Legion World
I use that threeboot desgination reluctantly, but I bow to the majority. 'Classic' here means as appearing in the ACTION updated LSH.

Which version of LSH characters would you want to read about most in future stories of the team? Let's also stipulate that the character would be as seen in the most recent appearance of the version chosen.

1. Cosmic Boy... ACTION, Reboot or Threeboot?
For me, it'd be reboot. He's the only Cos that I've viewed as successfully inspirational and deserving of the 'founder adulation' as he appeared in actual stories. 'Classic' would be second.
Oh, definitely Reboot-era Cos only. 3boot Cos was cute with the goats and all, but mostly a jerk. For "classic", I would take the Bierbaum's SW6 version.
definitely not Threeboot. He's worn out his welcome for years to come.
I can see your strong case for Reboot Rokk. I've usually liked that version.
Classic Rokk thus far reminds me of the TMK Rokk, without as much "time off" or the Imsk war. So I'm very inclined to like this version, too.

An older, more experienced Rokk makes sense in the theorized combo Legion, so I'd choose Classic Rokk there. But I wouldn't object to new Reboot tales with that Rokk.
Would you also pick 'Classic' Rokk if he was the only Cosmic Boy for the foreseeable future? That's what I'm getting at.

There were a few SW6 versions that I'd pick, too-- and a couple of 5YL ones. But those seem out of play as far as DC's currently concerned. Maybe L3W (Legion of Three Worlds) will be more inclusive than we've been told. But I doubt it.
CLASSICS all the way
Classic for me.

Reboot was a bit too behind-the-scenes cocky for me--"I'll mastermind a scheme to take down the President and leave most of the legion out of it."

And threeboot took that to the extreme--"I'll mastermind the resolution to all of the legion's problems because it's all about me."

Classic Cos was more human if only because he had the Hag's mirror hanging over his future.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Would you also pick 'Classic' Rokk if he was the only Cosmic Boy for the foreseeable future? That's what I'm getting at.

There were a few SW6 versions that I'd pick, too-- and a couple of 5YL ones. But those seem out of play as far as DC's currently concerned. Maybe L3W (Legion of Three Worlds) will be more inclusive than we've been told. But I doubt it.
Yes, in that case I'd pick Classic Rokk.
Reboot Rokk was definitely the first "Cosmic Boy" I ever cared about other than the 5YL version. The way he was written there, for the first time you could really see him as the center of the Legion. Yes, he was kind of arrogant, but you could see that the Legion really needed that confidence to ground everyone.

Classic was just too generic until Levitz got hold of him, and 3Boot really just took the arrogance too far.
I vote for "Classic" Rokk because he reflected the idealism of the Legion's founding better than later versions--and he looked great in a bustier! wink
1/2 Classic, 1/2 Reboot Cos for me since I really like Rokk as the 3 time Magno Ball Champion before he founded the Legion. And I liked his Cockrum/Grell costume. smile
TMK Rokk. 3Boot after that, Action Legion later and Reboot NEVER.
COSMIC BOY: 4.5 'Classic'
3.5 Reboot

I'm going to start the next character, but anyone who'd like to can still chime in with their choice for Cosmic Boy.

SATURN GIRL... ACTION, Reboot or Threeboot?
I'm going to go with 'Classic' Imra. 'Cause she's a freakin' *historic* character that has *never* received her due!

I'd hope that she gets to grow her hair out, though. I'm not digging the concentration camp look.
Classic or Threeboot for Imra. Either works, but not the current Action Imra, who looks plain awful.

Oh yes, I am that shallow.
Set, 'Classic'= Action as this is set up.
3 boot, Classic, never Reboot. But you should know that. Any Legion book with a snake is not the Legion (following Giffen).
Classic. Unless any of the others ever forced the other legionnaires to wear her image on a medallion.
I actually have a soft spot for Reboot Imra. Classic, too, but I'm going to go Reboot on this one.
Reboot Imra. As great as she was classically, she was always front and center in the reboot. As flawed and controlling as the reboot version was, I never really cared about Imra before the reboot, believe it or not. A flawed character is often just more interesting than a perfect one.
I'd go with Reboot Cos who spawned the "Cosmic Boy Must Die" hate group. I think he was portrayed as a natural leader of the 3. Of course, I'd also pick Polestar if I had that choice.

With regards to Imra, I'm torn between the 3boot version and the reboot version. Imra was interesting during the reboot, but the tough-as-nails portrayal in the 3boot is interesting as well. I'll go 50% split on both versions.
I'll vote for the Imra that was brave enough (some might say "stupid enough") to battle the LSV while 9 months pregnant with twins. The Imra that never backed down, the Imra that was brave enough (some might say "stupid enough") to battle villains in a pink bikini once she caught wind of her reputation as an iron butt.

CLASSIC Saturn Girl!
Put me down for Classic Rokk and Classic Imra, because sometimes the originals are the best...
Classic Saturn Girl, my best female hero of all times.
Reboot Cosmic Boy.
3boot Lightning Lad (No metal arm, no proty soul)
Reboot Triplicate Girl (Triad).
Classic Phantom Girl.
Classic Chameleon Boy.
Classic Colossal Boy
Classic Brainiac 5.
Classic Supergirl.
Classic Invisible Kid.
Classic Shriking Violet.
Classic Ultra Boy.
Classic Star Boy.
Superboy's Legion Ligth Lass.
Classic Sun Boy.
Classic Bouncing Boy.
3boot Dream Girl (Alive!)
Classic Matter Eater Lad.
Classic Element Lad.
Classic Mon-El.
Reboot Ferro Lad.
Classic Projectra (Sensor Girl)
Classic Karate Kid.
Reboot Shadow Lass (Umbra)
Classic Chenical King.
Classic Timber Wolf.
Clasicc Wildfire.
Classic Tyroc.
Classic Dawnstar.
Classic White Witch.
Classic Blok.
Classic Polar Boy.
Classic Quislet.
Classic Tellus.
Classic Spider Girl.
Classic Andromeda.
Classic Veilmist.
Reboot Kinetix.
Reboot XS.
Classic Nigth Girl.
...as opposed to Classic XS? wink
[Linked Image]
My Legion is this one, especially the period on the right:
[Linked Image]

Oh, something tells me they will never come back. So, I'd stick with 3boot with Shooter. And whichever characters are missing would be filled by classic ones. And not a single snake or 20th Century rip-off would come closer to the team, except for L.E.G.I.O.N. characters.
Reboot Cos: After the development of his character in 5YL, writers finally figured out how much of a leader he actually is in the reboot. Classic Cos was always boring, and he became the Time Trapper. HATED his characterization in the threeboot.

Classic Imra. I'm thinking her argument with Darkseid, her staring down the rest of the Legion in the Universo Project. Plus this is one of the first 'active' female heroes in the DC Universe, she needs to stay. I didn't like the very intrusive reboot Imra, and re. threeboot: I prefer an Imra that can talk.
COSMIC BOY: 'Classic' 5.5
Reboot 6.5
Threeboot 0

SATURN GIRL: 'Classic' 6
Reboot 2.5
Threeboot .5

'Blanket' votes won't be counted, sorry. I *did* count Emerald Empress's votes, since the characters in question were mentioned separately, but I won't be going back to reference this post going forward.

Remember, 'Classic' equals the Action Legion as seen in 2008. Reboot is as seen at the end of that series or in any subsequent cameos. Threeboot would be as of the most recent issue. The choices are versions that will apparently be appearing in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS.
LIGHTNING LAD... ACTION, Reboot or Threeboot?

You can vote for previous characters, if you haven't yet. Or change your vote, if you want.
Garth really has had a fairly consistent characterization from boot to boot. At least, he doesn't vary widely in tone (except for SW6, I guess).

It'd be sad, too sad, to see a 'mismatched' Saturn Girl/Lightning Lad pair, so I'm voting 'Classic'.
I have to object to the premise of the "classic" = the current Action team, and Garth is the perfect character to make the point. The Garth who bantered with Batman in the follow up story, and presented himself as the one who taught Kal to be a practical joker was fun. I liked him. He wasn't the Adventure era Garth though.

Mystery Lad, which characterzation of Garth should we consider for your definitation here. Adventure era or recent Action?
Saturn Girl: That's a tough one. I like the Threeboot characterization so far, except for her being mute.

Ultimately, I think I'll stick with Classic Imra, though I do wish she'd grow her hair out.

As for Garth, I think I'll also go with the Classic, provided that he's not really Proty in Garth' body. laugh
Originally posted by Jerry:
I have to object to the premise of the "classic" = the current Action team
I understand and empathsize. That's why I've used the quotation marks around the word Classic. I know there's a variety of opinions about the status of Geoff Johns' LSH.

Originally posted by Jerry:
Mystery Lad, which characterzation of Garth should we consider for your definitation here. Adventure era or recent Action?
Which one will appear in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS? That's the criteria.

Maybe I'll use the designation ACTION, rather than 'Classic'...
Originally posted by Jerry:
I have to object to the premise of the "classic" = the current Action team, and Garth is the perfect character to make the point. The Garth who bantered with Batman in the follow up story, and presented himself as the one who taught Kal to be a practical joker was fun. I liked him. He wasn't the Adventure era Garth though.
Which actually makes sense, as the Superman in today's comics is not the same Superman from Adventure 247.
In this case, I vote for 3boot Imra.
I liked the Reboot Imra - she's quite powerful - more than Classic and 3boot.

As for Garth...hmmm... hmm....one thing that helps me to choose - is DnA Garth....so it's reboot Garth....the most heroic and sacrifice ever made by any Legionnaire in any book that brought my tear down my face...is DnA Garth.
Garth is definitely tougher for me than the other two, as all three versions have enormous appeal for me. But I think I'll go with ACTION Garth, largely because the way Johns wrote him was really endearing. I'd definitely like to see more of this take on Lightning Lad.
Garth: To me it is a choice between Proty, Jarth and the real Lightning Lad. No contest, I vote Threeboot.
Reboot Rokk. It would have been Action Rokk, but for his Time Trapper identity.

Classic Saturn Girl. Hair can be changed.

Threeboot Garth. Ditto Doctor One for the reason.
Garth? Can I pick animated (2nd season) Garth? I liked his portrayal there. If I'm not allowed to then I'll have to go for Threeboot Garth because I like the way Levitz is writing him.
Originally posted by Novelty:
Garth? Can I pick animated (2nd season) Garth? I liked his portrayal there. If I'm not allowed to then I'll have to go for Threeboot Garth because I like the way Levitz is writing him.
You meant Shooter, right? In fact, when I say 3boot in here, read Shooter's 3boot. I don't think Waid gave anyone a personality in his run (except for Cos - which was his best take on the character).
Cosmic Boy - reboot or 3boot

Saturn Girl - pre-bikini Adventure version (the gold standard of the character) or 3boot.

Lighting Lad - 3boot.
Cosmic Boy - ACTION. The guy from the Levitz Spotlight issue is still the best Cos.

Saturn Girl - ACTION as well.

Lightning Lad - Tougher one, but I'll also go with ACTION here.

Wow, I thought I'd be more diverse.
Garth... this one is harder for some reason. I'm inititally leaning towards the 'TOONIVERSE' cartoon version but as that isn't one of our given options I'll go with ACTION based on Johns' recent arc. 3boot a close runner up. Post/Re-boot Garth got on my nerves a little.
Cosmic Boy - Reboot. Likely because I loved SW6 Cos so much. Classic/Action Cos is more multi-faceted and a close second, but reboot Cos stepped up to the plate and impressed me. I like 3boot Cos, but nowhere near the other two.

Saturn Girl - Classic/Action. I know she was a panel hog, but this Imra has such a list of accomplishments that I adore as a result. I'm really falling in love with 3boot Imra, but Action wins. As for the hair, I take it that she's the 'post-Conspiracy with the burned hair' parallel and it'll grow back. One day.

Lightning Lad - 1/2 Reboot, 1/2 Threeboot. I'm turned off by Johns' portrayal, though I love preboot Garth otherwise. The loud and/or hotshot personality is overdone for me after the cartoon. Despite the fact I'm a reboot Garth fan, I went half because 3boot Garth has a lot of potential and hasn't had anything happen that left a bad taste in my mouth and memories (ie Jarth).
Cos - I do think his greatest role ever was in TMK, but to follow the definitions laid out in this thread, I'd have to go with the Reboot. The reboot and TMK have made Cos one of my top favorite Legionnaires ever.

Saturn Girl - Class/Action all the way. She's one of the greatest heroines ever in comics. She's basically part of the blueprint.

Lightning Lad - While I like the Reboot version of Garth a lot, I think I'd probably go with classic/action Lightning Lad. He was the quintessential 'heroic young man' of the Silver Age, and then was such a (to me) older brother figure for the Legion thereafter. I did like the reboot version though and thought his growth in the pre-Lost DnA issues and Lost itself was excellent and wondered what he would have been like upon his actual return.

PS - I hate the threeboot Garth and Cos. Imra is pretty bland thus far too.
COSMIC BOY: Action 6.5
Reboot 10
Threeboot .5

SATURN GIRL: Action 11
Reboot 4.5
Threeboot 1.5

Reboot 1.5
Threeboot 5.5

PHANTOM GIRL/APPARITION: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
I'm going to go with Threeboot, because I think she captures the best of all the versions. She's elegant, smartish, and independent (something you can't say for her in earlier versions, as time progressed). I like the addition of an interest in history, though I'm not crazy about the 'head in two places' complication that has, thankfully, mostly been ignored. (It made a nice one-time observation about a possibility of extra-dimensional physicality, but is too unwieldly for a super-hero comic to use consistently.)

An Espionage Squad connection is a must. The current LSH needs to formally create one.

Classic, and presumably Action, Tinya became a bit unlikeable to me as she cattily bonded with Shadow Lass, slamming Star Boy, Blok and Timber Wolf, especially- though anyone could come under fire at any time. Reboot Tinya became half of a panel-eating couple that started out sweetly 'making up' for the couple's previous fate in the preceding boot, but ended up being unpleasant, boring and too heavily featured. And she had that half-Caargite thing hanging around her neck like an albatross.

I enjoy the current Tinya's status as single. When she does 'fall', I hope there's something similar to the standing-against-her-teammates-in-defense-of-the-'bad'-boy thing from ADVENTURE.

If I could pluck Cockrum/Grell era Tinya out of place in the timestream and choose her, I would.
Tinya...sigh...as much as I loved seeing her in LEGION - she stood out the best during the Cockrum/Grell era...spunky and sweet and not to mention her fabulous bell bottom! I liked seeing her in action at the beginning of WnK era..even I like her in Cartoon show too. Heck. so make that 1/2 Reboot and 1/2 threeboot.
I vote for Threeboot Tinya. Making her the resident history buff gives her a level of braininess she has been lacking before; however, I must agree that her Silver and Bronze Age characterizations have a lot to recommend them as well.
Another Threeboot vote for me, too. She seems the most level headed of all the three-booters.

Also, I didn't know the original enough to make a call based on her personality, and I couldn't stand the reboot version (waaaaay to co-dependent. Jo too, for that matter).
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I'm going to go with Threeboot, because I think she captures the best of all the versions. She's elegant, smartish, and independent (something you can't say for her in earlier versions, as time progressed). I like the addition of an interest in history, though I'm not crazy about the 'head in two places' complication that has, thankfully, mostly been ignored. (It made a nice one-time observation about a possibility of extra-dimensional physicality, but is too unwieldly for a super-hero comic to use consistently.)
Yeah, liking the threeboot Tinya better than the rest, since she feels more developed here than in previous boots where she was defined more by her relationship with Jo (IMO).

Also agree that the 'in two places at once' thing was a logistical nightmare, even if it seemed like a neat twist. Does that mean that if there happened to be a building in Bgztl where she wanted to walk through the wall, she's stuck using the door?

Kinda a crappy power, since there would be *tons* of places where there was a building / wall / landmass / random bystander who won't move in both worlds, leaving random places where her 'power' wouldn't allow her to phase, since no matter where she went, there would be a solid in her way...
Tinya: Well, another easy decision from me: Classic all the way. And I'm not even a fan of the pigtails and bellbottoms. But the other two versions have huge problems that I just can't ignore: the Carggite thing in the Reboot, and the half-here-half-there thing in Threeboot (I really can't see how anybody could function properly like that!!!). Having said that, my favorite version of Tinya is that of the EARLY reboot. And she has never been drawn more beatifully than by Olivier Coipel (sadly in all too few occasions).
I wasn't a fan of where they went with reboot Tinya, and while I loved Classic Tinya, Threeboot Tinya manages to keep pretty much all of the positives of the Classic while still adding more to the character. I'd still like to see her get with Jo eventually, but at least we know this Tinya will be independant enough to not be defined by her relationship.

Threeboot, but I liked Phase better.
I'm gonna go against the grain and take Apparition. I just feel like I know her the best, insecurities and all.

<shame on those of you taking half one & half the other for one character--do we have a wishy-washy smiley? tongue >
I like all Tinyas. She's always been a fave.

I'll choose Action/Classic.

I missed the Garth round, so I'll choose Threeboot for him.
Phantom Girl, eh? This might have been a tossup between Classic and Reboot (I dont feel I know 3boot Tinya well enough to even consider her) except for ONE thing...


Oh, I already hear you-- "But dumbass, that wasn't Tinya in L.E.G.I.O.N., that was her cousin Enya!" And to you I say: BALDERCRAP! I don't care what DC printed, Phase was Tinya and that's all there is to it. wink What DC printed, the whole Enya thing, was some kinda Zero-Hour abberration. Enya? More like Enya FACE! laugh

L.E.G.I.O.N. tips the balance to CLASSIC Phantom Girl. Enya can go join Gymma Wazzo on the planet of forgotten Phantom Girl relatives.
Or did they reboot that into Tinya being a Carggite, explaining Phase? Ugggh.

CLASSIC, definitely.
Action 6.5
Reboot 10
Threeboot .5

Action 11
Reboot 4.5
Threeboot 1.5

Action 6
Reboot 1.5
Threeboot 5.5

Action 3
Reboot 1.5
Threeboot 6.5

If you skipped a character earlier, you can still add a vote. If you haven't made any selections yet, please join in.

TRIPLICATE GIRL/DUO DAMSEL/TRIAD-- Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
I'm going to pick Reboot. I don't find the Threeboot Lu likeable at all, even though her origin is pretty interesting. Action Lu has a lot to live up to; unfortunately, much of it involves the character's decimation (trimation?) as killing off a Lu has become almost as sporting as offing a Karate Kid. [Meaning- cut it out, DC!]

I actually think all available Luornus are going to merge, something possible for other Legionnaires, too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's a Septagonal Lass by the end of LTW, given the 'wait till you see what happens to *her*' comment from the Batman/Lightning Lad issue of ACTION. Will that be permanent? Who knows?
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Or did they reboot that into Tinya being a Carggite, explaining Phase? Ugggh.
You know, this is one thing that I would love to know the editorial decision about. I got the impression that when Reboot Tinya was deep fried, the intent was to bring her back (even though I thought this was personally a crappy decision from a dramatic storytelling perspective).

But given that the Carggite angle had repercussions, not all of which have even been dealt with, it seemed an odd way to go with it.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
TRIPLICATE GIRL/DUO DAMSEL/TRIAD-- Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Reboot kicked major nass.
Sorry for coming in late to the game, but I spotted this thread and had to toss my two cents in. Apologies. smile

Cos - Reboot. After that, Classic. Everyone's pretty much said it for me already.

Imra - Classic. I got tired of her fluctuating power level pretty quickly in reboot, and I'm not the biggest fan (read: at all) of Threeboot.

Garth - Reboot hands down. In all other continuities, he's either a jarkbag or way to vanilla.

Phantom Girl - Honestly? I hate to say this given my previous statement, but Threeboot. Take her away from Jo and you get a character I actually give a damn about. Who knew?

Triad - Reboot. Three girls. God-knows how many mental problems.

Are we going in order of membership? That is just great! laugh Sadly though, it's gonna be a hot second before we get to my faves....
Though I missed most of the Reboot, I kinda like the Reboot Triad concept, so I vote for Reboot Luornu.
Tinya's Threeboot re-imagining was a big miss, IMO. Lu's was not. I just love the thought that one of the weakest members of the legion, may turn out to be the strongest one. A planet full of Lu's, all of which have the potential to merge into one, that's pretty cool, in my book. Not to mention the potential that is there to tell nice stories. Also: Classic Lu has been... decimated. Reboot Triad would be OK, but I dislike her constant bickering.

Lu: Threeboot, hands down.
What I'd like to see happen is the Legion from Action Comics somehow get de-aged a bit (maybe to about 19 or 20 years of age) --

or get "retconned" back to the time somewhere around the end of the Levitz/Giffen run (or maybe even earlier).

Probably won't happen, but I do like the Action Comics Legion -- I just think they are a bit too old and haggard now.
Definitely Triad of the Reboot people! They just reimagined her so perfectly and put her front and center like she'd never been before. Unforgettable!

<Damn, I'm really liking the Reboot in my choices so far, eh?>
I think 3boots origins for both Lu and Tinya are horrible. Classic Lu is bland especially with the death of her bodies.

I'll go with
Reboot for Lu, since she was one of the core of that team
I'd like to say Animation for Tinya, but that's not a choice. Reboot as well for her, since she was great in Lost.
Reboot Triad......Tri-jitsu!! almost the Legion founder...kind of....because she was the one who brought Imra, Rokk, and Garth together by the order of RJ.....very resourceful....funny...adorable...what more can you say? I loved her all the way!

EXCEPT that it was the animated Lu that won me over. smile (I know that it does not count the vote....)
Reboot Triad. Popular choice. I think of her as the definitive Lu.
Catching up...

I could almost go for the threeboot Garth, but the way he explained threeboot Mekt was just silly. And reboot Garth was just too consumed with Imra. So, I'll go with classic again.

I will go with the threeboot Tinya. She does have more non-Jo-centric personality than the classic one ever did. Plus, she doesn't have a mom who gets about as much panel time as does Tinya herself. I can ignore her origin issues.

