This is topic Lash's Good, Old-Fashioned X-FORCE/STATIX thread in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm not letting one of my favorite series ever pass gently into the good night...

There really was no other way for the book to end, was there? This felt proper and correct.

I'll miss this book terribly but will treasure the issues always.

[ August 05, 2012, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: lowercase mllash ]
Posted by Pov on :
It floundered after its run in X-FORCE and the first six months or so of X-Statix, but was picking up with the Avengers crossover. I'll wait until I've actually read the last issue before I eulogize the run.

Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I was really sad at the end. I thought it was all gonna be a movie or something. And Doop! Oh my poor Doop! Did anybody get the Deadpool/Doop action figure or the Doop minibust from Bowen? I have yet to find the figure and I heard the mini-bust is like a fan club exclusive [Frown]

Did I ever show y'all my X-Statix magazines?

[ August 30, 2004, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Monkey Eater Lad ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
WOW! I *love* those, Monkey!!!
Posted by STU on :
Did you use a pickle for Doop?
Posted by ActorLad on :
I haven't been able to pick up X-Statix in awhile but how could Dead Girl actually stay dead? Was she disintegrated or something?
Posted by MLLASH on :

The why's and how's of it aren't revealed, but she does indeed disentigrate.
Posted by ActorLad on :
That bites! If anyone could withstand the slaughter of the whole team she & maybe Venus could.

*really needs to get those X-Force & X-Statix issues he's missing*
Posted by Mystery Lad on :


X-statix = Doom Patrol of the 21st Century!

(read 'Doom Patrol from the 60s' in which the whole team died saving a town... *not* the John Byrne continuity nightmare currently being published)

How long till one of the X-Statics pops up like Robotman or Negative Man?


[ August 31, 2004, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Good eye, it is a pickle! Here's a better Doop I made recently:
Posted by Future on :
MEL, love all the manips! I'd love to see a comedy movie based off this series.

I agree with Lash...the ending was sad, but there was really no other way to end such a great run. I'm glad Milligan and Allred decided to end things instead of leaving the book to someone just would have felt wrong not in their hands. Glad to see, though sad that I am, that they wrapped up pretty much all their main characters.

...but, if Dead Girl spontaneously pulls herself together and pops in as a guest star now and then, I wouldn't mind. Otherwise, as much as I want to see them again, I think it's best to let the characters rest and remember them fondly.
Posted by STU on :
I thought they kind of left the door open a bit with Venus -- the comment about her molecules possibly still being out there somewhere.

I wonder if bringing any of them back in the future would cheapen this run of X-Statix...
Posted by Povicho on :
*sigh*... [Frown]

I have to agree with what's been posted already-- it HAD to end this way, huh.

My first thought as I was reading was "Who? Why?"... but that wasn't the point. Part of Tike and Guy's final conversation really brought it home for me-

Tike: "Who the hell are those people?"

Guy: "Does it matter? Did it ever really matter?"

We don't get the who, the why, because in the end it doesn't matter. And I loved their homage to Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.

*sigh*... I'll miss this book.

[ September 03, 2004, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: Povicho ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Me too, Povvins... me too.
Posted by Kid Psychout on :
great magazine covers, MEL! especially the Sugar Kane jokes.

nor sure how i feel about the book ending, hain't been keeping up with it, but the last issue felt pretty muddled.

What happened to Lacerator? And when did Phatt leave the book? Did any member ever survive?
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Phat, like every other member and benefactor of the team, died. [Smile] He died saving the others at the end of the 'Back From the Dead' arc.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Of note is that Vivsector & Doop died off-camera. I guess Milligan wanted Tike & Guy's big scene to be "larger than life"... it worked for me... I really had no desire to see Doop, Myles and the others die, even when I knew it was coming.
Posted by Jesse Future on :
I agree with Lash. Getting scene after scene of X-Static after X-Static dying would have been much too harsh and uncalled for.

Vivisector never really was the star, though a great guy, and I'm glad it reflected in his death. Doop was so mysterious and omnipotent in a way that I'm glad we will never know just HOW such a mighty creature could fall.

Tike & Guy's exit was fabulous. I liked how we got simple nods and gestures that they were friends and respected each other without both of them becoming so sentimental they'd read out-of-character. Milligan stayed true to the end.

Well, we've come full-circle. These guys grew on me, something I never thought possible when they were replacing my beloved X-Force, and I'm overjoyed that we had these characters in our lives for at least a few years. I still miss Edie something awful. What a great series.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Something else of note: Lacuna may be the only recurring member of the cast to survive this series.

As I quite like her, I hope to see her around the Marvel universe somewhere. She's SO powerful, in an understated "Not in your face" way.
Posted by Kid Psychout on :
Lacuna is great. Especially as a fame-hungry mutant who is on tv rather than 'crime fighting'.

Kinda ironic that the book introduced 3 openly gay characters ( 2 shown in relationships, even if Bloke was only around fer a very short while)and killed every single one of them.

