Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH ON SALE NOW: LSH # 12 BIG-TIME SPOILERAMA!!!! - 11/24/05 12:20 AM
So sayeth the DC homepage.

So, where's the spoilers and whatnot?

EDIT: Just altering the thread title so prepare for the upcoming release!

Written by Mark Waid; Art by Barry Kitson & Mick Gray; Cover by Kitson

The first year of Legion of Super-Heroes wraps up in a finale that must be seen to be believed! The pieces have been put in place over the last 12 months and now the threat to the universe stands revealed, leaving the team — and the 31st century — in shambles.

DC Universe | 40pg. | Color | $2.99 US

On Sale November 23, 2005
Lash, Lash, Lash. We've been over this the last couple of days. No Legion this week. Possibly no Legion next week. And never, NEVER, count on DC having the correct shipping info on their site. You've seen their message board. You think they now how to do proper updates? Go right to the horse's mouth for current shipping info.

Diamond Comics
Or you can visit this very trustworthy Legion news site . smile
Bah! This is all a bunch of claptrap!
But is it a flim-flam?
What's all the kerfuffle?
It's a bunch of hurlyburly is what it is!
It's on this week's shipping list. Hooray!
Phhhsaw! That's what they said last week too. They're a bunch of LIARS is what they are, liars, liars, LIARS!!!!!!!
I got mine last week! It was great! I can't believe they did what they did. Barry's art is incredible as always. Thank god Dream Girl is alive and well.

Having Matter-Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, Ferro Lad, and Chemical King help Invisible Kid stop Elysion was amazing!*

*[I'm joking!]
Liar, liar, LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
#13 on sale this Friday!
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Or you can visit this very trustworthy Legion news site . smile
Nice! Thanks for the link! Somehow I never came across that site before...is it run by someone from Legion World?
Originally posted by SouthtownKid:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
[b] Or you can visit this very trustworthy Legion news site . smile
Nice! Thanks for the link! Somehow I never came across that site before...is it run by someone from Legion World?[/b]
Thanks! Actually it is my new site, replacing Lightning Lad's Legion.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I got mine last week! It was great! I can't believe they did what they did. Barry's art is incredible as always. Thank god Dream Girl is alive and well.

Having Matter-Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, Ferro Lad, and Chemical King help Invisible Kid stop Elysion was amazing!*

*[I'm joking!]
as you are joking only on one thing....but what about Dream Girl's being alive? is that a joke as well? If not, then SPOIL IT please!!!!! as corteously as before, can always use the highlight to find out what's up. laugh
Hey, hey, what's all the hullaballoo?

(sorry, just had to get that in)
Um...everything in my post was a joke.

Trust me, I'd spill if I had the issue already.
Why is this thread stickied? Is this another cruel joke, trying to make me think the the new issue is on sale today? Because Scott said it might be still another week before we find out if Dream Girl is really dead or even worse-- bald!
Better bald than dead I say. Storm was bald for a while and she recuperated. Maybe every white haired hot chick has to have a bald phase...
I just picked my issues up at Forbidden Planet in NYC ... it's released
What???? No spoiler??? I guess I'll have to wait until 3:00 to get my copy!






Having never done this before ... please bear with me ...

Do not coninue reading if you don't want to know about issue 12 ...


in this issue at a quick glance:


Projectra finally shows her powers

Welcome back Timber Wolf

the war begins

OH and yeah ... Dream Girl is still dead and her corpse is still protected by Brainy's force field
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Better bald than dead I say. Storm was bald for a while and she recuperated. Maybe every white haired hot chick has to have a bald phase...
Well... Statistically speaking... comic book characters more often come back from being dead, than from being bald...
Originally posted by SouthtownKid:
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
[b] Better bald than dead I say. Storm was bald for a while and she recuperated. Maybe every white haired hot chick has to have a bald phase...
Well... Statistically speaking... comic book characters more often come back from being dead, than from being bald...[/b]
But don't the bald ones come back from the dead more often? At least at Marvel?
Atom Girl = The Re-Imagined Super Moby Dick of Space!
Incidentally my reactions based on my brief read of the issue: The main story is pretty awesome, though I was a bit disappointed in Lyle's "big plan" being as basic as it was.

The backup story was nothing but filler, however.
Brainy's conversation with the rock was priceless. Now I really want to know more about that relationship. Looks like we may not get answers until issue 14 though.

Vi's vocabulary suggests that Imskians might be the galaxy's nanosurgeons. It would explain what she uses the guns for. With her bedside manner, no wonder she's with Brainy.

