also I don't know 6 of the choices
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Ghost in the Shell.

I actually do not have a single clue about Anime (does "Battle of the Planets" count as Anime?), so I'm going with the Anime that sounds familiar to me. [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope, and nope.

Ranma is pretty funny, but the fact that the story kinda goes nowhere after a while turns me off. But I do love how Ranma changes gender whenever he gets wet. [Big Grin]

And while Ghost in the Shell looks promising, I've only watched one or two episodes so far, so I haven't really warmed up to it that much.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
F as in Fun?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope. It was a bit too emotional and weird for my tastes.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Could it be Fushigi Yugi (Curious Play)?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope, but close! It's my second fave among all those listed! It's the only anime that I know of to have a narcissistic master swordsman who happens to be an emperor, a transvestite with the strength of a Daxamite, a heroine with the appetite of Validus, and a villain who tries to make said heroine lose her virginity so that she won't be able to use her special powers. Not to mention lots of others, and it's a very good balance of comedy, tragedy, action and characterization.

FYI, my fave is Samurai X. IMHO, everything that Curious Play does, Samurai does a bit better. The characters are more fully fleshed out, the story better written, and it's longest and most successful story arc ran for at least 40-50 episodes, and pretty much every kid in school I know who watches the series tuned in dutifully every night to watch the show was kept on the edge of his/her seat throughout the whole arc. It was THAT good.

But since I'll be gone for the next three weeks, I'll give the Q to Faraway since he came in closest. You're up!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :

'Cause I want to know more about you kids...
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

I also sent Faraway Lad a PM to let him know he is up
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
"eh!. Wassat! yawn, noisy young whippersnappers" [Smile]

Sorry guys been doing real world things for a bit. [Frown]

Now then a question, a question, what can I ask. [Confused]

Which of the following sports do I absolutely hate and will not watch unless forced to at gun point.

1) Football (soccer for those who refuse to join the rest of the world) [Big Grin]

2) Cricket

3) Australian Rules Football

4) Tennis

5) Athletics

6) American Rules Football

7) Wrestling.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I say 7) Wrestling
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I'm going to say (6) because like all non-Americans, you think American Rules Football has too much play stoppage. Europeans think American Rules Football is boring, yes? [Big Grin]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'll guess #5. I don't like watching Oakland play baseball either...
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I'll guess #5. I don't like watching Oakland play baseball either...

[LOL] I have a feeling that joke is going to fly right over the heads of our friends from across the pond.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I say 7) Wrestling

Nope. Although I do accept the argument that this is not actually a sport. The over the top style is entertaining is short bursts
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
I'm going to say (6) because like all non-Americans, you think American Rules Football has too much play stoppage. Europeans think American Rules Football is boring, yes? [Big Grin]

Yes we do think its boring [Big Grin]

But that's not the answer, as I can actually watch this, in company and with a few beers its true, but I can watch big Americans getting flattened if I am in the right mood [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I'll guess #5. I don't like watching Oakland play baseball either...

[LOL] I have a feeling that joke is going to fly right over the heads of our friends from across the pond.
It did. [Confused]

But its not Athletics either.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going to say Cricket since that would be the last thing you would think a Brit would hate. Kinda like an American hating baseball (which I do).
Posted by UTS on :
Australian rules footie!
Posted by Kent_Shakespeare on :
Hey guys! As a coach of "real" wrestling, I can tell you that it's anything, but boring if you know what's going on. I'm talking about the wide open style with throws and tilts of Olympic wrestling: Freestyle,or the all upper body Greco Roman style, or there is the more controlling style, that we in the United States do, Folkstyle. Not as flamboyant as "Professional Wreslting," however.

[ June 19, 2004, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Kent_Shakespeare ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I'll guess #5. I don't like watching Oakland play baseball either...

[LOL] I have a feeling that joke is going to fly right over the heads of our friends from across the pond.
It did. [Confused]

But its not Athletics either.

The Athletics is the name of the Oakland CA baseball team.

By Athletics, do you mean Gymnastics?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I'll guess #5. I don't like watching Oakland play baseball either...

[LOL] I have a feeling that joke is going to fly right over the heads of our friends from across the pond.
It did. [Confused]

But its not Athletics either.

The Athletics is the name of the Oakland CA baseball team.

By Athletics, do you mean Gymnastics?

I actually meant all Olympic sports, track and field and stuff.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by UTS:
Australian rules footie!

Way way off Stu. I love watching this when I get the chance. Its exciting fast rough and high scoring. Plus its very physical and some of the tackles passes and marks are amazing.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I'm going to say Cricket since that would be the last thing you would think a Brit would hate. Kinda like an American hating baseball (which I do).

And we have a winner [Big Grin]

Much to my shame I cant stand cricket. It is one of the most boring games going. And as a telly spectacle I just cant see the point.

So Scott i hand the baton over to you.
Posted by UTS on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Originally posted by UTS:
Australian rules footie!

Way way off Stu. I love watching this when I get the chance. Its exciting fast rough and high scoring. Plus its very physical and some of the tackles passes and marks are amazing.
Hee hee! I said that because I remember your mentioning that you liked Australian rules footie.

I just wanted you to hear you give a breathless description of this "exciting," "fast," "rough," and "physical" game. [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
You just like getting me all hot and breathless full stop dont you [Wink]
Posted by UTS on :
Not to mention "high scoring"! [Big Grin]
Posted by UTS on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
So Scott i hand the baton over to you.


Scott, come pick up your "baton"...! [Big Grin]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I never was any good at relay races. *sigh*

Okay, should be a simple one. What Legion comic was my very first?

A. Superboy starring The Legion of Super-Heroes #202

B. Superboy starring The Legion of Super-Heroes #210

C. Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes #220

D. Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes #235

E. Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes #243

F. Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes #250
Posted by UTS on :
You mean it's not Adventure #312 or #322? [Wink]

I'll guess "C"!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Sorry, "Super-Soldiers of the Slave-Maker" was not my first Legion.

Posted by MLLASH on :
I believe I recall reading somehwere that it was S/LSH 210? I know "Soljer's Private War" was SOMEone here's first LSH comic...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You got it Lash. "Soljer's Private War" was my first Legion comic. Came out, or I got it, after my father passed in 1975. You're up buddy.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Okay, this could be fun...

Which of the following LW posters have I known for the longest time?

a) Eryk Davis Ester

b) Leap Year Lass/Thriftshop Debutante

c) Cobalt Kid

d) Poverty Lad

e) Bevis
Posted by UTS on :
Me! [Big Grin]

(OK, so there's one person on that list you've known longer. [Smile] )
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Cobalt ?
Posted by MLLASH on :
You are correct, Far!

When I began posting at the old DC boards back in 1999, Cobie was already posting. He was one of my drafts for the original Legion of Message Board posters along with LARDLAD (here every now and then), Tsarin (here regularly as Mystery Lad), Shadowplay in Candlelight (not seen in ages and very missed). I've also known Beagz and Spellbinder for about that length of time!

You're up, Far!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I felt that [Big Grin]

Now question question where can I find me a question.

Aha I have it!

One small random chance brought me back to reading the legion after many years what was it?

a) Seeing the Batman film made me wonder what had happened to my favourites from my childhood

b) I came across a web site that mentioned the Legion

c) I found an old copy of the legion in a flea market and bought it.

d) My girlfriend was interested and re introduced me.

e) Stu said if i didnt start to read the legion he would beat me up
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll go with C) you found an old copy of the Legion in a flea market and bought it
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I go with (A). You were born in 1960, so when "Batman" was released, you would have been 29, and that's about the right age for comic reading nostalgia. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
You are correct, Far!

When I began posting at the old DC boards back in 1999, Cobie was already posting. He was one of my drafts for the original Legion of Message Board posters along with LARDLAD (here every now and then), Tsarin (here regularly as Mystery Lad), Shadowplay in Candlelight (not seen in ages and very missed). I've also known Beagz and Spellbinder for about that length of time!

You're up, Far!

[Smile] 1999 doesn't seem so long ago, but I've known Lash and a few others for quite awhile! It's been a fun road so far that has no end in sight!

And Far's question: B? You came across a website (possibly an LMB website) and started collecting the Legion again?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'll go with E, just because.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
And we already have a winner.

Drum roll to build up the tension.


Quislet Esq, steps up to take the cheers of an adoring crowd. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Alright I don't think I've asked this one

What is my favorite color?

1) Green
2) Blue
3) Lavender
4) Black
5) White
6) Yellow
7) Red
8) Burnt Sienna
Posted by Juan on :
Burnt Sienna, of course!
Posted by capt._dallas on :

You're from Boston, and all Red Sox fans love the color red. [Big Grin]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
He's a lawyer, its Blue. Probably wears a blue suit to court all the time. [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Dollars are green, and I love dollars.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Invisible Brainiac is correct that green is my favorite color, but not because money is green.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Thanks for informing me, Quis, and hope you didn't get insulted by my post. I certainly doubt you're anywhere near as greedy as I sometimes am [Smile]

My Q:

I just got back from a global youth leaders' conference I attended in DC and New York, and I made a lot of great friends from all over the place. But I did NOT meet anyone from which of these places?

a) Japan
b) Canada
c) Guam
d) Egypt
e) Italy
f) Pakistan
g) Thailand
h) Saudi Arabia
I) Nepal
j) Germany
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going to guess i) Nepal.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Saudi Arabia seems the most insular, so I'm going to go with that.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Thailand. I have absolutely no reasoning behind this guess.
Posted by Future on :
b) Canada. It sticks out to me amongst all these nations, as it is the only predominant English-speaking country on the list.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope to all. There were two guys from Nepal, a handful from Saudi Arabia, a girl from Thailand and I met two from Canada, but there could have been as many as eight or ten.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'll guess Pakistan
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say Italy
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm guessing Guam. Uh, just because...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Hehe, going into the weekend, the suspense is killing me. Monday morning is too far away!!!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And OM is right!

I never actually met anyone from Italy, although I'm sure some Italian students were invited.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Ah. I shall need to come up with a question on the fly, then.

OK. What's my favorite Beatles song?

a)In My Life
b)I Saw Her Standing There
c)You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
d)I've Just Seen A Face
e)I'm Only Sleeping
f)Can't Buy Me Love
g)Strawberry Fields Forever
h)It's All Too Much
i)Let It Be
j)A Hard Days' Night
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
b ?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll vote for C) You've Got to Hide Your Love Away, since it's *my* favorite Beatles song...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'll go "a," In My Life... one of my faves.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
G ?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'll go with J.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Shoot! I was going to guess "J" too. Alright, I'll guess "Let It BE" then.
Posted by Future on :
I'll choose "E", then.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Classics, the lot of 'em. My God, what a band.

But I give the nod to the spliced-together majesty of "Strawberry Fields Forever", which means it's now over to Faraway.
Posted by . on :
Should've been easy to deduce, since OM's the mellotronist with Calamity!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
ok, Staying with a musical theme (of sorts)

In my youth I learnt to play in a band, what instument did I play.

a) Flute
b) Guitar
c) Trumpet
d) Bugle
e) Drums
f) Trombone
g) Violin
e) Saxophone
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Faraway, you strike me as a Sax player, so that's my guess. [Big Grin]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'll guess drums. They are just about the coolest instrument, and Far, you're just about the coolest.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say trumpet.
Posted by Future on :
Perhaps f) trombone?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well we already have a winner.

V I wished I could play the sax, it has a wonderful sound.

Trombone and trumpet are both good guesses but not quite.

Drums? Well I could manage to get a bit of a tune out of the side drum, and looked good on the tenor, especially when giving the sticks a good twirl But the answer I was looking for is

d) bugle.

Congratulations IB.

For many years in my teens I was in a marching band and was firstly Bugle major (we tried to model ourselves on The Light Infantry bands) and latterly Drum Major.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Um, let's see...

I'm sure you guys aren't familiar with modern Filipino music, so... [Big Grin]

Which of these modern songs is MY favorite?

a) Mr. Suave
b) Bulaklak
c) Sa Iyo
d) Rainbow
e) Alumni Homecoming
f) Otso-otso
g) This Guy's In Love With You, Pare
h) Harana
i) Gotta Believe In Magic
j) The Yes Yes Show
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say E.

(Now, watch that be a title you just made up....) [Smile]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Alumni Homecoming Song Lyrics

Napatunganga nung bigla kitang nakita
Pagkalipas ng mahabang panahon.
Highschool pa tayo nung una kang nakilala
At tandang tanda ko pa
Noon pa ay sobrang lupit mo na!
Hindi ko lang alam kung pano,
Basta biglang nagsama tayo
Di nagtagal ay napaibig mo ako!
Mula umaga hanggang uwian natin lagging
Magkasama tayong dalawa.

Parang kahapon lang nangyari
Sa kin ang lahat
Parang isang dulang medyo romantiko
Ang banat
Ngunit nung napag-usapan,
Bigla nalang nagkahiyaan
Mula noon hindi na tayo nagpansinan!

Bakit ko ba pinabayaan
Mawala ng hindi inaasahan
Parang nasayang lang.
Nawala na at wala nang nagawa!!!

Panay ang plano,
Ngunit panay ang urong at
Inabot na ng dulo ng taon!
Graduation natin nung biglang
Nag-absent partner ko.
Naging mag-partner tayo!
Eksakto na ang timing!
Planado na ang sasabihin!
Ngunit hanggang huli, wala akong

Napatunganga nung bigla kitang nakita
Pagkalipas ng mahabang panahon.
Sobrang alam ko na an aking sasabihin
At ako'y napailing sa ganda ng ngiti mo sa'kin
At nung ikaw ay nilapitan
Bigla na lang napaligiran ng iyong mga anak
Sa pangit mong asawa

You were saying? [Smile]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh, yeah, and keep guessing, guys.
Posted by Harbinger on :
I choose i), for Invisible.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I say

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'll go with:


since there's no song about Zoe on the list.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
You were saying? [Smile]

Well, "Be True To Your School" it ain't.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
IB, you ARE Mr. Suave!!
Posted by Bamfer T. Bamf on :
Posted by Bamfer T. Bamf on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
I will guess H.
Posted by Future on :
I'll randomly guess....B?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope to all.

i) Gotta Believe in Magic is a somewhat upbeat love song from a boy band. It's pretty much considered a classic round these parts.

c) Sa Iyo is another love song, this time by a solo female artist.

e) Alumni Homecoming is actually pretty funny. It's about a guy who never got up the nerve to make the move on his first love. Maybe I'll translate it for you guys.

c) Bulaklak is a really silly song. It means "flower" in Filipino, but everybody knows the songwriter was actually talking about something else that's big, red, smells good, tastes good and opens like a flower... [Wink] [Big Grin]

h) Harana- harana is a method of courtship in which a guy sings songs and sweet nothings under the window of the girl he likes while playing a guitar. Of course, this traditionally happens while her parents are watching- and this hasn't been in vogue since about fifty years ago.

Oh, and Kent, as far as I know there IS no song anywhere about Zoe... [Frown] Good guess though. [Smile]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
then MAKE ONE already!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Concrete Blonde, as sung by DnA:

Zoe... baby...
Don't say maybe
If I seemed to be confused
It's cause your makeover's not you
And if you say you're evolved, well, I guess that's not you, too
But if it's brown you're looking for
you don't have to go too far
look at a mirror and pass out on the floor
Zoe, We're not writing anymore
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

That song just makes me cry!

Sob! It's so true!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Okay IB, I'm going with G.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And would you believe, you got it right!

It's a really funny song (the funniest one on the list) about a straight guy who suddenly finds out that his best friend is gay and is in love with him, and how he deals with the shock of that revelation. I've put the English translations in bold.

Hope nobody gets offended by this, but since it's such a hit back here (and even my international pals find it funny) I thought I'd post it here too.


one look and then yun iba na
one look and then it all changed
malagkit dumikit ang tingin ng mata
his stare was sticky as glue
one smile,iba na ang ibig sabihin
one smile, and the meaning is different
'di na friends,ang tingin nya sa akin
he doesn't see me as a friend anymore
everyday parating we're together
everyday, we're always together
every week,palaging may sleepover
every week, we always have sleepovers
ang tawag nya sa mommy ko ay tita
he calls my mom "auntie"
bakit ba,di ko non nakita
oh why didn't I see it

until out of the blue,
this feeling so true
bigla nalang sinabi sa akin that
he suddenly told me that

this guy's in love with you pare,
this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love wiyh you pare
bading na bading sayo..
he's very very gay cause ofyou...
(pare means really good pal/friend/buddy)

di na ako makasagot ng telepono
I don't answer the phone anymore
palagi nyang kinakausap ang parents ko
he always tells my parents
kulang daw sa tulog at di na makakain
he can't sleep and he doesn't eat anymore
bakit ba? di pa non inamin
why didn't he say so before

repeat bridge and chorus

everyday day ay rainy day and monday
every day's like a rainy day or Monday
'coz 'di na ko maaya to come out and play
cause he can't get me to come out and play
tinataguan na nga,palaging late o absent
i'm hiding from him, i'm always late or absent
ang sabi parin
he still says
"i'll always have a friend that you can depend"

di kailangan na mag-oonn...
you don't need to be "official"...
(in Filipino slang, when a boy and a girl are an "official couple", we say they're "on")

parang talong at bagoooong...
just like eggplants and bagoong...
(bagoong is a smelly yet tasty sauce; eggplants are usually eating with it so this is like saying they're as close as bread and butter)

this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love with you pare
this guy's in love with you pare
bading na bading
very very gay
converted parin
"converted" already
na nakikipag-fling sayo..
and having a fling with you...
repeat chorus with..
oh no! my bestfriend's gay
it's the same old friend i had yesterday
and he's happy.. and gay...yeah..yeah..
na na na nananana na nanan na(2x)

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Take it away, CJ.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Hey, that is a good one. I'm curious why we don't have it statesside. For some reason, we can get European stuff, and some Autralian music, but not much else getting airtime here. American radio isn't all that great anymore. Ah well.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Okay here's one I get often. I will tell you in advance, I've posted it on "Who are you" threads, just not the one on here at LW. And, while imaginative guesses are always welcome, they most likely won't be correct.

What does C.J. stand for?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Charles James
Posted by Varalent on :
Christopher John
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Chester John
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Wow, I'd figure you'd all get the first name long before my middle name. John is right, named after my maternal grandpa. The greatest man I never met.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Carl John?
Posted by Varalent on :
Craig John
Cecil John
Carlos John
Caleb John
Curtis John

...hmmm can't think of any more C names at the moment. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm Batman!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I am assuming that means no right answer yet.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
No, not yet. But it is a hint...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Your first name is Clooney?

Both Keaton and Kilmer start with "K"s, so.....

This is my last guess.
Posted by Varalent on :
Ceasar John ? [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Posted by Comet King on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Conroy? (isn't that the last name of the guy who's been doing the voice of Batman/Bruce Wayne for all the WB Animation projects?)
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Miner, you got it!

Christian John, tho' I've been C.J. ever since I was 4 and my folks bought t-shirts for their kids. Christian wouldn't fit across my then small chest. C.J. was born.

Last Fall, a friend of mine asked me if the reason I didn't celebrate Christmas was because I'm Jewish. I stared at him for over 2 minutes before he smacked himself.

Outdoor Miner, it's all yours.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Well, OM?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well what?

Oh, right. Geez.

Alright, I had a fantastic time at San Diego this year, but it wasn't my first big con. How many major cons have I attended?

And just to make it interesting, I'm not doing this multiple choice.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
The answer is somewhere between Future and Kent's guesses.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I knew it!

It must be 11, then.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll do a second guess of 3
Posted by STU on :
I guess eight.
Posted by STU on :
Oh, and CJ -- I like your new STU-Lion avatar! [Big Grin]

That was in my short-lived feline phase...
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] 14 [Dreamer]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
I'll go for 4 1/2.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Aim a little higher.

Not as high as 5,280, though.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
16 ?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's been pointed out to me that I may have phrased the question badly. By total, I'm referring to total trips made, not total locations. So, if I've made three trips to San Diego, I'm counting that as three cons.

Which is another way of saying nobody's got it yet.
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] 21 [Dreamer]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
3 + 4 X 7 (89/475) (.89) divided by the square root of 567890.

Sorry, been stuffing my brain with math for the last couple of days...

Um... 35?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] 41 [Dreamer]
Posted by STU on :
I'm gonna guess again!

Posted by rtvu2 on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
The STUs have it.

For the record, it's been 11 Dragon*Cons, 5 KatsuCons, 4 San Diegos, 3 Chicagos (2 before Wizard, 1 since), 2 Mid-Ohios, 2 Baltimores, and 2 Otakons.

What a life, eh?
Posted by STU on :
A Bug's Life! [Big Grin]

I'll be back in a bit with a question...
Posted by STU on :
What's the largest number of pieces of sushi that I've eaten at one sitting?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by STU on :
Keep guessing! Keep in mind that I'm all about the food. [Matter Eater Lad]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by STU on :
It is between Kent's first guess and rtvu2's!

Whoever either guesses the exact number or comes closest by tomorrow evening gets it.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by rtvu2 on :
48 and a half
Posted by STU on :
It's a tie between Invisible Brainiac and Future!

The answer is -- 61 pieces. A friend and I got into a sushi eat-off at an all-you-can eat place. We both stopped at 60 pieces, ready to burst, and called a truce.

However, on the way out of the restaurant, I snagged one extra piece of sushi and hid it in a napkin -- and I ate it after we were in the car, declaring myself the winner! [Big Grin] (My friend was pissed.)

Whichever of you gets the correct answer to this tie-breaker question can have the next question:

Which kind of sushi do I like more, spicy tuna or yellowtail?
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
That leaves spicy tuna for my guess then.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Bet future's right. I cas see STU chasing... never mind.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I think either answer works in that vein.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I thought STU gave that up. [Confused]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Yes, but Kent hasn't, which is more to the point.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's an understatement.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
I thought STU gave that up. [Confused]

Well, I do have a craving for eel every now and then. [Big Grin]

Actually, the correct answer is spicy tuna. I love yellowtail and salmon, but I can never resist a good spicy tuna.

Invisible Brainiac, you're up!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Okay, lessee...

How many times have I been president of my class?

No choices - you only have so many numbers to choose from, anyway [Smile]

[ August 20, 2004, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by STU on :
None -- not yet, anyway!
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Two times?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope to all. Really!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
We've covered zero, one, two and three so I'll jump in and say 4!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say 7
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Well, at the rate we're going the next person to guess will most likely be correct.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

High School, the best 6 years of your life!

edit: that's not actually a guess it's just a joke

[ August 25, 2004, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Well, you still kinda got it, my yellow pal! Six years (not consecutively, thank God!) I've had the job, four in my elementary years and two in high school. Total stress!

You're up!
Posted by Future on :
A little [Bump] to help Yellow Kid find the thread AND to make sure we're not stuck on post 666 anymore! Bad karma, I tell you.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
ha ha

Sorry, I had a busy weekend so i didn't see this until today.

-the set up-
Superboy #247 was an April issue, what month was it actually released?

-the question-
I was born later that year, how old am I?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Silly gooses. It was a hint. I turned 46 on Thursday. Where's my "Happy Birthday Yellow" thread?

My favorite Marvel artist did ONE issue of the Legion - who is it?

-I know that's pretty vague but isn't that part of the game?-
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I'm going to guess Rick Leonardi

[ September 05, 2004, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by Ultra-borg on :
Wow, which story did Leonardi do?

Remember Ann Ryd?
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Ultra-borg:
Wow, which story did Leonardi do?

Legion Worlds #4 (September 2001)


Remember Ann Ryd?

Okay, if you're referring to Jim Starlin, you should know that besides SLSH #239, he also drew
SLSH #250 and #251 (the follow-up to the Ayn Rand story) under the pseudonym Steve Apollo.
Posted by Ultra-borg on :
Really? I'll have to dig those out and take a fresh look at them. I only remember Starlin doing that hunt for Ultra Boy story.

...and I'll have to dig out LW#4 sometime today too - always good to have an excuse to reread LSH stuff (not that anybody needs an excuse or anything like that)

Wahoo! Now you get to ask a question. [Big Grin]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
In his "Legion Companion" interview, Jim Stalin said of the "Hunt for Ultra Boy story",

"I can't actually remember if we did one story involving that or if it was a two issue thing, 'cause I did a giant thing for them later on, and that go split up into [two issues--SLSH #250/1]. It was supposed to be one giant issue and it got split up. There were a lot of other problems with it [he didn't like how Dave Hunt finished his layouts and he didn't like the fact that it took a year for the issues to be published], [so] I asked my name to be taken off it, and used a pen name..., 'Steve Apollo.'"

Later Stalin adds, "And out of that sixty-four pages, I think they used forty-eight or something like that. So not only was the artwork done by somebody who wasn't prepared to have to deal with what I had left him, the story was pretty truncated. so I wasn't too happy about the second part of it, and, as a result, never did come back to do anything on [Legion]."
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Okay, here's my question:

I'm a huge Boston Red Sox fan. For my bachelor party in August 1999, 3 friends and I drove to Fenway Park and got to watch a Red Sox-Angels game in some right field seats. Thankfully, the Red Sox came from behind that day and won the game. Who was the Red Sox's starting pitcher that day?

Pedro Martinez
Bret Saberhagan
Tim Wakefield
Mark Portugal
Derek Lowe
Ramon Martinez
Rich Garces
Curt Schilling
Kent Mercker
Tomo Ohka
Posted by Ultra-borg on :
Oh. That's explains a lot of the problems I had with it. I loved Starlin's work on the Capt. Marvel and Warlock series and had high hopes when I bought that comic. >le sigh<

So there are a few pages of Starlin art for that story that were never published?
God, I'd love to see those.
Posted by Stueey on :
I'm going to guess Curt Schilling.
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Bret Saberhagen?
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Stueey:
I'm going to guess Curt Schilling.

You silly, Schilling was still pitching for the Phillies in 1999. [Smile]

Saberhagen isn't the correct answer either.

2 choices down, 8 more available.
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
It's baseball, totally out of my league.
Was it Joe Namath?
Posted by Stueey on :
Ramon Martinez! [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Total Guess: Tim Wakefield
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
I think it was Wakefield but there was another pitcher credited with starting that day too wasn't there? Steve Sparks?

[ September 06, 2004, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Deathstroke Lad ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Tim Wakefield IS the correct answer, and even though it was a total guess on Quis's part, I'm glad a Legion Worlder from Boston got it correct. [Big Grin]

Steve Sparks was a pitcher for the Angels in 1999. Wow! Good memory, LL! I'm pretty sure Sparks did NOT start for the Angels that day because I would have remembered a match-up between two knuckleballers.

What's interesting is that I went to Fenway Park one other time: July 2002 when the Red Sox faced the Oakland A's. The Red Sox starting pitcher that night?

Tim Wakefield.

Alas, that night he got hammered. Frank Castillo relieved him in the 5th and graciously allowed the A's to score some more runs, and the Red Sox lost like 10-2. [Frown]

Quis, you're up!
Posted by Marla Jupiter on :
Is it legal for Long Islanders to root for Boston? This sounds mighty suspicious, Keith.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
[Big Grin] Practically all my relatives grew up in Boston. They transformed/corrupted me into a Red Sox fan by the early 1980s, which gave me enough time to become a die-hard fan and watch my beloved Sox choke against the Mets in '86. [Frown]
Posted by Marla Jupiter on :
Actually, I admire Sox fans. It must take a lot of dedication to watch them time-and-time-again come oh-so-close, but never quite to the top.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
It's not dedication; it's masochism. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oops my question now.

I forget all the questions I asked already.

OK I asked about my nieces. Now which of these is not one of my nephews?

A) Dan
B) Andy
C) Eric
D) Jim
E) Alex
F) David
Posted by Jesse Future on :
B) Andy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Jesse Future:
B) Andy?

Nope. Andy is my nephew and just got married.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
The answer is Jim because no one is called "Jim" anymore. It's James or J.T. or J.R. or Jimmy or Jimbo. But "Jim," puh-lease. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
The answer is Jim because no one is called "Jim" anymore. It's James or J.T. or J.R. or Jimmy or Jimbo. But "Jim," puh-lease. [Big Grin]

Well when he was younger it was Jimmy. His maternal grandmother wanted to call him "Jamie" when he was a baby. But I have noticed that my Brother and Sister-in-law refer to him as Jim now. I assume that it was his choice. I remember when I insisted on being called "Robert" and not "Robbie".
Posted by rdstr2 on :
I'll go E) aLEX
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by rdstr2:
I'll go E) aLEX

Nope. Alex is actually my niece's son. So that makes him a great nephew and me a great uncle.
Posted by rdstr2 on :
well how about Eric then?
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
"Eric the Half-a-Bee ..."

My guess is Dan.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I do not have a nephew named Eric. rdstr2 has the next question.

Dan is my first nephew. I was 7 when he was born. David is also my niece's boy, making him a great nephew and me a great uncle.
Posted by rdstr2 on :
Cool. My turn.

Which one of these comic books, other then the Legion, do i look forward to reading every month.

a. Superman/Batman

b. Fables

c. JSA

d. Flash

e. Tenn Titans

[ September 09, 2004, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: rdstr2 ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd guess Superman/Batman

(typo question: Are the Tenn Titans based in Nashville or Memphis?)
Posted by Bevis on :
And I'll go for Fables.
Posted by Jesse Future on :
JSA, perhaps?
Posted by rdstr2 on :
Bevis has got it. next to Legion, Fables is my first read of the week.

Your up Bevis.
Posted by Bevis on :
Of the ones listed Fables is my favourite too, which is why I went for it. Great minds think alike. [Big Grin]

Hmmm. OK, I don't think I've mentioned this elsewhere, so....

The hubby and I have already booked our holiday flights for next July (horribly prepared isn't it?) but where are we off to?

a) Melbourne
b) San Fransisco
c) Rio
d) Toronto
e) Memphis
f) Barcelona
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Memphis to shag MLLASH [Wink]
Posted by rdstr2 on :
I'll go Toronto.
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
I suppose I'll have to say San Fran...
Posted by Bevis on :
rdstr2 got it, Toronto is where we're off to (I wanna see a moose and a mountie).

Memphis is our destination this year (at the end of October) including trips to Nashville, Graceland and (most excitingly of all) Dollywood. Melbourne and Barcelona we've been to the last couple of years, and Melbourne will most definately be a destination again in the future (possibly for the Commonwealth Games in 2006). San Fransisco was where we were originally going to go to next year but the flights were *way* too expensive, and Rio is somewhere that i really want to go.
Posted by rdstr2 on :
Great minds do think alike Bevis. [Smile]

Have fun in Memphis.

My turn for a question. So I love tv and reality shows. Which reality show would I chose to be on?

a. Trading Spaces

b. The Appertince

c. The Amazing Race

d. Big Brother

e. Survivor

f. Real World
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Amazing Race
Posted by rdstr2 on :
Is it that obvious?

Your turn Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well I thought it was either Amazing Race or Big Brother and went with the one that would have you going all around the world.

