Legion World
Posted By: Lard Lad Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/01/10 01:28 AM
Preview\'s up!

(Posting new issue topics makes me feel sexy! laugh )
Posted By: Set Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/01/10 01:35 AM
Jan's blue and pink costume *might* be growing on me. It's not the blue and green, but it's not bad. I like the reminder that this isn't the threeboot Jan, who had to touch things and whose transmutations were only temporary.

Classic Jan just points, and if he transmutes something, it's forever, unless he changes it back. Nice to have the powerhouse back!

Tellus' telekinesis sure has gotten buff. It used to be anything over a couple hundred pounds was too much for him, now he's moving hundreds of tons around like it's no big thing.

I love Tasmia's indignation that she didn't get picked for the ring. Love her or hate her, that's classic Shady, right there.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/01/10 03:37 AM
I love how on that cover the Legion look about as excited to see the GLC invading their book as I do. laugh

The rest of the preview looked pretty good.
So, the new Green Lantern is someone within...

could it be?

Shirley the space-maid is the new GL?!?!?
Posted By: Set Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/01/10 04:00 AM
It's not someone *inside* the HQ, it's...

Fortress Lad!
Originally posted by Blacula:
...the Legion look about as excited to see the GLC invading their book as I do... laugh


I wish I could Photoshop that cover to show Mon-El stifling a yawn, and maybe Phantom Girl doodling on a mini-Omnicom, or something...
Interesting that Shady was miffed that she was overlooked - is that because she's not actually there and she's an illusion to placate Earth Man...?
and invisible Kid's new costume....not bad....hmmm...

which legionnaire to be a new GL? hmm no idea....maybe Sensor Girl? nah I dont think so...Vi? nah....Ayla? nah...Colossal Boy? nah...Chameleon Girl??? hmm there have been some Durlan GLs in the past such as Von Daggle...hmmm maybe. okay I bet this one - Chameleon Girl!
Oh, Shady's just pissed because her butt-floss panties are riding up on her again (page 2).

I liked this preview actually and can't wait to read the whole thing after work today.
It's great to have Tellus back in action again and Element Lad looked great in his new costume! Now if they can just give Nura a new look too ... something reminiscent of her current classic silver/white costume but with more of an active, contemporary feel to it (perhaps like Saturn Girl's but not as busy).

Earth Man still grates on my nerves. I will never get used to him as a member of this team. Sorry.

Bouncing Boy for Green Lantern! Go Chuck!!! smile
Could still be Ultra Boy, like I was thinking months ago. This looks like a great issue, and it's nice to see Invisible Kid get some panel time.
Originally posted by future king:

Earth Man still grates on my nerves. I will never get used to him as a member of this team. Sorry.
No need to be sorry, I feel the same way. It takes more than being SUPER to be a HERO. There's nothing heroic about E-man.
Mejor dibujo.
Got it today (Go Canada)

Spoiler for the GL:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">It's Mon-El! And he leaves the Legion! Guess he's the odds on favourite to win the leadership now if Paul had to drastically alter his plans like he says.</span></span>
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Got it today (Go Canada)

Spoiler for the GL:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">It's Mon-El! And he leaves the Legion! Guess he's the odds on favourite to win the leadership now if Paul had to drastically alter his plans like he says.</span></span>
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/02/10 03:31 AM
Now that I have read the spoiler, it is quite obvious.

Also, I now SO HOPE that person wins the leadership election.
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Got it today (Go Canada)

Spoiler for the GL:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">It's Mon-El! And he leaves the Legion! Guess he's the odds on favourite to win the leadership now if Paul had to drastically alter his plans like he says.</span></span>
There's no way that will stick! That can't be a permanent thing! That person's not from Sector 2814 anyway!
whooo hoooo at first I did thought about Lar to follow Sodom's footsteps....but decided it was too obvious....and then went with Chameleon Girl. ah yeah!!! you go Lar Gand!!!!! :-) can't wait! can't wait to get an action figure of a Green Mon!! smile
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Got it today (Go Canada)

Spoiler for the GL:

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">It's Mon-El! And he leaves the Legion! Guess he's the odds on favourite to win the leadership now if Paul had to drastically alter his plans like he says.</span></span>
Well, I'm more than happy!
In your face, Tasmia!

