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Posted by americommando on :
Did you buy Aquaman 15? Is is good? Is it worth picking up?
Posted by Bedlam Lad on :
I don't know. It doesn't arive in my neck of the woods for a few more days. But I've read some advance reviews and it sounds like it's going to be quite a nice tale.

Just a heads up though. This issue contains spoilers for Superman/Batman #6 and reveals the ending. Just so you all know.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Artist who did the worst issue of JSA before I dropped it + orange shirt = pass.
Posted by Giant Cobalt Amoeba on :
Is this the one with the new writer taking over? (Haven't picked it up yet, but will...)
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Got it today. Story's shaping up to be interesting. I didn't know it was working off another title. I was wondering when all this happened. It seemed kind of big just to start off a new creative team -- but look what they did to Legion. [Smile]

I was all set to drop the title until I heard there was a new creative team coming. The cover looked so nice, I had my hopes up only to find the interior art sucked. Almost as bad as Copiel's Legion. (ducks) Then I flip to the back and find out Alan Davis did the cover, so of course it looks great -- even if they put a shirt back on him (sigh [Frown] ).

I can handle bad art if the story stays good, though, so we'll see how it turns out.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
A little too gory for my tastes. And poor San Diego. [Frown] As if losing our baby Panda this week wasn't enough.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The Zoo lost a panda? That's so sad. We lost two of our giraffes this week. The Salt Lake Zoo really needs to be investigated. The animal deaths have been horrendous here over the last few years.

As for Aquaman, I've been buying the title but not reading it for the last few issues. Its one of the ones, like Green Arrow, that I keep meaning to drop but never get around to doing it.

And after spending $60 (after my discount) today to pick up the last two weeks worth of holds, I really do need to prune down my list.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
The Zoo lost a panda? That's so sad. We lost two of our giraffes this week. The Salt Lake Zoo really needs to be investigated. The animal deaths have been horrendous here over the last few years.

[Embarrassed] Oops! Sorry I thought this was National News. The baby Panda Hua Mei has gone back to China as per the zoo's agreement with them. We host male and female Pandas and try to mate them, then if successful, the offspring are returned to help breed Pandas in China.

[ February 13, 2004, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
It may have been national news but you know I live in Utah. Unless the 'church' had something to do with it, it doesn't make the news.
Posted by Bedlam Lad on :
At the risk of being on topic, I must say I enjoyed this issue of Aquaman. The new threads may be a little retro, but thankfully Aquaman's attitude is just as tough as it should be.

As for the story, I must say I am intriged. This is certainly quite the mystery and I'm racking my brains as to what might have happened here. I'm sure it'll be unexpected.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
We host male and female Pandas and try to mate them ...

San Diego: Pimpin' Those Pandas!

I saw the critters when I visited SD a few years ago. Very cute, I must say... though there was such a crowd of people that I was only able to glimpse them for a few seconds over a sea of tourists' heads...

[ February 13, 2004, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This issue was pretty good I thought, but I have to say that it was a bit overly grim and too gory at the end of the issue for Aquaman.

Good things: The old costume, the old haircut and the fact that it's not a big deal that he's wearing them. Also, he's kept the same serious attitude that defined him during Peter David's run (at least, so far).

Bad: way to gory during the autopsy at the end. I almost feel bad having my kid brother read it. And also, having such a massive amount of death (San Diego) in the beginning as a plot device always rubs me the wrong way. We'll just have to see where the story goes though, since I've heard good things about Pfiefer.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
My question, re: San Diego, is why did DC pick it? I've not been reading Aquaman faithfully since the new run started (although I buy the damn book every month) so I don't know. Is Aquaman based out of SD now? And if not, why pick a real city. Are other teams based there? I know the Titans are now in SF which is, what, about 500 miles away? Wouldn't they be called in to help?

I just see this causing major continuity problems across the whole DCU unless handled very well.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I really don't like it when DC does things like sink San Diego and make Luthor president. I know that it's all imaginery to begin with, but once something like that happens, it makes it harder for me to imagine the story as being relevant. That's just me though [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I partially agree Cobbie. But I actually liked Luthor as president. That made for a higher level of sneakiness, to me. Having your number one enemy be the leader of the free world just made for better story-telling. Or should have.

What I found disappointing was the [spolier]return of the insane Lex in a suit of super-armor[/spoiler] at the end of Superman/Batman #6. I had hoped we wouldn't see him again.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
CB, I also hated the autopsy scene and felt that it might have been more effective if it was not shown so explicitly. It was a tad bit disturbing.

I actually enjoyed the first 12 issues of Aquaman purely on a sadistic, "how-bad-can-it-get" level. I'll stick with the new writer through the first story arc at least.

(edited to delete a potential spoiler)

[ February 21, 2004, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Super Lad Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
SLK, the first twelve issues of Aquaman are funny in that they can actually be enjoyed in the 'how bad can it get' way. I couldn't get past issue eight myself, but I was laughing up until that point, especially when the two scantitly clad valkryes showed up and started helping Garth and Arthur!

I'm hoping this new writer makes things better, but we'll see. I'm so-so right now.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Hah! I think they were Brunhald and Gertrude or something. I think the whole situation with Black Manta was so ridiculous it was funny (to me anyway). He wasn't really an infant-murdering maniac. He's just misunderstood. Also, the giant river goddesses sitting in big thrones in what seemed like arbitraty spots around the world? Who thought that would make for a compelling storyline? Why only four rivers? Why not the Mississippi or the Amazon? Three issues had almost exactly the same plot. Aquaman battles the Thirrrssssttt, loses, a river queen gets sucked dry and Aquaman loses a finger. Wretched stuff.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I partially agree Cobbie. But I actually liked Luthor as president. That made for a higher level of sneakiness, to me. Having your number one enemy be the leader of the free world just made for better story-telling. Or should have.

What I found disappointing was the [spoiler]snipped![/spoiler] at the end of Superman/Batman #6. I had hoped we wouldn't see him again.

Truly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.

[ February 23, 2004, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Star Boy ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Star Boy:
[QBTruly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.[/QB]

Not the best ending to the arc, which I was enjoying up to that point. I did like that crazy robot though.

What disappointed me was that, since they brought Nightwing and crew on board in #5 just to get them all creamed, they weren't around for the finale.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Star Boy:
[QBTruly, one of the worst comics I've bought in a loooong time. Jeph Loeb should be ashamed for forcing Ed McGuinness to draw such lovely pictures to accompany such crappy writing.

Not the best ending to the arc, which I was enjoying up to that point. I did like that crazy robot though.

What disappointed me was that, since they brought Nightwing and crew on board in #5 just to get them all creamed, they weren't around for the finale.[/QB]

This is one arc that I'm definitely going to go back and read in one sitting (probably after I finish reading Planetary). But I know the ending isn't going to be any better the next time around.

You would think DnA had something to do with it. [Big Grin]

[ February 23, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
But hey, you've got to give Jeph Loeb credit for taking Lex Luthor into a bold, umm, new, umm, exciting direction? Ah never mind.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
#15 had sold out. According to The Pulse, DC has no plans to go back to press on the issue.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Anyone still following this? I have, even through a run of terrible art. The last issue was a pleasant surprise. The artist was none other than a great favorite --- Chris Batista. I love this guy's work.
Posted by Blacula on :
Chris Batista seems to be the 'go-to' guy for fill-ins at the moment after this issue of Aquaman and the latest Firestorm. I hope he finds a home somewhere soon. He's an excellent artist! Maybe if Barry finds the pace too much on the new series Chris can help with back-ups? His run was cut far too short on the last series.