OK I am hungry and have the choice of the following, which one would I be most likely to choose:

A) Hamburger
B) Pizza
C) Hot Dog
D) Salad
E) Ham & Cheese Sandwich
F) Fried Chicken
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Fried chicken
Posted by beardguy57 on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and nope
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Posted by rdstr2 on :
Hot Dog
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well the next person will have the next question because the only answer left is the correct one.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Valor, you are free to ask the next question.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Okay my favorite comic before a certain writer got his hands on it was:
A)the Legion
D)The Avengers
E)New X-Men
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
New X-Men ?
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] Legion? [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:

Absoulty correct Kid Prime.And extra trivia it was Brian Michael Bendis' fault.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Okay, here's one.

What movie did Lee and I see on our very first date?

A. Fellowship of the Ring
B. Vanilla Sky
C. Monsters, Inc.
D. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
E. Moulin Rouge!
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Monsters, Inc?
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?
Posted by Raven on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Okay, here's one.

What movie did Lee and I see on our very first date?

A. Fellowship of the Ring
B. Vanilla Sky
C. Monsters, Inc.
D. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
E. Moulin Rouge!

B?? Vanilla Sky.....
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
E. Moulin Rouge
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Good guesses all, but Valor got it! It was indeed Harry Potter. What a night. [Love]

I guess LotR:FOTK isn't much of a first-date movie, huh?

You're up, Valor!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
[Bump] for Valor
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Another [Bump]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
My Original user-name was...
b)Lar Gandian
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Lar Gandian?
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Only one left ... Valormon?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Lets bump it again...
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
And Bicycle Repair Man gets it.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
New Question: I have performed in at least two productions of each of the following musicals, except one.
Which show have I only done once?

Bye Bye Birdie
Hello, Dolly!
H.M.S. Pinafore
The Mikado
The Pirates of Penzance
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown

Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll go 1776.
Posted by Future on :
Hello, Dolly!
Posted by Deathstroke Lad on :
Bye Bye Birdie
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
HMS Pinafore
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
No correct guesses yet ...
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Your a good man Charlie Brown?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
The Mikado?
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
No and no.

(In fact, The Mikado is the show I've done the most; FIVE different full productions, plus a concert version and two G&S revues including songs and scenes from Mikado)
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm going to say Oklahoma, because... why would you do it twice. [Smile]
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Well, an Equity salary would be sufficient motivation, but no one's offered me one yet [Frown] .

Kid Prime is correct; I have only done Oklahoma! once, in 1983.

Not that there's anything wrong with the show, it's just not one I like enough to make doing it again a high priority ... though with the right incentive ...

"There is nothing quite as wonderful as money,
There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash ... "
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Okay! Here's mine, in the same vein as Bicycle Repair Man's...

Which show have I NOT played a major role in?

A. Into The Woods
B. Cabaret
C. Brigadoon
D. Dames At Sea
E. The Fantasticks
Posted by RTVU2 on :
You're an actor? I didn't know that.

I will say Dames at Sea...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Um... Cabaret?
Posted by Future on :
Into the Woods?

...I love that show. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
the Fantasticks
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Sorry... TIVO and all...

Cabaret was right! (I really want to play Herr Shultz in about 20 years, though!)

You're up, IB! [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
A visible [Bump] for our favorite invisible friend!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

I'm not one of those people who have phobias, but I do have fears as well. Which of these things am I most afraid of?

a. Heights
b. Snakes
c. Bad report cards
d. Kinetix being transformed into another horrible creature and never being seen in a Legion comic again
e. Vampires
f. Being buried alive
g. Lightning strikes
h. Having a horrible first date
i. My Chinese teacher
j. Losing my eyesight
k. Ghost
l. Deep water
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with L. Deep Water
Posted by Kent on :
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
D is a very good choice, but I'm optimistic [Smile]

J is probably my 2nd biggest fear here - but I have contact lenses now so it's not that much of an issue.

L can be kinda scary, but I generally like swimming so it's notn that bad.

H is kinda bad but I'll make sure I practice before I have a date with a girl I really want to impress [Smile]

Keep guessing, guys.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
How about A?
Posted by Future on :
I'll guess again and say...C?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll take a second guess with B. snakes
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Has to be F.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You got it - that's the only one on the list I can't think about without getting shivers up my spine. You're up!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I've been lucky enough to meet an idol of mine, recently. From when I was a teenager and first moved from NYC to Minnesota, I've been following the career of this person. My own career choices have followed his to some degree. When I got to meet him, he was considerate and friendly and it really was a great oppurtunity to me.

Who is he? (I've met 2 of the folks on this list, by the way)

A. Bill Clinton (former US president)
B. Norm Coleman (Minnesota senator)
C. Ed McMahon (Sidekick to Johnny Carson)
D. Robert Jordan (author)
E. Louie Anderson (comedian)
F. Bono (front man for U2)
G. Mark Waid (comics creator)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say D. Robert Jordan
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll say Mark Waid.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm going to guess Bono.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I met Waid. Nice guy, knows EVERYTHING. But it ain't him.

Never met Bono or Jordan, but either one would be a great conversation.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Then lets go Louie Anderson....
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
If I get a second guess then it would be Ed McMahon.
Posted by Future on :
Bill Clinton, perhaps?
Posted by Kent on :
I guess that leaves Norm Coleman for me!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Louie Anderson it is!

I saw him shortly after I moved to Minnesota, when he first appeared on the Tonight Show. He pointed out the oddities of midwestern life, and living in a large family. As the middle of seven, and a transplant from the Big Apple, he's routine really hit home with this homesick kid. I modeled my my stand up after his routine, and even worked at a youth shelter he use to work at.
And, I got to meet him this summer!

RTVU2- you're up!
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Well ok cool. Other then reading comic books, I read novels too. Which of the following books is my favorite?

A. A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

B. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkban by J.K. Rowling.

C. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

D. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

E. Running with Sicssors by Augusten Burruoghs

F. Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
Posted by Future on :
Posted by RTVU2 on :
That question was way too easy....Future your up.
Posted by Future on :
It's way too good of a book. [Big Grin]

Despite various guest-spots in other places, what was the first actual issue of a Legion book I ever purchased?

A. LSH (v3) #38
B. Legionnaires #1
C. Legionnaires #36
D. Legionnaires #41
E. Legion of Super-Heroes #87
F. Legionnaires Annual #3
G. Legionnaires #50
H. Legion of Super-Heroes #122
Posted by Kent on :
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Posted by Future on :
Nope, neither Legionnaires #1 or Legionnaires Annual #3, though I do remember picking both of these up years and years ago around the time I started collecting.

Legionnaires #1, and the 18-issue series after it, is one of my all-time favorites.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll go H THEN
Posted by CJ Taylor on :

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Future on :
Sorry, fellas. H, E, and G were all after I started collecting.

Which isn't a hint as everything after E has already been guessed. So that's kind of obvious. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
A. LSH (v3) #38
Posted by Future on :
Not it either, though a funny story behind that one.

It was the first Legion issue I ever had, but it was given to me...not purchased. I had someone give it to me as a kid because I was staring at it in their collection so much for some reason. I have no idea if they knew the value of that issue or not, but I kept it and had it stored away for many years somewhere (even after I got into the Legion). It took me two years post-Legion fandom until I remembered I had that issue lying around somewhere.

Saved me an $8.00 purchase, anyway. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
C. Legionnaires #36
D. Legionnaires #41

Ok it is one of the two. 50-50 guess:

C. Legionnaires #36
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
hmmm, maybe I should guess C too.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Anyone who is anyone guesses C
Posted by Future on :
But then everyone would be wrong, Quis! It's not C either. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't know then Future. Everybody can't be wrong if we are all saying C. I think you are wrong [Wink]

On the off chance that you aren't wrong, I'll guess D.
Posted by Future on :
I MAY be wrong on this one, but I think D is correct. [Big Grin]

I had just picked up the latest issue of Impulse and was walking away from the DC shelves when I noticed this cool-looking kid with his forehead bleeding on a cover. I was young, so I was naturally intrigued by a teen-looking book.

I then paused as I noticed the dark-skinned, gloved hand on the cover and the name of the book. Hey! Isn't this the Legion's book? They're the team that XS is on, who had just left Impulse and was instantly one of my favorite super-heroes ever. I told myself I was going to follow her over into her old title, but had forgotten until now.

Sure enough, I opened the book and there she was, back in her own time. I bought the issue and haven't stopped buying since. As an old Transformers & X-Men fan, I had no problem with large, diverse casts and even prefer it to be truthful. I was sold.

Your show, Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK my turn:

What haven't I asked?

Which isn't a street/road/etc. in my hometown

A. High Street
B. Lois Lane
C. Boston Road
D. Baker Road
E. Riverhurst Road
F. River Street
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, that is actually the main drag
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
D. is correct.

There is a Baker Street but not a Baker Road.

And yes there is a Lois Lane in my hometown
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
[Bump] Ok Lightning Lad we need a question from you.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Which of these songs do I think best decribes me?

A. American Idiot - Green Day

B. Rebel Rebel - David Bowie

C. Loser - Beck

D. Brain Stew - Green Day

E. Mr. Roboto - Styx

F. Chemical Youth - Queensryche
Posted by Kent on :
I'll say E, since you're such a techie

(It better not be C!!!!)
Posted by Future on :
A, because it's the only song I've heard you mention before. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Mr. Roboto was the first cassette tape I bought but I don't think the song describes me.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
It is not American Idiot either. Just the latest by Green Day that I happen to like. And yes, I have mentioned it before.
Posted by Future on :
I'll be dastardly and go again, guessing D (Brain Stew).

Hey, D's been right the past two questions. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
And it is again.

I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
freaked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go

My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My senses dulled
Passed the point of delerium

On my own... here we go

My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
freaked up and spun out in my room

On my own... here we go

I swear they wrote these lyrics after one of my insomnia bouts. Especially back in high school where I wouldn't sleep for days on end.

You're up Future.
Posted by Future on :
Interesting choice of theme, Scooter! Sounds like the high school days were literally painful. [Frown]

Now: Who is my current favorite penciller?

A. Adam Hughes
B. Alan Davis
C. Art Adams
D. Carlos Pacheco
E. Humberto Ramos
F. Jackson Guice
G. Jim Lee
H. Josh Middleton
I. Olivier Coipel
J. Phil Jiminez
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not necessarily painful. I got a lot of comic book reading and DnD playing done. Used to have contests to see who could stay up the longest. Of course it helped growing up in a casino town so there was always someplace open to get coffee and fries.

And I'm going to guess D, Carlos Pacheco.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess H. Josh Middleton
Posted by Future on :
Nope to either, though I admit they're both great artists.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, I'm going to take one more guess and go with my original first choice, Humberto Ramos.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm guessing Guice. He's done some incredible artwork recently.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll go B, Alan Davis.
Posted by Future on :
Still no right answer, though Jackson Guice is indeed an amazing artist! He's a name few know about too, which is a shame.

Humberto Ramos is fun, especially with ties from my old Impulse days, but not my Top Ten cup-of-tea.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
A Adam Hughes?
Posted by M'Arr V'inn on :
Posted by Future on :
Still no winners. Hughes is by far my 2nd favorite penciller ever/currently, but one individual beats him for #1.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
of the three choices left:
C. Art Adams
G. Jim Lee
I. Olivier Coipel

I'll say C. Art Adams
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll go G Jim Lee
Posted by Future on :
Quis has it! Art Adams has been my favorite penciller for years, even now when he doesn't do too much stuff. I just love his style.

All yours, Mr. Esq.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK. Which was my favorite professor in law school?

A. Prof. Plumeri, Torts
B. Prof. Chester, Contracts
C. Prof. Dargo, Administraive Law
D. Prof. Smith, Business Organizations
E. Prof. Gould, Wills, Trusts, & Estates
F. Judge Lawton, Juvenile Law
G. Judge Forte, Trial Practice
Posted by Future on :
F, Judge Lawton?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, not Judge Lawton even though he let me sit in on a Juvenile Court session of his. A sweet guy ion the classroom, but very exacting in the courtroom.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
Prof. Gould! Right? Right?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Prof. Chester.
C'mon, his name's Chester!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I liked Prof. Gould but he's not my favorite. I, unfortunately had to sit in the front of Prof. Gould's class. When he would reallly get into the subject, little drops of spit would fly from his mouth.

As for Prof. Chester, nope I didn't like him. He was one of the first year teachers and a few times when someone would ask for clarification, he would say "Well I don't know how to explain it any other way." and would continue on with the lecture.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
C Prof Dargo?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Prof. Dargo it is.

Prof. Smith was the professor I hated the most, BTW.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Prof Smith must have been really awful, then.

It's fairly obvious that Kinetix is my favorite Legionnaire. But which Legionnaire was my original favorite (and pretty much the first Legionnaire I ever knew existed), back before I encountered Zoe?

a. Invisible Kid
b. Apparition
c. XS
d. Shrinking Violet

e. Gates
f. Ultra Boy
g. White Witch
h. Saturn Girl
i. Live Wire
j. Cosmic Boy
k. Kid Quantum II
l. Wildfire
m. Chemical King
n. Karate Kid
o. Timber Wolf
p. Umbra
q. Projectra
r. Polar Boy
s. Brainiac 5
t. Quislet
u. Sun Boy
v. Dawnstar
w. Spark
x. Nightwind
y. Spider Girl
z. Dragonmage

(forgive me for the long list of choices, but I figured this question might be too easy and wanted to make it a bit more interesting [Smile] )

(edited to mark wrong guesses)

[ October 21, 2004, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well, it's obviously Chuck Taine.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Blok no wait he isn't on the list. Um Element Lad, no he's not on the list either. Sinde, no she wasn't a legionnaire (and not on the list) Boy this is harder than it looks.

I'll say T. Quislet
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope, and nope. I didn't encounter Chuck until after I read the Great Darkness, and Quislet I only "met" a couple of years ago.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[Bump] I'll mark all wrong guesses in blue to make it easier.
Posted by Future on :
I'll take perhaps a too-obvious route and guess S - Brainy.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Ooo ooo, that's a good one!

Me, I'll guess Invisible Kid.
Posted by Kent on :
well, that takes care of the obvious 2.

how 'bout
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Still no. Brainy, Lyle and Dragonmage WERE among the first Legionnaires I read about, but they weren't the first and I didn't start liking them right away.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Apparition, maybe?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
c. XS
Posted by Future on :
I'll guess again and go with a Zoe connection: d) Violet
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Good guesses, all, and very close, but not quite.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
posting the reply for the new page.

my next guess is: E. Gates

Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
It's fairly obvious that Kinetix is my favorite Legionnaire. But which Legionnaire was my original favorite (and pretty much the first Legionnaire I ever knew existed), back before I encountered Zoe?

a. Invisible Kid
b. Apparition
c. XS
d. Shrinking Violet
e. Gates

f. Ultra Boy
g. White Witch
h. Saturn Girl
i. Live Wire
j. Cosmic Boy
k. Kid Quantum II
l. Wildfire
m. Chemical King
n. Karate Kid
o. Timber Wolf
p. Umbra
q. Projectra
r. Polar Boy
s. Brainiac 5
t. Quislet
u. Sun Boy
v. Dawnstar
w. Spark
x. Nightwind
y. Spider Girl
z. Dragonmage

(forgive me for the long list of choices, but I figured this question might be too easy and wanted to make it a bit more interesting [Smile] )

(edited by IB to mark wrong guesses)

[ October 24, 2004, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Live Wire?
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
White Witch, maybe?
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope. But Garth and Ayla were in one of the first story arcs I read, and all four are among my current faves.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Hint: Garth, Ayla, Vi and Tinya appeared in the same story arc as the character who is the correct answer.
Posted by Future on :
Karate Kid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with H. Saturn Girl
Posted by Zombie STU on :
Ultra Boy!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
seeing as there are 11 more choices, I'll also guess O. Timber Wolf
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Quis got it. Saturn Girl was my first fave and the first Legionnaire I ever read about. It was the SW6 series, and I sympathized with her for having to put up with SW6 Garth [Smile] But as the reboot and DNA came along, well... [Smile]

Quis is up!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK in the spirit of the Holiday.

What was my first (that I can remember) Halloween costume?

A. a ghost
B. Flipper
C. Superman
D. a princess
E. Gilligan
F. a hobo
Posted by Future on :
F. A hobo?
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
A., ghost?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not a hobo or a ghost
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and Nope.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
IB, you are correct. I was Flipper the dolphin. I loved Flipper
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Interesting costume choice, Quis.

Which of these am I best at?

a. basketball
b. badminton
c. billiards
d. chess
e. volleyball
f. darts
Posted by Pizzazz on :
b. badminton (I say this because I am good at and therefore it must not be terribly hard because I suck, I definitely can't choose darts if I use this deduction, cause I suck at that, it's just so hard)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And you're right! Your reasoning is pretty good, because I suck at sports (I used to be a fat nerdy kid; now I'm a belonging-to-all-the-crowds, large-but-not-fat-yet-not-skinny kid [Razz] ).

I can't even dribble a basketball, though. [Frown]

You're up!
Posted by Pizzazz on :
Sorry, I don't know why I did do this earlier.

What persona is my all time favorite? (meaning favorite character within all spectrums, i.e. movies, shows, comics)

a. Phoenix (Jean Grey)
b. Lady of the Lake (Viviane)
c. Kinetix (Legion)
d. Pizzazz (the show JEM)
e. Lady Van Tassel (the movie Sleepy Hollow)
f. Maleificient/Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
g. White Queen (Emma Frost)
h. Magma (Amara Aquilla/Allison Crestmere)
i. Rainmaker (Gen 13)
j. Persha (the First)

it's a long list, but I want you guys to have options.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Hmm...well, you've been at least two of them, but I'm going to go with Kinetix. She seems to fit your personality somehow.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess the other then

b. Lady of the Lake (Viviane)
Posted by Kent on :
Since Quis took B, I'll take:

Posted by STU Cat on :
F from Sleeping Beauty!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I will say D) Pizzazz
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll go with the less likely H, I think!
Posted by Pizzazz on :
Originally posted by Kent:
Since Quis took B, I'll take:


It's Phoenix, Jean was the reason I even got into comics, saw the cartoon said she's cool and that's that.

The list above is a list of my all time favorite characters, I have a few close friends on the board and I wanted to make a list that would fry thier brains, so actually I like all these people.

Your turn, Kent!
Posted by ferroboy on :
You thought that Jean was great? Man, you should have seen Jean by Grant Morrison. She totally rocked.
Posted by Rainmaker on :
He killed her and he destroyed the X-Men and demoralized them, (clam down)I better not get into this.

[ November 13, 2004, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: Rainmaker ]
Posted by Kent on :
Rainmaker = Viv? cool!

All of the following have been favorites of mine at one time or another. which is my absolute all-time favorite?

A. Pink Floyd
B. Ella Fitzgerald
C. the Beatles
D. Black 47
E. Sting/the Police
F. Louis Armstrong
G. Indigo Girls
H. Bob Dylan
I. Grateful Dead
J. Loreena McKennitt
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I Grateful Dead?
Posted by Kent on :
sorry, Ibby. nope.
Posted by Future on :
C. The Beatles?
Posted by STU Cat on :
H. Bob Dylan?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
A. Floyd?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Indigo Girls
Posted by Kent on :
four excellent guesses!

all wrong tho.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say Black 47.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
E. Sting/The Police?
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
F. Louis Armstrong
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by HighPriestess Viviane:
F. Louis Armstrong


right you are, Viv! back to you!
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
A classic.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Who was the first singer I listened to that I loved?

a. Bette Midler
b. Linda Ronstadt
c. Rosemary Clooney
d. Samantha Newark
e. Donna Fargo
f. Britta Phillips
g. Stevie Nicks
h. the Spice Girls
i. Sarah Brightman
j. Vanessa Williams
k. Mary Costa
Posted by ferroboy on :
h. the Spice Girls
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Nope, ferroboy.
Posted by disaster boy on :
stevie nicks
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
She's great, but nope, two down, nine to go.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Whew! I was afraid it was the Spice Girls. Glad to hear that choice was wrong.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Kent:

J. Loreena McKennitt

Kent, I never realized anyone had heard of her besides me. Lovely voice.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Just throwing out a name here... E. Donna Fargo?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Linda Ronstadt?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

i. Sarah Brightman
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
All great, but nope.
Posted by Belinda Hill on :
The sublime Rosemary Clooney (George's aunt if I'm not mistaken)
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
You're a Luna fan, I know, so Britta Phillips?
Posted by Future on :
A. Bette Midler?
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
I love all the singers on that list and after I made it, I made a mistake, there's actually two answers, and Miner got one of them.

Britta Phillips is the first singer I heard, she was the singing voice of JEM and does great stuff with Luna, making me a fan out of the band.

The other answer was Mary Costa and opera singer who was the singing and speaking voice of Princess Aurora in Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

You're Up Miner.

[ November 16, 2004, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestess Viviane ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I like Luna too. I was surprised to hear they were disbanding, and I'm hoping to catch them on their farewell tour.

Be back in a minute with a queston.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
OK, which professional sports team do I hate the most?

That's right, hate. To my core. To where the very mention of their name fills me with loathing. Your choices are:

A) New York Yankees
B) Los Angeles Lakers
C) Washington Redskins
D) Oakland A's
E) Detroit Pistons
F) Cincinnati Bengals
G) Kansas City Wizards
H) Texas Rangers
I) San Antonio Spurs
J) Miami Dolphins
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Phew! at least the Red Sox weren't in the list [Wink]

I'll guess c) The Washington Redskins
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well, you know, I might need floor space come next year's Wizard World...... [Smile]

The Redskins are a good guess, and I definitely don't like them, but they aren't the answer.
Posted by Future on :
e) Detroit Pistons
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Kent on :
ya know, I think you mentioned at Dallas, but I can't forDaLifeAMe remember.

The Rangers?
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Lakers? I know I do.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No, no, no, and no respectively.

Though I actively dislike the Lakers, and think it's almost patriotic to hate the Yankees.
Posted by ferroboy on :
g) Kansas City Wizards
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
j) the Dolphins?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by dedman on :
i guess the redskins
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No one's gotten it yet.
Posted by Kent on :
Oakland A's?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
the Bengals!
[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Brainiac68:
the Bengals!
[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]

Walk like an E-gyptian
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Brainiac68:
the Bengals!
[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]

"Slowly I turned.....

....step by step....

....inch by inch....

....millimeter by millimeter...."

Oooh, I hate them Bengals.

Yer up, Brainy.
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Sorry gang, I've been having kitchen issues.

Q. How many guitars do I have in my house, and how many are mine? I need two answers that may or may not be the same.


[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined] Good Luck!!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
5 guitars, 2 of whoch are yours?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4 Guitars, 3 of which are yours
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
nope, not yet

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
possession: 5

ownership: 3
Posted by ferroboy on :
House: 4
Yours: 2
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
sorry, guys.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll go crazy and say 6 in house and 5 are yours!
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
closest yet, but you'll need some more time in the multi-lab to get this one.

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]

Hint- Who's who?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say 7 and 6 respectively, just for the heck of it.
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
The Miner has struck gold!!!!

I have- 2 Gibson Les Pauls
1 Jackson DK2S
1 Schecter C-1
1 Epiphone Les Paul
1 Tacoma acoustic

and my son has a BC Rich Kerry King flying V

You're up, Outdoor Miner! [Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Righto, then.

Turns out I'm a big fan of monster movies. Which one is my all-time fave?

1) Frankenstein
2) King Kong
3) The Wolf-Man
4) Dracula (starring Bela Lugosi)
5) Godzilla (original)
6) Bride of Frankenstein
7) Destroy All Monsters
8) Dracula (starring Frank Langella)
9) Gamera ('90s remake)
10) Them!
11) Dog Soldiers
12) Dracula has Risen From The Grave
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
11? Dog Soldiers is by far the best monster movie in recent years.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It is a pretty good movie.

But not my fave.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say 7) Destroy All Monsters
Posted by ferroboy on :
10) Them!
Posted by STU on :
2) King Kong
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
Destroy All Monsters was a really cool movie.

But it's been guessed, so I'll guess 5, Godzilla.
Posted by Kent on :
5) Godilla (original)!
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Since it's so out of place, I'll say 12 Dracula Has Risen From The Grave.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I'll say 7) Destroy All Monsters

And you would be right.

There's something just really, really cool about seeing all those rubber-suited legends on the screen in one flick.

Evidently they're taking the same route in Japan, with the current run of 'Zilla flicks to end with one huge monster blowout. Hope it's a good one.

Over to you, Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Which foreign country have I NOT been in:

A) Canada
B) Mexico
C) France
D) Scotland
E) England
F) Poland
G) Netherlands
Posted by dedman on :
it'll say A Canada
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope went on a family vacation to Nova Scotia once
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
B., Mexico?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, when I went to San Diego, I walked across the border into Tijuana for a couple of hours.
Posted by Future on :
D) Scotland?
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
I'll guess Poland
Posted by ferroboy on :
g) Netherlands
Posted by STU on :
C. France.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Which leaves me with England.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Had trips to England, Scotland, & Poland. When traveling to and from Scotland, I had layovers (of only a couple of hours) in Amsterdam.

So STU is correct in saying I've never been to France.

Posted by STU on :
Which of the following DC titles do I own a complete run of (to date)? List all that apply.

A. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes

B. Legionnaires

C. H.E.R.O. (the recently-ended series)

D. Birds of Prey

E. Nightwing

F. Doom Patrol (Arcudi/Tan)


H. Fallen Angel
Posted by dedman on :
D. Birds of Prey
Posted by ferroboy on :
b) L*
g) JSA
h) Fallen Angel
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll guess "All of them!"
Posted by antacidlass on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say B, C, D, and F.
Posted by STU on :
The answer is greater than 0 and less than 4... Miner's the closest so far.
Posted by Future on :
B, E, and G?
Posted by ferroboy on :
B, C, D
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Posted by dedman on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
C. H.E.R.O. (the recently-ended series)
F. Doom Patrol (Arcudi/Tan)
H. Fallen Angel
Posted by STU on :
No one's gotten it yet, and Miner is still closest.

If no one's gotten the answer by tomorrow at this time, I'll give it to the person who's closest at that point...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say B, D, and F this go around.
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
A,B, and F?
Posted by STU on :
It was B and F! I guess there's a tie, but I think Miner has a slight edge this time because he was the first one to have the closest answer.

I only have a few issues of Superboy & the Legion -- I've gotten the older Legion issues mostly through the Archives. I have every issue of Legionnaires and the Arcudi/Tan Doom Patrol; in fact, Legionnaires #1 was the first Legion book I ever read, and the A/T DP #1 was the first Doom Patrol book I ever read. I have the entire run of H.E.R.O. minus maybe two issues, and the entire run of BoP minus maybe five or six issues. I have maybe half of the JSA run. I have exactly one issue of Fallen Angel (the first one), and I don't think I've never bought an issue of Nightwing before in my life. [Smile]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
You aren't missing much with Nightwing these days, believe me.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
OK then, over to me.

Borrowing a trick from Brainiac68 here.

How many of the Archives published by DC do I own, and of those, how many are Legion Archives?

1)10 and 2
2)15 and 10
3)22 and 5
4)28 and 12
5)31 and 7
6)35 and 9
7)42 and 6
8)48 and 3
9)53 and 8
10)56 and 5
11)60 and 11
12)63 and 6
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll guess 2.) 15 and 10.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'll guess 11) 60 and 11
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
A. 10 and 2
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4) 28 and 12
Posted by dedman on :
5)31 and 7
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No winners yet.
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
3. 22 and 5
Posted by antacidlass on :
6)35 and 9
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
9) 53 and 8?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No, no, and no.
Posted by dedman on :
7)42 and 6
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
That's the one I was looking for.

I'd get more, but I only buy 'em when I can find a good deal.

The Legion Archives I have are 2-7, covering most of the Silver Age run. Once I've got all the SA issues, The Legion go on the back burner for awhile, since the original SLSH issues can still be found pretty cheap.

Over to you, dedman.
Posted by dedman on :
wow...i got one. Well i wasn't really ready for this so......
What is my Alltime favorite movie series?

1 - Friday the 13th
2 - Nightmare on Elm St
3 - Terminator
4 - Lord of the Rings
5 - The Matrix
6 - Aliens
7 - Rambo
8 - Jaws
9 - Star Wars
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
2 Nightmare on Elm Street
Posted by dedman on :
though i DO really like the Nightmare series, its not my fav

[ December 13, 2004, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: dedman ]
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say Lord of the Rings.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
Friday the 13th?
Posted by dedman on :
Viv has it. Aliens is the one.

You're up Viv
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Oh, I geuss I am next, thanks Quis.

Ok, well um, I have no idea what to ask, let's see, I'm playing Mortal Kombat right now, so I'll ask a question from that.

Who is my favorite MK character?

A)Sonya Blade-the sexy blonde with a kick-ass attitude
B)Kitana-the beautiful and deadly princess, who wears blue, yay!
C)Mileena-the dangerous clone of Kitana
D)Sheeva-the female Shokan (human/dragon=four arms)
E)Sindel-the lovely dark Queen with wicked hair and a deadly scream
F)Jade-the exotic green wearing huntress
G)Chameleon-the gray wearing lizard like female
H)Tanya-the yellow claded betrayer, though quite beautiful
I)Frost-the cool blue ninja
J)Li Mei-the soul plagued fighter
K)Nitara-the sexy as hell vampire
L)Ashrah-the lovely sufferer
M)Kira-the latest assassin/theif

Clue: It's a female [Wink]

Sorry there's so many, but some of you know me well and the answer might stick out like a sore thumb
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess B) Kitana - the beautiful and deadly princess, who wears blue, yah!
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Nope, that's not it
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
If you guys don't know who these people are, I can post pics if you need them.
Posted by dedman on :
Nitara and her deadly, destructive kama blades
Posted by Juan on :
Sindel, the dark Queen
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Sonya Blade
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Originally posted by Juan:
Sindel, the dark Queen

You got it, I love women in power.

You're up Juan!
Posted by Juan on :
I'll do an easy one, the answer can even be found on Legion World, somewhere

I just came back from an extended trip to India. But I also visited two other countries. Which ones?

A) Nepal and Bhutan
B) Nepal and Bangladesh
C) Sri Lanka and the Maldives
D) Pakistan and Bangladesh
E) Bhutan and Bangladesh
F) Bhutan and Sri Lanka
G) The Maldives and Nepal
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Do I look this up or do I take a guess?

I'll take a guess

C) Sri Lanka and the Maldives
Posted by dedman on :
D) Pakistan and Bangladesh
Posted by Juan on :
Nope and nope. You guys better guess a lot today, otherwise I won't be able to answer until Dec 27th!

[ December 21, 2004, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Juan ]
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll guess G.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say B.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I guess F.
Posted by Juan on :
No to everybody. Only two choices left...
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
E. Bhutan and Bangladesh. Anyone who hasn't read the "Postcards From India" thread really should! It's awesome!
Posted by Juan on :
Originally posted by Brainiac68:
E. Bhutan and Bangladesh. Anyone who hasn't read the "Postcards From India" thread really should! It's awesome!

Why, thank you! I'm very glad you guys enjoyed my unending diatribes...

You're right, it's Bhutan and Bangladesh, two countries that couldn't be more different: Bhutan bucolic, Buddhist and very peaceful, and Bangladesh loud, crowded and very Moslem. You're up, B68!

By the way, what does your signature mean? Are they getting rid of the dime in the States?

