This is topic the ALL-Let's Choose a Comic for EDE to Start Reading thread! in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
I miss when EDE used to read comics!! Let's choose one (or more) for him to read and then peer-pressure him into reading it so we can get reviews!

Right off, I will toss the Walking Dead out there. He's into the TV show and this series is easily and readily available in TPB form!

What else might EDE enjoy reading, and why?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Morning Glories! It's quirky, fun and original, all of the things that EDE craves with a new comic book reading experience.

And yes, he must read the Walking Dead as well!

We must be vigilant! One wrong recommendation could send EDE into a spiral of comic book dismay!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Chew is a MUST! [Yes]
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Ummm... Legion of Super-Heroes?

Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Ummm... Legion of Super-Heroes?


Edie tried the Levitz relaunch, but unlike Mikey and Life cereal, he didn't like it. [Frown]
Posted by Power Boy on :
Y the Last Man.

It's in a similar format to TV so the transition should be easy .....

also available in tpb.

besides then EDE and I could chat all the time about Y the Last Man and how great it is. (that's a plus right???)
Posted by MLLASH on :
So we have:





And since EDE didn't care for the LSH relaunch, maybe he should try out ADVENTURE when Levitz and Jiminez start the Acadmey stories? I thought the previous Acadmey story by them was really good and Jiminez brings a level of experience, imagination and talent to the artwork that Cinar just cannot match yet.

EDE: Do any of these titles interest you??
Posted by MLLASH on :
I thought of another I would throw out there:

WELCOME TO TRANQUILITY. It's like Alan Moore's SUPREME in that it uses analogue-heroes and fun flashbacky covers and stories within the more modern current-day stories. Also a huge cast of fun characters.

Hmm. Now that I mention it, Moore's full run of SUPREME is available in 2 TPBs and I am about 99% certain EDE would love that series!
Posted by Power Boy on :
sadly Y the Last Man has finished (it had like 70 issues though... and was fantastic!)

.... so if we're going with contemporary:

what about I, Zombie?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Note the fact that I'm only likely to read TPBs!

(I've actually read an issue or two of Y the Last Man, and it seemed pretty groovy!)
Posted by MLLASH on :
lessee... I know Y TLM, and TWD are easily available as TPBs. Series one of WtT is available in 2 trades.

Morning Glories will be traded after # 6 I believe I just read, with # 7 going down in price from $3.50 to $2.99 at that time.

CHEW I dunno anything about trade-wise.

Ooooh, I ZOMBIE is really really good, but like the Acadmey stories is a monthly, not a trade. Though I'm sure I Z will be traded soon.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

CHEW I dunno anything about trade-wise.

Chew has three trades out already. In a world where chicken has been outlawed, the FDA is a powerful government agency. Agent Tony Chew works for the FDA, and he has a talent invaluable to them: the ability to eat anything and then be able to learn anything about what he's tasted. Sometimes, well, he samples dead dudes, and hilarity ensues!

It's a totally fascinating and unique series that mostly has a darkly comical tone to it. There's a large over-arching story that never fails to intrigue. The art is on the cartoony side but totally fits the tone of the stories. Definitely one of the books I most look forward to reading every month! I'm sure, though, that the trades would be an even more satisfying experience for you, Edie, that being your preference.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Ex Machina is also worthwhile for a few trades ...

as is Invincible ...

however I didn't love them like Y the Last Man or I Zombie.

but depending on EDE's preferences.

there is also Irredeemable, and the subsequent Incoruptable which i find pretty ok if you're waiting for the next Walking Dead trade to come out.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
If Eryk hasn't read Moore's Supreme trades yet then he must absolutely stop what he's doing RIGHT NOW, run out and get them, and then read them--refusing to leave his room until the trades are read. He will thank us tremendously for doing so!

They are so Eryk that it hurts!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Agreed! Commence: Operation Peer Pressure!!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I absolutely know a TPB that Eryk will FLIP OUT over should he purchase it: Green Hornet: Year One by Dynamite Entertainment. This is the Matt Wagner one, *not* the Kevin Smith one. It's so good that it actually causes me physical pain to know comics can reach this level of quality but usually don't.