Back to classic for Triplicate Girl. The threeboot version has been too much of a Cosmic-Boy puppet. And the reboot version always seemed to be trying to compensate for triplicating not being a super-cool super-power. Not necessarily having super-cool super-powers is something I've always enjoyed about the legion. Plus the classic Luornu potentially brings ties to Bouncing Boy--one legionnaire woefully underutilized in any other version.
Threeboot Lu. I like the whole sexy appeal W&K added to her origin. Probably my favorite reinterpretation from W&K, because it added a more mature aspect to an otherwise bland two-dimensional team (saved by Shooter).
Cosmic Boy: Threeboot

Saturn Girl: Reboot

Garth: Threeboot (Prefer the name Lightning Lad, regardless)

Tinya: Threeboot

Lu: Reboot (Triad, regardless)
Cosmic Boy: Action

Saturn Girl: Action

Lightning Lad: Action

Phantom Girl: Action

Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel: Action
My favourite Lu was the Classic version in Semi-retirement Living near the clubhouse with Chuck and helping out with the Academy and subs (with one personality than you). She was awesome, fun and loving. I didn't like her post-Conspiracy and the less said about this "Una" thing the better.

So assuming Una is in the "Action" Legion, I'll have to go Threeboot. I find the re-imagining intriguing and much better than the poor choice in Reboot to give each body a separate personality.
Triplicate Girl. A major fave... always fascinated by her. It's VERY hard to not vote for the Classic crawling through the tunnel/crying herself to sleep version... even the roots for the popular TRIAD of the reboot are planted during the Bierbaum's preboot run.

But the reboot really brought her to the fore, and used her to fullest potential. REBOOT
Action- 7.5
Reboot- 11
Threeboot- 1.5

Action- 13
Reboot- 5.5
Threeboot- 1.5

Action- 8
Reboot- 2.5
Threeboot- 6.5

Action- 4
Reboot- 2.5
Threeboot- 9.5

Action- 2
Reboot- 10
Threeboot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY/LEVIATHAN/MICRO LAD: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

Yes, I know Reboot Gim (Leviathan I) is/was dead, but since Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl returned from the dead in LIGHTNING SAGA, I'm going to extrapolate and include dead versions of the Three World Legionnaires.

I will say that I definitely hope that Johns or whoever's writing these characters after Three Worlds will explain the hows and whens of these resurrections.
Gim. Always liked him despite nothing super-interesting being done with him other than his space-ranger 60s costume. Reboot Gim likely would have gotten my vote if they hadn't offed him in so ridiculous a fashion.

I kinda like the 3boot one. Therefore, 3boot gets my first vote in the form of Colossal Boy.
MICRO LAD, now back to COLOSSAL BOY even in the Threeboot, is my pick. I'd be content with any version, though. I liked the Boy Scoutish Gim that married Yera (I'd like to see that relationship examined quite a bit, if that's the version used), and went 'lonestar' a couple of times.

Reboot Gim's drill instructor persona was a unique one in that LSH, and was greatly missed after his premature and wrong-headed death.

Micro Lad's been fun, for me. I liked his mimicking of Ultra Boy, his befuddlement in some social situations, his gay brother and the fact that he's a builder of miniature models.
Tri-Jitsu, hussy Tri, Legion Manager: these were all Reboot right? Whichever, that's the Trip I like best.

Oh wait, was I late on that?

I need to read the whole thread.
Hm. This one is tough. I would vote Reboot without hesitation, except that, well, Reboot Gim is dead. But I have issues with both of the other ones. I HATED Classic Gim's marriage to Yera (just as I hated seeing her as a Legionnaire in Action). I find that staying married to someone who was an accomplice of the kidnapping of a teammate is unforgivable. Maybe they could have re-married afterwards, but Yera needed to go to jail. That's one of the lowpoints of the Levitz run, in my opinion. As for the threeboot, I really find a race of Antarctic giants quite ludicrous, I'm sorry. I have trouble in the 'suspension of disbelief' department on that one. An interesting thing, given that we are talking about a superhero team in the 31st century. But there you have it.

I vote Reboot.
I'll go with Classic/Action Gim. When I first started reading Legion, he was one of my early favorites. But he hasn't even approached that in his later versions. So there!
Phantom Girl – my favorite Legion lady and one of my first crushes in comics, I truly do love all three versions of Tinya. So this may be the hardest one for me to choose. But I think that despite absolutely loving her classic self, I’m going to go with her Reboot self. Something else else about her character in those first two years of the reboot just make me feel like those were the best two years of her entire history.

Luornu – Reboot, all the way. Make no mistake; I loved her in the preboot, from her crawl in the Mordru story to her underplayed but vibrant heroism in Conspiracy to beyond. But the reboot just made me sit up, open my eyes and come to think of Luornu as one of my favorites. Threeboot Luornu, like so many others, remains an almost non-entity.

Colossal Boy – Like Lash and others, I’ve always liked Gim a real lot, but he’s never quite made my list of ‘favorites’. Threeboot Gim seems to have little personality thus far, and Reboot Gim was woefully under utilized, so pretty much by default the classic Colossal Boy is my favorite. But don’t get it twisted—classic Gim was always heroic, a devout Legionnaire who truly felt a call to duty and served longer than anyone else, was comfortable being married and man enough to have a strong friendship with a past girlfriend. It was a pleasure to see John’s utilize classic Gim (you know what I mean, don’t drag me into another bothersome argument laugh ). And there’s nothing cooler than Gim’s looming presence in the group shots.
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Tri-Jitsu, hussy Tri, Legion Manager: these were all Reboot right? Whichever, that's the Trip I like best.

Oh wait, was I late on that?

I need to read the whole thread.
BB, Todd says you can vote on prior characters at any time.
Action Gim all the way (one of my favourites post-Great Darkness). Reboot had promise, but didn't live up to it after such a stupid death. Threeboot also started out as a potentially interesting foil for Ultra Boy, but was quickly lost in the wash.
For Lu: Reboot Lu kicked ass! She's my choice. Threeboot Lu did have a cool origin, but I'm still preferring Reboot.

Gim: A toughie... because I've never been a huge fan (no pun intended). Classic Gim was a bit of a doofus. Reboot Gim was too much a jerk (which was good for character ranges and for Rokk's deputy, but I still didn't like him) and Threeboot is likable but underdeveloped.

I'll go with Action Gim; Johns' version is a more likable update of old Gim.
Gim: SW6 batch. Or Classic.
Gim: Classic. "50 Story Tall Space Cowboy Jewish Kid with Shapeshifter Wife"? There's no part of that phrase I don't like. wink
Colossal Boy : Action
I think 3boot Gim had the most personality of the 3, so I'll pick him.
Another vote cast for 3boot Phantom Girl (for being Ultra Boyless more than anthing else), though Toon Tinya is far and away my favorite version.

I can't decide which Triplicate Girl. Each comic book version of her has aspects I like and dislike. My heart belongs to Toon Trips.

3boot Gim, I guess. Though underutilized, I like him well enough. I've never cared for any of the previous versions (and I loathe Gim + Yera more than I can say.)
I stopped reading the 3boot before Waid left so I'm amazed at all these votes for 3boot Gim - has he actually done something other than repeat that lame "Call me Micro Lad" joke over and over (and over) now?

Gim's my favourite Legion character so it's a true testament to Waid's handling of the 3boot that I disliked him as much as I did there.

Classic Gim is great but after he grew up and lost the cowboy costume, and the writers couldn't think of anything to do with him, it became more of a case of 'I like him because I like him' rather than for anything I was getting from the pages.

He was really great in Johns' recent Action storyline though. And Johns' has also turned his wife Yera into an asset rather than a liability for him for the first time since she was introduced (IMO anyway) so that's a definite positive.

My fave Gim is definitely the Reboot. I loved his refreshingly different (for a Legionnaire) hard-assed exterior and respected his sense of duty to the Legion and his self-awareness to know when it was time to step down and let Cosmic Boy take over as leader.

I think we saw Gim get a lot of real growth (no pun intended) in character in the reboot. Shame it was all undermined by Tom Peyer in that ridiculous death scene.
Action- 7.5
Reboot- 11
Threeboot- 1.5

Action- 13
Reboot- 5.5
Threeboot- 1.5

Action- 8
Reboot- 2.5
Threeboot- 6.5

Action- 4
Reboot- 3.5
Threeboot- 10.5

Action- 2
Reboot- 13
Threeboot- 3

Action- 7
Reboot- 2
Threeboot- 4

CHAMELEON BOY/CHAMELEON: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Woops, have some catching up to do here since I just discovered this thread...

COSMIC BOY: By far my favorite of the three founders. I would normally vote for the Classic version but the Action version didn't really provide a good enough glimpse of how this Rokk compared to the original for me. As for the 3boot version, that's not at all like the Rokk we know and love (well, a few of us do anyway!) so I'll have to go with the reboot version on this one.

SATURN GIRL: I've never been a fan of SG so I can't really claim to have a favorite. That being the case, the Action version is probably the least bothersome one so she gets my vote.

LIGHTNING LAD: Garth falls somewhere in the middle of the pack for me. Neither a favorite nor one I dislike. Of the three versions, I've most enjoyed the 3boot version. He means well and is really trying but nothing seems to go right for him. He's definitely in over his head but I hope somehow he manages to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat.

PHANTOM GIRL: The only Tinya I've ever really liked is the toon version but 3 boot PG ain't bad. Being sans Jo seems to suit her laugh

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Lu was always my favorite of the female Legionnaires in the original group. She was only surpassed by Mysa later in the classic run. While she seemed much more valuable in the reboot, I still love her classic single personality. Neither of the two other versions can hold a candle to her so the Action version gets my vote.

COLOSSAL BOY: I always liked Gim in the original run but I find myself really enjoying him in the 3boot as well. Tough choice between the two but his portrayal in the Action Legion wins out.

CHAMELEON BOY: No doubt in my mind about this one. While the 3 boot version is fun a times, Classic Cham is far and away the best of the bunch. His value to the original Legion was enormous, especially his leadership of the Espionage Squad.
I'm really enjoying what Shooter's doing with Cham currently. I'm also quite curious about Cham's status in the Geoff Johns' ACTION LSH. Reboot Cham had a pretty nice character arc as an introduction, culminating in the revelation that he'd been playing 'dumb alien' for at least some of the time since he became a Legionnaire. Not wild about the Spark crush, though.

Nor was I particularly enamored of the Brande-as-dad revelation, though there were some good character moments and a story or two that grew out of it.

I don't have a marked preference-- I think I'll go with the version that's had him as the most alien. Threeboot.
Cham? I really liked Classic. Though I find the 3boot rather amusing at the same time.

But, no, I'll stick to Classic (up to TMK, but not Action) for Cham.
Ricardo, the choices come from what will be appearing in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS. This isn't a 'what's your personal favorite version ever' poll of the characters.

Though it may turn out that other versions will become fair game as far as what's going to be in the 'one' LSH we're going to be getting after LTW, it's a logical assumption that that 'one' LSH will be drawn from the members of the three LSHs that are featured in LTW. Those three are the Geoff Johns' ACTION LSH, the current 'threeboot' and the reboot team as last seen.

So Classic= ACTION for the purposes of this particular thread.
My favorite Reeps are DnA, TMK and Levitz.

I'll have to go Action on this one.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Ricardo, the choices come from what will be appearing in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS. This isn't a 'what's your personal favorite version ever' poll of the characters.

Though it may turn out that other versions will become fair game as far as what's going to be in the 'one' LSH we're going to be getting after LTW, it's a logical assumption that that 'one' LSH will be drawn from the members of the three LSHs that are featured in LTW. Those three are the Geoff Johns' ACTION LSH, the current 'threeboot' and the reboot team as last seen.

So Classic= ACTION for the purposes of this particular thread.
So Classic it is.
Cham: This one turns out to be easier than I thought. Threeboot. My main problem with Cham is that for a long time he was portrayed essentially as a human with orange skin. I love the fact that in the Threeboot he isn't, he really is an alien. And I don't mind his occasional lack of antennae, either. So Threeboot it is. I didn't much care for the relationship to Brande or the secret friend thing, either.
I *did* like Reboot's friendship with Lyle, though. And Cham as *the* mainstay of the original Espionage Squad shouldn't be discounted.
For Cham, It's a bit of a tossup for me between ACTION and reboot. I'll take... ACTION/classic. Years more history there, and the TMK version puts it over the top.
I think I'll go with Action Gim. He was one of my faves when I read Legion as a kid. And I really like him being a normal guy who can turn himself into a giant at will. laugh

For Cham, I'd say Threeboot. His (?) characterization is so refreshing currently, especially his interactions with Star Boy the last couple issues.
Gim Allon - the reboot version really bothered me a lot since his death and I never liked him - definitely not one of my favorite - as for Reboot and 3boot - tug of war...I loved both of them until two of my favorite costume are Gim's classic Swan version and (again appeared in SW6 *made me giggle*) and also Grell version (the one with no pants...sexy leg...yeah!)...always loved the green-yellow-red color scheme with little stars - really stood out in the crowd. 3boot has the better personality than all of three of them. So I chose - - - Classic/Action.

Reep Daggle - oh boy...he's the most interesting character that is kind of easy to be written in comics....detective, spy, leader, comedian, shapeshifter, genius (actually one of the four smartest legionnaires), and others. I loved the interaction between Ayla and Cham (DnA version especially)....to me, he's the Legion's charmer...in any version. If I remember correctly, that SW6 Violet was mourning his death as she mulled that Cham "loved to laugh at dangers..." and it made me feel that it is truly representing Cham best. I want to split three way ties for each of them. So I choose....reboot Cham. (really hard one by the way.)
Reboot Reep inspired me enough to write a story featuring him, so I'll go with the Reboot version.
Its classic all the way for me with Cham, as he shined under the Adventure era, Levitz and then TMK. Really, I can see how like Brainy and Imra (for me anyway), those with the longest most 'face time' histories may end up being Action/Classic.
Chameleon Boy : Action
Chameleon Boy: Classic. No choice. Everyone's kinda made my points for me smile
Gim- Threeboot (as Colossal Boy)

Chameleon Boy- Action
Cham is tough. The classic version is... well a classic. However, it was the Reboot version that showed me the most fun, so I'll vote Reboot for Cham.
Cham is really tough as I liked them all and they were all different enough form each other. While I like the more alien aspect of the threeboot, and the fun reboot Cham, I think Reep, for me, will always be the guy who screwed up the Khundia mission then redeemed himself by going on a journey to Durla to regain his powers (and bonded with his Dad on the way). Add to that his great detective work, his loyalty and the always fun use of his powers, and I've got to go with Action Cham.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7.5, Reboot- 12, 3boot- 1.5

SATURN GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 5.5, 3boot- 1.5

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 2.5, 3boot- 7.5

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 4, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 11.5

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 10, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 3

Next up is Invisible Kid. Which brings up a bit of a head-scratcher. Two, actually. Going by the Karate Kid, Triplicate Girl back-from-the-dead ACTION development, which I extrapolated to Reboot Colossal Boy, ACTION should have a Lyle Norg possiblity. That era includes Jacques as its Invisible Kid. And Jacques is also a little-seen (in more ways than one) character in reboot. 5 choices?

Not fair to either character.

So, here we'll pick which version of Lyle Norg you'd like to see post-LTW. When we get to Jacques, he'll get his own entry.

I will include a sidebar question.

INVISIBLE KID: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

--SIDEBAR-- Should Lyle or Jacques be the 'official' INVISIBLE KID?
Lyle was already dead when I really got into the Legion, in fact, the first new issue I remember reading was the one in which Validus squished him. My impressions of him from this version are wrapped up in that weird story, the frustrating Dream Dimension crapola and the great Secret Origins tale that featured Invisible Kid and Chemical King.

Well-remembered leader, scientific peer for Brainy, famous for clocking a recalcitrant teammate-- still the biggest hole he left was as founder of the Espionage Squad.

Threeboot Lyle has grown on me quite a bit. In recent issues, I felt glad for him when his dad gave him the 'you're a man now, son' speech and I felt protective of him as he shrugs off Timber Wolf's beyond-snide entering harassing comments. A big change from earlier in the series when I just didn't like him very much.

I pick reboot Lyle. Purely and simply he's one of my favorite LSH characters in any version. Top 3, probably. I love his friendship/rivalry with Brainy, his friendship with Cham, the spy background, the fact that *he* invented the flight rings, his confidence and self-knowledge (ie- he realized he's strategically the *last* guy who should be leader) and most of all the trait that should be his *real* power getting him membership... that of observation. Coupled with a willingness to speak out or act on what he observes.

For me, the LSH hasn't been the same since this Lyle 'faded to white', and it won't be all it could be if he isn't included.

SIDEBAR-- I think Lyle should be INVISIBLE KID, but I don't want to see Jacques ignored or marginalized, either.
Oh, yes, Reboot Lyle. For all the reasons you mentioned. He should be the Legion's Invisible Kid, but Jacques should be able to join with a different power. I'd love to see the two of them interacting.
Reboot Lyle is the best Invisible Kid ever to bear that name, including Jacques and the other Lyles. Of all the characters we've discussed thus far, Reboot Lyle is probably my favorite of all 24 of them (followed by Reboot Triad)! Great, great character and sorely missed!
INVISIBLE KID: For me I Kid should be Lyle and as much as I enjoyed the reboot version and am growing to like the 3boot version, my preference is still with the Classic Lyle. He was a great leader, extremely intelligent, & humble enough to understand his limitations.

As for Jacques, I certainly believe he has a place in the Legion as well. Maybe his power could be adjusted so that he could hide things by making them invisible. That would be a pretty powerful and useful ability to bring to the team.
I got into Legion with Jacques. My first exposure to Lyle was during TMK SW6 Batch. Never cared about his rebooted version (well, I never cared about that reboot in any case - not a single character!). So, Jacques, for me, is the Invisible Kid.

So, Lyle=3boot.

And I like the idea we have 2 different Invisible Kids. Can't see a problem with that.
INVISIBLE KID: Reboot Lyle, no choice. I really didn't get much of him classic; I started the Legion in the 5YG, so I got SW6 Lyle but since that one probably wont exist, if what I've heard about L3W is true, then I stick with the best developed Lyle: Reboot. I just love him as the great spy/schemer (plus his costume? hooooooooooooooot ;P )

Originally posted by Doctor One:
Oh, yes, Reboot Lyle. For all the reasons you mentioned. He should be the Legion's Invisible Kid, but Jacques should be able to join with a different power. I'd love to see the two of them interacting.
Hey, DocOne, why not the Dimension Shifting powers Jaques had in v3 that weren't stable? It would allow both of them one the team, and would give a healthy nod to Legion history at the same time.
I think that we need to separate Lyle and Jacques apart since they are completely different. So why not Invisible kid "II"? so as for Lyle - I really like the reboot version because he has the mysterious aura around him ("love - C" - remember?) and his connection to esponiage before joining the Legion. so Reboot it is.

Please save Jacques in later entry okay?

--SIDEBAR-- Should Lyle or Jacques be the 'official' INVISIBLE KID?: Jacques

Maybe Lyle could come back as a 31st century Deadman.
Jacques will get his own entry later. ACTION votes in this round are for a prospective back-from-the-dead Lyle Norg, not for Jacques. The SIDEBAR question is the place to address preferences between Lyle and Jacques.
From what I've seen and read about Reboot Lyle, I think he would get my vote, for reasons folks have already stated.

And I agree that Lyle should be the "official" Invisible Kid.
As a sidenote, I have absolutely nothing against Jacques at all--he was Invisible Kid when (or a few issues after) I started reading the Legion. But Reboot Lyle stands as my favorite Invisible Kid version. I'd love if they could both coexist somehow without either having to die!
Well, Classic Lyle is dead, 3boot Lyle is annoying somewhat. Reboot Lyle is rarely seen, but when he's seen he's great. I choose Reboot.

And I don't see why we can't have Lyle and Jacques both as IK.
CHAM - my vote goes to reboot Cham.

IK - Though I have motherly affections for 3boot Lyle, I'll go ahead and jump on the reboot Lyle bandwagon. (Jacques F. can become one of the LO3W sacrificial lambs for all I care.)
Jacques will always be Invisible Kid to me. Lyle worked best as a legacy/inspiration for other Legionnaires in the hall of dead heroes. If I have to choose a Lyle, I'll go with the Threeboot, as I couldn't stand the Invisible Wesley Crusher of the the reboot.
Reboot Lyle Norg vote here.
I prefer Jacques to Lyle

...but of the Lyles, Reboot was the most interesting. Classic Lyle was boring and worked better as a dead icon (similar to Barry Allen), and Threeboot Lyle just makes me wnt to puke.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7.5, Reboot- 12, 3boot- 1.5

SATURN GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 5.5, 3boot- 1.5

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 2.5, 3boot- 7.5

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 4, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 11.5

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 10, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 3

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 2, Reboot- 10, 3boot- 2

--SIDEBAR-- Should Lyle or Jacques be the 'official' INVISIBLE KID?

Lyle only= 2, Jacques only= 2, Lyle as Deadman= 1, Jacques as sacrifial lamb= 1, two Invisible Kids= 3, Lyle as IK with Jacques having some other power (dimensional shifting was mentioned as was the power to make things invisible)= 2, Lyle as ID with Jacques having some other role- 1).

BRAINIAC 5: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

I'm inclined to skip the Kryptonion cousins, since I think which ones will be available for LSH membership are pretty well set in stone.

SIDEBAR 2: Do you want to vote for Superboy and Supergirl?
I'd be fairly happy with any of the Brainy's-- especially since Shooter has evened the character's personality out a bit. He's more Querl than Vril Dox, thankfully.

Action Brainy is- well, a classic. But I'd continually want to see him dealing with his Supergirl fascination, and I don't know that I want to see this ground trod upon again. I liked him in ACTION, though that fake-out on Colu was almost too convincing.

I'm probably in the minority, but I liked the force-field wired into Brainy internally. I could do without the facial computer 'patches' and any Anomaly-based personality 'fixes'.

It's a difficult choice. I think I'm going to go with reboot, though. (I've chosen several of those in a row, but there's a *bunch* of ACTION choices coming up soon, I think...)
Reboot Lyle, definitely.

Not really any point in doing a Jacques survey, since he was in all of one reboot episodes.

