Legion World
Ok, I completed the compilation of Areas of Expertise (AOE) for the Legion game. I won't bore you with the specific rules, but just for general understanding, in a nut shell this is how it works:

A character that takes an AOE (such as academics below), gets a basic understanding of the subdivisions below it. A category (Feeble through Heroic) is applied to the category and the numeric number attached to it is divided up amongst the subdivisions. This number is applied to the die roll when making a skill check.

What I am asking is for Legion World posters to tell me what I'm missing. Surely there are sciences or other areas/fields mentioned that I missed. If you can think of any, please tell me as well as what area of expertise you would put it under. For example, it seems to me Daximite's had a particular science they excelled in, but for the life of me, I can't recall what it was.

Anthropology (specified by planet)
Archaeology (specified by planet)
Architectural Study (specified by planet)
Historical Studies (specified by time and planet)
Linguistics (Interlac or select ancient language by planet)
Literary Studies (specified by planet)
Mathematics (specified by type of math)
Mythology (specified by planet)
Philosophical Studies (specified by planet or specie)
Political Science (specified by planet)
Psychological Specie Studies (specified by species)
Sociology (specified by planet)
Theology (specified by planet)
Trade and Business Studies (specified by planet)

Combat Offense
Combat Defense
Maintain Balance
Performance Maneuver (flips, rolls, non-combat related)

AOE Competency
Power Capability
Personality Assessment
Species Assessment

BUREAUCRATICS (All are specified by planets)
Attain Permission (override travel restrictions, customs, etc.)
Diplomatic Relations
Governmental Studies
Interplanetary Economics
Interplanetary Law

Arm Lock
Block Blow
Choke Hold
Dodge Blow
Eye Gouge
Hair Grab
Head Lock
Low Blow
Roundhouse Swing

Arm Lock
Block Blow
Choke Hold
Dodge Blow
Eye Gouge
Hair Grab
Head Lock
Low Blow
Roundhouse Swing

Alien Computer System Familiarity
Create Program
Create Security System
Virus Creation
Virus Repair

Special Action

Adroit Motion
Black Market (includes appraisal)
Conceal Object
Conceal Self
Create Forgery
Evidence Dispersal
Intelligence Gathering
Lip Reading
Lock Picking
Security Systems
Sense Law Enforcement Behavior

Air Skating
Aquatic Sport
Acting Performance
Artistic Creation
Culinary Creations

Arm Lock
Block Blow
Dodge Blow
Flip and Kick
Killing Strike
Leg Sweep
Maiming Blow
Nerve Strike
Pass By Attack
Ram Opponent

Arm Lock
Choke Hold
Flip and Kick
Killing Strike
Leg Sweep
Maiming Blow
Nerve Strike
Pass By Attack
Ram Opponent
Upper Cut

Cryogenic Science
First Aid
Genetic Engineering
Life Form Study

Assess Explosive
Create Explosive
Disarm Explosive
Military Command and Tactical Planning
Set Explosive

Agricultural Science
Android and Robotic Science
Chemical Science
Cognitive Science
Engineering and Manufacturing
Nuclear Science
Planetary Science
Power Systems Technology
Reality Warp Theories
Time Travel
Transport Technology

Appearance Alteration
Assess Target (bribe, evaluate, approach target)
Criminal Behavior Assessment
Decode Message
Encode Message
Evidence Evaluation
Review Criminal Database
Sense Criminal Behavior
Voice Alteration

Assess Target
Elitist Interaction
Public Speaking
Subtle Conversation

Hyperspace Travel
Planetary Survival
Space Charting
Spacecraft Communications
Space Anomalies
Spacecraft Repair
Piloting Spacecraft

Heavy Machinery Operations
Military Transport
Personal Transport Device

Ancient Melee Weapon
Ancient Distance Weapon
Armor Familiarity
Energy Weapons
Weapon Identification and Analysis
Weapon Design
For sports you need moopsball.

I recommend you put together a package of basic skills that everybody gets a low level of for free, just as a result of growing up in their society. Things like basic starship piloting (although not combat piloting), first aid, literacy, local history, climbing, swimming...