I also recommend the first trade of the Zorro series by Dynamite (also by Matt Wagner).

These two series will show why these two characters are so popular but they are not slaves to nostalgia. In fact, they are so good that if Eryk reads them, I full expect him to hop in his car, drive to my house and buy him several beers in thanks. :nods:
Posted by MLLASH on :
I wonder if EDE will really check out any of these trades?

Somehow I feel he is merely toying with my emotions!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Further opinions on this topic?

I listened to a couple of episodes of the Green Hornet radio series to other night, and so I'm really considering it...
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by MLLASH:

CHEW I dunno anything about trade-wise.

Chew has three trades out already. In a world where chicken has been outlawed, the FDA is a powerful government agency. Agent Tony Chu works for the FDA, and he has a talent invaluable to them: the ability to eat anything and then be able to learn anything about what he's tasted. Sometimes, well, he samples dead dudes, and hilarity ensues!

It's a totally fascinating and unique series that mostly has a darkly comical tone to it. There's a large over-arching story that never fails to intrigue. The art is on the cartoony side but totally fits the tone of the stories. Definitely one of the books I most look forward to reading every month! I'm sure, though, that the trades would be an even more satisfying experience for you, Edie, that being your preference.

I MEAN it, Edie! If you try Chew and don't enjoy it, then you're just dead inside. REALLY!
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'm with the Chief on this one. Get Chew...asap.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Further opinions on this topic?

I listened to a couple of episodes of the Green Hornet radio series to other night, and so I'm really considering it...

Knowing your tastes (somewhat) and confident in the high quality of the series, I know you'll love it!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
PS - Zorro is equally as good and the art is beautiful to behold!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Green Hornet Year One and Zorro, Vol 1 ordered!

Chew next on the agenda!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yes! Can't wait for your reviews!!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Chew next on the agenda!

YES! Make it ASAP!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I now have GH:YO in my possession, and have read #1!

If the quality holds up to the level of the first issue, expect review overflowing with enthusiastic praise circa Monday!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It will & can't wait! I knew you'd like it!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, one way of knowing that a comic is good is when it makes you think about just how awesome the particular character it features is. I had this feeling while reading Green Hornet: Year One.

There are a number of super-heroes that have a connection to newspapers. But unlike Superman, for whom the newspaper is first and foremost a convenient place to gather information, or Spiderman for whom it is a convenient job given his tendency to be there when news is happening, the Green Hornet, as emphasized by Wagner, really embodies the ideals of journalism.

Britt Reid is the second generation owner of the Daily Sentinal, and inherited from his father the quest for truth, to expose the racketeers and corrupt politicians who prey upon the weak and innocent. In a society in which news is almost always filtered through a particular some particular corporate/political agenda, it's refreshing to read about a character who is really out to expose the bad guys just because they're bad.

Of course, part of the Green Hornet story is that sometimes journalism is not enough. In the classic Green Hornet radio stories (and the 60s TV show utilized this format as well), Britt and his reporters would pursue a certain issue as far as they could, until they hit a stumbling block (usually conveniently about halfway through an epidose), and he'd go into action as the Green Hornet. The basic schtick of the Green Hornet, of course, is that he poses as a criminal who imposes himself into the operations of the bad guys in order to gather further information and shut them down.

So, I haven't talked much about the book itself, but it's a really sweet account of the origin of the Green Hornet, as we see his first major operation in the GH identity interspliced with various scenes of his and Kato's growing up, and the path that led their meeting and their quest against evil. There were a couple of points at which I felt the story was being dragged on a bit long (the old "writing for the trade" problem), but overall the pacing was pretty solid.

Anyway, good stuff overall!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great point about the way media is portrayed in GH:Y1. It really is held in high esteem, as it was in the 30's pop culture.

Really glad you enjoyed it! Wagner seems to be a master of showing why these characters are so damn cool in the first place. He accomplishes the same thing in Zorro.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Chew Vol 1-3 and Zorro Vol 2 shipped today!