[ December 22, 2004, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Juan ]
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Dimebag Darrell Abbott (Dime for short) was gunned down in a nightclub shooting by a disgruntled fan of his former band, Pantera. Tragically, three other people were also killed.

What traditionally unromantic things did I do on my honeymoon? pick 3

A. Forgot the spending money and had to turn around halfway there.

B. Went to a shooting range and taught my wife how to shoot a gun for the first time.

C. Went to a comic shop and picked up some rare back issues on the cheap.

D. Had to change an alternator on the side of the highway because the battery died.

E. Went to an AC/DC concert.

F. Had to get a new pair of glasses because the old ones broke.

G. Went to a tattoo parlor and got a new tattoo.

H. Had to leave early because her dad went in for heart surgery.

I. Went to the hospital with a broken thumb from an unfortunate air hockey incident.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I pick these three:

C. Went to a comic shop and picked up some rare back issues on the cheap.

D. Had to change an alternator on the side of the highway because the battery died.

I. Went to the hospital with a broken thumb from an unfortunate air hockey incident.
Posted by dedman on :
B. Went to a shooting range and taught my wife how to shoot a gun for the first time.

C. Went to a comic shop and picked up some rare back issues on the cheap.

G. Went to a tattoo parlor and got a new tattoo.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
nope and nope.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
A, C, and E.

Notice how we're all going with C.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
sorry Miner.

and C is NOT a correct answer.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'll guess A, E and F.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
nope. Sorry, Scott.

And F is NOT a correct answer.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'll guess A, D, and I.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
A, E, and H?
Posted by dedman on :
A, D, H
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
B, I, G?
Posted by Future on :
D, H, and I?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
none yet, sorry.

There are 4 correct answers, and D is not one of them.
Posted by ferroboy on :
C, E, G
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
A, E, G?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
B. Went to a shooting range and taught my wife how to shoot a gun for the first time.

E. Went to an AC/DC concert.

H. Had to leave early because her dad went in for heart surgery.

I'll guess the above now.

Has anyone guessed at least one right?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Several people have answered 2 correct, including you Quis.

C,D,F and H are all incorrect answers.

[ January 03, 2005, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Brainiac 5 ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with Honest Abe:

A. Forgot the spending money and had to turn around halfway there.

B. Went to a shooting range and taught my wife how to shoot a gun for the first time.

E. Went to an AC/DC concert.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
A, E, I?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Quislet wins!

Yes, I forgot the money and had to turn around to get it before we could even begin the honeymoon. (A)

Part of the activities at Caesar's Pocono Resorts was to go to a shooting range. This piqued my wife's curiosity and we went back the next day and she learned to shoot. (B)

We were supposed to go to an AC/DC concert two days before the wedding to blow off some steam, but it was rescheduled to be on the last day of our honeymoon. (E)

We went and got tattoos while we were there. I got Lenore in a wedding dress and she got Patrick the Wolf Boy in a tuxedo. (G)

Take it away, Quis!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Where have I NOT worked?

1) a bank
2) the IRS
3) a landscaping company
4) a law office
5) a hospital
6) an insurance company
7) a typewriter/computer repair shop
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
2. The IRS
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
nope. I worked in their collections department. I did research, looking for new addresses & phone numbers for taxpayers.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
4) a law office
Posted by Future on :
5) A hospital
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Future is correct. I never worked in a hospital.
Posted by Future on :
Alright, let's see what randomness I can come up with.

Which of the following states have I never lived in?

A) Alabama
B) Arkansas
C) Florida
D) Idaho
E) Kansas
F) Ohio
G) Utah
H) Virginia
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
F) Ohio
Posted by Future on :
No correct answer yet!

I go to school in Idaho, spent a summer in Kansas, and grew up in Ohio as a kid.
Posted by disaster boy on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess

G) Utah
Posted by lancesrealm on :
B) Arkansas
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
H) Virginia
Posted by Future on :
Quis has it. I've been through it enough times, but I've never lived in Utah.

Alabama for middle school, Arkansas for high school, and Virginia is where I was born.

Game goes back to Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK. I have had several roommates at various times. Which was my favorite.

1) Patrick
2) Chris
3) Lucy
4) Karen
5) Tom
Posted by lancesrealm on :
2) Chris?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, not Chris.

He would forget his keys and then climb up the outside porches to our 3rd floor apartment, which I didn't know of until the landlord complained to me. He continued to do this even after the first & second floor tenants complained to the landlord.

Also when I would come into the apartment and see him, I'd say "hi. how are you?" and he would not respond.
Posted by Bevis on :
Lucy. (Coz she's me ex-flatmate).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bevis has it.

Karen was the worst (for the record)
Posted by Bevis on :
Ooh, yay me!


OK, what *didn't* I get for Christmas this year?

1) An Elvis photomosaic puzzle
2) A towelling whale that sings 'if you're happy and you know it' when you squeeze it's face
3) 'Aida' on CD
4) Some Indicat-ears
5) A stripey cow
6) A dinosaur skeleton that needs excavating
7) The French rugby players naked calendar
8) The (Animated) Justice League annual including the first issue of the current Catwoman series with the story about prositutes being murdered (good child freindly stuff).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess No. 8. You bought those yourself
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, Chris got me that (and it's actually all in one annual. It's one issue of Justice League with Flash dressed as a girl and the Catwoman issue in one hardback book.)
Posted by RTVU2 on :
7. But if you did I want to see pictures!
Posted by Bevis on :
Bingo. I sort of got it as a Christmas present, but I bought it for myself after Christmas so it doesn't count. If you wanna see some of the photos try and go to the calendar bit. Not many photos there but there are some and if you do a search for the 'dieux du stade' calendar you're bound to throw up some more. And my gods they're *hot*.

By the way, the indicat-ears are these little lights that fit over the back of your ears attached to little buttons that make the lights light up when you press them so you can indicate with your ears which way you're going to turn. he he he. I get the best Christmas presents.

Sorry, rambling now. You're go RTVU2
Posted by RTVU2 on :
so what are 2 and 6? and Bevis, do a favor for a brother here and scan that calendar or can you buy me one and send here to the states? I'll paypal or whatever!

Lets keep with the Christmas theme...what item did I not get this christmas?

1. A New Black Suit
2. A Mini Rice Cooker
3. A Panni Maker
4. A Soniccare Toothbrush
5. Socks and t-shirts
6. The DC Encolypedia
7. Trival Pursit 90's Edition
8. The Star Wars Triolgy
Posted by Bevis on :
6, the Encyclopedia.

And with mine, 2 is just what it is. It's a whale made of towelling (so sort of a face cloth, but shaped like a cuddly whale) that has a chip in it which means it plays a song when you press it. As per usual what with it being the cheapest present it's also probably my favourite. [Big Grin] And the skeleton is this plaster block that has a little t-rex skeleton inside it that comes complete with a little chisel and a brush so that you can 'excavate' the skeleton inside. he he. I haven't excavated it yet but that might be a project for a wet weekend.
Posted by Bevis on :
Oh, not sure if I'll be able to scan the calendar but I'll see what I can do. They're not terribly cheap (Ł20 I think in the sale when i got it) but you might be able to find it on amazon or possibly from the Prowler Store website (a gay sex shop, so be warned if you go there it's not work friendly).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say RTVU2 did not get:

2. A Mini Rice Cooker
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Thanks for the info Bevis.

Actually I did the Encyclopedia for Christmas. Even though I had looked at it before in the store, I knew most of the info anyways so passed on buying it. One of my friends who knew about my collecting jones for comics saw it in the bookstore along with a marvel version too. He picked the right one. It's a nice coffee table book.

And I did get a mini rice cooker too. Kinda thought it was a useless gift but I have used it every night since I opened it up like two weeks ago.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
4. A Soniccare toothbrush
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Nope I actually got that as a white elephant gift and my teeth haven't felt cleaner since!
Posted by Future on :
1. A new black suit?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Sorry Future, no.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
socks and tshirt?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
And here is the big winner!

I haven't got and socks and t-shirts for a present since I was 16...

your up Lance!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Holy Cow! I can't believe I finally got one!

Ok, here we go...I have a 3-yr-old boy named PJ. He, like all children, says the oddest - and sometimes funniest - things. Which of the following things has PJ NOT said to me within the past year?

1) Daddy, you're stinky! You need to take a shower!
2) Mommy is more fun than you are!
3) Where's my brachiosaur?
4) Do I have to take a bath?
5) I wanna watch Jurassic Park!
6) Did we miss the garage door? That was close!
7) Look! Behind you! *whap*
8) I wanna watch Thomas!
9) I wanna scare Kitty!
10) I wanna help you shovel snow!
11) Let's play chess!
12) I wanna throw the diaper away upside-down!

By the way, my child is the most handsome, most intelligent, most perfect child ever to grace the face of God's green Earth. I honestly don't see how people can talk so much about their children when my child is obviously so much more interesting. But then, I might be biased...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
5) I wanna watch Jurassic Park!
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I'll say 12.
Posted by Future on :
9) I wanna scare kitty!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
PJ loves Jurassic Park. He actually even liked the sequel, which, I am convinced, was made just for his age. He loves being held upside down and throwing away diapers. We do have a cat, and while occasionally he likes to pet it, mostly he likes chasing it and scaring it when he can be sneaky enough. He has asked for all of these. Try again...
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
2. All fathers know Mommy is nowhere near as fun as Dad is!! The statement is true, even if the answer isn't, IMO!

[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
maybe so, but he has said that. Try again...
Posted by disaster boy on :
10) i wanna help you shovel snow.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No, PJ loves to play in the snow, and since Daddy has to shovel the driveway, he wants to do what I do. Try again...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
8) I wanna watch Thomas!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
PJ loves to watch Thomas, and requests this all the time. Try again...
Posted by Juan on :
Daddy, you're stinky!
Posted by Bevis on :
Do I have to take a bath?

No, really, do I? I wanna go plaaaaaay...
Posted by lancesrealm on :
We have a winner! PJ loves baths, and, as far as I can recall, has never complained about having to take a bath. Take it, Bevis!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Bevis? You here? You're always here, what am I saying...
Posted by Bevis on :
oops, forgot to check the thread. [Big Grin]

OK, I've recently gotten into making ice-cream and sorbet recently and even got an ice-cream maker (to save all the tedious churning as it freezes) for Christmas, so whihc of the following flavours *haven't* I made?

1) Raspberry ripple ice-cream
2) Chocolate ice-cream
3) Vanilla ice-cream
4) Lemon sorbet
5) Raspberry and mango sorbet
6) Strawberry ice-cream
7) Cheesecake ice-cream
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Cheesecake ice cream
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Lemon sorbet?
Posted by Bevis on :
nope, nope and nope. Done all three of them. Cheesecake ice-cream is surprisingly good...
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by ActorLad on :
Raspberry and mango sorbet?
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Bicycle Repair Man has it. Strawberry is the only one I've not made so far, but I plan on doing it this weekend.

On a related note, if you are ever making anything with raspberries where you need a puree a really good trick that i learnt from Nigella Lawson is to put in a teaspoon or so of balsamic vinegar with the raspberries when you puree them. It sounds silly but by golly it makes a difference. Makes the raspberries taste way more like raspberries than they ever do without it.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
New Question: In what year did I last perform in a non-musical play?

(It was at least ten years ago, but not more than twenty: the range of possibilities runs from 1985 to 1995)
Posted by disaster boy on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
No, no, and no. [No]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Nope (but one of those last three guesses was only off by 1).
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
lance got it: in 1987 I played the younger son in "God's Favorite" by Neil Simon. Since then I have performed in over 30 productions with various local theatre groups, all of them musicals or musical revues.

Take it away, lance ...
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Cool beans...Ok, here we go...

Where did I meet my wife?

1) at a concert
2) at karaoke night
3) at a wedding
4) at a company picnic
5) in rehab
6) on a blind date
7) on a street corner
8) at the beach
Posted by Juan on :
At a company picnic
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
at a wedding?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Kent, I did indeed meet Colleen at my best friend's wedding. You're up!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Colleen? a fine Irish lass!

okay, a question... let's see...

Which city on this list have I never been to?

1. Amsterdam
2. Anchorage
3. Key West, Florida
4. Napoli
5. Cheyenne
6. San Jose, Costa Rica
7. Dresden, Germany
8. Rekjavik
9. Liverpool
10. Vancouver, British Columbia

[ January 24, 2005, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by Juan on :
Let's see... Vancouver!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
8. Rekjavik

Oh, and Kent, my wife's full name (before we married) was Mary Colleen O'Reilly. A fine Irish lass, indeed...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say Key West. I was going to say Vancouver but it was taken
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll go with Dresden
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
No, no, no, and no.
Vancouver in 92, Rekjavik and Dresden in 91, Key West in 03.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My new guess

2. Anchorage
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Nope. Anchorage in 93.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by dedman on :
1. Amsterdam

probally wrong; it seems like everyone's been to amsterdam!!!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
figures 'Mr Trivia' lance would get it!!!

despite being a huge long-time Beatles fan, I've been near it, but never been there.

Go, lance!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, we go...

I like to read. I never seem to have the time anymore, but I like to read. Which of the following books have I not read:

1) Anna Karenina
2) Gone With the Wind
3) To Kill a Mockingbird
4) Crime and Punishment
5) The Once and Future King
6) Les Miserables
7) The Brothers Karamazov
8) Tom Sawyer
9) The Hobbit
10) Catcher in the Rye
Posted by dedman on :
6) Les Miserables
Posted by lancesrealm on :
shoot...right the first're up dedman
Posted by dedman on :
Ok, I have a ridiculously large music collection. However there are some holes in my collection. What two of the following groups/musiscians are missing from my collection

1) Cradle of Filth
2) Iron Maiden
3) Johnny Cash
4) Soundgarden
5) Kataklysm
6) Buddy Holly
7) The Bangles
8) Type O Negative
9) My Bloody Valentine
10) Joan Jet
Posted by ActorLad on :
The Bangles and Johnny Cash?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Joan Jett and Iron Maiden?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Buddy Holly and My Bloody Valentine?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Bangles and Buddy Holly?
Posted by dedman on :
no, no, no and no.
though one of you was half right
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Well, with 81 possible combinations, that's a helpful clue! [Wink]

Actually, it is. Since only one of us was half-right, that eliminates Bangles and Buddy Holly, who were guessed twice.

So one of:
Johnny Cash, Joan Jett, Iron Maiden or My Bloody Valentine
constitute half the answer, while one of:
Cradle of Filth, Soundgarden, Kataklysm and Type O Negative
would finish it off... down to 16 possibilities.

Type O Negative and Johnny Cash?
Posted by dedman on :

nice use of logic btw!!!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Joan Jett and Soundgarden?
Posted by dedman on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Iron Maiden and Cradle of Filth?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
My Bloody Valentine and Cradle of Filth?
Posted by dedman on :
I've seen both bands, but not together. Almost got the answer.......
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
My Bloody Valentine and Kataklysm?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Iron Maiden and Soundgarden?
Posted by dedman on :
if kent and miner put their heads together they might have gotten the right answer.
Posted by antacidlass on :
Iron Maiden and My Bloody Valentine?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
My Bloody Valentine and Soundgarden?
Posted by dedman on :
you got it Kent, your up!!!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
A good number of years ago, me and some buddies dressed up for a comic con as a group of characters from of one of our favorite comics at the time.

Years later, me and another group of buddies plotted and schemed to go to San Diego as another group from a different comic (this group trip never happened, alas).

Which one actually happened, and which one was planned but didn't?

1. Madman (main characters)
2. the Injustice League from JLI
3. Elfquest (main characters)
4. the Thomas/Adams X-Men
5. Mage (main characters)
6. Six From Sirius
7. The red-and-green heroes of classic JSA
8. Strangers in Paradise (main characters)
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
5 happened and 4 was planned but didn't?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
2 happened, 7 planned?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
7 happened, 3 planned?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Mage happened

Strangers in Paradise planned but didn't happen
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
two of you were right in one category.

one of you named the other, but placed it in the wrong category.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
And I'll say that Mage happened but that the Injustice League didn't pan out.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with Mage happened and Elfquest didn't.

I think miner & I had an advantage of seeing Kent in Dallas. He is a dead ringer for Kevin Matchstick
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Miner's got it!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I was supposed to be Major Disaster. He had the whole crew of six lined up.

In Mage, I was Sean Knight. A fairly easy costume: trnchcoat and glasses I already had, and my hair was reasonably dirty blondish at the time - all I really needed was the two bang-curls. My buddy (another Sean) was Kevin Matchstick, but his fake beard wouldn't stay on. And Jo played the perfect Myrth. No Edsel, alas.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I think miner & I had an advantage of seeing Kent in Dallas. He is a dead ringer for Kevin Matchstick

It was the bat he kept hitting people with that sealed it for me.

I'll think of a question and be back in a bit.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Still can't think of anything interesting, so you're all stuck with the following:

Name the creator I once came thisclose to accidentally killing:

1)Mark Waid
2)Will Eisner
3)Mercedes Lackey
4)Harlan Ellison
5)Ray Bradbury
6)Gail Simone
7)Greg Bear
8)Peter David
9)Roy Thomas
10)Margaret Weis
11)Kurt Busiek
12)Murphy Anderson
13)Michael Moorcock
14)Sergio Aragones
15)Dave Sim
16)Colleen Doran
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess Greg Bear.

Outdoor Miner, could you tell us the details without revealing the person?
Posted by Bevis on :
Colleen Doran
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Dave Sim?

Can't guess Eisner, since you succeeded. [Wink]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Outdoor Miner, could you tell us the details without revealing the person?

I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Oh, and nobody's gotten it yet.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Mercedes Lackey?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
9)Roy Thomas?

If that's right, I'll appreciate your attempt, but hold a grudge for your failure to complete your assignment! [Wink]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Murphy Anderson?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No, no, and no.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, Moorcock then?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
8) Peter David

[ February 24, 2005, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
14)Sergio Aragones?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No, no, and no.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
4)Harlan Ellison?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Mark Waid?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
5)Ray Bradbury?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Kent's got it.

Yes, folks, I was almost responsible for the death of a science-fiction legend.

Having given the matter some thought, I think I'm better off not coughing up the details. Suffice it to say he never saw it coming, and wouldn't know anything about it if you asked him today.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
If it had been Harlan Ellison, it would have been forgivable - except that you failed.

I'll think up a good question by tomorrow.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I like Harlan Ellison.

I like Ray Bradbury, but that didn't exactly stop me.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Yet even he escaped your fiendish plans!

Okay, my Miner-inspired question:

Whose surprise birthday party did I once attend, and what two people organized it?

1. Howard Chaykin
2. Julius Schwartz
3. JM DeMatteis
4. Gary Groth
5. Curt Swan
6. Mike Grell
7. Bill Willingham
8. Matt Wagner
9. Wendy Pini
10. Richard Pini
11. Murphy Anderson
12. Gil Kane
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Julius Schwartz' birthday party, organized by Murphy Anderson and Gil Kane.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Good guess!
two names right, but in the wrong sections.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Quis' answer sounded so right that I had to wait until you responded.

I'll say Anderson's bithday, hosted by Schwartz and Curt Swan.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
one name right, and in the right section.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say Gil Kane's party, hosted by Schwartz and JM DeMatteis
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Two outta three, and in the right sections!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Gil Kane's party, hosted by Julius Schwartz & Mike Grell
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Still holding at two outta three.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Kane's party, hosted by Schwartz and Wagner?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Not Wagner.
Still two out of three.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well there are five possibilities for the second host.

1. Howard Chaykin
4. Gary Groth
7. Bill Willingham
9. Wendy Pini
10. Richard Pini

My final guess: Gil Kane's party, hosted by Julius Schwartz and Howard Chaykin
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Final guess? You're not giving up when you've narrowed it down so far!?

Not Chaykin. Sory.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, I don't feel like I should just keep guessing.

Maybe one more guess before the weekend

Gil Kane's party, hosted by Julius Schwartz and Gary Groth.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
As strange as that combo may sound... it's right!

San Diego '96 was held in early July, because the Republican National Convention took its usual late-July timeframe.

So Groth and Schwartz threw Kane a b-day party, his 75th if I remember right, on the back terrace of the Con Center. As it was also July 4, we had a panorama of distant fireworks in the backdrop (mostly Coronodo).

Gil Kane was a charming and humble man. He seemed genuinely touched by the event.

Your turn, Q!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
BTW, the reason this was a Miner-inspired question was San D. I met Ray Bradbury at SD '86.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You know, all along I was thinking Groth but kept telling myself "Nah he's a D&D person"

Hmm a question about me.


Whose birthday is closest to mine:

a) my father's
b) my mother's
c) my sister's
d) my aunt's
e) my maternal grandfather's
f) my paternal granmother's
g) my niece's
h) my great nephew's
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Gary Gygax was D&D; Groth was (is?) Fantagraphics.

C) your sister's?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
e) maternal grandfather's?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
D'oh about Gary Groth/Gygax

two wrong answers
Posted by lancesrealm on :
your neice?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
your aunt?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Your great nephew's?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It was my aunt. I like to say that she was 50 years and one day older than me. Among the answers I didn't put my brother, because his birthday is the day afer mine. I like to say he is only 6 years and 364 days older than me.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Okay. Just when you thought I couldn't devise a more complicated question... heh-heh-heh!

The first time I ever read a Legion-related story, I was also exposed to a particular DC hallmark that impacted my comics fandom more heavily than LSH did at the time. Also, I was exposed for the first time to one of my all-time favorite characters, and one of two 1970s/early 80s faves of mine.

Which hallmark, in which book, and which fave?

1) that Pete Ross knew Supes' ID
2) the concept of Earth-2
3) that Superman was able to break the time barrier on his own
4) that Kamandi was a part of DC continuity after all

A) Karate Kid 15
B) JLA 147
C) DC Comics Presents 13
D) DC Super-Stars 17

I) Green Arrow
II) Karate Kid
III) Dawnstar
IV) Huntress
V) Dr Fate
VI) the Earth-2 Batman
VII) Mon-El
VIII) Mordru
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The concept of Eart-2, JLA 147, Huntress
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Again, two out of three on the first go-'round, Quis!
It's time for you to wear a Saturn emblem prominently!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The concept of Earth-2, DC Superstars 17, & The Huntress
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
You got it!

Huntress wasn't in JLA 147 (too early for her), and I never got that one until recently (not long before Dallas, when I got 148, the second part).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I guess that means I have to come up with another question.

Which movie have I seen in its entirety:

1) Terminator
2) Jurassic Park
3) Superman III
4) Titanic
5) Terminator II
6) Gigli
7) Pirates of the Carribean
8) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I knew someone would go for Gigli, but I can happily say, I never saw it.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Jurassic Park?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Superman III?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Posted by ActorLad on :
Pirates of the Carribean?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:

Of all those movies, I only saw Titanic in its entireity. I did see it in the thearter because I knew I wanted to see the ship going under on the big screen. Overall I thought the movie was crap.

PS: when making the list of popular movies that I haven't seen, I knew there was another but couldn't think of it. That movie is the Matrix (or the sequels)

[ March 10, 2005, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Overall I thought the movie was crap.

You weren't wrong.

Be back in a bit with a question.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Never understood what a dull life I must lead until I tried to come up with these questions:

My Least favorite food is:

1)Fish Sticks
3)Chicken Liver
5)Brussel Sprouts
7)Egg Rolls
8)"White" Pizza
9)Steaks cooked rare
11)Peach ice cream
Posted by ActorLad on :
I'm gonna go with Brussel Sprouts since you didn't mention a "flavor" of licorice in particular.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Rare steaks?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No and no.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Steaks cooked rare.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Still no. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say:

8)"White" Pizza
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :

I've never actually tried that.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :

Though the Bill Cosby ads were always irritating.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
11)Peach ice cream?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess Chicken Liver
Posted by Karie on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Peach Ice Cream isn't bad, I grew up on Chciken Liver sandwiches (just right with lettuce and mustard) and Licorice has its uses.

So, no.
Posted by Karie on :
what about hotdogs??????
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Four left:
1)Fish Sticks
7)Egg Rolls

I'll go with 12)Linguini. It makes the least sense.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll pick Egg Rolls
Posted by Karie on :
I'll say egg rolls.
Posted by Bevis on :
Fish sticks.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Karie:
what about hotdogs??????

Ah yes, hotdogs.

The bits of the animal they couldn't find any other use for.

Vile, vile creations.

You're up, Karie.
Posted by Karie on :
Hmmmm... ummmmm... not sure what to ask, so will put the first thing that comes to mind, so just excuse if it seems a little lame

What is my birth country???

(1.) Egypt
(2.) New Zealand
(3.) South Africa
(4.) United Kingdom
(5.) Australia
(6.) Brazil

[ March 24, 2005, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Karie ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I know you currently live in London.

I'm going to guess South Africa
Posted by Karie on :

[ March 24, 2005, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: Karie ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
New Zealand?
Posted by Karie on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I know you currently live in London.

I'm going to guess South Africa

Good guess Quis. Yup, been living in London since Jan 2004, going back to Durban, South Africa in July.

Now it's your turn Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well Karie, I hope your move goes smoothly.

Another question from me:

Which of these have I done for work:

1) Live-in baby sitter
2) Door-to-door salesman
3) Lawn waterer
4) Dog walker
5) Waiter
6) Chocolate inspector
7) Shopper
8) Auto body repairman
9) Male model
Posted by lancesrealm on :
chocolate inpector?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, but when I was a kid, I toured the Hersey Chocolate factory and two women sat watching all the Hersey bars go by to make sure they looked right.
Posted by Bevis on :
male model. Nude male model. Model.

Sorry, I got distracted then...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Now if you had said Female model.... just kidding
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, But that sounds like a fun job.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
For everyone's convenience, I'll repost the remaining choices:

1) Live-in baby sitter
2) Door-to-door salesman
3) Lawn waterer
4) Dog walker
5) Waiter
8) Auto body repairman

I can picture you as a:
5) Waiter
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll guess 4) Dog Walker.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, nope, and nope.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Auto body repairman
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, that was my dad. He had his own business and wanted to add "& Son" to the name. None of us had any interest in the business. I being the last child had a little extra pressure. Dad would say stuff like "Well it is good to know a trade you can fall back on" At the time (When I was a teenager) I would think "I'd rather beg in the street".

I do feel kind of sad that Dad didn't get his "& Son"
Posted by Karie on :
What about a lawn waterer?? Sounds nifty
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
We have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!

One summer I worked for my brother's landscaping business. He had a contract with a condominium developement. I'd be dropped of in the morning with a bunch of hoses and sprinklers. I'd set them up and let them water the lawns for a bit, then have to move them to the next area. I'd do that for the whole day.
Posted by Karie on :

This is fun.

Ok, ummmm.... what am I allergic to, but love eating anyway??

(1.) Oranges
(2.) Mushrooms
(3.) Cabbage
(4.) Cheese
(5.) Strawberries
(6.) Peanuts
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess Strawberries
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by ActorLad on :
Oranges because nothing rhymes with orange?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I believe that leaves me with cabbage.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
from your disposition, I'll bet that's not the first time that's happened. [Big Grin]
Posted by Karie on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:

Yup, mushrooms it is. My housemate is a vegetarian, so they get put in the food when she cooks, and her meat alternatives are made of mushroom protein, but I still eat it cause she makes good food, even though it makes me really ill. I cant stop eating mushrooms anyway. I like them too much.

Your turn lancesrealm!!!!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, thanks....I like mushrooms too.

here we go...

During my recent bout with unemployment, which of the following have I NOT done:

1) work on a book I am writing
2) work on a DnD game I am writing
3) watch the enrire run of Buffy
4) read portions of my old physics textbook
5) paint the living room
6) clean the basement
7) tried to teach PJ (my 4-yr-old) how to play Heroquest
8) eaten a lot of Pistachio ice cream
9) had an accident involving both of my vehicles
10) practised ventriloquism
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
7) tried to teach PJ (my 4-yr-old) how to play Heroquest
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Actually, I have tried this. Heroquest has lots of little figurines, and he really likes to roll the dice and toast the bad guys. We don't play by the official rules, but I have tried.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
8) eaten a lot of Pistachio ice cream
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Pistachio is my absolute favorite ice-cream. However, it in almost impossible to find in stores. Lately, though, Krogers has been carrying Pistachio. I bought all they had, actually, and stuck it in the freezer. I have eaten quite a bit of it.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
6) clean the basement?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
4) read portions of your old physics textbook?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I have cleaned portions of the basement, although I still have a long way to go. Also, I think physics is phun, so I have read some portions of my old physics text. Keep guessing...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I think you mentioned wqatching the Buffy dvds so I'll guess practicing ventriloquism
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I have small children. I try ventriloquism every day. I still stink at it.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I have small children. I try ventriloquism every day. I still stink at it.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I didn't see your lips move. You are better than you think. [Wink]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
5) paint the living room?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
9) had an accident involving both of your vehicles.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
5) paint the living room?

We have a winner! I have made absolutely no progress painting the living room. Moving the entertainment center is going to be such a pain. I'm not even sure I can move it by myself. If anybody wants to come over and help, however...

You're up, Kent.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Okay, I'll post the ?, but I'll be away 'til Monday, so guess your heart out.

Each of the following events (1-8) are matched to a specific person (A-G). Seven combinations really happened; which combination didn't?

1. I went to college with a close relative of...
2.For work, I once interviewed...
3. Specialty dolls crafted by friends of mine are collected by...
4. I once played drums with...
5. My grandmother once received an autographed picture of...
6. My sister once worked with...
7. My mother once went bowling with...
8. I once dated an ex-girlfriend of...

A. Frank Sinatra
B. Frank Serpico
C. Basil Rathbone
D. Jane Fonda
E. Jimi Hendrix
F. Demi Moore
G. Nathan Lane
H. Kate Pierson

[ March 31, 2005, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say that the thing never happened is that your sister once worked with... and the odd man out is Jimi Hendrix
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Each are legit, but not with each other. The ol' Quis mind-reading-on-the-first-try fails!
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
8 and H
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
You once interviewed Frank Serpico?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Just a wild guess, but... you're mother didn't go bowling with Demi Moore?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I once interviewed Kate Pierson. Sorry, Miner and Viv.

I onced dated an ex-girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix (I was 20, she was 43). Sorry, Viv and Quis.

Serpico and Moore are legit, but not in the guessed contexts. And my mother did once bowl with someone on the list.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
How come I got 2 sorry's, am I that bad?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
4 and C.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Methinks Miner's being silly.

No, I played drums with Frank Serpico.
Rathbone is part of a valid combo, tho.

We have three names and four events unguessed.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
6 and C
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
3 and G.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Specialty dolls crafted by friends of mine are (or were) collected by Demi Moore.

My sister once worked with Nathan Lane on a production of "Guys and Dolls" before he was big, in a small New Hampshire production.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posting the choice on the new page:

1. I went to college with a close relative of...
2.For work, I once interviewed...
3. Specialty dolls crafted by friends of mine are collected by...
4. I once played drums with...
5. My grandmother once received an autographed picture of...
6. My sister once worked with...
7. My mother once went bowling with...
8. I once dated an ex-girlfriend of...

