Legion World
I just read over at Comics Alliance that DC is going to reboot 50 of its titles in September by restarting numbering at #1 and making the characters younger and more relevent to today's audience (more info. is contained on the Source blog, as well - which is linked in the Alliance piece).

Hmff! I wonder if this will include LSH? To me this seems certain. Rats - and just after we'd finally gotten Levitz back on the book and a good deal of silver age coninuity had been resurrected!

Anybody else have any thoughts or information on the matter? mad mad mad mad
actually, i can't wait for levitz to leave, since i find his current writing uninspired at best, if not plain mediocre.

on the other hand, though, this would be the 4th or 5th reboot for the legion alone, and i'm kinda full of that kind of stuff.
from the first pictures leaked from the USA today site, it looks like a complete crisis-on-infinite-earths-like reboot for the whole DCU: couldn't DC just start every book from #1 and sell their new series as accessible?
It sounds like it is just an issue number reboot and not a reboot of the series or the creative team. At least I would think so for most of the books.
Actuality, CBR indicates via a Bob Wayne statement that it's a line wide *reboot* of the franchises, not just a restart.
I'm just going to repost here what I said in response to Cobalt in Gym'll's:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Not only restarts but a company wide reboot according to CBR. Changes to origins, ages and aspects of characters. So expect a single Superman and other things.

I think this could be a huge blunder for DC sales wise: a company wide jumping off point for core readers.
I agree.

Moreover, it is fiscally INSANE to try and do THIRTEEN LAUNCHES A WEEK! Seriously, think about that - how many people have the cash to preorder all those titles just to try them out? Retailers certainly don't have the cash to order heavily on fifty-two "new" titles.

What I suspect will happen is that a few titles (like Justice League) will launch big, but their sales will be less than they would have been because of the insane signal-to-noise ratio. And lower books will launch a bit higher than their predecessors, and swiftly be gutted as they lose a big chunk of their previous core fanbase and don't have the influx they'd need to replace them (again, to do with the noise-to-signal ratio).

And finally, if they're deaging characters like Superman & Batman, they're going to lose at least one whole generation of characters and a lot of the "texture" of their universe. Right now, DC has the Golden Agers, plus three-and-a-half generations of "modern" characters - the Superman/Batman generation, the Dick Grayson/Donna Troy/Wally West generation, the Kyle Rayner/Tim Drake/Kon-El generation and a half-formed fifth generation with Damien Wayne/nuKara/etc. Once you start wholesale changes in this way, you either get characters previously a significant age apart turned into direct contemporaries, or you get whole tiers of characters squeezed out entirely.

This smacks of panic and desperation, and their ultimate best-case has to be where they are now a year down the line.
Okay. That's it. I, I am done.

Regardless if Nei Ruffino is the colorist of any book, I, I will not support any book this company puts out. Vertigo is a different story, but I will not support this. I will NEVER support this.

I know right away this sounds like the griping of an angry fan who doesn't want to see change. But this, this isn't about making the characters fresher, IMO, this is just them rebooting everything so they no longer have to deal with the mistakes they've made in the last few years.

Ralph and Sue Dibny, the damage they've done to the Legion, all of the dead Titans, the 52, Cassandra Cain, Cry for Justice, killing Lian and making Roy punisher lite, that stupid forest in Green Arrow, Villains for Hire, Amazons Attack, Countdown, Final Crisis, just, just everything!

I will still buy back issues, get sketches of these characters, and come on here, and be a member of the Bring Back Lian Harper group. But I am done.

I don't have a problem with change. I have a problem with people thinking they can sweep everything under the rug.
bleeding cool says that in september we won't see a LoSH vol. VII yet, but a new title called... legion lost!

This is actually the one reboot that I'd like to see since they have rebooted the Legion so much I'm dying to see what this derivative could possibly be. I'm sadly drawn to the ridiculousness of this.
Actually, having calmed a bit, yes, I'll still support a book Nei colors. I can't drag her into my petty obsessiveness.
I'm hoping it's the New Wanderers we've been teased with for these last few years.
Johns certainly used them.

I'm greedy though, I want an Academy book, as well as a Core book, too.

But, who will write and illustrate everything?!
We still have to see, but it sounds more like a gimmick than a full-blown reboot a la Crisis. At least 3 things point out in different directions:

Scott Snyder is saying in his twitter that his current run still matter for Batman, it's not being ignored. Whatever that means.

There will be a full color spectrum Lantern book, apparently. Which means some of the changes are being accepted.

Bob Wayne's letter says:
We are positioning ourselves to tell the most innovative stories with our characters to allow fans to see them from a new angle. We have taken great care in maintaining continuity where most important , but fans will see a new approach to our storytelling.
It's not clear what he means by "new angle", but there you go.

What worries me most, though, is the fact the current DC editorial is probably the lamest in history. Their track record is frankly awful: the All-Star Batman & Robin fiasco, Batman Europa mess, the horrifying case of Jim Shooter’s Legion of Super-Heroes being trampled by Johns’ “Lightning Saga” fiasco, the decision to butcher Ambush Bug #6, the mistakes in editing Doom Patrol as a regular book, the First Wave line, the Milestone Line relaunch fiasco…
It likely means everything is "as is" except for things the current editors don't like with little rhyme or reason as to the criteria for change. So Superman & Lois' marriage is thrown out, but Aquaman's marriage to Mera is not (just an example, I have no idea if that's true).

