Legion World
This issue rawks.

Calero's art is outstanding!




First: The cover, in the tradition of this title, has almost nothing to do with the story inside. Thankfully in this case, because the characters in the story are more interesting than those on the cover.

Page One: Consequences -- Cosmic Boy's elimination of the Dominator World is being scrutinized. Beautiful opening page, exactly the kind of shout that a first page from a new creative team should make.

The story takes place primarily on Winath. Lots of back story about Winath, itself, plus more about Mekt. Mekt continues to be developed as one of the great characters of substance in this version of the Legion.

Star Boy, Sun Boy, and Mekt are on Winath with special prosecutor Kem. No one else is around -- including the parental Ranzzes.

Kem is looking for Cosmic Boy who can be traced, perhaps to Winath by the magnetic disturbances that always accompany him. here we go again -- an actual consequence of wielding great magnetic power. Mekt, Star Boy and Sun Boy were deployed to Winath by Brainiac 5.

The four wind up underground (where most Winathian society exists because of violent storms on the surface. An agricultural machine tagged with the name "Validus" is found. Mekt goes ballistic -- or electric -- lashing out against Kem, Sun Boy and Star Boy. Sun Boy shrugs off the attack with a line that suggests that there were character-building consequences to his time in the captivity with the Dominators.

Mekt and Sun Boy tangle -- and Star Boy, yes Star Boy! -- brings them down, literally.

There's more wrenching Mekt back story about Mekt and his return from Korbal with Lightning powers and his depression and isolation. Consequences of being twinless. As of this issue, Mekt has become my favorite Legion character.

Kem is lured into a grain storage vault and last seen "drowning' in a flood of grain -- shades of "Witness." An odd aside, the hooded character of the following page gave me sort of a Harrison Ford vibe before in had even looked at the previous pages.

Validus is the name of a supposed mythical Lord of Lightning about whom there is/was a cult of followers on Winath. In the last scene the elder Ranzzes appear to be attacking Mekt in the name of the Lord of Lightning.

Undoubtably my favorite issue of this series so far. Those who lament the lack of a Silver Age-y happy Legion will not be satisfied, but I couldn't be more delighted.

The best part of all is the story title at the end of the last page:

The Quest for Cosmic Boy
Lord of Lightning
Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2, not Part 1 of 12. It suggests that next month, this story will be ended. Wouldn't that be a nice feature, stories with an end.

I don't know what all Bedard and Calero have lined up after their Legion tour, but they will be on my pull list.
Tenzil's Legion of fans will love this and he hasn't even used his power.... Yet wink I can't wait till next issue.
Excellent effort by all involved. This is exactly what the Legion should be. A hot young artist knocking our socks off while making a name for himself. Interesting glimpses of 31st century that really feel like the future. A little bit of back story that clarifies instead of confuses. Some character development. A story that moves forward, contains some surprises and suspense, and makes you want to come back next month for more. Kudos on the colors, as well.

Hmmm. Maybe the 3boot can be saved after all?
To all, happy legion 32 day. thank you for the nice word ont he art. i mean, you are all allowed to hate it, but we did bust our collective butts to bring you the best issue we knew how to do. as i finish 34 and am officially over the half way hump on my arc, i'm already feeling a bit sad that within a few months, my creative time with you guys will be over, though of course as the books come out, i will still say hello and see what you guys think.

the positive and receptive attitude of the legion fans has been truly humbling and i know i speak for us all, from tony, me, mike and jeanine and nate, the amazing colorist (and our letterer) too, we appreciate it!
I enjoyed the background stuff in this issue. and the underground places, has a certain creepy atmosphere about it.

by the way, regarding Tenzil. does he get larger when eating or does his body break stuff down quickly? I am just thinking he's going to have to eat a lot of wheat and then the door to get out. that's a large "meal"
Traditionally, there's a super-speed aspect to Tenzil's power, which both allows him to eat at super-speed and rapidly metabolize extremely large amounts of "food" without gaining weight.

It's been awhile since a writer has really emphasized this aspect of his power, so it'll be cool if we really get to see him eat a huge quantity of stuff.
would it really be cool? hmmm.... heh heh
My review is up on Legion Abstract, and boy, do I have some kind words for Mr. Calero in it.
This was my favourite of the week. Seeing Star Boy face off against the hot head and the live wire was great- good to see him getting some spotlight. Even seeing Sun Boy fired up was good. I like the suspense Tony built up- bring on the Lightning Lord.

And the art... Dennis done good. I've been appreciating his stuff elsewhere, and seeing it with this particularly story really worked.
Just curious- are we going to get a Calero drawn group shot ever?
Matthew, Id love to read it. Can you post a link? Oh there it is!

CJ, thanks so much. I'm pushing for a group shot!
Wow! Now that was more what I want from the Legion. Great artwork from Calero. The characters seem to come alive. I haven't been this excited about reading a Legion title since DNA left.
Wonderfully weird and nightmarish. Mekt Ranzz, so brutal yet so heart-wrenchingly vulnerable, is a joy to read. You think Mekt is strange? You haven't met his parents and neighbors. This is Winath as we've never seen it before -- a world of ultramodern technology atop a culture of primitive superstition -- affording new and intriguing insights into Mekt's tortured soul. What an engrossing and multifacted character he is in the right hands.

Where Mekt is a cauldron of emotions, Tenzil is as cool as a cucumber until he walks into the Super-Silo of Death (too bad he removed his cool lie detector glasses before meeting those cute little homicidal kids). Can't wait for next month -- this may be Tenzil's biggest escape since chomping his way out of Nardo's Stalag!

But what the hell is Brainy up to intercepting urgent calls to Supergirl and ignoring pleas for backup? Star Boy (don't call him dumb after this issue) figures out that Brainy has set them all up to fail. It looks like the green kid is putting the Legionnaires through some sort of test. Am I reading too much into "Mayor Simzz"?

Kudos to Bedard, Calero and crew for delivering the goods and meeting my highest expectations. If you don't grab this issue you're missing something special.

Phooey on the dull-as-dishwater Lightning Saga Legion. *This* is the kind of Legion I want.
I really enjoyed the issue, Bedard's writing was great, I really started to like characters I haven't previously liked before like Mekt and Star Boy, and Tenzil, I can't wait to see more of them.

Also can anyone post what Mekt said to Tenzil about the lie detector glasses?

Also what Star boy said to Sun Boy and Mekt? after he increased their weight.
I laughed after reading the CBR's review of this issue. Boring? I think not. During the whole WAK run CBR were giving the book great ratings for every issue. I was often mystified what anyone got out of this book as most characters were carbon copies of one another.

Now I'm not going to knock the entire run, but there was a lot of decompressed storytelling during that time. IMO, a lot of the issues were boring and lacked any real sense of threat. The CBR reviewer also stated that this issue was not what we had come to expect from the WAK legion. I hope not!
Egads! a Washington DC poster with a suggestively-(un)dressed avatar. Quick someone call my attorney!

I agree, Ultrajo. By the time I got to page two, I was hooked.
i'm sorry, but I disagree... Still as mediocre as the previous issue.

And sorry Mister Calero, but I didn't really like your artwork. I admit though that the garish colors didn't help. Just hoping for a quick death of this incarnation of the Legion now frown
Love the cover. The background images looked great. (for those who haven't...the toon Legion comic has great art by Steve Uy this month!)

I think MLLASH is going to love Tenzil's look in this issue. (haven't read the other posts yet)

Dennis, kudos! Love the use of black! Love your Mekt. Also I think the way you told the story(panels, etc) was very fluid. The backgrounds and tech stuff looked great as well. Loved the page with the hooded man and candles! Dennis the only small knock I have is some of Star Boy's and Sun Boy's facial experssions toward the beggining of the book. I noticed their expressions looked much better later. But both Mekt's and Brainy's expressions looked awesome!

I liked the colors personally. For those guys not digging Dennis' art think of another Legion artist that was outside the box...Steve Lightle.

Story? Much better. Validus on the farm? Well it makes sense. He was a Ranzz before. Interesting twist to the mythos. Those were creepy kids! This is one of the best Legion stories I read in a while. Four heroes on a planet with wierd stuff happening. I like it.
I was thinking the title of the story ought to be 'Children of the Space-Corn'.
I loved the art overall, but there were a few inconsistent panels. Mekt's and Dirk's expressions in one panel (I think where Mekt is talking about the gelcubes) were really out there and didn't seem to fit the dialogue.

I'll have to reread the story to see what everyone's raving about. I thought it was the quickest read ever the first time around.

Why are Supergirl and Chameleon on the cover when they're not even in the story? Why are Garth, Ayla, and Rokk in the roll call when they're not in the story either? I don't mind the covers not matching up to the story so much, but you'd think they could at least get the cast right.
The covers seem to be an attempt to focus on three different members each issue. Rokk was there on the splash page flashback. Ayla and Garth had their origin told in the back story. I can see how you might think this may not merit a roll call inclusion, but it appears to be a conscious decision and a not one of the glaring mistakes that marked some previous issues.
I won't get the issue until Friday but these posts have me stoked. Tenzil's sunglasses as super-lie-detectors.... of space? I like, A LOT.

I already know the art is going to rawk.

Is it silly to clamor, sight unseen, for an extended BnC run?!?
My take:

I like Bedard's work so far. I am not real familiar with him but for some reason I like most of the recent stuff I have been reading from him. I can't quite but my finger on what exactly appeals to me about his work...but something does. Maybe it's intelligent dialogue or something.

I am a real big fan of Mark Waid...I am not however a real big fan of Mark Waid Legion Writer/Editor?Rebooter. For better or worse, I am always going ot associate him with the last 20 years of Legion misery for myself...as he was a part of virtually every post crisis incarnation of the Legion from 1989 on.

I already like Bedard better as a Legion writer. And sorry Mark, but if I never see you write the Legion again...it will be too soon....some times it's best to remain a fan? OTOH, I am extremely happy to see you back on the Flash..and have enjoyed everything else you've written at DC since the mid 90's.

Calero's artwok was dark and atmospheric...I liked it, and that's pretty good praise considering he's immediately following up Kitson who is right there with my favorite Legion Artist ever. Good luck Dennis, touch act to follow, but FWIW the artwork was eye catching.

As for the story...that's not ME Lad to me, it's not even the TMK ME Lad...which is probably my favorite. I am tired of reintriductions of characters I liked better originally...it's been the problem with the Legion for 20 years now.

I am definitely a fan of the Pre Crisis Legion and now that DC is showing signs of bringing that one back...this title is kind of lacklustre... And yes I know the Legion in the Lightning Saga is not exactly the same Legion as the original...but it's the closest thing to it we've seen since before the Pocket Universe story.