P.S. No - I'm not following Aquaman anymore. I picked up the first few issues of Pfeiffer's run and they were OK but I didn't like Lorena's rapid and fake transition from nobody to "spunky" heroine and then the last straw was that issue where the villain spent the ENTIRE ISSUE explaining his evil plan! [Eek!] And to think that once upon a time they could have done it in about 3 panels!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I had finally dropped this from my pull list too. Damn! Was his Firestorm issue the Identity Crisis cross-over?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'm still following it as well.

Pfeiffer's off the book, from what I hear. John Ostrander is doing some fill-ins and then John Arcudi takes over.
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Was his Firestorm issue the Identity Crisis cross-over?

Yes it was boss.
Posted by ferroboy on :
John Ostrander is doing fill-ins between Aquaman writers _again_? Of course, I thought he wrote better stories in fill-ins than I saw from Veitch or Pfeiffer.

[ November 02, 2004, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: ferroboy ]
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
OKAY, the latest issue has come out. I've been picking it up irregularly.

Are people feeling this new creative team? Doesn't it feel like they just keep on switching teams mid-stream (so to speak)?

What's up?
Posted by Blacula on :
Aquaman is a character I just don't think or care about anymore.

And that's a real shame as he and Garth were firm favourites of mine many moons ago!

I'll be very surprised if he (and especially his book) survives the upcoming Infinite Crisis actually but if he does I want him stripped of every last element that was introduced in this run.

No water-hand!
No Aquagirl!
No sub-diego!
No ill-defined powers!
No Geist!

Either taking him back to his roots as King of Atlantis with Mera at his side or else taking him off in some bold, creative new direction that actually works are the only way I could probably be made to be interested in this character again.

I'd be willing to bet money that Dan Didio and Geoff Johns have been putting a lot of thought into old Arthur recently though. His book has been doing too appallingly in the sales department for them to just let it coast along as is and with all the changes Infinite Crisis is meant to bring I bet they're thinking that now is the time to make things better.

If Garth doesn't take Arthur's place as the new Aquaman (which is something I'd kinda like to see happen) then I think something BIG is probably due to occur in the Aquaverse. I'd say watch this franchise closely!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Koryak as angel and Tempest as jerk continues. Did Arcudi ever read earlier stories featuring these two before?

Looks like DC has chosen Sub Diego over Atlantis as the focus of Aquaman's future, since the Spectre (I wish this character would get obliterated during the IC- I'm heartily sick of him/it.) is about to demolish Atlantis. Bad move, I think. Maybe the two settings'll both survive and form an underwater alliance.

Black Manta's continued evolution is interesting, though. And I like Sea Ape.
Posted by Blacula on :
Completely agree re: the Spectre Mystery Lad! Put that sheet to rest please DC!

The more things I hear about Aquaman's current title the more glad I am that I dropped it. Destroying Atlantis and keeping Sub Diego? They're mad! This fracnhise is like a rotting corpse - they need to either bury it or reincarnate it as something else - 'cause whatever its got going on now just stinks!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :






Atlantis destroyed (hard not to get a New Orleans vibe from the story here), Vulko and Koryak dead (just when I was liking the latter for the first time), Tempest is MIA (AAACK! Don't kill Garth, DC!), Black Manta up to no good... things ain't looking good for Aquaman- and that would be true even if I *didn't* know that a new character was about to take over the name!

*Of course* Atlantis should be rebuilt! Aquaman needed Mera there to tell him that-- or Tempest.

I enjoyed seeing Hourman and Dr. Mid-nite in their cameos. Mera looked more herself this issue, less withered. I enjoyed the art all the way around. The last page showed a relatively simple act, but was quite stirring, nonetheless.
Posted by Polar Boy Esq on :
Has Dolphin and her baby been in this series at all?
Posted by Arachne on :
She was in Identity Crisis #3. Tempest was telling her to run with the baby just before the Spectre struck.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
yeah especially with the fact that we don't know if Cerdian is undergoing the gender switch.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
In the post-CRISIS scheme of things, what was Dolphin's connection with Atlantis and with Aquaman in general - was she his sister?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
no connection at all....just that Aquaman and Dolphin were ex-lovers after Dolphin had an affair with Tempest, resulting in a baby Cerdian.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
For the record I am sick of the Spectre as well. He has become the Wolverine of DC. I think in the last 18 months he's appeared in every DC comic!!!
Posted by Arachne on :
Not in LSH, knock on wood.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well, Dream Girl has been looking kind of pale recently...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know, these last few issues of Aquaman have been the most enjoyable for me since PAD's run (despite what some think, I think Jurgen's run was terrible). It's been fun, exciting and filled with a bunch of characters.

Of course, I'm saddened by the loss of Koryak, a great, dynamic character, and Vulko, my favorite of all the Aqua-supporting cast. Now I'm worried we'll be losing all these characters to the new stuff they've got planned.

Oh well...maybe Mera and Arthur could have a nice semi-happy few issues for the first time since the Silver Age before the new era begins...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

I guess the fates of Tempest, Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed in INFINITE CRISIS. Or are we going to be left dangling all the way through 52?

Do you think that what looks like happened at the end of the issue is what really happened?








If so, was there an OMAC around to record it?

It reminds me of a Princess Projectra scene in the BAXTER LSH... and what the current Jeckie *didn't* do in LSH 13.

What are your thoughts on Aquaman's apparent execution of Black Manta?

[ February 05, 2006, 10:08 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Pov on :
Whoa! [Elastic Lad] Really?!

I wasn't checking this out until OYL, but I'll have to at least give it a look-thru next time I'm at the shop!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Well, I liked this issue. However, it did seem a bit elseworldish. I like the Arthur Curry we're introduced to here, but do I want him to permanently take the place of the 'real' Aquaman? Don't know yet.

My favorite bits were the prophecies (memories?) of the Dweller of the Depths. Part of me wants to see the undersea JLA-looking characters actually fleshed out-- part of me hopes they're just a twisted memory of the narrator.

There's a possibility here for new versions of Garth, Koryak and Mera... I have even more mixed feelings about these. Hopefully, it won't be too drawn out. But this is Kurt Busiek, so payoff might come later rather than sooner.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
My reading of this issue was that he is the real Aquaman. His story, while known to squid beard, has yet to be played out. Jeepers, I thik they just rebooted Aquaman. I'm looking forward to this series. I dropped the last one about a year ago because the stories got boring, despite a great premise - an underwater San Diego. Also the art in the previous series was horrible. The new artist is pretty good.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I loved this one too. The art was nicely stylized and together with the lettering made this one really distinct from any other comic.

But it's so strange, I've got so many questions. King Shark has scars from a fight with the previous Aquaman? Why does this kid have the golden age origin?

I've a feeling it's going to be a year before we have full answers to most of the substantial questions.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :

I was convinced that the Dweller was actually Aquaman, and he remembers the story because he lived it.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
King Shark has scars from a fight with the previous Aquaman?

We saw the fight in Infinite Crisis, and that panel was redone here. Busiek confirmed this on the DC newsgroup, I believe.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:

I was convinced that the Dweller was actually Aquaman, and he remembers the story because he lived it.

