This is topic E2 Alan Scott is the ex-straight "iconic male" DC character to be rebooted gay in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Lard Lad on :
So according to various articles, including this one, DC is going to be switching the sexual orientation of an established character very soon. The article makes it appear as if it's someone who we've not yet seen in the New 52.

I don't know what to make of this. It could be a good thing, or it could just be exploitative, especially if it is who I think it's going to be.

Who do I think it will be? Vibe. He's shown up in the FCBD "New 52" edition and is confirmed to be returning soon. Two problems with that:

1) Vibe's a much-maligned character who many fans appear to be glad was killed off. Many say he was a horrible Latino stereotype.

2) Given Latino stereotypes, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there one about gay Latinos? I can't put it into words, but maybe someone can explain it? In any case it would seem heavy-handed for DC to kill two diversity birds with one stone by re-introing a Latino hero who is also now gay.

Any other thoughts on the general concept, on who else DC might be thinking of doing this with and on my thoughts about Vibe?

[ June 02, 2012, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I wonder if it could be an Earth-2 character?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I wonder if it could be an Earth-2 character?

That's a possibility. That would kinda remind me of how Mark Millar made Colossus gay in the Ultimate Universe. I was never a big fan of that, especially how Millar seemed to be kind of crass about it in how it was handled.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Well, it'd be a pretty big thing if they made Alan Scott gay, for example.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Maybe its the Vic Sage Question?

The whole things feels pretty exploitive / marketing driven / purposely shock-inducing...which goes right along with the Dan Didio DC Comics we've come to know.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I think we need more bisexuals ... or try sexuals ...

The Ray + Black Condor 4Ever.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:

1) Vibe's a much-maligned character who many fans appear to be glad was killed off. Many say he was a horrible Latino stereotype.

2) Given Latino stereotypes, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there one about gay Latinos? I can't put it into words, but maybe someone can explain it? In any case it would seem heavy-handed for DC to kill two diversity birds with one stone by re-introing a Latino hero who is also now gay.

I'm not sure in real life but ... judging by how many latin comics characters are gay I'd say it's a comic character stereotype! [LOL]

There are so few of either I'd be annoyed at yet again double dipping.

almost as annoying as another asian Legionnaire with a dragon plastered all over their costume or in their name ... don't these writers live in New York ... where are they meeting people named 'Harmonia' ?
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
There are so few of either I'd be annoyed at yet again double dipping.

... except for Black Condor John Trujillo ... 'cause he's hot ... and I always thought he and the Ray were a cute couple. [Wink]

[ May 21, 2012, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Power Boy ]
Posted by SharkLad on :
I can also see how DC may choose to use an Earth-2 character... Alan Scott came to mind...

If Damian Wayne was older, I think it would make an interesting story if the son of Batman was gay...
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
The recent Vibe cartoon short was totally cute!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Well, it'd be a pretty big thing if they made Alan Scott gay, for example.

I was thinking Alan Scott also.

If not an Earth 2 character, I was thinking Booster Gold. To steal an idea from Dr. Who, he is from the future and might not have any hangups regarding sexual orientation.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well...we have the Bunker who is a Latino gay character and hes appearing in Teen Titans. from what I hear, hes well-liked.

today, they said that the newly-gay character is appearing in I was thinking of who? certainly not Steel...jimmy Olsen? but He's not a hero. hmmm who else is a hero appearing in Superman books? Gangbuster? hes not that iconic.

Flamebird? Nightwing? haha. right.

yeah Vibe...saw him last Friday....hes doing far better in Cartoon than books, eh? first in JLU and then now in DC Nation...hmm.
more importantly. LIAN HARPER!

Bibbo?!? nah. probably not.

updated news on newly-gay character -
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I don't think it necessarily is from Superman. I think the rainbow Superman logo was just something the blogger put up.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
MAJOR ICONIC character? That rules out Vibe for sure. My GOODness... I'm kinda torn on this issue. This is gonna make a lot of fanboys mad, I bet. At least they are doing this in the DCnU and not doing it to a character in the previous universe who was already a well-established straight person... except they probably kinda are. WHO could it be?

I'm going to lay my bet down here:

Posted by MLLASH's back on :
I kinda hope it isn't Ollie... I'd rather it be someone whose comic I haven't already dropped! That leaves the following:

SUPERMAN (They may do it to stick it to Josh Siegel)
AQUAMAN (Mera would be pissed)
FRANKENSTEIN (giggle!! sadly he's not iconic... or IS he???)

I think the rest of the DCs I am buying are team comics...
Posted by Dev - Em on :
from the article...

>And they ae about to reintroduce a previously existing DC character who was previously straight and now will be “one of our most prominent gay characters.”<

This leads me to believe it is definitely someone we have not seen yet in the DCnU.

That narrows the field quite a bit.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Who is ICONIC that they haven't re-introduced yet?

OMG... one of the former Teen Titans?

Wally? Garth???
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Plastic Man?
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Plastic Man?

[LOL] That would be SCREAM.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Ambush Bug...The Heckler?

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'm going for Alan Scott. He did have a gay son [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Didn't they say the character hadn't been used since the sixties?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I didn't see that anywhere. And would a character not used since the sixties really be iconic?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Sarge Steel? kind of iconic from 60s with Carlton Heroes. hmmm.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
It's RED TORNADO! He's going to be a gay robot, which obviously rocks (and is something I am totally going to steal if it turns out to be true)
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
Who is ICONIC that they haven't re-introduced yet?

since the 60s?

Bob Hope?
Jerry Lewis?
Don Rickles?
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Did Charles Nelson Reilly ever appear in a DC comic?? [Wink]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:

That was tits!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Hee-hee-- it's the phone game! I don't think anyone's said it'll be an iconic character, just a prominent one. Which DC's gonna call any character they're promoting.