I wonder what other "big" changes might happen? For instance, the status quo of Dick Grayson. If Batman is younger, how young is Dick? Is he Nightwing again? Is he...ROBIN AGAIN? Don't rule it out.
So, basically it'll be like pretty much every other massive continuity-"fixing" event in DC history? wink
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
It likely means everything is "as is" except for things the current editors don't like with little rhyme or reason as to the criteria for change. So Superman & Lois' marriage is thrown out, but Aquaman's marriage to Mera is not (just an example, I have no idea if that's true).

I would expect most stuff Geoff Johns has a hand in to be preserved, hence the skittle-coloured Lanterns still being around. Stuff before 2000 will probably be wiped almost in entirety.
That's what I am seeing through various media sites as well, that it's a reboot but not a hard reboot. All titles are going #1 - including Action, Detective, and Adventure if it survives.

There are various comments that much of the current continuity will be maintained (guessing Batman and Gl books), but for some characters it will be tweaked (looking at you Superman and WW) and the age of some characters will change (watch out Titans!).

Plus there are 50-some new costume designs coming - including apparently Superman with no red trunks, and everyone in the JLA wearing v-necks (?)

All of this makes me think back to CoIE, and how that universe relaunch was bungled due to sloppy editorial and turf wars over characters. I am not getting a warm fuzzy feeling for this post-flashpoint relaunch.
Originally posted by Colossal Boy:
That's what I am seeing through various media sites as well, that it's a reboot but not a hard reboot. All titles are going #1 - including Action, Detective, and Adventure if it survives.
Rich Johnston suggests Adventure Comics #1 starring Deadman
Originally posted by Colossal Boy:
That's what I am seeing through various media sites as well, that it's a reboot but not a hard reboot. All titles are going #1 - including Action, Detective, and Adventure if it survives.

Apparently Adventure is surviving as a Deadman title!
Originally posted by Reboot:
I'm just going to repost here what I said in response to Cobalt in Gym'll's:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
[b]Not only restarts but a company wide reboot according to CBR. Changes to origins, ages and aspects of characters. So expect a single Superman and other things.

I think this could be a huge blunder for DC sales wise: a company wide jumping off point for core readers.
I agree.

Moreover, it is fiscally INSANE to try and do THIRTEEN LAUNCHES A WEEK! Seriously, think about that - how many people have the cash to preorder all those titles just to try them out? Retailers certainly don't have the cash to order heavily on fifty-two "new" titles.

What I suspect will happen is that a few titles (like Justice League) will launch big, but their sales will be less than they would have been because of the insane signal-to-noise ratio. And lower books will launch a bit higher than their predecessors, and swiftly be gutted as they lose a big chunk of their previous core fanbase and don't have the influx they'd need to replace them (again, to do with the noise-to-signal ratio).

And finally, if they're deaging characters like Superman & Batman, they're going to lose at least one whole generation of characters and a lot of the "texture" of their universe. Right now, DC has the Golden Agers, plus three-and-a-half generations of "modern" characters - the Superman/Batman generation, the Dick Grayson/Donna Troy/Wally West generation, the Kyle Rayner/Tim Drake/Kon-El generation and a half-formed fifth generation with Damien Wayne/nuKara/etc. Once you start wholesale changes in this way, you either get characters previously a significant age apart turned into direct contemporaries, or you get whole tiers of characters squeezed out entirely.

This smacks of panic and desperation, and their ultimate best-case has to be where they are now a year down the line. [/b]
It does sound like we may losing at least a subgeneration. Here's how I think the younger age groups break down :

Titans : this group would include Dick Grayson, Wally West, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Garth, Kyle Rayner, Connor Hawke, Gar Logan, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven (in spite of her de-aging a few years back), Hawk and Dove, the Infinity Inc guys, Zatara, etc. This group would include Barbara Gordon on the older end and Gar Logan on the younger end. Age range from 27-20 or so.

Young Justice : this is Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Cassie, Supergirl, Kon-El, Stargirl, Cyclone, JJ Thunder, the current Batgirl, the Batsons and Freddy and other characters that hang with them. Age range here is 19-15 or so.

New Generation : right now this is mainly Damien is either 10 or 11 right now I think? This generation would be the most likely to go since just the very existence of Damien ages both Batman and the DCU itself. However I don't see Morrison letting go of this character that easily.

I could see DC de-aging the Titans back to college age and the YJ group to say 16. But if they do that, would they go a step further and kill the Kon-El book and replace it with Superman-as-a-boy Superboy and chronicle his visits with the Legion? If so there goes the Legion continuity again. On the plus side, we might get back currently deglected (or dead) characters like Chuck and Lu, M-E Lad, Lyle Norg, etc. But then we would lose Wildfire, Dawnstar, etc. Ugh! I hate reboots.
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Colossal Boy:
[b]That's what I am seeing through various media sites as well, that it's a reboot but not a hard reboot. All titles are going #1 - including Action, Detective, and Adventure if it survives.
Rich Johnston suggests Adventure Comics #1 starring Deadman [/b]
Hmm. If I was DC right now, I would be having their people put out some truth and a bunch of misinformation to keep everyone guessing. Also that way they can gauge the response to some story beats or titles that are not locked down to see if they need tweaked, jettisoned, etc. But I'm not sure if DC editorial is that on top of things to pull that off.
I basically agree with your age breakdown, but I was thinking both in terms of in-character ages and out-of-universe "generations" - if G1 is Golden Age and G2 are the adult Silver Age characters, then G3 are the sidekicks of the 60s and the younger characters of the 70s and 80s, while G4 are the newer/younger characters of the 90s, and the "half-formed" G5 the new characters of the past few years.