AND that doesn't mean that none of the other Legionnaires can be GLs!
Dyogene is just getting the hang of things and he'll still need an Earth sector GL, like Chuck and a Bismol GL, like Tenzil.
And Durlan sector GLs, like Gim and Yera!
I'd add a Zoe and James and Dag and Devlin and Kent and Grev and April and Blok and . . .

A whole new GREEN LANTERN LEGION CORP in the 31st century!
A whole new GREEN LANTERN LEGION CORP in the 31st century!
whoooohooo! [/QB]
Bite your tongue!
Well, I did not see THAT coming! By that I mean that Monel got the job of being Green Lantern.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm neither thrilled nor very disappointed, just kind of 'blah' about it.
I guess I didn't see Lar getting it because a) he's already powerful enough and doesn't need the added power boost and b)he's already had the spotlight recently with his whole 21th century adventures. Maybe that's why he WAS chosen after all (plus that old Adult Legion story that had Lar roaming the universe).
I also figured that since he was in the lead to win the Legion election then maybe,hopefully someone else would get the ring.
I just don't want this to turn into the Green Lantern of the 31st Century *starring the Legion of Super-Supporting Cast*

The rest of the story was pretty good. I don't even have a guess at this point about who the antagonist is that attacked Wildfire and Dawnstar. Who could possibly scare people to death, literally? Darkseid maybe? There's my guess then.

The art keeps getting better and better with each issue. The new costumes on Element Lad and Invisible Kid look great as well.
Posted By: gone Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/02/10 04:16 PM
Posted By: Set Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/02/10 04:28 PM
If Mon-El won the Legion leader election, it may have seriously messed with Paul's wish to write him off-screen, so that he can continue focusing so heavily on Earth-Man.

Mon as leader *and* Green Lantern, will force him to spend a little less time on the adventures of Earth-Man, hopefully.
DC spent a year building up Mon-El in the Superman books. Is this their way of giving him his own title:
Mon-El: Green Lantern in the 31st century
I think we have to look at the bigger character arc. This is twice now Mon-El has shown he has the 'warrior spirit' that Tasmia says she wanted in Earth Man. Also, we still don't know why they broke up.
Well, so much for the spoilers. I have to say I HATE this development. Why beef up the most powerful member's powers? Especially when there are so many others who could use it? I'd rather divorce the GLC from the LSH universe anyway.
Posted By: Brody27 Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/03/10 02:24 AM
I am not wild about the heavy GL story line, but Mon is a good choice. I don't like the Legion taking a back seat to other DC characters, so I hope this story line plays itself out soon and Mon gets back to being a regular member of LSH.
i knew it!!
do we get to see his GL costume?
Mon as a GL? naaaaah.
click to enlarge

click to enlarge
Sheesh! Well, at least they kept the big buttons!
And the cape and loose sleeves!

Tasmia meant it quite literally last issue when she told Kirt he won the important thing, meaning her.

She says here that Lar lost her when he left a 'part of himself' in the Phantom Zone, after he came out the second time (in Lo#W.)

Since that's the time Earth Man put him in, if I remember correctly, the Zone, she made herself the prize, I guess.

Lar's up against a particular enemy, I think.
The one that trashed Dawnstar and Wildfire.

Originally posted by future king:
A whole new GREEN LANTERN LEGION CORP in the 31st century!
Bite your tongue!
Sowee! Iwo like ta GLsss.
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Well, so much for the spoilers.
Your comment really made me laugh, involuntarily, I might add.
I'm sorry if I said too much with my Tasmia comment, earlier.
Little niggles with the art this issue:

yet again the headquarters has a totally different design

the action was in East Africa so how come that Jacques was the only African looking person in the whole issue?

Do native americans have blue eyes?
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/03/10 11:10 AM
I have always hated anything 21st century DCU related in the Legion's books (except Superboy and Supergirl).

I honestly don't get why some fans want to see more of it. Do they want to read a book about the Legion and their worlds and characters? Or a book about popular 21st century DCU characters and concepts guest-starring the Legion?