Brainy is a tough one, as I like different aspects of the different eras. In the end, though, I have to vote for reboot, as he had the whole "misunderstood genius" thing going, and I enjoyed the interaction between him and Andromeda, especially after she came back from lockdown. So it added a bit of an interesting undercurrent to the character.

Even though I hated the "5.1" thing, I also enjoyed his action in the Dark Circle story.
Brainy: I think I'm going to go with the classic version on this one. But I'd be happy with any of the three (I don't find them that different from each other, especially now that the threeboot version has been softened).

And please do skip the Super-cousins.
Reboot Brainy. He was the proper amount of crazy mixed in with some fun-to-read assholery.

As for the Sidebar: Let's skip the Kryptonians. They're just too jumbled.
BRAINIAC 5: Action

I'm inclined to skip the Kryptonion cousins, since I think which ones will be available for LSH membership are pretty well set in stone.

SIDEBAR 2: Do you want to vote for Superboy and Supergirl?

I would vote yes to Kal-El as there would be no Legion if not for him, as for Kara I miss her relationship with Brainy the most.
Brainiac 5 = a split between Classic and 3boot. But I've always had more fun with Vril Dox, in fact...
So, set me with Classic, especially for his role in v3 and v4 (not that it matters...)

As for the Sidebar, I vote for the Pocket Universe Superboy and Linda Danvers Supergirl... hahaha
It doesn't matter, really.
BRAINIAC 5: I never cared for the classic Brainy and also don't like the current version. Not a big fan of the reboot one either but he's the lesser of three evils smile

SIDEBAR 2: Yes, I would include the two Kryptonian cousins and I would choose the classic versions of each.
Brainy was a tough choice for me between Classic/Action and Reboot. There are many things I love about the original version, but ultimately, the reboot Brainy really seemed to nail what was cool about the character consistently. Though I wish we got to see more of the original's heart in him, it was definitely Reboot Brainy that turned me into a big fan of the character.

SIDEBAR: Don't include them, Todd. Keeping the larger context of this thread in mind, it would just be pointless to choose between the different versions.
Invisible Kid I - Reboot. Lyle is the definative I-Kid, tho if I what to shoose between the two I'd pick Jacques. In an ideal universe I'd have both, giving Foccart a new name ("Fade?").

Brainiac 5 - As with Cham, I'd be happy to see any of the three, but gotta go Action with this one.

I would like to see Conner in some limited capacity. Maybe a two-issue story every two years?
Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:

--SIDEBAR-- Should Lyle or Jacques be the 'official' INVISIBLE KID?: Jacques

Maybe Lyle could come back as a 31st century Deadman.
This is a tremendous idea! I love it. Give us a flesh-and-blood Dream Girl and let Lyle haunt the Club House!
I'm not a big Brainy fan, but I'll vote for Threeboot Brainy. He's insufferable, but entertaining.

And, please, no Super-folk.
Brainy? I dislike the 3boot version, had fun with the Action run, but would vote for Reboot.
Brainy, like Cham, is hard as all three versions bring good stuff to the table. Integral to the Action Brainy though is his relationship to Supergirl, and given the age difference between them now, it would just be creepy. So I'll go with the reboot Brainy, who can get his brain scrambled choosing between Kara and Andromeda.

EDIT: and while I agree there's no wiggle room on DC's side for the Super-folk, it would still be fun to vote for them.
For Brainy, I'll vote reboot though I'd gladly take any of them.

As for the Invisible Kid sidebar, I adore Lyle over Jacques. Though I'd love to see Jacques have a role alongside a living Lyle, either as support or even another Invisible Kid.

Belated votes:
Phantom Girl - Action
Triplicate Girl - Reboot
Colossal Boy - Action
Chameleon Boy - Action
Invisible Kid - Reboot
I forgot to vote for anyone else but Gim I just realised.

Cosmic Boy - Reboot. Great costume and the epitomy of selfless heroism IMO.

Saturn Girl - Action. Not a big fan of any of them but this one wins because of all the crazy schemes she had during the Adventure era.

Lightning Lad - Reboot. I like him with a robot arm.

Phantom Girl - Action. I liked Apparition but her whole story got really annoying after she 'died' and then hung around as a ghost for eons.

Triplicate Girl - Reboot. The writers treated her like a competent equal on the team for the first time in like, ever - though Triad Purple did get on my nerves every now and then.

Colossal Boy - Reboot (as already voted).

Chameleon Boy - Action I guess. But I'd personally prefer it if we had Chameleon Girl as the team's resident Durlan.

Invisible Kid - Reboot. He was without a doubt one of the breakout stars of this era. Though I would almost as equally love his preboot Ultra Boy-punching counterpart.

Brainiac 5 - Reboot. Specifically the Legion Lost DnA era one. The only time I've ever liked this character.
Colossal Boy - Action, he's neither dead/resurrected nor angsty about his leadership/heroism. He's just the biggest human among them.

Chameleon Boy - I'm going to chose threeboot, but it's more not choosing the other two. Both of the others had homeworld issues that just never appealed to me. And the action one was so closely tied to RJ Brande (the crux of that legion's underwhelming origin story). Such may be the case for the threeboot Cham too, but as my eternal-optimist self, I always have hope that the latest attempt will be better.

Invisible Kid - I can only go with the original. So, some resurrected action Lyle Norg is my choice. Why? Mostly his depictions as leader in the Adventure era, and with the SW6 legionnaires. To me, they outshine anything any other Invisible Kid has done, even if new continuity passes them by. Also, he brought in Chemical King. Reboot Lyle was appealing as well, but so patly so. Threeboot Lyle is too tied to the "underagers" discord.

Brainiac 5 - Action. Reboot overplayed Brainy as simply a brat. Threeboot overplayed Brainy as simply that guy from the L.E.G.I.O.N. series. But, over the years, Action Brainy has played out as a genuine nutcase. I don't see how I could let that go.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7.5, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 1.5

SATURN GIRL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5.5, 3boot- 1.5

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 7.5

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 11.5

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-5, Reboot-14, 3boot-0

SIDEBAR 2: Do you want to vote for Superboy and Supergirl?

Yes= 2 No= 5, with various choices offered.

I tend to think about the only choice DC's going to consider (or already has, most likely) is between current SuperMAN and what we'd have to call threeboot Supergirl.

ULTRA BOY: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
I don't even have to think about this one for half of a second.

Action Jo all the way. I dearly hope that the Jo's-been-pretending-to-be-dumber-than-he-is bit is pulled in from the 5YL Jo Nah. That'd be perfect. I'd even enjoy a new reason and story for this development.

I liked that reboot UB was in the WorkForce before he became a Legionnaire, and that he had a little-seen friendship with Element Lad. Really, I liked reboot Jo up until his marriage. Then, ugh. Still, I'd defend why that wedding had to happen,but the way both Jo and Tinya were written didn't add anything to them or to the book.

Threeboot- I really like that he's the resident powerhouse (and knows it), and that he turned to Karate Kid for 'counseling', but that's about it. Both of those qualities could easily be worked into any UB used.
Brainiac 5 - gotta go with Reboot, especially during the DnA era...who could have him do the cartwheel while fighting? made him do the innovative ways with the force fields? that's when he shone on...loved him! I loved Action Brainy but it was DnA that won me over. Reboot, indeed! smile

Ultra Boy - Classic. I never liked Reboot and 3boot...I felt it is out of his character - way out. Classic Ultra Boy has it all - savvy, street smart, romantic, funny, serious (when he was a leader)...that's the coolness of him. Action!

Skip the Superboy and Supergirl, okay?
I remember how upset I was when Gerry Conway killed him off in LSH #273 March 1981 and then again in LSH #275 May 1981, I was 14 years old and a Legion fan for 7 years at the time.
Ultra Boy: Classic. I agree Mystery: I'd love them to use the playing-dumb Jo.
I agree as well, Classic Jo for sure.
Classic Jo, especially from TMK, but Action is fine.
My favorite version of Jo ever was definitely the one from TMK. None of the others are even close! Technically this version isn't offered, but I'll assume that the Classic/Action version is the one with the potential to become that man. So he's got my vote.
This is another tough one, but I think my vote goes for Threeboot Jo. His swagger, his reveling in his power and his ego are all part of what has made the Threeboot fun.
ULTRA BOY: Tough choice since there are parts of all three versions I've liked but I'll probably go with the Classic version because he was fully developed as a character.
I vote for reboot Brainy -- so long as there's a written guarantee the monkey won't come back. (I love 3boot and original Brainy, too, but the smiley-face ACTION doppelganger is extremely creepy .. just all wrong, imo.)

3boot Ultra Boy for much the same reason I voted for 3boot Phantom Girl. The two characters have greater potential as solos than shackled together in a tired, boring old romance that never appealed to me in the first place.
Threeboot Jo is a bit 2-dimensional. Reboot Jo is a bit too flat. I'll have to go for Action then...
ACTION Jo from me too.
Me three.

Action Jo was more interesting to read. And I really liked the pathos of the TMK version.

Reboot Jo was waaay too co-dependent.

Threeboot is just an uninteresting jerk. At least threeboot Brin is an interesting jerk. wink
Classic Jo has a way broader depth... and none of that bit of stubble.

And about depth... both classic Brainy and the current one had really static personas. At least Reboot Brainy had that .1 upgrade, as cheesy as it sounds.

Threeboot Dirk and Tenzil all the way. Is it because of Bedard's storyline? Hell, it didn't make them look like knock-offs at least.
Action Jo for me. I liked the Jo of the early reboot, but his story played out too quickly, and I've never liked the Threeboot Jo.
Playing dumb Jo for me, Glorith's nemesis. It's a great character, one of the few that I think all boots did really well.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7.5, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 1.5

SATURN GIRL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5.5, 3boot- 1.5

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 7.5

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3.5, 3boot- 11.5

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-5, Reboot-16, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-14, Reboot-0, 3boot-2

STAR BOY: Action, Reboot or 3boot?
This one's got a trick to it, I suppose. ACTION Thom would probably have to be the one in the JSA. Does that eliminate him from LSH membership? Would that mean the real choice is between reboot and threeboot?

Star Boy's personality comes, primarily and for me, from his long-ago 'spotlight' issue where he bared his soul in conversation with Wildfire.

I liked reboot Thom and his bumbling. I also enjoyed reading about his power fluctuations (though that, too, grew old after awhile...), since the comet-induced set of powers was something I'd only read *about* before then. I liked the linkage to 21st century Starman- though now that's really an argument against reboot Thom.

Threeboot carries forward that bumbling tendency and adds on a real 'battle' awareness of his teammates. He very often shows his concern for those around him, which I find endearing.

And the Legion girls seem to like him-- unlike other versions at times.

Again, I'd be content with any of the three. I'm most curious to see how JSA Starman would be worked into a prospective post LTW team, so it's ACTION for me.
I vote Action as well. A solid tie between the Golden Age's first super-team and the Silver Age's first super-team (and the two greatest of any age) would be really kewl!

Besides, he's kinda hot with the beard! laugh
Star Boy - oh.......I liked Action just because of his Starfield costume, and the first one to wear that. I liked Reboot where he shone in DnA with XS in fighting against the invaders on their planets....and I liked 3boot as well...due to being innovative ways to use his powers. I choose....3boot.
Bearded Star Boy... In the lack of it, Threeboot.
Star Boy: He's always been one of the Legionnaires that has alluded me when it comes to appeal. I may have something to do with the fact that I never saw him in the classic series, and he didn't really show up all that much in th FYL series. I did like his interactions with Gim in Reboot, so I pick Reboot.
STAR BOY: I've also liked all three versions of Thom but I find the Thom in the current JSA series so much fun that I want to see much more of him so Action Thom would be my choice.
I´ve never been a Thom fan. But now that the JSA version has schizophrenia, I find myself interested. The other two versions are just not that interesting.

I vote Classic Thom.
Invisible Kid - the Reboot all the way. While I like the Classic Lyle, the Reboot made him shine in a way never before approached. Its one of the great characterizations of the entire reboot. Threeboot Lyle needs a good Validus hand to turn him to dust at this point.

Brainy - Brainy may be the clearest decision I can make in favor of the Classic version. Because the Classic Brainy is one of the great characters in all of comics history. The other versions aren't bad, since they essentially are the same character, but they never come quite close to the original.

Ultra Boy - another Action one all the way, though I did like the reboot Ultra Boy when he *first* showed up. But the Jo I love is the street-smart kid who became the man in TMK Annual #1, by far my favorite spotlight issue ever. The TMK Jo, heavily based on his Adventure appearances, made Jo one of my favorite Legionnaires forever. I personally hate when writers lazily reduce him to his 'super-jock' self. Threeboot Jo has seemed annoying up until Shooter has taken over as he's now developed a bit more personality beyond 'creepy' to 'bravado'.

Star Boy - this one is tougher than I thought becuase I like the current Thom in JSA. But its the reboot that I really started to like him. His friendship with Gates and being the new member at that era, and then he and XS as freedom fighters...he seemed so ripe for further storylines and characterization and yet with so much depth already.
ACTION Star Boy is much more interesting over the other two by just about any measure.
As a fellow beardy, gotta go with the Action/Classic version. I liked his upbeat attitude and his ultimately rocky relationship with Nura, too.
I like how he's portrayed in JSA, so it's Action for me.
The only characters I'd prefer 'Threeboot'... is, believe it or not, just the punkass leader with the black spots. Isn't 'prefer' such a lucid word? laugh Now that's a character with plenty of depth and potential for some development, since flawed heroes are twice as much fun to read.

... Oh, and if Sun Boy actually returns in 3boot, not counting a poster and a cover, it'd be him too, tied with Dirk from the '60s. Whoever benefits from deputy roles are a direct mirror of the leader, so ditto for that.
All things being equal, I'd go with classic Thom, no question. BUT I like him in JSA and would like to see his story play out there, not have it quashed early to rush him back to Nura and the Legion just yet.

That said, I'll vote Threeboot, because he's a character I'd like to see explored more.
3boot Thom gets my vote. I love, love, love reboot Thom but he's not as hot looking. I loved original Thom as well but the repulsive schizo Action/JSA version is a completely different character.
Originally posted by PenaltyKillah:
The only characters I'd prefer 'Threeboot'... is, believe it or not, just the punkass leader with the black spots. Isn't 'prefer' such a lucid word? laugh Now that's a character with plenty of depth and potential for some development, since flawed heroes are twice as much fun to read.
I take it this is a vote for threeboot Cosmic Boy?

Sun Boy's one of my favorites. Please remember to post your Sun Boy choices when that character actually comes up.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 1

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 7

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 11

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-6, Reboot-16, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-15, Reboot-0, 3boot-2

STAR BOY: Action-9, Reboot-2, 3boot-3

I decided those .5 votes just looked silly. If those that picked half-characters want to record new votes for them, they can record them in their votes this round. Anyone who hasn't voted for earlier characters are welcome to-- though please don't jump ahead or list 'mass' votes.

Whoever she is, I hope she goes by the name 'Shrinking Violet'. Atom Girl, the gung-ho Tom Boy with a thing for guns and a Brainiac 5 conncection shared by Imsk, has a distinctive attitude and potential. But that hair-- and the name!

Leviathan I can do without. If early reboot Vi could be plucked from that boot's timestream and plunked down beside the other characters, I'd pick her. But that ain't in the bounds of this survey.

I'm choosing Action Vi, even though it's largely sight unseen (I know she *appeared* in ACTION, but I don't have the slightest sense of how Johns will write her, do you?) I didn't care for the ACTION uniform.

Vi won't be the last ACTION Legionnaire chosen mostly as a means of extrapolating from pre-5YL characterization. Dangerous proposition, isn't it?
TMK's is for me the definitive version. So, it's classic - especially if she becomes Vi. Hate Lara Croft Vi from Reboot. And so far, she has been a sideline character in 3boot.
Since I can't get FYL, I choose Threeboot.
I'll also vote for Action Vi (ooh, that sounds good) based on her earlier portrayals.
I liked her relationship with Ayla, that's what it makes her unique among the legionnaires....a huge transformation from shy meeky young girl to really angry scarred woman to mellow out war veteran to the last Legion leader of the 5YG until the Zero Hour.

Reboot Vi had some interesting personal growth (no pun intended) during the evolution (Emerald Eye taking control of her) until the death of Leviathan.

3boot Vi has some attitude and is nonchalant when it comes to fighting.

I choose: Action Vi, hands down.
I'm actually hesitating between Classic and Reboot. I do like the shrink/grow power of Leviathan, and I love the way she was portrayed: shy but fearless. Classic Vi, well, I liked her in 5YL. But I hated the way the Yera thing was resolved. How Vi could even TALK to Colossal Boy after that is a mystery to me.

I'm going with Reboot Vi.
Reboot Vi by a long mile.

Even though 5YL had more of an interesting "history", we were able to get to know the reboot Vi much better.

And I have a soft spot for her. What can I say. smile

I enjoy Threeboot Vi for her overt toughness, but I don't have the connection like I have with the Reboot character.
I really loved Reboot Vi until she became Leviathan. It's not that I hated her having the growing powers, but suddenly, the character I'd grown attached to became 2-dimensional and rarely seemed to use her shrinking powers anymore.

I was never a big fan of Classic Vi until TMK. The question here is: will Action Vi be allowed to turn into the complex TMK Vi?

Atom Girl: meh.

Given my reservations about how Action Vi will be portrayed, I've decided to give the vote to Reboot Vi even though I have reservations. (If TMK were in the running, it wouldn't be a contest!)
Reboot certainly cleaned up a lot of the character's caricaturist flaws and made them believable. A vote to Reboot Salu. And "Atom Girl" didn't get the extreme Waid treatment, and she was barely featured anyway. (Not the 'barely' that I prefer... wink ) Heck, I'd even take Animated Violet over her.
SHRINKING VIOLET: Never cared for reboot LeViathan and Atom Girl is still too much of a blank slate though she has had some interesting moments. Classic Vi may well be one of the most well developed characters of them all. Her journey was tremendous and the changes she went through seemed natural. Classic Vi by far.
Ultra Boy - Action

Star Boy - Threeboot

Salu - Action as "Shrinking Violet"
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I decided those .5 votes just looked silly. If those that picked half-characters want to record new votes for them, they can record them in their votes this round.
My original Saturn Girl vote was for Adventure, pre-pink bikini Imra or barring that, 3boot. If you shifted mine to Action Imra, please change it to 3boot. Based on what I've read, the Action version is a totally different take than the Adventure version, I don't equate the two.

Violet -- unfortuntaley, I must abstain. The Violet I want to see again was "killed" by the Yera-disguised-as-Vi plot. None of the given options suffice.
Action Vi. When I came on board, Violet was actually Yera, but when the reveal was made, I was intrigued by this tough as nails, justifiably angry woman giving Duplicate Boy what he deserved.
OK, I'm going wtih Imra = Irma reboot! since I'm no longer allowed to fence sit (I had reboot & 3boot).

I liked LotR (no, not Lord of the Rings) Virus, but since she's not available, I'll go with reboot Vi since I like her costume and I like Simone's portrayal of her just before the 3boot.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 7

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 11

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-6, Reboot-16, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-16, Reboot-0, 3boot-2

STAR BOY: Action-9, Reboot-2, 3boot-4

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-8, Reboot-5, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Early Sun Boy was one of the stars of the LSH. I'm not sure why he gradually fell off the radar-- power similarity to Wildfire?

Reboot Dirk has the advantage of having settled his familial demons while young, however he never actually became a Legionnaire.

Threeboot Dirk really should be getting tons more story than he's been getting- though for all that he's had prominence, in a sense. Can't stand him as a blond and he hasn't had a uniform that's a patch on the original.

I choose ACTION- especially as Johns has stated that Dirk's one of his favorite characters.
ACTION Dirk, as long as it's the real Dirk from before 5YG (which is appears it is).
SUN BOY: Action
Gotta play catch up...

Brainy... very difficult choice here. I'll go reboot.

Ultra Boy... Classic/ACTION

Star Boy... Reboot, since the ACTION/Classic one is now in the Justice Society.

Violet... No doubt: ACTION/Classic

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Early Sun Boy was one of the stars of the LSH. I'm not sure why he gradually fell off the radar-- power similarity to Wildfire?
I think Levitz unwittingly sowed the seeds for what eventually grew into Dirk's downfall as a character when he applied the first thin layer of ladies-man ooze to him. Once Levitz was gone, this characteristic was easy to build on... negatively.

Fortunately I think Johns is going to "save" Sun Boy.

Not much competition with Reboot or 3Boot, here, so I'll stick with Action Dirk.
Action Sun Boy. But TMK had the best one.
looks like I've fallen far behind! I'm pretty sure I voted for Lile already.

BRAINIAC 5: Action


STAR BOY: Action

SHRINKING VIOLET: A toughie. I'm partial to all three. Reboot, I guess.

SUN BOY: never a fave. Action by default, as Reboot got little exposure, and Threeboot's strong outset lacked consistency.
The Sun Boy spotlight during TMK was one of my favorite stories during that time. I guess I like it when my heroes have weaknesses (see Star Boy). No contest, Classic Sun Boy.
Vi: While I loved Reboot Vi, they really did a number on her once she became Emerald Vi, the Bride of Mordru and then worst of all, LeVIathan, who was devoid any personality. Yet, Action Vi had the opposite effect, beginning as a background Legionnaire who became very attractive and more of a presence to really growing into a great character under Levitz, and then of course, TMK. So Action Vi all the way. (Threeboot had a few moments but they didn't make her all the likeable).

Dirk: Action no doubt. One of the Reboot's gravest mistakes was to let Dirk fall by the wayside and really exclude one of the Legion's most visible members. Threeboot Dirk has also become a non-entity, and after Bedard and Calero did such a good job restoring him to the Legin. Dirk was one of the best of the entire Silver Age Legion as well as under Levitz, and I really hope I see more of him in John's stories.
Sun Boy - Action!

Reboot Sun Boy was barely a Sun Boy and his role was more like a supporting role. Until he finally came back as Sun Boy in 3boot. So little action was seen.

