Legion World
Posted By: Hunt Drouin Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/11/05 11:29 PM
Sorry if this was posted elsewhere, but I didn't see it.

I'm dying to know how figures stack up against # 1

[edit note: Hunt, hope you don't mind but I edited the title so we can continue to use this thread to report out on sales.]
Not yet. I think its about another week yet before we get them.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/12/05 12:56 AM
I know a lot of folks are curious.

# 2s generally see a drop in sales. I hope that isn't the case here, because LSH # 2 was a more enjoyable read than # 1, for me anyway.
Posted By: The Mess Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/12/05 04:12 AM
#2 will see a drop in sales, because it was ordered before anyone knew if #1 was a good read or not.

The statistics presented are generally not sales to the customer, but sales to the various comic book stores, and they are ordered about three months in advance (I think). *EVERYTHING* takes a sales hit for the second issue. It's to be expected and isn't that bad a thing.

The really interesting numbers will show up on issue four and five...
Posted By: ferroboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/12/05 04:15 AM
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I know a lot of folks are curious.

# 2s generally see a drop in sales. I hope that isn't the case here, because LSH # 2 was a more enjoyable read than # 1, for me anyway.
The owner of my comic shop said sales for #2 were still pretty high. In fact, he sold out. I know he didn't put in low orders because he sold out of #1, re-ordered, and sold out of those. I'm pretty sure he'd make sure there were enough copies of #2 around.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/12/05 10:06 AM
Yeah, my CBS sold out of # 2 hours after it hit the shelves, under heavy order numbers.

I noticed a healthy restock of both # 1 & 2 when I was there yesterday.
Posted By: Kinetix Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/12/05 11:06 AM
Yeah, no sales yet, but we'll have rankings later this coming week, most likely, and sales figures extrapolated from those in an additional week.

Look for a DC announcement about sales on the early issues any day now... laugh
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/13/05 03:06 PM
Well! Color me Super-Curious now!

Sounds like good news!
Posted By: Hunt Drouin Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/13/05 10:55 PM
Hey Barry, Where? dccomics.com?

Thanks for the tease.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/13/05 11:38 PM
Well, if DC's making an official announcement on sales, it's gotta be doing pretty spectacular.

Dare we hope... a "sold out!" press release?! BouncingBoy
I'm hopin' the smiley means Barry knows something good he just can't share yet.
they've decided to reboot the sales figures.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/14/05 11:46 PM
Hey, Barry! Is THIS the news you're hinting at...? laugh
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/14/05 11:54 PM
Woo-Woo-Woo! band
Posted By: Shadow Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/15/05 01:11 AM
Huzzah for Mark and Barry!

The Legion of Superheroes: The little book that could.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/15/05 06:29 AM
At my CBS both sold out. I remember when they told #1 sold out and I was supossed to have it on my pull list but they said they didn't have anymore...i almost made the 17 yr acne ridden cashier cry when he pulled one out he had hidden for himself...but it was either that or break his legs.
Posted By: Pariscub Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/15/05 11:15 AM
and here I thought that CBS was a TV broadcasting company wink
Posted By: Yk Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/16/05 05:09 AM
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
but it was either that or break his legs.
That's the funniest thing I've read all day.


It's the Legion man, this isn't just a comic book it's important!
Posted By: Arachne Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/17/05 01:21 AM
Yay WaK!

Go Legion!

No figures yet but here's the rankings released today (including the 3 books above and below LOSH):

27 24 79.03 ** NOV041799 FANTASTIC FOUR #522 $2.99 MAR
28 37 74.45 ** NOV040278 JSA #69 $2.50 DC
29 26 73.93 JUN041408 WANTED #6 (Of 6) (MR) $2.99 IMA
30 27 72.08 ** NOV040280 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #2 $2.95 DC
31 49 71.07 ** NOV040270 FLASH #218 $2.25 DC
32 28 69.66 ** NOV040236 DETECTIVE COMICS #802 $2.95 DC
33 29 68.53 ** OCT041735 NEW X-MEN #8 $2.99 MAR

We beat out the Flash, Detective Comics and New X-Men. But we fell five slots. Still, the actual numbers will tell a better story.

An interesting note on the top 300 for January. DC's highest ranking title was The Teen Titans (#20). It came in at #14. Marvel owned the top 13 slots. I don't think I've seen that for quite awhile.

Here's the full list .
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/05 06:29 PM
Based on Titans doing 62k (which, coming from this is, I think, a fair assumption), LSH #2 had orders of ~39.7k, (with reorders for #1 of around 7.2k), which makes a drop of ~22% on orders for #1 (not counting reorders).

For comparison, Titans had a drop of 2.7%
Posted By: Vee Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/05 07:30 PM
DC's Top 20

2) JLA #110
4) BATMAN #63
5) FLASH #217
6) JSA #69
8) FLASH #218
16)ROBIN #134
18)SPACE GHOST #3 (OF 6)

Looking at it this way, I'd say that Mark & Barry deserve lots of kudos. They beat out some pretty significant titles at DC, including every single Batman & Superman title except for Batman.

Congrats Mark & Barry! cheers
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/05 08:12 PM
Man, I thought the days of having a Legion title in the top 30 2 months in a row was an 80s legend, never to be seen again. How nice to be wrong.

LSH is one of DC's top 10 titles. It feels pretty good to be able to type that.
Posted By: Omni Craig Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/05 08:51 PM
It proves that everything is "cyclical". I knew if I was a Legion fan long enough, it would be "hip" again.

I'd say things are gonna be looking up for Huey Lewis and the News again too... wink
Posted By: PolarBoy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/05 09:35 PM
Take that flash.

Since we are talking rankings and sales does anybody Know if Fallen Angel is still on the chopping block? It's suck a good book.
Posted By: Arachne Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/05 01:12 AM
I'm almost entirely certain that last sentence didn't come out the way you intended. :7
Posted By: Kinetix Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/05 10:32 AM
PAD has said that issue 20 is the last issue, as have DC's solicits. I suppose a miracle could still happen, but I'm doubtful. Peter also said that he has something in mind for later down the road, and to keep your eyes open.

LSH looks to be doing good. Yay. =)

Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/05 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Reboot:
Based on Titans doing 62k (which, coming from this is, I think, a fair assumption), LSH #2 had orders of ~39.7k, (with reorders for #1 of around 7.2k), which makes a drop of ~22% on orders for #1 (not counting reorders).
Using Batman as the index title, it comes out somewhat higher -- 42K-44K copies. This assumes Batman slipped no more than it did in December. The range is consistent with the most recent numbers for the neighboring titles: FF (47.6K), JSA (45.2K), Flash (43.6K), New X-Men (43K) and Detective (42.8).

January reorders of LSH #1 also come out a bit higher -- 7.5K-8K copies. So, the total number sold in the U.S. through Diamond was about 58K copies.

I won't try to estimate the drop between the two issues until next month, in case there are reorders for #2.
Posted By: Lobo Gris Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/05 02:45 AM
It was reported that orders for issue #4 of Legion of Super-Heroes are higher than those for #3, while those were larger than the orders for #2.
Also, in Newsrama are spoilers of issue #7.

Originally posted by Arachne:
I'm almost entirely certain that last sentence didn't come out the way you intended. :7
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but you mean amother.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/05 03:52 AM
While a slip on a banana peel is one of the great cliches of slapstick humor.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/05 04:09 AM
lol SEE?!
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:

An interesting note on the top 300 for January. DC's highest ranking title was The Teen Titans (#20). It came in at #14. Marvel owned the top 13 slots. I don't think I've seen that for quite awhile.
DC's three best sellers: Superman/Batman, Superman and Green Lantern: Rebirth, all missed their January shipping dates, so it's not hard to see why Marvel dominated the top ten.

I am excited by the news out of Wondercon that DC is seeing increasing sales on Legion month over month from #2 onwards. Very, very excited!
Some numbers from ICv2 :

30 72.08 LEGION OF SUPER HEROES #2 42,261
145 13.06 LEGION OF SUPER HEROES #1 7,657

That would give #1 sales of 58,348. Since DC wouldn't run off an odd number like that I'd figure they printed at least 60,000 copies of number one.

Can't wait for next month's numbers and see what the reorders for #2 look like.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/05 01:00 AM
Just been reminded of this :

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Good news is that initial sales are way, way above anything LSH has achieved for many a long year - (more than double the highest it achieved in its last two runs if I understood the figures correctly -) so definitely a whole lot of new readers ARE jumping on board - our task as creators will be to keep them with us smile
And, as I said later on that same page...

Originally posted by Reboot:
Last two runs? That's Legion Lost (or maybe Worlds) and The Legion, right?

Bearing in mind usual disclaimers about North American estimates only...

Okay, I know For No Better Reason slipped a bit, so the absence of those figures is not significant. That would make the benchmark The Legion #1 (estimated from inital, not final as now, orders as 28350). Meaning that, in comparable figures, LSHv5 #1 would be looking at 60-65000.
Still not quite as high (even after advance reorders & one month of reorders + a "sold out") as I expected from that. We'll see what happens next - they didn't "me too" Teen Titans as I expected.
it's an interesting (and telling) experiment - this re-booted, reimagined Legion

since contained minis seem to be more profitable for publishers, and ongoing series have shown considerable trouble maintaining stable sales, it's really issues #10, 12, 24, 35, 78 that tells the story (especially with the golden re-imagination parachute: the Legion could get old if it gets completely reborn every 5-10 years based on sales of the ongoing book

ALTHOUGH THESE NUMBERS CERTAINLY ROCK - and IMO, Waid & Kitson certainly earn it
Sales figures for February titles have been released. Here is how LoSH #3 ranked:

40 39 68.84 ** DEC040270 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #3

While it may seem like a slide from #2 I'd wait for the actual number of copies sold before making any assumptions.
By the way, additional sales of #1 and #2 were reported as well:

205 211 8.34 NOV040280 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #2

274 284 2.75 OCT040295 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #1
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/19/05 12:27 AM
So what are our grand totals for 1 & 2? I can't figure out those numbers beside the title.
Don't know yet Lash. The actual figures will still be another couple of weeks. But for now #1 has total sales (not counting the third round of reorders) of 58,348 and #2 has 42,261.
Sorry I've missed this thread up to now.
Some more good news - initial orders on #5 are up once again on previous issues smile

All good signs!

Thanks again guys for helping make the relaunch the big success it's generally agreed to be! laugh
Posted By: Star Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/21/05 08:27 AM
Barry thanked us! Us! smile
[steinbrenner] I am blown away, George! Blowowoowwwn Away! [/steinbrenner]
Thank you, Barry! You guys are doing such a great job that we can't not support it!
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/24/05 01:02 PM
ICV2 has released the actual numbers for February here .

LSH #3 - 39,951
LSH #2 reorders - 4,840 (47,101 total)
LSH #1 reorders - 1,596 (59,944 total)

Am I correct that Barry stated orders of issues #3-5 topped #2? If so, we'll be seeing a huge reorder number for #3 in next month's chart.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/24/05 09:03 PM
Three Legion books in the top 300 - got to be a long time since that happened.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/24/05 11:57 PM
Yeah, by # 4, the shop owners will be tired of having to do all the reorders and will up their initial orders-- watch for # 4's initial orders to make a big jump over # 3's!
Posted By: Arachne Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/25/05 01:38 AM
50 61.4 X-FORCE #6 $2.99 MAR 35,633

70 48.87 X-FORCE SHATTERSTAR #1 (OF 3) $2.99 MAR 28,361

I am not alone!

Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/25/05 02:49 PM
Hey, the slimmest majority of Americans reelected Duh-bya. Sometimes a large number of otherwise sane people can do stupid things. wink
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/25/05 08:12 PM
It was reported that orders for issue #4 of Legion of Super-Heroes are higher than those for #3, while those were larger than the orders for #2.
LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #1: Rank - 25; Numbers - 50,691 ¹
LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #2: Rank - 30; Numbers - 42,261 ² <font size="5">↓</font s>
LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #3, Rank - 40; Numbers - 39,951 ³ <font size="5">↓</font s>
Posted By: Shadow Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/25/05 09:54 PM
With only a three issue drop with the third issue, it appears that the usual new title drop has slowed relatively fast. It's quite good that sales have stabilized so fast plus, this number also doesn't factor in reorders.

P.S. Reboot, not to sound snooty but this Legion is still selling 15 000 more copies than your Legion ever did tongue
Posted By: Shadow Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/30/05 03:13 AM
The legion topped the list of reorders for febuary as well!

(205) 4,840 -- Legion of Super-Heroes #2
(215) 4,178 -- Nightwing #102
(217) 3,877 -- Green Lantern: Rebirth #3
(227) 3,145 -- Nightwing #101
(244) 2,368 -- Space Ghost #3
(249) 2,246 -- Flash #218
(250) 2,234 -- Adventures of Superman #636
(251) 2,205 -- Green Lantern: Rebirth #1
(258) 2,025 -- We3 #3
(262) 1,933 -- JLA: Classified #3
(264) 1,898 -- Batman #636
(266) 1,828 -- Green Lantern: Rebirth #2
(267) 1,828 -- Teen Titans #20
(274) 1,596 -- Legion of Super-Heroes #1
(293) 1,248 -- Superman/ Batman #16
(294) 1,225 -- Superman #212
(295) 1,213 -- Superman/ Batman #15
Posted By: ferroboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/31/05 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Arachne:
50 61.4 X-FORCE #6 $2.99 MAR 35,633

70 48.87 X-FORCE SHATTERSTAR #1 (OF 3) $2.99 MAR 28,361

I am not alone!

Your Shatterstar fetish has got to end before more innocent people are subjected to Liefeld! Just hold out until a better creative team can use him or else we risk even more Liefeld!
Posted By: Arachne Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/31/05 02:30 AM
Nah. Liefeld's says he won't do anymore X-Force stuff, so if Marvel wants to revive X-Force, they're going to have to find someone else.
Posted By: Kinetix Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/03/05 07:32 AM
Oh, thank the Gods. Maybe if they do more X-Force I can pick it up, then. wink

And I'm back!
Just out of curiosity, does anyone save this monthly data anywhere or is there a place where we could pull the data for a bunch of months?

I'd be interested in looking at an "adjusted balance" of all titles for comparisons. The concept is fairly easy to do but there would be a bit of data manipulation involved.
ICv2 - the guys who provided the info above - keep records dating back to about three years ago.

You can also Google the rec.arts.comics. newsgroups to get Marc-Oliver Frisch's monthly updates. He does some of what you're suggesting.
Initial March figures are in (minus actual sales):


Issue #4 beat out Action Comics (#48), Detective Comics (#51), Nightwing (#52), Outsiders (#54), Nightwing (#55), Green Arrow (#65), Robin (#66), Wonder Woman (#69). All those titles were on sale the same month, not reorders.

The ranking for #3 was #40 with 68.84. So, depending upon actual numbers, #4 did bounce back up a little.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/16/05 12:06 AM
And # 2 is *STILL* making the chart? Kewl!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
And # 2 is *STILL* making the chart? Kewl!
Just barely but it did. smile
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/16/05 09:58 AM
Jillikers!! WAK's LSH # 2 is just like Debbie Boone's song "You Light Up My Life" back when it was assaulting the # 1 spot on the top 40 for 10 straight weeks in the 70s

Only more amusing.
Here are the estimated figures for #4 and reorders:

46 69.83 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #4 - 41,756
220 8.15 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #3 - 4,873
300 2.48 LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #2 - 1,483
Totals to date:

LoSH #1 - 59,944 (w/reorders)
LoSH #2 - 48,584 (w/reorders) 19% drop from #1
LoSH #3 - 44,284 (w/reorders) 9% drop from #2
LoSH #4 - 41,756 (no reorder numbers yet) 6% drop from #3

I figure there should be at least another 3,000 in reorders for #4. Looks like a pretty decent decline already becoming steady. But figuring these numbers aren't my strong suit.
Posted By: Kinetix Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/24/05 09:53 AM
Very decent numbers.

Someone posts detailed anlyses of DC's numbers (Marc Oliver-Frisch but highly mangled by me, I know it), and he does a good job of the percentages and sorting out how things are performing against each other.

Inital sales for April (minus actual numbers):

Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/05 02:45 PM
ICV2 has reported actual sales numbers for April 2005 HERE .

LSH #5 - 41,664
LSH #4 reorders - 1,652

Totals so far:

12/ 2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/ 2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/ 2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/ 2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 "" (41,756 + 1,652)
04/ 2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, not incl. next-month reorders, if any.

After 5 months, the buzz is gone, but hopefully it's attaining stability now. 40K or thereabouts, and a solid position in the Top 50, wouldn't be bad for this series, though I wonder if it might have done better if it moved somewhat faster than an arctic glacier. The Infinite Crisis tie-in starting in August, and the possible intro of Power Girl, is bound to give the series greater exposure, if not more readers, though I remain skeptical about the long-term benefits for Legion continuity. TPTB would be wise to publish a trade collection soon to tie-in with the tie-in. Some press about the upcoming cartoon (we hope) wouldn't hurt, either. Just my two cents.
At least we beat Conan!
Forget Conan! We beat:


And those are just the on-goings from the Top 100.
Intial standings for May:


And that's it. No reorders in the Top 300.

I'm going to guess that issue #6 sold about 40,800 copies, down about 800 copies from last month.
Well I was off by 170 comics. #6 sold an estimated 40,970 issues. That's only a drop of 694 copies.
Posted By: Power Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/30/05 11:37 PM
is this usual for sales to drop like this?
DB you can find a good recap of DCs sales figures here . The Legion is actually doing pretty well for a new series.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/01/05 03:14 AM
And DC really started kicking butt finally!!! Which is nice cause in quality they've been head & shoulders over Marvel for a while and then some.
Intial numbers for June:


A little slip but I still think the numbers are holding up quite well compared to the last title.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/21/05 09:19 PM
Will probably fall a few more places in July. I think with all the House of M series, a couple of first issues from DC and the Adv. of Superman and Wonder Woman getting a big bump from OMAC it's possible that the line to get into the top 50 may be above 40k.

The fluctuation in the position is no big deal as long as the raw counts are relatively stable.
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/21/05 09:47 PM
FYI, Newsarama has just started publishing their own sales data. You'll find their chart HERE .

According to them, LSH #7 sold 39,100 copies. We'll just have to see how it lines up with the actual numbers from ICV2 when they come out.

If Newsarama's numbers are accurate, it represents a drop of 1,870 copies from issue #6. That doesn't come as a big surprise; the 6-month mark tends to be end of the standard trial period for a new series. And then, as Tamper Lad said, there are all the Infinite Crisis and House of M crossovers and event issues that are flooding the market now, and people's pockets are only so deep. The fact that LSH remains firmly in the Top 50 is a positive sign. Let's just hope the downward trend doesn't continue for long.

A trade might have helped respark interest at this point and capture some belated readers, but DC seems oblivous to that idea. What dummies.
Well their prediction is about 1,000 copies higher than mine so I hope they are correct.

As for a trade, I can't really see a trade yet for LSH. There hasn't been a set start and end to anything yet. I think it'll be a bit longer before we get to stories that can be collected.
Um...must keep quiet, since I don't know if I'm supposed to say or not...

Be looking for a trade of the new series the next time they announce DC's collected additions. Barry told me, but I don't think I'm supposed to spill the beans about it. So...shhh!
Bastards...I know you're hiding something.
Originally posted by Tromium:
According to them, LSH #7 sold 39,100 copies. We'll just have to see how it lines up with the actual numbers from ICV2 when they come out.

If Newsarama's numbers are accurate, it represents a drop of 1,870 copies from issue #6. That doesn't come as a big surprise; the 6-month mark tends to be end of the standard trial period for a new series. And then, as Tamper Lad said, there are all the Infinite Crisis and House of M crossovers and event issues that are flooding the market now, and people's pockets are only so deep. The fact that LSH remains firmly in the Top 50 is a positive sign. Let's just hope the downward trend doesn't continue for long.
And if you look at it in another way, we are still outselling a number of their flagship titles. Both Detective Comics and Adventures of Superman were lower in sales than the Legion. There is no shame in being a top 50 selling book, in my opinion.
Posted By: wamu2 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/22/05 01:18 PM
there's no shame. but why oh why aren't the numbers higher! I have some ideas to increase sales:

(4) take a cue from Element Lad and get rid of clothing for all Legion members.

(3) have 2 or 3 variant covers for every issue

(2) less character development and more rock'em sock'em battle scenes

(1) have a 7 part mini in which projectra's illusions changes the universe in an internet breaking event of the decade!

dude, sales would go through the roof. smile

naturally, the above items are all a joke. but sadly, some of those probably would increase sales.
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/26/05 11:23 AM
The ICV2 sales figure is a tad higher: 39,155 copies. You'll find the chart HERE .

Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Um...must keep quiet, since I don't know if I'm supposed to say or not...
hmmm Maybe I spoke too soon.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Um...must keep quiet, since I don't know if I'm supposed to say or not...
Looks like the cat is out of the bag anyway.
Totals to date:

12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""

For comparison, here are the figures for the first seven issues of the last series:

The Legion #1 - 28,350
The Legion #2 - 24,364
The Legion #3 - 24,338
The Legion #4 - 24,416
The Legion #5 - 24,232
The Legion #6 - 24,603
The Legion #7 - 25,113
For comparisons against the end of the series prior (Legion/Legionnaires), Legion Lost and Legion Worlds, see Reboot's invaluable post here .
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
[b]Um...must keep quiet, since I don't know if I'm supposed to say or not...
Looks like the cat is out of the bag anyway. [/b]
Thanks! And without the color code, my post from above.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:

Be looking for a trade of the new series the next time they announce DC's collected additions. Barry told me, but I don't think I'm supposed to spill the beans about it. So...shhh!
LSH fell out of the top 50 this month:

54 56.96 Legion of Super-Heroes #8

I figure #8 sold around 38,500 copies so it dropped a bit more.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/05 04:55 AM
Hmm. I don't care for this falling out of the top 50 business.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Hmm. I don't care for this falling out of the top 50 business.
At least 16 of the titles I counted in the top 50 are part of various limited series. They end... blam-o -- Legion back in the top 50.
Posted By: kcekada Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/05 02:17 AM

54 on Hot 100

37,272 units sold

Okay, but the book is trending down. With all of the Infinite Crisis tie-ins, etc., I'm afraid Legion is getting lost.

The past couple of issues have been a bit of a turn-off (Legionnaires acting like asses and the unknown guest artist).

Hopefully, we'll be moving in a new direction soon. The current one is getting tedious.
#9 continues the slide:

69 53.97 Legion of Super-Heroes #9

Although the share of sales didn't slide that badly. If the share was the same as last month the issue still would have ranked at #63.
Posted By: KidChaos Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/17/05 06:57 PM
Any know what the actual number of copies sold for number 9 was?

That's all that really matters right?
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/17/05 07:30 PM
35,800 as estimated by Newsarama.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/17/05 07:35 PM
I was looking at the rankings earlier this week... If you subtract all the one-shots, annuals and mini's (25) and only count titles that double-shipped this month as one (4), LSH is still #40 in ongoing monthlies. Not so scary when you figure it like that... though dipping towards 35K is a little worrisome.
More than a little, to my thinking.

As many of us here have noted, it's getting lost in the IC shuffle.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/17/05 11:05 PM
I'd like to blame this on the IC/House of M summer glut, but sadly must realize that no matter the glut, if the demand were there, the initial orders wouldn't be shrinking.

If there are reorders, I might feel better about it.

Still, the 3boot is selling better than the last run, and with a 'toon in the pipeline, things are still okay with unlimited potential for improvement.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/17/05 11:14 PM
I noticed that issues 6-7 were over-ordered by several of the comic book stores I go to. There were still 8-12 copies by the time the next issue was out.

I've noticed that 8-9 seem to be closer to equilibrium at the stores. I think #9 actually sold out already at my regular store, so maybe we'll see a leveling out. With Barry promising a huge conclusion to year 1 and a TPB coming out 35-37k is not a bad base to build from.
when i saw these numbers, i just shook my head ... i like this version of the Legion (it's not MY legion, but that went out the window 4ever when Giffen & TMB blew up the moon IMO) ... it's taken awhile for the characters to form (not a bad thing with such a big cast and the need to differentiate them from past versions while providing an entertaining story) and the villains are kinda lame (again, IMO), BUT i see a lot of promise here

unfortunately, perhaps this Legion was not considered in light of the larger crossover pushes at both companies and thus became lost in the shuffle

it's possible that a smaller start -- maybe a team of "Legionnaires" stuck in our present learning to be heroes before returning to their present/a future to form a LSH or something ... build some additional interest outside of the 30k of 'us' (i mean the predictable Legion fans)

hindsight is 20/20

i see how some titles get 'shaken up' for selling at this level (i.e. Aquaman, Green Arrow, Catwoman, Nightwing) -- and usually not in a good way

hope that Waid can bring some of his Brave & Bold numbers to Legion when that kicks up (i expect it to start big, call me optimistic)
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/20/05 09:38 AM
Honestly while I am enjoying this Legion I see some missteps on how to launch a series. The pace being the most important.

Teenage revolution? Teenagers have the attention span of 10 seconds. Not sure if they were going for the actual young audience or the old audience that enjoys the teenager thing.

things sound like they will pick up soon hopefully that will translate into sales.
Totals to date:

12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #8 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #9 -- 35,834 ""
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/27/05 08:41 PM
These plunging sale honestly don't surprise me in the least. And as gloomy as it is to say it I'm sure we've got a ways to go yet before it stops.

When I heard that Mark Waid was restarting the Legion I was thrilled. I *loved* the first few years of the reboot and thought he would bring the same electric story-telling here that he had brought there. But the threeboot is almost a master-class in how *NOT* to reboot a franchise and especially how *NOT* to reel in today's young readers!

If I wasn't such a Legion fan I probably would have dropped this boring series ages ago.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/28/05 02:41 AM
Hate to type it, but I too am suffering from Legion-ennui. sigh
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Hate to type it, but I too am suffering from Legion-ennui. sigh
I think issue #10 will crank it up a notch for a wild ride for the next few issues.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/28/05 04:30 AM
I agree Blacula. Thing is I think Waid was trying to be very careful. And for that I am grateful. But electricity sure is missing.

But in less than 24 hours everything can be turned around.

I just hope the Legion itself isn't blamed. I've seen some comments from creators here or there that the audience for them isn't there and I disagree very much so.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/28/05 09:29 AM
Maybe they should add a short, scrappy Gaul to the team: just read that the new Asterix book has a 1st print run of 8 million....
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/19/05 04:40 AM
69 Legion of Super Heroes 9 $2.99 DC 35,800

Well it's only dropped 34 issues since last month. Looks like it's going level out at 35K. I hope the next few issues jump starts some more readers but we will see.
I noticed today that my store seems to have re-stocked a bunch of back issues of the new series. Don't know what that means, though.
Posted By: KidChaos Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/19/05 11:46 AM
I noticed my CBS did the same, EDE.

But now that sales have (hopefuly) stabilized backstock levels should lower as well, I think.
Posted By: Tromium Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/19/05 01:03 PM
Compare to 'The Legion' #10 (24,775 copies, rank 85)

Numerical increase: 11,025 copies
Percentage increase: 44.5%

Compare current sales to the equivalent issue of Waid's first reboot. If we count the Zero issues, that would be LSH #70. The sales chart for that month is missing, but the closest issue for which we have data, LSH #69, ranked 148. It took a nice upswing in the following months, but as far as I can tell, the franchise never once attained domestic sales of 35-36K during the entire 10 years of the postboot era.

Compare to issue #10 of T&M's 'Legionnaires' relaunch. We can't, because it didn't appear on the Top 150 chart, nor did the LSH series at the end of T&M's run with LSH #50. Unfortunately, there are no earlier rankings online, but we're told that sales had "gently eroded" during the year after Giffen's departure. So we're looking at a bleak sales picture that goes back to 1993 and maybe back to 1992, if not earlier.

I love old sales data. They tell an important story, without bias. Disregarding the TT/Legion special, no previous LSH book appears to have reached 36K in domestic sales for at least a *dozen* years, insofar as I can interpret prior sales history.

If WaK's LSH is not the "important" book that TPTB hoped it would be, and if it failed to match Waid's hyperbolic projections as DC's #1 title (what *was* Mark smoking that day?), it can still be counted among their viable franchises for the time being, for which I give thanks. I choose to remain optimistic.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/20/05 04:00 AM
I agree Trom. (what was he smoking that day?)

Maybe IC made them change the pace? The Waid/Kitson expermiment is going to be around atleast 24 to 40 issues and I think sales will level.

But at some point this is going to need a kick in the pants IMO. I see much potential for improvement. I just hope DC doesn't think it's the Legion's fault they sell low...it's not. This book can easily be in the top 30 methinks.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/20/05 04:12 AM
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
I agree Trom. (what was he smoking that day?)
Was Quesada there, he obviously caught something from over there.
Updated list:

12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #8 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #9 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
LSH #11, in the raw data I just received from CBG, is listed as #54 for October, that's a rebound of 15 spots. The index is 48.75 with the #1 being Infinite Crisis #1 at 356.22 and an estimated 250,000 in sales. That rougly puts Legion sales at 34,213, down 1587 issues. I'm thinking that the 250K for IC may be on the low side.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/12/05 10:15 AM
Interesting. I wonder if they keep dropping little by little if DC will attempt to make some changes? Not a new creative team...but tell Waid to shift gears a bit?
Maybe with the wrap up to the first story arc, any IC tie-ins and some smaller arcs, the book will even out. And taking out all the one-shots/specials/minis, LSH ranks as the #40 selling ongoing title.

It also looks like I was off by 100 books. The finaly sales estimate for the issue was 34,113.
Posted By: Harbinger Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/16/05 05:26 PM
And don't you just know that sales will take off when Vi and Legion of the Multiverse arrive. laugh
With those three on the cover and Barry promising to fix the coloring on Block I expect a jump, even if only for an issue or two, of a couple of thousand extra issues. Of course, watch me be proven wrong just so Reboot can gloat. smile
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/16/05 09:57 PM
I agree. With Vi on the cover, then Blok, Dawny, and Tyroc...I am sure it will jump up real high. I know for sure the Levitz Legionnaires will come out again and buy that cover. smile
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/21/05 05:55 AM
54 Legion of Super Heroes #11 34,100

Latest from Newsarama (if I read it correctly). Ouch. Still think just with the release of the cover for #15 sales should go up next month.
Updated list:

12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #8 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #9 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""

And the current ranking for #12 is 57th with an index of 48.11. The TPB "Teenage Revolution" ranked at #27 of the top 100 graphic novels, while the CoiE Absolute edition came in at #29.
Updated list:

12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #8 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #9 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""

#13 ranked 54 in sales for January with an index of 52.47
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/21/06 03:14 AM
Ouch. I'm reminded of the Career Builders commercial with the inverted line chart and the celebrating monkeys ...
Okay, I never follow sales. What does the index number mean?
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Okay, I never follow sales. What does the index number mean?
It represents the sales of a book relative to the industry standard title, which is Batman. So it means the LSH sold 52.47 copies for every 100 copies of Batman sold for the month. Batman has been the industry standard for quite some time now. I think Portfolio Boy (Duke) once mentioned it has been used since the first Tim Burton Batman movie.
Hmm. That's better than I would've expected actually.

Thanks, LL.
Posted By: brigort Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/06 04:10 PM
Well, still some work ahead for the book to become DC's number one seller.
Posted By: Ultra Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/06 04:25 PM
Everyone pick up an extra issue of # 16 & give it to a friend, if you have no friends, give it to a stranger!
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/06 04:43 PM
I plan to buy extra copies - just for myself!
I buy two a month. Three if I can't wait for my shipment and go to the local shop.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/06 07:33 PM
I dropped it. Legion is my fave all time but I just can't dig this team. I am going to wait for a new direction to try it again.
Well, I may just buy some more of #15 caused I liked it that much.
I agree. I bought extra copies of most of the earlier issues, but haven't felt inspired to do so lately. #15 may start that trend again.
I bought 3 #1s, and I've been doing 2 copies since then. Around #5 I decided I'd drop to 1 copy after the 1st year story arc, but I've postponed the drop thru the Supergirl run. Still hoping.
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/04/06 07:01 PM
I must admit that I am a little worried by the steady decline in sales.
The previous Legion series had a very steady sales of about 25,000 and it looks like this series in trended back in that direction.
I am hoping that 16 will represent a turnaround on those figures.
12/2004: LSH #1 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #2 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #3 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #4 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #5 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #6 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #7 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #8 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #9 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- ?
02/2006: LSH #15 -- ?

#14 ranked 62 in sales for January with an index of 47.63. A big drop this month but when taking into account one-shots, specials and multiple issues of some titles, LSH actually held its spot as the #37 best selling on-going title for the month and improved two spots to DC's 15th best selling title.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/17/06 06:23 PM
Did you see 15 ranked 3 slots lower?

LSH #15- 65 47.63

And 14's index was actually 48.93.
Didn't catch that. Thanks Pov!
#16 ranked 41st in sales for March with a big jump in their index, up to 67.94. Of course it was a sold out issue and had the Big Red S helping out, so I doubt they'll stay up that high. But it would be nice to see them level off again a bit higher than they have been.

Taking into account all the specials, one-shots, annuals, double-ships, etc., SLSH #16 ranked at #27 in on-going titles and as DC's 12th best selling on-going.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/14/06 07:40 PM
Not bad.

Also good that # 16 was the best issue in months.
Updated numbers, including totals for #16:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 47,426 ""

#16 has posted the 3rd best sales of the series so far, behind #1 and #2. I'll be curious to see if the sales for the second printing hit the Top 300 for April since that issue is due out this Wednesday. Modest resales would be enough to push #16 up to the second best seller of this current series.
And just to note, since I now have historical sales data on the Legion back to 1997, issue #16 ranks as the fourth best selling issue of the Legion in nine years. Here are the top five since 1997:

Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 - 61,047
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #1 - 59,944
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #2 - 48,584
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #16 - 47,426
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #3 - 44,824

I know the numbers are still dropping but the Legion haven't seen numbers north of 30k since The Legion #25 (the 45th anniversary issue) which barely broke 30k (30,440). Prior to that issue the closet in 30k sales was for the two 1,000,000 issues, both of which sold 29,300 and The Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #100 which sold 29,800. So I tend to believe that with these sales we have a pretty strong title, strongest in a decade.

Now I just wish I could find some of the older sales numbers.
Posted By: Lucky Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/18/06 01:24 PM
Wow, those figures look really encouraging, Lightning Lad. I guess Kara has a lot of fans (I'm certainly one of them). #16 was one of the best issues to date, IMHO, so I think a lot of these people will stick around.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 04/18/06 01:26 PM
They wouldn't reprint unless they could sell 5000+ copies, would they?
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
They wouldn't reprint unless they could sell 5000+ copies, would they?
I'm not sure. The earlier sell out only added a couple of thousand to the total as I recall. I don't think they set a certain number. But with a different cover there may be something more to what they decide.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 03:16 PM
Preliminary sales info for SLOSH #17 are strong as well:

44 42 61.5 SUPERGIRL & LOSH #17 $2.99 DC
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 07:18 PM
This is good news. I'd take Kara on 3 out of every 5 covers if it meant these types of sales and some sort of stability in regards to knowing there is a guaranteed future to this Legion...