I included Kyle in G4 because of when he was intro'ed, although you're right in suggesting that he's more of an age with the G3ers.
Originally posted by Colossal Boy:
It does sound like we may losing at least a subgeneration. Here's how I think the younger age groups break down :

Titans : this group would include Dick Grayson, Wally West, Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Garth, Kyle Rayner, Connor Hawke, Gar Logan, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven (in spite of her de-aging a few years back), Hawk and Dove, the Infinity Inc guys, Zatara, etc. This group would include Barbara Gordon on the older end and Gar Logan on the younger end. Age range from 27-20 or so.

Young Justice : this is Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Cassie, Supergirl, Kon-El, Stargirl, Cyclone, JJ Thunder, the current Batgirl, the Batsons and Freddy and other characters that hang with them. Age range here is 19-15 or so.

New Generation : right now this is mainly Damien is either 10 or 11 right now I think? This generation would be the most likely to go since just the very existence of Damien ages both Batman and the DCU itself. However I don't see Morrison letting go of this character that easily.

I could see DC de-aging the Titans back to college age and the YJ group to say 16. But if they do that, would they go a step further and kill the Kon-El book and replace it with Superman-as-a-boy Superboy and chronicle his visits with the Legion? If so there goes the Legion continuity again. On the plus side, we might get back currently deglected (or dead) characters like Chuck and Lu, M-E Lad, Lyle Norg, etc. But then we would lose Wildfire, Dawnstar, etc. Ugh! I hate reboots.[/QB]
I see now that the relaunch Superman won't have been married. And if they de-age Superman is say 24-25, then that would imply Batman, GL, Flash, etc all get de-aged as well (or you get some characters much older (like how Hal and Ollie were in their 40's briefly in the early 90's).

Doing this would put the squeeze on the YG group and push the Titans group back to being 16. If that happens, I don't see how they are going to be able to maintain much continuity from pre-flashpoint. Imagine if Dick Grayson is de-aged, then Barbara Gordon should be de-aged as well. That means no Oracle, no birds of prey and the dominos start falling. Sigh.
Another twist has appeared as the full cover art has been revealed for the Jim Lee Justice League piece. Besides showing a Flash and a Batman, there is also Cyborg. And top of that, the Superman in that piece looks much younger than Cyborg.

So it looks like Cyborg will be a contemporary of Superman instead of Dick Grayson and Donna Troy. Looks like the Wolfman/Perez run got thrown out with the bathwater (or pushed over to some alternate earth)
I was wondering why it felt like most of DC's titles were just treading water and producing mediocre product. This explains it.
I'm going to reserve judgment until I hear more, but I'm not as horrified by this as I would have thought. I'm really only reading a few DC comics at the moment, the Legion titles and Zatanna, so the reboot will not affect me very much. And I think it can only be a good thing for DC to get rid of some bad continuity. On the other hand, I'm truly sorry that Action Comics and Detective Comics will be renumbered.
Originally posted by Mr. Kayak:
bleeding cool says that in september we won't see a LoSH vol. VII yet, but a new title called... legion lost!

Bleeding Cool says there will be a Legion Lost series but that does not mean there won't be an ongoing Legion of Super-Heroes title. Perhaps Legion Lost is replacing Adventure as the second Legion book. I read somewhere that Paul Levitz said he had plans later this year to fill in the blanks from the lost years before the Lightning Saga, perhaps this is what Legion Lost is.
The one thing DC has always had over Marvel (and any other company, for that matter) is a history that goes back to the beginning of the comic book industry. Without it they are just another company, and, to be brutally honest, not a particularly good one at that.

So now, in order to attract a younger audience, they are willing to sacrifice their primary asset.

Well guess what DC. There is no younger audience out there waiting to buy your books. Comics as a mass market industry are dying. As are the major record labels. And the broadcast TV networks.

The younger generation has no interest in any of those things. All of those industries grew up during a time when there were limited entertainment options available. Now there are so many choices out there that it is impossible to build the kind of mass audience that DC and Marvel had in the Silver Age.

And many of those options cost considerably less than $2.99 for about 10 minutes worth of entertainment.
Originally posted by the Hermit:
The one thing DC has always had over Marvel (and any other company, for that matter) is a history that goes back to the beginning of the comic book industry. Without it they are just another company, and, to be brutally honest, not a particularly good one at that.

So now, in order to attract a younger audience, they are willing to sacrifice their primary asset.

Well guess what DC. There is no younger audience out there waiting to buy your books. Comics as a mass market industry are dying. As are the major record labels. And the broadcast TV networks.

The younger generation has no interest in any of those things. All of those industries grew up during a time when there were limited entertainment options available. Now there are so many choices out there that it is impossible to build the kind of mass audience that DC and Marvel had in the Silver Age.

And many of those options cost considerably less than $2.99 for about 10 minutes worth of entertainment.
DC have been slicing and dicing their history since Flash of Two Worlds.

Crisis on Infinite Earths
Zero Hour
Infinite Crisis

all eroded and changed history. The Superman today is very different to the one that went into Crisis on Infinite Earths or the one that came out of Man of Steel. To me this is just another reboot like all the others. Cutting away a bit mor continuity and probably losing more readers than it wins.