How many issues and pages now has this annoying GLC sub-plot been going on for that could have been spent showing some of the long-neglected members of this team? Or given us exciting new developments that are wholly Legion-specific? That's what I would have rather been reading about for the past few months and in this issue.

That said, this issue was pretty good. Much better than the drek we've been getting in this book until now. And if the ring had to go to someone, I'm glad it went to someone that Paul was obviously intending to write out of the book for a while. (His new GL-inspired costume looked great too IMO.)

What a shame it is then that Mon is clearly the winner for the leadership poll! Not only because of the boring Cosmic Boy-clone type story potential I think he'll bring to the job (I swear, it seems like some people were voting for who they would like to be the leader of something in real life, rather than who would be likely to deliver more interesting storylines), but also because now it means we're stuck with a GL full-time in the Legion. [sarcasm] Great. [/sarcasm]
Posted By: razsolo Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/03/10 11:42 AM
I actually really like Mon's GL costume - and I think the GL ring will compliment rather than overshadow his natural abilities. I'm also really interested to see how Paul deals with this if Mon DOES win the election, but I don't see why the extra power needs to be an issue.

Mon-El may be ridiculously powerful now, but if does end up being leader of the team now it's not like he can personally go out and deal with every threat - he's got a team of a couple of dozen people to lead plus the science police to liaise with, the academy to check in on, etc etc...plenty to keep him from dominating the playing field.
I almost didn't buy it because I don't care for the art, but I caved in and coughed up the $4.

I spotted the blue eyes on Dawnstar too.
Posted By: Tromium Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/03/10 05:20 PM
Of all the 14 issues of the Levitz3 Legion published so far, this is the FIRST one I've enjoyed.

I don't give a rat's tukus about Green Lanterns but a 31C Corps led by Mon-El is something I could learn to love. I'm *almost* excited to see who's chosen to join him The best side effect -- Sodomy Yuck is free to drop dead!.

Olduvai Gorge, which is looked upon as the cradle of humankind, is a terrific provenance for a new Big Bad to threaten the keystone planet of the universe. Creating villains was never Levitz's strong suit, however -- so I'm prepared for another letdown on the scale of "Archmage."

Element Lad looks swell (I still prefer the blue & green) and I'm intensely curious why Dyogene passed him up for all his vast powers. Did he sense some fatal flaw within him, perhaps?? I almost hope for it, so Levitz pays more attention to him.

Drake & Dawny. Dawny & Drake. A infallible recipe for homemade puke. Shady and Earth-Man should go take a vacation on a science asteroid.

I'm betting the Legion election will default to Phantom Girl --- and Levitz will proceed to mess up her life in all sorts of shocking and sordid ways.  It's about time, I say.
I've always found PG one of the most yawn-worthy Legionnaires, so I'm not looking forward to her being leader. Maybe it will improve her, but I won't hold my super-breath.
Dawnstar's parents have been shown a number of ways but in one look at them, her dad had brown hair and wore glasses.
Coloring is a hugely complex genome.

But in this case I suspect coloring errors, again.

I think that Lar might have been chosen for his invulnerability, multiple offensive abilities and that '1,000 years of thinking about how to use his powers' that Levitz had him mention last issue.

Rather than Jan having a 'flaw'.
That's been done already, I think, darn DnA!

Jan's outfit, some version of it, anyway, has been around for a long time, hasn't it, the pink and navy/black?
haven't gotten the issue yet but i like the costume from the post above. (thank you, Nightcrawler!)
they kept his cape and big buttons!!! YAY!
the puffy sleeves need to go... and not so into the puffy white boots.
but love the glowing lantern logo, and black/green color combo.
good job Cinar!
Before choosing Mon-El as the GL, Dyogene says, "Dyogene search for one who is here, and one coming...then choose."