A. Frank Sinatra
B. Frank Serpico
C. Basil Rathbone
D. Jane Fonda
E. Jimi Hendrix
F. Demi Moore
G. Nathan Lane
H. Kate Pierson

I guess 5 and C
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
My grandmother/autograph IS the event that doesn't have a combo (and the reason I edited the original question - she DID get an 'graph... but it was of the cast of Lost in Space!), so Quis is 1/2 right.

Basil's a popular guess, but he's still part of a legit combo.

so... there's two more names that haven't been guessed.
Posted by Dark Priestess Viviane on :
5 and D

[ April 05, 2005, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Dark Priestess Viviane ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
5 and A.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Miner's got it!

Mom went bowling with Jane Fonda, when they were both young.

I went to college (briefly) with a granddaughter of Basil Rathbone.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
You know, I was really, really hoping you had played drums in Basil Rathbone's band.

I'll be back later with a question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bumping for Miner
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

[Bump] again.

[ April 24, 2005, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I said "later", didn't I?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
So, weeks after trying to find life experiences to draw on for a question, it comes down to this:

I am currently in Cincinnati. I was born and raised here, so that's no big deal. But I'm here at this particular time for a purpose. So that's the question: Why am I here this time?

1) To attend a particular concert
2) Because I got a chance to be in a locally-produced film.
3) To help tend to a cancer-stricken relative.
4) Because the manager of my old comic shop has no other employees and asked for help in the store.
5) Because my sister and her family went to Florida to do the Disney thing and I'm looking after the pets.
6) To collaborate on designing a card game with a friend.
7) To attend a comic convention.
8) To help a friend man her booth at an upcoming arts fair.
9) Because I got the "booty call" from someone I haven't seen in years.
10) To give a talk at a local school about life in Washington, DC.
11) There's no big reason, I just felt like it.
12) I'm lying - I'm not actually in Cincinnati at all.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I'll say

5) Because my sister and her family went to Florida to do the Disney thing and I'm looking after the pets.

Hey, if you are still in Cincinnati, wanna do lunch?
Posted by Bevis on :
12) You're lying, you're really in Mongolia.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well, that was quick. Lance got it!

The pets are indeed the reason. I am on a short list of humans that the dog can tolerate, so I said I'd help out.

Several of the above are also true as well, but they aren't what got me on the plane.

I'm here until Sunday Morning. PM me about the lunch.

[ April 25, 2005, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Outdoor Miner ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, hee we go...

I used to have a blue '91 Cougar, which I really liked. It had many things wrong with it, though. Which of the following was not something that was wrong with my old car:

1) speedometer didn't work
2) trunk would not open
3) heat did not work
4) AC did not work
5) light on radio burned out
6) gas guage did not work
7) hood had to be opened with pliers
Posted by Karie on :
i'll say (1.) speedometer didn't work, cause it would be funny if that was the only thing that did work while everything else was wrong with it.
Posted by Polar Boy v2.0 on :
7) Hood had to be opened with pliers
Posted by lancesrealm on :
The speedometer did not work; I had to use the tachometer. The latch cable to the hood broke, and I had to pull on it with a pair of pliers to open the hood. Try again...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd say that the light on the radio dial didn't burn out and was the only thing that worked.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll say the gas gauge was the only thing that worked.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
3) heat did not work?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
The light on the radio did burn out. I had to guess which statiob I was listening to. The gas guage did not work - I had to "zero" the trip meter every time I gassed up. The heat also did not work - I really bundled up in the winter. Only 2 guesses left...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
trunk won't open?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Kent, the trunk actually did open, so that is the only defect which I made up. You're up! (I still miss that car - shame the head gasket blew.)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Which of the following 2 have I not done:

1. helped organize a Celtic festival
2. gone ice climbing in July
3. had a flight lesson
4. been thrown out of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC
5. appeared as a movie extra with Jack Nicholson
6. seen Pink Floyd live on my birthday
7. chased a cow in Ireland
8. been nude in public
9. taken a ride in the 70s Dr Who roadster 'Bessie'
10. written and drawn an unpublished 28-page JLA story
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I'll guess

4. been thrown out of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC
Posted by Stargazer on :

Is it #5 and #7
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Oh - I'll guess 4 and 8.
Posted by dedman on :
3 and 6
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
'Gazer's half-right; everyone else guessed wrong.

I had an introductory flight lesson a couple weeks ago.

In 1991 (or thereabouts) I and several others were thrown out of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. We'd started out well beyond the Capitol, singing the entire album, "Pink Floyd- the Wall" As we reached the top steps of the Linc, we finished, and my buddies let out a huge howl. A guard stepped out of nowhere and threw us out.

I saw Pink Floyd live on my birthday... my 19th, I think, when they'd just gotten together again (without Waters) in 87.

I was nude in public while attempting to wash up in the mudfest known as Woodstock 94.

[ May 01, 2005, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll say:

7. chased a cow in Ireland
9. taken a ride in the 70s Dr Who roadster 'Bessie'
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Quis is half-right.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
#5 and #9, then.

If nothing else, we'll confirm which of 'gazer's guesses was accurate.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
When I was 18-ish, Jack Nicholson was filming "Ironweed" in my hometown, and lots of people were extras. Not me tho.

At college, Bessie was on display, and I got to sit in her. I noted with jealousy that another group got to go driving in her later in the day, but not me tho.

Visiting distant relatives in Ireland, an elderly neighbors cows got loose, and three of us went out to chase them back to their pasture.

So Miner's got it!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll be back in a bit with a question.

I know I've said that before, but really, I'll be back in a little bit with a question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
I'll be back in a bit with a question.

I know I've said that before, but really, I'll be back in a little bit with a question.

*starts reading "War & Peace"*
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
OK, doubt monkeys, here you go:

I'm a big fan of music, which should be news to none of you. I've got a lot of great records in my collection. A lot. But I'm nowhere near getting everything I want yet. Name the 2 recordings that I think are absolute classics, but I don't actually own. (Note: I'm restricting it to rock music here to make it simpler.)

1) Close to the Edge by Yes
2) The Who Sell Out by The Who
3) Automatic For The People by R.E.M.
4) The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie
5) The Dreaming by Kate Bush
6) Revolver by The Beatles
7) Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
8) Boston by Boston
9) Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin
10) Chairs Missing by Wire
11) Remain In Light by Talking Heads
12) Achtung Baby by U2
13) In The Court of The Crimson King by King Crimson
14) Let It Bleed by The Rolling Stones
15) London Calling - The Clash
16) Songs From the Big Chair by Tears For Fears
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Making a guess (and at least elminating two choices)

9) Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin

14) Let It Bleed by The Rolling Stones
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
4) The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie

5) The Dreaming by Kate Bush
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Quis, as is becoming a habit, is half-right.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
2 and 9
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
14 and 2
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hoping I am correct in my first half right answer and am correct in guessing the second one.

9) Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin

15) London Calling - The Clash
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Quis is no longer half-right.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
14 and 6
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Quis is still no longer half-right.

He is entirely right.

I think Let It Bleed is the Stones' overall best album, but I don't own a copy. I think Revolver may be the best rock album *ever*, but I don't have it either. I've practically got the songs committed to memory at this point, anyway.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

How many Legion Worlders have I met in person:

A) 7
B) 9
C) 15
D) 10
E) 13
F) 5

[ May 11, 2005, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Karie on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, 13 is not the answer
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
F) 5
Posted by dedman on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
NOpe all around.

It is down to:

C) 15


D) 10

And we better have a right answer before Monday or there will be no right answer after I meet Gigglebot Girl.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I am voluntarily withdrawing from this one as I'm actually one of the LWers you've met.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
D. 10
Posted by dedman on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Brainiac 5 is correct.

I have meet (in order) Faraway Lad, STU, Pov, Cobalt Kid, MLLASH, Outdoor Miner, Beagz, Kent Shakespeare, Stargazer, & Yellow Kid.

And as a bonus, Both STU & Pov have been to Casa de Quis. I hear they have finally recovered from that experience.

Your question Brainy
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Thank you, Quislet.

As some of you know, I have a baby on the way. We have confirmation that it's a girl. So, what comic book female was the inspiration for her name?

A. Oracle
B. Wonder Girl
C. Scarlet Witch
D. Storm
E. Wolfsbane
F. Triad
G. Gwen Stacy
H. Black Cat
I. Psylocke
J. Starfire
K. Wonder Woman
L. Kinetix
M. The Super Shameless Hussy...OF SPACE!

Good Luck!!
[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
G. Gwen Stacey
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
J. Starfire
Posted by lancesrealm on :
K. Wonder Woman

(I wanted to name our little girl Dinah, btw. My wife didn't go for it, even though I never told her we would be naming our child after Black Canary. Since my name is Lance, I thought it would be cool. Or, perhaps, geeky...)
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Although Gwen was on the list, and my wife does read Wonder Woman, no correct answers so far.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
L. Kinetix
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
first, I'll re-post the remaining answers:

B. Wonder Girl
C. Scarlet Witch
D. Storm
E. Wolfsbane
F. Triad
H. Black Cat
I. Psylocke
M. The Super Shameless Hussy...OF SPACE!

I'll guess:

B. Wonder Girl
Posted by lancesrealm on :
H. Black Cat?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
none so far...
Posted by Judge Ded on :
F. Triad
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
nope, only a few left...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
C. Scarlet Witch?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
E. Wolfsbane?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Lance is the winner!!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Figured as much - it was the only reasonable one left. Rahne is a very pretty name.

We're going to do this a little different this time. All you have to do is guess how many longboxes of comics I have in my basement. Make a guess, and I will say higher or lower.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Juan on :
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
higher than 18...
Posted by Karie on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Karie, I have 23 longboxes. Not all are completely full, and some are full of guano, but still, there are 23. You're up!
Posted by Karie on :
that was a lucky guess!!!


ok, i work at museums/galleries, in london on the weekends, which one havent i worked at, to date??

(1.) Cutty Sark
(2.) Imperial War Museum
(3.) Somerset House
(4.) Victoria & Albert Museum
(5.) British Museum
(6.) Royal Observatory
(7.) Cabinet War Rooms
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(4.) Victoria & Albert Museum?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
(6.) Royal Observatory?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Somerset house?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Imperial War Museum.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
(5.) British Museum
Posted by Karie on :
hey, well done Quis, the only museum i havent worked at is the British Museum, been practically everywhere else but there.

your turn Quis!!!!

[ May 25, 2005, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Karie ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
What did I want to be when I grew up?

a) a fireman
b) a lawyer
c) an oceanographer
d) a historian
e) an actor
f) an auto body man
g) a spy
h) nothing in particular
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Posted by Bevis on :
an oceanographer (and yet I so bet it's a lawyer and you are trying to trick us)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Neither an actor nor an oceanographer did I want to be.
Posted by lancesrealm on :

[ May 25, 2005, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: lancesrealm ]
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
"When Wellington thrashed Bonaparte
(As ev'ry child can tell),
The House of Peers throughout the war
Did nothing in particular
And did it very well..."
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
a) a fireman
Posted by Karie on :
a spy
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
lancesrealm has it.

I loved history and wanted to be a historian or a history teacher. I had no real idea what a historian did, but it dealt with history so that was good enough for me.
Posted by lancesrealm on : we go...

I just had my 40th birthday. It came, or course, with all the usual gags one's family feels they must use at such a milestone, but at least I got some cool presents.

Which of the following did I get as a present for my birthday?

1) Godfather trilogy
2) Raiders trilogy
3) Terminator trilogy'
4) Star Wars trilogy
5) Jurassic Park trilogy
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Raiders Trilogy ( I was weighing this or Godfather trilogy then finally picked Raiders due to your possible hint - "milestone and gag" hmmm?)
Posted by lancesrealm on :
lol...sorry...I wasn't even trying to give a veiled hint. Try again.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
3) Terminator trilogy?
Posted by lancesrealm on : was on the list though...only 3 left.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
1) Godfather trilogy?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
hey that was mine in the first place when I decided to switch to Raiders....if it turned out to be wrong...then I chose -

STAR WARS Trilogy!!! [Smile]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
That leaves the Jurassic Park trilogy.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Superboy has it - I got the Star Wars trilogy. PJ (who is 4) is now becoming familiar with Darth Vader, light sabres, and X-wing fighters. Funny thing is, he had a C3PO shirt which he used to wear, but after having seen Star Wars, he now refuses to wear it. Go figure...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
great! okay as for me, when I was younger, I earned a mere 25 cents per chore from the allowance per week so meaning that I could earn about 5 dollars to 8 dollars per week (depending if I steal some chores from my younger sister - more chores - more money to buy more comics.) and the comics were about 20 cents to 1 dollar - remember Superman Family and Batman Family? [Big Grin] okay the question is while I earned the money the "hard way" heehee - My dad and I went to the 7-11 store to buy my first comic books ever with my own money - I saw the Legion book there in the book rack that caused me so much excited and guess which one I bought the first:

a) That Damned Tabloid (the Wedding of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl)
b) Superboy starring the Legion # 228
c) Superboy starring the Legion #229
d) Superboy and the Legion #230
e) Superboy and the Legion #238
f) Superboy starring the Legion #201
g) Justice League of America #148
h) Karate Kid #3

[Smile] Enjoy!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I just have to guess:

a) That Damned Tabloid (the Wedding of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl)
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I'll guess

f) Superboy starring the Legion #201

(This was, I think, the first Legion comic I ever read.)
Posted by superboymddjr on :
nope nope
Posted by Bevis on :
Karate Kid #3
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, then,

g) Justice League of America #148
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Ok, then,

g) Justice League of America #148

Lancesrealm, are you giving us the answer?

if not, I'm guessing: d) Superboy and the Legion #230
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No, I wasn't giving an answer. How could I? Do I look like a hussy? (Don't answer that.)
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Quislet got it right. My first ever - superboy and the Legion Giant issue #230 60 cents! a real hard earned money indeed! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
No, I wasn't giving an answer. How could I? Do I look like a hussy? (Don't answer that.)

I got confused and thought you had asked the question. sorry about that.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oh and now I have to think up another question.


Among these shows which were my favorites when growing up is one I didn't watch. Which one didn't I watch.

A)Hogan's Heroes
D)Gentle Ben
E)McHale's Navy
F)F Troop
G)Daniel Boone
H)The Wonderful World of Disney
I)I Dream of Jeannie
J)The Courtship of Eddie's Father
Posted by Karie on :
(H) The Wonderful World of Disney

and i'm guessing that one, cause it's the only one i know [Embarrassed]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sorry Karie, I loved Disney and it was my Sunday night show that couldn't be missed. .
Posted by lancesrealm on :
F)F Troop?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
F)F Troop?


I had a bit of a crush on trooper Dobbs

Picture of Trooper Doobs
Posted by RTVU2 on :
b. Flipper!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. And as revealed in an earlier question my first Halloween costume was Flipper.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Reposting for new page with incorrect answers taken out:

Among these shows which were my favorites when growing up is one I didn't watch. Which one didn't I watch.

A)Hogan's Heroes

D)Gentle Ben
E)McHale's Navy

G)Daniel Boone

I)I Dream of Jeannie
J)The Courtship of Eddie's Father
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hogan's Heroes?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
E)McHale's Navy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope & Nope

Wasn't WWII funny? [Wink]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
C) Daktari?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Four more answers left.

I am surprized Daktari hasn't been rerun on TVLand
Posted by superboymddjr on :
admittedly I have never heard of F Troop, Gentle Ben, and others....the only I have seen when I was younger - Hogan's Heroes, I Dream of Jeannie, Flipper (rerun - syndicated) that 's it. you must be older than I am. [Big Grin]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh that makes sense..the answer must be -
Daniel Boone?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
admittedly I have never heard of F Troop, Gentle Ben, and others....the only I have seen when I was younger - Hogan's Heroes, I Dream of Jeannie, Flipper (rerun - syndicated) that 's it. you must be older than I am. [Big Grin]

If you click my profile, you'll see my birthday.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
oh that makes sense..the answer must be -
Daniel Boone?

Nope. I think that show sparked my interest in history. I know I always wanted to go to Kentucky because of it.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
yeah another Sagittaurus like me! only 6 years older than me. by the way, what that stuff Trooper Dobbs holding in his hand?!?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh well gotta get back to work now. let someone give the correct answer. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Four more answers left.

I am surprized Daktari hasn't been rerun on TVLand

I thought they did. Someone a couple of years ago was showing it either Saturday or Sunday mornings. Guess it could have been TBS.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I am surprized Daktari hasn't been rerun on TVLand

never heard of it, and you're only 6 years older than I.

J)The Courtship of Eddie's Father
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
yeah another Sagittaurus like me! only 6 years older than me. by the way, what that stuff Trooper Dobbs holding in his hand?!?

I'm not sure, but when I saw that picture, I just had to post the link
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I am surprized Daktari hasn't been rerun on TVLand

never heard of it, and you're only 6 years older than I.

J)The Courtship of Eddie's Father

People let me tell you about my best friend....

Daktari was about a father-daughter animal care group in Africa. It featured Clarence the cross-eyed lion and Judy the chimp.

Two shows left. One I watched, the other I didn't.

[ June 02, 2005, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I)I Dream of Jeannie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, and the next poster has to get it correct.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
D)Gentle Ben!!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So ask your question Kent
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Here goes...

two-part question: which story did I win my only AP award for, and which story did I never write?

1) a proposed mega-landfill with mafia connections
2) interviewing the owners of an historical house that had deteriorated to the point where they had no choice but to demolish it
3) "inside baseball" and outlandish perks at a local industrial development agency
4) a proposed mega-cement plant
5) how my city was giving away its back-up reservoir to a mining company
6) the proposal to dredge PCBs from the Hudson River
7) how a brawl at a local village board meeting resulted in a village trustee being thrown through a plate glass window
8) the closure of a landmark local restaurant
9) security personnel stopping and combing over the last train out of Manhattan on 9/11
10) a City University of New York student senate leader living large on six-digit expense accounts and hiring family members and friends as assistants.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
2 and 4, respectively?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
3 and 10?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
1 and 9?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
lance and sup'djr are totally off. Miner has one right, but in the wrong place.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
7 and 4?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
7 and 2?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4 and 5 respectively
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Of the three new guesses, one of you has one right and in the right order, one has a right answer but in the wrong spot, and one of you has both right answers, but in reversed order.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hopefully my analytical skills are working.

From the above clue, I would say the correct answer is

4 and 7 respectively

4) a proposed mega-cement plant won you the AP award


7) how a brawl at a local village board meeting resulted in a village trustee being thrown through a plate glass window is the story you never wrote.

[ June 06, 2005, 11:58 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Yes indeed!

I won the award back in 2001... the mega-cement plant was actually defeated last month.

The window incident did happen, although I didn't write of it, in a village I didn't start covering until a month or three after the notorious incident.

Go, Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Congrats (however belatedly) on geting that award, Kent.

Gee It keeps getting harder for me to come up with questions about myself.

OK aside from spending time on Legion World, what else do I do for fun.

1) I post at conservative talk show host Sean Hannity's message board
2) I bicycle on the weekends
3) I attend meetings of a gay Buddist group
4) I go to flea markets (boot sales for our British friends) looking for old maps
5) I host murder mystery dinners
6) I go clothes shopping
7) I write poetry
8) I go deep sea fishing
Posted by RTVU2 on :
i want to say 3...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
And you'd almost be right. There is a gay Buddist group in my area that I have been thinking about trying out.
Posted by Karie on :
i'm guessing number 4
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, although I have been to flea markets and I do like old maps, I don't go to flea markets looking for old maps.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
then i will go 1.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That is the one RTVU2.

There I didn't have to put the "esq" after Quislet.

I do like it when I make a very good point and someone there actually concedes the point.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I knew one was right when I read it.
They reason you gave was the one I was thinking too -that and screwing it to the conservatives! [tease]

So my turn....multiple question/answers, match a letter question with a number answer.

Out of all the cds that will be coming out this summer

a. which one am I most looking forward too?
b. which is playing in my cd player?
c. which has been the bigget disappointment?
d. which one did I not get but wanted too?
e. which is an impluse buy?
f. which one would I not be caught dead buying?

1. Coldplay 'X&Y'
2. Daee Matthews Band 'Stand Up'
3. Black Eye Peas "Monkey Business"
4. Jason Mraz 'Mr. A-Z'
5. Shakira 'Fijacion Oral Vol 1'
6. Whezzer 'Make Believe'
7. Oasis 'Don't Believe the Truth'
9. White Stripes 'Get Behind Me Satan'
10. Common 'Be'
11.Audioslave 'Out of Exile'
12. Mariah Carey 'The Emancipation of Mimi'
13. Garbage 'Bleed Like Me'

[ June 07, 2005, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: RTVU2 ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
f. 12?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
nope, I like Mariah.
Posted by Karie on :
a & 1

only cause i cant wait to get my hands on this one too
Posted by lancesrealm on :
f 13?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Total guesses here:

a. which one am I most looking forward too? 5. Shakira 'Fijacion Oral Vol 1'

b. which is playing in my cd player? 1. Coldplay 'X&Y'

c. which has been the bigget disappointment? 11.Audioslave 'Out of Exile'

d. which one did I not get but wanted too? 3. Black Eye Peas "Monkey Business"

e. which is an impluse buy?10. Common 'Be'

f. which one would I not be caught dead buying?12. Mariah Carey 'The Emancipation of Mimi'
Posted by RTVU2 on :
a. nope, it is a great cd though, very different from the last one

b. right, awesome cd! you need to get it Karie!

c. no, but I love stp

d. no, have nver really been a fan

e. no, but one of the other guesses was the correct answer

f. I like mariah...but I never like it when people form new bands
Posted by RTVU2 on :
To make it easy I am going to eliminate all the wrong answers....

Out of all the cds that will be coming out this summer

a. which one am I most looking forward too?
b. which is playing in my cd player?
c. which has been the bigget disappointment?
d. which one did I not get but wanted too?
e. which is an impluse buy?
f. which one would I not be caught dead buying?

1. Coldplay 'X&Y'
2. Jason Mraz 'Mr. A-Z'
3. Shakira 'Fijacion Oral Vol 1'
4. Whezzer 'Make Believe'
5. Oasis 'Don't Believe the Truth'
6. White Stripes 'Get Behind Me Satan'
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
More guesses:

a. which one am I most looking forward too?5. Oasis 'Don't Believe the Truth'

b. which is playing in my cd player?
1. Coldplay 'X&Y'

c. which has been the bigget disappointment?2. Jason Mraz 'Mr. A-Z'

d. which one did I not get but wanted too?3. Shakira 'Fijacion Oral Vol 1'

e. which is an impluse buy?6. White Stripes 'Get Behind Me Satan'

f. which one would I not be caught dead buying? 4. Whezzer 'Make Believe'
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Totally random guesses:

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
e. 6
f. 5
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Quis was right on b. I love the new coldplay...

some hints... never been a Jack and Meg fan, Mraz is the bomb...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
a. 3
b. 1
c. 5
d. 2
e. 4
f. 6
Posted by Darcy on :
Posted by RTVU2 on :
well superboymddjr got b,c,and f right!

the lovely darcy got a,b,and e right!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
okay here it goes for 100 percent -
a. 2
b. 1
c. 5
d. 4
e. 3
f. 6

how about that!?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
And there is a winner!

a. I love Jason Mraz and can't wait to buy it

b. Coldplay's new cd is awesome, what a great chill album

c. I listed to Oasis and I love Oasis but the new cd gave me a headache

d. I really wanted whezzer but forget to buy it

e. Shakira ia awesome, didn't want to but it b/c it's all Spanish but it's great mood music

f. Never thought White Strpies were really that good.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
okay here is my question - since I grew up in many states, thanks to my Dad's military background, which state that I have not lived yet -

A. Virginia
B. New Jersey
C. New York
D. Louisiana
E. Texas
F. Colorado
G. California
H. Kentucky

As a bonus - which state I was born in?
As the second bonus - which state that I am living now?

Third bonus - True or False - I have visited 49 states out of 50.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
heeheh the second bonus is easy. It is in your sig line

I say you haven't lived in Louisiana

You were born in Texas
and you currently live in California
Posted by superboymddjr on :
okay you got it right that I am now living in California.

but bzzzzzzz, I used to live in Louisiana - (Metarie/Davenport Springs - for those who are curious.) and nope I ain't born in Bush-ran Lone State. sorry. try again.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You haven;t lived in... Kentucky?

And you were born in... Virginia?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
I used to live in Lewisport, 18 miles west of Owensboro, KY. and nope I was not born in Virginia.

Keep trying! [Smile]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You haven't lived in Colorado?

And I don't suppose you were born in Pennsylvania, were you?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ha, I lived in Denver/Thornton/Northglenn, Colorado and nope I was not born in Pennsylvania, but you're closer.... [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
okay here is my question - since I grew up in many states, thanks to my Dad's military background, which state that I have not lived yet -

A. Virginia
B. New Jersey
C. New York
D. Louisiana
E. Texas
F. Colorado
G. California
H. Kentucky

As a bonus - which state I was born in?
As the second bonus - which state that I am living now?

Third bonus - True or False - I have visited 49 states out of 50.

I'll say that you've never lived to Texas and that you were born in Virginia.

And I'll say that you have been to 49 of the 50 states
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Quis - you got two correct answers -
I have never lived in Texas.
The state I was born is.............not Virginia.

I have visited 49 out of 50...the last one being more state to go is Alaska...someday someday.... [Smile]

one more question to be answered.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You've never lived in Texas
You were born in New York
You currently live in California
and you've been to 49 out of 50 states
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh close close close....very close...not in New York..... [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You've never lived in Texas
You were born in New Jersey
You currently live in California
and you've been to 49 out of 50 states
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Bingo!!!! I was born in Fort Lee, NJ!! Smile you go Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK way back when I have had a couple of letters published in letters columns. Which comic book letters column featured my first published letter?

a) Detective Comics
b) Amazing Spider-man
c) Superboy & the Legion of Superheroes
d) Firestorm
e) Marvel Two-in-One
f) House of Mystery
g) Power Man & Iron Fist
h) Karate Kid
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
hehehehe Suckered you in with that one, IB!
Posted by Darcy on :
Give me an "A!"

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK here is an "A", but you don't have the next question because that is not the right answer.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
hate to be a sucker...but gotta try - H! Karate Kid!!!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
wow did not realize that I hit the post #1500 in this thread!! whooo whooo milestone!! indeed!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Congrats, superboymddjr. I'm glad this thread has generated so much activity.

Now for a non-"obvious" choice (I kinda knew C wouldn't be right, but I thought it would be so cool if it was I just couldn't resist!).

Is it F?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
hehehe superboymddjr is a sucker [Wink]

And it wasn't in the House of Mystery

The remaining answers are:

b) Amazing Spider-man

d) Firestorm
e) Marvel Two-in-One

g) Power Man & Iron Fist
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yup, it was Firestorm. I think it was issue number 6 or 7 (the one with Plastique's first appearance)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

I've just started college. Which degree/degrees am I pursuing?

A. AB Psychology and Marketing Management
B. Organizational Communication and Management of Financial Institutions
C. Civil Engineering
D. BS Math
E. BS Psychology
F. AB Psychology
G. AB Psychology and Accountancy
H. Environmental Science
I. Communication Arts
J. Literature
K. Statistics, major in Actuarial Science
L. Computer Engineering
M. Educational Psychology
N. Management Honors
O. Political Science
P. Journalism
Q. Nutrition
R. Theology
S. Philosophy
T. Biology
U. Nursing
V. Japanese Studies
W. European Studies
X. Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Y. History
Z. Economics and Accountancy

[ June 26, 2005, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Want to give a hint as to how many we should be guessing?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

I've just started college.

I'm sorry, poor kid.

Well, D (it's a requirement)

and T
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Perhaps I should rephrase my question. Forgive me, but terminology here is different. And nope, it's not D or T.
Posted by BrianT on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Perhaps I should rephrase my question. Forgive me, but terminology here is different. And nope, it's not D or T.

No offence IB but i would like to know something about past Legion experiences.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Sure. Why don't you PM me?
Posted by BrianT on :

1. What identity did Chameleon Boy assumed when he tried "hitting" on Janice Warren in ADVENTURE 383?
2. In "Super Soldiers of the Slave Maker" (SUPERBOY 220)who were the rebels who assisted the Legion to take down the lizard like ruler?
3. What planet did Command Kid (ADVENTURE 328)come from and why did he leave the Legion?
4. Who was President of Earth at the time of Universo's takeover in ADVENTURE 359-360?
5. What was the name of the poison accidently drunk by several Legionnaires in ADVENTURE 377-378?
6. What caused Timber Wolf's facial features to turn from human to lupine in SUPERBOY 197?
7. The name of the wimpy jewel thief in LEGIONNAIRES 77?
8. What were the names of Pulsar Stargrave's two cohorts in SUPERBOY 223-224?
9. What was the Klordny celebration in S/LSH 233 supposed to commemerate?
10. Did Marla Latham and R.J. Brande have more than just a business partnership?
11. Whatever happened to Catspaw after the Zero Hour reboot?
12. What was the reason for Chameleon Boy's attack upon Superboy in SUPERBOY 188?
13. The name of Zoe Saugin's brother?
14. Who was the next person to be possessed by the Evil Eye?
15. What happened to Doc Magnus/Veridian's responsometer when C.O.M.P.U.T.O. was destroyed in LSH 100?
16. What happened to Don Allen after his appearence at Bouncing Boy's and Duo Damsel's wedding?
17. Has Rond Vidar ever resurfaced after he changed Lori Morning from adult back to child again?
18. What caused the effect that erased XS, Kinetix, Kid Quantum II, and Ferro out of retroactive existence?
19. Why couldn't the force field seperating Earth from Nadir (ADVENTURE 376) be broken?
20. How come during the Levitz-LaRocque years did you never see any Legionnaire be called away to a space mission, instead preferring to hang around the headquarters?

Im sure the questions were dead easy, do you know the answwers?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I admit I'm not an expert on these things, so I have to do some research on them.

1. Dane Roberts, suppsoedly a friend of Projectra's.
2. Some Murgadorians. Pollor was the one who summoned the Legion, right?
3. He came from Preztor and had to leave the Legion because he didn't have any powers - he was just possessed by a demon.
4. Kandru Boltax
5. Rakurga, though the issues the story took place were Adventure 378-379
6. I'm not sure, think it was because he got shot by Tyr?
7. Viktor Rhysson
8. Quicksand and Holdur
9. I don't know this one.
10. I guess it goes further than that, because preboot Marla saved Brande's life.
11. McCauly was considering her for membership in the Workforce in Legionnaires 69, though I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed that it was she - but there was a close enough resemblance, I think.
12. The blood crystals
13. Thanot
14. Do you mean the Emerald Eye? If so, Sarya of Veneger, Ingira Olav and Cera Kesh were the three Emerald Empresses of the preboot. In the reboot we have Shrinking Violet. The Eye later attached itself to the Empress, though there was no mind-control involved.
15. The responsometer was returned to him.
16. I think his next appearance was when Doctor Ivo tried to murder him. Earthgov later executed him, along with his twin Dawn.
17. Yup - He rebuilt Brainy's time platform in Legionnaires 47, and he popped up during the Dark Circle event.
18. I'm not sure what incident you're referring to here - was this when the Time Trapper manipulated the Legionnaires?
19. Don't remember the answer to this one - wasn't the forcefield made permanent after Cham was teleported away using the Stones of Alactos?
20. I'm not very familiar with this era, sorry.

