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Posted by cleome on :
C'mon. I'm not the only Southpaw on this board, am I? If you're out there, brother/sister/Threeboot Durlan Lefties, speak up!

It's time we got together and rose up against our oppressors. Failing that, we at least need a convenient spot to freely disseminate left-centric information.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'm not left-handed, but definitely left-leaning ...
Posted by cleome on :
Okay, but you'll still be expected to pay dues like everyone else.


"...I've been Rollin' Stoned and Beatle'd, 'til I'm blind
I've been Ayn Rand-ed, nearly branded
A KAH-MEW-NEST, 'cause I'm left-handed
That's th' hand they use! Well, never mind..."

-- from Simon & Garfunkel's "A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission)"

Really, it would be more at home in the "Groovy Thread," but what can you do?

I remember being disappointed when I found out that IRL, neither Paul nor Art was actually left-handed.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm often left behind, does that count?

And, FWIW, Paul McCartney made playing left-handed so cool that I tried to play the same way when I first started taking guitar lessons years ago. My instructor discouraged me from learning to play left handed, though. She said it might "confuse" my brain.
Posted by cleome on :
Cesar Rosas of Los Lobos is also left-handed. So was Folk Blues great Elizabeth Cotten.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
So was Jimi Hendrix. Of particular note: He played a right-handed guitar without the strings reversed for left-handed playing.
Posted by cleome on :
Cotten did as well. It's supposed to be one of the reasons that followers have such a hard time emulating her style.
Posted by Stealth on :
I'm left-handed, and...ahem...MOSTLY left-leaning, kinda like Marv Wolfman being left-leaning yet writing a comic book called Vigilante.
Posted by cleome on :
Okay, so... two of us so far.

I obviously need to invent some kind of Left Ray, or I'm never gonna' get this universe world board domination scheme off the ground.

[sigh] Evil is hard work.
Posted by Exnihil on :
I was found in a handbag in the left luggage department at Victoria Station, on the Worthing line.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
My best friend is left-handed. I, alas, am a total Northpaw. Politically, I'm pretty left.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'm almost ambidextrious...seriously. I write like a demented 6th grader with my left hand, but I can do it.
Posted by cleome on :

That's about the level I'm at with my right hand, but I'm not sure either of us would qualify as truly ambidextrous.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm right-handed but I've played hockey left-handed since I was a kid.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I am a lefty! There, I said it.
My 4th grade teacher, Sister Mary Ewalda,. told me that being left-handed was a sign of the devil.
Oh, the horrors of a Catholic education!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by cleome:

That's about the level I'm at with my right hand, but I'm not sure either of us would qualify as truly ambidextrous.

Yeah. That's why I went with almost. I could pass writing if something ever happened to my right hand, and with a bit of practice (okay, a whole lot) I could at least write with my left pretty well.
Posted by Set on :
Born a lefty, but the nuns beat that out of me in pre-school and I can't write with my left hand anymore.

After thirty years, I was re-united with family at the other end of the country, and *everyone* is left-handed. I felt like such a freak at Thanksgiving!
Posted by cleome on :
Whoa. Hearing that teachers are STILL peddling this kind of thinking in my lifetime and getting away with it makes me [Frown] .

When my Dad was a kid, his Mom yelled at his public school principal after finding out that they were forcing him to use his right hand; then labeling him "slow," "antisocial," et al when he understandably had problems.

My Dad was the only other Lefty in our immediate family, though he managed well with the right hand when he had to.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
I was found in a handbag in the left luggage department at Victoria Station, on the Worthing line.

Are you being earnest?
Posted by Dev Em on :
The other thing is, I started out going lefty, and my mother pushed me to my right. Which probably does explain a little as to why my writing has always been "bad."
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by cleome:
Whoa. Hearing that teachers are STILL peddling this kind of thinking in my lifetime and getting away with it makes me [Frown] .

The things I went thru in Catholic School( 9 years of it ) still give me nightmares!!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by cleome:
Whoa. Hearing that teachers are STILL peddling this kind of thinking in my lifetime and getting away with it makes me [Frown] .

I'm in my 40s, so it might not have happened during your lifetime. [Smile]
Posted by Dev Em on :'re soooooooo old. [Wink]

I turn 40 in a few weeks.
Posted by cleome on :
[drift]Set wouldn't waste all this energy buttering me up if he knew that my next avatar will be Slappy Squirrel in a Legion costume.[/drift]

As a jazz fan, I only found out today that Ornette Coleman is left-handed. It's not the sort of thing you normally notice in a horn player, without being told. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Slappy Squirrel? Too cool.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Lardy, Lash and Cobie as the Goodfeathers.
Posted by cleome on :
I see Lardi more as Godpigeon. [Hmmm?]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm a lefty!!!!

However, whenever I play baseball (which is rarely-to-never nowadays), I bat right handed, but throw with my left hand. Also, I use scissors in my right hand. Now that I'm in the hair academy, I am learning to do all the hairdressing services RIGHT HANDED! It's going fine, only some slight awkwardness/discomfort.

