Legion World

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Written by PAUL LEVITZ
The all-new Green Lantern of the 31st century has been chosen! This new GL also happens to be a Legionnaire, and his mission will tie into a major Legion event in 2011, the implications of which will rival those of "The Great Darkness Saga"!
On sale JANUARY 5 * 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

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Written by PAUL LEVITZ
The Durlan plot against the United Planets explodes before the Legion's eyes with one assassin still free - and she's the deadliest of them all! As far as one particular Legionnaire is concerned, the fight just became very, very personal!
On sale JANUARY 19 * 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

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R.E.B.E.L.S #24
Written by TONY BEDARD
Two years ago, super-genius Vril Dox gathered his team of R.E.B.E.L.S. to fight off one seemingly unbeatable foe: Starro the Conqueror. Now, Starro is back for revenge, and Dox’s downfall has begun!
On sale JANUARY 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

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Written by TONY BEDARD
While super-genius Vril Dox begins rebuilding his interplanetary police squad L.E.G.I.O.N. in these stories from issues #15-20, Starfire joins the team! Plus, Dox confronts his father – the Superman villain Brainiac – while his own son, Lyrl, tries to destroy their home planet of Colu.
On sale FEBRUARY 2 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US

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Superman has left Earth. Luckily, Metropolis still has heroes like Mon-El. But after years of knowing nothing but the solitude of the Phantom Zone, how will Mon-El acclimate to society? And Guardian has his hands full with his new position in the Science Police. Collecting SUPERMAN #684-690, ACTION COMICS #874 and elements from ACTION COMICS ANNUAL #10!
On sale FEBRUARY 9 • 224 pg, FC, $17.99 US
The new GL is a Legionnaire?

"She" is the deadliest of them all - and just who would take this very personally?

Sub-plots..I love them. All the clues are probably there...now to find them.
Wow those are 2 very nice covers! Kudos to the all artists involved.

I like the cover for Adventure #522 featuring the girl Legionnaires. Looks like Shady got a new costume (which covers a lot of her now). I have to see more of it before I comment on it though, but it's about time. I wonder if this will be an all-girl issue so the word "he" refering to the new GL in the solicit might be just a red herring to throw us off.

The solicit for LSH #9 makes us wonder if it's Yera who's the assasin, so maybe it's Colossal Boy whom the "fight just became very, very personal" for. Yeah ... right!
It's probably Reep's long lost (hidden for all these years) sister, and she has a mad on for the Legion and the Earth in general due to her father getting killed by an Earther and the Legion being all wishy-washy about it afterwards (plus allowing a xenophobe to become a Legionnaire) and all.

Oh well, it's just my speculation.

P.S. It is sooooooo nice though having 2 Legion books to look forward to each month. smile
FK, that's Black Witch, not Shady.

She = Yera. Colossal Boy is gonna be pissed!
Two similar covers layout-wise, and Imra and Dawny are on both of them?? What gives? Altough that's the first Adventure cover by Scott Clark I really like, and Yildiray's Legion cover is great, his Cos especially.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
FK, that's Black Witch, not Shady.

I hope you're right. It will be so nice to have Mysa back.
That's definitely Mysa. She's got the eye tendril things. Not to mention that's the exact same costume she was wearing last time we saw her.

I like these cover concepts that DC is going with this month but would it have killed the artists to co-ordinate which members they were going to draw so we didn't get repeat characters on both covers?

That Cinar cover is beautiful though. He has real highs and mediums with his art IMO. Sometimes it's excellent, sometimes it's only OK. I wonder if it's the inking or something?

Not as big a fan of the Adventure cover. That Phantom Girl is awful. And I have grown to really hate that costume. It's trying to evoke her 70s costume but all it's doing is remind me that the old one was better.

As for content - I was not expecting the new GL to be an already established Legionnaire. I'm not sure I like that. I want the GL mythos GONE from this book (or at least appear only very, very occasionally via a guest appearance) not made permanent by becoming a member.

I wonder who it could be? Maybe it's Chuck. That might explain why Rokk has taken his place as Legion Academy teacher. And he'd have to be pretty fearless to go into battle when his only power is bouncing. laugh

I don't think Yera is going to end up being an assassin. I do think she and Gim are going to figure into this story in a major way though. Looking forward to it.
my bet: Troy Stewart will be a new GL...in honor of John Stewart. laugh with Blok coming in close 2nd due to Black Witch's appearance on cover.

still no mention of XS? hmmmm...and Night Girl, too.

