Legion World
Posted By: wamu2 LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/27/08 10:59 PM
another good issue.

Princess Projectra's behavior has gone from bad to criminal. it looks like she's in for a long sad downward fall.

and who knew that in the 31st century there would be auction sales!

there's a surprise regarding an amazing display of competence in the Command & control room.

the Triton team finds out first hand that biased news reporting can ruin your day.

the conformity vs. individual expression battle continues.

Micro Lad is rather good in a fight. excellent fight scene in the undercity.

and yes, there was more LSH after dark. and Light Lass helps Karate Kid recuperate. that guy has a great HMO.

anyway, I am enjoying this and looking forward to more.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/27/08 11:07 PM
I am VERY confused about something in the new issue.
They show 3 Duty Rosters on a screen in the issue.

On the 1st & 2nd screen, it says the following: "Dream Boy: HQ - Off Duty"

On the 3rd screen it says the following: "Dreamer: HQ - Off Duty"

Dreamer??!! Is that a typo?? Is the 2nd screen supposed to say "Dreamer"?? I like the name Dreamer MUCH better than Dream Girl but why would she be listed.

I am really hoping "Dreamer" was NOT a typo and that she will be back - alive in a body and known as Dreamer.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 01:29 AM
This was a bit of a lull in the action type story after the big fight last issue. The mystery being set up in the control room is pretty interesting as well.

Francis' art continues to impress. His design for the under city denizens were a nice contrast to the clean cut Legion. Shooter's dialog also seems to be finding its groove after some rough spots in the first couple issues. He seems to have found just enough future slang although it is still jarring if you translate into what it must say in English.

He's continuing to remix the generational conflict to a much more complicated thing with groups of cool kids who think the Legion is now too close to the government and adults who are seen as too close to the rebellious kids.

I'm liking the action guys of Timber Wolf, Colossal Boy, and Ultra Boy. Timber Wolf's distrust of the sneaky Invisible Kid and his power is natural I think. A guy who always gets into dirty stuff versus the spy.

I'm pretty sure we know who Tinya would be supporting in the 2008 US election too. The ticket of Mwambama and Winfrey indeed.

Projectra is headed for rock bottom I like it.

And finally all these half dressed Legionnaires running around late at night in their sleep things. It has a feel of those short little disco legion stories. Quite a lot of sex-appeal this time without the CCA.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Quite a lot of sex-appeal this time without the CCA.
LOVED LOVED seeing Lightning Lad in his undies smile
Posted By: Jerry Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 01:51 AM
Good catch on the Dream Boy/Dreamer thing, Askanipsion. I have no idea. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

This was a great day for the Legion. Both LSH #39 and Action #862 were strong issues. I had already fallen in love with Manapul's Projectra cover from the online previews. Seeing it on real live paper was a treat. A simple image, really, but the details on the bricks, concrete, stones and sunbeam provide extra depth.

Shooter and Manapul are hitting their stride, and really defining a new era for the Legion. To be honest, I've had to warm up to Manapul. His talent and the effort he puts into his work are obvious, but the style just wasn't my favorite. Plus, I was very enamoured with Dennis Calero's style and was missing it a bit. Manapul totally won me over with this issue. Making the Legion work is a balancing act for creators. There is such a rich history that must be tapped into, but at the same time the team has had its best moments when presented with a totally fresh style. Creators have to push the envelope and create a unique vision, while respecting what's gone before. Shooter's obvious love for the characters and concept of the Legion combined with Manapul's crisp feel are bringing that balance to the book, and it is exciting for me. The new duty roster was a great touch.

Projectra is definitely going through a period of growth. The way her powers were presented made her seem as powerful as she has been since Levitz's Sensor Girl days. More depth to Imra's mom. Giselle is becoming more interesting. Great dialouge between Imra and Brin. Whoa, was Brin way out of line to grab her arm like that or what? A very dramatic sequence and we know that it isn't over.

Element Lad, Ultra Boy, and Colossal Boy get a little needed character development. I'm really liking Manapul's take on Gim. The scene with Light Lass, Phantom Girl, and Karate Kid seemed very real to me. Shooter casually bumped up the level of sexual content acceptable in the Legion and it felt like simple character development.

Garth in his underpants was just plain hot.

Now, what exactly is Projectra up to? I guess we'll just have to wait until next issue to see. I'll be back for sure.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 02:00 AM
on page 18 the monitor board seems to say that Brainy is working on an wormhole teleportation device. it appears to have worked.

at first he was listed as being in the lab complex. but at the end it says he is in the Cygni system.

2 things I really like about: 1) I love it when little details are put in the story. 2) it follows up on last issue when it was mentioned he was working on something.

nicely done.
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 02:33 AM
My comic store doesn't get the new stuff on the shelves until mid Thursday.

Until then I seethe with jealousy!
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 04:22 AM
When I considered how much involvement we got from so many of the legionnaires (as opposed to just Cosmic Boy, Brainy, or Supergirl) I was amazed. I was not thrilled with each depiction we got (KK & Ayla?), but I certainly appreciated their actual presence.

Still repelled by the whole UP-criminal youth antagony of the threeboot.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 01:29 PM
I went to the comic store yesterday and picked up this issue, Action Comics, and the JSA. (i forgot JSA was coming out today)

This issue rocked! Shooter & fjm just have so much energy.

The person in the big chair I am guessing is the kid that was good at calc last issue. Isn't he based on a die hard Legion fan that passed away?

Shooter does a good job with the news reporter. This Legion was a bit hard to like early on. He successfully channels that Spider-Man/Daily Bugle thing here.

Colossal Boy gets some respect! He's team leader of the small 3 man squad! And I was impressed by his fighting.

Some nice Victoria's Secret pages in the middle. wink

And yes Projectra has hit rock bottom.

I don't know if it's because the Action Legion is running around but I don't mind this Legion being so young anymore. wink I think Shooter is really doing it well. fjm I love the backgrounds!
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 02:22 PM
I definitely liked this issue. I think the art is great and that Shooter knows how to write compelling stories with plenty of drama and action to keep you wanting more.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
When I considered how much involvement we got from so many of the legionnaires (as opposed to just Cosmic Boy, Brainy, or Supergirl) I was amazed. I was not thrilled with each depiction we got (KK & Ayla?), but I certainly appreciated their actual presence.

Still repelled by the whole UP-criminal youth antagony of the threeboot.
what do you find wrong with it?

it seems Shooter is focusing it on(and probably what Waid intended) to be more about fitting in the confines of the accepted social norms vs. going your own way. and as for the criminal aspect, the planet is still recovering from the Dominator war that's bound to lead to a breakdown of law and order.
Posted By: stephbarton Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 05:12 PM
Another fun, entertaining issue with great art to boot.

Ok, the bad first-- the future slang, I don't mind it but Shooter needs to lay off it a bit, or at least stick to a few words. This issue we have Cruk, Foob and some others introduced. Really, Grife, Floorg, Foob maybe one or two others than that should be that. Don't mind the punks using a lot of slang, but really think Shooter needs to allow us to learn the new terms before he starts putting them in the legion's mouth. other than that no bad

The nice touches--still no speaking lines for Brainy, guy got so much over exposure in the WaK run it's nice to have some time away from hime. That said, Kudos, for telling the reader that more stuff is coming by the viewing of the monitor board (Brainy picking up the other members) very nice touch.

Ayla is a slut I swear. but nice to see she is concerned about her brother and the Legion (even suggesting that he should step down, yikes!) Interesting to see where that goes, and gives her more depth than the girl every guy (except Lightning lad) has slept with.

the CB, UB, and EL scenes were cute. Probably not necessary for any other plots, but nice to see more members getting showcased. that along with the fact that Ultra Boy and Colossal Boy do have different hair cuts (although UB's hair is brown, not black, oh well)was nice.

Oh and did anyone notice that CB GROWS TO GIANT SIZE. don't know if that is a mistake or if Shooter is throwing out the 'giant who shrinks' orgin (which is fine, becasue CB always worked better to me as your everyday, good guy who got powers).

Also liked the use of CB's powers in the fight, some nice stuff there (and the fact that his flight ring stayed huge, that was cute). Also liked Ultra Boy's banter and the fact that he and EL did come down to help, something I don't think they would have done under Waid's pen.

Also, really liked how that one guy had a legion reference guide. What a creative way to introduce readers unfamilar to Ultra Boy to what his powers actually were. Nice idea that I don't think I've seen used before.

Whew, this is a long post....

The Saturn Girl/Timber Wolf scene, I dunno, T-Wolf still sounds a bit too much like Wolverine for my taste, wish they would remember that T-Wolf came first. More aggressive Imra, hmmm, it's kinda nice to see her kick major butt, but I would love to see some consequences roll down the pipe for her blatent abuse of power, we'll see how that develops.

