This is topic Things you are supposed to hate... but secretly like! in forum The Anywhere Machine at Legion World.

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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Okay, I'll start with Waterworld. Sure, it's not exactly Casablanca, but after years of hearing that it was one of the worst movies of all time, I was pleasantly surprised when I finally watched it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, its not that bad. The "Postman" also isn't as horrible as its made out to be. Certainly worth a watch.
Posted by cleome on :
Tofu and tempeh. Like most things, if you take the time and energy to learn how they're meant to be prepared, they're quite delicious-- and I don't mean merely as "meat substitutes." There used to be a Balinese restaurant downtown that made a tempeh-peanut stir-fry that I still dream about from time to time.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll add: Metallica's "Load" and "Reload" albums. When I was 9th Grade (after years of being a diehard Metallica fan), they released Load and many of us diehard Metallica fans in our preteen and early teen years HATED it. It just wasn't what we expected. I happened, on the other hand, to love those albums, and still do. Very bluesy, and I think they stand the test of time.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The movie "Roadhouse," starring Patrick Swayze. It's an updated Western and a rather obvious story about a stoic good guy defeating a bad guy. Yet I can't help enjoying it every time I watch it. Part of the reason is that Swayze represents the hero we would all like to be: He's tough, caring, and has all the right answers. He can handle himself in a fight. Another reason is Ben Gazzara, who is compelling to watch. He seethes with anger as the villain. There are also a number of supporting characters (Red, Emmett, the waitress who becomes a singer, the bouncers) who round out the world of the story and make it seem real or at least inviting.

The movie is very obviously an updated Western with a rather stereotypical view of Missouri/Kansas (where I live). Yet, in spite of all that, I find myself enjoying it.
Posted by Pov on :
The smell of crushed Skunk Cabbage. Walking along the streams and wetlands on my Gram's property, I'd purposely stomp 'em. [LOL]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Brussel sprouts!
Posted by cleome on :
Sketchy, I think they're actually prestigious now. Perfectly respectable restaurants serve them and everything.
Posted by cleome on :
Bottled "French" dressing. The more disgustingly viscous, overly sweet and blindingly traffic-cone orange it is, the better.

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Airplane food -- not that there's much of that around these days
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Brussel sprouts!

LOVE them!
Posted by Set on :
OMG, I thought I was the only person in the world that loved Brussel sprouts!

I'm not real sure what I'm supposed to hate, but I love bad dance music. C&C Music Factory? Lady Marmalade? Dead or Alive? Oh yeah, I wait until no one is looking and spaz out to unbelievably cheesy music.
Posted by Stealth on :
The third season of Transformers. I swear, it's the 5YL of kids action cartoons. Part of the reason I've recently softened my views on 5YL is because I realized how similar they are -- jumping ahead to a darker and more violent future. And the argument that the animation didn't cut it doesn't hold up to me. Several Season 3 episodes had top-notch animation, and Season 2 had just as many well-written but badly-animated episodes as Season 3.

Originally posted by Set:
Dead or Alive?

"Youthquake" is one of my favorite albums. [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
Sixties and Seventies C&W music. I have entirely the wrong politics/pedigree for it, but sometimes I just can't help myself.
Posted by MLLASH on :
DEAD OR ALIVE kicks freakin' ASS.

Great Space! My collection of 70s country would mortify ANYone!

I still love Zella Lehr to this day!
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Kiss' "The Elder" album
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
The movie "Roadhouse," starring Patrick Swayze. It's an updated Western and a rather obvious story about a stoic good guy defeating a bad guy. Yet I can't help enjoying it every time I watch it. Part of the reason is that Swayze represents the hero we would all like to be: He's tough, caring, and has all the right answers. He can handle himself in a fight. Another reason is Ben Gazzara, who is compelling to watch. He seethes with anger as the villain. There are also a number of supporting characters (Red, Emmett, the waitress who becomes a singer, the bouncers) who round out the world of the story and make it seem real or at least inviting.

The movie is very obviously an updated Western with a rather stereotypical view of Missouri/Kansas (where I live). Yet, in spite of all that, I find myself enjoying it.

Love that movie. Sam Elliot is awesome in it and the music is second to none. The Jeff Healey stuff that is.
Posted by kidflash2fan on :
musicals- i bitch moan and complain like no tomorrow about them, but in reality i would like nothing more for the world to brake out in both sound and dance. and when no one is around i play a song i like and dance to it as if i could really dance and sing
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The one problem with musicals is that no one ever thinks it's weird that people have suddenly broken into song, and they all seem to know the lyrics.

The only time they ever broke that was in the Hairspray remake when Trudy is singing in the school and everyone's giving her weird looks.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
The movie "Roadhouse," starring Patrick Swayze. It's an updated Western and a rather obvious story about a stoic good guy defeating a bad guy. Yet I can't help enjoying it every time I watch it. Part of the reason is that Swayze represents the hero we would all like to be: He's tough, caring, and has all the right answers. He can handle himself in a fight. Another reason is Ben Gazzara, who is compelling to watch. He seethes with anger as the villain. There are also a number of supporting characters (Red, Emmett, the waitress who becomes a singer, the bouncers) who round out the world of the story and make it seem real or at least inviting.