Anyway...I'm happy with the over all Legion explosion over the past year or so...got Legion on TV, Legion playing a major role in JSA JLA crossovers...Legion characters in countdown.

I'm very happy with this...I hope they keep this multiverse and it makes sense there would be multiple versions of the Legion in it....
Superboy, I agree about Waid. I like everything else he has written...except the Legion. I think he's just too much of a fan and his Legion vision is not something I care for. From his ZH days to his latest reboot. ugh.

Anyways, I agree there is something about Bedard I just like. Can't put a finger on it but it might be his dialogue/pacing? He sets things up nicely.

Dennis has a tough act to follow but he did pretty good I thought. It's only going to get better. smile

I'm all for a multiverse and a BnC run myself.
Liked this issue. It was nice to get Mekt's backstory. I liked how Sun boy really stepped up, Kem was great (LOVE the lie-detector shades). I am also looking forward to next month's issue, something I haven't done with the Legion for awhile (well, unless it was in a 'hope springs eternal' manner in hoping that the series would eventually pick up the pace).

The art was good, fit the mood of the story well (creepy Winath). However, I hope that, unless the other stories also deal with creepy stuff, the art will lighten up a bit. I also agree that some of the facial expressions were off, and in some panels Star Boy and Sun Boy looked like adults. However, there were some beautiful shots and some great Mekt and Kem panels, so I'm pretty happy artwise.

But yeah, I like the idea of doing two-issue stories for each of the teams, it seems like WaK tried to juggle too many things and ended up dropping the ball in some parts. This focus on small number of characters is nice, however, I just wish the team was three Legionnaires and not one Legionnaire, one ex-Legionnaire and one bad guy.

Oh, and no Supergirl in this issue (except in a background panel shot) that made me very, very, very happy.
No Supergirl? Gee, I might even buy two copies now wink
Another big thumbs-up on the art for me. I enjoyed this issue quite a bit even though I keep hoping Mekt will go far, far away.

Can't wait to see Tenzil eat his way through all that grain, sending the economy of Winath into a tailspin.
I thought Dennis' art was a good match for the content of the issue. The noirish look with all the deep shadows fit the mood perfectly. I wonder if TB was purposely writing to his artist's strengths. Given Dennis' published work I'd say that was the case.
I liked the artwork a lot. It has a 5-year gap vibe to it. Something else else needed to happen to make this book interesting again and drastically changing the art and reducing the numbers of Legionnaires per issue seems like a good way to go. Although I hope there is a good reason that Mekt is so involved in this storyline... like maybe his hair will go white at some point.
This I liked. Like others have said, the art was a perfect match for the story. I loved the more adult feel to both. Maybe it is because we are finally getting a story that is moving along or maybe its the fact it focuses on my favorite family. But it doesn't matter. This is finally taking v5 in a direction I can enjoy.

Did anyone else think that Tenzil looked like Val Kilmer in a couple of panels? Just an observation.
Originally posted by wamu2:
by the way, regarding Tenzil. does he get larger when eating or does his body break stuff down quickly?
Ah, in other words, did Nardo's raygun make Tenzil super-fat, or did it merely bust the holographic projector he used to disguise the unintended consequence of using his super-power?
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Traditionally, there's a super-speed aspect to Tenzil's power, which both allows him to eat at super-speed and rapidly metabolize extremely large amounts of "food" without gaining weight.
Logically, if he metabolizes his food at super-speed, does that mean that he also poops at super-speed? Is that why Tenzil always disappears immediately after a fight?

Hey, I'm just askin'.
Nice first parter. Felt "legionie" though a bit jarring since I read it immediately after reading the Lightning Saga.
If you really want to know, my guess is that Bismollians don't poop.
As good a guess as any. But if they didn't and metabolize all waste to thiol and nitrogen gases, Imagine Tenzil's breath. Or the smell of the pores in their skin.
According to one pseudo-explanation we get of their powers in the comics, it sounds like they convert nearly everything into energy, and the excess energy radiates from their body. Which probably means hanging out with Tenzil causes cancer...
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Did anyone else think that Tenzil looked like Val Kilmer in a couple of panels? Just an observation.
Thank you! It was driving me nuts trying to figure out who he was reminding me of.
Have I missed anyone discussing the fact that both Sun Boy and Mekt have flight rings?!?

I thought Sun Boy's is now Timber Wolf's and I can't imagine them being able to produce more given the present circumstances, nor giving one to Mekt irregardless.

Otherwise, this issue was great. Nice, interesting story and pleasant, professional looking art.
I've come to the point where I really have to struggle to put aside almost everything that Mr. Waid has built into this version of the legion. Thankfully, this issue made that struggle seem worthwhile. Tenzil did much to deflect the sense of vapidity I got from him last issue. He was really the highlight of the issue for me since hearing anything about Mekt just made me recall why he's there, which made me recall "that" story. I really savored the quick build-up to something being amiss and the hint that it will be resolved by next issue. It felt like a comic book with a story included--something that I have not experienced enough of with the legion lately.
Didn't they say something last issue about Dirk and Mekt having flight rings for the duration of the mission?
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Didn't they say something last issue about Dirk and Mekt having flight rings for the duration of the mission?
I must have missed that part. But, then who is flightless for this mission. Doesn't seem fair.
Mekt on the next to last page of last issue: "I'm more curious why he [Brainy] risked lending Sun Boy and me flight rings when we haven't accepted Supergirl's enlistment pitch yet..."
Lyle was still out of action, when Brin was drafted into a squad, wasn't he?
Of course, Lyle's ring blew up as well, so they may be short that one anyway.
This was an enjoyable issue. We finally get an interesting, well written story that showcases just a couple of characters and provides background info on a few more. Starboy is finally portrayed as a real person instead of just background dressing. It really feels as if this story is actually going somewhere!

Dennis' artwork, while very different from Barry's (whom I consider among the alltime great Legion artists), is terrific and really fit the mood of this story. Although there are a couple of poorly drawn faces early on, I thought it was a great effort. (Tenzil in particular was great throughout)

And I really loved the concept of Validus as a mythical figure. Can't wait until Winath finds out that they are myth-taken! laugh

Loved the stylized Validus face used the symbolize the "Lord of Lightning".
i actually enjoyed this ish. the first in a VERY very long time. There was a forboding creepiness and we got some actual character development of Mekt and Star Boy. i could live with this version of LSH if we get some solid characterization and stories that have a beginning/middle/end.
Calero's artwork and the colors were a nice change. i appreciated that the artist drew 'real' faces not just comic book faces. although it looked too often that he used the same face model for ALL the main characters. i liked the 2 creepy kids that locked Tenzil in the silo. would have been better if they were identical twins. Bothered me that planet Winath gets yet another revision. This time it's an agricultural planet that is plagued by lightning storms. ugh. makes as much sense as the DnA version that had giant tree canopies blocking out the sunlight, and robot cows.
is tenzil an underager attorney?

Bedard sets up a lot of mysteries for us: -why is Brainiac 5 setting up the legion? -who is attacking all the different legion teams? -who is behind the cult of Validus graffiti and the mind control on Winath? (Fatal 5 would be cool as would Saturn Queen & Cosmic King, but i doubt it.) why is there a signature Cos' Electro-Magnetic trail on Winath? did Brainy plant it there? did the Knights of Templar visit there?
i hope there are satisfactory answers in the next few months, and these plotlines are tied up for a change.
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:

Did anyone else think that Tenzil looked like Val Kilmer in a couple of panels? Just an observation.
Yes! -- and a little like Dennis Calero in a couple of panels
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
Bedard sets up a lot of mysteries for us: -why is Brainiac 5 setting up the legion?
Just because Star Boy says he is, doesn't mean that he is.

-who is attacking all the different legion teams?
I think they're all unrelated.

why is there a signature Cos' Electro-Magnetic trail on Winath?
I bet there isn't. I think the electromagnetic trail has nothing to do with Cosmic Boy but is a product of whatever shenanigans the Validus Cult is up to with their lightning. Although I suppose it's possible that there's a Braalian mixed up with the cult.
Maybe it's the speed force.
Originally posted by Matthew E:
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
[b]Bedard sets up a lot of mysteries for us: -why is Brainiac 5 setting up the legion?
Just because Star Boy says he is, doesn't mean that he is.[/b]
Star Boy isn't the only one. Last issue, Mekt and Garth came to the same conclusion, independently.

Brainy may be in charge of casting and staging it all, but I believe the original impetus came from Dream Girl:

"I'm just here to forewarn you. The Legion has reached a turning point. Something else else big is unfolding and I thought you might want some advice from your favorite precog." (S/LSH #31, p. 6)

Thanks to Nura, Brainy knows something about the future we (and the other Legionnaires) don't know. Moreover, it's hard *not* to read those lines as a meta-textual reference to the present state of Legion universe.
I am looking forward to reading this, maybe this weekend.

I actually like the idea of Winath as a stormy agricultural planet. It's like "what if an entire planet were like Kansas?" There's a nice resonance with Superman's childhood. There's the sense of unending boredom that kids want to escape from. There's also the lightning connection that suggests the Ranzz kids were not just randomly able to turn in to human energizers.

Also (and this is the COOLEST thing!) I've recently learned that lightning is nature's fertilizer! All living things need nitrogen (to build proteins, among other things), but nitrogen, which is 70% of the earth's atmosphere, is chemically not very reactive. It likes to hang out with itself in its N2 molecules.

Lightning's terrific energy cracks apart the N2 molecules, allowing nitrogen to combine with other stuff in the air (I'm guessing oxygen) and precipitate out with the rain. In the ground, it combines with other stuff to make the nitrogen compounds that fertilize plants. That's why it's no illusion that your lawn is a LOT greener after a thunderstorm! Cool, huh?

So, a very stormy planet would also be an incredibly fertile planet--the breadbasket of the galaxy.
Originally posted by Tromium:Star Boy isn't the only one. Last issue, Mekt and Garth came to the same conclusion, independently.

Brainy may be in charge of casting and staging it all, but I believe the original impetus came from Dream Girl:

"I'm just here to forewarn you. The Legion has reached a turning point. Something else else big is unfolding and I thought you might want some advice from your favorite precog." (S/LSH #31, p. 6)

Thanks to Nura, Brainy knows something about the future we (and the other Legionnaires) don't know.[/QB]
Yes, but that's different from 'setting them up'. Brainy might not tell the field teams everything, but he's not going to betray them. (Except possibly Mekt.)
Originally posted by Vee:

And I really loved the concept of Validus as a mythical figure. Can't wait until Winath finds out that they are myth-taken! laugh

First, a well deserved "Boo" for the pun. laugh

Second, we're not going to find out that Validus is Mekt's Dad who is Validus' father (or Uncle) are we because I'm not sure I can handle that. Heh!
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I am looking forward to reading this, maybe this weekend.

