Legion World
Since probably the earliest days of DnA and Coipel's THE LEGION for me.

I've seen some complaints here and there, but for me this has blown past everything after a mere 2 issues.

I'm liking the art... even the "crazy eyes"... and loving the storyline.

Johns' updates on characters long-unseen like Absorbancy Boy, Radiation Roy and Tusker is so much better than, say, the unrecognizable WaK versions of Reflecto and Polar Boy. And bless Gary Frank for keeping Abs-Boy's Grell-era sideburns...!

It's so good to me, I'm actually surprised to read people disliking this arc for whatever reason.

Would I back a Johns/Frank LSH book? you betcha, right alongside Shooter and Francis', which I KNOW will rock sight unseen.
I am not yet convinced that it's an LSH story at all. It's obvious to me that it's primarily a Superman story. I can't tell yet if it's going to be sufficiently about the Legion that I'd call it a Legion story.

Besides, I'm not sure how much there is in it that's really new.

I mean, it's readable, and I'm enjoying it, and I'm curious to see how it turns out, but it's early days to be talking about anything more than that.
I can't agree with you less Matthew. Its obviously a Legion story to me.

Lash, I'd say this is the best Legion story since DnA's Robotica storyline! John's story here reminds me of his excellent JLA 'Crisis of Conscience' storyline which was easily the best JLA story we'd seen in years when it came out.
Oh, I'm also excited about Shooter's run too.
Originally posted by Matthew E:
I am not yet convinced that it's an LSH story at all. It's obvious to me that it's primarily a Superman story.
While I agree with you that this is a Superman story featuring the LSH, sadly it's still the best LSH story in quite a while.
Me, I'll wait till the arc is over. Although I love Johns as a writer and his GL certainly showed he can finish storylines, I've read too many weak ending to things that started off with a bang (Lightning Saga) to declare this one a winner yet. I always hate when Wizard names something best mini of the year or best storyline and the thing isn't over yet.

I'll reserve judgement until I've read the last issue. Is it succeeding my expectations so far? Yes. Am I enjoying this Legion? Yes. But I'm still going to hold 'best story since....' judgement until all is said and done with.
Best LSH since DnA!
Best LSH since DnA, best adult LSH story since 1989.
LSH # 50 vs. the Time Trapper.
This arc is the best storyline since Legion Worlds and DnA. I also think that Lightning Saga and the Ra's al Ghul/LSV storyline in Superman/Batman last year has been better than any storyline in the Legion's own title these past three years.

I have reread some of the late 70's Legion Shooter stories recently, and if he could bring that back to the current title, it should make for a great run!
I agree with Cobie.

This IS a Legion sotory. I don't see how it could be dismissed as anything else.

This is definitely the most intriguing story since Robotica.... let's hope it pans out reasonably well.
Hold on, hold on. I'm not dismissing it by calling it a Superman story. There's nothing wrong with being a Superman story!

As for where I'd rank it among recent Legion stories... if it's as good as the Lemnos arc I'll be very pleased. Right now, I don't think it'll be quite that good, but after all there are four issues to go and lots of things can happen.
And ACTION 860 continues the trend.

But LSH # 37, Shooter's return, shows definite potential to upstage.

Let the battle for "best current LSH story" commence! After all, LSH fans will be the winners of said battle!
After the Sub's appearance in 862, the Action arc continues to reign supreme for me.

Rainbow Girl? Eyeful freakin' Ethel?!!?

Now if Johns will get Drura out of the timestream and back to the future where she belongs...
To me, it's actually too soon to give a final judgment cause there has been no ending yet. Endings can hurt a story so much! They are much harder to write than a good beginning - take a ride through comics history and there are dozens of great beginning (like for example "Age of Apocalypse") which in the end fell from grace cause the ending sucked (or was at least not so satisfying...)

But so far, I like the Action run so very much I would go back thus far as the first 20 TMK five years later books to compare it to. It's not that intricate and not that complex - but it's damn exciting to see the "old guys" again in such a hostile environment. Hope to see many more stories like that.
I would have to say that to me the Action story is far superior to what has been published in the Legion's own book in MANY years. To me this is like running into old high school buddies that I haven't seen in years.
I wish this was the version that was in the Legion book now. Shooter would have a field day with this. I'm going to give him credit thou...to me he is doing a great job with what he has been left with. It's just going to take him time to get the characters where they need to be.
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