Couldn't be that simple could it? I know in real life the least complex solution is the one that works but this is fiction.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I agree with OM. I think Squidbeard is the real Aquaman, and his prophecies are really just messed up memories. You know they can't be prophecies because King Shark fought with Aquaman, and this is One Year Later. My biggest clue for Squidbeard being the real Aquaman, though, is the last panel when you see his magic water hand.

The art, though -- ick, ick, ick. Everyone looks like a zombie. I was quite excited when I saw Butch Guice was drawing it. I enjoyed his work at Crossgen. So when I picked this up, I thought, "Blech, I guess he didn't do the cover." Then I looked inside and thought, "OK, what did they do to Butch Guice?" It's almost as bad as the new "Warlord" art.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Alright, you've sold me. I'll likely pick up a copy at the store tomorrow. Busiek had me intersted, and it sounds like he's delivered. And I've got more faith in him than Jones' WARLORD.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I finally got a copy, and manoman was this good! Busiek has set up a nice little adventure here. I don't think this is a reboot, or the original Aquaman. Squidbeard's last few panels suggested he's Orin and merely projected his past on the new kid.

And next issue, we find out about Atlantis! Talk about pay offs- no dragging things out here.

I like the art a lot. It has that feel of old pulp adventure comics, not the animated look of the superhero books.
Posted by Reboot on :
Byrned this in the shop. Less bad than most DCs of late, but not enough to get me to but it.

Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
My reading of this issue was that he is the real Aquaman. His story, while known to squid beard, has yet to be played out. Jeepers, I thik they just rebooted Aquaman.

1) Note the last panel of the "prophecy". It ends with narration that Aquaman was "transform[ed] into one akin to a great and terrible enemy of your people - and become the vessel of power strange, ancient and terrible." And look at the art to go with the narration
2) Last panel narration, where he reflects that the events must be true - he sees them as clearly as if he had lived them himself
3) The magic water hand in the last panel, which he tried to heal King Shark with earlier. Plus, he's got Aquaman's trident.
4) KS confirms that Aquaman was around for years until he disappeared, including the flashback to him getting stabbed.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well this just goes to prove that I don't read things very carefully, do I. [Embarrassed]
Posted by profh0011 on :
I've gotten so fed up with AQUAMAN on several different occasions... so it's funny that this was the ONLY "new" thing DC is doing right now that i decided to order in advance. I guess it was the creative team that did it. Kurt Busiek really impressed me on IRON MAN and THE AVENGERS (at least at first), and I've been a fan of Butch Guice since MICRONAUTS. (Loved his DR. STRANGE, S.H.I.E.L.D., SUPERMAN and BIRDS OF PREY as well.)

This is interesting... I'm reminded a bit of when James Robinson started his version of STARMAN. You had a brand-new version of an old hero, but there was still the legacy of all that happened before hanging around. I'm interested enough to want to see where this goes now...

The funny thing is, the new costume-- just enough of the original to be instantly recognizable, but different enough to stand on its own-- looks like something out of Howard Chaykin's TALES OF ATLANTIS-- from over 30 YEARS ago!!! (Back when he used to draw like Neal Adams... heh heh) I was just thinking it's a shame they never did more than 5 episodes of that back-up series (and Chaykin only plotted the first 3 before jumping ship!). If this doesn't work out, maybe Busiek & Guice should do a sequel to TOA?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think this was a great introduction issue and and I'm very interested.

Busiek knows his craft--the writing was spot-on and reminds me of Busiek at his best (I think his health over the last years have prevented that from occassion). Guice's artwork is very loved by this lad.

I also took the hints to mean that maybe Dweller is the *real* Aquaman, but its too early yet to tell. I'm interested though.

I really like the inclusion of King Shark. No one can argue that he's very visually appealing.

On to Mera! I like that no time is being wasted and I want to read more. Prof, your comparison to Robinson's Starman is very appropriate. I feel like continuity and history will be honored, while we get new stories, and mysteries that stand on their own although may be linked to the past.

I'm very pleased Busiek remembers *all* of Aquaman's origin, including Atlan and other details that lesser writers have left out.
Posted by profh0011 on :
Now how come they never seemed to get creative teams this good on SUB-MARINER ?

Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
They lost me at Arthur Curry.

I was hoping for a brand new guy all together. Still an excellent read and I hope it pans out. But I'm not interested.

Rather have Garth or a brand new character as Aquaman. (Actually Tempest is a cooler codename than Aquaman)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Can't remember if this was mentioend elsewhere, but Aquaman #40 went back to the presses! That's MAJOR for Aquaman! I hope it keeps selling out.

(Before anyone says--yes, I know, the retailers probably under-ordered given Aquaman's past sales history, but the internet buzz on comic book websites is strong right now, and this might kick-start it for a bit).

I'm shocked. I'm excited for Aquaman for the first time since PAD.
Posted by Pov on :
Here's the announcement for Aquaman, as well as JSA 83 and Superman 650, Cobie.

I'll have to see the Churchill cover before I decide whether I want it or not... if it's his regular style, pass. But if it's his homage-to- Swan style... [Cool]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
DC needs this title. For anyone overwhemled by superheroes, here's your book. It's much more fantasy-adventure than cape-and-tights, but still has some connection to the rest of the DCU.

We get some info on Atlantis' situation, and even an appearance by Mera this week. No word yet on Tempest, but Busiek won't let that dangle I'm sure. I'm thinking this Aquaman has been splintered off from Orin- his human history is Arthur Curry, and his Atlantean roots are the Dweller.

I've long thought DC needed more diversity in it's line, and Aquaman brings it.
Posted by Reboot on :
Isn't the new Aquaman described as the great-nephew of Orin's adoptive dad? And we see the destroyed centre, which implies to me that Busiek is playing it straight.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, basic question from a non-Aquaman fan:

How exactly is it that all these underwater folk have swords and spears and stuff to fight with?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Obviously the smelt iron ore at large underwater volcanoes. Then they forge them into implements at smaller nearby volcanoes. All off-panel of course.
Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
His explanation of rusting doesn't jive with my understanding of redox chemistry.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So all of their weapons are enamel?

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
His explanation of rusting doesn't jive with my understanding of redox chemistry.

Rust affects iron and iron alloys right? Gold, nikel, and copper are mixed with other metals for corrosion resistance. Animal secretions could also be used to preserve metals.

Relics from the Bronze Age are well preserved. Bone and stone would work well for making weapons. Other undersea minerals would be well suited for raw materials.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Superboy Prime? [Big Grin]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I'm sure an undersea civilization would find ways to work metals just as we have. Just another technological obstacle to overcome. Though I could sea bone, stone and crystalline tools being developed first like here on land.
Posted by Caliente on :
This series hurts my brain but in that good way where I want to know the outcome but am enjoying the confusing, confusing journey. [Big Grin] More please!!

Oh, and the art. Man... niiiice stuff. Nice to see Mera underwater where she belongs too!! Overall-- yayness. [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :
So, #42's out-- no appearances by the "Dweller of the Depths" though he narrates some. Still confused in that good brain-hurty way but...

Click Here For A Spoiler"Many long known to Aquaman and well loved by him died. His son. His foster son."

They mean Tempest, don't they?! >< [sob] Maaaan... I don't know if we already knew this but... but... yeah. I'm waaaay bummered. I guess I just hope Cedrian (and Dolphin, I guess) made it. But... yeah. [Frown]

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Geez. I hope that spoiler is just a theory of the character speaking it in the book.

Dragging out the fate of the subject in question like this is a bit *too* cruel and exploitive, IMO.

