Legion World
1. Getting his space-law degree in order that he might be known as "Quislet, Esq."

2. Hanging with those giant kids from the Puppet Planetoid.

3. Albuquerque.
4. Hangin' with the cool kids

5. roaming from town to town searching for the one-tentacled octopus so he can clear his name.

6. On a secret mission for UNICEF.
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/26/13 11:49 AM
7. Hiding in Legion headquarters.

8. Rescuing the lost Legionnaires.
Posted By: Malvolio Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/26/13 07:26 PM
9. Tasmania

10. Trapped in a transporter buffer

11. In a secret nuclear underwater base
12. Earth-1

13. Earth-2

14. Earth-3

15. Earth-S
Posted By: Rob-Em Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/26/13 08:37 PM
16. He's the reason all the tech is failing, since he lost his ship and he's been "popping" around with his old pals.
17. Practicing his Skeets imitation, as he misheard the rumor that the Legion will now be based on the JLI.
18. Lost at sea on a Carnival cruise ship

19. Hanging with the Wanderers

20. Searching for Mekt's twin, since no one else has been successful
21. Inside Tharok's robo- parts planning a Very Big Surprise
Posted By: razsolo Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/27/13 09:46 AM
22. roleplaying his favourite alien invasion stories from history in the bottled city of Kandor
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/27/13 10:28 AM
23. Negotiating with Marvel.
24. Trying to figure out how to justify a cameo in All-Star Western, so he can actually be in a good DC Comic!
25. On strike until they change his sound signature from "poop-a-doop" to "hula-hoop"
Posted By: Harbinger Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/27/13 12:17 PM
26. In Limbo with Brigadoon/Marzal
Posted By: Fat Cramer Re: 101 Guesses as to where Quislet is... - 02/28/13 10:32 AM
27. At the end of time, battling the Time Trapper.
28. Joining Questar, Questor, Quantum Queen, Quegg, and all the others with names that start with "Q" at the Q Name Reunion (which usually gets pretty 'quazy').
29. Infiltrating Legion World by taking over the identity of Eryk Davis Ester (he thought pretending to be Quislet Esq. would be too obvious)
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