Legion World
From the following list of Legionnaires, pick your top ten all-time favorites!

For the purposes of this poll, I haven't distinguished preboot/postboot versions, and have only used Legionnaires whose membership has actually been depicted in a published main-line continuity (so, I've left out people who were only members during the Five-Year Gap or in altenate realities/possible futures). Plus I've left out folks that were members only on a temporary basis (such as the Khund Legionnaires) or joined under false pretences.
Sorry that a few of them ended up out of order! Don't forget the folks at the bottom of the page, and I hope I haven't forgot anyone!

Have fun, folks!
How long will this poll be open?
As long as people keep voting regularly. I didn't set a closing date.
And I headlined it for now so it doesn't get lost.
Thanks Scott!
why is it so difficult to pick only TEN legionaires?
i picked MY 10 !!!

some interesting results so far ....

Interesting to see who has not gotten any votes yet...
who's a ZERO then ??
so there are 10 characters with ZERO !! so far !!

the biggest surprise [ pun intended ] would have to be COLOSSAL BOY with a big fat ZERO !!

where are Gim's fans .....
here's a smile for ColossalBoy
Gim unfortunately NEVER does well in these things.

Interesting things to note... Wildfire is doing better than usual (he's popular, but not usually as close to the top as he is here), and Ferro is doing incredibly well, also. My theory is that these two are normally dragged down by their postboot versions when I do a "favorite current Legionnaire" poll.
I voted for both Ferro and WILDFIRE and in terms of Ferro, I'm definitely voting for him based on preboot and SW6 and even the Mordru-verse Andy Nolan!

I'd have voted for Wildfire anyway since I like how he's being depicted by DnA. If only it weren't for that shitty new origin...

(y'know, it just occured to me I wasn't sure if cussin' was allowed here -- I don't remember seeing any here so far. I guess there are plenty of proper members in this forum)

Didn't realise we had to pick _ten_ Legionnaires, instead of just one.

There any way to get my vote back? shocked (
THAT'S one of the problems with these automated polls, no way of taking into account people who undervote.

I suppose you could register with an alternate ID and cast your other 9 votes?
Great - caught out by the virtual equivalent of a hanging chad... shocked )
Best not to leave your chads hanging around here Star Boy. Someone might try to run off with them...
I can't believe nobody's voting for Magnetic Kid!

Poor bastard gets stuck with his brother's hand-me-down uniform and then perhaps the most pathetic Legion death since Leeta 87. The whole thing could have been avoided if the Teachers of Zerox weren't too cheap to spring for key-less entry...
Not to mention a really sad case of trying to get out of his brothers shadow.
It's funny how maligned Saturn Girl is for being a spotlight-hog, and yet she's currently #2.
Unless I'm mistaken, EDE, you left Kara off the poll...for shame!

Don't want my chads turning up anywhere they're not supposed to... We'd probably see Daddy's Boy or Bush Lad turn up as the winner - with well under 50% of the votes. wink
Interesting to note that my favourite's the only one to have a majority of the votes to date laugh

[55% as I type]

Oh - and I notice you've misspelt Jeka's name smile [ONE "k"]

Other thing of note: the twins are tied smile
Originally posted by LARDLAD:
Unless I'm mistaken, EDE, you left Kara off the poll...for shame!
Yeah, I knew I'd forget someone. I used the Legion Help File to generate the list, and of course it only has Laurel...

I'm pretty embarassed that she was the omission though... shocked
More stats:

B5's still the only one with a majority of the votes cast smile

Ayla's edged ahead of Garth

Shikari's beating Dawnstar smile

At the moment the top 10 (well, 11 since the 10th place is tied...) are:

1. Brainiac 5
2= Dream Girl/Dreamer
2= Invisible Kid (Lyle)
2= Shady/Umbra
2= Wildfire
6. Saturn Girl
7= Cosmic Boy
7= Gates
7= Ultra Boy
10= Triad/TG/DD
10= Starboy
I'm very surprised that Brainy is so far in the lead, but perhaps even more surprise that there's such a close race for second. There's usually a much more defined set of levels at this point...
Shikari's beating Dawnstar?!?!?!?