Listen, I don't mind these questions, but maybe next time you could please post them in a separate thread? They kind of distract from this thread... Thanks.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I've just started college. Which degree/degrees am I pursuing? (just pick one letter; edited to remove wrong guesses)

A. AB Psychology and Marketing Management
B. Organizational Communication and Management of Financial Institutions
C. Civil Engineering
E. BS Psychology
F. AB Psychology
G. AB Psychology and Accountancy
H. Environmental Science
I. Communication Arts
J. Literature
K. Statistics, major in Actuarial Science
L. Computer Engineering
M. Educational Psychology
N. Management Honors
O. Political Science
P. Journalism
Q. Nutrition
R. Theology
S. Philosophy
U. Nursing
V. Japanese Studies
W. European Studies
X. Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Y. History
Z. Economics and Accountancy
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Fair enough, i understand, dont be concerned if you thought youd hurt my feelings - everything's cool, dude.

Comments: I knew the poison was called Rakurga, just didnt know in which issues of ADVENTURE it was used.

You were spot on with the Pollor answer, but u forgot Dinda, his cohort.

Thanks for the additional data concerning the Emerald Eye, but all i was after was who was the next host and u answered Ingria Olav. Good job!

Your query about the Time Trapper was correct, but what i wanted was what happened to cause the events as chronicled in the Waid/Kitson version?

Nice to talk to you - my name is Brian, by the way.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nice "meeting" you again, Brian. I'm Paulo. Those questions were fun to answer; sorry if my post sounded rude or anything... [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
IB, you are studying for H. Environmental Sciences
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

The remaining choices:

A. AB Psychology and Marketing Management
B. Organizational Communication and Management of Financial Institutions
C. Civil Engineering
E. BS Psychology
F. AB Psychology
G. AB Psychology and Accountancy
I. Communication Arts
J. Literature
K. Statistics, major in Actuarial Science
L. Computer Engineering
M. Educational Psychology
N. Management Honors
O. Political Science
P. Journalism
Q. Nutrition
R. Theology
S. Philosophy
U. Nursing
V. Japanese Studies
W. European Studies
X. Manufacturing Engineering and Management
Y. History
Z. Economics and Accountancy
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Not having a go at you or anything, IB, but in the current Legion, is Brainiac 5 still an arrogant SOB?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'd say it depends on the reader, LAM.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
P. Journalism
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Q: What degrees am I pursuing?

The remaining choices (with a few more red herrings taken out):

A. AB Psychology and Marketing Management
B. Organizational Communication and Management of Financial Institutions
C. Civil Engineering
E. BS Psychology
G. AB Psychology and Accountancy
I. Communication Arts
J. Literature
L. Computer Engineering
N. Management Honors
O. Political Science
S. Philosophy
W. European Studies
Z. Economics and Accountancy
Posted by legionadventureman on :
J. Literature
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
L. Comp. Eng!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope and nope.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
BS Psychology
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Nope, but you're the closest so far, Quis.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
G. AB Psychology and Accountancy?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
I. Communication Arts
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
lancesrealm got it - I am pursuing the interesting combination of AB Psychology and Accountancy. I almost picked Marketing Management over Accountancy, but I finally settled on this.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
"It's fun to Charter an Accountant,
And sail the wide Accountan-Sea!
To find, explore, the Funds Offshore,
And skirt the Shoals of Bankruptcy!"

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It can be manly in insurance.
We'll up your premium semi-annually.
It's all tax deductible.
We're fairly incorruptible,
We're sailing on the wide accountancy!

Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go...

While I was working in talk radio, I had the misfortune of taking two business trips. One was in the USA, and one was to another country. Where did I get sent?

a) New York and Toronto
b) Houston and Belize
c) Boston and Mexico City
d) Cleveland and Montreal
e) Indianapolis and Haiti
f) Atlanta and London
g) Detroit and Jamaica
h) Las Vegas and Stuttgart
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
H) Las Vegas & Stuttgart
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
c) Boston and Mexico City?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no correct guesses so far...
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
G is correct! Take it away, Caliente!
Posted by Caliente on :
Er, okay...

I'm (currently) a double major at my university. What two majors am I hoping to complete in the next three years?

a) Psychology and Chemistry
b) Asian-American Studies and Education
c) English and Communications
d) Anthropology and Biology
e) Engineering and Global Studies
f) Sociology and History
g) Film and Classics
h) Geology and Phsyics
i) Just kidding, I'm a 40 year old man with a degree in freakin' y'all out!

And, for bonus points, what University do I attend? (For a clue, it's a public research university in the state I live in.)
Posted by lancesrealm on :
e) Engineering and Global Studies?
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope! Though, there is a really good engineering school at my uni.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
h) Geology and Physics?
Posted by Caliente on :
Haha, you already guessed! And, nope, not that one either.

Those are good departments at my school, though.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My guess:
d) Anthropology and Biology
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
c) English and Communications
Posted by Bevis on :
f) Sociology and History
Posted by Caliente on :
Got it Quis. [Smile]

You're up!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I almost switched to Sociology & History but stuck with my first guess.


What am I having for Lunch today (July 13, 2005)?

1) a bacon sandwich
2) a chef's salad
3) a peanut butter & jelly sandwich
4) a burger and fries
5) a Healthy Starts microwave pizza
6) nothing as I am going to have a huge dinner tonight with friends
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You smelled the bacon cooking, didn't you? Didn't you??? DIDN'T YOU??????????

Back to you
Posted by Caliente on :
I did!! [Big Grin]

All right, let's see here...

I used to work as a barista (person who makes drinks at a coffee shop). Which of the following is my favorite of said drinks?

a. Quadruple mocha with whipped cream
b. Soy decaf Chai latte
c. Double cappachino wet
d. Decaf house roast
e. Green tea
f. Double decaf peppermint nonfat latte
g. Lowfat Red Eye
h. Latte with vanilla soy
i. I lie. I wasn't a barista and I hate all the aforementioned drinks.

[ July 13, 2005, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Cafe Breve
Posted by Caliente on :
Alas, 'twas not.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
What's not to like about a latte made outta half-and-half? [LOL]

Seriously I will say f)

[ July 13, 2005, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Caliente on :
Y'know, I'm not even gonna touch that one. [Wink]

And, seriously... I'm afraid not. Though I did drink quite a few of those around Christmas time -- 'twas the season.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
e) Green Tea
Posted by Caliente on :
Mm... love green tea. But, nope, not my fave.
Posted by Bevis on :
g) low fat red eye. I have no idea what it is though, but then I'm allergic to coffee so anythgin vaguely coffee related means nothing to me. I like the fact that mostly) tea is just tea and that's it. None of this 'half-fat'triple-mocha-all-the-gubbins' stuff going on. Or at least not yet (at least not yet here in the Uk anyway).
Posted by Caliente on :
Hahaha. No, I'm afraid it's not the red eye.

And, for anybody interested, it's normal drip coffee with a shot of espresso in it. So it's coffee in coffee. I have not now, nor ever plan on, trying it. I'm waaaay to wussy for that. I'd probably go into shock from all the caffeine or something... [Wink]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I soooooo can relate. Last time I drank coffee I stayed awake the whole time.

I'll guess H.
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope, sorry!

Wow, this question was good!! [Wink]

And, yeah, the caffeine'll getcha everytime.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
b. Soy decaf Chai latte
Posted by Caliente on :
Yup! Truth is, I don't much like what caffeine does to my system so I usually stuck with that one. [Wink]

Tags to you Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK history has always been a favorite subject of mine. Who was the first historical figure I read about?

1) Daniel Boone
2) Florence Nightingale
3) Francis Marion
4) Alfred the Great
5) Oscar Wilde
6) Elizabeth Blackwell
7) Helen Keller
8) Clarence Darrow
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Hmmm as you are in the US and so a product of the Turner Thesis that you are:

I say 1) Daniel Boone.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
the Turner Thesis???

I liked watching Daniel Boone on TV but he wasn't the first I read about.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
The Turner Thesis was what JFK was echoing in his New Frontier message. American liberty and democracy is a product of the frontier. Ie. oppression can't stick because the oppressed just move west where there's plenty of 'free' land. So Puritans in New England, Quakers in PA and later on the Mormon migration are all manifestations of it.

see Turner, Frederick Jackson, "The Frontier in American History" 1920.

[ July 15, 2005, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Francis Marion?
Posted by Caliente on :
Helen Keller!!

I like her. ^_^ She was one of my first, I think.

(Ew, that so didn't sound how I wanted it to. [Disgusting] )

[ July 15, 2005, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oscar Wilde?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
LAncesrealm is correct.

The first historical figure I read about was a kid's biography of Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox. It had a bunch of (I now assume) made up things about his childhood
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Figured that was it - war heroes were very interesting when I was a boy. Personally, I'd go by the "Swamp Fox" myself if I got stuck with a monicker like Francis Marion.

Ok, here we go. I have a certain movie I put in when I want PJ (my 4-yr-old) to take a nap. Which movie do I put in that interests him enough to not whine for something else, but still puts him out?

1) Jurassic Park
2) To Kill a Mockingbird
3) Star Wars
4) The Godfather
5) The Land Before Time
6) Logan's Run
7) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
8) ET
9) Spiderman
10) Patton
Posted by Caliente on :
9. Spiderman
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
5) The Land Before Time
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no and no...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Star Wars?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
IB, it is Star Wars. PJ loves watching spaceships and funny animals. He also pays more attention than I thought. A few weeks ago, we were playing Candyland, and PJ looked at the board, realized he was losing, and said, "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Anyway IB, next question to you.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
He sure sounds like a precociously intelligent kid [Smile]

Lately, I've been eating at a wide variety of places on campus. Which of these is my new favorite food?

a. burritos
b. tuna on wheat
c. chicken wakatori (ginger chicken)
d. mashed potatoes
e. pizza
f. french toast with ham and cheese
g. chicken teriyaki
h. siomai (dimsum)
i. grilled chicken with garlic mayo
j. cheese sticks with honey mustard dip
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I) Grilled Chicken with Garlic Mayo
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
c. chicken wakatori (ginger chicken)?
Posted by Caliente on :
b. tuna on wheat (I know I <3 it!!)
Posted by dedman on :
f. french toast with ham and cheese
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
G. Chicken Teriyaki
Posted by ActorLad on :
h. siomai (dimsum)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I like eating all of these, but lancesrealm is correct! Chikcen wakatori is my most recent fave food of the month.

You're up!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, here we go...

I like to play chess. What is my current favorite defense in queen pawn openings?

1) Queen's Gambit Declined
2) Queen's Gambit Accepted
3) Semi-slav
4) Sicilian
5) Grunfeld
6) King's Indian
7) Dutch Defence
8) Budapest Gambit
9) I am lying - I really don't know how to play anything but Candyland
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
6) King's Indian
Posted by dedman on :
7 - dutch defense
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no and no
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3) Semi-slav
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Budapest Gambit?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I have toyed with the semi-slav, and racked up some nice wins with the Budapest Gambit, but neither is the one I am currently playing...
Posted by Caliente on :
#5 ('cause it sounds cool.)
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Yup. I dusted off the Grunfeld and have been preparing to use it against queen-pawn-pushers. You're up, Caliente.
Posted by Caliente on :
I'm currently in summer school. What class is my final in for tomorrow (Thursday 7/28)?

1) Chemistry 1B
2. Anthropology 3SS
(C) Dramatic Arts 60
IV Writing 2
e. Physics 6A
6! Math 34A
(vii) English 10
H. Music 15
*) Summer school? What's that?
Posted by Luna on :
6! Math 34A
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope! Taking that next session. Yes, that's right, I'm taking two sessions of summer school. Luuuucky me.
Posted by joeboy on :
So is this summer high School? Or summer college?...Ive never been around to get my head around the American school system (even though I was in it for nearly 6 years)
Posted by Caliente on :
I'm in college, I go to the University of California at Santa Barbara. It's technically called 'summer quarter' since my school's on the quarters system. That said, it's by no means a requirement to go to summer session -- I'm just a little behind in my credits.

Primary schools have summer school too but I never did them... well, once when I was, like, eight, but no other summers. I usually did camps or sat on my fat (but cute) arse for as long as I could.
Posted by joeboy on :
ah...I went between A Steiner School over here in Australia, and a normal, but structured elemtry and high school in Nrth. Cali.
The difference between the two was odd to say the least
Posted by Caliente on :
I bet! I grew up in NorCal too. ^_^ It's good times.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
(vii) English 10
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by joeboy on :
Physics...i thought Id posted that before, but evidently didnt
[I Dunno]
Posted by Caliente on :
Got it JB. [Hug] Congrats!! You're up~

Man, that sucker owned me so bad... >< I really hope I pass the class.
Posted by joeboy on :
Okey Dokey artichokey....ummmmmm....Which of these isnt True:

1. I innadvertently became an Extra in a Porno

2. I had a Growth Spurt So Intense at the age of 17 that my lungs punctured

3. I was expelled from the same school twice

4. Im Allergic to Scorpion Stings, and, have the scar to prove it

5. I have an Ex-Wife

6. I have webbed-toes

7. I quite liked Catwoman

8. I have the Same birthday as Rudolf Steiner

9. I have been a clinical Insomniac since the age of 12

10. I have a tattoo of a rabbit that I dont remember getting
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Note to self:

Do a porn search for "Joeboy"... just in case [Wink]
Posted by Caliente on :
#7 'cause... it's the least believeable.
Posted by KidMarvel on :
Ah but I DID like Catwoman...I Even Have a Cardboard standee thingy from Blockbuster in my room...Its huge....And if its the first thing you see when you wake up, in sillohuette, its kinda Demonic.
But I digress....
Posted by lancesrealm on :
5) You have an ex-wife?
Posted by joeboy on :
Unfortunately.....Yes, I do
Posted by joeboy on :
the Marriage was Annuled though...Never Consumated
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll have to go with this since the Catwoman answer was wrong

2. I had a Growth Spurt So Intense at the age of 17 that my lungs punctured
Posted by dedman on :
6. I have webbed-toes
Posted by joeboy on :
And DedMan is right! Thankfully, I dont have Webbed Toes...*shudder* thats just freaky [Razz]
Posted by Bevis on :
OK, so we know the right answer now but I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting to know the story behind some of the others. Like the porn one and the bunny rabbit tattoo.

Oh, btw, i *love* the Edward Gorey avatar.
Posted by joeboy on :
the Porn Story goes like this - During the 2002 Gay Games, Chi Chi Larue Was making a Porno with Mathew Rush in the Nightclub where I worked, And I had to Open, So Im standing in the Background washing Glasses...Its a very Long, and Very Amusing Story, Which I might tell you all some day...

The Rabbit was done on a Massive Bender, while I was going through an Alice In Wonderland phase...I rarely show people though as its very close to my special place...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[Eek!] Those sure sound like some interesting moments.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Dedman mentioned that he'd be moving, and I don't know when he'll be back. I've PMed him, and if he doesn't reply within a couple of days I think someone should post another question to keep the game moving.
Posted by dedman on :
Sorry about the delay guys.....just got online again today, and never had a chance to get to the library in my downtime.

Anyhoo, i've just moved to a rather regal sounding street.......what is its name?

1. King's Road
2. Queens Road
3. Prince Phillip Drive
4. Baron's Lane
5. King's Bridge Road
6. Mount Royal Drive
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4. Baron's Lane
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Which town do you live in, Dedman?
Posted by dedman on :
Quis...nope not that one

LAM - St.John's, in Canada
Posted by Bevis on :
Prince Phillip Drive.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Hi ded [Smile]

King's Bridge Road?
Posted by dedman on :
nope and nope
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Queens Road
Posted by dedman on :
you got it Quis!!!!!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't know if I asked this already, but all but one of the following are the names of family dogs. Which one is the fake.

1) Travis
2) Pete
3) Hobo
4) Pooch
5) Rocky
6) Gretchen
7) Tasha
8) Tuca
Posted by Caliente on :
Numero quatro. (#4)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. Pooch was probably the best watch dog we ever had. She was a stray that had wandered onto the Air Force base in North Carolina my brother was at. He sent her up to us.

Here is the list again seeing as we are on a new page

1) Travis
2) Pete
3) Hobo
4) Pooch
5) Rocky
6) Gretchen
7) Tasha
8) Tuca
Posted by dedman on :
umm 6-Gretchen?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. Gretchen's mom was a pure-bred Irish Setter. Her father was a Labrador mutt. (OOPS!) She looked like a golden reteiver. She was the first dog we could not train to stay in the kitchen and out of the carpeted rooms.
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Travis is the correct wrong answer. We never had a dog named Travis.

Your question Bevis.
Posted by Bevis on :
ooh, yay me!

OK, since I renewed my passport a few years I have done lots and lots of travelling around the world. However which of the following immigration stamps do I *not* have in my passport?

1) Sydney, Australia
2) Paris, France
3) New York, USA
4) Atlanta, USA
5) Detroit, USA
6) Toronto, Canada
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4) Atlanta, USA
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, when we went to Tennessee we changed at Atlanta so that's where our passports were stamped.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Paris France. There's no internal borders in the EU.
Posted by Bevis on :
sort of, the answer was easy if you knew the catch. [Smile] You still need a passport to travel between most EU countries (certainly from and to the UK) but they don't stamp your passport because technically you're not going through immigration.

I have been to all the places I listed though, plus a couple of others like Spain and Ireland, but didn't get any stamps their either.

Your go Tamper Lad.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :

What is not a feature of the University where I obtained my degrees.

1) Miserable weather in February.
2) A bagpipe marching band.
3) The oldest School of Business in the British Empire.
4) A Medieval English Castle.
5) Engineering students who dye themselves purple with a cancer causing dye.
6) The oldest medical school in Canada.
7) A rugby goal post stolen from a rival school.
8) An African American immigrant from the US who lived in the football stadium and worked as the team mascot for decades.
9) A school cheer sung in Gaelic.
10) I know where you went to school and there's no accounting for taste.

[ August 14, 2005, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with 4) a Medieval English Castle
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
4) A Medieval English Castle.
Nope a donor has transfered Herstmonceaux castle in East Sussex to the University. Quite the money pits those old castles.

5) Purple Engineers Nope
Unfortunately they do this. They cover their skin with an indellible purple dye. To remove it they scrape their skin with Tide Detergent. Complete fading takes 3 weeks of exposrure to sunlight, during which time they appear to be zombies.

I had the misfortune of living with such fools for a year suffering from the inevitable purple butt when the dye rubs off on the toilet seat.

8) The African-American Mascot. Yes we abolished slavery very early, but that doesn't mean there wasn't racism in Canada. At the time nobody thought twice about having a black man live in your stadium and be your school mascot.

[ August 15, 2005, 07:30 AM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
There were actually two correct answers the Medical school answer and the School of Business answer.

The medical school was founded when the University of Toronto started a policy of only admitting Anglicans to their medical school.

The business school was actually the first in Canada and second in the British Empire (outside the UK).

Take it away Rockhopper.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Which of the following jobs have I never held:

1. Janitor
2. Telemarketer
3. Research Assistant
4. Dishwasher
5. Grocery Bagger
6. Manager
7. Cashier
8. Waiter
9. Retail sales associate
10. College newspaper editor

[ August 15, 2005, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4) dishwasher
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Nope. Been there, done that.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:

Unfortunately, I have done that. Worst six weeks of my life! [Razz]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Grocery Bagger?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've done both of those. Grocery bagger was my very first job.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3. Research Assistant
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
3. Research Assistant

That I did when I was in grad school. Next guess?
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Caliente:

Did that as an undergrad.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

This leaves:
9.Retail Sales Associate

Which one is it, folks?

[ August 16, 2005, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I am currently manager of a library branch.

7 or 9?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And I have stumped the panel!

I have never been a retail sales associate. I am possibly one of only a handful of gay men in North America who have not.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay. Do I ask another question now?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
How about a recap of the choices nobody guessed?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

This is not my complete work history, but these are the ones I mentioned:
Grocery bagger (1987) summer job
College newspaper editor (1989-90 academic year)
Janitor (1991) hard to find a job with a BA in English
Telemarketer (1991)
Dishwasher (1992)
Cashier & waiter (1992-96, concurrently)
Research assistant (1997)
Manager [of a branch library] (2003-present)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Telemarketer - is that where you ring up Mrs. Rubinsky from Poughkeepsie to find out what sort of cream cheese she likes on her bagel?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

I would call people and try to convince them to change their long distance telephone service. I hated doing it and was fired within six weeks for not making my sales quota.

I like being a librarian a whole lot better.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I see...i get calls from rival phone companies asking me if i want to switch, by dangling all those freebie incentives in front of me - like a free mobile phone (cell phone in Yank-speak) or a few extra hours on the Internet.

What they dont do is send somebody over to hand me a cheque for 500 million bucks. Thats all the incentive I would need
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I guess I need a question.

I'll make this easy.

What choir part do I normally sing?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Well, I guess I did up till age thirteen or so, but I meant currently. [Wink]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
You're sprung now, Johnny!

You're a tenor!!!!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Tenor it is. That's why I post on the DC boards as Rockhopper10r (pronounce 10-r out loud).

Your go, LAM.

[ August 23, 2005, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :

Damn, this is gonna be tricky...

What was the very first Legion tale i read?

*Hint*: i had mentioned it lots and lots of times...
Posted by legionadventureman on :

Was it a) ADVENTURE 376

I hope this will progress things speedily
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess 377 because it has the regal Princess Projectra on the cover.
Posted by dedman on :
a - 376
Posted by Caliente on :
e) 380
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I might as well say 379 just to cover them all off. Alright LAM who gets the next question?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
The almighty bubble-blowing Dedman!!!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
[Bump] for dedman
Posted by dedman on :
yahh....i won!!!!

I've been working on a comic of my own for quite some time now.......what is the working title of my comic?

1. Centurians
2. Radix
3. Project:
4. Children of the Gods
5. Shiv
6. Five Houses
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
6. Five Houses
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
3. Project:
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
5 Shiv
Posted by Caliente on :
2. Radix
Posted by dedman on :
You got it Cali.
Posted by Caliente on :
Hey -- go team me!!

All right. For my next question, I think we'll go with something pretaining to my love life. No, not the one I have on LW but the one I'm pretending to carry on in real life. What a concept.

Anyhoo... let's start with something simple. What's the name of my current boy toy? (Yes, this list is of actual former boyfriends/boy toys/whatever you call them.)

a) Adam
b) Brent
c) Scott
d) Roger
e) Andrew
f) Sean
g) Manny
h) Jacob
i) Boys? Psych!! I totally like girls... and her name's Sophia...
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Posted by Luna on :
i) I think your what the Californian's call a lesbo
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll go with my nephew's name (even though I know you are not dating him - his wife would be very upset)

e. Andrew
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow... you're all wrong.

c) Scott was my fling in 8th grade -- lots of making out, very little substance.
f) Sean was the guy I crushed on when I first got to UCSB. We ended up making out but nothing else ever happened and he turned out to be a jerk, so I'm glad.
i) Sophia would be the chick who asked me to be her 'bisexual friend' but I turned her down. [Shudder] Not that she's not cute but... yeah, no. Too weird. Not interested. ( [Razz] Luna)
a) Adam was my football player boyfriend to my cheerleader in high school. Secret romance -- it was fun times.
e) Andrew was the guy I showered with in the dorms last summer. Don't. Ask. (Yes, I am a virgin.) It's also the name of his roommate who was this gay guy who would always tell me he was straight and hit on me and... eugh. I was not interested. He never got the hint tho...
g) Manny is a friend that I spent the night with (not like that... much) as moral support for my friend while she and his roommate hooked up. It's a very long, very weird story.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Of the remaining, I'll go with:

h) Jacob
Posted by Caliente on :
Go it Quis!!

b) Brent was my first boyfriend ever at the age of 12. He was a cutie (who turned much hotter after we dated *sigh*).
d) Roger was this guy who I was kind of friends-with-benefits with last year. But he was dating Sophia off and on so it ended up kinda weird and I just was like... whatever. Peace out.

And h) Jacob is my boy of the moment. I like him, he likes me, we hang out and... stuff. It's fun times.

So, your turn Quis!!
Posted by Stratum on :

Unless he's an older man, I doubt it's Roger...

Posted by disaster boy on :
ROJER too slow

[ August 30, 2005, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: disaster boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Stratum, Jacob is one of those hip new-old names.

My question:

Which was the name I picked for Confirmation (A catholic sacrament where you confirm your baptismal vows and you get to pick a name which you never use again)

1) Jacob
2) Peter
3) Hippolytus
4) Stephen
5) Basil
6) Felix
7) James
8) Alexander
9) Matthew
10) Francis
Posted by disaster boy on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by Stratum on :

Stratum, Jacob is one of those hip new-old names.
That I know. It's my oldest son's middle name. I was talking about Roger. [Smile]

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, Nope, and yea....nope! hehehehehe
Posted by Stratum on :

Posted by Caliente on :
Basil ^_^
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and nope.

I couldn't resist putting Jaccob among the choices.
Posted by disaster boy on :
Posted by Stratum on :
It's not Hippolytus, is it?

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope & nope.

I was wondering if anyone would guess the weird name
Posted by Stratum on :
I tried just on the off chance that it was it.


Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
well it is now a 50-50 guess.
Posted by disaster boy on :
james then
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bicycle Repair Man has my correct confirmation name.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Did you know, Quis, that Stephen is my middle name? my confirmation name is Joseph
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
New Question:

I own an assortment of uncommon items of clothing, most of which have been used as costuming in various plays over the years (some of which were purchased for specific roles, back when I had a decent-paying day job).

Which two items in the following list can not be found in my wardrobe?

A pith helmet
A top hat
A fez
A beret
A Pirate Crown
A Jester costume
A tunic and hood of chain mail
An English Renaissance outfit (greatcoat, tunic, knee breeches)
A kimono
A tuxedo
Posted by Caliente on :
A tux and a top hat.
Posted by ActorLad on :
A kimono and a fez?
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
WOW, that was quick!

Yes, in spite of having done five different productions of The Mikado, I don't own a kimono. And I don't own a fez.

Over to ActorLad.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Heh, I just went with a gut feeling there.

Let's see what should I ask about myself? Oh, I know.

I have connections with two live-action kids shows, which ones are they?

A. Big Bad BeetleBorgs
B. Masked Rider
C. Power Rangers
D. Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad
E. Ultraman Tiga
F. VR Troopers
Posted by legionadventureman on :
C and D?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Posted by Caliente on :
A and F?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
B and E?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Bingo! Big Bad BeetleBorgs did a lot of filming in my home town, they even used my old grade school as the school the kids went to. My mom would tell me how the guys in the monster suits would often come into the bookstore she worked at on their breaks to read magazines. My connection to VR Troopers is that I once meet Brad Hawkins (Ryan Steele, one of VR Troopers) at a pumpkin patch, where I got his autograph.

Your turn Cali.

[ September 05, 2005, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow. I just picked them because of Abacrombie and Fitch... go team me!! [Wink] A&F hee!

*coughs* Anyway. Let's see... over the years, I've had/lived with a number of animals. Most notably are the dogs!!

So, which of these names are not names of dogs that I've lived with?

1. Jessie
2. Charlie
3. Chili
4. Piazza
5. Sampson
6. Brazil
7. Jake
8. Sassy
9. Dude, I'm totally allergic to dogs. Sadly, I can't have 'em as pets.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Brazil, because that would be a weird name for a dog?
Posted by Caliente on :
You suck. [Razz] You got it in one! And it was my aunt's dog but she died before I moved in with her.

Your go oh-light-of-my-life. [Wink]
Posted by ActorLad on :
What can I say? I just have mad skillz. [Razz]

Which of these parts haven't I played?

A. A dog trainer in a circus.
B. Baby Bear
C. A horse that gets blinded.
D. A troll living in a park.
E. One of Jason & Medea's sons.
F. Dude in Porno Theater.
G. Trick question, I've played all those parts
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
C, because it sounds really unlikely.
Posted by Caliente on :
G because I want it to be true.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
E. One of Jason & Medea's sons
Posted by ActorLad on :
Cali's right yet again I've played all those parts and more. F was a real stretch for me but acting is all about challanges.
Posted by Caliente on :
Haha! I win again!! [smooch] Actor, dear. Let's see if I can think up a better question this time...

What did I have for breakfast?
1. leftover pizza
2. frozen taquitos
3. cinnabread
4. cereal
5. pasta
6. a sandwich
7. breakfast burrito
8. toast
9. I don't eat breakfast. Ever.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Number 1. pizza, the student's friend
Posted by ActorLad on :
7. breakfast burrito, because those are quite tasty.
Posted by Caliente on :
Though those are both very true, they are not the case in this instance. Better luck next time TL and AL. [Wink]

(<3 you both!)

[ September 06, 2005, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Ghost of Numf-El on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
9. I don't eat breakfast. Ever.
Posted by Stealth on :
4. cereal, because it's the most breakfast-y one, and the healthiest, and it's quick and easy to make and eat

[ September 07, 2005, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Stealth ]
Posted by Caliente on :
Usually I don't eat breakfast but that morning, I did. Sorry Numf/Quis!!

And, while I do like cereal, I ran out last week and haven't gone to the market. So, not that one either Stealth!!
Posted by Stealth on :
8. toast, because it's also quick and easy.
Posted by Stealth on :
8. toast, because it's also quick and easy.

EDIT: Hmm, server trouble.

[ September 07, 2005, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Stealth ]
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope!! I hate toast. [Wink] Plus I don't have any bread.
Posted by Stealth on :
2. frozen taquitos, just as a wild guess.
Posted by Caliente on :
Yep!! Easy, fast and they don't go bad. [Wink] I had four.

Your turn Stealth.
Posted by Stealth on :
I guessed right? Yay!

Okay, here's mine:

Which of the following is my favorite mid-1990s album?

A. Garbage, "Garbage"

B. PJ Harvey, "To Bring You My Love"

C. Alanis Morrissette, "Jagged Little Pill"

D. Hole, "Live Through This"
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
B. PJ Harvey, "To Bring you my Love"
Posted by Caliente on :
C. Alanis. Such an angry little woman... [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
D. Hole, "Live Through This"
Posted by Stealth on :
Sorr-eeee. Wrong, wrong, wrong. So the next one to post wins.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Shirley Manson and Garbage
Posted by Stealth on :
Congratulations, Tamper Lad.

Yeah, the first Garbage album still sounds just as good to me as it did back then, and I thought Shirley was the coolest. I used to try to imitate her Scottish accent.

Alanis and PJ both strike me as chancers. I remember a few years ago when PJ was all cleaned up and middle of the road, I thought, wow, she's really going for that Sheryl Crow audience, isn't she? And then a year ago, she looked like she thought, oops, that didn't sell as good as I'd expected, I better get scruffy and weird again.

And even though I don't think Courtney has any muscial talent, I feel sorry for her. I think she has a mental illness that's never been properly diagnosed.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
What of the following is not true about the place where I'm living.

a)I can hear the subway pass under the ground.

b)I am a 15 minute walk from Greektown where I can get fat if I'm not careful

c)I can see a hospital from the roof.

d)There are numerous businesses owned by Italian immigrants in the neighborhood.

e)I can see the lake on the horizon out the window.

f)The land on which the house sits was originally a Church of England concession.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
a)I can hear the subway pass under the ground.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
RHL got that one quick.

