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Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Too early to say where this'll go but the ominous prediction by the Guardians that the universe is about to change makes me think this mini "like the rest of them" lead to infinite crisis.

This is much more the Green Lantern, I want to read as opposed to the soap opera I'm sure the Hal Jordan series is going to turn in to.

Kilowog, Salaak, Guy, Kyle and a cast of thousands investigating mysteries in space, under the direction of enigmatic leadership that knows much more than what's been told. Cool.

Soranik Atu from Korugar looks to be a match for Guy in cynicism and attitude. His about the Guardians, her's about the whole concept of Green Lantern. I want to see how this plays out.

Bring on Mogo...
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Have Arisia and Katma Tui re-surfaced yet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No Arisia.

And Katma Tui is deceased I believe
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I did like this issue. I liked Soranik Atu. I suspect that she will become a full fledge Green Lantern.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
No Arisia.

And Katma Tui is deceased I believe

So is Arisia. [Frown]
Posted by Nova Girl on :
A la Gail Simone, those women characters in Green Lantern have a tendency to turn up in refrigerators.

Not exactly a woman friendly medium from what I see.

[ September 22, 2005, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Nova Girl ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Well it looks like Rann Thanagar War #6 settles nothing as well from this issue.

This is getting a little ridiculous with the inability to settle plot lines. Stories bleed from one mini to the next. It's an epidemic, caused by some marketing genius no doubt.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Well, the marketing for DAY OF VENGEANCE, VILLAINS UNITED, RANN-THANAGAR WAR, OMAC and the RETURN OF DONNA TROY made it clear that these were all lead-ins to INFINITE CRISIS, so the way they're ending (or not ending, actually) shouldn't come as a surprise... though I agree it's somewhat annoying.

The success of most of those minis has made the effect spread a bit, unsurprisingly.

It is getting old, though. But at least there won't be a long wait for the beginning of INFINITE CRISIS.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Random thoughts:
-- Great art. Good with aliens, good with Guy's facial expressions, good creepy looking Guardians.
-- I'm actually not thrilled with creepy Guardians as a concept. I've always thought it undermined the franchise that the Guardians became untrustworthy. Why can't they be genuinely beneficient? (I hope they prove to be when their motivation is revealed)
-- Love Soranik Atu -- the DCU needs a strong female GL to take center stage along with the boys. (It should've been Hollika Rahn (the one with the mohawk), but I digress...)
-- They do a good job of trying to reconcile Guy's seemingly erratic behavior (which usually depended on which writer was at the helm).
-- Love that Salakk is back! Take that Marz!! [Razz]
-- The Corps is one of the things I missed after "Emerald Twilight", but it sucks that they've separated it from Hal. I can see why DC would want Hal as the solo star and the rest of the gang pushed into GLC, but one of the best parts of Hal was his adventures with the corps. I hope they dont' separate them too much. It's like they've got it backwards - Kyle was meant to be the solo, earthbound "regular guy" GL and Hal was always the space-cop.
Posted by profh0011 on :
Fantastic art, though I like the background scenery better than the people. THIS is the kind of stuff GL should have ALWAYS been and almost never was-- epic science-fiction adventure. When I saw the 2-page spread of Oa, I thought, THIS is the kind of stuff Neal Adams SHOULD have been doing on the book more often-- if Denny O'Neil hadn't been so determined to go completely the other way. (Yeah, I know, a 35-year-old "wrong turn".) For that matter, I've read how Dave Gibbons wanted to do space adventures, but Len Wein decided to have Earthbound super-villains like in the early days. (sigh) Somehow I was expecting my favorite DOCTOR WHO artist back on the art-- which I tend to like better than his writing. Oh well!

The "creepy" Guardians was an aspect of Gerard Jones' run that always bugged me. In retrospect, he was leading up to a big revelation about them... but then he never got the chace to write it! Could Geoff Johns actually get around to that at some point? Hmm...

