This is topic SUPREME by Alan Moore and now Erik Larsen in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
Was anyone else into this?

I actually got into it very late, once Chris Sprouse-- whom I remembered and loved from LEGIONNAIRES-- began drawing it.

That was what pushed me over the edge and convinced me to pick up what I perceived as only a small-press Rob Liefeld book (at this point he had left IMAGE behind and was publishing under AWESOME).

Well, needless to say, the funny and suspenseful writing of Alan Moore hooked me right away-- who knew he could do funny? He could do fall-over funny, I would later discover in books like TOP TEN and TOMORROW STORIES, but I digress...

For a while, things were great-- SUPREME was coming out regularly, and YOUNGBLOOD relaunched also written brilliantly by Alan Moore.

Then after SUPREME # 56 and YOUNGBLOOD # 2... nothing, and BOTH BOOKS 1 issue from finishing their current stories. ARRRRGH! I remembered why I usually pass on small-press books and sulked for a couple years.

Then, out of nowhere, SUPREME THE RETURN # 1 showed up and finished the Supreme Mirror-Villains arc, and AWESOME ADVENTURES # 1 showed up and finished the Youngblood story.

THE RETURN apparently ran 6 issues, but I was only aware of 3 of them... never saw issues 4, 5 or 6 until yesterday when I bought the SUPREME THE RETURN tpb, which reprints SUPREME 53-56 and SUPREME: THE RETURN 1-6.

Excellent stuff, full of campy titles like "Secret of the Semi-Silvered Sing-Sing" and a group of Legion-homage characters, the League of Infinity. Even an Ambush Bug-homage bad guy, the Televillain! He has antennae and teleports-- TELL me that isn't an Ambush Bug homage!

Anyway, the TPB revitalized my interest in Alan moore's SUPREME. I still lack a few back issues. Moore's run began at issue 41, and I'm missing #s 43, 44, 46, 48, 49 and 50. That gives me something to hunt for.

So was anyone else here a fan of the Pearl Paragon, not to mention Suprema, Radar the Hound Supreme and all the rest, like Sister "Christmas on a crutch!!" Supreme?

[ May 17, 2012, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH's back ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This is something I've never picked up, but a comic book I've been very interested in. I've only started reading all of Moore's work in the last year or so (besides Watchman), which was already after his run on Supreme ended.

Since then, I've been dying to hear from someone else what it was like and what issues are needed to read the run! This looks like something I want to give a try once I get the money together!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Cobie, I'm 99.9% sure you'll love it.

Moore writes SUPREME as if he were the Silver-Age Superman, and the DC S-A homages are numerous (and quite often hilarious).

That doesn't mean Moore can't get down with the suspense and horror, though. There's a scene where a certain character is killed that makes you gasp aloud!

At a passing glance, Moore's SUPREME might seem simplistic, but given some thought it becomes simply brilliant.

So if you're interested, Moore's run on SUPREME ran from issues 41 through 56 of that series, plus SUPREME THE RETURN 1-6.

If you like those as much as I suspect you will, track down Moore's YOUNGBLOOD 1-2 & AWESOME ADVENTURES 1.
Posted by MLLASH on :

I got SUPREME 44, 46 & 49 out of the back-issue bins today! That shrinks my list of missing issues considerably!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Here's a line from a flashback tale showcasing Suprema's induction into the League of Infinity.

With dialogue like this, it's a safe bet Cobie, Teeds and EDE would love Moore's SUPREME run...

"Gasp! The entire family of space-hillbillies are changing their shapes!"

The Lass of Laurels was in for MANY a shock in that Silver-Age Tale supreme!

Anyhoo, I've discovered the entire MOORE run of SUPREME is available in 2 TPBS from Checker Book Publishing:

SUPREME: THE STORY OF THE YEAR (featuring a wonderful Supreme/Suprema/Radar cover by Alex Ross) and SUPREME: THE RETURN.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Cobie has expressed interest in SUPREME already, and I have verified that Teeds is currently reading the STORY OF THE YEAR tpb with intentions to also read THE RETURN.