Pov, any idea how it ranked in regards to other DC titles (not including minis, one-shots, etc.)?
Why you asking him? This is my thread! I do the updates! wink

Not counting minis and such SLoSH #17 ranked as the #31 overall best selling title (DC and Marvel) and as the 9th best selling DC title.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 08:27 PM
I count it as 8 or 9 on DC's ongoing series. Which that is depends on whether you think Ion (a 12 issue limited series) is an ongoing. Remember there is no JLA or Flash or Wonder Woman right now. So I'd put it just outside the top 10 of DC's books.

Diamond's chart also shows issue 16 reorder/2nd print at number 184. That should be another 8-12k on top of what was sold in March.
I was looking for the full 300 list but could only find the Top 100 on Newsarama.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 08:52 PM
Here you go Scott. Diamond Charts

My quick estimate is just based on what the previous month's comics around 184 sold. I could give a better estimate but that would require work. (Ie entering the last year of top 300 sales tables into an excel analysis and forecast template I have i have) Perhaps if Legion World could provide me with a data entry slave.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Why you asking him? This is my thread! I do the updates! wink

Not counting minis and such SLoSH #17 ranked as the #31 overall best selling title (DC and Marvel) and as the 9th best selling DC title.
My plan to play Pov against Scott is working, as I reap the reward of information! laugh
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Why you asking him? This is my thread! I do the updates! wink
sob I'm sorry... choke
Oh, now I've gone and made Pov cry. That will just ruin my weekend. frown

Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/19/06 11:58 PM
Posted By: KryptonKid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/20/06 04:48 AM
Hey, Pov, keep up the good work!

Updated numbers, including new totals for #16:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 44,800, no reorder listed in top 300

And here are the new top five best selling Legion issues since 1997 (#16 passed up #2 with reorders):

Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 - 61,047
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #1 - 59,944
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #16 - 54,826
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #2 - 48,584
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #3 - 44,824

#17 sold only 24 fewer issues than #3. It will be interesting to see if Supergirl keeps the title in the 40k range.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/23/06 03:07 PM
Scott, will there be reorders now in May that we'll end up seeing, which will add to the #17 figure? I'd love it if another broke $50K.

Supergirl's membership is worth it 100% if it means steady figures like this.
They haven't resolicited #17 as sold out but if the sales garner more reorders, like the first few issues of the series did, there is a chance we'll see some more. I doubt, though, that they'd be on par with the reorders for #16 which was sold out and resolicited with a different cover. They'll need about 1500 in reorders to chart again.

And I still want to know where those other 56 copies of #1 went. There is no way DC printed 59,944 copies. They had to run 60k. I wonder if they would have given out 56 comps.
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:

And I still want to know where those other 56 copies of #1 went. There is no way DC printed 59,944 copies. They had to run 60k. I wonder if they would have given out 56 comps.
Two things to remember:

1) ICV2 and other sights only release estimates based on what they see as reliable sales sampling. There are still calculations involved translating indexes to "real" numbers, so it's possible to be "off" by a few fractions of a percentage (which could translate into upwards of 100 copies either way depending on the volume of sales).

2) They may have printed 60,000, but there's no way they all made it to shops intact. Damaged, lost, and otherwise unsellable books are no doubt returned and probably don't rank in Diamond's system. That being the case, losing .1% of your run that way isn't too shabby.
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/23/06 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Supergirl's membership is worth it 100% if it means steady figures like this.
Begrudgingly, I agree.
Posted By: Matthew E Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/23/06 05:36 PM
I've enjoyed Supergirl's membership so far. I think it's worth it all by itself; if the sales figures go up then that's even better.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/30/06 11:27 AM
Marc-Oliver Frisch has released his month-to-month analyses of DC's March \'06 titles over at The Pulse.

Legion/LSH sales trends for 6 mo's/1yr/2yr's

+ 36.2%/+ 13.6%/+ 90.7%

--making LSH DC's 5th-best improved sales performer for 6 months, 14th best for the 1 year period, and a whopping second-best improvement, behind Green Lantern, over its sales for 2 years. cool
Can anybody post the sales figures of the Pre-Crisis Legion of Super-Heroes.
If they were readily available I'd have them posted on my site. But they take some research which I haven't quite finished. Once I'm done, though, I plan to have sales figures all the way back to Adv. #247.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/09/06 01:10 AM
Marc-Oliver Frisch has posted his analysis of DC's April sales numbers, but I don't wanna step on Scooter's toes.

He'll make me cry again... frown wink
Why you.... mad wink

Actually, didn't he post those last week? I wasn't planning on updating. Seemed kinda redundant and, to me, he really didn't add anything we didn't already know.
SLoSH is still in the top 50 for May, but just barely. Not much of a slip but hopefully it won't slide much further.


And #17 added some more to its sales total:

Almost forgot, the second trade of the series ranked in the TPB sales for May as well.

Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/17/06 12:00 AM
I'm not too worried, as long as the actual sales #'s are consistent. Depending on how you look at it, there were around 15 minis and maxis (Ion at 12 issues, and 52, of course) charting ahead of S&LOSH, and several comics had multiple issues... again, 52, but also the Battle for Bloodhaven mini, Action and USM. The bloom hasn't worn off yet... Hopefully Mark and Barry can capitalize and retain the new readers.
Yeah, I hadn't figured out the 'actual' standings yet (usually wait for the numbers to come out) but I'm not too worried.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/17/06 12:50 AM
Good show for the trade, btw... I still wanna pick up both of them when I get a slow month.

(This month's PG bust month... lol )
Guess we have different priorities. I'd rather have a trade collecting books that I have at least two copies of each issue that make up the trade than get a statue/bust of a comic book heroine with an oversized bust.

Grife, been 40 barely a month and already my priorities have become screwed.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/17/06 01:57 PM
Updated numbers, including new totals for #17:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520

#18 actually outsold #17 by 720 copies, before reorders were added in. The issue was the 29th best selling overall title when specials, minis (and maxis like 52) and one-shots were subtracted. It was DC's 12th best selling title.

The Legion TPB sold 2,874 copies, 228 less than the first collection.
And here are the new top five best selling Legion issues since 1997 (#17 passed up #3 with reorders):

Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 - 61,047
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #1 - 59,944
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #16 - 54,826
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #2 - 48,584
The Legion of Super-Heroes v5 #17 - 47,697
Posted By: Nick Vinson Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/19/06 07:53 PM
boy it sure would be nice to stay at 45K

Posted By: Cammy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/12/06 02:56 AM
I hope sales stay strong. The OYL boost seems to have helped sales a lot, so hopefully a lot of people stay on Legion.
I didn't see the original release of the Top 300 but they are out along with the numbers:


If there were reorders for #18 they didn't chart.

#19 was, minus the special, one-shots, etc., the 33rd best selling title for June and DCs 13th best selling on-going title. If we count Superman/Batman as a team book then SLoSH was DCs 5th best selling team title.

Updated numbers:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
13 out of ??

5th out of ??

Need totals for proper reference. smile
Posted By: googoomuck Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/06 04:41 AM
If we count Superman/Batman as a team book then SLoSH was DCs 5th best selling team title.
Then if we don't count Superman/Batman as a team book then SLoSH would be DCs 4th best selling team title.
No estimates yet but it looks like SLoSH #20 took quite a tumble compared to #19:


#20 fell exactly as many points in the index from June to July as Marvel Team-Up #22 had in total (17.27). Still if sales for Civil War #3 were high maybe the actual number of issues sold wouldn't have dropped too much.

One-shots, et al aside, #20 ranked in at #36.

The issue ranked #16 (out of 33) for DC's on-going titles and #7 (out of 10) for DC's team books.
Estimated numbers are out and SLoSH #20 shipped 41,679 copies, 2,239 fewer than #19. The title is still selling 10k above what it was, though, prior to Supergirl joining.
Posted By: KidChaos Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/17/06 03:28 AM
I'll feel much better about this series when/if sales ever stabilize.

Don't most titles start to level out by 20 issues?
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/06 04:36 AM
Don't most titles start to level out by 20 issues?
That is an unrealistic expectation - for example

Top 10 selling comics
January 2004:
1 Ultimate Fantastic Four 126,700
2 New X-Men 124,000
3 New X-Men 118,100
4 Marvel 1602 109,200
5 Wolverine End 100,100
6 Ultimate X-Men 99,600
7 Ultimate Spider-Man 95,900
8 Ultimate Six 94,200
9 Uncanny X-Men 89,900
10 Batman 89,100

Current position & sales

Ultimate Fantastic Four - 22 - 84,400
New X-Men - 55 - 39,800
New X-Men
Marvel 1602 - mini series
Wolverine End - mini series
Ultimate X-Men - 30 - 70,600
Ultimate Spider-Man - 27 - 76,600
Ultimate Six - mini series
Uncanny X-Men - 19 - 88,800
Batman - 5 - 113,600
Posted By: camtin Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/06 05:37 AM
Originally posted by Valor1:
Don't most titles start to level out by 20 issues?
That is an unrealistic expectation - for example....
He said 'most'- walk into a fully stocked comic book store and you'll see the ones he's talking about. That includes all the non X books out there, the books like firestorm and manhunter, all the Vertigo books, indy books, Darkhorse etc...
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/06 04:19 AM
He said 'most'- walk into a fully stocked comic book store and you'll see the ones he's talking about. That includes all the non X books out there, the books like firestorm and manhunter, all the Vertigo books, indy books, Darkhorse etc...
I do shop at a well stocked store - one that carries every Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse title plus a slew of independents. Plus it has one of the largest back issue stock of any store within a hundred miles.
The owner is a good friend of mine and I have reviewed the sales charts that he uses to review his sales and to project his orders. I can tell you that sales tend to fluctuate based on a myriad of special events - cross overs, new writers, new artists etc.
I also see that you mentioned a variety of publishers but only two specific titles and quoted no numbers to back up your assertions.
So I did a little research and here are the numbers:( I don't see a lot of stability)
Firestorm 1 46,300
Firestorm 2 35,400
Firestorm 3 31,000
Firestorm 4 28,400
Firestorm 5 26,400
Firestorm 6 28,000
Firestorm 7 22,100
Firestorm 8 21,100
Firestorm 9 20,000
Firestorm 10 20,200
Firestorm 11 19,400
Firestorm 12 19,000
Firestorm 13 18,900
Firestorm 14 18,400
Firestorm 15 17,700
Firestorm 16 17,700
Firestorm 17 22,600
Firestorm 18 23,200
Firestorm 19 23,000
Firestorm 20 23,500
Firestorm 21 22,500
Firestorm 22 21,100
Firestorm 23 25,100
Firestorm 24 23,700
Firestorm 25 23,300
Firestorm 26 21,800
Firestorm 27 19,800


Manhunter 1 25,500
Manhunter 2 20,300
Manhunter 3 19,200
Manhunter 4 15,800
Manhunter 5 15,400
Manhunter 6 14,300
Manhunter 7 14,100
Manhunter 8 14,200
Manhunter 9 13,600
Manhunter 10 13,700
Manhunter 11 14,000
Manhunter 12 13,600
Manhunter 13 22,100
Manhunter 14 17,200
Manhunter 15 14,300
Manhunter 16 14,300
Manhunter 17 13,600
Manhunter 18 13,200
Manhunter 19 13,000
Manhunter 20 16,100
Manhunter 21 14,900
Manhunter 22 15,700
Manhunter 23 15,500
Manhunter 24 14,600

I compared the % change from one issue to another for the first 20 issues - the first set of numbers is S&LSH, the second Firestorm and the last Manhunter, And i don't see the Legion as any better or worse than the others.
2 -19% -31% -26%
3 -8% -14% -6%
4 -3% -9% -22%
5 -4% -8% -3%
6 -2% 6% -8%
7 -4% -27% -1%
8 -5% -5% 1%
9 -4% -6% -4%
10 0% 1% 1%
11 -5% -4% 2%
12 -2% -2% -3%
13 -2% -1% 38%
14 -1% -3% -28%
15 -3% -4% -20%
16 73% 0% 0%
17 -13% 22% -5%
18 -5% 3% -3%
19 -4% -1% -2%
20 -5% 2% 19%
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/17/06 07:22 PM
So, I usually let Scooter figure all this stuff out for me cuz I'm all lazy and stuff, but according to newsarama and CBG LoSH did pretty damn well in Oct 2006!

It looks like its about 39 in the Top 100 right now (is that right? or is it 43?). The figure looks to be at 66,560, or am I not reading it right?

If I am, that's pretty damn good for the Legion! Of course, its a pretty strong month for the industry as a whole, and everything looks to be doing better.

Now someone impress me with your dorkiness and tell me what this all means!
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/17/06 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
So, I usually let Scooter figure all this stuff out for me cuz I'm all lazy and stuff, but according to newsarama and CBG LoSH did pretty damn well in Oct 2006!

It looks like its about 39 in the Top 100 right now (is that right? or is it 43?). The figure looks to be at 66,560, or am I not reading it right?

If I am, that's pretty damn good for the Legion! Of course, its a pretty strong month for the industry as a whole, and everything looks to be doing better.

Now someone impress me with your dorkiness and tell me what this all means!
It sold 66.5% of what Detective Comics sold - that's not going to be anywhere near 66.5k.

And it was #39 in a month without Civil War, one issue of Civil War: Frontline, Amazing Spider-Man, Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways, Ultimates and Astonishing X-Men on the Marvel side, and All-Star Superman, All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League of America, Teen Titans, Superman/Batman, Green Lantern and Supergirl on the DC side. I may have missed a few titles.

On the other hand, it got beaten by that perennial top-seller Spider-Girl.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/17/06 07:47 PM
You'd almost think your post was negative 'Boot! laugh
It sold 66.5% of what Detective Comics sold - that's not going to be anywhere near 66.5k.
Normally it's indexed against the sales of Batman (not Detective) but for the first time in, well, a REALLY long time Batman missed a shipping month.

So while the index number looked like it's jumped through the roof vs. last month, it is because the comparison is to a lower selling book.

Add to that the lack of perenniel best sellers (see post above) and I think sales may have slipped a little. It shouldn't be long before ICV2 works out the projection of actual sales and we'll know for sure.
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/18/06 06:12 PM
Add to that the lack of perenniel best sellers (see post above) and I think sales may have slipped a little. It shouldn't be long before ICV2 works out the projection of actual sales and we'll know for sure.
I am predicting that sales actually went up a bit - probably to just over 40K. I am sure the incentive cover resulted in dealers ordering a few extra copies.
We will know for sure in a few days.
One other thing of note - the Spidergirl issue was a number 1 which usually results in inflated sales. When I used to get over 30 titles a month, I had on my pull list any No.1 comic from Marvel or DC. And when I ran my shop, I also had customers that had similiar pull lists.
Probably explains why the comic companies love to relaunch titles.
Posted By: Vee Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/19/06 07:28 PM
I guess that shows what a poor excuse for a comic book geek I am! wink I buy books that I enjoy reading and it's never occurred to me to buy a book I don't care about simply because it's a number "1" though I guess it makes sense if you are interested in potential future value. (I assume that's why people would purposefully buy #1s. Is that correct?)
I take it another reason that #1s sell well is that people will often pick them up to sample a new title. So, for instance, maybe I didn't like the last Green Arrow series, but I'll pick up the first issue of the new one to see if it's a direction that I might enjoy more. If I don't, then I'm probably not buying beyond the first issue.
Posted By: Valor1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/20/06 06:59 AM
That's exacttly it!
I wanted to sample the new series to see if I liked it. I collected comics to read and not for investment value.
I never bought more than one copy of a book.
Originally posted by Valor1:
Add to that the lack of perenniel best sellers (see post above) and I think sales may have slipped a little. It shouldn't be long before ICV2 works out the projection of actual sales and we'll know for sure.
I am predicting that sales actually went up a bit - probably to just over 40K. I am sure the incentive cover resulted in dealers ordering a few extra copies.
We will know for sure in a few days.
Looking at the numbers again, I think you're right. Even taking into account Detective's slides month over month, if its trends hold it would clock in around 62K. Legion being 2/3rds of that via the index would be about 40K. We might be looking at a modest bump here.

Let's just hope Detective didn't crash and burn this month! wink
Valor and Rouge are right. The numbers for #23 came in at 41,554. But when you take into account that for every 10 issues sold there was one Hughes variant cover sold, 4,155 of those issues were the variant. And as #23 sold 4,819 more issues than #22, that leaves only an extra 664 actual extra issues sold.

Guess I should also mention that the third trade of the series charted on the TPB list for October, coming in at #23 with 2,972 copies shipped.

Here are the updated numbers for the current series.

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800 ""
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735 ""
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554 ""
Are we talking #23 or #22? I'm confused.
Sorry Gary. My list was missing the numbers for #22. I was talking about #23 as I assumed everyone else was. I hadn't updated in the last couple of months (other things on my mind).
Aw! Thanks! Now I understand.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/21/06 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Valor and Rouge are right. The numbers for #23 came in at 41,554. But when you take into account that for every 10 issues sold there was one Hughes variant cover sold, 4,155 of those issues were the variant. And as #23 sold 4,819 more issues than #22, that leaves only an extra 664 actual extra issues sold.
Which is probably accounted for by a few people ordering extra copies to get variants, and shops doing much the same thing (i.e., they would have ordered (10x-5)-(10x-1) copies, and actually order those extra copies to bring their no. of variants up to x.)

And a hefty proportion of those variants themselves are probably going to get slabbed since they were only bought for the Hughes cover, while any AH! fans buying copies of the "standard" version just to get the AH! cover will probably chuck the "standards"

The new numbers are in, and S&LOSH crashes down to 33,985, losing not only the increase from the variant, but another 2,700 copies to boot. Not a good sign.
Posted By: Nick Vinson Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/22/06 06:12 PM
yeah but over-all numbers are down on all titles. While Civil War brings in close to 275K. Most likely stores cut down on titles to make room for a massive order of CW and CW specific Tie ins.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/22/06 06:37 PM
And yet Cable & Deadpool, Thunderbolts (whose relaunch isn't till two months after these figures) and a few others are still several k higher than before despite their CW tie-inship being over, done and kaputzee with.
So you're saying Legion needs a Civil War Tie-in? Got it.

December's numbers are up and Legion clocks in at 33,288. That's close to 700 dropped, but not in the thousands, like prior issues. This is a good sign that we may be may be leveling out (probably around the 30K mark). It's not setting the charts on fire, but it's respectable and well above cancellation range.

Edit: So, continuing Lightning Lad's List we get:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800 ""
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735 ""
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554 ""
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/22/07 05:19 PM
Originally posted by rouge:
[QB]December's numbers are up and Legion clocks in at 33,288. That's close to 700 dropped, but not in the thousands, like prior issues. This is a good sign that we may be may be leveling out (probably around the 30K mark).
I draw your attention to the fact that #25s are counted as anniversary issues, and as such often-verging-on-usually outsell #24. The fact that there's still a drop, even a mitigated one, well,...
Posted By: wndola1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 05:47 PM
Curious as to how the Diamond screw ups may have affected sales on 25.
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 05:59 PM
What could be done to turn the sales slump around?
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 06:14 PM
Originally posted by wndola1:
Curious as to how the Diamond screw ups may have affected sales on 25.
It didn't. SLoSH wasn't on the affected list, and the numbers don't suggest that it was affected.

Originally posted by Lad Boy:
What could be done to turn the sales slump around?
They've already shot their wad on that by adding Supergirl to the title. Now they're at "complete creative team change" as the only chance of turning it around.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 07:03 PM
The change to the JIT ordering system probably means the recent numbers are more reflective of what's been selling.
Posted By: Tekwych Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Reboot:
They've already shot their wad on that by adding Supergirl to the title.
Getting rid of Supergirl would be an improvement on the book
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Tekwych:
Originally posted by Reboot:
[b]They've already shot their wad on that by adding Supergirl to the title.
Getting rid of Supergirl would be an improvement on the book[/b]
Regardless, look at the boost it gave them. It'd be more like 20k now on the selling power of Waid's version of the LoSH. As of now, the title's utterly dependent on that word in the title, to the point that it's arguably dragging down the solo Supergirl title.
They rolled the dice and it isn't working.

No matter how good the art, you can't wait until your second year to start telling a decent story. Without Supergirl, TPTB would probably be reaching for the plug already.

Hopefully, JSA is setting the stage for a return of the 80s LSH.
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/23/07 08:30 PM
To answer my own question --

This title needs to be in a better neighborhood -- right now all things legion are either vague or mediocre (Barry's art and recent issues excepted)

(1) Shorter story arcs. The year long Lemnos story was a baaaad move. It frustrated readers who started with issue 1 and discouraged others from joining in.
(2) Concrete ties to the greater DCU -- Easter eggs, teasers and the unresolved Supergirl backstory don't cut it. It's too easy to leave this title without any loss of completeness or continuity in the DC Universe. As little as I care for Supergirl -- right now, her vague connection to the DCU at least gives me reason to think (hope) that there is some relevance of the LSH in the DCU.
(3) Supergirl's self titled comic is a train wreck. Waid should flex some muscle and kick some ass to get that title fixed or ditch Supergirl in this one. I suspect that rather than this title dragging down sales of Supergirl, it has done the opposite, because anybody whose only contact with Supergirl is in her own mag, must be going crazy trying to figure out who in the hell the title character is. The plot, tone, characterization and art change from issue to issue. It's like comic book karaoke. People who like Supergirl in this title might be duped into picking up a copy or two of her self-titled book.
(4) Timely resolution of subplots. If main arcs ran 3 or 4 months then the subplots shouldn't drag on for a year or longer. (Lemnos' body, anyone?, Sun Boy, Nura's existence, Jo's dog, Lyle's dad, brother pineapple boxers -- all like pretty snowflakes that cease to exist shortly after being observed.)
(5) The cartoon's gotta get better and have new episodes, otherwise it's in the minus column, too. C'mon, how many of us would be watching that cartoon if it weren't for the fact we longed for any LSH comic in our own youths. (People who are still youthful may disregard this comment.)
(6) Make Timberwolf look like Wolverine and feature him on the cover. Confuse some idiotic Marvel fans. (somewhat tongue in cheek, but not entirely)

The biggest danger to LSH right now is probably the successful resurgence of JSA. I'll continue buying them both, but for anyone who feels they have to make a choice between the two titles, it's an easy decision. That's where I'd pin some of the LSH sales slippage. There's a better product on the shelves.
The best issues of the title by far were the first three or four, in which Waid was delivering what he originally promised: self-contained, done-in-one issues that built towards a greater storyline. This is the same kind of formula that makes All-Star Superman, for example, so great. With that title, for example, I don't even care if it only comes out every two to three months, as each issue is an incredibly satisfying read once I get it in my hands.

Instead of continuing with that formula, Waid seems to have shifted to a psuedo-Levitz style of focusing on nothing but a multitude of endless, drawn out sub-plots that never really reach clear resolution.
Posted By: wndola1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/24/07 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
What could be done to turn the sales slump around?
Hmmmm how about getting this book to the stores before it is spoiled all over the internet... I know it may not have effected this months ordering, but...

Also it's the holidays. Money is spent on travel and gifts that would otherwise have been spent on books.

Also does anyone have the Trade sales figs. This is a book a lot of people are buyin in trades
Posted By: duck458 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/25/07 04:08 AM
This is a book a lot of people are buyin in trades

That can't be a good thing for a book that is published monthly, can it?

Nevertheless, I think that Lad Boy is absolutely correct in his analysis. Go forth and conquer Lad Boy.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/25/07 06:41 PM

Yep, lotta people there....

And Supergirl's solo book is outselling Slosh by 2-to-1.
So, the January numbers are up at ICV2. Listed Below:

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800 ""
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735 ""
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554 ""
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342

So a drop of a little less than a thousand. Not very encouraging, but it is in-line with a lot of other titles attrition rates. We're still above the last pre-OYL numbers but barely. So while the Supergirl "bump" is almost completely gone, one wonders how low sales would have sunk without it.
I hope with the new creative team change the sales will go up, I don't want to see the Legion get cancelled.
even if this book is cancelled, I can't see LSH back-burnered for long.

We would likely get a return to the Levitz-era Legion, which couldn't be a bad thing at all.
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
They rolled the dice and it isn't working.

No matter how good the art, you can't wait until your second year to start telling a decent story. Without Supergirl, TPTB would probably be reaching for the plug already.

Hopefully, JSA is setting the stage for a return of the 80s LSH.
Let's keep our fingers crossed...

Though I really find it hard to believe that a deboot could happen AND lure new readers at the same time, I really would love to see a return to the Levitz-Era drawn by George Perez (THAT would boost sales!!!!).

I think the Giffen era would have to be thrown overboard too (the EARTH was gone in that one!), which is a shame for the most part but hey, so it's another great Elseworld...

Imagine: Jo Nah waking up, shaking his head, stepping to the shower and there she is, Tinya Wazzo, as if she never had died... and the whole Giffen era - Kiddie Legion - Abnett Lanning Era - Waid Kitson attemt to tell a story was just a bad dream of Ultra Boy after drinking too much Kono...

Enter Perez and Wolfman on a new Legion book, LSH v.3 #65 :-)
It's still about double the lowest selling DC titles right now, and doing better than the previous Legion title ever sold. I don't think it's in any immediate danger of cancellation. I'd like to see the numbers a lot healthier, however.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/05/07 11:03 PM
You know I was very critical of this book at the beggining but the last 4 or 5 issues I've warmed up a bit too it. Still don't love it. But I do love Barry's art. smile

Still the sales figures are very low when you take into account it's Waid, Kitson, and a new title.

Sure they are not at the cancellation level but I don't know....that's like Alan Moore and Jim Lee doing a book and it's not in the top 10.(well a DC book atleat) The names of WaK should automatically put this title in the top 30 IMO.

I know DC would never admit it but was the ball dropped? The legion is the one DC book waiting for a big comeback...what happened?
I don't know. I guess I just don't see the WaK team being so big that they automatically guarantee sales of that level. I don't see them as any bigger than, say, Greg Rucka or Kurt Busiek, and SatLOSH has been outselling their big OYL relaunches (Checkmate and Aquaman).
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/06/07 12:18 AM
Good point EDE. But WaK is a twosome with no offense to Barry who was the star of the series...Waid is a bigger name due to things like his Flash, Kingdom Come, etc.

Checkmate and Aquaman are no Legion either. There is no websites called Aquaworld wink for instance. I just thought the combination of all three Waid, Kitson, and the Legion should've garnered more sales.

One thing is for sure...something I read from DC stated...it's not a problem with the Legion. It's how DC managed the Legion over the last few decades. A few better choices and the Legion can be as popular as the X-Men. smile
well said, Jorge.

Aquaman may have more years under his belt, but no teeming cadre of fans who endlessly debate the virtues of Ramona Fradon vs. Jim Aparo vs. Peter David etc.

LSH could and should be a top-ranking DC book, as it was in the 70s and 80s. It'd be hard to see that happening without returning to some version of 1989/2989.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/06/07 01:39 AM
DC right now has an opportunity to propel the Legion towards the top in sales. With the 50th anniversary of the 1st Legion appearance coming up next year, they should launch an Elseworlds story blitz of Legion adventures. They could use a whole year to feel out what combination of creative teams and/or types of characters/costumes/stories they could hypertime into a winning combination. My personal view is the animated series has the right idea - keep it light, colorful, positive, and keep it moving.
Hmm... I guess I just don't really care if the Legion is a top-ranking DC title. As long as it's selling at least well enough to avoid cancellation, I'm happy. What I'd really like to see is a well-written title that's once again ground-breaking and innovative, which it hasn't been (with the possible exceptions of TMK and the GDS) since the Cockrum era.
Posted By: Tekwych Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/06/07 01:54 AM
Your making an assumption that DC remembers that they have a title that doesn't revolve around the big 3
Posted By: wamu2 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/06/07 05:59 AM
Originally posted by Tekwych:
Your making an assumption that DC remembers that they have a title that doesn't revolve around the big 3
isn't that more like the big 2.5. I get the feeling that Superman/batman book would sell less if either one was replaced with Wonder Woman.

and in my sampling of comic blogs, far more people appear to be upset and/or interested in Supergirl than anything going on in Wonder Woman. even without the delay that probably wouldn't change much.
I don't know if there are many WW fans out there - the character has always been boring and didn't even interest me when I was a kid - and bought EVERY OTHER comic book out there :-)

I bought some of the George Perez issues for cheap. Perfect art - still, the stuff is boring.

So I hardly doubt DC can make longterm big money with WW without support from other characters.
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800 ""
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735 ""
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554 ""
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 39,762, including reorders of 6,474
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342

Thanks to rouge and everyone else for keeping this up-to-date while I've been occupied with other things.

I notice, though, that no one seemed to catch the extra sales #25 generated. Just the usual bump normally received by books reaching that number milestone though.
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by rouge:
[QB]December's numbers are up and Legion clocks in at 33,288. That's close to 700 dropped, but not in the thousands, like prior issues. This is a good sign that we may be may be leveling out (probably around the 30K mark).
I draw your attention to the fact that #25s are counted as anniversary issues, and as such often-verging-on-usually outsell #24. The fact that there's still a drop, even a mitigated one, well,...
You just need to look beyond the top 100 books to get the reorders though. #25 did bounce up nearly 6.5K in copies, as my post above shows. I think that's a pretty decent bump for an anniversary issue. More than the extra boost in sales than the Hughes variant offered.
Sadly, I don't think those numbers wash. There was a shipping problem on the West coast the last week of December and a lot of books may have been counted twice. If you go down the list you'll see tonnes of DC "Reorders" that on average bump the numbers for a given title above normal by several thousand. That it's consistent across the board and just as quickly disappears in the January numbers leads me to believe it's an error on Diamond's part.
To Wit:


"Incidentally, they are exactly the same titles of which significant quantities reportedly failed to reach the West Coast until January 2007, due to transportation problems. Now, since Diamond Comic Distributors usually only include copies in their charts which actually reached stores, my first impulse was to simply add the extra sales to the numbers from December and be done with it.

Unfortunately, as noted last month, there was nothing unusual about the numbers of those titles in the December chart. On the contrary: Adding the additional copies from the January chart would result in random sales spikes that make no sense whatsoever. In the case of Batman, Diamond would have us believe that issue #661 sold an estimated 89,359 units — a spectacular 16% increase from the previous issue — only to drop back by a brutal 19% for #662, all in the middle of a filler storyline. The numbers for the other involved books would look equally absurd."
Since the books weren't an additional shipment, why would Diamond count them that way? Not that I'm disputing the figures (I've changed my list) but that means Diamond counted those book as if they shipped them twice. I thought the books stayed with the shipping company and never went back to Diamond. It surprises me they didn't release a statement or something correcting that.

Anyway, February's figures are out. The Legion still slid a bit, under a 1,000 copies, but with the upcoming changes everything is up in the air. Honestly, I can't see the figures improving, long term, for any new creative team unless Jim Lee is announced as the artist and Joss Whedon as the writer. Guess we'll see.

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, including reorders
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584 ""
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824 ""
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408 ""
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, no reorder listed in top 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970 ""
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155 ""
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272 ""
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834 ""
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800 ""
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100 ""
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500 ""
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730 ""
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513 ""
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649 ""
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, including reorders
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, including reorders
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, no reorder listed in top 300
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918 ""
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679 ""
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800 ""
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735 ""
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554 ""
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985 ""
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288 ""
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342 ""
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387 ""
So, we're now at the lowest point of the current series. and the decline picked up slightly.

Historical "Legion" Numbers to look at in comparison:

23,327 - The sales at the end of the last run.
28,350 - The sales at the beginning of the last run.
30,440 - High point of the last run (#25)

The book's still selling better than it ever did as "Legion", but one would think the bar was set a bit higher this time around as well. It will be interesting to see how sales react to the interim team and beyond.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/21/07 02:22 AM
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Since the books weren't an additional shipment, why would Diamond count them that way? Not that I'm disputing the figures (I've changed my list) but that means Diamond counted those book as if they shipped them twice. I thought the books stayed with the shipping company and never went back to Diamond. It surprises me they didn't release a statement or something correcting that.
Well, that's what the link also says - that he's surprised this happened, because it usually doesn't. Certainly looks that way given the evidence though.

Originally posted by rouge:
...but one would think the bar was set a bit higher this time around as well.
Yeah, given the fact that they added "Supergirl and..." to the beginning of the title to go for a sales boost, since her book was selling A Lot More. It worked, since it would have been around 20k by now at the rate things were going, although I suspect it's played a big part in the sales slide of SG's OWN title.

Of course, that leads to the interesting question of "What happens when Supergirl STOPS being in the title"....
Posted By: Tekwych Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/21/07 02:48 AM
Originally posted by Reboot:
Of course, that leads to the interesting question of "What happens when Supergirl STOPS being in the title"....
It means, I hope, that we can stop wasting story and panels on Super Brat and get back to Legionnaires. This moment couldn't have come sooner. I would have preferred that WaK were around to get this title back on track but using Kara was doomed from the start.
Been slacking off on keeping this updated here and at the Clubhouse. Decided just to keep my sales-to-date list updated. Here's the latest list (series-to-date), including the animated series, trade collection and Showcase edition.

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
I'm thinking of pulling the animated into a separate list. And maybe about tracking the issues of various crossovers/AR appearances. Opinions? Thoughts?
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/26/07 05:02 PM
I like that idea LL. Makes it easier to read.
Thanks Jorge. I, too, think it will read better so I've pulled the animated figures and posted them in their own thread in the animation forum.
June's figures:

06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300

Moved up in rank but down in sales, just slightly.
Posted By: Ultra Jorge Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/17/07 06:24 PM
I wonder what the post WaK Legion would sell. My gut says a bigger drop than usual.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/07 10:39 PM
The July sales ranking for S&LSH #32:

84 91 35.60 SUPERGIRL & LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #32 $2.99 DC

--#84 in issues sold, #91 in retail.

Sold a little over 1/3 of what Batman #666, #18 on the list overall, sold for July. Thor #1, the #1 book for the month, sold almost twice as much as Batman. So whatever Thor sold, S&LSH #32 sold about 1/6th of that. Have to wait for the analyses to get the actual numbers, but... OUCH.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/07 11:28 PM

Incidentally, I was playing around with the sales figures above there, out of sheer morbid curiousity. And guess where that black square (pretty much the intersection of the two lines) falls, certainly to within the margin of error.

Sometimes, the universe seems to love playing jokes...