On to the "Brainiac's Girlfriend, Nura Nal" front. Her hair's still perfect. Is the force field supposed to evoke Lightning Lad's body in the glass display case?

Some nice sequences for some of the others too, Ultra Boy and Karate Kid, Brin and the Princess Garth and Chameleon come to mind.
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Is the force field supposed to evoke Lightning Lad's body in the glass display case?
Now that you mention it, it seems plausible.

Aside from Nura still being labeled "deceased," 'twas a very staisfying issue. Atom Girl's lines were priceless. No clue, though, about what finally tore Brainy away from Nura. And, boy do I wish Cosmic Boy would just stop talking. Why couldn't he be the mute one?
I LOVE this book!

But, first my gripes: No new head shots in the logo! Although I liked that Barry's beautiful cover forced the cover to be downsized, we're still missing Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Atom Girl, & Brin Londo ! And I really need them for my Random logo on my LSH page, not to mention our avatars.

Also, no mention of who triangle girl is from the cover of the issue. For that matter, I wanted to see more little "l" Legionnaires get some face time.

Lastly, Dream Girl's still considered deceased. frown

Now that that's out of the way, the good stuff:

Lots! More action than you can shake a stick at. Projectra gets her powers finally. Atom Girl debuts! Awesome amounts of teamwork. #13 can't get here soon enough.

And I think you guys are right about the Lightning Lad homage. They seem to be beating us over the head that Dream Girl is dead, which makes it seem obvious that she'll be resurrected somehow.
as i won't be able to get this issues till my lunch time, tomorrow !!

WHAT are Projectra's POWERS !!??

please spoil me .......

This issue is a goldmine of quotables! My favorite: "You can lead a Rimborian to water but you can't make him THINK!"

Followed by Ultra Boy's quip about Imra's "lead underwear". lol

No question that Atom Girl's spectacular entrance (and exit!) will go down in Legion history.

Projectra's first display of power fell a little short compared to Violet's, but the smack on the lips was a fun moment. "I'm not a fighter ... I'm a lover!" love

The Public Service becoming "Legion Channel One" was a truly brilliant twist!

The fact that more was achieved by trickery than by brute strength is what made this such a great story.

The "Previously" pages were a nice addition for *this* issue (though I wouldn't want to see them in every issue), but I wish someone had reminded the writer AND the editor that Dormir is the communications planet and Ttrxl the transmatter planet, and not vice versa.

I dug the backup story, too. Behind the philosophical banter are two absolutely spot-on characterizations of LL and SG. The look on Garth's face when Imra started talking about the need to "take it slow" was priceless, and Imra has lost none of her shamelessness. Lead underwear, my foot. wink

Apart from that one little editorial glitch with Dormir and Ttrxl, it was all great fun and everything the Legion should be.
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
as i won't be able to get this issues till my lunch time, tomorrow !!

WHAT are Projectra's POWERS !!??

please spoil me .......

It's my inheritance. A power passed along to each generation.

Brin Londo:
Passed along from the deathbed, you told me. Jeckie, your parents aren't--?

They are.
But they trained me well. Now, so long as I desire, whether to the naked eye or the most sophisticated receptors--
--those who watch see only what I wish them to see.
Can you picture 'Atom Girl' saying "Make my day, punk!"?
Maybe she should change her name to Clinetta Eastwood.
You're all making stuff up to tease me. Dream Girl's really alive and bald, isn't she?

Well, I'll stop by the CBS Friday and check for myself.
How about a young gal with purple hair, a white?/grayish? complexion, antennae, and a barrette?

Not to mention some powerfully glowing fists....
Yeah, I noticed that. Poor Lash, he's going to have a tough decision if Dreamer's dead.

Loved Vi's appearence; she's great! hug to Barry and Mark.

I'm glad to see that Jeckie's got her powers, but I was a little put off by her attitude. Didn't like the vacant look in Brin's eyes after that kiss, either.

Loved the ending; can't wait for next issue. The backup was a bit of a letdown. I wish it could have been printed first. That would have avoided the anticlimactic feel to it.
wow. This issue was great. I loved the old school style captions on the first few pages.

nice use of Cham's powers to deceive Skelter.

Atom Girl. best. entrance. ever. I like her attitude. and just want has see been up to in the microverse?

the most chilling aspect of Lemnos' speech was that if you didn't know the context, it sounds just like something the 'good guys' would say before battle.

battle scene with Karate Kid and Ultra Boy was good. Karate Kid speaks and acts calmly but seems just as eager as Ultra Boy to open a can of whup-a*@.

