Legion World
(Remember there are two Polls tallied here, so be sure to also read the results for Volume 3!)

FINAL TALLY - Favorite LEGION VOLUME 2 Stories (20 votes)

FIRST PLACE - 90% (18) - 290 - 294 Great Darkness Saga

- No surprise here. It’s recent TPB probably helped it’s response, but with it’s long popularity it most likely need no help.

SECOND PLACE - 70% (14) - 300 Douglas Nolan, alternate Legions

- A little bit of everything for everybody in this story, just like Legion itself, which may one reason why it came in second.

THIRD PLACE - 60% (12) - Annual 1 Computo, Invisible Kid 2 joins

- Often cited by fans, the first Legion Annual may also be the most popular.

FOURTH PLACE - 55% (11) - 289A Lost on Asteriod

- Another frequently mentioned story, it is the highest non-giant sized or epic in this Poll.


- 304 Legion Academy - Giffen’s take on the schoolkids made some fans.

- 305 Yera revealed - Perhaps something of a surprise for this story to place this high, but it was a surprise revealing story!

SEVENTH PLACE - 30% (6) - 280 - 282 Ultra Boy-Superboy, Time Trapper

- Highest non-Levitz or Giffen. And yet “Jarth” received strong negative numbers in recent Polling. Perhaps it’s who you merge together!


- 269 - 271 The Dark Man, Fatal Five - The last appearance of the original Fatal Five as a team.

- 286B & 288 Prince Pharoxx, Orando - Giffen’s early issues were overshadowed by TGDS, but not

- 297 Cosmic Boy origin - Cos goes wild.

20% (4) - 287A Karlak & Khundia; 295 Green Lanterns; 296 Fireballers; 303 Emerald Empress

15% (3) - 274 & 275 Ultra Boy & pirates; 276 Mordru; 277 - 279 Reflecto, Grimbor; 283 Wildfire origin; Annual 2 Durlan Greek gods, Val & Projectra wed

10% (2) - 263 & 264 Dagon & Legion relatives; 268 Dr. Mayavale; 311B Dawnstar

5% (1) - 262 Machine Planet; 273 Stargrave & Brainiac; 5 284 Organus; 285A Nullport, Khunds; 286A Dr. Regulus; 298 Duplicate Boy, Karlak; 302 Lightning Lord; 306 Star Boy origin; 308B Yera meets the in-laws; 309B Val & Projectra honeymoon; 311A Brainiac 5 & Computo; 312 & 313 Sci-Police & bomber

0% (0) - 260 & 261 Space Circus; 265 Tyroc’s origin; 266 & 267A Kantuu; 267B Vibrex; 272 Blok origin, Starburst Bandits; 285B Dream Girl on Naltor; 287B Mon-el & Shadow Lass; 289B Matter-Eater Lad’s cure; 299 Invisible Kid & Wildfire, Karlak; 301 Chameleon Boy on Durla; 307, 308A, 309A, 310 Prophet & Omen


FINAL TALLY - Favorite LEGION VOLUME 3 Stories (Tales of Legion [TOL] noted.)

FIRST PLACE - 90% (18) -- 1 - 5 LSV War

- Also no surprise with this winner. Legion epics are very popular and this is the biggest battle with the Legion’s first villains.

SECOND PLACE - 70% (14) - 37 & 38 Death of Superboy; Time Trapper

- A Legion death that really doesn’t seem like a Legionnaire’s death probably because of who it is. The truest proof that anybody can die in Legion.

THIRD PLACE - 65% (13) - 21A, 24A, 25, 26 Sensor Girl, Emerald Empress’ Fatal Five

- One of the three big Legion mystery stories of the era, it was mentioned by Levitz in the Companion that Supergirl probably was originally intended to be Sensor Girl.

FOURTH PLACE - 60% (12) - 32 - 35 Universo Project

- Another mystery, this one beginning with the popular “what’s the heck’s going on?” device that has rarely been used in Legion.

FIFTH PLACE TIE - 55% (11)

- 14 Quislet, Polar Boy, Sensor Girl, Tellus, Magnetic Kid join - New members have always been a main feature in Legion and one of the most popular. Highest Steve Lightle issue,

- 46 - 50 The conspiracy against the Time Trapper - The third mystery, and Lu loses her second body.


- 13 Timber Wolf, Lythyl - Highest placing spotlight story in this Poll, T-Wolf has do his duty to a dead friend.

- 57 & 58 Emerald Empress dies - Perhaps the most shocking ending of all of Volume 3, I doubt that anybody saw it coming.