Zorro reviews to come!
Posted by Dev Em on :
You may have sold me on tracking down GH:Y1. Is it a period piece?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Yeah, it's set in the 30s (plus flashbacks).
Posted by Dev Em on :
Getting it then. Wagner writing a period piece is awesome!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You're going to flip out over Zorro. Honestly, it basically restored my faith in comic books about iconic characters after I just about had given up on them.

And for Zorro, the artwork adds incredible layers to the story-telling as well.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Yeah, I read the first volume of Zorro, but I it was late at night and I was still kind of under the Green Hornet buzz, so I want to read it again along with volume 2!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Scored the first trade of GH:YZ tonight.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Scored the first trade of GH:YZ tonight.

Hope you enjoy!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
UPDATE: I've read the first three issues of Chew. Liking it better with each successive issue!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thing keeps getting better.
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
I liked Zorro, but then again I like anything by Matt Wagner.

But seriously, what is the big deal with the Walking Dead? I've never really liked zombies all that much to begin with, but between this title, it's TV show, and Marvel's near-obsession with them, I'm REALLY starting to hate zombies.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Thing keeps getting better.

Yeah, I was actually a little worried after the first issue, because I kind of liked it, but something just wasn't gelling for me. But Amelia really rocked.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Each subsequent arc (trade) has gotten better and better! The most recent issues introduced what may end up being my favorite character in the series, Tony's twin sister!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
One thing I'm really liking about it is that it reads really well in single issue fashion (I've been reading an issue a day).

Hoping the rumored television series comes about.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
UPDATE: I've read the first three issues of Chew. Liking it better with each successive issue!

YAY! It's good to know that you're NOT dead inside, Edie!

Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
I MEAN it, Edie! If you try Chew and don't enjoy it, then you're just dead inside. REALLY!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by The Flying Fool:
I liked Zorro, but then again I like anything by Matt Wagner.

But seriously, what is the big deal with the Walking Dead? I've never really liked zombies all that much to begin with, but between this title, it's TV show, and Marvel's near-obsession with them, I'm REALLY starting to hate zombies.

Could write a few pages in response, but let's see...

First and foremost, The Walking Dead and Marvel Zombies are in no way similar books at all. Aside from having the concept of zombies in both...there's not much else.

As far as The Walking Dead goes...if you don't like Zombies...probably not going to like a Zombie book. This book though is about way more than zombies though. There can be several issues in a row that feature no zombies, or feature them as only the barest of background filler. It is more about the people and what living in a world that has gone through, and continues to go through this "apocalypse".
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by The Flying Fool:
I liked Zorro, but then again I like anything by Matt Wagner.

But seriously, what is the big deal with the Walking Dead? I've never really liked zombies all that much to begin with, but between this title, it's TV show, and Marvel's near-obsession with them, I'm REALLY starting to hate zombies.

Could write a few pages in response, but let's see...

First and foremost, The Walking Dead and Marvel Zombies are in no way similar books at all. Aside from having the concept of zombies in both...there's not much else.

As far as The Walking Dead goes...if you don't like Zombies...probably not going to like a Zombie book. This book though is about way more than zombies though. There can be several issues in a row that feature no zombies, or feature them as only the barest of background filler. It is more about the people and what living in a world that has gone through, and continues to go through this "apocalypse".

^ I totally get where Flying Fool is coming from though. Zombies have reached the over-saturation point in pop-culture IMO. (Though I am still a big fan of The Walking Dead book and show - minus the sucky last episode of season 1.)

Re: Green Hornet Year One. My comic shop overcharged me so when I went back in to get my money back I decided to just use it as credit to get a TPB instead. I came *this* close to getting this book... but decided to finally embark on the Y: The Last Man journey instead.

I may still go back and get it at some point though because Madame Xanadu has turned me into a big Matt Wagner fan.

Question - is the Wagner, GH-verse self-contained? Or is it related to the Kevin Smith (or other) books I saw on the shelf next to it?
Posted by MLLASH on :
How have zombies become over-saturated? IMO, there aren't ENOUGH zombie projects in the works. [Smile]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Over-saturation should never be used as an excuse to check out a book as good as TWD! This one is oft imitated but never surpassed--truth!

