Legion World
Bloody nass....was planning on at last buying Legion Archives No 8.....last month it was about £300.... an awful lot a lot of money for a book that I was buying for its cover and the foreword.

and in less than a month....


That's pushed that way outside my price range....it would be cheaper to buy the comics in back issues (all of which I have) a lot of money to spend on the cover and the foreword. Mind Bender Lad will be doing without.
Posted By: Reboot Re: Legion Archives no 8 - mortgage required - 07/21/13 12:31 AM
Those aren't going to sell. They'll sit there either until the price drops to something overpriced-but-at-least-vaguely-resembling-sanity, or a reprint gets announced and they're forced to drop it to something close to retail. £1400 is just not going to happen.

Incidentally, weirdness nosing around Amazon's various international sites. Nearfine's listing for it on Amazon.ca:
Originally Posted by Amazon.ca
CDN$ 363.81 + CDN$ 6.49 shipping
Used - Very Good
Dispatched from London. Delivery within three weeks.


98% positive over the past 12 months. (5,447 total ratings)
In Stock. Ships from United Kingdom.

And on Amazon.co.uk:
Originally Posted by Amazon.co.uk
£790.72+ £2.80 UK delivery
Used - Very Good
Dispatched from New York. Delivery within three weeks.


96% positive over the past 12 months. (31,344 total ratings)
In stock. Dispatched from NY, United States.
its 240 USD new on Amazon.com.

£157 sans delivery.
Why does 8 cost so much more than the other volumes?
Pretty expensive on Amazon.de as well, from a used copy for 424 € up to a new one for 719 € .... and the one for nearly 1200 € is offerend as well... makes you wonder...

... if I should just drive home and cherish my copy smile
Originally Posted by Blockade Boy
Why does 8 cost so much more than the other volumes?

It's out of print. Vol 5 is also out of print it's up to $149.95 new & $97.83 used on Amazon.
Posted By: BridYYC Leion Archives 8 price? - 09/25/13 02:13 AM
On Amazon and checking out purchasing some of the Legion Archives and wondering what the story is with #8? The various editions run as low as $20 and some into the $40's and $50's but then #8 is $350. I figure there's gotta be a story there. Anyone know?
Posted By: Eryk Davis Ester Re: Leion Archives 8 price? - 09/25/13 02:24 AM
Probably just out of print at the moment.
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