I also don't think they said it'd be a hero. Maybe it's a villain... but that'd be surprising. So would Wally West or Garth (though reintroducing those two along with Donna would go a long way towards making me more fully enjoy the new DCU- whatever their sexual orientation(s)...).

So-- 'important'. The Atom? Adam Strange? Captain Comet? The Doom Patrol's Chief? Has Pete Ross shown up yet? The Creeper? Too many possibilites and too little info... but guessing's fun.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
FRANKENSTEIN (giggle!! sadly he's not iconic... or IS he???)

Frankenstein is most certainly iconic, just not as a comic character.
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
This is gonna make a lot of fanboys mad, I bet.

Yeah, it always does.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Guess I wrote too soon concerning use of the word 'iconic'...
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
C'mon -- it's obviously Apache Chief...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
^^It will be revealed that "Inuk Chuk" is Apache for "Nice ass, Batman!"
Posted by Power Boy on :
aw ... Apache Chief and Samurai sitting in a tree ... k i s s i n g ...

Dr. Fate has already been Transgender. Maybe it won't be him.

Captain Comet ! [Big Grin]

(might be interesting to have an ex military comic character be gay.)
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The Ghost of J.E.B. Stuart!
Posted by Power Boy on :
well ... who are the icons that haven't been introduced yet ... sort of a 2nd string icon if he wasn't one of the original characters for the reboot last year ...
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
Atom is probably the most iconic character who hasn't appeared, at least in costume, since the new 52.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Atom had one of the moe interesting straight relationships, at least so far as reversing the suerphero/girlfriend relationship cliche back in the day. Ray Palmer wanted to get married and Jean Loring was the one resisting it.

But given where Jean went toward the end there, he's better off with guys.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I thought I'd look through the June solicits for clues and hints... not that there's any guarantee that the character in question will be mentioned or even alluded to at all. But worth a look, perhaps.

Weather Wizard, Scarecrow, Killer Croc and Mister Bones are all named and I don't *think* any of them have appeared in the new DCU.

Perhaps putting a different spin on 'icon', the Order of Van Helsings in I, VAMPIRE, the Totems in ANIMAL MAN and King Arthur in DEMON KNIGHTS are also listed as debuting in June.

Characters who are either brand new or at least have a name I don't recognize include the Irradiated Man in WORLD's FINEST, Chrona Mota in CAPTAIN ATOM, Rakshasa in FIRESTORM, Doctor Cognate in GREEN ARROW, Nimrod the Hunter in ACTION, Hypnotic in DETECTIVE, Paragon in NIGHTWING, Metamerican and the Meta-Marines in LEGION LOST. Could Metamerican be Metamorpho? Any of these could be a new identity for a new DCU debut.

And if they aren't enough, some figures alluded to but not named are: a new JL villain, The Burners in JLI, the mastermind of the Court of Owls and members of the afore-mentioned Order of Van Helsings and the Meta-Marines.
Posted by Power Boy on :
people are speculating it's not actually a hero but ... Jimmy Olsen or some other 'character'.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Please oh please don't let it be Steve Lombard
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jeepers! I bet it's Alfred!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Unless I missed something, the news is that a story in June will reveal an iconic character to be gay, not that his first appearance in this 'continuity' will be in June.

Even so, Atom seems like a safe bet, as nothing particularly revolutionary/interesting has been done with him since the 80s.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Didio's quote from the panel as covered by Bleeding Cool was 'about to reintroduce' or 'about to be reintroduced'. Which could be taken a couple of ways, I guess.

Other DC people have chimed in, though.

The bits that apply are in the fourth paragraph.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thomas Wayne!
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Jeepers! I bet it's Alfred!

He and Jimmy Olsen were writer Peter David's guesses on Facebook.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'm still thinking Alan Scott.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I'm still thinking Alan Scott.

I'm with you. I thought it might be Al Pratt, but the word "iconic" really seems to apply more to Green Lantern than to the Atom.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Can we all agree at least that we hope it's not Vibe? [shrug]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
When you mention Vibe, I am reminded of Xtrano. But I doubt it is Xtrano because he was never previously heterosexual.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
He was ALWAYS a flaming queen!

Posted by the Hermit on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

Perhaps putting a different spin on 'icon', the Order of Van Helsings in I, VAMPIRE, the Totems in ANIMAL MAN and King Arthur in DEMON KNIGHTS are also listed as debuting in June.

I vote for King Arthur
Posted by Shining Son on :
Alfred or Jimmy Olsen could be consider iconic in their way, but that would be to us, not the denizens of the DCU, so it depends if they're playing wordgames.

But I don't see how any amount of wordgaming would make Steve Lombard qualify as iconic, so I think we're safe there.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Can we all agree at least that we hope it's not Vibe? [shrug]

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... you can't get much more "iconic" than Uncle Sam!

Sorry, Brittania, but John Bull's more his type!
Posted by Set on :
From those suggested upthread, Booster Gold is halfway there, since he's always reserved his true love for a man, himself!
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
EDE, Uncle Sam actually sounds like a good bet. First of all, they're re-introducing at least some of the Freedom Fighters soon (new Ray mini-series, and a Phantom Lady series with Doll Man as her partner), and it would fit in with the current political trends to portray a gay man as embodiment of the American spirit.
Posted by Power Boy on :
If it's not Uncle Sam ... I will throw a Darkseid level tantrum!
Posted by Power Boy on :
This thread has jumped the shark btw ... the ridiculousness of an Alfred, Thomas Wayne, Jimmy Olsen love triangle ... has just crossed my mind ... and poor jilted Jor-El.


Posted by cleome45 on :
It's all right, PB. After the Jesus/Hitler and the Arby's Hat/Hamburger Helper Hand fic, there's nowhere to go but up.