Now, where's Eryk...?
Posted by MLLASH on :
And to be more correct, I should state that the Silver-Age homages are usually confined to the "back-issue reprints" that usually run between the primary story (set in present-day) and are used to explain backstory on a character, item or situation.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Okay Lash you talked me into it!!!!!!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Supreme written by Moore was truly magnificent, like comics of old, but for today! Little old, little bit new. And the Sprouse art is not to be missed!

And if anyone is seeking individual issues, I believe there was actually an issue that was actually written as an "A" and a "B", like 52a and 52b. You need them both, as they contain two different stories.

I really enjoyed Alan's homage to Kirby. IIRC, that was Supreme, the Return #6.

And there was great Legion story homage, with candidates trying to join the League of Infinity. One of the characters was a direct rip from Wildfire (costume and attitute!), but with a twist!

Everybody should read these issues! And I don't plug "Liefeld" books lightly (I've used a few as birdcage liner once in a while...)! I had a hard time justifying it to myself when I first bought the Supreme books, but Alan and Chris made it worth giving Rob some of my hard-earned buckaroos!

[ November 20, 2007, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Omni Craig ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh yeah, thanks Craig-- issue 52 was originally to be an 80-page giant but was split into 2 separate 40-pagers, sub-labeled a & b! Both issues I would imagine are included in the STORY OF THE YEAR tpb!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I plan to pick this up as soon as I get the extra money! I love when heroes say "Gasp!" and I love funky silver age stuff being used today!

Count me in!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I recently finished my SUPREME collection!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I absolutely LOVED Alan Moore's Supreme!!! It was the best damned Silver Age stuff I've ever read! [Big Grin]
Posted by Pov on :
I'll have to hunt these down-- I've been jonesing for AM's writing since Promethea and Tom Strong ended, and he apparently left DC/WildStorm-ABC in a snit over credits (or royalties?) for Watchmen or V For Vendetta.

Chris Sprouse art is just the icing on the cake. Sold.
Posted by Pov on :
I wonder if Icey or Cobie ever bought this...? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
"Gasp! The entire family of space-hillbillies are changing their shapes!"

Great gravy! This sounds so cool!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I have to get all this stuff. I remember reading a couple of Moore issues from a buddy and loved it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Pov:
I wonder if Icey or Cobie ever bought this...? [Hmmm?]

Jillikers! The last time I thought about this I was actually holding it--but then bought a TPB of V for Vendetta instead! I'm going to have to re-add this to the huge list of things I keep wanting to pick up!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
This thread inspired me to buy the two trades (since I can't easily locate the originals) on eBay. Just finished rereading those stories--can't recommend them highly enough! Sad thing is, I bet Alan Moore had a LOT more Supreme stories to tell.

Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
If anybody wants to post some scans of the Supreme Legion please do!
Posted by Pov on :
Okay, you guys convinced me. I went and ordered the trades from . Now I just have to wait... [sigh] [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
This thread inspired me to buy the two trades (since I can't easily locate the originals) on eBay. Just finished rereading those stories--can't recommend them highly enough! Sad thing is, I bet Alan Moore had a LOT more Supreme stories to tell.


Yay, Lardy!

Check eBay for Moore's 2-issue stint on YOUNGBLOOD (that's all that series lasted) and the concluding chapter in AWESOME ADVENTURES # 1... Suprema and other SUPREME-characters are there, it's a great li'l arc!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Okay, you guys convinced me. I went and ordered the trades from . Now I just have to wait... [sigh] [Wink]

YAY, Povvins!!

It's a trip-- Moore is so awesome at interweaving Silver-Age and Modern-style storytelling. Lemme know what you think!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
If anybody wants to post some scans of the Supreme Legion please do!

I know I saw Scott (or someone) post some images somewhere, but can't find them. Here's their first appearance. I'll post more later on...

