Legion World
Do you want to see it? I know you do.


Okay, that should be enough spoiler space.

[Linked Image]

[edit note: Changed thread title to reflect that there has not been a new cover image yet.]
Also, Worlds of Westfield (from Westfield Comics) has an interview with Barry (where the image came from):

YEAH!!!! GO big boy, go big boy, GO!!!!!!
Nice skimpy outfit for Ayla, it looks like!
ooh. hello. Gim seems to be WWF-style grappling a robot.

With so few details about what the *sigh* reboot is yet, it's all rather puzzling.

Why is Shady so pale? (Another skin colour change to go with Star Boy's?) What's Sun Boy firing at? Are ladies crop tops really still in fashion in the 31st Century?

Can't wait to find out. Nice.

Can't really judge the merits of a full on reboot til we have the 1st issue in our hands, but there is one thing I am struck by. It really was time for some costume changes. I loved the 'stripe down the middle' look, but it was ten years old now. Strange there wasn't an update done post-Legion Lost. I wonder if that was another order from above?
Who is Kid White-Cape?
From that interview the first bit that jumped straight out was:

Westfield: Is this a complete reboot of the series or are you following what's gone before?

Kitson: I knew you were going to ask that question. [laughter] I've always understood reboot meant you were wiping out past continuity, which we're not. But we are going off in a completely different direction.

I really need to find out! I think Barry's definition of reboot still isn't quite in line with what most of us see it as (a re-start from scratch). Maybe we'll be proven wrong. Damn you TT/L* Special. Why are you late?!?
I was thinking Star Boy, but why would his cape expand to mammoth proportions?

Someone new, perhaps?
Barry! PLEASE consider bringing back Shadow Lass' retro-1940s hairdo that Olivier Coipel gave her!

Oh, and I'm loving the half-shirts on the chicks. Now let's see a guy in shorts. NOT daisy dukes, but let's see a little exposed leg.
I'm not really digging the Micro Lad suit. *Why* can't they give Gim an outfit based on the Adventure-era one?
My preference too. At least his gloves here are red. Add stars to them and yellow pantaloons, and we're in business.
The green shirt is essential, imo.
Okay, the sight of Gim beheading a giant robot is pretty cool, but if that's the reimagined Tasmia, the character has just taken two steps backwards. I don't like her hair, her costume OR her wishy-washy skin color. This Shadow Lass pales in comparison to the magnificant Umbra. frown

How come everyone gets a new costume but Ultra Boy? If anyone needed a wardrobe fix after 40 years it was Jo. Ayla's skimpy outfit suits her fine, but I'm very disappointed it's black. I thought these characters were supposed to be "colorful", so where's the color?

I dunno, judging by the looks of the first two covers and the creator comments I've read, I think I'm going to be one of those "long term Legion fans" Barry's prepared to upset.
I'm noticing a lot of black, now that you mention it. Though I kind of like Ayla in black.
Actually, Gim and Jo have an *incredibly* similar color scheme. Not ideal at all.
They ditched all Jo's green for black? Don't like that.
Actually, it's hard to tell whether it's green or black. But still...
EDE et.al: Uh--count me as one relieved that they aren't riffing off the Adv. version of Gim. Red and blue are his colors. This is not my opinion, but absolute truth. tongue

Hey, everyone, remember these are the "not-really-finalized" colors (hopefully).

Ultra Boy's costume is one of those that you just don't mess with too much. It looks, at least, as though they've swapped most of the green for brown -- a VERY good decision. Although it's not quite as spot-on perfect an update as the Sprouse version, it's still good.

Looks like Ayla is definitely in Light Lass mode. Hopefully there's more to her powers than just making things weightless (although any old-school Power Pack fan knows that can be a really potent power in itself).
When I went to article from which the cover art came, the art wouldn't display. I'm glad to see this image here, but what was the other art in the article? The first cover?

Umbra over Shadow Lass for me too, I'm afraid.

I hope Ayla's costume is dark/navy blue rather than black. I like Micro Lad's costume... perhaps he's 'crushing' on Ultra Boy and that explains the similarity.

White-cape Kid... hmmm... Barry? Can you give us a hint?

Looking at Ayla's costume more closely (it is black, I think), I see what looks like a white arrow on her right shoulder blade, and a similar white arrow design going up each leg.