Projectra--she's been a personal fave of mine ever since she snapped Nemisis Kid's neck (and since my Legion reading is all out of order, that's one of the first times I read her). So I love the character and love the regal huaghtiness she displays here. Loved the fact that her illusions are formidable even if the person knows they are illusions. Was surprised to see her steal but incrediably intrigued at where this is going.

Was this issue perfect, no, and there were some uneven spots here and there, but it still entertains and does a great job showing more of the team, letting us see the characters interact a bit, see their powers, etc. WaK had some great stuff, but a deplorable lack of action and forward movement made the weak spots all that more glaring (as did the tendancy to focus on two or three Legionnaires PERIOD). So it's nice see more action, more Legionnaires playing a role, and more attention to existing plot points (i.e. destruction of Orando).
Posted By: Tromium Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 05:47 PM
About Projectra's "crime" -- I think she was trying to track down her personal belongings when she found the looters, and maybe the bracelet she took reminded her of one of her own lost pieces of jewelry. I'm not condoning her stealing it, but I think her impulse had more to do with a sense of loss than greed.

Anyway, I loved her line "..And even though I've told you what I'm about to do, it will make no difference. You will panic.". Shooter knows the past criticisms made of Jeckie's powers and has made them moot.

The medieval castle in the middle of monotone Metropolis was a wonderful touch. Francis did a fantastic job throughout the entire issue, and I hope he thoroughly enjoyed drawing Ayla and Tinya in their nighties. wink

The line that will come to define 3boot Ayla: "For one thing, I HATE to sleep alone." One aspect of the scene that rang a bit false -- Karate Kid had a big crush on Tinya not so long ago but allows her to make her exit without a peep of protest when Ayla starts pawing him. I guess he realizes he has no chance with her and might as well make use of Ayla's, um, special healing powers.

Shooter remembered Phantom Girl is an ancient history buff. Good, but I was a little surprised to learn that Oprah was (or will be) a world leader on par with Churchill!

Timber Wolf is just begging Saturn Girl for a instant lobotomy, isn't he? Brin and Giselle seem made for each other, though.

Catching 3,247 filthy, stinking green rats has to be the most horrible mission the Legion ever performed that didn't end with casualties. Medals of Valor for Colossal Boy, Element Lad (prissy pants?) and Ultra Boy.

I imagine a "foob" is combination of a fool and a feeb, so I don't blame Gim for preferring to be called a "futzwit" or a "zorker", though "scud-wipe" probably would have made him even more incensed. I understand why the future-speak would annoy some readers, and I'm not completely in love with it either, but it says to me in no uncertain terms "make no mistake about it, this is not the 21st century."

I'm guessing M'Rissey was the "intruder" at the Duty Roster because both wore brown gloves. I laughed that Lightning Lad would bother to put on his uniform shirt but neglected to wear pants. You can't do that kind of stuff with Cosmic Boy.

I'm sad Sun Boy is not on the Roster. frown Jim, please don't forget Dirk.

Nothing earthshattering happened in this story but Shooter is keeping his promises of world building and character building in every issue. It's great to have him back in this very special year.
Posted By: Sir Tim Drake Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 07:24 PM
I haven't read the issue yet, but I object to the characterization of Ayla as a slut. Number one, this term is demeaning to women, and number two, maybe sexual permissiveness is normal on Winath. Remember that we also saw Garth propositioning Imra.
Posted By: Tromium Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 08:04 PM
Just wanted to add a thought about Saturn Girl. For all of Imra's leadership abilities, this issue shows me why she should never become the Legion leader (again). I don't think she was "wrong" to mind-slam Brin and his intended victims -- Boone was being a major a$$ and Brin's attack on him would've been a disaster -- but I don't care to see this version of Imra, whom I like so far, going the way of reboot Imra in abusing her powers because she believes the ends always justifies the means.

And I wouldn't call Ayla a "slut". It makes sense that someone born into a twin culture would never want to be alone, and I can see Winathians who are approaching adulthood being aggressive about finding a mate. Garth found someone early but Ayla is sill sampling prospects. It's not like she's betraying any one, either.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 08:56 PM
Ayla has become one of my favourite characters in the threeboot. If I had to describe her, I'd use the words 'warm' and 'affectionate'. I don't see any reason to believe she's particularly promiscuous. As for Karate Kid, well, he seems to have begun and ended a relationship with Shadow Lass since his crush on Tinya, so I suspect he'll be fine.
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/28/08 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Tromium:
I'm sad Sun Boy is not on the Roster. frown Jim, please don't forget Dirk.
He's supposedly hanging out with Terror Firma, who are supposedly going to become members.

Somehow, I don't think Shooter intends to run with that particular detail, since one of Terror Firma was a teleporter (the one who would open the portals for getaways, who also seemed to have a little bit of telepathy), and he's made a point that the Legion doesn't have access to such a person.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 01:10 AM
I definitely would not say Ayla is a slut!! First it isn't shown that she slept with him. Second there seems to be a double standard for men & women. Why is it that men are cheered when they are with lots of women but women are looked down upon if they do the same thing??

It is not fair to judge her culture to the same rules we use here on present Earth. Maybe on her planet there is the belief of free love.

Elves in fantasy novels have a free love belief - they are with multiple partners but are very open about their feelings. Sometimes they stay with just one partner but most have many.

So why it might not be what you would do or "right" to you - we shouldn't judge her. Maybe they slept together - maybe they just snuggled - who knows?

It will be interesting to see how far Irma steps over the line...I think there is going to be a blow-up.

Loving Projectra! I never liked her in the old one-boot & two-boot stories. The new Projectra is awesome! Love her cockiness!

One thing i love about this book is that I actually like EVERY character in it. I can't say that about any other comic I have ever read. There is always a character in a team book that I don't like but in Legion I like every one of them.

Yeah I like how Colossal Boy grew instead of shrinking - never liked that he was from a world of giants.

Such gorgeous art this issue - Brin is hot - Lightning Lad is hot in the undies - Phantom Girl was gorgeous - Saturn Girl was stunning

LOVE all the detail in the background!

So I am guessing that the boy in the chair will be altering the team missions and everyone will think it was Lightning Lad and they will cheer him that he is doing such a great job until the truth comes out.

I am really surprised Dream Boy was listed - would have thought they would have dumped him but it looks like Dreamer has already replaced him. smile
But calling her a slut is kinda harsh.
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 01:57 AM
Originally posted by wamu2:
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
[b]When I considered how much involvement we got from so many of the legionnaires (as opposed to just Cosmic Boy, Brainy, or Supergirl) I was amazed. I was not thrilled with each depiction we got (KK & Ayla?), but I certainly appreciated their actual presence.

Still repelled by the whole UP-criminal youth antagony of the threeboot.
what do you find wrong with it?

it seems Shooter is focusing it on(and probably what Waid intended) to be more about fitting in the confines of the accepted social norms vs. going your own way. and as for the criminal aspect, the planet is still recovering from the Dominator war that's bound to lead to a breakdown of law and order. [/b]
I find the focus on these aspects unlikely to ever be rewarding. The title has already droned on for over 30 issues about various flavors of this ongoing conflict. At least some actual accomplishment was mixed in this time (CB's team).
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 04:35 AM
Originally posted by Askanipsion:
[QB]I definitely would not say Ayla is a slut!! First it isn't shown that she slept with him. Second there seems to be a double standard for men & women. Why is it that men are cheered when they are with lots of women but women are looked down upon if they do the same thing??

It is not fair to judge her culture to the same rules we use here on present Earth. Maybe on her planet there is the belief of free love.

think of what a bad example she's setting for the children. well no one think of the children.


****the preceding was not intended to be taken seriously*****
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 06:46 AM
I liked the issue, though I still have the feeling that I really wish this were three years ago and we were seeing Shooter build the new Legion from scratch rather than playing with Waid's version. That said... I actually really like the tensions within the team (TW referring to IK as the wimp whose power is to hide and such). The general feel of the issue actually reminds me of the SW6 issues from Legionnaires more than anything else, which is a good thing, as that run was cut way too short.
Posted By: stephbarton Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 02:20 PM
Whoops, guess I should have entered a roll eyes icon or something after that slut comment, it was meant to be 'tongue-in-cheek' and I guess it came off as a condemnation of her character.

I was more trying to point out that I think Shooter added a lot more depth to her character than what has previously been shown by her concern for her brother and her intelligent analysis of the situation.
Originally posted by Askanipsion:
I definitely would not say Ayla is a slut!! First it isn't shown that she slept with him. Second there seems to be a double standard for men & women. Why is it that men are cheered when they are with lots of women but women are looked down upon if they do the same thing??