The movie is very obviously an updated Western with a rather stereotypical view of Missouri/Kansas (where I live). Yet, in spite of all that, I find myself enjoying it.

Love that movie. Sam Elliot is awesome in it and the music is second to none. The Jeff Healey stuff that is.
Sam Elliott can really put feeling into a line such as "Hurts, don't it?" [Wink]

I think "Roadhouse" is the only movie in which I've liked Elliott. He plays essentially the same character in every movie he's in: the wizened and grisled mentor. But here it works because the movie is full of broadly drawn archetypes and also because of his chemistry with Swayze.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Jury duty!
I'm thrilled when that envelope arrives in the mail.
I love sitting in the jury pool waiting to get called becaused I'm just facinated by the cross-section of people sitting there with me. Everything from eccentric shut-ins who look like they haven't been out of their houses in years, to high-end professionals in fancy suits who can't believe their precious time is being wasted.
Once I'm picked and in a courtroom, watching the lawyers going through their song and dance is more entertaining than any TV show or movie version of it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hitler moustaches!

Seriously, it was a pretty rocking li'l style of moustache in the early twentieth century, but now no one will wear them because it's associated with Hitler!
Posted by cleome on :
Two comic creators I don't care for are Robert Crumb and Harvey Pekar-- except when they're working together. I don't know why. They just have a awesome vibe when they collaborate. And while I don't own much of American Splendor, the comic book, American Splendor the movie is pure joy on nearly every level possible. I love it madly.
Posted by Dev Em on :
--- oops.

Thanks Dean.

[ March 21, 2010, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Wrong thread, Dev.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
My next the bathroom! Yeah, it can be icky but when all the nastiness is scrubbed away, then buffed out with a pristine paper towel, there is instant gratificiation. THEN, later in the day, when you go back in there to *use* it, and find it all sparkly/shiny, it's a SECOND burst of pride and joy. Alas, it's so temporary, though, especially in my house of 5 plus 3 pets and frequent visitors.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Agreed with that one, Sketchy! There are days when I just *need* to accomplish *something*, and a successful battle against soap scum can be quite fulfilling!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh, and just to clarify, my 3 pets don't use the bathroom like we do (I'm not that patient/fanatic a trainer). But the cats do like to drink out of the tub. I find evidence of their travels in there all the time. As for the dog, well, his hair is EVERYWHERE in our house, so it comes as no surprise that it's in the bathroom too.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Agreed with that one, Sketchy! There are days when I just *need* to accomplish *something*, and a successful battle against soap scum can be quite fulfilling!

Yeah, maybe I should have just put the general subject of "cleaning" in this thread. I actually do hate cleaning, but once I'm done, I'm very satisfied/relieved, so it's worth it.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Yeah, maybe I should have just put the general subject of "cleaning" in this thread. I actually do hate cleaning, but once I'm done, I'm very satisfied/relieved, so it's worth it.

Cleaning the bathroom, not so much, but there are always little projects that when I feel like I'm getting *nowhere* with some aspect of my life, I can just go do, like rake the lawn, and get a sense that I accomplished something.

It's all empowering and shit!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I also like the movie Roadhouse and brussell sprouts!

Something else I also like: airports and traveling in general. I like the break from being at the office, I like the feeling of going somewhere, and I like how airports are basically giant malls these days. On an airplane (assuming you aren't afraid of flying), you can read, listen to your Ipod, watch a movie, type on your laptop--basically no one can bother you. I'm also a big fan of traveling very lightly and packing very little...its a bit thrilling to live out of a suitcase for three days and know you have just enough stuff for maybe one more day than you're supposed to, and you will likely have to end up entertaining yourself for a little while.

^And that's all from flying in coach. First class can be fun sometimes but its highly overrated for the cost. Its only worth it if you get a free upgrade or an upgrade deal for like $50.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
The smell of burning leaves in fall. Most people freak out anymore about burning, so trained in thinking its only destructive.

But, a good pile of raked leaves, the boy diving into it and playing, and then, when the nose is truly running from the chill, FIRE!

The leaves go up and there is this wonderful smell from my childhood all over again. I can't burn leaves here in town, so the only place I get to smell it anymore is either at my folks place in the country, or out on the road while working.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I really like bad weather and feel better when the pressure drops.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I also love the rain and "bad weather". I find it both soothing and relaxing. I never use an umbrella, as I don't mind getting a little wet either.

I like the sun and nice weather too, but so many people I know act like someone kicked them when it rains. I need variety.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Also, big crowds of people. I know my wife hates giant crowds, as does my Mom, as do most my siblings. I was made for them.

I always excelled socially in High School and college when I was in large crowds of people and now I just thrive off the energy. One of my favorite places is Grand Central Station in NYC because you can just feel the energy when you're in there--hundreds of people walking through every second with things to do and places to go. I love it.

For this reason, I also like parades and carnivals. Of course, any time there is a large crowd, the reason for the gathering usually comes with a few negatives (re: drunk teenagers at parades, weird people at carnivals, etc.)
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I also love the rain and "bad weather". I find it both soothing and relaxing. I never use an umbrella, as I don't mind getting a little wet either.

I like the sun and nice weather too, but so many people I know act like someone kicked them when it rains. I need variety.

