Legion World
Posted By: Yk First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/23/06 07:45 PM
I figure we'll spend a lot of time discussing the artwork and various aspects of the 'toon in the coming weeks/months/years (?) but let's get our first impressions out while they're fresh.

Loved it! Wow! Zoinks! (stuff like that)

Lightning lad's glowing scar was pretty cool!

Triplicate Girl's (Triad's ?) multi-colored split was excellent! I got a huge grin when I saw that happen. Sweet!

Bouncing Boy was one of my favorites in the cartoon. Chuck really earned his place in history today... I wonder if they'll make it back in time for dinner?
"Food on a stick"
-bwah ha ha ha-

I liked the self assured Saturn Girl in a BIG way! Good work Imra!

I'm not too sure about the big-eyes on Phantom Girl but I gotta give the girl huge amounts of credit for taking the axe away from the Persuader. You go girl!

The Brainiac 5 upgrade was seriously cool! Wierd but I liked it. B5 as a Transformer cyborg...hhmmm...neat idea.

Now on to the Fatal Five...

Validus is a giant gorilla? Alright, I buy that. Interesting. As far as I could see that was the only major change in the Five though.

If I forgto to mention somebody, I'm pretty sure somebody else will happily catch us up right?


One more thing...whatever WE may think, the first thing my 6 year old said was "Rewind it and watch it again, Dad!"
I guess they caught the attention of their target audience, didn't they?
Posted By: knowjack Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/23/06 07:55 PM
I enjoyed this much better than I thought I would! I didn't hate the art as much as I thought I would---but I don't think I'll ever get used to Saturn Girl's creepy eyebrows/hairline...

All of the team's powers were used in cool ways. I really liked the portrayal of Triplicate Girl's powers.

I saw Colossal Boy, Violet, Cosmic Boy and one other hero I couldn't make out in the credits...and Star Boy! Interestingly enough, it's the WAID/KITSON Star Boy!

Hope we also get Sun Boy, Dream Girl and Chameleon Boy this season.
Posted By: Uranus Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/23/06 09:54 PM
I almost missed this. I woke up with bad cold and turned on the TV for the first time on a Sat. morning in months and came across the show almost by accident.
While I wasn't super-crazy for the animation it wasn't too horrible. I did actually enjoy it. It was one of the first times I've ever cared much for Triplicate girl and it was good to see Bouncing Boy back in action after far too long of an absence. I really wish the original 3 were the ones to recruit Superboy but it was forgivable. All in all it was pretty awesome to see the Legion in their own show! I think I'll keep tuning in.
Posted By: ActorLad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/23/06 10:57 PM
OK, I missed a little bit of it, but overall it was better than I thought it would be. Most of the designs look better animated than they did as static images. Still hate Tinya's look though. And was it just me or did Garth's scar not glow everytime he used his powers? I'll probably add more thoughts later.
Posted By: Quislet, Esq Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/23/06 11:13 PM
I liked the little bits I saw. Use of the monitor board icons. And Booster Gold (or at least the uniform) as the janitor in the Superman museum.

Although they said the Colossal Boy was on Braal and Cosmic Boy was at the outpost. Hmmm What would Gim be doing on Braal?

I think I can get used to the mechanized Brainiac 5 seeing as they still have him with his 12th level intelligence and he doesn't act goofy.

Also Timber Wolf wasn't in the episode even though he is one of the characters shown in the promotional ads.

The writing was good. And no anime action (ala Teen Titans)
Posted By: ultra lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 01:58 AM
i love the show. better than i thought it would be and the other legionaires exist so we know we will see them in the show only time will tell but i think i found my new jlu long live the legion
Posted By: rtvu2 Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 02:55 AM
I realy love the opening credit with the icons. And I love the way the showed Lu using here powers.

Overall, it was much better then I expected and very entertaining.
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 02:55 AM
I liked Lightning Lad's light-up scar, too! I really liked the spreading pink rings of Imra's telepathic commands, too. (Though I hope they don't *have* to manifest-- 'secret' telepathy would be a good thing to have in your arsenal.)

Chuck was fun- particularly in the Smallville scenes. A couple of times, I thought he was heading into 'too broad' (and I don't mean his girth), but immediatly in both instances he had a line that completely kept that from happening.

I don't remember, now- did his bouncing have a distinctive sound effect? It should.

He has a touch of Gim's power, too- did you see how big he got when he was holding up the ferris wheel?

I was surprised at how prominent Triplicate Girl was. If I'd never seen any promotional material, I'd expect her to have at least as big a role in upcoming episodes as Phantom Girl.