Jo's pants are either very dark green or have a green stripe. It's hard to tell, even after blowing up the image.
I like the Micro Lad costume and Jo's.Damn Tasmia won't wear Umbra's costume!Well it looks good anyway and this series may work.
Seperated at birth?

[Linked Image]

Hmm... not quite as close as my first impression, but still definate similarities.
Similarities in what SoM? I see nothing similar between those two covers. Is the one on the left supposed to be from Iron Man?

As for the additional art included in the article it was the cover to the first issue.
I like Ayla's costume, though the shape and color of it all remind me of Ultimate X-Men's Jean Grey.

Basing Gim's costume off of his v3 duds wouldn't be my first choice either...but come to think of it I didn't really enjoy any of his costumes besides SW6/postboot. I'm okay with the Adv. costume, but I don't think it would work here.

Star Boy's cape must be from Tamaran or something. I see the starfield costume peeking out which works, but I really don't want to see a full-body number again.

I'm a little worried about Dirk's costume down there. All yellow leggings? Don't see any boots or accessories there either. Perhaps it'll look better up close, though.

I actually like the colors on Jo's suit...the style will grow on me. I like the coloring on Shady and am fine with the costume. I kind of miss seeing the fire in her eyes that Umbra has had the past six or seven years. Shady here looks so remorseful for some reason.
maybe it's Gim's introduction and his style will change as he gains perspective from other Legionnaires

after all, he comes into the picture thinking he's Micro Lad -- he probably thinks the outfit is cute too
WOW. great image! welcome back Gim Allon!
i like what i see. Ayla with an anti-gravity arrow. Ultra Boy with his original weight belt, cool boots and arm bands, the pants look dark green to me. yeah that must be Star Boy. i tend to agree that the new Tasmia is a bit underwhelming. where's the majesty and the mystery?
but overall, i am excited! great work by Kitson. is this the cover to #2? or a splash page?
I don't care for Gim's costume. The person in black & white reminds me more of Lar, (Marvel Lad now?) then Thom. The character most are assuming is Sun Boy reminds me more of the female Inferno. Maybe it's Sun Girl now? Tasmia's costume I kind of like but it reminds me of one of Storm's. I don't care for her looking so pale though. Ayla's costume seems a bit skimpy but it reminds me of one Dazzler wore during Inferno. I agree with those that say Gim & Jo look too similar. I'd rather Jo not look like Gim's (Micro Lad?) "mini-me".
I happen to like U-Boys outfit. I see Barry drew the traditional costume his own way (everybody does) and it looks pretty darned good. Maybe this will quiet down the folks that were grumbling about Jo's apparent girth in the promo pic.

SunBoy?..or Inferno? That's a cool costume. I wonder what's he blasting at? A giant robot story?! Sweet, the Legion fighting giant robots! I love it!
This ought to be great ride.
Maybe the robot contains... HITLER'S BRAIN!
Hitler's Brain? Left behind from the Titans battle? Or maybe that's what the Fatal Five were looking for when we last saw them as a group?

I wonder if Saturn Girl (and the other lasses) will also have a bare midriff. Nice to see someone has a cape! And it looks like Tasmia still has pointy ears.
WOW! I've been waiting for Gim to come back for years and when he finally does - he makes an entrance! GREAT COVER BARRY!

(Quick aside re: something I've noticed about Gim - he's much more an artist's character than a writer's character. Unlike someone like Star Boy or Saturn Girl or Cosmic Boy his power is purely visual and thus lends itself really well to any type of action or group shots. Its probably why he's made the scene on so many covers and crowd shots and team portraits over the years despite so few writers ever doing anything meaningful with him. Hopefully Mark will be the writer to change all that.)

On to the rest of the stuff on the cover -

- Gotta say (and as I mentioned on another thread somewhere a while ago) as much as I love Barry's art, I'm not too keen on any of his costume designs. They're all a bit too simple and samey for me. I prefer costumes that are a lot more intricate and interesting than these ones, and ones that shout originality. I just don't get that from any of these. In fact, most of these don't even look like super-hero costumes (Hmm, maybe that's the point?). That being said though, I do love the white cape on Star Boy's starfield costume and I am looking forward to seeing that one close up.

- Love the retro robot and just the whole idea of the Legion fighting a giant robot!

- Not at all liking Tasmia's very pale skin tone. Hopefully that's just a colouring error.