I'm really enjoying SWORD OF ATLANTIS, though. I hope we don't have to wait eons for the spoiler to be resolved. Or to find out what's going on with the original(?) Aquaman.

I thought the undersea bar was fun. And a potential mermaid villainess? Cool.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I wanna hang at an undersea bar! It was fun seeing the Sea Devils. You really get an idea that this is an adventure for young Arthur. Busiek has given us some great little bits, and I am really digging the mood Guice is bringing with his art. I just didn't like that particular bit of revelation we got this issue.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Another great issue that I loved. The art continues to amaze! King Shark's visual alone is just very compelling.

Click Here For A SpoilerVulko! My long favorite Aqua-supporting character at the end was a complete pleasure and caught me by surprise. That was the greatest tragedy of the 'Spectre-destroys-Atlantis' story IMO. As a ghost, it could be fun to see a new status-quo for Vulko, if he could be a recurring character (even someone who helps Arthur occassionally).

As for Garth, I'm not believing anything I hear. I'd be more worried about Dolphin or Ceridan myself, but even that I'm not too terribly worried about. He just is so important to the mythos and has such an easy 'out' in regards to the death. I wouldn't be shocked to see Atlan show up eventually with Garth, since Busiek seems to have such a strong grasp on *all* of Aquaman's history, not just the Silver Age.

Personally, I'm very happy with the pace of this series. I'm in no hurry and am enjoying every step of the way so far. The undersea bar was great, and all scenes with Mera are welcome (one of my first ever comic book character crushes!).

The Sea Devils! Completely awesome to see them, and in a cool way too (at last!). Elsa! The wife of Mark Merlin is always welcome--I wish Mark Merlin himself would somehow show up. Has he ever been killed on screen in a comic before? Sure, he was a typical protaginist in the sci-fi/horror late 50's/early 60's titles, but he was cool. Any idea if Jimmy Lockhart has showed up before?

I'm enjoying how Busiek is establishing various places & characters on Arthur's quest that can be revisited in the future. The gradual growth of a very interesting world, that pays homage to past history but is clearly a progression to somewhere new is absolutely great.

Still one of OYL DC's best titles!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I wanted to mention Windward House, which was just a cool visual. The stated pupose of the place was a tad too close to that given to Themyscira before it disappeared, though precious little was ever done with the Paradise-Island-as-galactic-town-square.

Anyway, the unusual settings have been the highlight of the series, for me.

Cobie, someone on some other board or another mentioned that Jimmy Lockhart was a hero called the RED TORPEDO.

Here's a snippet from the internationalhero site:

History: Retired naval officer Jim Lockhart designed and built a super-sub marine, the Torpedo, capable of not only traversing the oceans but also of flying, and armed with energy beam weapons. Taking on the identity of the Red Torpedo, he became an adventurer, ravelling the seas and battling criminals such as the Black Shark. He also discovered Merrezonia, an underwater civilisation inhabited by merpeople.

Comments: Red Torpedo appeared in Crack Comics #1-20. Like the other Quality heroes, he later became property of D.C. Comics, who killed him in All-Star Squadron #32.

So, he's another Quality hero... but 'Crack' comics? HAHAHA! And Merrezonia? Wonder if *that'll* be showing up in SWORD OF AQUAMAN?

On the site, there's a panel from CRACK COMICS (snicker), showing RED TORNADO's costume... which consists of a red mask and red speedo-style (were there speedo's in the forties?) swimming trunks.

And, of course, he's a redhead.

Guess one of S-Boy Prime's punches restored the guy to life.

Love that he's from DC/Quality's distant past.
Posted by KryptonKid on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I wanna hang at an undersea bar! It was fun seeing the Sea Devils.

Would you like to see, maybe, something in an Octopus' Garden? Its in the shade.
Posted by doublechinner on :
He'd let you in, knows where you've been.

The octopus, that is.
Posted by Stratum on :
Funny, I coulda swore it was a bar where everyone knew Arthur's name....

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Finally! I thought I had missed an issue, but rather it was delayed.

We got some downtime with New Arthur and Vulko. And Vulko eases some fears on a missing former sidekick. We learn the Fate of New Arthur's father, and see him mingle with the Sea Devils crew.

The long time between issues may have killed some of the momentum, but not the quality.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
AQUAMAN 43: I like the cover. Vulko as a permanent ghost stuck in Windward House? That makes Vulko even more interesting. I like the semi-news he imparts to the new Aquaman. Jessie Silver (the girl flirting with Aquaman)-- any relation to Stan Silver of the new Freedom Fighters? Odd that they'd debut (sort of) in the same month.

The Sea Devils, Red Torpedo, Vulko, King Shark, Windward House, the various undersea locales we've seen, moody, sketchy art... all are things that I like about this title. I am impatient about what's going on with the 'real' Aquaman and his supporting cast (though Vulko and Mera are good starts to satisfying that curiousity... they ain't the main course.)
Posted by Rurouni KJS on :
Looks like we'll get a 2-part flashback featuring the real Aquaman's clash with King Shark after this initial 6-parter is done.

I'm surprisingly pleased with this new take on Aquaman. Busiek's even taken his infamously bad costume and made it a mark of respect ("the king's colors").
Posted by Reboot on :
A:SoA #40 makes it entirely clear what happened to Orin, though not the precise details. Look at the last page of the "prophecy" and the last page.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I agree with Mystery Lad just not as interested. Is Kurt digging himself a whole with this mystery (and confusion)?

Sea Devils? King Shark? Ghost Vulco? Cool stuff. I even like the new Aquaman...but it just seems a bit too tied to the old stuff. He's too much like the old Aquaman. And to tell the truth the book isn't interesting enough to keep me coming back.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
This book has been one of my favourites of the OYL titles. It doesn't read like standard super-hero fare. It's an exciting adventure, oddly enough under the sea. It has those ties to the old Aquaman, but that makes it more enjoyable to me. Like an elseworlds sort of vibe.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Once again, I agree with CJ!

In fact, Aquaman is the book I'd reccomend to non-DC fans that haven't been pleased with the company these last few years (I'm looking at you Reboot [Big Grin] ). It has its totally own feel and everything about it is just really, really good.

Definately in my top five best comics on the market right now.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
And it's getting an overhaul. Newsarama just posted word that Busiek is leaving to do some special project, and that Guice has left the book as well. Come February, we'll have a new creative team...

Tad Williams (yeah that writer guy. Guess Marvel's not the only ones now.)

I liked Busiek's run, and Williams is suppose to follow up with the more fantasy adventure Aquaman. I'm even more excited now.

[ November 19, 2006, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
We got a new issue of A-man adventures. Busiek continues to give us some great action mixed with inersting character bits.

We've got Artie leading some Atlanteans and the Sea Devils in a fight to repel Oceanmaster and his land-dweller army. Things get rough for our hero and his people, but all works out in the end.

We get a nice little bit with King Shark feeling more shark than king, Mera & the Dweller have a conversation that clears any doubts readers might have, and Artie's not the orphan we think he is.

Enjoy it!
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Tad Williams (yeah that writer guy. Guess Marvel's not the only ones now.)

I liked Busiek's run, and Williams is suppose to follow up with the more fantasy adventure Aquaman. I'm even more excited now.

The same writeer that did The Green Tower stories? If so, he's a terrific storyteller!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Busiek gives us a flashback tale this week. We see the first encounter between Orin and King Shark. We'll get the 2nd of 2 parts next month.