I somehow got the impression Salaak was dead... or something. During Steve Englehart's GLC run, it always struck me that if they did a GLC cartoon, the perfect actor to do his voice would have been Jonathan Harris! (But I don't get that sense here...)

Looking forward to the rest of this mini!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
It's like they've got it backwards - Kyle was meant to be the solo, earthbound "regular guy" GL and Hal was always the space-cop.

EXACTLY! That's my biggest qualm about the revival of the GLC. I'm not a Hal fan, but I'm all for giving his fans their space cop. I just want my everyman hardluck hero.

As for this series, the artwork is awesome! Gleason wowed me on Aquaman, he's topped that here. If DC had a "Young Guns" banner, Patrick would be one of them.

Of all the new GLs, Soranik Atu is the only one that grabbed me. Salaak looked familiar, so I'm intrigued by him. The two of them, Kyle and Kilowogg are going to carry the series for me. If all the others were eliminated and the Guardians (with their creepy, annoying, disrespectful, arrogant attitude back in full force) were destroyed, I'd still want to read about these four policing the universe.

Here's to Gibbons and Johns and Gleason making it work as well as this first issue.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Originally posted by Drake B3004:
(It should've been Hollika Rahn (the one with the mohawk), but I digress...)

She's deceased as well, I believe [Frown]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
It's like they've got it backwards - Kyle was meant to be the solo, earthbound "regular guy" GL and Hal was always the space-cop.

EXACTLY! That's my biggest qualm about the revival of the GLC. I'm not a Hal fan, but I'm all for giving his fans their space cop. I just want my everyman hardluck hero.

Yeah, somehow Kyle in space doesn't seem right to me.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by profh0011:
I somehow got the impression Salaak was dead... or something. During Steve Englehart's GLC run, it always struck me that if they did a GLC cartoon, the perfect actor to do his voice would have been Jonathan Harris! (But I don't get that sense here...)

Jonathan Harris? I might have to do an imdb search there. I don't usually envision actors when I read comics, but for some reason I "heard" Rene Auberjunois ("Odo" from ST:DS9) as Salakk.

And yes, Salakk did kinda die in the "GL vs. Aliens" mini. It's been a topic of debate since whether or not an intercompany crossover like that was in continuity. I guess we have our answer now!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Yeah, somehow Kyle in space doesn't seem right to me.

I know I started this whole "Hal in space, Kyle on earth" discussion, but at the same time I can see the merit in taking characters out of their usual milieu. More for Kyle than Hal, since Hal's been earthbound before. With Kyle, at least he's acting more like himself here than in "Rann/Thanagar" and there's certainly no "rookie syndrome" this time (nice nod to that with Kyle's "It's a rookie thing" line - meaning that he's advanced beyond the Marz-imposed perpetual amateur status).

Unlike what was done to Hal in "ET", this actually is "growth" of a character, rather than ripping him apart. I'm sure things will eventually even out or swing the other way where Kyle will be back on earth more and Hal in space more.
Posted by profh0011 on :
"Jonathan Harris? I might have to do an imdb search there. I don't usually envision actors when I read comics, but for some reason I "heard" Rene Auberjunois ("Odo" from ST:DS9) as Salakk."

Hmm. I'll have to see if I "get" that in the next issue. I'm a big fan of Odo. Of course, Englehart's GLC was years before DS9-- but I've been a fan of LOST IN SPACE since late 1965!

I do have a habit of trying to "cast" actors in roles-- particularly if I have the feeling that the ORIGINAL artist who first drew a character may have actually done so. Take Hal Jordan! Gil Kane was on record that he based Hal on Paul Newman. But I've NEVER seen that in about 99% of all the GL comics I've ever read, because nobody but Kane ever drew him that way... and under early-60's DC house-style "smooth" inkers, how could you tell? (The joke I heard was that by the 50's or 60's, "Superman looked like he was drawn in a BANK.")