I wonder if EDE's enjoying Chew will cause Mikey Lash to be peer-pressured into trying it? [Hmmm?] Sure seems right up his alley....
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
Re: Green Hornet Year One. My comic shop overcharged me so when I went back in to get my money back I decided to just use it as credit to get a TPB instead. I came *this* close to getting this book... but decided to finally embark on the Y: The Last Man journey instead.

I may still go back and get it at some point though because Madame Xanadu has turned me into a big Matt Wagner fan.

Question - is the Wagner, GH-verse self-contained? Or is it related to the Kevin Smith (or other) books I saw on the shelf next to it?[/QB]

The Smith books are set in the present day, but I'm not sure if they're supposed to take place in the same universe as the Wagner GH. Certainly, they aren't needed to appreciate the awesomeness of the Wagner version!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Afraid I'm not currently in the market for new reads at present, Lardy. I still have several comics to read from my last trip to the CBS 2 weeks ago.
Posted by Dev Em on :
The Walking Dead is to Zombies like American Vampire is to Vampires. They stand apart from the current pop culture glut of both properties.

I'm not a Vampire fan, and am sick to death of the current obsession with them in just about every aspect of our cultuure, but would feel cheated out of a great book if I wasn't reading American Vampire.

I happen to love Zombies, but do not get into most of the comics about far, just The Walking Dead and I, Zombie. Both are intriguing takes on the topic.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I Zombie .... is now available in TPB.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Mike Allred is love.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Mike Allred is love.

Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Blacula:

Re: Green Hornet Year One. My comic shop overcharged me so when I went back in to get my money back I decided to just use it as credit to get a TPB instead. I came *this* close to getting this book... but decided to finally embark on the Y: The Last Man journey instead.

I may still go back and get it at some point though because Madame Xanadu has turned me into a big Matt Wagner fan.

Question - is the Wagner, GH-verse self-contained? Or is it related to the Kevin Smith (or other) books I saw on the shelf next to it?

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Perhaps Blacula will participate in the future thread in which Power Boy and I talk about how great Y: The Last Man is?
Posted by Dev Em on :
several of us here will be glad to particpate in that thread. [Yes]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Still haven't got around to reading Zorro, but, in EDE-comic buying news, I actually picked up LSH: The Choice. Review probably coming to the Legion forum in a month or two, when I get around to reading it!
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Perhaps Blacula will participate in the future thread in which Power Boy and I talk about how great Y: The Last Man is?

when is THIS happening!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

also, i started on Godland, which is amusing, kirby like art, lots of pop culture jokes, not sure how i feel about it. I've done three TPB's and probably in for two more.

it's a bit like Invincible but better.

the art and the jokes are definitely the draw, it could be taken to the next level if the overall plot was somehow more appealing.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You should totally start a Godland thread, PB! I've been interested in that series forever but haven't checked it out.

Eryk, looking forward to your reviews on Zorro and the Legion! And Chew!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Guess who totally bought 5 Legion comics today?

Click Here For A SpoilerIt was me.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Holy Cannoli!

Looking forward to the reviews!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Guess who totally bought 5 Legion comics today?

Click Here For A SpoilerIt was me.


Now I gots to read mine, so I can read your reviews!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Still haven't got around to reading Zorro, but, in EDE-comic buying news, I actually picked up LSH: The Choice. Review probably coming to the Legion forum in a month or two, when I get around to reading it!

Did you read this? Did you regret it? [Wink]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I actually have both collections released so far from the last series, but haven't read either one! I'm waiting for the third so I can read them all together!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
See LSH: Secret Origins #1 for my first review!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, re: The Walking Dead.

I've now read the first eight trades (basically through #48). My feelings towards it are actually kind of mixed. There are certainly a lot of bits I've really enjoyed, but other parts that just didn't do much for me at all. I kind of disliked the whole storyline of the Governor/Woodbury, for example. So, I don't know. I'm actually liking the tv show much better so far.
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I'm actually liking the tv show much better so far.

Yeah, me too... It just seems Kirkman on his own is all over the place. I'm fairly current with having read the seventh HC, only about a year or so behind the current monthlies, and it just feels like Rick and the group are Goldilocks in a mattress factory looking for the bed that's "just right"...