Sun Boy - Action, Indeed!
Another vote for Action. Pardon the pun, but Sun Boy hasn't shone for a long time.
Sun Boy: Again, for me it's a matter of getting close to the prize. I loved FYL Dirk, but I'll take Action.
Sun Boy - Action
SUN BOY: Classic Dirk started out okay in my book but went downhill from there. By the end, I had little if any use for him. Reboot was a non entity. The 3boot series actually gave me a Dirk I actually liked so it's 3boot hands down in my book.

LOL! This topic has really made me realize just how much of a different drummer I march to when it comes to my Legion. I've always tended to dislike the most popular and be a big fan of the most obscure. I promise, in about 15 pages I'll be raving about the names being discussed shrug
I have to agree, Action Dirk for me as well. Reboot was too much a background character while 3boot was boring.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 7

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 11

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-7, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-17, Reboot-1, 3boot-2

STAR BOY: Action-10, Reboot-3, 3boot-4

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-10, Reboot-6, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-14, Reboot-0, 3boot-1

Next up is Bouncing Boy, who really didn't use that name in the reboot and hasn't appeared in the threeboot. So a choice there would be for a prospective new take on the character. We don't really know how Johns would envision him, either.

BOUNCING BOY/CHUCK TAINE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Here's where the constrictions of the Three Worlds start to pinch. Well, actually they did for Ultra Boy but at least with Jo there were three distinct choices. This week, a Bouncing Boy appeared in a Wildstorm comic that I might acutally want to read more than an Action or reboot one. The cartoon version probably has his fans, too. And Superboy's Legion.

In a way, this is a Bouncing Boy yea or Bouncing Boy nay question.

I'm choosing Action, though the prospect of adult Chuck interacting with younger Triad is not one I enjoy. A BB that's not in a relationship with the cute Triplicating Legionnaire would be worth reading, though. He's been pretty much defined by his relationship to Luornu since they got married.

The morale officer and tournament winning hero deserves to have another turn in the spotlight.

Reboot Chuck Taine was the leading supporting character-- capable engineer, pilot and a moral compass. I wouldn't mind seeing him again, but I miss the Bouncing Boy that's a bouncing boy and not a ship.

I am curious about what a threeboot Bouncing Boy would be like. We were teased with a billboard image, but still as of now, no Chuck.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

In a way, this is a Bouncing Boy yea or Bouncing Boy nay question.
Bouncing Boy nay.

Not because I don't like the character, I do. But limits in membership have to be set somewhere, otherwise we'd get a Legion with 70+ characters and we'd NEVER get to read about the characters we really care about.

I vote Bouncing Boy Reboot. A role as a supporting character is appropriate for him, I think.
I agree that BB needs to be from the same version as Trips, but since I voted for Action Lu, that's not a problem for me. BouncingBoy

I did love Reboot Chuck, but really that was because he was just classic Chuck without the powers. Give me the original.

Action Chuck
I disagree BB needs to be from the same category as Lu, but I am only coincidentally voting for the same one(s):

Reboot. Chuck without the silliness proved to be a worthwhile character just as himself.
Action Chuck sounds almost as good as Action Vi. I'll vote for him, because Bouncing Boy is pretty silly, but that captures one of the great things about the Legion: Even a silly person can make a real contribution.

I kinda wish the animated version were a choice, but Action will do.
I like the cartoon BB very much and kind of wish that he can be a part of the 3boot....*sigh*

Action BB - okay
Reboot Chuck Taine - that's I like but wish he has BB powers.
3boot Taine - is he one of the baddie? Not sure.

so I vote: reboot C. Taine.
I hated the Reboot Chuck Taine exactly because it is too easy to dismiss him as a hero (hell, his first appearance was all about that!). And that's why Identity Crisis sucked so hard too: dismissing Blue Beetle as a hero was the cheapest plot ever done.
In fact, this was one of the most unnerving threads in the whole reboot thing.
So, it's Action Legion by a loooooong stretch.
For Chuck, I vote Reboot. He could get powers evetually, right? smile

But seriously, I liked him in a supporting role. It gave the Legion a bigger feel than just the people in the costumes. It made them feel more like an organization than a superteam.
Since I can't vote Animated Chuck, I vote Reboot
BOUNCING BOY: No question in my mind that Chuck needs to be BB. That's not to say that he can't be a competent facilities manager for the Legion as well. Someone has to keep things functioning at HQ!
Wow, haven't been on these boards in awhile, but this thread is just too interesting to pass up.

Cosmic Boy - Reboot. The Action version was too bland (since 5YL doesn't count) and the 3boot version blew it when he just disappeared into the future abandoning his team. Real leaders wouldn't do that.

Saturn Girl - Action. She should be the most powerful telepath in the DCU. She's faced down Darkseid and the Time Trapper. The Universo Project showed just how strong she could be. This version wins hands down.

Lightning Lad - 3boot. If we have to have him. I've never been a fan of this character.

Phantom Girl - 3boot. AS others have said, without Jo she seems to have it together.

Triplicate Girl - Reboot. And keep the name Triad. Really one of the most interesting characters of the first year of the reboot.

Colossal Boy - Action. I thought being one of the few married members made him alot more interesting.

Chameleon Boy - Action. About as close to being the heart and soul of that version of the Legion as anyone. Where is he, Johns?

Invisible Kid - 3boot. I like the rookie trying to redeem himself angle. Though his tenure as leader in Action was one of the strongest.

Braniac 5 - Action. One of my favorite moments of the recent Action LSH story was when B5 revealed himself to his teammates as a "good guy". No smarminess. No condescension. Just someone who was excited to see his friends.

Ultra Boy - 3boot. Again, never one of my favorite characters, but at least this version is interesting.

Star Boy - Reboot. Probably my favorite character of that version of the LSH. Although he'd be competing with Lyle for the job of Rookie who keeps messing up.

Violet - Action. I'm curious to see how this character would develop differently from the 5YL version.

Sun Boy - Reboot. As in not on the team and only seen once a year. He's just always been a character I could do without.

Bouncing Boy - Reboot. I liked seeing Chuck Taine as a support staff. It added a unique element to the character and to the team.

*Whew* Sorry for all of the catching up, Mystery Lad, but thanks for doing the poll. It's fun.
I'm gonna add my vote for Reboot Chuck. There he wasn't just comic relief, but was more than that.
Bouncing Boy - Action
Chuck - Classic. I loved the Reboot Chuck, but I just wish he could have had one story where he had powers and actually became a Legionnaire (not even super-bouncing and with a different name, like we talked about for years, as Rebound). Maybe that story could have been told if there hadn't been a threeboot. As it is, Classic Chuck takes it, simply because of the many great moments he had and his ability to grow from 'morale officer' to genuine 'teacher'.
As much as I liked reboot Chuck and thought it was great that he ended up on the team, it becomes apparent in a re-read of DnA's THE LEGION that they didn't realllly know what to do with him in an everyday setting (not counting the humour issue with Keith Giffen).

I wish DnA had used characters like Tenzil and Chuck more... those reading their current "Guardians of the Galaxy" series at Marvel can see how much fun they can have with characters like Rocket Raccoon and Cosmo the telekentic/telepathic Russian dog.

Anyhoo... since the 'toon Chuck isn't an option...

Bouncing Boy: CLASSIC/Action
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 6, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-17, Reboot-1, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action-10, Reboot-4, 3boot-4

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot-6, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-14, Reboot-1, 3boot-1

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 0

Wow- Chuck's the closest yet, except for Lightning Lad, where there's a tie.

You know what I wish? I wish DC'd establish that there was just one Mon-el, who checked into each of the Legions of the Three Worlds (and beyond) and was a member in each, waiting for one of them to come up with the fix that'd keep him out of the Phantom Zone (or whatever they call it from year to year) and free from lead poisoning.

Maybe he'd be waiting for the best benefit package.

You gotta learn *something* in 1,000 years.

I presume Action Mon-el would be the one that showed up in the not-too long ago Superman/Action annual.

Reboot's actually the most familiar, in a way. Personality wise, I mean.

Threeboot seemed kind of wimpy.

I'm afraid that this is one character whose continuity may be even beyond Geoff Johns' ability to repair.

Still, the Lar Gand I'd want to read about is one who hadn't taken part in a Conspiracy, or been irreparably damaged by the Time Trapper. Or one who's worshipped as a religious savior, secretly (reboot) or openly. Or one who's so discombobulated by his stint in the Phantom Zone that he's ineffective (threeboot).

That leaves Action. But it's assuming a lot.
Action Mon-El: loved him since Adventure Comics where he first appeared as a brother to Superboy til Legion #38, where he still treated Superboy as his brother, all the way to the end.

Reboot Valor/M'Onel: liked him during the Valor series...needs to be stretched more on his characteristic traits...LEGION, Valor, etc - not enough to be convinced as a favorite.

3boot - Mon-El: appeared only the shortest time...not enough exposure.

VOTE: Action Mon-El
Valor, the series, was NOT Reboot Valor. In fact, his title LED to Reboot.
So, no doubt: Action Valor/Mon-El.
I vote for the one who showed up in 20th century Smallville on a Monday, the one who found a brother in Superboy and took the name El as his own for over 1000 years.

Mon-El: Action
I'm gonna take Reboot Chuck. I thought the way he was worked into that continuity was inspired. I also liked his "Bouncing Boy" ship! Reboot Chuck was always, first and foremost, about his intelligence and warmth. I don't think we ever saw as much of this in Classic Chuck until very late on (though I DO still love that version, too).

And Classic/Action Mon-El all the way--not even close!
M'Onel (although Action is a very close second)
At least the Mon-Els from Action and Threeboot could be one and the same, but the only one with a stable origin is the very first.
My knowledge of the Reboot is mostly second-hand, but I like a version of Lar whose existence does not depend on Superman--and I like the name M'Onel. I'll vote for Reboot Lar.
Sun Boy – 3boot
Despite being under-developed (or maybe because of it), 3boot is the only version who has a ghost of a chance to become the “real” Sun Boy of yore – before the character deteriorated into the lecherous chauvinist swine caricature that was already laughably anachronistic in 1986. (The dreckful Action scene with Brainy, Yera and Dirk is proof positive this trope was best left forgotten.) Now that TMK Dirk and his depraved death are a hallucination or something, Johns has hinted at a fresh hell awaiting his own Dirk doppelganger – as the guilt-ridden “rape” victim of Earth Man. He might as well be dead, imo.
Reboot Dirk is only a dim memory but I recall thinking he’d never be big enough to fill the yellow boots.

Bouncing Boy – Reboot
Reboot Chuck with powers – the closest personality match to Toon BB, the best Bouncie who ever was, hands down.

Mon-El – Action
Probably the only Action doppelganger I’ll vote for because there’s no other viable option at the moment, though all three Lars as the same guy popping in and out of different timestreams (and subconsciously adapting his identity to each environment) is my preferred choice. Lar may be the key to LO3W, in fact.
ULTRA BOY: Sorry, but the original Ultra Boy's retcon regarding Glorith has always bothered me. Though, I don't especially care for any of the others either. I'll give a sympathy vote to the reboot Ultra Boy.

STAR BOY: I could almost choose the threeboot version based on his look alone. But, his lack of potential angst regarding killing someone makes him a bit more background than I can appreciate--the very problem of the reboot version.

SHRINKING VIOLET: Reboot version. She had character whithout needing to be abducted, and with explanation (unlike the threeboot version).

SUN BOY: I really wanted to not vote for the Action version because I don't like his persona. But I changed my mind when I considered how that persona added potential dynamics to the team--such as the means of awakening him in the latest action story. So, Action it is.

BOUNCING BOY: Action. I barely remember the reboot version, but recall that he didn't have the ability to bounce into someone's face, nor the potential to lead an academy for those aspiring to be legionnaires.
Reboot Lar Gand...
Just to get my votes in for the rest...

SATURN GIRL: Reboot. Watered-down version, yes... but she was prominent throughout the years. Consistently.

LIGHTNING LAD: Action. I don't know much about those good ol' years, so I'm relying on SM&LSH and AC864.

PHANTOM GIRL: Action. One of the best examples that romance knows no bounds. The Reboot's a mess with the Juno-esque thing AND the Bart Allen effect.

TRIPLICATE GIRL: 3boot. Nothing to complain. And they could even fool if they're a whole or a third. Don't look or act the part, dress it.

COLOSSAL BOY: 3boot. I like(d) where this (wa)s going, with one of the most ingenious origins in comics... until Shooter made him a classic Gim rehash.

CHAMELEON BOY: Action. No exceptions.

INVISIBLE KID: Reboot. Hate the fanboy (impostor! Will be exposed in Lo3W I hope! Don't fail me Mr. Johns!)</littlewaidrant>, and barely any of us are alive to remember a unseen (AND breathing) classic Lyle, so it's option default.

ULTRA BOY: Action. A bulk of the Swan/Shooter stories convinced me. Reboot's a modern retellin' of the TinJo thing, and does 3boot need to be some retro eye-candy of the previous two incarnations? He's the example.

STAR BOY: ... ... Very tough. Thanks to Starman #50, I'm tempted to give Reboot a chance... but give cuckoo credit where it's due. ACTION.

SUN BOY: 3boot. Good representation, and he can work the Lady Quark garb.

BOUNCING BOY: 3Boot? Kidding! I'll take Reboot, provided he gets to wear an inflatable.

Anymore? There's still Tenzil, Mysa, Tasmia, Drake (though one version's a merged being while the other's a non-Legionnaire assasin...), and for an all-out, Superboy/man/girl.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 8, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

I believe either this round or the previous one sees us arrive at the halfway point.

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Do we assume that the sense of humor from 5YL will be grafted onto Action Tenzil?

Will non-member Tenzil make the transition to full-fledged Legionnaire in reboot or threeboot?

Acid-spitting chef or human digit-eating lawyer?

The three life situations of the Tenzil Kems couldn't be more different. Yet, his character is fairly consistent through all three versions (assuming that Action *does* take its inspiration from the 5YL stories and not solely from the drafted politician who went insane guy from 'classic' tales).

I want to see more of the lawyer from threeboot, and I'd really like to see reboot Tenzil get a ring, even if it's only for a few moments before 'whiteout'.

Still, I'm picking Action with the hopes that the funny is in this character's bones now.
Matter-Eater Lad --- really liked 3boot because of his guts (biting Mekt's finger off - whoa)
really liked reboot because of his cool acid spit and his guts.
really liked Action because of his eating at super speed (read Adv Comics #350 or #352?? where he had the ability to chomp down the rock at superspeed! fast !!)...then later on, with his personality expanded as he was the Legion's prankster...

So far, they are all equally well-liked....I choose: 3boot, as he should be the Legion's lawyer.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Do we assume that the sense of humor from 5YL will be grafted onto Action Tenzil?

Will non-member Tenzil make the transition to full-fledged Legionnaire in reboot or threeboot?

Acid-spitting chef or human digit-eating lawyer?

The three life situations of the Tenzil Kems couldn't be more different. Yet, his character is fairly consistent through all three versions (assuming that Action *does* take its inspiration from the 5YL stories and not solely from the drafted politician who went insane guy from 'classic' tales).

I want to see more of the lawyer from threeboot, and I'd really like to see reboot Tenzil get a ring, even if it's only for a few moments before 'whiteout'.

Still, I'm picking Action with the hopes that the funny is in this character's bones now.
wow you and me alike but I choose the other. Those really are memorable, aren't they? smile
catching up with MON-EL: Action

TENZIL: Threeboot, definitely.
Threeboot Tenzil, definitely. He stole the show in the Bedard run.
No. 248... dang!

I fourth the motion of 3boot Tenzil, since 5YL is non-canon...
5YL Tenzil, of course. So, then, I choose Action Legion - just for the possibility of having him getting there at that point in time. But Tenzil's 3boot version is okay, too.
Bouncing Boy - Action

Mon-el - Reboot

Matter-Eater Lad - Threeboot
I'll go with 3Boot Tenz because he had the best Tenz moment EVER! (Wow--that's my very first 3Boot vote!)
Mon-el: Action (pre-conspiracy please).

Matter Eater Lad: At the risk of being lynched, I was never a big Tenzil guy. Still, I liked the insane guy who turned it around and became important on his own planet (Don't forget even if 5YL is out, the "Sub Special" is still cannon and that was really the start of "funny" Tenzil). Action.
I vote for 3boot Tenzil in his "mob suit" for Legion consigliere!
HoooooKAY... so I really dug 3boot Tenz lawyer/truth-serum sunglasses-thingie/not a'scared to take a bite outta Lightning Lord too, but come ON, people! Giff and the Bierbaums made Tenz a star, and that begins with:

Matter-Eater Lad: ACTION/Classic

ps/ I really have been disappointed about the lack of followupage for 3boot Tenz.

Special "don't count in this thread" props go to Tooniverse Tenzil.
Mon - Action all the way. From Superboy's brother all the way to his deciding to take the Time Trapper down once and for all.

Tenzil - I really liked the threeboot Tenzil too, and I'm also dissapointed we haven't seen him since. But at the end of the day, nothing compares to the original. Though he truly shined in TMK and then again in Legionnaires (SW6 or whatever notwithstanding), the classic version, particulary from the Subs special that truly defined him for the first time, is my Matter-Eater Lad.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 5, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 7

So far, only 4 out of 48 possibilites have gottern zero votes.

ELEMENT LAD: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?
Mon: Action, if only because it's hard to discern which Mon is which.

Tenzil: M-E is one of my faves and, though I love what others have done with him, in this instance, you can't beat the original. Action.

Element Lad: Hmmmm...Action. Didn't like the Progenitor stuff, and though I do like some of the characterization for Threeboot ("I like being naked,") it still doesn't beat classic Jan for me.
Ah, I've been waiting for this round. Wonder why? (See pic at upper left of this post...)

And yet.

I don't think any of the three choices here are all that great.

Threeboot Jan has been a *huge* disappointment to me. Really, he's been an example of taking just about everything that made the character distinct and individual and replacing it with... not much. Yeah, he likes to be naked. That's fun.

And Shooter and Manapul gave him a very idiosyncratic room... and a pet, no less! That's terrific- but it doesn't make up for his origin being stripped from him. Or for replacing his pseudo-scientific trappings with pseudo-mystical ones.

And for me, the Triplicate Girl romance is just one big misfire.

Still, threeboot Jan has got to be a better pick than reboot Element Lad. Not only was he burdened with the 'ditzy' behavior that made many fans hate him, he's got the Progenitor on his back.

I could still defend the ditziness, but I don't want to see Jan Progenitized once again.

Which is why I'm fairly concerned about how Johns will approach Element Lad. He's yet to be seen, or even mentioned, I believe, in the ACTION LSH stories. Who knows what view Johns has of the character? We know he's a fan of LEGION LOST. So, I'm worried about my favorite super-hero ever.

I hope that Johns will use Jan as a character with alot in common with Superman. That he'll keep the best of 'classic' Jan-- his humor used to deflect grief, his detective skills, his dedication to the LSH. I hope Johns will further adopt just a bit from reboot Jan-- his sensory experience of elements, with nonsequitors kept to a minimum. Heck, maybe Jan's *always* liked to be naked. We never- or rarely- saw his quarters in any of the other boots.

Let him have the pet, too.

So, I'm casting a worried vote for Action.
Got some catching up to do...

MON-EL: There's only one choice here for me. The one and only, original Mon. My favorite hero of all time. Threeboot has trivialized him thus far. Reboot M'Onel was okay but nothing compared to the original...Superboy's big brother, by accident and by choice.

MATTER-EATER LAD: This perhaps is one of the most varied depictions of a Legionnaire over the three versions. For me it's an easy choice. Action Tenz proved time and time again (much like Chuck) that you didn't need to have a super awesome power to be a valuable team member and a hero in your own right. One of my favorite stories is the Action back up in which we meet his family and discover that he comes from a poverty stricken and abusive family, and yet, he puts his life on the line every day to defend civilization.

ELEMENT LAD: Three for three! Yipee! Jan has never felt right to me in either the reboot or this current version. You can't take away the decimation of Trom and his sole survivor status and still claim he's the same Jan. The other two can't shine a candle to the original.

I'll go with Action Tenzil. I'll admit I never knew much about (or cared much about) the character till I joined Legion World. I mostly knew his Giffen-era appearances ("*Gasp!* He can eat anything!"), which were fun. Tenz's following here is so strong that I've developed a whole new appreciation for him. Action Tenz and make him a Legionnaire!

I'll also vote for Action Jan. I don't like what I know of what happened with him in the Reboot and his changing-things-he-touches-for-a-minute thing is quite possibly my least favorite part of the Threeboot.
No questions here: Classic E-Lad. His origins were unique, his characterization (especially after Levitz) was also unique. That's the one we love.
Element Lad - Action

People talk about Cos reverentially, but to me Jan is still the definitive Legion Leader. No question we go with Action Element Lad.

Like many reboot characters, I like Jan at first, but then when he went "New Age" he was awful, and I'm still angry about the Progenitor stuff.

Threeboot we just haven't seen enough of.
Mon-El - The Reboot "Wanderer" role works for me. It's always bothered me to have such a powerhouse on the team who could conceivably do the job of at least a dozen other Legionnaires. Best kept at a minimum.

Matter Eater Lad - 3boot. One would think that Johns would HAVE to use Tenzil's 5YL personality as opposed to his previous personality (whatever that was). But until that happens, I'll take lawyer Tenzil.

Element Lad - Action. My favorite leader ever- level-headed, inspiring, willing to do the ugly jobs. Nothing in the other two versions show any of this.
Element Lad - Abstain

He's joining Triplicate Girl and Shrinking Violet on my abstain list. This is really a very strong vote of "no confidence" in Geoff Johns. The original is my favorite of course -- before the Shvaughn romance, the commencement of the pseudo-spiritual drivel and the decision to give up his hard-earned leadership -- but I doubt GJ ever knew that character well or is motivated to dig so deep. His absence from the Johnsboot Legion is a bad sign -- not because I think he's dead or the Time Trapper -- because it says loud and clear that GJ has zero interest in the heroic version of the character.

The reconstituted pseudo-reboot E-Lad won't get my vote for reasons I need not explain.

Though the 3boot has shown a flash or two of promise, I doubt Shooter will ever explore him or his world. IIRC, he didn't pay a lot of attention to E-Lad in his Adventure or Superboy runs.
For Jan, the reboot is just no way to go. 3boot Jan looked nice in 43, and the naked thing is lotsa fun, but of them all he's had the least development. Even Nura post-death has had more exposure.