The one time I MIGHT have taken Hal for Newman was the O'Neil-Adams issues... when Hal, Ollie & Dinah seemed patterned after Paul Newman, Robert Redford & Katherine Ross from the then-recent movie, BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID. (Redford, with a moustache, was a REAL argumentative hard-head in that film! Newman was the easy-going one... for a change.)
Posted by Stargazer on :
I am glad the Corps is back...

I really liked issue 1 and I have to say the best part was Guy mooning Batman. Priceless!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Not that it would have gotten Guy anywhere - that bloke used to be so level-headed before the accident which turned him into a loud-mouthed obnoxious jerk! When did this change in personality occur?
Posted by Blacula on :
LAM - After he woke up from his coma during the Crisis.

I thought this was a great first issue and I'm totally on board for the rest of this mini! After the shuddering disappointment that is Rann-Thanagar War I decided I was never going to buy anything Gibbons-written again. But when I saw this I thought 'Oh well its only 6 issues and I like the GLC so what the heck?'. Now I wish it was an ongoing! Loved it! (Though that's probably more down to Johns than Gibbons but what the hey!)

Random thoughts :

- I didn't love Soranik Atu as much as the rest of you but she definitely has potential.
- Loved seeing old GL's like Sallak, Brik, Kilowog and especially Stel again! Who was that nameless green guy from Uxor though? He can't have been the Green Man as he died in Invasion (rather grossly). Is it someone else from his planet?
- Was very impressed to see some consistency with the new alien GLs in Green Lantern #4 also being shown here - specifically that rodent GL and that frog GL who were having trouble with yellow.
- Gleason's art was fantastic!
- Great to see lots of very alien looking GLs in the background. All those new GLs we were introduced to in the GLC Quarterly of a few years ago being humanoid was one of my biggest problems with that series.
- The characterisations were spot-on all round I thought.
- Some nice, intriguing mysteries brewing.
- I wish Soranik Atu had been more purple like Katma Tui and Sinestro. She looked more hispanic than Korugaran.

Very much looking forward to the rest of the series!
Posted by profh0011 on :
"After the shuddering disappointment that is Rann-Thanagar War I decided I was never going to buy anything Gibbons-written again."

Dave Gibbons has been one of my favorite artists since his run on the Tom Baker DOCTOR WHO strips. But his "writing"... EH! Didn't he write the WORLD'S FINEST mini-series illustrated by Steve Rude? I looked forward to that for so long... INCREDIBLE artwork... and a story I couldn't follow for the life of me. (Yeah, it's been a while...)
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
I wish Soranik Atu had been more purple like Katma Tui and Sinestro. She looked more hispanic than Korugaran.

Put this into an Earth perspective and it works out. Make an assumption that Korugar, like Earth, has people with different skin colors.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Ok I read it. I liked it. I mean it's no Steve Engleheart Corps (yet) but I liked it. [Smile]
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Blacula:
I wish Soranik Atu had been more purple like Katma Tui and Sinestro. She looked more hispanic than Korugaran.

Put this into an Earth perspective and it works out. Make an assumption that Korugar, like Earth, has people with different skin colors.
The funny thing is that normally I'm all for this sort of diversity of skin colours on alien planets. I think it was that Shadow Lass issue of 'Legends of the Legion' that showed all those Talokians of different hues of blue - and I loved it!

But here it majorly annoys me for some reason. Actually now that I think about it - I think its because her current skin colouring means she could too easily pass as an Earthling - and I'm all about the GLC looking 'alien'! If she were another shade of purple or violet or even bright pink I'd have absolutely no problem with it. Hopefully future colourists, or even issues of this series, will make her more purple.
Posted by Caliente on :
I'm curious about the plot and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue but I thought the art was somewhat lacking. Though the Guy-mooning-Bats moment was the Best. Thing. Ever.

I really liked Kyle's role here. I like that the Guardians appreciate what he's done for him and that he's not the rookie anymore even if he still feels weird sometimes. Since Kyle's "my" GL (he was the GL when I started reading comics -- yes, I am that young [Razz] ), I really like seeing him grow. Finally. And he's also my favorite so I'm really curious as to what his fate will be.