I have a concern about the white third of Luornu. When Dream Girl shows up (she did have a symbol in the crawl, didn't she?), they'll look very similar, unless Nura has a look unlike anything she's ever had in the comic. That'd be unfortunate.

The Fatal Five didn't really make that much of an impression, other than Emerald Empress and maybe Validus. I'm sure they'll have ample opportunity, though. They are recurring villains, after all.

Loved the image of a triumphant Phantom Girl sitting on a defeated Fatal Fiver.

I liked the look of the 31st century and the many aliens strolling about. The HQ was a nice updated version of the original. The music was good- but I wish it had an instantly memorable 'hook'. Maybe one will appear as time goes on.

Here's hoping this goes way past the 13 episode initial production!
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 03:00 AM
Arguably, the best thing about it was the promise of more. Shrinking Violet! Colossal Boy! Cosmic Boy!

All the symbols...! We have to see each one of them fleshed out!

Somehow I missed the shot of the team flying. Element Lad?! Hooray! What could you tell about his costume? Curly hair?

Sun Boy! Yes! Red or orange hair?

Interlac!? Cool!

Oh, yeah- loved Ma Kent, too.
Posted By: Klordny Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 03:42 AM
I TiVo'd the show so I could look for the Easter Eggs and such (like Booster Gold as the janitor in the Superman museum!). Here are all the Legionnaires whose Mission Monitor Board symbols we saw, or who appeared in the flying sequence at the end of the opening credits: Blok, Chameleon Boy, Chemical King, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Matter-Eater Lad, Polar Boy, Quislet, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, and Ultra Boy will be in it (although I'm not sure if that was Dawnstar's symbol or Star Boy's, but Star Boy in his current black and white costume did appear in the credits).

I've got a roundup of reviews at the Omnicom .
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 03:48 AM
I'll be posting a gallery of clips here as soon as I have enough free time to devote to the project...
Posted By: Rockhopper Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 04:53 AM
All I can say is near the end of the episode I said to myself (and to the dog) "I've been waiting almost thirty years for this!" What fun!!! BouncingBoy
Posted By: Red Skew Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 07:16 AM
This was excellent. A very fun romp.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 07:57 AM

Sorry for the delay. It's been a busy day for me.

Here's the new link to our video section . The first page contains the previous clips, plus the opener for the series as shown today.

The second page will have clips from "Man of Tomorrow" and (next week) will have clips of "Timber Wolf." Still working on the second page.
Posted By: Klordny Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 08:32 AM
My version of the show was in regular 4x3. The opening credits video here seems to be squashed to fit the 16x9 rather than the 4x3. Did you record it in widescreen or normal?
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 08:55 AM
Looooooooved it! Almost can't believe this day has come. Sure hope there are more seasons to come!
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 08:57 AM
It says it's 4:3 in the Video Editor that I'm using.
Posted By: Sketch Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 09:59 AM
I like the part where Bouncing Boy calls Clark, Clarky! Heh!
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

Although they said the Colossal Boy was on Braal and Cosmic Boy was at the outpost. Hmmm What would Gim be doing on Braal?
Wrestling giant metal monsters, of course!
Posted By: Seth Gaterra Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Although they said the Colossal Boy was on Braal and Cosmic Boy was at the outpost. Hmmm What would Gim be doing on Braal?

Also Timber Wolf wasn't in the episode even though he is one of the characters shown in the promotional ads.
Well, Gim could be on Braal to fight some villain who's using diamagnetic gear to have a crime spree on that world? He'd expect the Braalian authorities to call their "hometown hero" Cosmic Boy in... not Colossal Boy. (Or maybe it was just a goof? wink )

And Timber Wolf's starring in the next episode, which is probably his origin episode too. Thus his absence this week.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
It says it's 4:3 in the Video Editor that I'm using.
The video is 4:3 but this includes the letter box black strips but the image itself is 16:9. I have an AVI encoded version of the HDTV broadcast and it originally was broadcast in 4:3 full screen.

I just watched it this morning. I enjoyed it. The character designs are quite nice in motion. The Triplicate Girl design rawks.
Posted By: Tromium Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 07:45 PM
I won't pretend I'm in love with it (yet) but it was visually impressive, especially the bright and shiny 31st century backdrops and Legion HQ. Thanks to Nightcrawler, I can now see some of the nice details I missed because of our crummy TV reception.

I agree Triplicate Girl is adorable and very cool! But Saturn Girl and Brainy make my eyes hurt.
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/24/06 08:34 PM
Thanks for posting the opening, Nightcrawler! I shall watch it over and over.
Posted By: He Who Wanders Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/25/06 03:45 AM
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Now on to the Fatal Five...