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Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Awesome thanks NC!!!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I'm glad to see this thread is back. Just this week I dug out my Supremes and have been rereading the entire run. It just feels good reading good comics, youknowwhatI'msayin'?
Posted by Wild Cobalt on :
OK, with Xmas rolling up, its time I finally put my money where my mouth is (years later [Eek!] [Frown] ) and get these.

So, in addition to Supreme and Youngblood, what other Moore 'Image' stories were there (Image in the sense of the companies that were part of the origional image, including Wildstorm and Liefield's stuff)? Top Ten, correct? And was Promethia by Moore?

Didn't he also have a brief run on Lee's Wildstorm comics?
Posted by Pov on :
Promethea, Top Ten and Tom Strong were published by DC/Wildstorm... all fully independent of Moore's Image-y stuff and set in Moore's ABCverse (America's Best Comics imprint).
Posted by Dain on :
Top Ten was incredible. I loved it.
Promethea was visually stunning but had many arcane details so one would need some knowledge of Tarot, or Kaballah, to understand it in depth but it was a very good read nonetheless.
The Alan Moore Supreme run, and all the "flashbacks" drawn in many styles from the 40s to the 70s was also very, very good. It made me a fan of Supreme. And it had the League of Infinity. Legion AR stuff, natch! [Wink]

[ November 15, 2007, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Dain ]
Posted by Wild Cobalt on :
So, three & a half years later I finally put my money where my mouth is, and today I bought SUPREME: THE STORY OF THE YEAR TPB (I'm so glad it wasn't a hardcover--I like the cheaper paper backs better!). Mainly, I did it because I'm so frustrated with Marvel and DC comics these days that I'm starting to lose any real enthusiasm for comics in general these last few months (Fables and some others keeping me in love with my hobby every few weeks), and I really got angry when I read about the spoilers for Titans East. I finally said 'screw it', walked over to Midtown Comics while I was in Manhattan today and bought it.

Can't wait to read it. I read part #1 on the train home from Manhattan. Awesome so far. I think this will do the trick. I think my new 'collecting goal' is to get all Moore 'Image' stuff.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
UPDATE: I'm about 3/4 of the way through. Its the most enjoyable thing BY FAR that I've read in six months. Definately one of the best things of the last few years.

Every story is just unbelievable. Especially for readers (like me and most of you) who know comic book history so well. Moore has so many treats for the readers, and yet, tells such great stories at the same time!

The saddest/most horrifying moment had to be when Supreme shuts down S-1, and the robots for his parents and childhoood love. Heartbreaking!

I loved, loved, loved the 'three witches of the 1950's' being a metaphor for EC Comics and the shift in the industry from super-heroes of the 40's to the EC 50's. It was just *so* perfect, complete with nucleur anxiety, social worries, the sense that people can do evil things, and then the MAD Magazine homage. I like to think of myself as a psuedo-intellectual on EC Comics, so this was a pleasant surprise.

I've currently just finished the 'Allies' story where they free Professor Midnight and other 60's heroes from their prison. It possibly could be my favorite so far. There really is a sense that things are returning to the way they should be, even though this is a universe I hardly know. I can't help but the connection to DC at all times, but yet feel the creativity of this new universe constantly.

Was there ever an Allies comic? There should have been!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I know I saw some ads for "The Allies", but I believe it was going to be an updated version of the group, not the restored group from the 60s. If it ever saw light of day, Moore didn't write it.

Apparently there were at least a couple of more issues of Supreme that were never published either. [Frown] This makes me very sad.

The Judgment Day 3 part mini series was quite good, which rebuilt the entire Awesome universe (like when DC put out that "History of the DC Universe" right after Crisis to formally lay out their post-C world, but far better (IMHO).

After Supreme, I followed Moore to Tom Strong. Not quite as good, he was more of a Scientific Adventurer (had a bit of a Fantastic Four vibe to it, as he was surrounded by his unique family, etc.). Still had great art from Sprouse, so you can't beat that combo. [Smile] I also liked the Terra Obsura stuff (the two minis). Since a number of those characters are in the public domain, they will also be featured in Alex Ross' new "SuperPowers" book from Dynamite coming out next month. There's art by Sadowski too, so I can't wait for that!

