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Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 01:20 AM
Praise all that's sacred!
Posted By: ultrajo Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 01:36 AM
Hmmm. Didio did say that the Legion would be in present day DC Universe …

So that now is:
Star Man
Infectious Lass
Dream Girl

If this is truly the return of the original legion, then I will be very happy indeed. Fingers crossed.
Look up: That page also showed Cosmic King, Lightning Lord and Tyr. I also felt like I should recognize the beastie in the third panel, but I can't think of the name.

I can't wait to see how this resolves.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 04:33 AM
Let's not get too excited about the villains. I expect it'll turn out that Dr. Destiny is manifesting them from Nura's dreams.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 04:39 AM
this may also factor in. in the latest issue of 52, Clark mentions that he has known Luthor since they were kids. if I recall correctly, wasn't that the silver age history of those two? if so, than perhaps DC is looking to bring back all of the silver age legion. of course, that begs the question of why they are all in the present day DCU?
Wamu2, Waid's Superman: Birthright series restored the Clark/Lex teenage friendship bit. Although it was a pretty brief acquaintance, and Luthor seemed to deny knowing Clark when they met again as adults.
The real Nura Nal btw. Not the current dead one. wink
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 07:54 PM
Funny that the three Legionnaires who've appeared in JSA (Star Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl) don't have exact duplicates at present in the 3boot Legion. That's assuming "Mekt" is some sort of dream-spawn.

So, I predict the next ones we see in JSA are Bouncing Boy, Matter-Eater Lad and/or Wildfire!
Posted By: wndola1 Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 08:34 PM
or characters that are different enough in the silver age. However both Wak Triplicate Girl and Karate Kid are in the countdown poster and there have been references in both JLA and JSA Classified to Wak Karate Kid spending time in the past.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Tromium:
Funny that the three Legionnaires who've appeared in JSA (Star Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl) don't have exact duplicates at present in the 3boot Legion. That's assuming "Mekt" is some sort of dream-spawn.
I guess it depends on your definition of 'exact'. The only real difference between the Star Boys was some pigmentation and a sugar intolerance. The Dream Girls were similar enough until one of them semi-died. I guess basically I'm skeptical that this is the rationale.
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 10:49 PM
Well, here's my (wishful) thinking behind it: two Legions with with only minimal overlap in characters.

The young Legion/Wanderers of New Earth would include:
- Mon-El (leader)
- Shadow Lass
- Star Boy (black)
- Invisible Kid (Lyle)
- Micro Lad (giant who shrinks)
- Chameleon (takes on a different and much more alien physical form)
- Triplicate Girl
- Light Lass
- Lightning Lad
- Saturn Girl
- Timber Wolf (becomes feral, known only as "Wolf")
- Projectra
- Karate Kid
- White Witch
- Polar Boy (green alien)
- Plant Lad
- Theena
others, for example, 3boot Matter-Eater Lad. Red-haired Mekt, Jeyra and 3boot Nemesis Kid form another team and turn to super-villainy.

The older pre-Crisis Legion would include:
- Starman (whitey Thom, with both heavy and null gravity powers)
- Dream Girl
- Dawnstar
- Cosmic Boy (only active founder; Night Girl at his side)
- Lightning Lass (Ayla with her original powers)
- Colossal Boy (classic-Coke version married to Yera)
- Chameleon Boy (classic-Coke version)
- Duo Damsel (and her hubby, Bouncing Boy)
- Timber Wolf (non-feral version)
plus Wildfire, Tyroc, Blok, maybe classic-Coke Element Lad and Polar Boy.

but excludes:
- Karate Kid (dead)
- Projectra (retired to Orando; Sensor Girl is Earth-One Kara Zor-El, as originally intended)
- Invisible Kid (Lyle is dead; no boring Jacques IK)
- Mon-El (retired to go space exploring)
- Shadow Lass (retired to go space exploring with Mon)
- Lightning Lad (retired, on Winath)
- Saturn Girl (retired, on Winath)
- White Witch (living on Xerox)
- Matter-Eater Lad (retired, on Bismoll)

How the others are divided up still up for grabs. Only Brainy is too indispensible not to be on both versions of the team.
I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen anyone suggest that WaK were forced to kill Dreamy because of her upcoming JSA appearance yet!
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 11:25 PM
Can anyone scan some pages or panels for those of us that don't have the book?
Anyone think this is the Adult Legion?

Star Man? I heard Tyr and Lightning Lord with his Adult Legion costume appear somewhat?

that would rock!
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/22/07 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen anyone suggest that WaK were forced to kill Dreamy because of her upcoming JSA appearance yet!
Not forced, but they might have known about it for some time. The plans to have Starman/Thom Kallor (if not Dreamy) in the JSA relaunch go back more than two years.

Barry also indicated they were not allowed to use Dawnstar because of her upcoming JSA appearance.
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Can anyone scan some pages or panels for those of us that don't have the book?
I was going to last night, but ran out of time. Will try again tonight. And it's just one page.
It\'s already at scans_daily.

The big creature in the second panel looks like a nightmare'd version of Shagrek to me.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/23/07 01:03 AM
WHOOOOO!!!! HOT! ...sad... HOT!
Arkham Asylum vs. Brainy's brain.

Posted By: Dain Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/27/07 05:41 PM
OK, so Dream Girl's in the 21st century and I'm getting goosepimples! Star Boy, Dream Girl, Infectious Lass and Mon-El, but where did Dawnstar appear in?
Posted By: Matthew E Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/27/07 05:59 PM
Her arm was in JSA #1.

And I don't think that was the original Mon-El. Unless DC's up to some kind of jiggery pokery.
Posted By: Dain Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/27/07 06:02 PM
Ah, thank you Matthew. smile

Maybe he wasn't the original Mon in the Action Annual, but he's Mon-El. laugh DC seems to be leading to something big with all those teasers here and there. I guess we'll know soon enough.

I read all 4 issues of the JSA in one sitting and it IS a fantastic comic book. One of the best DC comics I've read in a long time, regardless of Legion appearances.
Posted By: Omni Craig Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/27/07 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Tromium:
Barry also indicated they were not allowed to use Dawnstar because of her upcoming JSA appearance.
Is it just me, or is that mindboggling that a character that was created for & introduced by the Legion book can't use the character because another book has "dibs"?? Especially when you're reestablishing the multiverse and all, you'd think there'd be plenty of versions of any character they need.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by all the screen time Legion's getting at DC (my wallet was never so empty!!), but c'mon, this is bizarre!
Cool! I may have to start buying JSA.
Posted By: Dain Re: Legion SPOILERS in Justice Society #4 - 03/27/07 07:52 PM
I can't believe I didn't recognize Dawny's arm in JSA #1! And she's wearing the Legion ring too!
Ah well, I didn't expect to see her so I didn't see her, that's all I can say in my defence! tongue

Omni Craig, they weren't allowed to use Dawny from the beginning of the current Legion or just recently? If it's the latter, I guess there are two possibilities. Either the powers that be are planning to make her a part of another "Legion" reality, parallel to the one we know (a new book with the classical Legion maybe? wink ) or they want to avoid another "how can she be in the 31st/21st Century, that's impossible yatta yatta yatta" bruhaha from Legion fans when everything is resolved. Many of us are nitpickers anyway. lol
My current "theory" (and fantasy) is that they're going to bring the classic Legion back, as the 31st Century's "JSA", with the current Legion being the "JLA". Please, feel free to disprove this theory. laugh

(I'd so love a third Legion book featuring the classic Legion of Super-Heroes, alternate-reality or not). Sigh.. ChemicalKing
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