Yera may be pissed off if she finds out that the assassin turns out to be her sister. or Liggt, Chameleon Boy's brother. who knows? heh. I am really liking this run so far. smile
Originally posted by Blacula:
I like these cover concepts that DC is going with this month but would it have killed the artists to co-ordinate which members they were going to draw so we didn't get repeat characters on both covers?
With Dream Girl, Shadow Lass, Violet, XS, Duplicate Damsel, Night Girl and Chameleon Girl unrepresented, it does seem silly to have shown Dawny and Imra twice.

On a happier note, no Earth-Man! So happy to see that he's not hogging up space that could have gone to showing Element Lad or Mon-El or some other established Legionnaire that doesn't show up much on covers.
A 'red herring' is another way of saying 'a lie'.
I thought there was a big blow-up about that kind of thing in solicitations already.

I don't think it should be Troy, though.
He has such a great power already (or could have.)
But Levitz did say that it will be a surprise, so ya never know.

Since I have no problem with GLs in the Legion time period, I'm glad the new GL is a Legionnaire.
I just hope it's one that deserves more exposure and glory.
I mean, like a Tenzil or a Condo or a Chuck or a Gim?
And Blok would be good, too, but does his planet of residence, past or present, put him in the way of being Earth sector's GL?
And does he think fast enough, simply enough to be an effective ring whelder?

On another note, the Adventure cover really points out how ugly and uncoordinated in concept the 'new/old' costumes are.

Love Cinar's version of Cos, though.
^ What's the red herring you're referring to Candle?
I hope Yera isn't the Durlan assassin they're talking about - the Legion has lost a large percentage of its pretty small to begin with supporting cast since the Johnsboot team appeared, I would rather they not take any more hits...it's also too cliche for her to have been a double agent all this time. Can't she just be a super naive person who made a stupid mistake and we can all move on from there?

I wouldn't mind at all if Levitz addressed the fallout of that whole storyline which ultimately introduced Yera to us though. We don't really ever get to see her interact with anyone other than Gim in any deep way...and doesn't anyone think it's weird that Gim fell in love with someone who just happened to be impersonating the girl he'd always had a crush on, and now she just happens to have long black hair just like Vi did for years (when every other Durlan is bald in their orange form)? There is a lot there to be explored I think, would be a shame to lose it for her to become a one-note villain...
Originally posted by Candle:

And Blok would be good, too, but does his planet of residence, past or present, put him in the way of being Earth sector's GL?
And does he think fast enough, simply enough to be an effective ring whelder?
A GL sector is pretty huge, I think it gets most of the Milky Way (maybe even all? I'm not sure). No reason Dryad wouldn't be in there.

I think Levitz laid enough hints in his first run that Blok is actually quite intelligent and perceptive, it's just that no one (even Blok) realises this. He is also pretty fearless. That may be an interesting idea...
^ Blok as a GL would be pretty cool... except that there's already a stone-like GL (who might even be from Dryad?) in the 21st century GL Corps. I think his name is Hannu (or Honnu)? Or is it Aa? I know they're both GL members... and one of them is definitely stone-like.

The more I think about a GL in the Legion actually the more I'm liking my theory from another thread that it's Chuck. His 'bouncing' power is one of my favourites on the whole team but since that doesn't seem to be 'cool' enough for most boring modern readers I don't think I'm ever going to see it in action much again. So putting Chuck back on the team via the ring would be pretty nifty IMO.
The Durlan plot against the United Planets explodes before the Legion's eyes with one assassin still free - and she's the deadliest of them all! As far as one particular Legionnaire is concerned, the fight just became very, very personal!
It doesn't say the Durlan is a legionnaire it says its particularly personal for a legionnaire. So it could be Yera (Or Cham but i'm betting Yera) its personal for her...maybe a relative.
Originally posted by Superboy-Supergirl:
It doesn't say the Durlan is a legionnaire it says its particularly personal for a legionnaire. So it could be Yera (Or Cham but i'm betting Yera) its personal for her...maybe a relative.
My current vote is for Cham's mom to be the 'her' in question. She might have some issue with the death of her old beau, Brande, the father of her son Reep.
Am I the only one who likes that Phantom Girl? I mean, if you ignore the face.
the character or the way she's being drawn?
What has me really, really excited is the announcement that a major Legion story is coming up in 2011. When the writer of the Great Darkness Saga says that it´s comparable to the Great Darkness Saga, it makes me take notice.

I'm so excited!

(I love Legion. This just made my day.)
Originally posted by Blacula:
^ What's the red herring you're referring to Candle?
Future King used that phrase in his/her first entry on this thread, refering to the 'he' in the solit. (also the Dec. issue cover has a partial GL on it that looks masculine.)
The idea was that the male reference might be to mislead us into thinking it's a guy when it's a gal.