Note to Cosmic Boy: Xavier called and he wants Cerebo back. smile

last, but not least the back up story. that's was nicely done. added some depth to the characters. I look forward to more back up stories like that.

Shadow Lass or Atom Girl? I am torn, who should be my favorite female LSH member.
who yeah, I forgot. I liked the way Projectras energy aura(?) was drawn. all of the members with beam powers have a unique way that they are presented. good stuff.
This was an awesome issue. I was thrilled to see the Legionnaires fight with such pride and courage, and win.

Too bad about the filler story though. Garth's proposition seemed to come out of nowhere...
I should say that I didn't mind the back-up story so much. Not that it was spectacular or anything (it's just Garth & Imra being like any other version of Garth & Imra, after all), but I actually quite appreciated that it was fillng in a story that was already in continuity.

That's all.
Quick thoughts on your guy thoughts.

The action issues have been my favorite by far. So I am pretty sure I will like this.

Vi? attitude? yes! She's my fave female member. I started Legion with Violet's Story #305.

Don't even joke about Infectious Lass. It would break my heart. I've always had a thing for her. The girls that are bad for you and all that I guess. wink

wamu2, the energy effects have been amazing on this title thus far. I love all the glowing/energy effects and really thing they make this book unique. I think everyone should have a glowing insignia. smile
this is my favorite issue so far!!!!!

and atom girl kick's so much nass.

"best entrance ever" is f*****g A right.
Hi Guys
Glad to hear you enjoyed the issue! We really feel all the set up stuff will have been worth it for the whole next year or so - it's a lot of fun for us to actually be able to start getting into a higher gear!
I'm especially pleased you enjoyed Vi's entrance - there is indeed a whole story behind her relationship with Brainy and what she's been up to since #1 smile
The fight scenes were a blast to draw too! laugh
Great read! I loved the Robin bit.

Question - was Atom Girl "the one thing that might yet save the universe" or was the large spacey bowling ball "the one thing"?

And poor Invisible Kid - he really gets the stuffing beat out of him doesn't he?

The backup story is drawing by one Mr. Lashley...could our MLLASH be moonlighting unbeknownst to us!?!
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Hi Guys
Glad to hear you enjoyed the issue! We really feel all the set up stuff will have been worth it for the whole next year or so - it's a lot of fun for us to actually be able to start getting into a higher gear!
I'm especially pleased you enjoyed Vi's entrance - there is indeed a whole story behind her relationship with Brainy and what she's been up to since #1 smile
The fight scenes were a blast to draw too! laugh
I'm glad you're glad to hear it, Barry. smile Thank you for maintaining such a high standard of quality.
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Question - was Atom Girl "the one thing that might yet save the universe" or was the large spacey bowling ball "the one thing"?
I'm pretty sure that was a reference to Atom Girl. Brainy's picking up the half sphere on page 9.
Hey hey! Does the scene with Projectra's dragon have the historic first appearance of "Sprock" in the reimagined 31st century?
This is everything the last issue was not, for me. Except for the art, of course, which just gets better. And although I haven't read the back-up story yet I must have all those original pages! A new quest! smile
Brainy's picking up the half sphere on page 9.
Which is presumably the "microverse" Atom Girl mentioned, isn't it?
Good story. Great art. Loved Vi's entrance and Projectra's power finally showing up. I don't like Vi's hair, costume or name though. REALLY hope they drop the Atom Girl bit soon.

The cover was misleading once again. All of the characters on it aren't even on the same planet in the story, let alone fighting the same bad guys.

Cham's new use of his power was interesting, but I'd think he'd be in just as bad a shape as Skelter afterwards.

And I'm DYING to know if they've really killed Dream Girl or not. Don't they know how popular she is with the fans?

On a side note, I picked up Infinite Crisis 1 and 2 yesterday as well. It's really grotesque the way they draw Power Girl's shoulders and boobs so big. Bring back the Comics Code Authority please. Speaking of boobs, it looks to me like the boobs at DC are just trying to undo the mess they made in the first Crisis. What a colossal waste of time the last 20 years has been in the DC universe. What were they thinking?
I loved this issue - or the first story anyway, the second one just seemed pointless to me. Oh well. Art was great, some very funny lines, nice character touches, nice introduction to both PPs powers and Atom Girl (though wouldn't she have been mushed inside Ellysian - unless her density remains constant while shrunk?) and the introduction of "Legion Channel One" was inspired!