More or less.
Posted by cleome45 on :
On a related note: Doc Mayavale is obviously bi. This is not in dispute. As the saying goes: Twice as many chances for a betrayal on a Saturday Night.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm, the Hamburger Helper Hand fic sounds like it could be moving.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
Actually, in retrospect, I'd say Uncle Sam is NOT a candidate - I don't believe he was ever shown to have any romantic attachments to women before. He was just not a sexual type at all. If the character was clearly heterosexual before the New 52, it had to be someone who's had a girlfriend or wife.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I was going to point that out, but I was afraid of provoking a Darkseid-level tantrum on Peeb's part.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I wouldn't rule someone out for lack of romantic attachment alone, but I do agree that Alan Scott is a good possibility. It could be seen as something to appease Obsidian fans.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
and it would fit in with the current political trends to portray a gay man as embodiment of the American spirit.

Which political trends would those be? Seems to me in the last decade it's been far more likely to be accused of doing so than I recall it actually being done.

Frankly, I'm so tired of the uproars that I'd rather it not be Uncle Sam. I guess, in that way, they've won, but I just don't feel like hearing over a fictional character right now, it just let's them divert focus from the really important stuff.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Now as far as the Freedom Fighters, Uncle Sam may be breakout iconic, meaning he's not specific to the comics medium, but within the field they'll all somewhat equally iconic. In the same ballpark at least.

Doll Man... well I never figured out why a straight guy back then would call himself Doll anything. I think his costume set off my gaydar too, was it the bare legs?

Black Condor's costume just seemed like only a macho gay man could pull it off.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The only Quality Comics character who I would really describe as "iconic" (ignoring Uncle Sam, who, as pointed out, is only iconic because he's not specifically a comics character) is Plastic Man, who I suggested earlier.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
I wouldn't rule someone out for lack of romantic attachment alone, but I do agree that Alan Scott is a good possibility. It could be seen as something to appease Obsidian fans.

I was under the impression it was going to happen in Superman, which would rule out E2 characters.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
Shining son:

Which political trends would those be? Seems to me in the last decade it's been far more likely to be accused of doing so than I recall it actually being done.
You haven't noticed a trend toward greater equal rights for gay people and legitimate marriage for gay couples in most political arenas in the western world?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
This thread has jumped the shark

Are you saying it will be our own Sharklad who will be revealed to be gay?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Well, my dorsal fin is rather iconic...
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
Shining son:

Which political trends would those be? Seems to me in the last decade it's been far more likely to be accused of doing so than I recall it actually being done.
You haven't noticed a trend toward greater equal rights for gay people and legitimate marriage for gay couples in most political arenas in the western world?
It is one thing that there is more support for gay rights in the western world and another to have the embodiment of America be gay. I mean some people still have a problem seeing anyone who isn't white as an American.

And I would see the embodiment of the American spirit as not having any particular sexual orientation but emcompassing all sexual orientations.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
What about the Hawkman, or even Hawkgirl of Earth 2. That would certainly create a new wrinkle in the whole Hawkman / Hawkgirl thing.

Just a thought, as she is being reintroduced soon.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I don't know if they are planning a Hawkman for Earth 2. I think that the popularity of a Hawkman-less Hawkgirl on the Justice League cartoon may mean no Earth 2 Hawkman. We do know the gay character is male, so that rules out Hawkgirl.
Posted by the Hermit on :
Maybe they'll merge two Golden Age characters: The Spectre and the Gay Ghost. [Smile]
Posted by Shining Son on :
CMK, Quis beat me to it. My comment was indeed responding to your exact statement, not what was perhaps your more generalized meaning.

I don't recall any such symbol portrayed as gay, with the possible exception of Rawhide Kid, who as a cowboy could reasonably fit as representational of the American spirit.

But certain insane elements of society have claimed several characters as secretly gay, if not all American, such as Tinky-Winky the Teletubbie just for being purple and carrying a magic bag that looks like a purse.

And of course it happened decades ago too, with Dr. Wertham accusing Batman of pederasty.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Dr. Wrentham was right!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I don't know if they are planning a Hawkman for Earth 2. I think that the popularity of a Hawkman-less Hawkgirl on the Justice League cartoon may mean no Earth 2 Hawkman. We do know the gay character is male, so that rules out Hawkgirl.

Yeah, forgot about the male thing.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Dr. Wrentham was right!

If he was really Doc "Wrentham," it would help explain his fascination with flying creatures.

Also, on the left of that last link there's an ad for "Quilting Queens" or something. You've gotta' love the internet...

[Rainbow Girl]
Posted by Power Boy on :
d a r k s i d e LIVES!!!!!!

[Sprock That!] [Ambush Bug] [Robin - Tim Drake] [Smash] [Arm-Fall-Off-Boy] [Alloy 12] [Darkseid]

[Happy Birthday!]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
More and more, it's looking like Alan Scott. And from the get-go, a lot of people (like Quis) were guessing he'd be the one. Make me wonder:

- why was he the first to come to mind? I ask that because A LOT of people guessed Alan Scott. Is it because Obsidion no longer exists, therefore DC lost a well known gay character, and therefore having his father assume that role fits?

- when can we start joking about his weakness to wood? [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: - when can we start joking about his weakness to wood? [Big Grin] [Razz]
Oh, it's never too soon!
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
- why was he the first to come to mind?

Because, as the E2 GL rather than one of the main guys, he's not in the main [real] DCU, and so is "safe" just like how Marvel feel able to have a black Spider-Man in the zombie-like Ultimate U?
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
But certain insane elements of society have claimed several characters as secretly gay, if not all American, such as Tinky-Winky the Teletubbie just for being purple and carrying a magic bag that looks like a purse
Yes, and how are those elements of society regarded these days?

And especially amongst comics creators, who have hitched themselves to the gay-rights bandwagon en masse for years already?