[Linked Image]
It's a phenomena!
Posted By: wamu2 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/07 04:28 AM
if only DC would listen to me and print more variant foil covers that glow in the dark.
Posted By: Novelty Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/07 11:41 AM
What are we getting in issue 38 again?
ICV2's estimated numbers are up now:

07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300

Marginal decline. As one of the other internet sales analysts are fond of saying: "Standard attrition". With a another creative turnover in the works, I expect these numbers to stay relatively flat until then.
Originally posted by Novelty:
What are we getting in issue 38 again?
We won't know what the current series' #38 entails until late October (around the 22nd) beyond the start of a new creative team.
ICV2's estimated numbers are up now:

07/2006: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300

Still on a steady, if small decline. With the Shooter stuff coming in December, I can't see a whole lot of people rushing to or from the title while its in a holding pattern.
Posted By: fjm Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/19/07 09:48 PM
I certainly hope it sells more than that when we take over. I know myself along with my collaborators really have high expecations for this book. If the sales don't burn the charts right out of the gate, I think a few issues in, people will start to notice that this will be a must have title!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/19/07 09:50 PM
I've already predicted top 20 or higher for the first S&M issue!
Posted By: Faraway Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/20/07 09:56 AM
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I've already predicted top 20 or higher for the first S&M issue!
You know I really must have a mucky mind. When I first read this I thought Grimbor is into S&M why are we taking kinky but given that that sort of S&M issue might appeal to some a top 20 postion is not beyound the realms of possibility lol

must get my mind out of the gutter old man shake
Posted By: lil'rhino Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/25/07 07:49 AM
Originally posted by fjm:
I think a few issues in, people will start to notice that this will be a must have title!
I agree!
Posted By: Hunt Drouin Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/01/07 04:35 AM
I'm so excited I can't wait. I've felt this way before many times in LSH history. Hopefully I won't be let down...again.

ICV2's estimated numbers are up now:

09/2006: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300

A hefty thousand issue drop for September. Hopefully nothing to worry too much about as people gear up for the creative change.
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/15/07 09:36 PM
If you look at that top 100 list, no less than 38 of the titles are either part of a mini-series, an annual, or a one-time special. 35 of them are placed in front of S&LSH.

53 looks a lot better than 88, doesn't it? smile
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
If you look at that top 100 list, no less than 38 of the titles are either part of a mini-series, an annual, or a one-time special. 35 of them are placed in front of S&LSH.

53 looks a lot better than 88, doesn't it? smile
Yeah, I never pay attention to the ranking because of all the minis and one-shots blowing any sort of reasonable baseline. The % drop in sales is what I think is the biggest indicator (and after stabilising over the past few months it took a big hit in Sept.). Like I said, this isn't so bad compared to other titles with a know Creative Change on the horizon, its just that much more of a bump the new guys will need.
Posted By: Paul Newell Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/22/08 07:08 AM
ICV2's estimates are here for December.

Halleluah Jim Shooter.

50 - LEGION O/SUPER HEROES #37 - 45,803

And for the record, this was the numbers for November:

Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/22/08 07:25 AM
Smaller than I would have thought - that'll be at 35k or less in three months' time.
perhaps. It's still a better number than all but a handful of prior issues (1, 2, 16 and 17), and 1.5 times as many as Foundations part 1.

So Shooter's still a draw - a bigger draw than Connor, but less than Supergirl. But if he can maintain good stories over a longer period, that could see a lower attrition rate than merely adding an "S" character.
#38 clocks in at 35,245.

Wow, over 10K drop for one issue. Guess those variant covers really inflated the numbers huh?

Not a good sign unless these stabilise pretty quickly.
Update list for reference (building off Lightning Lads, but only adding recent issues - not trades or showcases)

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 35,245 , #64 out of 300
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/08 06:33 PM
It should be pointed out as well that icv2 appears to have moved their baseline higher this month for some reason - everything without a huge boost or drop seems to have been boosted that bit higher than it "should be" typically.
Originally posted by Reboot:
It should be pointed out as well that icv2 appears to have moved their baseline higher this month for some reason - everything without a huge boost or drop seems to have been boosted that bit higher than it "should be" typically.
Yeah I noticed that too. Everyone seems to have gotten consistent 3-4K bumps near the top of the chart and smaller bumps the further down you go. That would appear to indicate LSH fell even more than the 10K reported.
Originally posted by rouge:
#38 clocks in at 35,245.

Wow, over 10K drop for one issue. Guess those variant covers really inflated the numbers huh?

Not a good sign unless these stabilise pretty quickly.
But I guess it's quite a logical drop. #37 was not a very spectacular issue, so it did not invite you to come back if you#re not already a Legion fan.

And multiple covers are often rather bought by retailers than by regular fans - do you know anyone who actually collects multiple covers of his favorite books? I don't...
Originally posted by Chemical King:
And multiple covers are often rather bought by retailers than by regular fans - do you know anyone who actually collects multiple covers of his favorite books? I don't...
Um, I, and quite a few others here, do. Especially for Legion related books like the Action variants of late.

rouge, I appreciate you keeping the list going. Especially as I just don't seem to have the free time anymore.
[Linked Image]
sigh Wouldn't it be awesome if the Legion were still as successful as it was when Gerry Conway was writing it?... eek
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/21/08 03:20 AM
You know what? I've gotten my own brothers to read just about every comic DC and Marvel put out in the last four years. That means the X-Men and all their confusing history. That means the Titans. That means, well, just about everything. But they won't read the Legion, which they've always known is my favorite. Because they think its too confusing. The only Legion they know is the one from Crisis on Infinite Earths. My 25 year old brother told me he just isn't ready to make the committment to understand Legion history yet (I've tried to explain it to him in as simple way as possible).

Then there's the other problem that so many comic book stories are about continuity rather than building a continuity without having to continually reference and altar it.

shrug I feel like we've talked about it so much laugh . I do think the only way we'd ever see numbers as high as 500,000 again would be for DC to first get Superman that high and then tie the Legion directly to Superboy again... wink
i'd be interested to see that legion sales graph compared with one charting the drop in overall comic book buyers. the market has also been shrinking.
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Chemical King:
[b]And multiple covers are often rather bought by retailers than by regular fans - do you know anyone who actually collects multiple covers of his favorite books? I don't...
Um, I, and quite a few others here, do. Especially for Legion related books like the Action variants of late.
Wow... and I though i was AR... smile

Interesting stats, Lone Wolf! I am really quite astounded that Legion sales did hardly change all though the Reboot... and that those sales were seemingly the lowest ever, lower than TMK and lower than most of the Threeboot...
One of the most interesting facts is that the Giffen/Bierbaum run, even at its lowest point in sales, still never dropped as low as the lowest point in Baxter sales (though, of course, it never gets anywhere near the highest point).

It's also worth noting in regards to the reboot that fans were effectively having to buy two books a month for at least part of that period, which impacts sales.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/22/08 06:27 PM
I really enjoyed the sales chart as well, Lone Wolf. It really shows where the industry has gone in the last 50 years.

In my opinion, the only way any comic would reach a 500K circulation would be for the price to go back to 10-15¢!
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
One of the most interesting facts is that the Giffen/Bierbaum run, even at its lowest point in sales, still never dropped as low as the lowest point in Baxter sales (though, of course, it never gets anywhere near the highest point).

It's also worth noting in regards to the reboot that fans were effectively having to buy two books a month for at least part of that period, which impacts sales.
Good points.

I recall TMK letter columns saying sales indicated the book was well-received depsite the objections of long-time fans, yet as much as I love that era, it never seemed to resonate in fandom.

Sort of like DS9 achieving better ratings than TNG, but TNG drew the fan buzz.

Those numbers certainly do seem to justify ending Reboot; even fluctuations in quality do not show fluctuatinos in sales.

I do not think ongoing print comics in general ever can return to anything more than the 100,000s, save for the very uppermost household-name books; the cartoon's long-term success would help far more than a Superman revival, in my opinion.

I don't think even 10-15 cents would do it; rather that would engender a sense that they were worthless. If they solsd for that, most sales would be for birdcage lining and the like.

The future is not in high sales runs, except for Manga TPs aimed at girls. Like it or not, the only way "our" comics will achieve mass audiences again will be digital.
I don't think it's impossible to regain sales in print, though I think it's highly unlikely the monthly magazine format will ever regain high sales. More likely something like TPs is the wave of the future.

I certainly don't think the problem is merely one of price. Marketing and accessibility have more to do with it than anything else, imo. In the Golden, Silver, or Bronze Age, the average ten year old could pick up a particular comic issue and at least understand the basics of what's going on. These days half the stories are incomprehensible to even diehard fans.

The most basic problem is that the comics companies are content with selling to a fairly limited fanbase. As long as they can make minimal profit off those fans, there's not much incentive to take the risks that could potentially open up comics to a wider market, but would very likely upset much of that core fanbase.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/23/08 12:20 AM
I think Eryk's very right in marketing and accessibility has a much more tremendous impact and that's where the real problem lies. This also includes/touches on the fact that most comics, like Eryk says, are almost incomprehensible for the random reader to pick up nowadays. That's a editorial fault.

Great point Kent about 10-15 cents making comics appear worthless. I think you're 100% correct.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/23/08 01:30 AM
The decline of the mass appeal isn't just comics related. There was a day where the newstand ruled the roost of media. Then it was the Big 3 networks on TV. Look at TV these days, with very few exceptions shows are narrowing their focus.

The internet has only accelerated it. And even those people that dreamed of a 500 channel world got it wrong by about 6 orders of magnitude. We are in a world of 1 billion channels. Seriously, if I wanted to only consume media about carnivorous rodents of South America i could build a life around that using the net. SImilarly If i made a web channel about the same I could likely make a living with a very modest audience.

Recently, I asked a woman that produces a web-comic about her audience and if she could make a living on just that. She told me that the fanbase was very loyal and that after several years her income now came primarily from her comic.

From what I understand, her audience can't be more than a few thousand worldwide but if each of them spends an average of 10-20 bucks on her art, merchandise, yearly contributions she can get by.
I disaagree with EDE that marketing and accessibility are the main issues. Tamper is more on the mark: we see in virtually all forms of media this trend of decentralization/smaller, narrower ventures.

Kids are spoiled for choices in TV, video games, websites, etc - having to seek out a publication and wait a month or more between installments is as foreign as the 40s-style Saturday Matinee with cartoons, serials and news reels.

Even standard comics marketed towards kids without ongoing stories are in the toilet - even comics based on popular cartoons/video games, etc. The only exception, as I mentioned, is Manga aimed at teen girls, which is generally in TP format, and seems largely serialized volumes of longer stories - not simple 30-page one-shot stories as was common in the pre-Claremont era.

If comics companies are serious about growing numbers, you're going to see more and more catering to the Manga audience - in style, content and format. No Legion that's seen print thus far has entered this realm, although the cartoon series and comic may be the closest.

Barring any extraordinary cultural shifts (which are fully possible), I think it's clear we'll never be more than a niche within a niche within a niche.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/24/08 05:17 PM
sunnovaniche... shake wink
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I disaagree with EDE that marketing and accessibility are the main issues. Tamper is more on the mark: we see in virtually all forms of media this trend of decentralization/smaller, narrower ventures.
But that's the thing. We don't see the same trend in all forms of media. Take TV, for example. While it's true that the Big Three networks don't have the same impact that they had thirty years ago and there's a plethora of cable shows targeted at niche audiences, the situation for comics just isn't analogous. It's not as though the reason why the Big Two comic companies are selling a couple of hundred thousand per title per month less than they did thirty years ago is because that audience has moved towards reading indie comics. They've stopped reading comics altogether.

Nor is the situation similar to the music industry, where the big record labels are the verge of collapse because everyone is downloading music instead of buying cd's, and they've been unable to adapt to the changing format in which people obtain their music. People still listen to music, they just don't obtain it in the same way.

I would suggest that the reason manga is the one growth market within the broader comics industry has a lot to do with the fact that manga are simply far more accessible than "mainstream American comics". They're sold pretty much exclusively in TP format, in nice numbered volumes so that you know where you need to begin, that last for finite runs, and there's no having to worry about massive company-wide crossovers interfering with the storyline, or needing to know some obscure bit of trivia from fifty to seventy-five years worth of "continuity" that may be relevant one month and then vastly altered six months later.

I have no idea why manga have become popular or "cool" among teenage girls in particular, but if I was DC or Marvel I'd be trying to figure this out so that maybe I could learn something about how to create similar phenomena among other demographics as well.

It's also worth noting that while American comics have been on the decline, in Japan manga has been consistently popular for the last several decades, and far more culturally influential than American comics have been. My understanding is that the Japanese will talk about the latest volume of a popular manga at a business lunch or cocktail party much the same way we might talk about the latest bestsellar or hot movie or TV show.
EDE is completely right.

Beginning in the 1970s, the comics industry began being captured by "insiders" -- fanboys turned creators. The rise of the comics shop, the development of the "direct only" market, all of these things are guaranteed to drive down readership, even though they please the core fanbase. While reading comics was never totally respectable for kids, it at least had a veneer of mainstream acceptability when comics were prevalent at the 7-11, the drug store, the grocery store, next to "Tiger Beat" and "Popular Mechanics." As soon as the comics industry gave up on those distribution channels, it consciously chose a much smaller circulation. Now, you have to seek out a "comic shop" and brave the fear and uncertainty of venturing into such a geek-rich environment. I was in my local Borders the other day and checked out their spinner rack. It was a disaster. If Marvel and DC cared about distributing comics, they would work with the major chains to upgrade both the display and the content. Meanwhile, the graphic novel nook in the back was busy, as it typically is, with manga readers outnumbering comics readers at least 2 to 1.

DC's efforts to reach "the next generation" are particularly pathetic. Marvel's all-ages material includes a roll call and an "origin" blurb in each issue, pluse usually a mini-marvels one page funny comic. I've particularly enjoyed reading X-Men: First Class with the 5-year old. The book always starts with a great orientation to the characters and story.

Contrast with how awful the art, story and "universe" building often is in the JLU book. This book should be the centerpiece of the DC kids line, but it's been an afterthought for a lot longer than Jann Jones has been working on "Super Friends." The lack of an origin blurb, roll call, etc. -- not to mention often incoherent stories -- is just inexcusable.

In this regard, the Legion 3Boot has actually been pretty exemplary, although it's often been lacking in the "what went before" department (maybe because nothing happened last issue!). When I look at these charts, I see how steady things have been since the direct market reached full maturity in the late 1980s. The Legion market is what it is, a tiny niche in an industry full of tiny niches.

If DC wanted to leverage the Legion brand to the max, I would do a "Little Legion" comic and a "Saturn Girl Loves Lightning Lad" manga series. In fact, Legion seems tailor made for manga, with the large, female-rich cast and the teenager clubhouse setting.
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/08 01:11 AM
Yep comics chose large margins from a small number of customers versus tiny margins from many customers.

Manga is cool for teenage girls because manga that speaks to them. I'd argue that Marvel does have some idea of what attract girls to manga. The Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane series is an Americanized version of shojo manga.

The thing is they don't really promote it correctly or heavily. I just think that the comic guys have been in the box so long they forgot there's anything outside of it let alone think outside of it.

Manga also capitalized on the power of cross media selling. My comic store guy says manga sales are tied directly to what new show just appeared or video game was just released. 13-episodes a year of LSH doesn't compare to what seems like 1000 episodes of Pokemon in circulation.
My understanding is that it wasn't so much that the comics publishers chose to leave the newstand market as much as the newstand market chose to kick the comic publishers to the curb due to distribution dealings of the time.

I think the market now is close to being in a similar situation as the music industry was a few years back. There is tremendous growth possibilities out there for accessing comics via the web just waiting to be tapped.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/08 03:09 AM
One of main things which killed "comics on the newsstand" was fairly simple and is almost never mentioned - the only whole-US distributor was worth less on the stock market than the value of it's assets minus its debts. So a vulture fund bought it and sold it off piece by piece.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/25/08 10:47 PM
Okay, it's as near to official as we're likely to get - the January charts are screwed up

http://pwbeat.publishersweekly.com/...-picks-up-his-calculator-again/#comments (and it's the comments that are important, not the entry itself)

At the links, they've gone through it and noted that it's the Diamond index data itself that's wonky - not icv2's estimates, as I first thought, possibly due to February sales "leaking" onto the January chart - to pick an example, Amazing Spider-Man #549, which didn't ship until February, charted in January at 202 with icv2-estimated orders of 7,247. Either way, the later in the month, the further from what's expected the sales get (in an upward direction, not downward).

So unless Diamond issue a corrected chart, don't trust the Jan figures OR rankings (and possibly the February figures & rankings if they proceed to get underestimated by the sales which leaked backwards).
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
[b]I disaagree with EDE that marketing and accessibility are the main issues. Tamper is more on the mark: we see in virtually all forms of media this trend of decentralization/smaller, narrower ventures.
But that's the thing. We don't see the same trend in all forms of media. Take TV, for example. While it's true that the Big Three networks don't have the same impact that they had thirty years ago and there's a plethora of cable shows targeted at niche audiences, the situation for comics just isn't analogous. It's not as though the reason why the Big Two comic companies are selling a couple of hundred thousand per title per month less than they did thirty years ago is because that audience has moved towards reading indie comics. They've stopped reading comics altogether.

Nor is the situation similar to the music industry, where the big record labels are the verge of collapse because everyone is downloading music instead of buying cd's, and they've been unable to adapt to the changing format in which people obtain their music. People still listen to music, they just don't obtain it in the same way.

I would suggest that the reason manga is the one growth market within the broader comics industry has a lot to do with the fact that manga are simply far more accessible than "mainstream American comics". They're sold pretty much exclusively in TP format, in nice numbered volumes so that you know where you need to begin, that last for finite runs, and there's no having to worry about massive company-wide crossovers interfering with the storyline, or needing to know some obscure bit of trivia from fifty to seventy-five years worth of "continuity" that may be relevant one month and then vastly altered six months later.

I have no idea why manga have become popular or "cool" among teenage girls in particular, but if I was DC or Marvel I'd be trying to figure this out so that maybe I could learn something about how to create similar phenomena among other demographics as well.

It's also worth noting that while American comics have been on the decline, in Japan manga has been consistently popular for the last several decades, and far more culturally influential than American comics have been. My understanding is that the Japanese will talk about the latest volume of a popular manga at a business lunch or cocktail party much the same way we might talk about the latest bestsellar or hot movie or TV show.[/b]
And thus you demonstrate it is NOT marketing at all; it is content.
Originally posted by doublechinner:
EDE is completely right.

Beginning in the 1970s, the comics industry began being captured by "insiders" -- fanboys turned creators. The rise of the comics shop, the development of the "direct only" market, all of these things are guaranteed to drive down readership, even though they please the core fanbase. While reading comics was never totally respectable for kids, it at least had a veneer of mainstream acceptability when comics were prevalent at the 7-11, the drug store, the grocery store, next to "Tiger Beat" and "Popular Mechanics." As soon as the comics industry gave up on those distribution channels, it consciously chose a much smaller circulation.
It wasn't so much a choice as a retrenchment. Sales were dropping anyway; the 60s conventional wisdom was to hope comics would survive long enough for the WWII-era guys to collect their pensions.

Direct distribution was a survival mechanism that saved comics. It was a distribution innovation that allwoed the Big Two to continue to operate by catering to the fanboys, who were the last stable remnant of comics buyers. Eigh-to-twelve year-olds were not buying as devoutly as in past decades, and this is what fed to decline in magazine-rack sales.

Companies of the 60s/70s that did not pursue/succeed in the direct market were the ones to peter away: Gold Key had recognizable 'name' products, like Star Trek. Archie began its dwindling. Charlton, Dell and a slew of former giants went belly-up, or abandoned their comics divisions.

And as fanboys aged or grew up (not always the same thing) and branched out into indies, this created the diversified media I described before - within the fanboy community; EDE was largely correct in noting the populace at large were not buying indies (but indies have and do attract people who would not buy a superhero comic, too).

If not for direct distribution, the fanboy niche would not be so dominant, very true - but there might not be a comics medium to dominate, in terms of periodicals as we've known them.

Instead, the general public's reading of comics would likely be more or less as it was all along since the 70s: Sunday funnies, compilations of favorite strips, and now manga. Maybe a fewsuperhero books would have limped through, as they did in the 1950s. Maybe not.

As a kid of the 70s, comics were only a mainstay for a few of us as a longtime endeavor; for most it was an occassional purpose and one easily gone without. TV was of far greater interest to the average kid, and this was still the era where many of us had only 3 channels.

Most magazines by the 1980s (and probably well before) were about 70-90 percent subscriber-driven; that made the mgazine rack sales less intrinsic; even if 75% of magaizines were returned unsold, they paid for themselves by keeping the magazine visible - people who did not buy the magazine still knew the name, and were still potential subscribers someday. Comics, pre-direct distribution, had no such built-in security; subsciptions were maybe 10 percent, as I recall - and before the 1980s were notorious for arriving mangled in the mail. This made the newstand market vulnerable.

Also, while in 1940ish both comics and "real" magaizines like Time were a dime, but the 1970s, they were 15-40 cents versus around $2; it was "okay" for Time to go up 10-20-fold, but comics were supposed to be a dime; they were 'worthliess' kids stuff, and even today you see people claiming a 10-cent price-tag would magically bring back the good old days.

as a result, comics provided essentially no profit margin for newstand retailers; selling one copy of a glossy mag brought in more than 10 comics would. Guess which takes precedence? And with less kids buying, the decision became all the easier to edge comics off the shelf to make room for something that pays the bills.

market forces, changing tastes, changing technologies, resistance to change, pigeon-holing as kiddie books... these are the reasons the field shrank. Without the feild shrinking, the ascendancy of the fanboys would have never taken root. Comic magazines were state of the art in the 1930s, but culturally marginalized by the 1970s. The future lies in TPBs and the Internet, not in 32-page monthlies.
As expected, Diamond has released corrected numbers and ICV2 has also released corrected estimates. LSH comes in at 33,045, meaning a few thousand less copies than originally reported. This means a 12K + drop-off from Shooter's debut issue. The next few months will be critical to see if the trend continues or the numbers firm up a bit. Revised list below.

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
Also, as a point of interest, Action #861 sold an estimated 56,093 copies (down only 200 copies from the previous month and still up almost 5K from the issue before the Legion crossover started).
Posted By: wamu2 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/05/08 02:31 PM
so basically, I could be writing the Legion, and the numbers would stay the same?
Diamond numbers for February are out (see below). So sales are back to where they were a year ago. I imagine it will still be a few months before the sales stabilise (hopefully) and we get a good metric on what the S&M era numbers look like, but barring something huge, it looks like it will be well below the WaK numbers.

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
Action, meanwhile, shipped 55,658 copies, meaning it's dropped less than 500 from the previous issue and remains above the previous (non-Legion) arc by a comfortable margin.

For comparison (stolen from the Beat analysis ( Here ) :

10/2007: Action Comics #857 — 51,401 (- 4.5%)
10/2007: Action Comics #858 — 54,596 (+ 6.2%) [59,031]
11/2007: Action Comics #859 — 54,572 (- 0.0%)
12/2007: Action Comics #860 — 56,254 (+ 3.1%)
01/2008: Action Comics #861 — 56,093 (- 0.3%)

The bracketed number for 858 (the first Legion issue) is accounting for re-orders)
Posted By: Pariscub Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/22/08 11:44 AM
About the difference in numbers between Shooter's first and second issue, remember that the first issue sported two covers, and that i'm sure a lot of people bought the two covers to have the whole Legion image.
March sales figures are up (see below). The good news is the drops are slowing down. The bad news is there's still more than 700 units dropped this month. (Also, Action missed its March date).

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
April Sales figures up. Looks like the drops are picking up again. I think we're all holding our breath for the crossover now.

05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
Action numbers are also up, including the post-Legion issue. Quite a drop as a lot of people were presumably on only for the LSH story.

10/2007: Action Comics #857 — 51,401 (- 4.5%)
10/2007: Action Comics #858 — 54,596 (+ 6.2%) [59,031]
11/2007: Action Comics #859 — 54,572 (- 0.0%)
12/2007: Action Comics #860 — 56,254 (+ 3.1%)
01/2008: Action Comics #861 — 56,093 (- 0.3%)
02/2008: Action Comics #862 — 55,658 (- 0.8%)
04/2008: Action Comics #863 - 56,882
04/2008: Action Comics #864 - 48,438
Thanks rouge!
May Sales figures up at ICV2. Another thousand copies are shed. Not to sound to alarmist, but if this pace keeps up, we'll hit the pre-Shooter numbers next month which are also the lowest numbers the series has seen.

05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/18/08 03:00 PM
I am convinced the dropping orders are due to-- at least in part-- by a general feeling that this version of the LSH will be ending/replaced soon.
while I haven't read #42 yet, I would add that half a year of Shooter has yet to ignite a "must-read" excitement, also.
Posted By: Pariscub Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/19/08 09:33 AM
I think the numbers are pretty stable before and after Shooter took over. The 45000 copies of issue 37 are linked to curiosity and the fact there were two covers.
Posted By: veryvery Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/19/08 10:59 AM
francis just needs to slip a monkey onto the next cover!

i really wish we had a better way of tracking numbers, really those aren't QUITE whats sold, just what's bought by a comicbook store. so, enough to fill their orders and then a few more for the shelf.

i agree with parisclub. legion is hard to get into, you have to REALLY want it! i'm pretty sure it's the same people buying it who've been buying it forever!

even now i always feel like I'm a bit lost with knowing just whom everyone is (when i think about how i really have no understanding of who kent shakespeare is...). i wonder how the cartoon affected sales of the main line comic...? i know quite a few girls that got into it because of the cartoon (despite how difficult the cartoon is to understand!).

i think the book would be helped out by... well, superman being in it. a person pointed out at a con that he acts as a gate way character. you might not know cham from cos but if someone had just said "superman used to have these little friends from the future that he learned how to fight with! they're called the legion!" i would have totally understood! otherwise it's VERY confusing with lots of wikipedia and google involved.

or maybe if they did a more "year one" type thing, we keep getting dropped into the middle of insider references, and while LWers might get it, comicshop bob might not!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/19/08 02:27 PM
That's nice to hear about the young ladies getting into the comic due to the TV show (RIP, gone far too soon). LSH has historically had a high female readership (for a comicbook anyway) and I hope that is always the case. Maybe these fans are buying the comic based on the 'tooniverse?

Anyhoo, I think the Superman as gateway character is about to happen post-Legion of 3 Worlds.
Posted By: kcekada Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/21/08 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
while I haven't read #42 yet, I would add that half a year of Shooter has yet to ignite a "must-read" excitement, also.

He's doing some good things -- but in such a small way. The book seems to be nothing more than subplots. The overall story with the alien mosnter/android menace is painfully slow.
Originally posted by veryvery:
even now i always feel like I'm a bit lost with knowing just whom everyone is (when i think about how i really have no understanding of who kent shakespeare is...).
Kent was a Legionnaire from roughly 1990-1995, at a point when the Legion had essentially grown up, were mostly in their mid-30s, and living in a very distopian galaxy, trying to put carry on Legion ideals and restore some semblance of what had been lost. It's an era that engenders a lots of strong feelings pro and con as to its quality and whether it is "real" legion.

Kent had basic tuff-guy powers but was also the team medic, and a thinker even more than a fighter.

Kent has only made a few cameos in various Legion incarnations since, not as a regular member.
Originally posted by Pariscub:
I think the numbers are pretty stable before and after Shooter took over. The 45000 copies of issue 37 are linked to curiosity and the fact there were two covers.
Sadly I'd disagree on that: the trend is definitely down. If you plug the numbers from issue #1 until now into a spreadsheet and convert it to a line chart, you'll get a better view of the trend.

Basically the book started around 60K and drifted down to around 30K over the first fifteen issues. Then OYL gave it a shot in the arm and pulled it back up a little below 60K again. Again over the next 15 issues it drifted back to 30K, and then over the next seven kept dropping to about 26K.

Here's where Shooter jumps on, and just like issues #1 and 16, it jumps (though not as high). But the difference here is the very next issue loses a lot of the gains right away instead of the slow drift we saw with the other milestones. Now it's only 5 issues later and we're back down to the lowest sales levels of the book.

After this it's uncharted territory and anything can happen, but the current trajectory is downwards.
No Sales figures for June (LSH slipped on the schedule).
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 01:54 AM
Ah... THAT explains why DCBS has two LSH's listed in my next shipment.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 10:19 AM
The Legion of Superheroes 1050 years in the future GN sold pretty well...
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 10:25 AM
Concerning the trends...yeah the W&K was on the verge of dropping under 30k when they added Supergirl back to the title...and they got a huge boost out of that that lasted for a while.

They got a slight bump off bringing Mon-El back also....and then promptly wrote him back out.

But other than those bumps, this title has basically been drifting to the sub 30k sales numbers of the DNA Legion and the end of the V4. Mid 20s per month....

The Supergirl bump was huge and probably saved the title from being at cancellation level right about now.

I'm disappointed the Shooter numbers didn't hold, because if you get past the cheesy dialogue he's had an extremely fun and eventful run to this point, I am surprised it's not holding it's audience as it's been the most I've enjoyed in Post COIE Legions. Maybe the bump that Shooter got wasn't a true bump of new readers because of the covers, plus retailers may have overestimated the impact of Shooter returning to one of the big 2. But ultimately I think the message the fans are sending DC is pretty clear, actually it's been pretty clear for a loooooooooong time, DC was just trying to outlast the message...and now they aren't and that's why the Action Legion was brought back.

I predict any ongoing title featuring the Action Legion will sell over 40k per month(tied back in to the Superman Family) and hold....much higher if Johns is writing it...and still higher if Superman is back in it. I think it will sell @60K plus per month if all those factors come into play. I'll be real suprised if it doesn't.....
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 01:31 PM
Bold words my friend, and I LIKE IT. If that happens I'll change my sig to "Superboy was right!" with a link to your above post!
I'd love it if Superboy was right too, but we had all the same ingredients mentioned (plus variant covers) in the Action arc and it only blipped into the high 50Ks. A good springboard from FC could help launch it high, but there's got to be an X-Factor to take keep it in the sales realm we're talking about, at least until the quality of the book is able to keep up the momentum.

Alex Ross covers maybe?
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 09:09 PM
Originally posted by rouge:
I'd love it if Superboy was right too, but we had all the same ingredients mentioned (plus variant covers) in the Action arc and it only blipped into the high 50Ks.
The numbers on the Action Legion were rock solid though. Amazingly stable numbers, in fact a couple of months they actually increased over the previous month for no discernible reason...

That's what the Legion does historically in a period of a stable audience size.

This is going to be launched out of Final Crisis so it's going to be a more high profile...if a regular series comes out of it I expect it to start with higher numbers than the Action Legion, and maintain them.


A good springboard from FC could help launch it high, but there's got to be an X-Factor to take keep it in the sales realm we're talking about, at least until the quality of the book is able to keep up the momentum.

Alex Ross covers maybe? [/qb]
I think the impact of Superman making the Legion's intimidatingly massive and foreign Universe more familiar is just that...

Plus, Superman is a huge sales boost to team books...he makes a huge impact on the JLA sales.

Do you think Final Crisis is going to sell better than Action, or worse?

I think it's going to sell substantially better than the Action arc did.

It's simple math really...

The original Legion had fans that just liked the Legion...but they also had tons of fans that like Superman period but also read to see him in a different setting than normal, in fact that was the bulk of the fan base IMO, not the Legion only fans...and that was the sales dynamic that drove the Legion of Superheroes for nearly 2 decades.

I think the factors behind that dynamic are still relevant...

I think there are still fans that Legion only fans, and there are fans that like Superman...and the result of rejoining the two is going to sell better than any Superman or any Legion title by itself...for two fanbases are greater than 1...and since the best selling Superman title hovers around 50K and the Legion has a locked in audience of 20+k...the result is going to be better than the 50k o fthe best selling Superman title. And I think the concept will be more inviting to new readers as well. I doubt I ever would have been a Legion Fan if not for Superboy, I picked up the title becuase I recognized him...and it made curious about the other Legionaires.

Keep in mind...not all Legion Fans were reading the Action arc....I expect that to change with the launch/relaunch of a title featung the Action Legion. And if there are any zero hour original Legionaires brought back it'll bring some(not all) of those fans back to the fold, and I don't think many of htem picked up the Action Arc.

Honestly I expect it to sell better than 60, if all the factors are in play...that 60 number was my conservative estimate.

Historically Superboy and the Legion outsold the JLA and the Teen Titans...always. It never didn't outsell them. Not once.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 09:25 PM
A couple of other things Johns is doing that I think will be relevant to sales...

He is tying it into Green Lantern and Flash as well...not just Superman.

We know there is going to be a Green Lantern involved...and he's already done something with Color Girl to tie her into Green Lantern...but he's bringing back XS and probably Bart Allen as well.

There will be a lot of reasons for non Legion fans to pick up the Legion when Johns is done with it IMO.

It'll have more than just the Superman and Legion fan base dynamic going for it...but that dynamic alone has historically proven to be the recipe for an extremely successful team book. Always. Historically it's had more inherent appeal than the Justice League.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 09:34 PM
I was gonna do a poll, but let's just do it here.

Assuming that a Superman/LSH book is going to be an end result of Lo3W.... what would you like to see said book be titled? Here's some suggestions, or pick a new one:



ADVENTURE (both LSH and Superman logos underneath, much smaller)

THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (with no "Super"-anything in the title)

EDIT: Dang, I thought we were on Lardy's thread... My apologies for veering offtopic...

that should get the sales numbers up.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/23/08 10:27 PM
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/24/08 03:54 AM
All-Star Legion of Super-Heroes featuring Batman, Superman and Monkeys - Absolute Edition.
Posted By: veryvery Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/24/08 05:34 AM
well let's not forget the art angle. when i shop for comics, i open the sucker up and look at the art. I'm not reading it at all, i'm looking to see if the art it good or not. if it is? i pick it up. if it's not? I check the writer, is it someone i know? someone i trust? no? down goes the book.

i can't really tell if a book is well written or not just by glancing at it, unfortunately. it has to be recommended to me by one of my cohorts or a podcast, etc for me to try to trust something based on writing. it's not like i can read the whole book in the store!

put a good artist on it and johns could write them playing scrabble for 7 issues and i'd be all on it. as sad as it sounds, sometimes it's not really what's happening in the comic, but how its drawn that gets the readers. (or colored or inked...)
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/24/08 01:29 PM
Originally posted by veryvery:
well let's not forget the art angle. when i shop for comics, i open the sucker up and look at the art. I'm not reading it at all, i'm looking to see if the art it good or not. if it is? i pick it up. if it's not? I check the writer, is it someone i know? someone i trust? no? down goes the book.

i can't really tell if a book is well written or not just by glancing at it, unfortunately. it has to be recommended to me by one of my cohorts or a podcast, etc for me to try to trust something based on writing. it's not like i can read the whole book in the store!

put a good artist on it and johns could write them playing scrabble for 7 issues and i'd be all on it. as sad as it sounds, sometimes it's not really what's happening in the comic, but how its drawn that gets the readers. (or colored or inked...)
That's actually what (IMO) stands DC and Marvel apart. I've always seen Marvel as the "artist" choice, while DC always had a bigger role for the writer. Sure, Marvel does have his share of great writers (usually writing more mediocre material), but it usually is about the art. I mean, get Planet Hulk, which made me instantly drop the book (Pak against Peter David). It became a hit, simply for being this huge splash slugfest.
But your point is correct, Adriana, and maybe one of the reasons Marvel outsells DC for quite a long time. I mean, Infinity Inc (a GREAT book by Peter Milligan) was ruined by a weird choice of artists.
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I mean, Infinity Inc (a GREAT book by Peter Milligan) was ruined by a weird choice of artists.
Agreed. Even more to the point was Milligan's "The Programme" which may have been one of the best books of the year, but had horrible art and tanked.
July Sales figures up at ICV2. Because the book missed June it double shipped in July. #43 dropped back only slightly from the previous issue, but #44 roared ahead by over 2,000 copies (alternate cover boost, or Legion interest due to FC?). Good news for a change.

