Legion World
"What we really need for this mission is a guy who can bounce and avoid being grounded..."

"I think I know just the fella..."
"Querl Dox, do you take Tasmia Mallor as your lawful wedded wife?"
"Funny Rokk, I think I've nothing to say about that."

"You know Jann, neither do I."
"Oh no!...er...I mean...your new boyfriend seems *wonderful*, Triplicate Girl!"
"No Rokk, I will not make you a Supergirl robot."
Jan: "Who's the cute guy in the plaza?"

Ayla: "His name's Condo."
"what an exciting adventure!!!!"
Yes, I did this one before, but - hey - the whole topic's a repeat...

KQ2: "Enjoy your shower Cos? I had the weirdest dream..."
"To cut a long story short..."
"36 d*cks?!?!"
Mission Accomplished!
"Now that we've discovered a slightly cheaper method for producing flight rings, we're going to expand the active team to 40 members!"
Hey Brin how come your ears are pointed,and how did you get your hair to curl up like that,you know you should really trim those eyebrows.
"Quick Brainy! Get Mon the Lead antidote!"

"Rokk, for once... shut the Grife Up!"
"Boy, whouldn't it be handy to have someone who could EAT their way thru this holding cell?"

"Funny you should say that..."
Your new white,yellow and black costume looks really nice Val.
"Shikari, you say? Huh, never heard of you..."

"Reality is unfolding! Spacetime buckling! Skin colors and costumes changing! I can't stop the return of the old continuity! Crap, Karate Kid's dead again... Oh, but so's Supergirl, can we stay here?"

"Projectra was an Orandan princess, and then a snake, and then a snake woman, and is now a humanoid princess again? Right, give me a double shot of whatever he's drinking..."

"Laurel Kent! Glad you could make it to our babies batmitzah. Well, yes, he's half-Durlan, but it's traditional and Marte insisted."
"Rokk. ROKK! Wake up!"

"Jacques? Man, what a dream. Anyways, you were talking about new codenames and uniforms."

"Yes, we need to seperate ourselves from our younger counterparts on New Earth, don't you think?"
Originally posted by Set:
"Laurel Kent! Glad you could make it to our babies batmitzah. Well, yes, he's half-Durlan, but it's traditional and Marte insisted."
You may be thinking of a bris... a bat-mitzvah is for girls and takes place at the age of 13.
In the DC Universe, every mitzvah is a Bat-mitzvah.
"Wow, Gim! The way you thumped Ultra Boy, knocked Karate Kid thru that wall, and tought that giant punk-ass girl a lesson was really amazing!"
Supergirl: "Hey... you look kind of familiar..."

Sun Boy: "I'm Sun Boy, descendant of the notorious twentieth century villainess Sun Girl! But I'm nothing like my evil ancestor... I... I'm sorry I'm descended from such an evil woman... *choke*"
My name is Rokk Krinn, and I'm Tarik the Mute's new android.
Cos: "Wow, Superboy. You inspire us all!"


"A ill-thought-out teenage rebellion, Jacques? Who thought up this dreck?"

"Zis is the last time we zell our mershandizing rights to McCauley for 'olovid, Mysa. But come; let us discuz zis 'Sensor Girl' beezness."
All hail the new Legion leader, Tarik the Mute! {crowd roars}
A certain shapeless Antarean saying: "Sure, Saturn Girl is beautiful, but I'm not sure if I would want to be her lifelong companion. Even though we both communicate telepathically, there is something so ironically attractive about her having a voicebox. I think that's a deal breaker."
Originally posted by Tromium:
All hail the new Legion leader, Tarik the Mute! {crowd roars}
"I, Tarik the Mute, promise to uphold the principles of the Leg-- wait, did I say that out loud? Grife!"

"Hey! I thought you were a mute!"

"I can explain-- hey, what's that over there?" *runs*
As he takes down the leader of the LSV, Tenzil proclaims, "You've just become Tarik the Moot!"
Lemnos: "Then the lamp...?"

Supergirl: "- is just a lamp!"

Lemnos: "Curses!"

All: "Hahahaha!"

"Bouncing bollides!"
"Sizzling suns!"
"Poppin' planets!"
I know there have to be more Adventure era exclamations like that. I just can't think of any more. I'm at work, my mind is shut off until 5:30. hmmm
"Five Years Later..."
"Hey Supergirl, in order for you to become a full charter member, you have to tell us your 'secret origin!!'"

"Ummmm.. OK... where do I start.... I'm a 'protoplasmic matrix', the last daughter of an alternate Earth..."
© Legion World