Legion World
Just think about it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it
Who else are you gonna call when Tyroc's reality warping powers go outta control and need to be contained?


James Taylor?????
What effect would Chet have on Saturn Girl? Would her thoughts echo around in her head?
Chet's a great karaoke host because he can help weaker singers sound more ambient.
No Chet? That would suck uck uck uck uck uck uck uck!

See how welcoming and jovial he is!
Random possibly completely fake Echo-Chamber Chet trivia:

He may have been named for country guitarist Chet Atkins, who was a pioneer in the use of echo-chambers in recording guitars.
Sorry, I didn't catch the thread title. Could you repeat it for me please?
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Who else are you gonna call when Tyroc's reality warping powers go outta control and need to be contained?

Umberto Eco Echo?
Originally Posted by Ann Hebistand
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Who else are you gonna call when Tyroc's reality warping powers go outta control and need to be contained?

Umberto Eco Echo?

No-one calls Sens-Tank Steve since the Imskian incident.
Originally Posted by thoth lad
Originally Posted by Ann Hebistand
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Who else are you gonna call when Tyroc's reality warping powers go outta control and need to be contained?

Umberto Eco Echo?

No-one calls Sens-Tank Steve since the Imskian incident.

Nor his twin brother, Sensitive-Wanker Stu, just because he's so easily offended by any stupid little thing.
>gasp< That's two uses of the "w" word in quick succession. I wonder if that Mary Poppins sequel is more grown up than I thought. smile
Man, I really need to re-read Umberto Eco!
Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Man, I really need to re-read Umberto Eco!

Crumbs... I was going to post that "This Echo thread really makes me want to get back to finishing Yodelling For Beginners" but you've made it seem so...lowbrow now. smile
Not having Echo-Chamber Chet around, forces people to open their mindsand listen to uncomfortably diverse opinions. Not something most find enjoyable.
Not if Tunnel Vision Tom has anything to say about it!
Cue the people who comment on anything remotely disagreeable by saying "If you believe THAT, then YOU are what's wrong with this world."
A deafening cry of the outraged echoing around the world, as the species shambles towards oblivion.

Next on Rorschach's Christmas special...
Originally Posted by thoth lad
A deafening cry of the outraged echoing around the world, as the species shambles towards oblivion.

Next on Rorschach's Christmas special...


And coming up later, Rorschach explains at length his theory that a Christmas tree is a tree like any other.
"The low hanging branches collected the dirt of this city as it was dragged heavily up the street. Each piece of dirt corrupted its festive promise with the disease of this neon prison. Each mark a filthy scar shared with one of the denizens here."

- The Rorschach/ Santa DC Special.

Did Echo Chamber Chet have his own fortress of solitude? If so, he could've called in the Echoplex, except the name was already trademarked by manufacturers of sound-effect devices for musicians.

I said get Brian Eno, not Brian Echo!
Yeah, but the Eno from the 1970s, before working with U2 turned his brain to mush. Time to rev up the time bubble...
...Strange Overtones... In the music you are playing...

For the luvva Mordru Rokk! Hit the Time Activation Button!

I'm trying Lydda! But something's gone wrong. It's like Everything That Happens Will Happen Today

...Put on your socks and mittens...It's getting colder tonight...

Use your Trapper powers Rokk! Please! I'll still love you in purple!

Deep Purple?

Just do it!
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