Originally posted by rouge:
Originally posted by Candle:
And Blok would be good, too, but does his planet of residence, past or present, put him in the way of being Earth sector's GL?
And does he think fast enough, simply enough to be an effective ring whelder?
A GL sector is pretty huge, I think it gets most of the Milky Way (maybe even all? I'm not sure). No reason Dryad wouldn't be in there.

I think Levitz laid enough hints in his first run that Blok is actually quite intelligent and perceptive, it's just that no one (even Blok) realises this. He is also pretty fearless. That may be an interesting idea...[/b]
Actually there are many, many GL's for the Milky Way. And their individual sectors include their home planets.
Others here know more about GLs than I do, but Bedard is writing the GL Corps and .REBELS right now and is dealing with sector issues and the two overlapping law agencies.

I've always thought that GL's were in this galaxy. I didn't know that they went further.

The idea that Earth's sector has to have an Earthman as GL isn't nessasarily true though, although that was Dyogene's first thought.
Abin Sur, the orginal owner of Hal Jordan's ring wasn't from Earth.
I don't know which planet he was from, I'm afraid.

Dryad is a dead planet, isn't it?
I mean, Blok is the last one, right?
Or is that just TMK era?
And I know that Blok is smart enough to be a GL, I just don't know if he thinks FAST enough.
He always seem very cerebral and contemplative, to me, looking at all of the angles, slow to decide on things.
Although, he was good in a fight, sort of.

He might be very different now that Mysa has worked magic on him, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Dryad might be in Earth's sector, anyway
Originally posted by Blacula:
[QB I think his name is Hannu (or Honnu)?[/QB]
Right the first time, Blac... I only know that because I've been ordering the GL books for a friend and get reading privileges, lol lol Hannu was featured in the latest GLC arc.
Nobody has thought the new GL is Tinya?
She's in the two covers of Adventure Comics.
Originally posted by Candle:
Actually there are many, many GL's for the Milky Way. And their individual sectors include their home planets.
Others here know more about GLs than I do, but Bedard is writing the GL Corps and .REBELS right now and is dealing with sector issues and the two overlapping law agencies.

I've always thought that GL's were in this galaxy. I didn't know that they went further.
I've always wondered about that too. The blue guys are called "Guardians of the Universe" so that would imply the 3600 sectors stretch out over the entire universe. But it seems like writers tend to limit it to just this galaxy, which is not a limitation I care for.

My current theory is that Oa is in the Milky Way and all the sectors start here, which is why so many Milky Way planets are in different sectors.
Blok would be a great choice. He could serve as the moral compass that Mogo once did, and at the very least he and Sodam Yat could whine to each other till the end of time.
I think I would enjoy seeing either Chuck or Blok turn out to be the Green Lantern in question, if it has to happen that is.
If you can't beat 'em then join 'em right?
I prefer that the GL mythos be an occasional thing myself as well. Since it seems the powers that be in DC are hellbent on making it happen in the 31st century then I guess I would rather see a Legionnaire enjoy some of that spotlight.

Candle: Don't tell my beautiful wife but I'm really a girl!!!
Just kidding, I'm a guy. I guess I never really said too much about myself on the site. Yep, I'm a Greek/Canadian male married to another Greek/Canadian .... uh, female! wink
Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
Am I the only one who likes that Phantom Girl? I mean, if you ignore the face.
I don't like Clark/Beaty's art much. The women all look scrawny and ghoulish, but I DO like PG's current costume, and the wavy hair that Cinar draws her with.
Originally posted by future king:
Candle: Don't tell my beautiful wife but I'm really a girl!!!
Just kidding, I'm a guy. I guess I never really said too much about myself on the site. Yep, I'm a Greek/Canadian male married to another Greek/Canadian .... uh, female! wink
I thought you were male at first, future KING, after all.
But, then you said something somewhere here that made me think I'd been wrong.

I used to think Set was a woman, too.

It might just be my eagerness for other women to be here.
I'm only aware of 10 or so.

No offense, I like your comments, male or female or somewhere in between.
Originally posted by Haggard Lad:
Originally posted by Candle:
[b]Actually there are many, many GL's for the Milky Way. And their individual sectors include their home planets.
Others here know more about GLs than I do, but Bedard is writing the GL Corps and .REBELS right now and is dealing with sector issues and the two overlapping law agencies.

I've always thought that GL's were in this galaxy. I didn't know that they went further.
I've always wondered about that too. The blue guys are called "Guardians of the Universe" so that would imply the 3600 sectors stretch out over the entire universe. But it seems like writers tend to limit it to just this galaxy, which is not a limitation I care for.

