This is topic I've got scars....that jingle jangle jingle.... in forum The Anywhere Machine at Legion World.

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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I've got the usual assortment of childhood markings...toes with scars from bike spokes, cuts, nicks bruises....

I've also got a flap of skin on the inside of my mouth and a scar on my tongue where I jumped off a seesaw and it came up and smashed me in the mouth.

I've got train tracks on my ankle where a pin held it together.

I've got a four inch scar thats two inched wide and has barely healed over "skin" over the hole that was two inches deep when it was made.

I've got a nearly invisible scar on my elbow that was made when I got into an accidental game of chicken on a bike vs. a big wheel when I was twelve. I went over the handlebars, broke my wrist, jammed my elbow, and broke my collar bone.

Broke a front tooth out at 13 catching a brick (don't ask).

An inch long scar from a weedeater on my calf.

An inch long scar on my scalp from where I came up under a wooden bridge and peeled it back some (didn't tell mom about that one, wasn't supposed to be at that bridge swimming).

Most of the meat under the skin on top of my right foot was cut out, and I have this long scar that looks like pink plastic where the incision healed.

Two inch scar from an emergency appendectomy (it was eight inches long and looked like a white banana from what the doctor said.)

C'mon, give us your gruesomes...
Posted by dedman on :
Lol, I got plenty too...

Right pinky got cut with an axe when I was a kid.
Right thumb got chopped by a knife when i worked in restaurants.
Right wrist got two scars, one from a girl stabbing me with a pencil in grade 5 and the other from an overly enthusiastic kitten
Left Index finger got caught on an exposed nail.
Many scars on the knuckles of both hands from fighting when younger.
Left pectoral has an 6 inch scar from a sculpting accident.
Appendix scar
Both knees are a mass of scars from falling when jumping ramps as a kid
Also got one on my right calf from getting impaled during said ramp jumping adventures.
Scar on my chin from diving in shallow water.
Several long (1 to 1 and 1/2 foot) scars on my back from "Hardcore" matchs I fought when I worked as a wrestler.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by Jerry on :
I know what song you really mean. But seriously, you've got this song going around in my head:


I have an awesome scar right over my left jugular vein where a German Shepard got hold of me when I was eleven. Mom passed out when she saw the bite. Then she threw up while they were putting the stitches in.

Outside leg right below the left knee - major indention from hitting myself with a stick and gouging out a major amount of flesh - around eight years old.

Inside right calf - very cool oval shaped scar from a burn I got off a motorcycle muffler when I was about fourteen.

Top of my head - you can only see it when my head is shaved, a little gash from a fish bowl breaking over my head when I was five. Mom saved the goldfish. She's my hero for that one.

[ April 06, 2010, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Jerry ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Outside of the multitude of small ones I have all over from various cuts, I have two onn my face from a dog biting me when I was a baby.

Remnants of one on my left elbow from a 10 speed accident.

One on the back of my left hand where I took a chunk out while moving furniture into a trunk.

A dark one on my right forearm that I do not remember the origins of.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Oldest to newest:

- Chicken pox scar on my hip (age 11)

- Broke my nose, leaving a scar on the bridge, doing a flip over a couch and taking a face plant (age 12)

- Burn scars on either forearm carrying a very large pot of spaghetti in an awkward position (age 19)

- Took a slice out of my calf getting caught on concertina wire during an army training mission (age 26)

- Wicked, wicked scar after I almost sliced my thumb off when a jagged piece of metal from a falling bilco door caught my hand (age 35)

I just get worse and worse as life goes on.
Posted by Set on :
Chickenpox 'crater' on my forehead, where I picked at something my mom told me to leave alone. She's got one in the same place, so I guess she learned that the hard way, too. [Smile]

Chunk missing from front tooth, after taking a dive off my bike. Bottom of a hill, gravel, attempted to turn, results pretty much what you'd expect...

Small scar on my hand from where a line cook jokingly flung a shish-ka-bob skewer at me, leaving it sticking out of my hand. Got free sandwiches from her to take home for the next year, so that was the best thing that could have happened to a starving college student working as a dishwasher to make ends meet!