Even though he's a no-show for Johns' recent ACTION arc, there could be a perfectly innocent explanation. So I guess for Jan I'd have to go with CLASSIC/(Action by default).
Action Jan!
While I'm not sure how Geoff's version will be portrayed, I've gotta go with the version that he should approximate--not even close: Classic/Action Jan!
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 8

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 12, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

Will Jan be the first shut-out?

LIGHT LASS/LIGHTNING LASS/SPARK: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?
I liked the more centered Ayla that appeared in ACTION. But she was really almost like a new version of the character-- who'd been a bit of a downer during the time she dumped Brin.

She hadn't yet entered her lesbian phase. I'm not sure who this Ayla will really be.

One big thing in her favor-- the whole masquerading as her brother stunt would ostensibly be included in her history.

Reboot Ayla was cute as all get out-- tom-boy with super-powers. But she had that 'gravity powers make me woozy so I won't use them' silliness going on.

Threeboot has been a surprise. Flirty, doesn't like to sleep alone (Ok- she needs some therapy), fairly intelligent and sure of herself. Plus, have we ever seen the Light Lass set of powers used to such successful effect?

I choose Threeboot- though I want the Drag King bit restored to her history.
I liked the TMK Light Lass, but never cared about her before that. So, this time I go for 3boot, because I like what Shooter is turning her to be.
3boot Ayla. No contest.
Reboot Ayla. Mystery Lad said it best, "Tom-boy with superpowers" tongue
Hmmm... Can I vote for all three? smile
Action for me - Especially since this comes after she got her Lightning Powers back, stopped moping and showed some spunk.

I liked the reboot Spark well enough, but she wasn't Ayla.

And the less said about Threeboot, the better.
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I liked the TMK Light Lass, but never cared about her before that. So, this time I go for 3boot, because I like what Shooter is turning her to be.
Close to my view. I'd take 5YL Ayla if she were in the running. In her absence, I'd settle for either later version. I'll take threeboot.
Lightning Lass/Light Lass: ACTION
Reboot Ayla for me, please.
LIGHT LASS/LIGHTNING LASS: I really like all three versions about equally (reboot slightly less than the others two) but I'm really enjoying the unique uses Shooter is portraying for her anti-gravity powers so, if I can't have an amalgam of the three, I'll take 3boot Ayla.
toughie tween 80s/5YL and Reboot.

I'm going 50/50 on this one.
I'm taking Reboot Ayla as the pre-Crisis version seemed a little whiny and a drama queen. Spark was just so fun and perky! I think we saw more Moy Tongue with her than anybody else.

Threeboot Ayla...just not comfortable with her sleeping habits. I'm not condemning her, but it makes her seem like she's incomplete without a man.

Sparky all the way!!!
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 8

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 12, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

LIGHT LASS: Action- 2, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 5

Gaseous Lad, Kent Shakespeare-- a vote for half or third = no vote. In the earliest round or two, I counted fractions, but it became too unwieldly and looked silly, besides. You'll have to commit!

DREAM GIRL/DREAMER: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
This will probably be the hardest choice, for me. I've liked something about all the dream girls (though it took a little while to discover what for reboot Nura).

ACTION- Too many reasons to list, but I think the real reason I'd choose this version is because of that tantalizing mention of a connection to The Dreaming.

REBOOT- Khundish-trained with starfields that appear in her eyes when she gets a vision... most believable (to me) romance with Star Boy, budding friendship with Saturn Girl. There's a lot to like about this character. She also never had the somewhat haughty attitude that early Nura sometimes had. True, she began as a narcoleptic- but was a sweet character besides that.

THREEBOOT- Supremely confidant, Naltorian commando trained, playfully manipulative (twisted Brainy around her finger like an expert). Interesting visual, if one that's seldom been fully manifest.

I'm going with ACTION. I'm really curious about what the heck is going on with The Dreaming. She may not have Khundish or Naltorian commando training, but she's Karate Kid approved!
Action Legion, though 3boot is building up nicely these days.
Dream Girl: ACTION
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

Gaseous Lad, Kent Shakespeare-- a vote for half or third = no vote. In the earliest round or two, I counted fractions, but it became too unwieldly and looked silly, besides. You'll have to commit!

DREAM GIRL/DREAMER: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Ah, you make it so tough! smile

OK, I'll go with Reboot Ayla, mainly for the cuteness factor.

As for Dream Girl, I'll have to go with Reboot as well because of DnA. I thought the ditz-turned Khund strategist was interesting and a nice way to grow a what was an almost useless side character into a main player.
Dreamy's been portrayed well in all 3 Worlds, so it wasn't cut-and-dry for me. However, I've gotta go to the version who blossomed and flourished under Levitz (except for the Atmos thing). She's the blueprint for all the others.

ACTION Dreamy.
It was exactly the "Atmos thing" that decided me against that version of Nura. That being the case, I'll give the nod to the 3boot precog that was able to out manipulate Brainy.
Tenzil... I'll sign up for the sex-changing version (eventhough it was only a virus) so that's one for Action. Notch 1 for the cartoon version as well.

E Lad is tough. I liked 3boot, and appreciate the sacrifice he went through to be the progenator. Well, put me down for Reboot.

Dreamy - I didn't like the cartoon version... but found her interesting in 3-boot and reboot. Still, she was the anchor in Action and I liked how GJ wrote her, so I'll go with that.
Dream Girl's a tough choice. Action Dreamy was only interesting for a very brief period while she was leader. Her personality grated on me, but at least it was entertaining.

Reboot started out lame, but the Khund training (Legion Worlds had some great stories) made her much more of a threat to be dealt with.

3boot was the absolute best thing about this version until Waid stupidly killed her.

It's close, but I'm going with Reboot.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Gaseous Lad, Kent Shakespeare-- a vote for half or third = no vote. In the earliest round or two, I counted fractions, but it became too unwieldly and looked silly, besides. You'll have to commit!

DREAM GIRL/DREAMER: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
FINE. Be that way. frown

Two hard choices.

Nura: Reboot.
Action. Too many reasons to name: Confident Leader, deceptively smart, sexy and manipulative. Bring that Dreamy back.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 8

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 12, Reboot- 1, 3boot- 0

LIGHT LASS: Action- 3, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

DREAM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1
KARATE KID: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?
Can it be DEAD? That's how I like Karate Kid. If not, then 3boot. Or Countdown. Or whatever.
If it were up to Giffen, this vote would be for 'dead, deader, or deadest'.

Thankfully, it's not.

Action Val was resurrected from the dead through means yet unrevealed, only to be killed again in COUNTDOWN. Will that stand? Will the same version be re-resurrected?

We don't know. A vote for Action KK would be a vote for such a plot twist.

Reboot: We didn't get to know this version of Val all that well. He's the most calm and collected. And he can swat Daxamites from the sky. And hear heartbeats from five miles away. When the reboot ended, Val had struck up an interesting possible relationship with the Persuader's Daughter. I'd like to see that explored.

Threeboot: Dated Shadow Lass in the past. Has or had a crush on Phantom Girl. Recently spent the night with Light Lass (to glowing reviews). Trained Ultra Boy. More hotheaded than reboot, a focused leader. Currently disappeared in mysterious bubble with Triplicate Girl.

I'm going with Threeboot. More than any version, he's fulfilling the role I like best for Karate Kid. That of combat tutor for other Legionnaires. I liked his focus as leader of the most recent team mission, too. Though he gets points off for abandoning it, those points might be 'earned' back depending on the nature of his new mission.
I'm gonna go with Classic/Action because I loved his costume, his relationship with Jeckie, his noble spirit and his dramatic death. Wouldn't mind at all if he were not-dead again.
Yikes!! I am behind the votes!! okay time to catch up -

Element Lad - Reboot - I may be in the minority - because I was waiting for a long time that the writer to make him the most powerful member of the Legion ever! Finally DnA came on and made him the most powerful member as I have always believed and speculated that Element Lad would someday be like that. Although I was saddened by his turning into a villain and an exaggerated death (don't know if he will appear in L3W). Despite his early appearance as spacey guy...I am still voting for him.

Light Lass - Pulse, Spark, Gossamer, Lightning Lad, etc...geez she is the only one I know who has more code names than any heroes and villains together....perhaps that is why she is the most endearing Legion character than anyone - equally interesting in all three versions - spunky, smart, spiritual, savvy...she was at the best when she and Vi were together. I was so mad that Geoff Johns did not make her stay with Vi in Action series...instead of that, he put her back together with Timber Wolf! argh! meaning no gays in the Legion in the future? that's only thing I am very disappointed. Anyway, as for the voting, hmmm...I like 3boot the most. Tough call.

Dream Girl - again, similar to Ayla...alluring and smart. I like threeboot the best.

Karate Kid - Action or reboot...either holds an admiration from me...action KK had his own series which I liked. I vote.....Reboot.

now I am catching up! smile
KK: Reboot, if only to see him fight every prisoner on Planet Hell with Persuader's Daughter for a honeymoon trip laugh .

Another tough choice. All three versions bring something enjoyable to the table but if a choice must be made I will stick with the classic Action version of Val. Of course this means that he'll have to have been brought back from the dead twice! Or maybe he's been plucked from the clutches of death by time traveling teammates twice! laugh

Either way, the original Val is still the best in my book.
First Legionnaire to get his own comic outside of Superboy, maybe they could make him the 31st century RESURRECTION MAN that way Kieth Giffen can kill him as many times as he likes and Val just keeps on coming back, that way Kieth's happy and I'm happy because this version of Val Armorr is one of my favorite characters ever.
Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:
First Legionnaire to get his own comic outside of Superboy, maybe they could make him the 31st century RESURRECTION MAN that way Kieth Giffen can kill him as many times as he likes and Val just keeps on coming back, that way Kieth's happy and I'm happy because this version of Val Armorr is one of my favorite characters ever.
Hey, I can deal with that concept, especially if he comes back as a Panda and joins the Subs.
This round was easy.

Ayla - 3boot

Nura - 3boot

Karate Kid - 3boot

KK's a tough one. I love Action Val, and was upset they killed him (the first time), but I think that he ended up being a valuable "dead" member (just like IK). I'd vote for "Action" but i'm not sure if I want him Dead or alive.
Karate Kid - Action. And Dead.
Ayla: Threeboot. She's a whole lot of fun and says "toodles".

Nura: Threeboot also. The tension between her and Brainy was hilarious!

Val: Action. Val is probably my least favorite Legionnaire--though I don't have a Giffen-level hatred for him. wink So, if I have to pick, we'll go with the original.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 8

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 0

LIGHT LASS: Action- 3, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

KARATE KID: Action- 6, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

At this point, 13 Action Legionnaires, 5 Reboot Legionnaires and 2 Threeboot Legionnaires have been chosen.

I'm picking the Action version, though I'd prefer if she went by Princess Projectra rather than Sensor Girl, while keeping the latter identity's costume.

I like that in LIGHTNING SAGA, she used her full-scene illusory powers and hope that those are her central abilities, with *some* nods to the Sensor Girl abilities. Character-wise, I think Jeckie during the Sensor Girl years were her strongest and I'd expect that under Johns she'd reflect that.

Powers-wise, I think the way Shooter's been writing Jeckie is the best use of illusion-casting! Please continue in this vein, whichever character continues!
Projectra: If it has to be one, I'd say action. While I've heard a lot of derision thrown at "Sneckie", I actually like the character...but I count her as a seperate charcter, physically and personality wise. Action Projectra took several years to really blossom for me as a character, but her regal nature mixed with her remorse and natural leadership abilities mixes together for a fantastic read.
Action, if we are talking about Sensor Girl, no doubt about that. Levitz created the beast, so he deserves the credit! smile
But the princess is better now, in the 3boot.
These are kinda getting harder!

Ayla: While I like the Ayla that eventually was in TMK, I had to go through a lot about classic Ayla that I didn't like. Reboot Ayla was pretty level-headed. The latest issue of 3boot had a great scene showing the most powerful Ayla yet. I'm going to go with 3Boot Ayla, I think. 3BOOT.

Nura: Ms. Nal if you're nasty. Waid's 3boot version would have won the whole shebang if he hadn't sorta-killed her. As it is now, though, she hasn't had enough exposure. Reboot era trumps classic because her character, like Mystery Lad says, started off sweet and grew from there. Classic Nura was many many commendable things, but "sweet" was never one of them. REBOOT.


Jeckie: Jecks, how I love thee so. I too have to kind-of consider Snakejectra a separate character so can't even consider Reboot here. While I have grown fascinated by 3Boot Jecks, she simply doesn't have the time under her belt yet that Classic/ACTION Jecks does, a character I love all the way through her 5 years Later appearances by the Bierbaums. Classic/ACTION.
Karate Kid: Classic version. He's the one featured in the best stories and it is arguable that at one point he was the Legion's most important(and popular) member, and that can't really be said of any of the other versions. Close second is the Threeboot KK who probably has the best personality of all of them. Stay away from him Giffen.

Projectra: Threeboot Jeckie instantly became far and away my favorite incarnation of her when Shooter took over the book. The way Shooter uses her powers, the fact that she is now starting to show flaws, mainly spoiled from being a child of privilege her entire life, instead of being a perfect Princess. I don't have a doubt she's still going to wind up heroic when it is all said and done...she is Shooter's baby after all. For some reason while many have been saying Shooter has given her undesirable and unheroic traits...she's become a much more sympathetic and compelling character to me. In fact she might be my favorite 3 booter now.
Sensor Girl: Action. Although we'll have to see how she has to mourn Val for the second time.
PRINCESS PROJECTRA/SENSOR GIRL/SENSOR: I liked the snake. I really did but she wasn't the same character as Jeckie. Maybe not quite as distinct as Dawnstar & Shikari, but different none the less. I'm not enamored with the latest version of the spoiled petulant princess either. I have high hopes that Shooter will make it right but at the moment I can do without her. The classic/Action version is Jeckie at her best and so I'll stick with her.
Jeckie: In the immortal words of Cos: "Any gal that can throw the whole Legion into a panic gets my vote!" Action Jeckie it is.
Val: Reboot

Jeckie: Action
Jeckie - Action, easily. Hands down. In many occasions, nobody realized or even commneded how often she is valuable to the Legion when the Legion got into trouble. She was their protector as seen often in Adventure Comics and during the SW6 scenario when they were on the run from the Police, Bounty Hunters, etc. Even though she often considered herself as a weak member of the Legion, she's actually useful at most.

Action, indeed.
I'm really wondering how our next round is going to go, because I can see a few problems with different versions for our next contestant.... eek
Sensor Girl was one of the best female characters of all time, so it's a no-brainer that I'd take ACTION.
Action - For me the highlight of the "Lightning Saga" was when Jeckie had the entire JLA and JSA occupied fighting Computo while the Legion escaped. As Sensor Girl she had power over all five senses, not just making illusions. I like the way Shooter has portrayed the Princess and am looking forward to seeing her develop as a character, but I want to see Sensor Girl used as the powerhouse she really is.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-2

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 8

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 12

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 8

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 0

LIGHT LASS: Action- 3, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

KARATE KID: Action- 6, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 12, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 1

Originally posted by Not-So-Bad Lad:
I'm really wondering how our next round is going to go, because I can see a few problems with different versions for our next contestant.... eek
Why? Karate Kid's actually more problematic than Ferro Lad, who's next.

FERRO LAD/FERRO: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?
Action Ferro. He's canon and I never much cared for reboot's backstory.
A vote for Action Ferro Lad would be one for a resurrected Andy Nolan, theoretically using whatever resurrection technique was used to bring Karate Kid and one of Triplicate Girl's selves back to life.

Reboot would be for Ferro- the fashion-designing, insecure guy from the 21st century, who was beginning to show signs of the far more Ferro Lad-like daredeviltry before that boot's end.

A Threeboot vote would be for an as yet unseen, unwritten character that would be a blank slate.

I'm picking Reboot, with the hope that the legend of Action Ferro Lad remains-- giving the 'newer' character something to live up to.
Ferro Lad is SW6 for me, but in its place, Action.
For all I know, Reboot Ferro coming from the mainstream present of the DC Universe means that Reboot IS the most probable (or shall I say the real...) Legion EVAH. I'll get shot for this, heh. Rest assured, I just don't believe that.

Yes, it's a vote for Reboot. The SW6 was a pretty snazzy precursor too btw.

Next up... James Cullen (counting 5YL), and maybe the White Witch?
Just to catch up...

MATTER-EATER LAD: 3boot - Still pulled it off without the eating-matter ability "(Stupid!)"

ELEMENT LAD: Action - Can't resist.

LIGHT LASS: Action - and it's not about Vi. Any sibling that's able to stay out of her brother's shadow gets it. 3boot's respectable, but not for the right reasons.

DREAM GIRL: 3Boot - Can't resist.

KARATE KID: Which Val is Asian? Which Val is 'white'? Sorry that I'm not one of those people "who don't see colour"... but the 3Boot twist is probably one of the finer stunts of Waid's. 3Boot.
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Ferro Lad is SW6 for me, but in its place, Action.
I completely agree; SW6 very much defined the character for me. This is a tough decision for me, as Andy has always been one of my favorites. I know, given his few appearances, that the fact he's probably my favorite Legionnaire is bizzare; in my young halcyon days, when I was just indescriminatley buying comics, I thought he had a great visual, and picked up LSH v4 #5 and his appearance in Secret Origin. He's always had one of the best dynamics for me: surrounded by gorgeous teammates, hideously scarred, broken home, nigh-suicidal fighting tactics....

Sorry about that. Anyway, if we're banking on a ressurection, I'd say Action. I did like the Reboot Andy a whole lot, but I'd like to see Adventure Era Andrew out from beneath the doomed Shooter conception. Honestly, how much did he really get a chance to shine as a character?
About James Cullen-- two of the eras Action, Reboot or Threeboot should contain versions of the characters for a vote. Doesn't that make sense?

5YL and SW6 and Superboy's LSH, etc. aren't included. Snippets from Comic-con make it sound as if Perez will be drawing characters from these legions, but I get the impression it'll be in passing. It does give pause, though. I'd definitely pick 5YL Jo and SW6 Ferro, but I just don't think they're going to be in the 'pool'. If there is one.

Picking 'our' LSH from the same characters that DC and Johns will be picking their LSH is sort of the point of this survey. If that's the route that's ahead- we don't know yet. It could well be all versions merged into one, or all versions intact with anyone eligible to appear at any time.

There's a few more characters between Ferro Lad and White Witch. She didn't become a member till later, though she did appear before the next character in the comics as a guest star. That's why we haven't done a Lone Wolf/Timber Wolf vote yet.
Andrew: Action, easily. I liked the Reboot back-story concept, but Reboot Ferro would have worked if he outgrew his wimp mentality.

I favor seeing KQ1 in the survey, but disagree with your reasoning. I see this as a bit of fun, nothing more. I doubt we will see the "merged Legions" as some suggested, and will continue to doubt unless/until it becomes a reality. I sense a ploy to keep us guessing/misdirected.
But there aren't two James Cullens to pick from in the three categories! 5YL isn't included.

Of course it's just for fun. But it will give us a picture of what 20 or so fans imagine a LSH from the Legion of *Three* Worlds would look like if those fans chose it.
DREAM GIRL – 3boot
Re-corporealized, of course. Reboot Nura is a close second and a good substitute if 3boot doesn’t survive. Action Nura is just too old (imo) to get away with the scientific/kung fu Jayne Mansfield shtick –- time for her to retire.

KARATE KID – 3boot
The only version of Val I ever liked. A nice balance of belligerent and philosophical.

The DnA snake-girl (as long as he doesn’t turn back into a snake). Sorry, the human versions never interested me.

FERRO LAD - none
I don’t want any living FLs on the 3Team. Best scenario here is reboot Ferro sacrifices himself heroically in LO3W and Action FL remains a statue.
Val: Eventhough I didn't like the Adventure version of him much in Countdown, that's the version with the most exposure, so I vote for his costume.

Princess: Just to be evil, I vote Sneckie!

Ferro: SW6 or Cartoon would be my choices, but since those are not available... reboot, if only because he was the one that "grew up" over that series.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
A vote for Action Ferro Lad would be one for a resurrected Andy Nolan, theoretically using whatever resurrection technique was used to bring Karate Kid and one of Triplicate Girl's selves back to life.

Reboot would be for Ferro- the fashion-designing, insecure guy from the 21st century, who was beginning to show signs of the far more Ferro Lad-like daredeviltry before that boot's end.

A Threeboot vote would be for an as yet unseen, unwritten character that would be a blank slate.

I'm picking Reboot, with the hope that the legend of Action Ferro Lad remains-- giving the 'newer' character something to live up to.
With that, I rescind my vote for Action Ferro. I'm not generally for a "resurrected" anything but particularly not something that would take away from that most impressive storyline.

Not interested in the reboot version at all and a threeboot is just opportunity for some lamehead to screw it up again or to stretch it out with a bunch of false teasers, a writing technique that just seems cheap and lazy to me.

I vote for no Ferro whatsoever.
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
I vote for no Ferro whatsoever.
Seconded. Some characters deaths *mean something* and should stay, for dramatic reasons.

That doesn't mean that there can't be Ferro Lads in the other 51 universes, just that this one Ferro Lad's sacrifice vs. the Sun Eater was a formative event in Legion history, IMO, and I think it's more meaningful if he rests in peace.

I never 'felt' Invisible Lyle's death or the deaths of the various Lu-dupes, so those ressurections wouldn't feel as cheap to me.

Val, I'm on the fence. His death was huge, and bringing him back cheapens it. But, for some asinine reason, they brought him back in Action just to kill him again, cheapening both a far better storyline from before, and their own choice to ressurect him in the first place!
I can't _STAND_ reboot Ferro. He is like fingernails on the chalkboard to me. If I could, I'd vote negative for the reboot version.

Therefore my vote goes to Action.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
But there aren't two James Cullens to pick from in the three categories! 5YL isn't included.
That's an arbitrary determination.

In many cases, we have seen people vote "Action" based on Levitz, 5YL or other considerations. The "Action" choice clearly represents a form of Preboot LSH, whether or not such a character appeared in Action or not.