- I can't wait to find out which are the newer Legionnaires who don't know about "Atom Girl" and which are the old-school members. I wonder if WaK will stick to the same order that members joined in as pre-boot?

All in all I LOVE this cover and now I'm even more looking forward to this series... if that were possible.
Kid with cape is a Lad. Element Lad.
Originally posted by Mars Hottentot:
Kid with cape is a Lad. Element Lad.
No sir, E-Lad is blonde with a yellow cape.
Can we be sure that's just a robot? Maybe it's the top of a mobile Time Institute.

I'm not going to waste too much effort pouring judgment into the second of a total of two images. It's just nice to see the team doing their thing.
Originally posted by BrucePristine:
Why is Shady so pale?
When I first saw that pic, I thought it was Argent from the Teen Titans.
Guys, he's WWF-style wrestling a 40 story tall robot. I see nothing in this picture wrong at ALL smile smile
Gim looks...More bigger than ever!
Maybe Tasmia look a little pale in this cover, but she looks beautiful.
The next cover I want Tinya, Garth and Luornu.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Actually, Gim and Jo have an *incredibly* similar color scheme. Not ideal at all.
When I saw the thumbnail on the front page, I actually thought it was Jo.

Looks like jo's got a dark green colouring on his pants to me. I like Aylas costume and Starboys. Not so sure about Shady (if it is her) the skin colour looks off to me.

One thing about this picture makes me smile. My instant reaction as I scrolled down to see the robot head was "Thats Babbage"

Could this Legion be battling Robotica?
Hitler's brain ... and Mussolini's pancreas?

The cover looks great. I don't mind the new costumes. (Though seeing a few capes is nice.)

The action on the cover is odd, however. Why are most of the Legionnaires just floating around while Gim demonstrates his brawn? They don't seem too eager to lend a hand, or even all that concerned. Training exercise, perhaps? Is this the first time they've seen their super-sized teammate in action? Wouldn't Gim get a toasty backside from Sun Boy creating such a widespread inferno (pun not intended) so close?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Gim's gassy from his exertion-- Dirk's burning off the methane... wink

(hmmm... that would also explain Tasmia's disheartened look, as well as everybody's hesitance to get real close... except for Jo, who's got his Ultra-Invulnerability on! ) laugh
Kitson is still insisting that they're not wiping out past continuity. Could we be misunderstanding something? Or is he? Is it possible that the team will remember the current continuity? (And Jeckie thought waking up with arms was bad...)

I really like Shady's costume, but I miss the Coipel hairstyle. I found it a major pain to draw though, so I can't hold it against Kitson.
I think what he means is that the Legion won't remember any of the events of the past ten years, though their impact on the rest of the DCU remains. So, instance, the Team 20 stories still happened as they happened from the point of view of everyone in the 20th century, but that Legion won't be the Legion will be reading about.

This contrasts with the Doom Patrol reboot, for example, where all the past adventures of that team have been completely wiped, as if they never happened.
Just don't let Giant Robotic Lesbian see that anti-robot image. She'd go nuts.
That's a great picture of Gim.

I'm a little underwhelmed by the costumes we've been seeing though. They're all a little bland, though I kinda Barry's update on Ultra Boy.

And I prefer Tasmia with a more exotic look. With that mid-driff costume she's got on she looks like a suburban teen.
Remember Barry mentioned that #1's colouring in the preview version was not the final colouring. Hopefully it's the same, although I don't mind the paler Tasmia, what difference does it make if the story's good?

Charlie E/N
Originally posted by Tromium:
How come everyone gets a new costume but Ultra Boy? If anyone needed a wardrobe fix after 40 years it was Jo.
I disagree. I think Jo's red shirt with green dragon symbol is definately a classic. Sure, he can stand to loose the wide fringes around the edges, but keep the classic red shirt with green logo and black pants!

Originally posted by Shadow Kid:
And I prefer Tasmia with a more exotic look. With that mid-driff costume she's got on she looks like a suburban teen.
I'm just glad they didn't keep Lightle's metal crotchpiece. :rolleyes: What WAS that, an inertron chastity belt? Talokian planetary champs have to be chaste, or something?
Originally posted by Povicho:
Originally posted by Shadow Kid:
[b] And I prefer Tasmia with a more exotic look. With that mid-driff costume she's got on she looks like a suburban teen.
I'm just glad they didn't keep Lightle's metal crotchpiece. :rolleyes: What WAS that, an inertron chastity belt? Talokian planetary champs have to be chaste, or something?[/b]
Well, Legion #24 stressed how important it was to keep the bloodline pure...
Re:Tasmia's "#24" costume...check out Steve's Wildfire issue...I'd swear there's a scene where Tasmia shows a bit of inbetween leg skin (nudge nudge)--when she gets knocked off her feet. Looooooove it!
Speaking of Tasmia's bloodline, how DID they ever keep it going? Weren't all shadow children secluded from their parents and in deep training until they become champion. I guess they have to hope they get married and bear children before they get killed in the line of duty.