I'm left with one question though - Oh bloody hell, why does it take so long for the next issue to come out? lol

Great stuff WaK, as Numf likes to say, it was F'n'A!!
I got mine today too! A fantastic issue! It's great to finally see all those things Barry has been teasing us take shape.

Great work Barry. Wow! Amazing art.

I like the back-up too. We can see great expressions on the faces of Garth and Imra, so we can also see all the feelings they are passing through during this little story.
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
The cover was misleading once again. All of the characters on it aren't even on the same planet in the story, let alone fighting the same bad guys.
Probably more of the plot-padding effect--if the story had wrapped up in #12 like it was supposed to, the cover would still make sense.

Still, I very much enjoyed this one. It was far less decompressed than 11--I can only imagine how fast-paced it would have been under the original plot schedule!

Atom Girl's entrance was brilliant--it makes you wonder, if she can grow with enough force to tear a human body apart, can she survive powerful blows by expanding her body against them?
Originally posted by Harbinger:
I loved this issue - or the first story anyway, the second one just seemed pointless to me. Oh well. Art was great, some very funny lines, nice character touches, nice introduction to both PPs powers and Atom Girl (though wouldn't she have been mushed inside Ellysian - unless her density remains constant while shrunk?) and the introduction of "Legion Channel One" was inspired!

I'm left with one question though - Oh bloody hell, why does it take so long for the next issue to come out? lol

Great stuff WaK, as Numf likes to say, it was F'n'A!!
Pointless? I thought the second story went a long way toward establishing the relationship between Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl.
Maybe she meant poor timing.
I'm so over Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl as a couple. Can we break them up this boot please?
Malvolio, I think some people forget about the NEW readers of the LSH - y'know, the actual target audience of this series - who otherwise wouldn't know Garth and Imra from Krazy Kat and Ignatz the Mouse (whom they closely resemble at times).

And even if you're a jaded oldtimer and/or dislike this particular romance, the story does have a subtle but important point. By updating one of the Legion's oldest relationships to reflect modern-day attitudes and behavior, it confirms that sex is very much a part of the new LSH's interpersonal dynamic, which has been broadly hinted at in previous issues (burning beds!) but is now made abundantly clear. In other words, these kids aren't your Grandpa's Legionnaires, a point that bears repeating.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I got mine last week! It was great! I can't believe they did what they did. Barry's art is incredible as always. Thank god Dream Girl is alive and well.
Really - and for true? If she is still alive, i'd like to see her revert to the level-headed chick she was, instead of the self-involved ditz that Levitz and Giffen turned her into... nod
I so want this title to be fun and entertaining, but I just don't like it. The great artwork has not been enough to offset the huge disappointment this Legion reboot has been for me. The main storyline has had no friggin' structure to it for most of the 12 issues so far.
The fact that it took only the first 5 panels of issue #12 to summarize what has 'happened' this entire year is testimony to the snail's pace of the plot. The stupid filler stories and the mindless editorial blunders are Annoying, not entertaining for me. And I have a pet peeve on "heroes" debuting by exploding out of the bodies of adversaries with a constipated look on their faces.

I'm done for now. As far as I'm concerned, the two best Legion stories for 2005 were in Superman/Batman, And JSA Classified, not even in the Legion's own title. I could care less what the conclusion will be for this storyline, even if it actually does come about by next issue. Maybe when Supergirl stops in next year things will be better, and I'll try it again then.
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
And I have a pet peeve on "heroes" debuting by exploding out of the bodies of adversaries with a constipated look on their faces.

how many times has that happened in books you have read?
Re: sex. In the ZH version I found it a bit disturbing that Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl got married/had a baby when they are drawn like 13 year olds. Same here. Suprised that DC(Levitz)would have a teeny book show that stuff.

If that is an attempt to make them "cool" it doesn't do it for me. It IS my grandpa's Legion so far imo. smile

Still I think Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad are probably the oldest on the team so I am pretty sure they aren't 14 like IK...probably 18 to 21.

geez, I AM getting old. wink
So what did Projectra do??? How did her powers work? spoil me? (i will probably buy it tommorrow but what the heck)
Originally posted by Don Jorge del Oeste:
Still I think Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad are probably the oldest on the team so I am pretty sure they aren't 14 like IK...probably 18 to 21.
Isn't everyone on the team under 18, by definition?