My current theory is that Oa is in the Milky Way and all the sectors start here, which is why so many Milky Way planets are in different sectors.[/b]
In the old days, I don't think that writers and editors spent a lot of time on trying to make the science in comics correct or senseable.
Lots of words were sort of interchangeable, like galaxy and universe.
No one, except God really, could be a Guardian of the UNIVERSE, since there are billions of galaxies in our universe.
They, 60's, 70's and even 80's writers, didn't know about all of them because we couldn't see them all from Earth. No Hubble, no computer enhansements or atmospheric corrections, no exploratory spacecraft, no super cameras, etc..

I didn't know that there were suppposed to be 3600 GL sectors, actually.

The Oa Guardians would be lucky now-a-days, to police the Milky Way, much less anywhere else.

The universe is, well, BIG.
Originally posted by Blacula:
^ Blok as a GL would be pretty cool... except that there's already a stone-like GL (who might even be from Dryad?) in the 21st century GL Corps. I think his name is Hannu (or Honnu)? Or is it Aa? I know they're both GL members... and one of them is definitely stone-like.

The more I think about a GL in the Legion actually the more I'm liking my theory from another thread that it's Chuck. His 'bouncing' power is one of my favourites on the whole team but since that doesn't seem to be 'cool' enough for most boring modern readers I don't think I'm ever going to see it in action much again. So putting Chuck back on the team via the ring would be pretty nifty IMO.
The Lantern you're thinking of is Hannu and he's actually featured on the cover of Green Lantern Corps #51. I'm not sure if he's from Dryad because I don't know that much about the GL corps' history.
I agree with you about keeping the GL influence down to a minimum. I know the whole GL/Brightest Day thing is hot right now but I don't want the Legion overshadowed by anything (well, with the possible exception of Validus ... cause he's so tall!). laugh
i like the GL guesses of Bouncing Boy or Blok. but we haven't seen either of them in the new book. kind of anti-climatic for new readers. how about Invisible Kid? ol' Jacques faced Darksied and earned that "no fear" white hair stripe, didn't he?
i'd love a dark-skinned GL. Tyroc (Troy Stewart) as John Stewart's descendant is a cool idea as well.
Originally posted by Pov:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[QB I think his name is Hannu (or Honnu)?
Right the first time, Blac... I only know that because I've been ordering the GL books for a friend and get reading privileges, lol lol Hannu was featured in the latest GLC arc. [/QB]
There is a female Green Lantern Corps member from Dryad which is in sector 904
[Linked Image]
Brik is beautiful but she doesn't look much like a female Dryad in the current DCU.
The only one we've seen is in dotLEGION/REBELS, Strata, Strata .
Originally posted by Lucifer07:
Blok would be a great choice. He could serve as the moral compass that Mogo once did, and at the very least he and Sodam Yat could whine to each other till the end of time.

I like that idea. Especially the whining part.

Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Maybe.....instead of Garth being Proty, (remember that story?) he's really a Durlan.
Imra's gonna be p***ed.
Thanks for the birthday wish Outdoor Miner.
Originally posted by Lucifer07:
Thanks for the birthday wish Outdoor Miner.
It was your B-Day? Who knew???
Sorry bro, happy Belated and hope you had a good one!
It was cool Future King and thanks.
Originally posted by Set:
Originally posted by Superboy-Supergirl:
It doesn't say the Durlan is a legionnaire it says its particularly personal for a legionnaire. So it could be Yera (Or Cham but i'm betting Yera) its personal for her...maybe a relative.
My current vote is for Cham's mom to be the 'her' in question. She might have some issue with the death of her old beau, Brande, the father of her son Reep.
I'm guessing it's "personal" because Marte Allon is the victim, not because the Durlan assassin is related to either Reep or Yera.
I wouldnt want to be Paul if he choses to kill off Marte Allon ...that facebook is gonna get tons of hate posts.
More than Robinson after Cry for Justice?
Bad enough Kimball Zendak died the way he did, But Marte? yeah that will piss me off.

Cry for Justice? Yeah DC must really be happy to lose me as a JLA reader.
Well CfJ wasn't bad enough to lose ME as a JLA reader.

Now Rise accomplished that perfectly by the first issue.
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Well CfJ wasn't bad enough to lose ME as a JLA reader.

Now Rise accomplished that perfectly by the first issue.
I didn't read Cry For Justice yet (don't think I'm going to now though! LOL), but who's "ME"?
I meant myself.
Originally posted by Lucifer07:
Bad enough Kimball Zendak died the way he did, But Marte? yeah that will piss me off.

Cry for Justice? Yeah DC must really be happy to lose me as a JLA reader.
But there are a million/jillion protagonists with living, non-super families out there! That's what makes them so very, very expendable!!

Oh, wait...

FEB 2011 solits are on NEWSARAMA:
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