The art is great, it really gives this an old pulp adventure comic feel. And Busiek has been giving us single issue stories that tie together, a treat in this era of epic arcs.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The cover for the March issue, by Mario Alberti, is gorgeous. Too bad he doesn't do the interior art as well - not that McManus is at all bad. The Alberti cover and Kaluta's for the April issue have a real fantasy/Fables feel about them. I wonder if they're trying to overtly position the book as non-superhero, especially with fantasy writer Tad Williams.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I think you're right, given that they've mostly removed the character from the surface world, given the character a sword, and delved a lot into the magical stuff.

Might not be a bad idea, though they've had dreadful luck with the other sword-and-sorcery stuff.
Posted by profh0011 on :
Hey look-- Aquacat!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
A magic, underwater cat? Why not? They've got a talking shark.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
That's horribly unrealisitc. Everybody knows cats hate water.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Incidentally, count me as *loving* the fantasy/sword and sorcery take on Aquaman. The biggest problem with the series, as far as I can tell, is that they didn't do it as a complete reboot of the franchise. This would be perfect as "All-Star Aquaman".
Posted by profh0011 on :
"The biggest problem with the series, as far as I can tell, is that they didn't do it as a complete reboot of the franchise."

AQUAMAN, like GREEN LANTERN, has long been a victim of repeated periods of neglect and bad treatment in its long history. It seems to me half the time new writers come in having to spend all their energies trying to "fix" things previous writers have screwed up-- badly. The other time, new wrtiers come in determined to screw things up as badly as possible!!
Posted by Vee on :

Not sure if anyone else has posted about this yet or not but this is big news for this series! Do not read further if you want to be surprised!


Just saw this in the April solicit. I added the bold ...


Written by Tad Williams; Art by Shawn McManus and Walden Wong; Cover by Michael Wm. Kaluta

Acclaimed fantasy writer Tad Williams continues his run on the title that's already garnered a great deal of attention! Black Manta is trying to move in on the remains of Sub Diego, and Tempest tries to help Arthur recover the Trident of Poseidon!"

When you think about it Tempest (as a mage he was trained to be) fits in very well with the new feel for this title. Hope it means he'll be around for a while.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Dan DiDio teased the return of Tempest in one of his columns a while back, so I don't think it's a spoiler at this point.

I'm glad he's back, but if anything he may be too powerful to hang with this bunch regularly.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
We got a new writer, a new direction, a new cast and a new death.

Yep, you heard me right.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Given my new Showcase-inspired interest in Aquaman, I'm excited to see this. I think I'm waiting to pick it up in trades, however.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
EDE, I've been leaning more towards the trades for my reading. But books like Aquaman, Manhunter, and Checkmate likely need the monthly sales before they go tpb.

With the new team and the sluggish OYL start, I'd suggest anyone interested to give the new writer 3-5 issues.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... you're right. I think I will try the monthly for a few issues, despite my newfound committment to buying all but the titles I care about the most in TPBs.
Posted by Reboot on :
I glanced through it - it's very, very Silver Age DC; especially the kid sidekick.

I hated it, you'll probably love it.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I wasn't feeling the Sword of Atlantis by Busiek. It wasn't bad but I was very bored.

I'll check the new guy out.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
'Boot, I didn't really groove on it either. You could almost see the writer filling in an outline.
(Sidekick) Topo
(Shocking reveal) Tempest
(Cliffhanger) Death

But I think it was such a drastic tonal change from Busiek that I was put off. I'm giving Williams 3 issues to settle in.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I actually liked the first few issues of Busiek's run that I read, and I think the basic underwater swordfighter take on the character is really interesting. But, yeah, it seemed kind of boring after awhile. I still think it would be better as a reboot of the franchise, and I'm kind of concerned that their going to get too bogged down in dealing with old continuity stuff (which I could care less about).

[ March 28, 2007, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I agree EDE. I liked the sword/sorcery take but it just got murky. I don't know what's happening half the time.

I think they should keep the sword/sorcery Aquaman. I like him better than the sci-fi AM. With that said I loved the Sub Diego setting. So who knows.

If I was a writer Aquaman would be the last title I would want to write. It's hard.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It seems to me that with the right marketing, you could actually sell this version of Aquaman to a lot of the fantasy manga-buying crowd, and other people who wouldn't read traditional "super-hero" comic books. Unfortunately, it's not going to get that kind of push from DC.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, we probably won't.

I think Busiek's run started with a bang and ended with a whimper. I picked up the first issue of the latest run and found myself getting distracted and bored by the end. Big things such as Tempest returning and Mera learning for certain that the Dweller is the true Aquaman should have been dramatic and thrilling...but they really weren't.

Sidekick is UGH. Mera as a main character is YAY. Vulko appearing more is YAY. King Shark and sword/sorcery Aquaman is a cool combo and I like I think the potential is there to make this a thrilling series. I think making Orin more like Atlan, his father, could really be cool and then using this new Arthur as the prime-protagnist in a swords & sorcery style story could be a good hook, but they need to give us some sense of a larger story being told with characters that we care about.

I feel like its all there waiting for someone to take it and run with it, but no one seems to be able to.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
It seems like the new writer is breaking up the A-Man / King Shark duo in favour of Topo (UGH!)

Arthur has become a favourite character, and I'd really like to see him make it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... based on Cobie's review, I think I'm switching back to the original plan of only picking up a trade.

I'm actually not thrilled by the idea of a rebooted Topo.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
If King Shark actually really does leave the series I'll be serverely dissapointed. Not only has he been very interesting, but no one can deny how awesome his visual is.

Topo simply does not belong here.
Posted by Vee on :
The big "return of Tempest" turned out to be very did this entire issue. I wasn't thrilled with Buziek's story but this one feels even worse. I had high hopes for Tad Williams but I'm curently dountful. I'll give it a few more issues but if things don't improve, I'll be done with it.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
There was definitely a different tone than the previous issues. I liked it, though. I thought the new Topo was funny. I wouldn't want him to be a 'real' sidekick, but as a minor recurring character? Sure. I want to know what's up with the 'hatches' he keeps mentioning.

Though Tempest's return was somewhat underwhelming, I'm just glad to see him back. Here's hoping he finds some Grecian Under-the-Sea Formula soon. White hair does *not* work for this guy. Maybe Topo'll 'ink' him...

The art's the sore point, for me. I like the backgrounds and the characters who've never appeared before. But characters we're supposed to know just don't look like themselves. Mera, especially, looked wrong.

It is an opening issue, remember. I think the standards for those have gotten impossible. Does every new creator's first issue *have* to be remarkable? Can't a writer/artist *ease* into their storyline?

Answering my own question, comics *have* gotten expensive. So, I can understand those who expect more for their expenditure.

I'm guessing that everything that seems underworked in this issue will be addressed as the storyline progresses. Perhaps it's a sort of outline of what will be covered. I'm curious about what's up with Tempest, King Shark (Tad Williams has said he'll be back, I believe), etc.

I'm glad Windward House is still around and will appear. I really liked that addition to the AQUAMAN title.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Out of curiosity... does Aquaman still fight pirates?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, I picked up the first Sword of Atlantis trade and read it last night, and it's actually pretty awesome!

I actually think it reads much better this way than it did in the few issues I bought when they came out did.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I sometimes wonder if certain titles shouldn't be released as ongoing graphic novels...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
And we've got the second issue by the new writer. He's done a complete 180 in terms of tone for this book. Where Busiek had a very adventure feel to it, Williams has written a more simpler, almost campy book.