(edit) It was disturbing when Jo and Tinya had a kid, though. I totally agree with you there.
It's great to read the vast majority of you guys enjoyed the issue! laugh

The age of the Legionnaires has never been definitively fixed - especially as different alien races (and species) may well mature at different rates. A 40 year old giant turtle is still very young by giant turtle standards.
The LSH is made up of youthful sentients from teenagers to young adults - I don't think we've ever intentionally tried to tie it down more than that. smile

Thanks again for all the kind words about the artwork! smile
Barry, so are we going to see a 200 year old teenager join??? wink
There may be one already wink
I bet he's refering to Brainy.
it's probably one of the many "Legionnaires" somewhere throughout the galaxy from some other race/planet, not necessarily a core memeber.
Brainy or Cham. heh. I gotta say while still having mixed feelings about this Legion I am leaving work running some errands and hitting the CBS at 10am just to go get Legion. So I guess they are doing some things right. wink
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Maybe she meant poor timing.
That is part of it but as the twist on SGs abilities and muteness has already happened unless the Vashians add something to a later story line I'm still not convinced. Their closeness to the Rimworlds so potential usefulness for any beachhead against invasion couldn't justify this story being in this issue IMO - the art was good, dialogue was great, just the plot itself was, again IMO, pointless. I liked the second story last month as it showed a direct correlation to the ongoing plot but this story.. sorry, it just didn't work for me.
Still the first story was fantastic so I'm more than satisfied. Legion Channel One! How fabulous was that?
Couldn't Violet have just flown into Elysion's nose without all this Davey and Goliath slingshot silliness? And why did the "rock" turn to dust? And how could Brainy hear Vi when she was microscopic?

Projectra's speech to Cos seemed uncharacteristic as did Cham's "don't judge me" speech last issue. Some consistency is needed here.

Still, these are minor quibbles to an overall great read.
Originally posted by wamu2:
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
[b] And I have a pet peeve on "heroes" debuting by exploding out of the bodies of adversaries with a constipated look on their faces.

how many times has that happened in books you have read?[/b]
Oh, it's been going on forever. Back in the '40s, one of hte flagships of the Nedor publishing line was "Heroes Exploding Out of the Bodies of Their Adversaries Comics." It featured a character called Constipated Look Man. The title ran from like 23 issues, which was a long run during the Golden Age.

Of course, that book was pretty tame compared to the Tales of the Exploding Adversary book published by EC in the '50s. Dr. Wertham really looked askance on that title.
I have reprints of those old 50's issues and I have to say--very gruesome, but yet, utterly genius. Exploding Corpse Keeper was an awesome character to introduce each little story, and Wally Woods art was amazing--viscera and all!

Of course, those Nazis at the comics code but the kibosh on exploding internal organs in comics, but not until Acid, Stan Lee and Green Arrow ushered in a whole new swingin' seventies exploding adversaries revolution!
Why the Violet's big teets, when she's broken through Elysion are inking so deep black?
It's maybe censored o something?
I don't want back to the past when Projectra and Shady's oufits was censored too.
Originally posted by EmeraldEmpress:
Why the Violet's big teets, when she's broken through Elysion are inking so deep black?
It's maybe censored o something?
I don't want back to the past when Projectra and Shady's oufits was censored too.
If it meant Power Girl's teets were drawn normal sized, I'd be all for it.
I got it!

Quite the debut for Violet (I refuse to use "Atom Girl" just as I refused to use "LeVIathan". She's Violet to me, now and forever.). Well worth the wait. 4 panels, and I loved her. Which is a nice change considering all the years I spent postboot actively DISliking her.

Jecks has powers now... 'bout time! She's so cool here, cool like she was in the first couple of pages of her re-imagined debut a few months back.

Dream Girl's still dead. This joke isn't funny anymore. Hurry up and bring her back. I gave 'til the end of this storyline (next issue) before I was to drop the title in protest. So hurry up, because I don't want to miss the IC-tie-in stuff coming up!
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:

The backup story is drawing by one Mr. Lashley...could our MLLASH be moonlighting unbeknownst to us!?!
Come now. You've seen my once-in-a-blue-moon "artwork" over in BITS. smile

I remember Ken Lashley from the late 90s.