It is not fair to judge her culture to the same rules we use here on present Earth. Maybe on her planet there is the belief of free love.

1. I agree. It's the future, technically, she's an alien. I mean, different cultures here on Earth vary so much that people are shocked by "normal practices" in one society.

2. Irregardless of that thought: SHE'S A TEENAGER. Have you ever been around a group of teens that hang out together all the time? They all date each other! Hormones are going strong, they are young and "invincible," and their lives revolve completely around their friends. And that's not even acknowledging the fact that Legionnaires are popular, powerful, attractive and unsupervised. I'm more surprised there ISN'T more flirting, hooking up, dating, etc between the Legion than there already is.

I always liked SW6's Inferno. He flirted all the time. He was girl crazy. He loved being a superhero b/c it was the ultimate pick-up line. If Ayla is going to be a girl that dates socially, flirts with every guy on the team, or enjoys the perks of being a good-looking, powerful, popular, teenage girl, then that is a REALISTIC CHARACTER. which makes the Legion better. who's in a rush to get married when you're 15-19 years old anyway?

The Legion is a TEENAGE superteam. When teens in comics act like teens in real life, well ... that's good writing.

The Legion is an ALIEN superteam too. That means it's a mix of cultures. Askanipsion's defense of Light Lass is perfectly understandable and i wholly support that idea. if Gates is a communist, then so be it. Element Lad likes to be naked because of his culture, then so be it. If it's normal on Colu to be an egomaniac, go right ahead Brainiac 5.
Originally posted by stephbarton:
I was more trying to point out that I think Shooter added a lot more depth to her character than what has previously been shown by her concern for her brother and her intelligent analysis of the situation.
Posted By: The Man From Cargg Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 06:40 PM
Shooter continues to renew my interest in this, my least favourite, incarnation of the Legion.

But enough with the florging future slang. Gnorkk it off already!
Posted By: Matter Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 08:03 PM

I loved this issue. ever since Shooter took up the pen, he's been sort of trudging along, and I'm okay with that. He's picking up where two other writers have rebuilt many charcters, some leaving him little to work with (i.e., Cosmic boy in da future, Mon-El in Phantom Zone...). I'm willing to give him another ish or two of setting up the charcters where he needs them, get himself in the niche.

Some other issues/reissues of mine:

Matter-Eater Lad? I liked Bedard's version, and was glad that Brainy considered him a possible "legal" addition. Waiting for that one.

Wildfire. He was on the team originally, and was (to my knowledge) supposed to be given his position back, as Brainy could make him a new suit (please be on the agenda...). Wildfire is quite possibly my favorite legionnaire, and I simply must see him return, given his rights.

I loved Waid's work with Cosmic boy. I want to see him return . I don't care how or why. Want him back.

And Ayla? There's no reason to beleive she'd just jump in the sack with all these guys anyway. There were implied dates between two others, and now this Karate Kid (you can do it!) relationship from out of the blue. I approve. In fact, it seems that Triplicate girl was the one ready to jump in with three guys at once. One of my favorite stories...

The point being, it really doesn't matter what Ayla does in her personal life. Speaking chronologically, we know women have their rights and respects in this day and age, unfortunatley having to have to fight for them sometimes. But as was stated somewhere else in this conversation, these are alien races. As with aliens and the Legion's place against adults and petty political figures, they fight against all xenophobia etcetera, etcetera...

This issue could be cleared up in the future anyway.
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 02/29/08 08:13 PM
Finally got it. Neat stuff.

M'Rissey as the 'ghost in the clubhouse' could be a cute nod to the past.

As for Ayla being sexually mature, good on her. The sentiments behind the word slut are an anachronism *today,* let alone 1000 years from now.
Posted By: kcekada Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 03:44 AM
Interesting responses.

Frankly, I think things are starting to drag. Did we really need follow up on the ski resort story. Personally, I don't think so.

On another board, someone said that the Legionnaries are very talky talky but rarely say anything of substance. I think that's fairly accurate.

I didn't expect change overnight, and I think Shooter is going a long way to make the members into individuals, but I want to see some exciting stories frame the characterization.

Let's face it -- some people are giving the Legion a try for the first time, if they aren't wowed shortly, I don't see many of them sticking around.
Posted By: Titan Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 04:19 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. Francis Manapul's art was amazing, as usual. I thought Colossal Boy's mission was little absurd, but that is what it was intended to be, lol.

Shooter has completely knocked Projectra down, and I am excited to see what wil happen next with her, it seems like the Princess found another way to get what she wants. laugh

I want to see Shrinking Violet & Chameleon Boy frown

Then I will be content.
Posted By: reckless Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 05:23 PM
I am just loving the Shooter/Manapul run. The art is gorgeous and I no longer have to rely on costumes to identify the male legionnaires. As someone who loves characterization, I love Shooter's efforts to give the characters distinct personalities. It feels like he has done more of that in three issues than occurred in the entire previous run. I know some people have commented on this run starting slowly, but I'm glad Shooter didn't instantly jump into a major plot. He's giving us time to finally get to know these characters and I think that will have some payoff as the plot develops.

Not that there aren't hints of something big on the horizon. I seem to see a theme developing. Instead of being the kids against the grownups, the new theme seems to be about the Legion growing isolated both through outside forces (the media) and their own actions (Lightning Lad's dealings causing trouble with the UP as well as a developing mistrust with the youth that used to support the Legion. I suspect that is all going to come to a head when we find out who is behind the self-destructing creatures that attacked Triton.

On the characterization front, I loved the HQ stuff. I don't think Ayla is a slut. Who cares if she sleeps around. I can't imagine that the morals of the future consider that as taboo as it is now.

Projectra's fall from power is amazing, and I can't wait to see the fallout. One thing that has bugged me, however, is that we have never seen any discussion of the Projectra/Timber Wolf relationship. Are they still together? It would be nice to see that relationship addressed, especially now that she has hit rock bottom.

Speaking of Brin, the Saturn Girl/Timber Wolf exchange was great. I think Brin and Jo are probably the two characters who would object most to being manipulated against their will. As a huge Timber Wolf fan, I love what Shooter has done with him, though I hope we get something more than sarcastic Brin from time to time. I liked the scenes with Giselle, and assume that was the real motivation for Brin's attack on Winch Boone. Obviously, something about her being treated as an outcast and a freak hit home.

Oh, and can someone please explain what happened to the "feral Timber Wolf" who appeared after being hit with radiation? Did that battle with Wildfire just not happen?
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Titan Lad:
I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. Francis Manapul's art was amazing, as usual. I thought Colossal Boy's mission was little absurd, but that is what it was intended to be, lol.

Remember Ayla and Tinya were giving Garth grief over sending two muscle heads to catch the mice? It's a good thing thing both of them were there. Or else the lady would have a nice new bracelet.
Posted By: Parasitic Twin Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 10:13 PM
I'm glad Shooter's showing the ramifications of the UP's economic collapse.
I love seeing Legionnaires in their undies!
The future slang is growing on me.
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 11:13 PM
Next "favorite cover" thread, I must remember to add this one, though I could have done with a bit less logo. Seemed to take up a lot of the artwork and send the panel off balance (to me).

The sewer story was too much fun and Gym's use of the wall was a new angle. The stories are moving along okay but I can see another 24 issue drag-on of another massive out universe invasion story. I do enjoy a major plot behind the daily grind but get on with it.

A very exciting issue for me. Loved the story, loved the art, ashamed of myself for loving the half-naked legionnaires, wouldn't really want this to main-stream, and finally, loved Tulip. I see an "Of Mice and Men," bugs bunny style story coming.

"I will hug him and squeeze him and kiss him and love him.
Posted By: Semi Transparent Fellow Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 11:40 PM
I've got mixed feelings about this new team. I think Shooter's got enough cred that I'll wait it out to see what's happening, but so far, it's boring.

But my biggest complaint is the art. Sorry, but I'm not a fan of the "anime" Legion. I don't want to read a comic book that looks like a friggin' video game. I know I'm in a minority here, but give me the Action Legion any day.
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 11:51 PM
My video games look actually, more like the Action Legion, but I see your point.

Took me some adjusting but it's really grown on me, particularly effective IMO in the action sequences. Imra is HOT and the style is particularly effective for Giselle.

The anime adds for me, an "alien" feel. I suppose that's not true for someone already used to the style?
Posted By: Semi Transparent Fellow Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/01/08 11:57 PM
It's the hair I hate the most. Hair is NOT a solid mass. Drawing it that way may be a stylistic choice, but to me, it just seems lazy.