Where's Greybird...
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I'm very surprised that Brainy is so far in the lead, but perhaps even more surprise that there's such a close race for second. There's usually a much more defined set of levels at this point...
I think some of the previous polls included weighted votes that took into consideration how high up a character is on eaach person's list. Here, anyone on the top ten gets one vote, so it's a little less clear I guess.
Yup, ilke the Legion top 25 football season poll I did last year... actually, we may try that one again in a couple months... :-)
Nice to see Star Boy doing so well. I always thought he was the most overlooked Legionnaire, at least pre-boot.
I can't believe there's still no votes for Colossal Boy. Talk about the "most overlooked Legionnaire"...
I'd like to try to get seven more votes for an even 50 before closing this down, so if you haven't voted yet, please do so!
I'm pleasantly surprised to see INFECTIOUS LASS draw a solid handful of votes since her only appearances as an actual (?) member were during the much-maligned TMK/Legion on the Run era....
Could a last minute surge knock the current leader off the top? I'm a bit surprised at who's in second place...
So we have officially reached 50 votes!

I thus declare this poll over!!!

The results:

22 votes-- 44%
Brainiac Five

19 votes -- 38%
Saturn Girl

18 votes-- 36%
Invisible Kid I
Ultra Boy

17 votes-- 34%
Dream Girl/Dreamer

16 votes-- 32%
Duo Damsel/Triad

15 votes-- 30%
Shadow Lass/Umbra

14 votes
Star Boy

13 votes-- 26%
Cosmic Boy

12 votes-- 24%
Timber Wolf

11 votes-- 22%
Apparition/Phantom Girl
Element Lad/Alchemist
Live Wire/Lightning Lad

10 votes- 20%
Lightning Lass/Spark
Sensor Girl/Projectra
Sun Boy

9 votes-- 18%
Chemical king
Matter-Eater Lad
Shrinking Violet

8 votes-- 16%
Karate Kid I

7 votes-- 14%
Infectious Lass
White Witch

6 votes-- 12%
Polar Boy

5 votes-- 10%

4 votes-- 8%
Impulse (Kent Shakespeare)

3 votes-- 6%
Bouncing Boy
Invisible Kid II

2 votes
Kid Quantum II
Magnetic Kid
Spider Girl

1 vote-- 2%
Neon (Celeste McCauley)
Reflex (Devlin O'Ryan)

0 votes-- 0%
Colossal Boy frown
Kid Quantum I
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
0 votes-- 0%
Colossal Boy frown
Well, look at it this way, maybe he was *eleventh* on everyone's list -- and if we were allowed 11 votes for this poll, he would've come in at #1 with the most total votes! wink
Well, EDE, you got your 50!

And I'm not surprised who won. I did that same Poll twice back way at DCMB, and Brainiac 5 won handily in each of those.

We all realize his utility for writers and therefore his frequency of appearance, but my theory about his popularity is that with a 5 choice pick (my polls were that also,) he's going to get chosen on many lists as the 4th ot 5th pick, like "oh, sure, gotta have him too."

I think it would be great to run a hands-down no foolin' around one vote Poll for favorite Legionnaire. I bet he wouldn't make the top ten! Serious.

One of us will have to do this in a few weeks or so. It will be fascinating to see who everyone picks when they have to actually select only their favorite Legionnaire.

Good job!

I am quite interested on what effect the number of selections given has on who gets votes. In the last "Current Legionnaire" poll I conducted, Chameleon didn't garner a single vote, though he did somewhat better in this one. I'm willing to bet he makes a LOT more top ten lists than top five lists, as he seems a pretty major Legion character, but not many seem to consider him their favorite.
Kip prime has that "25 Legionnaires" thread going on now with weighted votes, so that should be more telling than this current poll.
I'm glad to see at least one other person likes Kono.
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