I never followed Promethea or Top Ten, but I did buy the issue of TT that had a Dawnstar cameo (never stated outright, but it had to be her... how many winged women wear buckskin)...just the 'AR' Legion fan in me I suppose.

[ November 20, 2007, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Omni Craig ]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
So Cobie, I take it you are also going to buy "SUPREME-The Return"??
Posted by MLLASH on :
I think those 2 TPBs collect the entire SUPREME run by Moore.

And yes, Cobie, please give your reviews!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Any more thoughts, Des? And did you buy "The Return"?

Thecrazy thing about those TPBs is that they feature Alex Ross redesigns of Supreme and other characters on the covers, but they never are used in the stories themselves! [Confused]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Marvel has released "Age of the Sentry" a comic chronicling some of the Sentry's adventures during the Silver Age which have as of yet never been told to the reading public. Its very fun! Its *kinda* like the Moore Supreme issues in its premise, and I think many fans would enjoy them. I say *kinda* because I don't think the level of genius and quality is on par with Moore's Supreme, but the if anything, the level of fun and silliness is more apparent. Its kind of like Supreme meets Ambush Bug. 100% fun.

Just in case you're looking for something other than DC's latest mass killing/sexual assault of teenage superheroes.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
PS - never did find 'the Return', but will look for it for Christmas, when I pick up my Walking Dead trades.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
While reading through the AGE OF SENTRY, I realized that I never posted the other League of Infinity stories (and now see that Cobie made the connection as well).

Anyway, here's some of the other stand-alone stories/images about the group -

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[ May 04, 2009, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
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Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Link to cover

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[ May 09, 2009, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
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Posted by Kid Charlemagne on :
I enjoyed Moore's run on SUPREME. I especially loved the homage to the comic-book MAD in #44, and the "return" [debut] of Suprema. [This was when DC still had no Kara Zor-El even in continuity. What galled me most about Kara's death in the Crisis was the wiping her out of continuity. I missed Barry Allen, too, but at least his sacrifice was remembered.]

Bloody Liberty, WHY didn't DC just have Byrne draw the rebooted Superman and let Moore write the stories? What could have been... [Frown]
Posted by MLLASH on :
"space-hillbillies"... *sigh* I miss Moore's SUPREME. I'm about due for a series re-read (along with his all too brief 3-issue YOUNGBLOOD stint).

Hopefully Nightcrawler's posting of these tales will encourage readers to seek out the SUPREME collections or hit the back-issue bins. It's worth it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
PS - never did find 'the Return', but will look for it for Christmas, when I pick up my Walking Dead trades.

Still haven't found "the Return". I also want those Youngblood issues!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So, I never have been able to find Supreme: the Return TPB after all this time and think I should probably actually put some effort in and look for it online (instead of my ‘searching’ consisting of browsing comic shops when I can remember, which is about 30% of the time). However, I did remember recently and instead found “Judgment Day”, the last of the Alan Moore / Extreme Studios stuff. Following his Supreme stuff, he did a miniseries / event with ALL of Rob Liefield’s creations, and then prepared to launch them all into new series. Apparently one of Rob’s financial backers pulled out at the last minute so most of the series never got off the ground (some having an issue or two). In this collection is the three issue miniseries, the Youngblood preview of the relaunch and then a one-shot previewing various titles written by Moore and drawn by Gil Kane! That last part is really awesome.

The story is about as good as anything I’ve read in awhile. Alan Moore continued his Supreme style and really gave a great story, and its something to behold. He basically explains away the entire grim n’ gritty era through the story, destroys it and prepares for a new era. It truly is his “apology” to comic book fans I’d read about in interviews.