And BB, you must have great video games. laugh
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 01:34 PM
Still loving this. Manapul's art is possibly the best Legion art I've seen since the days of Steve Lightle. And the story is great. Tons of characterization, stuff being set up for later, and some nice showcasing of the setting, which has always been one of the strongest parts of what makes the Legion so awesome, all of the crazy-cool places they get to go to!
Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 02:26 PM
I agree with you, STF. I'm not liking the art style much. I'm hoping it will grow on me, but so far I'm still just hoping. Some panels look pretty good, but some look awful. Very uneven quality imo.
Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 02:36 PM
Originally posted by reckless:
One thing that has bugged me, however, is that we have never seen any discussion of the Projectra/Timber Wolf relationship. Are they still together? It would be nice to see that relationship addressed, especially now that she has hit rock bottom.
Good point, Reckless. This hasn't been addressed in so long I'd completely forgotten they were a couple.

btw, are you named after the Walton family dog? smile
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 03:16 PM
I actually like the art more than I thought I was going to at first. I particularly like the fact that the Legionnaires actually look like distinct characters, something which doesn't seem like it ought to be that hard (from the point of view of a non-artist like me), but seems surprisingly difficult for artists to achieve in practice.
Posted By: reckless Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 03:21 PM
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Originally posted by reckless:
[b] One thing that has bugged me, however, is that we have never seen any discussion of the Projectra/Timber Wolf relationship. Are they still together? It would be nice to see that relationship addressed, especially now that she has hit rock bottom.
Good point, Reckless. This hasn't been addressed in so long I'd completely forgotten they were a couple.[/b]
They appeared to be together when Timber Wolf got injured during the Dominator issues. But who really knows. As a big Timber Wolf fan, it really bothered me that his only reaction to Projectra's entire planet being wiped out was "oh, you have powers now, so that means. . ." And, then, the only Legionnaire who was ever shown to be concerned about Projectra was Star Boy.

btw, are you named after the Walton family dog? smile
Nope. Not named after anything in particular. The username was intended to be ironic, because I am quite possibly the least reckless person out there. Although some posters have said otherwise.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 07:55 PM
I enjoyed the entire issue. Having stories that focus on a handful of Legionnaires at a time really drives character development. By featuring three or four groups in each issue, the stories move along at a much better pace than the Waid version ever did. I think Shooter and Cary Bates are the two best Legion writers of all time at this. I hope this format is continued and rotates various Legionnaires in and out of the lineup with each other.

I'm also liking the artwork. I think this run will really make some waves during the 50th anniversary year.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
I enjoyed the entire issue. Having stories that focus on a handful of Legionnaires at a time really drives character development. By featuring three or four groups in each issue, the stories move along at a much better pace than the Waid version ever did. I think Shooter and Cary Bates are the two best Legion writers of all time at this. I hope this format is continued and rotates various Legionnaires in and out of the lineup with each other.

I would actually like to see a second Legion book since there are so many members - they can kind of do what the X-Men did. One book is the "Gold" team while the other is the "Blue" team. Lightning Lad can be the leader of the Gold team while someone else can be of the Blue team.

That way everyone gets to see all their favorites...
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 09:50 PM
I'd be opposed to any formal splitting of teams between two books, but I'd be happy to have a second book, ala the 90s when we had LSH and Legionnaires, so long as quality can be maintained.
Posted By: rokk steady Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/03/08 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Askanipsion:
They show 3 Duty Rosters on a screen in the issue.

On the 1st & 2nd screen, it says the following: "Dream Boy: HQ - Off Duty"

On the 3rd screen it says the following: "Dreamer: HQ - Off Duty"


I am really hoping "Dreamer" was NOT a typo and that she will be back - alive in a body and known as Dreamer.
There does not appear to be a lot of response to the fact that the mission monitor board suddenly shows Dreamer instead of Dream Boy (sorry if I missed another thread), but I am terribly titillated by what it could mean... particularly in light of Dreamer's relationship with Brainy. She has some sort of existence in his head, right? As shown on the mission monitor boards, Brainy had just used a wormhole teleportation technology he created when "Dreamer" showed up instead of "Dream Boy"... who knows what his original intent behind the wormhole tech could be, whether it was limited to teleportation purposes, or what kind of physics (or comic book pseudo-physics) he could be working with? I sure hope Dreamy is on her way back.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/04/08 08:58 AM
It's hard to know what to make of that Dream Boy/Dreamer business. I've wondered how she could be brought back corporeally without going too far into the ridiculous/impossible. I also wonder if there's going to be some crisis-related mish-mash with other versions of the Legion. Why else call the person Dreamer instead of Dream Girl?
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/04/08 10:58 AM
Originally posted by rokk steady:
There does not appear to be a lot of response to the fact that the mission monitor board suddenly shows Dreamer instead of Dream Boy (sorry if I missed another thread), but I am terribly titillated by what it could mean... particularly in light of Dreamer's relationship with Brainy. She has some sort of existence in his head, right? As shown on the mission monitor boards, Brainy had just used a wormhole teleportation technology he created when "Dreamer" showed up instead of "Dream Boy"... who knows what his original intent behind the wormhole tech could be, whether it was limited to teleportation purposes, or what kind of physics (or comic book pseudo-physics) he could be working with? I sure hope Dreamy is on her way back.
Nothing would make me more happier than to see Nura back, especially with the name Dreamer. She is the reason I started reading the Legion. It is quite possible that her body teleported away and she was using Astral Dream Projection to contact Brainy the whole time. Astral/Dream Travel/Projection would be a cool addition to Dreamy's powers.

There was that look that Dreamy gave right before she died...maybe she finally foresaw what was going to happen. Maybe she felt it would bring her & Brainy closer together - everything went as planned possibly.

Hopefully she will look the same as she did in the Waid run as I loved her costume especially the cool bracers she wore. I think Francis would draw a great Dreamy.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/04/08 07:23 PM
After reading the issue, it struck me that Dream Boy and Dreamer (Dream Girl) may somehow be more closely related than simply from the same planet, and may actually be one and the same person (like Brainy would actually need more issues than he already has!)
Posted By: Harbinger Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/04/08 07:47 PM
I enjoyed this issue - it was a bit of a filler plot-wise but it kept things ticking over nicely. The art was great but the colours were all over the place - loads of errors and overall there wasn't the same finesse that we've seen in previous issues.
Posted By: Tromium Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/04/08 08:59 PM
JD Smith is the new colorist FJM mentioned a while ago, I believe. The coloring in this issue looks bleaker than the two previous, but since the story took place at night time, I didn't think about it until now.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/05/08 12:11 AM
I read #38-39 last night. Have to say it took a little to warm up to #38, but by #39 my enjoyment began matching the stride of the series.

I really like the art. I like that the Legionnaires look young and I like the energy just flowing off the page. Plus, I also like the sexiness of the Legionnaires without being too over the top.

I'm enjoying the subplot with the kid in the leader's chair, even if it is a bit obvious. I also like 'Ballerina Girl'.

The tension between the Legionnaires is welcome (Brin/Lyle, etc.). I'm especially enjoying Shooter's use of Ayla, Tinya, Brin and I'm liking Lyle for the first time since the threeboot began.

I'm glad something is being done with Projectra.

That all being said, I'm not going to call this a top 10 book (on quality) among what I'm collecting, but I'm willing to give some time for Shooter to hit his stride.

The Gim/Jan/Jo story wasn't exactly 'Citizen Kane', but I'm glad--this is what many of us have been clamoring for: short stories that don't have to be epic but give us a sense of some of the Legionnaires in action.

I do like the fact that he appears to be aware of where each Legionnaire is. To me, that means a real lot and I appreciate it.

PS - my crush on Tinya is reaching levels I never knew existed.
Posted By: Gorilla Nebula Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 04:32 PM
good issue! enjoyed the pacing a lot.
Manapul's art keeps getting better and better. Projectra was lovely.
i don't find it too anime at all, except in some of the hair treatment.
although i enjoyed the focus on the Princess, there wasn't much in the way of answers to some nagging questions...
(how does she feel about the Terror Firma members hanging around the clubhouse? was Orando blown up into debris, or is it a lifeless cinder? there must be a physical planet. wasn't there some off planet bank accounts?)
it's too bad that Projectra is missing the wealth and privilege rather than the people and culture she lost. In Element Lad's original origin, the genocide of his race inspired him to become a legionnaire. Projectra's motivations are very different indeed.

i found Light Lass's sexual overtures a little surprising, and KK's going along with it in front of P.G. even more so. is the KK crush for Tinya over and forgotten?
i liked the tension between Timber Wolf and Saturn Girl. nice scene. however, i'd love some writer to show us how Timber Wolf is different from Wolverine. every bit of dialogue could be said by Wolverine. i'm more than ready for the new costume's although Brin's looks good here.
the side mission with CB, UB, and EL was fun. i liked the bad guys designs. will we see them again? Colossal Boy wasn't much of a team leader. i'm glad that his buddies came back to help him. i thought Manapul did an excellent job depicting Gim's growth power and fighting tactics. In fact he did a good job with Projectra's illusions as well. Shooter also deserves credit for interesting uses of the legionnaires powers as with Saturn Girl last issue.
i missed the Dreamer/Dream Boy bit on the Monitor Board until it was pointed out here. it must be purposeful on Shooter's part. there was obviously a lot of attention put into the bits with the monitor board. hallelujah! Nura was one of the highlights of this re-imagining. dumb move to take her away and make her a literal dream figure. not much room for character development there. it's so much like the reboot killing off Apparition and having her return as a literal ghost. yuck.
I really need next issue to further the Evil Adventus (hate that title) plotline with these new "alien lifeforms". i fear another looooooong drawn out story with little punch or satisfaction. still waiting for a big meeting room scene with all the legionnaires. i would also appreciate actually seeing the exterior of the clubhouse.
Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 04:58 PM
I had the same thought about Dream Girl and Apparition, Nebula.