I think that these creators would see civil rights as an American value, and a gay man, gays being the currently trendy civil-rights cause, as the ultimate expression of that value.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Originally posted by Power Boy:
This thread has jumped the shark

Are you saying it will be our own Sharklad who will be revealed to be gay?
I do hope there is no S&M storyline involving Roy Scheider.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
But certain insane elements of society have claimed several characters as secretly gay, if not all American, such as Tinky-Winky the Teletubbie just for being purple and carrying a magic bag that looks like a purse
Yes, and how are those elements of society regarded these days?.
As way too normal by a certain voter base and specific radio assholes, from what I see.

It sounds as if you're intimating that they've viewed as loons, but I see way too many voices in agreement with the loons. And not enough voices pointing out the lunacy. The Birthers are still going at it, and even Senators are still outspoken among them, so if you're trying to imply America is in any way more rational than before, we'll just have to agree to disagree and leave the politics out of this thread. (Oops, too late.) Things may be hopeful statistically, but there's still way too many squeaky wheels for DC to do these things casually and without great deliberation over expected benefit vs fallout.

Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
And especially amongst comics creators, who have hitched themselves to the gay-rights bandwagon en masse for years already?

I think that these creators would see civil rights as an American value, and a gay man, gays being the currently trendy civil-rights cause, as the ultimate expression of that value.

There's a big difference between how the creators see values and how much backlash the publisher is willing to deal with. Making a seriously popular hero (aka a valuable property) gay is a financial risk and this is a business, first and foremost, so I don't think their values have the last word.

(There's also some pretty rabidly antigay creators out there, who fortunately also don't get to toss their values into stories willy nilly.)

I just don't see DC making, say, Superman gay unless they simultaneously HAMMER HOME WITH GREAT EMPHASIS that this is but ONE Superman on MANY MANY EARTHS, and even then they'd be dealing with the Million Moms.

If DC wants to take that stand, bless them. But I'll believe it when I see it.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
Shining Son:

There's a big difference between how the creators see values and how much backlash the publisher is willing to deal with. Making a seriously popular hero (aka a valuable property) gay is a financial risk and this is a business, first and foremost, so I don't think their values have the last word.
I disagree. If sponsors or parent groups would object to Kevin Keller, then they'd be boycotting Archie, no less than if Jughead were suddenly revealed to be gay. If such sponsors would object to Batwoman, they'd be boycotting DC, no less than if an "icon" (though from the hints they've dropped, it's certainly not one of the really big names) were suddenly revealed to be gay. Clearly, the publishers in the comics companies are not seeing any serious loss of revenue from the high-enough profile pro-gay-rights matter they've put out there.

The creators and the publishers are quite comfortable with a pro-gay-rights position nowadays.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Certainly with Batwoman and plenty of supporting characters over the years, the waters have been tested.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I personally feel that Alan Scott or any of the Earth-Two characters would be pretty underwhelming choices. If they're making such a big deal of it, then it should be a prominent character in the primary reality. This choice may have some reverb through the comics-reading community, but the effect on the general public would be a huh? (if even that).

I feel that Alfred Pennyworth or Jimmy Olsen would both be much better choices because everyone knows those characters from their respective mythos. But if the "reintroduce" part is correct, I guess we won't get that.

Aside: If somehow it does end up being Alfred, I wonder if that could be a multi-media thing with something in Dark Knight Rises being done on-screen with Michael Caine's portrayal? The timing would be phenomenal! Now THAT would be something seismic! [Yes]
Posted by Candlelight on :
Well, I might have missed a page here, but, if it's not Alan Scott, just saying because it's fun to guess, maybe it's one of the Marvels.
Ya think?

Perhaps Marvel Jr.?

And have we seen Lex Luthor, yet?

He, and/or Shazam would make interesting copy for characters who have been around for a very long time.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Captain Marvel is about to appear in the backup in Justice League. We have seen Billy and Mary, but not as their heroic alter egos. But I think they would not use Captain Marvel because of the whole boy/man paradigm of the character. There are still too many people who freak out when it comes to kids and being gay.

Luthor we have seen in Action Comics. But I doubt it will be a villain.

Apparently the One Million Moms group has heard about this and Northstar's upcoming wedding and are none too pleased.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
One of the Marvels would really be cool though!!!!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Apparently the One Million Moms group has heard about this and Northstar's upcoming wedding and are none too pleased.

Yeah...1 million if you count each of them a couple hundred times.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
I personally feel that Alan Scott or any of the Earth-Two characters would be pretty underwhelming choices. If they're making such a big deal of it, then it should be a prominent character in the primary reality. This choice may have some reverb through the comics-reading community, but the effect on the general public would be a huh? (if even that).

I feel that Alfred Pennyworth or Jimmy Olsen would both be much better choices because everyone knows those characters from their respective mythos. But if the "reintroduce" part is correct, I guess we won't get that.

Aside: If somehow it does end up being Alfred, I wonder if that could be a multi-media thing with something in Dark Knight Rises being done on-screen with Michael Caine's portrayal? The timing would be phenomenal! Now THAT would be something seismic! [Yes]

I think they definitely want a hero not a supporting character.

Between Alfred & Jimmy, I'd prefer it to be Jimmy. In a way Alfred has been the female character in the Batman household*, so it would make him being gay seem just too stereotypical. Plus with the whole Batman/Robin being gay thing since the 50s makes me think DC will stay away from the Batman family for this. Although a tie-in with Dark Knight Rises is intriguing.

*In this I am talking about supporting characters that when you hear the supporting character, you can name the hero. Lois & Jimmy are tied to Superman. Iris Allen is tied to the Flash. Carol Ferris is tied to Green Lantern. Mera is tied to Aquaman. With Batman, you think of Robin, Commissioner Gordon, and Alfred. No female counterweight as it were. And of the three, Alfred performs those household tasks that have been historically female tasks.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Quis, according to Bleeding Cool, "sources" say it is indeed Alan Scott as you've suggested. They're not calling it confirmation, but history tells me BC's sources are much more reliable than they are not.