07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/08 05:26 PM
As far as I know, there wasn't any alternate cover for LSH #44. I'd say it is the huge boost given by Legion of 3 Worlds. Maybe this will help Shooter's run to be extended. I'm excited by what's coming up on the main book.
Originally posted by Ricardo:
As far as I know, there wasn't any alternate cover for LSH #44. I'd say it is the huge boost given by Legion of 3 Worlds. Maybe this will help Shooter's run to be extended. I'm excited by what's coming up on the main book.
It had a 1/10 Neal Adams variant:

Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/08 07:53 PM
Originally posted by rouge:
Originally posted by Ricardo:
[b] As far as I know, there wasn't any alternate cover for LSH #44. I'd say it is the huge boost given by Legion of 3 Worlds. Maybe this will help Shooter's run to be extended. I'm excited by what's coming up on the main book.
It had a 1/10 Neal Adams variant:

http://www.comiccollectorlive.com/LiveData/Issue.aspx?id=0f69fc75-965b-4ed6-8470-44e67c80a7b9 [/b]
My bad. Thanks for reminding me! Though I still think it wouldn't be an exceptional draw to the title at this point.
Posted By: kcekada Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/08 02:18 AM
Originally posted by veryvery:
well let's not forget the art angle. when i shop for comics, i open the sucker up and look at the art. I'm not reading it at all, i'm looking to see if the art it good or not.
I so agree.

And in fact, it was the art of Dave Cockrum that made made me a huge Legion fan to begin with. After he left, I kept on through most of the Mike Grell run until I got bored with all of DC Comics.

It was Giffen's artwork in the early 80s that made me try the Legion again (after coming back to DC Comics via the Wolfman/Perez Titans series).

That's why I was a bit perplexed a few years ago when Dan DiDio stated that Legion has always been a writer's series. WTF?!!! Yeah, Shooter and Levitz did great work, but Swan was donig some of the best work of his career when Jim was writing -- and Levitz was never as good when team with a so so artist like Greg LaRoque.

The Legion needs a top notch artist to bring in readers. And it has to be someone who has developed his skills. Coipel was too rough in his early issues. Today, he'd be a big hit.

As much as I liked Manpul's poster/cover with the new Legion costumes, his interiors aren't quite in fan fave category yet.
August Sales figures have been up for a while (sorry, I was on vacation). Numbers aren't good for the main title. After the artificial bump from the variant cover on #44 sales drop by over 4K units. This is now the lowest the title has sold since the Threeboot started. It's not all bad however, as L3W more than doubled the regular title with 68,306 and ranked 20th on the list. I think this may put the writing on the wall for the current version but shows there's at least modest interest out there for a big Legion event.

07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/29/08 05:34 PM
Unfortunately, it seems DC doesn't think there is space for Legion at all except for some Geoff Johns event.
I can understand those who are thinking: "I won't spend any more buck on a doomed book"...

It's so sad that Shooters run has come too late...
September sales are out and the book sheds another 800 copies. It will be interesting to see what happens now that it's known there are only 4 issues left. I don't think it will be pretty.

09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
Also, Legion of Three Worlds picks up another 5,608 issues. It isn't labeled as "2nd printing" so these may be straight up re-orders.
Originally posted by rouge:
September sales are out and the book sheds another 800 copies. It will be interesting to see what happens now that it's known there are only 4 issues left. I don't think it will be pretty.

09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
Ok, I'm off work today and it's raining so, computer time!

rouge's posts on sales and the impending cancellation got me to thinking if there are similar books to the Legion (sales wise) that have been around longer and are languishing, yet not being cancelled? I just sort of noticed Birds of Prey. Birds of Prey is a DC Comic showcasing primarily female members. Core and supporting cast, according to Wikipedia, are
Core members
Lady Blackhawk
Rotating Members
Big Barda
Black Alice
Black Canary
Lady Shiva
Power Girl

A few things I did some research on, with the help of ICv2:

1. Birds of Prey has CONSISTENTLY sold below Legion and or Supergirl and the Legion.
Going back to Threeboot Issue #1, December 2004,
only once has it outsold Legion, and that was on its 83rd issue, an OMAC tie-in, by a scant 622 copies.

2. In December 05 there was no Legion due to a scheduling slip, and instead there were 2 issues in February 06, with issue #14 coming in at 32,513 and #15 at 31,649 in sales, totaling 64,162. Birds of Prey in January and February did not top any of those individual sales figures.

3. The same thing happened in March 07-no Legion but two issues in April. Again Birds of Prey sales did not surpass any individual issue sales.

4. Biggest gaps in sales rank:
In December 07 Shooter and Manapul began, and there were two covers. Legion #50, Birds of Prey #99.
January 08 Legion #64, Birds of Prey #93
February 08 Legion # 59, Birds of Prey #91

5.Since April 08, Birds of Prey has been ranked 101 or lower, coming in at #111 in September, with under 22K in sales 4 out of those 5 months.
Threeboot Legion has never been below 22K.

6. Sales of Birds of Prey have fallen considerably in the same time frame as the Legion's Threeboot run.
Legion is canceled,Birds of Prey is on issue #123 for Oct 08, no cancellation in sight.
Good thing it has such a long and storied history...Oh, wait.

Since issue 118, Birds of Prey has been written by...

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Tony Bedard, the hailed hope for L.E.G.I.O.N.</span></span>

I'm just sayin'............
Posted By: Pariscub Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/25/08 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
Ok, I'm off work today and it's raining so, computer time!

rouge's posts on sales and the impending cancellation got me to thinking if there are similar books to the Legion (sales wise) that have been around longer and are languishing, yet not being cancelled? I just sort of noticed Birds of Prey. Birds of Prey is a DC Comic showcasing primarily female members. Core and supporting cast, according to Wikipedia, are
[b]Core members

Lady Blackhawk
Rotating Members
Big Barda
Black Alice
Black Canary
Lady Shiva
Power Girl

A few things I did some research on, with the help of ICv2:

1. Birds of Prey has CONSISTENTLY sold below Legion and or Supergirl and the Legion.
Going back to Threeboot Issue #1, December 2004,
only once has it outsold Legion, and that was on its 83rd issue, an OMAC tie-in, by a scant 622 copies.

2. In December 05 there was no Legion due to a scheduling slip, and instead there were 2 issues in February 06, with issue #14 coming in at 32,513 and #15 at 31,649 in sales, totaling 64,162. Birds of Prey in January and February did not top any of those individual sales figures.

3. The same thing happened in March 07-no Legion but two issues in April. Again Birds of Prey sales did not surpass any individual issue sales.

4. Biggest gaps in sales rank:
In December 07 Shooter and Manapul began, and there were two covers. Legion #50, Birds of Prey #99.
January 08 Legion #64, Birds of Prey #93
February 08 Legion # 59, Birds of Prey #91

5.Since April 08, Birds of Prey has been ranked 101 or lower, coming in at #111 in September, with under 22K in sales 4 out of those 5 months.
Threeboot Legion has never been below 22K.

6. Sales of Birds of Prey have fallen considerably in the same time frame as the Legion's Threeboot run.
Legion is canceled,Birds of Prey is on issue #123 for Oct 08, no cancellation in sight.
Good thing it has such a long and storied history...Oh, wait.

Since issue 118, Birds of Prey has been written by...

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Tony Bedard, the hailed hope for L.E.G.I.O.N.</span></span>

I'm just sayin'............ [/b]
I don't think they're cancelling Legion purely for sales reasons, but because there's a plan from DC comics for yet another Legion reboot/reimagination/return to origins.
Posted By: veryvery Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/27/08 08:19 AM
i wonder how the hardcover sold?
Birds of Prey was one of the most solid sales staples in the DCU under Gail Simone. While it never rose considerably, it never dropped that much either. Since she left it's been in a nose-dive of sorts while they sorted out a creative team (with Bedard finally getting the nod). If recent trends continue, it may be in a bit of trouble.

That said, I don't think Legion's sales levels are the sole reason for cancellation. There are a few books besides Birds of Prey selling well below Legion's level that have continued their runs (Blue Beetle for example). I suspect there's a revamp plan in the works.
Originally posted by veryvery:
i wonder how the hardcover sold?
The Hardcover is an October release. It will be an other month before we see the numbers. "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes" had initial numbers of around 3K though.
Posted By: kcekada Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/31/08 10:47 PM
I think DC wants Legion to be a fan favorite again as it was in the 70s and early 80s.

Maybe that's impossible given the reboots, but it does seem that they are planning to make a go of it with a more classic Legion after L3W.
Originally posted by kcekada:
I think DC wants Legion to be a fan favorite again as it was in the 70s and early 80s.
I want monkeys to fly outta the butts of DC's powers-that-be for jerking us around this year, but I don't know how to make that happen anymore than they know how to make them a fan favorite again.
Also AFOB - Birds of Prey just got canned too (along with Robin & Nightwing). Hope you're happy now. wink
Obviously I'm not happy and never intended to see any books cancelled, but this is a tough economy and hard decisions have to be made. I wouldn't be surprised to see 4 or 5 more before next summer.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/13/08 03:37 AM
Blue Beetle is axed too. Keep'em comin'.
Posted By: Yk Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/13/08 03:49 AM
Anthology books sell well enough in countries other than the US. Seems to me that when they're done well they can be great. The previously named series would make fantastic entrants to a Bat-Anthology monthly. If Robin, Nightwing and Birds of Prey would headline one of these I could finally afford to follow them.
October sales are out and the book drops 1,200 copies and falls out of the top 100 (although that stat I blame on Marvel flooding the market). With three issues remaining before the switch over to Adventure, expect the numbers to slide a bit more.

10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
10/2008: LSH #47 -- 23,751 , #118 out of 300
And here's the LO3W Sales. The [] number represents the total with September re-orders added in. Comparing the initial orders from both months, it looks like a drop of about 4K readers. Not entirely unexpected for an "Event" book, but it will be interesting to see if this levels out with issue #3 or if the delays impact things.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
Finally the "Enemy Rising" HardCover sold about 1,559 copies, placing it at #91 on the GN chart.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/19/08 10:13 PM
Originally posted by rouge:
And here's the LO3W Sales. The [] number represents the total with September re-orders added in. Comparing the initial orders from both months, it looks like a drop of about 4K readers. Not entirely unexpected for an "Event" book, but it will be interesting to see if this levels out with issue #3 or if the delays impact things.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
While I'll be the first to admit those numbers are under what I expected...I expected ish #1 to be over 100k with re-orders...


It's been a loooooooooooooooong time since a first issue anything of the Legion was over 60k copies...the fact that it's still over 60 k for issue #2 is fantastic news for DC and the Legion.

A second issue of the Legion hasn't sold over 60k copies, probably since 1989 or 90.

Overall it's good news...and since the title has been hit with some scheduling difficulties that might have hurt sales. I expect this series to get a boost once the Flash and Green Lantern Elements started getting played up as well.

As of now my prediction of any ongoing monthly featuring this Legion paired with Superman averaging around 60k copies is still possible.

And I'm not convinced sales won't improve on this title as it progesses...that's kind of what happened with the Action arc.
I'm gonna guess...

62,000 for issue #3
60,000 for issue #4
68,000 for issue #5

and, a debut of Adventure #1 at...

Here's the November sales update. The book shed about 800 readers this time out. With two issues left and the last one being an "Aniversary Number" (50), I expect we won't fall below 22K by the time it's all said and done.

BTW, Adventure Comics Special logged in at #56 with 34,674.

11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
10/2008: LSH #47 -- 23,751 , #118 out of 300
11/2008: LSH #48 -- 22,917 , #92 out of 300
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/17/08 01:04 AM
If we all see the book by its market position, it hang on pretty tight for a book being trampled, ignored and humiliated by TPTB.
Sorry for the late posting of these. Here's the December sales update. The book drops down to the 22K level, shedding another 800 readers. Expect a bump for the last issue and then into the great unknown we go....

12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
10/2008: LSH #47 -- 23,751 , #118 out of 300
11/2008: LSH #48 -- 22,917 , #92 out of 300
12/2008: LSH #49 -- 22,180 , #122 out of 300
Posted By: reckless Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/22/09 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
I'm gonna guess...

62,000 for issue #3
60,000 for issue #4
68,000 for issue #5

and, a debut of Adventure #1 at...

I'll be curious to see if that's the case. I think #3 could drop by a lot more. Final Crisis turned out to be such a dud in many readers' minds that they might no longer be interested in something that is a FC tie-in, particularly after the long wait.
Originally posted by reckless:
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
[b]I'm gonna guess...

62,000 for issue #3
60,000 for issue #4
68,000 for issue #5

and, a debut of Adventure #1 at...

I'll be curious to see if that's the case. I think #3 could drop by a lot more. Final Crisis turned out to be such a dud in many readers' minds that they might no longer be interested in something that is a FC tie-in, particularly after the long wait. [/b]
Well, this was at a point when I assumed (yeah, I know)that these were going to be published in my lifetime...

It will be interesting to see how much interest has piqued or waned with such a long delay.
Well, I imagine there's still a healthy percentage of people who simply have it on their pull lists and will therefore get it regardless of when it comes out. But stores who ordered it to display on the shelves next to the other FC titles may be slashing those orders.
Although FC will be done by next week, most people who've picked up Lo3W say that apart from Superman Beyond its one of the better spin-offs to come out of FC. While I am concerned about how well it stands apart from Lo3W, I truly believe the story is compelling enough for people who bought it to still pick it up.
Posted By: Wonder Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/25/09 04:37 PM
I'm speculating that with FC ending, L3W is going to start being billed more as a Legion event than a FC event. IMO, that's a much better approach and one that should have been the way to go all along (consider, at least at this juncture in the story, it's connections to FC are flimsy at best).
Hey all,
January Sales figures are out. Slight bump presumably for the final issue and the 50 number. Boy, were those new readers in for a treat. I guess that's all she wrote for now. I'll include the numbers back to the beginning of the threeboot and let them tell the tale. Thanks so much to Lightning Lad for starting the list in the first place.

10/2004: Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 -- 61,047
12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944, #25 out of 300 (sold out)
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584, #30 out of 300
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824, #40 out of 300
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408, #46 out of 300
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664, #44 out of 300
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970, #42 out of 300
06/2005: LSH #07 -- 39,155, #44 out of 300
07/2005: LSH #08 -- 37,272, #54 out of 300
08/2005: LSH #09 -- 35,834, #69 out of 300
09/2005: LSH #10 -- 35,800, #69 out of 300
10/2005: LSH #11 -- 34,100, #54 out of 300
11/2005: LSH #12 -- 33,500, #57 ouf of 300
11/2005: LSH TPB #1 -- 3,102, #27 out of 100
01/2006: LSH #13 -- 32,730, #54 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #14 -- 32,513, #62 out of 300
02/2006: LSH #15 -- 31,649, #65 out of 300
03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826, #41 out of 300 (sold out) (includes reorders of 7,400)
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697, #44 out of 300 (includes reorders of 2,897)
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520, #49 out of 300
06/2006: LSH TPB #2 -- 2,874, #28 out of 100
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918, #46 out of 300
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679, #53 out of 300
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800, #61 out of 300
09/2006: LSH #22 -- 36,735, #54 out of 300
10/2006: LSH #23 -- 41,554, #39 out of 300
10/2006: LSH TPB #3 -- 2,972, #23 out of 100
11/2006: LSH #24 -- 33,985, #68 out of 300
12/2006: LSH #25 -- 33,288, #61 out of 300
01/2007: LSH #26 -- 32,342, #56 out of 300
02/2007: LSH #27 -- 31,387, #65 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #28 -- 31,525, #71 out of 300
04/2007: LSH #29 -- 30,906, #72 out of 300
04/2007: Showcase: Legion #1 -- 4,812, #11 out of 100
04/2007: LSH TPB #4 -- 2,702, #39 out of 100
05/2007: LSH #30 -- 30,758, #79 out of 300
06/2007: LSH #31 -- 30,385, #72 out of 300
07/2007: LSH #32 -- 29,826, #84 out of 300
08/2007: LSH #33 -- 29,315, #92 out of 300
09/2007: LSH #34 -- 28,294 , #88 out of 300
10/2007: LSH #35 -- 27,370 , #91 out of 300
11/2007: LSH #36 -- 26,814 , #88 out of 300
12/2007: LSH #37 -- 45,803 , #50 out of 300
01/2008: LSH #38 -- 33,045 , #64 out of 300
02/2008: LSH #39 -- 31,123 , #59 out of 300
03/2008: LSH #40 -- 30,377 , #63 out of 300
04/2008: LSH #41 -- 28,939 , #76 out of 300
05/2008: LSH #42 -- 27,940 , #84 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #43 -- 27,531 , #96 out of 300
07/2008: LSH #44 -- 29,954 , #83 out of 300
08/2008: LSH #45 -- 25,783 , #96 out of 300
09/2008: LSH #46 -- 24,959 , #98 out of 300
10/2008: LSH #47 -- 23,751 , #118 out of 300
11/2008: LSH #48 -- 22,917 , #92 out of 300
12/2008: LSH #49 -- 22,180 , #122 out of 300
01/2009: LSH #50 -- 22,327 , #86 out of 300
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/09 02:38 PM

I was hoping it would finish by breaking the 20k barrier. In reverse.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/09 02:58 PM
You're all heart, 'Boot. lol

Though this piece of switch and bait deserves it...
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/09 03:36 PM
Ouch - these figures are a sad sign of the economic times!

It took almost 28k to be ranked #84 back in May, and now only 22.3k to be ranked #86 in January. The industry has taken a beating lately...
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
Ouch - these figures are a sad sign of the economic times!

It took almost 28k to be ranked #84 back in May, and now only 22.3k to be ranked #86 in January. The industry has taken a beating lately...
Its a tough comparison though, as May had both Marvel and DC launching their Summer events with the myriad of tie-ins, while January is a relatively slow month regardless of the economy.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/09 07:32 PM
Is #50 the worst selling Legion comic of all time? It deserves it if it was.

Guess threebooting the Legion was more of a mistake than DC ever dreamed.
Posted By: stephbarton Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/09 07:41 PM
Yeah, looking at the drop off on this title the threeboot was a pretty bad idea. Those sales numbers are *ouch* regardless. And it's not like you can even blame it on the Johns' Legion showing up as this book shead readership pretty consistantly.
Originally posted by Reboot:

I was hoping it would finish by breaking the 20k barrier. In reverse.
If DC had allowed returns, I'm sure it would have.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Is #50 the worst selling Legion comic of all time? It deserves it if it was.

Guess threebooting the Legion was more of a mistake than DC ever dreamed.
Actually, #49 sold worse that #50. I'd have to check for previous version to see if anything was less than 22K (aside form the Johnny DC book obviously), but 49 was the lowest point in the Threeboot.
weren't books in 1999 even worse? Before DnA and even the early DnA issues were pretty low, as I recall.
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
weren't books in 1999 even worse? Before DnA and even the early DnA issues were pretty low, as I recall.
According to Reboot's post Here you're right. Legionnaire's #80 clocked in at 15,800. Of course, Diamond (and ICV2 by extension) I believe, had different reporting criteria then, but we can assume they are reasonable ballparks.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:21 AM
I don't think Lgs #80 is a reasonable ballpark, because it was lower than the issues surrounding it by quite a way - I suspect there was a reporting glitch of some sort with that issue. [I also suspect that the sales at that point were hurt overall by having two books a month when it had been struggling for quite a while - Lost debuted higher than LSH/Lgs and stayed steady, Worlds debuted higher than Lost despite being higher-priced, and The Legion debuted higher yet again and stayed fairly stable for quite a while]. And the pre-2003 figures are about 5% lower thaqn subsequent figures in general, because of the change to "actual" orders.

Looking at the "threeboot" curve - it had the two highest-promoted issues since [SW6] Legionnaires #1 in v5 #1 and Supergirl/LSH #16 (remember, the latter became a spin-off of Supergirl at a time when when that book was over 100k - and "Supergirl/LSH" may well have damaged THAT book, since it started a free-fall about the same time) and blew it both times, when you look at the way the drops mounted and mounted each time. If it hadn't been for the Hail Kara pass, the book wouldn't have reached #50 in the first place.

Originally posted by Pov:
You're all heart, 'Boot. lol
I'm consistent, at least smile
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:48 AM
There is NO doubt Legion was hurt badly by both L3W and the imminent cancellation, that made sure Shooter's story was to be irrelevant for the future of the franchise.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:50 AM
Why is there "NO doubt"? Shooter's first few issues overperformed the sales trend, and the last few were just back on form. Or the lack thereof.
Originally posted by Reboot:
Why is there "NO doubt"? Shooter's first few issues overperformed the sales trend, and the last few were just back on form. Or the lack thereof.
I agree, other than a large bump at the outset (with a variant cover), Shooter's run started sliding almost immediately. I don't think that can be blamed on Lo3W. You could make the case that the Lightning Saga and Action arcs hurt it, but the downward trend is pretty consistent across the entire threeboot. If anything it looks like Shooter provided little to no impact on the books performance.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:18 PM
Sales from about 1997 on(also courtesy of Reboot by way of the Legion Clubhouse):

Legionnaires #49 - 26,300
Legion of Super-Heroes #93 - 27,200 [-2.6%]
Legionnaires #50 - 28,300 [+7.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #94 - 26,500 [-2.3%]
Legionnaires #51 - 25,700 [-9.2%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #95 - 26,100 [-1.1%]
Legionnaires #52 - 25,200 [-2.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #96 - 25,500 [-2.3%]
Legionnaires #53 - 25,400 [+0.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #97 - 27,700 [+8.6%]
Legionnaires #54 - 25,200 [-0.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #98 - 25,800 [-6.9%]
Legionnaires #55 - 25,100 [-0.4%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #99 - 26,100 [+1.2%]
Legionnaires #56 - 25,100 [-0.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #100 - 29,800 [+14.2%]
Legionnaires #57 - 24,400 [-2.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #101 - 25,000 [-16.1%]
Legends of the Legion #1 (of 4) - 24,900
Legionnaires #58 - 23,800 [-2.5%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #102 - 24,500 [-2.0%]
Legends of the Legion #2 (of 4) - 21,400 [-14.0%]
Legionnaires #59 - 23,100 [-2.9%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #103 - 23,900 [-2.4%]
Legends of the Legion #3 (of 4) - 19,800 [-7.5%]
Legionnaires #60 - 23,100 [-0.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #104 - 24,100 [+0.8%]
Legends of the Legion #4 (of 4) - 19,300 [-2.5%]
Legionnaires #61 - 24,200 [+5.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #105 - 24,700 [+3.0%]
Legionnaires #62 - 22,800 [-5.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #106 - 23,200 [-6.1%]
Legionnaires #63 - 23,100 [+1.3%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #107 - 23,400 [+0.9%]
Legion of Science Police #1 (of 4) - 18,500
Legionnaires #64 - 22,400 [-3.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #108 - 22,700 [-3.0%]
Legion of Science Police #2 (of 4) - 15,900 [-14.0%]
Legionnaires #65 - 21,600 [-3.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #109 - 21,900 [-3.5%]
Legion of Science Police #3 (of 4) - 14,500 [-8.1%]
Legionnaires #1000000 - 29,300
Legion of Super-Heroes #1000000 - 29,300
Legion of Science Police #4 (of 4) - 13,400 [-7.6%]
Legionnaires #66 - 20,900 [-3.3%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #110 - 21,400 [-1.0%]
Legionnaires #67 - 20,700 [-1.0%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #111 - 20,900 [-2.3%]
Legionnaires #68 - 20,100 [-2.9%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #112 - 20,400 [-2.4%]
Legionnaires #69 - 19,800 [-1.5%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #113 - 20,200 [-1.0%]
Legionnaires #70 - 18,900 [-4.5%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #114 - 19,600 [-3.0%]
Legionnaires #71 - 18,700 [-1.1%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #115 - 19,100 [-2.6%]
Legionnaires #72 - 18,400 [-1.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #116 - 18,800 [-1.3%]
Legionnaires #73 - 18,100 [-1.5%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #117 - 18,500 [-1.9%]
Legionnaires #74 - 17,600 [-2.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #118 - 18,100 [-2.1%]
Legionnaires #75 - 17,700 [+0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #119 - 18,000 [-0.6%]
Legionnaires #76 - 17,600 [-0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #120 - 17,900 [-0.6%]
Legionnaires #77 - 17,300 [-0.4%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #121 - 17,700 [0%]

DnA start:

Legionnaires #78 - 17,300 [0%]

Legion of the Damned:

Legion of Super-Heroes #122 - 18,400 [+4.0%]
Legionnaires #79 - 17,200 [-0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #123 - 17,700 [-3,8%]
Legionnaires #80 - 15,800 [-5,4%]

Widening Rifts:

Legion of Super-Heroes #124 - 17,200 [0%]
Legionnaires #81 - 17,000 [+7.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #125 - 17,500 [+1.7%]

Legion Lost:

Legion Lost #1 - 20,900
Legion Lost #2 - 19,100 [+8.3%]
Legion Lost #3 - 21,200 [+11,0%]
Legion Lost #4 - 22,000 [+3.8%] / 21,974
Legion Lost #5 - 22,406
Legion Lost #6 - 21,379
Legion Lost #7 - 21,706
Legion Lost #8 - 21,137
Legion Lost #9 - 21,540
Legion Lost #10 - 20,217
Legion Lost #11 - 19,553
Legion Lost #12 - 20,510

Superboy's Legion:

Superboy's Legion #1 - 23,350
Superboy's Legion #2 - 21,080

Legion Worlds:

Legion Worlds #1 - 23,830 / 21,955
Legion Worlds #2 - 22,020 / 20,570
Legion Worlds #3 - 22,080 / 20,954
Legion Worlds #4 - 21,960 / 20,832
Legion Worlds #5 - 21,410 / 20,685
Legion Worlds #6 - 21,520 / 20,129

The Legion:

The Legion #1 - 28,350
The Legion #2 - 24,364
The Legion #3 - 24,338
The Legion #4 - 24,416
The Legion #5 - 24,232
The Legion #6 - 24,603
The Legion #7 - 25,113
The Legion #8 - 24,771
The Legion #9 - 24,566
The Legion #10 - 24,775
The Legion #11 - 24,988
The Legion #12 - 25,355
The Legion #13 - 24,218
The Legion #14 - 23,880
The Legion #15 - 23,962
The Legion #16 - 23,744
The Legion #17 - 23,005
The Legion #18 - 22.516 / 23,180
The Legion #19 - 23,214
The Legion #20 - 23,184
The Legion #21 - 22,749
The Legion #22 - 22,987
The Legion #23 - 22,466
The Legion #24 - 22,653
The Legion #25 - 30,440
The Legion Secret Files 3003 - 19,231
The Legion #26 - 26,635
The Legion #27 - 25,667
The Legion #28 - 25,042
The Legion #29 - 24,908
The Legion #30 - 25,014
The Legion #31 - 24,870
The Legion #32 - 24,608
The Legion #33 - 24,865
The Legion #34 - 23,903
The Legion #35 - 24,207
The Legion #36 - 23,717
The Legion #37 - 23,479
The Legion #38 - 23,327
Teen Titans/The Legion Special #1 - 61,047
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:20 PM
Yeah, I think Reboot and Rouge are right. Shooter made little impact--his writing simply did not draw in new fans. In fact, it continued the trend of the current Legion fans becoming more and more dissatisfied.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 03:21 PM
Same area as the current...and it was pretty much the same area before 97 as well going back to the tail end of the 5YG.

Those numbers continuing on the 3Boot, especially with Jim Shooter at the helm, made it pretty obvious to DC which direction they needed to go in...

Roger Stern
Jim Shooter
Gail Simone

It's got nothing to do with the writers.

It's got everything to do with the standalone Legion being a closed club that doesn't attract new readers and never has. Not a problem when that club is big as it once was, but as that membership shrinks and what's left are basically a cult following...it's a problem, especially when they are an angry cult, and there are more profitable alternatives available.

So basically the choice for the Legion cultists is remain that closed club and have no Legion book to read...or open up the membership gates(by making the book less isolated and intimidating) and get a Legion book to read.

Fan bases of 20 thousand aren't really in a position to be making demands about the product they get. We aren't the X-Fans or anything comparable to them. That was 20+ years ago...this is now.

An unfortunate reality of comic book life, but true nontheless.

I don't have a doubt DC would have loved for the standalone Legion to be successful. That's why they pushed, pulled, heaved, hoed, shoved, cajoled, that concept uphill for 20 years, restarting it several times in the process, and they just weren't ever picking up the new fans in substantial numbers doing it...
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/19/09 04:22 PM
The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that Shooter was definitely the last ditch attempt by DC to sell the stand alone Legion.

That's why they wrote Supergirl out of the title the issue before he took over. And wouldn't give him a super even when he was begging for one.

I think the reasoning was that if the Legion's most iconic creator couldn't sell it, no one could.

And I know a lot of people will immediately bring up Levitz, but Levitz already kind of attempted it himself in the latter half of the Baxter run and he didn't fare much better. On the contrary, the decline started with him.

And he most definitely was not writing a stand alone Legion at the beginning of the Levitz Giffen era...in fact he was writing he most mainstream incarnation of the team up to that point. Superboy AND Supergirl, Darkseid, descendants of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen, Guardians(or at least their clones) and Green Lanterns?

Thinking about it some more, the reason there isn't a regular Legion title right now is probably because they simply know it's potential as a stand alone property and they don't want to relaunch a book that's just going to sell 20k copies per month. So they are going to skirt the Superman ownership issues to the greatest degree possible while rejoining the Legion with him, possibly in attempt to eventually wean this version of the Legion off on it own as a stand alone Legion, or they are just waiting until that ownership situation is resolved.

Attempting to spin it off as a stand alone after a mini-run with Superman under Johns won't work...even if it sells fairly well while Johns is on it, the second he leaves it's going to go back to that 20k level, and it again will have problems attracting new readers. I mean not only does the Legion have problems as a stand alone, that's similar to a notorious problem with Johns titles as well...when he leaves the wheels(and his fixes) come off. Fast.

The Legion either needs to get it's own marquee/anchor character(like Wolverine in the X-Men), the Superman situation needs to be resolved to DC's benefit...or else they need to find another marquee anchor character in the regular DC Uni. Maybe they are hoping they can turn Mon into one...

Personally, I think they should stick Impulse in a Flash Uni and make him a member, the Flash of the 31st century. It probably won't have a true marquee/achor impact but it'll probably work better than any other options available to them.
I agree the Legion needs one or more marquee characters.

It's possible that the cartoon and even the Smallville appearance have laid a foundation of some sort. Time will tell.

Legion under the Superman umbrella is not a bad thing right now, in my opinion. Even if the sales #s were there, writers seem unable to craft a cohesive, accessible story around the Legion nowadays anyway.

As part of the S-books, they wil lget more exposure, and maybe someday DC and creators can get back to having a grasp on how to make the Legion work in their own right.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/09 04:29 AM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Yeah, I think Reboot and Rouge are right. Shooter made little impact--his writing simply did not draw in new fans. In fact, it continued the trend of the current Legion fans becoming more and more dissatisfied.
His run was made irrelevant by DC early on. His run didn't draw enough readers? Maybe. But it is just economics: 2 books, competing for the same dollars. Legion (the book) is left for completists. Those who were newbies had no other options than buy Johns' LSH. It is just economics and marketing.
So, let me rephrase it: the selling curve went further south due to DC Editorial decision to make Legion irrelevant.
Originally posted by Superboy:

Thinking about it some more, the reason there isn't a regular Legion title right now is probably because they simply know it's potential as a stand alone property and they don't want to relaunch a book that's just going to sell 20k copies per month. So they are going to skirt the Superman ownership issues to the greatest degree possible while rejoining the Legion with him, possibly in attempt to eventually wean this version of the Legion off on it own as a stand alone Legion, or they are just waiting until that ownership situation is resolved.

Attempting to spin it off as a stand alone after a mini-run with Superman under Johns won't work...even if it sells fairly well while Johns is on it, the second he leaves it's going to go back to that 20k level, and it again will have problems attracting new readers. I mean not only does the Legion have problems as a stand alone, that's similar to a notorious problem with Johns titles as well...when he leaves the wheels(and his fixes) come off. Fast.

The Legion either needs to get it's own marquee/anchor character(like Wolverine in the X-Men), the Superman situation needs to be resolved to DC's benefit...or else they need to find another marquee anchor character in the regular DC Uni. Maybe they are hoping they can turn Mon into one...

The history of all DC's stand-alone teams is the same. Doom Patrol, Omega Men, Outsiders, Infinity Inc, L.E.G.I.O.N.

No doubt R.E.B.E.L.S. will go the same way,

It's not even team books - major players in the DCU like Aquaman or the Atom have consistently over 30 years, failed to bring in the readers. Only Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern have consistently maintained acceptable sales figures - along with their supporting cast and team books.

DC aren't dumb, Batman & the Outsiders was the obvious launching vehicle for that new team and the Legion cartoon featured Superboyman heavily.

If the Leagion has to have a Superman to survive then so be it I guess. It would be interesting to see what a Bart Flash would do for sales but I suspect it wouldn't do enough.

"Superman & the Legion" by Geoff Johns is the most likely way of improving sales figures in the short term. Whether new readers would stay after Johns' tenure would, presumably, depend on the quality of the writer who followed on
Posted By: 3-G Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/09 09:39 PM
That's an interesting take. I have to admit it was Superboy that brought me onboard as a kid when I was crazy for comics and I've always liked the team enough that I'll stick with it whether there's a marqee character or not. Not so with the casual reader, in general it seems they want the S or the Bat on just about everything they buy from DC or they're going to spend their couple of bucks on something else, probably something with an X on it.

My question about a relaunch though is whether they're going to treat this as an "Adult Legion" run of stories and relaunch with a teen team and a younger Superman or if TPTB will pick this up where it leaves off. I wonder that if DC owns a Superboy might they give us back something similar to the Legion where Levitz left off or will they blow that off and just go with Superman & ____________(fill in the blank)?

hhmmm..this might make an interesting poll. Grown up Legion or Teen Legion? Just to see where the fans stand.
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/09 10:32 PM
There is one way for a Legion book to work -- for Warner and DC to actually coordinate their developments. Apparently the Superman movie franchise is being considered for a (much needed) reboot. If Warner could make a good (Iron Man, Dark Night) Superman movie -- I know that seems very unlikely -- and throw a small Legion scene into it ... and then have DC follow on with a reasonably good Legion title with an "S" character ... and maybe a Lego Superman game for the Wii with some Legion characters, then possibly a Legion title could coast along for 4 or 5 years.

I think a more likely scenario is for the stock market to rebound fantastically and for my retirement savings account to grow to the point I could publish my own Legion title. It would be good, I promise.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/20/09 10:56 PM
I've always been of the mind that the Legion would make an outstanding movie property.

It's a combination of the 4 main subgenres of sci-fi, the future, space, time travel and superheroes.

It's like Superman meets Star Wars meets Star Trek meets Dr. Who...and they've actually got some magic and fantasy elements to throw in there as well.