As for the Dream Boy/Dreamer thing, I think it's called a mistake. I don't get why fans need to read hidden meaning into every inconsequential detail of a story. Comic creators make mistakes. Inconsistencies abound. I'll be greatly surprised if anything more was intended by that slip.
Posted By: rokk steady Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 06:49 PM
It could be a mistake! And I could be reading into inconsequential details b/c Dream Girl has always been one of my favorites!

However, I believe the name change was intentional and something will come out of it, regardless of whether it is a result I might hope for. As Gorilla Nebula pointed out above, a lot of detail went into those mission monitor board bits, so I'm not convinced it is an inconsequential detail... yet.
Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 07:29 PM
Dream Girl's my favorite too and I'd kill to have her back any way possible, but I'm not getting my hopes up over what may be only a typo.
Posted By: Lightning Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 07:55 PM
To me the Dream Boy/Dreamer is on par with this panel from issue #5:

[Linked Image]

Just another case of an editor who doesn't know how to pay attention to his job.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 08:16 PM
Francis himself said he can't wait to draw Dreamer. He said Shooter is taking his time introducing all the characters back in slowly.

If Dreamer wasn't coming back, he could have said that that he wasn't going to be drawing her.

I don't think it was a mistake as it looked like great detail was taken doing the monitors.
Posted By: Tromium Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 08:29 PM
Shooter himself listed "Dreamer" as a Legionnaire in one of his first interviews last year, while remembering everyone's else's 3boot codename correctly.
“At the beginning, the roster will be the same as those at the end of the Waid and Bedard runs,” teased Shooter. “Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, Dreamer, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl and Ultra Boy. I think that's all. The roster soon changes, though.”
So, I can't dismiss it as a mistake just yet.
Posted By: rokk steady Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 08:30 PM
Final Dreamer Crisis! Worlds will die and nothing will ever be the same! The Mistakeners will take on the Anti-Mistakeners! Only Ray Palmer holds the key!
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/07/08 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Tromium:
Shooter himself listed "Dreamer" as a Legionnaire in one of his first interviews last year, while remembering everyone's else's 3boot codename correctly.
“At the beginning, the roster will be the same as those at the end of the Waid and Bedard runs,” teased Shooter. “Atom Girl, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Colossal Boy, [b]Dreamer, Element Lad, Invisible Kid, Karate Kid, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Princess Projectra, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Triplicate Girl and Ultra Boy. I think that's all. The roster soon changes, though.”
So, I can't dismiss it as a mistake just yet. [/b]
Aye - I am hoping Shooter appears at MegaCon or at the San Diego Con so I can ask him about his plans for Dreamer.

Mark Waid is supposed to be at Megacon this weekend so going to try to get him to sign Legion of SH #21 with Dreamer on the front.
Posted By: Gaseous Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/09/08 12:59 AM
Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
I haven't read the issue yet, but I object to the characterization of Ayla as a slut. Number one, this term is demeaning to women, and number two, maybe sexual permissiveness is normal on Winath. Remember that we also saw Garth propositioning Imra.
Well, at least we now know the true Winathian native superpower -

Super Co-dependency... wink
Posted By: doublechinner Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/09/08 04:39 PM
Finally made it to the CBS yesterday. What a month it's been.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable issue for me, because it is so clearly BUILDING on the past to something else. More cool beats with Projectra, but Shooter clearly isn't done with her yet. Considering she is his creation, I can't wait to see what he has in store for her!

What I liked was the follow-up from his first issue. We see KK again, are reminded of him and Trip, and check in on their progress. Good stuff. We see Giselle again, naturally attracting attention from Timber Wolf, who as one would expect is rightfully impressed with her abilities. We see Winch Boone again, and witness the next step in his dismissal of the Legion and its efforts on his behalf. We see the aftermath of the Triton attack and how the media decide to play it. We see T-Wolf react (badly) to that, and Saturn Girl in turn react to T-Wolf. Furthermore, we get a new, B-story here where a different team is literally cleaning up the mess left by the last 2 years of comics in the sewers of New Beijing, and in case we missed it on Triton and in Legion HQ, we see more evidence that the Legion is not exactly rolling in a positive PR bonanza after their defeat of the Dominion. With that B story, we get a distinct shift in the characterization of Colossal Boy (note: not Micro Lad) from bemused Gulliver among the little people to good soldier in the sewers.

For those who think Shooter has discarded Waid's generational conflict, I am not so sure. It's clear from these 3 stories that adults clearly don't like the Legion, still, and now the Legion has the added burden of losing their rebel street cred with the underagers. I think Shooter is taking the generation thing and using it to create actual dramatic tension, as opposed to just pissing off older Legion readers like Waid did.

Finally, I have to say that I am just loving seeing the Legion wander around HQ in their underwear. This is something they did ALL the time in the early 1970s (when I started reading), displaying those gorgeous Cockrum/Grell outfits and bods. I don't remember seeing nearly as much sleepwear or skin during the Levitz days. Am I wrong? Was Levitz a prude? Or was it just another reflection of the damn 1980s when Reagan and Thatcher harshed the mellow? Anyway, glad Shooter's bringing the sexy back!
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/09/08 05:06 PM
This was a nice structured story compared to the dizzying pace of the first installment. I like the direction Shooter seems to be setting, and I am warming to Manupul's art (I never disliked it, but it wasn't my first choice in style at first; I'm growing to really like it).
Posted By: doublechinner Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/10/08 12:31 AM
A point I forgot to make this morning is how great it is that Shooter is following up on earlier events, both large and small. I think many of us found Waid's continued abandonment of plot points infuriating, at best. Rather than playing out the sequence of one set of (often good) ideas, he couldn't wait to throw a bunch more ideas into the mix. With Shooter, we're seeing the consequences of the Legion's UP affiliation, the deprivation and chaos caused by the Dominator war, the fall from power Projectra experiences after the destruction of Orando, etc. So far, Shooter's doing a better job writing the Waid 3Boot than Waid did.

Also, Francis's art is just wonderful. Yes, some of the hair is too Sonic the Hedgehog for my taste, but that is really a minor quibble for otherwise stellar art. Each issue is more impressive than the last. And the Legion in underwear hasn't looked this good since Brainy built a Supergirl robot!
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/10/08 03:22 AM
I finally got my issue today.

Glad to see several things going on all at once, as it should be with such a large team. I like knowing that something interesting is happening with Brainy, without actually witnessing it. It's M'rssey in the chair, right?

Personally, I think the UP is treating Jecky DREADFULLY! Where is the sympathy from her allies? I'm impressed at her ability to remain heroic none the less, stopping the looters.

I like the art. I've wanted to see the Legion depicted this way for a long time. However, the coloring errors frustrate me.
Posted By: doublechinner Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/10/08 04:41 AM
Sketch, I've also wondered about the UP's treatment of Projectra. Namely, is it a feature or a bug? Is it simply the unfortunate by-product of an efficient but soulless bureaucracy? ("Planet destroyed, therefore delete all status and priveleges"). Or, is there some subtext of anti-Orando sentiment? (Maybe Orando was resented for its wealth and influence and the UP is all "good riddance.") Or is it "simply" another manifestation of the UP's dislike/disdain of the Legion? (Projectra = Legionnaire,therefore dump on Projectra.) All of these are intriguing possibilities that will keep me interested.
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/10/08 02:01 PM
good questions, Doub.

also, if Orando was the wealth-center Waid made it out to be, by declaring Orando non-existant the UP might be wiping out a lot of its debt; derecognizing Jeckie could be primarily about disempowering the one person who could call on the loan.