If this is the case, I'm not really upset. However, it does likely mean no Jade or Obsidian as we've known them. Both have a faithful cult following.

Again, I don't think doing this with Alan Scott is all that seismic in terms of DC making a statement. Given the alternate Earth setting and his obscurity to non-comic fans and to even some actual comic fans, the choice seems pretty "ho-hum".

The more I think of it, the more I like your logic behind the character actually being Jimmy Olsen over Alfred. It would have been much braver of DC, IMO, than Alan Scott. If sources are correct...oh well. [shrug]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
It's not like Northstar is all that non-obscure to non-comic book fans.

Still, no one (but the rabidly anti-gay) thought it would be any of the top tier characters.

And don't count Jade or Obsidian out. Gay men have been known to father children. Although storywise, even if Alan Scott was heterosexual, he needs to have contact with the ring/lantern/starheart before any kids he fathers get powers. So, you would still be looking at 10-15 years before you could have Jade or Obsidian. Although, comic years don't match real life years as we all know.

[ May 24, 2012, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
The most popular choices I've seen have been Vibe, Wally, or Ryan Choi.

I hope it's not Wally. All Wally needs is a new hero identity not a different sexuality.
Posted by Shining Son on :
CMK you're welcome to disagree but I would rather you understood my actual point and disagree with that if you like. I'm not talking about just any character, or new characters, or supporting characters. They are not going to take a risk of making Superman or Batman gay. That would reduce the character's significant monetary value. Batwoman was a new character (more or less:)), without any significant fan following and certainly no established multimillion dollar movie franchise.

While creating new characters who are gay (such as Kevin Keller) may make tiny fringe groups boycott the company as a whole, it's not the same as the as risking the biggest moneymaking properties' popularity with the still-sizeable American population that are uncomfortable enough with the idea that they'll skip a movie because "my Superman isn't gay". As much as the country has progressed, Rachel Maddow just mentioned tonight that gay marriage has still been voted down in EVERY state where the public has voted on it. (Hoping Maryland will change that soon!)

I would also point out that making Archie gay would have a similar reaction, but making Jughead gay would have a lot of people just saying "oh that explains it!"
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
It's not like Northstar is all that non-obscure to non-comic book fans.

Hey, never said Northstar wasn't obscure. He's relevant to this conversation only so far as he's Marvel's supposedly big concurrent gay splash. Alan Scott is less obscure than Jean-Paul Beaubier but not that much less. And if you boil it down to a blurb of "Green Lantern's Gay", you'd have to put an asterisk explaining that it's not the guy Ryan Reynolds played in that movie that bombed but a blond guy who was the original Green Lantern in the '40s who lives on a parallel Earth! Say WHAT?!?! [AHHHH!!!!]

Yeah, in THAT sense Vibe would be a better choice. At least he's an obscure guy who doesn't require much explanation. I think that if DC's gonna have a big "mystery gay" tease like it is, then the pay-off should be bigger. Otherwise, why the big deal?

The goal to me should be for gay characters to be ordinary and accepted parts of popular fiction, not the equivalent of movies-of-the-week. Alan Scott being remade as a gay character and trying to get massive publicity for it sounds like a cheap afterschool special. Jimmy Olsen...well, that would've been worthy of all this hubbub.

I will say this for Marvel: them having a gay character, however obscure, get married is at least a viable political statement in a time where the topic is hot and in the headlines every day. If DC is simply reimagining Alan Scott as gay, how can that compare? It's just a cheap move on their part to say, "hey, we're LGBT friendly, too!" when they've already got a book headlined by a lesbian heroine. The fact that Batwoman is the first(?) Big Two solo comic book featuring a LGBT star speaks for itself, I'd say. Too "last year", maybe?

Leave it to Archie Comics to show them BOTH the way with their Kevin Keller character!

Crap, I need to stop rambling! I hope y'all get my point? [Smile]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
And don't count Jade or Obsidian out. Gay men have been known to father children. Although storywise, even if Alan Scott was heterosexual, he needs to have contact with the ring/lantern/starheart before any kids he fathers get powers. So, you would still be looking at 10-15 years before you could have Jade or Obsidian. Although, comic years don't match real life years as we all know.

Yeah, after I posted that, I realized that Alan being gay wouldn't preclude him fathering children, so that was stupid on my part. Gay parenting in a mainstream superhero book would actually be another step forward!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Alan Scott sure seems to be the front runner (hee-hee!). That would eliminate one of my favorite of all superhero romances, though-- between Alan and Molly Mayne, the supervillainess-only-to-catch-her-man's-attention and the original Harlequin. Yeah, ol' Harley Quinn and her obsession with the Joker exists as a variation of the original. Roy Thomas once considered adding a male Harlequin to Infinity, Inc. I guess that could happen, and I might even enjoy it, but I'd always miss Molly and her wacky expanding lute and goofy romantic m.o. I was slightly optmistic about the prospect of reading a 'modern' take on the original Harlequin (the only thing I was making lemonade out of the lemons of all the 'youthening') Sigh. Even the moves D.C. make in their new universe that I'd ordinarily like have some ramification that saddens me. Which means it most likely is Alan Scott. 'Cause I don't want it to be.
Posted by TimeTrapR on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Quis, according to Bleeding Cool, "sources" say it is indeed Alan Scott as you've suggested. They're not calling it confirmation, but history tells me BC's sources are much more reliable than they are not.

If this is the case, I'm not really upset. However, it does likely mean no Jade or Obsidian as we've known them. Both have a faithful cult following.

Again, I don't think doing this with Alan Scott is all that seismic in terms of DC making a statement. Given the alternate Earth setting and his obscurity to non-comic fans and to even some actual comic fans, the choice seems pretty "ho-hum".