NINE PLACE - 45% (9) - 60 - 63 Magic Wars

- Volume 3 began with a war against LSV, and it concluded a war of magic.


- TOL 316A Cosmic Boy & Subs - The only Tales of Legion to make the Top Ten.

- 31 Karate Kid, Projectra, Ferro Lad - A flashback story of Shooter’s Legionnaires, two who would die and one survivor who would become a Leader.

- 59 Lyle & young Condo - Another flashback story with two dead Legionnaires.

25% (5)

- TOL 324A & 325A Dark Circle, Dev-em

- 23 Mon-el in Phantom Zone

- Annual 3 Rokk’s new Legion of Subs

20% (4)

- TOL 321 - 323 Dawnstar & Brainiac 5, Jhodan

- 18 The Infinite Man, Crisis

- Annual 2 Validus' origin, Darkseid

15% (3) - 7 & 8 Sun-Eater Factory; 16 Brainiac 5 & Supergirl; 27 Four connected stories, Mordru rehabilitated; 45 Lightning Lad biography; 46 - 49, Annual 4A Starfinger, Espionage Squad;

10% (2) TOL 314A & 315A Dark Circle; TOL 318 & 319 Lady Memory; 6 Lightning Lass; 9 Sklarians; Annual 1 Assassin of JLA progeny; 19A & 20A Controller, Tyrraz; 36 Polar Boy Election; 44 Quislet origin; 51 Brainiac 5’s Trial; 54 New Costumes; 55 Different Paths: Witch Witch, Brainiac 5, Dream Girl, Blok

5% (1) TOL314B & 315B, 316B White Witch origin; Annual 3 Attempt to revive Mordru; 11B Bouncing Boy; 12A Space Raiders; 12B Element Lad election; 21B Wildfire & Quislet; 22 Universo, Restorer; 29 New Starfinger intro; 39 Colossal Boy Origin; 42 & 43 Laurel Kent: Manhunter

0% (0) TOL 317A Dream Demon; TOL 317B Lallor Heroes; TOL 320A Magpie; TOL 320B Sun Boy hoax; TOL 324B Invisible Kid 2 & Shrinking Violet; 10 Khund Assassins; 11A Brande Assassins; 15 Dr. Regulus; 17 Leland McCauley; 19B Invisible Kid; 20B Dream Girl; 24B Brin & Ayla; 28 Star Boy leaves; 30 Lightning Monsters rampage; 40 & 41 Starfinger; Annual 4B Dream Girl & Atmos; 52 Gil’dishpan; 53 Hywyndr; 56 Blok, Inquisitor


After the non-series stories Poll concludes tomorrow I will do a Run-Off Poll among all the top finishers of the stories Polls.

Thanks again for voting!



Original starting post:

2 Questions - First question is SEVEN favorite Volume 2 stories, and second is TEN favorite Volume 3 stories. (Different choices amounts are because of different amounts of stories.)

1 - Psycho-warrior story of SB/LSH 258 & LEGION Volume 2 - 259 was included in prior SB/LSH Poll.
2 - Tales of LSH is included in Volume 3 Poll because they were published simultaneously.
3 - Issues 46-49 of Volume 3 contain two long distinct storylines that are concluded in separate issues so they are listed separately.

[FYI: These Volumes begin with 2 because the first Legion Volume was a four issue reprint series in the early ‘70s.]
Well, I'm certain I checked all the boxes and filled in the clock info for the close time, but it didn't take. So Mods or Founders, I would like a Close Time of Nov 29, 6:00 PM. I giving it a few extra days because of the holiday.


Two 100%-ers in Volume 2 and two 100%-ers in Volume 3!

Don't know how long they'll last, but they're there!

After 8 votes, no more 100%-ers, but some clear favorites emerging: there are three 7-vote-getters in each of Volume 2 and Volume 3.

I was thinkin on it, and I wonder if a reason why response is moderate on these Story polls as opposed to my other Polls is because, despite polling that indicates many have large Legion collections (300+ issues was top response,) there are a limited number of members who have read all the listed stories, or at least enough to feel comfortable in making 7-12 favorite picks in a particular period. Adventure probably got a higher response because of the Archives.

But hopefully when I do a final run-off Poll among all the top finishers in these Polls, more members will feel comfortable with choosing favorites among these classics and other well-known stories. We'll see.

As of 17 votes, there is a 94%-er in Volume 2, and a 88%-er in Volume 3. Many strong favorites have emerged in both Polls, not all the likely suspects.

Poll closes tomorrow 6:00 PM PST!

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