I guess it boils down to: are we looking ot be sticklers, or have fun? be exclusionary or inclusionary? I suggest the latter; open the gates wide.
I know I am in the minority here regarding my answer but I actually like the Threeboot Waid characters best. I think the stories were not necessarily the best after issue 11 but love the character design.

Threeboot Nura - was AWESOME in the beginning until they decided to make her incorporeal - BIG mistake

Threeboot Saturn Girl - love her and how she keeps pushing the envelope

Threeboot Jan - HOT HOT HOT

Threeboot Lightning Lad - HOT HOT HOT

Threeboot Phantom Girl - LOVE the costume!
FERRO LAD: Tough choice here because Andrew's death in the classic Adventure era was so powerful it almost seems not-right to undo it. But that would leave me with the reboot version who I must say is probably one of the reboot members I know least about.

What to do...what to do?

Guess I'll have to go with Action because that's Andrew to me.
Ferro Lad - cartoon! oh no? okay, Reboot then it is.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 3

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 5

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

FERRO LAD: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot-0, None-3

From the first post: "I use that threeboot desgination reluctantly, but I bow to the majority. 'Classic' here means as appearing in the ACTION updated LSH.

Which version of LSH characters would you want to read about most in future stories of the team? Let's also stipulate that the character would be as seen in the most recent appearance of the version chosen."

A separate poll featuring all the various versions including those that don't fall into the Legion of Three Worlds choices (choices made by DC, not by me) would be a great idea! Somebody can run with that...

SHADOW LASS/UMBRA: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?
I'm picking Umbra, the reboot Tasmia.
I really like both Reboot and 3boot....a true incarnation of what planetary champion should be. Action's Shady was so meek....never stood out as a planetary champion to me. I like the Reboot the best.
Action Shady never struck me as doing anything much but hanging around Mon-El. Reboot Shady I disliked greatly, but that's good; not everyone in the Legion needs to be sunshine and rainbows, and the acerbic Umbra was terse, but still well-meaning.

Reboot Shady
SHADOW LASS/UMBRA: As someone said above, classic Tas started out well but soon became lost in an orbit around Mon. Both reboot and 3boot Tas are strong, independent & powerful characters though reboot Tas seemed a bit too independent. It always seemed to me that she really didn't belong on a team, being more of a loner so I'll go with 3boot Tasmia.
I've decided to abstain on Ferro Lad.

For Shadow Lass, I vote Threeboot. I tend not to like warrior-types, but she's been handled very well. It makes her interesting.
Ferro Lad - Reboot all the way. I loved that guy and his new backstory.

Shadow Lass - Hated the Xenophobic rebooter, indifferent to Action really (though she was hot), so I'll go with the hedonistic 3booter.
I've not really seen the newest version but the first two were great. Both gave her great backstory but reboot gave her powers more worthy to me of a planetary champion even if the result was a crotch shield (we had a lot of fun with that one didn't we?).

Ferro Lad: SW6 version is the only version of a non-dead Andy that has worked. Therefore, I must vote ACTION/Classic, as SW6 is based there and SW6 is based on the original.

Shady: Wow, I adore her Cockrum and Grell version, but she kinda loses a lot of my interest once she survives the Science Asteroid. I'll go REBOOT with the notation that the "UMBRA" name was a big error, especially when you have examples (well, at least one that I recall) of her friends calling her "Shady" later on in the reboot.
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
I've not really seen the newest version but the first two were great. Both gave her great backstory but reboot gave her powers more worthy to me of a planetary champion even if the result was a crotch shield (we had a lot of fun with that one didn't we?).

A good point about the xenophobic nature but I saw that as the nature of her planet, a nature from which she was growing as she gained experiences with Legion. So with that in mind...

Drat! I hate it when I hit "quote" instead of edit. shocked
Projectra- 3boot

Ferro Lad- Action (dead, but replaced with Douglas "Ingot")

The Soul of Antares - However y'all want to designate him

Shady - I've enjoyed each version, even though they are all quite different. I vote for Reboot.

(I would have loved to have seen a Reboot or 3boot Nemesis Kid.)
I'm not sure I can choose between Shadies.

I'll reluctantly pick Threeboot... but I love em all.
Threeboot Shady gets my vote - looks good, tough, independent and emotionally well-balanced, has a good sense of her planetary responsibilities; none of Umbra's resentment and none of original Shady's swooning over Mon-el. I still think she should be Legion leader.
Umbra is a name for sport material. Another case of dumbing-down Legion (ergo, Reboot). That, the snake and the insect are so X-Men that it makes me sick.
And I remember Shady from Levitz as one of the top characters, so it's Action this time.
Ferro - none. The legend of his heroic death was one of the best things about the Legion.

Tasmia - reboot
Umbra for me. I never really got to know the original, and the threeboot version has been cast (for me) by the unfortunate "goggles" incident. wink
COSMIC BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 16, Reboot- 7, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 3, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-2, Reboot-16, 3boot-3,none-1

BRAINIAC 5: Action-8, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-18, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-11, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-15, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 9, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 12, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 6, Reboot-2, 3boot- 5, none-1

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

FERRO LAD: Action- 7, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-5

SHADOW LASS: Action- 2, Reboot- 10, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Chemical King would be resurrected using whatever mechanism that brought Karate Kid and at least one of Luornu's bodies back for LIGHTNING SAGA.

Reboot would be the reporter guy who looked too old for Lyle Norg and never demonstrated the CK powers.

Threeboot would be a new creation, presumably- though it *would* most likely be a recreation by the character's creator, Jim Shooter. Still, we have no indication that it's going to happen- just some fans' hopes. Unless there was a CK in one of the Hordes of Namelessness?

I vote for a potential threeboot CK, because Condo never really got a fair shot, frankly. I'm leary of more resurrected Legionnaires, the reporter guy was too nebulous and has that age thing to his disadvantage. I'd like to see what Shooter would do with a new CK- I'll bet he'd have a great grasp of his powers, a la Princess Projectra (whose power use has been one of the best things about his run).
Chemical King: The Secret Origins telling of the character is fantastic, and would make Action my choice...were any of those quirks and traits present in Condo whenever he made any appearances.

Condo to me always seem to be an underutilized powerhouse, with abilities at least on par with Jan or Drake. While I'm by no means the biggest fan of Threeboot, I think a 3boot Condo could potentially have a chance to shine both as a hero and as a powerhouse.

CK *definitely* gets a listing without question but KQ1 doesn't? I'm at a loss on that.

I also note that you have added a "none" category for Ferro Lad. I didn't realize that was an option. I'd like my Action vote shifted to None, as I agree an Action FL should stay dead.

Until the CK/KQ1 anomaly is clarified, I do not believe I shall participate further. If the point of this is for the fun of it, it should not be excluding some while including others; it should be cast as wide open as possible to encourage participation. If it is only to promote arbitrary orthodoxies, it seems pointless.
Remember, this was an exercise with parameters. It does exclude some characters, because DC did. Call that 'arbitrary' if you wish. It certainly wasn't because I'm only choosing from my own personal favorites. There'd definitely be 5YL and SW6 characters in there if I was choosing my own 'chosen circle'.

The choices come from the pool of characters that will be in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS as was described in publicity pre-ComicCon. That is the ACTION LSH as seen in ACTION comics; Reboot, as seen most recently in INFINITE CRISIS (and cover art for the upcoming mini) and the current Threeboot. Chemical King gets the same 'back from the dead' card that applies to Karate Kid and Luornu (which we saw in the book), and Invisible Kid and Ferro Lad, which would be an extrapolation.

Now, Chemical King *does* have this against him; his statue wasn't shown in the Fortress of Solitude in the LIGHTNING SAGA. I think that was more of an editorial mistake than a purposeful omission, but I could be wrong.

At comic-con, it was mentioned that George Perez will be drawing 'every Legionnaire ever', which *does* change things. So, a version 2 of this could well be in order.

Andromeda/Laurel Gand definitely wasn't shown or mentioned in the ACTION LSH, so taking a cue from that I omitted Kid Quantum I. The absence of either of these two characters tells us much more than the lack of a CK statue, I think, as they are much more continuity-specific. The LSH that appears in ACTION seems divergent from the one that became 5YL (at least until Mon-el decked Time Trapper, but that's another discussion smile ).

I honestly don't see how Kid Q could be included with the ACTION LSH, and there wasn't a threeboot character. I chose to include characters that had versions in at least two of the three 3 WORLD Legions. Again, I view CK as an editorial mistake rather than a purposeful omission, which I view the lack of Andromeda and KQ to be.

So this means there won't be votes for Dawnstar, Blok, Tellus or Quislet either.

I hope you do decide to continue to participate, Kent Shakespeare. If not, maybe a second version of this kind of vote will be more to your liking.
In my opinion, a vote for an ACTION version of a dead character wouldn't necessarily be a vote for that character to be resurrected. You would certainly be voting for that character as your favorite, but it could also show respect for the deceased character and having that version in L3W be acknowledged but not brought back.

Does that make any sense? Does this p.o.v. really violate the spirit of the thread? When I voted for Val Armorr, for example, I voted for the version I considered dead as my favorite of the three, but I didn't consider it a vote for resurrection exactly.
No vote on CK. I'm not so sure if Condo as reporter guy would be worth it, and a dead Condo is a wee bit useless as well.
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
In my opinion, a vote for an ACTION version of a dead character wouldn't necessarily be a vote for that character to be resurrected.
The 'none' vote would fit this criteria best, I think. I only used that for Ferro Lad because that was the only character for whom I noticed it coming up.

If anyone wants to change votes for Invisible Kid or Karate Kid to 'none', they can.

Otherwise, I'm thinking a vote for 'Action' for a character killed before Baxter #18, apparently the point of divergence, is a vote for a potential resurrection. It's still a mystery just how Karate Kid and Luornu ended up back from the dead in LIGHTNING SAGA, so this is problematic.

signed "The Arbitrary Orthodoxy"
In that case, change my Lyle and Val votes to "none", as I would take the Action versions but keep them dead.

Same applies to Condo.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I vote for a potential threeboot CK, because Condo never really got a fair shot, frankly. I'm leary of more resurrected Legionnaires, the reporter guy was too nebulous and has that age thing to his disadvantage. I'd like to see what Shooter would do with a new CK- I'll bet he'd have a great grasp of his powers, a la Princess Projectra (whose power use has been one of the best things about his run).
Well said.

Chemical King - 3boot

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I honestly don't see how Kid Q could be included with the ACTION LSH, and there wasn't a threeboot character. I chose to include characters that had versions in at least two of the three 3 WORLD Legions. Again, I view CK as an editorial mistake rather than a purposeful omission, which I view the lack of Andromeda and KQ to be.

So this means there won't be votes for Dawnstar, Blok, Tellus or Quislet either.
IIRC, the "Soul of Antares" was mentioned in the preboot. If so, then I think this qualifies KQ1.
But I could be wrong...

Just for fun we might want to choose between Supergirl/Laurel Kent/Laurel Gand...Dawnstar and Shikari Lonestar...Blok and Montress. Just thought this might be amusing and encourage some lively comparisons.

Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
CK *definitely* gets a listing without question but KQ1 doesn't? I'm at a loss on that.

I also note that you have added a "none" category for Ferro Lad. I didn't realize that was an option. I'd like my Action vote shifted to None, as I agree an Action FL should stay dead.

Until the CK/KQ1 anomaly is clarified, I do not believe I shall participate further. If the point of this is for the fun of it, it should not be excluding some while including others; it should be cast as wide open as possible to encourage participation. If it is only to promote arbitrary orthodoxies, it seems pointless.
I recognise that people like the 5YG crew, but they were specifically excluded from this at the outset as they are not one of the "Three Worlds". While the actual issues could be questioned, it's obvious the ACTION Legion includes most continuity up until somewhere in v.3. Everything after that is excluded (including KQ1 and Laurel Gand).

That means there's only one version of KQ1 on the table, the reboot guy.

Cono on the other hand has two options, the original and the Reporter from Reboot. I don't necessarily agree that the threeboot should be an option, just like it shouldn't have been for Bouncing Boy, but there are at least two to choose from.
Originally posted by KryptonKid:
IIRC, the "Soul of Antares" was mentioned in the preboot. If so, then I think this qualifies KQ1.
But I could be wrong...
Really? Published before the Baxter edition #18 (the apparent point of demarcation from which the ACTION LSH differs from anything we've read before)?

Originally posted by KryptonKid:

Just for fun we might want to choose between Supergirl/Laurel Kent/Laurel Gand...Dawnstar and Shikari Lonestar...Blok and Montress. Just thought this might be amusing and encourage some lively comparisons.
Sounds like another thread idea to me-- though when this initial round is done, folk can continue on as they want. (I'm thinking 5-7 more characters at most).
put me down for ALL Classic but leave the dead ones dead.

Having said that the 3boot Tinya is probably the most babe-ilicious Legionnaire ever but I still can't vote for a 3boot.
I'll pass on this one: I don't feel like I can compare characters that potentially exist to a dead one.
Chemical King: ACTION

looks like it comes to an end? What about Substitute Heroes?
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Remember, this was an exercise with parameters. It does exclude some characters, because DC did. Call that 'arbitrary' if you wish. It certainly wasn't because I'm only choosing from my own personal favorites. There'd definitely be 5YL and SW6 characters in there if I was choosing my own 'chosen circle'.

The choices come from the pool of characters that will be in LEGION OF THREE WORLDS as was described in publicity pre-ComicCon. That is the ACTION LSH as seen in ACTION comics; Reboot, as seen most recently in INFINITE CRISIS (and cover art for the upcoming mini) and the current Threeboot. Chemical King gets the same 'back from the dead' card that applies to Karate Kid and Luornu (which we saw in the book), and Invisible Kid and Ferro Lad, which would be an extrapolation.

Now, Chemical King *does* have this against him; his statue wasn't shown in the Fortress of Solitude in the LIGHTNING SAGA. I think that was more of an editorial mistake than a purposeful omission, but I could be wrong.

At comic-con, it was mentioned that George Perez will be drawing 'every Legionnaire ever', which *does* change things. So, a version 2 of this could well be in order.

Andromeda/Laurel Gand definitely wasn't shown or mentioned in the ACTION LSH, so taking a cue from that I omitted Kid Quantum I. The absence of either of these two characters tells us much more than the lack of a CK statue, I think, as they are much more continuity-specific. The LSH that appears in ACTION seems divergent from the one that became 5YL (at least until Mon-el decked Time Trapper, but that's another discussion smile ).

I honestly don't see how Kid Q could be included with the ACTION LSH, and there wasn't a threeboot character. I chose to include characters that had versions in at least two of the three 3 WORLD Legions. Again, I view CK as an editorial mistake rather than a purposeful omission, which I view the lack of Andromeda and KQ to be.

So this means there won't be votes for Dawnstar, Blok, Tellus or Quislet either.

I hope you do decide to continue to participate, Kent Shakespeare. If not, maybe a second version of this kind of vote will be more to your liking.
As plenty of people have pointed out, while Action resembles Levitz, there are differences. As KQ1 was intro'd to have been retro'd to have joined around the same time as Star Boy, there's more than enough leeway.

Also, since Action presumably does not contain Supergirl, KQ1 is the natural successor to have been UNknown Lad, who defended Antares II and the Protys back in Adventure.

Unless you have DC's master list of who is or isn't in the Action Legion, it makes more sense to me to be INclusive rather than EXclusive.
that goes for Laurel, too. Even though not shown, she still fits in a Supergirl-less LSH.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 8, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 17, Reboot- 7, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 4, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-2, Reboot-16, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-9, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-19, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-12, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-16, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 10, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 5, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 6, Reboot-2, 3boot- 5, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

FERRO LAD: Action- 7, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 3, Reboot- 10, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 2,Reboot- 0,3boot- 3, none-3

Based on the Soul of Antares mention, I'll go ahead and allow a Kid Quantum round. Combined with Timber Wolf.

Soul of Antares/Kid Quantum: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

Timber Wolf/Lone Wolf: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
I'm voting 'none' for Kid Quantum, 'cause I'd pick *him* as the 'dead-Legionnaire-for-a-bigger-reason' slot. I liked that his reliance on his belt to control his powers contributed to his death and caused the LSH to disallow gadget-based powers as a means to join.

I guess a vote for Soul of Antares is a vote for someone just like the James Cullen of the 5YL LSH.

A threeboot vote would be for an unseen character presumably created by Jim Shooter.

Action Timber Wolf is as seen in LIGHTNING SAGA and ACTION. He's involved with Ayla still or again. I don't remember much else about him off the top of my head.

Reboot Timber Wolf was more physically feral with a mysterious background that included membership in a gang on Rimbor. He had a thing for Apparition and was protective of her son.

Threeboot Timber Wolf is involved with Princess Projectra, has recently become much more belligerent and downright unpleasant (he needs his nose rubbed in some doo-doo) and has quickly sunk to one of my least favorite characters.

I'm voting ACTION for Brin.
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
put me down for ALL Classic but leave the dead ones dead.

Having said that the 3boot Tinya is probably the most babe-ilicious Legionnaire ever but I still can't vote for a 3boot.
I've added a vote for the ACTION Legionnaires voted for thus far (with 'none' for dead ones), but don't consider this a vote for characters in future rounds. You'll have to return and vote for each character going forward.
Timber Wolf/Lone Wolf: Action

Soul of Antares/Kid Quantum: None
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
that goes for Laurel, too. Even though not shown, she still fits in a Supergirl-less LSH.
I don't agree. But I'll see what other people think.

SIDEBAR: Should Laurel be counted as an ACTION nominee?
KQ: None
TW: Reboot
Laurel Sidebar: Yes
KQ: Reboot
TW: reboot (hey, I like the Cartoon better but had to vote reboot or 3boot so I chose reboot.)

Laurel/supergirl: ?? go ahead!
Kid Quantum = None
Timber Wolf = Action
Laurel Gand = I like her...but none if those are the choices. If she turns out to actgually be in the Action Legion I will probably reconsider. I'm hoping both she and Supergirl will wind up in it. But to me Laurel Gand is a 5YG/reboot character for now...and I don't consider the 5YG as the original or the Action Legion.
Maybe you should just make 5YG an option? In Laurel's case?

I know it's called Legion of Three Worlds but I have heard the 5YG Legion might be in it....seems like a lot of confusion is because that one isn't an option. If it's not considered part of the Action(and it's divergent now no matter what) then it should get it's own designation, because it was a published era of the Legion, just like the classic, the reboot and the 3boot, and it was acutally around for longer than the W&K has been around.
CHEMICAL KING: If you can give me the Condo that appeared in the Legion of Super Villains Academy two parter or in the Egghead issue I'd be in heaven. These two appearances portray Condo as a fun, outgoing, likable powerhouse able to increase his metabolism and become a powerhouse for short periods of time. I believe these were his first two major appearances and when he became an instant favorite of mine. Unfortunately, he soon got lost in the background because none of the later creators really knew what his powers really were nor how they differed from Jan's. Finally, years later, he was brought back & featured prominently one last time to fulfill his "Adult Legion" destiny and die saving the world from a war.

I'm vehemently opposed to bringing him back as the reboot reporter but wouldn't mind terribly if we got a threeboot version that turned him into the powerhouse he really should have been.

Because he was so poorly written in later appearances I really would prefer a fresh start in a threeboot version but simply can't vote against the original and poorly treated Condo.

Action Chemical King for me.

To answer Not-So-Bad Lad's question. No, Condo's personality traits and quirks as depicted in the Secret Origin issue were new. Although I believe it's one of the best and most powerful depictions of Condo ever, it truly was a reimagining of the character to reconcile his final appearance, in which he is shown to be insecure and questioning of his role and legitimacy as a Legionnaire. In fact, that Secret Origin issue is really the first time where any sort of friendship (beyond teammates) between Condo and Lyle is portrayed if memory serves.

TIMBER WOLF: Did not care for the reboot version feralized look nor the revision making him from Rimbor and taking away his Zuunian origin. I have enjoyed the threeboot version early on but don't care for the sudden change brought about in which he has also become half wolf (Thanks to Brainy!)

So it's Action Legion for Brin as well.

KID QUANTUM1: Sorry, I don't see him as part of the classic/Action Legion. His retroactive shoehorning into early continuity really grates on me. IMO, the story should have been that he had left home to try out for the Legion. Instead of reaching Earth, he had been sidetracked by the Antareans, eventually becoming their protector. He could then have given up his life while teaming with the Legion to save the Antareans and been given posthumous membership for his heroism. That's a story I could buy into.

So I vote KQ1 - none (or maybe threeboot at best)

LAUREL GAND/ANDROMEDA: Talk about a reboot of a reboot of a reboot mess! Poor Laurel never really got a chance to shine in her own light, being seen by so many as a cheap replacement for Kara after the "No Supers" era began. Then we were given the xenophobic turned nun disaster! Oy!

I really like the concept of a descendant Mon joining the Legion alongside him, giving him a familial connection after a thousand years of lonesome existence in the Phantom Zone. Mon would be in perfect "big brother" mode with her there (as he used to be with Kal) and she could open his eyes and those of others about just how competent a female powerhouse can be. Plus I'd love to see Jo try to put the moves on her!

I vote threeboot because the potential is greater than the past in this case in particular
TW - Action

KQ1 - none

Laurel Gand - I could live with a reboot survivor
I've added a vote for the ACTION Legionnaires voted for thus far (with 'none' for dead ones), but don't consider this a vote for characters in future rounds. You'll have to return and vote for each character going forward.
Thanks ML
So Reboot had two versions of KQ. I vote for the Jazmin Cullen version, as she had a good deal of character development and I actually found her interesting during the DnA run.
-- Umbra (reboot)

-- 3boot new one

-- reboot TW only because he’s the closest match to ‘Toon Brin, the only version I ever liked.

-- N/A (none)

-- N/A (none)

The last two characters should not be eligible for this game based on GJ’s statement that he’s bypassed the 5YLL ***, leaving only one version of each character (reboot) for consideration as members of the “Three”. That the 5YLL will “probably” appear in LO3W *because* Perez wants a shot at drawing every Legionnaire who ever existed in any reality does not imply that GJ has substantive plans for them (no more than, say, Superboy’s Legion, the Arthurian Legion, the Toon Legion or any other non-Three version that has been excluded from this game for perfectly legitimate reasons).