The more I think of it, the more I like your logic behind the character actually being Jimmy Olsen over Alfred. It would have been much braver of DC, IMO, than Alan Scott. If sources are correct...oh well. [shrug]

Ya know ive been looking all night and besides delving in the "comments" section of the link you provided I have yet to read anything that quotes sources of any kind.

Can anyone link me directly to a "source" hinting or pretty much summing up that it is Alan Scott or anyone else for that matter?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
While I'd love to see a major character turn out to be gay, I also hope it doesn't overwrite any GOOD established romances. We've already lost Clark-Lois and MJ-Peter in recent years.

When Obsidian was outed, I thought it was well-done because any heterosexual romantic relationships he did have were in the past. It's like if they turned Elongated Man gay - I'd hate it cause I love the Ralph-Sue marriage.

On the other hand, I've never relaly been a fan of Dinah-Ollie, so wouldn't mind Ollie turning gay (for example).

In any case, IF it is Alan Scott, and Obsidian is still extant AND gay too... that would make for some potentially good story-telling. Father-son bonding while checking other men out! Just as long as they bring Obsidian's boyfriend along. [Wink] On a more serious note, Todd could be a mentor figure to Alan in a way - help him deal with being gay, if he hasn't gotten comfy with it yet.

Of course, since everything's being rebooted it's a pretty moot point but...
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
One of the Marvels would really be cool though!!!!

Captain Marvel Jr wouldn't be a surprise though ... [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
And don't count Jade or Obsidian out. Gay men have been known to father children. Although storywise, even if Alan Scott was heterosexual, he needs to have contact with the ring/lantern/starheart before any kids he fathers get powers. So, you would still be looking at 10-15 years before you could have Jade or Obsidian. Although, comic years don't match real life years as we all know.

Yeah, after I posted that, I realized that Alan being gay wouldn't preclude him fathering children, so that was stupid on my part. Gay parenting in a mainstream superhero book would actually be another step forward!
Don't feel too bad as I originally had the thought of "I guess that would mean no Jade or Obsidian". Gay parenting is still a novel concept even for some gay people.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
The goal to me should be for gay characters to be ordinary and accepted parts of popular fiction, not the equivalent of movies-of-the-week. Alan Scott being remade as a gay character and trying to get massive publicity for it sounds like a cheap afterschool special. Jimmy Olsen...well, that would've been worthy of all this hubbub.

I agree that gay characters should be treated as ordinary and that their being gay is just another part of their whole character. But I would say that in the context of superhero comics, being a superhero is pretty ordinary. And if DC was going to have an existing character suddenly come from your state (or have some characteristic that you identify with & hasn't been seen in comics) would you want that character to be the hero or the supporting character?

I don't think DC is doing this just for publicity (of course the publicity doesn't hurt), so I expect that the character being gay is for good story telling and showing more diversity; and not as a movie-of-the-week deal.

The one concern I have in this regard is the character becoming the Steven Carrington of comics. Steven Carrington was the gay son on Dynasty, who then became straight, and then went back to being gay and then was straight again.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
One of the Marvels would really be cool though!!!!

Captain Marvel Jr wouldn't be a surprise though ... [Wink]
Neither would Uncle Marvel or Talky Tawny.

Althought you could add a fourth Lieutenant Marvel. Hill Billy, Tall Billy, Fat Billy, and Gay Billy

Hmmmm.... Gay Billy. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah!

Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
The goal to me should be for gay characters to be ordinary and accepted parts of popular fiction, not the equivalent of movies-of-the-week. Alan Scott being remade as a gay character and trying to get massive publicity for it sounds like a cheap afterschool special. Jimmy Olsen...well, that would've been worthy of all this hubbub.

I will say this for Marvel: them having a gay character, however obscure, get married is at least a viable political statement in a time where the topic is hot and in the headlines every day. If DC is simply reimagining Alan Scott as gay, how can that compare? It's just a cheap move on their part to say, "hey, we're LGBT friendly, too!"

Funny, I see this exactly the reverse. My guess is that James Robinson decided months ago that Earth-2's Alan Scott would be gay. No big deal, just one aspect of the character. Exactly in line with what you said above: ordinary and accepted.

Meanwhile, I see Marvel doing the calculation "hey, gay marriage is a hot-button issue right now, how can we capitalize on that to get some publicity?" and coming up with "well, we haven't made a big deal out of Northstar's queerness lately, let's hitch 'im up!"

After that, Didio's announcement was probably a typically tone-deaf response to Marvel's, making public an artistic/editorial decision that was already in the works. Maybe subsequent events will prove me wrong, but I doubt that, if it's Alan Scott, it happened because Northstar got married.

If either company is trying to exploit the issue, it feels more like Marvel to me.
Posted by Director Lad on :
I will say this, though: the Northstar storyline has been very good. They seem to be handling the relationship with tact and sensitivity, whatever their possible motives for writing it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It still strikes me that they'd be a lot better off taking a previously existing gay character (e.g. Obsidian) and working to make him an Icon rather than taking a previously existing Icon and making him gay.

Even sticking to classic JSAers, why not use someone whose orientation was less firmly established (I'm looking at you, Dr. Mid-Nite!)?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
The goal to me should be for gay characters to be ordinary and accepted parts of popular fiction, not the equivalent of movies-of-the-week. Alan Scott being remade as a gay character and trying to get massive publicity for it sounds like a cheap afterschool special. Jimmy Olsen...well, that would've been worthy of all this hubbub.

I will say this for Marvel: them having a gay character, however obscure, get married is at least a viable political statement in a time where the topic is hot and in the headlines every day. If DC is simply reimagining Alan Scott as gay, how can that compare? It's just a cheap move on their part to say, "hey, we're LGBT friendly, too!"

Funny, I see this exactly the reverse. My guess is that James Robinson decided months ago that Earth-2's Alan Scott would be gay. No big deal, just one aspect of the character. Exactly in line with what you said above: ordinary and accepted.