What is significant thoughis the announcement that digital books will be available at the same time as the paper editions. This is DC's last throw of the dice to bring in the multi-media savvy kids of today. No doubt some will get into comics that way but as Hermit rightly said mass audiences are a thing of the past. DC/Warner will have to work around the fact, as will Disney/Marvel
Originally posted by ultrajo:
I was wondering why it felt like most of DC's titles were just treading water and producing mediocre product. This explains it.
No, that's just DC for you.
I exaggerate, but it seems like every other time I visit this site, I find some reason to be glad I gave up buying comic books. frown
The thing that has me excited is the digital availability. I am so tired of collecting paper product.
DC's priorities are (or should be):

1) Expanding it's audience to create more sales.
2) Putting out a quality product to achieve #1
3) Protecting its property

A company-wide reboot of all its titles suggests two things; that the current situation isn't working, or that DC has come up with a better plan. I'm inclined to believe it is more the former than the latter. The industry as a whole has gone down over the last four decades with the production costs increased exponentially while the fan base has grown older.

Still, I don't think this tactic of company-wide reboot may be all that bad. Comics still generate the scripts for all those fantastic money-making super-hero movies (Thor, X-Men IV, Capt. America and Green Lantern this summer alone), so it won't be going away any time soon. The industry sorely needs a younger audience, so expect more Anime and computer game graphics introduced to which youngsters can better relate to. If it appeals to younger kids, than my preference to the old time "classic" stuff we have now I will gladly sacrifice [my kids are embarrassed that I still read comic books anyway]. The total emphasis should always be on putting out a good story with good artwork - and much less on continuity (Continuity is preferable within a storyline - that makes a good story - but over 40 years, who cares if Brainiac was a robot but is now a steroid muncher.

That said, we are only eight years away from the amazing 1000th issue of Action, and Detective Comics is not far behind. I'd hate to see those title numbers ditched. The recent restart Adventure "double" numbering system was ok, but a little awkward.
As this is a public forum and it offends some, I will not subject anyone to it, but please imagine that I started this post off with the most vile profanities you can imagine.

Now then.

My hope, and half-expectation, is that this is a publicity stunt, since it has now been reported in the "mass media" outside comic-fandom:

Yahoo! News

Last time this was done was, I believe, "Death of Superman" (didn't stay dead), or maybe the Bane thing (likewise, Bruce Wayne got better.)

I, for one, have *greatly* enjoyed the Levitz run so far (though the Shady/EarthMan thing does leave me queasy), so I do hope that this doesn't extend to the 30th C.

Whether it does or not, how stupid is this? Let me count the ways....

1. Restart the Action numbering? Really?!? They actually think starting with #1 again will get more publicity than reaching #1,000? When the main fan-base of the Superman titles are the traditionalists, and when there is, let's be real, no *hope* of revitalizing it for a younger generation (unless perhaps you extend form Smallville, but then why not start a new title)?

2. Likewise, they already *did* release Adventure #1 ... and then by popular demand went to the extensions of the older numbering... Now back to #1? WTF?

3. Has this not been tried before? Did it not spectacularly fail? Have they not been fixing the fallout from that ever since? WTF?

4. No way the "Legion Lost" report is accurate. That smacks of some "insider" who didn't know the answer to a question doing a cursory look-up and coming up with the trade paperback as an answer. Why would they re-use that title?

Anyway, as has been so often uttered in comics: "Eeeyyaaaaargh!!!" (I hope I spelled that correctly smile )

P.S. I, for one, am anxiously awaiting word from an insider who "knows" what they are talking about to enlighten us as the fate of LSH under this change.
This is just stupid.
Originally posted by the Hermit:
The one thing DC has always had over Marvel (and any other company, for that matter) is a history that goes back to the beginning of the comic book industry.
I agree, this is their asset, underwear over pants and cape included.

but, I don't know, I only buy maybe 2 DC books a month ... so maybe they're right. I might pick up a new Batgirl, OMAC, or some other relaunched title ... and if they're good maybe I'll be getting 4 or 5 DC comics a months. If there's good art, I will certainly try a few things during the first couple of months of the reboot.

(unless by then I am so disgusted by all this I have decided to boycott. )
We know exactly what went wrong with all the other DC reboots, and we know why. Is there *any* reason to think that this one won't have the same problems as all the others?

The *best* we can hope for is that the Legion will continue unchanged, which requires that there be higher-ups who are sympathetic enough to it to let it go unchanged. (Not entirely impossible, since Geoff Johns is one of the people behind the reboot.)

The worst is probably getting the Legion rebooted as teens again with enough early success that it seems to be succeeding, but bottoming out much lower than the title's bottomed out right now, then being cancelled and resulting in no Legion until 10 years later. And then we get a revival which is about as much like any version of the Legion as the Wild Wild West movie is like the Wild Wild West TV series.
As a Legion fan I am very nervous!

As far as the rest of DC goes? Man except some GL stuff and Legion I haven't been reading any DC.

I am interested YET it seems to quick and I know within 3 months they will have continuity errors of the new continuity!

I really hope it's not a rehash of old DC continuity. I don't want to see classic Batman villains in the first year of his new book!