I wonder if it would be worth your time to give different home planets different free skills. Daxamites might get a bit of Medicine for free, and Durlans might get Survival.

It's generally worth having blank skills for different jobs, areas of knowledge, or languages, that can be filled in by the player.
Originally posted by Matthew E:
For sports you need moopsball.

I recommend you put together a package of basic skills that everybody gets a low level of for free, just as a result of growing up in their society. Things like basic starship piloting (although not combat piloting), first aid, literacy, local history, climbing, swimming...

I wonder if it would be worth your time to give different home planets different free skills. Daxamites might get a bit of Medicine for free, and Durlans might get Survival.

It's generally worth having blank skills for different jobs, areas of knowledge, or languages, that can be filled in by the player.
What is moopsball? I've never heard of it.

I did exactly what you suggested above (I just didn't post the rules). All characters have access to the basic AOE needed just to get by in society (such as transport, some academics, sciences, and the like). I broke characters down by type, with each type getting a set of free skills. The character types are: Legionnaire, villain, henchman, science police officer, minion, and innocent. For most of these guys the skills are the same with the exception of innocent, I didn't give them the combat skills. If a character doesn't have a skill they can still attempt it but at a significant penalty.

I do plan on doing species (like races in D&D) and give them various bonuses and drawbacks for being the type of creature they are. Some of these will translate into the AOE above. For example, most citizens from Imsk will be better at micro-technology than other people. I like your idea of giving Durlans survival, that's something I wouldn't have thought of. Was some sort of medical science the area that Daximites excelled at?

Many of the AOE will be filled in (blanks as you put it) by specific planets. For example, Archaeology would be taken for a particlar planet like Earth or Braal. If a character wanted to be good at both planets, he would take them separately and slowly improve each as desired throughout the game.
Daxamites were known for their skills in biology and biochemistry, and medical knowledge (Shady takes Mon there to be healed after the Trapper plot).

Nucular physics
Astro navigation (?)

Nano technology (Imsk)
Quantum physics

Would it be worth having an Education level?
Originally posted by insanelad:
Daxamites were known for their skills in biology and biochemistry, and medical knowledge (Shady takes Mon there to be healed after the Trapper plot).

Nucular physics
Astro navigation (?)

Nano technology (Imsk)
Quantum physics

Would it be worth having an Education level?
What is agronomy?

Geology falls in with Planetary Science

I have nuclear science but I don't know how that differs from nuclear physics.

Astronomy I oginally had and it accidently got edited out, thanks for catching that, I'll add it back in.

I really don't know what astrophysics or quantum physicas are either, I've heard of them, but have no clue what they involve.

What is astro-navigation? I do have a space navigation skill.

I think nano technology and micro-technology would be the same thing. Yes? No?

Please explain what your thinking in regards to having an eductation level? I'm curious what your thinking of.
Originally posted by Phantom Girl:
[QBWhat is moopsball? I've never heard of it. [/QB]
I don't know. Some kind of 30th-century game. (Actually I just looked it up on wikipedia and it seems that there's a lot more to it than that.)

I wonder if insanelad's idea about education levels means he's thinking about Perks. (I'm getting a lot of my ideas and terminology from the Champions game.) As in, it's a qualification or credential that gives you advantages in the game. An excellent Perk from the comics showed up recently in the threeboot when M'Rissey wangled the Legion into the status of Interplanetary Conservator Organization, which comes with full diplomatic immunity. So an education level would be like, maybe, a Ph.D., which would allow a character to speak with some kind of authority on his given topic.
Originally posted by Matthew E:
Originally posted by Phantom Girl:
[QBWhat is moopsball? I've never heard of it.
I don't know. Some kind of 30th-century game. (Actually I just looked it up on wikipedia and it seems that there's a lot more to it than that.)