I actually like the idea of Winath as a stormy agricultural planet. It's like "what if an entire planet were like Kansas?" There's a nice resonance with Superman's childhood. There's the sense of unending boredom that kids want to escape from. There's also the lightning connection that suggests the Ranzz kids were not just randomly able to turn in to human energizers.

Also (and this is the COOLEST thing!) I've recently learned that lightning is nature's fertilizer! All living things need nitrogen (to build proteins, among other things), but nitrogen, which is 70% of the earth's atmosphere, is chemically not very reactive. It likes to hang out with itself in its N2 molecules.

Lightning's terrific energy cracks apart the N2 molecules, allowing nitrogen to combine with other stuff in the air (I'm guessing oxygen) and precipitate out with the rain. In the ground, it combines with other stuff to make the nitrogen compounds that fertilize plants. That's why it's no illusion that your lawn is a LOT greener after a thunderstorm! Cool, huh?

So, a very stormy planet would also be an incredibly fertile planet--the breadbasket of the galaxy.
How cool would it be to find a Superboy/man on Winath. smile I'm suprised Clark doesn't have a summer home there.
Originally posted by Matthew E:
Yes, but that's different from 'setting them up'. Brainy might not tell the field teams everything, but he's not going to betray them. (Except possibly Mekt.)
No betrayal implied in my use of "setting them up" but I don't think Brainy's actions are strictly benevolent, either. He's preparing them (and possibly us) for ... something. Change, I suppose -- inevitable and necessary but not always gentle. Certain characters may need to grow stronger to meet the unknown challenge (Star Boy), but some may have to accept a much harsher fate in order to fulfill the roles they're meant to play (Mekt, Brin?).
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Second, we're not going to find out that Validus is Mekt's Dad who is Validus' father (or Uncle) are we because I'm not sure I can handle that. Heh!
Validus is his father, his uncle, his nephew AND his long-lost twin brother. eek
Next day impressions:

Ayla's new pose on the roll call page may say a lot about the new art style.

"Unlax?" Has that been used in the threeboot before? If not, I don't mean to detract from its use (future-slang is always a hoot--cool up), but wouldn't it be the opposite of "relax?"

That Tenzil happens to be along with the team that is most likely to spend panel after panel bickering with each other (in typical threeboot fashion) makes me appreciate the plotting all the more.
Originally posted by Tromium:
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
[b]Second, we're not going to find out that Validus is Mekt's Dad who is Validus' father (or Uncle) are we because I'm not sure I can handle that. Heh!
Validus is his father, his uncle, his nephew AND his long-lost twin brother. eek [/b]

good add.

Wait till Validus gets a hold of some profem then gets cheated on! You think there's power in that lightinng now!
And..who is Star Boy?
I never know..if he's Thom Kallor or James Cullem....
I need soon his name!
What's with all the cross-eyed and painful expressions? There's a whole lotta need more Lotus Fruit BAD look going on. Then there's the case of Mekt's mysteriously disappearing-then-reappearing (and rather dark for a redhead) stubble. Not to mention the fact that M. looks like William H. Macy on page 7-ish. (Mr. Macy is already engaged for another role. )

On the plus side, Tenz looks good, and I appreciate that the clothing was drawn realistically (wrinkles!).
Unlax was used last issue by Unnamed Dude on Lallor.

Star Boy is Thom of Xanthu.
PS: Maybe now Sun Boy will appreciate his merely hippie, not homicidal parents a little more. An AfterSchool-A-Tron Special...of Space!
Ma and Pa Ranzz make Lon Norg look like Ward Cleaver.
I did NOT much like this issue. Calero's art, which fit X-Factor so well, didn't do it for me here. The story didn't quite ring my bell, either.

I'm a lonnnnnng way from being displeased with the series, though.
I really liked this issue. it made up for a lot of the bumpy transition last time.

One huge continuity problem though, is that this spins the current Legion even farther from the version in Brave and the Bold, since Validus (and the rest of the Fatal Five) are supposed to be in custody. Star Boy should at least have recognised the name.

Further reason to just throw B&B out the window.
Yesterday was spent recovering from a stag night and reading the last year and a halfs worth of comics at Numfs, I'll save my opinions of most of them for another time but as I'd picked up 32 on Friday here's my views -

Nice enough art, very moody.

Story was a filler. Took under five minutes to read and while it was nice to have a bit about Mekt overall IMHO it could have been done in six pages.

Not too impressed.
FABOO art! Mr. Calero, your free dinner is waiting.
lil rhino, i will take you up on it!
This issue was a very nice improvement to the "stuff" we have been getting lately! With all of the Legion appearences in JLA/JSA and the upcoming Action Comics in October, the "future" for the Legion (especially for us veteran fans) is looking bright!!!
I enjoyed this issue a lot! Especially the art work. This is what I have been requesting for a long time - a focused story featuring a handful of Legionnaires. This has been the best issue of the 32 issue run so far. I am looking forward to the next Legion issue for the first time in two years.

Flight Ring Count:
Lyle lost his.
Cosmic Boy gave up his.
Mekt acquired one.
Dream Girl's went to Supergirl.
Assuming all other active Legionnaires have one (including Dream Boy, and ignoring Brainy's loss in B&B #5), we're one short unless Brainy came up with a new one. Otherwise, someone did let Mekt borrow theirs and Cosmic Boy remains without his.
Just got it today and while the art and the story isn't as bad as the last issue I still thought it was pretty disposable rubbish. The story just doesn't interest me and has wierd plotting in points (all the stuff about Supergirl being busy but not even giving us a clue what was going on) and the rest of it was oddly unengaging.

As for the art... I dunno, it was art that was trying hard to be JG Jones or something and didn't quite manage it. There's some nice stuff in there like the pages of Tenzil being tricked and trapped but then there's some awful ugly stuff too like the fight between Star Boy, Mekt and Sun Boy. It's visually confusing and muddy and not very nice. The worst thing though is on page 10. Mekt looks OK. He's looking grim and upset, which is fine. Thom and Tenzil are alright, even if Thom looks a little constipated. But what on earth is going on with Sun Boy? He's cross eyed and he looks like he's either about to be violently sick or as if someone has unexpectedly stuck a stick up his bum. Even if there's a line that's been cut and he's meant to be shouting it still doesn't explain the wierd crossed eyes. It's just the most obvious sign that the art isn't as good as it would like to be.

It's overall a very disappointing issue. The Legion of late has been horribly underwhelming. I actually really liked what Waid was doing with the title. I was skepitcal that the DnA Legion needed to be replaced at all but grew to like the WaK Legion. Since they've been gone from the title it just feels like filler that doesn't have much of a point and art that is OK but nothing special because it's just biding time before DC work out what they're planning on doing with the characters. It's a shame because I really want to enjoy the title but I'm not at the moment. I don't care about the version of the Legion running around in JLA and JSA, I'm starting not to care about the WaK Legion and would be happier if we could have DnA back. Let's hope the next few issues draw me back in again.
Perhaps Sun Boy is leting out a mighty yawn because he senses Mekt is about to go on about his past.
He's thinking "If I have to hear the Ranzz lightning origin ONE MORE TIME I'm going to hurl!" which is pretty much how I feel.

That facial expression was by far the worst of the art this issue. Otherwise, I liked most of it. Mekt's expression in the same panel also seemed inappropriate to the conversation, but not as glarlingly as Dirk's.
in defense of the artist, i believe Sun Boy is making an exagerrated gross face because he is grossed out by mekt's description of processing the grain into gel-cubes.
" posted July 27, 2007 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Lightning Lad:

Did anyone else think that Tenzil looked like Val Kilmer in a couple of panels? Just an observation.

Yes! -- and a little like Dennis Calero in a couple of panels "

Sorry guys, not guilty! While I have been known to use myself as the model for some characters (cheapest model I know) that, in fact, is a wonderful actor I met named Joey Duke. You can find him on MySpace. And what he really looks like is Matt Damon and often gets jobs based on that.

"It's just the most obvious sign that the art isn't as good as it would like to be."

Now, I have no problem with anyone not liking my work. I'm not saying I don't CARE or that I wouldn't want as many people as possible to be pleased, but its a reality. If anything, I would rather be one of those artists with a small but very loyal following. I want my work to be idiosyncratic and frankly, not for everyone because if I tried to make it for everyone, it would just end up being mediocre gruel which is what we have too much of these days in all areas of life.

That being said, I hardly think it's fair to hold up one failed expression as evidence of a work's complete failure. As I do say "failed" because while most people do seem to get what's going on, many don't.

What is happening is that Sun Boy is reacting to Mekt's general attiude and snottiness. Enough people don't get it for me to consider that moment a failure, but my attitude is that I'd rather experiment and try different things and occasionally fall flat on my face than to never try and do something different. Guys, most comic artists don't make all THAT much money and when you do a book in 4 weeks, not everything is going to be perfect. There, I said it.

Every artist I adore from Adams to Steranko tried things and some of them, as much as we revere them now, did not work,and others were simply not accepted at the time. Time will tell.

But again, all that being said, if you liked the work at all, one expression that was a little off probably wouldn't have bothered you.

It seems clear to me that you're just not into it, period. And that's fine. But you have to see also that if I were to walk away, saying to myself "well, gee, if I had nailed that face a bit more he probably would have liked the whole book" does me a disservice and wouldn't help me become a better artist.

I'm not trying to define what your experience is. Obviusly what Mark and Barry did, for a lot of people, is seminal work and clearly different than what we're doing.

I can say there was a deliberate decision to take these 5 issues and use them to try something different and without patting myself or us as a team on the back (not saying that we're succeeding!) I think that's a laudible goal in and of itself, especially when you consider than when all is said and done, its only five issues.

What does bug me, and I'm not saying anyone HERE is doing it (in fact, it is clear that Legion fans are open minded and good people), is that there does seem to be a segment of fandom, heck a segment of people, that just don't react well to any change, even if its temporary. It's the McDonald'sization of America, everything the same, all the time, anywhere. And it really sucks.

Many of us seem to go through life thinking that anything good has to be "gotten" immediately. Well, very few people liked coffee or wine the first time they tried it. Very few people probably like Opera the first time. Some things you have to stretch and grow to appreciate.