Anyway, the important thing is that I SKETCH with my left hand!!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh yeah, my dad is left handed as was my grandma (his mom). My wife is right handed and all 3 of our kids are right handed.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh yeah, I got a "calendar/planner for lefties" for Christmas and it's so convenient/comfortable for me, I can't believe it, so I start off using it wrong. (You flip the pages the other way in case that wasn't clear.)
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh yeah, don't get me started on how many gadgets are nearly impossible for lefties to use comfortably. I also read some horrid statistic about the percentage of lefties who die on the job because the machinery, etc is made for the right handed.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm getting upset. I'm gonna go get a candy bar and watch Project Runway now. I bet sewing machines are made for RIGHTIES!!!!!!!


( [Wink] )
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm gonna hold the remote in my LEFT hand!!!!!!
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Originally posted by cleome:
Whoa. Hearing that teachers are STILL peddling this kind of thinking in my lifetime and getting away with it makes me [Frown] .

The things I went thru in Catholic School( 9 years of it ) still give me nightmares!!
From Roberta Gregory's Naughty Bits:

(when the anti-heroine has a nightmare about going to Hell: )

Demons: Look! A fallen Catholic! The choicest of the eternally damned!

Midge McCracken: But... I'm not a Catholic! I just went this one time to church...

Demons: [as they do unspeakable things to her] You went through the initiation ritual! Yeah, you're the property of the Pope!

Midge: What?! [beats the living tar out of the demons while swearing profusely]

Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Oh yeah, don't get me started on how many gadgets are nearly impossible for lefties to use comfortably. I also read some horrid statistic about the percentage of lefties who die on the job because the machinery, etc is made for the right handed.

I wonder how many job prospects got ruined for me because I can't score high enough on their stupid ten-key tests. IRL, it's not so hard for a Lefty to use a standard ten-key because you can actually turn it around. On the tests, you're stuck using the keyboard, and it just isn't gonna' happen.

I looked up the price of a Left-handed ten-key machine once and fainted for a week. [Mad]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Hah! Ten-key! That's that square shaped section of numbers that's WAAAAAAYYYYY over there------>

that I NEVER use!
Posted by cleome on :
Count yourself lucky, Dude.

It's a big source of frustration to me, being jobless mostly. I'm not allowed to count my inability to impress anyone with these tests as a "disability," and yet it should be obvious that it's largely a technical limitation and not a sign of stupidity or unfitness to work.

If I'm not careful, this will turn into a huge tirade about employers and their obsession with testing to the exclusion of nearly everything else, and that's a rant that needs a whole other thread. So never mind. [sigh]
Posted by MLLASH on :
My two favorite doctors at work are both left-handed!
Posted by Stealth on :
Famous left-handed people
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Ok, I am gonna finally come out of the closet...

I.. am... (looks around)

I am a leftie!
(phew! that felt good)
Posted by cleome on :

[gets Mattropolis a membership pin and a complementary drink]
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Thank you!
Posted by cleome on :
Let's not forget the Queen of Lefty Guitarists: Barbara Lynn!

(People in the comments are saying she's passed on, but Google says she was performing as recently as March 15th. Confused fan is confused.)
Posted by matlock on :
I write left-handed and bat left, but throw right and play guitar right handed. Can I still be in the club?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
Sure. As Sally Brown would say, you're handbidextrous. [Wink]
Posted by cleome on :
I timidly asked the supervisor where I temp if they could set up my new workstation so I could work from right to left, and it looks like they're gonna' do it.

Another blow for FREEDOM is struck!

(Unless they've changed their minds by Monday, of course...)
Posted by cleome on :
Los Lobos jamming on "Don't Worry, Baby" in my hometown!

Cesar Rosas is [Love] !!

Posted by Kent on :
I'm a lefty, too!
Posted by cleome on :
Oh, sure. Now that you know it's safe. [Razz]
Posted by Kent on :
now that I noticed this thread, you mean.
Posted by cleome on :
It's too late to spare my feelings. I'm going to go get another beer and drink a toast to my broken heart, and to your missing surname.

Posted by cleome45 on :
Since my current job involves tons of working with tools, I admit that I've been switching hands a lot. After half an hour with the electric drill, my left hand gets achy and/or numb. So I shift to using my right hand as "lead."

Comfort always ends up winning out over principles in the end, doesn't it?

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
I write and throw with my right hand, but use a bat or golf club left-handed. I couldn't bat right-handed to save my life.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
When I was learning to play guitar as a teenager (I never got very good at it), I wanted so bad to play left-handed, because that's how Paul McCartney plays. Since I'm right-handed, my music teacher told me that playing left-handed would confuse my brain.

. . . like that's ever made a difference.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Well, yeah. Most manly rock dudes do NOT admit to liking Dan Fogelberg songs in public. It's okay though, HWL. We still love you.

[Poke Joke]
Posted by Shining Son on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
I couldn't bat right-handed to save my life.

Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'm right-handed, but I always end up doing naughty things with my left hand.