As far as Legion? This sounds like they are starting in a newly established DCU. It's not origin stories...the JLA already exists, etc. I think the Legion will have already existed and we won't see the typical reboot again...3 founders, etc. It will be more like Waid's...and they won't be young kids again...maybe older kids/young adults.
Originally posted by Iam Legion:
This is just stupid.
Hey here's a thought. Flashpoint reveals that the speed force is really just the Time Trapper and he finally succeeds in devolving everyone in the DCU.
Including the people making the decisions at DC.
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
This sounds like they are starting in a newly established DCU. It's not origin stories...the JLA already exists, etc.
This is of course one of the factors that caused problems in other DCU reboots. The teams were around for a while, so some events still happened... but nobody has any idea what.
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
We know exactly what went wrong with all the other DC reboots, and we know why. Is there *any* reason to think that this one won't have the same problems as all the others?
i agree. i think the move to restart all their books from #1 all at once would have been clear enough by itself to shout a new direction for the DCU even without the continuity reboot.
in fact, i believe that what the DC books need to try and be readable again would be to get rid of continuity masturbation altogether, and use an approach more similar to tv series', where every episode is mostly self contained and underground storylines aren't dragged on for more than a season/year.
i'm afraid the way they said they want to handle the reboot continuity-wise, by changing some things and some others don't, is going to create even more confusion and scare a lot of possible readers. i guess in a couple of years we're still gonna see crises to fix this or that hole (as if i cared for them to actually fix them, btw).

about the legion's age, i guess that if DC really is making superman younger, the legionnaires will be younger as well.
that doesn't mean DC will throw out everything they did from the lightning saga on, though, see the way DC didn't make a big deal about how they had already made barry allen and iris allen decades younger in "the flash: rebirth".
Egad. How can these clowns POSSIBLY be stupid enough to try something like this AGAIN? I thought it was pretty much universally accepted that Crisis was a huge mistake and now it sounds like they're going to do it all again.

Another Legion reboot. Good God, it's pathetic in its redundancy.
The ONLY thing that worries me about all this is what happens to the Legion. If the Legion gets better, I am a happy Sub. If it changes again in some fundamental way, like renegade delinquent hacker anarchist freedom fighter rock stars on the run from another United Planets controlled by evil alien plant people genocidal cloning scaredy cat fish faces, with history altering deaging time travel paradoxes, and Rob Liefeld and Howard Chaykin as the creative team, I will be a vociferously sad Sub. I pray to Nass that Legion Lost is lost years and not lost readers.

I would sure like to hope DD and JL and GJ are sincere that we will see better, more broadly appealing stories. I'm doubtful, because I'm not sure that this fan boy generation of creatives can conceive of stories that are broadly appealing and character-centered. I'm very doubtful that there's enough talent to launch 52 really good titles, even if several of them are unchanged. Are they bringing Waid and Rucka back into the fold? Will Azzarello contribute?

I do think this is different than COIE because the group editors don't have the power that their predecessors had in 1986. And the big push on digital makes sense, it is time to make that play.
Guys I'm at loss as to what to do.

I'll support Nei's coloring regardless, unless they put her on Titans (she doesn't deserve a punishment like that), and I do remember the last time I dropped everything it was pointed out to me that I shouldn't ignore the good stuff with the bad.

But, every dollar that goes to support a good book, a good writer, or a good artist that money is also supporting the editorial decisions and company that is run by a group of emotionally stunted man children whom equate "change" solely with the likes of death, mutilation, and loss of innocence.
Apart bringing back the original Legion, all of DC's items and marketing ploys and mini-reboots of the past few years have had one thing in common:

Me buying less and less DC comics. frown

Looks like i'm about to cull a few more titles in a few months.

This JL piece by Lee is vile!
Originally posted by Mr. Kayak:
Originally posted by Ken Arromdee:
[b] We know exactly what went wrong with all the other DC reboots, and we know why. Is there *any* reason to think that this one won't have the same problems as all the others?
i agree. i think the move to restart all their books from #1 all at once would have been clear enough by itself to shout a new direction for the DCU even without the continuity reboot.
in fact, i believe that what the DC books need to try and be readable again would be to get rid of continuity masturbation altogether, and use an approach more similar to tv series', where every episode is mostly self contained and underground storylines aren't dragged on for more than a season/year.
i'm afraid the way they said they want to handle the reboot continuity-wise, by changing some things and some others don't, is going to create even more confusion and scare a lot of possible readers. i guess in a couple of years we're still gonna see crises to fix this or that hole (as if i cared for them to actually fix them, btw).

about the legion's age, i guess that if DC really is making superman younger, the legionnaires will be younger as well.
that doesn't mean DC will throw out everything they did from the lightning saga on, though, see the way DC didn't make a big deal about how they had already made barry allen and iris allen decades younger in "the flash: rebirth". [/b]
I agree with them doing self-contained books like a TV season. No sub-plots carrying over. Each one may have a new continuity, etc.

As far as Legion ages...Superman will be younger but not a teenager. I am guessing 24 to 25 years old. So Legion should be about the same. Young adults.

(still don't know why media is obsessed with highschool teenagers?! 18-25 is pretty exciting...and they are adults.)
The Source has covers and the writers/artists for several of the new issues here: http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2011/06/02/the-new-justice/

Loving the team on Wonder Woman. Looks like Cinar is moving over to Firestorm.
Justice League International looks neat.
Notes: Nothing much seems different yet, except that DC seems to be simply trying to cash in on the "fans will buy a #1 issue" more to increase sales. As has been mentioned before, what happens after the sales drop off at issue 12, or even 5 or 6?

Wonder Woman has the 'new look' costume that was to appear in the new TV series, which is now on hold. I would expect Hal Jordan's costume to change to look a lot more like the movie version in upcoming issues.
hmm, I think I'll probably flip through these at my comic store to figure out which I might get.

So far, I might try flash because of Manapaul's art, (sharing art duties .... sounds disappointing though) I am so hoping Hawkman will be good, Maybe Captain Atom has potential... i always thought he was under developed.

Mr Terrific sounds interesting but they'll need a clever team to do it in a comic book.