I'm wanting to think he drew some Marvel stuff (the DOC SAMPSON mini, maybe...?) and I seem to recall a JLA story... (maybe from LEGENDS OF THE DCU...?) but no regular gigs that I ever read or recall reading.
I figured out what was bugging me about Jeckie in the rescue scene -- she's acting like Levitz-era Dream Girl! That might have been alright if our curent Nura wasn't in such dire straights, but I don't like the idea of Jeckie taking on Nura's roll. I also don't like the idea of Brin playing "Thom" to Jeckie's "Nura". Thom always seemed like a wimp to me in that relationship.
wouldnt atom girl need a sort of forrce filed while growing or have to be able to alter her density (or something)

otherwise wouldnt she end up substantially splattered if she tried to explode out of something of the same material strength as her own body.

still loved this issue!
I guess I'm with Kid Quislet on the gruesome Atom Girl panel. Not nice at all. Not especially heroic, and frankly the book already has Shadow Lass to cover that kind of business. I picked up 11 & 12 after not reading the last few and I can't even tell that I've missed much. I'll be glad when this arc is done honestly. I can't really gauge how this series is shaping up, since the dry mechanics of this plot have blotted out the mostly promising character interactions of the first few issues. As always I enjoy Barry's art (the panel with all Lemnos' followers lining up at the transmatters was striking), although the drab colors in many scenes are sucking the life out of it. That's not a knock against the work of Snocone because it seems the bland coloring is specific to the planet where Cosmic Boy's team is (sorry don't have my copy in front of me.)

I'm still not really sold on this Legion, but I guess I'm still soldiering on for a while.
I thought I read someplace that her density did change when she shrank. That was probably refering to the Pre-boot Vi, if it was ever written at all.
Ok I've read it. Love the cover. Sad we didn't get to meet the girl on the cover. Is that the speedster from WAY back when? Can THAT be Supergirl? wink

Liked the big roll call. Karate Kid and company being stranded against thousands of enemies was really heroic. Watching Ultra Boy, Karate Kid, and Brin Londo all go to town was awesome. I started reading the Legion right before KK died. So I never really got to read him. but I became a big fan the ZH KK. Ultra Boy and Brin always have been favorites. Watching these three guys BATTLE was awesome. Also I forgive Jo's stupidity in the past. It seems KK is going to mentor Jo much like he did with Brin...way back when. And Brin this time around doesn't appear he needs it. Wise choices. Jo has always been popular...we don't need Brin as the dumb immatture one. Something else else Waid let us know in his first appearance is Brin isn't dumb. Also KK telling Jo to cut loose was nice.

Fifth Dimension. I like Skelter lots. Barry, THANKS for not making Cham look so darn cute this issue!!! He looks more like a Cham I(we) can love again. Cool trick by LL and Cham.

Brainy talking to the rock was funny. Ofcourse I knew it was Vi. Using a Robin slingshot? Cool. I always liked the Legion Trophy room. I make fun of all the Silver Age stuff but I will take a corny trophy room any day of the week over those old comics. wink So I liked the David and Goliath moment. Again I'm a fan of the antagonist. I love Elysion. (as well as Terror Firma, the SPs, and Skelter!) VI. Great intro. She isn't some throwback "shy" girl. She's the the fave I remember from v3 and v4! I didn't care for the ZH version at all. Everything about Vi rocked. I share what everyone else said about her thus far (the good that is).

You know I don't care for the sappy teenager stuff. The Legion Channel One? gag. BUT I actually did like the teenagers this issue! I hope atleast a handful get extended membership. This was the "Bouncing Boy" moment. Kids who have lame powers...who don't appear to make a difference...do. I like it. And is that my girl Drura on the last page??? I can only hope. (and if it is I hope she outgrows those awkward teen years...you know braces, glasses, and gets HOT again...quick. lol)

This is the issue I was waiting for. The next few issues certainly looks like the rock is rolling! And yes like many I feel like this could've been issue #7 not 12. smile Oh, and the back up was all right. I liked the art...I even liked a bit of what they said...but overall the teenage thing is not something I think is as central to the Legion as the current creators do. smile Still it was well done. Best issue IMO so far.
More thoughts.

I liked Projectra's powers. Also I see since her parents (planet!) have died she isn't Paris Hilton any more but more like the confident Jeckie I always liked. I liked when she fooled the sensors in the jail. smile A "sensor girl" moment of sorts.

The art? Great. The inking was slightly incosistent. By that I mean Barry has a fine line...and the inks seems a bit heavy at times. Trust me I like heavy inks...Tom Palmer is a fave! wink In some panels the heavy inks looked amazing...the use of black. Great job. But I do think some of Barry's details were a bit lost. For an action issue with SO much it was great though from the art team overall!