On second look of the cover...I *love* Ayla & Jo's costume. Shady's still needs a little something extra to it. I'm a bit horrified by what looks to be Dirk's...he's a classy guy (usually), let's see some layers and different designs.
Originally posted by Future:
Speaking of Tasmia's bloodline, how DID they ever keep it going? Weren't all shadow children secluded from their parents and in deep training until they become champion. I guess they have to hope they get married and bear children before they get killed in the line of duty.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that the designated Shadow Champion has an arranged marraige with someone who's genetically compatible enough to keep the line going.
What is Barry on about? How can previous continuity NOT be wiped away if we've got bloody Gim Allon mincing about on the front cover of issue 2? HE DEAD!!

Incidently, the cover looks crap to me. Tasmia looks like a refugeee ffrom LEGION and Gim's logo is exactly the same as Titan's from the Imperial Guard. Of all things.
I think it's the difference between the stories actually happening and then being wiped out (as what we seem to be getting) versus the stories never hapening at all (as in every Doom Patrol tale before Byrne).

So something like the Team 20 stories and Kyle Rayner meeting the previous Legion may well still be in continuity, and if any 20th Century folk who met the Legion previously saw them again, they would notice the change.
I think that's clearly what Barry means, but now I'm confused by the claim that the Legion has been rebooted only once in its history, since the 1994 reboot supposedly left the previous history intact. It's never completely started over, with everything that's happened before being *completely* forgotten.
The reboot answer by Barry is DC/Waid semantics. They are not erasing the past continuity but starting a new one. That's like telling your girlfriend you are not breaking up...but you aren't going to see her anymore and will date a new girl. You can't have your cake and eat it too DC. smile This is a reboot.

Anyways I think they refer to hypertime. Which can mean all past continuity's can exist.

As for the actual cover. It looks good. I like it all except I was hoping Ayla's Light Lass powers would be light based not low gravity based but ohwell. I am sure it's going to just one of many small things i won't like...grr...try to be positive...

Looks like alot of fun! Can't wait.

Hey, Jorge ...

Just wondering how you pronounce your new user name. Is it the Kryptonian way ("jorg-el") or the Spanish way ("hor-el")?
First off I love Jo's costume but am very glad he doesn't have those damn silly boots he used to have. Looked like a christmas elf on roids. wink

He Who Wonders...

Heh, I haven't thought about but now that have my first instinct was the Kryptonian(english) way Georg-El...Hor-El does sound pretty cool though!

Oh no! I zoomed in on Jo's boots and I think they DO have the little hangy things?! Indie rock all, erm, the way. Well atleast the boots are brown not green/red. *whew*

As for the indie rock comparison? I think the return of Swing in the late 90s is a better example. Kids dressing up in old retro clothes/dresses going swing dancing...using swing terms, etc. Even then most of them I knew had tatoos all over their bodies, piercings, etc. Not exactly the same as the original swingers. wink

After looking at the cover a few more times I gotta say - Ayla's costume has really grown on me! I think I actually quite like it now!

I already loved Star Boy's, and Ultra Boy's hasn't changed (which is a good thing IMO) so that just leaves Gim, Tasmia and especially Dirk (of the ones on this cover) who need a bit more tweaking I think.

I'm looking forward to seeing a big group shot of the whole team in costume together. I think then we'll have a better idea if these costumes work or not.
I'm hoping that Barry finds the time soon to stop in and let us know what's up. He has mentioned that he is quite busy with clearing up some outstanding projects so hopefully he'll be able to stop by soon.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I'm not really digging the Micro Lad suit. *Why* can't they give Gim an outfit based on the Adventure-era one?
Bizarro, I think you may be the only person requiring headgear. I'll let you work out what type. wink
Originally posted by Comet King:
What is Barry on about? How can previous continuity NOT be wiped away if we've got bloody Gim Allon mincing about on the front cover of issue 2? HE DEAD!!