I am with you on this.

I was in a massive downpour one day walking to a local store. The huddled masses waiting for it to clear up a little before making that mad dash to the car. Looking at the rain as if wanted to melt them where they stood.

As I approached them, calmly walking, I looked at the crowd and said "It's only water." As I got to the crowd, several people were actually laughing out loud and starting out into the rain...not running either.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Speaking of bad weather....


I'm from the south where "men are men and women are women and we don't go fer no tooty fruity sports what don't involve men hittin' each other and pattin' each other on tha ass" as one ...ahem...gentleman explained to me in P.E. one day.

(I thought he was much "gayer" than his homophobia let on...turns out I was right, but that's another story)

However, one day I happened on Wimbledon and watched a few minutes. It was a women's match and funny thing was, not only was it very athletic and demanding, it was fun to watch, and the women were smokin' hot. then I started noticing that a lot of the "alternative" sports were a lot tougher for the individual player than some of the so-called team sports. I have enjoyed them ever since.

I haven't abandoned Baseball, my fist love, or football, not so much a love as enjoying following my favorite team, but I've enjoyed a lot more different sports, like the Tour De France, beach volleyball (though I haven't seen much the last couple of years), and others.

So, thanks coach. If you hadn't been the class a jerk (and later to find out pedophile with the running back) I might never have felt the need to check out some other sports besides the ones that gave you a woody, perv.
Posted by KryptonKid on :
Democratic control of state legislatures outside of New England and Iowa.

Brussel sprouts

Dream Boy

[Dream Boy]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
I was in a massive downpour one day walking to a local store. The huddled masses waiting for it to clear up a little before making that mad dash to the car. Looking at the rain as if wanted to melt them where they stood.

Ditto. I walk where I need to go, generally, living within walking distance of most of the stuff I need to deal with, and sometimes it's raining and I just go right out there. Once you're wet, it's futile to try and keep any part of yourself dry anyway, as it's gonna soak into your clothes and spread all over the place, so just accept the wetness and keep on walking!

Another thing that I'm probably supposed to hate, getting stopped by the police and asked what I'm doing. I walk late at night to the gym and back, and about once a month, a police car pulls up beside me and asks what I'm doing. I tell them, they drive on (generally accepting that the dude covered in sweat wearing gym shorts and hiking through foot-deep snow drifts did, in fact, just come from the gym...).

It's nice to know that they are driving around keeping an eye on stuff and not parked somewhere asleep.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Put me down as hating any interaction with the police. It almost never goes well for me. Despite the fact that my father was in law enforcement. Go figure.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, thats what you get for cartin' those dead hookers around in your trunk. We told you to get rid of them, but nooooo........

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I also hate any interaction at all with the police, even though I have at least over a dozen great friends who are cops (one in my wedding party and three more who came to my wedding--that's how good).

Of course, I was arrested in High School, again in college, and have had several other "classic" run-ins with them in my day. But those are stories for other times... [Big Grin]
Posted by cleome on :
Thread blur strikes again! [Razz]
Posted by cleome on :
Oh, and Roadhouse fans, take note: There's been both a play and a musical adaptation of your favorite movie. The play was here a few days ago. (No, I didn't go. I'm broke. What else is new?)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Some others mentioned cleaning a few pages back as something they secretly like. For me, its not so much cleaning (though I also will clean the kitchen), but organizing that I like to do that provides me with a distraction and sense of getting something done. If I get a whole mess of material / information or just a plain mess itself, I don't mind digging in and getting the damn thing organized. Sometimes when I do some writing, I think organizing can actually be counter-intuitive to creativity (though not always, sometimes it helps and enhances it); however, for more practical stuff, I feel the immediate need to get everything organized and measured.

I get it from my father. It used to drive my Mom crazy sometimes and I think my wife is feeling the same. My brother who is a year younger than me is like my father and I, while my little brother and sister are more like my Mom and prefer the 'cluster of chaos' approach to things.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Heh. I'll generally let about two months worth of comics pile up, then I'll go and get some bags from my lcs. Then, after bagging I'll put them in order in series and store them in a steamer trunk I use for that. Then, as each series reaches a twenty five issue milestone, I'll place those in a box and store them.

Right now, amoung trying to make the house payments and get a newer vehicle to drive for work, I'm also saving a little bit when I can in order to build a small outbuilding for myself. It will be mostly storage, for things like yard tools, etc... but one side will be for my extensive comics collection. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to figure out a good way to build it to protect my collection from rats, which really like wood or paper to build nests in. I live in a rural area and the pests always look for something like that to winter in. I'm actually looking into metal file cabinets, I know where to get some good used ones.

Not only that, but at some point, I'm gonna start cataloging my collection as well.

And my wife thinks she's the organized one.
Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Also, big crowds of people. I know my wife hates giant crowds, as does my Mom, as do most my siblings. I was made for them.

I always excelled socially in High School and college when I was in large crowds of people and now I just thrive off the energy. One of my favorite places is Grand Central Station in NYC because you can just feel the energy when you're in there--hundreds of people walking through every second with things to do and places to go. I love it.