I had a soft spot for Phatt and would have liked to see him cross over into one of the other books.
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
Yeah, I'm glad that Lacuna's still around. She's a fun character.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I liked Phat too, Kid
Posted by Soy-Monkey Eater Lad on :
Have you seen the Doop figure that comes with the Deadpool action figure in Marvel's Legends toy line? I really want it but can't find it anywhere!
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Just read the last issue of X-Statix today.

And it's sad, but it pisses me off that this book was taken off the market and Marvel decides to put out a dozen or so X-Spin-Offs that sound like putrid 90s fungus someone forgot to bleach off the taste buds.


I just want to piss on someone.

Thankfully, I know who to call...
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Actually if I remember right, it was creators Milligan and Allred who decided to end the series as they were ready to move on and didn't think the book would fit well with another creative team at the helm.

I have to agree with them there, I'm much happier with a conclusion from the creators then having the book cancelled randomly four years down the line under someone else's belt without a finish.

...and yes, even as an X-Fan, I'm kind of disgusted by how many solo series/minis they're trying out all at once. None of the five or so out now have appealed to me enough to buy them.
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Originally posted by Jesse Future:
None of the five or so out now have appealed to me enough to buy them.

5? Jesse, you give the Marvel editorial staff WAY too much credit. Here's just December:
X-MEN #165
EXILES #55, #56, & #57
That's not even counting the trade collections or Ultimate Nightmare & Secret!

I know I can be <slightly> negative when it comes to Marvel & DC's superhero output, but I do think that Marvel in particular has done very little to garner any support from me, and I'm <slightly> bitter over how much money I've already given them over the decades for boxes of colored paper that are probably worth more as donations to charity.

X-Statix was a really great book - one I took great pleasure in reading and savoring - and I think the creators wanting to move on speaks more the level of creative interference they were suddenly experiencing. IMO, the Princess Di storyline went all wrong with their sudden and awkward replacement star. Milligan and Alred are both artists who are probably not used to being over-ruled so cavalierly to the obvious detriment of the end-product.

Not trying to contradict you or anything, I just think the company Marvel has to take some of the responsibility in the loss of this great series.

That being said, I'd love LACUNA to be part of the Avengers or something. Maybe she could do her show from there?
Posted by Mars Hottentot on :
They definitely picked the right time although...



Okay, Milligan & Allred were over it (that was apparent immediately following 'Back from the Dead'), but couldn't they have had a twist as to WHO whacked X-Statix? It sure as hell wasn't just random terrorists! That doesn't explain Dead Girl's death, does it? And Doop had his BRAIN REMOVED and survived in the previous arc, a missile launched death ain't working for me.

Yes, it was all fun while it lasted but I really feel like they just gave us a 'FU' ending.

I am glad they all croaked. Not that that'll stop Rob Liefield from reviving and revising them for the upcoming 'Grim & Gritty' 90's style comic revival (mark my words, it's coming- five years away tops).

Okay, throw your stones.
Posted by MLLASH on :
No stone throwing allowed here. I can see where you would feel this way, easily.

But I kind of liked the whole "Does it matter?" vibe.
Posted by LyleLyle on :
I'll miss this book but it had a good run, I'm glad the creators got to decide the ending instead of the team fading into obscurity and then showing up as Red Shirts in a big crossover.

Too bad about Doop, tho. Would'a been cool for him to survive and stick around for odd cameos.

OTOH, I'm looking forward to the X-title Milligan is taking over, whichever one that is. Hopefully my shop will be smart enough to recommend it for my pull box.

[ September 15, 2004, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: LyleLyle ]
Posted by Future on :
Whoops, sorry that I didn't seem clear before, Andy. I meant all the solo-character series/minis they're trying now...with the likes of Gambit, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Rogue, etc. I'm nowhere near surprised by how many X-related titles there's kind of a sad fact this day and age. [Frown] No worries about being negative...we all toss cash on books for longer than we probably would have liked to sometimes. X-Statix luckily never went that way for me.

As for the people responsible for X-Statix's death...I have mixed feeling about it being from terrorists. On the one side, they've been some of the most constant forces the team has been idly whipping off-panel or as an aside to a characterization's kind of ironic for them to meet their end that way. Not to mention, the team never really was big on super-villains (save for a few rogue mutants & alien astronauts) so much. Then again on the other side, we didn't really have some big, grand challenge or threat take the team out. They finally just all got a bad card at the same time and that was that.

I second the return of Lacuna somewhere! Great, great character, power, personality...everything!
Posted by Dr. Love Rocket on :
Comics reading just isn't as kewl without my monthly dose of X-Statix.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
I just recently reread the entire runs of X-Force/X-Statix and the Arcudi/Huat Doom Patrol when I was going through my boxes to file stuff/shift boxloads.

*sigh*... [Frown]

[ December 26, 2004, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Pov of Nine ]
Posted by Gold_Leader on :
I picked up the New X-Force right from the start, and I'll admit: Other than LSH, it was the only comic I'd go out of my way to get every month. I adored how Orphan warped and changed over the run. I loved the whole feel of the comic (It was wonderful. I had a soft spot for Bloke the minute I was him, and then he died. I was sad, but it really fits, doesn't it? Throw a half dozen ill trained camera hogging grandstanding mutants into a fight and people WILL die.) Cheers to X-Statix, may it forever live in our fond memories.