Nasty scar on back of index finger where I cut my finger to the bone playing with a knife. Healed badly because I wrapped it up and hid it from my mom for the next month, instead of getting it treated. (42 years old, still haven't had a stitch or suture!)

Lots of scar tissue on the back of my heel, where a cast I wore over a broken leg for four months rubbed against the skin.

While I've got a bump under the skin, I never got that scar that everyone else seems to have gotten from their smallpox / measles vaccination. It's weird, all my friends have noticeable scars there... During a medical exam for a government job, the doctor was very concerned that I hadn't gotten my childhood vaccinations until I showed him where the 'bump' was.

Smallish blue-green discoloration on my chin, hidden by my beard, where corroded metal got left behind from the pellet they extracted (with a magnet!) when a friend shot me with a pellet gun.

And that's it for external scars. I've probably got a few inside (like the hole in my heart, which sounds like the title of a country song), but nobody but my coroner is gonna get to see them!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
- Burn scars on either forearm carrying a very large pot of spaghetti in an awkward position (age 19)

You were pretending you were David Carridine, again, weren't you?
Posted by Jerry on :
This is a very cool thread. Great stories. Keep them coming, people. I want to hear from some of the ladies.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I agree with Jerry, lets hear from the ladies. C'mon, gals, we know there's some daredamsels out there.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
I agree with Jerry, lets hear from the ladies. C'mon, gals, we know there's some daredamsels out there.

Scar on my head from losing my balance when I was learning to walk and hitting the floor head-first.

Tiny scar on my nose from having a birthmark removed (by a professional, of course.)

Permanent little swelling in my upper lip from falling down face-first in the schoolyard and needing stitches.

Permanent little swelling in my lower lip from tripping and skidding while I was running in high school and scraping my lower lip against the ground.

Scar on my right hand from accidentally cutting myself with an X-Acto knife in art school.
Posted by Jerry on :
Excellent. You must have some amazing lips, Fanfic Lass. All those celebrities are paying big bucks to get what you accomplished by taking a couple of face dives.

Oh yeah. When trying to untangle the jingle from the jangle it's easy if you listen with your heart.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Jerry, LOL. I can just picture some dumb celebrity wannabe reading this and then deliberately taking a spill.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Don't give them ideas, FL. My wife told me its become the "smart thing" for pregnant stars to induce labor in the eighth month to prevent stretchmarks. I think that kind of stupidity is grounds for legalized thinning of the herd. Someone following your lead deliberately...grounds for napalming them.
Posted by Power Boy on :
i have a Harry Potter lightning scar between my eyes. and the story about it was quite vague. haha. i think my mom made something up about a speaker falling on my head when i was a baby when a truck drove by. but i think she honestly dosn't remember, she said i had stitches but i dont think id have this much of a scar with stitches ...

i have a scar on my upper inner arm from pushing my stepfather's race car into the garage. (and now that i think of it we were broke, why did he have to have a race car???) the wing on top of the roof rammed into my arm.

related i have a scar on the back of my calf from when we were welding on the car and i stepped back into something we had just welded. i should hate that car.

i have a scar from a burn across my thigh from an iron when i was little. it's gone away a lot.

a tiny scar on my upper lip from shaving.

i'm actually really surprised i've never gotten any from being a drunken mess. especially since i fall all the time.

[ June 01, 2010, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Power Boy ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
aaaaaaannnnnnddddddd now I can add a six inch long scar on my left knee to my collection.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
aaaaaaannnnnnddddddd now I can add a six inch long scar on my left knee to my collection.

Posted by Jerry on :
How's the recovery going, Rick?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I'm in PT now, but at least I've grown a little since i turned 21 and didn't make the nice lady cry like I did then. I'm a lot more genial in my old age.

Though it does occur to me that I can now legitimately do "cranky bastard on front porch with a cane shouting at them damn kids to stay off my lawn."

It'll be alot better when the knee quits swelling up like a tennis ball... I hope. Still, it's never gonna be 100% again. Like Sam says, now i have two bad legs.
Posted by Jerry on :
Be as cranky as you want, but do your PT when the swelling lets you. You have to use the muscles to keep them working. Are you walking? Able to put weight on it?


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