Between that and the art- I'm turned off. This isn't the A-man I signed on for OYL.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I was a bit bored by Busiek's adventure/fantasy stuff but it was better than the campy current stuff. I've never been a big Aquaman fan anyways. I do agree CJ this title would benefit of one GN book released a year. Have AM join the JLA (or JSA?) y ja!
Posted by Pov on :
Dropped it. I was only buying it for Guice's art.

Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
...that and the art- I'm turned off. This isn't the A-man I signed on for OYL.

Amen. [Good]

Busiek's stuff wasn't his best, but this stuff isn't as good as his worst. And why so quick to get rid of The Dweller? [Confused]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Pov:
I was only buying it for Guice's art.

He's doing the two World War Hulk-tie-in Iron Man issues next, isn't he?
Posted by Pov on :
I wouldn't know about that, I'm afraid... after Drivel Bore, my interest in things Marvel has dwindled to next to nothing. Everything I needed to know about THAT mess was neatly summed up on the text page starting SHE-HULK #17. [Razz]

Not even Butch's art could get me to buy into WWH. Marvel's got a really bad penchant for putting artists I love on stuff I refuse to buy, like Greg Land or Pascal Ferry on their respective Ultimate titles. [Frown]
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Bumping this because I've got Aquaman on the brain.

So Aquaman has always been my least favorite DC icon. Among other things, he's the one DC icon whose Marvel counterpart, Namor, actually pre-dates him. The only time I ever liked Aquaman was during Peter David's mid-to-late-90s run, and even that declined long before PAD left the book. It wasn't Orin himself that I found interesting so much as the Namor-esque bad attitude that PAD grafted onto him and the rich mythos and supporting cast (in particular, I think Aquaman's long-living sorceror dad, Atlan, was an awesome character.)

What this is all leading to is that I recently re-read The Atlantis Chronicles and the first 25 issues of PAD's run and enjoyed them immensely, and it's actually got me semi-excited for one of DC's relaunches, Aquaman by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. Now, I'll give the first issue a fair chance, because there is such raw potential and because Reis is one of my favorite artists, but if Johns serves up his usual fetid brew of gore and creepiness, I'll drop it so fast it'll make his head spin.

Anyhow, that's just my two cents.

Anybody else looking forward to the Aquaman relaunch?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I am too, and my thoughts mirror your own almost exactly!

I wouldn't mind seeing some of his supporting cast from PAD's run return (which DC stupidly and typically killed off piecemeal over the years).

I hope Johns is smart enough to keep the more complex origin PAD gave Orin. (I know Loeb tried to ignore it once but that's typical for him).
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Aquaman is the only other book besides Legion I plan on buying without a first glance.

I've been following his "Brightest Day" adventures vicariously through the Aquaman Shrine blog, so it seems like we should be getting a solid book from that team.

Now Fanfic Lady has me a bit hesitant with the "gore and creepiness" comment, but I still plan on picking it up.

I became a big fan with the camo costume miniseries, and it's good to see him retaking a prominent role in the DC Universe.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour: I became a big fan with the camo costume miniseries, and it's good to see him retaking a prominent role in the DC Universe.
I think that's actually the last time I liked Aquaman, too!

I'm a total heretic, I'd like Aquaman better if he had water manipulating powers, like the Teen Titans cartoon version of Aqualad, or the Smallville 'AC.' Just being kinda strong and tough on land isn't as sexy as it was before movies like Blade and The Matrix.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I had planned to get the next AQ series, since I've gotten them all since right after the camo series, but I'm just not feeling it. it's on my pull for a one issue tryout though.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
This solicitation seems to confirm my worst fears. [sigh]

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
On sale OCTOBER 26 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
The red-hot creative team behind BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite!
An entire town…devoured! As Aquaman and Mera discover the grisly truth behind a town’s disappearance, the Trench infestation spreads inland! Plus: Another gruesome Trench power revealed – and it’s not for the squeamish!

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Sheesh! That does sound pretty terrible!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
And to think I used to like Johns!

Still...some of his early Green Lantern stuff holds up pretty well...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Yeah, Johns had kind of an initial appeal to me, but after the fifth or sixth decapitation, his stuff really just started to turn me off.
Posted by doublechinner on :
Blecchh! I hope the book is better than the blurb, but I'm not sure I will spend money on it. I too love Aquaman, because I woke up at 3AM for the premiere of Super Friends in 1973 (I was in 1st grade), and I thought AQ held his own in that first series. The failure of AQ series reflects the stunning laziness and lack of creativity in comics. The visuals should be stunning, but almost never are. Sample a few years of Nat Geo, for Pete's sake: arctic glaciers, antarctic ice sheets and icebergs, underwater volcanoes, wall reefs, atols, trenches, cyclones, tsunamis, not to mention an ancient, advanced underwater civilization. Add in some waterfalls, dams, rushing rapids, salt lakes, great lakes, sewers. It's just a damn shame more hasn't been done. The character has a great backstory, give him an interesting personality and unleash him, and your art team, on 7/10ths of the planet's surface.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Yeah, Johns had kind of an initial appeal to me, but after the fifth or sixth decapitation, his stuff really just started to turn me off.


I may just turn that into my new signature.
Posted by cleome45 on :
I'm kind of afraid to ask for the master list of everyone who's now wandering the DC universe without a head.

[Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
If someone tried to make that list, their computer would explode.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
The failure of AQ series reflects the stunning laziness and lack of creativity in comics.

Agreed completely.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by doublechinner:
The failure of AQ series reflects the stunning laziness and lack of creativity in comics.

Agreed completely.
I don't know, guys. I think there's creators who want to do their best who are hamstrung by editorial. From what I've read on the web, it seems like that was the situation PAD ran into post-Aquaman #25, and that's why the rest of his run was so inferior to what came before.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
It's a big plus for me that Geoff's got Ivan Reis onboard on the artistic side. One of the highlights of Brightest Day is Reis's rendition of our pal Arthur. It's absolutely gorgeous! Reis has the imagination and a history with Geoff, so I hope geoff is smart enough to exploit Reis's talent and give him plenty of breathtaking things to draw!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
That's what I was hoping too, Lardy, until I read that solicitation. But I'll allow the possibility that I'm writing it off prematurely. I think whether or not I read it will depend on what you and the other LWers post about it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm exactly like FL. I have high hopes, but the solicits cause me worry that we're going to get the crappy Geoff rather than the good one.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The major thing this has going for it, for me, is Johns' apparent love for Mera. Her return to prominence on BLACKEST NIGHT was a highlight for me and many many years overdue.

I don't think I had this on my Sept. pull-list but I may check it out anyway.

I recall Johns' run on HAWKMAN didn't light my fire though...
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
God, that's beautiful!

Shame about the writer.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Even though Green Lantern #1 was pretty good, I have to admit I was starting to really have my doubts about Geoff Johns. (Some LW posters just went ‘yeah, duh’). But Aquaman #1 made me sit up, take notice and lay those doubts aside. Johns has still got it when he wants to show it, and he showed it in Aquaman. This was by far his best effort of the DCnU relaunch, and of course the amazing artwork by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado helped put things over the top.