Meanwhile, I see Marvel doing the calculation "hey, gay marriage is a hot-button issue right now, how can we capitalize on that to get some publicity?" and coming up with "well, we haven't made a big deal out of Northstar's queerness lately, let's hitch 'im up!"

After that, Didio's announcement was probably a typically tone-deaf response to Marvel's, making public an artistic/editorial decision that was already in the works. Maybe subsequent events will prove me wrong, but I doubt that, if it's Alan Scott, it happened because Northstar got married.

If either company is trying to exploit the issue, it feels more like Marvel to me.

DL, there's little doubt in my mind that, assuming it's Alan Scott, it was probably originally a creative decision by James Robinson. But it just feels like DC felt they had to tease this the way they have in advance because of what Marvel did. Otherwise, they probably would have just let it unfold and allow fans to react after the fact. To me, the most important LGBT character in comics is still Kate Kane, so if DC really wanted to legitimately toot their own horn on the subject, they could always point to their Batwoman book.

As far as Marvel being worse for what they've done with Northstar, I'll differ again. Northstar has been out for well over a decade and was intended to be gay by his creator John Byrne, though editorial policy o the time wouldn't allow Byrne to explicitly show this on-panel. Further, Northstar's relationship with Kyle has been shown for some time and was really front-and-center during the recent Alpha Flight series. Yeah, maybe it feels exploitative given current headlines, but it didn't come completely out of nowhere. So I respect Marvel for that.
Posted by cleome45 on :
I'll add to Lardy's comment that it would be weird, maybe even off-putting, if Marvel wasn't hyping Northstar's impending marriage. Hoopla around superhero marriages is common for both The Big Two. Why wouldn't they hype this one, just as they have all the others?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I agree with Lardy that Earth-2 and confusion with the main GL disfavor Alan Scott.

I still think Atom makes the most sense.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Apparently the One Million Moms group has heard about this and Northstar's upcoming wedding and are none too pleased.

Yeah...1 million if you count each of them a couple hundred times.

A shopkeeper in CA has contacted the Angry Mommy Brigade and requested that they specifically picket his shop. He thinks it'll be good for business.

Posted by Shining Son on :
I would SO do that too if I had a comic shop!

Years ago I said I wouldn't bother to write a book unless someone promised me in advance to ban it.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Shining Son, just pick a local bakery or used car lot that you want to drum up business for, and send that address to the Angry Mommies. It's not as if these people know anything about comics anyway, so I'm guessing they'll just show up there without bothering to research first.

Hijinks ensue. [Big Grin]
Posted by KidChaos on :
I have no issue with Alan Scott being gay. It will be interesting to see how it develops, if true.

But *iconic*? C'mon....

Non-comic reading person:
(reading a Internet blurb about GL being gay) "Oh wow, that Green Lantern guy from the movie and cartoons is gay now?"

Fanboy friend:
"Well, no, it's his alternate dimension counter-part."

Non-comic reading person:
".... what?"
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
agreed. Iconic implies not just a big name within comics, but one that has permeated outside of the usual comics fanbase.
Posted by Pov on :
Alan Scott gay? ...well... he *has* always had a weakness for wood... [Big Grin] [Good] [Embarrassed] [Wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The Gay Lantern? [Hmmm?]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Nobody has made a "Pink Lantern" joke yet?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Pink Lantern? Didn't they sing backup for some 70s crooner?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I was going to make a joke about no respectable gay man wearing that color scheme, but thought better of it.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Maybe Obsidian and Damon could help him with his wardrobe.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Alan Scott gay? ...well... he *has* always had a weakness for wood... [Big Grin] [Good] [Embarrassed] [Wink]

From page six...
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
- when can we start joking about his weakness to wood? [Big Grin] [Razz]

Poor POV...three pages late and a pair of pants short. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Nobody has made a "Pink Lantern" joke yet?

What emotion would pink represent?

Green - will
Yellow - fear
Blue - hope
Red - rage
Violet - love
Orange - avarice
Indigo - compassion
Pink - ?????
Posted by Dev - Em on :
...being fabulous
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
... being hot?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
agreed. Iconic implies not just a big name within comics, but one that has permeated outside of the usual comics fanbase.

I don't necessarily agree. I think a character that spans 60+ years could be considered iconic even without non-fan recognition.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
If this news release was aimed just for comics audiences, I'd agree.

But since it was aimed wider, I don't think Alan qualifies. Moreover, for the alt-earths, alt-GLs factors for wider public confusion mentioned previously, it seems more and more unlikely.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
That would narrow their scope more than I would think that they would want to. There are really only a handful of characters that the general populace knows from DC Comics...and those have all been reintroduced already.

I think they are going to be a bit more liberal in their final definition of iconic.
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Poor POV...three pages late and a pair of pants short. [Wink]


Believe it or not, I DID check through the rest of the thread for a "wood" quip... Obviously not well enough... [LOL]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
With all the fun that a certain Mr. Matt provides over on FB, it's easy to get distracted here.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Those 1 million moms are buzz kills ... how irrelevant are they ... someone should sue them to take out 'mom' from their name.
Posted by Shining Son on :
You could probably get an actual one million moms to sign up for that as a class action thingy. Wouldn't win, but still.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Thinking about Alan Scott's claim to iconism, one could make a point that he was the first Green Lantern, and headlined his own series back when MOST boys read comics. Might have had a larger circulation and recognition in his day than any GL since has had.

That a fair percentage of that audience has passed away is a mitigating factor perhaps, but it's all in your definition of iconic.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
...being fabulous

Beat me to it, I was totally gonna say fabulousness.