For me, it's a little different. I'm an unsociable, even antisocial, person. One might expect me to prefer to live in a low-density suburban area if not out in the country. But whenever I even go to the outlying areas of the city (Calgary, Alberta - one of the world's worst examples of urban sprawl), let alone a small town, I feel like an alien. I don't feel safe when I can see to the horizon in every direction. I'd probably feel more at home in Manhattan or even (at least until I tried to talk to anyone) Tokyo.

[ March 28, 2010, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Triplicate Kid ]
Posted by Set on :
Right there on the cleaning / organizing.

The comic / gaming stores *loves* when I come in with nothing to do, because I get all OCD about stuff on the shelves and start rearranging stuff to put it in order or relevant products near each other.

It just bugs me to see stuff in the wrong place!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
70's music. Well, some of it anyway. Still hate 90% of disco, but there are a few songs here and there I still like.

And while there is a certain amount of smug "self awareness" left over from the 60's, there is a lot of stuff i actually like from then, as evidenced by the "smexy" thread and several others here on music.
Posted by cleome on :
Carol of the Bells.

I even have a couple of versions that I'll play in secret when it's not holiday season.

Posted by cleome on :

A little holiday cheer for all you Roadhouse fans.

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Exercise. I have to do it, its supposed to make me feel "better", but all it really does is exhaust me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Swamps. A good fecund smell from a swamp with a bit of greasy tang to it from a fish bed... something about it just grabs that primal part of my brain.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Toll roads.

I actually find the whole process of stopping to pay a toll oddly pleasing, especially in terms of breaking up the monotony of a long journey.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Swamps. A good fecund smell from a swamp with a bit of greasy tang to it from a fish bed... something about it just grabs that primal part of my brain.

Maybe it's a Sasquatch? Oh sorry .... Skunk Ape!

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
eh, what would a canuck know about a good swamp. Ain't no gators up there, ay.

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Jury duty!
I'm thrilled when that envelope arrives in the mail.
I love sitting in the jury pool waiting to get called becaused I'm just facinated by the cross-section of people sitting there with me. Everything from eccentric shut-ins who look like they haven't been out of their houses in years, to high-end professionals in fancy suits who can't believe their precious time is being wasted.
Once I'm picked and in a courtroom, watching the lawyers going through their song and dance is more entertaining than any TV show or movie version of it.

You think regular jury duty is fun, you need to try grand jury. Going into it, I knew that I would be picked seeing as I was unemployed. So, I didn't have the shock of being picked. It was 3 months long and at the start that seems like a long time, but it actually goes by pretty quickly. And by the end, most of my fellow jurors ended up liking it. One difference from regular juries that I liked a lot was that we got to ask the witnesses questions.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Another thing I really like but am not supposed to is really really strong winds. The kind that can either push you along or hold you back. They make the air seem fresher to me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Quis, aren't you a lawyer? Wouldn't that disqualify you from duty?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Nope, it doesn't. Even judges have to do jury duty. However one time I was called, I was doing volunteer lawyer work for homeless people. The case was an armed robbery. Each potential juror went up to talk to the judge, the prosecutor and the defense attorney. I think when I told them of my volunteer work the prosecutor didn't want me on the jury because of my bleeding heart.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Heh. Good. I thought lawyers and judges were disqualified because they were considered officers of the court. Learn something new every day.
Posted by Set on :
Burning match smell. My roommate likes incense and candles and cigarettes and all that jazz (which I can't stand), but when he lights a match to fire one of those puppies up, I love the smell of burning sulphur!

I also like the smell of tobacco, but only when it's not on fire.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
That's right there with burning leaves in the fall to me, Set.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Heh. Good. I thought lawyers and judges were disqualified because they were considered officers of the court. Learn something new every day.

I only found that out after law school and taking the bar exam. What a waste of 4 years. [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Does mah heart good to know they still gotta serve.

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
And serve I did for 3 months. Was back once already and finished up 1 case. Have 3 more cases to finish. Next date is June 24th
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Set:
Burning match smell. My roommate likes incense and candles and cigarettes and all that jazz (which I can't stand), but when he lights a match to fire one of those puppies up, I love the smell of burning sulphur!

I also like the smell of tobacco, but only when it's not on fire.

Most people I know do like the smell of a struck match. Either they're all weird or it's more common overall than you might think.

Love the smell of lit pipe tobacco, probably because my Dad was a pipe smoker for most of his life. Also, even though I hate cigarette smoking, I like the smell of a freshly-lit cigarette IF it's lit outdoors in the open air.

I know. Weird. [shrug]

Cigars, OTOH, always smell like poo to me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Golf channel. Okay, when this channel first started, there were all kinds of jokes. It wouldn't last, its boring, blah blah blah, yakety yakety.

Since Golf is the best single player game I can think of, you don't need a team, there's no time limit, its just you against the course, its something I can do by myself, enjoy a quiet day, relax, and smack the crap outta a little white ball.

the golf channel is great at giving lessons on how to play shots, interviews, coverage of live matches... its just a far better channel than anyone gave it credit for.

Love it.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Manual labor.

Seriously. I like doing hard physical work. Its much better to me, feeds my soul more than just going to a gym and moving weights around. I go to the gym on the doctors recommendation, but to me, work that taxes you physically, and actuall accomplishes something other than just trying to make yourself look pretty, is much more rewarding.

for the last few days after work, I've been at the folks place with slingblade and bush axe clearing up areas messed up by the thieving construction company that left the place in a mess. I've got my calluses again for the first time in years (love it), I'm sore and tired at the end of the day, but I feel much better than when I wake up after going to the gym.