I know almost nothing about Liefield’s characters outside of Moore’s work other than their names: Youngblood, Supreme, Glory, Brigade, Bloodstryke, etc. I was a pre-teen when they came out and collected all the #1’s and #2’s before my Dad realized Image was not what he wanted to collect and dropped everything but Spawn and Shadowhawk which I begged him to keep (long story). But here Moore actually makes me care about them and be interested in their histories and futures. It’s a great continuation of his Supreme stories where he introduced the Allies and Allied Supermen of America.

The preview stories by Moore and Gil Kane are something to behold. He takes Glory, Liefield’s TnA lady, and makes her potentially more interesting than Wonder Woman was in the 90’s. He take the New Men, yet another X-Force type rip-off, and makes them akin to the Challengers of the Unknown! Maximage, another TnA character, is suddenly a cross between Dr. Strange / Dr. Fate and his characters from Swamp Thing! Youngblood finally is like a Teen Titans comic you actually want to keep buying. I so wish somehow this universe had continued under Moore’s direction. Liefield has never been successful since this all feel through, which was over 10 years ago. That’s a long time. Part of me wonders if something cool could ever be done with these characters, but another part of me knows it will never be what could have been.

My favorite part was that Moore gave Liefield analogues for all the other era genres: Westerns, a Conan the Barbarian type, a Tarzan type, WWII, Pirates, a Camelot/Knight type, and he even turned Liefield’s Prophet (Cable / Bishop analogue) and made him the Extreme Studios version of Doc Savage.

If you know comic book history and know Rob Liefield and are reading this and thinking the above sounds crazy, I really think you should check this out!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Did you get The Return, Cobie?

And why hasn't EDE read this yet???
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've searched high and low for the Return and have never found it! I guess that *choke* I might have to use that scary internet thingie to find it...
Posted by Dev Em on :
Say it isn't so!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I'm hoping to order The Story of the Year off Amazon.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I got it, but it turned out to be The Return. I loved the part where this one villain gets lynched because he killed Monica on Friends.

Um, guys, there was this villain in Supreme I heard about named "Evening Primrose", a Poison Ivy-pastiche.

For anyone who has the issue of Supreme she's mentioned in, does she have any appearance? And could someone scan if she does?
Posted by MLLASH on :
There were several characters mentioned only by name and not appearing, or who maybe appeared for one panel. The "Evening Primrose" moniker is not sticking out with me, maybe she is one of those by-name onlies. But if I do find her image I can scan it.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Thank you.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :

Oh my God.
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
I had heard there were previously unseen Moore Supreme scripts/plots/whatevers about to be used... as best I heard, this was stuff written years and years ago.

I'd be more excited if I knew this was all Moore, NEW Moore, instead of someone filling in ideas that Moore wrote on the back of a napkin or whatever, back when SUPREME was in full swing.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Actually it's #63. I got the number wrong.
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Reminder to self:

SUPREME 63 drops April 4th.

I looked into it, and apparently only ONE Moore script was on file, and it will be presented in issue 63.

I *am* curious to see what happens after that one script... kinda expecting a trainwreck, but we shall dee. I'll at least give it 2 post-63 issues...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
^ same with me. [Yes]

And you are correct, #63 is a Moore script with Larsen then transitioning into his own tone and style. Apparently after #63, Moore only had broad outlines and notes, I think?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I heard that after #63, the following stories are going to be a revamp which tries to blend Supreme's original roots as an anti-hero with Moore's metafiction. Or, something to that extent.

I'm rather hopeful after reading Glory #23.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ooh, post your thoughts on Glory! I'm regretting not buying it (I bought Prophet but haven't read it yet).
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Check the Random Reviews.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
Reminder to self:

SUPREME 63 drops April 4th.

I looked into it, and apparently only ONE Moore script was on file, and it will be presented in issue 63.

I *am* curious to see what happens after that one script... kinda expecting a trainwreck, but we shall dee. I'll at least give it 2 post-63 issues...