And they've got plenty of epic stories to base the movie on.

If I ever become wealthy the first thing I'm doing is buying the movie rights to the Legion.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/21/09 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
There is one way for a Legion book to work -- for Warner and DC to actually coordinate their developments. Apparently the Superman movie franchise is being considered for a (much needed) reboot. If Warner could make a good (Iron Man, Dark Night) Superman movie -- I know that seems very unlikely -- and throw a small Legion scene into it ... and then have DC follow on with a reasonably good Legion title with a "S" character ... and maybe a Lego Superman game for the Wii with some Legion characters, then possibly a Legion title could coast along for 4 or 5 years.

I think a more likely scenario is for the stock market to rebound fantastically and for for my retirement savings account to grow to the point I could publish my own Legion title. It would be good, I promise.
The Lego Superman video game for Wii with Legion characters is probably the coolest and most brilant thing I've read about online in the lsat five years!
Posted By: Lad Boy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/21/09 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
[b]There is one way for a Legion book to work -- for Warner and DC to actually coordinate their developments. Apparently the Superman movie franchise is being considered for a (much needed) reboot. If Warner could make a good (Iron Man, Dark Night) Superman movie -- I know that seems very unlikely -- and throw a small Legion scene into it ... and then have DC follow on with a reasonably good Legion title with an "S" character ... and maybe a Lego Superman game for the Wii with some Legion characters, then possibly a Legion title could coast along for 4 or 5 years.

I think a more likely scenario is for the stock market to rebound fantastically and for my retirement savings account to grow to the point I could publish my own Legion title. It would be good, I promise.
The Lego Superman video game for Wii with Legion characters is probably the coolest and most brilliant thing I've read about online in the last five years![/b]
Hey read all my posts from the last five years. I'm full of cool brilliance.
Here's the LO3W Sales for February. That's actually a pretty minuscule drop considering the delay and that the "parent series" of Final Crisis was well done by this point. The rise in ranks doesn't mean too much, as February was a lean month, but this is still encouraging that the series is holding an audience.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
02/2009: Lo3W #3 -- 61,358, #15 out of 300
Posted By: stephbarton Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/18/09 04:57 PM
That is encouraging. Especially when you look at the drop between issue 1 through 3,that is really small (even for a mini).

Those are very nice numbers (IMO) and great to see for a Legion book.
Posted By: Ferro Man Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/22/09 04:43 AM
So, we sell fewer issues and move up in the rankings. Must be because we outlasted some of those pesky limited sereis like crossovers for mega events like Final Crisis! Ha! I knew we'd outlast those losers!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rouge:
[QB] Here's the LO3W Sales for April. A very healthy retention level, especially given the delays. I expect with the Superboy return this might rack up some re-orders next month as well. It remains to be seen how big a launchpad this gives Adventure comics.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
02/2009: Lo3W #3 -- 61,358, #15 out of 300
04/2009: Lo3W #4 -- 56,888, #28 out of 300
...and that's how I'm pessimistically viewing Lo3W. It's a launchpad for Adventure Comics which looks like it'll headline Superboy, Kid Flash who figures prominently in Flash: Rebirth and possibly Teen Titans or the FLash title. It's a launchpad for everything except a Legion ongoing. When Didio said 2009 (or was it 2010) was going to be a big year for Legion, it better not be this guest-fest we're seeing at the moment (with Mon-El over at Supes' titles, Starman at JSA, etc.). The Legion's everywhere but their own series... :-(
Posted By: Pariscub Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/23/09 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Igee The Mighty:
When Didio said 2009 (or was it 2010) was going to be a big year for Legion, it better not be this guest-fest we're seeing at the moment (with Mon-El over at Supes' titles, Starman at JSA, etc.). The Legion's everywhere but their own series... :-(
I've stopped believing what Dan Didio say a long time ago, even more so when he often contracts himself.
Originally posted by Pariscub:
I've stopped believing what Dan Didio say a long time ago, even more so when he often contracts himself.
but that just gives you multiple choices as to what to disbelieve!
Does anyone else see the the length between issues as the main cause of the drop in sales? I mean, that's 12K since issue 1. I'm sure some of it is dissatisfaction in story, but the gap between issues, sheesh.

On the other hand, I just checked the numbers for the main Final Crisis, and it couldn't hold an audience either, although it obviously outsold L3W. Here they are:
Final Crisis # 1 May '08 144,826
Final Crisis # 2 June '08 126,082
Final Crisis # 3 August '08 123,881
Final Crisis # 4 October '08 109,181
Final Crisis # 5 December '08 115,666
Final Crisis # 6 January '09 110,892
Final Crisis # 7 January '09 103,292

It lost almost 30% of its audience by series end.
Posted By: Paul Newell Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/25/09 09:50 AM
That's actually quite normal. In fact the drop offs you mentioned are pretty slight compared to the usual ones. Both mini's appeared to have held their audience much better than most regular titles do.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/25/09 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Originally posted by Pariscub:
[b]I've stopped believing what Dan Didio say a long time ago, even more so when he often contracts himself.
but that just gives you multiple choices as to what to disbelieve! [/b]
Or you can just automatically disbelieve everything at once, to save time.

[ lol <--- On the outside]
It's the old "How can you tell if ____________is lying? His lips are moving!"

Ah, crap, I just realized. That means he could be in Congress one day.
Hey guys!

There is a website which lists comics sales figures for a number of years-Comichron, I believe. Check out the year 1966 , for example. Between Superboy and Adventure Comics, sales for the year were over 1,000,000! I was astonished. That was at 12 cents a pop! For the whole year that equals just over $130K! Today, that amount of money would equal sales of about 3500 per month. I realize that's a very crude example, but man, how times have changed...
Posted By: KryptonKid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/10/09 01:12 PM
And just to keep some perspective on the absolute scope we're talking here, compare 1966 and 2008 sales of "Adventures of Bob Hope"!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/11/09 01:18 AM
I'd love one of our resident genuises to figure out how much that amount of sales figures with today's, cashwise, with inflation and whatnot.

I have a theory there's actually been relatively little actual decline in dollar amount... 130K then likely tallies pretty close to whatever today's topselling books rake in... maybe?
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 07/14/09 11:47 PM
Those sales figures for LO3W are excellent and easily put this series in the top tier if not the elite tier, of current DC titles.

DC would love any series that sells over 50k consistently, especially when it's bi-monthly or worse due to scheduling difficulties.

More importantly, DC, Jim Shooter, everyone knows what it takes to get the Legion to sell at a good level. The fact that DC doesn't do it, probably has more to do with legalities than it does cluelessness.

But make no mistake about it, LO3W has been a resounding success in terms of sales. Without a doubt.
Here's the LO3W Sales for July. Very solid outing, sticking at just shy of 56K. By any sales standard this even was a great success for a Legion book, even more impressive given the delays. Now, let's see how that translates into Adventure sales next month.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
02/2009: Lo3W #3 -- 61,358, #15 out of 300
04/2009: Lo3W #4 -- 56,888, #28 out of 300
07/2009: Lo3W #5 -- 55,970, #29 out of 300
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/18/09 03:05 PM
The sales figures on these mini series have always confused me. I can understand a drop off from a first issue to a second (you try the first issue and don't like it, you move on), but why is there, generally speaking, a steady decline from #2 to the end of the series? If you're inclined to pick up the second issue, wouldn't you want to finish the saga with the rest of the issues? Shouldn't issue #2 to the last be pretty much a flat line as far as sales go?

What disturbs me is that if this was an ongoing series, we'd probably end up in the 20k's again by the 20th issue, even with the great story and great artwork. This seems especially so with the Legion. What's a publisher to do?

BTW, I always appreciate the sales numbers info. Thanks, Rouge!!
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
The sales figures on these mini series have always confused me. I can understand a drop off from a first issue to a second (you try the first issue and don't like it, you move on), but why is there, generally speaking, a steady decline from #2 to the end of the series? If you're inclined to pick up the second issue, wouldn't you want to finish the saga with the rest of the issues? Shouldn't issue #2 to the last be pretty much a flat line as far as sales go?

What disturbs me is that if this was an ongoing series, we'd probably end up in the 20k's again by the 20th issue, even with the great story and great artwork. This seems especially so with the Legion. What's a publisher to do?

BTW, I always appreciate the sales numbers info. Thanks, Rouge!!
You're quite welcome.

The thing to remember is that these numbers reflect orders to Diamond from retailers, so not necessarily everything ends up in a readers hand. An indeterminate amount of these are shelf copies which may or may not get sold. Retailers always alter orders according to what sells (i.e they don't want to eat unwanted copies), so if you have 1 copy of #1 and three of #2-#4 on your shelf you would probably reduce your order for #5 by a couple of issues to avoid having to pay for product you can't move. The steady drop usually just means different shops bail out at different points. In relative terms, these numbers are a healthy retention rate for a mini series.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/09 04:20 PM
I've seen you explain some of this at different times, but this finally makes sense to me (I'm a little slow).
Posted By: AndrewNolan Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/19/09 08:59 PM
I would also like to thank Rouge for posting this information. The sales figures are always interesting and certainly an indication on how well the book was received.

Hopefully these numbers and a successful Adventure run will equate to a monthly (sooner rather than later).
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/09 03:32 PM
Rogue is an unsung hero of Legionworld for keeping us updated.

Those figures are are sweet. The total sales aren't elite, but the way it holds it's audience is...especially when you consider it was spun out of what is considered a disappointing, maxi-series, had huge lengthy delays, and oh yeah...had an incredibly large cast featuring many duplicate characters. Holding it's audience is what the Legion does extremely well, like few titles in history, when it is going well.

There is absolutely no way DC doesn't consider that one of their best successes in recent memory given the current state of the market and their place in it.

Whatever reasons this Legion doesn't yet have a series, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that DC doesn't think it will be successful...more like they are taking their time to set up a full fledged relaunch and build up to it. They are doing the build up for the benefit of comic fans, not just Legion fandom.

Near as I can tell, there is a set audience of 50k out there for this Legion right now...no appearance by the Johnsboot has gone under 50k to my recollection.

LO3W was a very successful series. Period.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/09 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Superboy:
Rogue is an unsung hero of Legionworld for keeping us updated.

Originally posted by Superboy:
Near as I can tell, there is a set audience of 50k out there for this Legion right now...no appearance by the Johnsboot has gone under 50k to my recollection.

LO3W was a very successful series. Period.
Agreed... except what happens if/when Mr Johns is not guiding the Legion ship - can a Legion title even sustain itself in the 30k+ range for any period of time? Recent history says 'no'.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/20/09 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
Originally posted by Superboy:
[b]Rogue is an unsung hero of Legionworld for keeping us updated.

Originally posted by Superboy:
Near as I can tell, there is a set audience of 50k out there for this Legion right now...no appearance by the Johnsboot has gone under 50k to my recollection.

LO3W was a very successful series. Period.
Agreed... except what happens if/when Mr Johns is not guiding the Legion ship - can a Legion title even sustain itself in the 30k+ range for any period of time? Recent history says 'no'. [/b]
Well...John's definitely seems to be busy right now.

Blackest Night, Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, the Legion, Adventure...he's also writing Smallville stories, a script for a Flash movie, and a Shazam movie...

So I can see your point, at the same time that could point to why there is no ongoing Legion right now, because Johns wants to do it and he is too busy to do so.

I think the guy is a Legion fan...the first live action appearance ever of the true Legion we owe to Johns(and he wanted to show the 31st century but couldn't do it with the Smallville budget).

I mean if Johns wasn't going to write it, there would already be a Legion series to catch the momentum of the Johns association.

But let's just say you're right...the list of creators that would like to work on the Legion is impressive. Jim Lee, JMS, even Copiel has said he would like to return to the book. Giffen said he'd do it again. Hell Mark Waid never got to write this Legion...and I'm sure he'd like to do so. Most of these guys were fans of the original Legion...there should be no problem getting top level creators to work on the Legion.

I don't think Johns is the only thing driving sales though...

The Johns Legion Superman stories outsold Johns non-Legion Superman stories in Action...and not every thing he writes sells 50k(Booster Gold for example).

I think the dymanic that Superman fans and Legion fans aren't necessarily the same base is the dynamic driving it...as it always did.

Certain PCT of fans, that aren't Superman fans read anything with Legion on it(20k), certain pct of Superman fans that aren't Legion fans read anything with Superman on it(30k?), the result is a title that sells better than either of them do alone.

This sort of merger is attempted all the time with other properties to little or no impact, probably becaus it's the same 20k that buy Hawkman and the Atom and the bases aren't truly distinct...this dymanic has always been very real with Superman in the Legion...at least based on my research and the sales history of the book.
Posted By: AndrewNolan Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/09 12:11 AM
Having George Perez on Lo3W needs to be factored into the sales figures as well.
Posted By: Jerry Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/09 12:49 AM
Just curious, does anyone know how this compares to sales for Final Crisis itself, and other Final Crisis tie ins?
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/09 01:00 AM
Originally posted by Jerry:
Just curious, does anyone know how this compares to sales for Final Crisis itself, and other Final Crisis tie ins?
Didn't sell anything close to Final Crisis itself(100k or so) but held it's audience much better, and well after Final Crisis was over. Sold much better than any other Final Crisis Tie in mini and held it's audience better.
Posted By: Jerry Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/09 02:38 AM
Thanks !!
Originally posted by Jerry:
Just curious, does anyone know how this compares to sales for Final Crisis itself, and other Final Crisis tie ins?
Fortunately Arm Fall Off Boy posted those numbers earlier in the thread:

Final Crisis # 1 May '08 144,826
Final Crisis # 2 June '08 126,082
Final Crisis # 3 August '08 123,881
Final Crisis # 4 October '08 109,181
Final Crisis # 5 December '08 115,666
Final Crisis # 6 January '09 110,892
Final Crisis # 7 January '09 103,292

FC also held onto its audience rather well, for a series as late and divisive as it was. It certainly didn't post anything near Secret Invasion numbers, but it held to a respectable amount of sales.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/21/09 09:14 PM
I don't think it was such a hit: probably everything Johns has written recently sold MORE than L3W. And considering it was being built up for a long time, and featuring George Perez, it was okay-ish, at best. This was supposed to be at least in the 80.000. I think Rogues Revenge outsold Legion, am I right?
Originally posted by rouge:
Originally posted by Jerry:
[b] Just curious, does anyone know how this compares to sales for Final Crisis itself, and other Final Crisis tie ins?
Fortunately Arm Fall Off Boy posted those numbers earlier in the thread:

Final Crisis # 1 May '08 144,826
Final Crisis # 2 June '08 126,082
Final Crisis # 3 August '08 123,881
Final Crisis # 4 October '08 109,181
Final Crisis # 5 December '08 115,666
Final Crisis # 6 January '09 110,892
Final Crisis # 7 January '09 103,292

FC also held onto its audience rather well, for a [/b]
29% fall-off.

103,292 fans take hallucinagenics.
41,534 fans are in early re-hab.


Seriously though. nearly 35,000 readers dumped the equivalent of a graphic novel into the series then stopped. Are they now going to go buy the graphic novel to finish the story or were they just mitigating their losses?

Me? If I go more than two issues into a mega-crossover then drop, I bang my head against the wall.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/09 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I don't think it was such a hit: probably everything Johns has written recently sold MORE than L3W.
Not true at all...in fact his Superman didn't sell more. The Legion added about 10k per month to the Superman sales figures In Action Comics that surrounded the Action arc.

Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Flash and the JSA are the only things that have sold better by Johns...and those characters weren't coming from being as far gone for as long saleswise as the Legion has been...

They weren't forgotten and obscure as the last 20 years have left the Legion.


And considering it was being built up for a long time, and featuring George Perez, it was okay-ish, at best.
It was also going up against Final Crisis, Secret Invasion and a massive economic collapse in the US as the market was dwindling...

And it was top 30 book minimum from start to finish...

As opposed to the typical ground the Legion has occupied for the better part of 20 years in the bottom 20.


This was supposed to be at least in the 80.000.
Johns tends to build his readership the longer he is on a title...that makes him unique among DC writers.

His GL is stronger now month to month than it was at first(even if the GL series did debut to massive sales), his JSA relaunch sold better than the pre-relaunch JSA etc.


I think Rogues Revenge outsold Legion, am I right? [/qb]
No, it didn't outsell the Legion.


08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300


10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300


02/2009: Lo3W #3 -- 61,358, #15 out of 300

And just to cap it all off:

07/2009: Lo3W #5 -- 55,970, #29 out of 300

As for it's hittability...it stayed in the top 30. That is a success by any standard, regardless of creative team.

DC considers a top 30 book a hit, especially when compared to the area the Legion typically occupies. And has for decades now.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/09 12:43 PM
One other thing Ricards on LO3W sales...

LO3W#1 had a second printing.

Usually a second printing will garner an announcement by DC...

There was no announcment ever made about LO3W getting a second printing...almost as if DC didn't want anyone to know it.

Whatever reasons the Legion isn't in a series currently, it has nothing to do with the sales of LO3W...DC puts out roughly 70-80 titles per month that don't sell nearly as well.

It was definitely a hit, it definitely sold well enough to justify an immediate ongoing title.

It's been one of DC's top 10 best selling books Ricardo...

The lowest sales rank it had for DC was #13 in the final issue, and that just happened to be the month Blackest Night was launched.....

Green Lantern came out twice in July, that Tales of the Corps mini(that was weekly) put 3 issues in their top 10, there was a Justice League mini launched...otherwise this title would have been about the 6-7th best selling title of the month for DC.

If DC doesn't consider that worthy of a monthly, I don't know what they would.
Originally posted by Superboy:
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I don't think it was such a hit: probably everything Johns has written recently sold MORE than L3W.
Not true at all...in fact his Superman didn't sell more. The Legion added about 10k per month to the Superman sales figures In Action Comics that surrounded the Action arc.

Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Flash and the JSA are the only things that have sold better by Johns...
That sounds like "probably everything" to me.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/09 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by Superboy:
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I don't think it was such a hit: probably everything Johns has written recently sold MORE than L3W.
Not true at all...in fact his Superman didn't sell more. The Legion added about 10k per month to the Superman sales figures In Action Comics that surrounded the Action arc.

Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Flash and the JSA are the only things that have sold better by Johns...
That sounds like "probably everything" to me. [/b]
Exactly. I think DC expected more, because if it were an instant hit, they would put out a monthly. DC is not in the business of losing money. And Rogues Revenge, considering its roster and team involved, sold quite better than Legion (Legion has much more vocal fans, in a book that never sold worse than Flash, and George Pérez is much more attractive than Scott Kolins).

LSH run on Superman had alternative covers for all editions. This also might have inflated sales, as well as the hardcore Legion fan. So, Superboy, it is still pretty much okayish success.
Posted By: Mr. Kayak Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/22/09 09:25 PM
maybe they just wanted for blackest night to end before launching new high profile titles. see for example what they're doing with the flash: they could have started a new ongoing series just after rebirth, but they went for a blackest night flash mini instead.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/23/09 01:40 AM
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by Superboy:
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I don't think it was such a hit: probably everything Johns has written recently sold MORE than L3W.
Not true at all...in fact his Superman didn't sell more. The Legion added about 10k per month to the Superman sales figures In Action Comics that surrounded the Action arc.

Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Flash and the JSA are the only things that have sold better by Johns...
That sounds like "probably everything" to me. [/b]
You are entitled to your opinon of course...but tt's not Superman for starters, it's not Booster Gold, it's not Rogue's Revenge.

Of the 8 titles he's written since the LO3W period began, 4 have sold better, 3 have sold worse. None were coming from as far down as the Legion is and with as little set up...

If that is your definition of, "probably everything", more power to you, it's not a definition I share though.

I'd also point out that two of those titles, Flash and the JSA, did not sell as well as LO3W during Johns first run on them. It took him time to build them up. And he's been building up to this Green Lantern story for years now.

Much like he's building up the Legion IMO.

I mean people are acting like this Legion stuff is all just hacked out haphazardly but I can see clearly Starman was in the launch of his JSA title and Dream Girl has been stuck in the 21st century since the Lightning Saga.....which incidentally coincides with the time Johns brought Mon back in Action Comics Annual #10.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/23/09 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Exactly. I think DC expected more, because if it were an instant hit, they would put out a monthly.
Let's see...

LO3W #1 was DC's 6th best selling title of the month(before the second printing).

LO3W #2 was DC's 8th best selling title.

LO3W #3 was DC's 5th best selling title.

LO3W #4 was DC's 10th best selling title.

LO3W #5 as already mentioned was DC's 13th best selling title(only because it came out the same month Blackest Night did, it would have ranked 8th if it didn't come out the same month Blackest Night did).

Ricardo my friend, I enjoying arguing with you, not because I believe I will ever change your mind on anything, but you do present me with the opportunity to post lots of things I analyze about the Legion.

That said old foe, it's patently absurd to say this title didn't earn monthly title status with that performance or qualified as anything other than a hit. Especially when you factor in all the delays, not to mention Blackest Night, Flash and Batman relaunches, the FC disappointment, 3 freaking Legions...etc.

The book sold better than 90+% of DC's line.


DC is not in the business of losing money.
and you think they lost money on LO3W? If that's hte case they are losing money on 90% of their line and they should immediately cease publication on everything other than Batman, JSA, JLA, Flash and Green Lantern.

And Rogues Revenge, considering its roster and team involved, sold quite better than Legion
Aside from the fact that it didn't sell better than the Legion.

Didn't hold it's audience as well either...lost 10k fans off it's first issue, LO3W lost 4k, and took as long to get to it's second issue as Rogue's Revenge took to complete it's run.

All that inspite of the fact that it was spun out of the same series that brought Barry Allen back and featured the last fan fav writer artist team to work on the Flash and didn't suffer the delays LO3W did.


(Legion has much more vocal fans, in a book that never sold worse than Flash, and George Pérez is much more attractive than Scott Kolins).

LSH run on Superman had alternative covers for all editions. This also might have inflated sales, as well as the hardcore Legion fan. So, Superboy, it is still pretty much okayish success. [/QB]
Vocal fans don't equal more fans and the Legion fans haven't been able to match the Flash Fan base all things being equal since Mike Baron relaunched the Flash and John Byrne killed the Legion in 1986.

On top of that, Johns and Kollins are fan fav Flash creative team...and Barry Allen came back in Final Crisis.

And lots of titles(pretty much all of them) have alternate covers, that doesn't hold readers that well.
Ricardo "old foe" :rolleyes: , you're wasting your time (IMO). Let me see if I can reflect your, "patently absurd" point without the twisting of words and logic.

You have been stating that you think DC might have had some sales "EXPECTATIONS" for L3W, some minimum that DC felt they needed in order to develop an on-going and that perhaps that minimum wasn't reached?

The gist of your thought as to why it might not have been a "hit" is that L3W, title aside, was written to pull in fans of Johns, Perez, Teen Titans, GL, Superman, the latest crisis, as well as Legion and so, 60,000 might still be considered marginal or low.

As argument you proffered that DC being in the business of profit, would have solicited an ongoing if the numbers had met EXPECTAIONS. Prime countered with "and you think they lost money on LO3W?", something you clearly did not say and did not imply.

Am I doing alright so far?

You are arguing why DC has not developed an on-going, not why they shouldn't develop an on-going, which he is twisting it to; a common political trick, change the other's topic in order to make their premises non-sensical.

Having reread the posts, Prime did make one valid point regards expectations but I've yet to see how his use of the numbers support a reason DC has not already developed an on-going.

I hope that's because he realizes that without knowing DC's EXPECTATIONS, the numbers are irrelevant but I don't think he cares. Based upon his use of this following patronizing twist of logic, he seems to only be arguing for the sake of arguing.

"It's patently absurd to say this title didn't earn monthly title status with that performance or qualified as anything other than a hit."

Well, it is a"patently absurd" statement but he said it, not you. The logic is equivalent to me saying "Halle Berry has me on speed dial OR the sun will come up tomorrow." It's assuredly true that the sun will come up so the statement as a whole is true even though there's no indication that Halle (still) has me on speed dial.

It's a common political trick, using an "or" to connect an arguably true statement to a false one in order to make both appear true. It could be true that L3W could be considered a hit but that doesn't mean it earned monthly status or that it could even be written as a monthly, given all the characters that would need be available.

Proof's in the pudding. As you state, there is no monthly, not even a suggestion of one by DC.

Given that the target audience included a portion considerably larger than and distinct from the normal Legion base, I don't see as unreasonable that DC needed to see higher sales on L3W in order to justify an on-going at this time. Their job is to put limited resources where they will maximize those profits.

It's quite possible that even DC realizes L3W wasn't a Legion book and that those sales do not reflect how well a Johnsboot Legion, even one written by Johns, would sell. 60,00 in this case might not be the "hit" some would want it to be.

Supes, I suppose there are a lot of ways to have a discussion, but demeaning, off-putting statements like "not because I believe I will ever change your mind on anything," "patently absurd," and "old foe," ignoring key words (expected) and twisting someone's logic could probably best be left out of it. Someone might react contentiously. smile Then again, maybe I misread your demeanor.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/23/09 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:

Supes, I suppose there are a lot of ways to have a discussion, but demeaning, off-putting statements like "not because I believe I will ever change your mind on anything,"
Do you mind if I take off the facade(which I like to call enforced passive agressiveness operating under the guise of civil discourse) and just lay my cards on the table here? I'm thrilled to do so...it's actually more productive when you can say what you really mean...and not have to pretend it's something else. I'll refrain from any vulgarity smile

I'm sure Ricardo appreciates you being offended on his behalf...however, since the comments were not directed at you and contained no vulgarity and in fact I was going out of my way to keep it civil, I frankly don't care if they offended you or not. You've made more than a few comments that I consider offensive, often that will be the entire purpose of your post directed towards me and it will have little or nothing to do with the discussion at hand, and I simply ignore it...so I feel you can also ignore the comments made at Ricardo in the course of an argument and let him be offended on his own behalf.

Since he's probaby the poster on here that offends almost as many, as many or, perhaps even more as I myself do...just on the basis of being purely opinionated in what he likes and what he doesn't...I don't think of him as a victim, I don't think he sees himself as one, and if he does then I definitely consider that a victory for myself.

And when I point out that LO3W, post the numbers to prove it in fact, did not sell worse than RR, and he still says it did....my point about the malleability of his opinion is hammered home. I don't necessarily think of it as an insult...and the old foe comment was referencing the fact that Ricardo and I have argued pretty much non-stop for the entirity of our time on the boards here, and there was absolutely nothing insulting about the term old foe unless you are oversensitive. Sometimes I start it, sometimes he starts it...but the bottom line is we have two drastically different views of the Legion
(although I do think we finally found common ground on the Shooter 3boot and DotLegion) and there is no reconciling that, there is also no making us like what we don't. It's never my intent to change his mind, for it cannot be done, it is my intent to post facts for the consumption of undecideds. Regardless of whether or not you like the methods of my delivery, the substance behind the points I make is almost always backed up by some form of provable fact.

And finally.....I realize the sales of LO3W were disppointing...I myself predicted a 100k first issue, in this very thread, I know what Ricardo is saying, I know what I am saying...

However the argument that sales were disappointing and the likely reason there is no Legion title, when there are roughly 5 titles that sell better and 80-90 that sell worse, is not just patently absurd, it's completely stupid,. Patently absurd WAS my nice way of putting it.

I appreciate the argument mediation and tips on civility btw, was helpful.

And I actually like being called Prime, it's hilarious in fact and probably the only comments you've made at me I acutally laughed at...by all means feel free to continue to referring to me as Prime.

I know I can be an ahole, what you don't realize is that I already got the good behavior speech and that was my good behavior.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/24/09 06:26 PM
If one takes a step back and looks at the Legion title over the last 5-6 years, DC can't be accused of not having top talent work on the characters. If you go back to Copiel and DnA and Batista and Kitson and Calero and Manapul - that's a pretty impressive list of feature artists. Throw in Jurgens and Giffen and Frank and Perez on a few of the features and that is top-of-the-line stuff. Add Bedard, Waid, Shooter and Johns to the scripting side, as well as Simone and Metzger and the writing roll call is very impressive as well.

What I'm trying to say is that DC is not skimping on assigning talent when it comes to the Legion - they are missing on the right formula as to what will sell. I'm sure they thought they would have a hit on their hands with Waid/Kitson, but it never materialized. I am certain they will take at least a year or more to spread the Legion around as guest stars or back-up features in other DC titles until TPTB feel they discover a solid template for a new Legion title that will become strong and vital for years to come. Don't be surprised if it happens in Adventure Comics around the 20th issue.
good point, KQ.

I don't blame DC for being a bit gun-shy on Legion.

Yes, L3W was a hit - there's no two ways about it.

DC has given LSH its share of relaunches and reasonably well promoted focal points for new readers to jump on during this decade: Lost #1, Worlds #1, The #1, The #25 (Superboy), TT/LSH x-over, Threeboot, Supergirl & the LSH, Shooter....

You can't say DC hasn't tried, and usually with one or more top guns in play.

I cannot blame them if they want to let anticipation build before v.6 (or whatever), rather than leap into another run that runs out of gas.

I think Adventure is a great venue for character-based stories rather than cranking out another universe-shattering saga.

And... I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Legion push Superboy out of "his" book.... it's happened twice before.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/25/09 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I think Adventure is a great venue for character-based stories rather than cranking out another universe-shattering saga.

And... I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Legion push Superboy out of "his" book.... it's happened twice before.
I totally agree, and suspect that the Legion taking over Adventure from Superboy at some point may be in the grand scheme of things from issue #1.

One thing DC could do is PROMOTE the Legion better. They had a golden opportunity in 2008 during the big anniversary and really dropped the ball IMO.
I suspect you both have something here, since various Legionnaires are clearly both behind the scenes and front and center in Superboy's segment of Adventure.

I don't think Superboy will be leaving, though, as much as he'll be joining up with the Legion.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/26/09 04:29 AM
Long coming but Blockade Boy nailed to the point my arguments and why I do not agree with the wishful optimism of Superboy. And I did take it lightly, BB, because Superboy is right on our usually very different opinions in here.
I would just add that, with L3W (a book geared towards all DCU fans at once: GL, Flash, Teen Titans with the toppest talent on the board) selling 60k copies, a new Legion book (probably without Johns) wouldn't sell over 30k by issue #5. Which means they would cancel it Aquaman-style.
Now the plan is to build Legion towards a dramatic conclusion in 2010 and THEN maybe give Legion another shot. And I will say it here again: it will be a James Robinson book. It might even be in Adventure Comics, though I doubt it - I think it will spin out. And maybe Aquaman can come into ADV...
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/26/09 07:12 AM
Well, I think that DC is also building Conner up for a relaunch and book of his own, so it's 50/50 who will spin off on their own, possibly/probably both.

I don't think Conner is slated to join the Legion, he's a Titans guy.

And Jan, who is the youngest original Legionnaire, is Conner's chemistry TEACHER.
I'd say he's suppose to have his masters to teach chemistry in high school, so that makes him at least 23 - 24 years old.

Conner's not going to be interested in that age group when he can be with peers in the Titans (unless a breakup with Wonder Girl is super messy, but then the JSA would make more sense for him, grandfathering in that they do.)

My guess is that Chris and Tharra are going to take the Superboy/Supergirl places in the Legion.
I think that they may end up in whatever 'Zone' there will be, with Lar for that thousand years.

And darn it, Superboy, where did BB call you Prime?
That's too funny!!!
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/26/09 02:18 PM
I agree with most of the above, Miss Candle.

It seems to me this version of the Legion will definitely be adults, closer in age to Superman than Superboy, as astutely illustrated by Teacher Jan. Though unless Chris and Tharra are aged to adulthood, I suspect the interaction of Superman and Supergirl with the Legion will remain being Kal-El and Kara. There is no question in my mind that TPTB plan on using the Superman Family to boister up the Legion.

Adventure Comics may be set up as the jump off point of new titles once a character(s) is sufficiently exposed/promoted/established and the sales allow it.
Hey all,

Look, I think, to be fair, it's ALL speculation at this point since we don't know what DC's expected margin (if any) on this series was, or what the longterm plan (if any) was.

That said, I think Adventure Comics is part of an overall plan on Johns part, only because it seems like the whole thing came from him rather than editorial.

It just seems odd to me that Didio would mandate that Johns write a Superboy book when the Superman property (outside of All-Star) isn't exactly doing gangbusters right now and then throw in the Legion back-ups as an afterthought.

I think the more likely scenario is that Johns has a plan for the Legion, but doesn't want to commit to it until after Blackest Night and Secret Origin are done. Therefore THIS book is the perfect opportunity to

A) clean up plot threads from both his Titans (Kon-el) and Action (Luthor/Brainiac) runs.


B) Keeping the Legion stuff percolating in the interim, while also keeping other people's hands off the property.

This is consistent with Johns and DC's success with Green Lantern/Blackest Night where they have been able to benefit from a slow build towards critical mass, rather than just dropping the bomb right off the bat.

Of course, I'm only guessing as much as anyone else, but even given the trainwreck scheduling of Lo3w, it looks like this Adventure run was already in the works, so I personally, don't think sales of Lo3W killed Legion's shot at a main feature, but rather Johns is doing a slow build with them.
I'll ditto Ricardo's call for a Robinson Legion in the next year or so.

Originally posted by Candle:
My guess is that Chris and Tharra are going to take the Superboy/Supergirl places in the Legion.
Who are Chris and Tharra?
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Who are Chris and Tharra?
They are the new Nightwing and Flamebird in Action comics.

Chris is "Chris Kent", Zod's son who was adopted by Clark and Lois, now aged prematurely.

Not really clear on who Tharra is.

puh-leez keep them away from Legion...
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/26/09 11:14 PM
Yes, this is all guessing on everyone's part, although some people may have more inside information than others.
I'm not one of those, however.

As to the current Action heroes, Tharra is a Kryptonian with the added power of Flamebird, the religious Dragon or Phoenix type of being who is at the center of Kryptonian theology.

She and Chris, as Nightwing and Flamebird, are like Hawkman and Hawkgirl, reincarnated 'soul mates' who are in their latest life cycle.

Chris was conceived and born in the Phantom Zone, the only child ever to be so.
This has effected his powers.
With Zod and Ursa for parents and the criminals as playmates, he's had a horrible childhood.

He's been aged past childhood a couple of times and I'm not sure where the two are, age wise, now.

I know that Tharra is a close friend to and contemporary of Kara's, though.

The two don't fit on Earth or New Krypton really, and are major targets of General Lane.
So, I think, maybe, they're going to meet the Guardian and Mon El soon.
Chris might recognize Lar and etc., if you follow my train of thought.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/28/09 08:04 AM
Ricardo, I sincerely do enjoy arguing with you, as it's not that easy to find Legion fans that like to argue, and I really don't think I am ever going to change your mind on anything. It's really not an automatic instult. Not to state the obvious but my mind isn't easy to change once it's made up either.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/28/09 08:19 AM
I just sense what I feel is unjustified cynicism towards Johns intentions. I think he likes the Legion a lot. And I think this Legion bring back has been in the works for a long time. And it was intended to be long term from the start.

I mean, I can actually see this in the works as far back as Infinite Crisis, when they showed Superboy(Kal) was more or less back.