Now whether what we're doing falls under that category, obviously I have an opinion on that. I don't believe anyone here thinks I actually TRY to do bad comics. I do my very best.

But there's also this:

Not every issue (or arc) of every book has to be the ULTIMATE (no pun intended) version of that book. Does every Batman issue ever have to be dark and forboding? Shall we never see a FUNNY Batman story? That's silly, of course.

There is such a thing as saying "well, this isn't really for me, but let me really give it a shot and enjoy it for what it is."

So, critique, ask questions, by all means take nothing for granted. But if you find the crux of your argument is that it's "different", try and remember that for some of us, "different" is not an insult but a goal.
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:

What does bug me, and I'm not saying anyone HERE is doing it (in fact, it is clear that Legion fans are open minded and good people), is that there does seem to be a segment of fandom, heck a segment of people, that just don't react well to any change, even if its temporary.
oh wait, make no mistake, that's us too! We just relish our inability to accept change (without a fight). We don't see it as a bad thing, to not accept change. In fact, we hold a yearly competition on who can not accept change the most.

These three-booters think they're all that but see them get all defensive when the smart crowd laugh gets hopeful for a return to the "original" legion. See, that reaction by the three-booters is an inability to accept change, even when it's change to what was before. We will educate them to accept their unwillingness to change, embrace it, and start a talk show about it.

Viva la antécédent!

relish with us, resistance to change!!!
Oh and, if someone hadn't "caught" that off expression and mentioned it, you'd have lost respect for us. You'd be saying to yourself, "heh, got THAT one by them, those losers."

But see, it just goes to show, we're paying attention!

Oh and since that scene has been brought up, hopefully you consider it worthwhile to discuss why that scene did or didn't work as well as intended.

Dennis, armed with your input that the expression was meant to represent Sun Boy's response to Mekt's general snottiness, I went back and read the page. My first thought was that it didn't work because Mekt isn't getting snotting until the following panel. Then I backed up a page and saw that Mekt was getting snotting the panel previous but that happened to be two pages of ads ago. Eh, sometimes that's enough to throw off the continuity of a story, particularly on first read. That's why we have these message boards, to disect and critique and point out things other readers might have missed. It adds to the total experience so even though some of the quickly written message board comments come off, eh, stupid, as a group, we get there.

Now about that cover. I think you drew Supergirl's bra size one size too small. Just something else comic book message boarders are expert at.

heh, someone took us seriously. Has that ever happened before?
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
I can say there was a deliberate decision to take these 5 issues and use them to try something different and without patting myself or us as a team on the back (not saying that we're succeeding!) I think that's a laudible goal in and of itself, especially when you consider than when all is said and done, its only five issues.

What does bug me, and I'm not saying anyone HERE is doing it (in fact, it is clear that Legion fans are open minded and good people), is that there does seem to be a segment of fandom, heck a segment of people, that just don't react well to any change, even if its temporary. It's the McDonald'sization of America, everything the same, all the time, anywhere. And it really sucks.
But if you find the crux of your argument is that it's "different", try and remember that for some of us, "different" is not an insult but a goal.
Nothing would please me more than if you guys were to try to do as much different stuff with the Legion as possible. For too long, the Legion franchise has been plagued with the notion that the way to do it right is to go back to what everybody loved about them in 1966, and I don't care if I never pick up another comic book like that. Quality is the most important thing, of course, but good-different is a lot better than good-same, and I'll take bad-different over bad-same too.
Dennis, I haven't made it to the CBS yet, maybe THIS weekend, but I look forward to seeing your work! And you are a scholar and a gentleman for participating so wholeheartedly in our humble forum of change-averse continuity-nit-pickin' shut-ins.

<Yes, I'm kissing a$$ with the new creative team. Can't hurt, right?>

I'm old enough to remember when Jim Sherman started drawing the Legion in the 1970s, after Cockrum and Grell had established a new visual vocabulary for the Legion. My first reaction was "ewww," but it quickly grew on me. Good art, good interpretation are what matter.
"But see, it just goes to show, we're paying attention!

Oh and since that scene has been brought up, hopefully you consider it worthwhile to discuss why that scene did or didn't work as well as intended."

You know, I totally hadn't considered the ads. Looking back over it,with that in mind, I have to say in my own defense, it works BETTER than I think it's given credit for. In retrospect, sticking out the tongue more or even making un Boy give Mekt the ol' antler ears may have been more effective. Joe Quesada used to tell me that sometimes...just sometimes...you have to hit people over the head.
"hitting people over the head"

I'm a teacher and it's the same. A spur of the moment decision. Don't want to talk below the students but want them to get the picture. A 90% is a good grade but who wants an airplane that stays in the air 90% of the time? The way towards perfection is reflection and that's all that's going on. It must seem unfair, generally unskilled artists/writers commenting on the work of professionals. That's what I tell my students anyhow, when they complain. Lol.

Originally posted by Matthew E:
For too long, the Legion franchise has been plagued with the notion that the way to do it right is to go back to what everybody loved about them in 1966,
Poorly played IMO.
Serial comics have always been plauged by the duel between the need to have the story end where it begins and the need to change in order to stay fresh and connect to current audiences. Now add to the mix that comic book fans are reading comics into their thirties, forties and now fifties, while relatively few new readers are coming on board and you have a recipe for wat is, in my opinion, comics main ailment right now: the tension between fan's maturing and immature tastes.
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
Serial comics have always been plauged by the duel between the need to have the story end where it begins and the need to change in order to stay fresh and connect to current audiences. Now add to the mix that comic book fans are reading comics into their thirties, forties and now fifties, while relatively few new readers are coming on board and you have a recipe for wat is, in my opinion, comics main ailment right now: the tension between fan's maturing and immature tastes.
Well that is why we have Vertigo. smile

And I agree about hitting people over the head. I like to get hit on the head. smile
click to enlarge
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
He's thinking "If I have to hear the Ranzz lightning origin ONE MORE TIME I'm going to hurl!" which is pretty much how I feel.
LOL! That's exactly how I feel too! Why does THAT origin need to be retold ad nauseum yet nearly all the others are lucky if they get told even once per 'boot!

Mr Calero - I dropped this book long before you came on board so I haven't had the chance to check out any of your work unfortunately - but I wanted to say 'Thanks very much' for coming and engaging with us Legion fans.

And thanks also for the enlightening posts. It's very easy sometimes for comic fans to forget that most artists are putting their all into making their books the best they can be. And we should be respectful of that effort even if it's not to our tastes.
Gah! I've been dying to get on-line to say how much I enjoyed this issue. The art, the story, and the dialogue rocked. But if I had to pick one good thing above the others it was the art. So, Mr. Calero, you in particular rocked, sir!

Earlier contrary opinions about facial expressions notwithstanding, I personally feel that the dead-on accurate expressions made the issue. In my limited experience, some comic book artists can't draw facial expressions well. My friends in animation say that this is probably because only college animation programs tend to have chapters on facial expressions in their text books. So, I guess my question is: have you had such formal training, or are you self-taught in the intricacies of drawing facial expressions that convey exact feelings?

Oh, yes, about that panel where Sun Boy makes a weird face. I loved it, and totally understood that it was meant to convey mockery--after thinking about it for a few seconds. My first thought, however, was that you were trying to pull a "Jeffery Moy" (y'know, like when he ocassionally drew Legionairres sticking their tongues out; actually, I think it would be kind of funny if you were to do this ocassionally in the future, but then again, I'm a bit eccentric).

Speaking of the future, I'm dying to see if that was Chuck Taine we saw in the last issue. And as a previous poster observed, it really is incredible what one well drawn and scripted issue can do to salvage a book. So, please, keep up the good work all of you new behind-the-scenes Legion people. Cheers! smile
Sorry, but you're both acting like Uranuses.

Star Boy kicked some major nass for me this issue. I mean, I dug Tenz being there and all but Thom's whole... presence really got me. I loved... everything about him. From taking insults in stride to threatening Brainy-- I dig him, period. laugh

Overall, I enjoyed the art, the dialogue and the plot. I thought the style lent itself nicely to the creepy feel of this big, foreboding underground structure that's suspiciously empty. The whole thing was neat and I'm rather pleased that it's a done-in-two tale. I feel like TPBs often unnecessarily stretch things out, so... yeah. Happy am I.
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
That being said, I hardly think it's fair to hold up one failed expression as evidence of a work's complete failure.
OK, let me be the first to admit that I'm sometimes a little... harsh, with my criticisms. When it comes to commenting on comics I don't often sit on the fence (since comics that don't really bother me either way I don't usually comment on) so I'm either a bit gushing or a bit vicious. Let's just say I'm a little hyper-critical...

Anyway, I did pick on that one expression but to be fair that was just the one big area of the art that I found most obviously problematic. I have problems with some of the other pages as well (especially the fight scene) but also really like some of the other pages (like I said, the pages of Tenzil being tricked and trapped are lovely). I don't think the art in the whole issue is a failure and much of what I don't like about it is down to personal taste not technical ability.

Nor are my problems with the art to do with change. In the modern comics book industry change is about the only thing that's constant. It's also a good thing. When you're dealing with characters that have been continually published for decades if nothing ever changed then they'd stagnate. I think there is a line where change becomes change just for the sake of mixing things up or because someone didn't like what was going on before but that's not an issue with SLoSH at the moment. The story is one that is continuing from where WaK left off. There hasn't been a wholesale dumping of all the stuff they had going. For some reason though I'm just not enjoying the writing, or as I say, the art for the last couple of issues. It's not hideous, it's just not been something that I've really enjoyed reading. To be honest it's hard for me to say why exactly I've not been enjoying it. Like I said before, I'm just finding it oddly unengaging. I have ranted elsewhere about the state of Wonder Woman at the moment and there I have very definate thoughts about why i'm not enjoying the title and where it's failings are. With SLoSH, both in terms of writing and art, I'm not so sure. It's a very fluffy criticism of the book I know, and hardly a constructive one, but it's how I feel at the moment.
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
Now, I have no problem with anyone not liking my work. I'm not saying I don't CARE or that I wouldn't want as many people as possible to be pleased, but its a reality. If anything, I would rather be one of those artists with a small but very loyal following. I want my work to be idiosyncratic and frankly, not for everyone because if I tried to make it for everyone, it would just end up being mediocre gruel which is what we have too much of these days in all areas of life...It seems clear to me that you're just not into it, period. And that's fine. But you have to see also that if I were to walk away, saying to myself "well, gee, if I had nailed that face a bit more he probably would have liked the whole book" does me a disservice and wouldn't help me become a better artist...There is such a thing as saying "well, this isn't really for me, but let me really give it a shot and enjoy it for what it is."
Actually, second to my first response, I'd just want to say that on this point I actually agree with you one hundred per cent. As a jobbing comics artist myself (small press only so far but I'm learning my trade) I know from experience that art that one person adores is art that another person can't stand. In an extreme example there have been panels (or even whole pages) that I've drawn that I look back on and absolutely detest because I think they're a mess and they turn out to be the favourite pieces of readers. Tastes differet from person to person and if all art was a homogenised mass then it'd become unbelievably dull. There was a period a few years back where art in both DC and Marvel mainstream books was all starting to look the same. There was no variety or life to a lot of it. That's going again now and we're getting all types of art on big name books. Some of it I hate and other people love, and some of it I love and other people hate. There's no accounting for tastes, but nor should there be.