By legally saying you creditor was a planetary institution seperate from its people, that planet/institution is no more, and that the last known survivor/royalty of that world is *not* a representative of your creditor, that solves a lot of debt repayment.
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/10/08 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
good questions, Doub.

also, if Orando was the wealth-center Waid made it out to be, by declaring Orando non-existant the UP might be wiping out a lot of its debt; derecognizing Jeckie could be primarily about disempowering the one person who could call on the loan.

By legally saying you creditor was a planetary institution seperate from its people, that planet/institution is no more, and that the last known survivor/royalty of that world is *not* a representative of your creditor, that solves a lot of debt repayment.
That's cold, and I love it. I hope that if Shooter bothers to explain it, he goes somewhere clever like this.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/11/08 08:04 AM
If you think back to the Russian aristocracy after the revolution, Projectra should really have some royalty-groupies, or even a planet that still recognizes her as royalty (Pasnic, maybe) even if she is officially stateless.

I still find it hard to believe that there weren't many other Orandans off-planet at the time of destruction. They must have had embassies, representatives to the U.P., business people on other planets. This seems to be a gaping hole in the Projectra story.
Posted By: Phantom Girl Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/11/08 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
If you think back to the Russian aristocracy after the revolution, Projectra should really have some royalty-groupies, or even a planet that still recognizes her as royalty (Pasnic, maybe) even if she is officially stateless.

I still find it hard to believe that there weren't many other Orandans off-planet at the time of destruction. They must have had embassies, representatives to the U.P., business people on other planets. This seems to be a gaping hole in the Projectra story.
Good point, give Shooter some time and maybe it will come up. There is way to much to cover in such a short amount of time. I wonder if the writers read these forums and then take all of the great ideas from them and include them, like yours. This really was a a good point.
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/11/08 01:37 PM
that's occurred to me, too. Maybe the UP is leaning on all of them, freezing/appropriating their resources and keeping them from communicating (maybe the real reason for the transmatter shut-down in #37?).

I like the royal-groupie notion, too, especially given the likely grass-is-always-greener appeal of royal-less worlds.
Posted By: Yk Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/11/08 02:36 PM
Hey, it's Orando! In a year or so we'll find out that it's one of those ilusions or that it disappeared into that weird dimensional buffer zone the Orandian elders used waaaaayyy back in the Baxter series after Nemesis Kid's "execution".

But I LOVE the Royalty-in-exile concept too.There should be thousands (if not millions) of Orandian citizens dispersed throughout UP space.

hhhmmm...Kent has a point here too, maybe the UP is leaning on the Legion by cutting off ANY alternate source of funding.

Isn't it time for RJ Brande to ride in on a white horse and save the day?
Posted By: Pariscub Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/11/08 04:34 PM
I continue to enjoy Shooter's run, that's far superior to whatever came before. However, I'm not still completely convinced...
Posted By: fjm Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 04:21 AM
hey guys I just wanted to chime in about Princess Projectra's future and her bout with legalities. I assure you all that Jim is going somewhere with this and things will be much clearer as the story progresses.... this is Jim we're talking about so no gapping holes. wink seriously Jim is probably the most detail oriented writer I've ever worked with he leaves nothing to chance and he pretty much covers all his bases. He kinda reminds me of DeNiro in Ronin when he went into the bar and before going in, he knew all the exit points and where to duck and cover and where his best offensive location is. Like I said Jim is all up on that...
Posted By: Set Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 12:08 PM
Originally posted by fjm:
hey guys I just wanted to chime in about Princess Projectra's future and her bout with legalities. I assure you all that Jim is going somewhere with this and things will be much clearer as the story progresses....
Awesome man, thanks for the reassuring words and great to hear from ya!
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 02:14 PM
You know... this is pretty much why I feel good about Shooter's handling the Legion in a way I wouldn't feel about pretty much anyone else doing so. I felt like one of the big problems with Waid's run was that he got too involved in '52' and then 'Brave and the Bold', and the Legion seemed to become increasingly sloppy and unfocused. Even if I don't agree with everything that Jim does, I at least respect the fact that he cares about the Legion and is doing what he thinks is best for the title.
Posted By: Rokk Em Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 04:18 PM
I was someone who DREADED the return of Shooter and I have to say I am SO into it! He's made LOSH a must-read again rather than something I read and wished could be something it used to be. I started reading LOSH during the 70's as a kid just because all the cool older kids at the comic shop/racks were into it. I bought it but outside of the Grell art didn't get much out of it other than it had Superboy in it and I think I had a crush on Cosmic Boy...LOL! I hit my teen years during the Levitz/Geffin run (crush was now on Timber Wolf) and actually liked it better than Teen Titans at the time. I've been a huge fan for ages now and there's never been a better year that I can remember than this to be a Legion fan! Shooter's return, the magic going on in Action Comics, the tease of a Johns/Levitz mini...it's all coming together and I think we're on the verge of a return to greatness AND popularity!

Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 04:53 PM
I"m glad everyone else seems to be so excited about this title, but I'm so much more invested in the Action Legion that I just can't seem to care about the regular title anymore. I hope Shooter can take the remnants of the Waid mess and turn it around for me, but I'm really hoping the Action Legion gets its own title ASAP. If it does, I may drop this book.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/12/08 05:19 PM
Originally posted by fjm:
seriously Jim is probably the most detail oriented writer I've ever worked with he leaves nothing to chance and he pretty much covers all his bases. He kinda reminds me of DeNiro in Ronin when he went into the bar and before going in, he knew all the exit points and where to duck and cover and where his best offensive location is. Like I said Jim is all up on that...
I have to say I haven't been so excited about a monthly comic in a long time like I am now for Legion.

I am a new Legion reader. I had grown tired of the stories in the X-Men that seem redundant & "Teen Titans" just doesn't feel like the "Titans" to me. So I decided to try something new. A good friend of mine had mentioned he liked Legion. So I decided to pick up #37. Wow I LOVED it!! I didn't know any of these characters but I was hooked. I pick up the 1st Waid trade and really fell in love with Dream Girl.

I know Waid gets alot of flack about his run on Legion but I liked it. But Shooter's run so far has been AMAZING. I can't wait till each issue comes out. I love the art. It really is a great book.

Too bad Dreamer is not back in a body and a regular in the book....but I can actually say....and I have NEVER said this about ANY team book before....but I like every single Legion member who has appeared in Shooter's run so far.

And wow Lightning Lad & Timber Wolf are hotties!! I hope to see Timber Wolf in just his undies soon!!

Saturn Girl & Phantom Girl are just stunning! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Irma using her powers in great unique ways!

Any chance Dreamer will be appearing soon??
Posted By: Harbinger Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/13/08 09:39 AM
JUst re-read this issue and I think I've spotted a boo-boo! How does the girl fly with Colossal Boy's flight ring as they are coded to individuals DNA? Is it that after his ring was damaged in space (issue 18?) Brainy didn't have time/resources to fully fix it?
Posted By: jimgallagher Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/13/08 12:29 PM
They've been completely inconsistent about the DNA coded ring thing. I think they only stuck to that story for one issue and it's been forgotten ever since.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/13/08 08:01 PM
If you're a continuity/consistency fanatic (like I consider myself) than you will come to expect regular glitches such as aforementioned DNA coded flight rings any more, especially for the Legion.

Between reboots, writers with their own visions, and a reader audience who seem to be deemed Attention Deficient by TPTB, the emphasis has become quick hitting, good looking mini-sagas (suitable for Trade Paperbacks) than any long term novels. Hence, you get entertaining stories, but discrepancies abound (such as Sensor Girl in Lightning Saga).

I find that if you treat every writer's effort as a variant "Elseworld's" Legion, the inconsistencies are not so annoying.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/14/08 01:49 AM
or perhaps the shocking secret is that she is a genetic lost twin to Colossal Boy! and that's why the ring worked for her. smile
Posted By: Gage Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/14/08 02:12 AM
I have to say I absolutely am loving the Legion since Shooter has taken over. His take on all the characters seen so far are just a breath of fresh air. Truly loved how Colossal Boy's powers were showcased this issue. It was done in a really interesting visual way.

And Im soooo loving this tension goin on between Brin an Imra. Can't wait to see where it leads although Im smelling a hookup for some reason.
Posted By: Pariscub Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/14/08 09:28 AM
I do agree that there's a lot of good stuff in the Shooter/Manapul run.

Oddly enough though, I feel a lot more comfortable and entranced by the Legion in Action Comics.
Posted By: stephbarton Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/14/08 01:39 PM
Still loving this issue, I dunno, but I'm really excited about the Legion again, both this and Action. of course in action it' like seeing some old friends whose adventures never ended (although certain things do throw me out of my happy place) but here I'm more excited for the future, probably because I know it's ongoing.