All in all, I really liked the series. Go team Geoff!! [Wink] But, then, I bet y'all knew I felt that way...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Jonathan Harris? I might have to do an imdb search there.

Jonathan Harris played Dr. Smith on LOST IN SPACE.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Jonathan Harris? I might have to do an imdb search there.

Jonathan Harris played Dr. Smith on LOST IN SPACE.
He also played an intergalactic Pied Piper on LAND OF THE GIANTS [Smile]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
You know reading this again reminds me how much of a miss the new Hal Jordan series has been for me. I think it's been announced that GLC will be an ongoing after Crisis.
Posted by Frio on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
You know reading this again reminds me how much of a miss the new Hal Jordan series has been for me. I think it's been announced that GLC will be an ongoing after Crisis.

Really? When/Where/How did you hear about this? And will it be Geoff Johns at the helm or someone else? We need info here! [Wink]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Starting in March of next year, the Green Lantern Corps: Recharge creative team of writer Dave Gibbons (Rann/Thanagar War) and artist Patrick Gleason (Aquaman) launch the DCU's stellar peacekeepers into a new ongoing Green Lantern Corps series.

"The thematic elements of Green Lantern Corps will be friendship, duty, and honor as well as rebuilding, not only physically, but emotionally for many of these characters," Editor Peter Tomasi explained. "Not being set on Earth, this book will also have a distinct grand space opera pedigree that sets it apart from the solo Green Lantern title."

While Kyle Rayner, kilowog and Salakk will be key members of the GLC cast, Gibbons makes no bones about who he considers the star of the book:

"Guy Gardner is our prime Lantern," Gibbons shared. "He's a roaming troubleshooter with no fixed sector and through him we get to explore a universe feeling the reverberations of Rann/Thanagar War and Infinite Crisis."

But while Guy will recieve his share of the focus, Tomasi is quick to ensure that this is very much an ensemble book.

"Green Lantern is Hal's book, but Green Lantern Corps focuses on the dynamic of a large group and how things like recruiting and training work," said Tomasi. "The first arc will focus on how different members view the Corps very differently."

In addition, Tomasi promises several guest stars and a classic GL villain with a creepy new outlook.

"This is a majestic new era not just for Hal Jordan, but the entire Green Lantern mythos," teased the editor

Source: Wizard 167, pg 17
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
No Arisia.

And Katma Tui is deceased I believe

So is Arisia. [Frown]
Coincidentally, my two favorite GLs of all time, especially Katma Tui. I guess that's why I've had a harder time getting worked up over the various shake ups to the GL status quo for the past decade or however long it's been. On the plus side, I guess because of that, I was more relaxed and able to enjoy Kyle's stories than some of the die-hard Hal fans.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
by any chance....are Chaselon, Eddore, and Olaphet there in the group?
Posted by Caliente on :
Okay, I'm sorry but Guy Gardner does not need to be the center of any book ever again. Ever. [Shudder] I am definitely traumatized.

But it will be good to have Kyle as a mainstay in a book and I really do love the whole idea of the Corps and the way it's been presented thus far. I just hope a different creative team will do Geoff's vision justice. [Wink] Kidding, I kid.

The artist worries me some, though. Is it the current guy on Aquaman?? Because... ew. I do not like the look on that book at all. >< Groddy.

Thanks for the news Tamper!! ^_^ My hero.
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
by any chance....are Chaselon, Eddore, and Olaphet there in the group?

No. None of them are unfortunately.

Chaselon was one of the GL's Hal left floating in space after Emerald Darkness (or whatever that downfall story of his was called) so you'd think he'd be among the captured GLs seen at the end of Green Lantern #3 (who were all the other GLs that Hal had left floating in space) but for some reason he wasn't there. Hopefully he'll make an appearance somewhere soon though.

Eddore died quite a few years ago I thought - but I could be wrong about that.