I think it's fair to say though that from the responses here on Legion World you have actually acheived what you set out to do. While I'm not alone in having criticisms of the art the responses have been mostly very positive. At the end of the day your art has got people talking about it. So often you see criticism of comics that boils down to 'the art was OK' without any real response to it either way and that's just dull. I guess it's worth pointing out that when Olivier Coipel started on LSH an awful lot of people hated his art. I loved it right from the get go, and as time went on a lot of people who hated it at first came to love it as well. People change, art styles develop, artists get to know the characters and click into place (I think that's true of Coipel with the Legion and Leonard Kirk on Supergirl for example, who went from being a good Supergirl artist to being a brilliant Supergirl artist over his run on the title). My opinions may change over time, and I hope they do actually. Change needs to happen, but that's true of us as readers as much as it is of the comics themselves.
But, ... but fellas --
I thought you gave me this lightning rod so I could help resurrect Dave Cockrum.

Waitaminnit! Why am I the only one holding a lightning rod?

Nits aside -- I certainly have some, even some that, believe it or not, haven't been raised here -- I love the direction this issue implies the Legion is being taken. I wish the ride were longer than 6 issues.
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
And as a previous poster observed, it really is incredible what one well drawn and scripted issue can do to salvage a book.
Agreed 100%. We had two fan faves on it and not many people were digging it.(i loved Barry's art though).

Suddenly two new guys and wow! Breath of fresh air and all of that.
Yesterday, I went to my CBS to buy another copy (I always get two copies) but the issue was sold out. It's a very rare occurrence, and I believe it was Dennis' artwork that made the difference.

Complain all you want about the zillionth retelling of the lightning origin, but I can't wait to see where Tony and Dennis are going with Mekt's story. I never tire of Mekt.
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
[QUOTE]Logically, if he metabolizes his food at super-speed, does that mean that he also poops at super-speed? Is that why Tenzil always disappears immediately after a fight?

Hey, I'm just askin'.
That question is a load of crap...

Hey! I'm just sayin'!
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:

So, critique, ask questions, by all means take nothing for granted. But if you find the crux of your argument is that it's "different", try and remember that for some of us, "different" is not an insult but a goal.
What a great way of putting it. I'm withholding judgment until the arc is over. To do otherwise is premature criticism. It's hard to decide if an overall direction or story is good when I've only read the first chapter or so. With that in mind, I can usually tell by the 3rd whether I want to stay invested as a reader until the end, or whether I just read it because I bought it and I'm an anal retentive collector type who has to know because he has to know, not because it's good.

The art was servicable, and it told the story. Which is all I ever ask. Pretty pictures that don't tell a story, are pinups and essentially worthless in graphic storytelling, IMHO at any rate. At least you managed to make the different characters look different facially, rather than Kitson, <strike>who draws faces that resemble each other to the point of making me wonder about in-breeding...</strike>

I am looking forward to the next issue. Keep up the solid work.
I personally loved the focus on Winath and lightning stories. They nailed the whole Children of the Corn thing mixed with the lightning stuff and Validus. smile
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
... Oh, yes, about that panel where Sun Boy makes a weird face. I loved it, and totally understood that it was meant to convey mockery--after thinking about it for a few seconds. My first thought, however, was that you were trying to pull a "Jeffery Moy" (y'know, like when he ocassionally drew Legionairres sticking their tongues out; actually, I think it would be kind of funny if you were to do this ocassionally in the future, but then again, I'm a bit eccentric).
For me, this more than anything is why the panel did not seem to fit. I could see any of the last boot's legionnaires making such a face, but now I could only see it coming from maybe Invisible Kid or Light Lass. For Sun Boy, it just seems off--not something that someone who went off to lead a group of rogues would let himself do. That said, now there's precedent, so any one of the legionnaires could go around making faces all the time.
" For Sun Boy, it just seems off--not something that someone who went off to lead a group of rogues would let himself do."

Ok, well that you have to take up with Tony because it's his script and I believe it was something he asked for. But even beyond that, what SUnboy was like or not like before, you have to give Tony the freedom to make the character grow.

“My opinions may change over time, and I hope they do actually. Change needs to happen, but that's true of us as readers as much as it is of the comics themselves.”

Your entire point is well put. I do hope that my work is of the kind that grows on you. I mean, I try to remember that this is DRAWING first and foremost. I think the term “Comic Book Artist” is incredibly limiting and a lot of guys get into the business with no awareness of art other than the comics they read when they were 13. And if we don’t bring in influences from “mainstream” illustration, animation and fine art, we’re just going to get the same thing over and over.

I don’t claim that the way I draw is the way everyone should draw or the way everything should look.

From Bevis:
“It's a very fluffy criticism of the book I know, and hardly a constructive one, but it's how I feel at the moment.”

Well, it’s clear what your feelings are, even if you don’t know why. If I was you CBS owner, and you told me this, I’d probably tell you to give it one more issue to see if you adjust to the temperature change.

“Gah! I've been dying to get on-line to say how much I enjoyed this issue. The art, the story, and the dialogue rocked. But if I had to pick one good thing above the others it was the art. So, Mr. Calero, you in particular rocked, sir!”

Thanks man! To this end, my favorite moment in BatB’s Legion issue was when Invisi-Kid was haking Batman’s hand like a big fanboy. That’s what hits me when I read books and what I try to provide when I draw mine.
I finally got it yesterday... haven't read it yet, but wanna say as awesome as the cover looks online, NOTHING compares to holding in your very own hands! Can't wait to see Dennis' Tenzil-take!
Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
I do hope that my work is of the kind that grows on you. I mean, I try to remember that this is DRAWING first and foremost. I think the term &#147;Comic Book Artist&#148; is incredibly limiting and a lot of guys get into the business with no awareness of art other than the comics they read when they were 13. And if we don&#146;t bring in influences from &#147;mainstream&#148; illustration, animation and fine art, we&#146;re just going to get the same thing over and over.
A lot of art does grow on me. Initially I really wasn't keen on the art of Mike Mignola but as time has gone I've come to love it. Which is why even though I may make a snap judgement about art on one particular issue of a comic I tend not to assume that the same artist is always going to ellicit the same response. Sometimes they do, but I give them the benefit of the doubt if it's a bad respon se. Or at least I hope I do...

The point about comic art not *just* bieng comic art is a good one though. I've been asked in the past where my own influences come from and when I've said things like Pre-Rapphellites, Beryl Cook, The Moomins or whatever the response has been 'no, what comics influenced your art?' which puzzles me since I didn't get into comics until well after I had been drawing for years. We do have a tendency to judge comics art just as comic art though and not look at the broader spectrum. That said a comic can be made up of a series of beautifully posed, beautifully painted individual panels that together have no life and no soul to them and don't really work as a story telling medium. But, yeah, comics art is much more than just pictures for the words to sit on.

Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
Well, it&#146;s clear what your feelings are, even if you don&#146;t know why. If I was you CBS owner, and you told me this, I&#146;d probably tell you to give it one more issue to see if you adjust to the temperature change.
Oh I will. Like I say, a book or art has to be *really* bad for me not to give it another go, and this issue of SLoSH underwhelmed me rather than was bad. I'm a big Wonder Woman fan and have been buying the title every month for longer than I care to admit. If I can put up with some of the things that have been published there then an issue of a comic that I also enjoy lots that just didn't grab me in the way I would like it to isn't going to put me off buying the next issue one jot. And you never know, the second part of the story might make me like the first part more and appreciate the thing better as a whole than as two parts (it's happened fairly often before actually).
Though it is nice when the art is accessible, something that doesn't stretch the visual learning curve too much. After 50 years, is it too much to ask to get one just one, stick-figure Legion?
Well now the secret of issue 33 is blown.
Ha! New artist isn't taking any crap AND he's funny! Better watch it, LMBers!
You sentients think MektRanzz3 is haughty?

It's time for some Lester threads.
I still haven't been to the CBS to get the last couple weeks worth of books!!

I'm more curious than ever to see the art. Love that Dennis is here, interacting.
Re: Dennis Calero, my respect for the you and the 3boot has multiplied a thousandfold. Highly anticipating the new creative team's direction.

<span style="font-size: 10px;">Mekt being totally awesometastic doesn't hurt either. Going back into hiding, now.</span>
Originally posted by Tromium:
I [b]never tire of Mekt.[/b]
Amen! This version has turned out to be quite a chatterbox, though; he almost seems friendly. I always liked the villain Mekt, but it's an interesting change to have him as a tough guy, but not (so far) intent on taking over the universe or amassing great riches. Given his origin, it's a wonder he has any concern for Winath or his parents at all, so maybe he's just faking it here.

Sun Boy on the Legion - "why should I care?" - has he really distanced himself from the Legion that much? It sounded like he was putting on a show for Mekt, also with the talk of laughing off the Dominators' torture.

Love low-key Tenzil and his amazing truth-or-lie sunglasses. Maybe they have other powers. Pretty lax of him to take them off underground (surely the shading adjusts for light) and trust those two kids.

This is a great version of Winath, down to the mayor having a name ending in "zz" - perhaps they all do. I really wonder how the crops deal with those storms, though. Must be very short stalk plants.

I'm glad that we're seeing the three teams working together, but in small groups. These large battle scenes with everybody involved don't do much for me.

The artwork is striking! It took me a second read to really enjoy it. Simmering, hot and noir all at once. I am really looking forward to Dennis' Shadow Lass!
I liked the art-- but I always thought of Sun Boy as one of the, if not *the*, handsomest Legion boys. That doesn't come across, here-- though not because of one panel in which his expression was clearly (to me) used to communicate a nonverbal reaction. Which is something comics sometimes utterly fail to do, so I appreciate the intent. But Dirk should be good-lookin' (and a redhead, damn it!)