Does that mean he intends to choose another Legionnaire, one who wasn't at the clubhouse at the time? I think Dyogene's talk is pretty darn confusing.
Has Invisible Kid taken inspiration for his costume from Tyroc's original one -- sleeveless, high collar?
Element Lad stole this issue! He was FABOO!!
Wildfire was so clingy/needy, I wanted to slap him.
Invisible Kid looked great.
Does Tellus know he has a car antenna stuck to his helmet?
Worst rendition of Dream Girl ever!!
Best line: When Dyogene scans Quislet & doesn't comment like it did w/ the other Legionnaires & Quislet says,"Yoo-hoo, Quislet here!?"
Mon-El is the new GL & probably the new Legion leader?? Poor, poor Paul Levitz!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/04/10 06:27 AM
I think it serves him right for wanting to write out Mon-El. wink
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/04/10 06:56 AM
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Wildfire was so clingy/needy, I wanted to slap him.
Worst rendition of Dream Girl ever!!
Best line: When Dyogene scans Quislet & doesn't comment like it did w/ the other Legionnaires & Quislet says,"Yoo-hoo, Quislet here!?"
Mon-El is the new GL & probably the new Legion leader?? Poor, poor Paul Levitz!
Agreed with all this. I laughed at the Quislet scene. And I normally don't really like that character.

One thing that confused me - just before he gets chosen Mon-el says to Dyogene "I... I'm not what you think..." What did he mean by that? Could he be a Durlan imposter? That would be a great way to get this GL-Monel-el out of the Legion and keep the real one in if so. Might also explain why Shady has gone off him. Actually - the more I think about it, the more I'm liking this theory.
I thought he was just being modest!
Bad Levitz, bad Levitz!
We are going to see
Which were the failures in order that the previous incarnations of the legion were failing?
The extreme supposedly striking changes for the fans..
Reboot .... Leviathan death, Sneckie, Evil Element Lad, Violet Emerald Empress, ect....
3boot....Dream Girl death, afroamerican Star Boy, Evil Projectra, ect
Why now Mr. Levitz wants to ruin everything again?
Or they do not want to realize really what the fans want, that we are that we buy the series?
I believe that we all want a real legion with more of 40 active members.
Now we have...Saturn Girl, Lightining Lad , Matter Eater Lad(On Leave), Star Boy, Night Girl, XS (in Limbo) Bouncing Boy, Duplicate Damsel (Only in the Academy) and now Mon-El like Green Lantern.
We must wait more and more for disappointments?
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/04/10 12:25 PM
^ The Legion do seem spread a bit thin at the moment EE but I think that's just so Paul can re-acquaint the readers with the members gradually and more deeply.

I think, as the issues go by, more and more old and new members will begin to show up or return and the membership will slowly increase.
Originally posted by Tromium:
Shady and Earth-Man should go take a vacation on a science asteroid.

Here, here!
Originally posted by future king:
Originally posted by Tromium:
[b] Shady and Earth-Man should go take a vacation on a science asteroid.

Here, here![/b]
I suggested that on another thread, in a way, and got lambasted for it.

It's an unfair world.
Posted By: Set Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/04/10 10:24 PM
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Does Tellus know he has a car antenna stuck to his helmet?
Dude still wears a fish-bowl helmet, despite having the same life-support equipment the rest of the Legion have, so it's probably a communications device (since he can't work his Flight Ring's life-support stuff, he probably can't work the communications function either... Big dumb fish.).
Posted By: razsolo Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/05/10 01:03 AM
Poor Tellus....haters always gonna be hatin.... ;p
Is Tellus a dude?? Has "his" gender ever been established??
Maybe "he" belongs to some freaky alien gender that we don't have on Earth!
I think Tellus is a he. And us is a masculine suffix. He'd be Tella if he was a she. At least in Latin class. smile
Originally posted by Blacula:
I have always hated anything 21st century DCU related in the Legion's books (except Superboy and Supergirl).

I honestly don't get why some fans want to see more of it. Do they want to read a book about the Legion and their worlds and characters? Or a book about popular 21st century DCU characters and concepts guest-starring the Legion?

How many issues and pages now has this annoying GLC sub-plot been going on for that could have been spent showing some of the long-neglected members of this team? Or given us exciting new developments that are wholly Legion-specific? That's what I would have rather been reading about for the past few months and in this issue.
I agree that I like my Legion with as little normal DCU influences as possible BUT I think to sell comics these days they need it.

So I don't mind a Supes, GL (which are popular right now), and Flash influences. If we start getting a Batman influence then I am going to have a problem. smile
Originally posted by Blacula:
Agreed with all this. I laughed at the Quislet scene. And I normally don't really like that character.