They didn't bring Superboy back to put him back in his own title(mainly because they had just lost his rights, or were about to)....his returned served one purpose, to bring back the Pre-Crisis Legion(or some semblance of it). You could not do that without bringing him back.

So add in that, to Starman being in the launch of the JSA by Johns, Mon-El coming back in that Action annual written by Johns, Dream Girl...

It seems to me, they are actually putting the Legion through the process that birthed it in the first place.

The Legion did not automatically launch in it's own title, it appeared as a gueststar for 3-4 years before going into a co feature with Superboy in Adventure.

Prior to that, it was solo Legionnaires or sometimes a small group, usually traveling back to the 20th century to appear in one way or another with Superman, Supergirl, or Superboy.

That is exactly what they are doing now....bringing it back in bits pieces, the exact same way it was originally born.

The same path...

Might seem kind of overly literal, except for the fact that the Legion's A#1 problem is attracting new readers in significant numbers...

Sprinkling them throughout the Superman books(among others) is exposing them to those new readers...and that's probably very similar to the way the Legion originally was exposed to new readers...it wasn't like Legion fans were automatically picking up every Legion appearance off the Newstands in 1959-60...people were reading Superman stories and getting exposed to the Legion in the process.

This is the way the Legion was actually born, the way it built it's original(and largest) audience...

There was no #1 issue where the 3 founders save RJ Brande...that is not the way it truly began, that is not what truly started it all.

And now they are in Adventure, with Superboy, about where they were 3- years after their original debut.

And it's been about 3 years since they were brought back.

Regardless of whether or not you like Johns...you gotta admit the man is more successful than anyone else at DC at bringing characters back.

It's very similar...right down to the demand of the fans for more Legion, and the uncertainty over whether or not they were ever going to get it smile

It's like 1961 all over again...this time we're truly there at the beginning.

And I know at the very least we should get a JMS Legion series out of this if the call of Hollywood(and movies about DC Superheroes) is too much for Johns to ignore.

This Legion will get it's own title after Johns builds it up...I could see it being tied into New Krypton, I could see it being somehow tied to the never shown first battle with Mordru(that is Alan Scott entombed on Xerox)....

Possibly even a scheme by Brainiac 5 to bring his Kara back and fix everything as it was, perhaps his love for her survived the wiping out of multiuple realities. Would be kind of in character for Brainiac 5...to recreate reality to save his girl.

And I'm pretty sure they'll want the team to have the stage all to itself when they do it, not going up against Batman reborn and Blackest Night or Final Crisis etc.

Levitz and IMO Johns are fully aware the Legion was the best selling team of the Silver Age.

That's the magic they are trying to recreate.

Johns is even basically telling us that in Adventure #1 with his what did Superman do narrative...

Retracing the steps if you will...
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/29/09 03:06 AM
Originally posted by Superboy:
Ricardo, I sincerely do enjoy arguing with you, as it's not that easy to find Legion fans that like to argue, and I really don't think I am ever going to change your mind on anything. It's really not an automatic instult. Not to state the obvious but my mind isn't easy to change once it's made up either.
I know! As I once posted, Legion is such a powerful concept that almost completely different views are capable of being part of the theme and we'll get along just fine. I think my view on the topic of sales comes from the fact that I study the publishing industry and work in strategy and marketing. So, if I were an editor at DC and looked at those numbers, that would be my take.
Good thoughts, Superboy!

I'd suggest, if true, this is exactly what Legion needs. Big relaunches/reboots have not worked as hoped - Legion is not a Generic Team Series with automatic appeal where that approach is a given. Legion is too big for that - even a complete 'boot relies on the assumption that a reader understands that the big, scary backstory is out the window (yet it tends to seep in. Would it really be Legion if it didn't?).

If,as we so oft hear, the Legion backstory is the obstacle, then the way to overcome that is through gradualism, by peppering it in and making it digestible - and by making it intrinsic to the Superman family. Even if Kal and Kara are not regulars, regular connections serve as an ongoing portal.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/29/09 11:04 PM
Any doubts that L3W was not enough? Dan Didio squashes it here, in his DC Nation at Toronto Comic-Con (on Newsarama).

“The problem with Legion of Superheroes is the big cast and my biggest personal problem was the lack of Superboy and the inspiration for the team,” offers DiDio. “That was so key to the origin and so key to so much going on there that without that, without Superboy to inspire the team, it lost its own purpose and just became a team. It was something set in the future, but it didn’t have a real tether to what was going on in the DC Universe currently. What we are trying to do is rebuild that time, rebuild that sensibility, and hopefully rebuild a Legion that is a strong powerful set of characters in the DC U again.”

Funny that what is the teams biggest asset (the large cast) becomes a liability. What made the team successful in the 80s and 90s (Superboy either sideways or out of it) is also seen as problematic. Being out of continuity brought the best out of the team - every time DC tried to tie it to continuity, Legion lost. DC is still missing the point about the Legion.
I agree with DiDio on Superboy.

The Legion was the best selling teambook in all of comics during the 1960's,the best selling DC teambook in the 1970's,and the 2nd best selling DC teambook in the 1980's.

After Kal-el was retconned then removed from their continuity,they had 6 ongoing titles cancelled,before he was removed the Legion took 2 of Kal-el's titles away from him Adventure Comics and Superboy!
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/30/09 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Any doubts that L3W was not enough? Dan Didio squashes it here, in his DC Nation at Toronto Comic-Con (on Newsarama).

“The problem with Legion of Superheroes is the big cast and my biggest personal problem was the lack of Superboy and the inspiration for the team,” offers DiDio. “That was so key to the origin and so key to so much going on there that without that, without Superboy to inspire the team, it lost its own purpose and just became a team. It was something set in the future, but it didn’t have a real tether to what was going on in the DC Universe currently. What we are trying to do is rebuild that time, rebuild that sensibility, and hopefully rebuild a Legion that is a strong powerful set of characters in the DC U again.”
I agree 100% with what Didio said. He's exactly right.

I think Keith Giffen would say the same thing, so would Jim Shooter, and Mark Waid and Paul Levtiz. And every other writer that's tried to write it.

The big cast of characters is a huge problem when none of them are recognizable, but....them being a huge cast of characters, none of them recognizable, becomes a huge plus when paired with the most recognizable superhero in history.

That is exactly how it works.

And I realize fans that that weren't attracted to the book because of that are not going to feel that is a strong appeal but I believe it is the absolute strongest appeal the Legion ever had.

It sounds likes L03W was never intended to be the relaunch to me, since Didio was talking about Superboy and the Legion series before LO3W even began. He's saying it's going to relaunch with Superboy...

And I don't think Conner is his first choice, since Conner isn't exactly reconizable himself...

Which also ties into what I have been saying about the Superboy/Superman litigation being opart of the hold up including IMO, why it took so long fo LO3W to finish.

They are going to try it with Conner, but he's not an anchor character. And it's pretty obvious that Didio realizes that.


Funny that what is the teams biggest asset (the large cast) becomes a liability. What made the team successful in the 80s and 90s (Superboy either sideways or out of it) is also seen as problematic. Being out of continuity brought the best out of the team - every time DC tried to tie it to continuity, Legion lost. DC is still missing the point about the Legion. [/qb]
The big cast is a liability when no one knows who any of them are.

I love the big cast of the Legion, but you take Superman out of that equation and it becomes daunting and intimidating...

You put Superman/boy in it, the character everybody recognizes like the back of their hand, and that daunting huge cast all of a sudden isn't so daunting, because there's at least one character they know, that everyone knows.

More importantly, it helps Superman, because all of a sudden here's this entire other reality that no one is familiar with, and he's no longer a character that is in a totally known and boring environment. And that is an appeal that draws readers to the book.

It works, it always worked. It may not work for fans that didn't need Superman to be interested in the Legion originally, but those are part of that 25k base that just isn't enough to stave off fixes and reboots and retcons...and new fans of that type don't join the book in significant numbers.

And I really don't think LO3W was intended to be the official relaunch of the Legion, it was intended to expose them to new audiences. Like the Titans, Flash and GL audiences...and clean up the confusion about their place in the multiverse. Which it pretty much did.

One more comment on the big cast...the Legion actually needs a bigger cast, I don't think you should ever know the backstory and be familiar with every Legionnaire. There should always be a couple of mysteries. But that only works as a plus with an anchor character.

They also not need to screw with all the costumes, some of the best ones need to remain...revamp the cruddy ones but leave the memorable ones. It's pretty much a mistake to mess with the best of the Cockrum costumes, it's a mistake IMO to mess with Ultraboy's costume and Mon-El's...they need to leave Wildfire in his original costume...and the Legion needs to be sexy, that contrasts with the way people feel familiar with Superman even more.

And 2 books please....one for the diehards, and one with more mainstream aims(Superboy).
Posted By: Set Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/30/09 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Candle:
As to the current Action heroes, Tharra is a Kryptonian with the added power of Flamebird, the religious Dragon or Phoenix type of being who is at the center of Kryptonian theology.

Chris was conceived and born in the Phantom Zone, the only child ever to be so.
This has effected his powers.
With Zod and Ursa for parents and the criminals as playmates, he's had a horrible childhood.
They'd be pretty interesting characters if pared down. Right now, the kryptonian powers kind of 'get in the way' of developing the interesting bits (her connection to the 'flamebird,' his to the 'nightwing' and the zone itself).
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/30/09 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Superboy:
. . . They also not need to screw with all the costumes, . . .

. . . and the Legion needs to be sexy, that contrasts with the way people feel familiar with Superman even more.

. . . one for the diehards, and one with more mainstream aims(Superboy).
And disagree.
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/30/09 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Set:
They'd be pretty interesting characters if pared down. Right now, the kryptonian powers kind of 'get in the way' of developing the interesting bits (her connection to the 'flamebird,' his to the 'nightwing' and the zone itself).
I agree that they have interesting possibilities.

The Kryptonian part bothers me less than the reincarnation, doomed soulmates part, though.

But maybe, Carter and Kendra will stay dead as heroes until the next generation of babies grows up.
The doomed cycle thing should at least, be limited to one couple at a time in the DCU, I think.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/30/09 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Candle:
But maybe, Carter and Kendra will stay dead as heroes until the next generation of babies grows up.
Posted By: Jerry Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/09 02:58 AM
Drip. Drip. Drip.

It's been two years and a few months since the statues in the fortress appeared in "The Lightning Saga". This officially connected the post crisis Superman with an approximation of the pre crisis Legion. This is the magic formula that was going to restore the heart of the Legion, return it to the status of being the best selling team book (as it was in the 60' s - as has been repeatedly pointed out), and make any of us who dared enjoy a Superboy less Legion story in the last 20 odd years hang our heads in shame and finally see the light.

Rather than capitalizing on the idea, Didio is still giving ambiguous statements at conventions, and oh, by the way, adding that the large cast is another reason that the Legion doesn't sell.

Nobody really ever had to convince the the core 25K that adding a Superman or Superman Family connection is a good idea. We will gladly buy it. To everything there is a season. Bring it back. Bring it on. We're ready.

But we still just get the drip, drip, drip. Oh, it's a build up? That's the ticket. No need to rush into the gold mine. It'll be worth even more if we tease it out across the DC universe for a couple more years. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/09 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Jerry:
Drip. Drip. Drip.

It's been two years and a few months since the statues in the fortress appeared in "The Lightning Saga". This officially connected the post crisis Superman with an approximation of the pre crisis Legion. This is the magic formula that was going to restore the heart of the Legion, return it to the status of being the best selling team book (as it was in the 60' s - as has been repeatedly pointed out)
I wouldn't say that is the magic formula, I don't think merely connecting it to the Superman Family is enough. I mean I don't think people have been saying, damn, if only this were connected to the Superman Family I might buy it, for the last 20 years. Anymore than they are saying, I could enjoy this if only it fit with the Silver Age continuity and made sense. These are personal issues more than sales ones, at least that's what I felt, and there too many variatons on what Legion fans don't like to ever please us all on that one....for example, some fans do want the ties restored but without Suprman actually being a part of it regularly.

I say putting Superman, back in the Legion, and doing more time travel stories, and covers with him contrasted with that large cast, is the magic formula for getting new readers, Supergirl too...and that's not really what they are doing now.

There's no doubt it works better than just throwing the Legion out there to stand alone...I mean so far this Legion hasn't had an audience of less than 55k and that's substantially better than any Legion title has sold for more than few issues since the early part of the 5YG. Close to double the sales in fact.


, and make any of us who dared enjoy a Superboy less Legion story in the last 20 odd years hang our heads in shame and finally see the light.
Is that really necessary? I mean it hasn't been cancelled/rebooted/relaunched umpteen times because of the fans that want to see Superman back in the Legion.

And the fans that do like Superman in the Legion have just as much right to see what they want to see as the fans that don't...espcially since they are the ones that have been waiting 20 years to see it.

The book doesn't just belong to the fans that don't like Superman, and Superman alone is not the reason obscure lad and unknown boy don't get more meaningful moments.

It's not a case of wanting to see anyone hang their heads so much as it is wanting the title to stop being treated as a red headed step child, and sales are the best way to accomplish that.


Rather than capitalizing on the idea, Didio is still giving ambiguous statements at conventions, and oh, by the way, adding that the large cast is another reason that the Legion doesn't sell.

Nobody really ever had to convince the the core 25K that adding a Superman or Superman Family connection is a good idea. We will gladly buy it. To everything there is a season. Bring it back. Bring it on. We're ready.
And they are well aware of that, I've bet they've got us pencilled in to the Adventure sales projections.

They know we'll buy anything with the name Legion on it....it's all that people that don't buy it they are concerned with.

If that 25k was something DC vaued, the Legion would not be getting the red headed step child treatment for going on 20 years now. And the 3boot and reboot and 5YG would not have been cancelled or rebooted.


But we still just get the drip, drip, drip. Oh, it's a build up? That's the ticket. No need to rush into the gold mine. It'll be worth even more if we tease it out across the DC universe for a couple more years. Drip. Drip. Drip. [/qb]
I don't feel that what DC is doing is something any Legion fan is clamoring for....

I mean, they aren't exactly putting Superman or Superboy(Kal-el) back in the Legion as a regular character. I doubt he's going to be appearing in these Legion stories in Adventure.

IT's going to again be a Supermanless Legion, albeit one with ties to Superman.

Nor do I see any Legion fans that actually want a backup status for the Legion, I certainly do not. And I don't like Kon-El either.

They've basically put Kon in the classic Smallville setting and sort of put the classic startup formula for the Legion in place, right down to the Legion being featured prominently in Superman's own book. But one thing they are not doing regularly now is putting the big red S alongside the Legion.

Why? It's sold 55k and no less....

Johns being on a title pretty much guarantees an audience of 40k....Conner was about a 30k per month character, the Legion is about a 25k per month team.

The only things that makes sense are that Johns is going to relaunch it(and he's clearly too busy to do that right now), they are trying to relaunch the Legion as it was originally launched, and or they are waiting for the Superman litigation to resolve.

If anyone has any better explanations, I would love to hear what they are. It's not because they don't think it will sell...Johns writing it pretty much guarantees a better selling Legion than the 3boot, whether they have recaptured the magic formula or not.
Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/09 08:23 PM
From that sort of logic, Superboy, JLA should be selling about a million copies when it was under Meltzer, or Jurgens. And JSA should be cancelled outright, because there is not a single big gun there and the cast is ridiculously gigantic.
Sorry, I don't buy it. And 5YL was cancelled years after Keith Giffen left the book. And it wasn't going bad at all - he was removed by editorial screw-ups who wanted the Legion to be "back" - we saw what happened: Legion on the Run.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/09 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Ricardo:
From that sort of logic, Superboy, JLA should be selling about a million copies when it was under Meltzer
Hmmmm...I don't see the connection. The JLA sells extremely well inspite of being IMO, pretty much the worst flagship book DC produces.

And it was DC's best selling title when Metzler was writing it(and I personally thought it sucked).

It is, now and has been(pretty much since the Legion declined) the DC title that sells the best with the absolute least amount of effort.

or Jurgens.
Dan Jurgens is a name and pretty good character creator when cut loose, and an extremely under-rated artist, but he's not a big draw on name alone, and never has been.

DC has two big name draws right now, Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns.

JMS is arguably another, but we'll see. I have a feeling this Red Circle thing is going to be a total bust.


And JSA should be cancelled outright, because there is not a single big gun there and the cast is ridiculously gigantic.
Ahh, but you see, the JSA was a massive failure for a long long time. Geoff Johns is the guy that made it successful(and James Robinson got the ball rolling to a lesser extent), and the book is already losing readers since he left.

Willingham and Sturges aren't automatic draws as writers.

Are you saying Johns is the guy that could sell the Supermanless Legion?

I have a feeling he's going to attempt just that...and I think it's against his better judgement.

But let's just say we get a Legion with the Superman ties restored, but without Superman, written by Johns...do you honestly think it's going to fare well once Johns leaves?


Sorry, I don't buy it. And 5YL was cancelled years after Keith Giffen left the book. And it wasn't going bad at all - he was removed by editorial screw-ups who wanted the Legion to be "back" - we saw what happened: Legion on the Run. [/QB]
Ricardo, I can sit here and pick up a book, the Legion Companion, and read Giffen's own words, along with those of the Bierbaum's and see it directly contradicts much of what you claim.

The main thing being that Giffen was removed. He wasn't removed, he quit the book.

And he was the guy that was going to bring the original Legion back, the Silver Age Legion no less...that was the purpose of the SW batch. It was one of the things he most wanted to do.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/01/09 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Candle:
Originally posted by Superboy:
[b] . . . They also not need to screw with all the costumes, . . .

. . . and the Legion needs to be sexy, that contrasts with the way people feel familiar with Superman even more.

. . . one for the diehards, and one with more mainstream aims(Superboy).
And disagree.
sorry [/b]
Just out of curiosity...why don't you agree on the third point? The one about the two titles?

The first two reasons you don't agree with I probably have figured out but the third one mystifies me, and you aren't the first Legion fan I've heard say that.

I don't understand why any Legion fan would be against that...

And as for where BB called me Prime, I guess you just had to be there. I'll just say he seemed to be pretty pleased with himself for coming up with that one.
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/01/09 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Superboy:
. . . one for the diehards, and one with more mainstream aims(Superboy).

. . . I don't understand why any Legion fan would be against that...
I'm not against multiple Legion publications and I prefer less of Kal El, rather than more.
I'd just use different criterian for the books than 'diehards' and 'mainstream aimes'.

And as for where BB called me Prime, I guess you just had to be there. I'll just say he seemed to be pretty pleased with himself for coming up with that one.
I hope you found it funny, too.
I didn't think of the idea as a put down to you.

Your reference to being called 'Prime' reminded me of my boys going at it and one of them blurting out something that broke them both up laughing.
Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/01/09 04:13 AM
Originally posted by Candle:
Originally posted by Superboy:
. . . one for the diehards, and one with more mainstream aims(Superboy).

. . . I don't understand why any Legion fan would be against that... I'm not against multiple Legion publications and I prefer less of Kal El, rather than more.
That's pretty muuch what they usually say, but I don't think it's fair to fans that like Superboy being in the Legion and it's part of the reason I tend to lean on the militant side in defending the position. A very vocal segment of Legion Fans does not like Kal-El and this has been the case nearly as long as the Legion has been around. I never spoke up about it much when they first removed him, this time I figure I better make sure DC knows some fans do like him, even if we aren't the typically most vocal and most active segment of the base.

I'm not opposed to any version of the Legion being given a chance to succeed. I'd applaud it if DC concurrently trotted the 5YG, the Post Crisis, the Reboot, 3boot, Johnsboot, and of course my own favorite the Pre Crisis, up against one another and may the best groups continue their publication. If it's not the one I want to see, so be it, at least I'll know it got a chance to actually fail.


I'd just use different criterian for the books than 'diehards' and 'mainstream aimes'.
I guess I can see your point there.

I hope you found it funny, too.
I didn't think of the idea as a put down to you.

Your reference to being called 'Prime' reminded me of my boys going at it and one of them blurting out something that broke them both up laughing.
It was funny, I just figured it had a lot to do with my "probably everything" response. smile

The funniest thing is not me being called Prime though, the funniest thing is that I took the name Superboy in the first place. If you ever saw my usual posting demeanor when I'm not at LW, well let's just say Prime would be a much more accurate choice smile
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/03/09 06:41 AM
Actually, I liked Superboy.
I just think that he tended to dominate the Legion stories he appeared in.
Rather like Brainiac 5 does now.

So, you're a tougher costomer everywhere else that you post?!

Posted By: Superboy Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/03/09 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Candle:
Actually, I liked Superboy.
I just think that he tended to dominate the Legion stories he appeared in.
Rather like Brainiac 5 does now.
And that's why I suggest two books, one with him, one without. That's why I can't see why anyone would really disagree with that, it's the solution that gives pretty much every Legion fan what they want, as well as brings in new readers.

And I do think that whole, other characters need to be developed or featured every issue, is something that can hurt the appeal...

It definitely is something that is fair of course, and it's something that sounds really good, but is actually doing it something that really makes for an entertaining book?

I'm not really thriled with the entire idea of spendign a lot of time on character development in a book featuring 25 other characters. That definitely seems more the area of back up features or a secondary spotlight title. Or for a skilled writer to do it on the fly in th emiddle of a story. Rather than focusing on that for a story.

For example Star Trek, imagine if intead of focusing on Data, they focused on crewman X...that's not really what people want to see or what gets them to watch, even if it does sound good on paper and is something that appeals to the every night base that are frankly bored with the main characters being featured every espisode.

Not all Legionnaires are equal...and not all of them deserve the same amount of spotlight, even if it does seem fair and sound good.

I don't want to see every character in the Legion developed simultaneously. I actually like there being members I know nothing about...

It probably took me two years after seeing Wildfire in a tabloid before I ever actually read a story with him featured prominently or learned his origin and powers, and then after I learned it all he became a much less interesting character to me.

Just because the fans want to see every character fleshed out and developed is no reason to give it to them. At least not right off the bat. And the Legion at it's best had a certain mystique due to it's large cast and existing in the far flung future....

I don't think Superboy should overshadow the Legion, and I don't think he should be featured every issue, but I do think he is the biggest star character the book has ever had so there should be a strong association between him and this book. Or they need to get another marquee character, and none of the other Legionnaires really fit that bill of marquee character.


So, you're a tougher costomer everywhere else that you post?!

smile [/qb]
I wouldn't say tough, I'd just say I do a lot more of channeling my innerangryfanboy...this place is a celebration of the entire Legion and so I try to respect that and keep things in the spirit Nightcrawler and the other founders envisioned for this board. I don't always do a good job of that, because I actually enjoy arguing more than anything else you can do on a message board, but I sincerely do make an attempt to.
Diamond has released their sales charts for August. I'll wait until the ICV2 estimates to post the numbers, but Adventure #1 came in at position # 30, and based on the books around it, I'd guess it came in pretty close to the same numbers Legion of Three Worlds #5 had. We'll see in the next few days.
August Sales estimates are up at ICV2 and as guessed the numbers are in the 56K range. I'm leaving the Lo3W numbers up for comaprison.

Now the fun part: Second issue drops are notoriously big, and with the creative team already announced to be changing and a BN crossover and ring promotion thrown in, sales should be quite erratic the next few months.

08/2008: Lo3W #1 -- 68,306, #20 out of 300 [73,914]
10/2008: Lo3W #2 -- 64,412, #23 out of 300
02/2009: Lo3W #3 -- 61,358, #15 out of 300
04/2009: Lo3W #4 -- 56,888, #28 out of 300
07/2009: Lo3W #5 -- 55,970, #29 out of 300

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
For what it's worth:

v5 #1 sold 59,944 copies.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
For what it's worth:

v5 #1 sold 59,944 copies.
Yes sir. I didn't want to clog the post with the threeboot numbers, but if anyone's interested, the entire run is listed in this post here: http://www.legionworld.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=11;t=000634;p=25#000363

So the question becomes, can adventure hold the line better than v5?
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/16/09 04:02 PM
EDE - by v.5 do you mean the Giffen/'5 Year Gap' volume?

If so, that little nugget of info you posted is very surprising to me. I thought it was conventional wisdom that the sales levels of all comics today are a few hundred thousand copies less than where they were back in the 80s/early 90s. And falling.

To find out that a #1 comic today can sell to roughly the same amount of readers as a similar comic 20 years ago somewhat heartens me that maybe the comic book industry isn't on its death bed after all.
Sorry, but v.5 was the Waid/Kitson Legion of 2005.

v.5 is the Waid/Kitson, later Shooter/Manapaul title.

v.4 was the series that started as 5YG and ended as Reboot.

v.3 was the Baxter series

v.2 was the title taken over from "Superboy and the..."

v.1 was the old mini, reprints I believe.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/16/09 04:35 PM
... oh.

Thanks guys. Guess I better get back to plumping the pillows on that death bed then. wink
Septemebr Sales estimates are up at ICV2 and Adventure takes a relatively steep drop. Not uncommon for a second issue to do so, but given the upheaval in the title on the way, I expect the numbers to be anything but stable over the next little while.

Historically this is slightly lower than the second issue of the threeboot (48,584).

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2008: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
October Sales estimates are up at ICV2 and Adventure takes a 3K drop. Certainly not as heavy as the second issue drop, but too early to say if it is stabilising yet. Of course the next two issues are BN crossovers (one with a ring), so a huge uptick is on the way, but not one that's necessarily Legion related.

For the curious, the LSH issue of Superman: Secret Origin did 46,840 and the Lo3W hardcover clocked in at 4K.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2008: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2008: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
Originally posted by rouge:
October Sales estimates are up at ICV2 and Adventure takes a 3K drop. Certainly not as heavy as the second issue drop, but too early to say if it is stabilising yet. Of course the next two issues are BN crossovers (one with a ring), so a huge uptick is on the way, but not one that's necessarily Legion related.

For the curious, the LSH issue of Superman: Secret Origin did 46,840 and the Lo3W hardcover clocked in at 4K.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2008: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2008: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
A book that contains
32 pages of Superboy but with the knowledge that he is being booted out when Johns leaves and
10 meagre pages of Legion

is hardly going to win many readers apart from die-hards of both strips. Until Levitz takes over, there will be no real data.

Interesting that Secret Origin was about the same as Adventure
Sorry I'm a week late with this one:
November Sales estimates are up at ICV2 and as expected Adventure takes a huge leap to 85K thanks to the Blackest Night Story and the Ring promotion (stores that ordered enough copies got to give a coloured ring away with the issue). My store's relatively small so I can't tell you what colour the ring was, but let's just pretend it was pretty neat.

Arguably this is the highest an issue featuring the Legion has sold since the Lightning Saga. Of course this issue doesn't have much to do with the Legion, but they were the backup feature and hopefully getting 85K issues worth of exposure might get a few people interested, right? Right?

Anyway, here's the breakdown:
08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2008: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2008: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2008: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
Posted By: Dev-Em Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/17/09 01:50 AM
I know that my store had to order 50 copies of the book to be able to order the rings. That's probably quite a bump for a lot of shops that wanted to have the rings for their customers.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/17/09 07:49 PM
It certainly is odd to see # 4 of a comic outsell # 1.
December Sales estimates are up at ICV2. Adventure loses the Legion, the ring promotion and 25,000 readers. I'm really only posting this to keep some continuity so that two years from now people aren't griping "Why did that slacker skip issue 5?" I'll even throw a little asterix in there to denote a Non-Legion issue.

Anyway, here's the breakdown:
08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/13/10 02:10 PM
This was still a Blackest Night tie-in so I suspect there was a sales bump even though it dropped from the Ring issue. Still, interesting to see it outsell #1. If Adventure stayed somewhere in the 55,000 range, it would make the ring and BN tie-in promotions completely worth it for DC.
Really as the title bounces around so much before Levitz comes on board (it's a Superboy story this month, then back to BN X-over, then part of the Superman/Brainaic/Legion story) it's impossible to tell if these numbers mean anything. It would be nice to have a 55K lauch pad for when the Legion takes over, but I expect that won't be the case.
January Numbers are in. Johns ties up his Superboy run. Without the Legion, or the Blackest Night tie-in, the title tumbles down to 42K. Comparing Apples to oranges, V5 #6 was 31K. Next month is another BN tie-in, then Legion centric stuff starts again in issue #8.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *

(* denotes no Legion content)
February numbers are in for Adventure Comics (technically retitled "Adventure Comics with Black Lantern Superboy". It's the third month without the Legion, but the return of the Blackest Night Crossover bumps the numbers up. Two Legion issues slated for March, tied in with the Superman Crossover. Should get interesting.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *

(* denotes no Legion content)
March numbers are in, with Adventure double-shipping. The Legion comes back to the title and jumps right into the "Last Stand on New Krypton" crossover (subtitled "Brainiac and the Legion of Super-Heroes") and the numbers are about in line with the average drops we've seen discounting all the Blackest night craziness. 39K and 37K aren't setting the charts on fire, but they are relatively good numbers and sit comfortably above the other two crossover participants, "Superman" and "Supergirl" (#8 actually sold higher than Last Stand #1 too). So believe it or not, Adventure is the anchor for this crossover, sales wise. That may be a good sign for the future.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content)
By the way, if we head back to LSH v.5, issues 8 and 9 clocked in at 37,272 and 35,834 respectively, so we appear to be on the same curve, but an issue ahead. Of course all bets could be off with the launch of the second title.
April Numbers are in and Adventure actually went UP a handful of copies! It also stayed comfortably ahead of Last Stand and all the other participants of the crossover. After next month's wrap-up we jump into the Levitz era. Not a bad launch point, but I expect DC wants to see Paul's name make that number jump.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content)
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/07/10 05:56 PM
So my local CBS totally sold out of Legion #1 and they ordered a lot of copies. They were able to price up the variant covers and those all sold before I even got to the shop.

Another store I visited sold out of Legion #1 on the first day it came out! I'm not sure how many copies they ordered though.

So that's a good sign!
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/07/10 06:11 PM
I'll be watching this for sure!
Diamond sales are out, but the ICV2 estimates aren't done yet. So we won't have final estimates just yet, but I'll do a little guess work here:

LSH #1 was 39th for the month selling about 70% the level of Batman #699

Adventure #11 was a little further down at #54 (55% of Batman)

Assuming Batman is hanging in at 60K, that puts LSH around 42K, and Adventure down at 33K. Now if Batman jumped in anticipation of #700, these numbers could be higher.

We'll know for sure in a few days.
Wow. Surely the numbers have to better than that. confused
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/10/10 08:23 PM
Yeah, that seems really low! choke
Posted By: googoomuck Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/10/10 08:27 PM
How many did they print?
Hmm... even if you assume Adv. held steady at 37.5K, that puts Batman at about 68K, which would still leave LSH about 48K, which still seems really low.
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/10/10 11:29 PM
Especially considering the two covers... shrug
and the selling out/demand for a second printing.
Well, the selling out & second printing certainly don't preclude low numbers if they underprinted #1. I guess it will depend how large the second printing is. Re-orders could also factor in (we'll know next month). I know my shop got a few more in last week.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/11/10 07:42 PM
I see Batman didn't even crack the top 10 because of all the other #1's: Avengers, Secret Avengers, Return of Bruce Wayne #1&2, Brightest Day #1&2.

Maybe the entire month was up given all the #1's?

EDIT- I see Batman was #18.

Other #1's: Birds of Prey, JLI: Generation Lost, Astonishing Spider-Man/Wolverine, and others.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/11/10 07:46 PM
Originally posted by rouge:
Diamond sales are out, but the ICV2 estimates aren't done yet. So we won't have final estimates just yet, but I'll do a little guess work here:

[b]LSH #1
was 39th for the month selling about 70% the level of Batman #699

Adventure #11 was a little further down at #54 (55% of Batman)

Assuming Batman is hanging in at 60K, that puts LSH around 42K, and Adventure down at 33K. Now if Batman jumped in anticipation of #700, these numbers could be higher.

We'll know for sure in a few days.[/b]
You probably already saw this rogue but the order index for LoSH #1 was 71.20 to Batman #699.

Adventure was 55.78 to Batman #699.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
You probably already saw this rogue but the order index for LoSH #1 was 71.20 to Batman #699.

Adventure was 55.78 to Batman #699.
Yep, that where I pulled the 70% and 55%, rounding down to be conservative. ICV2 estimates shouldn't be too much longer.
Someone posted a link to the sales figures on the DC boards.

LSH V6#1 - 44415

Adventure #11 - 34794

Adventure looks like an expected decline. The V6#1 doesn't look that good for a #1 issue, although the second printing will need to be added. Comparing it to previous figures in the thread:

LSH V5#1: 59944 (#25)
LSH V5#16(Supergirl and the Legion): 54826 (#41)
LSH V5#37 (Shooter run starts): 45803 (#50)
Legion of Three Worlds #1: 68306 (#20)
Adventure #1: 56706 (#30)
LSH V6#1: 44415 (#39)

It didn't even beat Shooter's debut (although it ranked better).
Posted By: googoomuck Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/20/10 03:54 PM
I would guess that DC wasn't expecting LSH #1 to do all that great, otherwise they would have printed more copies. Some of the other DC numbers were downright depressing.
The prices are going up, I bet their expectations are getting lower and lower on what they consider acceptable sales.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/20/10 04:04 PM
[snerk] It's almost as if the never-ending tide of "news" stories about "recovery" was just a bunch of... piffle that nobody with functioning senses could possibly believe.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
The prices are going up, I bet their expectations are getting lower and lower on what they consider acceptable sales.
Another way of looking at it:

v6 #1-- 44415 x $4 = $177,660
v5 #1-- 59944 x $3 = $179,982
Originally posted by googoomuck:
I would guess that DC wasn't expecting LSH #1 to do all that great, otherwise they would have printed more copies. Some of the other DC numbers were downright depressing.
Compared to other DC titles only, LSH V6#1 is ranked #16 in the DC titles.

Shooter's first issue (issue 37, sales for December 2007) was ranked #21 among DC titles only.

The first Supergirl issue (issue 16, sales for March 2006) was ranked #16 among DC only. The ranking doesn't take reorders into consideration. Using reorders and assuming nothing else has reorders that affect the listing, it would be #34 overall and #13 among DC.

V5#1 was #10 among DC only.
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Another way of looking at it:

v6 #1-- 44415 x $4 = $177,660
v5 #1-- 59944 x $3 = $179,982
You forgot inflation, so we have:

v6 #1-- 44415 x $4 = $177,660
v5 #1-- 59944 x $3 = $204,117 (in 2010 dollars)
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 06/20/10 04:49 PM
One thing to consider is that in all of Paul's interviews he's mentioned he realizes the Legion has not been a top-seller for 20+ years and so he knows its his job to make it that way. One can only hope his intentions--of building sales over time--can come to fruition. Probably Green Lantern is the only DC title/franchise to do that in the last 10 years.

All we know is that the #1 has the Legion right back where we were before. That's not too surprising. How many #1 issues and relaunches can you release in 15 years? "Fool me once, shame on me" and all that.

If #1 sold out and had the second printing, one can hope DC will print more the second issue. Hopefully that sells out too. And then by #6 release the Legion flight ring to give a faux sales bump.
May Numbers are in and as others have mentioned Legion of Super-Heroes #1 comes in at a solid, but not setting the world on fire, 44K. The question is, where does it go from here?