So many covers done by different people than who are drawing the issues dos not fill me with confidence, to say the least.

just my opinion.
I like that 3 of the new books feature smart, confident black men -- JL (Cyborg), Mr. Terrific, and Firestorm (Jason Rusch). Looks like life will again imitate Alan Moore, with Captain Atom moving in a Dr. Manhattan direction. Hope that's not a pale imitation of Watchmen.

I'm glad James Robinson isn't writing Hawkman, since I'm not sure I would trust Robinson to write on the bathroom wall these days, although I'm not sure what Tony Daniel brings to the Hawkman party. And I'm really befuddled that Green Arrow seems to have been made back into an exact copy of Batman (orphan, billionaire playboy, fights crime with fancy gadgets). Is this the last hope Green Arrow? That fans will think he's Batman and buy the book by mistake? Nothing really fresh and new about poor Oliver Queen, by this description.

Gail Simone has been hinting on Facebook for months about a secret project with Ethan van Sciver. I don't think I would ever have expected "Firestorm," but Gail's involvement would get me to check it out. (I've NEVER liked Firestorm, BTW, even in "Super Powers" cartoons!)
I actually think they should reboot everything every 20 years or so. That said I think that I'm going use this as an excuse to quit buying new comics. WIth the exception of the LSH I find myself not enjoying the current style of comic book writing. Stories seem to stretched so they can reprint them in hardcover or softcover editions. Each summer we get a big event maxi-series that causes more and more destruction. I'd like to see a year of no more than 2 issue story lines.
...Mr. Terrific is being written by the same guy writing Titans.
Originally posted by googoomuck:
I actually think they should reboot everything every 20 years or so.
Nah, they should do it every month. That way every issue of every title is a #1 and sales will skyrocket.
If they don't reboot the Legion, does that mean they'll now be "a group of adults inspired by the young heroes of the 21st century?"
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I like that 3 of the new books feature smart, confident black men -- JL (Cyborg), Mr. Terrific, and Firestorm (Jason Rusch). Looks like life will again imitate Alan Moore, with Captain Atom moving in a Dr. Manhattan direction. Hope that's not a pale imitation of Watchmen.

dont forget Vixen --- she s in JLI! smile
Thought I'd repost this here since I was a "Johnny come lately" on my original posting regarding this "reboot news"...

Last night (last Friday night) I read about the big plans for DC to reboot (or restart) 52 0f its titles in the late Summer/early Fall. It was stated that creative teams, characters, team rosters, etc will be changed. the new LSH book will be "Legion Lost". Are you FREAKING SERIOUS DC?!?! I will FLIP the (BLANK) OUT if the Legion is rebooted again. After loyally following this title for 31 years through all of the ridiculous reboots and FINALLY being rewarded with the "return" of the original Legion, now I hear that there may be a reboot and it's not even a sure thing Levitz will be back...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? REALLY DC?!? I am finally looking forward to the Legion (or any comic for that matter) each month (twice a month right now with Legion Academy in Adventure) and now this?!? Please tell me that I have my information wrong!
Long Live the Legion? Not so sure anymore!!!
How many titles does DC even HAVE... I would think not much more than 52...

So, I am guessing it is almost certain there will be a re-start at #1.

HOWEVER, that does not necessarily mean the continuity has to restart.

I hope.

Otherwise, similar to Myg's sentiments above, I think for many of us this will be the straw that breaks the camels back.
I'm all for Cosmic Boy going back to his skin-baring Grell costume & Imra back to her pink bikini & platforms, baby!!
Or maybe the Legion'll be de-aged to the original Adventure Comics run!!
That means we'll see cellular-trim rays & planetary chance machines interpreted by today's HOT young artists!!
People are confusing "make the characters younger" with "make things like they were in the past". While making the characters younger occasionally means that some plot elements resemble ones from the past, reboots have not, in general, restored the past.

The example of the Legion makes this obvious: because it's had its own reboots, "making the Legion like the past" means making them older rather than younger (and it's already been done, of course). If the Legion gets rebooted into a fourboot, it's going to be less like the past than it is right now.
Jeepers! I thought it was pretty clear that my post was in jest!!
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Jeepers! I thought it was pretty clear that my post was in jest!!
I hope not!! I WANT the trim rays and PC machines back. And brain globes! There could be a three issue subplot on why Tyroc has chosen to return to his original costume (nygellian fever? Universo? laundry day?)
I am worried that things are happening to Paul Levitz the same way they happened to Mr. Shooter's latest go-round.

DC editorial seems to be in the bad habit of carelessly changing the ground rules and re-negging on promises behind the backs of these writers. So far, Mr. Levitz has had to deal with the change in issue lengths, the uncertainty of the Adventure title (will it be LSH, or not?) and now the potential reboot of the Legion at the end of this LSV storyline.

Mr. Levitz's writing requires meticulous planning and carefully timed and constructed subplots weaved thru the main stories in order to be successful. Quite frankly, he needs to be left alone to do his thing. Same with Mr. Shooter, although it didn't happen that way and we all saw the result. I fear Mr. Levitz may not last past this reboot, and leave to save his own sanity, if things continue the way they have.
I agree there does seem to be a very real risk that come September there will be a new writer(s) on the Legion books whatever they may be.

Mr Levitz always seems to like the Legion to be in its own little world away from the rest of the DCU which, as publisher, he was always able to do by and large.