One thing that confused me - just before he gets chosen Mon-el says to Dyogene "I... I'm not what you think..." What did he mean by that? Could he be a Durlan imposter? That would be a great way to get this GL-Monel-el out of the Legion and keep the real one in if so. Might also explain why Shady has gone off him. Actually - the more I think about it, the more I'm liking this theory.
I like that theory too. That would give us some real reasons why Shady left "Monel".
The one slight problem I have with this though is if this GL Monel is in fact a Durlan imposter then why would Dyogene pick someone so sneaky/unethical/potentially evil? This goes against some basic Green Lantern ethics, no?

Hey, I like what I came up with just now ... "GL Monel". Has a nice RING to it don't you think?? Ouch. Sorry! tongue
Maybe we can just refer to him as "Green' el" from now on.
Durlans can't copy superpowers, so if this Lar were a Durlan, he wouldn't have any extra-abilities to help in the current crisis that Dyogene was talking about.

EM would have picked up on the Durlan issue when he copied Lar's powers earlier, too.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/05/10 06:06 PM
Originally posted by future king:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[b] Agreed with all this. I laughed at the Quislet scene. And I normally don't really like that character.

One thing that confused me - just before he gets chosen Mon-el says to Dyogene "I... I'm not what you think..." What did he mean by that? Could he be a Durlan imposter? That would be a great way to get this GL-Monel-el out of the Legion and keep the real one in if so. Might also explain why Shady has gone off him. Actually - the more I think about it, the more I'm liking this theory.
I like that theory too. That would give us some real reasons why Shady left "Monel".
The one slight problem I have with this though is if this GL Monel is in fact a Durlan imposter then why would Dyogene pick someone so sneaky/unethical/potentially evil? This goes against some basic Green Lantern ethics, no?

Hey, I like what I came up with just now ... "GL Monel". Has a nice RING to it don't you think?? Ouch. Sorry! tongue
Maybe we can just refer to him as "Green' el" from now on. [/b]
Well the previous characters that Dyogene offered the ring to were Earth-Man and the mysterious and possibly evil Harmonoia Li!

Maybe Dyogene's trying to start an evil Green Lantern Corps? That would be a really great twist actually! I should be writing this book! laugh
Posted By: Owl Lad Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/06/10 06:28 AM
I guess I'm more OK with Mon being GL than I thought. I always thought he was redundant with Superboy, Ultra-Boy, even T-Wolf around. Now, he is distinct (although I can't help that he looked like a version of Superman with that hair in a GL costume). With Mon-el as a GL, this would give him plenty of reasons why he has to be away from the Legion. He's a one man Legion unto himself and way too powerful to play among the ranks of his teammates on a regular basis.
Mon was at least a part time member before Ultra Boy, wasn't he?
And he's certainly a full time member, which Superboy hasn't been in what, 40 years, if ever?
Something else else like that, anyway.
I thought Superboy and Supergirl were part timers.

I KNOW he was a full time member of the Legion long before Timber Wolf.

That makes THEM redundant, imo.

(Yeah, I disliked his hair, making him look like Supes, too.)
Posted By: Blacula Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/06/10 08:55 AM
The one good thing about making Mon a GL is that surely, hopefully it makes Sodam Yat completely redundant and they can quickly kill him off before he starts crying about something again.
Posted By: razsolo Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/06/10 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Blacula:
The one good thing about making Mon a GL is that surely, hopefully it makes Sodam Yat completely redundant and they can quickly kill him off before he starts crying about something again.
"Before he starts" would mean he'd have to ever STOP. wink

I am with you though...we really don't need two Daxamite Green Lanterns, so I'm hoping this is an excuse to either kill off Sodam or at least send him way off into Limbo for a good period of time...
Ultra Boy was a member before Mon-El, btw.
Posted By: gone Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/06/10 04:36 PM
Maybe we can just refer to him as "Green' el" from now on.
Shouldn't that be G'eL?
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Ultra Boy was a member before Mon-El, btw.
In the Archives #1, before Adventure Comics, the Legionnaires were highlighted/introduced in the various Supes titles.