05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300

Adventure meanwhile takes a hit after the end of the crossover (though really, this issue ties up a lot of loose ends from not only the Crossover but the whole Robinson run with the characters). Paul Levitz now has a 34K launchpad to work with for the secondary title.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content)
Anecdotally, when I got to my shop last night, #2 had sold out and they only had a couple of the #1 reprints left.
Diamond released their top 100 for June. It will be a while for the ICV2 estimates, but LSH came in at #43 (37.33% of Batman) and Adventure came in at #55 (33.09% of Batman). The tricky bit is that Batman is an anniversary issue this month (#700) and therefore it's harder to estimate sales on the fly.

Looking at the issues around it (JSA, Deadpool, Ultimate Sipdey), it looks like LSH #2 remained pretty consistent, remarkable for a second issue. I'd ballpark it a little above 40K.
That doesn't mean it stayed consistent, since we don't know the *actual* sales for #1 including reorders. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just as sharp a decline as a #2 usually gets.
June numbers are in and as a nice surprise LSH #1 recharts this month adding another 5,691 copies sold, putting #1 over 50K. #2 comes in just under 40K, which isn't a bad drop off considering first month sales (higher obviously when the additional orders are included). It will be interesting to see if there's re-order activity on #2.

05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300

Adventure, meanwhile, stays pretty much where it was, shedding about 100 readers from the previous team. The question becomes what will be the retention level here? Atom back-ups also start soon, so Brightest Day branding may impact future sales as well.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content)
LSH V5#1: 59944
LSH V5#2: 48584
Drop: 18.9%

LSH V5#16(Supergirl and the Legion): 54826
LSH V5#17: 47697
Drop: 13.0%

LSH V5#37 (Shooter run starts): 45803
LSH V5#38: 33045
Drop: 27.9%

Legion of Three Worlds #1: 68306
Legion of Three Worlds #2: 64412
Drop: 5.7%

Adventure #1: 56706
Adventure #2: 47296
Drop: 16.6%

LSH V6#1: 50106
LSH V6#2: 39102
Drop: 22.0%

Definitely not a small drop, although reorders for #2 could change this. And it's still less than the first V5 and the first Supergirl (though it now beats the first Shooter).
Diamond has released thier top 100 for July and LSH charts at #45 (@48 % of Batman #701) while Adventure charts at #63 (40.4 % of Batman). The top 300 and ICV2's estimates are later in the month, so the sepculation for now is how much did Batman move in July?

Educated guesses so far put Legion at around 37K and Adventure closer to 32K.
Has anyone any idea what sales levels will be needed for DC to not mess with/cancel the LSH or Adventure titles?
In the DCU (Wildstorm & Vertigo have different criterea), books have plummeted to the low teens and sometimes lower before getting the axe. Of course, there are other factors as well. For example, different creative teams presumably have different page rates which affect how profitable a book is.
Shooter's run ended at about 22000, and must have been cancelled while it was higher than that--#46 is almost 25000 and beats most of the reboot post-1997. (And at that point it was already feeling the effects of having the retroboot start to come out at the same time.)

I don't know if that actually would be sufficient to cancel most books or if it's just DC internal politics.

It's odd that V6 looks better by ranking than by numbers. #1 (with reorders) would be #31. #2 is 43 and #3 is 45. By numbers all three issues are doing considerably worse than the first three Supergirl/LSH, but by rankings they're all better than Supergirl/LSH. V5 #1-3 is still better than them, however.
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
It's odd that V6 looks better by ranking than by numbers. #1 (with reorders) would be #31. #2 is 43 and #3 is 45. By numbers all three issues are doing considerably worse than the first three Supergirl/LSH, but by rankings they're all better than Supergirl/LSH. V5 #1-3 is still better than them, however.
don't forget the economy in general. comics are more likely to be trimmed in tight times than food, gas or any number of necessities. less overall comics sales = a smaller overall pie; similar %s before and during equate to lower numbers.
Chart placement in general isn't a great indicator of success as any given month Marvel or DC flood the market with one-shots, events, tie-ins, etc. so 43rd one month could easily have been 33rd the next.

As to the sales level, the bar is definitely getting lower, as the Red Cirlce books were down to almost 10K before cancellation and REBELS and Doom Patrol aren't that far from that point now. As I said a few posts above, economics may be different for different books, but where LSH and Adventure both have "newer" artists, I think there's a lot of rope left.
If the bar is that low, then why did the Threeboot get cancelled? It didn't sell that poorly at all by these standards, it started higher than V6, and the first Supergirl issue again started higher than V6. And it beat the reboot handily. It ended low, but only after the retroboot cannibalized its sales, and it still didn't end at as low as 10000.
Posted By: lil'rhino Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/10/10 04:12 AM
Don't forget, sell-through(% of initial monthly orders sold) is important too. That's a big reason why some lower selling titles aren't cancelled, as explained to me by my CBS' owner.
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Don't forget, sell-through(% of initial monthly orders sold) is important too. That's a big reason why some lower selling titles aren't cancelled, as explained to me by my CBS' owner.
Sorry for sounding dumb lil'rhino but can you explain this a little more please.

Posted By: Ricardo Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/10/10 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
If the bar is that low, then why did the Threeboot get cancelled? It didn't sell that poorly at all by these standards, it started higher than V6, and the first Supergirl issue again started higher than V6. And it beat the reboot handily. It ended low, but only after the retroboot cannibalized its sales, and it still didn't end at as low as 10000.
You basically answered that: retroboot killed it.
rhino refers to the amount of books that a title actually sells through at the store is higher for the lower ordered books than the others.

Meaning the CBS owner is not sitting with a ton of product on the shelves for these (lesser produced) titles as the hardcore fans eat them up quickly, but he has to buy extra Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, etc. titles for the walls and bins for the casual and the occasional cross-promotion buyers.

So ordering a few issues of R.E.B.E.L.S. is just instant profit and the popular titles are both short-term and long-term profit (if they ever push them out the door for cover price). The popular titles are more of a risk long-term.
But because comics (mostly) aren't returnable to the distributor, Diamond (and ultimately DC and Marvel), don't really care about or track sell-through. Their numbers reflect what they sell to their clients: the stores in the Direct Market.

What those stores do with the books (sell them, leave them on the shelf, mark them up, mark them down, etc.), is largely irrelevant to them. Presumably stores course correct by adjusting their orders over time ('Wow, no one's buying Mega Crossover tie-in #82. I'd better order 20 copies less of #85 or I'll eat them'), and those numbers are important to publishers, but the bottom line in analyzing these numbers are what the stores buy in bulk from Diamond.

There's been talk for years about how cool a point-of-sale system would be to track what people are really buying, but there's really no benefit to the Publishers or distributor to do this if the model remains as is.
Sales are now out, and are pretty much as expected. No reorders though. 39102 to 36360 is a 7% decline. It is below #8 of the threeboot, and below the #7 Supergirl issue. It is still above all of the reboot from 1997-onwards and still above all except #1 of the Shooter issues.
The sales figures posted many pages earlier in this thread don't quite go back as far as possible. Diamond started being the exclusive distributor as of September 1996, so we can add 7 more months to that list (from www.chron.com).

Legionnaires #42 - 25391
Legion of Super-Heroes #86 - 33130
Legionnaires #43 - 27299
Legion of Super-Heroes #87 - 27789
Legionnaires #44 - 26169
Legion of Super-Heroes #88 - 28864
Legionnaires #45 - 25835
Legion of Super-Heroes #89 - 27495
Legionnaires #46 - 25693
Legion of Super-Heroes #90 - 27286
Legionnaires #47 - 25489
Legion of Super-Heroes #91 - 26961
Legionnaires #48 - 25547
Legion of Super-Heroes #92 - 26696

I haven't been able to find any Capital City sales information on the web (I guess you can't find everything on the Internet).

Later figures are still at this link for the reboot and this link for the threeboot .

V6 #3 still beats all these figures.

Omnicom did a graph, but the last time they did it was in the Shooter run, which is here. They also did a graph for the entire lifetime of the Legion which can be found here but unfortunately there is no presentation of the 1994-1996 sales as numbers so it's really hard to tell how well the reboot did.
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
rhino refers to the amount of books that a title actually sells through at the store is higher for the lower ordered books than the others.

Meaning the CBS owner is not sitting with a ton of product on the shelves for these (lesser produced) titles as the hardcore fans eat them up quickly, but he has to buy extra Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, etc. titles for the walls and bins for the casual and the occasional cross-promotion buyers.

So ordering a few issues of R.E.B.E.L.S. is just instant profit and the popular titles are both short-term and long-term profit (if they ever push them out the door for cover price). The popular titles are more of a risk long-term.
Thanks Nightcrawler. I understand that now but don't see why stores making more money stops DC cancelling it?
Thanks for the additional info Ken!

July numbers are out and as predicted Legion drop about 3K orders. Still in the early goings so it's hard to tell if the sales will level out quickly or continue to fall, but limited trending over three issues say equilibrium should be around the 30K mark, which is a pretty solid orbit. Still too early to tell though.

05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300

Adventure, after having negligible drops last month, makes up for it in a hurry this time. It drops almost 4K, which represents a larger percentage, as sales were already lower than the main book. It will be hard to say the impact of the Atom back-up has, but safe to say Adventure sales are far form stable.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content)
Posted By: Janarrah1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/25/10 01:49 PM
So, it looks like they should have kept with the lower numbering on Adventure! As soon as they went back to the actual issue number, sales dropped about 4000 copies!
I wonder if there'll be a similar drop once the Jim Lee Variant covers end with LSH #7? I would expect so because, as much as I hate this sort of thing, I'm still buying BOTH covers.
Since so many people seem to judge a book by it's cover, maybe they should get some BIG NAME artist to do the covers if it'll increase sales over the Cinar covers.
Posted By: Janarrah1 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/25/10 01:52 PM
I know this isn't the place for this...but I don't know exactly where it belongs...or how to post it as a separate topic: How do I move beyond the APPLICANT status of my membership here....AND How do I post NEW TOPICS for discussion??
All but two forums will have this image or one similar at the top to create a new topic - [Linked Image]

To fix your status, click my profile at the upper righthand corner of any page. Then click Edit Profile on the left side. Where it says "Member Status:" - clear any info already there and click on "Update Profile" at the bottom of the page. That will then show you whatever your status is .

Also, a topic of this particular discussion would be better suited in the Science Police Headquarters . You can see the Forum descriptions here .
Nightcrawler: I don't think that's correct. It says that your status is based on your number of posts but I have far more than 24 posts and it still says "Applicant". I don't think user-editable member titles and status based on number of posts work at the same time.
Diamond has released their top 100 for August and LSH charts at #51 (about 47% of Batman #702) while Adventure charts at #61 (40% of Batman). The top 300 and ICV2's estimates are later in the month.

These indexes are pretty consistent with last month's numbers, so it's all a matter of how Batman sales held up. I expect about a 1K drop for both titles.
I tried my hand at creating a graph similar to the Omnicom one. The graph is here. The graph is liable to vanish if I end up using too much web traffic, though I doubt that's too likely soon. It has some problems (I couldn't figure out how to get a more reasonable X axis grid, and there are no labels) but it extends the graph to the current issue using the data already posted here.

As can be seen by this graph, the best way to get high sales is to do a Blackest Night crossover. The second best way is to do a Final Crisis crossover. #1 issues, Supergirl, Superboy (the end of The Legion got a good boost from Connor) and gimmicks in general also help. (The bump for issue 23 of the threeboot is a variant cover.)
Posted By: lil'rhino Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/12/10 05:47 AM
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
I tried my hand at creating a graph similar to the Omnicom one. The graph is here.

As can be seen by this graph, the best way to get high sales is to do a Blackest Night crossover. The second best way is to do a Final Crisis crossover. #1 issues, Supergirl, Superboy (the end of The Legion got a good boost from Connor) and gimmicks in general also help.
I love Ken Arromdee more than ever!! Thanks for sharing!!
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
Nightcrawler: I don't think that's correct. It says that your status is based on your number of posts but I have far more than 24 posts and it still says "Applicant". I don't think user-editable member titles and status based on number of posts work at the same time.
They don't work at the same time. That's why I said to clear the custom status. I just cleared your custom status in the Control Panel and now it's updated to your status - Reservist.
August numbers are out. Looks like I was off in my math in the earlier post to the tune of about 1,000 issues. LSH #4 drops 2K orders this month. Not necessarily the healthiest sign, as the book isn't stabilising very quickly. There's still a lot of room left, but the trend is a little troubling.

05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300

Adventure also sheds 2K, which is slightly more serious as the levels were already lower than LSH. Since Didio and company have let it slip that Legion's not keeping the top spot in Adventure through next year, it leads one to wonder exactly how much time is left.

08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300

(* denotes no Legion content) [/QB][/QUOTE]
Graph is updated . Also, added the Titans/LSH mini and Legion Secret Files.

The reboot was so low at the end that we're still above the peak at that point (which was after adding Superboy), and we're still better than Shooter's second issue, but V5#1 and the Supergirl start did quite a bit better than we're doing now.
Given the current state of most books in the industry, I'm not too worried that we're below comparable V5 numbers, it's the trajectory that's worrying. The declines are steeper than V5, and V5 was already pretty steep. I'm just looking for the line to start flattening out sooner than later.
Diamond initial chart numbers are out. Legion is at 42% of Batman sales and Adventure at 35%.

Hard to say how stiff a drop this is. The Morrison creative team was off Batman in September, but it was also a lead-in issue to the "Road Home" stuff, so the Bat-sales could actually be up, which wouldn't be so bad for LSH. But if the Bat-sales are flat or down, that will be a pretty substantial fall off for the Legion titles.
Went and did some quick estimates (based on the stable sales of "The Boys" as a marker) and it looks like both Legion titles may have shed just shy of 2K each, again. Not a great trend to be developing.
Something else else occurred to me: Variant covers boost sales in a way which doesn't carry over to other issues. LSH #1-4 have variant covers. This means that the sales of #1-4 are artificially boosted.

(Correction:#5 had a variant too. However this does apply to Adventure #516.)

The most recent variant that can be compared was V3 #23 (#37 also had a variant but was the start of Shooter's run). Considering the surrounding issues, it would have had sales of about 35000, so just having a variant resulted in extra sales of 6500. I would assume that extra sales caused by variants taper off so #5 isn't actually being boosted by the whole 6500, though, and Adventure #12 certainly wasn't. Still, the drop from 12 to 516 was noticeably large.
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
Something else else occurred to me: Variant covers boost sales in a way which doesn't carry over to other issues. LSH #1-4 have variant covers. This means that the sales of #1-4 are artificially boosted.

(Correction:#5 had a variant too. However this does apply to Adventure #516.)

The most recent variant that can be compared was V3 #23 (#37 also had a variant but was the start of Shooter's run). Considering the surrounding issues, it would have had sales of about 35000, so just having a variant resulted in extra sales of 6500. I would assume that extra sales caused by variants taper off so #5 isn't actually being boosted by the whole 6500, though, and Adventure #12 certainly wasn't. Still, the drop from 12 to 516 was noticeably large.
It's an interesting theory, although it may be hard to draw comparisons as at the time #23 hit, variants were a (relatively) rarer phenomenon at DC, whereas now they are much more commonplace. Of course, the current bunch are *Jim Lee* variants, which you think would push the collectability up, but then again we haven't seen these marketed heavily by DC as "ZOMG, a Jim Lee Variant!" either.
Posted By: Haggard Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/16/10 08:51 PM
I wonder if Legion and Adventure going down to $2.99 in January will bring the sales up a bit?
September numbers are out. Both books dropped another 2K in orders, creating a rather worrying trend. Hopefully the election raises some interest outside the core readership and these numbers begin to even out, otherwise we'll be in a dangerous position sooner rather than later.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300


11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
And just to put my hand-wringing in a bit of perspective, according to ICV2, comics in general are having their worst year over year sales performance since they started tracking in 2004. So everybody's hurting, not just Legion books.

Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 10/24/10 12:26 PM
It's the recession combined with (IMO) stupidly jacking the prices up to 4 dollars.
Originally posted by MLLASH:
It's the recession combined with (IMO) stupidly jacking the prices up to 4 dollars.
It will be interesting to see what the price drop will do for the Legion and DC in general.
Diamond has their top 100 out for October. Estimates are a little trickier because Batman didn't come out, so Detective is the benchmark index for sales this month. I choose the relatively consistent Secret Six to do some rough calculations. It looks like the trend for Legion continues, with a drop to just above 30K with Adventure trailing about 5K below that. Still looking for some stability in the numbers.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/08/10 07:36 PM
This is truly worrying. I feel DC is really wanting/expecting the Levitz retroboot to succeed.

Unfortunately, the first 5 issues were somewhat unsatisfying to me and probably to others as well.

# 6 turned that around. I hope it wasn't too late for others.
If you look at the graph, just about the only thing that causes a long-lasting sales increase is a change in creator, #1, permanent Superman guest-star, etc. Even then it just resets the sales to a high level and they drop like normal. Crossovers and cover gimmicks don't help--they immediately drop to normal level after the crossover or gimmick. Getting a superstar artist did great for Legion of Three Worlds, but isn't really feasible.

The Legion election may boost sales a bit, but the loss of the gimmick covers probably hurt both books.

I sometimes wonder whether a gay wedding between Ayla and Violet would increase sales, but it would probably just boost the one issue like a crossover does. The biggest way to raise sales would probably be just to add Supergirl again, but there's no real way to do that because she's the wrong age.

And if #6 is a turnaround, that isn't going to affect sales until at least #7 anyway.

If it is indeed true that the market isn't so good as it was a couple of years ago, then we need a new graph of "percentage of Batman". Making that would be a lot of work though.

There's also the question of just what sales a book actually needs to be safe from cancellation. REBELS is a lot lower than either Legion book, for instance, and is way under even the end of Jim Shooter's run.
Oh, heck. No percentages, but here are Batman sales for same dates as the start of the Threeboot, the start of Supergirl/LSH, and the start of V6, with the Legion figures for comparison. Taking the health of Batman sales as a measure of the health of the market overall, it doesn't seem like the sales of Legion can be blamed on an overall bad market. I don't even have to bother with percentages.

12/2004: LSH #01 -- 59,944
01/2005: LSH #02 -- 48,584
02/2005: LSH #03 -- 44,824
03/2005: LSH #04 -- 43,408
04/2005: LSH #05 -- 41,664
05/2005: LSH #06 -- 40,970

03/2006: LSH #16 -- 54,826
04/2006: LSH #17 -- 47,697
05/2006: LSH #18 -- 45,520
06/2006: LSH #19 -- 43,918
07/2006: LSH #20 -- 41,679
08/2006: LSH #21 -- 39,800

05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417

12/2004: Batman #635 -- 60,901
01/2005: Batman #636 -- 58,513
02/2005: Batman #637 -- 58,060
03/2005: Batman #638 -- 59,723
04/2005: Batman #639 -- 62,333
05/2005: Batman #640 -- 66,629

03/2006: Batman #651 -- 69,796
04/2006: Batman #652 -- 72,890
05/2006: Batman #653 -- 77,228
06/2006: Batman #654 -- 76,529
07/2006: Batman #655 -- 113,552
08/2006: Batman #656 -- 95,800

05/2010: Batman #699 -- 62,377
06/2010: Batman #700 -- 104,755
07/2010: Batman #701 -- 76,398
08/2010: Batman #702 -- 73,414
08/2010: Batman #703 -- 77,033
Posted By: Candlelight Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/08/10 10:56 PM
Batman is an icon with many marketing outlets for recognition and interest building, including big name movies.

Not a fair comparison, really.
Originally posted by rouge:
And just to put my hand-wringing in a bit of perspective, according to ICV2, comics in general are having their worst year over year sales performance since they started tracking in 2004. So everybody's hurting, not just Legion books.

I actually followed this link and read the article.

The article does not say that this is the worst sales performance since 2004.

It says that comics have had the largest decline since 2004, which is not the same thing. Having the largest decline doesn't mean having the worst sales, since the decline could have started from a higher point. Having the largest decline doesn't even mean that the decline is all that much larger than the expected seasonal decline.

The article also points out that the larger decline happens because of a lack of hits, which is irrelevant to whether the Legion declines fast or slow.

And the article says:


Hits or not, it’s important to keep the Q3 numbers in perspective. As Marvel publisher Dan Buckley pointed out in the interview referenced above, comics have held up remarkably well in a terrible economy for discretionary spending over the last two years, and the over-all trends for 2010 have been respectable.
ICV2 released their calculations for October this morning and verified my earlier estimates: LSH dropped another 2K and Adventure took a hit as well. Hopefully these numbers start to bottom out soon at a healthy level. 30K is actually a decent seller at DC, but the fact that the drops aren't decreasing any is worrisome.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300


11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
Graph is updated.

LSH #6 seems to have had some dropoff due to the incentive covers ending; the last dropoff was about 1800 and this one was 2200, so at least 400 and probably more were incentive covers.

The graph now includes REBELS and you can see 1) just how bad REBELS is doing without being cancelled, and 2) how big an effect Blackest Night had on it.
thanks, Ken!

plotted out so, it really makes current month-to-month attrition look very steep. One wonders when/if leveling out may come...

If the comics market in general is experiencing steeper drops,it may well be a sign that monthlies are heading for extinction, in favor of the lengthier/less frequent original GN.
Posted By: stephbarton Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/09/10 10:03 PM
Originally posted by CandleLASHlight:
Batman is an icon with many marketing outlets for recognition and interest building, including big name movies.

Not a fair comparison, really.
It's not up there for comparison purposes but because Batman is considered one of the most stable books sales wise. The percentages that get released (before the actual sale estimates) are based on units of Batman comics sold because Batman tends to sell at a very consistent rate (not a lot of ups and downs). The reason they posted those Batman numbers was to try and use Batman (a steady seller) as a barometer of sales for the industry overall.

So if Batman was selling 100k for year and then two years later was only selling 50k than that probably means the industry as a whole suffered and you would expect any other book you were looking at to have a similar drop. So if LOSH sales figures had consistently declined by 2% and that was the same as Batman's sales were declining than it would look like the industry as a whole was declining.

Not trying to say LOSH needs to be at Batman levels to be good, but just that Batman is a good measure on how the industry is doing overall.

As for me, I think the retro boot has been poorly handled, the set-up Johns left really doesn't appeal to me and I don't think I'm the only one. the unnecessary changes just muddled the Legion even more and the xeno angle doesn't lend itself to really high action and fun superheroics, so not a whole lot to hook new readers. That and the Adventure story was a pretty big waste of time so far.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/09/10 10:30 PM
Originally posted by stephbarton:
It's not up there for comparison purposes but because Batman is considered one of the most stable books sales wise.
It USED to be before the Loeb/Lee "Hush" run - which is, indeed, why it was originally chosen as a benchmark. But since then it's jumped around as much as (or, going on to the Morrison/Battle for the Cowl stuff, more than) the average book.

Standard attrition is in the region of 1-2.5% a book. If you're dropping by less than 1%, never mind gaining, you're doing well. If you're consistently dropping by more than 2.5% a month, start to worry. [Drops before issue 3 don't count for this, especially the #1-2 drop which is more like 15-25% on average, and the effects of any variant covers should be factored in]

LSH v6 has been dropping at 5-6% a month for the past three months, and Adventure by more than 6%. That's FAR too high by anyone's measure (although someone said something about #6 not having variant covers when previous issues did? The drop from #4 to #5 was still 5.3% though...)
In the 80s and at least part of the 90s, Spider-Man was the benchmark book. Until mid-90s Spidey books became just as wonky as Batman books seem to be becoming (or already are).

If Batman hasnt been replaced as the yardstick, that may mean there currently are no books more stable than even the instability 'Booty describes above me.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/10/10 01:18 AM
Fables sales seems pretty consistent. Maybe even The Walking Dead. Maybe they could use one of them?
Posted By: Tamper Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/10/10 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Kent LASH:
In the 80s and at least part of the 90s, Spider-Man was the benchmark book. Until mid-90s Spidey books became just as wonky as Batman books seem to be becoming (or already are).

If Batman hasnt been replaced as the yardstick, that may mean there currently are no books more stable than even the instability 'Booty describes above me.
This is similar to the argument that countries are having about using USD as the benchmark against which everything is measured against. As long as the benchmark is stable things can be measured, else not so much.

Benchmarks are notoriously hard to replace. Everyone agrees that the old way doesn't work but there's never agreement on a new benchmark.

As for the declines on a specific book versus expected declines for a new run on any given comic. The best way to determine if the declines are outside recent industry norms is statistical analysis of expected falloffs for such runs.

Analysis Method

1) Treat the sales data for a book as exponential decay data.
2) Gather all new run data for the past two years.
2b) Normalize the data for all new runs within the past 2 years. (ie treat issue 1 of each run as 100 and work in percentages)
3) Do an inversion transformation on normalized sales data. This will be a logarithmic transform of the data series.
4) Do linear regression analysis on the transformed industry wide sales data and determine the 95% confidence intervals for expected falloff (slope of the regression line).
5) If you've done 1-3 you should have the slope data for the two Legion books. Compare the falloffs for LSH and Adventure to the confidence band.

From here it's a matter of comparing the slopes of the LSH falloffs to determine if they fall within the expected falloff intervals ranges. If not, the books are performing better or worse than industry norms.

I would guess that Reboot's observation is correct but this would be the rigorous scientific evidence.
I was wrong about the variants, actually; V6 #6 does have a variant. I didn't see it on Google but there are people on Ebay selling it.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/10/10 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
I would guess that Reboot's observation is correct but this would be the rigorous scientific evidence.
Just for the record, my observation was indeed anecdotal, based on some years of sales chart watching smile .

Gathering the data to take a proper crack at it would take forever (not so much the raw numbers, more the number [& ratio(s)] of variant covers, ring-type giveaways, crossovers and other skews, the effects of which would have to be quantified...)
Diamond top 100 is out. LSH ranks at 65 with at sales of 40.54% of Batman's, while Adventure clocks in at 71 with 37.63% of Batman's. The two titles appear to be closing the gap between each other, unfortunately it's closer to Adventure's lower sales level.

I'd estimate LSH above 25K and Adventure slightly below it, but it's hard to get more exact as Batman is once again somewhat unpredictable.
Posted By: googoomuck Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/06/10 05:54 PM
Is part of the problem that Legion Fandom is to fractured from all the resets? You got fans of the original pre-crisis LSH, 5YL, Reboot & the 3boot. Plus some fans of the pre-crisis LSH view the current series as a retcon of the pre-crisis LSH.

At least The Great Darkness Saga Hardcover is on the New York Times Hardcover Graphic Books best seller list.
Interestingly, even though GDS makes the Times list, it didn't crack the top ten in the Direct Market (Still waiting for the final list to see where it ranked).
ICV2 numbers are out for November. Legion takes a tumble of nearly 4K (variant cover loss may be a part of this), while the silver lining has Adventure dropping less than 1K for the first time in memory. So does this mean the 25K level is the Legion's wheelhouse now? Certainly other books have survived on much less. December numbers will be interesting.

On another note, the Great Darkness Saga Deluxe edition shipped 2,194 copies (#24 on the chart).


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300


12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
We are now worse than we are after 8 Shooter issues, and are below all pre-Shooter issues. Oddly, ranking is nowhere near as bad (V5 #45 at 25783 was ranked #96, Adventure 520 is lower at #71). Some of it is explained as fewer event issues at the top of the ranking however.

LSH V6 is now barely above the level of most The Legion issues, and is actually below #1, #25, and #26. In the reboot, we are below issue #93.

Updated graph.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 09:25 AM
^ Could the ranking factor just be due to the fact that fewer people are buying comics these days?
I include rankings mostly because my predecessor did, but I think overall they are a relatively useless indicator of a book's performance other than a very broad one, as the output from DC and Marvel varies so dramatically month-to-month meaning there's a lot of context to the number.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 02:22 PM
It's crazy to me that only 25,000 people buy Adventure in the direct market.

I checked the circulation of a Maxim Magagzine at the airport the other day and it was like 3.5 million.

Comics need the newstands more than ever (and I wish there was a way to measure those sales). And digital distribution doesn't seem like it will be able to work like the newstands did anytime soon.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 02:56 PM
^ I don't get why comics aren't sold there anymore anyway. Do the newsagents not want them? Is it too expensive for the companies or something?

Surely comics would sell better if they were in places that lots of people from all walks of life go into EVERY DAY rather than hidden away in isolated shops which not even regular comic readers go into more than once or twice a week. And which can be very off-putting to first-time/casual readers.

I developed my addiction to comics through buying a couple every time I went with my Mum to buy a newspaper or some groceries. I probably would not have gotten into the hobby if I were growing up today.

If comics want to survive, they need to go back to the newsstands IMO. I don't see web-comics as the future at all (though I could be wrong there).
Originally posted by Blacula:
^ I don't get why comics aren't sold there anymore anyway. Do the newsagents not want them? Is it too expensive for the companies or something?

Surely comics would sell better if they were in places that lots of people from all walks of life go into EVERY DAY rather than hidden away in isolated shops which not even regular comic readers go into more than once or twice a week. And which can be very off-putting to first-time/casual readers.

I developed my addiction to comics through buying a couple every time I went with my Mum to buy a newspaper or some groceries. I probably would not have gotten into the hobby if I were growing up today.

If comics want to survive, they need to go back to the newsstands IMO. I don't see web-comics as the future at all (though I could be wrong there).
Even though Comics are expensive, there just isn't the same profit margin as there is with a magazine and vendors were ditching comics in droves to make better use of space, which led to the Direct Market (that's a broad generalization, but is essentially the crux of it). Add to that Newstand periodicals need to be returnable and Comics through the DM aren't. I don't think DC, Marvel or anyone else has cost mechanisms in place for massive overprints that will include a huge return rate (and most likely pulping) from clients.

Now in the intervening years, magazine sales have crashed (all print has), so there may be a better climate for comics, but other than Archie, and the odd X and Bat title, you still don't see them in magazine sections of stores that often.
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 05:12 PM
^ So it's the vendors who don't want them because they're not getting value for money from selling them? OK. I can see that the companies don't have much choice but to be stuck in the DM ghetto then.

That also explains why a bookshop/newsstand I went into recently here in Australia was selling new comics for upwards of $15 dollars EACH! I couldn't believe the price I was seeing! Especially when a comic shop about a hundred meters away was selling those same comics for the standard Australian price of around $4-$5. But I guess now I know why they're not sold in newsstands anymore.
Posted By: Lard Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 05:17 PM
Oddly enough, single issues are still sold in some Books-a-Millions and Barnes and Nobles. Do they have some sort of return agreement with their distributors?
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 05:52 PM
I'm curious about that too. It's always been stated that Archie Comics (and Batman, Superman and Spider-Man) sell like hotcakes at those types of places.

I know I'm in airports all the time and there is like a newstand every 20 feet filled with people who buy *something*. Whenever I buy a magazine or paper, I even leave it on the plane when I'm done, not bothering to keep it; I just want *something* to read for the next 20 minutes before I move on. This market should be taken advantage of.

DC, Marvel and other comic book companies should be all over this--sure it's hard to figure out a way to make it work, but that's why these companies have thousands of employees who aren't on the creative side. To get things done.

Jeepers, I might have to apply to one of these companies and get them back on track.

Most magazines are usually around $5.00-$6.00; comics aren't that far off.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/08/10 05:54 PM
Also, we need someway to find out the circulation number for these venues! I wish there was some distributer who did this.

Does anyone (Dave?) know who the main distributers are for newstands? I suspect it isn't a monopoly like Diamond is for the direct market.

I'm considering contacting one of them through my company (a reinsurance brokerage firm) with false business pretenses with intentions to find out some info. laugh

Then I'll get us all jobs so we can fix the comic book industry. (And subsequently use our new found power to force publishers to do things our way evil ).
It's too bad Paul only lurks here and doesn't post, because in his time at the head of DC he's most remembered for almost single handedly driving the industry to the Direct Market. Many saw that as what saved comics, while others take a different view.
Asked Paul on FB. His response:

"I'll sit this out, Dave. It's long, complicated and most of the discussion of the issue in fandom is driven by wishing rather than analysis. If I do end up writing about it eventually it'll have to be at some length..."
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/09/10 04:39 AM
^ I didn't realise Paul was answering questions on Facebook. Has anyone asked him about Dream Girl's hair yet? I have to know if it's a mistake or a deliberate choice by the colourist (and I assume with Paul's approval). Does someone who's friends with him mind asking him for me? smile
Well he made a comment about Dream Girl last week and everyone piled on with comments about the hair, so I think he got the message. wink
Posted By: Blacula Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/09/10 04:17 PM
lol Cool! I knew the Legion's large gay fanbase couldn't sit idly by while Nura went outside looking like that every month! wink
Posted By: Mr. Kayak Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 12/09/10 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Comics need the newstands more than ever
i totally agree with you.

still, i don't think that comics as they are now would appeal to a wider audience.
Diamond put out it's top 100 for December. Legion came in at #73 (39.62% of Batman's sales) and Adventure wasn't far behind at #76 (37.60%).

Assuming Secret Six continues it's 2% per month drop, I'd estimate that puts Legion at 25K and Adventure a little less than 24K.

While still a drop, and not burning up the charts or anything, that's the least decline issue-over-issue to date. Compared to other DC titles, Legion could do worse than settle in this wheelhouse.
Posted By: Lazlo_Toth Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/10/11 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Diamond put out it's top 100 for December. Legion came in at #73 (39.62% of Batman's sales) and Adventure wasn't far behind at #76 (37.60%).

Assuming Secret Six continues it's 2% per month drop, I'd estimate that puts Legion at 25K and Adventure a little less than 24K.

While still a drop, and not burning up the charts or anything, that's the least decline issue-over-issue to date. Compared to other DC titles, Legion could do worse than settle in this wheelhouse.
I'm hoping that wherever its monthly sales settle at, it's a number that's large enough to warrant its continues existence. I see some of the titles that limp on every month with 10k or less, and I have to think that there's enough dedicated Legion fans out there to keep it going. At this point, LSH & Adventure are the two titles that I'm going to pick up even if (or when) I dump everything else. If DC pulls the plug on it, after 20 years of mishandling the feature, that might be the last straw that makes me stop buying ALL monthly comics entirely.
ICV2 numbers are out for December. Looks like I was spot on with my estimates (thanks Secret Six). Legion drops about 1.5K which is it's lowest drop to date and Adventure sheds about half that. It's still too early to tell for sure but it looks like the books might be finding their level.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300


01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300

*denote no Legion Content
Diamond rankings for January are out, with Legion of Super-Heroes #9 at 40% of Batman sales and Adventure at a little less than 38%.

As usual, Batman's not the most stable indicator, so looking at other consistent sellers it looks like both books are between 21K and 23K in sales. A little disappointing as last month it looked like the drops were leveling out a bit.

More when the ICV2 estimates come out.
Well, I like it when I'm wrong. ICV2 numbers are out for January and it looks like my estimates were a tad low compared to theirs. Legion dropped about 800 copies, the first time its shed less than 1K. Adventure drops a bit more but stays above 22K. There certainly appears to be a leveling happening.