TURDELLA! I *MUST* hit the CBS tomorrow! MUST!
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
And I did... I DID! This issue has been purchased and the series added to my pull.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Same here! I actually went to the CBS on a Wednesday, something I do like 3 times a year, to make sure I got Danger Club #1, Supreme and Hell Yeah #1 & 2. I didn't want to have to hunt these suckers down!

I opted for the cool Eric Larsen Silver Age esque cover. My CBS actually ordered a healthy amount of these.

Interviews I've read with Larsen on his plans post-Moore don't exactly have me super-excited, but I'm willing to roll with it for a few issues and see. Regardless, this issue looks like its going to be the fucking TITS.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I loved this issue.

A bonus point was that, the two versions of Darius Dax and Diana Dane, Daxian and Dianax, are allusions to an old Superman imaginary story where Luthor is a pianist named "Lexo" who's also a criminal named "Lexo" (and apparently no one makes the connection), and Lois turns evil and becomes his bride, "Lola".

And I have that story!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I thought the issue was really groovy too. Man, it made me want to reread those Alan Moore Supreme stories--which I intend to do ASAP! I also need to once and for all find "Supreme the Return", but damn if that isn't a difficult TPB to find. I guess I have to use ebay...which I don't like doing. (15 years later and the internet still scares me).

But back to the issue at hand, I love all the various Darius Dax's, and how they can be charming one minute and then brutal the next. On the flip side, I thought the Supreme / Diane date was enjoyable.

Larsen's art while inked by someone else was actually pretty good. His artwork is very hit or miss for me, unlike a lot of his fellow Image founders whose artwork I still love (namely McFarlane and Silvestri).

I really, really, really hope Supreme by Larsen sans Moore scripts is going to be good. But I'm trying not to get my expectations too high. Interviews with Larsen do not leave me feeling good, but Larsen is very much like Keith Giffen in interviews--abbrassive and rough around the edges; it's hard to tell if its a little tongue in cheek. I'll just wait and see what the final product is.

I'll say this though. Of the Extreme relaunch that is going on, two series not to be missed are Prophet, which is mind-blowingly good and Glory, which is also crazy fantastic. Both are really so good its hard to put into words. Both are also selling out like hotcakes and hard to find. If you can find them, whack them! (Kudos again to Sarky for the Glory rec, which was totally on the money).

I wish Moore could do an Allies series. Or someone in the same spirit of the Supreme stories.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
I thoroughly enjoyed SUPERE 63 although I am concerned about where it will go next month when all hints of Alan Moore are gone.

Larsen's art surprised the heck out of me-- he was doing some really good imitations of Sprouse and a Liefeld-if Liefeld-was-GOOD in places.

64 is a given for me to purchase but if it goes straight into the crapper, I'm out.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
My concern over 64 was well-warranted after this issue's massacre.

I found it pretty sloppy and despite what Larsen says about wanting to play the hand he was dealt, he pretty much took the whole deck and set it on fire, then peed on it to put it out. It was ugly and it was unnecessary.

This is officially on the "1 more issue" bubble. If next issue continues in this manner, I'm out.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Has Larsen ever written anything good at all?? I mean, I guess the early Savage Dragon issues had a certain energy, but vaguely I recall it evaporating quickly. And isn't he the guy who said in the 90s something along the lines of, "Who needs writers or editors?"
Posted by Dev - Em on :
I personally liked Savage Dragon for a while. The spin offs (Freak Force, Vanguard, etc) were entertaining. Then for me, he lost it with the alternate Earth stuff...then the origin thing, which came out long after I dropped out.

But, as far as his mainstream stuff, some of it was fair at best...but most was meh to awful.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
SAGA earns a spot on the pull after the terrific issues 2-3!

SUPREME 64 confirmed EVERY SINGLE ONE of my fears for a post-Moore version of this title. It is on the "1 more issue" bubble and if 65 follows the path 64 started, it will be the final issue I buy.

