Legion World
Seriously, EVERY Superman supporting character EVER made it onto the team. Even Superbaby's pet monkey strapped on a cap and sported an L-ring.
but did she have a unique power?
but Ultra boy brought that to the team
Well, Pete Ross didn't have a superpower and he was sort of a legion member.

What I would give to see a kurt Schaffenberger drawn Lois Lane hanging out in some space disco with her super girl-friends Tinya, Salu, Jekkie and Luornu.

Man, that issue of Lois Lane would have kicked nass!
But he couldn't whine when using another power .... Lois could never stop!
[Linked Image]
Lois Lane wasn't a whiner, she was a strong, independent intelligent woman who was unfortunately burdened with a cliched "need to get married" persona by a bunch of geeky comic writers who didn't understand women.

Lois sure could have shown the other girl legionnaires a thing or two, especially wallflower Vi, Tinya "Mrs Ultra Boy" Wazzo and Tasmia "Mrs Mon-el" Mallor.

I bet she would have come into conflict with iron butt Imra but secretly like and respect her.
I never liked Lois.

I liked Lana.
A contributor to the Interlac APA listed a number of encounters between Lois and the Legion. Although Lois never did become a member, she met a number of legionnaires in her own time - and in her own book "Superman's Girlfriend - Lois Lane":

Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl and Violet in #50.

Night Girl in #69

Saturn GIrl in #56

Mon-el in #33 (in the Phantom Zone)

Superman gave her some earrings with images of legionnaires in #50; she wore them again in #57

A panel from #50:

[Linked Image]
It should have been a lookalike 30th century decendant of Lois who saved the day in the Adult Legion finale, along with Doug Nolan!
Not every Superman character made it into the Legion. Why doesn't Perry White get any love? laugh He could have been editor lad!
The worst things was that her lookalike 30th century descendant Elna was later revealed to be a killer android!
The pets had rings?

*wanders over to start thumbing through Super-Pets appearances...*
Well I think she met the criteria to be a super pet if she wants.
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
A contributor to the Interlac APA listed a number of encounters between Lois and the Legion. Although Lois never did become a member, she met a number of legionnaires in her own time - and in her own book "Superman's Girlfriend - Lois Lane":

Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl and Violet in #50.

Night Girl in #69

Saturn GIrl in #56

Mon-el in #33 (in the Phantom Zone)

Superman gave her some earrings with images of legionnaires in #50; she wore them again in #57

A panel from #50:

[Linked Image]
Tinya is cruel to lie like that.
Originally posted by Shadow Kid:
Lois Lane wasn't a whiner, she was a strong, independent intelligent woman who was unfortunately burdened with a cliched "need to get married" persona by a bunch of geeky comic writers who didn't understand women.

Lois sure could have shown the other girl legionnaires a thing or two, especially wallflower Vi, Tinya "Mrs Ultra Boy" Wazzo and Tasmia "Mrs Mon-el" Mallor.

I bet she would have come into conflict with iron butt Imra but secretly like and respect her.
SaturnGirla I'd read that story in a heartbeat. SaturnGirl

Can somebody find out if Gail Simone's busy next week?
She's not much of a Lois, but the 'Lois' on Smallville grabbed Clark's Legion ring and shuffled off to the 31st century last season.

Maybe she'll come back a super powered Legionnaire.

(And yes, I always prefered Lana to Lois. I prefered Lori to Lois, too. And I won't go into Luornu to Lois. sigh)
The Legion just said that Laurel Kent couldn't join because she didn't have one unique power. But now we really know that she was rejected because she looked too much like Lois Lane.
I have no preferences. Just as I never got pulled into the Joel-vs.-Mike arguments on the MST3K boards. I wonder if non-preferential feelings count as a super-power.
And with all the zeal for legacy-ing everything in the DC universe within an inch of its life, how long before we find out that Reboot Condo Arlik is actually Lois Lane's descendant?
Lois was a member of the Legion in Lois Lane 47 [Linked Image]

Legion appearance here
Wow, picking her own fan-club members. That's ego right there folks.

Lois wasn't ever depicted as much more than a side-kick without a kick, in the books that I read. There were plenty reporter type characters on the tv. I suppose there's a place for a reporter comic book but I don't see the attraction. Not mysterious in her own right like a detective or masked vigilante, not young like Nancy Drew or Jimmy Olsen and she doesn't even have a band like the Archies.

She's kind of bland really, wasn't given much to work with. The only reason she was of interest was she was a slightly obnoxious personality (as opposed to Kent who was mundane) connected to Superman. The question is, was the concept bland to me also, dead idea from the get-go?

I'd have to say, "yes." I can't see why I would be interested in a reporter, investigative or otherwise. It wasn't what attracted me to comic books. IMO the character would have grown better in novella's and tv serials than in comics.
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Lois was a member of the Legion in Lois Lane 47 [Linked Image]

Legion appearance here
The Legion would have rejected Lois for interfering with the US Mail.

Then she could have returned as the masked Legionnaire "Giantess X".

Ah, but Perry and Lois were the SuperMAN support characters (yes, I know, so was jimmy....look, don't confuse me with facts...) whereas Lana and Pete were SuperBOY support characters. Plus, Lois married the guy. Guess they figured that he suffered enough without having her in the future as well. (Not against marriage, lol, Lois always annoyed me. Lana too, but she was a redhead, lol. All the difference in the world.)
Lois was like Supergirl and Wonder Woman, in her era ~ something for the girls to read.

Almost all of their 'adventures', even most of Diana's stories, centered around boys/men and any actual overcoming of evil people was second place.

Even the Legion girls didn't really do much usually, other then be there.

A sad era for girls, although I don't think I knew it at the time.
Originally posted by KryptonKid:
The Legion would have rejected Lois for interfering with the US Mail.
That just looks like a mailbox. It's really... Chameleon Boy!

hmmm i would like to do a Lois Vs Lana Thread...

I had a strong love for Lana especially when they had her and Clark get a romance going just after they made the new brainiac and new lex luthor after lois and superman broke up. To Bad the Crisis got in the way and made everything go back.

Earth 2's Superman got his Lois
Earth 1 should have gotten Lana.
PS - If Clark Kent is an "Ordinary Man", how is he levitating 12 feet off the ground?

Lois probably missed that clue as well...
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by KryptonKid:
<strong>The Legion would have rejected Lois for interfering with the US Mail.
That just looks like a mailbox. It's really... Chameleon Boy!


And the purple gas-guzzler is really... J'onn Jonzz?!
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