Legion World
Posted By: MLLASH Which member of the FATAL 5 will kill BATMAN? - 02/09/07 09:54 PM
re: the upcoming BRAVE & BOLD # 3...

Will Bats get handsy with MANO? Or be squashed by VALIDUS? Which villain will decimate Bruce Wayne? 'Cause you and I both know Batman canNOT defeat the F5.
The League of Super-Assassins, however, wouldn't stand a chance against the World's Greatest Detective!
I predict that at least one Bat-ear will get chopped off by the Persuader's Atomic Axe.
I predict the Emerald Empress will try to seduce him.
I was going to predict that! So I predict that Tharok will insult his intelligence and Bats will outsmart him.
Batman's going DOWN!
I predict that it will NOT be Mentella.
He's gonna get the once-over by the Emerald Eye.
He'll take all them down by himself. He's Batman.
Miner's right.
No, no. He's the "GODDAMN" Batman!
Bat-mite will make a surprize appearance and save the day.
Blue Beetle will weaken the Fatal Five so that Batman can beat him.

Batman is split in half by the end of the issue!
While it wasn't quite composite batman, it amused me.
Tharok rocks Batman's world (not in a good way).

Beetle gets squashed like a bug by the heel of Validus.

By the way, with the Fatal 500 story, bits and pieces in 52 and other titles, and now an attack on Batman and Blue Beetle, are the Fatal Five about to jump the shark?
I'm glad Waid didn't make them seem like second rate chumps to make Batman seem even more uber-uber. I was glad to see Mano's hand being as destructive and deadly as it's supposed to be (this is the DC age of dismemberment after all) but I wasn't thrilled with Perez's take on Mano having a skull-head.
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