Mon was introduced early on in Superboy.
Later, still before Jo is introduced, Lar is shown again, in the Phantom Zone, but this time with Legion founders in the story (and the Brain Globes.)

Jo passes his initiation in the next Superboy.
Then, in Tales of the LSH, is that in the same Superboy issue?, Lar becomes a full member.

So, yes, Jo became a member just before Lar, but Lar appeared before Jo and featured twice before UB appeared.

That's what I was going on.
I think it's pretty valid, although Jo was a member just before Lar.
Tales of the LSH was the name of their feature in Adventure Comics.

Mon-El's first appearance:
Superboy No. 89 (June 1961)
"Superboy's Big Brother"

Ultra Boy's first appearance:
Superboy No. 98 (July 1962)
"The Boy With Ultra-Powers"

Mon-El joins LSH:
Adventure Comics No. 300 (Sept. 1962)
"The Face Behind the Lead Mask"

Mon-El leaves the Phantom Zone permanently:
Adventure Comics No. 305 (Feb. 1963)
"The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire"
Posted By: duck458 Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/07/10 12:05 AM
Hope that Lar doesn't start with the crying now that he's a GL.
Posted By: Set Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/07/10 12:26 AM
Sodam needs a new ring, perhaps magenta or rose in color, that is powered by soul-crushing despair. He'd be omnipotent!
Originally posted by duck458:
Hope that Lar doesn't start with the crying now that he's a GL.
And again.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Tales of the LSH was the name of their feature in Adventure Comics.

Mon-El's first appearance:
Superboy No. 89 (June 1961)
"Superboy's Big Brother"

Ultra Boy's first appearance:
Superboy No. 98 (July 1962)
"The Boy With Ultra-Powers"

Mon-El joins LSH:
Adventure Comics No. 300 (Sept. 1962)
"The Face Behind the Lead Mask"

Mon-El leaves the Phantom Zone permanently:
Adventure Comics No. 305 (Feb. 1963)
"The Secret of the Mystery Legionnaire"
In the first Archives, there is no index and there are no Superboy covers with numbers.
So, thanks for giving some details that they don't have.

Lar was shown in Adventure #293, in the LSH Traitors issue, which the Archives placed in order before the Jo Nah story.

I really need to explore more beyond my own library, which I might have said before.
Senior moments are such a drag.
If you look at the first few pages of the Archives, down at the bottom on a left hand page, I believe it lists the issues that have been reprinted, though it doesn't say which stories are from which issues.

The following link should help. It lists all the Legion's silver age appearances in chronological order. Unfortunately, it doesn't include Mon-El's first appearance, since the Legion is not mentioned in that story:


My Archives have tables of contents in #2-#12.
#1 just has the little blurb where you said I'd find it!
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
Originally posted by Blacula:
[b] I have always hated anything 21st century DCU related in the Legion's books (except Superboy and Supergirl).

I honestly don't get why some fans want to see more of it. Do they want to read a book about the Legion and their worlds and characters? Or a book about popular 21st century DCU characters and concepts guest-starring the Legion?

How many issues and pages now has this annoying GLC sub-plot been going on for that could have been spent showing some of the long-neglected members of this team? Or given us exciting new developments that are wholly Legion-specific? That's what I would have rather been reading about for the past few months and in this issue.
I agree that I like my Legion with as little normal DCU influences as possible BUT I think to sell comics these days they need it.

So I don't mind a Supes, GL (which are popular right now), and Flash influences. If we start getting a Batman influence then I am going to have a problem. smile [/b]
Oh, God, Jerry. Don't give them any ideas. I am so bleeping sick and tired of EVERYTHING being about the bleepity bleeping Bat-'verse!

Originally posted by Para-Dox:
I think we have to look at the bigger character arc. This is twice now Mon-El has shown he has the 'warrior spirit' that Tasmia says she wanted in Earth Man. Also, we still don't know why they broke up.
Uh, there was an explanation in the issue. Mon withdrew from her after his last return from the Zone. Granted, it's a shoehorned in explanation that would have been much better developed as part of an actual story arc, but I'm afraid it's the best that we're gonna' get.

