Legion World
SHE is coming...

My hussy is drawing nearer and nearer...

I giggle with anticipation.

What 'diva-ish' move will she pull first!
Bah. Waid will stun everyone and make her the sweetest, nicest member of the whole team.

Besides, I don't think anyone can out-diva Brainy at this point.
Whatever she does, it better involve forcing the team to wear medallions with her picture on them!
I'm guessing Lightning Lad is already dating another Legionnaire, and she's manuevered him into a "secret mission" with her!
This Saturn Girl wears a cape. Shameless hussy heroines never wear capes, ergo Saturn Girl has been reimagined as non-hussy.
Well, as long as they still have medallions with her picture on them, she doesn't have to be a hussy.
Re: her and LL, I bet she wears the cape in the relationship.
She'll have to steal a few boyfriends and invade some minds before she attains true hussy status. And nobody seems to have a regular boyfriend yet...

Maybe Saturn Girl is the REASON no one has a steady squeeze yet? Maybe she is telepathically manipulating the whole team, making Karate Kid fall for Phantom Girl, making Light Lass play the field, making Dream Girl think she will marry Brainiac 5. Of course, I'm not sure if this behavior qualifies her for shameless hussy-hood, or just major league a@#&*!e-hood.

Or, she could be telepathically manipulating the UP and the alien invaders as an excuse to take Lightning Lad to Rimworld. Then again, this may not make her a hussy, it may just make her a masterly manipulative dominatrix. Which is cool too.
I predict that Ms. Panel Piggy will slip on a banyo peel on Rimworld 19 and spend the rest of the WaK run recuperating in some remote Titanian backwater town. Before they depart, WaK will revisit her in a special, senses shattering spotlight issue that depicts her torrid but forbidden love affair with Dr. Aven. Universo will make a guest appearance as a bus boy.
Only 23 days now until the intergalactic hussy's return!
I'm not in any hurry to get her back. She's been over exposed since day one. Leave her in limbo for a while I say.
I anticipate her return, and have to ask, "Barry, where's her pink bikini and disco boots?"

There was never a better superheroine costume, IMHO! wink
I'm so with you, Craig! That was my all-time favorite costume for Saturn Girl. The others just made her too motherly - even when she wasn't. How better to say "I'm a shameless hussy" than to wear a pink bikini?
Originally posted by ferroboy:

How better to say "I'm a shameless hussy" than to wear a pink bikini?

By having her wear a pink bikini while she's pregnant with her husband's children?

Maybe they'll do that someday.
SOOOOO shameless.

22 days to go!
You think it's easy to be a shameless hussy when your butt is made of iron? Just try it!
It's a hell of a lot of work, just keeping it buffed and polished so it looks good when you telepathically seduce someone else's boyfriend!

OK, she snared Garth, Proty-Garth, and Brin pre-boot, Coz, Garth, Jo, and Jarth post-boot.
Presumably Garth in 3boot too...

Am I forgetting any of her iron-butted love conquests?
Am I forgetting any of her iron-butted love conquests?
The Naltor Dreamers batball team. That's what I heard, anyway.
Jeepers C. Festus! If I don't get a Saturn Girl fix soon I'm gonna explode!

And it better be a FULL-ON, HARDCORE friend-decieving, man-stealing, medallion-making, Legionnire-expelling, panel-hogging appearance! Don't settle for less!
After she appears in Legion #5, she moves over to the Marvel Universe to team up with her overexposed couterpart over there.

Didn't you know that the series was really called:

House of Saturn-M

Thats right Saturn Girl and Scarlet Witch together for the first time!

Watch them fight over panel time!
I don't know why many fans hate Saturn Girl?
She's the best of all the girls, with Projectra and Shadow Lass in a second place.
Dream Girl it's okay for now...

Or maybe the silly XS was better?
Or the Zombie Zoe?
Or the Super-nun of The Space : Andy.
Or the Apparition with her foolish words "I want my Ultra Boy I Want my Ultra Boy", the curret is not more cool, for now...
Or the actual maneater Ayla.
Or the combo Violet- Emerald Empress- Leviathan?
I'll wait for the new Atom Girl.
Or a world full of Luornu copies?

Saturn Girl made a perfect debut in the new series.
One heroine in all her glory.
I can't say the same of Ayla, Tinya and Luornu.

Long live to The Ice Queen!
I hope it was as good for all of you as it was for me!
you know..i never really appreciated saturn girl before. i thought she was too much of a goodie two shoes. i did kinda like her robot personality though.

but now that i have been enlightened to her man eating, back stabbing, manipulative ways.....and all under the guise of an "iron butted goodie two shoes i'm a telepath so i'm more sophisticated persona"!

she's brilliant. watch out passions, all she needs is to throw ayla down the stairs.
I've always wanted Saturn Girl to be even Icier and More Iron Butted, but they've continually tried to offset her shameless hussy behavior with a niceness and innocence. Maybe that's more sophisticated than what I want?
What did Kippers think of the all-now Saturn Girl?
"What do invaders want with this mudball of a planet, Brin?"
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:
she's brilliant. watch out passions, all she needs is to throw ayla down the stairs.
How brilliant could she be if her best idea is to throw Light Lass (off all people) down the stairs? lol
Sounds pretty brilliant to me. wink
I still think Ayla'd make a better shameless hussy.
brilliant more like when an english person says "brilliant!" not brianiac 5 type brilliant.
Is that with or without withering sarcasm?
Oh how I've missed the Shameless Hussy threads! So glad to see them back again. It's like old home week! laugh
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:

Besides, I don't think anyone can out-diva Brainy at this point.
Well you can just answer to my publicist, Mr. Miner! And where is my imported bottled water?? Someone's going to pay for this!
Incidentally, until she proves herself to not be a hussy, she's still a hussy.

Just like I love her.
She's now a "no talk, all action" hussy!
Just the way Cobie likes her!
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