*** Geoff Johns, Word Balloon interview, 11/14/07
“We’ve kind of bypassed the Five Years Later run, and to look at this crew back before Superboy was taken away from its history, basically”
Please guys and gals- this round doesn't contain a vote for *which* version of Laurel to choose-- it's whether or not to have a Laurel Gand vote at all!

If yes, she'll share a round with Wildfire next round.
Brin: Reboot, despite being too Wolverine-y sometimes.

KQ: Is Jasmine included, then her. If not, then early-but-faked-dead-for-a-larger-reason preboot/Action.

and yes, I favor including Laurel. I don't see us as trying to guess Johns' plans, as he may change his mind, or others may pick up the baton afterward. I see the Action Legion as a revival/revisioning of Preboot, with modifications, and anything within reason is fair game unless specifically ruled out. This should not be a vehicle for certain orthodoxies to hold sway when other interpretations at this point are just as valid.

Otherwise, the case is just as valid for excluding Condo, as his Reboot variant had no real Legion connection at all, and with Condo missing from Kal's statue collection it's just as arguable there is no actual Action CK.

I am not making that argument even though the end result of that poll is a foregone conclusion. I am merely suggesting people do not be so dismissive on subjects ill-defined at present.
If you've voted for a reboot KQ thinking it was for Jazmin, please revote. She's *not* among the choices, nor will she be.
okay, then preboot James-in-hiding.
Will we get to vote for Jazmin? Besides SW6, does she appear elsewhere preboot?
Jazmin didn't appear in the SW6, did she? Are you thinking of Danielle/Computo?

To my knowledge, she didn't appear in any other version of the LSH than the Reboot one ever.
I'm not pushing the point at all, but just for the sake of debate... if Reboot Condo counts, then the Reboot Legionnaires who appeared as civilians during the Time Trapper's reality-warping that briefly restored the Preboot Legion during Reboot could count as Preboot non-legionnaire versions of themselves.
Soul of Antares/Kid Quantum: Action

T-Wolf: Action

Laurel Sidebar: Yes
Timber Wolf: Reboot

Kid Q: None

Laurel: No
Then I won't vote for KQ, as I'm not a James Cullen fan in any incarnation.

I will vote for Reboot Andromeda
COSMIC BOY: Action- 8, Reboot- 14, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 17, Reboot- 7, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 4, Reboot- 16, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-2, Reboot-16, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-9, Reboot-17, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-19, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 12, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 5

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-12, Reboot- 7, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-16, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 10, Reboot-11, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 5, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 8

DREAM GIRL: Action- 7, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 6, Reboot-2, 3boot- 5, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 12, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

FERRO LAD: Action- 7, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 3, Reboot- 11, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 3,Reboot- 0,3boot- 4, none-3

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 6, Reboot- 5 or 3boot- 0

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-9

SIDEBAR: Should Laurel Gand get a voting round?
Yes: 8, No: 4
I counted premature votes cast for Laurel as 'yes'.

WILDFIRE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

LAUREL GAND: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Wildfire has that weird Drake-in-Red Tornado's-body thing going on, and the unending drama of his relationship continues after all the years off.

Reboot Wildfire has the clunkiest of clunky origins.

Threeboot Wildfire has some intrigue about his origin and has a rocky relationship with the LSH. I'd like to see more about him and what the back story is.

But not at the expense of Action WF, who was a very welcome presence in the LIGHTNING SAGA.

I guess Action Laurel would be created from scratch by Geoff Johns.

Reboot Laurel was still a nun at the time that boot ended, wasn't she? Wait- she appeared out of nowhere at the very end, didn't she? In costume? We need to know what she'd been up to before that. There was also the 'guardian of the timestream' stuff to deal with. Or ignore, like everyone else.

Threeboot would a new character, presumably created by Jim Shooter.

I'm voting none.
Oh, and all of you that think you voted for Laurel already? You'll have to re-enter your vote now.
Wildfire: If we are getting Dawnstar later on, then I vote for action. Otherwise I vote for Reboot.

Laurel: Reboot, because she has a story that is unfinished and I'd like to see it finished.
I waited years to see one of my favorite characters return,and when he did they messed up his origin twice,once in the reboot,with that suit of armor they put him/them in that made my eyes bleed,and then in the JLA/JSA crossover with the Red Tornado crap,hopefully that was Metzler's idea and not John's and will be soon forgotten,as it was not mentioned in the Action story.
Wildfire/Erg 1: Action/Original all the way

Wildfire: Action, at best.

Laurel Gand: 2boot.
WILDFIRE: There's nothing like the original. Action Wildfire for me

LAUREL GAND/ANDROMEDA: Talk about a reboot of a reboot of a reboot mess! Poor Laurel never really got a chance to shine in her own light, being seen by so many as a cheap replacement for Kara after the "No Supers" era began. Then we were given the xenophobic turned nun disaster! Oy!

I really like the concept of a descendant Mon joining the Legion alongside him, giving him a familial connection after a thousand years of lonesome existence in the Phantom Zone. Mon would be in perfect "big brother" mode with her there (as he used to be with Kal) and she could open his eyes and those of others about just how competent a female powerhouse can be. Plus I'd love to see Jo try to put the moves on her!

I vote threeboot because the potential is greater than the past in this case in particular
I've got some catching up to do:

Condo: A brand-new Threeboot Condo might bring out all the potential previous versions have lost.

Brin: Action, but I'd like for him to look human, preferably in the costume with the plunging neckline, so we could see his fuzzy pecs! drool

Kid Quantum: None, I guess. I mostly only know him as the git who got himself killed early on in the Reboot--and I only know that from a trade read years later.

Drake: Not a favorite, but we'll go with Action here.

Laurel: To me Laurel is a more interesting character than Supergirl (not as interesting as Power Girl, though). A Threeboot Laurel would be an neat concept, so I'll say that.
Action Wildfire - I agree with your analysis of the origins, BB. But I also just like the Action version of the character better.

Reboot Laurel - the only one that was her own self the entire run. And I enjoyed her character development, too. It was a good story of redemption, even if she ended up involved in that ridiculous anomaly storyline.
Oh, crap - I forgot to vote for TimberWolf -

Threeboot for me.
Tyroc, Dawnstar, Blok, Tellus, Quislet, Magnetic Kid, XS, Kinetix, Gates, Monstress, Shikari and Kid Quantum II are all characters that don't have variations in the other 3 Worlds (Action, Reboot, Threeboot). So, there's no need to vote to choose a *version* of the character.

That *doesn't* mean that these characters are excluded from membership in the prospective members-from-3-worlds LSH. That's not the aim of this survey.

What do you think of the fact that there are *no* unique threeboot Legionnaires (unless Giselle joins)?

5YL presents a challenge, as we've discovered. The uniques from that version of the LSH-- Devlin, Celeste, that speedster girl from Legion on the Run (Rush?), Computo and Catspaw potentially are in the same pool as the list at the beginning of this thread.

That leaves Kent Shakespeare, Kono and Dragonmage. Since I included KQI and Laurel, I don't see how I can exclude them. (Though Kent's and Kono's reboot variations are even more minor than Condo's.)

As for the SUBS-- Night Girl's an official member as of ACTION. She has a what?- 2 panel reboot counterpart? And the *promise* of a threeboot one. I'm inclined to include her.

I *don't* count those kids dressed in SUBs costumes during the reboot Legionnaires' origins mini-series. It's fun to imagine that the SUBS encounted Time Trapper and got toddlerized, but- no.

Polar Boy qualifies.

Infectious Lass, Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy have direct variations, so I can see a round for them.

Fire Lad and Color Kid only appeared on the tryout issue cover and have no threeboot appearances. I'm not inclined to remove them from the pool of 'uniques'.

Rainbow Girl, Porcupine Pete, Myg and Comet Queen join them there.
If Magnetic Kid is Pol, he shared the spotlight with his brother in an entire issue of the reboot. I think he should be included.

Didn't Blok had a counterpart (if memory serves me right, its a sex-changed counterpart?) in the reboot. It was the 4 elemental storyline.

What was the reasoning for omitting the White Witch again?

I'm totally in agreement regarding Kent, Kono, Dragonmage, Night Girl, Polar Boy, Infectious Lass, Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy. I think they should all be put on this list. Don't forget to add IK2 to that list as well.

Did Nightwind appear before the 5YG? I know she joined during the 5YG. She has a late reboot counterpart in their version of the subs.

How are we treating Spider Girl? She joined the Legion after the 5YG.

Insect Queen was a preboot honourary member with a reboot counterpart. Will she be in this? How about Atmos?

Does Arms-fall-off-boy/Splitter get a vote too? He'd be fun-ny to vote for eventhough he's not part of the Legion.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

That leaves Kent Shakespeare, Kono and Dragonmage. Since I included KQI and Laurel, I don't see how I can exclude them. (Though Kent's and Kono's reboot variations are even more minor than Condo's.)

Isn't there a reboot Dragonmage? Or am I thinking of something different?
yes, Reboot Dragonmage appeared during the Mordru/elementals story, as I recall.

White Witch/Mysa has variants in all 3 timelines.

A Reboot Blok appeared in JSA 51, a one-panel deal.

There were Reboot Brek (at least 2 of them, actually), Lydda (more than 2 panels, a couple issues), Jacques, Drura, Nightwind, Rond, Shvaugn, Sussa, Kent and a few others, as I recall. And even not counting Connor, young Clark Kent did appear in Reboot during the Darkseid bit.
Wildfire: Reboot (DnA), a neat take on an old classic, and a good salvage of a bad origin

Laurel: while I like the idea of finishing Reboot LG's story, I must vote Action. "Flying Buttress!" as we learned at Sandy Eggo.
Originally posted by Novelty:
If Magnetic Kid is Pol, he shared the spotlight with his brother in an entire issue of the reboot. I think he should be included.
Hmmm. If #18 of the Baxter run is the point of 'departure', then MK, along with Tellus and Quislet, should've had statues in the Fortress- though it's likely that Superman many not have ever met them. Which wouldn't explain a Sensor Girl statue, rather than a Princess Projectra one...

Probable Legionnaire v. little brother v. dinner guest.

I guess you're right.

Originally posted by Novelty:

Didn't Blok had a counterpart (if memory serves me right, its a sex-changed counterpart?) in the reboot. It was the 4 elemental storyline.
There was a Dryad who appeared in that story, but she was never called Blok and nothing about her made it seem that she was meant to be an alternate version of him.

Originally posted by Novelty:

What was the reasoning for omitting the White Witch again?
Who said I'm omitting her?

Originally posted by Novelty:

I'm totally in agreement regarding Kent, Kono, Dragonmage, Night Girl, Polar Boy, Infectious Lass, Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy. I think they should all be put on this list. Don't forget to add IK2 to that list as well.
Again, who said I was omitting him?

Originally posted by Novelty:

Did Nightwind appear before the 5YG? I know she joined during the 5YG. She has a late reboot counterpart in their version of the subs.
I'd like to see how a Nightwind vote goes- maybe as a SIDEBAR? And she was a cadet, not a Sub.

Originally posted by Novelty:

How are we treating Spider Girl? She joined the Legion after the 5YG.
That would be villainess v. Workforcer v. ??? Again, another sidebar?

Originally posted by Novelty:

Insect Queen was a preboot honourary member with a reboot counterpart. Will she be in this? How about Atmos?
The only Lana Lang possible would be the one currently appearing in SUPERMAN, etc. Her career as Insect Queen hasn't been restored (which leaves a couple of holes in things, doesn't it?).

I loved L'onna, but I'm afraid she'd have to be in the unique pool at this stage.

Oh, wait- you wouldn't want to include the now-dead alien insect-woman that had Lana's genetic imprint from a few months ago, would you? I don't think that's much of a version of the character. It's possible Lana will exhibit some IQ powers down the line due to exposure to the aliens.

As for Atmos- ugh do I hate this guy. Well, at least the original.


Originally posted by Novelty:

Does Arms-fall-off-boy/Splitter get a vote too? He'd be fun-ny to vote for eventhough he's not part of the Legion.
Uh- we'll see.
Oooh, I forgot Inferno who has reboot and 3boot version. Whether she joined up during "Team 20" is questionable, but I presume the 20th century version is still hanging around present day DCU.
Huh. That'd make her the only reboot to threeboot with no classic/Action counterpart (unless you reaaaalllly stretch it and call her a 'Beauty Blaze' variation, which probably isn't a good idea...).

My problem with this one is that they aren't demonstrably the same character. I mean, we don't know that threeboot Inferno is Sandy, do we? Is it wise to assume that 3boot Inferno is Sandy?

If not, I'm not inclined to include her.
I think we scared everyone away. It's up to you whether to add Inferno or not. I know I would just for the fun of it. Perhaps that should be another sidebar?
The reboot had many aspects with great potential that were sumarily dropped. Of course, there were even more bad ideas that were gratefully dropped. The duality of Wildfire (and Apparition, Jarth, and others) wasn't explored to its potential. For that reason alone I vote for the reboot Wildfire.

Andromeda could have been a great character, but TPTB got bored with her after the White Triangle storyline when her xenophobia was no longer relevant. The space-nun was such an embarassment! The fact that she seemed to be redeemed off-panel at the end of the reboot makes me tempted to vote for her just to get that back story. However, I would love to see what Shooter would do with her. I vote 3boot.
I would love to see variants of XS and Tyroc, but alas, no.

I don't remember seeing Kent Shakespeare in the reboot, but I think Kono & Dragonmage should count...At least I'd like to see how that vote went.

Dawnstar, Blok, Tellus, Quislet, Magnetic Kid, Kinetix, Gates, Monstress, Shikari and Kid Quantum II, Nightwind, Lamprey - no

That God-awful miscreant Thunder...Hell, no.
COSMIC BOY: Reboot for me. Loved his pep talks. He really had an impact on the team.

SATURN GIRL: Still going for reboot, because I sympathized with her weaknesses. But CLASSIC Imra is the one I'd want backing me up if I were a Legionnaire. Lots more stable.


Loved how he grew up in Legion Lost smile

PHANTOM GIRL: Monotonous me. Reboot. Tinya's mom troubles were, again, something I could sympathize with.

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Reboot tongue

COLOSSAL BOY: Never really cared about this guy that much. He'd be easy for me to drop if we had to stick to 25. As it is, Reboot was most interesting for me.

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: definitely Reboot. Spy Lyle all the way.

BRAINIAC 5: Also Reboot. Snarky Brainy was a hoot.

ULTRA BOY: Classic. 5YL to be precise.

STAR BOY: 3boot, actually. Seems to have the most personality to me.

SHRINKING VIOLET: Still Reboot. Classic Vi never really grabbed me.

SUN BOY: Action of course, but I'd also drop him if we had to stick to 25.

BOUNCING BOY: I like Reboot Chuck's earnestness, but give him the bouncing power!!! So a powered up reboot Chuck gets my vote.

MON-EL: Classic, but 5YL. Not the Mon that kept going nuts.

MATTER-EATER LAD: Definitely Classic.


LIGHT LASS: 3boot.

DREAM GIRL: um... tough choice. Reboot Dreamer wasn't as interesting, although I love the power tweaks. Give Reboot Nura's powers to Classic Nura! So... still Classic.

KARATE KID: Hm... Reboot's zen-ness was fun but could get kind of boring I guess. But still reboot tongue I'd actually rank 3boot next. Then Classic.

SENSOR GIRL: While Classic Jeckie was amazing as a Legionnaire, I find the 3boot version more compelling. 3boot.

FERRO LAD: course Action... but I'd drop him if we only had 25.

SHADOW LASS: Reboot all the way. I always got a bit annoyed at Classic Shady. But Umbra was so kick-ass. Go Umbra!

CHEMICAL KING: uh... none really. But Classic if I had to choose.

TIMBER WOLF: ... Reboot still. But Classic came close.

KID QUANTUM 1: None really, but if I had to choose, SW6 version.

WILDFIRE: Hm... Reboot. Poor guy was even more tragic there.

LAUREL GAND: Reboot's redemption was interesting, but Classic was more likable so Classic. Incidentally, I'd take her over Mon-el any day.
Kono, Dragonmage - they actually had MORE appearances (and more impact on the stories) than Condo in reboot, so I think she should count.

Kent - cameos only in Reboot, so whatever really tongue

Definitely agree with adding Polar Boy, Night Girl, Jacques, Mysa, Drura, Rond, Shvaughn, Sussa and even Nightwind (she was there for a long while in Classic, but I think she contributed much more in her brief Reboot appearances).

And of course definitely agree with keeping Kinetix, Gates, Dawnstar etc. off until they get counterparts (if they ever do).
Classic always had the greatest appeal to me. Plus I absolutely adored the incarnation in Action Comics. So I am hopeful that Geoff Johns will be writing a series based on them.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-13, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-18, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 11, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 13, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

DREAM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 5, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 12, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 3,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-4

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 7, Reboot- 6 or 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-11

WILDFIRE: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

LAUREL GAND: Action-2, Reboot-3, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
We haven't seen what a Geoff Johns WW would be like yet, but I presume it'd be pretty close to how she was portrayed in early Baxter books issues. We don't know yet if there was a Conspiracy, so she might not have quit the team when she did.

Reboot would be Lady Mysa, daughter of Mordru. Looks young, but is actually decades older than the LSH.

Threeboot would be one of the few named in Hordes of Namelessness 2. She looked like classic, antennaed, white White Witch, but had more of an 'evil' vibe.

Action for me. I love WW- one of the few magic characters I really care about. I like that she's limited and is only as powerful as her preparations make her.

SIDEBAR: Nightwind would be the perennial Legion cadet. In Action, she was Lamprey's best friend and had a kind of fascination with Wildfire.

Reboot, she was a kick-butt cadet that seemed on the verge of official membership in the Gail Simone storyline.

Threeboot- would have to be a Jim Shooter creation, I believe.

Reboot for me. I deeply wanted to see her and Drura get offered rings before the 'white moment'.
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4
IB- I think you skipped over Cham.
Originally posted by Titan Lad:
Classic always had the greatest appeal to me. Plus I absolutely adored the incarnation in Action Comics. So I am hopeful that Geoff Johns will be writing a series based on them.
I went ahead and entered a vote for all the characters under the Action category. If you want future votes to count in the next rounds, you have to come back and re-enter votes.

NOTE- This round (White Witch, Nightwind) is the last round I'll do a 'mass' vote.

Specific catch-up ones (meaning character by character) will still be counted. In other words, if you type in your reply "I like the classic LSH only", after WW- that ain't gonna cut it.
Wildfire - I liked that, in the Reboot, Wildfire was still a bit hardheaded, but wasn't as explosive (God forgive me for that pun smile ). I liked how he struggled to deal with his dual nature and, towards the end, his fading energy levels. Reboot for me here.

Laurel Gand: Reboot. C'mon: buxoum powerhouse racist nun? That's just good reading right there laugh

White Witch: Reboot. Rather than an aloof, and later whiny stereotypical Mysa, we're treated to a cunning, manipulative, but right-minded Mysa. Reboot all the way here.

Don't really know about including Nightwind here, but I'll go with Reboot for her too.
WHITE WITCH: Original Mysa Nal for me. One of the most potent female members in the Legion and easily my favorite female Legionnaire. I hated the reboot in which she was made Mordru's daughter, severing her ties to Nura and Naltor.

SIDEBAR: I wouldn't mind either, but given a choice I think I would go with the reboot version that helped save the day in the Gail Simone arc. She was a fun read.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Originally posted by Titan Lad:
[b] Classic always had the greatest appeal to me. Plus I absolutely adored the incarnation in Action Comics. So I am hopeful that Geoff Johns will be writing a series based on them.
I went ahead and entered a vote for all the characters under the Action category. If you want future votes to count in the next rounds, you have to come back and re-enter votes.

NOTE- This round (White Witch, Nightwind) is the last round I'll do a 'mass' vote.

Specific catch-up ones (meaning character by character) will still be counted. In other words, if you type in your reply "I like the classic LSH only", after WW- that ain't gonna cut it. [/b]
Ah. I misread. I thought we were suppose to just write in which version of the team as a whole we preferred.
White Witch: Action. Reboot was a snot. Besides, she never realized how hot Dragonmage was. wink

Nightwind: eh, I had forgotten about her forgettable appearance as Simone's cadet. Reboot.
WHITE WITCH: Action - Though I never liked the character as a member of the Legion,as I don't believe they should have a main character with magical powers in a sci-fi series.

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action - I did like this character,but was she ever a member outside of a few panels in the 5YL run.

CHEMICAL KING... 3boot 5 votes? A little WTF, unless there's a parallel... I vote NONE.

TIMBER WOLF: Reboot... a bit more in tune to character, and being the godfather of Jo & Tinya's lovechild doesn't hurt either.

KID QUANTUM 1: ... ... Forgive me for even suggesting KQ. I did judge some of the characters before due to TMK (placed vote into Action) or SW6 (Reboot) and since this one was a retroactive add, ironic as it is, I vote NONE too.

WILDFIRE: Differences? I doubt... just to be superficial, I vote 3BOOT Drake for doning both Preboot and Reboot's "containment suits"!

LAUREL GAND: Reboot, where she actually served a purpose.

WHITE WITCH - Reboot... a real White Witch right there.

Nightwind1 ... Must be for the hardcore fans... she was a Legion Cadet graduate, and she appeared in the latter eras too? Am I forgetting something? frown

I think one or two of the Subs who joined Mekt's Wanderers in 3boot actually auditioned in an issue or two of L*. Gotta go check who they were...
WW: Reboot. Redhead!
Nightwind: I agree, the reboot version was competant and was on the cusp of membership.
Both White witch and Nightwind still Classic/Acion for me
Wow, don't you people celebrate Canadian Long Weekends? No? OK, some catching up to do:

TIMBER WOLF: Action, although the threeboot had promise before Bedard and Shooter messed with him.


WILDFIRE: One of my all time favourites, not hard to vote Action (get rid of the Red Tornado garbage though).