I like the way the eeriness of underground Winath comes across. Add that to Mekt's POV-- if you're one of only a few singletons on a planet of twins, you'd think there was something creepy... or at the least 'other'... about your people. It's an interesting combination... the 'horror movie' creepiness tinged by Mekt's 'issues'.

I'm concerned about the possible upcoming contradiction between Validus here and the Fatal Five we saw in BRAVE AND BOLD. More multiversal nuttiness? That's secondary to interesting storytelling, for me, though.

A larger question-- why is Winath so attractive to writers for reimagining? Is there any other world that's been portrayed so differently from boot to boot? I can't think of one. What is it about Winath that makes creators wish to recreate it from the ground up? And is the twin thing a sacred cow?

For me-- the free-wheeling nudist agrarian culture is still the most interesting. I liked the canopy of trees idea from LEGION WORLDS-- and the underground Winath introduced here is fascinating. The storm-besieged bit from the 'toon is worth noting, too.

Actually, all of these *could* be incorporated into one Winath. Earth certainly isn't monolithic-- no reason 'pretend' worlds should be.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Sun Boy on the Legion - "why should I care?" - has he really distanced himself from the Legion that much? It sounded like he was putting on a show for Mekt, also with the talk of laughing off the Dominators' torture.
Or maybe convincing himself?

I want to stick to the idea that he's still a Legionnaire, but keeping it secret for some reason. Getting harder to think that, though. It's more likely he'll be wrestled back into the fold by some other means. Or skulk off again, I suppose.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I really wonder how the crops deal with those storms, though. Must be very short stalk plants.
Or 'root' vegetables, like potatoes?

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I'm glad that we're seeing the three teams working together, but in small groups. These large battle scenes with everybody involved don't do much for me.
Amen! (Though large-scale cast scenes-- there really wasn't all that much 'battle' are fine with me-- *if* we've got names and IDs for those involved!)
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
[QB]Or 'root' vegetables, like potatoes?
Winathian Yuca & Malanga must be really good! wink
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Originally posted by Tromium:
[b]I [b]never tire of Mekt.[/b]
Amen! This version has turned out to be quite a chatterbox, though; he almost seems friendly. [/b]
The conflicted Mekt was probably my favorite, whether it was Levitz or post ZH. The Legion World's Mekt when LL returned from being lost... Brrrr.

I agree with some, I never ever need to read another "origin" story. Any future reboot should just have an "ibid" statement to any or all previous boots and let the reader choose the one they prefer.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
A larger question-- why is Winath so attractive to writers for reimagining? Is there any other world that's been portrayed so differently from boot to boot? I can't think of one. What is it about Winath that makes creators wish to recreate it from the ground up?
You touched upon it yourself. There's something inherently creepy about a world of twins, yet after all these years (since it was first canonized 1984ish) writers have barely begun to mine its potential for weirdness. We've seen the deleterious effects of twinness on Mekt's psyche before, but Winath society has otherwise been portrayed as relatively normal by Earth standards . How could it be, though? They might look like us, but their cultural mentality is as foreign as, say, Colu's. If any of us "solos" lived on Winath for an extended duration, we'd probably wind up feeling as alienated by its physical and psychological duality as Mekt.

There's even more psychological fodder to be found in their almost primal fear of storms (did Bedard borrow this idea from the cartoon?) as well as the unexplored "bond" between Winathi twins, and how the latter affects their relationships with each other and with non-Winathi singeltons. Does the "bond" help explain Garth's excessive monogamy, Ayla's checkered love lives, and the fact that Mekt (besides a purely speculative romance with Holt) has never once been in love? For me, those unanswered questions contain more interesting story potential than the perfectly understandable inclination to run around naked. I enjoyed DnA's techno-primitive portrayal of Winath, but I feel they only scraped the surface.

Nor has the alienness of Titan, Braal, Colu, Cargg, Durla, Rimbor and other Legion planets been explored to its limits, imo.
I would like to see Bismol. on a planet where people can digest anything, what passes for fine cuisine?

and on Titan, how of many of Saturn Girl's kin hire themselves out as spies, business advisers, or therapist.

as for origin stories, the only ones I know, are what I have read in this series so far. so, keep making them, er reprinting them, er retconning them, er well you know what I mean.
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
[b]Unlax was used last issue by Unnamed Dude on Lallor.[/b]
I just stumbled upon an earlier use of "unlax": in post-boot LSH #66, uttered by Chameleon Boy as he rescues Colossal Boy from a giant predator.

Fodder for the Oxford Interlac Dictionary. Now I'm wondering if there are even earlier instances of unlax.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I just stumbled upon an earlier use of "unlax": in post-boot LSH #66, uttered by Chameleon Boy as he rescues Colossal Boy from a giant predator.
That was when Cham was supposedly struggling to to learn the language, no? Maybe a word that essentially means "make yourself not lax" should be confined to such circumstances, unless the 31st century is especially ironic.
Unlax and Interlac, for that matter, have been used in Nexus; perhaps this is another nod/wink between the two books.

Anyway, my thanks to Dennis Colero for explaining Sun Boy's sour puss. Now I can kind of see where you guys heads' are at.
I thought I had posted earlier...probably forgot to hit the post button.

I thought this was a fun issue and the art was particularly strong. My one quibble was with Sun Boy--he looked all emaciated, like SpongeBob in Sandy Squirrel's dome without a fishbowl helmet. Otherwise, the depictions were quite awesome. Dennis's art is more similar to Barry's than I expected. Where Barry is slick and cool, though, Dennis's art is more emotional and "hot."

While I understand the sentiment about the Winath/Ranzz story getting old, I found all the additions here very pleasing. Giving Validus an interesting back story is always an accomplishment. And I like this Mekt and his angry, haughty singleton sadsack state. What if he has a "lost" twin who is...Validus!?!?

The depiction of Tenzil is fantastic, perhaps the best ever. He's funny, but very self-assured and intelligent. This day and age, the Legion could really USE a good lawyer.

I think Tony writes these characters better than Mark did; they're still sarcastic, ironic and conflicted, but somehow not as nasty. Reading the latest B&B at the same time brought this home.

The colors really deserve special commendation, too. They were spooky, creepy and moody but also lush and exotic. An amazing freshman art outing all around, I think. Just make Sun Boy handsome, and you're money, baby.
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
[b] I just stumbled upon an earlier use of "unlax": in post-boot LSH #66, uttered by Chameleon Boy as he rescues Colossal Boy from a giant predator.
That was when Cham was supposedly struggling to to learn the language, no? Maybe a word that essentially means "make yourself not lax" should be confined to such circumstances, unless the 31st century is especially ironic.[/b]
Or in the 2200s, the UNilever might have acquired the brandname of a certain laxative. So the anti-corporate rabble-rousing Legion now use "Unlax" to ironically mean, "Don't poop your pants Grandpa."
I finally picked up my comics yesterday. I must say that I was quite impressed.

The story was pretty good, I thought. You get a little insight into Mekt, which was nice.

The art was pretty darn cool. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to get into it, since it's not exactly what I picture in my mind for "Legion artwork", but I must say that by the end I was really enjoying it. I'm looking forward to next issue now smile
Originally posted by doublechinner:

While I understand the sentiment about the Winath/Ranzz story getting old,
I think most posters are refering just to the "origin" story, at least I was. We see Korbal, every origin of the Legion, every origin of LL, or LLass or Mekt or anytime any of them have a bad dream. I swear if I see any of those characters having a bowl of chili, I'm not buying the next issue.
Caleros art is vertainly a major improvement to the embarrassing guest artist in #31. I can very well live with him staying on board, he has a lot of potential.

As for the story, I really tried to like it cause I like Bedards writing on Negation, but everytime I try I am once more smashed with the feeling that this... is not the real Legion. It must be me, I just can't give this continuity a chance, I don't feel for the characters, I don't care for what's happening, I just keep on buying the book cause it's not really bad (it was til #18 or so) - and it's the only Legion you can get... at the moment.

Tenzil as a special investigator seems wasted to me by the way.
Originally posted by Chemical King:

As for the story, I really tried to like it cause I like Bedards writing on Negation, but everytime I try I am once more smashed with the feeling that this... is not the real Legion.
Please to define "The Real Legion" for me...
Originally posted by Old Man Lad:
Originally posted by Chemical King:

As for the story, I really tried to like it cause I like Bedards writing on Negation, but everytime I try I am once more smashed with the feeling that this... is not the real Legion.
Please to define "The Real Legion" for me... [/b]
I think I made it abundantly clear that it is (just) my feeling. So it will be hard to define it but all I can say is that the Legion hasn't felt "real" to me since Zero Hour - first it became a future vesrion of "Archie", then it became a second version of L.E.G.I.O.N. and I keep on buying it hoping that the old/new characters will finally start to grow on me... but they don't.

Good chance that if the Lightning Saga Legion will somehow become a regular book, they will feel "wrong" as well... but I hope not.
Originally posted by Chemical King:

Tenzil as a special investigator seems wasted to me by the way.
I rationalize by saying to myself, this doesn't mean he won't someday be a Legionnaire, get fatassed, eat the miracle machine, become a lawyer for the defense and eventual President of Bismol. lol

Had my reread.

- The Story
The words and the art provide distinct stories.
Dialogue was economical.
Concentrated on a smaller group of legionnaires.

Two good cliffhangers (wheat and glowing eyes)
I think we all think we know how the wheat hanger will resolve. I look forward to more about the cult. Is there some "connection" between winathians and lightning? Mekt was "sent" to Korbal, so it seems likely and would fit in nicely with "canon," which certainly doesn't preclude the idea. It doesn't have to be an accident that sent them to Korbal and nothing prevents others from having a natural affinity for lightning powers.

- The Art
This had a "Legion World's" feel to it for me. There is so much going on in the backgrounds or little details of holos or plates with food...., things that add up to the culture of the place. It really painted a picture of Winath.

I also enjoyed the use of B-5s monitors to add to the bigger story. Good SF affects throughout.
Example of great story-telling IMO was the page where Tenz first gets locked in the wheatbin. In fact, i would have left off entirely the "Tenzil, you stupid...." as his expression tells it all, though Tenz is the type to think outloud.

Opening splash was terrific, closing splash less so for me (though it had a "Coipel" feel to it) but I loved the Validus symbol.

Easily my favorite panel was that little bottom left corner panel on the first page with the cult leader. Just the three legionnaires flying. Something else else about it, but they really do look to be flying in mid air as opposed to pictures plastered on top of a background. Another is lower bottom left on the page with Legion HQ at the top. Very SF, so busy and cluttered like a lab.