I live in the east end of old Toronto. The house is on the street the subway runs along (not the street it's named for). The road deck covers the subway. The area was an Anglican concession until it was subdivided. Italian businesses still dot the main commercial strip but have faded in the years since the subway replaced streetcar service. Further west is Toronto's Greektown.

It is near a hospital and north of the area of Toronto known as the Eastern Beaches. However I cannot see the lake from the window. I need to walk to the North-South arterial road to see water.

Next up RHL.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Thank you TL.

Keeping with a domicile theme, in which of the following US cities have I never lived?

A. Belmont, Massachusetts
B. Boston, Massachusetts
C. Detroit, Michigan
D. Houston, Texas
E. Kissimmee, Florida
F. Orlando, Florida
G. Saint Leo, Florida
Posted by Caliente on :
G. Because there shouldn't be a Saint named Leo.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
C. Detroit

Apparently there is a Pope Saint Leo. Stopped the sacking of the Eternal city by Atilla the Hun by going out and talking to him on the road.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
E. Kissimmee, Florida
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
D. Houston, Texas
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Ghost of Numf-El on :
Well, that leaves A or G - I'll go for A, Belmont.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I seem to be very good at stumping the panel.

Here's the lineup.

Belmont, Massachusetts - Childhood
Kissimmee, Florida - Adolescence
Saint Leo, Florida - Undergrad
Boston, Massachusetts - Early-and-mid-twenties
Detroit, Michigan - Grad School
Houston, Texas - The last seven years.

Sorry, gang, I never lived in Orlando.

Shall we try another Rockhopper Lad question?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
generally we let the next person go if they give the last answer.

Seeing how you did it yourself (and I don't have a questiono ready) give us another one
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay. A fairly simple one. What is my master's degree's exact title (e.g., Master of Arts--and that's not it).
Posted by lancesrealm on :
MBA? (Master of Business Administration?)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Oh, heavens, no. I'll give a hint:

It's Master of _______ and __________ Science.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Library and Information
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And it's back up To Tamper Lad.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Alright back to the food theme... What is my favorite thing to make for breakfast.

a) Bacon & Eggs
b) Oatmeal with Cinnamon & Raisins
c) Poached Eggs and Toast
d) Crepes with a Seasonal Fruit Sauce
e) Omlette
f) Corn Flakes count don't they?
g) Blueberry Muffins
h) Tamper hates cooking, why cook when someone will slave in the kitchen for you for dollars when you go to a restaurant?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
b) Oatmeal with Cinnamon & Raisins
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
G. Blueberry muffins are always a tasty treat.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Whoa Quislet on a Sunday... mindblowing novelty.

Nope, I love raisins and oatmeal despite not being a poverty stricken Scotsman. I do like it but there's something I like more.

Nope, baking an me don't really agree though I occasionally buy a few blueberry muffins for days I'm in a rush to get out the door.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Bacon & eggs?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
C. Poached Eggs and toast?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
D)Crepes with a seasonal fruit sauce.

It sounds classy enuff - coz TL is, after all, a guy with class!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Bacon and eggs, I like but been cutting back on the salty stuff.

Poached Eggs and toast is my favorite breakfast to make when I'm all by myself on a Saturday/Sunday morning, which to my chagrin is quite often these days.

But LAM takes it, I love crepes, pancakes, or waffles made from scratch, but it is not efficient in terms of economical batch quantity for me to make X,Y or Z when I'm alone.

Take it away LAM...
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Ohmigod!!!! Really??? Thanks loads, Tamper!

Okay, in another thread i mentioned that i had just read a Stephen King book. Which one? Was it:

A) Carrie
B) Hearts In Atlantis
C) Desperation
D) Misery
E) The Shining
F) Christine
G) Dreamcatcher
H) Insomnia
I) Pet Sematary
J) From A Buick 8
Posted by lancesrealm on :

[ September 12, 2005, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: lancesrealm ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Christine because you like books about killer cars? [Razz]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
B) Hearts In Atlantis
Posted by Caliente on :
D 'cause I like it
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Sorry, guys, didnt have a lot of time to check...lets see...I may have to eliminate F,B and D...but thank you for playing! [tease]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You missed Lancesrealm's guess of H) Insomnia

I'll now guess

J) From A Buick 8
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Nope on J - sorry, Quis!
Posted by Caliente on :
A -- Carrie
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Nope, Cali
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The remaining choices:
C) Desperation

E) The Shining

G) Dreamcatcher
H) Insomnia
I) Pet Sematary

I'll say G) Dreamcatcher

PS: You still haven't said if lancesrealm is correct or incorrect with H) Insomnia
Posted by legionadventureman on :
No...I didn't, did I? [tease]
Posted by Stealth on :
I) Pet Sematary
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Nope...time to reveal the answer which is....
Posted by dedman on :
i'll say E) just because
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
...H) Insomnia!

Lancesrealm wins this round! *Sorry for the unncessary build-up, it was the only way to keep the game moving*
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
but you couold have moved it along alot earlier. *sigh*
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I know...ain't i a stinker? [Wink] [tease]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
LAM was obviously pacing this thread for easy collection in TPB format. We've got a real Bendis here folks.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go....

I have a 4-year-old boy named PJ. A few years ago, I bought PJ a small stuffed horse which is also a hand puppet. Horse quickly became his "security blanket." Horse travels with us, and PJ still sleeps with Horse. Before he goes to bed, there is a ritual involving Horse that often occurs in my house. This ritual is:

A) We each pretend to be cowboys and pretend to lasso Horse
B) We all pretend to ride Horse, and get bucked off at the end
C) We each pretend to step in horse manure and wipe our feet
D) We each give Horse a kiss, then wipe our mouths and say "Yuk, horse slobbers."
E) We each use Horse as a puppet and tell what we are thankful about each day, using a horsie-like voice
F) We all sing "Home on the Range"
G) We pretend to feed Horse so he won't go to bed hungry
H) We make Horse brush his teeth, with appropriate spitting noises
I) I am making this all up - PJ doesn't really have a stuffed horse
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
D) We each give Horse a kiss, then wipe our mouths and say "Yuk, horse slobbers."
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
G) We pretend to feed Horse so he won't go to bed hungry
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Quislet, you are amazing. D is correct. Take it, Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I can just see PJ giggling when you do that.

OK, my question:

The majority of houses on my street are of the same shape and design as mine, but mine has a unique feature. The unique feature of my house is:

a) It is the only one painted black (the landlord is a hard-core goth)

b) It is the only one without a driveway

c) There was a fourth floor studio apartment added on

d) The 2nd & 3rd floor front porches are only accessible by window. All the other houses have doors.

e) The front yard has a mini greenhouse with cactus & other tropical plants growing in it.

f) the first floor is a store.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Obviously it's
d) The 2nd & 3rd floor front porches are only accessible by window. All the other houses have doors.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
And why is that obviously the correct choice?

(which it is)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
LAM was obviously pacing this thread for easy collection in TPB format. We've got a real Bendis here folks.

I've been accused of being a bit "bent" in my time, Tamper, but never a "Bendis"... [LOL]
Posted by legionadventureman on : being a Bendis good or bad?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
Obviously it's
d) The 2nd & 3rd floor front porches are only accessible by window. All the other houses have doors.

As a matter of homeland secruity, I cannot reveal my sources.

(As of 2:30 today) I have never been naked in:

Choose the one exception to my efforts to maximize the minimality of my clothing.

(a) a Baptist church
(b) a DC taxicab
(c) the passenger cabin of a 737
(d) Canal St, New Orleans
(e) my office
(f) the roof terrace of my office building
(g) a Virginia Tech math classroom
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll guess (c) the passenger cabin of a 737
Posted by lancesrealm on :
(f) the roof terrace of my office building?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
It was a long flight from Alaska, Quis.

Correct, Lancer.
Posted by disaster boy on :
you were naked in all those places? not living enough.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
It was a long flight from Alaska, Quis.

Correct, Lancer.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go...

I have a 1-yr-old daughter named Mariah. What is her middle name?

1) Dene
2) Carol
3) Jo
4) Maureen
5) Kathleen
6) Elizabeth
7) Violet
8) Zor-el
9) Jane
Posted by legionadventureman on :
8) Zor-el? (unbelievable, but didnt Gwyneth Paltrow name her kid after an edible fruit)?
Posted by Caliente on :
7) Violet
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
9. Jane?
Posted by Stealth on :
6) Elizabeth
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No on all accounts so far....
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
3. Jo (It sounds cool and it's a Legion name)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1) Dene
Posted by dedman on :
5) Kathleen
Posted by lancesrealm on :
My daughter's middle name is Dene - after my grandmother. Back to you, Quislet.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

What book am I currently reading:

a) Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
b) Feakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
c) Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism by Geoffrey Stone
d) Queen to the Rescue by Barbara Cartland
e) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling
f)Superheroes and Philosophy edited by Tom Morris & Matt Morris
g) Wealth Mastery by Tony Robbins
h) Civil Wars: Gay Marriage in America by David Moats

[ September 26, 2005, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
c) Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism by Geoffrey Stone?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You know as I was doing this question, I thought it might be answered on the first try.

BTW, I have not read d,g, or h, although I might read h someday.

You are up lancesrealm
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go...

I have not lived with my parents for some years, however, whenver I visit, I find I am still carting things home that have been in their basement for years. On my last visit, I brought home some books, games, and puzzles. PJ loves the dinosaur puzzles I had when I was a kid. I also found my old copy of Tom Sawyer. It must be pretty old - it lists the author as Samuel Clemens and has no copyright date.

Anyway, one of the treasures I brought home was an old board game. What board game did I bring home on from my last visit to my dad's house?

1) Roy Rogers
2) Hardy Boys
3) Rin-tin-tin
4) Star Trek
5) Mission Impossible
6) Lost in Space
7) Dick Tracy
8) Batman
9) Speed Buggy
10) Charlie's Angels
Posted by legionadventureman on :
2)Hardy Boys
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No, although I did have a Hardy Boys game when I was a kid (the one released in 1969, not the one from 1978.) Wish I had it back, actually.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Is this the Hardy Boys cartoon youre talking about - the one that Filmation did?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
LAM, I checked, and the Hardy Boys cartoon also debuted in 1969 - the same year the game came out. I suspect this means the game was based on the animated series, which in turn was based on the books. Does that answer your question?

I also know there was another Hardy Boys game released in 1978. This is not the game I had when I was a kid, though.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
It does - just needed clarification, thanks!

Posted by Caliente on :
8. BATMAN!!!

*hums theme song*
Posted by lancesrealm on :
It wasn't Batman - although there is a very cool-looking Batman board game that came out in the '60s. I think this would make a great Christmas present for me! Sadly, I'm probably the only one who thinks so.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
10) Charlie's Angels
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Nope - although we did have the Charlie's Angels board game when I was a kid. Kind of wish I had that one back, too.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Hmmm, I didn't consider that the game might have belonged to an older sibling. Mission Impossible.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Lost in Space
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Neither is true. Quislet guesses wrong!? Alert the media!
Posted by Caliente on :
Mmm... Dick Tracy? Love him. [Smile]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I love Dick Tracy too. I have a few of the collections of the old strips. Never had a Dick Tracy game, though. Try again...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Star Trek?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Nope...wish I had that one too, though. Wow...I think I'm kind of greedy.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
5. mission Impossible?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Roy Rogers
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Neither of those...
Posted by Vee on :
9) Speed Buggy
Posted by Caliente on :
Charlie's Angels
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Speed Buggy was the only game on the list I made up - I have no idea if there ever was a Speed Buggy game. Charlie's Angels has already been guessed, and is still incorrect.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Speed Buggy was the only game on the list I made up - I have no idea if there ever was a Speed Buggy game. Charlie's Angels has already been guessed, and is still incorrect.

There was a Speed Buggy Game

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That game looks truly frightening. And (I hate myself for knowing this), didn't the blond guy actually have dark hair?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

DING DING DING! We have a winner. I brought back an old Rin-tin-tin game from the 1950s that must have originally belonged to my uncle. The Speed Buggy game looks cool, though.

Anyway, take it, Rockhopper Lad.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Thank you, Lancesrealm.

Let's keep with a canine theme here.

As many of you know, I recently adopted a beagle mix whom I have named Hyfrydol (aka, Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle).

This is the second time in my life I have had a dog. When I was growing up, did we have:

a. A Beagle
b. A Miniature Poodle
c. A Cocker Spaniel
d. A Black Lab
e. A Yorkshire Terrier
f. A Lhasa Apso
g. A Pekingese
h. A Chihuahua
i. A Golden Retriever
j. A Mutt (we never knew just what)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
That game looks truly frightening. And (I hate myself for knowing this), didn't the blond guy actually have dark hair?

Hey Rockhopper, FYI: Mark did have dark hair...and even stranger still, in an episode of the New Scooby-Doo Mysteries (1972-1973) his skin was mistakenly coloured brown!!! [Eek!]

[ October 01, 2005, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: legionadventureman ]
Posted by Caliente on :
d. a black lab ('cause that's what we've always had -- mixes of 'em anyway)
Posted by ActorLad on :
i. Golden Retriever?
Posted by disaster boy on :
j. a mutt
Posted by legionadventureman on :
hmmm...what type of dog would Rockhopper Lad have as a pet? [Wink] I'll hazard a guess on this one - F. A Lhasa Apso.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
c. A Cocker Spaniel?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And we have a winner: The Boy from Oz. Adam (named for Sam and Darrin's son on Bewitched) was a Lhasa apso. He lived to be 16. He was a very sweet little guy. I've told his "nephew", Hyvvie, all about him.

LAM, take it away!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Oh my stars and frilly garters!!!

Would it break the rules if i make the question an open one (i.e. anyone can jump in and take over, if they want).
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, I'll take it...the question is...what is my middle name?

I am going to do things a bit differently this time. Each person will first try to guess the first letter of my middle name, and I will say whether you need to guess earlier or later in the alphabet. When the first letter has been guessed, we will do the same thing for the next letter, and so on.

RULE: In each post, you may make a guess as to my middle name, OR you may guess a letter, but not both in the same post.

My middle name is fairly common, so this should not take too long.
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
John James or peter
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by Joe-Boy on :

[ October 03, 2005, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Joe-Boy ]
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
Originally posted by Caliente:

hey! I thought this was the know your legionworlders thread...not Guess who [Razz]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No to all of the above.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Joe-Boy:
Originally posted by Caliente:

hey! I thought this was the know your legionworlders thread...not Guess who [Razz]
You're just jealous because I've been chatting with babes all day. [tease]

And, while I'm here... L?

[ October 03, 2005, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
The first letter of my middle name is after A but before L.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
After D, but before J.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
After D, but before G.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no and no
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Quislet, you amaze me! My middle name is indeed Eric. And just let me say, Lance Francis does not have a good ring to it at all...

Take it, Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I did have to take several guesses first

My question:
What was the last CD I bought:

1) West Side Story Remastered Broadway version
2) Abba the Definitive Collection
3) Monty Python Sings
4) NO by They Might Be Giants
5) Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
6) Symphonies No. 41 & 40 by Mozart
Posted by Lad Boy on :
6) Symphonies No. 41 & 40 by Mozart

You were replacing your beloved LP.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) West Side Story Remastered Broadway version

Though you will soon discover that you need to replace your vinyl Mozart.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, although I did buy the West Side Story CD. It just wasn't the last CD I bought.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
2) Abba the Definitive Collection?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That's the one
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go...

Where did we go on vacation this year?

1) Florida
2) Michigan
3) Ohio
4) Indiana
5) Nebraska
6) Alaska
7) Hawaii
8) our house
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
6) Alaska
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
8) Our house.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no to both...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Stealth on :
1) Florida
Posted by lancesrealm on :
no and no
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Caliente, we did indeed go to Michigan. We had a cabin right on Lake Huron. PJ (our 4-yr-old) loved it, and constantly asks when we are going back to Michigan. You're up!
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Well, at least you still have Indiana to look forward to.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
I grew up in Indiana, so no Hoosier jokes. I used to say that Indiana is God's country, but my wife told me only Hoosiers would think Indiana is a country. Women...
Posted by Caliente on :
Hahaha!! Okay, let's see... what to ask...

So, for my general education requirements to graduate, I have to take courses that fill said requirements. This quarter, I'm taking one that fills the ethnic requirement and a writing requirement. What is it?

1. Art History 17b
2. Philosophy 104
3. Chicano Studies 1a
4. Asian-American Studies 7
5. Religious Studies 45
6. English 10
7. Black Studies 2
8. Latin 176
9. Just kidding, we don't have those kinds of requirements here and I didn't take any of these classes.

[ October 07, 2005, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
8. Latin 176
Posted by Stealth on :
9. Just kidding, we don't have those kinds of requirements here and I didn't take any of these classes.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
4. Asian-American Studies 7
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope! None of those. ^_^
Posted by STU on :
3. Chicano studies 1a
Posted by Caliente on :
The imaginary one got it!!

I made up the majority of those classes -- I don't even know if they're real or not, much like the winner. [Wink]

You're up STU.

[ October 08, 2005, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by STU on :

Which of the following musical instruments do I play:

1. Flute
2. Trombone
3. Harp
4. Violin
5. French Horn
6. Clarinet
7. Saxophone
8. Guitar
9. Oboe
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It's probably not the answer, but I'll guess the oboe, because I had lunch with a friend today who is an oboist.
Posted by Caliente on :
5. French Horn!! [Big Grin] Because it would amuse me so...
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Harp, because it seems the least likely.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by STU on :
Keep guessing! [Smile]

(A bunch of my friends play guitar... I don't know anyone personally who plays the harp, but I do have a friend who used to play the French horn.)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Trombone. You have the lips for it [Wink]
Posted by STU on :
Yup! Trombone it is. [Big Grin]

You're up, Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
What did I once do as a small child?

a) Colored all over my brother's homework
b) Threw a rock at a car
c) Gave the dog a haircut
d) Tattled on my friends playing "doctor"
e) Tried to drive the family car
f) Repeatedly put on my mother's lipstick
g) Took all the knobs off the TV and hid them, then forgot where I hid them.
h) Sneak puffs of my mother's cigarette
i) I was an angel and never did anything wrong.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
g) Took all the knobs off the TV and hid them, then forgot where I hid them.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. I never did that. But I bet someone somewhere did
Posted by RTVU2 on :
How about C?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. Isn't that a staple on situaton comedies though?
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Surely the answer is all of them apart from i? Or is that just me?

Erm.... F, and you still haven't stopped.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. The closest I came to that was to just look through my mom's jewelry box
Posted by lancesrealm on :
d) Tattled on my friends playing "doctor"?
Posted by STU on :
B. Threw a rock at a car! :throw:
Posted by Lad Boy on :
h) because you were under the influence of the marlboro man.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
STU got it.

My best friend, Beth, suggested it. However she meant the tiny grains of sand. I picked up a rock the size of a grapefruit and chucked it at a passing car. It made a dent on the body just under the door.

At the time my dad had his own auto body business and the woman came to him to have it repaired, not knowing it was my dad.
Posted by STU on :
In the same vein...

Which of the following did I do at summer camp once?

1. Broke the camp record for fastest time swimming across the lake
2. Got really, really sick after trying to win the pie-eating contest (and failing)
3. Feigned drowning so that the cute camp counselor would give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
4. Was so shy that I didn't make any friends and kept to myself the whole time
5. Fell off a tree branch and broke my wrist when I attempted to peek into the girls' dorm
6. Stole my bunkmate's Playboys and told him that the counselor confiscated them
7. Accidentally wiped my dirty hands on someone's newly-made tie-dyed t-shirt
8. Took the wrong suitcase home at the end of the summer
9. Knocked over a kerosene lamp and almost burned down a dorm, and then got too scared to come forward and confess
10. Discovered that I had an identical twin with a British accent, from whom I'd been separated since birth
Posted by lancesrealm on :
6. Stole my bunkmate's Playboys and told him that the counselor confiscated them?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
2. Got really, really sick after trying to win the pie-eating contest (and failing)?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
8. Took the wrong suitcase home at the end of the summer
Posted by Kid Prime's cocoon on :
Gotta be 7. [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :
4. Was so shy that I didn't make any friends and kept to myself the whole time.

Not that I don't think you're fun. [Wink] Just private.
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
5. Fell off a tree branch and broke my wrist when I attempted to peek into the girls' dorm (you rascal, you.)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Broke the camp record for fastest time swimming across the lake
Posted by Lad Boy on :
9. Knocked over a kerosene lamp and almost burned down a dorm, and then got too scared to come forward and confess
Posted by STU on :
KPC got it! It was 7.

I had clay all over my hands from arts & crafts, and was looking for something to wipe them on. Somehow, I ended up soiling someone's newly-made tie-dyed shirt. I don't recall exactly what I was thinking; the shirt was kind of poorly made and didn't really look that tie-dyed, but it certainly didn't look like a towel, either. I did feel really bad when I realized what I'd done, though... [Frown]

As for the other things... maybe I should write a script for a goofy teen comedy set at a summer camp!

[ October 12, 2005, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Kid Prime's cocoon on :
I've missed you.

Who is my favorite "Lost" character?

1. Jack
2. Kate
3. Locke
4. Sayid
5. Sawyer
6. Sun
7. Charlie
8. Shannon
9. Michael
10. Claire
11. Hurley
12. Jin
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4. Sayid
Posted by lancesrealm on :
11. Hurley
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I've no idea who any of them are, but I guess I can still guess...

10. Claire?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
6. Sun
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've never seen the show, but I think Locke is a cool sounding name, so I'll guess number three.
Posted by Caliente on :
Jin!! I like him. [Big Grin]
Posted by Kid Prime's cocoon on :
Quis, you got it with Sayid. I just wondered what other folks would say!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Having never watched Lost, it was a lucky guess.

What was my last big purchase?

1) Multi-region DVD Player
2) 24 inch flat screen TV
3) Leather pants
4) New suit
5) Apartment size Washer & Dryer
6) Ipod
7) Weekend Spa getaway
8) Camping equipment
9) 6 DC archives at the con
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Leather pants.
Posted by Frio on :
iPod powerz~
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Gay-lipso is correct

I did also purchase the TV, DVD player, Spa getaway,and the 6 DC archives

[ October 18, 2005, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Cartoon Lad on :
6 DC ARchives at the con in Boston
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Yay me! So, are we going to see a picture of you in your leather pants? He he.

OK, my question. We finally got ourselves a cat a couple of weeks ago, but what is it's name?

1) Piano Toes
2) Cushion
3) Max
4) Mau-Mau-Bonk-Eyes
5) Ferouche
6) Manky Tail
7) Goose
8) George
9) Flinkins
10) Moss Chops
11) Zaphod Beeblebrox
12) Slartybartfast
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
9) Flinkins
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Nope, Flinkins was a cat we owned before I went to uni. A very sweet little black and white cat. Three of the others in the list were her kittens as well.
Posted by Karie on :
1) Piano Toes
Posted by lancesrealm on :
3) Max
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Piano Toes was again one of my parent's cats, but she died a few months ago. She had white feet with little black spots on them hence the name.

Lance is right with Max (or Maximus or Maxwell or Maximiliian) though. He's quite little and fairly insane but very cute.

All the others are real names of cats though. Goose is my brother's cat, Mau-Mau-Bonk-Eyes (also known as Bertie) is my parent's current cat who thinks he's a dog, the last three were Flinkins's kittens and the rest were my parnet's cats at one time or another.

Your go lance.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, here we go...

Which of these statements in untrue:

1) I once dated a girl with a pet turtle named Dog
2) I was my high school's chess champion
3) I once camped in a tent in the heart of downtown Cincinnati when the temperature was below freezing
4) I have never beaten my wife at backgammon
5) I once wore a dress for a school play
6) My favorite flower in our flower garden is the mairigold
7) I once took a trip where I was not allowed to speak English
8) I used to hypnotize myself when I was a child
9) My favorite lunch is fish and broccoli
10) My favorite dinner is liver and onions
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
8) I used to hypnotize myself when I was a child
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
10) My favorite dinner is liver and onions

Liver is icky.
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
9) despite the fact that I do particularly like fish and broccoli.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No correct guesses so far. I love fish and broccoli, and I love liver too, even though Colleen won't cook it. Or get near it, for that matter. I knew a song when I was a kid that would essentially "hypnotize" me for a minute or so. Any time I was somewhere I didn't want to be, I just sang this song (in my head) and I was able to "check out" for a minute or so. Weird - doesn't seem to work now, though.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
7) I once took a trip where I was not allowed to speak English
Posted by dedman on :
2) I was my high school's chess champion
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4) I have never beaten my wife at backgammon
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Still no correct answers...

Between my junior and senior year of high school, I took a trip to Germany (through an IU Honors program) and stayed with a German family for 7 weeks. I was not allowed to speak English while I was there.

I was chess champ of my high school my junior and senior years. Over those 2 years I won every game. (ahh, the glory days...)

My wife and I will celebrate our 8th anniversary next month, and we have played 10 games of backgammon since we have been married. She's stomped me every time. Not my game...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So, does that mean I am correct?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No, "I have never beat my wife at backgammon" is true. I am asking, which statement is not true.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Updating for this page...

1) I once dated a girl with a pet turtle named Dog
3) I once camped in a tent in the heart of downtown Cincinnati when the temperature was below freezing
5) I once wore a dress for a school play
6) My favorite flower in our flower garden is the mairigold
Posted by Lad Boy on :
6) My favorite flower in our flower garden is the mairigold

You're actually fond of the hibiscis?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
DING DING DING DING! We have a winner! Colleen and I planted some marigolds this year, and while I thought I would like them, I am really unhappy with how they look. Of course, that could mean I simply can't grow decent marigolds, but since I'm too shallow to blame myself, I'll just say I don't like them.

You're up, Lad Boy.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Which is false?

1) I do not own a car.
2) I sometimes rollerblade to work.
3) I have three kids.
4) I built a 300 gallon fish pond in my back yard this summer.
5) My mother lives in Alaska.
6) I once worked as a bartender.
7) I made my karaoke debut at the Hotel Del Coronado at my wife's insistance.
8) My mother lives in Alabama.
9) I have never owned a dog.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Must be 5 or 8, so...

5) My mother lives in Alaska.
Posted by Caliente on :
8) My mother lives in Alabama
Posted by Lad Boy on :
5 and 8 are both true. I'm adopted.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3) I have three kids.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Nope, it's true, family of five.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
1) I do not own a car.

DC is a good city for being carless, but I think I remember you mentioning something about driving once (or maybe I'm losing my mind) [Smile]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Nope. My wife has a car. I have a bicycle.

(As for your loss of mind concerns, you might ask a bartender at SHAKES if one's in the Lost and Found drawer.)

[ October 25, 2005, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
4) I built a 300 gallon fish pond in my back yard this summer.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Nope. The pond has four goldfish and a nearly a ton and a half of ornamental stones -- including an 1100 pound boulder.

1) TRUE I do not own a car.
2) I sometimes rollerblade to work.
3) TRUE I have three kids.
4) TRUE I built a 300 gallon fish pond in my back yard this summer.
5) TRUE My mother lives in Alaska.
6) I once worked as a bartender.
7) I made my karaoke debut at the Hotel Del Coronado at my wife's insistance.
8) TRUE My mother lives in Alabama.
9) I have never owned a dog.

[ October 25, 2005, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
7) I made my karaoke debut at the Hotel Del Coronado at my wife's insistance.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
"9) I have never owned a dog" is the false statement
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) TRUE I do not own a car.
2) I sometimes rollerblade to work.
3) TRUE I have three kids.
4) TRUE I built a 300 gallon fish pond in my back yard this summer.
5) TRUE My mother lives in Alaska.
6) I once worked as a bartender.
7) TRUE I made my karaoke debut at the Hotel Del Coronado at my wife's insistance. 10cc's I'm not in Love
8) TRUE My mother lives in Alabama.
9) TRUE I have never owned a dog. Cats, fish, rodents
Posted by dedman on :
50/50 chance [Big Grin]

2) I sometimes rollerblade to work.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I might as well take the last one

6) I once worked as a bartender
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) TRUE I do not own a car.
2) FALSE I sometimes rollerblade to work. I'm planning to start in the spring.
3) TRUE I have three kids.
4) TRUE I built a 300 gallon fish pond in my back yard this summer.
5) TRUE My mother lives in Alaska.
6) TRUE I once worked as a bartender.
7) TRUE I made my karaoke debut at the Hotel Del Coronado at my wife's insistance. 10cc's I'm not in Love
8) TRUE My mother lives in Alabama.
9) TRUE I have never owned a dog. Cats, fish, rodents

Dedman has the question.
Posted by dedman on :
I've worked quite a few jobs, which one of these is a job I did not have?

1. Short order cook
2. Bassist in metal band
3. Car Wash Attendant
4. CSR for AT&T Broadband
5. Professional Wrestler
6. Vegetable Farmer
7. Fish Packer
8. Dishwasher
9. Telemarketer
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
5. Professional Wrestler?
Posted by dedman on :
....and now from parts unknown; weighing in at 225lbs; EPITAPH!!!!!!!!!!

.....done that; was paid mostly in beer [Big Grin]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
3. Car Wash Attendant
Posted by dedman on :
thats it lancesrealm

of all the jobs on the list that is the only one i've never done.....

over to you!!!!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, here we go...

I have a 4-yr old boy (PJ) and a 1-yr-old daughter, Mariah. What did they dress up as for Halloween?

1) Thomas the train and a butterfly
2) Batman and a princess
3) Spiderman and a pumpkin
4) Buzz Lightyear and Supergirl
5) a fireman and a dalmation
6) a Jedi and a fairy
7) Superman and a teddy bear
8) my religious views forbid us to observe Halloween
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
5) a fireman and a dalmation

And do we have pictures? (for when the correct answer is given)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
3) Spiderman and a pumpkin
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
6) a jedi and a fairy.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
No, no, and no. Yes, I do have pictures, if anyone is interested in seeing them.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
1) Thomas the train and a butterfly?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Thomas the train and a butterfly
2) Batman and a princess
4) Buzz Lightyear and Supergirl
7) Superman and a teddy bear
8) my religious views forbid us to observe Halloween
Posted by lancesrealm on :
PJ dressed up as Thomas, and Mariah was indeed a butterfly. Take it away, Rockhopper Lad!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Which of the following things have I not done:

1. Walked the Freedom Trail in Boston
2. Sung Simon and Garfunkel's "The Boxer" at karaoke.
3. Seen every episode of the 1970s TV series The Tomorrow People
4. Had a boyfriend for longer than a month.
5. Played the organ at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris.
6. Eaten sushi.
7. Seen a penguin in person.
8. Been stung by a bee.
9. Ridden a horse.
10. Visited New York City.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Ridden a horse?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've only ridden a horse once, but I have done it.
Posted by STU on :
You've never visited New York City!
Posted by lancesrealm on :
eaten sushi?
Posted by Caliente on :
7. Seen a penguin in person.
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Been stung by a bee
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay, here's the rundown:

1. Walked the Freedom Trail in Boston
Many times
2. Sung Simon and Garfunkel's "The Boxer" at karaoke.
I've only seen it on a karoke list once and you can bet I sang it!
3. Seen every episode of the 1970s TV series The Tomorrow People
I own the entire run on DVD.
4. Had a boyfriend for longer than a month.
This one's close: My record is just over two months.
5. Played the organ at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris.
Yes. I can barely play, but the opportunity arose and I played a very simple arrangement of a simple tune.
6. Eaten sushi.
One of my favourite dinners. To clarify, I do not eat meat, but I do eat poultry and seafood.
7. Seen a penguin in person.
Several times at zoos and aquariums.
8. Been stung by a bee.
9. Ridden a horse.
10. Visited New York City.
Once, when in college, I went to a conference there. I also rode through on a train from Boston to Washington years later.