You can relax as you work, let yourself drop all the aggravations of the day, the stress and worry, and clear your head. Love it.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Manual labor.

Seriously. I like doing hard physical work. Its much better to me, feeds my soul more than just going to a gym and moving weights around. I go to the gym on the doctors recommendation, but to me, work that taxes you physically, and actuall accomplishes something other than just trying to make yourself look pretty, is much more rewarding

for the last few days after work, I've been at the folks place with slingblade and bush axe clearing up areas messed up by the thieving construction company that left the place in a mess. I've got my calluses again for the first time in years (love it), I'm sore and tired at the end of the day, but I feel much better than when I wake up after going to the gym.

You can relax as you work, let yourself drop all the aggravations of the day, the stress and worry, and clear your head. Love it.

Wow. I got tired just reading your post there bro! [LOL]

I guess if I was more into working around the yard I would feel differently. Don't get me wrong, I rather enjoy cutting the grass and while I don't mind planting the odd flower around the house (to score brownie points with the little woman more than anything) diggin' up dirt and moving it around and all that kinda stuff just ain't my thing.

Plus, my job, while not physical per se, is not an office/cubicle job either. It's retail management so there is a fair bit of moving around to do. I cannot sit for more than a few minutes before having the need to get up and move again.

I do have the utmost respect for those that do have more physically demanding professions though.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I also like manual labor but with a caveat: I like landscaping / home improvement labor. I once worked on a roofing crew and then later worked on a demolition crew and those jobs were absolutely terrible. But I do miss the physical exertion and rewarding feel of manual labor around the house for the reasons Rick gives.

I can't wait to sell our condo and buy a house to do that (later this year, cross fingers).

I come from a blue collar family and my Dad is a former iron worker so I grew up having to physically maintain the house. But my job now is not only an office job, it's a take people to plays, dinners and lunches, have meetings and travel job, so I really don't get any physical benefit from it. And the gym is still the gym--boring and always makes me feel as if I'm not utilizing my time wisely.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Oh sure, there's hard labor and there's hard labor. Breaking rocks on a chain gang, not so much. But doing something like I did today (clearing land with a slingblade, hoeing and raking, cleaning and setting up a new patch for the Iris' I'm growing in bulk) really works the kinks out. You get to let the mind rest from all the stress and worry of bills, etc... and just let the muscles do the work.

After all day of worrying about contracts, making sure logging crews are where they are supposed to be, doing what they are supposed to be doing, not getting over on other people's property, etc... mindless hard labor with a future goal in sight is a great release and relief. Plus, it works the pounds off in the hot South Carolina sun.
Posted by future king on :
We are supposed to hate ... eating the fat on a cut of steak.

Sorry, but I have always ALWAYS enjoyed that part of the cut. Not too much mind you, but to completely trim all of it off is such a waste in my eyes. Especially bbq and skillet fried ... mmm - mmm!
Yes I get that for most people eating the fat is a no-no and the less cholesterol in food the better for us in the long run. For me though who will eat a steak maybe every second or third week (fish and chicken are still top of the food chain for me), choosing a cut that has a bit of fat on it and then keeping the fat intact while I eat it is a treat.

To each their own I guess!

[ May 24, 2011, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Yeah, my dad always said it was the best part of the steak, it had all the taste.

Then he had a stroke at 54 from clogged arteries.

Honestly, I can't stand the consistency of it, the texture. To me, its in the same range as mushrooms. They are soft, but they crunch? WTH?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Yeah, my dad always said it was the best part of the steak, it had all the taste.

Your dad is my hero!

As for the clogged arteries, well I could go on to quote other notable possible causes but, anyways.

Everything in moderation my friend! [Yes]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Moderation hell. Go for broke if ya gonna do it. Heart attack by six.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Moderation hell. Go for broke if ya gonna do it. Heart attack by six.

Is that six years of age or six p.m.? [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by cleome45 on :
Getting older. I don't buy any of that hyper-expensive "anti-aging" perfumed Crisco face crap and I don't squeeze my middle-aged flab into "foundation garments," except on formal occasions, maybe.

When other women tee-hee about what their real age could be, like being both female AND living past the age of 21 is an affront to decency, I just roll my eyes.

It's both sad and hilarious that a woman's actual age is still so taboo that you can make other people's eyebrows raise just by saying, "I turned 45 years old today."

Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Miley Cyrus's "Party in the U.S.A"
lately when i'm in my Cab and i'm station surfing and if it comes on i find myself bopping my head to it.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
It's okay, John. They have a patch for that.

Posted by lancesrealm on :
Liver. I love liver. Longhorns has a deal where you get all the liver you can eat for 5 bucks. I definitely get my money's worth.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Liver. I love liver. Longhorns has a deal where you get all the liver you can eat for 5 bucks. I definitely get my money's worth.