It's nice to know that Shooter has a plan and it deals with those little details. For Projectra's status, I like the idea that the UP wants to cancel it's debts, that's cool. And in pass versions Orando was always a very insular society, could be so in this version that eventhough they are fabulously wealthy not many citizens actually ever leave the planet. That could help explain the lack of Orando expatriates (or however you would classify them.

As for the ring thing, I never liked the idea of them being ridiculously expensive or being DNA coded, so just like "Micro-lad" this looks like one thing Shooter is ignoring (especially since hte U.P. is trying to foster on new members, I'm sure Brainy has snarkingly told them how much rings cost to keep U.P. members out) so I imagine flight rings are easier to make.

And maybe CB's ring is still a little damaged (I did like how it was still big on the girl). Or maybe the rings aren't so much DNA encoded, as power encoded. I mean, CB's ring obviously needs to expand, Atom Lass' needs to shrink, so maybe some of them are designed so that the wearer's powers don't short them out, but that if a non-powered person were to use it there would be no problem and saying they are DNA encoded is just easier than explaining the powers bit.

That's the one thing I love abot being a fan, trying to find a way where everything still makes sense.
Posted By: Chemical King Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/14/08 10:06 PM
Finally read the new issue - and again, I'm very content with it. I don't feel so thrilled by this version of the Legion than by the Action Legion, I don't feel so much with the characters - but it is very entertaining and it has a definite Legion feel to it, something that I always missed during the infamous Waid run.

I like the art, which is very fresh and vital, and I love the slow build-up of a story and a certain atmosphere. While Waid took different characters every issue and the was no sense of cohesion or meaning behind which colourful costume was part of the current issue, Shooter relies on a certain continuity build-up - like grouping the characters up and keeping those groups together for three issues - so that you actually get the feeling that the story is happening, not shoved up your ***.

I like his way of handling this book. It is not spectacular yet, but I am hoping for the best. It is a good thing that he has this "clean slate" to work with cause Waid hardly established any characterization - nor any cohesive world to get in trouble with. Shooter in only three issues did more to make this Threeboot into some kind of a distinct future scenario than Waid did in 30 issues.
Posted By: kcekada Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/15/08 05:27 AM
Originally posted by Pariscub:
I do agree that there's a lot of good stuff in the Shooter/Manapul run.

Oddly enough though, I feel a lot more comfortable and entranced by the Legion in Action Comics.
It's not odd if that's the Legion you grew up with. Yeah, they're a bit older (guess they've grown up with us), but I still feel a greater connection to that Legion.

I wonder if DC can maintain two Legion titles -- or if both groups will be melded into one? I'd hate for the Johns/Perez mini-series to be a farewell to the Classic Legion.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/15/08 07:55 AM
It's a minor detail, but I love Councilwoman (Sidne?) Ardeen's floaty chair that collapses into a little wand.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/15/08 02:44 PM
Originally posted by kcekada:
Originally posted by Pariscub:
[b] I do agree that there's a lot of good stuff in the Shooter/Manapul run.

Oddly enough though, I feel a lot more comfortable and entranced by the Legion in Action Comics.
It's not odd if that's the Legion you grew up with. Yeah, they're a bit older (guess they've grown up with us), but I still feel a greater connection to that Legion.

I wonder if DC can maintain two Legion titles -- or if both groups will be melded into one? I'd hate for the Johns/Perez mini-series to be a farewell to the Classic Legion.[/b]
I don't think two books could be maintained. given current sales, one would most likely suffer due to the other. at some point one of these versions(and it's probably the one that didn't know Superman when he was young) will get the death boot.

and adding Superboy to the title, will probably do just slightly worse than adding Supergirl. or do they really think many fans of the t.v. show are going to start reading the comic?

the future does not look good for this book. and unlike most of you loyal and kind hearted readers that have stuck with the reboot dejour, the moment this books folds I am gone for good.
Posted By: Askanipsion Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/15/08 03:02 PM
Originally posted by wamu2:

and adding Superboy to the title, will probably do just slightly worse than adding Supergirl. or do they really think many fans of the t.v. show are going to start reading the comic?
I really DON'T want any Super people in the Legion. I think BOTH Superboys had way too much screen time on the Legion cartoon. To me it is like sticking Wolverine in a team - he is already in 7 different issues EACH month.

I am very dishearted that during the recent Con people said they were not thrilled with Shooter's run. I wish I had been there to say how much I liked it. So far I like it better than Waid's run which I still like.

I do think there should be more publicity for Legion. Shooter should do more interviews to get fans excited for upcoming events in the book. Drop some more hints. Even get some preview art posted.

Legion right now is the only book that has me excited about comics right now...the current X-books & "Teen Titans" have been a let-down.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/15/08 09:55 PM
This is certainly the most interesting thing to be done with Jeckie since her neck-snapping, Sensor Girl Levitz heyday. What's odd is I find myself kind-of enjoying Jeckie as shoplifter. She'll learn the peasants to treat her like crap! Yeah, I like it...

I liked the focuson the smaller teams. More Legionnaires finally appearing-- Yay!

Tensions betwixt Wolfie and Imra-- Make him wear a medallion, Imra!

The art is just a beauty to behold and will, I believe, draw in new readers.
Posted By: Gaseous Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 12:30 AM
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I"m glad everyone else seems to be so excited about this title, but I'm so much more invested in the Action Legion that I just can't seem to care about the regular title anymore. I hope Shooter can take the remnants of the Waid mess and turn it around for me, but I'm really hoping the Action Legion gets its own title ASAP. If it does, I may drop this book.
I tend to agree with this for one main reason. For various reasons, I was unable to get to my CBS in time to pick up #38 before it seemed to sell out everywhere. So I pick up 39 and am able to get back into the story without feeling like I missed anything. It was a good read, and I enjoyed it, but I don't have the sense of REALLY wanting to know what happens next like I do with the Action title.

Granted, I think the charaterizations are worlds better now than they have been at pretty much any point in the current version, but I feel like I have more of an emotional investment (from a story perspective, at least) with the Action crew.
Posted By: Chemical King Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 08:09 AM
I neither think that there willö be two versions of the Legion two years from now. There will be some kind of "final" solution, which I kind of dread...

Both versions right now are really fun, with the interesting fact that many people here seem to like the new Shooter run, but have their strong feeling for the Legion diverted to the LS Legion which just feels more like the Legion of old wich we grew up with and which we missed sooooo much for a decade. I think that this actually hurts Shooters success, but says a lot about what many fans would like to read most.

It's the same with me: I like the new Shooter stories, but I really am egaer to read the LS Action issues, I really am thrilled much more by those and am actually feverish to live through their adventures, if you know what I mean. So on an emotional basis, the LS Legion for me has a much larger impact than Shooters Threeboot.

The bad thing that might happen is some kind of merging which takes away both versions, forces down some new Mergelegion down our throats and nobody is happy any longer...

... but would DC care???
Posted By: wamu2 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Chemical King:
I neither think that there willö be two versions of the Legion two years from now. There will be some kind of "final" solution, which I kind of dread...

Both versions right now are really fun, with the interesting fact that many people here seem to like the new Shooter run, but have their strong feeling for the Legion diverted to the LS Legion which just feels more like the Legion of old wich we grew up with and which we missed sooooo much for a decade. I think that this actually hurts Shooters success, but says a lot about what many fans would like to read most.

... but would DC care???
Here, here. I agree with the right honorable King of Chemical. DC has somewhat callously hurt Shooter's run with the other Legion and at the same time is giving you long-term fans a potential shot to the gut.

still, I guess it just shows that DC is fumbling around trying to find a way to make the book a better seller. here's the thing, I don't think any quick fix is going to do it. i.e.(supergirl and the legion, a potential return of Superboy, bring back the kinda original LSH) none of that will bring a sustained increase in readership. they are just going to have to pick a version to have a book,and then have good writing and art and let it grow. after all, they keep selling Wonder Woman and she doesn't exactly burn up the charts?
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 02:24 PM
I can understand the feeling by some that the Shooter arc is moving slowly and they "can't wait" for the next Action installment, but old auld lang syne aside, as I mentioned on some thread, the writers Johns and Shooter have two completely different tasks. Johns doesn't have to add characterization, Shooter does. Johns' arc is in the prenultimate stage, the generally most exciting stage. Shooter's is in the build-up stage.

I can recall writing after the second issue that I'd given up on the Action legion because it was plodding (and the eyes). Throw in the five or six issues of Lightning Saga, which are part of the recent arc and the Action plot is

m...o...v...i...n...g v...e...r...y sl.....ow.....ly.

Fortunately, reading the boards hinted I should come back to the Action arc. Personally, it's the writing on the LSH arc that has this old-timer looking ahead. The Action arc I'm justing looking for an exciting end.
Posted By: Gaseous Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 02:44 PM
Well, I have to agree with the last three posts in various ways. Johns is clearly writing a special story, which tends to attract more attention from a story development and editorial perspective than an ongoing monthly, which is Shooter's task.