I really liked Kevn Lashley's backup art. I remember something somewhat recently by him I liked as well but can't remember what. Also the Vashianans(sp) were actually pretty darn cool. When does one become a member! I don't mind a 200 year old teenager! heh. I'm also of the mind of the more members (with flight rings!) the better personally! Especially with a back up story. As long as the backup is self contained to one issue each time.
Because of the snow over the last week, I wasn't able to get the issue until last night. I read the spoiler thread in advance so I had an idea of what to expect and everyone's covered most everything already, but I did want to add a few thoughts anyway.

1) Even though I'd read the spoilers, the first thing that popped into my head when I read the caption about Brainy needing to look a few feet to the left was "Miracle Machine!" Oh, well...

2) Following up on the comments about Jeckie's personality, one thing I've liked about this run right from the start (specifically Jo's comment to Lyle "Great, so my dog could find you?") is that no one's stupid. There are definitely some eccentric personalities, but none of the Legionnaires we've encountered so far, big or little l, are written as idiots.

3) "Brainy's microverse." While I've complained about pacing in the past, and I still think it took a few too many issues to get to this point, I like the inclusion of information that doesn't directly relate to the story at hand. Throw the fans some background stuff and leave it alone. Gives us something to fill the time between issues.

4) I liked this issue quite a bit. It felt like everything was in motion, rushing toward the story's climax. I can't wait for the next issue.

5) Okay, bring Dreamy back now. smile
Originally posted by disaster boy:
wouldnt atom girl need a sort of forrce filed while growing or have to be able to alter her density (or something)

otherwise wouldnt she end up substantially splattered if she tried to explode out of something of the same material strength as her own body.
If only she'd known she could do this back when she was trapped in the Hunter's flypaper! smile
I am guessing that speed equals power. The speed of her growth would make her bust out of bone, muscle, flesh.
A few more thoughts...

This is not my favourite colour scheme for Vi, but I don't detest it the way some seem to. I kind of like the idea of combining her pre- and post-boot costumes. I hope that they combine some of her personality traits too.

It's interesting that her costume is almost the reverse of B5's. Does this have something to do with their conection? Were they both part of some orginization pre-Legion? Are they foster siblings? Do they just have the same tailor?

I take back my comments about Brin acting like Star Boy. On reflection I realize that Brin's just acting like Brin. He's always been a fool for the women in his life (Ayla, Tinya); why should this time be any different? And anyway, a character without flaws is a pretty boring character.
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Vi's vocabulary suggests that Imskians might be the galaxy's nanosurgeons. It would explain what she uses the guns for. With her bedside manner, no wonder she's with Brainy.
SHE BLEW OUT HIS LUNG!!!! His lung!!!!! You don't come back from an injury like that.

Well, maybe you do in the 31st century but there doesn't appear to be a doctor nearby. I'd say that given Atom girl's dialog, Imskians sound a bit warrior-like. Also, remember that Coluans have a long, long history with shrinking technology (back to original Brainiac), so there is probably some definite background between our Brainiac V and Atom girl.

Barry Kitson:
Another great issue, lots of action for the people who were complaining about the pace. But please bring back Dream Girl, already. She's only comic book dead and not really dead, right?

Also, are you or Mark Waid coming to Wondercon in San Francisco?? This will be 2 years without Legion representation. Gail Simone does NOT cut it, sorry.
If I were asked to Wondercon I'd love to be there! smile Most likely it'll be Mark though as he lives considerably closer!

Much more to come on the B5-Vi background!
Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:

I'd say that given Atom girl's dialog, Imskians sound a bit warrior-like.
Considering the Imskian Senator was the one calling for the instating a draft, it wouldn't be a surprise.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
<strong> If I were asked to Wondercon I'd love to be there! smile Most likely it'll be Mark though as he lives considerably closer!

Much more to come on the B5-Vi background!
" tease "

He loves to use it because he CAN!


Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Projectra's speech to Cos seemed uncharacteristic as did Cham's "don't judge me" speech last issue.
I didn't mind it much. Almost from the start it's been apparent that she understands more about the team (and what they thought of her) than Cos realized. I don't really see why she needed to be the one to say it--interchangeable dialogue is the one flaw in the writing so far for me--but I can see her saying it.

Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:
SHE BLEW OUT HIS LUNG!!!! His lung!!!!! You don't come back from an injury like that.