Reboot / Relaunch / Redo.

What does it matter at this point? We know that the Legion we're getting will bear little resemblance to the one DnA left us. Whether DC wants to call this a reboot or not is immaterial. Whether we want Adventure Era characters or postboot ones is irrelevant. We're getting what WnKy and DC have agreed to give us.

I'm excited by the little (and I do mean little) information I've learned about the new series. I'll miss the old stuff, but that doesn't mean this new Legion won't be great to read. If Gim is alive or Jeckie is a woman, I'll take it as fact. It's the upcoming stories I want to read about, not past stories already written.

I've made peace with the DnA book. Whatever term is used for this new title, I'll be going into it as a new reader, not looking for any past connections. Instead, I'll be pysched about the new curves WnKy are throwing at me. This is the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES- I'm stoked about the future of it all!

That's not a cover... it's an interior page!

Here it is with dialog, from the Pulse Ask-Waid interview:

click to enlarge
Here's the continuation on the next page:
click to enlarge

I am now officially on-board for this. Looks fun! cool
Wow! I'm happy.
There's also the page immediately preceding the "splash" type page posted on the Pulse page as well.

I'm looking forward to reading the full story.
Great! And Jen is going to hear from me about not letting me know the interview was done! mad I checked not an hour ago and there were no updates to the Pulse.

Here's a direct link to the interview:

And he actually kinda answered my question.
And another image.













click to enlarge
How about:

"Names. Give me names."

"Who can keep them straight with so many..."


These three pages ease my apprehension just a bit. And Barry's art looks great.
My anticipation for Legion V3 is rising. drool
Well, now we know Light Lass is indeed on board. And also from Waid's discussion that Timber Wolf and Wildfire are not it seems. That sort of bites but we'll see where they go.
"You boys and your trophies..."

Ugh. Looks like Umbra's fire has certainly gone out in this "Shadow Lass." Anyone else read that in a stereotypical 60s housewife voice?

Je ne suis pas impressionné.
Sun Boy and Colossal Boy need some trunks on those uniforms. They just don't look quite right without them.
I don't know if this has been brought up in this thread yet or not but does anyone else think that these previews we've gotten are really from the Titans/Legion special? Have we now seen almost half of the pages that are supposed to be included therein?

Not that I would like them any less but since they've pushed back the shipping of the special until at least next week (Diamond doesn't have it this week nor do they have next week's list read yet) it makes me wonder why the delay.
Ahh, I though I was the first too see it! Oh well. I'll give it the first two storylines but I decide if I want to keep it or not. Oh, who am i kidding. I'll collect Legion till the end.
Originally posted by Reboot:
"You boys and your trophies..."

Ugh. Looks like Umbra's fire has certainly gone out in this "Shadow Lass." Anyone else read that in a stereotypical 60s housewife voice?

Je ne suis pas impressionné.
I think that's the most Shady's sounded like Shady in ages! Now all she needs is Tinya next to her making a snarky follow-up comment, and we'll be back in business!
Wait until the Legionnaires start arguing about whether Beast Boy was in the Doom Patrol. Then the gloves come off.
Oh, I want to see that. smile

sigh No Brin and no confirmation on Vi. Good thing Sun Boy and Shady are there.
The dialogue, great. The art, clean and clear. The fact that they're battling a berserk robot instead of another end of the universe, priceless.
*growl* mumble muble no Ferro no Condo no Blok....mumblegrumblerumble.... mad
The art looks good. The preview looks good!

Reboot I agree with you about Umbra...and Ayla as Light Lass? I hope we get a female that is a bad ass and with aggressive powers! (laurel gand? she will probably just be invulnerable or something)

KINGDOM COME and Indie Rock. The Science Police vs. The legion of Teeny Super heroes? This may work. With all the government type super teams in todays current market...the Black Ops, super ops, etc, etc, etc...seeing a futuristic book where super teens rebel against the SP Special Ops Division and decide to put on colorful costume...and not cuss...and not kill, etc.

It reminds me of the message Waid put out there with KC...the noveau superheroes versus the old ones. I wouldn't mind that...especially since my Avengers suck now. frown

Still looks crap to me
I think I like this.

Best line

"Apparently they.. they hit it sir" rotflmao indeed.

