Legion World
Copied from my DC Board thread, I wondered what Legion World has to say...

I mean, let's face it: "The showdown with the Time Trapper EVERYONE'S been waiting for!" from ADVENTURE 338 is pretty hysterical. The facts:

It is a super-babies story.

The Trapper uses the exclamation "Bah!" which everyone knows is the most hilarious of villainous exclamations.

He takes delight in kicking baby Invisible Kid's ass (",,,his partial shadow reveals where he is standing! Ha, Ha!") literally.

"Yipes! The Legionnaires have been transformed into criminal babies!"

"Now I'll launch the next 'INFANT-ry' attack!"

SPLORP! "Ha, Ha! Instead of having sublime beauty, you are now revolting slime!" --Trapper to Glorith* after turning her into protoplasmic jelly.

"Oh, shut up! Hurry up and change into slime, so I won't have to hear your infernal caterwauling!" --Trapper to the baby Legionnaires. What is it with his slime fetish?

I mean, this is HILARIOUS stuff here!!

DO yourself a favor and read ADVENTURE 338 (it's also in the LSH ARCHIVES # 4) today

They messed up when they changed him from bumbling protoplasm fetishist with some form of time-control powers into some kinda abstract cosmic (pun intended) entity.

*don't feel TOO bad for poor Glorith: She herself murders one of the Trapper's henchmen in this issue, AFTER he becomes a baby ("Me not want--" SPLURP!)
Apart from the turn into babies or old people thing, you've got to figure there are some laughs in time manipulation or time hopping. It's always been played pretty straight in Legion stories.

Who should be the first Legionnaire in the new series to be turned into a baby? I nominate Cosmic Boy.
I think it should be Gates. He would be a cute little larvae dude. laugh
It's especially funny if you consider the fact that in his previous appearance disguised as Chief Wilson, he was actually pretty badass!

I mean... he attacked the Legion by hurtling black holes at them. How cool is that?
This thread needs pictures! I'll get on that say... probably on Friday.
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That crazy Element Lad Baby ...
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Kids and the candyman.

It IS one of my favorite early years stories!
Forte is at his strange best.

Originally posted by razsolo:
I think it should be Gates. He would be a cute little larvae dude. laugh
He's already got the hood!
Originally posted by MLLASH Siegel:
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I hope that Element Lad Tot dosn't change these large priceless SPACE jewels into cotton candy! Then the Time Trapper's plan would be foiled again!!

(btw how'd they get off that planet with a half eaten candy cane ship)

Time Trapper = Gargamel ?

Of course not ... One has the hood up, the other has the hood down!
Star-Tot seems to have gotten a bit of a belly in between panels, probably from all the candy Element Tot made! No problem, as babies often thin out over night for growth spurts when that happens!
I also find it absolutely hilarious that the other Legion kids are eating, are basically the equivalent of food stuck in little Tenzil's teeth that he's spit out...
Hilarity, thy name is Time Trapper:

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I bet Marla could relate.
I love to see a villain enjoy a gigglefit, but this is ridonkulous. The Trapper laughs longer than Dr. Mayavale!!

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I'm going to start referring to other people as cringing vassals. This will amuse me, HAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAA-AAAAA!
I wonder if he requires his cringing vassals to shave their head, or if they're all naturally bald?
The Trapper HATES hair!
Are you gonna start in on the Adult Legion?
The Trapper HATES the Adult Legion... because he's a super-homophobe of space and the Adult Legion admitted these two gay lovers:

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Sweetie: Rokk. Hair. Hate. Follow?
Wanted: Vassals.

Must be willing to shave head. And wear nothing but a bathing suit, a massive slave-belt, and an arm band.
Of course! Rokk went bad and became the Trapper when he went totally bald, it's so obvious now!!
Can nudists be the Time Trapper?
Glorith was no slouch in the comedy department herself:

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I have to add Sketchy's EXCELLENT Glorith pic.

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That's fab! I don't remember it...?
So many atrophied brain cells...
Time to review!

*partial* Holo Models Checklist


Some of the pics have been lost to the time stream, but there's still plenty of Sketchy goodness.
You guys do realize that you are talking about a story written by.





Jerry Siegel!!!

I wonder if Glorith likes Yachts?
I just figured out the true identity of the Time Trapper!

Josh Siegel, ftw.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Originally posted by the Hermit:
I just figured out the true identity of the Time Trapper!

Josh Siegel, ftw.
Everyone will eventually be the Time Trapper. As the time between reboots continues to shrink, they'll run out of characters and have to start using real people.
Originally posted by the Hermit:
I just figured out the true identity of the Time Trapper!

Josh Siegel, ftw.
Weren't you wondering about the extra-long purple bathrobe in the closet?
This explains SOOOOOO much...!!
Er... if he gives you an hourglass as a present... RUN!

Or at least wear gloves.
The Time Trapper sort of has to be played for laughs. It is like Mr. Mxyzptplk or Bat-Mite. The Trapper is just too insanely powerful to be played completely straight without stretching credibility to the breaking point. Make him funny, and you can get away with anything anyone does in the story!
He'd really like to be taken seriously as an artist , you know. Ain't messing around with that choreography there.
I ***love*** that song!!!
© Legion World