Legion World
Posted By: Reboot LSH reference in DCU: Rebirth #1 [Spoilers] - 05/21/16 11:21 AM
IGN's... comprehensive... list of spoilers for DCU: Rebirth #1 includes this line:

A mysterious woman is being interviewed in a police station. She was brought in with a Legion of Superheroes ring.
Originally Posted by Reboot
IGN's... comprehensive... list of spoilers for DCU: Rebirth #1 includes this line:

A mysterious woman is being interviewed in a police station. She was brought in with a Legion of Superheroes ring.

So Johns is clearly front-ending that Legion return (rather than waiting a year or so - which is what I thought they would do)
Posted By: Georgehaze They're back!!! [Spoilers] - 05/23/16 07:20 AM
OK, if you don't want to know now,or if you want to wait until Wednesday, then turn back now.

Last warning...... Spoilers ahead!!!

Still here? Then press on and check this out....

Posted By: Catonyx Re: They're back!!! [Spoilers] - 05/23/16 08:17 AM
Sounds promising. Can't wait for Wednesday to come..... and see who this mystery woman from the future is. smile
Posted By: Myg - Andy S Re: They're back!!! [Spoilers] - 05/23/16 09:24 AM
Yeah that's what I'm wondering. Will she be a Legionnaire? Someone they interacted with?
Posted By: Klar Ken T5477 Re: They're back!!! [Spoilers] - 05/23/16 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Georgehaze
They're back!!!

Not yet. Not quite yet. We will see.
Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
Originally Posted by Georgehaze
They're back!!!

Not yet. Not quite yet. We will see.

Yeah, definitely overstating it.
Yeah, I'm not sure who she's supposed to be, though I am a relatively new Legion fan. Who on the team has a French accent? My first guess was Saturn Girl just from the hair.

Glad Johns put it out there early. The issue WAS a bit disappointing in that there was in no way a complete story, however. But with how great all the teases were, I'm gonna give it a break and say it was still good.
I have no idea. The "see the future" reference could be Dream Girl, but the hair was definitely Saturn Girl.

Yes, the whole piece was a series of teasers ... the art was lovely though
I am just so excited that the Legion is on the verge of returning and established as being friends with Superman.

I definitely think it is Saturn Girl because of her hair, her red shirt and the remarks by Maggie Sawyer ("So she's out of her mind?" and "I'll call mental services") And she is smiling...when was the last time a Legionnaire smiled?

Her remark that "Everything is going to be all right" seems to be Johns' promise to us fans. At least I hope so. Can't wait for them get their own book soon...it has been way too long without the Legion.
Yeah, the teases were nice and the art was great.

Other than my criticism with the teases, my other criticism is the scene with Linda, which was just gut wrenching. I know that was the point, but I can't see anything interesting coming from it. Either it'll be "I have to love her as she is, not who she was or who I want her to be", which will be interesting for an arc, at best. OR it'll just be a retread of their prior relationship, and I'll just be bored as they tell the same stories. I think it would've been better for Wally's attempt to just have worked.
I thought this was a good story. The "appearance" was nice, but didn't seem to add or subtract much. It was there and good to see, that's all.
Geoff Johns reveals the identity of the woman with the Legion ring here.
Originally Posted by Legion Tracker
Geoff Johns reveals the identity of the woman with the Legion ring here.

Or, to just quote the bit:
[And yes, he confirms that that is Saturn Girl on Page 19]
Thanks to Reboot and the rest of you for pointing all this out, I might have missed it otherwise. All I can say is...

a) Thank god(!), FINALLY, some concrete, authoritative statement (plus now actual book content) that the LSH will be returning... *but*,...
b) I am still cautiously optimistic... there is no concrete release date yet, and a lot can change. And references in a single panel have been ignored many times before.

But at least, at LAST, we now have hope! smile
Yeah, well, remember this?

[Linked Image]

Who were these guys, anyway? Nothing ever came of it.
They were the Adult Legion. They sacrificed themselves to keep Universo's reality from becoming the real one and faded from existence (or did they....) at the end of Morrison's run.
yes, I know who they are. My larger point is, we have seen this several times: Look, the Legions back. Oh, no, wait, no they aren't.
Originally Posted by Sue Pergirl
Yeah, well, remember this?

[Linked Image]

Who were these guys, anyway? Nothing ever came of it.

Now I know I just didn't pick up much of the DCFU
Never seen this version of the team

Originally Posted by Sue Pergirl
yes, I know who they are. My larger point is, we have seen this several times: Look, the Legions back. Oh, no, wait, no they aren't.

I see your point. Even in the interview, Johns says that they need to get these current books "right" before they launch Shazam, Legion and JSA. I'm assuming "right" means sales for them. So that's a crap shoot
They know they can have a solid fanbase for those characters if they can get the story tone right. They just have to figure out what that tone is, and who can write and draw it.

For the Legion, they can learn all they need to know right here on Legion World.
Well now that I finally read the book as well, I have to say that I rather liked it, at least liked it more than any of the DC stuff (except maybe the Starfire series smile ) they put out in the last decade. Of course, I did not manage to avoid the spoilers for so long, still I thought it was every entertaining and the art was done by the best artists available in the DC roster.

Comics are a graphic medium, after all, so you have to wonder why they hurt their franchise so much year after year by putting rather abysmal artists on their books... the Legion did hurt from mediocre art in their last incarnation as well.

As for the flight ring, I liked that cameo and do hope for the best. Johns certainly is a master in making a real story out of editorial decisions of the past, like he did way back with GL Rebirth reintroducing Hal Jordan. I think that the "ten years stolen" idea is really not bad, giving the whole event a kind of meta experience that I can appreciate. If they would manage to somehow make sense out of the Legion continuity conundrum in a similar way, I would be quite happy. I did never understand why Levitz did rather add to the confusion in his last run instead of giving fans some kind of closure. That did neither attract new fans nor satisfy the old ones...

Originally Posted by Myg - Andy S
Originally Posted by Sue Pergirl
Yeah, well, remember this?

[Linked Image]

Who were these guys, anyway? Nothing ever came of it.

Now I know I just didn't pick up much of the DCFU
Never seen this version of the team

And where now did this happen????? Have to confess that since Final Crisis, I swore an oath never to touch a Morrison comic book again... wink
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