I had the same exact reaction when I read the latest Supreme. I was so angry, in fact, I started hunting online for interviews with Larsen and reviews. One interview calmed me down a *little*. Larsen confirmed the other Supremes will remain a part of the cast and that not many characters actually died other than walk-on Supremes and Daxes. His words were "I'm giving Alan Moore's Supreme his biggest challenge yet: Rob Liefield's Supreme." So it looks like psycho Supreme isn't the star but the villain.

So...I feel a little better. (At least not fuming with anger). But all that does is make me want to continue to give it a chance. I'm still very much on the fence.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I was fully prepared to drop SUPREME and expected issue 65 to be garbage. It wasn't, to my surprise, and has earned another issue out of me.

Things still look MUCH bleaker than they did pre-64, but there is definitely some rays of sunshine peeking though the clouds.

Well played, Larsen.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I wonder if the League of Infinity will have a role to play?
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
That would be nice!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So after reading it, I can say this issue definitely cements for me that Larsen "gets it". Not only is he keeping all the various Supreme's around, he did a few things to show this isn't going to be a 'early 90's grim 'n gritty fest'.

First, "mean Supreme" has thought bubbles that are so over the top they are almost funny. His disgust at the USA having a "muslim President" is so over the top (and reminiscient of a few idiot pundits) that it puts into focus his role as villain of this story-arc.

And second, the reapparance at the end of Darius Duck--done totally strait--was a welcome bit.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Things aren't looking good for Ethan Crane in this next issue. His reality's being slowly rebooted and Ethan's very aware of the changes.

It seems to be that this story is acting as a sort of take that towards Flashpoint and the DCnU. Ethan is aware of the changes going on yet he's not able to stop it, nor is he changing to fit the revisions.

Meanwhile, Liefeld's Supreme continues to be an ass and it looks like Suprema, who has somehow managed to escape the revisions for the time being, comes in to stop him.

Cue a guest appearance from another Image character.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Guys, I just realized, Liefeld's Supreme is pretty much the answer to Superboy-Prime. Both are bitter about the fact that they were replaced by "impostors" and both are pretty much no better than homicidal maniacs.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Dang, issue 66 was a step back for me... I didn't enjoy Suprema's beating. Still gonna continue, if for no other reason than to see old Supreme get the freakin' asskicking he deserves eventually.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So I decided to finally, at long last, order Supreme: The Return on I kept looking for it at comic book stores and even a local convention but just couldn't find it. But enough is enough! I MUST read these stories.

To kick it off, I'm rereading Supreme: Story of the Year. I'm two issues into it and once again blown away by how awesome it is.

The return of Supreme the series helped spur me on to reread, though also my continued dissapointment with DC Comics made me feel I needed something to make me feel better about comic books.

I also saw Eric Larsen said #68 will be the final part of his run, and he'll be leaving the series. Apparently this story wraps up in #67 and then #68 will be an 80 page issue with short stories for Squeek, Sister Supreme, Lion-headed 50's Supreme and a bunch of others. I think that's pretty cool! It also shows Larsen really does "get" the Moore Supreme run IMO.

Not sure who is taking over next, but Supreme won't be cancelled.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I was just coming to post the link to that:

So, yeah. This may be a good thing. I'll stick around for sure now (who can resist an 80-page giant??). I'm curious to see what comes next for the SUPREME-verse.

And yes, well done on the TPB order! Moore's run is one heck of a thrillride.
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's been 4 months since an issue of SUPREME hit the stands... this kind of crap is part of what earned IMAGE so much badwill back in the day. I think the next issue is slated to come out next Weds, finally.

But then I got to thinking about it...

WHAT IF... *part* of the delay is because...

they've gotten ALAN MOORE to COME BACK?!?!

With DC's new 52 steadily going into the crapper, THAT would be the coup of 2013!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That would be the greatest thing to happen since...Alan Moore first took over Supreme!

Can you imagine?!!

But I do think Alan Moore thinks very poorly of Rob Liefield personally, so I'm not sure if it could happen. Still, Image publisher Eric Stephenson seems to be one of the best people in comics and could just be the guy to get it done. And Rob likes $$ enough to know when to back away and let people make it for him.

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