Legion World
FINAL TALLY - Favorite Legion Stories of 1958-1989 (15 votes.)

FIRST PLACE - 73% (11) - Legion Volume 2 - 290-294 - Great Darkness Saga

- Levitz’s big second epic takes the blue ribbon! Meanwhile back in the 31st Century, the postboot Darkseid returns as a Legion villain. Coincidence or conspiracy?

SECOND PLACE - 67% (10) - Superboy & Legion 241A, 242A, 243-245 - Earthwar

- Levitz’s first epic, misses first place by one vote. Blame Mordru’s wingy fez.

THIRD PLACE - 60% (9) - Legion Volume 2 - 300 - Douglas Nolan, alternate Legions

- Levitz’s partial elimination of Shooter’s Future history - Shadow Lass doesn’t die saving the Science Asteroid. Lost a bundle on that one!

FOURTH PLACE - 53% (8) - Adventure 352 & 353 - Suneater; Fatal Five formed

--Highest scoring Adventure, Shooter, and Swan story. Triple high score! And double on the “Z”!

FIFTH PLACE - TIE - 47% (7)

- Adventure 344 & 345 - The Super-Stalag of Space

- Adventure 359 & 360 - Legion outlawed

- Adventure 369 & 370 - Mordru Legion

- Volume 3 - 1-5 - LSV War - Highest Volume 3 story

NINTH PLACE - TIE - 40% (6)

- Legion Volume 2, Annual 1 - Computo, Invisible Kid 2 joins

- Legion Volume 3 - 14 - Quislet, Polar Boy, Sensor Girl, Tellus, Magnetic Kid join

33% (5)

- Legion Volume 3 - 21A, 24A, 25, 26 - Sensor Girl, Emerald Empress’ Fatal Five

- Legion Volume 3 - 32-35 - Universo Project

27% (4)

- Adventure 340 & 341 - Computo Legion

- Volume 3 - 37 & 38 - Death of Superboy; Time Trapper

- Legion Volume 3 - 46-50 - The conspiracy against the Time Trapper

20% (3)

- Adventure 354 & 355A - Adult Legion vs. LSV

- Adventure 365 & 366 - Return of Fatal Five

- Superboy & Legion 239 - Ultra Boy Framed

- Legion Volume 2 - 289A - Lost on Asteriod

- Legion Volume 3 - 13 - Timber Wolf, Lythyl

- Legion Volume 3 - 57 & 58 - Emerald Empress dies

13% (2) Adventure 312 - Lightning Lad revived; Adventure 346 & 347 - Karate Kid, Projectra, & Ferro Lad join; Adventure 350 & 351 - Devil’s Dozen; Superboy 209A - Pain Plague; Superboy 212A - Super-rejects; Superboy 228 & 229 - Deregon & Dark Circle; Legion Volume 2 - 280-282 - Ultra Boy-Superboy, Time Trapper; Legion Volume 2 - 305 - Yera revealed; Legion Volume 3 - 59 - Lyle & young Condo; Legion Volume 3 - 60-63 - Magic Wars; NON-SERIES -- Secret Origins 47C - Chemical King

7% (1) Superboy 201A - ERG-1 returns as Wildfire; Superboy & Legion 231 - Fatal Five; Legion Volume 2 - 286B & 288 - Prince Pharoxx, Orando; Legion Volume 2 - 297 - Cosmic Boy origin; Legion Volume 2 - 304 - Legion Academy; NON-SERIES -- Adventure 247 - Superboy joins; Legion DC Presents 59 - Legion of Subs; Superboy 89 - Mon-el; Superboy 125 - Kid Psycho intro; Superman 147 - Adult Legion, LSV

Zero scores will no longer be included in Final tallies.

Thanks for voting!

original starting post:

From the top finishers in the previous Story Polls, what are you TEN Favorite Legion Stories of 1958-1989?

[List is chronological, except for non-series stories listed at end.]

4 votes and there still is a 100%-er! The voting thus far is interesting not just for what's getting votes, but for what isn't getting any!

Vote and find out!

After 8 yotes, the 100-er has dropped to 75% with 6 votes, followed by several with 5 and 4 votes.

It's a horserace among the classics and some surprising contenders!

Vote and find out who's in the front pack!

After 12 votes, a tie at the top with two 8 vote-getters, followed by a single 7 and two 6's. A clear front pack followed by a forming midpack.

poke - "Vote!"
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