And I like this art. Especially the page showing the SP command centre, dark, foreboding and a complete contrast to the bright lively energetic Legionnaires.

So Sun Boy gets to "melt things"?

I like this limitation of powers, one power alone not enough, it takes team work.
I like it.Especially the dialogue of the SP's
Originally posted by Comet King:
Still looks crap to me
Yes, so we've heard. Ad Nauseum. You're turning into a one-trick pony. You've got your opinion, and you're welcome to it. But since we're all aware of what that opinion is, would you please refrain from harping on. You sound like a bloody broken record.
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
So Sun Boy gets to "melt things"?

I like this limitation of powers, one power alone not enough, it takes team work.
Jillikers! It's nice enough to be getting Sun Boy, but they even get his powers right for once? Amazing!

Crikey. I really enjoyed those three pages. I'm very pleasantly surprised. The little in-jokes were great fun. good dialogue, great art.

While I, like others, have yet to be convinced a total re-start was necessary, Waid's reasoning seems really sound. The focus on characterisation will be a nice change from the final days of DnA (or rather the trend we see in retrospect of yet _another_ massive crisis).
My anticipation is moving up with the latest round of interviews.

WOW! First of all - the art looks *AMAZING*! Barry is doing some of his best work here IMO. And the inking and colouring compliment him beautifully. I'm *very* impressed!

Secondly, the writing seems great too. I also love the "they hit it, sir" line. Jo seems like a bit of an asshole to Gim though. Don't be picking on my boy! Still, its great to see that these characters are going to have personalities.

On to the Pulse article :

- I like the rationale given for the Kid, Lass, Lad, etc names. It makes sense.

- His hint about a 21st Century DCU connection in Year 2 intrigues me. Could we be seeing Supergirl around the corner?

- Love the hints about Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad. At last - subplots that actually go somewhere!

- "Oh, and no one has yet said that Colossal Boy ISN’T Jewish. (Or, just to rile you up, that his name is Gim.)" Don't toy with me Waid - his name better be Gim Allon!!!

- Looking forward to seeing new villains.

Lots of good stuff here IMO. Don't see how anyone (except those who've already made their minds up) couldn't be excited about the relaunch at this point.
Just an observation but when I see Star Boy's new look, I get to thinking they merged Star Boy and Kid Quantum (the first one). But that's likely not the case tongue
Maybe all Xanthuans are black, now?
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really like the idea that mankind will be having "seperate but equal" facilities that far in the future.

I know that's not how you meant for it to sound EDE, that was just the first thing that sprang to mind. I always have felt like it was kind of hokey when science fiction writers have Planet X entirely colonized by left-handed Pisces of Ukranian extraction or whatever.
I like the fact that it looks fun and witty. Oh and re: the Pulse article, I just want to put out there that Bouncing Boy and Matter-Eater Lad fit the team's initial team-imposed naming conventions quite nicely. - sMEL.
Originally posted by matlock:
Ugh, I hope not. I don't really like the idea that mankind will be having "seperate but equal" facilities that far in the future.

I know that's not how you meant for it to sound EDE, that was just the first thing that sprang to mind. I always have felt like it was kind of hokey when science fiction writers have Planet X entirely colonized by left-handed Pisces of Ukranian extraction or whatever.
Well, I suppose it depends on whether it's a colony or not. What I was thinking is if we have a world of green people, and a world of blue people, it doesn't seem all that far-fetched to have a planet where the native population all happen to be black. Not that black people from Earth segregated themselves by colonizing it or anything.
Fair enough. It seems we're in for the all-humanoid Legion again which brings up all those kinds of nagging questions.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Oh, and I'm loving the half-shirts on the chicks. Now let's see a guy in shorts. NOT daisy dukes, but let's see a little exposed leg.
Awww, why can't we get a return of Gim's short-lived Cockrum costume, which showed all that thigh?
Sorry, but Mike Grell gets the credit for pantsing Gim or the blame depending on how you look at it.
I have a very good feeling about this:

1) banter and exposition artfully combined,

2) young people behaving like young people,

3) an interesting anti-establishment angle,

4) exotic-looking women wearing tight-fitting clothing... mmmmm...

5) humor -- drop the head! Fine! Aahhh! When was the last time we saw Legionaires having fun being Legionaires?