In Oklahoma, you could get a box of 20-ish breaded chicken livers at the KFC (or a box of breaded gizzards). Yum! That particular menu item doesn't seem as popular east of the Mississippi...
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
That sounds a lot like chicken gizzards, Set.
Posted by future king on :
There's a Turkish dish that includes boiled chicken gizzards diced up and served with chicked broth boiled rice.

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!
mmmmmmm - mmmmmmmm!! [Drool]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
FK, there's a Turkish restaurant across the corner from my office. What's that dish called? I'll try not to order it.

Posted by cleome45 on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Liver. I love liver. Longhorns has a deal where you get all the liver you can eat for 5 bucks. I definitely get my money's worth.

So would I, if were fixing a decadent snack for three dozen housecats.

Posted by future king on :
The sun / sun bathing.

Yes, yes I know ALL about the warnings and whatnot regarding the sun and it's effects on our skin, blah blah blah ...

Sorry but after such a cloudy, rainy spring and late summer I am looking forward to getting some colour on my first vacation of this year.
Health Canada warnings be damned! [LOL]

Besides, this is the longest I've gone without some colour by the first week of July (where I'm usually tanned by about the 1st of June). Everything in moderation of coarse.

Right now I'm whiter than Casper's ass.

[ July 09, 2011, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
The smell of a skunk. So long as it is not on me and so far it hasn't ever been on me.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Salads. My friends think I'm dieting too much, but I hate feeling all full and heavy. And it's not that hard to get raw vegetables to taste good!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Originally posted by cleome45:
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Liver. I love liver. Longhorns has a deal where you get all the liver you can eat for 5 bucks. I definitely get my money's worth.

So would I, if were fixing a decadent snack for three dozen housecats.


Meow. [Fat Cramer]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Learning. As a kid I hated school and that hasn't changed. Lots of folks from where I live think it cool to hate learning. They've said things like " 'x' thinks they're better than they are. I know where they come from..." about others.

I like learning new things. True, most of it is practical stuff, but to me, one day, when the asteroid hits, all the cyberheads will be locked in their hermetically sealed domestic chambers, but I'll be outside, building shelter with my own hands.... and possibly shooting zombies that spring up outta the Apocalypse.

I'm blue collar, but I gots skills.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
^^I like learning, too. Thing of it is, much of what I've learned has no practical use, but they're just fun to know. For example, the entire history of personnel changes in Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starhip has no practical value whatsoever (though I did get a paid article out it when I interviewed the Airplane's original bass player), but it's fascinating nonetheless.

Besides, learning stuff leads to learning other stuff which can have practical uses. All the Legion trivia, for example, is good for memorizing details or understanding complex theories and histories. It can even lead (gasp) to a curiosity in things that have nothing to do with comics -- literary analysis, for example. Greek tragedies don't seem so strange when one has spent years reading the comic book adventures of Thor and Hercules.

"X thinks better than they are. I know where they came from." Yeah, I've gotten that, too. I came from a working class family. My response to that is, "I hope I'm better than I was and am getting better than I am. Don't you?"
Posted by cleome45 on :
Manual labor. I'd much rather haul boxes and fill orders in the warehouse than sit reception all day.

It's funny that the temp agencies always use the latter type of job as a "lure" to get you calling them every week. It's more upscale and "womanly" to sit at a desk taking calls all day, but I've never cared for it. You have to dress up, which means looking like an exec without having an exec's income. (Then there's the dry-cleaning bills. Yarrgh!) In a small office, it also means juggling tasks like a manager without any salary compensation or cool title.

I'd rather be allowed to just dress down and move stuff all day. If only the locales of most warehouse jobs weren't so damn impossible for a car-less person! [grumble]
Posted by KidChaos on :
^^ I know what you mean about missing manual labor. Before I got my LPN license I worked mostly factory and warehouse jobs. I miss being able to punch in, do my thing, and punch out. And this might sound weird, but I also miss being able to "zone out" while working. I always have to be 100% "on" at my current job. I'll take physical labor over stupid doctors, angry family members and lazy CNA's.

My old friends at the factory always seem so stress-free after work, I get a little jealous.
Posted by Set on :
Ditto on the manual labor. Where I'm working now, there's a position where you stand around figuring out what labels to put on stuff that's wicked easy (but requires a lot of thinking), a position where you attend to a giant robot machine that has a dozen blinking lights and warning sirens for the dozen different things that can go wrong, and you spend the entire shift trying to diagnose what it's problem is *this* time, and a position where you mindlessly move heavy packages onto a conveyor belt for eight hours.

I love the conveyor belt. I can stand there doing heavy lifting for eight hours, while my mind is off in fantasy-land.

That and loading the trucks at the end of the night. I can load four trucks in an hour, and everyone else whines about how it's cold, and the rolling stock is heavy (175 lbs *empty,* plus up to 400 lbs. of mail inside), but it's so nice to not have to figure out what's wrong with the machine, or which sensor is blocked, or which tray is stuck, or which roller is tangled up, or which tech or mechanic needs to be called in to fix something even more esoteric.

I'm all for stress-free work, and manual labor is where it's at!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Burning sulfur matches.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Pepto Bismol! If I have even the HINT of a tummy ache, I'll gladly take a swig! What can I say? I think it's yummy! [Yes]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wow, me too Lardy! You're the only person I've ever known to feel the same about Pepto!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
That. Is. Just. Too. Weird.