The show isn't perfect... the dead are too quick, but I think that's for visual dynamism. The book does it right in that it's the numbers or the lurkers that get you, not being run down by the Kenyans of the zombie world.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Knowing you (Eryk) for a number of years online, I've tried to figure out the best series fit for you. Meaning, I don't want to recommend something to you that I don't firmly believe you'll love.

I keep coming back to Fables--I really think you'll enjoy the heck out of the series, especially those first few volumes.

Another one is the current Daredevil series, but only start with the recent #1. It's on #5 now. So I would wait until the trade came out and then get it. I bet you'll be shocked at how much you like it. It's probably the only Big 2 superhero series I can recommend to you with 100% confidence. Even if you don't know or like Daredevil, I think you'll like it.

And lastly, Atomic Robo is probably the series you'll enjoy quite a bit. It's intelligent, funny as hell and just full of adventuresome fun. If you were a part of the cast of a comic, I would expect you to be in Atomic Robo.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As for Walking Dead, I can see how it might not be everyone's cup of tea. By the Woodbury / Governer stuff I was totally and utterly drawn in.

Something always present in Walking Dead is the sense of moving forward, regardless of who or what is lost along the way. So there is always a sense of characters never given the chance to be fully explored, moments that would have been good to focus on being missed, locations not be utilized, etc. Kind of like real life. It's something I've seen in Stephen King's writing too.
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
While I def. think Kirkman has some annoying habits (like having a HUGE CAST and NEVER making use of them in favor of the 2 'main castmembers'-- dude could NEVER write LSH!!!) I always thought overall TWD was very addictive and well-done... I'm sorry you weren't that into it, I feel responsible!

I'll add this- if you aren't all that curious to continue on, NOW is defintely a PERFECT stopping point, before the 'No One is Safe' arc.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Lash, Edie said he read thru 48--that's the end of the whole prison/Governor arc.
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Oh wait... I think you DID read 'No One Is Safe', didn't you?

Ummm... ignore second paragraph in previous post!!
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Lash, Edie said he read thru 48--that's the end of the whole prison/Governor arc.

Just caught that too... where's my head at? *looks at Tyreese*
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH classic:
... where's my head at? *looks at Tyreese*


Seriously, TWD comic is seriously bleak. Moreso than the TV series to this point. Issue 48 (and that arc) particularly nails that home. I can see how this book wouldn't necessarily be someone's cup of tea, especially Edie from what I know of him.

I hope you continued to enjoy Chew, though, Edie!
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
I'm worried now EDE will never trust my opinion again.. *bites fingernails*
Posted by Lard Lad on :
At the very least, Lash, I think he's taken that matching nelly hat he was going to give you for Xmas back for a refund! [Elastic Lad]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It's definitely a very addicting, and in many ways compelling, storyline. And there's a number of bits I've found really fascinating, such as Carol's fate. I think part of what annoyed me is the frequency of torture/mutilation of characters that began with Woodbury. It just seemed kind of over the top. I think the TV show is much stronger for keeping a certain character who dies early on in the comic as well.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Knowing you (Eryk) for a number of years online, I've tried to figure out the best series fit for you. Meaning, I don't want to recommend something to you that I don't firmly believe you'll love.

I keep coming back to Fables--I really think you'll enjoy the heck out of the series, especially those first few volumes.

Another one is the current Daredevil series, but only start with the recent #1. It's on #5 now. So I would wait until the trade came out and then get it. I bet you'll be shocked at how much you like it. It's probably the only Big 2 superhero series I can recommend to you with 100% confidence. Even if you don't know or like Daredevil, I think you'll like it.

And lastly, Atomic Robo is probably the series you'll enjoy quite a bit. It's intelligent, funny as hell and just full of adventuresome fun. If you were a part of the cast of a comic, I would expect you to be in Atomic Robo.

Atomic Robo is definitely on my list of things to check out!