6) lest I forget, great art from Mr. Kitson

Personally, I can't wait to see how the anti-establishment thing works out. So many of today's young people (if you believe the press and demographers and marketing gurus) are programmed for conformity, you'd think the intended audience for Legion would side with the SPs before the Legionaires. However, it looks like us old farts will have a grand time with this.
I hope that wasn't GRL they were busting up. That's not going to shore up their support with the Alt-Id's around here.
Originally posted by matlock:
I hope that wasn't GRL they were busting up. That's not going to shore up their support with the Alt-Id's around here.
Originally posted by matlock:
Sorry, but Mike Grell gets the credit for pantsing Gim or the blame depending on how you look at it.
Whoops. My mixup.
Originally posted by Povicho:
Originally posted by Comet King:
[b] Still looks crap to me
Yes, so we've heard. Ad Nauseum. You're turning into a one-trick pony. You've got your opinion, and you're welcome to it. But since we're all aware of what that opinion is, would you please refrain from harping on. You sound like a bloody broken record. [/b]
But it's OK for you to keep yapping on about excited you are about the reboot?

You haven't exactly come up with any new observations yourself...
:rolleyes: I wasn't opening a discussion with you, especially as you don't have the courtesy to read PM's. I was making a statement. Enough's enough. You've had all the leeway and warnings you're going to get.

A dissenting opinion is fine, and discussion is welcome. But plenty of us here have had problems with the way TPTB have handled the series without resorting to trolling.
Comet King stop being jerkish towards the new Legion.People hated the post-boot and people read it.We've heard your opinion and some of us don't want to hear it over and over
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Maybe all Xanthuans are black, now?
Hello, Star Boy. Tyroc called. He wants his schtick back.
Oh. Ouch. That was really really bad. Besides I thought the original Kid Q is the one who swiped Tyroc's shtick. Maybe being black will give Thom a little more credibility as a hard-luck-hero. I wonder if Dream Girl will still be his girlfriend? We'll see.

Ok, so I read further in that thread and have a question for Lash... or anybody actually... is it true that Matter-Eater Lad appeared in The Newsboy Legion? When? Where? etc?
I can't believe I missed a LSH crossover! -damn-
great art from kitson in those preview pages! i can't wait!
Originally posted by Superyellow:
... is it true that Matter-Eater Lad appeared in The Newsboy Legion? When? Where? etc?
I can't believe I missed a LSH crossover! -damn-
Not that I know of. It is a shame that Tenzil was never featured in a Hostess Twinkie/Fruit Pies ad.
Good to see Gim and Dirk back in action. Now if only a page showing us Projectra back as a humanoid I will be very very happy!!

Star Boy with a hugely stretched out cape kinda looks strange. Perhaps that cape has some usefulness or it's just another artistic expression for that page??

I do have to say one negative.

I DO NOT like Gim's costume either!! The design is lacking. I liked his old head gear and the torso straps and belt. I know, I know it's passe' but I still like a more complicated costume for certain members.

I still miss my pointed shoulder vest just so you know Barry. laugh

Zoop it up a little more dood!! laugh

Originally posted by Valor the M'Onel:
Comet King stop being jerkish towards the new Legion.People hated the post-boot and people read it.We've heard your opinion and some of us don't want to hear it over and over
Don't read it then - I ignore certainn posters when I see their avatar, you could always do the same.
FYI - the preview pages from the Pulse interview are not from the preview in TT/Legion special.
Testing... Testing...

Comet King and I are in a co-dependant relationship!

Testing... Testing... wink
Great. Maybe amid all the bars and hangout places on the MMB, we ought to add a psych ward, as well. wink
Originally posted by Yellow Hawk:
is it true that Matter-Eater Lad appeared in The Newsboy Legion? When? Where? etc?
I can't believe I missed a LSH crossover! -damn-
The only comic that I suspect you may be thinking of was an issue of Secret Orgins that featured origins for the Newsboy Legion and Bouncing Boy. Don't think Matter-Eater Lad made an appearance though.
Originally posted by Comet King:
Originally posted by Valor the M'Onel:
[b] Comet King stop being jerkish towards the new Legion.People hated the post-boot and people read it.We've heard your opinion and some of us don't want to hear it over and over
Don't read it then - I ignore certainn posters when I see their avatar, you could always do the same. [/b]
Hey some people try to be nice I'll have you know you can complain but not all the time.This new Legion is a new direction.It's just like the early days of the reboot old readers didn't really like it but it brought in new readers.Think about this
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