And TBH: I've never disliked Mon-El, though he's never been a favorite of mine. But after hearing non-stop from certain fans about how the dude is perfection on stilts and how Shady must be WORST. HUMANOID. EVER. for not constantly hanging off his arm anymore, I kind of would like to see him go away for a long, long time. Even if it's unfair, I'm starting to associate him with certain fan attitudes that mightily tick me off. Not fun, Paul. If you had to tell this story, you could've told it much better, gotta' say...
Jumping in here, I've gotten the feeling that Paul wanted to move Mon out of the Legion book for a while. Hence the rather abrupt breakup of the relationship, the quickly developed Shady/EM romance, and Mon becoming a Green Lantern.

Which is not to say that Mon won't return (other than occasional appearances as the 31st Century GL), but it certainly does look like Mon's going to be only making guest appearances in the Legion book.
Mon's "I'm not what you think I am" at first struck me as an I'm not worthy statement, but on second reading, I thought of Eltro Gand. (Yuck.)
Posted By: Korbal Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 12/16/10 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Mon's "I'm not what you think I am" at first struck me as an I'm not worthy statement, but on second reading, I thought of Eltro Gand. (Yuck.)
Or perhaps Chris Kent?
Originally posted by Korbal:
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
[b] Mon's "I'm not what you think I am" at first struck me as an I'm not worthy statement, but on second reading, I thought of Eltro Gand. (Yuck.)
Or perhaps Chris Kent?[/b]
If Levitz uses Eltro, he has to use Proty and I don't think that he wants to.
Not sure though.

Chris is an interesting idea, though.
Or a merging or ?
Lar was merged with Eltro when he was out of the Zone.
What would replace him in his one body when he was IN the Zone.
Originally, he was the last entity in the Zone to be released, right?

But in the retroboot, others might have still been there.
Well, at least Mon-El doesn't cry as much as Sodam Yat. Damning with faint praise, I know but still...


(And no, I don't have anything against dudes being all emotional-like in my comics. I just don't like it when standing around crying seems to be the sum total of their character. I don't like that in female characters, either.)
Also, jumping off a little from what Doc Zero writes: Is there a genuine Green Lantern fan who can tell me whether they saw any rhyme or reason to the choosing process here?

Because to me, it all read as just random and haphazard. There was no seeming logic to Diogene going for EM or for Professor Li or to anything else that he did. Also, why couldn't Yat get up off his duff and shop around himself, instead of entrusting such an important task to an entity that wasn't even truly sentient? (Unless I misread something somewhere.) Is this how Guardians choose Lanterns in the present day, too? Yeesh.

Drawing names from a hat would have made just as much sense to me, and maybe it wouldn't have given so much padding to a subplot that didn't interest me in the first place.

1) The second emergence from the Phantom Zone by Mon-El seems to have some sort of untold tale itself. Either Mon-El was somehow changed, or replaced at that time. I, too, thought of Eltro Gand when I first read it.

2) All powerful Mon-El with GL powers was a bit of a disappointment. I would have rather seen a lesser powered individual get juiced up - say, Color Kid for example, as the Rainbow GL, or Rainbow Girl for that matter.

3) I have had the feeling since this new Legion version began that Mon-El and Starman, both who had spent considerable time in the 21st century in recent years, would remain detached from the 31st century Legion for the most part to act as a Legion 'anchor' to the rest of the DC Universe. I was convinced of this once academy student Gravity Lad showed up, him being Thom's eventual replacement. We hadn't really seen Mon-El or Starman until now. I was expecting those two to be floating around in the 21st century titles more than as active Legion members.
I think that Dyogene chose Lar because of his extra powers.
He's indicated that a particularly incredible threat is coming.
His added power seems crucial.

Imo, he went to Kirt and then Li, for the same reason.
The GL needed for the fight has to be more than a GL.

Yat is probably too old and broken for such a task.

I hope that Paul is a better writer than to just throw meaningless events into a story.
That is an absolute 'no-no' in the short story foremat and Levitz is a professional writer with a long and successful career.