So, a bee it was. In fact, a bee landed on my finger last week and then flew off on its merry way!

Next up: Gay-Lipso
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Yay me! I think I've only been stung by a bee once but that one time it was flying straight at my eye and the only reason I didn't get stung there was because I put my hand up in the way in time. I've been stung by a wasp a few times though.

Right, question from me. Hmm...

OK, I've just done a new pin-up for the Just 1 Page charity for the auction at the con in Brighton in a couple of weeks time, but who is in the pic?

1) Batman and Robin
2) Batman and Superman
3) Batman and Catwoman
4) Batman and Posion Ivy
5) Wonder Woman and Storm
6) Wolverine and Superman
7) Apollo and Midnighter
8) Shadow Lass and Timber Wolf
9) Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
10) Captain America and Captain Britain
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
7) Apollo & Midnighter
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Nope, two of the few characters that I love that I've never done a pin up of. Maybe soon though.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
4) Batman and Poison Ivy
Posted by Gay-lipso on :
Gosh, right with the second person. Batman and Robin and Batman and Catwoman were the first two siggestions but I went with Batman and Ivy because I love Ivy. I did Wonder Woman and Storm for the con in Bristol earlier this year though. If I remember I'll post copies of both in Bits at some point.

Uoyr go lance.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Ok, here we go...

My friend Sanjay is in town from Texas, and we have been playing a lot of chess. Recently, we both did things that we feel kind of bad about.

What did I do?

1) spilled beer on his notebook
2) lost his chess pieces
3) won a game by cheating
4) flirted with his girlfriend

What did Sanjay do?

1) ate my chicken fingers
2) arrived late to play
3) sat on my car and scratched it
4) gave me bad directions

You may guess one from each list in each post.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
What did I do?

2) lost his chess pieces

What did Sanjay do?

3) sat on my car and scratched it
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) spilled beer on his notebook
2) lost his chess pieces
3) won a game by cheating
4) flirted with his girlfriend

What did Sanjay do?

1) ate my chicken fingers
2) arrived late to play
3) sat on my car and scratched it
4) gave me bad directions
Posted by Bevis on :
1) Spilled beer on his notebook and 1) ate my chicken fingers (hey, that sounds like a police report on a bizarre mugging or something. [Smile] )
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Bevis has one correct - the other guesses are incorrect.
Posted by Bevis on :
Oh, Ok, one right. I'm going to stick with 1) spilled beer on his notebook and go with 4) gave me bad directions.

[ November 11, 2005, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: Bevis ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Still one correct, Bevis.
Posted by Bevis on :
Hmm, OK, so we know what you did, and we know that we've had three of the other answers so by a process of elimination...

1) spilled beer on his notebook and 2) arrived late to play.
Posted by lancesrealm on :'re up...
Posted by Bevis on :
Yay, logic worked! There's a first time for everything. [Big Grin]

OK, Wonder Woman is not only one of my favourite characters but Chris likes her lots too. In fact in all but one room in our house there's something to do with Wondy. Which room doesn't have anything?

1) The conservatory has a WW cookie jar on the window sill
2) The kitchen has numerous WW fridge magnets and two WW pint mugs
3) The living room has a Golden Age WW action figure
4) The hallway (usually) has Chris's key ring which has WW on it
5) The study has a WW light switch cover, several WW postcards and drawings
6) The back bedroom/my art room has a WW light switch cover, a WW statue, a WW soft toy and a WW and Donna Troy Silver Age action figure set
7) The bathroom has a WW soft toy on the switch for turning the water heater on and off
8) The bedroom has a WW bobbly car thing stuck on the mirror

My WW tishirts are also in the bedroom and all my comics are in the back bedroom but they're not in the question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
7) The bathroom has a WW soft toy on the switch for turning the water heater on and off
Posted by Caliente on :
1) The conservatory has a WW cookie jar on the window sill
Posted by lancesrealm on :
5) The study has a WW light switch cover, several WW postcards and drawings
Posted by Bevis on :
Cali has it. We'd really really like a WW cookie jar but they seem to be quite hard to get hold of here (or at least decent ones) and the ones you can find are way too expensive so we've not got one. It's only a matter of time before Wondy sneaks into the conservatory though.
Posted by Caliente on :
Sorry I was slow!! I've got the flu. ><

Anyway, as some of you might recall, I've been doing the fun of midterms lately. So, my question is, which one of my classes did I get the highest midterm grade on?

1) Math 34B
2) Philosophy 3
3) Chicano Studies 1A
4) Latin 2
5) Chemistry 1C
6) History 17A
7) Anthropology 5
8) Physics 6B
Posted by lancesrealm on :
3) Chicano Studies 1A
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope. But I did get a 92, so that was nice. [Wink]
Posted by dedman on :
2) Philosophy 3
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope!! Not taking that class. It's Critical Thinking, though, so I might take it someday...
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Ummm...let me think, Cali...Anthropology 5???
Posted by Caliente on :
Sadly, no. And it's supposed to be my major too!!
Posted by ActorLad on :
6) History 17A

Because those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it in Summer School. [Wink]
Posted by Caliente on :
Hah!! Right.

Well, I'm sorry to say that's not it, either. I'm sure I would've aced that midterm... if I'd taken the class. [Wink] Maybe next quarter.

Since it's a new page, here's what we've got left...
1) Math 34B
4) Latin 2
5) Chemistry 1C
8) Physics 6B

[ November 17, 2005, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
) Math 34B
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Chemistry 1C (the one you were worried about)
Posted by Caliente on :
Wasn't Chem, I did get a 90, though. (The A range was 85 - 100 [Big Grin] )

Lance got it!! I got 100% on my Math midterm. [Smile] It was good times, oh yes... [Wink]

You're up man.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, here we go...a 2-part question. The first person to get both parts correct gets the next question.

a) What baseball team do I root for?
b) With which baseball team does my wife have a connection?

1) Braves
2) Cubs
3) Reds
4) Cardinals
5) Astros
6) Mets
7) Rockies
8) Marlins
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay, I'll guess the obvious:

3) Reds

And I'll guess my hometown team
5) Astros
Posted by Caliente on :
a) 2 - Cubs
b) 8 - Marlins

I don't know why, just 'cuase... [Wink]
Posted by lancesrealm on : right for Rockhopper, and one right for Caliente.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
a)2) Cubs

b)5) Astros
Posted by lancesrealm on :
You got it, Quis. I am a Cubs fan. My wife attended Bellarmine in Louisville, and became friends with the Burke family while she was there. She even used to babysit Chris Burke.

Really thought this one would have taken more than 3 guesses.

Take it, Quis!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well when you said the Rockhopper & Caliente both had one right answer, either I would be correct or the next person.

my question

What book am I currently reading:

1) Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

2) The Invisible Man by HG Wells

3) A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

4) The Areas of my Expertise by John Hodgman

5) The Crimson Letter: Harvard, Homosexuality, and the Shaping of American Culture by Douglass Shand-Tucci

6) School Days by Robert B. Parker

7) A Feast for Crows, by George R. R. Martin

8) Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by dedman on :
I'll guess

2) The Invisible Man by HG Wells

just 'cause I like Wells [Smile]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
5) The Crimson Letter: Harvard, Homosexuality, and the Shaping of American Culture by Douglass Shand-Tucci
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

3) A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

4) The Areas of my Expertise by John Hodgman

6) School Days by Robert B. Parker

8) Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I finished reading the Invisible Man last month
Crimson Letter is waiting in line to be read.

A coworker is actually reading A Million Little Pieces
Posted by Caliente on :
6) School Days by Robert B. Parker
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, although I have read a couple of the Spencer books.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

4) The Areas of my Expertise by John Hodgman

8) Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Posted by lancesrealm on :
4) The Areas of my Expertise by John Hodgman
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
We have a winner. I am currently reading The Areas of My Expertise. A very funny book. Matter-Eater Brad is the 410th Hobo name.

Team of Rivals looks interesting for a future book and Wicked is waiting to be read.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
OK, here we go...

What book am I currently reading?

1) Ivanhoe
2) Feast for Crows
3) The Brothers Karamazov
4) East of Eden
5) Les Miserables
6) The Innocents Abroad
7) Candide
Posted by Ghost of Numf-El on :
I'll guess at No 1 - Ivanhoe.

It's about a Russian male prostitute, isn't it?
Posted by lancesrealm on :
lol...nope....please make another equally entertaining guess. Ivanhoe is on my "read it soon" list though.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
2) Feast of Crows
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Nope....finished it a few days ago.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
If it were Candide, you'd be finished by now, but it's one of my all-time favourites, so I'll guess it anyway!
Posted by Caliente on :
Ooh, ooh!!

5) Les Miserables [Big Grin]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Read Candide many years ago....but I am currently reading Les Miz. Hugo does like to go on, doesn't he? Take it, Cal!
Posted by Caliente on :
And, though I read this, I somehow missed it. ><

All right, which book am I going to finish this holiday! {aka I should've already finished but haven't had time with school}

a) Fried Green Tomatoes
b) To Kill a Mockingbird
c) Catfish and Mandala
d) King Lear
e) The Devil Wears Prada Boots
f) Catch Me If You Can
g) President X
h) Road to Perdition
i) The Da Vinci Code
j) Dude... I don't read... Not even for school!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
e) The Devil Wears Prada Boots
Posted by Lad Boy on :
b) To Kill a Mockingbird
Posted by lancesrealm on :
i) The Da Vinci Code
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
d) King Lear
Posted by Caliente on :
No to all of you, I'm afraid.

I read To Kill a Mockingbird when I was a freshman in high school (oh so long ago). The Devil one is one I saw in Borders that looked kinda interesting if not a little dumb. Da Vinci Code is sorta on my list but I just can't seem to generate enough enthusiasm. And big fat no to King Lear. Just... no... [Wink]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
a) Fried Green Tomatoes
c) Catfish and Mandala
f) Catch Me If You Can
g) President X
h) Road to Perdition
j) Dude... I don't read... Not even for school!
Posted by Caliente on :
Newp!! I did look at it before, cool graphic novel, but the movie was a little... weird for my tastes.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
President X? I haven't read the book, but the reviews sounded interesting.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
f) Catch Me If You Can
Posted by Caliente on :
Sorry RL -- it's on my list though!! I bought it and everything. Granted it was only a couple bucks but... yeah. [Wink]

You got it Quis!! You're up.

P.S. I've read Fried Green Tomatoes -- it's much better than the movie, IMHO. And, Catfish and Mandala is one of the best nonfiction books I've ever read. Everyone should read it.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK you should all know that my favorite subject in school was history.

What, besides gym (never did climb that rope), was my least favorite subject?

1) English (I think I'll never see a poem as awful as ...)

2) Math (Why do I need to know this if I have a calculator)

3) Science (OK class come up and get your frog)

4) Spanish (Why can't they just learn English"

5) Wood shop (It's suposed to be a spice rack)

6) Art (It's supposed to be a bowl of fruit)

7) Music (Can someone pass me a bucket so I can carry this tune)

8) I had no least favorite class, I'm such a nerd I loved them all.
Posted by Caliente on :
I vote for art 'cause I was always terrible at it!! No talent at all.

Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) English (I think I'll never see a poem as awful as ...)

2) Math (Why do I need to know this if I have a calculator)

3) Science (OK class come up and get your frog)

4) Spanish (Why can't they just learn English"

5) Wood shop (It's suposed to be a spice rack)

7) Music (Can someone pass me a bucket so I can carry this tune)

8) I had no least favorite class, I'm such a nerd I loved them all.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and Nope.

Even though I didn't do so well in them, I liked them.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not math.

here are the remaining choices:

1) English (I think I'll never see a poem as awful as ...)

3) Science (OK class come up and get your frog)

4) Spanish (Why can't they just learn English"

5) Wood shop (It's suposed to be a spice rack)

8) I had no least favorite class, I'm such a nerd I loved them all.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not math.

here are the remaining choices:

1) English (I think I'll never see a poem as awful as ...)

3) Science (OK class come up and get your frog)

4) Spanish (Why can't they just learn English"

5) Wood shop (It's suposed to be a spice rack)

8) I had no least favorite class, I'm such a nerd I loved them all.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
1)English...coz i wouldnt know an iambic pentameter from a gerund
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Wood shop?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not English nor woodshop
Posted by Bevis on :
3) Science
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bevis has it.

I really hated biology and dissecting things.

If they had started me off with chemistry and/or physics, I probably would have liked science more. But it was biology first.
Posted by Bevis on :
OK, simple one. I have *two* money boxes in my room. What shapes are they?

1) Mickey Mouse
2) Minnie MOuse
3) Miffy on the back of a tortoise
4) Wonder Woman
5) A classic piggy bank
6) A brown Cheshire Cat
7) A steam train
8) Stitch (as in Lilo and Stitch)
9) Fozzie Bear
10) A naked man.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
4 and 8?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4 & 7
Posted by Bevis on :
nope to all guesses so far
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Mickey Mouse
2) Minnie MOuse
3) Miffy on the back of a tortoise
5) A classic piggy bank
6) A brown Cheshire Cat
9) Fozzie Bear
10) A naked man.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
1 & 2?
Posted by Bevis on :
Again, nope to all. Which by count only leaves three possible anwers...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3) Miffy on the back of a tortoise

6) A brown Cheshire Cat
Posted by Bevis on :
bing bing, dead on Quis.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I forget if I asked this before.

What design was on my first lunchbox?

1) The Six Million Dollar Man

2) GI Joe

3) Yogi Bear

4) Disney Characters

5) Just a plaid design

6) Strawberry Shortcake

7) Looney Tunes Characters

8) Flipper

9) Charlie's Angels
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
5) Just a plaid design
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, it tweren't the plaid one.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Quis has a few years on me, so that narrows the list a bit. No Angels or Million Dollar baby or sweet shortcake.

I will say Yogi. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. not Yogi. Although Yogi was on my best friend in kindergarten's lunchbox. The things we remember.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) The Six Million Dollar Man

2) GI Joe

4) Disney Characters

6) Strawberry Shortcake

7) Looney Tunes Characters

8) Flipper

9) Charlie's Angels
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
8) Flipper?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope & nope. Never was interested in GI Joe, although my brother had one. And Flipper was my first Halloween costume.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Looney Tunes? And I would very much like to see your Flipper costume...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

The Flipper costume was one of those cheap (but costly) store costumes. A plastic mask of a dolphin's face (truncated snout to the side) and plastic suit with "Flipper" written on it with a drawing of Flipper.

You can see the actual costume at this site for lame costumes Lame Costumes
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) The Six Million Dollar Man

4) Disney Characters

6) Strawberry Shortcake

7) Looney Tunes Characters

9) Charlie's Angels
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That is the correct answer.

Here are some links to images of the lunchbox

Images of all four sides and bottom

Front & Side One more look at a more well cared for box

I didn't remember how 2 of Donald's nephews are in the front of the bus and at the rear of the bus at the same time.

[ December 08, 2005, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
When I was a teenager, I had someone draw a large picture of 4 Legionnaires. It hung on my bedroom wall until I went to college.
Who were the Legionnaires?

1) Superboy, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl
2) Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy
3) Element Lad, Chemical King, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy
4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
5) Wildfire, Dawnstar, Princess Projectra, Karate Kid
6)Dream Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My guess

2) Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy
Posted by Lad Boy on :
(there were so few visitors to my bedroom back in those days)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Here are the choices again:

1) Superboy, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl
2) Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Ultra Boy
3) Element Lad, Chemical King, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy
4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
5) Wildfire, Dawnstar, Princess Projectra, Karate Kid
6)Dream Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass

I'll let someone else take a shot before I guess again.
Posted by Caliente on :
The Ladies of the Legion!

6)Dream Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
1) Superboy, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Nope, the remaining choices:

3) Element Lad, Chemical King, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy
4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
5) Wildfire, Dawnstar, Princess Projectra, Karate Kid
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
3) Element Lad, Chemical King, Sun Boy, Cosmic Boy
Posted by Lad Boy on :

4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
5) Wildfire, Dawnstar, Princess Projectra, Karate Kid
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
5) Wildfire, Dawnstar, Princess Projectra, Karate Kid
Posted by Lad Boy on :
4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
9) Timberwolf, Chameleon Boy, Brainiac, Shadow Lass?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
Posted by Doctor One on :
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy and Ultra Boy
Posted by Abin Quank on :
8) Brainiac, Mon El, Superboy, Supergirl
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll take the last one:

4) Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, Colossal Boy, Shrinking Violet

[ December 11, 2005, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by Doctor One:
7) Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Sun Boy and Ultra Boy

You have it.
Posted by Doctor One on :
All right. Some of you know that last year I went for an extended trip to Northern India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. I am now planning another one of those crazy trips to far-flung places. I leave in early January, and will stay there for two months. Where am I going?

A) Antarctica
B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
C) Southern India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
D) Madagascar
E) Indonesia: Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara
F) Ecuador (Galapagos), Peru and Bolivia
G) Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
H) East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique
I) Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Iran
J) The Philippines
K) New Zealand
L) Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kirgisztan and Kazakhstan
M) Brazil
N) China

[ December 12, 2005, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
F) Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Iran
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
F) Ecuador (Galapagos), Peru and Bolivia

('cuz they have penguins on Galapagos) [Wink]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
H) New Zealand
Posted by Doctor One on :
Nope to all.

The following choices are left:

A) Antarctica
B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
C) Southern India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
D) Madagascar
E) Indonesia: Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara
G) Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
H) East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique
J) The Philippines
L) Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kirgisztan and Kazakhstan
M) Brazil
N) China

[ December 12, 2005, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
H) Brazil
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll go with the really obvious penguin answer:
A) Antarctica
Posted by Doctor One on :
Posted by lancesrealm on :
G) Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
Posted by Doctor One on :
No. The following options are left:

B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
C) Southern India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
D) Madagascar
E) Indonesia: Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara
H) East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique
J) The Philippines
L) Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kirgisztan and Kazakhstan
N) China

[ December 12, 2005, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Caliente on :
E) Indonesia: Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara

Mostly because I'm wondering if those are all real places...
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
HAH! you just lost like...two points of respect in my books Cali! (its o.k you have a google to spare) oh look! mistletoe! [smooch] *runs away*
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
oh and dont go to'll either be bombed or sent to Jail for drug trafficking. "You Jiggy Jig?"
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Or is your real name "Ben Dover"? J-B? [Wink]

[ December 12, 2005, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: legionadventureman ]
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
its Ferouze Harshbarger
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Or perhaps its "Anastacia Beaverhausen"?
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
or Rove Macnamanus. What the?!?
Posted by Doctor One on :
Originally posted by Joe-Boy:
oh and dont go to'll either be bombed or sent to Jail for drug trafficking. "You Jiggy Jig?"

No, I'm not going to Indonesia, either. But I would absolutely LOVE to. Bali without the hordes must be heaven!!!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
L) Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kirgisztan and Kazakhstan
Posted by Doctor One on :
Not to the 'stans either. The following options are left:

B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
C) Southern India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
D) Madagascar
H) East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique
J) The Philippines
N) China
Posted by Lad Boy on :
C) Southern India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
H) East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique
Posted by Doctor One on :
Nope. Only four options left:

B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
D) Madagascar
J) The Philippines
N) China
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
my final guess for this question

D) Madagascar
Posted by Doctor One on :
No, not Madagascar, either. But a friend of mine just came back from there, and he loved it. Alas, another place to add to my growing list of future trips...

Three left...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll bow out after this one too.

N) China
Posted by Doctor One on :
No, not China either. We are down to the very last choice! (this is funny...)

B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
J) The Philippines

[ December 15, 2005, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
B) West Africa: Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo and Ghana
Posted by Doctor Rhino on :
YES! We have a winner!
(assuming, of course, that I get my passport back from the Burkina Faso embassy before Dec 26th, the date of my flight).

As to what on earth I'm going to be doing in West Africa, well, I'll be attending a touareg music festival, I'll wander through Timbuktu looking for mud mosques, I'll take a three day trip on a pirogue down the river Niger, I'll visit the homeland of voodoo in Benin and a fetish market in Togo, I'll see the castles on the coast of Ghana from which slaves were shipped to the Americas and I'll try to find a nice piece of kente cloth in Ghana's Ashanti region.

And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see a rhino.

Cool, eh?
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
I have a model car on my desk. In a desk drawer I have a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book in which a car built by the same manufacturer is portrayed.

What type car?

(1) Porsche
(2) Buick
(3) Lincoln
(4) Rolls Royce
(5) Packard
(6) Jeep
(7) Ferrari
(8) Studebaker
(9) DeLorean
(10) Pontiac

A venti cappucino for the person who also identifies the Legion story -- (or, instead, a hug and big wet kiss if you're trying to cut down on caffeine.)

[ December 15, 2005, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Ladrhino Boy ]
Posted by Kid Rhino-Prime on :
*Thinks frantically.... how to get the information for the kiss, HOW TO DO IT*


9. DeLorean, since it of course could go back to the future.
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
no coffee, no kiss.
still remaining

(1) Porsche
(2) Buick
(3) Lincoln
(4) Rolls Royce
(5) Packard
(6) Jeep
(7) Ferrari
(8) Studebaker
(10) Pontiac
Posted by RockhopperRhino on :
(6) Jeep

I'd rather not have the coffee,thanks.
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
I'm cutting down on caffeine, myself. Not a Jeep.

(1) Porsche
(2) Buick
(3) Lincoln
(4) Rolls Royce
(5) Packard
(7) Ferrari
(8) Studebaker
(10) Pontiac
Posted by lancesrealm on :
The only car I remember seeing in Legiondom was when Karate Kid bought an Astrovette. But who made it? Hmmm...Pontiac maybe?
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
I have a model car on my desk. In a desk drawer I have a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book in which a car built by the same manufacturer is portrayed.

What type car?

Remaining choices.

(1) Porsche
(2) Buick
(3) Lincoln
(4) Rolls Royce
(5) Packard
(7) Ferrari
(8) Studebaker
Posted by Quirhino, Esq. on :
(4) Rolls Royce

Would this be the story where the Legion seems to go mercenary?
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
I have a model car on my desk. In a desk drawer I have a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book in which a car built by the same manufacturer is portrayed.

What type car?

Remaining choices.

(1) Porsche
(2) Buick
(3) Lincoln
(5) Packard
(7) Ferrari
(8) Studebaker

(I thought you'd get this on the first guess, Quirhino.)
Posted by Ghost of Numf-Rhino on :
I'm gonna try the Studebaker, cos it's such a great word, and you just don't get them in the UK.
Posted by CaliRhino on :
Lincoln, since the chick in my most recent fic was driving one!
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
Originally posted by Ghost of Numf-Rhino:
I'm gonna try the Studebaker, cos it's such a great word, and you just don't get them in the UK.

Studebaker it is.

I have a model of a '53 Starliner coupe in my office because it's related to the work I do.

You didn't opt for the coffee-or-big-wet-kiss bonus of identifying the issue that features a picture of a Studebaker.
Posted by Ghost of Numf-Rhino on :
Thanks for the heads up, Lad Boy.

Okay then, what is my favourite series of books?

1. Belgariad
2. The Seafort Chronicles
3. Lord of The Rings
4. Thomas Covenant
5. Sharpe
6. The Warlord Trilogy
7. Gormenghast
8. Ringworld
9. Disc World

p.s. for the big cup of coffee (nothing personal LB) I'll take a wild stab at LEGION 24.

[ December 19, 2005, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Ghost of Numf-Rhino ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4. Thomas Covenant
Posted by Ladrhino Boy on :
8. Ringworld
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Go with the classics, I say:
3. Lord of The Rings
Posted by lancesrealm on :
1. Belgariad
Posted by Ghost of Numf El on :
All excellent series, but all wrong.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
2. The Seafort Chronicles
5. Sharpe
6. The Warlord Trilogy
7. Gormenghast
9. Disc World
Posted by Ghost of Numf El on :
Indeed - Bernard Cornwells take on the Arthurian Legend is indeed my all time fave.

Your go, Lad Boy.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
My spouse and I have owned an ecclectic mix of cars through the years. This list includes all but which one of the following?

1974 Plymouth Duster -- with simulated snakeskin vinyl top
1980 Chevy Monza
1980 Ford Pinto
1980 Audi 4000
1984 Pontiac 6000
1988 Acura Integra
1994 Audi A4
1998 Volkswagen Passat
1999 Volkswagen Passat
2001 Volkswagen Passat

[ December 22, 2005, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1984 Pontiac 6000
Posted by Lad Boy on :
My 1984 Pontiac 6000 was white with grey interior. First car with a sunroof I ever owned. First car I ever owned that was big enough to be naughty in.


1974 Plymouth Duster -- with simulated snakeskin vinyl top
1980 Chevy Monza
1980 Ford Pinto
1980 Audi 4000
1988 Acura Integra
1994 Audi A4
1998 Volkswagen Passat
1999 Volkswagen Passat
2001 Volkswagen Passat
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
1980 Chevy Monza
Posted by Hey you on :
1994 Audi A4?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
RhL, the Monza was my first car.

Hey you! You're right. I never owned an A4.
Posted by Hey you on :
[My second car was a Monza. We used clamps to keep the doors closed. S'true!]

What is the only comic book series I've followed faithfully for 17+ years continuously?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
What no multiple choice?

I'll go with the obvious: Legion
Posted by Hey you on :
no multi... but I'll add a clue with each guess.

Not LSH... I only picked it up rarely on the first go-around 'tween 89 and 02. Shame on me; but good for back-issue dealers, I guess.

clue #1: one of the artists from the "Legion Worlds" mini was associated with the book for a couple of years.
Posted by STU on :
I've never heard of the Monza!
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Aside: The Monza was a desperately disguised Chevy Vega.[/SIZE]

Detective Comics
Posted by Hey you on :

Hint: like Detective, it's a book that's run continuously throughout the 17+ years I speak of (barring the infrequent late issue)... with no relaunch or interruption of it's numbering.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Hey you on :

Hint: It is a DC book.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Caliente on :
Action Comics
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I think that cover all the DC comics that have continuously published of 17 years without renumbering.
Posted by Hey you on :
nope... good guesses.

Hint: although the main character appeared in many different books (mostly from his introduction in '83 or '84, and into the early 90s), there have only been three guest-stars in this book (not counting side miniseries or brief mentions). Zatanna is one of them.
Posted by Caliente on :
Flash? (So clueless. ><)
Posted by Hey you on :

Hints from here on will either make it so damn obvious, or else be head-scratching obscurities, but here goes...

A movie was made based upon this book.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by Kent of Shakespeare on :

Hint: No one has ever worn a super-hero costume in the book - not even Zatanna.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
That's the one!

Go ahead, BRM!
(PS - is it me, or have you not been around much lately?)
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
IIRC, the last question I posed in this game was about costume pieces I've acquired for various theater productions; this one's about props.

Which two items in the following list do I not own?

A Battle-Axe
A Mace
A Shield
A Broadsword
A Gladius (Roman-style shortsword)
A Katana (Japanese-style sword)
A Fencing Foil
A Sword-Cane
A pair of Duelling Pistols
A Bullwhip
A Cat-o'-Nine-Tails

(Reply to PS: Well, I haven't posted much lately; I do most of my posting here in the Spaceopoly forum, and I haven't known the answers to many of the questions posed in the past few weeks (or someone beats me to them). I do still visit this site several times a week.)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
A Cat-O'-Nine-Tails and a Battle Axe?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A Battle-Axe
A pair of Duelling Pistols
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Bicycle Repair Man:
IIRC, the last question I posed in this game was about costume pieces I've acquired for various theater productions; this one's about props.

Which two items in the following list do I not own?

A Battle-Axe
A Mace
A Shield
A Broadsword
A Gladius (Roman-style shortsword)
A Katana (Japanese-style sword)
A Fencing Foil
A Sword-Cane
A pair of Duelling Pistols
A Bullwhip
A Cat-o'-Nine-Tails

bumping the question to the next page
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
No and no.

The pistols (non-firing replicas, BTW, no real antiques in my collection) have seen service in The Pirates of Penzance: the Pirate King and Ruth are armed when they first appear in Act II.

The Battle-Axe was a closeout special in a Museum Replicas catalog some years ago ([Pepperpot] It was a bargain! [/Pepperpot]). It eventually appeared in a production of The Yeomen of the Guard, carried by the Tower Executioner at the end of Act I.

The Cat-o'-Nine-Tails was purchased specifically for a production of H.M.S. Pinafore in which I was playing Captain Corcoran; it appears in the last verse of the duet between the Captain and Dick Deadeye in Act II:

"Good fellow, you have given timely warning,
Sing hey, the thoughtful sailor that you are!
I'll talk to Master Rackstraw in the morning:
Sing hey, the Cat-o'-Nine-Tails and the Tar!"

Eight items remain.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A Shield
A Katana (Japanese-style sword)
Posted by Bevis on :
A Mace and A Fencing Foil (even though the fencing foil is probably the most likely for you to own I guess. Which might make it obvious to be the answer as well. Ooooh, don't you hate second guessing yourself. [Wink] )
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Progress Report:

One of the correct items has now been mentioned.

Keep guessing.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
A mace and a sword-cane?
Posted by Bevis on :
A fencing foil and a bullwhip?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Shield & A Gladius (Roman-style shortsword)
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
A fencing foil and a bullwhip?

Aaaaand we have a winner!

Take it away, Bevis!

"He's a lumberjack and he's OK,
He sleeps all night and he works all day!"

Posted by Bevis on :
Yay me!


OK, as you may or may not be aware Chris and I are getting married (well, civilly partnered) in October. We've pretty much decided where it's going to be be held, but which of these possible venues for the ceremony and/or reception did we *not* look at?

1) Mere Hall (Bolton registry office)
2) Heaton Hall
3) The Lowry Theatre
4) Manchester Town Hall
5) The Holiday Inn (formerly the Moathouse) in Bolton
6) Worsley Hall
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
The lowry theatre
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, we looked at the Lowry. Various different rooms (you can actually hire either of the theatres as well but I don't think we'd have 2000 people to invite [Wink] ) and they're all very nice but they were a bit pricy so we're not doing it there. It was an option though...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Manchester Town Hall?
Posted by Lightning Lance on :
The Holiday Inn?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
Yay me!


OK, as you may or may not be aware Chris and I are getting married (well, civilly partnered) in October. We've pretty much decided where it's going to be be held, but which of these possible venues for the ceremony and/or reception did we *not* look at?

1) Mere Hall (Bolton registry office)
2) Heaton Hall
3) The Lowry Theatre
4) Manchester Town Hall
5) The Holiday Inn (formerly the Moathouse) in Bolton
6) Worsley Hall

1) Mere Hall (Bolton registry office)
Posted by Bevis on :
IB has it. You can get married at the Town Hall but it's a bit grand and expensive so we didn't bother looking at it. We actually also looked at the concorde that tehy have in Manchester airport, which would be cool in theory but not really in practice.