Just sayin...I feel the same way. Also love the taste of Nyquil.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Pepto Bismol! If I have even the HINT of a tummy ache, I'll gladly take a swig! What can I say? I think it's yummy! [Yes]

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Wow, me too Lardy! You're the only person I've ever known to feel the same about Pepto!

Originally posted by Dev - Em:
That. Is. Just. Too. Weird.
Just sayin...I feel the same way.

Strange! People always look at me like I'm bat-shit CRAZY when i tell 'em I like it!

Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Also love the taste of Nyquil.

Brrr. Not with ya there, champ. [Disgusting] (Love how it works, though!)
Posted by Lard Lad on :
And, dude, my mom used to get me these cartons of gum eggs for Easter that came in an assortment of yellow, purple and pink. I SWEAR the pink ones tasted just like Pepto! [Yes] [Drool]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So we have three live Tenzils who love their Bismoll.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
So we have three live Tenzils who love their Bismoll.

Oh....don't remind me about that one.... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by cleome45 on :
A local donut shop used to make a Pepto-flavored donut, until the company complained about copyright issues. So the love of Pepto thing isn't as rare as perhaps previously thought.

Posted by cleome45 on :
I admit to liking my job commute when the bus takes me through the St. Johns neighborhood. Creeping hipsterism hasn't hit there in a big way yet, and the area still has much of the feel it did twenty-plus years ago-- when I first moved here.

It's just a great place to be if you like to people-watch, especially during the holiday season. Almost makes the time spent waiting for the transfer bus worthwhile.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by cleome45:
A local donut shop used to make a Pepto-flavored donut, until the company complained about copyright issues. So the love of Pepto thing isn't as rare as perhaps previously thought.


Donuts and Pepto? Mmmmmmm.....! Two of my favorite things! Ohhhhhhh...the injustice that I never got to try one! [Frown]
Posted by Set on :
Walking to work.

Waiting for a bus or a cab stresses me right the hell out. I fret about having missed it, or being late because it's not on time, or whatever.

Walking, I'm in control of when I get there, and I have a sense that I'm doing something, and not just waiting around. I'd rather walk thirty minutes to work than spend a dollar on the bus.

Walking home after work is also a nice way to 'decompress' and get work-thoughts out of my head so that they don't come home with me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Doing something in construction/remodeling again. Loved my time as construction manager for Palm Harbor homes, as well as having been a private home inspector and one for the county. It's satisfying to work with my hands outdoors in shitty weather and being stove up, but seeing actual positive physical changes bring an old home back to life... something deeply satisfying about it.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Working retail at Christmas time.

It is insane and not for the weak at heart...but there is something about this time of year, when you can help someone find that perfect gift...or suggest something that someone might like nd the persons face lights up.
Posted by Set on :
Beets. I found this polish shredded beet salad stuff at the store and *WOW* was it awesome.

Warning: Red Cabbage salad looks identical, and tastes heinous.
Posted by Exnihil on :
The upcoming Three Stooges movie.

Everything in the core of my being says I should detest yet another Hollywood remake of some concept that I enjoyed as a child - especially one that attempts the nigh impossible task of doing justice to the lightning in a bottle comedic genius of the Stooges.

I want to pretend that this is not happening... that it is a horrible idea, and proof positive of everything that is wrong with cinema today.

But... god help me... I've seen two different trailers for it, and both made me laugh in the same "dumb guy" way that I do when I watch the old Three Stooges shorts.

What is wrong with me?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
The upcoming Three Stooges movie.

Everything in the core of my being says I should detest yet another Hollywood remake of some concept that I enjoyed as a child - especially one that attempts the nigh impossible task of doing justice to the lightning in a bottle comedic genius of the Stooges.

I want to pretend that this is not happening... that it is a horrible idea, and proof positive of everything that is wrong with cinema today.

But... god help me... I've seen two different trailers for it, and both made me laugh in the same "dumb guy" way that I do when I watch the old Three Stooges shorts.

What is wrong with me?

...and it's now confirmed.

I must have been born with an overactive slapstick center in my brain, because I saw this movie tonight and, despite some of the typical Farrelly Brothers gross-out humor bits, I laughed like a moron throughout.

I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I really did enjoy it.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The actor who plays Moe was on Jay Leno the other night. In the clip he played from the film, the Stooges caused a bell to fall off a roof and hit a nun in the face. Curly then says something like, "I don't know her, but her face rings a bell."

So, they got the Stooge's shtick down pat.

I gotta admit, I groaned when I saw a trailer, but . . . why not? The real Stooges will never make another movie, so it's good that their comedic legacy lives on.
Posted by KidChaos on :
Washing dishes by hand in the sink.

It's one of those peaceful, daydreamy chores. Plus, sometimes you have to "pre-wash" dishes so much before putting them in the dishwasher it's like, what's the point? I have good memories, actually, of having to wash and dry the dishes with my sister every night after supper.

Also- providing hands on patient care (ie feeding, bathing, dressing, "code brown", etc) at work. Most nurses would much rather "supervise" or do paperwork or pass meds. I actually prefer the more direct care.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
It seems to be very "in" to hate on certain bands. Niickleback, Black Eyed Peas, NKOTB (or is it cool to like them now?). I admit to having fun with Nickleback, but don't really care wither way about them.