I wonder if insanelad's idea about education levels means he's thinking about Perks. (I'm getting a lot of my ideas and terminology from the Champions game.) As in, it's a qualification or credential that gives you advantages in the game. An excellent Perk from the comics showed up recently in the threeboot when M'Rissey wangled the Legion into the status of Interplanetary Conservator Organization, which comes with full diplomatic immunity. So an education level would be like, maybe, a Ph.D., which would allow a character to speak with some kind of authority on his given topic. [/QB]
Upoming ideas (which I haven't worked out details yet) include Specie qualities, Personality qualities, power weaknesses and power surges.

Specie qualities would be like a particular race being exceedingly smart, strong, knowledgeable in a given science, that sort of thing. They will most likely get a die roll bonus of some kind.

Personality qualities are similar except that they deal with the person rather than a race as a whole. For example, "hotheaded", "charming", "over-protective", and so on. Others will unvolve relationship issues, etc. All are intended to modify die rolls up and down or for the player to make a roll to see if they can do this or avoid doing that.

Moopsball isn't a Harry Potter thing is it? It sounds like it.
I know I asked this once already, but this would be the best place to post it. If you have reccomendations for various skills for Legionnaires and villains please post it on this thread. It will enable me to find it quite easily this way. A couple of posters have started doing this already and it is really helpful. A thousand thank you's!
Originally posted by Phantom Girl:
Originally posted by insanelad:
[b] Daxamites were known for their skills in biology and biochemistry, and medical knowledge (Shady takes Mon there to be healed after the Trapper plot).

Nucular physics
Astro navigation (?)

Nano technology (Imsk)
Quantum physics

Would it be worth having an Education level?
What is agronomy?

Geology falls in with Planetary Science

I have nuclear science but I don't know how that differs from nuclear physics.

Astronomy I oginally had and it accidently got edited out, thanks for catching that, I'll add it back in.

I really don't know what astrophysics or quantum physicas are either, I've heard of them, but have no clue what they involve.

What is astro-navigation? I do have a space navigation skill.

I think nano technology and micro-technology would be the same thing. Yes? No?

Please explain what your thinking in regards to having an eductation level? I'm curious what your thinking of. [/b]
Agronomy = the science and technology of using plants for food, fuel, feed, and fibers. (Kinda useful for Winathians?)

Nuclear physics = a wider study of atoms and their structure and application. Nuclear power, weapons, but also carbon dating and composition for materials engineering (Trom?)

Astrophysics = a part of astronomy, but concerned with the physics and functions of the universe (as opposed to study and identification of star systems)

quantum physics = study of the basic building blocks of the universe at an atomic level.

astro navigation I think you've covered in space navigation, but could also be considered a survival skill - being able to navigate by the stars as well as through them. (Starhaven?)

Nano tech is pretty much the same as micro technology, but way, way smaller - nano-tach has recently constructed a material a molecule thick (previously thought to be impossible)

Education level: I was kinda thinking aong the lines of whether the character has high school level education, or College level education or post-grad level - would that determine some things that characters could and couldn't do? (obviously Brainy has a higher education level than Brin. What education does Mon-el have, being stuck in the PZone of 1k years?)
What education does Rokk have if he left Braal when he was 14?
does that make sense? lol it's the teacher in me coming out!
I think the education level is represented in the character's Intellect score. I've got three mental attributes: Intellect, Concentration, and Psyche. Some of the AOE will be a better reflection of street smarts. Someone who had a low level of education would have a lower intellect score. It doesn't necessarily indicate they are less intelligent but less educated.

I'm going to add your skills to the list now that I have an idea of what they are. Do you know if the planet Imsk refers to it as micro-technology or nano-technology. I'm trying to keep the Legion terms as much as possible when I do the game. I'm hoping the end product will scream LEGION for most Legion fans when I'm done. For those that it doesn't, well, I'll accept hate mail I guess.
I have no idea about Imsk... I would hazard the guess that when it was first created, micro-tech would have been appropriate, but now that we know that we can go smaller than that (and Imskans have been shown to shrink down to sub-atomic sizes, which is definitely nano territory), so perhaps nan-tech would be more accurate *now*?

maybe add a mental attribute? Have intellect and education? if they have a high Ed score, they can use their intellect better than someone who has a lower one (but still has a high intellect?)

I'll shut up now! lol
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