- Some great one-liners:
Waddya know, it works
That's a felony
I know for a FACT that cult isn't around anymore
I will not drown in a roomful of wheat.

- Homage to earlier versions
Brainy's overworked, underappreciated
Validus, perhaps Darkseid?
A living lightning (Glorithverse version of Mekt)
A story to frighten small children

- Nitpics
perhaps its the sensitivity to the seemingly endless storylines and feeling that companies are stretching out stories to fill graphic novels, but some of the oversized panels seem to have no purpose. Specifically when they enter the Ranz household, on the opposite page, legion HQ, and the biggest waste of space, the full page entering the underground. The same "emptyness" was conveyed in the tiny panel below the panel we had dispute about earlier in the thread.

However, the BIGGEST NIT goes toward the Ballpark Frank ad, which I've seen bitchen about on at least two other message boards. Wish this thing would go away! It's not funny. It's vaguely disgusting and creepy and it doesn't make me want a hotdog. Lol.
Originally posted by Chemical King:
I think I made it abundantly clear that it is (just) my feeling. So it will be hard to define it but all I can say is that the Legion hasn't felt "real" to me since Zero Hour - first it became a future vesrion of "Archie", then it became a second version of L.E.G.I.O.N. and I keep on buying it hoping that the old/new characters will finally start to grow on me... but they don't.

Good chance that if the Lightning Saga Legion will somehow become a regular book, they will feel "wrong" as well... but I hope not. [/QB]
Well, that narrows it down somewhat. Essentially, what I take away from your post is that you haven't really enjoyed Legion since changes were made over 10 years ago to what had gone before. I'm also thinking that it was the Legion you grew up with that is more akin to the "real Legion." Would that be an accurate summmation?

If not, please help me out here...
Originally posted by Old Man Lad:
Originally posted by Chemical King:
I think I made it abundantly clear that it is (just) my feeling. So it will be hard to define it but all I can say is that the Legion hasn't felt "real" to me since Zero Hour - first it became a future vesrion of "Archie", then it became a second version of L.E.G.I.O.N. and I keep on buying it hoping that the old/new characters will finally start to grow on me... but they don't.

Good chance that if the Lightning Saga Legion will somehow become a regular book, they will feel "wrong" as well... but I hope not.
Well, that narrows it down somewhat. Essentially, what I take away from your post is that you haven't really enjoyed Legion since changes were made over 10 years ago to what had gone before. I'm also thinking that it was the Legion you grew up with that is more akin to the "real Legion." Would that be an accurate summmation?

If not, please help me out here... [/QB]
Accurate, yes Sir smile I am guilty of not enjoying any Legion since Zero Hour - cause it did not feel like the "real Legion" to me.

But that's just the background for my feelings about #32, which, as I said, was okay, the art even good, but still it somehow left me cold. But as I am not the only one feeling "left cold" by the WaK Legion, I don't worry too much about it smile And everybody is very very free to have totally different feelings about WaK, to consider this new version as the "real Legion" and that still will not change my opinion about it. Not that there's anything wrong with it, to quote Seinfeld...
I agree that the visual appeal of the book was upgraded significantly. Some of the panels were quite striking and if I can't have Barry this will certainly surfice. Good wishes for your tenure and thanks for posting.
The term "real" Legion is a bit subjective.

How about the Legion that has 30+ plus years of history, continuity, character development and millions of people encountered for the "first" time in that 30+ year peroid?
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
The term "real" Legion is a bit subjective.

How about the Legion that has 30+ plus years of history, continuity, character development and millions of people encountered for the "first" time in that 30+ year peroid?
In other words, "YOUR" Legion...and it sounds like that would be the pre-crisis Legion.

I grew up reading comics, and started in 1974. However, the Legion of that period didn't appeal to me, and part of the reason was the Legion stuff I came across was of the SA Adventure era and it left me cold. It was very silly to me, and it looked dated as well. There was Superboy (which was a lame character to my eyes) and any number of Lads, Lasses, Girls that were essentially the same character with different, goofy looking, costumes (except for Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl. Always have liked those costumes). So, cardboard characters, cardboard stories and so forth and I'm supposed to get excited about this?

I read some of the newer stories in other reprint comics (Digests were a god send in those days...) and my opinion didn't much change (Except I did sort of like the updated Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl costumes at the time...).

I ran across a long box of Legion comics that spanned 1973-1989 at a garage sale. I think I paid something along the lines of $25-$40 for the whole thing. Less than $200 later and I've got it all in that time period with a few missing issues in other series (Karate Kid, for example) and the Treasury Sized book where LL and SG get hitched.

The vaunted character development has been minimal. Timber Wolf was a crab when he first showed up, and has remained such. Wildfire falling in love with Dawnstar (and vice versa) was SO telegraphed over the long haul...I could see that one coming. Light Lass getting all snippy about what happened on that asteroid and not talking to T-Wolf puts the depths of love that Imra read in her to bed as so much hokum. You don't love like that without trust...(having just read issue 301, I've no notion how that whole thing plays out ultimately, so don't spoil it for me...)

I see many of the characters with the same names and similar suits in different situations. I see all of them as being just as valid as the others.

I've really enjoyed this current series, and I bought it solely on the strength of Waid's name on the cover. I loved what he did on the Flash, and was hoping he'd bring that same energy and verve to this book. And so far, I've enjoyed it. I guess not having a bazillion years of baggage has helped in that regard.
One man's baggage is another man's treasure. smile But I've seen other writers side swipe said baggage quite masterfully without making anybody angry. smile

Old Man Lad, I never said that was "my" Legion either. wink
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
One man's baggage is another man's treasure. smile
Yup. Very, very true. And the word "baggage" was most likely not the best work I could've used. History or attachment might have been better.

But I've seen other writers side swipe said baggage quite masterfully without making anybody angry. smile
Any specifics? Serious question, as I'm still rather new to this Legion thing...

Old Man Lad, I never said that was "my" Legion either. wink
No, I knew that. I was responding more to Chemical King...
Old Man Lad, the best examples I can use of writers handling "baggage" is probably Levitz(Legion), Geoff Johns(JSA), and Kurt Busiek(Avengers).

All three of these teams have a ton of history. These writers pick/choose their spots of when to use the history or simply nod to it. Reading the Adventure era I've noticed many of the Levitz stories are a nod to that. I never knew that unless I knew more specifics about the history. As a new reader I enjoyed it and didn't know any better.

Same with the JSA. I knew nothing of them. I still don't to a degree. I just love what Geoff shows us and sometimes I go do a search to find out more about their past.

But these writers alleviate the baggage. They don't reveal something unless it directly ties to the story, etc.
And still I am wondering how somebody can get angry when somebody else has a different opinion...

Even if I would be part of a minority I still would state my opinion like "the new Legion leaves me cold". So why can't that be said?
@Ultra Jorge

Yes, "real" Legion might be subjective, but "Legion that has 30+ plus years of history, continuity, character development and millions of people encountered for the "first" time in that 30+ year peroid" might be better but is a little bit long to state a point just out of "political correctness"...

I guess the best term might be "original Legion" which includes it being there first. Original Legion = Real Legion to me, but hey, if I can't get a Ferrari, a Japanese speedster will do as a "real sports car" as well...
Well I hear people getting upset over the term "original". I like classic? who knows.
Originally posted by Chemical King:
And still I am wondering how somebody can get angry when somebody else has a different opinion...

Even if I would be part of a minority I still would state my opinion like "the new Legion leaves me cold". So why can't that be said?
It can most certainly be said. I'm not at all angry, just curious. Sorry if I gave you that impression, because it's the farthest thing from the truth.
Sounds like a semantics debate over "my" and "real." Generally mean the same thing around here. "Original" could be debated too as even before Crisis, things mysteriously changed as the series moved on.

I accept it like this.

These are historically based treatise channeled by future archaeologist, historians, and the occasional myth maker to the minds of various artists, creative types, and John Byrne, to be put to paper in our present. What we buy are textbooks and must be treated such. They are considered expert opinion but not fact and not first hand knowledge. They are open to speculation.

What we read is to be debated by experts (that would be us) and scanned for logical fallacies. The scientific process as well as faith are all part of the construction.

Collectively based upon this emperical evidence, personal and general experience, we speculate as to the truth of what happened a thousand years in the future.
Originally posted by Old Man Lad:
The vaunted character development has been minimal. Timber Wolf was a crab when he first showed up, and has remained such. Wildfire falling in love with Dawnstar (and vice versa) was SO telegraphed over the long haul...I could see that one coming. Light Lass getting all snippy about what happened on that asteroid and not talking to T-Wolf puts the depths of love that Imra read in her to bed as so much hokum. You don't love like that without trust...(having just read issue 301, I've no notion how that whole thing plays out ultimately, so don't spoil it for me...)
I won't spoil it for you, but be prepared for more "hokum". To me, a lot of that period reads like agonizingly maudlin soap opera in constrast to the crisp, unsentimental and sometimes sardonically funny character treatments of today's book. One of numerous objections I have against the "Lightning Saga", whose characters seemed even more deeply mired in insipid and insincere emotionality than their 80s counterparts.
Originally posted by Old Man Lad:
I see many of the characters with the same names and similar suits in different situations. I see all of them as being just as valid as the others.
My feelings exactly. I view them as basically the same Legionnaires I met when I opened my first Adventure comic book some 40-plus years ago, and it never ceases to amaze me how well they've stood the test of time despite all the bad writing they've been subjected to, not to mention the retcons, reboots, reimaginings, and so forth.

As for continuity baggage -- I loved and still love most of the old, pre-Crisis stories (the earlier ones more than the later ones) but I don't give a dang if they're in continuity or not, except to insist that what's written is written, and retroactively changing or reinterpreting them is a worse "crime" against the old Legion than restarting their history from scratch. Another reason why I so enjoy today's Legion comics and cartoon -- they pay loving homage to past continuity but leave it unharmed -- and why the "Lighting Saga" strikes me as step in the wrong direction.
But what if suddenly they reboot Superman. He's not a member of the JLA, he doesn't know Batman, he's got a slightly new costume, Lois Lane is Lola Lorenzo and is hispanic. Lots of people are not going to care about Superman anymore. As good as the stories are (and for the most part I haven't seen anything too great post v4) many people won't care.