Well, obviously I mean picking my nose!
Posted by cleome45 on :
So, uh, you also use your left hand to forward all those dopey chain emails to your friends?


Seriously, nobody ever opens those things.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Yes, and I also use my left hand to spam the LIKE buttons on Facebook.

I especially like LIKEing all the photos in random albums my friends own.

Oh, and I also leave the toilet seat up with my left hand.

Posted by cleome45 on :

I make a lot of allowances for my friends, Dude. But that last one is definitely going to count against you.

(We actually have to leave the lid down in this house every time, or else the cats use the toilet as their personal punch bowl.)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
aw maaaaaaaaan.

*gives cleome a crate of vodka mudshakes*

Peace offering!

See, I'm holding them with my RIGHT hand.

Our puppy's too small to reach the toilet, but my sister always gives me the evil eye whenever I forget to leave it down. Which isn't often anymore. I guess that means I'm well-trained!
Posted by cleome45 on :
Mmm... free booze...

I'll have to raise the glass in my right hand, though. The left hand is REALLY sore after eight hours in the "tear down" room yesterday.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh, my. I've never used MY left hand for eight hours straight, so I bet you must be really tired!
Posted by cleome45 on :
Luckily, I retired at the ungodly hour of 9:30 PM last night, so at least the rest of me is in pretty good shape.

It's amazing how hard it is to make yourself "lead" with the wrong hand, though. I'm separating mail right now. I have to remind myself every time to tear the envelope open with my right hand.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Yeah, I injured my right hand once, and had an awful time learning to write with my left. I kept using my right too, and would only realize my mistake when my thumb started to hurt.

And I almost misspelled "right" as "write". Shades of Cobalt Kid!

Think your hand will be a-OK by tomorrow?
Posted by cleome45 on :
I hope so. If they send me to Marketing, yeah. I can switch out the mouse, arrange, clean and photograph the merchandise right-handed-- without too many speed issues. Because there I'm mostly working alone with just one supervisor for company.

If they send me to "tear down": to help dismantle the equipment they're readying for reselling, ugh. It's going to be a problem there because I'll be slowing down everyone else in the line.


The Foreperson there looks to be about my age, and she wears those Carpal Tunnel braces on both her hands. That pretty says it all, huh?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

(sends cleome some heavy-duty gloves and a lot of ice)
Posted by cleome45 on :
Thanks, Doll.

(Gloves are mandatory while working on the line, so no issues there. But I'll take the ice. [Big Grin] )
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Originally posted by cleome45:
Well, yeah. Most manly rock dudes do NOT admit to liking Dan Fogelberg songs in public. It's okay though, HWL. We still love you.

[Poke Joke]

I wanted to play guitar left handed and I admitted to liking Dan Fogelberg songs. Could I be any less cool?

Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm a Legion fan. [tease]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Originally posted by He Who LSHes:
I wanted to play guitar left handed and I admitted to liking Dan Fogelberg songs. Could I be any less cool?

Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm a Legion fan. [tease]

Playing guitar automatically adds enough coolness points to cancel out almost anything else.

Except for being a Legion fan. Shame on you. Legion fans are only cool if they wear flight rings on at least three fingers, and wear
either a Calamity King nelly cap or a Dream Girl barrette.

Originally posted by cleome45:
Thanks, Doll.

(Gloves are mandatory while working on the line, so no issues there. But I'll take the ice. [Big Grin] )

Any time [Wink] Wait, gloves are MANDATORY? What kind of fascist runs your place? I demand the freedom to get carpal tunnel syndrome if I so choose!
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Originally posted by He Who LSHes:
I wanted to play guitar left handed and I admitted to liking Dan Fogelberg songs. Could I be any less cool?

Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm a Legion fan. [tease]

Playing guitar automatically adds enough coolness points to cancel out almost anything else.

Except for being a Legion fan. Shame on you. Legion fans are only cool if they wear flight rings on at least three fingers, and wear
either a Calamity King nelly cap or a Dream Girl barrette.

I once wore a red shirt that reminded me of Sun Boy's costume, particularly with the collar upturned. Does that count?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
No. Popped collars are only cool in old greaser movi...ummm... no. Not cool.

Posted by cleome45 on :
Dear Mod,

Please move this thread to the GQ message boards.


-- cleome

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Next up: fashion tips for left-handed men.
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
No. Popped collars are only cool in old greaser movi...ummm... no. Not cool.


Now, if your shirt actually had a Sun Boy collar or a Karate Kid collar, you would get enough coolness points to offset the geek points of the popped collar.

But these points only count with Legion fans...
Posted by cleome45 on :
Check this out: The KC Blues band Trampled Under Foot features...

Click Here For A Spoiler...Dual overhead Lefties!!

[Cool] [Cool]
Posted by cleome45 on :
How did I manage to forget that Elliot Easton is ONE OF US?!

[Color Kid] me mega-embarrassed. Better late than never, though...
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Wow, that's awesome! I think Easton is one of the most underrated guitarists in the world!! Whenever he got to really cut loose, like with the power chords on "Magic," he rocked with the best of them!!

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