I’m a long time fan of Aquaman but I realized like DC did that *something* needed to be done to get the franchise back on track. Here, in #1, Johns does that something by presenting a strong, well-written Aquaman story that shows the superhero is (A) a true, classic, iconic superhero and (B) a total badass. The two blend perfectly together and never once cross into cliché or ‘forced’ territory and I was totally impressed by how well Aquaman is presented. He doesn’t quite have a chip on his shoulder, but he doesn’t take shit from anyone; he’s doesn’t need anyone’s approval, worship or friendship because he’s doing what he knows is right; he’s a true superhero.

Johns is able to give us a strong action sequence to start and then spend the rest of the issue explaining to new readers that “this is the new status quo of Aquaman” in terms of shedding off the jokes of talking to fish and needing a glass of water. But on top of all that, he also gives us a fantastic scene with Mera, hints at a much larger Atlantis-related plot that will certainly come to the forefront and introduce a new threat that will play out in coming issues that is both horrifying and ripe with potential. That’s quite a bit for a first issue!

The artwork by Ivan Reis, aided and abetted by Joe Prado, is truly fantastic. Reis does a great job at giving his characters an iconic look and never moreso than here with Aquaman. Prado adds a strong, clear line to it to understate the ‘oomph’ of each page, and colorist Rod Reis does a great job adding one more layer to it (especially how the scales of his costume sparkle and glisten).

I can’t wait for Johns to delve into Aquaman’s rich history, as well as get a chance to explore the vast opportunity the franchise presents in storytelling. It’s obvious the creative team loves the character and are taking very seriously the job of reestablishing him as a true icon among DC’s line. If anyone could do it, even I have to admit its Geoff Johns.

I’m really impressed. Definitely enjoyed it more than JL #1 and place it among the upper echelon of DCnU comics.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Thumbs up for Aquaman from me as well. Johns did a great job of covering a lot of the baggage in a short space, dispensing with it, establishing Aquaman's character and setting the scene for the future. You get such a combination of world weariness and noblesse oblige from him; he's tired of being an outsider and an object of ridicule, yet he behaves like a true hero and is polite to everyone, even the most annoying and insulting.

Aquaman's going to be an unwilling ocean hero when the threat from the deep emerges, which should provide some good emotional conflict. Are his powers fully established? I was surprised (and impressed) to see him fend off those bullets.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Best Aquaman comic in a long long time. Some great moments in this book. From the glass of water thing, to the lunch order and conversation that followed.

Glad there is an artist good enough to pull off the 'looks' that Aquaman gave people in this book.

I'm on board for the first arc at least.
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Johns pulled off a hat-trick here and has given AQUAMAN fans a book FOR Aquaman fans. He's doing what he is best at, pandering to those fans.

And I love him best when he is pandering to me. [Smile]

Art was beyond excellent. Johns' HAWKMAN was only so-so but AQUAMAN feels like it's going to kick some undersea ass.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I hadn't planned on picking up issue #2, but I got sucked in... not sure what I like about the book so much, but I was definitely looking forward to this issue... as much as I think Johns is kind of a hack, his stories sometimes have a way of taking me back to when I was a kid and used to literally shake with excitement over a comic... so, I'm along the ride for a while...

4 fins up
Posted by Owl Lad on :
This book is amazing. #2 did not disappoint. Mera's awesomeness is just skimming the surface and I enjoy seeing them together as a functional couple again. I wonder if this incarnation negates the fact that they had a son or is this a do-over and fans may see this plot development rebooted. Also a plus is Arthur's connection to the surface and his human upbringing. A bigger treat is Mera's willingness to share this life with him. Made me love her more. How much did I love that page when the half dressed Aqua Couple opened the door to that cop and she unabashedly showed off her power?
So looking forward to #3 and this coming from someone who never followed any ongoing versions of Aquaman. The last time I bought an Aquaman comic happened when we were introduced to his blue uniform.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
AQUAMAN wasn't on my pull list, and there hasn't been a single copy on the racks at my CBS. From what I've read, I think I would have liked it a lot.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I'm enjoying it. I've gotten all the recent Aquaman series (last twenty years is what I mean) but not all the mini's. And this one is quickly starting to stack up. I'm also loving the "I do more than talk to fish, so shove it up yer @$$!" attitude that the story has, but that Arthur is showing the patience NOT to, if that makes sense.

And I've always liked Mera more than Arthur. Hell, I married a redhead. So I'm liking it. A lot.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
I finally found AQUAMAN #1. It's the first Aquaman book I've ever bought, although I've always liked the "idea" of Aquaman more than Green Lantern, Flash, or Wonder Woman. (I also rarely or never bought their books.)

Arthur seems to be a powerful and probably honorable man trying to find home, although every land-dweller seems to see him as a caricature. ("How's it feel to be nobody's favorite super-hero?") His patience and sense of dignity is immense.

I like this guy. I want more.
Posted by LASHbrain on :

I **knew** Johns was going to make something of Mera with her starring role in BLACKEST NIGHT.

So glad to see that coming true here.

IMO, Aquaman and Mera should never have been apart.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Number one was excellent with art by Ivan Reis to absolutely DIE for! Definitely a Lardy/DCnU Top Pick!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
#2 was another good issue though not quite as awesome as #1. Of course, that's a big bar that they've set so I guess I can't expect it every issue.

The trench / killer fish dudes is a good development to set against Aquaman and Mera so far, but I'm hoping with the next issue we get something a little more substantial.

The artwork by Reis and Prado remains face-shatteringly good.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Is #2 as gross as the solicitation made it sound?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm. Maybe not quite as gross as it sounded but still gross. A lot is left to the imagination but there is still a bit of being taken out of the story by big splashes of blood being whipped around in the backgrounds.

It was enough that I noticed it and stopped reading to think about how unnecessary it was. So, points off for that.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
I figured as much. Thanks for confirming it, Cobie. I'm glad I'm giving this book as pass, much as I love Reis.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
I still would recommend at least Byrning the first issue if possible. Nice character work therein.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Aquaman and Mera are beautiful together, but I'm not gonna really love this book till Garth is introduced/brought back.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So, at the close of the first arc, my impressions are thus:

(A) All the scenes with Aquaman, Mera and even random walk-on cast members were simply fantastic. Really great stuff full of subtlties and chemistry, beautifully rendered by Reis and Prado.

(B) All the scenes dealing with the action, and "adventure" were pretty boring and yawn-inducing. They also included the typical over the top violence quota that Johns feels is a requirement for every comic book.

While the latter part certainly takes away from the aggregate score of the story, I did enjoy it enough to feel positive about it.

I hope Johns takes advantage of having such a dynamic art team with ocean settings. And I hope DC doesn't botch the whole thing up with super-dark coloring. Sure, deep within the ocean is pitch-black, but take some artistic license. Give us something beautiful to behold!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
That's pretty much my reaction - the action/villain scenes are run-of-the-mill, but the book shines with the human relationships - Aquaman and Mera, or those two with the people around them.

Too bad the action didn't have more punch, given the gravity of the situation: an entire, unknown race of beings facing extinction, then being wiped out by Aquaman to save land-dwellers. Also, it didn't make sense that these ocean-deep beings couldn't survive on fish and other ocean creatures - they could only eat human meat? Maybe I missed something.

I'm quite looking forward to the next arc, since I'm a big sucker for Atlantis stories.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Pretty good done-in-one issue in #5 with the classic question of "what if Aquaman is stuck in a desert?" addressed. Johns gave a straight-forward story that Reis and Prado turned into an exciting adventure with their dynamic art.

I'm actually looking more forward to the next issue (out today?) with a spotlight on Mera.