Or perhaps flamboyance? Or even the other, other meaning of gay, 'carefree, happy.'
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Considering there's a "Mr. Terrific" and a "Mr. Fantastic", I'm really surprised there's never been a comic character named "Mr. Fabulous".
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Shining Son:
Thinking about Alan Scott's claim to iconism, one could make a point that he was the first Green Lantern, and headlined his own series back when MOST boys read comics. Might have had a larger circulation and recognition in his day than any GL since has had.

That a fair percentage of that audience has passed away is a mitigating factor perhaps, but it's all in your definition of iconic.

I still think it'd cause too much public confusion. DC would spend so much time trying to clarify the different GLs, Earth-2, and why none of the more recent GLs were chosen.

I'm not opposed to a gay Alan (or most any character being revised, save possibly for the ruining of a classic romance), but since this announcement has from the get-go been aimed at the public perhaps even more so than comicdom, I think DC knows it needs a simple message that will resonate, without having to explain too many genre-specific details.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I'm not sure it was initially aimed at the public. Didn't Dan Didio first made the announcement at a comic book convention? I would think if it was supposed to be made to the general public, DC would have issued a press release and/or held a press conference rather than make the announcement at a comic convention panel.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Alan Scott gay? ...well... he *has* always had a weakness for wood... [Big Grin] [Good] [Embarrassed] [Wink]

Hmm... this could also explain his fondness for Dickles*!

*Doiby, that is!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
^ Wocka, wocka!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
so looks like it is gonna be confirmed....not 100% yet but perhaps.

check out the link to Bleeding Cool -

and another joke on "flaming" ....heh.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Not quite sure what the point is in posting "a stronger source agrees with the first report, but I could still be wrong." So it's a stronger maybe now?
Posted by the Hermit on :
Of course they'll revert to calling him Sentinel because we all know that's more iconic than Green Lantern. [Confused]
Posted by Shining Son on :
Well at least it's more iconic to Alan Scott in particular.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
So it's Alan Scott.... MHSW!!!! (I always thought he was hot anyway!!)
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
At the risk of sounding cynical... does anyone really think this company really cares about breaking grounds with a new gay character?

The fact that they're turning one of their preexisting characters gay instead of coming up with a new one seems like a surefire way to attract more readers and regain old ones who've grown weary about the way Didio and his minions have handled things.

"Guess what? [insert name] is back!"


"Took long enough."

"Is Lian Harper alive yet?"

"But now he's gay!"


This feels exactly the same as when they announced Cyborg as a member of the Justice League. Breaking ground by adding in one of the most memorable characters they had to their premier team. Oh wait. They added him because he's black.
Posted by Shining Son on :
If they wanted a black member of the JL why not John Stewart? Because of the JL cartoon many people know him best and actually think he's the original anyway.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Because Johns spent so much time building up Cyborg in Flashpoint as that time's equivalent to Superman.

And since Johns is basically the architect of the DCnU... like he was with Infinite Crisis...
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Shining Son:
If they wanted a black member of the JL why not John Stewart? Because of the JL cartoon many people know him best and actually think he's the original anyway.

This is why I'm not so into news from comic conventions because they drop hints intentionally and to intentionally mislead just to keep the frenzy going about their event. And meanwhile say nothing about other events that are dropping, keeping their real surprises secret.

Anyhoo ... don't get me started on all the diversity talk before the reboot ... taking Vixen, Dr. Light and Black Lightning off the JLA to add a lonely Cyborg [shrug]

go diversity DC! <--- [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Candlelight on :
I still think that Shazam would have been a good choice.
I agree that 'Billy' would need to grow up some to become a William, but he needs to do that anyway.
Having Captain Marvel be the avatar of a child was always pretty silly and a little repulsive, to begin with.
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by Shining Son:
If they wanted a black member of the JL why not John Stewart? Because of the JL cartoon many people know him best and actually think he's the original anyway.

Anyhoo ... don't get me started on all the diversity talk before the reboot ... taking Vixen, Dr. Light and Black Lightning off the JLA to add a lonely Cyborg [shrug]

go diversity DC! <--- [Roll Eyes]

And over on JLI, taking Fire and vixen out of the equation. Boo!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's back:
So it's Alan Scott.... MHSW!!!! (I always thought he was hot anyway!!)

Stupid Q, but... What does MHSW mean?
Posted by Shining Son on :
I was wondering too.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :

Considering there's a "Mr. Terrific" and a "Mr. Fantastic", I'm really surprised there's never been a comic character named "Mr. Fabulous".
Mr. Nebula seems close enough.

Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
I'm not sure it was initially aimed at the public. Didn't Dan Didio first made the announcement at a comic book convention? I would think if it was supposed to be made to the general public, DC would have issued a press release and/or held a press conference rather than make the announcement at a comic convention panel.

I'd even hesitate to call it an "announcement." It was DiDio's response to a direct question about LGBT characters and whether his position on changing the orientation of previously straight characters in the new 52 had changed. He had previously stated that he'd rather see the company create a new character for whom being gay was part of the character from the get go, rather than altering a pre-existing character. The questioner asked the question in light of other changes to new 52 characters.
Posted by Jerry on :
It's officially confirmed. It is Alan Scott. He has a cute boyfriend and they have a kissing scene in next week's Earth 2.
Posted by Power Boy on :
A big strapping Alan Scott too!

I'm very pleased so far.

People seem to be concerned that there will be no Jade or Obsidian now, or Obsidian won't be gay but ... that seems something to think about WAY down the line, since this Alan Scott is young.

gays can have all kindsa kids anyways.
Posted by Shining Son on :
For those who haven't seen the big strapping Alan Scott kiss his friend (seems likely a boyfriend but the do like to throw in red herrings every so often), here's a link on geeksout.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on : "Sam" a totally new character? Or is there some obscure Golden Age character whose secret identity was "Sam" something? (Not counting Uncle Sam, I can't think off-hand of a "Sam" in the bunch, but James knows more of them than anyone with the possible exception of Roy Thomas.)
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm assuming it's a new character.

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