Oh, and pop quiz question: anyone know the name of the X-Statix applicant Corkscrew killed? I read it on a X-Board a while back and it sorta stuck with me [Smile]

[ December 27, 2004, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: Gold_Leader ]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Hmm...can't remember, darn it. I even remember the issue and can see Corkscrew in my head.

As for Orphan, you do know he was Mister Sensitive again before the book ended, right?
Posted by Gold_Leader on :
yes. he changed back. but to me he'll always be the revolver spinning orphan, no matter how much he changed [Smile]
Posted by profh0011 on :
Well, one more Marvel title I don't have to buy anymore. I was only onboard for Mike Allred, anyway.

So-- anyone buying his NEW series?
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
What would that be, prof? I haven't heard what's next for Mr. A...
Posted by MLLASH on :
He's doing an adaptation of the BOOK OF MORMON. I've heard the art is stunning, though I'm not going to buy it.

His next project, though, is rumoured to be METAL MEN for DC. Now THAT will be a MUST-BUY!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
He's doing an adaptation of the BOOK OF MORMON. I've heard the art is stunning, though I'm not going to buy it.

Its out. It sucks. But then I can't stand Allred's work anyway. Combine that with Mormonism and you have something that I'd actually burn.

Sorry but his 'art' is a big turnoff to me.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Art is a subjective thing, but it makes me sad to think of a soul who is "turned off" by Allred's peppy pop-art! Well, he's so different from the norm he's certainly not going to appeal to everyone.

I personally am not buying his Book of Mormon adaptation due to the subject matter.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I sincerely doubt I'm the only one here who bought X-STATIX: DEAD GIRL # 1.



It's really more of a Dr. Strange tale, isn't it? And Stephen is pretty amusing here, following the Giffen/DeMatteis take in the current DEFENDERS mini.

And as Mockingbird EVER loked more hot than on that last page? >whew!<
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Dr. Strange and Wong were a hoot. I didn't even notice that Dead Girl was a no-show till the end of the book.

The only wrong note was Miss America. I know the 'dead' aren't necessarily the same characters as they were when living, but Madelaine seemed completely divorced from any previous appearance.

That's a quibble, as this looks to be a fun mini. Imagine that
Posted by Pov on :
Can't wait to get this! C'MON, February shipment!

I'm updating the thread title for the Deadgirl mini.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Wacky and still a hoot. Dr. Strange as the object of dead gals lust... gigglesnort. "Yes and since I've been with you, I haven't given one thought to my hemorrhoids." I laughed out loud, something I don't do that often when reading.

I was a little disappointed by the treatment of the Whizzer and Miss America (though her 'racist' tendencies make perfect sense, timeline wise- they just seem a poor fit for the character). Phantom Rider was fun.
Posted by MLLASH on :
WOW-- I'd buy a Milligan-written DR. STRANGE book in a hot minute! That hemmoroids line was absolutely priceless!

The Dead girl as meat creature was so grotesque, yet hilarious. This is frickin' brilliant.

Though I'm still not sure how Dead girl actually could die anyway. Oh, well, no matter.

Yeah, the Miss America stuff is fitting timewise, but it's still no fun to see a "hero" act like this, especially one that I've been fond of in the past. But Milligan likes to play with racial themes, and it IS interestng to see Tyke's reactions to the 40s sentiments.

Considring what The Phantom Rider did to Mockingbird during her WCA stnt, I'm not sure I like what has the potential to develop here.

This book is an "A" so far. great stuff.
Posted by Pov on :
Wow! Miss A's slur in response to Tyke's come-on/grope -completely- caught me offguard there... glad to see I wasn't alone. Like you guys, I took it as a sentiment of her time, and not necessarily a personal prejudice on her part- especially as her apology and contact with Tyke seemed genuine. Although her bit at the end with Wong cracked me up.

I was wondering about Rider and Bobbi. PAD played fast & loose with past continuity between Madrox and Siryn recently, But the events that took place between these two in West Coast Avengers are too big to sweep under the carpet, and I don't think Milligan's the type to shy away from it either.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 4.

This has almost become an X-STATIX reunion, as I suspected it might anyway.

Lots of fun, and the "Oshtur's infamous flatulence" line complete bowled me over. I swear, Milligan would get me buying a regular Dr. Strange series in a heartbeat.

So far, a fantastic follow-up/companion to X-STATIX. 1 issue to go.
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Apparently I'm about a year-plus late on this info! (!!!!!)

Well, THIS time, Doop's drawn by Allred!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Also, looks like Mike Allred is on a new ongoing title by Marvel too in a few months! "FF", the sister title to Fantastic Four will be drawn by Allred and star She-Hulk, Ant Man, Medusa and some new chick called "Miss Thing" (a celebutante type, playing on how that slang is used in popular culture).

Looks pretty groovy!
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
Already added to my pull! And, to recognize Faction for doing such a groovy comic, I even added his regular F4 series!

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