Olaphet - I can't remember who this GL is. Was this that floating plant one? He/she/its not mentioned in this issue anyway and I don't remember any GLs matching that description in the background of any panels.
Posted by Stealth on :
I like Gibbons' writing.

I think Gleason's art is just okay, nothing special.

Back in the day, I used to hate Guy Gardner, but this current version (which I first saw in Rebirth) has the obnoxiousness toned down to just the right level -- another Johns miracle.

I don't like Soranya Atu, and unless she evolves into something more than a humorless, one-dimensional machisma, I probably still won't like her in the future. They should have just retconned Katma Tui back to life, the way they've done with other members of the Corps.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Stealth:
I like Gibbons' writing.

I think Gleason's art is just okay, nothing special.

Back in the day, I used to hate Guy Gardner, but this current version (which I first saw in Rebirth) has the obnoxiousness toned down to just the right level -- another Johns miracle.

I don't like Soranya Atu, and unless she evolves into something more than a humorless, one-dimensional machisma, I probably still won't like her in the future. They should have just retconned Katma Tui back to life, the way they've done with other members of the Corps.

I've heard the name Dave Gibbons from somewhere - wasn't he an artist, too?

Secondly, how many female GL's were there in the entire history of DC?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
They can't bring Katma Tui back to life without changing the dynamics of the John Stewart character.

If she were around in space, he'd probably not want to hang around Earth with Hal. That would mean that Hal would have to hang around Earth with Kyle, since it's obvious that Gibbons loves Guy. This probably wouldn't work because of the divide in Green Lantern fandom.

It seems neither Johns or Gibbons really favours the Kyle character. This new version of Guy is not so bad though, reminds me of someone I know, down to the ugly mug.
Posted by Stealth on :
QUOTE]I've heard the name Dave Gibbons from somewhere - wasn't he an artist, too?

Secondly, how many female GL's were there in the entire history of DC? [/QB][/QUOTE]

LAM, Dave Gibbons drew the overrated 1986 maxi-series Watchmen, which Marvel has spent the last few years ripping off in its stupid Ultimates line to great profit and my disgust.

[ September 25, 2005, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Stealth ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
While Kyle Rayner, Kilowog and Salakk will be key members of the GLC cast, Gibbons makes no bones about who he considers the star of the book:

"Guy Gardner is our prime Lantern," Gibbons shared. "He's a roaming troubleshooter with no fixed sector and through him we get to explore a universe feeling the reverberations of Rann/Thanagar War and Infinite Crisis."

But while Guy will recieve his share of the focus, Tomasi is quick to ensure that this is very much an ensemble book.

"Green Lantern is Hal's book, but Green Lantern Corps focuses on the dynamic of a large group and how things like recruiting and training work," said Tomasi. "The first arc will focus on how different members view the Corps very differently."
Source: Wizard 167, pg 17

Ugh, Gardner holds no interest for me. I've been been a big space opera fan, and the GLC concept turned me off. I read GL for Kyle and don't want to read about a book that Kyle occasionally appears in. Guess my GL days are drawing to a close.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
"Not being set on Earth, this book will also have a distinct grand space opera pedigree that sets it apart from the solo Green Lantern title."

CRAP!! I hate this! After waiting all this time for Hal to be back, they rip away from him one of the things that made him unique within the DC pantheon -- his connection to the corps!! I loved that Hal wasn't just some "hero in tights", he was a space cop! Hal's GL title should include that space opera crap! GGGrrrr.......

Btw, I'm also intrigued by the lizard guy, Isamot Kol -- I like that they took the initial criteria for being a GL, fearlessness and honestly and turned it one its head a bit with someone who has those qualities in spades, but isn't exactly heroic.
Posted by profh0011 on :
"Back in the day, I used to hate Guy Gardner, but this current version (which I first saw in Rebirth) has the obnoxiousness toned down to just the right level -- another Johns miracle."