Well, maybe you do in the 31st century but there doesn't appear to be a doctor nearby.
I don't think she actually ruptured his lung; he was able to scream loud and long about his arm afterwards. Methinks he inhaled her and then she moved away from his vital organs a bit before expanding. Wouldn't want to be, y'know, unkind. laugh
Yeah, that was my interpretation, too... she moved into his shoulder area before she enlarged. nod
he was able to scream loud and long about his arm afterwards.
He still had one lung left. That's enough for a moan of pain or two. Besides, there was only a few moments from impact to the destruction of innards. That seems like it's only enough time to get through the nasal cavity (gross, boogers) and into the respiratory system.

I say lung, it sounds more viscious!

Now Barry,

Who do I have to talk to so that you get "asked" to Wondercon? Is it Wacker or the Wondercon people? If it's the Wondercon people, I have a connection or two.
No, she came out of his shoulder. Looks pretty obvious to me. It only takes 20 seconds for a blood cell to make a full trip through an adult body. Plenty of time for her to have entered through his lungs and move out to the muscles of his arm. And I highly doubt he'd be screaming about his arm had she burst from a lung.
Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:
he was able to scream loud and long about his arm afterwards.
He still had one lung left. That's enough for a moan of pain or two. Besides, there was only a few moments from impact to the destruction of innards. That seems like it's only enough time to get through the nasal cavity (gross, boogers) and into the respiratory system.

I say lung, it sounds more viscious!

It would be physically impossible for Elyson to speak or breathe if she had pierced his lung and then his thoracic (chest) cavity. A hole like that in your chest and your lungs would collapse as you lost the ability to create the pressure gradient needed to breathe (or push air out through the vocal cords).

Not to mention that kind of blood loss in pulmonary circulation would be fatal in seconds. So obviously nurse Vi gave him a flesh wound piercing only the muscle and surface layers of his shoulder area.
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
...obviously nurse Vi gave him a flesh wound... [/QB]
Now it sound like the Legion's taking a page from Monty Python...

Elysion: "Tis but a scratch!"
Violet: "A scratch? Your arm's off."
Elysion: "No it isn't!"
Violet: "Well, what's that then?"
Elysion: "I've 'ad worse!"
Violet: "You lie!"
Elysion: "C'mon you pansy!"

...more fighting ensues, and Vi explodes out of his other arm...

Violet: "Victory is mine!"'
Elysion: "C'mon then!"
Violet: "What?"
Elysion: "Have at you!"
Violet: You are indeed brave, Elysion, but the fight is mine!"
Elysion: "Oh, had enough, eh?
Violet: "Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!"
Violet: "Yes I have!"
Brainy: "Look!!!"
Elysion: "That's only a flesh wound!"

lol lol lol
I actually had that scene in mind. lol
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Quite the debut for Violet (I refuse to use "Atom Girl" just as I refused to use "LeVIathan". She's Violet to me, now and forever.)
"Atom Girl" sounds so lame...altho Shrinking Violet as a monicker suits the little Legionnaire heaps better - even if it was a derogatory nudge at her personality shocked
The codename Atom Girl doesn't bother me as much as I thought it might. I wish her real name was Violet maybe instead of Salu.
I am shocked to find that I like "Atom Girl" as a moniker. It really does describe her, if she is capable of shrinking into a "microverse." It has a tension between power and powerlessness that I like, too.

I can't wait to hear Elysion say "Come back here, and I'll bite your kneecaps off!"
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I am shocked to find that I like "Atom Girl" as a moniker.
It does grow on you, so to speak.

A brief appearance, but Atom Girl steals the show. (She looked oriental to me.) She talks back to Brainy, disarms Elysion, doesn't let him bleed to death; hard-boiled, tough, fresh from kicking around the microverse. Most of the other Legionnaires should be scared of her - I know I am - bet she drinks Jo under the table.....
Brin was flying? I didn't notice before (or atleast remember) he had a flight ring? Does he have a ring?
He shouldn't since they're so rare and expensive and he's not a member.
He probably borrowed Projectra's for the fight. After all, she's not a fighter.
But if he was really "Brown Boots" in that flying scene in the preview, then they both would've had to have one...
If Brin is Brainy's undercover guy (and I'm assuming he is) then it would stand to reason Brainy would have made sure Brin had a ring. As to the rest of the team knowing that fact though, that's another matter.
Brin's a member and has had a ring for awhile. He's flying around with it in LSH #5. Despite his protesting his official status with the team in that story, it's obvious that LL and SG treat him as a big "L" Legionniare in that story. He's also hanging out with the gang reading a comic in the rec room in LSH #1. Plus, as Jim says (and Barry confirmed) he is "brown boots."
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