But, I really like the stuff I have heard from the Black Eyed Peas. It's just fun music to me, kinda like some movies are fun to watch. They really offer nothing really new to the art of music...but I like them crazy kids.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
The BEP come across to me as modern-day minstrels, especially their white member Fergie. I find it very disturbing that a suburban stage brat like Fergie gets away with pretending she's all hip-hop and street.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
All artists are performers trying to convince you that they have cred.

Marshal Mathers grew up not too far from me. >shrug< Not that impressed. I do think he's talented...just not as hardcore as he wants you to think he is.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Well, if we're admitting to love affairs with bubblegum and fakers, I have to admit once again that I own an Urge Overkill cd. I've had multiple opportunities to dispose of it, but I just can't.

Oh, and I like Rusted Root, too. But I look like a damn hippie, so maybe they don't count in this regard.

[Doctor Mayavale]
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by KidChaos:
Washing dishes by hand in the sink.

It's one of those peaceful, daydreamy chores. Plus, sometimes you have to "pre-wash" dishes so much before putting them in the dishwasher it's like, what's the point? I have good memories, actually, of having to wash and dry the dishes with my sister every night after supper.

awwww I have lots of dishes you could do! twice a week even!

vacuuming and dusty are also available ....

<--- neat freak that dosn't like to clean. I'm too tall to bend over and do dishes at the sink ... it hurts my back ... yeah ... [Frown]

[Big Grin]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
How tall are you Peebs?
Posted by Power Boy on :
as tall as I need to be to get out of doing dishes.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Avoidance...tsk tsk tsk.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Gretchen Mol.

I know it's in to hate on her...especially admidst the casting couch rumors...but when I see her on Boardwalk Empire, I really dig her! Talented, sexy, full of charm. Groovy!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
The GoBots. I'm sure that makes me a heretic to the true Transformers fanatics, but I don't care anymore. Sure, Hanna-Barbera/Cuckoos Nest were no Marvel/Toei as far as animation goes, and, sure, the voice acting was for the most part, mediocre. But the last third or so of the show's run had many episodes that were as good or even better than pre-movie Transformers. I loved Hoyt Curtin's music, both the theme and the background cues. And, most importantly, the female GoBots, good and evil alike, were a lot cooler than the likes of the Transformers' Arcee -- particularly Crasher, one of the all-time great TV villainesses, with Marilyn Lightstone's consistenly great vocal performances; I mean, THAT laugh ("HAAAAAA HA HA HA HA!!!!")
Posted by Exnihil on :
The Ben Affleck Daredevil movie (which I just watched again a couple nights back).

I could have sworn when it came out in 2003 that a lot of people dug it, but somehow, over the next decade or so, it's become a go-to example of a superhero movie done wrong.

I completely disagree. I would actually go so far as to say that - the original Christopher Reeve Superman aside - that the director's cut of Daredevil might actually be my favorite superhero movie.

Is it full of overly slick images, hammy dialog, and strange plotholes? Absolutely. (I always wonder, during that "Elektra training with the sandbags" scene, who is actually going to clean all that up). But what else embraces those things? A comic book!

I always find Daredevil to be the closest thing I've seen to a comic come to life. It straddles a strange line between going for a grim and gritty take (but not attempting to strike as realistic a tone as the Nolan Batman films) and a more stylized approach (but not completely missing what is the appealing about comic books, in the way that something like Ang Lee's Hulk movie did).

There have been probably fifty or so comic book movies since the big revival of the genre started with "Blade" in the late 90's, but Daredevil is the only one that I keep going back to watch again and again.
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
So it was the Directors cut of Daredevil you watched?
That explains why you like it. Due to some horrible choices in editing, the theatrical version is quite different (and quite bad)
Not a fan of the original version, but I agree that the Directors cut is one of the better superhero movies
Posted by Exnihil on :
Yeah, it was the director's cut. I actually bought it a while back in a bargain pack that contained all the Fox Marvel movies to date (The X-men trilogy, the two Fantastic Fours, Daredevil and Elektra).

Interesting that that was the version they decided to go with for the package, then. I guess even the studio wound up agreeing it was better.
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
If you can manage it somehow, watch both versions back to back...the differences are astounding!

EDIT: I haven't watched either, but I hear that the Green Lantern movie has a similiar issue between theatrical and Directors cut versions
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Frankly, I thought Daredevil was a decent superhero flick, theatrical or director's cut. Yeah, you could argue that the director's cut is definitely better (especially with how it shows Matt lawyering more), but I don't think the theatrical quite deserves all the hate it gets either. (IIRC, we reviewed it pretty favorably here on LW when it was released.)
Posted by Lard Lad on :
BTW, I thought the first Ghost Rider movie and the Green Lantern movie were decent enough films, as well, in an enjoy-them-while-you're-eating-popcorn way. They entertained me while I watched them, and I didn't wish I had stayed home.

Often, it just becomes the cool thing to do to rag on certain movies to such an extent that you let other people's opinions brainwash you. Sometimes, the films in question don't deserve it. ("Batman & Robin" definitely deserved it!)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've always kind of dug it. I'm real interested in watching the Director's Cut now.

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