Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH LSH Villain Do-Overs - 10/28/07 03:40 AM
Silly Glorith, aspiring to the throne of Baaldur.

With her age-altering powers, she could have set herself up as Baaldur's goddess!

She could painlessly age into protoplasm the suicidal ones and de-age everyone who wished to be.

They would have worshipped her!
Posted By: insanelad Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 10/31/07 10:29 PM
I never really got the explanation of Glorith's powers... the whole 'I'll de-age you into protoplasm' thing - is that de-aging someone? Or is it more shunting them down the evolutionary line to an amoebic blob?

I did like her - there was a certain crazed, scary, trailer-trash, love child of Alexis and Krystal side to her.
I mean, come one - the Time Trapper in his shab-tastic purple bathrobe, or Glorith looking fabulously trashy in her undies and garter?

No contest. I rest my case.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/01/07 06:52 PM
The League of Super-Assassins always came off as incredibly lame to me.

Buuuuuut...they *could* be a cool concept. Like an anti-Espionage Squad that could battle the Legion's sneakiest members! Real cold-blooded assassins that are intelligent and subversive, rather than just super-villains called assassins. And it would be a great way to spotlight the espionage squad by giving it its very own nemesis group.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/01/07 10:46 PM
Apollo, instead of walking around in a little white skirt and charming bank tellers, could become a James Bond-type, still a lady-killer, but evil, with lots of high-tech gadgets.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The League of Super-Assassins always came off as incredibly lame to me.

Buuuuuut...they *could* be a cool concept. Like an anti-Espionage Squad that could battle the Legion's sneakiest members! Real cold-blooded assassins that are intelligent and subversive, rather than just super-villains called assassins. And it would be a great way to spotlight the espionage squad by giving it its very own nemesis group.
Agreed. A small secretive group that strike when you least expect it. Kind of what the original assassins were like. Down right scary. They would have a cause and the LoSA did but I would play it up.

Would love to see Cham and the Espionage squad square off against them.
Posted By: Lone Wolf Legionnaire Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 02:20 AM
The Taurus Gang and The Devils Dozen come to mind.
Posted By: SLK Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 03:53 AM
I've often thought that the Devil's Dozen would be a cool concept to rework. It would be a bit more monstrous and demonic. The original members would have to reworked a bit. The biggest problem is the name of the leader - how could anyone strike terror in the hearts of others with a name like Evillo?
Posted By: Yk Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 05:35 AM
Mantis Morlo.
A villainous bio-genetic genius growing his own bad guys could be pretty darned dangerous.
Posted By: Set Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 06:25 AM
While she got plenty of exposure, I always thought that the Emerald Empress could have done with more fleshing out. She was 'queen' of Venegar for a time, a world she apparently conquered by force, it would be neat to see some sort of development on that idea (say, modern day Venegarians as members of the UP, and being fierce proponents of the SPs and the Legion, due to their opposition to the 'Emerald Tyrant' while perhaps a smaller faction of loyalists, ex-agents of her regime, long for a return to their past glory, and work to spring her from the TiG when she gets captured...).

Most of the Fatal Five could use some fleshing out of this nature. Tharok always came across as a bit of a jobber, despite supposedly having intelligence in Brainiac Five's league. Mano was a cypher, other than the tale of his destroying his homeworld. Validus, well, he got developed in a way that I was never terribly fond of...
Posted By: Reboot Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The League of Super-Assassins always came off as incredibly lame to me.

Buuuuuut...they *could* be a cool concept. Like an anti-Espionage Squad that could battle the Legion's sneakiest members! Real cold-blooded assassins that are intelligent and subversive, rather than just super-villains called assassins. And it would be a great way to spotlight the espionage squad by giving it its very own nemesis group.
Thing about that though is, done right, the Legion could never have more than a phyrric victory, because such a group of assassins should get their target [with the advantage of surprise, most of the Legionnaires would be entirely vulnerable to a headshot, or a dagger in the heart - and assassins should never engage a target unless they have a killshot available. Remember that "Legion Disassembled" thing I PMed you once? That was predicated on that idea...]
Posted By: KryptonKid Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/07/07 04:26 PM
Maybe someone could write an Omen and Prophet story that was coherent.

Posted By: Set Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/08/07 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Reboot:
Thing about that though is, done right, the Legion could never have more than a phyrric victory, because such a group of assassins should get their target [with the advantage of surprise, most of the Legionnaires would be entirely vulnerable to a headshot, or a dagger in the heart - and assassins should never engage a target unless they have a killshot available. Remember that "Legion Disassembled" thing I PMed you once? That was predicated on that idea...]
Ah, but, in Silver Age fashion, the Super-Assassins could be shone on the cover, standing over the dead Legionnaires, and inside the story we get to see their coldly efficient killings of our beloved characters, only to find out at stories end that the Legion had gotten advance warning and set up decoys (robots, who appear human to even advanced scans, thanks to Brainiac being all smart and stuff). The Assassins celebrate their victory only to get nabbed by the very much alive Legionnaires!

Or it could be the ironic twist, the actual Legion has been taken over by evil dopplegangers, and the Assassins end up killing the fakes, and inadvertantly freeing the *real* Legionnaires! They could even discover, at the last moment, that the 'Dark Man' who hired them was Brainiac Five, who was the lone escapee from the evil Dopplegangers, and recruited the Assassins to get rid of the invading extra-dimensional entities (who can't really 'die,' only be dispersed back to their home-dimension with the 'death' of the fake bodies they've created!).

In either case, the Assassins get to appear as scarily effective at the whole killing-people-thing, but simply having been manipulated into killing the 'wrong Legion.'

Plus Blok can stay an Assassin and Lazon can be the one to make the jump, 'cause he's vastly cooler. smile
Posted By: Reboot Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/11/07 02:47 AM
Bait'n'switches rather tend to be frowned upon in modern comics, however...
Posted By: Set Re: LSH Villain Do-Overs - 11/11/07 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Reboot:
Bait'n'switches rather tend to be frowned upon in modern comics, however...
Bah to the modern comic then. smile I like something happening that suggests that the heroes might actually have outmaneuvered the villains right from the get-go, although I do prefer if there is some sort of hint to the reader that all is not as it seems (to avoid the Murder by Death situation where the reader feels cheated by a situation they could not have anticipated).

This months Astonishing X-Men had something sort of bait-n-switch-y, but Joss is rather fond of any tactic that makes him feel smarter than his audience.
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