Without that level of protection we should expect some changes to come and presumably the level of these changes will have a bearing on whether he is willing to continue or not.
The solicitations for both the August LSH and Adventure issues credit Levitz as writer. Adventure is billed as the final, fatal battle for the Academy freshman class. Legion is advertised as the finale of the LSV story. If Levitz is being replaced, he at least will be finishing his stories.
Everything I've read says 52 new #1's of every superhero title DC publishes.

I would have to think that would include the Legion as well.

So, whatever book the Legion ends up with, I hope Levitz does stay on as writer.
DC Blog

At least I don't read Teen Titans.
I am surprsied we are getting 2 Legion books out of this. Legion Lost actully looks really good and features a big chunk of my favorite characters. It funny if you look at who is in the book they are all latter addtions to the team.
I'm way more excited about Legion Lost than the regular LSH title. Look, Tyroc's got a new costume and hair! These are some of my fave characters as well. Should be a fun ride.
I was honestly hoping for a new writer for LSH, but hopefully Paul will use this #1 as a fresh start, get some decent pacing back and amp up the excitement/freshness factor a few notches. He just needs to step out of his comfort zone and push himself as a writer otherwise he's going to lose old and new readers alike. I have faith he can do it though. I am happy to see Portela on the book. He's a unique, exciting artist.
Hoping for the best!
Glad there will still be two legion books although I believe the Legion Lost series is only a mini. I like some of the redesigned uniforms but the the Wildfire redesign is ugly (IMO) It would seem that the Legionnaires will be getting a treatment from the Miracle Machine and going back to their teens, curious how that will work? I wonder if Garth & Imra will still be married? I'm guessing the offspring are gone. I hope Chuck & Lournu are still married, if not look out for Comet Queen
Since Batista said he had a choice of two Legion projects, one 5 issues long and one 6 issues long, it seems like Legion Lost will be a mini-series, and even the LSH title might only be hard-booked for six issues, with sales determining if they are going to extend it.
I'm thinking (hoping?) that the LSH is an actual ongoing and perhaps there is another mini to announced yet with Batista on art. I'm also wondering where Jimenez will end up? He's DC exclusive and hasn't been linked to a new book yet? Perhaps Action with Grant Morrison? OR maybe a legion project for later in the fall
There's still Adventure Comics to be announced, likely tomorrow with the rest of the Superman comics. There's always the small chance the Legion are somehow involved.
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
There's still Adventure Comics to be announced, likely tomorrow with the rest of the Superman comics.
you know what? i know it'll never happen, but i'd absolutely love if adventure comics starred the original superboy, aka the young clark kent.
Me too. nod
According to Gail Simone, all 52 titles are ongoing. What was NOT announced just yet are the mini-series - and Gail and Sturges have hinted at having something in that sense coming up. There might be a Chris Batista mini after all.
Still unconvinced about AGAIN having a Legion lost in the present. It cheapens the franchise, and creates all those problems we've grown used to.
Hmm .... I don't see the Legion Lost being an ongoing and there are quite a few of the new titles that really are better suited for short runs
Originally posted by Ricardo:
According to Gail Simone, all 52 titles are ongoing.
could you please tell me where did she say thet? thanks smile

edit: i think i found it myself http://twitter.com/#!/GailSimone/status/78941370257113089 wink
Fabian is answering questions about Legion Lost here.

He's pretty much sticking to questions about the seven 'lost' Legionnaires, and not about what's going on with the others, or other events, since he's pretty much only wired into what he's doing with his characters.
Very cool of him to do, and while his answers are what one would expect...it's cool to see him interacting with the fans like that.
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Very cool of him to do, and while his answers are what one would expect...it's cool to see him interacting with the fans like that.
Actually, I think he was more open than not. It's interesting he said it will not be a Legion book, and there will be no classic villains/heroes popping up. This would be a fresher idea to this group. And for some reason, it seems very likely they will not be in the same Earth/dimension as the original group. I don't know, it really feels like...
Oh, I wasn't trying to say that he was avoiding answering things...just that the answers were about what one would expect from someone not wanting to give too much away.
I wish I could read French! One of Olivier Coipel's Facebook friends posted the cover & solit info for the upcoming "Legion Lost" Sept. launch, and from what I could tell Coipel was confused and concerned about it and what it had to do with what he did with the Legion. I saw the word "merde" in there somewhere, so I don't feel like he was too thrilled! laugh
You know that there are websites that translate foreign languages.
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
I saw the word "merde" in there somewhere, so I don't feel like he was too thrilled! laugh
he was referring to the whole renumbering stuff, which apparently he didn't know about. he was surprised to read that, that's all.
Well, I like knowing what the actual line-up is for sure.
I'm not crazy about some of the choices, I'd rather have Gates with the Wanderers or the real Legion.
I'll miss Tellus, Brin and Tyroc interating with the Legion, too.

Timelinewise, Gates isn't from the 5 years or less Legion timeline, Grell/Cockrum, so I can see that this reboot thing is going to be a little confusing for me.

I feel bad for Yera, too, since she's married to someone who isn't there.
I also wish that they'd broken up the Wildfire/Dawnstar couple thing.
Maybe, they will.
Fabian didn't answer the dotLEGION question, that I saw anyway, so maybe he'll bring Wildstar into the couple's sphere.
She makes much more sense for Wildfire than Dawnstar, imo.
Oh, fabian unleashes the snark...