LAUREL GAND: Reboot (hopefully purged of her "anomaly" changes)

WHITE WITCH: Action. I love Mysa

Nightwind: I actually wanted to see more of Gail's Nightwind. Reboot.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-13, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-18, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 11, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 13, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

DREAM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 5, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 12, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 3,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 7, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-13

WILDFIRE: Action- 8, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-2, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-6,3boot-0

JACQUES FOCCART/INVISIBLE KID2: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR B: INFECTIOUS LASS: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

Jacques- well, I'd want to see the guy have *some* role in the LSH. Though, to me, Invisible Kid should always be Lyle Norg. Even though I read way more stories featuring Jacques as IK during my formative years.

Action has one potential in his favor, for me- his pairing with Infectious Lass. It doesn't seem to exist, as of now- but in the future of the future? Who knows?

I liked Jacques' devotion to his sister and the way he was an effective entree to the LSH reader.

Reboot, Jacques was a quasi-sibling to Lyle, a fellow spy. They both 'drank the bug juice' and became Invisible Kids together; one utilized his power as a hero, the other developed murkier, unexplored powers and worked for/was forced to work for? a shadowy organization.

I really would like to know more about this Jacques.

Threeboot? Another Shooter invention, if he appears.

Infectious Lass- The Action version isn't as clear-cut as it might be. Earth-man supposedly sent her into the time stream-- presumably to the team featured in TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED last year. But *is* that the Action Drura? Who states that she wasn't allowed to be a Legionnaire?

We don't really know.

Reboot, Drura was another of the kick-butt cadets used by Gail Simone in her series-ending run. This Drura was more capable than any other IL at her age.

Threeboot. I'm *hoping* that mopey-looking gal that tried out with Fruit Boy and Spy wasn't the official interpretation of IL. But I'm afraid it probably was.

I'm picking reboot for both, though I'd be well satisfied with Action versions, too. Should Action Drura be reunited with the LSH, or get more exposure with Captain Fear and co.?
Jacques in Reboot is really a continuation of the lost opportunity in the original... ditto for Drura.

Both Action.
Both Action and that means brining Drura back from the Tales of the Unexpected adrift in time situation.

How about a back story of the 'Justice League' vs the Subs? Drura, death of DH, blinding of CK etc.
Jacques was so much more established preboot, but the reboot had an interesting angle. I go for reboot.

Drura was incompetant preboot and more competant in reboot. I guess I'll settle for the competant version, i.e. reboot.
Reboot for both giving Jacques slightly different power than Lyle and Drura the kick butt power in Gail's arc.
Jacques is the rightful Invisible Kid: Action

Infectious Lass: Action as well.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-13, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-18, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 11, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 13, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

DREAM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 5, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 13, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 9, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 12, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 3,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 7, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-13

WILDFIRE: Action- 8, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-2, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-6,3boot-0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 4, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-3,3boot-0

The votes are slowing down, but I want to keep this moving.

POLAR BOY: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid/Plant Lad: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Polar Boy would be the heroic guy we saw in the ACTION storyline, who replaced his severed arm with an ice one.

Reboot PB would be the very short young man who seemed to be in the process of forming a Subs team, only to fade into nothingness.

Threeboot would be the green-skinned guy who could slow molecular processes (I think--) and who seemed to have no relationship to other Polar Boys whatsoever. I vaguely remember someone calling him Brek, or else I wouldn't include him.

My vote's for Action.

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid in ACTION was portrayed as a nutcase who believed he could talk to plants (there was no evidence that the plants actually talked back- if they had, I might've enjoyed this characterization more). He's pretty much my least favorite of the Action SUBS as portrayed, though he's my favorite male sub in other versions.

Reboot, we saw him exiting the tryouts with a swathe of falling trees or something.

Threeboot, his name was changed to Plant Lad and his skin was bluish-green. He had an attitude to match the size of the Jolly Green Giant. It seemed he could control plants more than just make them grow- which is a nice change for the guy.

I'm voting Threeboot, only because the other possibilities aren't that great. I'd vote for a more classic Chlor- but that isn't an option.
catching up now after Laurel Gand:





POLAR BOY: Action!!

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid/Plant Lad: Action!! (especially SUBS Team)
I vote for Action Brek and Plant Lad

Liked the I can now shape ice into any shape I like thing going with Action Brek.

And Plant Lad was one of my fav among the Wanderers as he was used effectively against the L*.

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid/Plant Lad: Action

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid/Plant Lad: Not convinced that the 3boot Plant Lad is necessarily Chlorophyll Kid. There was a Plant Lad in the original run. He was one of the imprisoned heroes on Nardo's Super Stalag of Space and was able to turn himself into any type of plant. The 3boot Plant Lad could just as easily be a reboot of Noyt.

In any case, Chloro was one of my fav Subs before he & the Subs were turned into a joke. Since that version isn't available I'm really torn but I'll go with the Action version.
Woo. Way behind on voting.

ULTRA BOY: Threeboot.
STAR BOY: Reboot.
SUN BOY: Action.
MON-EL: Reboot.
ELEMENT LAD: Threeboot.
LIGHT LASS: Threeboot.
KARATE KID: Threeboot.
FERRO LAD: Action.
POLAR BOY: Action.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 6, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 6, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 1

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-8,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-5,3boot-0

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-5, Reb-0, 3b- 1


MAGNETIC KID: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Did Magnetic Kid join the Johns' Action LSH? We don't know. I think it'd make more sense that he did than that he didn't. Innocent, determined to fill his brother's boots, I liked his friendship with Tellus and his befuddled response to Ayla's attentions.

Reboot, Pol appeared on Braal- I have to confess I don't really have a memory of anything about him.

Threeboot, he also appeared on Braal and seemed like he had a sense of humor at the family dinner.

Is there really a choice?


Stone Boy in Action- I wish he'd wear the costume he just wore once or twice in the Grell years.

Reboot- he didn't make an impression on me at the tryouts, but he was there.

Threeboot- has there been an analog in one of the Hordes of Namelessness?


Magnetic Kid - Action

Stone Boy - Action
Jacques - Action

Polar Boy - Reboot

Magnetic Kid - Threeboot

Stone Boy - No
Pol: Reboot. Worked well in the issue where he was showcased.

Stoneboy: Animated. Wait, that's not allowed. Action then.


CHLOROPHYLL KID/PLANT LAD: Action (though the 5YL characterisation was waaaay better)


STONE BOY: Action (though the 5YL characterisation and use of powers was better)
Should this thread be renamed Legion:Arena ;o)
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

MAGNETIC KID: Action- 5, Reboot- 0, 3boot-2

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-8,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-5,3boot-0

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-6, Reb-0, 3b- 2

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action- 6, Reb- 0, 3boot- 0

NIGHT GIRL: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR E: Spider Girl: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Night Girl would be the official Legionnaire that appeared in ACTION recently. I wish she'd wear her old uniform- the one designed for this LSH didn't do much for me.

BUT, it was fun seeing her as a fulltime member- with a seemingly(?) official partnership with Shadow Lass.

She oughtta have a pet owl, too.

Reboot would be the version that tried out only to see Cannus make it to the 'finals'. She later seemed to be working with Polar Boy in a proto-Subs kind of deal, but it went nowhere.

Threeboot would be a vote for a promise- as in Jim Shooter mentioning that there'd be a Night Girl appearing in his storyline. Hasn't happened yet, and time is apparently running out.


Action Spider Girl would be a vote for the villainess who was a member of the Justice League.

Reboot would be the Workforcer.

Threeboot would be an as yet-unseen version of the character, presumably penned by Jim Shooter.

I pick none. 5YL was the definitive version, for me.
An update... either I'm more busy now, or this Arena is chugging to a quick finish for Lo3W.

I'd have all the Subs for Animated... if only. Really invigorated them for today's world, or something like that. Next choice, Action.
Polar Boy - Ac
Chlorophyll Kid - Ac
Magnetic Kid - Ac
Stone Boy - Ac
Night Girl - Ac
Spider Girl - Ac

Now that was easy.

Some last suggestions Mys... RJ Brande, Lori Manning, Mekt Ranzz (all 3), and even Blok ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Legion_of_Super-Heroes_members#Post-Blight ).

... perhaps the Time Trapper.


SIDEBAR E: Spider Girl: Reboot
Magnetic Kid: Action

Stone Boy: Action (Hey, I'm sorry I really don't remember ther Grell costume-can someone post it as a memory jogger?)

Polar Boy-Action

Night Girl-Action

Chlorophyll Kid-Action

Spider Girl-Never liked her. None.

SIDEBAR E: Spider Girl: Action
Night Girl: Action

Spider-Girl: Reboot
Night Girl: Action

Spider-Girl: Reboot, but I'll accept EoaE Wave!

Night Girl - Action

Lydda in the Legion Yes! Yes! But the Gary Frank costume is awful - bring back the Giffen costume

Spider Girl - Action

Sussa went bad and joined the LSV. The Action persona was a logical extension. Personally I hated the 'Wave' thing
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

MAGNETIC KID: Action- 5, Reboot- 0, 3boot-2

NIGHT GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-8,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-5,3boot-0

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-6, Reb-0, 3b- 2

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action- 6, Reb- 0, 3boot- 0

SIDEBAR E:Spider Girl:Act-3,Reb-4,3boot-0,none= 2

Kent Shakespeare/Impulse: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR F: INSECT QUEEN: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Kent would be a new addition to the Action LSH, created (presumably) by Geoff Johns. I'd imagine he'd be pretty much like the 5YL Impulse, with a different 'hero' name.

Reboot Kent was a cadet with a couple of appearances, which were nonspeaking (I believe?).

Threeboot Kent would be a new creation, presumably one invented by Jim Shooter.

I vote none. I liked the character, but he seems very tied to 5YL, to me. Now, if there was a CADETS title, I'd be all for him, Drura and Nightwind as the stars!!!

Action Insect Queen would be related in some way to the recent Busiek IQ storyline, which featured an insect alien infused with Lana Lang DNA (or something). It died, but was part of a hive society, so who knows what else was oozing in those honeycombs? Also, there was some bit of a hint about Lana being exposed to the alien's DNA at the time of the transfer. Who knows if anything will come of it?

The other possibility is the wholesale return of preCrisis Smallville stories into the present Superman's backstory. As of now, this hasn't happened.

Reboot IQ was L'onna L'eing(sp?). She was used to great effect (better than the first IQ was ever used, IMO) in Legion Worlds- the Xanthu issue (#4, I think). She had lots of potential.

Threeboot would be a Jim Shooter creation.

Reboot for me.
Kent Shakespeare: Reboot

Sidebar F: Insect Queen - Reboot!
I lost everything here, but I would love to see Kent Shakespear BEFORE he became that not-funny joke Impulse (nickname?? what???). This was one of the reasons I almost dropped the book at that time (I eventually did it only during DnA, because my patience ran dry after years of sufferance). Kent, one cool smart guy, must have been brainwashed to adopt a kid name and that ridiculous spandex after all he went through during TMK.
Insect Queen: Classic.
Insect Queen: Reboot.
The 5YL Kent Shakespeare was the only character with any personality or history so.... intro the 5YL character into the Action team

IQ - never liked Lana Lang and the whole pre-crisis Smallville has been blown away so.... reboot
Kent Shakespeare/Impulse: Not sure how the 5YL Kent would fit in with the Action group. The reboot Kent was an intriguing mystery, visibly present but never speaking or used for anything but background filler. Given a choice, I'll go with Action to see what could be done to incorporate him into these older Legion.

SIDEBAR F: INSECT QUEEN: Action, Reboot or Threeboot? Action
Kent: 5YL as he seems a lot more developed than any of the other versions.
I guess I'll go ahead and vote for Stone Boy, since he's an option.
Shakespeare is a character I liked a lot, tho I never thought his code name fit. He never seemed very "Impulsive." Maybe Pulsar, instead?

Infectious Lass-Threeboot
Plant Lad-Threeboot
Stone Boy-Threeboot
Kent Shakespeare-Action
Insect Queen-Reboot
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

MAGNETIC KID: Action- 5, Reboot- 0, 3boot-2

NIGHT GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

KENT SHAKESPEARE:Action-2,Reboot-1,3boot-0, none-1

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-8,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-5,3boot-1

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-6, Reb-0, 3b- 3

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action- 6, Reb- 0, 3boot- 1

SIDEBAR E:Spider Girl:Act-4,Reb-4,3boot-0,none= 2

SIDEBAR F:INSECT QUEEN: Action-2, Reb-5, 3Boot- 0


KONO: Action, Reboot, or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR G: Arm-Fall-Off Boy/Splitter: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Kono would be a character essentially like the 5YL girl reinterpreted by Geoff Johns.

Reboot Kono was a thief working for Domain? Or was it someone unrevealed? Can't say she made much of an impression, at least to me.

Threeboot would be a Jim Shooter-created version.

Action Arm-Fall-Off Boy would be Geoff Johns' take on the character.

Reboot would be Splitter- an applicant who tried out for the LSH.

Threeboot would be a Jim Shooter creation.

For Kono, I pick none.

For AFO BOY, I pick Reboot.
Kono = TMK reintroduced.
Arm-Fall-Off Boy = Action
Kono = Action
AFOB, uh, I pick Reboot just because he was more "powerful" smile
Kono - action
AFOB/Splitter - reboot
KONO: Action
AFOB: Action
KONO: 5YL reintroduced in Action

AFOB: Action
Kono (please!): Action

AFOB: I'd have to rely on Shooter to make this guy viable and interesting. Threeboot.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 7, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 7, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

MAGNETIC KID: Action- 5, Reboot- 0, 3boot-2

NIGHT GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

KENT SHAKESPEARE:Action-2,Reboot-1,3boot-0, none-1

KONO: Action- 6, Reboot- 0, Threeboot- 0, none- 1

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-8,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-5,3boot-1

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-6, Reb-0, 3b- 3

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action- 6, Reb- 0, 3boot- 1

SIDEBAR E:Spider Girl:Act-4,Reb-4,3boot-0,none= 2

SIDEBAR F:INSECT QUEEN: Action-2, Reb-5, 3Boot- 0

SIDEBAR G: AFOBOY: Action- 3, Reboot- 3, 3Boot- 0


LAST ROUND!!!! Ending Tuesday August 19

DRAGONMAGE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
Action Dragonmage would be SW6 character reinterpreted into the Action LSH, presumably by Geoff Johns.

Reboot Dragonmage would be as seen in that version. Last appeared going into self-imposed incarceration?

Threeboot would be a Jim Shooter creation.

Action Atmos would be the jerk who mind-raped Dream Girl.

Reboot would be the Eeyore-like Amazer who fought on Xanthu alongside Insect Queen, Star Boy and XS.

Threeboot would be a new interpretation from the pen of Jim Shooter.

Action RJ would be the father of Cham- still unseen in ACTION LSH stories as of their most recent appearance.

Reboot RJ would be the surrogate father of Brainy, Lu and (poorly) of Jan. But he felt the most kinship with M'onel.

Threeboot would be Jim Shooter's version of the character, which we've yet to see.

I pick reboot Dragonmage, Action RJ and Reboot Atmos.
No Dragonmage whatsoever, Atmos Classic and RJ Brande most surely Action.
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

SIDEBAR G: AFOBOY: Action- 3, Reboot- 3, 3Boot- 0


LAST ROUND!!!! Ending Tuesday August 19

DRAGONMAGE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Action, Reboot or Threeboot?
actually there is one vote for threeboot for AFOB....see Krypton Kid's vote before yours.

Dragonmage: Reboot
Atmos: Reboot
RJ Brande: Reboot

KONO: none



SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Action

KENT SHAKESPEARE: Action, but with a better name.

KONO: none



SIDEBAR H: Atmos: As much a problem as KG has with "Super Karate," I have with a Red Mohawk. NONE!

Dragonmage: Action. Any version, really, but I'll vote Action.

Atmos: Ugh. Guess every group needs an irritating little manipulative weasle (I'm thinking Max Lord). Action.

RJ Brande: Reboot.

Dragonmage: Yes. Please. Or did I say that already? wink

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: None

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: I hated the change that made RJ a Durlan and Cham's dad. If I could have the classic RJ without that twist I would take him. The reboot RJ always seemed a little "off" to me so I'll go with a new creation/version by Shooter.

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Action but Thom has got to live long enough to final kick his ass big time

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Action - got to be he is after all the father of the Legion
DRAGONMAGE: Reboot, because I thought he has quite a bit of ways to go with his journey and I'd like to see how he continues with it

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Reboot, if only so that he'll lose the Sanjaya mohawk

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Well, the action version is a Durlan, but it has been hinted that the Reboot version is the Martian Manhunter, so I'll go with Reboot.

I can't believe this is ending. It has been a fun ride. Thanks for the fun, Myst.
Dragonmage: Reboot

Atmos: I'll give Shooter a chance to do something with this despicable creature.

RJ Brande: Action version. I liked the reboot version too, but he was a little too involved with the Legion. I'd certainly be interested in how Shooter would portray him.
Funny that we just finished the voting....and now here comes the new 3boot Night Girl! Interesting.
Kent Shakespeare - Action
Kono - Action
Insect Queen - Reboot
AFOBoy - Action
Dragonmage - Action
Atmos - Reboot
RJ Brande - Reboot
WHITE WITCH: Action (will always remember her fury at the Legion's use of Infinite Man)

JACQUES FOCCART: Action (he was great in 5YL)

POLAR BOY: Action (the only Legionnaire who wanted the Legion to go on during thr 5yG)




KONO: Action

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Reboot (her two, three issue appearance utilized her better than her entire preZH history, for me)

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS: Reboot (go Drura! seems she finally has power control in this incarnation)

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Action


SIDEBAR E:Spider Girl: hm... Action




SIDEBAR H: Atmos: NONE! But Reboot > Action, definitely

We can still vote? Here's hoping it counts.

POLAR BOY: Action... years and years of appearances, compared to an issue or two in Reboot?

MAGNETIC KID: Action. Same here too... we're voting based on a smirking boy eating his family supper (3boot). Very funny.

NIGHT GIRL: Action once more. Same rule applies.

KENT SHAKESPEARE:Action. See above.

KONO: Action... not aware of latter versions.


DRAGONMAGE: Reboot, reboot, reboot. That dragon chongsum's almost humiliated my race. XD

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Reboot. Not as evil.

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Threeboot. I'm gonna break my own rule and vote for the non-presence/existence of Brande. That has the most significant effect to a Legion incarnation... even over the Durlan or J'onn J'onnz.
COSMIC BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 15, 3boot- 2

SATURN GIRL: Action- 18, Reboot- 8, 3boot-3

LIGHTNING LAD: Action- 11, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 9

PHANTOM GIRL: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 13

TRIPLICATE GIRL: Action- 5, Reboot- 17, 3boot- 4

COLOSSAL BOY: Action- 15, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 6

CHAMELEON BOY: Action- 14, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 4

INVISIBLE KID: Action-3, Reboot-17, 3boot-3,none-2

BRAINIAC 5: Action-10, Reboot-18, 3boot-0

ULTRA BOY: Action-21, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

STAR BOY: Action- 13, Reboot- 5, 3boot- 6

SHRINKING VIOLET: Action-14, Reboot- 8, 3boot-1

SUN BOY: Action-19, Reboot-1, 3boot-3

BOUNCING BOY: Action- 12, Reboot-12, 3boot- 0

MON-EL: Action- 15, Reboot- 6, 3boot- 0

MATTER-EATER LAD: Action- 14, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 9

ELEMENT LAD: Action- 16, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 2

LIGHT LASS: Action- 6, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 10

DREAM GIRL: Action- 10, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 7

KARATE KID: Action- 7, Reboot-3, 3boot- 6, none-2

SENSOR GIRL: Action- 14, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 3

FERRO LAD: Action- 10, Reboot- 5, 3boot-0, None-6

SHADOW LASS: Action- 4, Reboot- 13, 3boot- 5

CHEMICAL KING:Action- 4,Reboot- 0,3boot- 5, none-5

TIMBER WOLF: Action- 8, Reboot- 8, 3boot- 1

KID QUANTUM 1:Action- 2,Reboot- 1,3boot- 0,none-14

WILDFIRE: Action- 9, Reboot- 4, 3boot- 1

LAUREL GAND: Action-3, Reboot-6, 3boot-3, none= 2

WHITE WITCH: Action- 9, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

JACQUES FOCCART: Action- 8, Reboot- 3, 3boot- 0

POLAR BOY: Action- 9, Reboot- 2, 3boot- 1

MAGNETIC KID: Action- 7, Reboot- 0, 3boot-2

NIGHT GIRL: Action- 11, Reboot- 0, 3boot- 0

KENT SHAKESPEARE:Action-6,Reboot-1,3boot-0, none-2

KONO: Action- 9, Reboot- 0, Threeboot- 0, none- 3

DRAGONMAGE: Action- 4, Reboot- 6, 3boot-0, none-3

SIDEBAR: NIGHTWIND: Action-2,Reboot-9,3boot-0

SIDEBAR B:INFECTIOUS LASS:Action-4,Reb.-6,3boot-1

SIDEBAR C: Chlorophyll Kid: Act.-7, Reb-0, 3b- 3

SIDEBAR D: STONE BOY: Action- 7, Reb- 0, 3boot- 1

SIDEBAR E:Spider Girl:Act-5,Reb-4,3boot-0,none= 2

SIDEBAR F:INSECT QUEEN: Action-2, Reb-7, 3Boot- 0

SIDEBAR G: AFOBOY:Action-5,Reb-5,3Boot-1,none-1

SIDEBAR H: Atmos: Action-4,Reb-5, 3boot-1, none-3

SIDEBAR I: RJ BRANDE: Action-6, Reboot- 5,3boot-2
We have four ties. Will someone who didn't vote for the characters initially break the tie?

BOUNCING BOY: Action or Reboot?

CHEMCIAL KING: Threeboot or none?

TIMBER WOLF: Action or Reboot?

AFOB: Action or Reboot?
In all accounts: Action. Chemical King: Threeboot.
Ricardo, you already voted for BB and AFOB. But your votes for Chemical King and Timber Wolf break those characters' ties.

So, that leaves:

BOUNCING BOY: Action or Reboot?

AFOB: Action or Reboot?
My bad on BB and AFOB... smile
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