I may not agree with some of his story developments, and I think his attention to detail rests with the artists a little too much, but he knows his craft.
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
1) 3) I have had the feeling since this new Legion version began that Mon-El and Starman, both who had spent considerable time in the 21st century in recent years, would remain detached from the 31st century Legion for the most part to act as a Legion 'anchor' to the rest of the DC Universe. I was convinced of this once academy student Gravity Lad showed up, him being Thom's eventual replacement. We hadn't really seen Mon-El or Starman until now. I was expecting those two to be floating around in the 21st century titles more than as active Legion members.
The 21st century HAS a 'Starman', or two, already.
Is Courtney the name?
She's a major character in the Justice Society.
Thom doesn't belong there.

The 21st century also has Superman.
AND Lar has traveled through regular time, even if it WAS in the Phantom Zone.

DC may go the way you said, but I wouldn't think of it as a best option.
Most stories that I've read or seen, that involve LONG TERM time displaced characters have bad unpleasant or disasterous consequences.
Courtney's name is "Stargirl" I believe.

I agree that Thom does not belong on that team too. Thank goodness we see him return by LSH #11 (as seen on the cover where Dream Girl is carrying him over her shoulder).

Whatever they have planned for Monel it's going to be BIG, and I mean even bigger than him becoming the new 31st century Green Lantern.
I predict he gets his own monthly book soon ... I think that was the plan. Then we the fans voted Monel for Legion leader, so that threw a monkey wrench into Levitz' plans now. smile
Didn't TPTB have Invisible Kid step down as leader in the reboot shortly after the fans elected him? I hope they don't do that here. That was so cheap. Their excuse was his powers "weren't suitable for leading the charge" or some such nonsense. As if the nature of a person's power is what gives him/her good leadership qualities.
The reboot Lyle seemed to be a born leader, to me. I'd have followed him anywhere.

Lar has already had his own book, 'Valor'.
Didn't work.
And they built him up, and the Daxamites, in the Earth War thingy.

I just think of Lar as a team player with a need for a little space, sometimes.

They, TPTB, better not pull a fast one.
Not that we can do anything about it, I guess.
Yeah, the cover of Legion #11 (Featuring Nura and Thom) was a big surprise to me. I really didn't expect to see Starman again any time soon.

It isn't that I don't like having Starman and Mon'El in the current Legion title, it just seemed to me that TPTB maybe thought these two had outgrown the Legion group somehow and were better used as support characters, such as Bouncing boy and Duplicate Damsel.

Instead, it seems like Mr. Levitz was just taking his time to getting around to these two, with what the number of other characters involved, is totally understandable.
But Star Boy had left the Legion long before Magic Wars, which is where this Legion picks up, right? Quislet and Matter Eater Lad too. I'm confused as to why Mr. Levitz seems to feel the need to bring them all back into the fold as if they were still current members.
Well, it's not really Levitz's doing so much as Johns, et al.

For that matter, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, and Brainiac Five had all left the team before the Magic Wars (and Imra had left and returned).
We're in the retroboot, remember.
There is a Paul Levitz article in this week's Comic Shop News (with a picture of the cover of the upcoming Levitz/Giffen annual on the fron page) where Paul mentions that he is trying to get all the members back together, or something to that effect. He also talks about the upcoming "Big Event" that will involve the Legion and the new Green Lantern of the 31st century sometime in 2011.

So I guess Paul see this "new" retroboot Legion as maybe a restart/reset for him from a writing standpoint. I don't blame him. I trust him as a writer and with the exception of the whole Earth Man subplot I am behind him 100%. LOL
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Adventure Comics #521 (Preview/Spoilers) - 01/02/11 09:18 PM
Kaaaaaaaaaaaay. I read Adventure 519-521 last night. How best to put this...?

I am very much looking forward to the Levitz/Jiminez LSH ACADEMY takeover of Adventure.

We all know Mr. Levitz can write a heck of a story, we've seen him do it. However, I've become convinced that these days he also requires an artist with the experience of a Jiminez or a Giffen (hate on Giffen all you want but I doubt anyone can honestly deny how much he contributed to Levitz' run) to tell a really really GOOD comic book story.

Watch, the Acadmey series will rock, and the Annual will be the best of the LSH series so far.

At least, I really really hope so. smile
Me, too, LASH.

I feel like the recent Adventure stuff was just a lost opportunity. But hopefully the newer stuff will be better.
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