>> Question #1. re: Wildfire & Dawnstar: Can we possibly get beyond this issue and find something new about these characters? <<

FN - No. We will try to only rehash the same doomed romantic formula they have been recycling for many years now. There is nothing else to explore in these characters, so that's all we'll do.
LOL!! Love it!!
Just saw the listing with mini previews sent out to store owners from DC at my local CBS of New Titles that will be released in the reboot. Some interesting choices... Superboy Connor and Supergirl will get their own titles. Also, four Lantern books including Red Lanterns. Deathstroke gets his own title. Not sure if these are planned as mini-series or ongoing.

I did not see Adventure on the list, and didn't get to ask if it was a complete list or not. Sadly, the two Legion titles we know about were dead last in the listing.
Hm, another Reboot... what does it mean...

For me personally, it's rather astounding how little this news seems to affect me. Especially considering how devastated I was back in the 90s when the first Reboot hit me - I couldn't believe it for months and hated the first Reboot books very deeply.

Yeah well, I kind of snickered at the Threeboot, and was happy to see it gone even though I liked Shooters run.

I was really happy to get a "very close to the original" legion back and I do like the current run, though I'm missing the smaller moments amidst all the constant fighting - but would I be shocked to see it gone again...

...I kind of feel to say no. Okay so this probably will be not a further "back to Zero" Reboot, but even if it was, I did not grow accustomed enough to the current new/old team to be emotionally touched by its disappearance. This seems a little sad to me - considering that it means that I was far more devastated to see a continuity with Emerald Dragon and Polestar perish than I would be to see a book written by Mister Paul Levitz gone with the wind... hm...

My first thought of course was: "Okay that's it, I quit, good bye DC for good". But I guess this would be a lie. I'm currently buying Legion, GL, JSA and I guess I'll keep those if the Reboot (or whatever) does NOT start with Adam and Eve again. And with the loss of Rebels, JSA All Stars, Generation Lost and Freedom Fighters, I even got free monez to spend on some new stuff... now who will get my money... they will have to work hard for it, Marvel DC, you name them smile
Fabian mentions in his Q&A that the Legion Lost group have only been doing the super-hero thing for 5 years or less. Given that Superman and the rest of the DCnu have been de-aged, what does this mean for the Legion? Instead of pushing 30 are they now in their early twenties? Do Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad still have kids? Are they still married? DiDio said the LSH was the most unchanged, but he never said no changes at all. Also, we just had the Supergirl membership/ Brainiac 5 romance thing answered in the Supergirl Annual. Are we back to square one now? There's an all new Supergirl in the DCnu and she doesn't like earthlings. Sigh.
Well, Brainy isn't an Earthling...just saying.
Originally posted by Set:
Oh, fabian unleashes the snark...

>> Question #1. re: Wildfire & Dawnstar: Can we possibly get beyond this issue and find something new about these characters? <<

FN - No. We will try to only rehash the same doomed romantic formula they have been recycling for many years now. There is nothing else to explore in these characters, so that's all we'll do.
Does Fabian know that Dawny had a lesbian relationship with a Thanagarian last time she was in the past, or is that not real anymore?
Originally posted by Candlelight:
Originally posted by Set:
[b]Oh, fabian unleashes the snark...

>> Question #1. re: Wildfire & Dawnstar: Can we possibly get beyond this issue and find something new about these characters? <<

FN - No. We will try to only rehash the same doomed romantic formula they have been recycling for many years now. There is nothing else to explore in these characters, so that's all we'll do.
Does Fabian know that Dawny had a lesbian relationship with a Thanagarian last time she was in the past, or is that not real anymore? [/b]
And Karate Kid was a super-villain called Trident. Even for those of us that interpret that relationship as "some wing-on-wing action(!)", we don't need to ascribe same-sex attraction to Dawny's "real" psychological make-up.

But, of course, I'm sitting here being gay all over the place, so I'm not mad attcha!

However, I am not the sort of person begin sentences with conjuntions.

But it would be nice if the much-suffering Wildfire liberated himself from his OCD fixation on Dawnstar. Wildstar is a great suggestion.

Wildfire Wildstar
Previews magazine has one-page art/description of each of the 52 new DC titles in the reboot for Wed June 29 issue. Some interesting and good looking stuff. If you're a Bat-fan, you are the big winner - Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Batwoman, Batwing (an African Batman), Outsiders & Jason Todd, Bats in Justice League International and Justice League, plus I'm sure I'm forgetting a Batsomeone - will all be making the reboot cut.

The two Legion titles are in there - look towards the end...
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Well, Brainy isn't an Earthling...just saying.
Who knows, maybe she looks down on Earthings BECAUSE she's been spending too much time with Brainy.

I asked about the possibility of more Kara /Brainy stories in the Supergirl letters page. I got a reply saying they had no plans at the present. They said that their reunion 'seemed like destiny' or something. Whose fate is that now?

Although, maybe we should have seen this coming. they sorted out Supergirl and the Legion of course it was time for a reboot.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by KryptonKid:
<strong>But it would be nice if the much-suffering Wildfire liberated himself from his OCD fixation on Dawnstar. Wildstar is a great suggestion.

love wink
KryptonKid - Thanks for liking the Wildstar suggestion for Wildfire, although maybe you're refering to someone else's suggestion.
They'd be like some of the couples I've met, and am - Candace and Chuck.

And I wasn't meaning that Fabian should go back to that lesbian relationship.
Dawnstar was shut down mentally in an amnesiac state, after all.
I just meant that Dawnstar has actually stepped outside the box, more than once.

Kid Quislet - Red Hood and the Outsiders.

And POV - on Star Gate Atlantis, we were shown that that was how the Ancients do it, although that's just one option for them, I guess.
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