I know the "Aquaman gets no respect thing" is still being established but it does have potential to wear me down. I hope its leading somewhere else down the road.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#6 featured a fairly humdrum outing for Mera. On a trip buying dog food for 'Aquadog', Mera experiences some 'real world' type of incidents. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, it's the sort of thing not shown often enough. However, as an establishing character-piece, it didn't quite instill the grandeur that I think she calls for.

The art's great. She is still going to be in the current day JLA when the time skips forward in that title, isn't she? Certain happenings here could color that...
Posted by Candlelight on :
They DID show her relationship with her father and her home colony on Earth, something I don't remember seeing before.
Was it in Flashpoint?
They showed a sister, anyway.

Just before Flashpoint, didn't her sister and Manta go into Mera's old dimension, with the portal being closed and Mera not being able to go home again?
Moot point, I guess.

I liked how Mera's powers were expanded when she drew the water out of the badguy's body.
I'm gonna like her new friend, I think.

[ March 02, 2012, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Candlelight ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I really enjoyed the Mera spotlight; she's one tough customer with regal dignity. Unlike Aquaman, she doesn't suffer fools gladly and she has her own sense of justice. She's a great symbol for the underestimated, the misjudged and the disregarded; haven't you wished you could respond when somebody brushes you off?

There was a real sense of how alien and alone she feels in this world, cut off from her own and misunderstood - and misunderstanding - our world.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I am really enjoying this new series. Who would have thought I would ever say that about an Aquaman series?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#7 starts what looks to be a potentially very good storyline, one that introduces yet another superteam predating the Justice League (apparently). The Others is hardly an original name, and the most interesting one is unfortunately killed by a dangerous Black Manta (whose debut this storyline is *really* about, I suppose).

I'm enjoying this title, too, but The Others in no way makes up for the absence of an Aqua-family other than Mera and Aquadog.

The art's beautiful, this issue. Seems like the Trench dwellers' story isn't as over as it seemed.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Can still say that after finishing # 7. This may be my current favorite DC title!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Really like the focus on new plots / characters, while firmly acknowledging the old. IMO, the Mera issue was a little cliche (though still somewhat enjoyable); but the new storyline, with it's wide cast and hints to a more robust past, is really working for me.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Finally read it. Still one of my favourite titles. Mera's "What the hell is going on?" was perfect.
Posted by KidChaos on :
Anyone else think it's delicious that AQUAMAN is outselling almost every Marvel comic?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Yes, yes I do...

I'm really enjoying Aquaman... this latest story arc seems very promising... plus I love the artwork... Mera looks beautiful...
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
AQUAMAN 8 continues this title's trend of excellence. Johns' storytelling, respect of the Mera character and the artwork (no-shirt Arthur!!) continue to make me a happy camper.

I've enjoyed some previous Aquabooks, but I can state with certainty that THIS is my favorite Aquaseries version so far.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
A great reveal at the end of #9!
I look forward to this book every month.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
I only I just wish the JLA Aquaman was nearly as interesting as THIS one. They should make Mera a JLA member stat!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So this current storyline has pushed Aquaman to being my #2 favorite DCnU series (behind All Star Western). I'm just really digging it! The wonderful art by Reis and Prado are the main draw by far, as every page just explodes with action & drama and has a plethora of detail to go with the dynamism. That just works for me on every level.

The story itself is also very good, and I'm loving the introduction of so many new characters, and how it all ties into the larger mythology of Aquaman (Arthur's past, the epic grudge with Black Manta, etc).

My one small complaint is the issues really fly by, but that is something I'm finding with all of John's work. It could be he wants to let his artists really 'open up' the page. But still, no matter how fast I read it, I'm loving what I'm actually reading.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Cobes, i agree its a fast read, but I get that more because it's a page turner, and lets face it, Reis's art is definitely a page turner, than it is because it's thin on story (Liefeld's Hawkman, anyone?)

Still, both books have great art, but the difference in writing between the two is staggering.
Posted by Pov on :
Aquaman is THE best book I'm not actually collecting... [Good] My buddy Mike gets it faithfully and I let him piggyback on my DCBS order, so I get first dibs. [Big Grin] The art is fantastic and I love how... awesome Aquaman is! I'll probably get the trades eventually, when I have space on my monthly orders... Which shouldn't take long,actually; I'm feeling another culling coming on. Alot of stuff I'm getting currently from DC (even-- or is that especially? [Embarrassed] -- the Legion titles) just seem to be floating by me with nothing to provoke that old enthusiasm... Thank Grife for Indies!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I'm not too impressed by The Others. In fact, I forget who they are as soon as I close the comic. Except for the cosmonaut, I guess. The jungle girl isn't nearly as fun as she should be.

I don't like DC peppering it's line with all these teams preceding the Justice League. They're all pretty much duds compared with what they're replacing. IMO. If we had to lose the JSA, Freedom Fighters, etc. then at the least DC should've stuck to the Justice League *being* the trailblazers. That I could at least understand.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Garth gets mentioned by name in #14! And he still has purple eyes, which remains an Atlantean superstitious bugaboo in the new 52. It's not Arthur or Mera who speak of Garth, but Ocean Master, who sits on Atlantis' throne in his brother's absence. He's menacing as all get out, but it's in that soft-spoken, civilzed sort of tone that's really more dangerous than the usual bluster.

The way OM talks about Garth, he'll probably be a good bit younger than Dick Grayson. Which I hate, but at least he's not erased from the roll of availibility for all time.

[ November 29, 2012, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Jay Kay on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Garth gets mentioned by name in #14! And he still has purple eyes, which remains an Atlantean superstitious bugaboo in the new 52. It's not Arthur or Mera who speak of Garth, but Ocean Master, who sits on Atlantis' throne in his brother's absence. He's menacing as all get out, but it's in that soft-spoken, civilzed sort of tone that's really more dangerous than the usual bluster.

The way OM talks about Garth, he'll probably be a good bit younger than Dick Grayson. Which I hate, but at least he's no erased from the roll of availibility for all time.

On one hand, that's cool, happy for the Garth fans. On the other hand, that makes Kaldur/Jackson's placement in the DCU a little harder to gauge, and I'd much rather see him than Garth.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Maybe Garth can be his Aqualad in the seas and Jackson his Aqualad on land?

Or Garth can be Tempest from the get-go and Jackson Aqualad... or vice versa...

...hmmm. DC could rename Jackson Joshua and give him the surname 'Clay' and an automatic 'in' with the Doom Patrol whenever that property's 52 slot lands in DC's game of Russian Roulette.
Posted by Jay Kay on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Maybe Garth can be his Aqualad in the seas and Jackson his Aqualad on land?

I could see that--it's not really all that far off from what they did in the Young Justice cartoon: Garth and Kaldur were friends raised together in Atlantis who saved Aquaman's life one day. Aquaman offered to take them on as apprentices, and while Garth decided to keep going in his magical academy, Kaldur decided to go up to the surface world with Aquaman to become a superhero.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I do like the cartoon's Kaldur, too, but really don't see him much like the Aqualad who appeared near the end of the last DCU at all. So using traits of each would make sense.

Or would there be three Aqualads? Why not give Batman a run for his money? Heck, thrown in Lagoon Boy, too!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I don't have a problem with Kaldur. Jackson Hyde on the other hand, I completely loath, as I see him as nothing but a blatant marketing attempt to draw in more viewership of Young Justice and more sales regarding Brightest Day.

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