Daredevil, huh? I have to admit that it's not a character I've had any interest in in the past...
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Daredevil is one of my current faves, EDE, and I hadn't read him in 40 years. Check it out!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Atomic Robo Vol. 1 = Total EDE Love.
Posted by Blacula on :
I keep hearing nothing but good things about Atomic Robo. It's definitely a book I will check out at some point in the future.
Posted by Blacula on :
Actually, I've got a quick question about Atomic Robo and this seems the best place to ask it -

I notice on Wikipedia that there were a bunch of 'Free Comic Book Day' Atomic Robo stories. Are they included in the TPBs too?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Not sure, but I bet Pov knows.

Eryk, glad you're loving Atomic Robo! I knew you'd l love it!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Have now finished through Vol. 3! Still loving it!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Isn't it AWESOME?

V. 3, with the cool time travel, may be my favorite, though the next one is a contender too. V. 4 will rock your face off!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Okay, so I think I've now read all of Atomic Robo to this point (including the first three issues of Ghost of Station X), and it is definitely one of my favorite things ever!

At first I was a little concerned about the jumping around in time, but it's actually amazing how well it's been used to build up a really awesome mythology. It just seems to get better and better as it goes along! I suppose if there is one slight complaint it might be that I'd like to see a little bit more development of some of the supporting cast (particularly the current action science team), but that's pretty minor in comparison to the overall awesomeness of it all!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I keep waiting for EDE to try the new Daredevil series (remember, just the newest one by Mark Waid & friends) and being like "HOLY CRAP! I can't believe I like this!"
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jeepers! I just ordered the first trade!
Posted by Power Boy on :
I may be joining you on those trades, I was really impressed with the most recent issues, and I just jumped in randomly.

The style of art suits it, and I love Matt Murdock's new outlook on life, and I really enjoy the clever use of villains and situations to capitalize on Daredevil's unique perspective on super heroing.
Posted by Power Boy on :
aww man the softcover's not available yet ! I'll have to wait
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You're both going to be like: "wow, if Marvel always did Daredevil in such a cool way, I'd have been reading it for the last 20 years!"
Posted by Power Boy on :
That's exactly what I'm thinking !
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So I read the first trade!

Definitely some solid super-heroing going on here! Interested enough to check out more, at least!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
^ I knew you'd enjoy it! As I said, it's much better than a lot of what is being published by either DC or Marvel.

So I've been thinking about other comics to recommend EDE, and it's kind of a cool process because I know Eryk will buy single issues digitally. So I started to think, which single issue stories of the last few years would be good recommendations?

- Certainly the first and second issue of the brand new Lone Ranger series by Dynamite. These are fantastic done in one stories that could easily be feature length films. Excellent stuff.

- One of the coolest pirate stories I've ever read was in Elephantmen #7 by Image. It features an anthropomorphic Hippo as the Captain, so that should clue you in that its very fairy tale-esque; but its quite frankly a pretty brillaint story with some heavy subject matter.

- Avenging Spider-Man #5 was a pretty great one issue story featuring Spider-Man and Captain America but I'm not sure how great it would be to someone who doesn't already love those characters. So that gets a recommendation but slightly less strong than the others. Likewise, FF #17 features one of the best 'two heroes as roomates' / 'night out on the town' story I've read in a long time featuring Spider-Man and the Human Torch. Both of these issues are more personal than action-driven but they are both pretty fantastic.

As for ongoing series or mini-series that I think Eryk will really love, he's already checking out two brillaint ones in Peter Panzerfaust and Danger Club. One brand spanking new one that I know he'll enjoy is Resident Alien by Dark Horse, which only has the first #0 issue out (collecting three back-up stories that kicked it off).

Saga and Fatale, of course are the amazing new series by Image. Each one having the potential to be the new flagship series of their respective genre in comics (sci-fi and noir).

There was a four issue series that I loved a few years ago called Four Eyes, about a boy in the depression who gains a pet dragon. In this depression, you see, illegal dragon fighting is a major spectacle and run by gangsters.

So there are a few more recommendations!
Posted by Power Boy on :
btw I just devoured the latest MORNING GLORIES trade (#3) ... fantastic.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Also, I flipped through Danger Club #3 today at the comic store ... I really enjoyed it but decided to wait for the trade as it seemed really in the middle of things. can't wait.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Fatale book two is off to an even better start than book one!

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