Also, there is the issue of Shooter having to be in "damage control" mode (for want of a better term) to transform Waid's Legion into one that follows his particular vision while keeping within the bounds of the universe Waid created. So, its kind of a complex picture, and there is certainly no guarantee that an ongoing LS monthly would be as good quality as the Action story.

But interestingly for me, my "emotional investment" for the Legion is with the early post-Zero Hour group, which is where I came into the story, and have only become somewhat interested in the pre-ZH Legion (or even the pre-FYL Legion) after that in a bit of a roundabout fashion. (A long way of saying that the LS Legion does not have a historic or emotional connection for me.) So the fact that the Action story has resonated with me so well is, I think, a reflection of Johns' writing.
Posted By: Blockade Boy Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 02:52 PM
and it's a clever premise, building on the Superman is an alien thing, which I know has been done before but not with implication to the Legion as I recall?

So, who in the present time has had problems with aliens on Earth that might have planted the crystal?

Wasn't it Darkseid?
Posted By: Matthew E Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
and it's a clever premise, building on the Superman is an alien thing, which I know has been done before but not with implication to the Legion as I recall?

So, who in the present time has had problems with aliens on Earth that might have planted the crystal?

Wasn't it Darkseid?
I think it'd be a kick if it was the Dominators.
Posted By: duck458 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 05:26 PM
Maybe Brainiac?
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
and it's a clever premise, building on the Superman is an alien thing, which I know has been done before but not with implication to the Legion as I recall?
The thing is that while the premise may be interesting, it's much more so in an Elseworlds/Alternate Universe kind of way than something I'd want to see in a "mainstream" Legion title. Unless there's some kind of reset button at the end (everyone was mind-controlled!), the Xenophobic Earth as part of the background of a universe that an ongoing writer would have to deal with has a lot of the same problems as Waid's generational conflict stuff. For me, it has much more the feel of reading one of those Andrew Nolan visions from LSH #300 than something I can really see as re-visiting the Legion I grew up with.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/16/08 06:23 PM
To me, the xenophobic Earth thing seems a lot like the reboot Legion's setting and premise.
Posted By: Chemical King Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/17/08 07:19 AM
You certainly can't blame Shooter for the mistakes Mark Waid made...

... that is, he has to build a universe from scratch, cause Waid didn't. I think it's fairly ironic when people blame the Shooter "run" (three issues so far!) for moving too slowly when during the Waid run, practically nothing was happening for the first ten or so issues - and things didn't turn much better the next 20 ones...

As I mentioned before, what Shooter is trying to create - and I think he will be succeeding - is a sense of cohesion, meaning that what happens this issue has consequences two issues later. When he mentions Ultra Boy and friends are on a mission in New Bejing, we actually see this mission two issues later - that's storywriting for me, something Waid never bothered to invest in during his tenure... not to mention that Shooter avidly avoids any "teenage movement" elements, for Gods sake!

So let him do his work - I have high hopes that he finally will give these Threeboot characters some personality! Just read a lot about his Valiant years and learned that continuity and characterization were the strongest parts of his work there - exactly what this Threeboot needs the most!!!

As for Johns writing, I also have the feeling that he has the right "Legion touch" in his hand. The Sinestro Corps War which I recently read already had many great "Legion" elements in it - huge teams, space fights, characters shining brightly - and considering that was the best "major event" of 2007, beating stuff like World War Hulk with ease, I really start to trust this man without questioning.

His Action run has been great so far. He has the right angle to many characters, he gives space to Legion "curiosities" like the Subs, he makes you care for his story and he seems to love what he's doing. I really hope he'll wrap up the Action story nicely - and then, I am very eager to see when the LS Legion pops up again (DC Universe #0 obviously???)
Posted By: Phantom Girl Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/17/08 06:06 PM
I imagine that Shooter needed to outline a lot of things before he started writing. He would have had to figure out in advance how to tie up loose ends from the previous author, all of which will take time. Trying to tie up loose ends too fast I think would only bring about another form of complaint. There are probably other areas where he was uncertain on how to get things back on track (the way he would like to see them). Plus he is certainly going to start introducing his own storylines and characterization. All of this is going to take time. Complaining after 3 issues when there has been a change in writers seems a bit premature to me.

I just wish they could somehow distill things back down to one Legion (the original of coarse), these variations give me a headache. Then take the current stories and insert them into the original series (earlier on in the series).

I'd also like to see some of the early stories re-written so that they are modernized and take several issues to cover, the amount of detail that could be added to some of these stories would be incredible.
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/17/08 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Phantom Girl:
I'd also like to see some of the early stories re-written so that they are modernized and take several issues to cover, the amount of detail that could be added to some of these stories would be incredible.
Maybe, maybe not. The early Legion stories are already incredibly dense, with far more storyline and details packed into each page than most comics these days have. I actually think most modern six-issue arcs would be better if they had to cut them down to about ten pages, rather than the other way around.
Posted By: kidflash2fan Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/18/08 02:59 PM
i really didn't think that Waid did a bad job, until super girl was added. i think it was just a mess that never really amounted to anything of any real importance, but i dont want to blame that on Waid. i think adding super girl wasn't his idea, having her on the wasn't like the good old days where they could have her in the background, with it not being to much of a problem, super girl was brought in in issue 16, that was a little after over a year since the book had started, the supergirl arc needed to had a good deal of the book focusing on her taking time away from the other legionnaires that that would have been fine it it went some place but it went nowhere. waid cant be blamed for lack of personalty build up when a hug chunk of the book was spent on supergirl, who brothered the hell out of me because she was just there as a marry sue.

i went threw a lot of trouble to get #39 of the legion when i got it i wasn't like oh my god im so glad to have it..it was an okay issue to me, i think the biggest thing that bothers me is that shooter wants to add more ppl to the team and i am okay with that i just would like that to be on hold slightly(like more then 2 issues in) i didn't grow up with him writing the legion, i don't have a lot of stuff from years ago, i haven't read much of his stuff. i don't trust him yet. i'd like to see more of his writing the old legionaries before he adds to the team
Posted By: Matter Lad Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/19/08 02:55 PM
Originally posted by kcekada:
Interesting responses.

Frankly, I think things are starting to drag. Did we really need follow up on the ski resort story. Personally, I don't think so.

I respect that you don't like this story. However, it seems to me that Shooter might be introducing some new characters of his own, so I like that and wan tto see what becomes of that ski chick.

Besides, Shooter's written Legion before, I'm sure he's picking up pieces and looking to improve much of it. It needs it.
Posted By: Kent Shakespeare Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/20/08 12:43 PM
I actually find follow-up more interesting than a constant barrage of new settings that we never get to see again.

I think a balance of action and detail are preferable than just a constant stream of action, especially action without repercussions.
Posted By: duck458 Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/22/08 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I actually find follow-up more interesting than a constant barrage of new settings that we never get to see again.

I think a balance of action and detail are preferable than just a constant stream of action, especially action without repercussions.
I too like it that Shooter is keeping us in touch with the ski resort group, etc. after the action is over. It is giving us much needed insight into the personalities of these characters and a feeling of intimacy that has been missing from this book since the WaK re-boot began.
Posted By: Chemical King Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/24/08 09:14 AM
Exactly, duck458. Shooter - like in his Valiant days, as I just learned - is focussing on continuity and a feeling of coherence in his writing. This might slow down the action, but gives you a better perception of what's going on, who is where and what might have which consequences and so on.

Waids writing on the Legion was totally different. There have been many issues which had no consequences on the next ones, and many story elements (like for example Ultra Boys powers going awry) were just thrown in, hardly to be mentioned again later on.

And the few ongoing story elements he DID thrive on (generation conflict, Terror Firma) were simply... underwhelming...
Posted By: stephbarton Re: LSH 39 ***Spoilers**** - 03/24/08 07:23 PM
and Waid never fully explained his overall themes. Like what did Superheroes have to do with generational conflict? and what did the Legionnaires even THINK they were standing for. My impression was that they just formed this movement out of boredom.

And Terror Firma, it just comes out of left field that only Elysion was actually a bad guy (so what, the rest of TF was on a picnic when mass genocide was committed?) or the fact that we so no reaction to Sun Boy's decision to join TF and no fall out of Projectra's feelings. Waid gave us TONS of interteam conflict, but all of it felt force and the natural sources of conflict were ignored.

so underwhelming indeed, after 30 issues I was really hoping that the basic premis of Waid's Legion would be explained, but I feel I did not get that. At least with Shooter, three issues in and I understand where the conflicts are coming from.
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