Now to see if an Annual, a Special and Phil Jimenez get the needle moving in the opposite direction.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300


02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300

*denote no Legion Content
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/08/11 07:06 PM
Not to mention a price decrease.
While the price drop was widely hailed as a great move, it didn't seem to alter DC's trajectory very much in January (they got drubbed by Marvel, but also didn't ship a lot of their top sellers). It will, however be a trend thing if it develops at all. I'll be interested to see the overall numbers come March, but at first blush it looks like a failed venture.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/08/11 08:44 PM
Drubbed by Marvel? Please define, because the top 10 comics I copied/pasted from ICv2 are:











That's DC with 8 of the 10 biggest sellers.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/08/11 08:44 PM
(This is December, however, before the $2.99 thing went official in January)
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/08/11 08:47 PM
Never mind, I'm losing it here... I just noticed January is what you are posting.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/08/11 08:50 PM
January's top 10: DC only makes 4 appearances.




SPAWN #200


X-MEN #7




With the May solicits released today, DC has cancelled five low-selling ongoing series, including Rebels. Even though most of those series have been living on borrowed time for months, it is still troubling. It could imply that the industry downward sales trend of the last several months has continued through February, March and April pre-orders. It will be interesting to see if Marvel cuts back on their May offerings or continues to flood the market.
Well, if you cut out all the non-DCU stuff, Mini-series and Jonah Hex (which Didio has stated plays by different rules) the two lowest selling DC titles are Booster Gold (16 K) and Power Girl (16.8 K). Since Booster is getting a push with Flashpoint, that leaves PG as the lowest ongoing right now.

This raises the "Floor" for DC titles quite a bit and Adventure's cushion isn't so big anymore. Bears watching.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 02/18/11 07:33 AM
Jiminez' ADVENTURE COMICS deserves a huge sales-bump!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Jiminez' ADVENTURE COMICS deserves a huge sales-bump!
I hope so. Word of mouth and internet reviews have been good, and it was relatively early in the month so plenty of time for re-orders. Still no word of a reprint, but we don't know the original print run either. We'll know in about three weeks.
February numbers are now out and while DC took a nasty drubbing and lost a lot of ground to Marvel, the Legion books saw some silver lining.

The main book saw it's drop off decrease again to about 500 less copies (compared the to the thousands it was losing month over month prior). The Annual wasn't too far behind the main book which is impressive given the price difference.

And most impressive of all Adventure actually posted a modest gain on the Phil Jimenez debut. Now, a 300 issue gain isn't chart breaking for sure, but where 90% of the books post losses, this is definitely good news for the Academy feature. Numbers below.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300


03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
February numbers are now out and while DC took a nasty drubbing and lost a lot of ground to Marvel, the Legion books saw some silver lining.

The main book saw it's drop off decrease again to about 500 less copies (compared the to the thousands it was losing month over month prior). The Annual wasn't too far behind the main book which is impressive given the price difference.

And most impressive of all Adventure actually posted a modest gain on the Phil Jimenez debut. Now, a 300 issue gain isn't chart breaking for sure, but where 90% of the books post losses, this is definitely good news for the Academy feature. Numbers below.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300


03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
what's the betting that over 22,000 bought all three Legion books? If the titles can stabilise at those numbers then they should be OK.
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
what's the betting that over 22,000 bought all three Legion books? If the titles can stabilise at those numbers then they should be OK.
Well, it's important to remember that these numbers are sales to retailers. There is no industry wide tracker of customer sales. Anecdotally, I don't see a lot of shelf copies at my local shops so I'm hoping the sell through rate is pretty high, but I'd be surprised if all 22K of the Annual converted to actual sales. Still as a trending point it holds up quite well.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 03/09/11 05:04 PM
Nice to see a bump up for Phil's debut. Next month's figures will be interesting to see.
March numbers are out, and it looks like both books have stabilised. Legion only shed about 100 copies, which is far less than typical attrition for a book in today's market. Adventure lost most of the bump it got from Jimenez's debut, but still remains consistent with it's numbers from January. Add to that the overpriced LSV special hung in at 21K and it looks like this is the plateau we can expect for the Legion books for now.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100


03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300
April Numbers are out and it's steady as she goes. LSH drops about 250 copies and Adventure picks up 100. That's about as stable as you get in today's market, so that's a very good sign. Storm clouds on the horizon though, as it's hard to say what Phil's departure from Adventure and the upcoming flood of Flashpoint titles will do the numbers. Should be an interesting summer.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100
04/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 23,419 #75 out of 300


04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300
04/2011: Adventure Comics #525 -- 22,946 #78 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300
Posted By: AndrewNolan Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 05/18/11 01:46 AM
Are the units available for the now recalled DC Comics Presents Legion of Super-Heroes 100-Page Spectacular?
Originally posted by AndrewNolan:
Are the units available for the now recalled DC Comics Presents Legion of Super-Heroes 100-Page Spectacular?
Nope. 2 possible explanations - 1) with the recall Diamond doesn't list it. or 2) It may not have placed in the top 300 (which is fairly typical for the "DC Comics Presents" stuff).
May Numbers are up and things appear to be drifting down again. Adventure has now lost all of the original bump from the Jimenez/Academy debut, shedding 700 copies. The main title continues with a slow drift, losing about 300 copies. It all seems a little academic with the relaunch, but the fact that DC isn't changing the main book up too much, while a boon to us regular readers, may not be such a great sales driver. Hopefully the new #1 gets people to give the team a new look.


06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100
04/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 23,419 #75 out of 300
05/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #13 -- 23,105 #76 out of 300


05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300
04/2011: Adventure Comics #525 -- 22,946 #78 out of 300
05/2011: Adventure Comics #526 -- 22,271 #78 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300
Also, The DC Comics Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (that reprints Legion of the Damned) came in at 3,597.

Respectable for the DCP Reprint line.
Diamond top 100 is out today and for the first time since the relaunch, Legion and Adventure missed the cut. This probably isn't due to a precipitous drop in sales, rather the fact that DC and Marvel flooded the market with Flashpoint and Fear tie-ins in June. ICV2 should have their numbers up soon and we'll see how the Legion books fared.
ICV2 was late with the June numbers (presumably due to Comic-con), then I was on vacation, so numbers are only coming out now despite the widespread demand for them (.... crickets chirping...). Anyway, Legion's downward drift accelerates a little (Flashpoint effect?), whereas Adventure stays rock solid (EDIT: actually it dropped more than 1,000, yikes!). Two more months of numbers before the relaunch.


07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100
04/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 23,419 #75 out of 300
05/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #13 -- 23,105 #76 out of 300
06/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #14 -- 22,600 #106 out of 300


06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300
04/2011: Adventure Comics #525 -- 22,946 #78 out of 300
05/2011: Adventure Comics #526 -- 22,271 #78 out of 300
06/2011: Adventure Comics #527 -- 21,211 #144 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300
Hot on the heels of the late June numbers, come early July numbers! Both LSH and Adventure drop a good chunk of orders (800 for Legion, 1K for Adventure). One month of numbers left before the relaunch. Will Adventure close out above the 20K number? Stay tuned...


08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100
04/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 23,419 #75 out of 300
05/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #13 -- 23,105 #76 out of 300
06/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #14 -- 22,600 #106 out of 300
07/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #15 -- 21,788 #100 out of 300


08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300
04/2011: Adventure Comics #525 -- 22,946 #78 out of 300
05/2011: Adventure Comics #526 -- 22,271 #78 out of 300
06/2011: Adventure Comics #527 -- 21,211 #144 out of 300
07/2011: Adventure Comics #528 -- 20,111 #106 out of 300


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300 [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 05:09 PM
Yeesh. Sales are tanking. Pitiful.
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 06:31 PM
This makes total sense. Barring any change in quality, I would guess that the people who care about continuity don't see much point in buying stories that won't be in continuity next month.

I would think that if people who watch soap operas were told the stories would be recast and start over in two weeks they may not be quite so diligent at catching the next few episodes either.

Even given that the relaunch supposedly messes with Legion less than other titles, I bet Legion's getting swept up in the downward momentum.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 07:00 PM
My CBS owner told me lots of customers simply aren't buying many DC comics in July and August because they're waiting for what's coming in September.
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 07:34 PM
I read an article online yesterday-- I am pretty sure at CBR-- that said there was virtually no change in DC sales though... they were watching for a massive drop-off for July that apparently did not happen.

People just seem to be exiting the LSH books. frown I hope the NottaBoot sees some creative fire that will be reflected by the sales...
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 08:03 PM
One thing is sadly clear: the $2.99 price tag that DC has held the line on has had absolutely zero effect on sales. That goes for all of their titles, not just Legion.
Posted By: the Hermit Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
One thing is sadly clear: the $2.99 price tag that DC has held the line on has had absolutely zero effect on sales. That goes for all of their titles, not just Legion.
Which should come as no surprise, as the same thing has been tried by both DC and Marvel over the years (starting with the change from ten to twelve cents in the early 60s) and it has never had any significant effect on readers' buying habits.

We buy comics for our favorite characters.
We buy comics for our favorite artists.
We buy comics for our favorite writers.

We don't let the cover price determine what those favorites are.
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 08:49 PM
It comes as a surprise to me. People have quit smoking over the rising price, when nothing else persuaded them to even try.

It's not clear how much MORE circulation they would have lost had they not held the line @ 2.99. What this says to me is only that there are more factors than just price for people dropping comics, not that price doesn't count at all.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 10:08 PM

Originally posted by the Hermit:
...it has never had any significant effect on readers' buying habits...
Really? What is comics' circulation now, as compared to thirty years ago? Or fifty? My understanding is that comics are much more a "specialty" form of entertainment now than they were back then. Or do you mean that overall readership is smaller, but spends more on its habit than readers did in "the old days"??

I'm confused. confused

We buy comics for our favorite characters.
We buy comics for our favorite artists.
We buy comics for our favorite writers.

We don't let the cover price determine what those favorites are.
You might want to watch that "we." Especially in the current economy.
The sad thing is that the comics industry, for various reasons, may be down to mostly selling to the hardcore "addicts" for whom rises in price don't really factor into their buying decisions. If there were such a thing as "casual fans" or "new readers", the price might actually make a difference.
Posted By: cleome57 Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 10:18 PM
Well, I think it probably has made a difference to me, as a returning fan who had pretty much skipped out for twenty years.

I can't even afford my usual two books this month. I'd be very leery of taking on anything new, no matter how terrific it sounded.

Ironically, small press indy books look considerably more expensive on the face of it than anything by the Big Two-- until you factor in page count and the fact that small press books rarely have ads. The out-of-pocket expense may be higher, but then I think about the overall content and... value-wise the difference is negligible, so long as a reader likes the content they've picked up.
Posted By: the Hermit Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/12/11 11:48 PM
I guess I was a bit vague in my wording. My comment about the effect on buying habits was meant to imply that the various trends that have happened over the years would have happened regardless of which company "held the line" for an extra month or two. For the most part, such efforts have been more about making the competition look like jerks for raising their prices first than to truly "hold the line".

Maybe you're right about the current prices curtailing some readers' purchases in the current economic environment, but I think the high prices are more of a detriment to potential new readers than they are to veteran fans. I would (and did) pay $3.99 for the first few issues of the latest Legion series based on my years of following the Legion through its various incarnations, particularly Paul Levitz's run in the 80s. What's to motivate someone who has never heard of either Paul Levitz or the Legion to shell out $3.99 that could be spent renting four movies from the local Red Box instead?
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/11 05:57 AM
If you meant that while the price influences whether one buys comics at all, but if one does, it doesn't really affect which titles ones buys, then I understand.

I find it hard to believe the numbers aren't showing the price having an at least a tiny influence line-wide. But then it's very hard to compare what's happening to what would happen, you can only compare with certainty two things that did happen.

(Please stop me before I italicize again!)
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/11 06:15 AM
I know when it looked like all comics were about to hit $4, I dropped a BUNCH of them.

That said, I have stated elsewhere here that there are books of SUCH high-quality (read: YOUNG AVENGERS) that I will gladly pay $4 for.

Would I gladly pay $4 for the LSH as it is currently? No. I *might* pay it and be bitter about it but that is a different a topic for a Comics Psychiatry forum probably.

Anyway, I think I may have been trying to say that price and quality WILL be a factor to some (like me, who has been in danger of growing jaded with comics in the recent past) but not all.

I think what DC and Marvel NEED to do is concentrate on putting out books like The Walking Dead and Young Avengers that are so good and addictive, readers won't mind the pricetag.

Who wants a beer? (still pretty affordable at present)
Originally posted by Shining Son:

I find it hard to believe the numbers aren't showing the price having an at least a tiny influence line-wide. But then it's very hard to compare what's happening to what would happen, you can only compare with certainty two things that did happen.
Well I suppose the basis for the comparison is the fact that DC "held the line" while Marvel didn't. If the price was making a significant difference in people's buying habit, then presumably DC would gain market share against Marvel by keeping lower prices, which, I take it (not having actually looked at the numbers myself), they haven't.
Posted By: Cobalt Kid Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/11 02:27 PM
For individual readers it may have made a difference; as an overall trend for the direct market it was a failure. Marvel kept it's marketshare and continues to dominate DC. $2.99 didn't mean squat.

The detail to look at though is these are #'s for the direct market. "New" readers might be more likely to buy comics through another distribution source if one existed (like the newsstand). Ipso facto, "new" readers buying habits *may* be easier to discern if we had data for other distribution, or more accurately if other avenues of distribution existed and actually were significant.

If price is going to matter, the issue to address by these companies is how to find an alternate source of distribution to comic book stores that replicates the newstand. Some think it will be digital--I do not.
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/11 02:32 PM
Good point EDE.

Though one can make the point that perhaps for a fair percentage of those who are so affected by this economy that it is impacting their comics buying, even 2.99 is way below the acceptable entertainment value per dollar.

So how much below, compared to the other company, may be irrelevant, leading to roughly equal losses for both companies.
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/13/11 02:48 PM
CK, I also do not think digital distribution will have enough to the factors that long-ago newsstand distribution had to replicate its success. Though I hope it does.

They might be able to duplicate the same amount of walk-by access, only it will be surf-by. But unless digital takes off so well that they can start dropping the price WAY below print, they won't meet the value ratio they need to compete with other entertainment these days, as comics did so successfully long ago.

If I understand it correctly, creator fees will be perhaps the biggest cost once you eliminate physical materials, printing and shipping. Creators also may have the similar economic choice: working in comics vs other entertainment that pays better.
Posted By: Mystery Lad Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/14/11 12:02 AM
I think my reading enjoyment sure plummeted when DC dropped the back-ups that it experimented with... and I think Levitz's books still haven't recovered from the pacing shot to hell by the drop in page count.

I always hated the 'hold the line' campaign and found it a sneaky way to charge relatively more for less.

I think digital will eventually be a terrific addition to comic companies revenue streams. It'll take a while, though- and the way they'll be delivered will go through some permutations. DC and Marvel need to find a way to deliver to Kindle and Nook- which they currently can't. I don't think digital will replace physical comic books-- they'll exist side by side.

I imagine the physical books will eventually experice rising prices, though- so get ready.

Oh, yeah- and comic books are *in* newsstands. Barnes and Noble and Hastings each have large comic book sections, now. I don't know what other newsstands you'd mean... the sidewalk kind with a tarp over them like you see in the movies? Do they exist outside of the handful of very largest cities? Airports? Wal-mart?
Posted By: the Hermit Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/14/11 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

Oh, yeah- and comic books are *in* newsstands. Barnes and Noble and Hastings each have large comic book sections, now. I don't know what other newsstands you'd mean... the sidewalk kind with a tarp over them like you see in the movies? Do they exist outside of the handful of very largest cities? Airports? Wal-mart?
The term "newstand" was always a bit of a misnomer, as it was used to refer to all non-CBS retail outlets such as drug stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. back when comic racks could be found in such places. I bought my first comics at a "five and dime" store (Woolworths). One of our local supermarkets has a comic rack even now.

The thing is, when I bought my first comics they were comparable in price to a candy bar or a soda, and were pretty densely packed with extras like one-page humor strips, text pages and public service strips between chapters of the main story. Even now, going back and reading one of those books takes 15-20 minutes.

Now, a single comic costs as much as three or four candy bars and/or sodas and only takes five minutes to read. Which do you think the average kid is going to spend his money on?
Posted By: Shining Son Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/14/11 02:42 AM
Originally posted by the Hermit:
Now, a single comic costs as much as three or four candy bars and/or sodas and only takes five minutes to read. Which do you think the average kid is going to spend his money on?
Yeah, that's going to remain a major obstacle to drawing kids or just about anyone new into the medium.

But comics are stuck between that and all the costs that have disproportionately risen over the decades. Creators get paid much better now, paper, printing and shipping have gone way up. Unfortunately paying all those people what they're worth nowadays creates a price point that does not compare favorably with the alternative entertainments out there or other items kids would like.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/11 06:43 PM
So, Rich J\'s asked a few comic shops w...oll, and ranked the orders that came out (he assumed JL #1, the top-seller, did 200k, but I've cropped those numbers out so people don't actually believe them).

Here's the bottom ten (actually a bottom eleven, given ties):
42= LEGION LOST - 24% of JL #1 (range: 5-44%)
42= RESURRECTION MAN - 24% (range: 17-44%)
44= DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS - 23% (range: 11-35%)
44= FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN - 23% (range: 5-50%)
44= MEN OF WAR - 23% (range: 5-40%)
44= SAVAGE HAWKMAN - 23% (range: 11-50%)
48= MISTER TERRIFIC - 22% (range: 5-40%)
48= OMAC - 22% (range: 5-40%)
48= VOODOO - 22% (range: 5-44%)
51= BLACKHAWKS - 21% (range: 10-40%)
51= LEGION OF SUPER HEROES - 21% (range: 5-44%)
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 08/31/11 09:34 PM
I'll eat EDE's hat if VOODOO, BLACKHAWKS or MEN OF WAR outsold LSH when the actual numbers come out. smile
Posted By: the Hermit Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/01/11 12:10 AM
Well, if national trends reflect local trends we won't really know anything until issue(s) #2, since my local shop is offering a 30% discount to anyone who orders all 52 #1s. Even if only a percentage of regulars take them up on it, it's bound to skew the numbers a bit.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/03/11 04:28 AM
It is my impression that, after visiting the Baltimore Comic Con and talking with many different people on the subject (artists, writers, comic book store owners, and fans/readers) that the industry as whole (generally) must go digital in order to survive beyond the near future. The current template for producing comics will eventually mirror the iTunes established setup, where comic consumers would go on line and purchase a given comic issue (about 20 odd pages) for around $1, which is the current going rate for many independents on-line. Free samplings of 3-5 pages of a given issue would be available for free previewing, as occurs for DC and Marvel now. Graphic novels for the most successful only would be later printed containing a group of these issues. The graphic novels are more palatable to bookstores and libraries, and would be (hopefully) a better way to introduce new readers. Artists and writers would be heavily dependent upon sales royalties for their income, and this structure would most definitely weed out all but the popular titles. Needless to say, the printing houses and comic book store owners are deeply concerned about this direction.

The comic book industry has been competing with, and losing to, various products such as songs, movie rentals, game rentals, internet video and chat sites, all of which are cheaper and sometimes easier to access. There seems to be a firm commitment (with DC testing the waters first with their company-wide reboot before Marvel) to position towards this switchover.
Posted By: the Hermit Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/03/11 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
It is my impression that, after visiting the Baltimore Comic Con and talking with many different people on the subject (artists, writers, comic book store owners, and fans/readers) that the industry as whole (generally) must go digital in order to survive beyond the near future. The current template for producing comics will eventually mirror the iTunes established setup, where comic consumers would go on line and purchase a given comic issue (about 20 odd pages) for around $1, which is the current going rate for many independents on-line. Free samplings of 3-5 pages of a given issue would be available for free previewing, as occurs for DC and Marvel now. Graphic novels for the most successful only would be later printed containing a group of these issues. The graphic novels are more palatable to bookstores and libraries, and would be (hopefully) a better way to introduce new readers. Artists and writers would be heavily dependent upon sales royalties for their income, and this structure would most definitely weed out all but the popular titles. Needless to say, the printing houses and comic book store owners are deeply concerned about this direction.

The comic book industry has been competing with, and losing to, various products such as songs, movie rentals, game rentals, internet video and chat sites, all of which are cheaper and sometimes easier to access. There seems to be a firm commitment (with DC testing the waters first with their company-wide reboot before Marvel) to position towards this switchover.
Wow. I predicted almost the exactly the same thing on another thread (I'm Not Giving Up) just a few days ago. Scary how what was purely conjecture on my part is already starting to be verified by people who are in a much better position than I am to know about these sort of things.
Posted By: Kid Quislet Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 09/04/11 04:54 AM
Originally posted by the Hermit:
Wow. I predicted almost the exactly the same thing on another thread (I'm Not Giving Up) just a few days ago...
It's exciting to know we have a Naltorian in our midst!
And so ends another version.

August Sales are in and the books limp to their conclusion. Adventure gets the dubious distinction of being the lowest selling LSH book since just before Legion Lost. Yikes.

Next month, expect some crazy numbers.


05/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 -- 44,415, #39 out of 300 [50,106]
06/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 39,102, #43 out of 300
07/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 36,360, #45 out of 300
08/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 34,239 #51 out of 300
09/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 32,417 #55 out of 300
10/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #6 -- 30,246 #66 out of 300
11/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #7 -- 26,439 #65 out of 300
12/2010: Legion of Super-Heroes #8 -- 25,063 #72 out of 300
01/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #9 -- 24,230 #60 out of 300
02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #10 -- 23,738 #75 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #11 -- 23,667 #85 out of 100
04/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #12 -- 23,419 #75 out of 300
05/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #13 -- 23,105 #76 out of 300
06/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #14 -- 22,600 #106 out of 300
07/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #15 -- 21,788 #100 out of 300
08/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #16 -- 21,373 #111 out of 300


08/2009: Adventure Comics #1 -- 56,706, #30 out of 300
09/2009: Adventure Comics #2 -- 47,296, #44 out of 300
10/2009: Adventure Comics #3 -- 44,431 #40 out of 300
11/2009: Adventure Comics #4 -- 85,145 #6 out of 300
12/2009: Adventure Comics #5 -- 59,876 #21 out of 300 *
01/2010: Adventure Comics #6 -- 42,514 #33 out of 300 *
02/2010: Adventure Comics #7 -- 53,721 #23 out of 300 *
03/2101: Adventure Comics #8 -- 39,351 #39 out of 300
03/2010: Adventure Comics #9 -- 37,515 #44 out of 300
04/2010: Adventure Comics #10 -- 37,573 #41 out of 300
05/2010: Adventure Comics #11 -- 34,794 #54 out of 300
06/2010: Adventure Comics #12 -- 34,663 #55 out of 300
07/2010: Adventure Comics #516 -- 30,897 #63 out of 300
08/2010: Adventure Comics #517 -- 28,966 #61 out of 300
09/2010: Adventure Comics #518 -- 27,028 #71 out of 300
10/2010: Adventure Comics #519 -- 25,346 #76 out of 300
11/2010: Adventure Comics #520 -- 24,540 #71 out of 300
12/2010: Adventure Comics #521 -- 23,787 #73 out of 300
01/2011: Adventure Comics #522 -- 22,821 #64 out of 300
02/2011: Adventure Comics #523 -- 23,127 #78 out of 300
03/2011: Adventure Comics #524 -- 22,836 #89 out of 300
04/2011: Adventure Comics #525 -- 22,946 #78 out of 300
05/2011: Adventure Comics #526 -- 22,271 #78 out of 300
06/2011: Adventure Comics #527 -- 21,211 #144 out of 300
07/2011: Adventure Comics #528 -- 20,111 #106 out of 300
08/2011: Adventure Comics #529 -- 19,227 #123 out of 300

* Denotes no Legion content


02/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1 -- 22,201 #82 out of 300
03/2011: Legion of Super-Villains #1 -- 21,097 #96 out of 300
As a sign of what's to come next, Legion Lost sold out and has another printing coming. Legion of Super-Heroes has also sold out (no news on a new printing). I would imagine the new printings won't be available in time for the September charts, but we'll probably see that movement in October.
ICV2 has the September relaunch numbers. Both Legion titles do somewhat better than the last LSH relaunch, but significantly below the Adventure relaunch. One thing to keep in mind is the Diamond numbers are under-reported due to the issue being returnable. As well, the second printings and re-orders will factor in next month, but all and all the "New 52" initiative hasn't brought LSH to new heights, rather has restored it to previous levels. Now let's see how this plays out over the rest of the year.


09/2011: Legion of Super Heroes #1 -- 45,362 (*), #47 out of 300


09/2011: Legion Lost #1 -- 41,726 (*), #56 out of 300

* denotes returnable issues, so sales are under reported by diamond (speculation runs from 10-20%).
Here's hoping the #2s still manage to keep a decent number, and that the declines won't be so steep.
ICV2 has the October relaunch numbers out. If you count the 2nd printings and the "Curse" Hardcover, there were SEVEN (!) Legion offerings this month from Diamond. Surely a record of some kind. I'll throw the second printing numbers into the totals for the first issues. Interestingly enough, the lower selling book (Legion Lost), had a higher 2nd print run than the main title. Sales look really healthy. Obviously there's a second issue drop off (and it looks exaggerated after the 2nd printings), but it's in line with most books and still above the last series.

Legion Secret Origin debuted at the same level as Lost, which is pretty fantastic for a tertiary Legion Title, and the Star Trek crossover was quite a bit further down, but it was from another publisher (IDW) and was their 2nd highest book for the month, with a 2nd printing already on the way.

And "The Curse" sold 1,155 copies, which isn't bad for a $50.00 hardcover reprinting 80's comics.

All and all, it was a pretty good month for Legion Comics.


09/2011: Legion of Super Heroes #1 -- 45,362 (*), #47 out of 300 [53,285 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 42,504 (*), #50 out of 300


09/2011: Legion Lost #1 -- 41,726 (*), #56 out of 300 [49,952 after 2nd printing]
10/2001: Legion Lost #2 -- 38,385 (*), #59 out of 300


10/2011: Legion Secret Origin #1 -- 38,248, #60 out of 300


10/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #1 -- 20,950, #114 out of 300

* denotes returnable issues, so sales are under reported by diamond (speculation runs from 10-20%).
Posted By: Pov Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/09/11 01:07 PM
I was wondering about the ST/LSH book from IDW... but even THAT was close to cracking the Top 100. Not bad at all for IDW. As you said, good numbers. nod
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/09/11 01:09 PM
Anything DC is a hot property right now... pretty cool.
Still wondering why so few people bought the Star Trek crossover... I believed most Legion fans were buying anything Legion, so why do only 50% of them buy that book?
I want to buy the Star Trek/Legion crossover, but can't find it. My comic book store is not selling it and I can't find it on-line.

Does anyone know if I can buy it on-line?
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/10/11 11:35 PM
If you're prepared to pay, uh, a premium, there are some on eBay.
Posted By: lil'rhino Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 11/11/11 09:18 PM
Try midtowncomics.com
Originally posted by Chemical King:
Still wondering why so few people bought the Star Trek crossover... I believed most Legion fans were buying anything Legion, so why do only 50% of them buy that book?
Quite a few reasons probably go into that. The primary culprit is probably that it isn't put out by DC. IDW is far from an "Indy" publisher, but it's also not in the league with Marvel or DC, and thus its books traditionally sell in a lower stratosphere. On top of that, since it isn't a DC book, DC did little or nothing to promote it (The Source promo for the first issue only came out after the issue did), so I honestly don't think a lot of the general Comic buying public were aware of the book (and since it isn't a big two publisher, how many stores would have ordered it to stock on the shelf)?

It's also, by its nature, out of continuity, and thus easily skipped by those who would skip such things. And finally, TOS may actually not appeal to enough Direct Market readers for it to be a draw (after all, TOS comics aren't setting the world on fire).

Now, as with all licensed properties, the actual bread and butter sales may be outside of the Direct Market, and therefore we aren't seeing it right now. But it is hard to judge, as we really don't get those circulation numbers.

That said, given all those factors, that's a pretty good number for a FOURTH Legion book that's a dollar more expensive than the other three out right now.
November numbers are out. After a very heady October, with great numbers and a record number of charting Legion items, we get a little more "grounded" numbers this time out. The two main books register a 10K drop each as the New52 "samplers" move on. The trick now is to see how much both books can hold off further erosion. Secret Origin also takes a big second issue tumble, which would be business as usual in the old charts, but one wonders what the new floor is for sales at DC. Meanwhile, the IDW Star Trek/Legion book has a really low second issue drop, and looks to be holding up quite well.

Hang on, things may get bumpy the next few months.


09/2011: Legion of Super Heroes #1 -- 45,362 (*), #47 out of 300 [53,285 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 42,504 (*), #50 out of 300
11/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 31,481 (*), #71 out of 300


09/2011: Legion Lost #1 -- 41,726 (*), #56 out of 300 [49,952 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion Lost #2 -- 38,385 (*), #59 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Lost #3 -- 28,103 (*), #80 out of 300


10/2011: Legion Secret Origin #1 -- 38,248, #60 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Secret origin #2 -- 22,435, #108 out of 300


10/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #1 -- 20,950, #114 out of 300
11/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #2 -- 17,782, #124 out of 300

* denotes returnable issues, so sales are under reported by Diamond (speculation runs from 10-20%).
Star Trek/Legion is still one of IDW's top sellers.

Pre september we were seeing sales of around 22K for just about any Legion title. Looks like we are heading back to those numbers, Secret Origin is there already. I guess it is down to DC whether those numbers are still considered viable in the DCnU.
December Numbers are in and we're well on our way back to familiar territory saleswise. The main book drops to 25K, which is about where it was at issue #8 this time last year. Legion Lost drops almost the same number of copies (@6.5K), but that puts it down near the 20K mark. We know DC's getting ready to cull some titles, but we also know Tom DeFalco's coming on board, so there may be some rope left here.

The two spin-offs, meanwhile are doing respectably in their lower stratospheres, each dropping about 2K, which isn't bad for a couple of mini series, one out of continuity.


09/2011: Legion of Super Heroes #1 -- 45,362 (*), #47 out of 300 [53,285 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 42,504 (*), #50 out of 300
11/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 31,481 (*), #71 out of 300
12/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 25,049 (*), #77 out of 300


09/2011: Legion Lost #1 -- 41,726 (*), #56 out of 300 [49,952 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion Lost #2 -- 38,385 (*), #59 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Lost #3 -- 28,103 (*), #80 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Lost #4 -- 21,618 (*), #94 out of 300


10/2011: Legion Secret Origin #1 -- 38,248, #60 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Secret Origin #2 -- 22,435, #108 out of 300
12/2011: Legion Secret Origin #3 -- 20,033, #101 out of 300


10/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #1 -- 20,950, #114 out of 300
11/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #2 -- 17,782, #124 out of 300
12/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #3 -- 15,952, #129 out of 300

* denotes returnable issues, so sales are under reported by Diamond (speculation runs from 10-20%).
Posted By: MLLASH Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/11/12 02:22 PM
I fully expect LLOST to be one of the first titles cut simply because the characters already have a home waiting elsewhere.

What I am worried about is DC pulling a DOOM PATROL and killing off the entire cast in the final issue. These were obviously characters Paul Levitz was willing to part with... and that is a bit scary.
At some point I'd love to hear the backgrounder on LLost, because Fabian has stated it was handed to him with the characters and concept already set in stone. So who's idea was it? Paul's? Didio's? What made them think this concept and these characters would fly?
Posted By: Set Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Sales Figures - 01/11/12 05:01 PM
It did seem that at least some of them were characters Paul was willing to clear from the board simply to have more breathing room to focus on the others.

Yera was redundant, particularly if Paul wanted to explore the Durlan experience through Cham in any depth, and, even better, a 'two-fer,' since writing her out made a good excuse for Colossal Boy to get written out as well.

Gates and XS seemed to be thrust upon him, and he didn't seem terribly interested in exploring either of them. (Teleporters have narrative issues, as well. They tend to eliminates travel scenes, useful for mid-trip dialogue and characterization, and for drama. 'Will they get there in time?' <BAMF> 'Obviously.')

Wildfire and Dawnstar have been stuck in the same doomed romance storyline for *decades,* and Paul may have felt that this limits what he could do with them.

Removing Tellus seems to be more a choice to leave the team without a telepath for the moment, which opens up intrigue / mystery / investigative possibilities that wouldn't be as easy to justify (or for the fans to accept) if there was a telepath lying around. For instance, rumors that one of the newbies might be a mole or traitor would seem pretty lame if the team was constantly mind-linking with him/her.

The removal of Timber Wolf and Tyroc are the two that surprise me. Perhaps, since he'd been focusing on Brin's strength, toughness and claws, instead of his unique super-acrobatics and speed/reflexes/agility, he felt that Brin was redundant on a team with characters so many times stronger and tougher.

Tyroc, on the other hand, seemed more unique and with a lot of wiggle room to develop, and none of the 'new character baggage' that comes with 11th hour replacements.

Tyroc, at present, is both established (in a way that Chemical Kid, Dragonwing, etc. are not) and yet also fresh, since his powers are being re-defined and his origin / background may also be undergoing a tweak.

Indeed, in Legion Lost, I was kinda hoping to see the state of 21st century Marzal explored!
January Sales numbers are out. Walt Simonson doesn't exactly reverse the downward trend on the main title, but does slow down the bleeding considerably. Legion Lost also slows down to a "mere" 2K drop, a positive sign things are leveling out for both titles? Secret Origin on the other hand takes a bigger drop from Issue #3 to #4 than it did from #2 to #3, so that's not a good sign. The best performer in terms of retention is actually the Star Trek/Legion Crossover, with less than 1K lost (although it is in a lower tier, sales-wise already).


09/2011: Legion of Super Heroes #1 -- 45,362 (*), #47 out of 300 [53,285 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 -- 42,504 (*), #50 out of 300
11/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 -- 31,481 (*), #71 out of 300
12/2011: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 -- 25,049 (*), #77 out of 300
01/2012: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 -- 23,062 (*), #79 out of 300


09/2011: Legion Lost #1 -- 41,726 (*), #56 out of 300 [49,952 after 2nd printing]
10/2011: Legion Lost #2 -- 38,385 (*), #59 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Lost #3 -- 28,103 (*), #80 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Lost #4 -- 21,618 (*), #94 out of 300
12/2012: Legion Lost #5 -- 19,394 (*), #94 out of 300


10/2011: Legion Secret Origin #1 -- 38,248, #60 out of 300
11/2011: Legion Secret Origin #2 -- 22,435, #108 out of 300
12/2011: Legion Secret Origin #3 -- 20,033, #101 out of 300
01/2012: Legion Secret Origin #4 -- 16,585, #115 out of 300


10/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #1 -- 20,950, #114 out of 300
11/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #2 -- 17,782, #124 out of 300
12/2011: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #3 -- 15,952, #129 out of 300
01/2012: Star Trek Legion of Superheroes #4 -- 15,004, #122 out of 300

* denotes returnable issues, so sales are under reported by Diamond (speculation runs from 10-20%).
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