It's a recognition thing. The Legion is up there with Hawkman as probably getting the most screwed because of Crisis(and Wonder Woman). The thing is the Legion was much more popular than Hawkman or Wonder Woman during Crisis. ohwell.
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
But what if suddenly they reboot Superman. He's not a member of the JLA, he doesn't know Batman, he's got a slightly new costume, Lois Lane is Lola Lorenzo and is hispanic. Lots of people are not going to care about Superman anymore. As good as the stories are (and for the most part I haven't seen anything too great post v4) many people won't care.
Have you read Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman and Darwyn Cooke's Superman Confidential? Except for Lola Lorenzo part, they're pretty close to what you've outlined. No JLA, no Batman, no Wonder Woman, no Supergirl and so forth. Just Superman with his Golden Age inner circle, mainly -- Ma and Pa Kent, Lois, Jimmy, Perry and Lex. (Plus a few Silver Age nods like Krypto and Bizarro). The fact that even the most continuity obsessed fans seem to dig these stories proves that people do indeed care about the character without the added embellishments.

Ditto the Superman movies and the "Lois and Clark" and "Smallville" TV shows (the latter only introducing JLA and Supergirl as it gasps its last breaths, and still no sign of Bruce, Diana, etc.). The "Superman Doomsday" DVD won't include them either. To the public at large, who vastly outnumber us pamphlet readers, they're not essential Superman recognition factors.

Superman's costume has changed over the decades -- no biggie. Changing Lois's name to Lola Lorenzo would probably be unwise for reasons related to trademark and brand-recognition, but why not make her half-Latina? She looks vaguely Latina in All-Star Superman, anyway. Your untenable Superman reboot is actually pretty solid. Reboot away!! wink

Likewise with the Legion, the cartoon proves that it doesn't have to be saddled with a ton of continuity for it to be recognized as "real". The Suneater/Ferro Lad episodes were a wonderful homage to the original Jim Shooter story but, apart from that, the basic framework and familiar characters (some, like B5 and Starfinger, barely recognizable) seem to be enough for most fans. So, why isn't it good enough for the comic book Legion?
@Old Man Lad

No hard feelings then smile

But in the end, all seems to come down to the question: Do you like continuity, or do you more like the basic spirit of the Legion?

The "Spirit" is shown in every incarnation, even the Manga Archie Legion or "Superboys Legion" mini or maybe (don't know cause the cartoon hasn't been shown in Germany yet) the cartoon. But if you're rather a continuity maniac like me, you just don't care about the soirit alone, you want to know what happened first, what happened before, what did this character do ten years before and who was together with whom over the years. For me, this is one major part of characterization: BIOGRAPHY! Biography very much influences the way you turn out to be decades later, your behavior, your emotions, social status, everything.

So as for the Legion, I absolutely concur that there was hardly any character development during large parts of the original run (it was the original run - I won't care about any semantics here) like the 60s before Shooter or the 70s with Bates or Conway - but there had been happening a lot which made the Legion what it was (death, sacrifice, love, victory, tons of supporting cast). And I thought the Levitz run made the characters more and more vivid and alive, and 5YL was just spectacular storytelling and characterization. So that was the Legion as a whole, full of history, every character with his own biography.

WaK - to me - feels bland because the characters don't have a biography. They do not only look like carbon copies - there seems to be no pattern who does what or who loves whom. When Mekt Ranzz chooses some Legionnaires to follow his cause because "they follow orders more easily" my first reaction was like "aha... how does he know that, they all behave the same way..."

So when Tromium mentions "crisp, unsentimental and sometimes sardonically funny character treatments of today's book", I really would be very interested where he has found it - cause I did not and I read the current run twice because I could not believe what Mark Waid - who has written so much great stuff like Kingdom Come or Empire - had done with the Legion...

So now I think I have stated my feelings more clearly without hurting anyones feelings about any "real Legion" whichever that may be. It is a fact that the current version could not tell the same amount of story as the original version could in 30 years. Maybe the fact that nowadays, stories take 5 or ten issues to tell does not help things (in the 60s and 70s, they just threw the story at you - "here, Lightning Lad gets resurrected in one issue, Ferro Lad gets killed in a major two-parter"). But whereas before ZH, we had three decades of story (therefore: biographies) to thrive on, today we have two years of bland "underagers versus adults" and one decent storyline fighting the Dominators. To me, that does not feel fullfilling - especially because of the lack of characterization which would have been so important due to the lack of any biography.
To me, that does not feel fullfilling - especially because of the lack of characterization which would have been so important due to the lack of any biography.
I think it could have been done without the biography, but wasn't. After growing up with these characters, I think of some of them by their 'real names' and not their superhero code-names, and yet, the 'Tasmia' of previous versions simply did not exist in WaKs universe. Not until her visit to Talok VIII with Vi do we see a *hint* of character depth, and it was two freaking YEARS into the story.

And Vi herself? Barely a squeak. Does she revere Brainy like her fellow Imskians? How does she get along with her fellow Imskians, being the 'high priestess' to their 'god?' Does she kinda resent Brainy? Does she pine after him? Does she even like boys???

They had years, and most of the characters remain one-note ciphers. Element Lad, Sun Boy, Invisible Kid, etc. all behave in manners that we might or might not consider out of character at times throughout the run, *if we had the slightest clue what their character was!*

And entirely too many seemed to get dismissed as 'fluff.' Colossal Boy, Star Boy and Ultra Boy are dismissed as jokes, written in broad terms as screw-ups. Despite their super-powers, all three come off as losers.

Chameleon and Element Lad suffer the worst. Chameleon is a grumpy antisocial curmudgeon, sounding more like Gates than Chameleon Boy. Element Lad transforms from a quiet, yet strong, tragic figure to some pretentious absent-minded fluffy pseudointellectual 30th-century-stoner.

The 'real' Legion side-debate goes nowhere. Everyone jumped on at a different point (they still called it 'Adventure comics' back when I jumped on), and many of us have a preference for the first Legion we 'met.' (Although most of us also are happy to make exceptions for newcomers and new developments that *enhance* the pre-existing world, such as my own love of Waid's interpretation of Naltor and it's 'PreCops' or my preference for Shikari over Dawnstar.)

For me, capturing the *spirit* is more important than capturing the specifics. This run didn't do that for me.

The Legion didn't come across as *heroes* in a wondrous future full of adventure and danger, they came across as a collection of super-powered jerks bickering and sulking their way through nasty future full of planet-destroying psychopaths.
Originally posted by Set:
[QUOTE] And Vi herself? Barely a squeak. Does she revere Brainy like her fellow Imskians? How does she get along with her fellow Imskians, being the 'high priestess' to their 'god?' Does she kinda resent Brainy? Does she pine after him? Does she even like boys???

They had years, and most of the characters remain one-note ciphers. Element Lad, Sun Boy, Invisible Kid, etc. all behave in manners that we might or might not consider out of character at times throughout the run, *if we had the slightest clue what their character was!*.
I've tried very hard to remain upbeat about the current iteration of the Legion, but share the doubts expressed above. In particular, it wasn't apparent to me who would be likely to support Rokk or Mekt in the Dominators' Earth Invasion storyline.

However, the writing in this issues does give me hope. Long live the Legion!
Begs the question then whether WaK's Legion would fall under "character-driven" or "story-driven". Sadly, it seems to me like neither impetus applied in this incarnation.

- Publication of this Legion started a year (or two?) after the team was first formed. Sure, we get semi-character sidebars for members such as Dream Girl (the interaction on her planet hinting at bits of her past...before a building toppled all over her), Invisible Kid (status quo-keeping parents), Projectra (spoiled brat from a now-murdered world), Karate Kid's failed romances (with Phantom Girl & Shadow Lass) and others. For me though, it all seemed one-note. WaK didn't even bother to show us the "1 year gap".

- Then we were handed "event" stories such as the Dominator invasion and a Kryptonian story-stopper who's storyline seems to have been decompressed to what feels like 18 months of real time.

I love sarcastic one-liners more than I should, but frankly that's what this Legion ended up being. Bickering does not always equate or build up to characterization, which the Legion previously had in spades prior to this reboo--oops--"reimagination".
Set you give a good example. When I say the names Jo, Tinya, Rokk, Garth, Imra, Lu, Chuck, Gim, Dirk,(etc) I don't think of any other versions except the PC Legion.

The other ones I use codenames. smile That's not Jo...that's Ultra Boy.
Finally got my hands on this issue! It was great! Loved the spooky art and the character driven writing - and what characters! Mekt was stunning (My fave line was deffo "Since I was born"- yowza!), Thom was cool, calm and collected - an interesting side to him as he's been shown as a bit of a doofus in the WAK run - and I lo ved his comment about getting Brainy later. Brainy was his usual delight, I so love that man! And Dirk, well, I'm not to sure about Dirk, I liked his comment to Mekt that he faced worse threats in the Dominators hands and his sarcasm to Tenzil but I'm kind of holding out for a bit more from him - next issue will deliver I'm sure.

All I can say is more, more, more!
I've had this for 1-plus week and still haven't read it... way behind on my reading while I've been catching up on the Marvel "zombie-verse"... will read it this weekend for sure!!
Originally posted by Harbinger:

...All I can say is more, more, more!
Belinda wanting more? Say it ain't so...


Good to see you posting again B.
Finally got my copy of this issue!

Well, I LOVE the art! Very expressive and as many have stated, appropriate for the story.

I like the way the issue centered around Dirk Mekt, Thom and Tenz. I do wish Tenz was a Legionnaire, not a special prosecutor, though.

Anyway, I'm interested in what happens next. I'm not raving about the storytelling, but I'm not bored.
I'm looking forward to seeing the girls... between this issue and the McDonald's action figures, you'd think it was the Legion of Super Guys.
Okay, one more post...

More than a couple of the faces looked just like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

That's it, no more from me....
FINALLY read it... and loved it! Best issue in quite a while.

Tenzil looked HOT, as well he should!

Winath has been many things in the past, but never really creepy... until now.

I kind-of like Mekt not being an out-and-out villain nowadays.

Yeah, Sun Boy made an "icky face" when hearing about the processed wheat... I did too! It fit perfectly.

Not so sure about this "Cult of Validus" business... I'd rather it have been a creepy new take on the Dark Circle or something.

I'm pretty excited about the B&C run!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I've had this for 1-plus week and still haven't read it... way behind on my reading while I've been catching up on the Marvel "zombie-verse"... will read it this weekend for sure!!
I don't think you qualify as a true Legion fan if it takes you this long to read the latest issue, Lash. Hand in your Legion Geek Merit Badge, please.
Well, it's true my LSH geek-ism has been somewhat reduced lately but this issue (and the B&B issue, and the upcoming new creative team) excited me enough so that I can hold on to that badge for now.

Plus the more I like a title, the FARTHER DOWN it goes into my reading stack ("best for last" and whatnot). As of this issue, LSH will be sinking farther down the stack, taking me even longer to read the next issue.
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