You know, that reminds me of EXACTLY how I felt about Wolverine in the X-MEN movie. Hugh Jackman's portrayal was SO close to the comic-book character-- except he managed to smooth the rough edges off JUST a tiny bit, but it was enough to make me really LIKE the guy for the first time, EVER! (Good thing, as he was the central focus of the movie!) What was funny was reading later that he almost got fired, because in real life he was such a nice guy he had trouble being as "nasty" as they wanted him to be. When I read that, I laughed-- because the job he turned in was, to me, EXACTLY "right"-- more than I could have hoped or imagined.
Posted by profh0011 on :
"I've heard the name Dave Gibbons from somewhere - wasn't he an artist, too?"

Dave Gibbons drew the Tom Baker run of DOCTOR WHO in the DOCTOR WHO WEEKLY / MONTHLY / MAGAZINE, and the first story of the Peter Davison run. These have all been reprinted, first by Marvel in a comic-book format, more recently in TPB collections. From everything I've ever seen, the best DW comics EVER (and the series has been running NON-STOP since 1964!!!).

Gibbons got me reading GREEN LANTERN regularly for the first time (the character had never impressed me outside of JLA) when he teamed with Len Wein. This was right after Hal's year in space, a "punishment" for back-talking the Guardians, apparently. UNFORTUNATELY, while Gibbons wanted to do epic space adventure, Wein decided to "get back to basics" and have Hal on Earth with Carol Ferris, etc. This was when Carol pulled her "me or the Corps" crap-- and Hal-- THE IDIOT!!!-- picked HER! So just to rub it in his face, the Guardians then replaced him with John Stewart, who's been a steady GL (barring some interruptions) ever since. This was also the period when we found out Arisia was in love with Hal-- and heartbroken that he'd quit the GLC for any reason!

Gibbons got bored with Wein's stories-- so he left. Wein decided to quit, TOO! Why couldn't he have quit FIRST? Then we might have had a LOT more Gibbons art. I believe the editor ALSO quit (oh wait, Wein WAS the editor... hah!) So a whole new era started with Andy Helfer as editor, STEVE ENGLEHART as writer, and Joe Staton on art. Sometimes I think Staton's "cartoony" style isn't quite right for straight adventure books... but it's obvious how much he loved Arisia, on every page he drew her on.

Gibbons also did a couple LEGION stories over the years... and that WATCHMAN thing. (Yawn) Terrific story-- but surely NOT worth hundreds of imitators!!!
Posted by SLK on :
This is exactly the kind of arrangement I've been waiting for.

John Stewart remains with the JLA keeping some consistency with teh cartoon and giving that character some much-needed credibility.

Kyle, Kilowog, and a toned-down Guy are in charge of a massive new Corps in an ongoing space-opera series!!

Hal Jordan off in his own little book where I don't have to see him ever again!! (except for the inevitible crossover, grrr)

I hope GLC outsells Hal Boredom out of the market!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by SLK:
I hope GLC outsells Hal Boredom out of the market!

Ah, and anti-Hal trollism rears its ugly head. I keep my anti-Kyle thoughts to myself out of respect for his fans (especially no name-calling or wishing bad things to happen to him), but if you want to throw down that gauntlet, it's gonna get really ugly really fast...

This should be a great time for all GL fans (although maybe less so for impatient John fans). Why bring the hate?

[ September 25, 2005, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
It would be good if all three Lanterns (Hal, Kyle and John) set aside their differences and work together alongside other denizens of the GL corps - each guy is as good as the other - and though this will not get me a position within the Diplomatic Corps, it is, after all, just MHO... [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by legionadventureman:
It would be good if all three Lanterns (Hal, Kyle and John) set aside their differences and work together alongside other denizens of the GL corps - each guy is as good as the other - and though this will not get me a position within the Diplomatic Corps, it is, after all, just MHO... [Smile]

The characters themselves don't have any problems with each other, it's certain fans who feel a need to antagonize the others' fanbase that's the problem.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by legionadventureman:
It would be good if all three Lanterns (Hal, Kyle and John) set aside their differences and work together alongside other denizens of the GL corps - each guy is as good as the other - and though this will not get me a position within the Diplomatic Corps, it is, after all, just MHO... [Smile]

The characters themselves don't have any problems with each other, it's certain fans who feel a need to antagonize the others' fanbase that's the problem.
Thats just what turns me off about the DC message boards, Drake - Legion World at least shows respect for its followers and topic posters... [Frown]
Posted by SLK on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by SLK:
I hope GLC outsells Hal Boredom out of the market!