However Lance and Quis between them have got the ones we *are* going for. We're going to have the ceremony at Mere Hall and the reception at the Holiday Inn (all going well).

So it's IB's turn again.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Cool! Do I get a free invite to the ceremony for winning?

One reason I've been spending les time on Legion World is that I'm currently seeing a special someone. What is her favorite ice cream flavor? And what is mine?

a. Chocolate
b. Strawberry
c. Mango
d. Cookies and Cream
e. Coffee
f. Buko (coconut) salad
g. Rocky Road
h. Pistachio
i. Bubble gum
j. Mocha
k. Vanilla
m. Peanut
n. Quezo Real (cheese)
o. Ube (don't ask me what it is in English! It's purple and sweet [Smile] )
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Her favorite: d. Cookies & Cream

Your favorite: h. Pistachio
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Hers: Ube

yours: vanilla
Posted by Lightning Lance on :
Hers: chocolate

yours: vanilla
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
nope, nope, nope.

but both our faves have already bene mentioned.
Posted by Bevis on :
Hers: vanilla

Yours: Ube (even though I have no idea what it is [Big Grin] ).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hers: Pistachio

Yours: Ube
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Yours: pistachio

hers: ube
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
nope, nope, nope
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
clue: someone has already guessed hers correctly (I mean that you've guessed the flaver as her fave instead of guessing it as my fave)
Posted by Bevis on :
hers: vanilla
yours: chocolate.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
you got hers right again, Bevis.
Posted by Bevis on :
hmmm.... Ok then:

hers: vanilla
yours: cookies and cream
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You got it [Big Grin]
Posted by Bevis on :
yay! Process of elimination. He he.

Right, lets stick with teh wedding theme. I took the afternoon off yesterday but what were we doing?

1) Going to see the wedding planner about the meal options
2) Going to look at outfits for me
3) Going to give notice of our intention to marry at the registrary office
4) Going to sort out teh invitations
5) Booking the ceremony at the registary office
6) Booking the honeymoon
7) In fact it was nothing to do with the wedding and I just had the afternoon off because I was bored at work.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
OK I'll go for the obvious one, its Number 7.
You were bored, Bored...BORED!

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
5) Booking the ceremony at the registary office.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3) Going to give notice of our intention to marry at the registrary office

i would say this because it is the one thing that I think you both need to be there.
Posted by Lightning Lance on :
2) Going to look at outfits for me
Posted by Bevis on :
Quis has it, and in fact has the reasoning pretty much spot on as well.

I have sort of decided what I want to wear and I booked the office for the ceremony today but I actually took the day off to make things all official. Scary but exciting at the same time. [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK. I've just finished watching the first season of Lost (haven't seen season two). Who is my favorite character?

1) Charlie
2) Jack
3) Kate
4) Sayid
5) Sawyer
6) Walt
7) Locke
8) Sun
9) Jin
10) Hurley
11) Michael
12) Shannon
13) Boone
14) Rousseau
15) Vincent
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. 1 down, 14 guesses to go.
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not Jin (even thouogh I usually do have a thing for Asian men)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
5) Sawyer?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I really dislike Sawyer even if he did tell Jack about his dad and otherwise seems to be a somewhat ok guy and is just this way because of his childhood.

in other words, nope.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
14) Rousseau

I've never seen the show, but it's a cool name.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. And the remaining choices are:

1) Charlie
2) Jack
3) Kate
4) Sayid

6) Walt
7) Locke
8) Sun

10) Hurley
11) Michael
12) Shannon

15) Vincent
Posted by Lightning Lance on :
3) Kate?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oh she's nice and cool and hip, but not my favorite.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
15) Vincent?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Jack - coz Matthew Fox is a hottie?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

I sometimes don't realize it myself, but Walt is pretty darn likeable.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, nope, & nope.

Vincent is a real cutie though (for those who don't watch Lost, Vincent is Walt's dog)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Charlie
4) Sayid
7) Locke
8) Sun
10) Hurley
11) Michael
12) Shannon
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Also a cool name.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and nope.

I like Locke but I don't trust him.

Michael is ok but he doesn't really grab me character or story-wise. In many ways he seems like Walt's side-kick. He is only there because Walt is there. (Again for those who haven't seen it, Michael is Walt's father)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) Charlie
4) Sayid
8) Sun
10) Hurley
12) Shannon
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not Sayid.

And my second favorite hasn't been picked yet either.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
1) Charlie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Charlie is my favorite. I thought I gave it away by not putting Jack 1st.

BTW Hurley is my second favorite character. His laid back attitude reminds me of Outdoor Miner.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I confess I have no idea who any of them are; I was just picking names off the list.

I'll think up a good question, and post it over the weekend.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

While I'm currently improving my French, what two languages would I like to work on next?

Mandarin Chinese
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
Russian and Italian?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Japanese & German
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Spanish and Italian (learning one Romance language often makes it easier to learn others).
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
both languages have each been guessed once.... so obviously it's not Italian (which would probably have been #3, had I sought the next 3 instead of the next 2)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Russian & German
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
Japanese and Russian?
Posted by Caliente on :
Japanese and Spanish!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
when she's hot, she's hot!
and we haven't seen her any other way...

Cali's up!
Posted by Caliente on :
Hah! Thanks Kent. [Wink]

All right... so, in the theme of foreign things-- which non-US country do I want to someday live in?

New Zealand
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
New Zealand (they have penguins there).
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Wish I had two choices...ummm, I'll take Spain for 1000 points, Alex!
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope! Sorry kids. [Smile] I've been to Spain and France-- loved 'em both. Wanna go to Australia and New Zealand but I don't think I could live there. The water goes backwards...

Here's a repost of the list, minus what's already been guessed. (The question, in case anyone missed it, is which non-US country I hope to some day live in.)

Posted by Joe-Boy on :
India! For the Pig Toilets, cheap prescription drugs, Dysentry and Theiving Monkeys!!!
Posted by ActoRhinoLad on :
Hmmm, I know my Lady fair doesn't want to live in Canada because as everbody knows that's just the US's little bro. My gut says either England or Italy.

I'll go with Italy.
Posted by Bevis on :
Ach, lets's go for my own turf and say England.
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
Originally posted by Joe-Boy:
India! For the Pig Toilets

Ok Ok I cant be the ONLY person that finds this amusing can I? :
"Every toilet comes equipped with a standard accessory; a thick 4 foot long wooden stick which one holds on to, not for support but as a weapon of defense. As the lady unabashedly demonstrates the technique, I look on in horrified amazement. One delivers, she says, a sharp hit on the flat snout of the pig as soon as it becomes over enthusiastic and gets too close to the flanks. Timing is everything. With almost motherly pride, she tells me her pigs are smart and they are quick! So I’ll just have to be quicker. Won’t I? It is almost as if a challenge is being thrown. Who will win? The pig or the human? Either outcome appears to be okay with her, although I suspect she is marginally partial to her pigs. Then, as if embarrassed by her own bias, and letting her voice adopt an insider’s tone, she tells me not to get taken in by their delighted grunts. They can be quite dangerous. One German, an animal-rights protectionist, in his kindness, had hesitated hitting them, and had consequently to be rushed to the government hospital in Mapusa with a portion of his rear taken from him. “My pigs are not polite like maybe German pigs”. She laughs at her own joke. I admire her for that. A sense of humour even! Nevertheless, I decide to take a rain check on using her rustic rest room!"

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Canada? They have universal health care, gay marriage and Tamper Lad. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Mexico, where Caliente will be muy hot
Posted by Caliente on :
Hee. I think you're funny Joey. [Love]

Actually, it was my fiance who guessed right first!!

Though, I love England, I am far too poor to live there. Canadia does have all those, er, attributes I suppose... but it's so very cold! I'm a wuss with weather. I believe my stance on India would be 'a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there' but I've yet to visit so... we'll see. And Mexico is just a hop over the boarder-- why move? [Wink]

But Italy. Ah, Italy. I dunno why but, for whatever reason, I really want to live there someday. I think it might be all the history (future history teacher here) or maybe the character study (anthropology!) or maybe the hot men with accents. Who knows? But... yeah. Take it away Actor Lad!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I know I knew my darling. [Wink]

Which of these martial arts do I pratice?

Tang Soo Do
Wing Chun
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
Posted by ActorLad on :
No to both.
Posted by Joe-Boy on :
Capoeria? only cause thats what I used to do until I got fat and Lazy.
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Tang Soo Do?

Originally posted by Caliente:
But Italy. Ah, Italy. I dunno why but, for whatever reason, I really want to live there someday. I think it might be all the history (future history teacher here) or maybe the character study (anthropology!)

Italy is amazing. I recommend Tuscany.
Posted by ActorLad on :
And the prize goes to Mr Shakespeare. Tang Soo Do is what I take. Some of those others I want to try though. I only put sumo on the list because I once sumo-wrestled in a fat-suit on grade night a few times.

[ January 29, 2006, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Italy is amazing. I recommend Tuscany.

Oooh. Good call Kent!! I'll remember to stop by when I'm living the good life with oily, beefy Italian men and amazing pastas galore!! [Wink] (But I'll always love you AL~)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
staying on the Italy theme,while visiting friends in 2002, I once visited a particular site that was featured very prominently in a film.

Was it:

1.Tea With Mussolini
2. Under the Tuscan Sun
3. Much Ado About Nothing
4. Roman Holiday
5. SW1: The Phantom Menace
6. The English Patient
7. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
8. Romeo & Juliet (the 1968 version)
9. Il Postino
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4. Roman Holiday
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

I was inside a shop in Rome apparently used in that movie, but not as a prominent location.

From the posters on the wall (Audrey Hepburn... yum!), though, you'd have thought it was the primo locale!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
3. Much Ado About Nothing
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
on the second one... darn!

yes, it was shot almost entirely on a villa just outside of Greve-in-Chianti, a small town 1/2 hour south of Firenze, where I had the good fortune to have some ex-pat friends residing at the time (not at the villa, tho). There's a small country road just beyond the gardens; I'm quite impressed that you can't see it in the film.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay, as you may know, I love choral singing. Which work have I never sung in:

1. Handel's Messiah
2. Mendelssohn's Elijah
3. Beethoven's Mass in C
4. Handel's Jephtha
5. Britten's A Ceremony of Carols
6. Haydn's Creation
7. Faure's Requiem
8. J.S. Bach's Cantata No. 91
9. Vivaldi's Magnificat
10. Vivaldi's Gloria
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
7. Faure's Requiem
Posted by Lad Boy on :
4. Handel's Jephtha
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've sung in the Faure Requiem many times. It's one of my all time favourite pieces.

We did Jephtha when I was a senior in college (this oratorio, by the bye, is a candidate for first ever "Hollywood Ending").

This leaves:

1. Handel's Messiah
2. Mendelssohn's Elijah
3. Beethoven's Mass in C
5. Britten's A Ceremony of Carols
6. Haydn's Creation
8. J.S. Bach's Cantata No. 91
9. Vivaldi's Magnificat
10. Vivaldi's Gloria

[ January 31, 2006, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
1. Handel's Messiah
Posted by Caliente on :
Shockingly enough, I actually know a number of those. Damn music class. [Wink]

Anyway, I'll go with #8-- Bach's Cantata No. 91.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've done Messiah more times than I can count.

Our choir did Cantata No. 91 ("Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ") this year on Christmas Eve.

Remaining choices:
2. Mendelssohn's Elijah
3. Beethoven's Mass in C
5. Britten's A Ceremony of Carols
6. Haydn's Creation
9. Vivaldi's Magnificat
10. Vivaldi's Gloria
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
9. Vivaldi's Magnificat
Posted by Lad Boy on :
3. Beethoven's Mass in C
Posted by Caliente on :
10. Vivaldi's Gloria

(I do so love Vivaldi...)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I love Vivaldi too. I very much enjoyed singing the Magnificat and the Gloria.

Singing the Beethoven Mass was fun too.

2. Mendelssohn's Elijah
5. Britten's A Ceremony of Carols
6. Haydn's Creation

[ January 31, 2006, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
5. Britten's A Ceremony of Carols
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
6. Haydn's Creation
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And we have a winner! I love Haydn's Creation, but (unless you count a hymn whose tune is taken from one of its choruses), I've never had the opportunity to be in it.

In case anyone was wondering about Benjamin Britten's A Ceremony of Carols, it was originally arranged from treble voices only, but there is a four-part, mixed chorus arrangement available--which is what I've done.

Back up to Kent.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
My string of lucky guesses!

which 2 types of cuisine have I never tried?

Costa Rican
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Posted by Caliente on :

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Posted by Lancecrawler on :

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
one person was the only one to make one correct guess; his other (wrong) guess was duplicated by someone else.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So one of these is correct:


I will guess
Costa Rican & Ligurian
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Albanian and Argentinean
Posted by Caliente on :
Cuban and Hawaiian! Yay Islands!~
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
still only one correct answer... by the same person who posted it previously.

Besides Quis' list for the one correct so far, here are the remaining unguessed:

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ligurian & Turkish
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Albanian and Salvadoran
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Ligurian & Morroccan
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Albanian and Russian
Posted by Caliente on :
Ligurian & Salvadoran
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
One of my favorite hometown restaurants is Ligurian, actually, although I can only afford to eat there infrequently.

I used to live in the college town of New Paltz, which had (at one point) two excellent Turkish places.

There's a great Salvadoran place near my sister's house in Costa Rica.

An old friend of mine in college was married to a Morroccan; I had several home-made meals.

Similarly, I've had several home-cooked Russian meals; there are a number of Russian emigrees in my neck of the world I've met over the years.

only a few left!
So Albanian has been the only correct guess so far.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Albanian and Korean
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Albanian and Vietnamese?

And if you haven't had Vietnamese food, get some quickly! It's fabulous!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Albanian & Korean
Posted by Caliente on :
Albanian and Thai
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
B5 and Quis are both right, but it looks like Brainy got there first.

your go!
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Thanks Kent.

I recently inheirited a number of firearms. I then purchased 2 more, giving me quite a nice arsenal. Which 2 are my newest acquisitions?

A. Dan Wesson .22 cal revolver

B. Ruger 10-22 .22 cal rifle

C. Remington Gamemaster 760 in .308 Winchester

D. Glock 22 .40 cal pistol

E. Mossberg 510 .22 cal rifle

F. Forehand and Wadsworth .38 cal revolver

G. Bushmaster XM15-E2S .223 cal rifle

H. Glock 17 9mm pistol

I. Uzi 9mm rifle

Good Luck!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
B. Ruger 10-22 .22 cal rifle

G. Bushmaster XM15-E2S .223 cal rifle
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
D. Glock 22 .40 cal pistol

I. Uzi 9mm rifle
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Close...oh so close...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
H. Glock 17 9mm pistol

I. Uzi 9mm rifle
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
CLUE: Quis and Miner each had half in their first 2 answers.
Posted by Lancecrawler on :
B. Ruger 10-22 .22 cal rifle

D. Glock 22 .40 cal pistol
Posted by Caliente on :
G. Bushmaster XM15-E2S .223 cal rifle

I. Uzi 9mm rifle
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
D. Glock 22 .40 cal pistol

G. Bushmaster XM15-E2S .223 cal rifle
Posted by Ghost of Numf El on :
Which leaves me with the B & I option.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Kent is correct. I got the Bushmaster for Christmas and the Glock about a month before. The wife wants an Uzi, and I'm still trying to find one for her. Anywho, you're up, Shakespeare!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Awright! Since my mind's on San Diego just now, which of the following several experiences have I never experienced on an SD trip?

1. Visiting the San Diego Zoo
2. Going to Tijuana!
3. encountering a now-obsolete practice where sit-down restaurants would expect you to pay for your meals when you order.
4. Being warned not to venture south of Broadway, except inside Horton Plaza
5. Experiencing some of the best northern Italian food I've ever had.
6. Seeing the movie "Aliens 2" at Horton Plaza
7. Having dinner with Mark Evanier and Poul Anderson, not knowing who the latter was.
8. Going to Gil Kane's 75th birthday party.
9. Driving out to Mount Palomar.
10. Going to a midnight reading by Neil Gaiman.
11. Having Colleen Doran flirt with me.
12. Talking with Dick Giordano and after the fact suspecting I gave him an idea that actually came about.
13. Eating at Wendy's for the first time, and disliking it so much I'd never enter another for years.
14. Going to Sea World
15. Visiting Old Town
16. Staying at a roach-infested motel.
17. Tipping a bellhop for the first time.
18. Dancing outdoors with a woman who wore nothing but skimpy lingerie.

[ February 24, 2006, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by Omni Lance on :
14. Going to Sea World?
Posted by Caliente on :
11. Having Colleen Doran flirt with me.
Posted by Bevis on :
13. Eating at Wendy's
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Omni got it - the first guess, no less!
Posted by Omni Lance on :
Ok, here we go...

My friend Paul called me a few days ago. He wants to be sure I am going to board game night next week because they will be playing:

1) Diamant
2) Age of Steam
3) El Grande
4) Pirate's Cove
5) Risk
6) Monopoly
7) Empire Builder
8) Peurto Rico
9) Game of Thrones
10) Samarai
Posted by Lad Boy on :
5) Risk
Posted by Bevis on :
2) Age of Steam (is that anything like Ticket To Ride? Best game ever...)
Posted by Caliente on :
4) Pirate's Cove

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I would have guessed my fave, Scrabble, if it were on the list, but I'll go with another classic:
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
None of the above, although I love playing Risk. I also like Pirate's Cove and Monopoly. I did play Age of Steam, but didn't care much for it - too much down-time between turns.

I don't know what Ticket to Ride is, Bevis, so I can't answer your question.
Posted by Bevis on :
Ticket To Ride is a map of the US (or there's a European version too) and you have different colour train cards and routes on other cards and have to make the routes and other people mess it up for you doing their own routes and generally involves much swearing and getting cross but it's *great*.

I so shouldn't be allowed to explain things like board games...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
9) Game of Thrones?

Bevis, sounds like Mayfair's rail games, Eurorails, Australia Rails, North American Rails... there was also Japan and Britain editions. great games!
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
Ticket to Ride does sound a little like Age of Steam.

Kent, we will indeed be playing Game of Thrones. I really liked this the one time I played it, so I'll be joining the game next week. Back to you, Kent!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
okay, let's see...

I've travelled a bit, but only in San Diego and Berlin, Germany, have I done what?
Posted by Bevis on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
nope. hint: something one can only do in a certain number of specific places on Earth.
Posted by Bevis on :
Marry your cousin.. err, no, probably not that. Hmmm...

I might have to let others have a guess and maybe more hints before I can think of anything.
Posted by Caliente on :
Gone to Holocaust Museums?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
no, but you're on the right track in terms of... facilities not every city has.
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
Used a unisex rest room?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not THAT kind of facility!
Posted by Bevis on :
Gone on a monorail or similar?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
good guess... but no (Although I did ride a maglev in Berlin).

While the larger surrounding sites may have had features relating to transportation (no monorails, but one of them had an aerial mode of transport), these had nothing to do with the spcific issue at hand.
Posted by Bevis on :
been to a theme park?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Cross a border
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I've crossed many a border. "Theme Park" is getting closer to the general neighborhood.
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
Gone to a pot bar?
Posted by Caliente on :
Haha! I didn't think they had those in America...

Hooka bar?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
nope, both. getting farther away.
Posted by Bevis on :
been to a comic convention?
Posted by Ghost of Numf El on :
Gone to a Zoo ?

Joke - bloke goes into a zoo - but there's only one cage. And in it there's a dog. It was a shitzu.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
OK! Now we're in the right neighborhood!

I've been to a bunch of zoos on two continents, but SD and Berlin stand alone in a very specific aspect.
Posted by Bevis on :
Do they have panda bears?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Bevis has it!
Posted by Bevis on :
Yay me! I did kind of cheat by guessing repeatedly, but never mind. [Big Grin]

OK, it's no secret that I love cartoons. I watch more cartoons than anything else. But (at the moment) who is my favourite cartoon character?

1) Foxxy Love from 'Drawn Together'
2) Captain Hero from 'Drawn Together'
3) Eduardo from 'Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends'
4) Bubbles from 'The Powerpuff Girls'
5) Mojo Jojo from 'The Powerpuff Girls'
6) Flash from 'JLU'
7) Black Canary from 'JLU'
8) Mr/Mrs Garrison from 'South Park'
9) Butters from 'South Park'
10) Samurai Jack from 'Samurai Jack'
11) Cosmo from 'Fairly Odd Parents'
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
7) Black Canary from 'JLU'
Posted by Caliente on :
6) Flash from 'JLU'

Oh, wait. Did you say your favorite..?
Posted by Bevis on :
he he, yeah, my favourite. I do love Flash and Canary, but they're not my current favourites. Flash is Chris' favourite though.
Posted by Caliente on :
Have I told you lately that I love Chris? [Wink]

How about Samurai Jack? I've heard his show's nifty. (I know, I know, I shouldn't guess. But I haven't won in soooo long. Pity me. [Yes] )
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
3) Eduardo from 'Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends'
Posted by Bevis on :
Nope, not Jack or Eduardo although I do love them both. Samurai Jack is a fantastic show and well worth watching if you get the chance. Eduardo is my favourite character in Foster's certainly, but he's not my current favourite cartoon character overall.
Posted by Omni Lance's Lightning Rhino realm on :
) Foxxy Love from 'Drawn Together'
Posted by Bevis on :
heh heh heh, nope not Foxxy. She is great though. Drawn Togther is so not an American show. Makes me laugh a lot though. But nope, she's not my favourite either.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
9) Butters from 'South Park'?
Posted by Bevis on :
bing bing, we have a winner!

I *love* Butters. He completely rocks. The episode just about him where his mother tries to kill him because his father is having random gay sex (no, it really is funnier than that) is fantastic, as is his tap dancing accident. he he he.

Your go Lance.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
OK, well, it's like this. My grandfather died a few days ago at the ripe old age of 93, so my family is off to Nebraska. I'll be gone a few days, so I'm just going to pass this turn to whomever wants it.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
my condolences, Lance. I can't speak for the others, but I'm content to wait for your return.
Posted by Bevis on :
Same here. Hope you're all OK lance and hope to see you back here soon.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
OK, I am back...

I just returned from my grandfather's funeral. It was a small gathering, which makes sense, I suppose. By the time one is 94 one does not have many friends left.

Anyway, one of the things we did was walk through the house and pick out some of the things we would like to have. There are 2 things on the following list that I wanted that I got. There are also 2 things on the list that I wanted but could not find. Finally, there is one thing on the list I did not want, but ended up getting anyway. Which things belong in which list?

1) My dad's collection of Big Little books.
2) A copper teapot
3) My grandfather's horseshoe magnet
4) My grandmother's dominoes
5) the Monopoly game
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
2) A copper teapot
4) My grandmother's dominoes

didn't get:
1) My dad's collection of Big Little books.
3) My grandfather's horseshoe magnet

did not want:
5) the Monopoly game
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1) My dad's collection of Big Little books.
3) My grandfather's horseshoe magnet

didn't get:
4) My grandmother's dominoes
5) the Monopoly game

did not want:
2) copper teapot
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Kent has 2 correct, while Lad Boy has 3 correct.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
3) My grandfather's horseshoe magnet
4) My grandmother's dominoes

didn't get:
1) My dad's collection of Big Little books.
5) the Monopoly game

did not want:
2) copper teapot

[ March 14, 2006, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Caliente on :
1) My dad's collection of Big Little books.
4) My grandmother's dominoes

didn't get:
3) My grandfather's horseshoe magnet
5) the Monopoly game

did not want:
2) copper teapot
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Lad Boy has them all correct. My grandmother showed me a variation of Dominoes that I have never seen anyone else play, and we must have played several hundred games with that set of Dominoes. I looked all over for my dad's Big Little books and the Monopoly game, but I could not locate them. As to the copper teapot...well, there's a story there.

As a small child of perhaps 4, I was fascinated by the copper teapot. My grandmother told me to leave it alone, but I couldn't resist touching it. She asked me if I was playing with the teapot, and I whirled around and said no - but the teapot came with me, since my finger had become stuck in the spout. So much for plausible deniability. My grandmother used to tell this story with much glee, and my wife insisted we bring the teapot. I am not putting my finger in it, though.

Anyway, take it, Lad Boy...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Which one of the following is not true?

(1) I have water-skied in the Potomac River.

(2) I was valedictorian of my high school class.

(3) I married a rocket scientist.

(4) I had the same teacher in the first grade that my mother had.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
(1) I have water-skied in the Potomac River
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Quislet has it. I have water skied in the Chesapeake Bay.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK which of the following have I not done for employment:

1) Watered lawns
2) Assemble circut boards
3) Been a debt collector
4) Been a secretary
5) Stuffed envelopes
6) Sold comic books
7) Been a janitor
Posted by Lad Boy on :
2) Assembled circuit boards
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, That was my first job when I was in high school still
Posted by Lance's realm on :
4) Been a secretary
Posted by Priestess Viviane on :
6) sold Comic Books
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope and nope.

I worked as a secretary for a lawyer part-time while in law school.

I worked in a comic book shop part-time while in college.

The remaining choices are:

1) Watered lawns

3) Been a debt collector

5) Stuffed envelopes

7) Been a janitor
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
5) Stuffed envelopes
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, before my last job I had a temp assignment stuffing checks into envelopes.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Watered lawns?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. I did that for my brother right after college.

Two answers remain. Someone guess quickly otherwise, you'll have to wait until Thursday to find out who's right.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Janitor it is. Or isn't seeing as I never worked as a janitor.

And just for the record my debt collection work was not personal debt, but money owed by companies.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
OK, here we go...

My son PJ turned 5 a few weeks ago, and we had a nice little party for him. Out of the presents he has received, which does he say is his favorite?

1) The 10-dinosaur set
2) an aquarium with 2 goldfish
3) the tonka backhoe
4) the savings bond
5) the James Lego set
6) the Toby Lego set
7) the soccer goal with moving target
Posted by Lad Boy on :
3) the tonka backhoe
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
1) The 10-dinosaur set
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
5)James Bond Lego set
Posted by Lance's realm on :
No to all of the above.

Viviane, it is not a James Bond Lego set, but a James Lego set, as in James from Thomas the Tank Engine.
Posted by Caliente on :
7) the soccer goal with moving target

Just 'cause I would've wanted one... I kinda still do... [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Unless PJ is a capitalist prodigy, I'd say the savings bond is right out.

So I'll guess the aquarium with 2 goldfish
Posted by Lance's realm on :
That's it, Quislet. He lovethe aquarium and will watch the fish for quite a while. He has told me repeatedly that it is his favorite present.

Oh, and PJ isn't a capitalist prodigy. If he were, he'd point out to me the low returns one gets on savings bonds.

You're up, Quis...
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Originally posted by Lance's realm:
No to all of the above.

Viviane, it is not a James Bond Lego set, but a James Lego set, as in James from Thomas the Tank Engine.'s never James Bond...when will I get to play with a little British spy?
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Funny story about the fish....they were a gift from my mother-in-law. She had already bought the aquarium and had to buy the fish. She also just happened to be having fish for dinner that night. All she needed from the store was the fish...and a jar of tartar sauce. She didn't buy the tartar sauce because she thought she might get some comments from people if she checked out with 2 goldfish and a jar of tartar sauce...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK what have I done today in regards to my job search

1) Worked on my resume
2) Looked through want ads
3) Ordered business cards
4) Had an interview
5) Job Search? I'm on unemployment baby! I watched Jerry Springer today.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
1) Worked on your resume
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posted by Lad Boy on :
5) Job Search? I'm on unemployment baby! I watched Jerry Springer today.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
While I did watch part of Jerry Springer today, I did do one of the three remaining choices in furtherance of a job search.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
4) Had an interview?
Posted by Caliente on :
2) Looked through want ads

That's what I always do. Hmm. And I've only been unemployed for...

Never mind.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well the next person to post gets the question because I didn't go on an interview nor did I look through the want ads.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wouldn't be business cards, would it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Wouldn't be business cards, would it?

Rockhopper Lad, your powers of deductive reasoning are beyond compare! [Wink]

What shall we find out about you now?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Okay. As you know, Rockhopper Lad is from a race of humanoid penguins. My real-life heritage is not quite so exotic. Which two of the following ethnicities would account for most of my ancestors?

1. Belgian
2. English
3. French
4. Greek
5. Irish
6. Italian
7. Portuguese
8. Scottish
9. Swedish
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Irish and Italian?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
2. English
3. French?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Welsh and Italian
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4. Greek
7. Portuguese
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Scottish and Welsh
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Both correct answers have been guessed--but not together.
Posted by Caliente on :
Italian & Portuguese
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Welch French
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
English and Italian
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And Brainiac 5 takes the prize. English and Italian it is.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Okay, before Invisible Brainiac and Quislet tear down the multi-lab, I guess I'll come up with a question. [Big Grin]

I have been to several Pacific countries and cities. Name the two that I have NOT been to.

A. Thailand
B. Singapore
C. The Phillipines
D. Australia
E. New Zealand
F. Korea
G. Okinawa
H. Indonesia
I. Hong Kong
J. Pearl Harbor
K. Mexico

BONUS: Which one did I buy the Def Leppard "Hysteria" album in?
Posted by Lance's realm on :
Korea and Singapore?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
New Zealand & Korea
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Indonesia and Pearl Harbor
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
E. New Zealand
G. Okinawa
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
One right so far...

And someone HAS named the bonus!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK so there is one correct answer, so I'll try one of mine again, New Zealand, with a new one, The Phillipines
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Still just one, Quis...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ok, now I'll guess Singapore & Mexico

Comment on thread: I see we are approaching the limit of this thread. I suggest that whoever gets this question correct should start a new thread and contact the monitors to lock this thread.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Reposting for everyone's convenience:

Originally posted by Brainiac 5:
Okay, before Invisible Brainiac and Quislet tear down the multi-lab, I guess I'll come up with a question. [Big Grin]

I have been to several Pacific countries and cities. Name the two that I have NOT been to.

A. Thailand
B. Singapore
C. The Phillipines
D. Australia
E. New Zealand
F. Korea
G. Okinawa
H. Indonesia
I. Hong Kong
J. Pearl Harbor
K. Mexico

BONUS: Which one did I buy the Def Leppard "Hysteria" album in?

G. Okinawa
D. Australia

I'll guess Korea for Def Leppard.
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
New Zealand is the one correct answer so far...
Posted by Caliente on :
New Zealand & Pearl Harbor
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
New Zealand & Hong Kong
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A. Thailand (never been)
B. Singapore
C. The Phillipines
D. Australia Def Leppard
E. New Zealand(never been)
F. Korea
G. Okinawa
H. Indonesia
I. Hong Kong
J. Pearl Harbor
K. Mexico
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Quis has it! I've been to all the other places. I liked Australia most of all because the people there were just friendly as could be. Korea I didn't like so much. Of course, it was November when I was there and the weather was miserable.

And I first bought Def Leppard's "Hysteria" on cassette in Indonesia.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

This thread is getting full, and I'm locking it.

Quis will start a new one.

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