Validus is a giant gorilla? Alright, I buy that. Interesting. As far as I could see that was the only major change in the Five though.

Well, Tharok had hair. smile

By the way, I did not know that Validus was pronounced with the accent on the first syllable. I always pronounced it "Val LEE dus."
Posted By: Yk Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/26/06 03:11 AM
Oh yeah, that's right! Tharok had hair! He mostly reminded me of the DnA "softboot" Tharok that fought Valor in the first issue of Legion Worlds more than anything else though.
Posted By: DOX-Line-5 Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/27/06 03:52 AM
I didn't know what to expect when the LSH premired last Sat Morn. but, it was alright..as long as the Legion has it's foot in the door as far as it comes to sat morning programs...it's alright with me...

I personally did not like what they done to B-5 (he looks more like a transformer than the B-5 I know and LOVE...) But after 30 years of hoping that the Legion would be part of the sat morning line-up, I guess it's better than NOTHING !!!

I'm just glad they didn't turn Brainy into another Beast Boy type(for comic relief...)

But,I'll miss the "seriously cute" genius that the S-GIRL fell in love with...
Oh well, I still have my JLU to watch....
over & over....
Posted By: Matthew E Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/27/06 03:17 PM
By the way, I did not know that Validus was pronounced with the accent on the first syllable. I always pronounced it "Val LEE dus."
I always pronounced it "va-LIE-dus".
Posted By: Stratum Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/27/06 03:32 PM
For me, I was not really as impressed as I thought I would be....that is until Skeets and Booster made their appearance. Mind you, this was the same Skeets model from the JLU so it makes you wonder if it ties into the DCAU continuity.

Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/29/06 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Matthew E:
By the way, I did not know that Validus was pronounced with the accent on the first syllable. I always pronounced it "Val LEE dus."
I always pronounced it "va-LIE-dus".
I always thought it the way they said it on the show: VAL-i-dus
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/29/06 01:21 AM
So, it looks like Chameleon is missing from the series so far, is that correct? Also, can anyone tell me whose symbol is right next to Timberwolf's? It looks like an orange.
Posted By: Nightcrawler Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/29/06 01:38 AM
Karate Kid's. And Chameleon Boy's symbol is among the list shown in the <strike>credits</strike>.

[EDIT: Er...sorry. I meant the opening.]

I'll try to make less grainy screencaps for everyone to see better.
Posted By: Awkward Pause Boy Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/29/06 02:43 AM
Ah- the credits! Thanks, again, Nightcrawler.
Posted By: Surge Pack Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 09/29/06 05:44 PM
I have to agree with Rockhopper Lad, been waiting 30 years for the Legion to get its Animated Dues. I personally love it! Okay so some creative changes have been made to characters such as Brainac 5 but I also like the re-interpetation of the original Legion with all its reboots. Can't wait for tomorrow & Episode 2 drool
Posted By: Uranus Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/10/06 01:11 AM
Heck what do they need with Cham when they have a shape-changing Brainy? I guess Brainy can't change into a Jovian rain-hog, a Xanthuan hyper-beast or Science Police Chief Zendak but still...
Posted By: Monkey Eater Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/10/06 12:21 PM
I was thinking when I saw the second and third episodes, the theme reminds me of Disney's Incredibles.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/10/06 03:40 PM
Actually the music reminds me a little of the music from 'The Tick' animated series. Obviously, without all the 'dat dwee, dat doo doo dwee dow!' stuff.
Posted By: Longevity Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/13/06 03:34 PM
I've been pleased with the opening troika of episodes and dismayed to see reruns scheduled already but I do have one overarching question:
If the LSH sends out their highest priority alarm (to paraphrase from episode one) and not one member walks through the doors, what chance is there that this series will ever display the entire cast at once?
My answer, based on a gut feeling and nothing more is: slim to none.
<i>what chance is there that this series will ever display the entire cast at once?
My answer, based on a gut feeling and nothing more is: slim to none.</i>

Nah. I'm sure there'll be an appropraite dramatic moment.

You know. Sometime.

The final episode at *least*. wink
Posted By: Downunder Lad Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/14/06 05:46 AM
What would it take to get the entire team together? One word:


*sigh* It was a nice thought...
Posted By: DrakeB3004 Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/14/06 06:54 AM
Maybe a Sun-Eater?
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: First Impressions? -spoilers- - 10/14/06 05:48 PM
A couple of successful seasons, I'm guessing.
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