Ah, and anti-Hal trollism rears its ugly head. I keep my anti-Kyle thoughts to myself out of respect for his fans (especially no name-calling or wishing bad things to happen to him), but if you want to throw down that gauntlet, it's gonna get really ugly really fast...

This should be a great time for all GL fans (although maybe less so for impatient John fans). Why bring the hate?


Them's fightin' words!! Let's go!! C'mon! You wanna' fight!?!


No fighting, huh?

Ahh nuts. Oh well. The best of luck to Hal Jordan's book actually. Hope you guys enjoy it and it has a long healthy run. I'm just soooo grateful that I can enjoy a GLC book without (hopefully) seeing Hal in it.

To me Hal is like Superboy and the LSH in the Adventure era. I understand that w/out him there'd be no GLC to read about. But it still seems like he's there hogging panel time away from all of the other far more interesting characters I could be seeing.
Posted by profh0011 on :
"Thats just what turns me off about the DC message boards, Drake - Legion World at least shows respect for its followers and topic posters..."

I recently went back to the DC boards for a look-see. The level of intelligence and politeness hasn't changed a bit. Which is why I spend more time here.

I was just saying to a friend on the phone tonight, something that really struck me about the current GL issues is, I think they're actually BETTER than I can EVER remember the book being. This is both the GL and GLC books. It just makes me wonder... what took DC around 4 DECADES to do the thing right???
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by profh0011:

I was just saying to a friend on the phone tonight, something that really struck me about the current GL issues is, I think they're actually BETTER than I can EVER remember the book being. This is both the GL and GLC books. It just makes me wonder... what took DC around 4 DECADES to do the thing right???

I agree. I like the Johns/Pacheco GL with Hal Jordan better than any previous monthly GL book. And even though I have mixed feelings about GLC, the likes outweigh the dislikes and I think it has a good chance of improving in the future.

Does anybody know if and when there's going to be a GL: Rebirth TPB? I only read #6. I loved it so much, it led me into buying the other new GL books. But of course I'd like to read the whole story.

EDIT: Since making this post, I have purchased the hardcover of GL: Rebirth. Not only did I love the whole story, but it will always have a special place in my heart, as it'll always remind me of the excitement I felt when I started getting back into comics in 2005.

[ April 21, 2007, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Stealth ]
Posted by Stealth on :
So...the Green Lantern Corps mini-series ended a long time ago, and the GLC ongoing has been around for almost a year now, and I have to say it is by far the most consisently pleasureable of the few DC ongoings that I buy. Unlike Hal's book, it hasn't gotten bogged down in unnecessary angst. On the other hand, GLC artist Patrick Gleason can't hold a candle to the various top-drawer artists who have worked on Hal's book; but Moose Baumann's coloring on GLC has a similar effect to Lovern Kindzierski's coloring on the Jim Fern issues of L.E.G.I.O.N. -- it compensates for the weak art (and even at his worst, Gleason is never as bad as Fern.)

The one who really deserves the kudos is GLC writer Dave Gibbons. He has proved from the very start that he didn't need Geoff Johns at all, and in fact, Gibbons has been consistently better on GLC than Johns has been on Hal's book. That's why Gibbons was my first choice for new writer of the LSH ongoing, and I keep hoping that once Tony Bedard is done on LSH, Gibbons will take over.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that Soranyk Natu has grown on me and Princess-turned-Lantern Iolande is awesome.

[ April 21, 2007, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Stealth ]

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